HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-11-1, Page 34JeahMrslloo so OmaNs. (From (Ae [Isgoom /1AUY New, Clowmr- t4tise JemrS.4 Uot. II&) Dsily de hjerios e ei1 of tbm dehy is carrying Cwfedsesuas into offset ere beam Iaj ne s". The opposition excited I. FAS tend by Mr. Hume sed his fel lea poll taomen, Lad to the dsme'It perpoLf"" upon the repute or Oawed• by jt be defaaton ser parte simulaw about certain members.1 the Ad.aistwman, we ►ave now the Loamr.fda cut troubling the pablae mind of Brite, and ralmng the presumptive that a country rben the egearaM of the law see be dwegarded with Such boldness a Oat yet fitted to pro from the "perralun of the Imperial wthori- ties. From the accounts whwb be,- beets published ,n the E..(Ir► press, the English people kayo treaed the gravest Share of Rhes Lost committed is this ■ssenally eximilitiue to a member tel the C&oadtan rdmauahralaon. The Oo"mur General, w cbiet of the see,, tire wt►on1jJ of course u primarily reepos. bible; but tibia part he took u undentowi to have been take. at the instance of Solicitor Iangeer•. It is said that Lord Houck feel. w acutely the falsepce1 two in whirl he has base placed by Mr. L&Sevin r to refuse 0-y furtherooafideoce W the Solicnor-General tel Lower Canada. lord Mosack mar well fol so waiet oo tis pomt,fur the Imperial Gov. emmeal reaul,ad r ° &most searching exLIoaetioa of tke mettle .raise, lad u we \hay. sesde known, 6w wed the atlantic cable to farad a olecsap hastening she forwarding or oaew paper sod explwatiow. 11 u prreuIosd from the reports tlat have Stand ,o Pari• s to the recall tel L)rd Houck from Caroti that t►ie »rmimatiu , to a Irueficui, hmsoeab o and popular ares, as Governor ()*■sow would awwt Ls d Munck Shedd be be implicated an thin affair beyond excelpa- tio a. Lord Muscle ban •retreaded io winning the good fewhog rod estilwuoo of all panni in the colony, and everybody ben would ve. (tN to see him Incur the dupleasore of the home wl►oritwo. The .edou of the Colom v hiniatsr epos tbo official papers which ase sow being moot to K.xbnd wl11 lhenIf bs awutsd with I.. end ooe8desse is Casa• da. It the GoveraurUpoeral eetolpss ceS "n, the fault Involved will, .o doubt, M laid w Ilia door of the adminatrlio i ; but, 14 SiLkwr eaeti OLA se ,los pepen rbauatato .m rsanly difknot OOW&rteeuat a the aff it than the -iew rich .back the {public r famil. lar, then in . serious dau,se teat Cau.d..111 "Now by tea diS-_loser nod tee atkiiai at agitation. AL there seardals we harm S legnimate swot h seaka toff the coObdeoce rrp.sod is lbs peswaIoO" at t►a enowe,, and they all go to mak• C..ieder&tiee .are Raw .un d,6sak d oecompllshmeut. They gree .se pool which the anti e.lunlal party sen England ase eager to pick up, ..A wwch they du sot tail to lar sgaust ty so sea to oBact all pori - bb damage w aro prospects. Ile rep,wut- Ing, se the &I -t lvnial journals dy that Cweed& a misgowrsd. that ate public set. sn ant cf the elevat d mainp tba: they ought to be, they strike a ►low at the oesunrl p,wpenty, r well as the borrrable, stand,og of Came". "19muo- a dameted In prefer- eooe to the United States &ad other alww&, the investment of money by English ap Ir lou hen M do.•ged,ud our eaeutry r made unpup1'•a Isr rod need not expect favors f, she Hueee of Cummow or the Hit publ". Our eouatry }law a begguF fasorm, and tbere- lore tbrcoomtkou oftlai.[s a angularly an. firianate. We 5.4 sow that The expelreaey which delayed Parlamen tag bora.,. Caad. w int os &coo"' of the No- Hnwwick else flow and latter no a/•couot of the hnweal policy of W Govera.est, fins baso uarxpF asaa la than ase respect, tbw it has ,aereaw ed the 4aaealtres wbrcb the delagaiso. will here to encounter, Rad hes mrred the cries aha would ham graeCad thew arnmd n Rat• Is". by aki.g the., at lease to neo mss of Ipartixera, obireu of Sutnr,ty rather tone d "lobr.l]. Sv (ase the queses" of sxpadamacy v decided •pots fhe pointy ,•f exp,dleoey. fiat then r • Ir ►a46wr gamet on .b.cb Ike ocele of Canada bo -e to deal with, wad that w eulu•ate w public monument which shall exact of our public Iowa pnacip'." rod deponaeL the kmoak4ge of which &bell eut.j"L Coach to w evil i.&atom in 0-y 1 ..l of the :. Grid. The Qwest a Re#ermer. Its kis eloquent neutron at the grant Lend. on tae other do], Mr. Job. ` pail a saZh complemcnt to the,intall: eas.NMsed Statecraft of Iter Most Graciwr Mgeaty. H• annnanced the fact, amidst tremendose ch"n.,. that Quat Victor, \ wan a reformer. And it s now mewrled o0 exeollwet authority, that Fier Majew, man mat anxiow Ibat the reform question ahculd b mottled by the passage of Mr. Glydst•,ae's Milt, mad Ott other rembers of the Royal Family -notably %be [Puke of Cemondge- ,poke to the Same effect, and made nu secret of their .pan,-&. It is mid that the Queen wan born a W bit, and that since the death of Ibo [Luke of Wellington, ebe has regarded ltrrd Barell as her mast trust, adviser. rhe f.omdos correspondent of a Toronto "niese• perar]. Says that tb,re a between Lord Rol sell aril Mr. Bnght the most cordal personal eradentaudiag-a mutual confidence end good feeling which is Shared in ►y Mr. GIAd- atone. It u the knowledge of the fart -of the essential unit] whi,b reign• in the Libse- &I campp 1bot an mach as .nythiug aggro nates tee Tones, and m&kre them Spat their vesom u the theses IRoden of the Liberal Party , ' The N0- York rim" bean that . eo. ase for the products of the distillation of petroleum and cal bis !tetra frond. ohs renitinr volatile hydrocarin,ra bare the prop trty of dissolving all lee mora common veg ,table oile, as pain oil, olive oil, liraeed and raps seed pis&, and the like. The so.& or fruits containing The al ase first ern.bed or ggrroounnd, and digested with The b]drocarbon in bomeatical wes l.. The oil w gradually talo en ace oy W volatile sent, which is after. wad drives off by drtifiation. The anl,ent b condensed, and that war] little los results. wbicb IM yield d vgetable al is from 40 to l.0 per O"L mor than ►y procure. it ►r boss wlwlated that the gam in the rro deetiou of olive al in W setghborhord of Maeesillr alone by this promo. would be not Islet ihas sixdmilimm of pounds a Jew• Tu wooLAAcg. - The woolwek line loss for ago formed the east of W Lord Chasmilor, la the English lion or Lord-. Itis a largesq■are b■g of metol, without beck or ■rtes, sotared .irk red cloth. It is repo , sassed as having onginared in verb early tier --bee the ``reat bananas of h(e w■s is keepr■g herd. wall Britt producing the &is. 1"r sec.e.eities of life, sed maoafmotari 14, I. lW primitive way, the sales JI Lanes Book., which mens Wir principal ateral at the demo fes IMt prpow, lel. clot6ier.- When my dWpste &roe , the jadgo orjsti" is the ear eerw a woet•w k. Hence the isYwdt - N it into the dignity of the leg b it"fir pfih"nury proceeding. of Great ]dldo. h leek. like a faatMr bed. The L6td Ckstl m Y said to have Wen ►is gest ttaes ebe w4miseek, bet be sits is a e►air ;Iskide It. . rr _ AtTrsldi e# /he 16eh. Poor Wbowitone, d Arha■er, our was tnTelliog r borseb■ek through the interior of that BOM, wd wiled one ."Ding to N■J am night M a little lag but Door than road, -bees eawrteismnel rod past of ee were kept. Two other strSagers t.ra tbere, end ibe moil works rope ■p jcm wt dark. Bop pee bola$ ever, the MaiP.rrier se& w IITse esygpen tan lowlied to a eass)I meas for• obw VM a gond Bos "a two beds• which woe M oraeesta s as foes pontes fie eight. The .sit rmr our w If , seal tme (i Ilho row Has of .hep tag. !w w►ea6ww oyed bias elselY r M r ` v jilt de■p be w 7' ' FII !bleep ■'M Tot, i weZe■, 1 iced ,be I u e t' ot, anew, I deo'! T 6pwheit em Blutdoo.tlt .gr"A %be Nm 4 I 'me ib coo M r4 ►M 6a.iab w fie eojbe" a You •ad lM rad buy 0-g. on, New Aingrttungttu.. _. _.._ . - G, l7e W A R E ,-- U D UN f RESN OISTEHS Blllltin, (Tillie$ & Co, an scss lest' eloeld. 1'wte ami Lbo buy !purr me.md baldir`` dff Iboir d.,dS, ami You -_._._-_..__________.-- I, WHULk:SALS 9TATIONSas, $stung U sial f[rRt, and wah,u to g.I r J W THE CREAT EHCLISH REMEDT Direct Importations ! Dever in Law Bunker r,$(`,$,dpT 81«00$ Iv `~'I'y're..rk. `eeryearw.` OAIST8 AND EEGs PAP! R A K N V K LO PK ly;- SIR JAMES CLARKE'S A r G T .A Z L O R. My friend, I'll fell you beforrbwd. 1". AA l2 T It L A tV L I T H O u R A P H k $, -&"- wgcgrtcD calci, axD sol D NUPAOTURM/, got the cos, Reil you boil beuar oul gel m Celebratted Female Pi11s. 1 , 1 i 1 J 1 1 ' 7 i HAMILTON, C. N. bore with me (lar the dirty u WeLn,., Pre rood ries. u each tun of JYr J. 18 TCRONTU gt6[e r, TuaONTv, (N rNaramg Rocks is ahs PaWr b.. t4 Lb.rsl yytt I poll-.#. bellowed eA itIas w,nbas to IF At the Lowest Figure, 1'l.. by, who was juw getting amt. bed, C ' .D„YA rician Es,raurdiwary I FROM 37.' Cts TO $20, from Item IW ha,ang eawgw ha yreu .e. w THS Sebseaib"r. damn to ,fi.sas to their drn■Isd wt eery Ow Y :- to r . Quees. I g} Coralry Orden prompt' at»nded to D7 =HEPPHARD STRAI:HAN, a C;o..wped.nu .oil the roods ase At.r AT THE SIGMA L OF'Fll'F:_ CONTAIN A LARGE Asu wtLL eaLEC74D .rocs South nide Markel uare. ern Canafa,th•t ihe are now receive ' Woll, 1 nvokun that don't make a Lit o' Toroote, Uct. 26cb, IM46. •-1I 2t `34 1 AK ke Tha,ovalu.ble m -du -tae ,. uof.dteg .. the I - -_ • OF FALL AAD WI:YTI:R GOODS, Ooder_ich_, Bept. l4, lass .waif stock. of diffsrena-- ad Led it Row asartc herr thong , -m -1 •8'b.w palmul .rad it........ d,r-•r i O O N O E R T I N e 8 (`1( T 4 Q ALL KIND 3 O i PAPER. a' ears,' &Id iota bed bo pitebed, along la, whaob ,he rru.l. , u..lftulu AS .Obj-,. III --- ---- -- - - wh,ah be he. -1.,Wd m Ibe , hearer: Merles, l.'t/LOl\ IliL HQUA7E! bu Yate, .La puebed oul LAI Y gruel • wu.lrnl"all racer •uJ rouwerull utrtruuU.,o•, !! E• L J.OH NSON IusNbu wuA • Lop varrt)-ul ,Rua t.atb e.■ Burr] as if ►. Lad rakad lay w horse!'. Ora ••J •.pedy cow way ht ,sIwd iso I FROM 37#C. TO i6.00, I'APER MILLS A7' FA LLA'YFiELD, in lAa broil. TP MARRIED LADIES P $$IRT$ COLLA$$, TIER HE Robseriber alwa ken the Ino t The other travellers roared, sed the boy it!s petals y . omi It wrl, sea a .mon laws, A1' THR SIUNAL UFFICE. p- r T r la g•• Ua tbo River St. la.n-ce i +1••r .ia.UTe SIDE C.Irwr Hax7aS VAsg,GODxN1C2, varies rod best Stock of .6o h.d p,wa.riM. p asarauu of Its. bed w bteg laD Ih. m„Dlnly (u..d and. regYLnly. - a ac., tc., 10. ] FROM THE BARN TFORD PAFN 1IIu himself, ,I rrwled out :- Each Ecol., pnr. Use UWt.r, !ream the Oov- HAViNO given kis Rorms a Thorough H&ING CONFIUEST HE CAN CIV& NA I I$. HOIDERY & (3LCV ( t l r ' W b, must be a !bet a' denied rule., .r.m.., St.up .1 Urmt W aste w lr.vrai coo.. FOCEEl' BOOiB LAD PD88E8 E.aA,1.G Ier661le. t46tting, wwtd Lutaate to t6vsw FAC'r1uN. iN 'l'HR l.`OUPtTIS$. UI Slsea eF bra a sea I YI•m wad dead'. got the earth a dun fillght CAtrT1C),N. FROM l0a'rs. UPWARDS, wishing PerlecL,F11 Warrsseled la emery tN 6 •Orth Ih... 1 hoes, rod they thlsp to len. 7y -.Pia, •A.." ww As ask.. Aefirerr da,i., l GOOD PHOTI1G81PH [.l#1e off Oarneal' CHAR. L ARCHIBALD. Small and Lw . Ore W'rapping, Crusn, bed 41h iahhl aheu ILey mats errs at tbo /A. F!1(S7 THREE MON7HS d Pre,- 4l the kflssal O111ee Uoderich, Aagest 22nd. IR66. 0-103 Der. RO7.I, ?m r)•i. Yud B!e Mn:, in claw.' "rmr, ser fA.r a. rr.e ro Anrg w Afuo[r- ._ rr Ilea wa. as la•peetsce.•I we Uwrb. -- -.- - 1 Pe {' q errs, I -r Nfa.g wan err. IA". a.lr. re !!11'•A (fRq m that they will filed ,t to their advantage to HUUH UUN LOY, --_.. _ ----- Brown lad Manilla Papers. A66la, Rad lad The other two strangers wen sow is • I• all car• d.N."', lad N rnad Aredia.., U. 1a Jp f0S11 f 4 VBM 52& giro biro a call. Having Secured therrvic,s Two Ihx.N Wax DEP, H.d.l. mobaeti ko +ase* #Ie VV f. I.se. J. Slnw Nr■ h oil sixes. worse predacetueut th+o Prte sad bred, and Pam[ a 14 K.ck •aJ L,mM, f usue lam .fight of Mr. U M. Cooua, u(H idols, oboes rep.. bouncing from tLetr Ont u,t Life old hour -er`la , Paey,ulaa of hue a -art, Hyaena •ad A Large Stock just opened, noun i. sl read] iaiabli.Aed r an smut io Li. 0.alwfu► Oat. &I.. two. .w-11-sf 1•liF. TROST AND WAY CUM PANT 15 TONS OF 8TRA W VOARD I hod been LAD fi,e, [tel shook their clulh Whits, Ther YJb wJl areal •cure whet .0 At the B1rnal 011 f .si,,u, be can furnish - - -- ---- - -- -}} QQ 1 as bard, ruse 16 to 75 plawlelr le Ike handle. 3 A V Dtlwruro.uah...la,lwl;endallbuyrh.l•uwer• V UeNI December Isl IYss Oi'CPPERCn\AI)A have(rnals lot e iu ,sod tun teem w • uu or toed 1Lrlr rPhetograpt4 of Every Style I i--dorm-a floe security of first -clear Iowa I We hare`alw u■ hard Largt larlia n( 6 I. .roily, yt oul uuetam iron, r•dlawd, .nl,- end farm property. end are also prepared w , Pnntrog Papers ; alta, CGlu ail sad W ritind Lurse&, Roil !rough k our. cooly uu °'cloak, ef, lar .aytbn.# bunful td Ins w.anut,on. M ggr. MMtn ,• - E p r . p keuwu to the art. ' - '6ty all rode ramal Lull" to lee nemeest Full d, tae.. ere th.• u.., plater crowd ever o(a W Y S ZA Y Qovx&& We atoll continw to Sell Life Schulsmhip• purchase gax( mortgages ' P.ren of W: Own msle. Iowa. bofum the deet, leavin the iia raur paakSge, wince shd.W Le carefully pmserved. I - K p I 1Vs ■re also re"i.in Our FaIi ase Y K fest' A 7d $ v AQ 8 (lar Full Iiuuses County in lbo 1.vwlon TM oar o1 intsr": on Ivens is .i bt r aLle Ionil earrar W the blw tel Slas iu rod little sgaet fur Ibo !.'Detail Snte.u.d Cuwwar At half Former Prices. - ant No eummison char .d, anal ea rear S gates V K JOB KUSKS, ltuahnter, N.Y. always oo bad ear] these• / D X iR I tions n( Er.jlrk Rad Ikuteb sentc6nog atuoa. N. B. -Old Ambrot r• and Draguerfeo- C Eao 1L COLLEGE reduced. The loans -ser -Silly fur fire p/KITING PA YER9 AND STA f1U/I F.1:Y. -- _ - N.8..tbL S&sJ o pG-Ir#e Anus.., tai" d 91 - - ------ o Ray Rut►unava S,"1 wall ao+ure - udtle row I At rho S1gIIaI oe. types copied W YiAUWRrryba. 7ear•r buy can Drs m&de p.]aAle in yearly Q} A Stronger pawing along a wood in the to lag suv Pills, by mlurn mail: I --"---- God -rich, Oct. 22, IM66. w39 :imgp.Sa , _ _ rya lar LSBfyearly iwtalmaut. n de.sind by Ge] Sad CYlure4 Twiaee, letter Yew South u(S:otl.ud, w Surprise! at the per . NORTHRUP a LYMAN, I _ -9 Borrowers. I Slat"Sad HemurYalum Boake, Ae. fact solitude In which he foundhnuself. Com- Newcsstk,C. W.,geoer•1; ®II ± j r I [ A de it of 810 re uired with each appli• Prinnn' lake. in ego and Cam ; affair i y t e a V, tudo, wLo .w Orako auGn agr.d wrl esker A, • ' OPENED THIS DAY M y, f '. 41. (;t o IJ A RS. I cation. q I R $ 0.rJ ind Card Board, M h.te and Color. d b] iM 0-s] Ode, heasked Lim if Ihro roes') row [r Sold is O,der,eh by Y kwr ak hula ■nJ rot esu[ Atn'r' Alter Ibwl), a thepnA wHl be iaiaed in I Yoe further psnae.lsn app!] tat the CorA$eW (lar Lurell'a Ben" d Ik6001 will frc urntrd T ' Uti • rid the utan F. J,wd•r; Oudnae, m Gh h ,-yield , Jam" '6 Office io Kitt ten, lis News. Slm- q ]' I ..be, auge, v,lle ; J. Yaa•k.,.w; E. ser ; J.H common .•it6 last lar lee tither Cumrnr rcWl Pan! O ' Il'a nu !hal ill ; ae.desr red L surds {! eN IMMEkT3E ASSORTMENT, Culls lar tel l'ruwda, to clata A WAl.dta. ktsrrisurs, or lo, U. M. B('YTIN, OiLLitY A W. R J J Jr ('lamb•, ( iaawl Mild q. L Ljwaj w; E, H.3& l , A T TI; F X T&cgstAx. OuOerie►. and verr's yuursel'the Jay.' Snatawtb, aodall Mdulur tA.alwr. v31t-Ir AT THE SIU:VAI. UhFICS. Hwallloa. Uttnker 73. Itl(i6. 0-{0 d1 Thirty - Five Dollarsa October. 16th, 1866. wJ9 2m -_ . _-- - - _ - -- _-- . _ q q 4 q q 4 q q q Welt beslie aa1 We• k N:es Irtel,din staak:.ta aro IBsehe t !et of 1864 ufl awai- _ -rax t eecxx ra. - - va f g COLO'.1'IAL HUUSE! Amwg 1►e velaN ampena.n tel muJera medical 1 x EMPORIUM ! Purchase s cholarahips (Rents. H00P S$IRTs 1 HOOP SIIETs ! QODialCn, Ott 30, 1866. d.n•.,.n m•nrls,be Fall do CANADI LN PAIs UESTRUk'ER! RaSeWOLd, flIBUI flBd IBhO On1', AV before first date, rod enter u any amu. j1:60 (r 1:57 • K Proriop of CSnad a sea° d6ceL ..... ..; 1.20 1.27 A•• Fundy MedwAne,itan well andfiv,waWr ALL REGISI'EBF.D MUNF.Y LIiT'1'ERS 11 THE CO['NT} HK larger nolo!] i• Tows of pneta w F g know°, rehevteg lbousaads from pains ie the AT res SIGNAL OFYI' L County of Huron• COUI/T of the Unit defy competition• tarn . ................. 0:20 ( 0:2I proper!] atdrer<d te me will be at oT rut cue of the United ad l', unlirS of Huron CHAS. F:. ARCHIBALD. Flair ...... Saki Ite:k aoJ Mad.Coaighe, C.ku,<o,s mrwt. g, ----. - ___ - 6:00 7:50 ADDITIONeL $ito{I Coon:lea of Huron (and Braes. , IiOderich M Mt 22nd• 18th. s.l'3 ( 8prs'e&. Hrurs, Cramp. ,n tee-tom.cb, \ \ Barley 0:35 (g 0:40 ( -.let. n,°rb..,ly.e.trry dowelcWu- WALKING CJANES, THE Ci'ODERICH and Brace. Fes• .................. 0:45 O:St) protein, Hurn-, %..We, From Hero, OF , - - IF 'C p --- s,., Comm rci l and Malhemalical' M,aemdNe. 9sm-. (_..,r,ua, y /rNa ear. Sx1 BIFFN sALE of Leas seer • • • - -• • .... • ' . • .. 4:00 s:od Silver & Ivo .p Mounte3 v The CANADIAN PAIN UEITRUYEK ha• "r J I \ M '^Jan, the sweaty-a,Ylh day INurra Reef, '}t tp .. ... ......0:08' 4 0:10 {DRESS 0 0 D S o •toes seat. t,,, u.de,.gmerl will .Pel)' lis tM Dn:td C-,.taeaet) Y vW .(a W nt Ys I I.doe (groes) .......... 6:S0 e:W. now horn Lehm flat public fur • ksgth o later. Ar T/IF S%GNAL OFFICE. . A L A i ) I. m V v Jud'. w the rad Cwn lar a da,charp rade, the Hum. •.d ILuee, ) B own F,., . nardw owl wh-revrr uae+a u -ell liked, •env failing rd Asu. 9-o W ,t , ) Owns! .Nm Df Her Hap••. bLtter.................6:14 (raj 0:16.,,..'.glelrst.aaotop.rrn.a.ns:rcnalwhen -- _,-a---•.- • Including under thesaper.inionof SAMUELCANTELI)Y, ly'•(u""ITCwn..(theCwuy a N'rntwunh. Potatoes ....... ........ 0:40 0.50 t'wa•ly used, anal we be,. serer ku, w . mogle A Genetai Assortment M ,rod...... ......... 1:75 (m 2:50 rend d,wud eto. whom Ise dzwow. be,. Ij7RENCH Mel ince.. hmpres Clolhe, Mr. J. A. M e K E L L A R, 'rGMH a Mot tBE, •YJ t,, l Jib. Mc u"Im.l lha Idhd< .a/ 1•.r- 1 been rro r, j• (.Nowa!; but, ou the claulmr all uF At I. [I%De uF I i H•ppi, Silk War Maintain. Salicilun fur Insolvent. mr ILA W J.ahw Mormal S slake mer w N at.m.1 ,.], sew 'Ol tou ....... 7:U0 (&I 4:0& P• Y. ' tel .fL'liatwd with the l'ollrXe. !1• .e. 1 he.r .Hard and ukrn m etecrrior all [t ase deISri,'eJ with its oprr•laun•, lad •peak ,n all wool Plaid., 0.1% Plaits, Plain a FaneT ] ] Dalnl at Uweneh, this 19th day of 4gwmlwr, and .1Y ul.r tbu K-ok • -....: -.... 0:30 (ig U:00 Lae h14 hest !rums of n• v,nuv awl wagwal of. I Winn s; Dress Trlmmiu and Buttmu• thoi s of one Hf a Tuiet lam 1 %66. M A. U. Ib64, t p..rn s lar Arad m !Reil and Craakarse . - .......::... e:2e (_4 0:25 "e.. FANCY G O 0 D S ! 7 !hos who eoltr bofun IM Dec. I M66. 315. wt5 l,o rrem,aY•rlYall, syr-, ad Mein, ,. the Taw.. .......... .. .. 0.:10 b40 tet .o.d n 1fLw 1.ugDly 'anJ ser„enbtu m•hwe wbu r - - • Fi LadtOe rNubi,88e WOuI, dace i'!0. in .d..nee.. Tee .mann! paid far - ---.•-e---_--'.. __ __ .L,y tel Ca(n, - sen IMCYYuy °r Hrset. cwuu- Trrkeye (tq W p I K 1 d •dean", To nce. eke enter titer that InSolvent Act ,7s Is" Iwo Ly rbneax. &kW* law aurind env w _ r >- Azo AcC 1iOV 4,d. belM.rrt runYw[hls.u,d terve rout• ----- -_-_ _ am su2erme Totten •nV of me -un..luuts I u s t •f , ' one year a tuition will be deducted from Thr --- pu•ed o: Tim num Aro .•ievee• sea rhe btee.th row- wh,rb .1 ,. recunnnrudt,J ,a.)- Jep,.yl . we era Ladioe Mantle Cloths, rice of the Collo Scholrnhi in the eve' /a the matter of Jahn Armstrong William donut. dv1 rM Towr.h, , N Caln.o, ,. the ('Dunt Nutt!! bcl.g a Nurrrete. 1{rwr.r. , l r ro r y la Morris Township, on the 2llb iwty the I be ..luca+bmx e.6c..v tet the Canadian Pun At Oa8 half Iha PTiClR ssuly asked Lad1e4 `klrtlIIg6, of all b&,int goer. throu1h tl •Com Luereial ArnaM, rung and baorgt .lrmatn/ng M ,.I tlr.rh., awhrcr d, W rh Mfa66.nd frsee.ewta wire of Mr. Jam" Forrest, of a son. Drairuver .n curing Uro dusaves sew whr•L al 1.I A large supply of Uuchtss KID GLOVES; i Course in the Academy, shall enter end ndrenOA. 1 .bell uGo (lar r» 11 our „/Ice nn the Court rots Ttxa guewrgag. Hoar• ,. tht'y'-wo d ( b, Toesef, rrwmoe i rd. and .a 0-o f Klaus wcce.. ,° rota graduate at the l ullrgt, .lad the price of the II E lh,v "on of roe Inrd R.'n t a.AJeJ lF'1"' ,hes'hry L.v, mala•." our, tbee,ghth rley'kiat .a a1 tees bout ..( At Rus Rees$►, , at ay the ht th iset,tbe wife n,17 IM lunuru. pa n, of Kh<unaalaam,. bj I. Sett, al news the sa(e SSL, it w" a sh en in !Ark rax•, he late tea° . e6.i-, uudrr the .I.,,. A, 1,x1." I ,r M Tmalcc tel ILS °luck, a xw r of AI(rwd Brewer, of w Daug6ur. rehrvoe Ne1.4 W Alterl.na, enmla - . ■ Yeah t t C W%V,hQ\' 13SSVEt• v tee same •• it row when the eutar the ,,,don, •nail \uta JOHN MACDONALD, rack ia tM LH las rci,d," f r These wince,. alt.. BEADY -MADE CLOTH N(3. J I . .,I .LAW meg +r wind fu R4ni H. R 11. Un lee 151E inns., tet wife of Mr. B. Acwde.v. Imn,.h me, wttnu. Iwo mlanitu Ir,.e Ibis dote, l/nkm .m to.an, ,. t I,-, Md,r,ae (A-alrn an OPEN$U THIS DAY A CAM OF do BOOTS and SHOES. For Circulars or a ci cS of Penmanshi I wrm tbeu nlu..... rv,° IM -.any Ory when!!'. (Mks, 0oderia-n, j HralehYrst, of • 0-n. all pR,ts tel lbo cwwlry Ire lusher wyl I,e., .rad fro }P• i 'l r g sews te. 0y.ag r,o I e u.,verrl ru.fact,on N add.-". t hlaW, d at". •ad the vNue of n; and d some, (`_t7lh Mepteseler.Inlf6, well ritr>t. p,,. ENUINE EERSt'IIAUM DIPS T L /per I NES "t'"I" ler! ; 'he b"" r .mewed nal., °«r, - . On Friday e,eotng, 1216 Oduber, .ester . f►e C7.unalu ■ I'm", Dslruyer nt,rr cele ,u I a• 1 YJ . C. Do or W Co. J. W. JOl rJ/J, mini the vuwieu lar wpp,vt tel tea h d is".., DISSOLUTION PABTNEE `bbl, give um.toutr -bet. A II n,edre c drafm keep I Pa incipwl of Ln°dop Commercial IMwJ •t Ouden. h m the County of Hrn,o this .hurl 11 r.e, tai lie r"dr.cr err Mr. Ed.ard n. V.).r,... n"ler .id aur ,1; .ad no ar-dJ (:heap for ChaFh Godench, Oct. ?t6, 1'6.1. am:: College, London, C. W. 19th d,y W 4k'tZArr. lmw- I - Meek. Penena, L.mo+. U. S., is the 2516 wall be .'th,,ut n .Iter Yoce tryteg n. S. PULLUCK, OTiCE a hereby peon Iha• the P.nner•hip -"--- -t- -- Oetoher alk, IR66. 0-77 ]err of htv age, Mus laergual Copelad, Pers only ss Cents per ,all e. 4 ____S_- __ _-___ Owrul As.agete I Derrfoim r, Malta h,lwean w. i4 w• eld"l Also$ ler of the Lau Janice Copeland, All urden skoud tie rldresaed 1n At tho SIGNAL s OFFICE. Y, C. CAMEROa, demtnd, an,start grtwovia, has bens Ibrd.y d- NUK[H.I Yr Lio.C. , CHEAP &GOOD. aad'a'(a+ ioa.d,enl, -wMll Ouderah Oct. 1-, l 66. tel %rJ by mmuel amaasi. Atl dehr-.aeu# w 1Ar Ulangewr !land, end Umi.dwgloler of Mr.' Ne+roost L, C. W , r - "- - - I .d pnnemhl ase to bo ped Io erwl ls•ao-• Jas. Rymangt.. , Col boli nucn Counl], Uewml Apat (or Co made. ' _ I `TKAYED rt° the pmat.1 the -bomb-, um•, .t O,drncb I •-d •II cLim. al(.rm the C, W. Fr wa:l pleslo Henn o lbiE L rdd esu !(„dermis bt Far,rr A Cattle Rad -- Qy " east hall „r led x, ,,Ili b.,uwl,y, tow■,h,p wd pannrr•n.r.rt to he prvenld to ices paha,! m bd"U sem. F. J.•rdan ; Ge'd ner,f U... M,MId; Jasees r ! u( Step Atn, l:.auuln of Hen., , about I►n m -Wk I Soon ,•f xhanwm k ULA Wk,.m IM rmr Tse r FAIT AND lI INTER Cl01HIN6 . oA,YI ,", ' ' Renthem. H.•gerv,lk; Pwkard, Ears, J. H. SX=FF S SALE OF LA.w Are. C . C _ ! I..t. a Han Main, while ,1•r an turrh,ri, will Le enthd, -- - - - Cove4.Chelur; Senora!, LLrkmow; E. Hm teM. ■ R S i ■ R s 1 U F 9,d Ac,ibtr Larva= vet re ceiseJ a lar won ten u u One tet the Iowa kp &.4 .welk.l ,• tk ed &1 Uulerw-h, than 2416 dry..f:4rumbe,, l,.aimp, .d d Msdri.e Urakn. isM Uuted CounhnuO) r]Y emus nl tutu W.iu tel T 1 8t ont ul'the huJ frllwrr,. Ths ow -v a m\uta• 11N. srsAxos, RIOT TtUIB. Hre•n and If(u,e, } Flora Fon LAY ,cava cut cad sn'I seletlel SlocE tel I ed lis prove prolerly, pay exlvnen, sod lake W. U.,HAN NUN, rrnTr•^^ #wrergm .esunnaa<Crreemw ) Her Mn,r.Iv'.Cwnte NEW AND CHEAP. herar•.y. ls•IssIo a. LAMOINTINE. _ Ta roes" ` .f C7LOTH I N G I * styTayw Q Q_ __ __(t er h(.r .o,.Wra# eery a.. w cues Wvaaesp M Coven Olt d Uctts,d Cla v,A I a Land. and Itrw CURS EILUS M:('ARTS'. 81. _ 11 filAl11L0 OL1tiL . fwarwmwl ib -e .r =111.. Mbr wJR_Y.g I......r_ Q 0 D E R I- C IR cad to raw d,wact,d Sprs.t Thr L.nJ. and Terse• ('ouwtmg m y.rt of or. Ih►. 1PBr. 0-M L• wgwN. T1..e h•d,wg frau dye .ti h.ndaggvd mal ammI. W W dltem l..hn.tun, +t'he 0-.l tel W,Iham obly. N .0-N swot' as. mad. 'Ad Wool. wilt p,0-•. M. Moves. •rd Hobert Cknde• j, I hart rte. Dress, Frock, and Sack Overcoats, s_FP-$ SeLE •OY IJANDB. "arty 1M" ""'°'r" "`sew` LACE N U B I A S _ '1'realA. r. CHAPM AN, ,7`.AD d Snd tak.w an EercnuM, +II tbe n, h1 !Nle and I ., Daa COA b, r•. T, •ND rase A, - t !, 0 -E -loos+ W li#_ a . Mw YM. •s 4+ k rwre.l tel G•° rd ,Ivka!•.1 ,n and I,• the beat t JC berg Rewar* I , half-dLut, Num4r Iwenl-tau,a the third run• DreAlo IIIttS,Flaffl.el Shltl5,l IIdet Jhltts Uatia. Sad ,:%, 1;fr" ,,:.l ownls off ERRORIN OF 1VOUT11. p Hwrom lad arcs. DD flcn FacuY,r°N cad cession lar Thr. : orc.hl W W r wameh ,n lar F m O ■ 7 O 0 g R T 4. Rao oY.w[ae, r1' III+ a In rud,.r. ywa arunat I•u V,Yg Tina a;~Ivv d Hurum who b tsbd-a,d a"emrnta 1 Tu 0-n: of Her Mapstyr. l'd.ay j Alar«Meru r ho rrrrd,lar)e.n A,—Nrr•, lists, Ca s Collars, Neckties Court uflM United Coves oflluwn Red tlraen °l 1lldEI YUI SU, w0-• bis hr. t.k.sr ,,boll larrr heratu •t my ueks as IM l'onn Huuea AT TRC p • ' sad In ma dtteeted leean.l Ilio lend..rad tones D,J,•,. or ala rrcfeme mer be was an Aewat u1 ll.Laly, Y,er.ve Irsy law, all Rhe r lad LwU- n me L.+n d,l lad-rN b, un (vert. •, 1Letwellth a, , end .la. constantly mnua•turmg M.I. of rens as IU•Ik.,, .1,M 0-,u of M.h,nln Iheae Nurrnea He u rout •uro,v,e.•1 1. a.•t1 hh,wzereas will ew tee rtes of.u6rrg awry C'\ dao cf Februarf• Brit, at the hour vi'I.-rlveW CHEAP CASH ATORE. I lmmtber Dunenn,afatpan"buynglr h.... '9 (E All Kinds of Clothing NcU nude Tams. L' Kerr, Jlahn Iklamn, I will wt gr fern laaas mom rain a«abahment. ser,Ire-10 11.hou•ed,(,ane .. rape•M d, 0-..0 LN the clue►,soon. r..,sg,A. •,ups reedy b} .A,rh hr 0-.vra xY4 eYltahte ha the .e.&.n. Juke 1. MrKrD •,e •rl WJq+ve Y. Alurn♦ rmr•.rauy ,. ,w,aa by lar W.an,r roe earn Ij JOHN 31ACDONALD 1 hove wised and taken to 6%e utian all U. W. HEAULE. ea dor b) .dal -M,.-, I gE FACTORY 1 S nI. 11 4 H [T floe ,Y drte.mm.J t° be uwd<rx,W m the nght. aIle ■ d mlrrM d the rd ,k&n- I SI. C.thannN, Seq. Sim. IN". 0-11 Jo11N R.OGDCN, Llher ,Aa Od1_. Uon_, If, 4%RUI: AtRURT%1 t:aT UY Town lar fw-Irr, a. Uae rude Mvr Ix -e b.eh, Jul Iia and t° Id ..mLet new ,S the tb,r - - --- --- -_ _ Re•1L C,asther• sr -New .1 ,I, 1 -701h !hitter r, ,f5ti., w 0 " "rub. "n"d•"g purcka•er.maY nprr'1 tu.vl ucsib en.ce tea 4lhe Tuwwb, WUrev u. the I - _ I L.minn.. . D WAN?ED. HE ttulp r Ler having re, ummrm xl the Aar -- - _- Agent cur We.-,', F.,.t,lar Sm ' w.ay N Huron, 4 nine nab hundred errs TO CONSCR PTIIi Eln. Tit AYED OR STOLEN fom the «,!renter, WOOL Lollo SHAWL11. C'Wub.cuao sees ar.J .,weer ler, whrh law66 s,d frnemvnt. I Shell T 13ua,Deea S o.wr for alt .rmr e e in the (,Yrs IbneY ,ll N School Section No. 11, fa the wring T1s M•naw.r. Iroruq IwID r.sturrd u. Aedah ro v W, field, nn the 1311. I,et, Mr,. Her. our Cow. FHnf{ !, A f Tl1E I the Tuww d Uay .div, w Tune!- the ff1. I sal•, a Female Tteobor, with finttlw sew mess h!. wm f'' # T THE OLD D 1 A n ) t 8 E W I N G MACHINE 8 . J pnli .tee Persnal a lication to be took .reg pe reread n-M.,u .ase. ( [mall%(ruin Pl.tt.v,Le . m a "Line 'ear, Iday d mrs of t b,,, .1 this hour d'1'wrlre DP 4..d faw reed yeut. web. r•,rr long ab, -aka. said ( Rad • while amp Go Ler Lark. She bis all • Q ` An amortnaent wn.t•ntiy us fund, st os IM: C'0; .r of hell u., nod with threes lalae • nits Sh. a but j 1P CI A $TOgL• 01 the auei, Soon to i(r. Thoma!'lclntvte, 8lh eunemiion. tea, ,u. de,a... carrmpe"-- Its bns.nr .rte or' ABRAHAM SVIITH'9 JOHN MACDONALD, k -m•. ,.. hr at6w-•.4rn. aM err„w W,.rr. p .et, .Sul a#rel tv err n rt -r. Anis Ont e,v,ng Manse], IUth Vet., 1860. wi8 JI` T..0 w►.4- re.. ►. wailse,d Aa ry 4.h, per iits 100 and Light-Ilonse Streets Ibfrtel,o-first -Jl lout Id her rcnwa,y w is '7luthmg k...r tm ,, .YAM, i/, l,J. j ff er,starwllr dehargsl wnn,h1.111 ,e f..rpr- I I be sec- did sur w Juu.g. err by letter to ACHESON a: 3UITIL fins aid, M.r►et Fgnvr, as tt dour W Juhn Aln $hentt'/OBre.(idene►, 1 DOTE L OAT. -Loot le°tween kir. Anthomv paring.wl ..0-g me w„w. rob.!► meg .d, hal. arc "., b to wnmat, to hu „k ,vends, and u I PiEN,.Y HAACKE, bbnly4. 22,x1 Oh.t., USM. \ 0-49 Allen"e and Tko Nile, a note OI band in We. fur c„0 --.mos. A.-... It.,..'un.. r "I min • .c •mea.. uvuure hon wok a call sd Oodario►, 0e4 23, Is". 0-19 Ood4nob, OM,6, IMbII. 0-77 (rear n(Tbta. Allen or Hearer, amdr A Ce.M •rod all Thenar oral I0-, An,r,..... 'k r ) ' ItUyueld. n. - - _ she- dth.se•.nzer,.. red, t'it, I',r 'r.,.^.n"0-I tnaf. ,wt ere .,u pr,d,I,.+"d sen . tet.7ah, lash. r --a. PAPER QAG ANUFACTORY i sHF.Ripi's sALs or IAAI D6. Robert ftauderann, o1'IEn 'rownshi err Coir h."fa l►-•affi rd..ad .pr.W ..a,r .... .lieh w WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE. CHEAP -- _ U zu ", r- r h ,r•I..IN•....I n, n.. ,,. , . &- r - Muted C""""" of 1O Y v,nn, 1 a ant of borne. for nitsen dvllm., bearing Tea Harsh m slay sr lil.dy w era 0-,u c.r. cher .w.bu,t, lad eke Ohl me.,u red a ..,...I asst. Parka, kc., $HE:H.FP S SALE OF LANDS. - ( Huron awe Brure, B Vedniow Erpess bud 411-1 IR66, payable four munth• from d0-, rY .. i bore". Made and NMI d no short race .' . HAMILTON Q. W. Tu .it : Fled Fa,•ss k,r n,erlae here. wMu,#Nees pnnnpum. rut, bV nwrn rN CnNad ('.arntw- of Y •nice of & wnl of ' Tkb i. b toff et dl pe rSonS purthrinr oe rill peraaemr N.a.-Alco • ou ,her d NkrYM nn Londe C A Iw.real °tel W fltr Mslrlf•4 Caiml of Quweh 10 otiatan rid note, an 1 hens Bot rtnind Huron and Hru••e, ri VasdnwD. F.xpuar AUCTIO S .LEI awmch, and lu me d,nr(d a na the Lads R r Roc h.1,: RD I .'-tl Y. HE Fuh•a•nlrn la•v< now e- hand w Brom- g•' A ,Ih.ro.Aart Kuan' •.. 1t.. ,-...k. U11N A1cYH Ef{SO\. In -0-,l: Fun F .. kN o -•%t I rad I T p and tenemrnl. .,(J uhn Irwin &rad N11Lam Iran, psy.ent lheroB. - __ sen: u, klvl F.c.ea, ,rued 0-I ,:f Hv M„ ,.I s Ins supply Ries M.rh.ne-N.Je PAPER Uaknc6, (kf. 3Qh 18116, wn10•((' )7 , OF V 1144; , m sew. from one w tw.ntY .xaml. w,h, •a that eves of Rlrh.rd A H kis lad Hoban H. J. KE[tR, tivHlaiasB,! w HIRKBRa !1 madW ('dot of the I o, I .#.,. a , Fland. I I Im RQ .rad Brown 1'S of the w.1 . I I 1;h I• ,d. 1 Mee .e,sed -rad a.k" an stn utio. beam, of mid pole. -- - - ---- --- ad Rocco. and to me drtn'ed eg.,wst rhe lands p` ,i' - y' •111►e ngN, nI R, Infrwast anJ ml of n+Lem Iha. L.O. MOATax' Cor•eir.. the /realest stim- and tenement- of .l,,.,ah Lu,•y Ili• yrrnger, -i Sad wall t,r slat, 1. supply tLe .am° ase• s no• of ere deerd.nt. dn,hv'ul thymi r . p. Nile, OeL 15th, l f 66. W88 3t` clam te toe w••rkl, .Jl bN,e W nut,m lar Mus I 1 A K E T 1 C E . 1111 v 11 of Ata bail U'Hrdl 1 Mce .surd Had' VALUABLE PBdPER Z I Maw 1. p.rrr shortly, u r - y' All u.e ill../ miles •1 thin EA•blu!,manl are lar 1...14 (dtowu,g lam66 roil z w my : '1►e wutA I ELL NSIGN 0011, how l.rhea to grew u. rot .mMNAeat lice err ,has ; F Iha, undeni ne,lr reb] turbid ■lay I take" in eterubun ell the reel", IAIe •rod mle.... - bell of IW ..,rAlqin Iwnas., m IM Ann coon lu. never kmuw. to fnf. 8. ""' fur trial sem fore I W " K rat the •,,A drk•nd&n1, 'o /nJ to the rush A.II d CON ACCOUNT OF TBI F: the boa r.uahty, .rad niareAiwnl w ter peffect. ,,, 14 '1'nwn.h D(CeMtk, Ire 77 links .i0-[ l0 "y o,0- drnnm-.,f lem.ag ns nwnu. Adds"- person lar (wnu>ra to ng, p. rehumR I the wulh half tel l'nt numLer oleic the trmh aim. .1. IiCN Ti\. G(LLI ES a CU. 'D 1 dll 'OtI get a100 YYith h e, t►e W -H -was tArmN• b r-t,.kn. -Art lis °ere Jubn Ran,m ak Cu., 76 Aare Y•., N. Y. lar setolia,int 1 e (ollor,n nhlw, x11 ". i r.,mwn, mntere Jlruu.n LAI IAS bawnxop d Aah• ! tilst 8t Loan CO. OT Upper (iauda. Hund!"•, (AN. 22, 1.66. woo 4l I Hua",Al.. lee south hnll of kd number ineen, ollf lowin this !vet µ'ea he 1 (No Mien Ickes sealer peeped) 0-29 (crow or as 111 law Harrio;rton. & follow.: one BeW .n the (:aunty lar Hun. ; which land- and o I in roe .,d Ar.a tuarewun .d the Tu.nalu . .d y p g t r tenements I shall nice raw rk• •t orx•e a the iLL Se Sold •t I ubhc Au^tion, al the Agent for Uodencl-1 T. J, ]fOO1tH0['SE I aeainat Louis S-Shls of 314. ere age.m, *'J + Rutinoses CSrrkk,,nlMt'emy of Hruee; wlarA 66.rle Why, I have thr01Y11 aoldtl _- - 8 I'uurt H,Aa e m the Tuwn of Oaknc , m Tun. I W I l •n ae iOawill Sl.hls of $40, one • ai t h:irhaell e,)t - -_ __--. -_ and rnemrnl. l shaU.,4r mr Mie sl w odir•-In rtes dvalisrmtttta Elenvl or $18. all havin dote Ju 30. due he twemvrveolh dry- Nan•erofer eexq 1be Uoun HMar,o tbe'r„ws of UuA,w•h, ,,. R 4 at ilia hour W 'rwove urthe can t, R_ I SALE ROOMS OF G. 3I. TRUEMAN, Wanted IlnediateFy Tmewh y, Ise Iwenh-rvaralh tlS of Nu,em ser I A KW . plow that coot 2i dollars, in two mal he, and one & ainst. William 1JUN MACIN)NALD, I y YOUTH ibwi 17 or In yeand&ge wnu •eau wt thebwr.r(twdrerof ler rlr•k, sM.a It w'as like ON'In tvllh a 10 , p R Y Dg41 r Winer of 316, drawn in the atter rt of dA.r,/, 11 j D. GAerich, o& A be+,ad romwdaraM, eape.rma-e a■ a e.n• JOHN MACDONALD g A June, Tanning two months; w we have Sher,R•pO16re.0odelich0 m J ase n nal nu „d, r VEf7ETwBLE never received value for them. 25th tkoher, 1169. % woo Yeeaaeg+8 i4th eF Nov. 1866, C••.^d wbu ..n 4 well Iee°mmr d. OMnrH.dc $, and {fent to Searle & Davin yf f Addmolstrepae, g, .g rrf.rruaes..rd Salary Shenr'-0111-, U,,&neb, L. b-fAtil 9, M. HFR'1'LF,i -- -- --- - -- -- tom, 66m sem ver, LM d,reber, Ie1N. 0-40 and b011ght a ,tel'! prow fires PAIN KILLE R r ' NOTICE .T xoox. pis A. H..Oudench -- - -- _ e g D. srAHL.., Wm. W7N... .. A. Godenrh, 26th on., ISM. p w SHEiLIFF'S BALE Uft LANDS slxtecH tlollart ; now I have nu All of the Township ei StWiss. AT THE OLD TRICE, Stephen, Oct. 25, IR66. w403t GE Partn-rship hrretoforr 1:isting be- A portion of Lot No. 3, on the tet Con, NOTICE. Dialed r.rnb..,,f 1, Y virtue fir a ant of trouble in plowing ; my horses HE HARE OF COU,Vr"-----_--.------.___. - torso William Vanstone and .lam" of the TowngLip of Goderich, contain lug Huron sod Hruce. DFrn Frier wised 0-1 t Rlllnlf It ClCallf s(O HICK ' w V one. m,der the sl 's and title or " Wi4 abort 7 hist .core a( Lsnd, mon or ler. "1'u wu : S of Her Mytwtyy h C. wmlt I / F6/ . AND Il'ORTHLESS !MITA 3K02i 1tVl`- t0 ZaOA -1 1 1 UF: und,rsi,nod hoeing disrmsed of him (:Dun .,r Iha Craned Cuenls" lar Nuro •w4 rnlhS. 1 a J&o," Vanstone. Brothers," w R, T Hunem Business to the Mwn. Hens g L'" t rage real thistle Cuttrn ! April 1R, 1966. .12 6m CII Improved Farms. o)Iw &rad mill owners, •( ReefnrtA &rad An- I A William M.run or this Towb, begs to be- •80i*1 I,nedientk Jphu Urllwadh`, at the a..at of _ leyvill iS IAiS dna die.olved b] matusl nils- Lot No. 41, Wtst Sade of W.Ilintlnn 9t., Spwwk from his friend■ ■nd customers a con. Edward Kenntdy, 1 have r,gw mod taken in I0- m o► ArrvrlT9 Ix HOMA[A-llorave I For further particolam, Apply In i Sent. A I promissory note. and book se in the Village of ;'ort Albert, to the Tuwn- eeneulann all the M - HENRY WHATF,LY, I unu.nee of tAat parnnsge hs hear so long ght, 11th■ .rad iti,",tl oI If" A LAta[ afL1o•tmtxt err Ira their appetite from various eaoses, but counts, Aa., due to the late partnership firm, ship of Ashfield, e,rntaining half w acre of g„ „yd, Said would further re I.st that all seed drwm.nt to marl to L9 "Ymher A,,. ,n the moat frequently by the approach of some I.,odor.. C. W- ) q p" Im T 0 Q i ser in .lbs` bond. of Jane. Varatone for laud, more or Lew. Ili.( l nmaeY.m•°lfne P.wnsM 1 Arran, A. direr, this nrcusnan" omghl not to be G//ICg-A4hi.n Boildi"go, Richmond "L, collection, *hose receipts, or that of hits those indehtrd to bim will nil as ear.] ss I shall my oI tlnnr•, wh.-h Is Ldl awl weenasl. I overlooked 6 those who own ho bot ort the POO Oaee. C. prweihls slid pay their Indebtedu°ss at ria I Mail ""' I" Sale et my dMv' In' tW Cwn y ,seg, •gent, J. W. herr, will be held as sufficient offics at the old Harness Ibp(.nt. Huts.. an It -'I -we d Uodenela, on TYbaley. U1"F.R 00 K1NDA. /IRO SLould M immediuely anendrd to, as by ser Cordon. Ott 2, 1866. wAIMf and Satisfactory • and all demands against The Westerly and Southerly half of Lata HGBI)Ort HORTON. Ike huh d+r of Februvy real, a tn. h, lar of . doing the disease ma) be checked, and the * ` Q( -- tbe.ad firm of Pertrenhi,•, will be paid on No. 2, Nnrlh ref Lighthouse Str"t, in the Goderich, 19th Oct. 1966. 'weivebl f6.ci-k, taw.. I A LAXOR STOCK OF TINWARE life of the hot- loved. To do which we are Insolved Act of 1864. bwmg presented to thn Said James Van• Town of Goderich, ountaininc about Twelve . JUN 11ACDONALD, i po ihtwo there u nn,hing equal to " Darley's atone. and a quarter Perches, mon or lis• gA,nd j/, } it On hand. Sign of Long Ta Settle, Eiv undersigned hating pare6msed she Arabian Heam Reseedy and Condition Medi The above, fortmerl the rt of An. M•Ar'' (!ares .10. h rhe )rafter of uAar/sea Day., an foils!• Mis W II Item V&n4tOHe K r sq,l I eine'' n ourifi" the blend, correcu ell a- ] P•'oP• ] I•r a Stook or S.ddler and emir Jrdev,.t11M. 0-40 B A O E LIN [, C L I N?ONr ' t&k" this n nunit of uainun the ins• draw DaogA. The ecrm, port nl lot o, _-, -- --- -__-y___-_ rangasenu of q digestive ortana, and w • rtes- PP^ J +eq R 1st Cuncewioo, O:dtric6, Is S rnnd Int of H A i3, N fJ I3 :3 a g f s"B OP LABLf IEARi.E • Artg. Y •'err aN'nr smh4ny ".'d ,n "i . r r"a", bitents of the Townshi ei Gre and Norris, a nsLeesaq eowq,rvnn 1M arpelits iS " I Nur ,n.a. dab- m... n•m'A in.nlr.m. Dn la 1 land, clear of stump• and in w high ■tate of Clinton, Sept. 20, 1Rs6. 0-2! nnrsal, the akin Mcum" soh, hod the cat file PPrnn`zine• 4I%.-knr. " I .hate .Nr r ear rl. ". that the businw herelnford carried on b] the cultivation• One Md. from (}oderich, ow the IM Ce.n R- tM Town 4God vh ser, r.,.d.•. late firm iu Ainle oil will Mdl he continued United Con•Ir+of Y arrive of a wn1 ,N - - -- - - - _- .ruIoes a soft and shining •p(wsren". aM aro-.Ikds ni P.1.wery awn..1 T-111 n•,k-ir ] ler H. field Gra•el [toad, good Lor Born and F3 IAMF tut,, the enelawr. n( IM soosnber Fteanember the nems. and See th►Y Iba rx,a .0 H. .Ti#h,. ml..r,e ,.vein nl+n, rA i„w•L,nr b] him. J Herron and Hmrr, p'en Ptarm max.! Drat 1 n.d ,M. e.rrr.,r 1.0 1.r1 .este T H £ F L 0 U R i N C M l L L s6eea end L.g Ilouas. Tbe Port Albert Tn rod . err tis, M.jtmy'. I' n.,Y I on Ins No. I:L.Mutland Roel, $book IM that the sa nature or Hurd Co. is o,, each ' ''ser'""" a rl 'r on NSIiiS ton arse in wb,,ot Cnnn dtM nmrnf ('mob.. orllumn Rad ,nxe middle nl Jul , &Ere and iaIoA. 'i'M tk.a 4 4 .int ,,*ruse err hem and toady .•f Heron. peolle 1 g i ] paeit ay.0 "Iron -ser.. ere ,At sem, err tut. rung the centre of the Ville The Goderieh and to me d,rr-td ag.md the land• and tome. tr l. uested t. rove ro and is fitted o with the re best and lural iIo- tl•- req D D MetJ P•F Ne.rIon r Le CAL Newer goo C W. C, i^ +^+ dlrn , ^e n a, -w , wit i^eo aild,h ^ D 7 ro 1 u elt ihl situated on the Market seer vi a., I be NcElrary, a Isk .raw d JnAn eAsr Teton /or lloa Gnadae. Bold h ell c. in'h. r66 Ts.rrA,rdTumr,..ry wxn tea r1Mnh#. p.oremeet of achirrrr, bras h] -aur and r ire• f K 1 1. McKeroa, I b.,. r,s.d Rauf tat" ,n e[eeu ser and lab tMln ttut ,y pprrooppsr JJ drrrr.e•cwd, snd N-". ley'.N ^rel I &team power, which, togel6er with thesecured l Sgorre, In the ruwn, a Frame Dwelling two ell (w right, uilw ad lnm..N a4 tM rad dr. W 111% HOLM M Medreiw "are. 0-40 1m 0 M,,, -,f , rnic" of that s nor Miller, William Hoes, Frame Bern, any are erected upon ANWA.t,o welt. km rand.•, eight- .toe watb (int [Rib, IpR6. .38. 3t OAk•uI Aexrnwe tea• H. k B he rcmi.es. e s ! am.erio. d Ike Towm.hlp d Mawr ," Lae _ _ -,__-- _-_-_.__ -_-_ -__ Ara4heH Relwd Thh - !#01110• (1•,661 A.4re., Y'le a ft,wL a a.(hcinot guarantee 0.6t the vel P B U S I N E S E I County W Haran, cowta•mg a., band" ern•, STRAl SHEEP, came into tiler w• ti Wruw f1 nroser■aa«« m,. earn. aM esu sew. d rrd,rxh, anh 0 -, hew wsed best work will alwgA be accomplished. D• of Mr. II„race Horton, who has Mtn Sc lora which 1 -fid. -W lweornts 1 .bell offer for rh 'Aro armin ras&,s:.,d AAelia_AS h 1.. well - - K rwami,e nl the Bnewnlened, Inset 4I. it--. rimarssime) Ikea aba, w , re..• rah jII80IYAnt ACt 0 i8-. T H E A A W M 1 L L Also the following Lessebold Property :• - and favorably known In that capacity, beg bt .t my rdhe ia IM 4 •dun Huohs in Ila yew. N 9rd eon. WewandA, , deal,aasesemsl,geflAe.ZA fmm ,v.0-». sF.., n r.,... r also newt fitted o .ifh tent wales• Pert of Lnt No. 1. ver 1M North Fsaltrl] State !has uta ser prepertd t0 continue 1M C'"'lenrh .n lew(.y, Ih. Iwnnty...elA J•y d' t6n•t tM .aslof Ae e.. sooty y iwa.d ,Ae fwA.r dr•rtna ,err 1 P ?f! i lwuaiy nett, a tM h..r d i+•tive of O. ,lock, Aegesl, .nm Eq and Iamb. TIm Neer i. reafreewv ebe•ly - nom ,IfW1ew. roes r '- wheels, kende, ac. ; lhs oaMcnber IA now 1idY or L,gFthr.,re nose!, a l6e Tmm of I Prinew w the wrM amnble looms to par 0-„m- regwatol to prove property, pay aAartes ao dise Sed riArDaeMsrfamsse& emff row naw /o the matter of R°beri ilannah, an Iafsi ,re rid to coot lets all orders fir lumber on 1),nde ieh,fr.n ling the Street formerly known chosen an they have hitherto enjoyed. JOHN YACIIONA Li* I k he N =M tee' :r a iiia m . ". Reil +a I Pak a IM LSM .d Y wyoi 11S,SSrl V Ircmrta$a n Id %w r MAos, 61gM1Y1'de..w.w.,,niml ..nits# .ear TMy .wa pa66Ww .M -.e-o.IwrY•red r 4..6 Jn•- err fM war fh,m .ghfy meal /ate : n..pletmy elaemr fru .A Ili,ah.nhr a- riot ibe --by N.iw.M..rg Comae Oal sth opo-. r.seni -r a Z .w N note, wr try use, rex sero'- ,n ,it ta.••1m.t. loeemewr A tnaa., N.wes•tl J. W.. - ,I m. 66 I s. ■.-A.h ase el N maw r raur,., ff2'M abo es alboe. j] MM by r r4 raggee. I- or e r seaemr e[Y.m W-M.Mr. m t» Insolvent Act of 1884 s the o■effer ofJeAss lister, mm fowdsne CHrveaka tetra e(0- asset amend trot reMart Artily seelBsi to eel as tl " dJ. 4.Oedea, Burnout, eo We tom, ia eke Tensa of ' Iia Tole M twtweth J'by N RevewM sus, M tis be e trot *NNA. P. st w the pkkaa atseWea S ase ,ew vao4 setlf i r she /sowed mihrtng be &Oahu d 0-g 40ow Deed r 0. 0 . »OtgM c sr r Mt h/s wamP+sN &•P a• FOLEACL. WM i. Oaew A"4"0 h0- M. k arst' the shortest notice. The public may therm- "South %oat Rimet,nuw known as Moulreal ri.11 F, ered'i.m .(th. sh,•. named trrlvent fen r"t assured Ilial no will M Sp.rtd 9treM, being composed of the south wesaerly Ore hereby as The w meet f my once M Ru,,ww.ro Arete ia Ills Towa N O.J.,-b, es Wadrwatq, tM IwtwtyJrst M7 N Na..embw pains ie making the Ainllvvills HJl, second to none In she Cenral] of Huron, cornlr of l.ol No. 1, on Lighthouse •treat, e(ores W, on the arils Side thereof. and l.rt..1,M IMrlrajoin e'1•l.,•k, P. m., far the ,tamaebofe M iM i"soheet, a •d rd 1M WiLLiAM VAIP1TOXF. (noun, SoLth West on Montreal aired, w sloremad, eontsioin, by admesnrem"t SOR pbl.- M 01Yrden dike arlaiarnrku.Meow g n, d liorea, pied st CAo.th m tN as, Alnleyyille, R1A Aogrt, 1866. .2! 3, _ - Caution to Publlo. yam*, mon or lose. q& whish is arert. ed. sar c Hriuk wd Slone Tavern, fronting da 14 this twwly-mats 0-y d /1Na11r tolyl a. PoLLoce, the 60 The Mrs Hot" tQeart, end for many ` Prm"n' wd01w Ddle-W Assign" ow Henan h Ike". A B my wnu. SI,wbNit (M,ig, kora Bbmhs, 11 kala ISR my A ' •rod M.rd ."knot uJ pen Is tee ka,rwn me TM Inn," Con. ' r. mill the Hotel a a General atom. PIANO FOR GALE, "afm a pro.emaa.n. I do hereby rr.,i.n eewry 7'l. ferepertt is &t present ,sew to Andrew int demi Planer, b Collard A Collard • a immo.. nil to pv. r sen M, Say hast nn my S=at. an I .40 rad M resrsome- 1 Legh. A d I.fadou Rnclas iron [knead, os.tsl LII/ ..y orb J.0--lese"d by bar, .ad I ropy Above. -rl01Lfld1S I.IJItIWRAL, dared, ride en Poo PON to surd het shall ase J(H4N (409T7,. Teo pr mot of IM pomar mr.w] to be eliearti .,TA all the lama impeo.004 W. 7.erab, Hay, 22nd Desolw, INOL NO IM paid &case &I the Ume o1 gole, sad ferIoe for Apply to JAMia BMAILL ----. -. _ - Stfrt efl of •tOleA ROM fret 17, 9, is Ike balance will then he mSN ksorn. Dwdu, Ahslraets of Title rod Mongags Oedevieb Oct. set►, 1844. ,.17 _ - o. eon. the I ow& r( ship el tf/awseea►. stork the badman i o n be mmol ., the ea d, st The Bnlisitote s aI (M ler d ash. 80HOOL NOTME, I e1 "w her lei, Teo alp-& sees, ague tsps a }lees not e(6" of b'S easy IN= i"loweewide am be ehlaifw r oppliea,iea to lb ClAmestssIM-vti T'let mml WAiRsU» Nbod srtiee Re. 4.ce.1.ves, ,►e te'I, . swosLMaSe oris a awe 1s1tM M I ram baso An f • will Wad M s(tsig ear of pilar ! _ hr Mr teeeb.e. #a:wm.l spPlrawmea te M ses&r 2e ik. $kris$ 6"M] ram►rd.dI a, b7 N► MMmA e•memwmeD TmIYtCdind NBtmr ,wgr S,bgi,ra.11it"Go I a a Iba embn a« L9XARDgRMA f, H (. IJ ,' TAww IoM D01#ALD 111.03BOR. Q. IL T 11AUSMAR, I I C DTA It6sw-lba p e. AtWtsar.fieI n•slr, ase , r .10 , i wawmerah, Od. 22, iNC w#0131 4 40,r- , Oei. Ir, 1444, sw13, The Subscribers bare .e, band at their Shop, Market Square, s very large Awart neW0p'e'r©x ®AAM1B323, 19 CTIRY aTTl. t, Saddles, Trunks, valises, ale., Ac., .Illcle they) ere =;,,,d to aQr te the pehlfe •l `m.Y redtaced prises, for rash. F.rssem will do well to coil and inspect their,trash rod pneea before pumbeang else when, .Snob a oboe" is esldose oalmd. H. r W. MARTIN. Godorkl, Oat. 16th, IR66. was `t lA T 6 D Info iA. prrwa.e. eA M ..dww e- kJ M tae 4.SW eemewnos, Twlnram.lb, H L is ". ne the 17te (Jana be , Ifas, TLm (!town. tut. vesn .M. TAs .w■ev V "swan t• Mow• Peak 7, ►1 08.11. •N tet' %Mo awmy. M. M.QftAUE. TwbersI 6, 1lml (ks.. IoM. wNste NOrlcg -I seveby forbad art' pe" An peafto■e eviig my wife Mary Vernice rte ewdH W my tress, a r .,II eel be mo q..dble imr the ere., ebe having loth ng bkd W b"W wkbewt soy Jose Raw or pro tN4tllto. LAM = TROMPSUN Meows, 131b oel , Idiot *.M St e s l m &wry, sb■nr, H.h IL HR14RY COOS. ,hobo. Gose, Ion. e, ` Walmobah bet. 12th, IR46. .3R 3ta Iwo oel.ar IMG. - - - 0-M _ _ _ ExMit CHICUE PAOTORY. MAIL GONTRACTB runit propriet" of the sl.es -eftm6bmwt I1 ►r spreinred Rbeppard a Buees" Tr,IVDRRs.1 .drre...1 »tbo 1Mwmr».(Oil. Sobs ACosts for tis. Towns d e.ad..A.k, he ,r.l, t"`d M rse".w., m Oaaw• run err, the mill of ►is oboe", wNeh Sas be obW isW ,r F,A av, l,b DeN,r . INO. Rn ,M • r.,". at IM Footory padve. amee d Her M -two". Mef66." • Pnr►•A/ am, l RiCHARD MA"11f6. tenet M Ante rear.. Ora. !anon Por wank -it Smtser, 0e!. L1►, 144& I iswalrt way, bNwaM eAfew w it ,l. HN►r, ,r Rail Ram iLeff Iia Jemrary "21. Nov- 4. N 60- __-. __6 maim M la-fth et et' dAnewas. Tis Mads» 8 OAL g Wage Rt Hakes. urnssye, Thendim, sd ra +Loa ewerd„v at 1 30 P m., mad se.fvw er Pew•.t m f p. a. Rat-"rg te here NW&M a t 30 ". I`<lY nest self et brat A, ane. i l times" Ip of tail ae.ive se M. Hahse m & /. se. d, Tew&wm Asbd.ld, wk► • goo& Al mlliy law and w Wave NAW i t rL ilium aM rets., may sssm■aldiekti a geed yaeng aOhwd and a offs be sstssaud. Amro so* rover-reilim mash dismiss. 2'Ma Is aM a awrw mMl.oges Y m d j i1i0- e = s16sFtg r lhm int s it IG ~ e ' Fem Gaon of owl" 11MA t -Fart ase As porshwo weq ftsk=l dofa dwdam of w rob abm. Tea pow Ones he LN owso 1 d IINLiaBT Y pp//Ilt the mn.iadw eb1 Weraat M (i pip &R6 /se int.. f.q 1aaias2. thw honk La 1h1= I ... 'I .r;l 0.4. vet, t >r 1 > <F,d W,,