HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-10-25, Page 4I
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Irsdril. LLAIII 1,; (IF U LIN L U& Lsot ill,%MVION-Cluutiaued. 9OUTHAMPTON-Conthissed. I. OLD bTOiff' I,
- SHERIFFS SALE ,,..v' (-_. so .. Arles. Arsil. Laos. t'". or at A,,.,. A .I. I a 41.1 I .0 the track, Dow .. I I '..... I a I " I be Ill. - IJ,
V... - Mi Air", Assets. 1,,d. . .1 asomped new hs "*- .hop it
. ... It I no 45 Heir III I 00 n Or. t I%.. Is 0
ARM YOU A MADO,IV I OF 442 7 42 6.1 Is Arthur if 4LOUfti ...... THE COMMERCIAL UNION ,.,.,.,,,1,= it, the'llosiv ,etw I-l'i
449 ::::::*.*.'. 1 1.7 Its 66 it 44 .......... oil to the In..d. and cuou.n.". .,o isol" tur U
bi 1. 011, . - ,r - .,-I W his shop, .lid
5i 6 " , : : ::. " " , 47 do .......... I 11 00 • ASSURANCF WOMPANY team extended their ,oat
The Hire. Mr. Magill, rector of St. Paul's I I it. .
Church lieru, 1LANDS 457 : *. : *. : : :,. *. I Ili '43 5111 J. . . .. . :: 11 00 50 do• .......... I 00 .pewsadlt.aio,ukt. IJI "a.
quesuou Illinois being asked the abu 101 50 If so M 114) a. .... 1. I 'W", rm do .......... I uO Wid. STORY.
by a lady, resl000ded As follows .6'. - '. *. * , * * , , I 2 (* " 8 Arthur Meisel .. 19 ANDT201CORNHILL,.PNDON, ENGLAND.
: . . : *.:.**: so " 14 it. ::. '. :, I W 54 do .......... I 00 - I C.dairkh.solifflitil Is"- Vft"
I am (lose of the "lid lu, t 10 lut rr -A, M u, t4. 661,67' ........ i 3-1 99 M do I I
tot 'hu will faithfully stand .... I ou 56 do .......... - --- ,
It, 34) 9V 26 it - t (9) 57 do .......... I 00 .
, , I ........ 1 14 .* 27 d. '"' 'criblet!) - - - X2,5()o,o0o Sterling
Is tb" , dis if iiI loll &.lit love i . b .... .... I
b :::: 1 00 CAPITAL, (FullylSubs
!las,e knurl, d at tit. door, I N Wi Nol ......... " d. .... I, I W 64 tit) .......... I 00 - 0. Not DAVIS
) I-* 0 relched and I I ioo" I U noted Counties of I , lue of a War- 1 31) S3, " J. . ... . .1 I Ito 61 do .......... .11 00 INVXSTZD OVER, 1112,000,01l DEPOSIT FUDD IN CANADA., 111150,W0.
ot balled by ilic 112i -_ 1tACl'1JR1,.1( Mill) DEAl.t.11 p+
I'd 1: I.",.,rVr .I ib "4 - : :.-.-. .. .. - i ,f'. , is I on 41 Ilbourts. .."I C..1 ... g- "I ielictille.
11.,o %, Bruce, B ,. u 63 do .......... I oo ,NIA N t
And Z:v fur admissi.1, I strove. 'Co 1 :. 04 30 it,, . ... I
he help or a f, itud, I ount:l!,00f Il.,on Au., lhu,c%trita ! U i6ted AMAI;1;1. TOWNSHIP. 31 do . . ... 1. I ou 64 do .......... I oil FIRE DEPARTMENT, "'um, U.I.I., sed.sloelia 1-0 wour-1
,I date 42 (;.. 1.1 N Q .4 Atorevolm 32 du .... .. I W 65 do .......... I 00 The d,-i,.pI.aI,h, I ...... . 1,1-1 G.,, ( .JnI-.nl'h..:1 I e, it . oius.linoosl of a. riliulool,b, ,-i-.a- sar' 'I,00- , -flat, Mk.t 'ilqv, U.Jo.
. , to sto Lk
" . , ,w,blh d.6y ut JuIv, on it ,.usud A.Kon.L. . . IOU 20 'in 33 J. 1. I on 66 do .......... t, , toil, ".k. all.
, , g . . .. . I 00 , .,,,.,.,, i ,,o1,: ,,, all, a loruoulu J."'I., I " I .Is . rich.
111ho staustanct, did lend - box, ud to inedirt , 34 do I. foll 'do .......... . IOU '11.0 ..., w 1, " I. b 1. .Ih ud"i Ile ( .u.I...., " ,11. ".. . III— Leen suet, 2 Iiiii, lu ..I,- the
ight b.nd.ud .I'd tuxt;I In 13, Is ....... 4b 21 sti . .. . . I (mi
I succire-I &is entrance to gooll. fur the cul,"non tit At Lrntb Ili ! *Xem dull 2, V ....... 130 91 21 35 I ..... 11 00soh., 1,."., .,., it., ,,,,dlt t,.,., ,&"o,. .alstv,
%lo ri ,ece 36 'I. . . .. . . 1. (10 7U do ........ . I 00 "'•'+1 ms.uuto "I..".1.1 ... es, .4 the 1ho, 1-., COAL OIL
" itso,d to the W-t, upon the fullio-,alf; laude is, 0-e said (',.tied 39 1,16 ;2 37 do . . . . ': I ou 78 do .......... o .,ad now, .11e, to 1" ( .a.idan publ.c. . 9
y lzon,and Iran, the r..I, " 1 71 7 d by largo Subscribed Capital, find Invested
It Q 411 do : - : : : : : 66 I I I )i Od 1.0 ,%., . sold I 'o., Cols-
, Cuum, a of Ilur.n isuld [truce, I ,611 us, 314 J.. I 00 NO do . . .. . ...- . 0 n. ..
But Ila , u . : . .. _ . 41 it .*, I (It) I PIRF= SECURITY 9-autille IUI -u
% 41 so 141Q 7 3A 1 , lie it. lsii-,Z;` i d bL.,psikou,
.1thosit twelia.g itutsue Pau. , :.,. *.,., "I do .......... I 00 Fonda Thr tooe, I,,,. .,ad (;,ueoll Ay,,.t-, being lle-110nurn 19'ktcl%' c"' k,k K
I Tial -Ally, the '20th day of NovejabLr " it" - ------ - - I'm 69`7 41 do . . .. . I. I Oil 4 I':u,:,.1i1 '.01lenortort .(CI...... -1,Ll, . ,,, stureb"o- uo"I'd tssiuo, 11.-,. I- . o' '.0toing.. r7tl
1,,,e my conscience was taught, :A it . ....... lo's to, b5 43 do 1,2 .do .......... I 00 a. if C,,us ... cr., %.I, t..L . IiLI,I..d -.,-
I it .......... I05 73 11 ' ': : : '.', if "` 31 8 d . .......... I 06 - --- -------
With a anoroll quite lrght, next, at the hour of Twelve o'clook noon, at 43 du ....... too 0.9 lit 44 do 5 (a . LIFE DEPARTMENT.
With sentimicuts hole red true ; she Court I"ou. in the luorn .1 G,A,,ich, ARRAN TOWNS1111". 4.) do .... it I 00 32 do .......... I 00 1866.
. I 11 %V Albert street .... 11 I (as 33 do .......... I 00 Ti.eC,,.,pany.n ,.,,,W.1.11,,.-,I..,r,,,,L,I,A .,,r.. , ,,-,, ,li--. dt ...y L.I,0sfi.4lIff%lf
be. outward tervi,ed, proceed to still the fulks-iow I, ... its a, au 12 eon 1311 ....... lob 34 40 Is tit, .... .. I ou 34 do ........... 4 1 00 JiguJI Porn ..... -I'91k1-(S ."Iv-- I.-'ouy oI noin., ...... I. 1. Ii ,.it ." 1, ..I, ne.- the kluosaa DIVISION COURTS.
To See It unrav,11,4. '--ell thereof ., may lie ol,ce".ry , ur lit. 21 1,,d,,,,, Sir,,, . . . 97 too 7 I 34E du .... . 00 34 do .......... J 11111 W 1b..i .0 11.11.1 ll•.tl' hon't,of.-o.1 I,ot..o,J.,I,1i. ]'III, FOLLOWING ARE TIM TIMPS,
33 d,: : : : *. ,. *.-.. 97 64 6, 34 do I. I (10 , 11 death.
What Homes intended to do. psym.ut of is.0i arIe.,* ,If taxes uu6-ca it,, 34 to 5 I 17 . . .. . I .47 do . . 00 Cuoun. ,,..d, -,,e " Illh " ..7,11111,11"I'll".., FOR HOLDING THE, DIVIPIUN
M I Put% lot 14 f, Angleara . . .. . 41 2 (to Audl wto,- w1vaut-Jil-, whose may I""s" "' the ("I'la"Y" "'Y'l".""
..Ili Ili 3" do .. ....... t I
"Its u.1 la.lul i,harg,s thereon be .01I ARLE TOWNSHIP. I : I 00 C0(7RT8 IN HURON ANI)
Very stion to %he E* mi "(leer J. :0 14 92 fill do . . .. . Ill .2 09 Morland, Watson & Co
.4 e.. 1211. ...... I (10 3!p do .... ..... J I bo "Id.. I
I maide Lrtowts us) request, 30 17 III 33 N Cloolure street ...... I ("u,;,L1 lit,"'itsJur Ci.7., BRUCH FOR TIIE RP,
And I. it I y coArin ,oil J.d tje.ij ; All Uu, I.,.I..-, It., sant-d larlisr, Mu,, rd. 141t: ...... - 34 do . . . 40 do .......... I I 00 MAIM11911, OF I HE
ght " I. I IIIIANT T4IW,N`1HIP. 37 d . .. :: I I, "'101 41 do .......... Fairs. Coj.r, It YFA&
1A ben, 1. ! I I,crc,,d, ASHFIVU) rowNtillip. 9 -u It ........ 100 21 74 .. , GG i I ()It I ,`
1.1 cs purl c/ 4or. I wili . .11'.1. A- IS d ..... .12 do .......... J I (lit Secrerfary.
I n due form re,c.: d, . - if) d" too 21 74 41 it, .... as I (Ili . . 'III REAL.
A Mut,r. and 11,uther, &lid I riewd. " Cell told .ttv. Ili, .... an li 0;11,11111 VILLA- ; ;. ";; '111*11AILIVA .1 42 do " I Go 4:1 do .......... J I (141 OFFIC?_3b43 A N 1)357. ST. I-At'l. S MEET, No, loth D'vion," Can't T-hity Is- X1,01.8,
Z I- A ....... into 13j. o, so I '. r,,,L. 43 do _ :::* d . .......... J I vo
,., 1 8,11 toil . : sa I too 44 I'mospector of Arteries,
1.11'. It h .. ........ "I 41 .1 . is I 110 ourr,yor. 2:.j do u,"J.'ad.y lq _41c.1o"jos.
I ,4 Its I'o 9 E sec. .I,- t ... I I I 4S 44 do . . _.: ,A) 41 do .... ..... J I if. Mtl III MONINIIAL. T.C.III V I N O SI( J,%. P, I...8 - I to do Tha14T W - Aw"vill.
- , As I , oil I ' *
Thus far I have stated, . to (IF R ,*.'A.7141. 'a - '73 . ... I ...... j I h F lid., Ir 2 i.. .Far*,.
And Amply relined, V11.12.AGE "ho -oar ALoE : : : : I 13 4S - . . . . I'll,
45 do As 50 do . do
. 24 .".." : * , 3 43 46 d. I (to 51 do .......... - ItAlkii Koicardus, ; JIsus 711. at, M "ad. 7 24.. .R.,ti
What It. pe-d when I ." noidle free -,. 3, Ll Aflilio aft"t ........ ... I " 4 I VQ If. GARDINER A CO., Agent- fir (toderi, It and Lucksow I yffli -74 1.1 d. Tu day I I- mud
I * ... * , 1 13 4 " 47 it I . .
11 since
lben, N ,I., ........ : , t Z') du . . . . . I I , " : : :.,. I (91 52 d a .......... J 1 410 .1.11"'.i.., %is .16.%I.. -J I S..,:-.. \ --turo y 29. A)usiol""u..
I've " parsed" oil, III it. ......... ::: I W 21; 'to . :.,. . . . 1 17 16 41 d. . .. . . I. I to) 53 do ........ . 4 1 oo site do 1x'7 , 011F.It, .
And Ili" - mosed" up ag.,to, &I 4, ............ I ou 27 do ....... 1 13 4A 33 S it,, . . .. . 11 I tit) *
lit me &ill .ovcie,.t deg ' "I % 3rd 1).,I.,,.n t'l-urt Tl day IL.K--rchmer.
.10 Is all " -me. 41 .......... I - 24 do ....... .. 12 1 1 34 do . .. . . o I 01) tl 6 do .......... J I Ito , -N """ .4 'I 40
tot sit. - ............ I no :Io do ....... 1. 13 07 36 do ..... .1 I m 60 do .......... 12111 do Fl:dity II..111"comill.10.
is it,, 1 - t; I do . .. . . : . .. . i 00 .M:
Therf onward I marched, U ". : ....... :::: I - 31 d.. : . .:: . . - -1 8 I 1 37 .I. . .. . . 11 I (a. " 11 "' THE CANADIAN, LBLIC. '.[.Nd.v 13.' W"Ittv"""'.
.1 is do '
. !,w di, d . . .. . .1 8 II 3S do . . ... 1. I (A) 62 .......... i I 00 - - Ch do . remodel N.. Viou.1try.
I 6 .::::: ...... , - 'i d'. 1. 1. I
T at I militia be - AIsi . ft 3 ....... • 2o. n 39 do . . ... I ou 63 do .......... i I : o "' do w`d_" 'v " *""'b"up"'.
to F., F.A'I'.."'. :,.,.,.::::::,. *. 34 A. ........ . IN 412 41 ,to . . ... .i I 0) I
And to fib.,tual those lrv ,.Uni,so lon;J lost; " READ THE FOLLOVVING VALU NOVEMBER.
I 11 4 & I 1) I 2nd Nvollo" C.." M ..... .v 19.Scauumb. ,
I n 111. ........... I - 3J do ,I 3 42 do . . .. . I oil ** * " * , *
When, behold ! . b,i--I,t fl.,ow, so it,: : I W : : , : ., : : . I, 6
, " 3b d. . . - 1 4, 4, du , . . ... :: I let ,O do . . . ..-. . . . i I (10 tin do Weil'.. .10V 11. W_Iesi
From the midst of %h,cl, cause :::..*.,: .. ROYAL 1) A I N Itt,31EDY ;
0 1 , 39 d" ....... .1 15 30 44 it,, 11 75 ,D'S I loth do ThAnI 21I.Ch.too
A voice so :1 I., .... I ou .......... a I 00 II A QYAI,)
-lite& my can did accu.t. %M Iv, do': ::.,.,:.,.*:: 1:. - 43 do ....... .1 14 ,13 45 do .... " ' 00
26 ,,, ............ I all . 41 d. ....... I- In 12 46 do . I (10 . 77 do .......... J 4 00 - let 'it. Fod., I 23.0cal-lo.
Through the -1 veils" I tl .,, treat ry it., . I .... ..... . a - 4" do ....... I. I0 (mi 47 do :.*.7., 11 1110 IS .......... i I 00 116 HLAI, VO; ETAFILF REMEDY FOR VAIN. Kah a. a. oo,1 .ad ir social *Iwis, (Ah do 23.1.ni.y 21. thminiousses.
. 30 III. I - 46 do ....... .. 13 47 4.14 do .1 III - d . .......... i I Ito Tl,.,,.,.I..if,... ,..,,i,ii,61-. A -Io- .... gl,t ul, *cities I.- -I..'. .I. J.-villar limp" a Sea 7,h do N,-n.!av 211. 16
' . - Ext
And succeoded.t I,,._ -,h . 0 Lia :::::::: *::: I 00 . . ... I 00 ned"..n.1 ow"pemes. 6.1 a -I. III,, I puffi.g ;' . .."gle, trial will ..I hot So loo- .1. or vableirew late life TI.y 21. " W.
- _ 1 47 do 3 47 21) N C:..rroduo : :..: : I W 61 N ratuck street ..... J I (I 1, fivol.nat.coolol,rd. itrAftylier-ul ...... haur a, Isseille Suit ..A 0.1. witis Is -
t;,IiClUUL ';IIICLOMEN t I ... ; 41 4: sla I ( oil. po.
The " , d I . : - - : - - : •:: ;h 97 62 do ...... :: .. , 4 1 Oil .11 ower u- 14, L. .,is 'ro. 25c. Full On" fer The ('.I,,- -;,ea at 10 A. All.
fly %be Si_-oet" I gmil'll,d, 'i ", :, : -::7::: 1 ou 44 d. I I . . 26 1 -.delta"* 11 mi 4 1 - I— trial eu: ,,, rejulung it - -.9i 1,
91 111sel"Illo," .... :: ...... I (It, .
no 49 d,., ....... it it 14 F 11. . . .. . I oil 63 - - utter - "I .yea,, L.,,b.. ,., I,I I., .11 [),a, .oil
ntry .9.," th -out (;&,We. I . ISAAC F. TOMS,
-d " I W) 1. 21 it,, .... I ' ' * *:: , J I 00 .-g .' 1
And quickly subtaou, . a all 11.0 d ....... I. 21 03
Employ.1'ent .bi,b 546" my mind. :::: , ::` , 51 ill. Is ,' ' 74 do ...... .. I)tl,vly Jodie U A IL
rl ....... 21 03 22 do . .... I ou - : I I '_1% U, `.r 11 I IN, is r*
4.5 iIL' ..:: ....... I .1 .52 du ....... 11 I., 42 2b th, . . .. . . to 75 .... .. . . 4 1 (so _IV 'I I I Floor -ed.*
I ii.l. it.. 4,1' 5 & 6 1. ,..- .. it Id P.1 ......kid, I "I ,.I 100 76 do .......... DAN LIZ -OV -1,
2 1, it, . ou .1 - -
3 d.: Ili. , 1. : I :1:; S ... V Ic P& X IF 8
In the, depths I then wrought, , . 14 E (I u, , - .1--.; '.*.-.: : : :' .1 t')'2 i " d`: ::.*:: " I (a) I I "I DY
And motot caref.Ily sou-Ist, I ou do I 00
1 4 d 'I., W 20 do ....... 1 2 19 33 d, .. .. .1 I 010, ":*::: -L - ork ,if the Peace.
For beers." 6, long Ii there ; A. w I MI RI d,., 2 34 do ..... .1 I oil 34 . ... . i I 00 Go&ricb, 24th July, 1866. W27
: &. . , 2 to ::::::: , :11 35 ........ I I I Oil liun n mineral I
And by Wwo, .,,it toil, 11, &I 9 34 J. I ... I .1 11 ou 1 4 11 HE most eft -teal W(otu Watroyer known. ld, fteo'14 In the taste, rad 90 thl'Y " 0
1 ch4cened r.,I. .oil, a :::: & I, I - 23 d. ........ .1 2 Io 36 do, . . .. . 11 I*) 36 do .......... J I (ill -------- - - - ____ - . __
11 -v be ad ........ [,-,,,I to 11u, 1-1,111 1'1 11 ste I -111111111,11 ci .. it ... I, of the tnu-I
is ith due care.
': ,,, it I ou 24 do ........ .. 13 ,,, 2b -N G-rin, at rest ... . . . I 00 37 do .......... 00 List. Alisi .ol.uloi .udo,,; -1`1-14 end I i.eable -,Innen, --- ""'s - """
Which re kept by the craft . &, ,I:: I ::: , It." ,1, : : : - : :... ti: 13 ,,, , d . .. •
. . .1 I (it) :4.4 - -t - led.....e. fi,Ie ... , d ---,d o i
,to 00 .L,11.1 1 ,i ,list ",, ad ....... J ,b. - P1..kN.,;,4
I ll*J1,,n,,sr,1 C., ... ..... I . I .......... I 11 , ell, solos lo. ,,. ly _I,,_ ...u.i.., t.i..... Waggon and Skigh MaNgl.
so :: 26 . " I 3 ,13 do ..... 1. I (10 11'sr ...-I ext, ! pon, I" Lvnduu. Eutil'...1 t'.
err, ivAll, 4 it. ..: ...... :.. " : ,:: ! 27 du ... :. .. . I, 13 23 33 do . .. . . 11 I 00 .39 do .......... I no p ._1 his,, sit I,, ,.,..,I .., .Iso F.,,.11,. it I— .1.. . 1- n,l.li,,.,II li, 1,, I.. .,..nd,00,,. w.lh watch
Haring- thus for 11 L1 0 1 i
I further co,itrid, 4 d.. .... *::::.,..., .. I Is, ::s do ........ 11 13 TJ :14 do ,..,. ... I I (to .......... 4 I nip Abi-iisrtby' (i-oresone [lite didil uliv m hen lie J,. ,,remit the
I 'W ............ . I ou 29 do 1. Is risouls, Iran, whe 1. 0, I CuJr , juvil.". A 1,. it,. r w, -r ...►0 irsnot ,,, .." it'. Candy or",
Among 42 do .......... i 1 too t,: e.lwl ur ....... 1".... lite I ...... All .).t. u.. I
" a I
vali,ni Kni,41sts I,, RMar ; 8 .1.1 . . . .. .. . . I -, I 19 :15 do .......... I Vo 43 .......... , I (to .11 tones it. Ii.0, d to io!1.1;I 0zle. .1 7111.11_ n-brule r1l"I um,l. 11,
And as Pilgron and K,,.,;I,t, .' "': ' " ::::::::: ': - ': '. ."a 31 l2o2 at
' ,,,, I,_ I ool:. t. t%,.kj I,% F. i .. ... . ll.,Le,& C.ul@...J r - -
... ........ I me 30 do . - .. . .. . .. I let 37 do .......... I 110 117 110 list 5 11'.."" S4.
do ....... .1 . do ..: ....... i I _" ""' . ,(', ,&...
I. & rib, suit a 10rug
I stood -a-ly to fight, 6'. 39 do .......... I 00 58 .. ....... 6.1",.`,'I ' usaijf. Uuo be, I. lottoo, 16 Luoiladkes, and E. II-I'li"u" Co.,C--I ` - I
No rec a is ......... :.: . I W 31 d . ....... I I 11.1 40 do ...... I... I 00 ' 11 00 a n dde I. J."turP. IA U.sloodill
reaut foe did I fear. 4 11 ............ 11 I M, 33 d - " 'I -," I . 0;o do .......... 4 toil (,-unity I .
7 :::::::::::: J. \: : :.*.*.. *. - LANDS & MILDUAN,
:!:: . 'I an 34 I ,2 41 do ........ : : I O' I I
For file .iduor dwrissed, a no K, do- '.. .. . .. . 1. 1. , 42 do ........ I ,, .; I ... I ...... I I 00 . I I Violrort, M -Pal, C. W.
o , "..."... I.." ..... ... ': 43 do .......... I 00 62 do .......... J I Ili$ J u.o 2!0, 1 A. I
There's a word ill in, ho,"t. 3 " : .• 11 too M W do ........ - 1; b3 . . .w& W23 4'.
For lite I : :: :::::::::::. .., I IWO 16 it" 014 44 do .... ..... I OU 63 .......... 4 I f0
belpII-sis •&,,1,,rpb,,; feei ; d., ............ I no I% it . : : :.*.,. : :. :: ; I.
4 64 do .......... J I (to - .-
, ' IIIE I ndersilrasid woul .... I .
' 4M do .......... I 00 farm the fater" ", If or" gmw
the duty of Masuils reveal I 7 d., do .... 49 do ...... ... I 010 r.11y tloit Into soft
. ::::*:..,.. ,I I oll , tio it,, .... .. I is 13 W 50 do .......... I Oil 67 ......8... still the Public 9-1 - ,I.,
To maintain the pure law, : :1: ..... I - . 9 ill I 2 ST 'RTY I he Abu,.. lonu, ,I - "m
And my sword I could draw, 'I., ..... ...... is : I I., S 7 do .. 1 (.22 44 do .......... I 00 (15 .... ..... I Oo SPECTA 1, NYFICL. I ! Pee
A.,,.I,,, I %..Ili ........ :.:: - 1101 it,, :::.** , ;1 13 0 I THE R I D G E PROPE
:,- " ;:: , to 12 G, 66 do .... ..... I too
*ritus have I revealed, : .1. ....... I M, 62 it., - - - . - .. 13 23 (19 .......... I no -4 It hljg old stand St. David 9 eel,
:I'., .... . * , I . , 11\'-, -OLTHFRINES NURSERIES. To 0 lt SALE. menced t IlL \
Which 1,,, . : .- ics .
" - - I 51 do .......... I too I
(Yet wisely corice.1,d) I 11'. ........ :::: , I MI 63 J., . . . . . . . , Is 13 23 52 do .......... I 00 pe,s.ns are sellIng I THE RESIDENCE OF THE 1_ki i: iml.
. I I ou
What the free ..sit accepted- well know; 9 d.. ............ 1. I 00 4 4 do ....... I -1 09 .S3 do ........... I oo 10 do .......... I N.%!- M U41 1 a', cv, I - no of firuc., I GALT, ESQ.
(lees ,'I lite C'll.lairs oI Ifursin so I suit having now (,it hand an car
, am .no of I he hand, n $,d-l7,:-t t Wr.1 . I I an 6.5 it,. ....... " 11 02 73 ' .... ..... I 00 ""i, iluy aie tib - i4relpl -;_-'Rst
Is, '. .,::::::: *:: I W I " I 51 do ......... I (to 74 do ........... I 1. -r the false I,Tkt,-Ilce .that 1 .,-.t of the bleat uo.w,i.1 be
, 416 ,b, ........ I '" 55 do .......... I 00 no (lined from it,-- St C.,tltelils Nurse -ten, this property is Leautifullir situated PP" ,
Who .ill faithl.11t, fitsid, .1 Well ........ .1 .: ....... :.. m 67 do ....... a 12 tot 75 .......... I -" a It ,lic,c.use,all orde It Ili his line in a way si
•I I W ! Do M,M s. Jaunt's sitwout &Hit site ,lie Town of Uoderich. a' IIIc I an . 4.110 give Illatishi'lion.
At a brother, whenever I'j,t,. t1i I A., .......... a tis e. ....... I. 12 02 56 do .......... i I 00 " I is to certify that. Tlk1S
1 1:7 d. ...... go 1 69 do .. ...... i I 00 17 do .......... 00 t1u, only li,, tworts nor N Ili It hank of she ..
----------- - eweI- sit; OF Ili N .0 do ....... .. 17 43 " . . I On I Robs,irt G,,rdsou .-Having hall great ,zlitiro-nee in this
"VII -1. % 1;Ar.NON'.'.*:%* ih, Ili. I 16 ...... * * 1, I se " I .
X.J.- .uptl .. ,,.") .......... 3.11 1 'o I'll * I * -, - - - I 1 17 43 60 it o .......... I 00 "
A MAD 01. " 11 ....... 1 .193, 37 W Lu-. mreci ...... .. 9 64 46 do ... I 00 .9 do . . I ....... I no luutip.rised tit sell trees (rum stly 'in' liiNTR .NIAITLAND,l b-oo an, slid all work in his ,,hup Wi,qr done
- i" .: : 1 in thu". C.uutiel . d- his. posissural super, ... teu&uCr, he can
sivir. Tt)*,.%.-jltl*. 39 ....... .1 14 11,
. ... ..... I (it) :f.). Saligren street ...... a D. W. 1; F ', I)l-F, - and (In the Peaks of lAke fluron. It core warrant evem nruclo made fir hit,, to be a(' -
.114 :. * , * , * I oil
I A ri
The Willa,7e OfAlITA was thrown into six 4 C- il`h('%1V,ru I's,"A .... 100 " " 41 ....... . do .......... I Piolou-tor. 'taina ::I 7-10 acres I)( I.&nd more or low, the beat iltualsty, whi:v his trrnui .,If be. lialood,
. , I I: 14 11 I 72 ' thi .......... I this a 001
estement ,,,, Tuesday morning, I-V so, rd,('%1V, I'LlWAS11111. 4 a - . . . 1 4 7, 41D 05 oi- lyrl;,,h 1)vi }louse, so, Oi,thoualc, Stables,. -y ,eilin,onole.
. ,'I W D.."el .1_.t'.*.*. .. . i.,. 7 ,* 73 do * ........... l 00 * I 25 3ilay, 1866. I Us'
nouncvment that a "mad 1-x' was lit.o,it.d. I'- 1-1 41 C.... 2.1 " 24 III I . 41 do .......... I 1 04 .
ing the orravel road northwurd. It .appears S "' ' E 0 , I 6!h ,.,.,.,:.,.,.,.*.-. !,I. -: .I 61. III, ....... 7 04 r.. with carat (;.,do.. onstv st'd Orchard
, N 1.-t4 .......... - 14 11 21 I' CLur, 1, .Ire,( ...... 1. 10 04 115 I (10 .
that a steer, purchamitA by .Mr. K ronsar, and N E pt " tdo .:::::-.:::: I 11 ... 56 L ;Farmers give him a call 1
15 0 13 22 d" 13 ST do ':.*. J I. (10 11 TIF undoo-Aig"d, Agents for The AbI,,e I lie 'ol".."I I.orel cooll:ts to,beil silly .if Oak an -I see for yourvi
being cl ailing with other began N "' sI I'- I 6 06 40 .......... I 00 "' i I 00 a %*unoroies, are joepa!ed to fill •all order .lid the fl-,-,roig Lo d r, Ilir,ry, M'spie 7 lee. I , % - Itome ,I,,--;.ir And jobbior of all
" Iroa st W "I a * * 6 95 i ' - OU ....... in their hue, still LSOL they- mwLe- tLeic, aid- 'I be f4r, ut,d- are Ili %cry good enter. lbere
- ", "' :,: - - : :: 2,1 i .. - :, 2 77 ,.\ -16
oui I likilloni - zi do :::: .: I .
* . . It.
a, cut of) Tough- about a mshr abs ire .Uma. Be,. ef 6 du (:.f h. 28 do . . ... .. . .: I ,,! . ,79 do . .......... 1 14 W Victoria sheet .... J 4 00 - j ki ,ohistrielli sinind,I] in I
help, A ) 15o ug so j parl ,.L.toi ., .. : '19 , do ,.* ........ I 00 ,; .
The drover went to the riAzoi fJr mi III 20 mai I . ... ! 4 ; t, i 2 do ...... 'a
: ,I.- ...... ... ....... it 80 do .......... I (10 three-lemiths 4 00, llio"s Piccalilli %I-eir positions relay rely Ulion a,#. IfIrvo never fi,i:in , springs of pure wet.,
taking back with him two men to assist In , it.. Is so it. 1. 31 ....... . I :I- tij 28 .1 ........ do 4 00 Is% fini, too jesin will be Pl-ared to give hattip- (in the Prope-ty The situation fur a private . LEWIS ELLIOTT.
driv ... f his steership to town. The infuriated sir IA , 0 'Ju It off $1 do ......... ;;- I 00 to E do .......... 4 (to lactlull. S residence "naut be surfaiisod sit the prow. Godelich. Doe.. 24b. 1666. 1 W499
lit 331 ,
......... 10 2410, 11 36 ....... 1. 3 46 j12 do WAI:T & GO11110N. ,,I,-. - - . L I
bed at theaso, arid scattered them in R2 .1,. 121 I. a ....... 11 ; ... __ I E - . -_ -_ __.- - -
3 14.>IeW . . a 'Its 9 n '.*"*"\' 1 12 d,, 4 00 . I
M' 2 'AISLLY 23 8 do ......... , I 00 .1
double k time. S. thoroughly were 7 VILLAGE OF I I 2 . , Wil lia street..... . . .. June lot. j.^: Far le -sons apt' in
" Ec VILLAGEOW AISLE VVILU. 1.04 I . 26 do ....... I 00' I I 00
0 It"" that it wax ,emed ad 122 . . . - .. In Fld.Ie. 26 do .......... I I oil ---- -- - ---- 19
1, .- A -01 4 Q,;,,. of park fut 5 E. Q n limotister, To
it. I" . - 21 or .......... . en '; Otsl. ll'.ALT. E I BARK WANTED.
they am us - . 27 do ..., 00 r -a,,, HEMLO I
Be word to the citiz of Ahow, I , !, I I \ N - -
to prepare for the counioz raid and met heir I L*NDSTORSALE. I
volatile to send I Us LIX,rr. 'row%A111p. .1 . .,; ....... 11 5 40 28 do .... ..... , I 00 2ii .......... J I tiol . I or D. SHAPE G00I)INI;, 'I 11 Elaults, rifw-r,.sntA I 000 Ponds , f. Ire.-
- on Centtl ... Til 14 12, 7 -1 11 ....... 8 Is 29 do .......... I I 00 2tP do .......... i I 60 1, I 1,
11 it,. - ;lul ".100 OIJ21 1 K Qn,tin Ilrelost ' William street .... i I 0 ]I,,, Lots, I-, which the hi-thossit market
houses in order. Mr. Joasnen Grallaw volun. IV -V o" .30 do .......... I 00 12 N 0 VOK Ial,lt,l? r ...... Ill, I'm; , I'll. In and I I "mirrustoti Guillerieh.
leered to act &A messenger, taking with hics, 11 , ; Godfrich. Gib July. 11466. 1-901
VILLAGE OF 111APICHENTE H-. W".h .... . 11 it? . 3:1 am;_ do .......... I I on A - 1) 1"u:I"p .4 Cri-enoel'.( ....... ly I. . , I, ire .111 Its, III ill cash on deli,e,y at his
to 1 33 do .., ....... . I'
,be donsurev's buggy so as to expedite his move. MI ..... I .......... I 9 92 •
6114.1th(K-K 170%11`1`11; Ip. - I 00 :16 .......... I I OOIBM:c.. I`*, lora r..loon A):-- e -oh. 40 1 yard at the I)ock.
But enemy wall to the path. RAY IN)"'NA11111". 34 1 ,,,,, ,,;, ,._,; ,,... The ,.,.if I. lint -rare, ____ ___
7 50 24 67 .......... so ."611 ... . . W. lot. SAVAGE
Cell 1 31 h ,eI, 1: ........ (ill so 54 D 50 6 13 118 ........ j 1 041 ..", in 5, t.;..,b,l:,.
13 1 A con 1 %,I I :.. 35 do I ,xrt; I .... Isrod. No t
ments. do .......... I 3T do _ ........ 4 1 (10
The of ,!,too4_ between Mr. Graham slid 83 ku, R" - I IN I.A IS9 , \T. 'istorm-Illp.
VII.I.A"I: OF Zi Rit'll'. Ila, 3,4 do .......... I no ". ,:I,;.2: F 0 it SALE. WOOL I
05 P., zl I do ... . I... - '
A:. an hill doubted Mr. G. put on lite .47 9 do : ......... I I no, .. ., re- -A, I—, 1`00 I. ehre,f .; ";h
,, , .1 K I 00 " At- I. -f- 11 sio-I 1,S.
red, d hi's h-ry made a rodent 'rush for 113 . - . - . 11.1;iAll to too I I. it-trangeS,I)IIII ... W 26 43 39 du
do ..... .... i I 00,E,,,,I,j,tw.i,.wat,r,,Ilai,,I-I,iiit*r.,ard%. I
the south polls. I'Le steer calculated that VlI,1,4I;1:.)F L lKIA. IN%v ... 11.). 2 "I do ,\ \ .... 60 2,-, .,ii# .19 do .......... I 041 ............ 4 1 00. 21.11.1 .-I noir. from ,-..len.. b.* (;.-., tr,.,e L-n
I .,.bd,(,-:. I a j.k, It, .I I., we -fink 4 11 3 do ,,I'. . . bo 26 sum 40, do .......... I 00 .. & I no L S ... I .i.e.l. .old eoultu'l.,61c 1,.6: I'll".., And oll". So 'MIF subscriloer is prepared to pay the
be would not soand that sort of th,:.g, and I 8 2nd do 4* do .... I .... ACRES ofl,oiNo.32, East Lake
guide a rush at the bug Il 111, III. 11 11 41 do .......... I 00 . Io.burd. W.H be "'Id -p.l.te .'sitistell.'ri" Road, Holy. looglorist market priam for on, quantity a
d. .1.1 : - ' A .
Ilis aim won - :: In KINCAIAWN? i ' 00 ....... .. Jew.1p,jrelts"... Apal '-fl(),
St Wni .beet he ownto 41 . 12 eon 2 ... IS OR .... 1 6 .4 J, 1. -
a '*[I IIIP: 4" i I 00
perfect. ril,in;; at the 3 ,I,, it., .. 6 `rJ TOWN !,o " 37 42 do . I I do , I 00 I T . _ . W144
do .1 4 .',, I -:-: ...... t 11 00 I ;BXSTOF1. , FIRST aw RATE LAND : carol.
it tosmithereenes, slid coarmized the vehicle - do 6 Jrd N Is It .... .50 62 1.4) 413 do . . ....... 5 ,.I ......... A 00 Termso;vy.sp,,Iy is --- - -
sold Mr. Graham. Fortunately the ll,,ree 6 to do is 4 51, K 1.14"A R I 11 N E VI LLAGN, \ . 41 do .......... I (10 . ,: . :* ... I W . i , J 0 1 1 .\ .I: -1 0 1% '0101.1 be preousers. I CV ) 1) E 1. I t , I I
. 7 1.3 ` d .......... 4 I 00 ,or .1steper, . PON A lit) A17TI1 EALAND
., it d" 11 4 5s 24 ll -.' Adel, oole street .... if 07 45 do. .......... I 00 . , looderk I- I 'I
was set lase, sind Mr. G. making a lure,,,, V dal do 11 4 6h is W .to .... 1 "_ 7 43 54 ii. ......... i I 00 on the premix, -s, or . .
landed ( n the back of his trusty steed, arid 9 .. I 46 do' .......... I no 55 do .. ....... J I (I(,! Q rs;. !3 116", . ..", ' I
do do 1. 4 5, 14 do . . . ., .1174T do .......... I no I -----, --- - - 11. C. CAMERON,
put. A'rrivinA Ili Alma, a gou,I stios withis \ 10 tit, d. 4 5, 10 N 11orhe ... ..... I .... it 11 ." 56 . ..: . ..... j I 00 . WAGON &CARRIAGE
true rifle, was soon procured, and reinforced 11 - d do 11 4 314 9 Dorlou., %task. I .... , 14 1 , 48 do .......... i I 00 57 do .. ... ... J I on Oo4prica.
it . .. 4 5,, 12 W V-1,ing.'re Row ... I 0 trio , - i I on %derich. April. k864. wl4.ti
Mr. G returned to the rrmy. A good nim was 12 d. I ll 60 do .......... 53 , . . . I For Sale Nap W6hl I - -
taken, and the steer wall speedily biting the 13 da, .. 4 US 15 it. : ::,: 10 ". ,i 61 , do .......... I 00 61 do .:::::::.- I 1 '('1001 -
1.11 it d'. 'I- 4 bir 17 d, I 9 4.5 52, do .......... I 00 . I .
dust. It was well that rnies concerned N-11 1,Ar,F OF SEAFORTII in 14,lit.11op-ol 3o do .... j 10 -,9 53 " do .......... I I 00 it 2 .......... 'I foo I ?I HE ppd.h, ilie und.r. . FOR SALE - 9
acted with such prornfAim o. or osseireml lives 3, ' .............. bIth 3 60 5 E Honor Irna, a It 22 63 do .......... J I 01) ,ogir" d'" li"1111h, the wv 11"ll."""P 4 MultlielAvIlIc, Ili
lit 6^,e been taken by the maddened ani 17 do q 54 do .......... 00 a I 11
- X) ::: . i 57 do . .......... I Oil I 110 (Inc Tut, I" 4.1 a ml!c 6, In the Still Well. STEAM ENGINE, twelve horout power, and . -
VILLAUE Ols' ROXIIIIII(Ol"ill : ... I ." (22 1; . .. I.
On One r. re and a quttip,r of
ti. Mr. Graham, we are sorry to add, was ..I M'K.N..p. I 61 land ,in the side .
considerably1 3 62 1 11., W"hit"..1 ... rg I I 7 :a 54 do .......... I 00 2.". do :::**.:'** I c bush it unif the bntlrr Art nearly new hoving - .
bruised slid cut on tLe arm, 6 .A .......... 4 N' [,r,ml4,,h -1,rii I ... I 4 qt 61 do .......... I on. 26 do .......... I 00 hill. bla,tilullY •a 1"Kild, ell-MR01:1114i lil new been in tkie only six months. For furtiltor
when thrown from the buzge but his wotoul R ( 27 .......... i I too of the Rover )Iait;.nd and the harbor, and particulars apply to - ...
or ' ' . TILLAO jl sof) ,(- A R WIN 1: 0)9 21) W Quite. mrt ... j Iso 16 62 do .......... I off 24 do ....... I.: *I lierar- Iwo wl -Ilq -4- - 1; - - -
said".4by for. Walles"'. -I'd we hop, A.;Iol.. 63 1 d. .... i 10 h:, I 116 a comfortable collool . DAVID LAW90N. I
that he will , " .;,,, . daya,- Z3 .............. i 3 -, 'a 64 111. : ::: I : 3 '14 (13 do .......... J I (14) ..
ill fl,tor I 29 . I good water. Al.. . .I,ct:on of choice Goderich, AnZ. 20th, leGoi. .W1111i
I off 1 ire
Elora 06terver. . STEPHEN 4\0W.NSAII 13 N it,, 0 4 ...:
I 1.1 W G r,,sve'n or -street . . J 4 (10 3111 do .. . .. '.. .. J I ", , B& ZL 33 IX .T IM C3 t C31 Jr 'y .
. j- to ....... 50 20 30 35 ,It, .... j 12 At 22 do .......... 4 Olt :it . , 1:0
Vu. I I oil 4 I so tt. ps"ioiculars apply r -n the r.ri,ssis to If EhIsr. -
TA X 1. E V To WNS I I I 1'. 49 it., . . .. •. i I. 2, 2.4 do .......... J 4 00
A S111 AT .'igbgMf).v 74) IjIRLF -There in l 21 S 32 W P-- wift-11. . ... J I. 17 32 do .. I (to \ )C )1. S()Mr1tS, MONEY TO LEND per IPP,,.,,O,-.-r,?.,w,,,,:,I*,,,,,.,.,.,t. the poboo,
0 P. ("I. 4. 1, ...... 50 12 S3 . I . . .. . 2 4, . I or at the Signut cifieli. cent on imporroVed Fartnot, and no -charges T .1 IIoa -I Hro thisi he he. on blood
.note for -e " ,,3 52 ob 2 E d. 111 31 do .......... J 4 00 33 i I (10 , Ad '.
"I :1 ftruth,ths,nelezance of league. I Mi 1, I Id R .ad IN 49 a., . . .. . i 6 .*0 20 F (10 .... 4 of, * . . a will Mali, to oonler, ( .•..... ri,., W.Norts'lli.'.
do . . . . . . ,43 !sq Mi I Godoir July 14, I s-66. . I w2.'jtf mude stamst it& borrower. -I'l ,-h
. bit binawing which is talien f-m an 2 ` : 31 do .......... I 00 !! Ju_ - - - -_ A pi,fy to rovm,,%e-,.fiobwII1I, I, e.p l,-..h.r
American paper; I -diem -raged birds of V R ""! ...... 4 11 !ill) .'is; W Vo-I'Ai. onset .. .. . I ?I U41 22 do ......... 4 1) so 35 ."'•""'
i I (10 __ 1). SIIAI)E GOODIN . appor.ilidert,sla. 4,w he,.] ,ad fur ..I. ,heel,.
beautiful plumage, but sickly looks-lide pets 7 , 0 ....... 4i 12 44 .57 do . . .. . I -4 %7 . 1 2 W Gray .......... I (I 6 L'I do .' *. n,
I 5 , :;.I ...... . !, 1 :3 42 I ". 9 do . . .. . i Ill 72 1:1 do .......... I Oil 1, I 00 I WHO WANTS A HOME 1 I Barrister. 1IF'Sal-1.1 he- -t-. recisilred the Aflocrory
a( the parlor, who vegetate in an unlica:illy 9 III, ...... I . 6 4 63 16 do .... I I 42 it do .......... I no 46 .......... j I too . West Street, Goderich. T.1`1h.Crhihr.lr,I
atmoorlsocre like the powto germinalinz in a \ 5 Renwe r ....... 31 4 11 10 E V,ret..,c R- ... A 16 o.-, I ." do .......... j I Olt 47 do .......... I I 00 ,
dark crier, why do y,ou not go out into the \ 3 E ........ 6 3 92 14 .]I, .... I 10 K" .110 .......... I on - rot
-1 uwlxu TA`11- & racriorti T April 2flih, III w141 BALL'S 0 li I n, COMBINED
open air said worm sunshow, %lid get lustre to 1`3 N ........ it 4 9 141 Smoug". .1 II4.1l.....l.", .o.c-lon, h 5 .N9 I I, it') ........ :I\x 11 00 531 do ..... 0 THF . __ - ________ _.-
.. - 41,
slid V do ." . . I. .4 77 17 Jo ....... I 0 F01t SALE. REAPER AND MOWER,
ycar eyes, and bloom to your cheeks, ILLssOF (IF HAYFIt.l.,I) : o do ... 6 22 19 do .......... I O,0" .,. .... * "' * * I no In the Town and ToWP41111 of G(ollerichl
e:64ticol in your stepil, slid vigor to your 258 In :;I..I. Y. . 19 69 Ili 5 Is"Aidev"y ... 1. S I to •20 do . ......... : \ I or) 53 do .......... I 00 in offered for-Isaiv, on lite Most leagotsab'v 1-1 AN I FAC I t; It f. 1) It Y
. ;3 54 1 (so to .* viz -
, 10i's, I ill : : :.*. *. *. I ,.: : 9 32 d ::: :'- 311 2 21 do ......... I to() , f'dl ,-`v 9 and 1, tars. 11, ," the I.-Inp lit
frana,-to Tooke LnoinIr exercise let I . 1, I I N
) -is 22, 55 **""" SAWYER OF HAMILTON,
youre,re, iring-pand russullittlebill ". mi do .......... I 00 . JAIt962, Norlhottreet, mljoiniuz tit, -t-,,I--It.',),-,.,-,,;f,*,-1'2-,-r,-1.4.,.Ih
70 ........... do ... 11 .1, '40 22 do I, I ,..t --,Iv 1,,..,r .it Nit 2 in Ine loth ,,,I.
2q3 , ': ....... ::- I " .
wager, corer-1
down &gain file fun ; room the I .......... I Is ., - N .......... I .
2 N it,, ... 1. 6 31 2:1 do ....... oil I 00 W, Bleyrin Methorliolt Church, is. 4-4c, joh, - W- () I .h,,l. lime been de..Jora t,, I, ,lie most complete
lielde, clinalso,the knees, Itimp the ditcheiii 294 .......... 1 6 34 11 4 9 Canford sourer...... 0( 2. I,nts I2 and 1: nn the corner 61' Nest4-uhrA, 84 tier mi,ii; and 20 Tillers little ,a ,mp1c.1 uI the it,.,' now nuoic.
293 . . .. . 6 34 3 do ... 6 .14 35 do .......... I Olt aWJ Is is -1,,prnev $30.ou s,b antsinswoOds. Ap.
the lit"Aa, %ad After a dav of cxhi'ati-6g ... . .. . I 6 31 . 4 do ... 1. so 34 21 S Ifuron street .. .... 4 1 (It: and Wellington Streets. On 1:1 there & ;;..I,r,,
'liber1r, go I.umr 290 1 12 to .. 2 0.1 12 I, do .......... I 00 I sub of Park lots !, A 10 gond frisme hytiolte anti bakery. Ay I., JOINN PAISSMORE,
exercise and urrestrained ' A : : : .. ....- ....-.-: 11 , " hl I So Me,fli Avenue ' 8 47 24 do .......... I foo 8 Clarendon street . .. I I no , C /- Toe
lots fui in all excellent site for a 1`1108 WHATUFRALI), .19111111 v1:10ribstv"Isilloderm.b.
wrisbanAppetite acquimd by beft,ty onploy (3ods,reris - Arrillost wits do
I K .......... J 12 Ill - i 3 is., ... 11 8 47 XI do .......... I 00 __ ____:__ _ _ I
Mont. The blooming braut',ul younA E po Gore M ........... '.' 11.1 ... I. 2 do .......... I I 00 hotel ! ____ . ____ - - __ _
1w 16 27 4 5 6h 31 do .......... I 00,
y-orlsome-chelikeA arid liturlit eyed-wh,- .5 Riv, r lit Ni AuIlrewria 1 7 3 ......... I I 00 .1. Lot 113 on laighilicitow Street, upo,
mend 6) du ... 1 *33 11, do ... .1 5 6" 13 W Grenville street .. I ou F; 0 " Take Not1de. I
lison darn sioeking-lo, her own flocks. 1( 1 17 do ... is 14 02 4 do .......... I 0111 which there is it large finno, luiume, so at 0'r - i 4 1
it,, ... 1 7 0 I 10 do ... . , 10 34 It do .......... I all ,
command a regiment rel to And kettles, feed VILLAGE --F SHI's"r,FIELD 26 . d. . - . .. 4 .116 1 9 do .... I 00 \1 6 ..........
I 00 ranged am to nct-rointricd.to Three larsoliesi. 0 z I 1 .4
The pigs. milk the rows, `ld III, •a laity when 7 do ......... i I 00 4. l,ot 191 rm the comer of El oex .it-] 01 . :
. In Soiril,ly. 45 it., ... 11 10 IA 20 do .......... I 00 a
required, is the girl that young moll are I,. , 2 11101I.I.10.11. Stolrev .... .. I 8 34 46 tit, ... Is H 69 2 .5, do ". ......... I oil 8 ,a I no F,.I";n attests, upon %,)):ell theto is munah ;4 U '0`0- 1 !2 . I
quest of for a wile. ltlit,y.0 poo6g, dried up N do 9 do .......... I I 00 frame hr,t so still -I good orchard, Z -, -
I VlLf,A(;h I+ IVA'( EFIELD 1 27 do .......... I no lioll • Am
wasp wanted, doll dremsed. C.11sun)Pt,U no nor. '. 1'.. it ... ..... I Is. . it., ::: , I "I .'S'l 29 do ... ...... I Oo 0 1 ill) .5. Park lot 14. con. 11 C " Ili the Town I : L.)
d nor, I, t I tin 4 it., . - . 11 I'll I '.'.*.'*** ... Ck►SAMt*F.I, PulA,orK, E
tinged, music murdering,fto u,'i n ,r 17 Arma1,u.w'- .Survey .. - one -filth I I 11 \ do ....... , i 1 04 shir of tioderich, comaining I 0 acres ,if ,x goo - = IV., Issia rhari
.10 J`r .1 32 do .......... I 00 _ 'J .Slieriffli been appollool of AmI
daughter of (Psion and I Illsor-ot -you am I ... is . . .... I Is do ., `1 11 \ .......... I I 00 eel ,-tit hind, UI .... I thin lot there is •oil " 0 ee under the Insolvent Act of IM44 for sibill
:: I ol: S - - . ' - - E .
more fit for matrimony than a pull is 11111,D.n.ld'. Sum". - .. I v ... 5 !, 36 it sis .......... I Do 13 do .......... I I (10 cpllf tit Tw,) Soory It, Ick Houle. Fritme. flaro Pill Is am
,A el , do . .. . . .. I 00 27 .1. ... i . 29 26 7 %T Huron street ..... 4 60 . OM '4 W United Counties of Ifuron and Bruce.
after a bra S,,::.`n 11 ,\ , no do ... : ..... : 00 roul, outbuilthri Also, a good hearing W li`Il I *MI i ,; Office in Camsercil's Block KiV
of fourteen chic . ;, of Ili L LAO E OF 11 A it Pt I H It F. Y PORT II.I.OIN I*il,I.AOIP \ do .......... 4 0 11 t 00 orchard of choice fruit. Illifill
troth its. nor dear girls, vas .ant 1,4. fashion., in t-aulsern. 5 \ i 11 ,
., -rfy ofaction,irl .. To,li-seuvolh. A 5 BI k 5 .... osir-rinh a " `I9 do .......... 4 0 16 ,,:.:-: - .. I I 00 0:>- This Is one of the, best situations fors 0 Q CD .0 losto" strect.
slolic r -iii t,00sd more I hit IS F,, -I-'- Sort" I I 00. 20 do .......... 4 00 i M - W56
it , 46 d 3 9." 1 1 do . . \.\. - oil . Z I C -g Follismam 20th. 1866.
.. 41 :::: 1. 1, 12 41 12 E it . .......... 4 f) 3 ...... ::.. -
n * 95 b .14 29 it,) .......... 4 1 X I, . 1, 1, ', *, I, _
lr,t, len a emal part .... more le; exercise 8 CA.W. it, :.*.: , * G \..'... I I 00 pri at, reftiden" in III, -.. ba 7 -_ -_ - - -
far more lodd..g and ley piano, d. -- .: A I on I , : : :: : :: I G. A N " FA It M- 1 17 acres.
-8110 it., . .. . . . off 11 41, NiOn I,oim 97 and 1:1, adjoining insist one fronting 0 " i DAYS, ROTEL
. _. I I 01) to I if .... ..... I I no "
And .. 0 0
mom I forces and less mocu modem) 16 1 1 - 11 it I do - .
13 it, .. . .. .. oil ' . Ilisto street ... three-lenths 17 1.1 24 00 ►oil the Huron R "
, 24 it., I 00 - I i ;1
ii,'94 your waist sirings slid breath the .7. , W. ., I X " .,tell, &lid lite other on the z .4 1 .
here, and become surneillinj as flis W,q.b,V,. I ,,:: , a 6.9 23 do .......... 2 - 2.11 do ........ I 00 mrirrnih cor,ersion, lit the Township of - :- "" I
Poe* - ..... : 010 Sm d :.,:.*. I. 7 2.
flostillaunni'loseautilal as nature Ilessilued. 21 51 .... 11 9 fill 21 do .......... 1 23 30 2G .......... I I 00 il.nderich. 4o scrosIs cleared slid under rule " a 1q., omotid..1ho (;,.,,,I X d ,"na,"g.,ner,
WA W A,N 0.1411 TO)V -4 I I I P. 1 33 .5 # . . ... .1 6 49 Park lot A do .......... 4 21 22 31 do .......... I I 00 va;ion, upon which there is a trick I
.- 2110 137, 23 .. : I.,611mir isonsiI W- 0 1 :4 , Sel- 1, -11 Is t n S ... oloseni rise rn.li, soirth a
3.i Cvu let . .. . ... 43 45 . .. . . 10 (a 2 12 12 Whwe-ll,sd-.01. MI anti anyone lose
find ...... 110 .4 do .......... .1 I .......... on tiny-.,, game hill 11 And is
A CarTsas To %IAGIAXIIATRA.-At the re. " WI 23 .1 ' 3; do .......... 0
1. 21 !, 44 do ...... . 11 14 07 211S If .......... 219 117 g6 ! elicit on
51 - do . . .. . .1 I " A LARUEORCHARD. -4
tionlecourtelfassize fur the enooltv of flaust. , 4 1 21 4th ' . . .. ... 00 %. 24 11 59 . . 21 2"i 22 I.Ake street ..... ... 00 "Isr, H4 11 , , BeIMOTe. Walkerton, Southamptoo,
VILLAGE01' 101 %GANXOX lit .111 3s .......... 00 I 01 , ---
ines, held at Belleville, was trieJ 'an action 53 do . . .. . 11 I 00 'I 5 miles ir. n Goriench. lessooll 0 k
brought by one Graham axihinat three ,e. no Wft.h. lot 51 N J 28 do .......... 37 do .......... -_ 00 This farm is situate I - of ."irtiolm".. that do"toin'.d1liold ... r.0"
39 I'leM.th' .oreev I 0 84 of 60 . . .. . .. 14 62 Sa 33 do .......... I Oil - Arid I from Clinton, It is gof,d tolling, land, $4 r- H .5 60 " x (I -6 A. hr only ,v role ind.t fiell .too
mod Crow, 67 it,, . .. . . Its fit -
apectable ja ;eira of the pea" mi 11 J. MACDO,l ,I.
"' Vlf,-Af;t. I 11 AT. HELENS 11 do . .. I on well-water.A. anti has a good gravel road on 0 , z 3 ilot,hot.l.,.. otill,ciloe, I.
W) MA 6.5 . . .. . .1 4; ....... a R. ;;olsw -
it,. Chisholm and Factor. for neglecting I,,. no 04 44 32 11 liouiss street ...... I too Sherjors Ofll I'llseriflo It. two Sido* of it. -4 0 U 0 ,
.w.un.h. so ,I eel I ICE ALWAYS ON HAND
make a return of a sro;,lriction against the II7 loolisiber's, .,.,,,v..b .(lot is 8: d", '. ,.,.,. *. :: '12 !, .1.4 do .......... I no I IM66. I , or terms And conditions of Asia apply to .!v Q -1 ^n
pi.ii.t,ff to the clock of Ill- plesell. .lib!" the con I lots ...... I 8 O? l'i'l) 73 ... . . .1 4 92M .19 do .......... I on Ociderich, 20th Jo T, " RGE M( MAHON, cor to S W I, rex
Clow specifi-d by law. Thc, doreliet.,,n of VILLAGE OF HLY I*H toil do . - - . 1. 4 " I 00 ____ S. 1'. YFOMANA, 4 J - i -6. Trout -Fishing Friends!
40 do .......... - () 0: al c.
"was substantially proven, end the, disfen oo witiviosi lot d., . - - . is 4 "A 45 do .......... A tiorney. kc. Goderich. T"X FIVILPINCIAVOTIOr A I.PNI;Tn nip
dommis were oI I. I— a il-rdwt of Ilwo 14 : : : : *.,. *.*.* ,. ...... . 61.1, 17 67 01 I on Af ON HY 'R) 1,END. a C , .
Attention each of the., i or e,,njni \ a -
. i - - ': '. ' I " I Ith July. 1866. *25if 0 c I All UNDRED AND FIFTV FEET.
ly al".1
to Is 61 1 '41.) ,!' : .. . :: I -an 46 do . . I 00 "dollol -
`1•, it .." ,. . .... . 1, 11 go 47 do . . : * , , * , " 00 \ I
" ft ishili f2 9) A 1") 49 .......... I THE HURON & ERIE - __ - W I .- 'S DA Yal,
all le,so, $140. The viosg,orate, a I@4 I " : : : : : : :.-: : :, " " I . do . - - . so , I do ..... :* '. * * I 00 I I. _ . , CHAMA,
Ineommit, thism"Itrell in ..11 -ting to A). 23 .......... 1. 14 Ill III it- , , . . .. . " if 9111 21 9 do .......... 0 ;04 .
colow"troas insweeduistAT, Arid this owes. so .,I] inn SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY. \•
wilf-1. Propoiloterr. '
. 174 do .... " 7 .d -
00DERICH TOWS. is 10 I!, 22 d is .......... I On 0 - --------.- , - ,
her not exactly of ,," if,soccol, 175 do . - ... to I The .bo- ,4,-,tv n. prepared lornalre -4 .R
" was t1li a 01 .......... 1 2:1 ". k-6HSALE. .) 4 W I
thin, VI - if a Much sinol.r character, loss 26 011 176 40 %_ do .......... I 00 I
low . I no 0 I (I 7 37 do . ........ I I PC
be last county entire for F,raj,no.., I I". : : : : : : :: : : f77 40 . .. " 7 . * no JL:E)0'V1.AL I%T C Ijmfis [,(,Tlt Anit. V 1'7=iAw ':-. 6 1 XONEY TO LM,
2f9 1 17 .1, 1 111111 " . - .: : " 15 Ili I h N Larsdo a street ... 12 A- ON IMPROVED . 1. . "'i I n '.. on the Q
ross"It'. . t in li%, .( the plaintiff, should portico , * ........ 1 33 nom lot So . - - . 1. 9 32 on I T - - --1:04 - - -L"- - -.----,
. ihcm to corl"orn st'ittly to The 314 .......... I to Ii I 10 S5 31 V Mary street ...... J I on 3Pa z -23a 2:l`r,c)i3p4nx-t-y. Fw- 'odorich. . h.ve Los a are heard.- IN 'APROVil) FARMA•
Y4 4 . .. 1117 to fully - seed, tromorandniq lint?, a Rover
gi IlTil : : : : : : :: : : 1 "" I4, 0, - :: do . . . .. ...., J I Oil ON MOST Af)VANTA(;roi'4 TER14,,i. IAL. I -W. r1milisto."or RNA" on - si
1,1.:Irnln 1.1,1... - Ki.l.m. who'. :. . : 74 33 '"' S@ A I
- - __ 1102 . .. . .. . ... .. vitinh .ir37 11 I The, coal rof 1411"t.3,11 Lines Will lie (onad *ad Altai a very oic,ii girl ,ow, Air Ore.. I -AI.90,-
- 40 017 . . . * . I 10' do ........... J 0 1. .:'onervel.1'aci IMPROVED FARMS Foi
tjpe fi; 41 it,, . is .:. 11 So .1.1 .11.1h IV" $1ole. Ii,61 a tot-Inp. no 0 romm., "lif W.'evic "o, re. potteries, and til-ilic- t '
I I ri "'
It 1-81 I
I- hea.
I . .... affl. ,J '.. 71(l
Tit N.%;:I_;;pWWr
, I ndensiffasid aro -i
I :-,M;- -
I I I Ivid 8 tin
1 1
1 R
74 * , , ,:..,.. , * I on o,
"'Im" Oust the 'q-)Ithwl"O" 1114 .......... " 3 tit 1. ,I 11 do , lis Th,",,obioriect. folles Horr,,tor P I
06 I 35 4 be ell , 'k 14"relve flw 1.11 Amn"not of J01I A C11ILLANPEll. IT 14, ,(in 4, flativielor 110 ro,rss. In
by the ).to (insist a" erafflelinot. On" near. 11 I" I is to the I,ars. tor.1hott any ""i"d """""'I""o" V J. n. nORt)A I .
Illoases relative to the injury 0 ibis since e 11 13 Its I. ... . " I , I " is . fen -
rop It" .......... t 06 0 , on , of Mine, to Invelift In Town Nott,191
6.' _1IiLI.A(JK. . .16 0 ... . . d.f."f'oo being Insists for
Ian ties I*- I,owls I he cents, has been aurtsiorl. ^ : :: : :: : * : : :., 410 J`sIIIT'I'l'1`A'1101f-hiiI1 do , * , :. . , . * : I 00 10 Quality St., l,roh, Met" elosessirl, •ala^ first 43, r,in 14, 'Wn- , I
13" ...... i*.. . .1 it 70 34 *4 Assisinsia street ... I M 37 dn .......... I On Iftlene" or PSY ple," &I'sair'. foorollsoed. won -41t, 200 serpt of this left., I 00 or 200 Barrister, leer., 0ArI Is
y, injected, whole oil high ji,nomfol, it hoole A 40 11.1 .... I I On Its:lres .AT be .1 hL"`lhlv,"',oV"lT1 Or to NOR AGN "Olt-Millf, 1:84., soodscor", Ser", to suit poschamers. Terms liberal and Ooderiek. Flont. 13, 1864. alloVi
.......... I 9 01 Is , .19 do .......... I an ..."'WI, 7
1: Toronto mi.. Par% 4 Met. 21 A. . . . . M t, lot over a per a( fr.)ra on Ilifteris
Tit- first silk dessm, posi ever ,ohni in stamps 9 .7 -.0th 04 41 94 9 A lesciel . . . •. :" I An 40 do .......... 00 ) . Undermost, 111h April, 11011, Isell a reasonable credit given as a payment Aown.
.1 I -I.- ______ ----- --- Tides indisputable. ArI to BrItIshAfnerlinsonAsturbsonfCor. ,
latess sq 112 N Arilin, .... . I I on 41 do .......... I On
"if -m end on the fith 'net. do it, I I 1`0111,111FI.I. PARTU-I'LAR111 APPI.TTo MON` to IAaa at reasonable vote
ren 11 reft A .... ,., " I its, 4. .... .1 I m 42 do .......... 00 R. FRAT.Tr,,,
Rr*Wn in Toronto am pay.ag One for (I I . .. , , 70 IT do ...I of I M 41 do ...... , I (10 $-POLLOCK, A ly to Dingle. FIRE A MARINE.
0% of that bank bf V, pror Canada. - I be.w can' C' Itol " W, Pt it,, A I;Z:od Vellsol.or for, I he worlety at ood-,.S T C. CAVER01 Na Illit, Ififill.
6 on, 17 load IN . C., dow : : ::s '; .' on 49 do ........ . - . I 00 , I I wiftf JOHIJ E490N Actions. ,
"' I •(10 reh.G.W., low W13 Goderiesh Bayfield. C. W., April Ifi, 1866. tell