HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-10-25, Page 2\
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--__ _- _ _ _r .-_ _ _ _ --- -- - eirnt imporlurp N be submitted to the e
uian zgn 1, It.to rut, CxruJj has array reesoa 1. be I'ue O1PW -L V CASTLE.) THE LUCIKN, 6W EXHIBI- gntar, -Aja ram, 8 entries, let Georgo' Our Irish :.atter. I *•Ilial movesse.
thankful and 1 e nice. 'VIOLA. Cam bell • '2n William Laas ; Jeal, George peror, rhos alter wlailrpiut •nisi, bale lie
7 A vigorous effort r being am & bre, Me .7 ruling Item, let, UaveJ Mell- Yrow our Irish t'urrr"Jru. lis ow of tN mauy Plots which ■ere forme( 11rNnter oommunia•w the secret lis •s ore,
_=_-"_ ra_ -r- - - - am'- lDro°gh abs INl[umealahU vY Oapt A. ►I. O° Tutaday Ibe I6th ins*., we bad aha r•iN• Pea of tris ewoa, 1'L rntrire, 1st, IYu eau ufWn hvar of tDe grirvuoo+ oP( meet the life steel guvernwect of Peter the and & iit 6e would purchase It of him. )Laic
Brltbsh isls ' Farelgts lltlbN Jrmse Peon o t • hr , i2 en r Caner- Groat, them was amu^ Ibe number u( thaw will rale heard of the now Pla• suggested of
'GODF$tOH, OOT- 25t 1888• BOe1w1Ve MWrollor: to secure thus magn:8cent boat by pleasure of atteuding the first exhibition Y ' d y b wined, a em ter beaving g to bis awn hese large hecklers, to be carried by the front rook
_ un ; 3ro William Anderson. Item lamb, Ireland, and find w wan of them imago-
__ - . - purg►w for the hadia•S route Nat season. of the Breech Agricultural .Society eetob- 17 antriee, let William Anderson ; Yid, oar that when we weft a real one, we insist of guards. Peter being told Dy the awn, w h k r elithr gh lis bolu n the
The Godeyieh Salt Well 1 be cannel mettlmK in ldnoeoliao with ala Ituthery Castle was built in Britain et lished b the energ of a few Luokoow Jamea McDonogh ; :ted, Willism Lon." Tr ulficers that $his man had always behaved as teem, why fire !►surge ad Tests fu for
s I •1 ere ioaiiurd to ear it over, awd Naroxl
__ the f]denoh Rrsnoh of lhs abrrve testi• prissy fou roncingtbe Dluckade during the Fare Iamb, IT eopaes, let, Jeune McUu•ugb; P y trelisely well, had • oerioary to see him and ahwloi•, wLieb t►us serve m reeu lbs their
geullemcn, and fortuel by the' Jaron of 2nd, William Anderson. bestow u n it one thoughtful refioetiou, learn Trow bis oras mouth what head bion his tai's. Modaru Improv+menu in tb qt of
OPERATIONS COMMENCED 111 folio° wee held In that Ncsleyan Church I •lmeridan varrind made • uumuer of •dry p° slaw her seem 1. Iso inkin lis back, is yea
the tour lJjaceot towNhips-1Ynranoah, I Ywr.-kiwi, large Dread, 2 enaira 1st. ter ! m tbisin si h, Aueon this olein inJucemnnt to be cotatan.eJ iu r plm agailst j Y e
on 11'ednesday crinin,• last, Dir aur Ual• lineae lel tnpa. SLa is built of iroT,,Ouelf wish William Ander o ; 2nd, Talent flasuiltou, Y if X 5 him. Tu thin ter he dr:. lumaelf in r■•Pr•t•a w $.w JCWurs tel Ibe middle
e ! AlL6rld, Kutlues and Huron. Thu dry,2 ma Do rcckotod this ease tet' the WaoGen paw are.
The 1Brlae u t0 YO dr tees. I mst•Liocry -Lich gives Ger grrutspeod, has a Slow. large been I, retries, lot, Malcolm Y dein clothes, t tet he mirhl nut be known by Y
p g llur ix this chair. '1':uNnpurt a read Dy I,a,, li.bt drat*, -turnable. la" to rm, int,, was a glorious Otte fur such a, purpose,I VcUuruld• 2^d, I)Avid Milne. Bear small of National Sobools, fNow us a clap ba m►u, dud wont to the prioon where ba
!I the Eeeretar , .Iwtood Uwt subscri tions I '
Tht Goderich Srlt \Y,11 msy new be! I P the uslea tet the 5uwLrrn coast -dud, ia, and this crowd of sgttdaturs soak greater hirci, 1 *okra, leas l'Deuler liurdurt, yaw, thew wee are too herdic* wrought aAJ sou tontidod. Afar wow cwlrersatiuu,l tier iOYtllarl Alallart.
said to be In active o ration. The build. ) to the funds of the Suaicty were below I fact, is eonaide, al the fincet boat on Qtr than we have seen at an exhibition in small forced, 1 salary, In Willt•m ITN Aloed : -
In fur Ila tlaove Collected at such l.we,s as Bat.fiell, Y U.ttuv.-Six pound fresh butter, 15 eutriery• wont paid in Ireland. Arter spending •• 1 should be glad to hear, friend, wbrl Thr Montreal liarida of FriJ&y INt, la
g t nufacturing the calf is soil I 1 Lrl a. h is bel;cvrd that she could "Cvud I the County. On arriving in the village, !&t, Italica* uebater ; 2ud John Gro ; 3,d, y g 1 y
and only ,•°e-eixth of what was rat o i in the 1w rear liter with real ease, and if ars d7 the greater potties OY their liars up b were our rorwis Ibr brio concerned iu au i4 commrrvel wlumas urs :-" Tka moos
about crwpleted. It is a v, r lartge ' g' Y t the fiat thing that struck us was the Julia Thatcher. Twenty pounds tub butler, attempt asrioN for rwperor, ywv mrNer, N amaket gradually esparrle •II lair Darer pre•
I ' vi'Iai" no lur,;er than Elora, 'his was wou'd be just what ire want. Such a bout o l I ,eutrire, tat. Itudrri:k IIcKa sic ; ad, 20 teen of age, O(trn at great expnnw Ig I xm crrtriu he never J d you au) injury ;tau arnteJ rt Ibe banks s aridity Jiscuunted rt
atrseturr, GG fret NiJr by I !Leat lung, attributed W sn uttl'urlunalo malaJwittis- rapid growth it hen wade During irelJrtaea Mclhma.J• aril, '!'Dumas Aulrn,,o. thtir arras, who ore sowetiwca ill ublu
waald be a gelrt pequ{,Ition to the train tel , p the "tit Tory, fie has r retard fur you m a the duel rate, auJ remittautrst aro ar I
arranged far the u v „saw ,data,n of two past few months, nod the thriving appear- Cheese. OUI lace thau I.t pound&, fi creme•', to afford if, tel gclslg through the ncoesas• brave •olden, and a ,hall who alweys did has more frarely' than fur some llure prat. A large
*ration of /he affairs of the societ •, ane Gdalrrich, slid would no doubt, be • paying tae
bloeka tri tittles iu vach una,of j ante of ever lace Of busiuep-from the let, Alexander Camrro:i; Laid, Alusaudrr lfuty iu lhlo'held ; if you were thurefom to &mount of paper eon$inue• to eirestated
(''' uslitwidm. Tbe C'a .thinks IMt $batt tfe P r Cour,e of stud , r uisite to fill ilia ahor ape least rosorse fur whip ycis have in the rest, chiefly fur the purchase of gum,
m tea! fact that tbo Annual \( sting was Cameron ; 7. d, '1'Duwss Aaldanun, I I e9
which is toady Ibr ugtrratiun, and j amou st of stuck is su9urilred iu Godrneh, .•toren of Mean. Casupbcll, Seet•rd, sic• MLAAAhtcAL. - Lumber uagltuqq, let, situ•tfun of kfAther, and after passing a dune, the em for would, t am punraded, which is now °wring with such meidiy, N w
20 bins, W c utuiu th,t ruanufueturcdl i [told earlier than venal, but it,waa h"ped I tl,v D.daocc will be u,ken iu Sagisma. our W the nu$al:est blarka oath shop. Uet.r- Charles McLasn. Iron plough, lot, Malcolm fo ire you ; t before 1 interest m self iu lve cocsideroWe im etus to enerall boat -
that the ince wing ear would for one of ri,•orcas a:awinuiwl in the wolf abstruse rte y Y P Y 7
article, tin f ct I.quare, s ilh eccry coal- y I men of capital should come forward liberally mined W take time by the furehxk, we at CrmplN:ll ; hid, Malcolm Campbel. Vinod ^ your be bait yu mol tell m. by whit mul;ve tarp. The (tank rat MUa1To I Comiawe at ito
prosperity :Phe muting was ably ad• , es xciall ei the repel *etre now be rchased•I pa•ugh, let, Malcolm Campbell ; 2nd, M.l subjects, they are rewarded by a liberal „ core aril W join {he muaneen rnJ f Jrffrnut hlrncbas, to IIeN 1'rurwrcia! nus
vanience for barreling, ko. Thera are to I ! T1° onoo elbowed our wa • n D1uin utreet to
P eolm l'nrDybcll. Cultiwluq let, Mrlculm eneoura;iog p,rovenmeat, with the muni- my rgein, Thal t join,Lr, who u naturally of which • I*rje amount upuw nut. Se.e
dretscd by the Chairman, and Itav'Js. I fur a tithe of her ori hail cost of 12 OOU.
le two ta,r►a „f rgnnl ciao I:,r containing I g = the olfica of friend Somerville the gtnQo l'ampbrll : L:.d, '!'bump laurrms. Horse fitters* alum of,E'21 a ear, with the ittsl • (Dud •Nd rnmpaas nate, wdl giro you your of ibe Danks hairs, wr auderstaud arranged
Neuwro. S1wooJ, Shaw; Brookman, end N'r m• meatialn that the (i. 'I'. It' authori- dhoc;, lot - Charles. Mcu-so • 2nd, flu h I 1+ rrd n,' wish the (tank cf Montreal to hold a tiow
the pre* iuua fi1uiJ, nuc of which i, fiuiah- others. Tha following olfiae bearcro were ccs ahuw Ike sehrme carry furor, y manly -Bucy. of the Sue'y. who rFthuugll NcKay. !urw Grte, Ia, Jun Murdoch ; nificant rnneideration of lent of hard P 4
P Y " 1 know nnlhiO;, of the saplerar," roplieJ of lbear rresrre in • les•►I leaden,' ai at the
ed, and the ot_cr under way.' That con- j ch+etrd for the cosuing peau :- -- - - _ up t0 tL'e cycle" in business, offered w 2nd James !idler. Cabwet Work, la,, Mrl herd work. Bat out of this albwaoea fu wither, " fur I t ver sew how but at a masa time these institutions rill nut be cum•
Ieted has a ca pcity of t-,000 allures ~ ever facilil for obtainin neoesaar in- colm Campbell ; 2nd James !Idler. Ox dsunca but he can area fatbei • head to palled to keep mach gold In the vaulta of the
F P g The Yap/ o/ b'oluale earl. I Y X I the tea --her mud ken himself res ts- be cut off, some time r u, ter
PeratlUSST.-lWv. 1':. 1.. Elwood. Id 1 Take dud ♦tows, lot, U•vid Vilna. Sheep _ P Ilea ! being eujazrrd Jrffercnt Drouches. a being understudrl Thea/
Or T I(1 tar 11+. TTte biline q 1111[ palm• I,'ICL PRL81I/t:YT.-JOhil Yr, I)C:iM, Ev t( formation. 'Phe entrie sou fJnttd W [tack. IWDeet McOadie. Flats boots, lel, bly clothed, nor Is this teat to his own is a former rrbellian, • J It la Ibe duly UI • Ihn arttleuneuu by drift oa MO\GCrI rill ktf
ped into this tank, u we write, fully. E01 I I .Major Coleman, of . tnforth, wiaites us nearly WIT in anmber-a splendid Dom- Joachim Gro.Nvhe •tt 2 -id Joachim Gmilache, 1ense of decency, but it is strictly enjoin• was to revenge his fa ear's death, by the accented. h: i torte likely teal, eventually,
2nd do -Iter. A. Maekid. 3rd do - I to state that the balance of money. due mencement eertainl A visit to the COana Boot,• lit, duaCblas Grousche ; 2nd, J,rsth of the person who ouk awry hu late. all the banks i I male similar arruagrmeuu,
per cent, iu strength, and in •volume, it 11 r I• ed that he shall bo •model of olaa°IinNa
i Rcr. R. 11 hilin,T,. 4th do. -Iter JN para (bin an far billela and drill, being Joachim Gr„naclTe. If, *ken Ihn rwpwror is w uuJ cad merciful IDs statement that eke Finwner M;renter bad
ie believed, quite safbciunt to keep the Shaw. 'f ax.►resem.-il u>•h .lobniuon, P 1 cauls and other nut door departwcuta (;alis.-I'wu buheW fall whet, IS en and ueatnene. 111 course the poor Wych- as lou hr•e rejp rrscnled W W be, aJrw him negut Wltd rilb Due tet our munttary inatitu.
the amount due fvr the fart five day's eunvfncad tea the *baro was a 'nod its- rhea, lit, Uavtd Mchwarn ; 2uJ, Dunsld lar Lu ter• esti* not to oar me. wr weir kinin fur /7, 500,000 worth of Esch•n a
block going. The ioc that trickles D g cr, s iW of rules or re ulationa wast su y ' I Ir
I: DLp,atITAKY. --'P. J. IOorbonr P X P
•"i• + !peat by the men in God --rich, on service,' la of Cattle of the commoner sorts, a Cameron. 'I'wv bushr:P spring wheat, 13 he to restore we to my h rt the first use 1 Lueders, at a premium of 9 , u, we have res•
out uuJrrneath the t it has alreadp' P I
E+q.• Ft:caLTAILY.- Daw.on Kerr,'• jr. entries, 1st. I Tevid Met .its. ; 2uJ, liter port himself, and as hhe cheapest board- would make of it would be to ragaje in wdN asp to believe, "founded. Il a true that
coated the timin•rs with rc vett, and iu i hu aot been receirel by him yet, Dnt lex }ouog bc1'fcn snowing the llurhsm C;.rri aO, Two bushels barlc
F F.x. L+O:d)tITTEL.-kihHlff DlaoJonald, y, erutrirsl let ing houseocbary;e nine ahil:in ! par week naw rur•mpt agunet fou hie ; ter should 1 tbe jo•erapTeuf hW purcbswd exchange W
freta wcck'is o „ rati.,nis m t ire eke' q , l that u sotto ale the paymeaster rewftd asd llevon blood, a poor show of Brian, James tsairu ; '2id, Janues Fclk,nald. '!Lice for accommodation; it follows that the aver trot until 1 had accomplish d mT design. pay nal iudltrleJnrp tilling dee ea Fnglaad,
1 g Daniel Gordon, Samuel 1 ollock, James I Isod+ the amounts will be cleared off.l bushel oats, 3 entries, list, David Md1waine: Vise seeumst method, therefore ieh be eau but fur a aum fully Doe million dollars Wp
ace r cite a salt • arse fvr some but a nplendid oulkctian of sheep of the ., National Schou! Tesohor wast et odds
1'l ! S PP•' Marlin, %Yin. I'alki Thnman ytukea, M. pd, William Itself. Two bushel Peas, F take, will be to order my head to be .week than,he wr wb;eh has been named in $M
The Major cannot, a rtainly, be expected mors a roved breeds. The team horses - ; ':red, -Jacob and ends, and urcinase clothiu Jut of the off ,mmedutely, without $his, Lu life u in several weearu 'ournals, and at a rate under
distance around. ' C. Cameron, Robert Gibbons, James I - PP s gdgk 1st Otte fou LrnO
to pay snob aocouuts out of his own were superb and the competition very Ha)lfg►, lot Una burfoel qt oj, Val deed. _ extra ant allowance of one shil;ia r Julger." 9 per cent just me w Wl mention this, h►
The at of boring aha well wag f00, i Diomson, Esq'n, and all rehidcnt mins I etatriea, Ise \I'ilitam l.ann Z sd, Umw1J Mc- X p° the t'au mad i^ a;n •fl the • •omen* *rias it a net se wall tfoa ape ire Y NY
pockh and oo Wame can renaonabl7 leen. , y ter
•ad of o Tars^ manufactory 14000, w aero who' arc mewbcrs of 3ucirty rz UarnuuoJ. wtrk. But the teacher may bo married, That hr could tbi•k of to set betula th ire u ponafDlq smy reach the puW4."
i. attach W him. Mr. Runcimsn, Ihtcueb Mr. Cam !Wore AND }anTs.-Grp bushel Polotoes, wads the full and iuiumiee Of such ItF
that everything when paid will acme vcn' „J,ca• ' P and may have a family, of sit four, and i J ---«-- -
beI his Lucknow went showed uite a 11i entiies, Ist, Thoma Anderson ; d, menu. Ile Bull pwrwled m what fon ba de• illab [O Far era.
Dearly up to ilO,Ol)0. The cturaclore tYe tea eequestvd to ata:e that heels DIr. C. Fergusool the eolobrated q W;liiaa Harher. Dozen turyips, 4 entries, how he couttives W support and clothe cleared and Peter departed greatly chyrs ad
onmber of his celebrated iron and wooden
complain that they will lose heavily on m be obtained at coat price at •Air. piper, wrM i.a town this week, but was not Icer E Iwln Gaunt ; 2nd \*'alter. Arms"),,n,r. them on the moiety oC 6yc pines each ret the bad ueccp of his rian,aud gave ter Little Gru, the funnyj lecturer on Hunks -
their contracts. One thf is certain that ' - a. pion lis and cu.tiv4tors, which were alp Dozen beets, 8 entries• tat, Jamea Smnh; L d r Ja I will leave to the imagination of fur the essentials of thin ss&a with the rot don r trwtes tbg loll4aoG Hina to fus-
Moorhouse's, and that destitute persons able W givo a ounoert at the request o N'rlsxr 9'rtlnveN. Uazen Bel 1 ta nrrus, y' bio neem tiers. ,
no orae viewing the •mount of work cam preciated to such an extent that he sold n sis our reaIf ton it is b and m wee P en, t rough the Ciuelonrtti 7%nes :
e will r ire thew gratuitously Dy apply his friends, on account of the shortness of entree, 1st, Thump Lawrence ; -rrd, David Y Y Y [iO __ la %,he Hom to Use -I° plantains or hoeing
doubt for a momrnl that the ntmoet I most of them on the spot at fair price.- Md IWemr. Dux:•n garden Carrots, 5 eotsies, W describe it. And yet these aro the men rn use the ordinar boos in common saw.
ing to to member of the trommittec. f his stay. YIc bops however, to be , Lovers Ir a Fix. y
f Dl c. Fraser of TreswaWr also c:hibitcd a !sl• James Hen„crwn ; ted, Jowes ear
eeoomw hoe been ust•,1. The building -- ab!o W gratify the music loving public •IIIc. Dozen t, vision 8 *airier on whom w gnru a ttaq onsibility -esu, ilher lode rubber hem nor ldnow lore
was eau erinh•ndrd b Dl r. David Itunci- DOR•N N Tiic: CONIIUC- spleddel iron plough. lit has,, we learn, P ' °" as the training and brin ing a of the fu- Si,{ht befrtre last, u the moon raw over Id be of account m a tor° field I nn mon
} I TO111m, erft [on _ Ua•id IlcIlw.ann ; 2nlf, Chrrlre Mrmue%. b e P we lf one of Hoe's ea hat hu resets.
g taken izes.at the Provincial Exhibition D,aen Seed Omonal 2 entri-a, Is fli nald tura eneration. Sun•I it is no stretch the hill arrd treetop, Gilding the spider of oar Y 1 der P
man, who seems to hno d"scharged his __ - -« W b 6 I beautiful cit with her silver r•
dutita Eritl.l'ull and well. , T c Grand Tr k ltsilxa au horftira c, with im Icmenls of the some atter°.- (aweron ; 2t 1, N'illaaw N'rlker. Uauva arts thatrit is a° insult tv offer thtaa I 7 }• then H to Hold the !'lough.-ih dt try to
Y Y golf" John Rarey, the noted horse- P P cars iudirn cors, 7 entries, let, Da.IJ .No- might have boeu seen upras the n,of of as bold got at arms length. You can't do
miui of learning and intelli, nea wages E,y „art v„rets a which u flat said co•areJ i4
Boiltt g operations a all he.commenctd have caused the am of nearly all the tamer, died Auddcnly at Cleveland m$ the J. S U. DlcClary of London alas chewed llwaine ; 2nd J'humus Aa,dnn rn. !'am sell,, I t Y '
r ni t whim a cel portCr would reject with in• wish pun while gavel end pinch, a couple It yo hetn't • plough or yoo- o. o, jet
in the latter art of this week ear beginning conducaias cnl, ,^cd o the Buffalo and 4th Inst. IIs was born in Franklin ploughs, but they were very rnwwoa as I I retraces, l,t, Walter Treleaven : Id, Peter i Dot .n a china\* w our nee hbei wM
P c - di,+natioa. of lovers s,•aied, enjoying the beaus of the I Y t•
Com ared with those above mentioned. Itetsl Equush, L tutees, i it. James ItaiiJ : y own roc. A.. Jusuee can all oe ■hef►er
of nest, and we l►„ic very •con to Le able Lake Iluron branch of th line, nn char- Cosnty, Ohio, In 18:8. P nail', Ben'awin Jeeeu. t'nhba •e, let. Jas I Au in,ytange, of the way in which the sane. T 1
J b ou eon het it or rut.
to announce that a capital vitiate of salt gee of pNculatioa.' 1t was k own about a A IuelrlJ 6nithcd and lwautifully proper- ,iomerville Yald, Alexandre Crocron. atmmcrcitl prosperity of Ireland is retard• The sun durin the day had been very y
2i, ,S', warm, and thus they met G, o red the faJmgt The ""I we to Tool in Bye. -I ask"
is real f,r mark, t. Then (L,.tcrich well w, ck aro that someHlin • e' i° the iksT The attentfoo of the publio is call- tiered farmers' w ht,Oa was exhibited by 1'„-_xtu, Tat• James S,,mervdle ; d. J.dm•e I rd occureJ hr other day. oma time Ian old farmer ncc wkv .as ib beat via b
I a e dowers r!Ie. A Ir Lt, l'h,rle; Girvan , a o a gentle nen Don `ht •lar•* dfatriCt huuro ter Ir diart,rujnying the plrPawri breete
take ■ etsrl iu i•an,cat, And we aba11 fo•••iu tai,.J, `ticket ackcra Navin+ eao tet ed W the new advertlermcot of t6o Trust Dlr C Dlc Lcan of Lucknow. I'1' '' b ^ That Ranted u tram Ihn wr nOlie •-den Put u• ryeT H looked at kin wstc► and rr
e P o P red, Chard I: i, ren. i':uw, I;y William lull wnuut:din in the Count Down, fur t►C P R i
and Loan Co an the^ have r,.•oeired A visit to the inside de -tment we! I beneath, and mtercb•gg(ng *heti roollon;• PI'S
to think of Tl._ i>,•it Ye mil. ion, Lut the aturm did Dot full bunt ' y' y Pa• Anderson ; Zed, Wiliam .lolfersou. Grape&, T ing@ and warm eft. -chum. Neu cath other
y • J y purpose of work g •granite quart ,the 1'u is about m hour,'
a large amount of fresh funds front Eng- well worth the trouble, The'show of wheat lit. Thomas Aodersuu ; 2ni, Joha Arm atooa gain fou•, W be o s su The ne sou kinin dwW @l iD.
- -_- enlil about the n:i ldleorlast week, en I f perior the toren est -with one arm ho encircled the ) P
atnrng. How to Kee Cu ,-The Deet lace m
THE FENIAN PRISONERS; each c: ress conductor was arrested teed to invert hero, and baro *educed was in advavee'of aoythmg of the kind LAalt'.i D►PAI:T,rt>T.-Fine Shi Thom 'quality Largo quMtitles were disposed wrist of the beautiful creature at his stdr,and p P
P ' of and orders fur more were fiowin to w all passed quietly and lovingly until the bell keep corn is In a g cern house, des*
[Geld th•r'•es oo new IOans, w kava w1tnC1&td In IhC Cganalb thio as Andersen. .J -nM Sark, let, Jarta■ g wine rfer to ken ,t in their s sum-$•
--- has arrival at IJroutfurd. Jlr. ;taundcrs a e called the midnitht boor. Pc P 1
On Friday 1 :,t sev. n of the Frnians l _ +' - season, and we have attended dost of this o°t"'voile ; 2nd. J -ince Sunxrtibe. Ede fast, that IGe Icswee of kite quarry ha • -the toiling of the bell reminded them that the juice. It they dor t keep CUn they
of this town, Ma "go and anothtar Mr. 11'm Campbell; nursery agent, I I b-alle.T, Jubs Me6exs'e. Ks..iuedt Uone, tract n engine built, at a .w*t of .Leto tee eure'd.
nptnred tx•twrrn hid_rway and Fort! exhibitioor. There were fiftcco ram les o[ ^ M "tired Ntura's sweet rrnorer' rte re, +site
gate Dail, but Dot L'nosiug what kind of I Eva street, Guiderech,' has reccivOd, iu P Ise, 1.. rep Anderson ; .ud, Jun„ -e Miller. fair the purpose of rrtnveying- th! Dlueks fur lovers u well at ,.the,s. S1dl stated F neto sad Venin;. -,'cod fencing is
Erie were arraigned b, fore Mr. Jcstioe fall wheat of real! w lendid , ualit , and Sock#, Tat, Ibumas Auderaws ; 2od, Immald
treatment was in store Ibr them oihen I additi to Ilia fine stook of fruit treed, a I P 1 y to their destination, when the enterprising ear each olber,,be plighted rows were again I a••cuurl on a i..m. Get • ad s buefn j -
John t)'ilson at Turoato. TLcy all wish• r I thirteen of superior spring wheat. The I Ilcl)anrn"dd. G;wea tat, 11 maid Cama etbewe was put a slop W lay the County d e,tnm exchanti arrd sealed with kisses, amid io learn yo•. A reap once is better
re. used to return west with their trains, I fine acs twcint of shrubs,' Ornamental , un ; 2nd, Wiliam Atxlvison. Double mitts, Sarva or sunomouin aha owner, fir coin• lit •• litak.d s+eatnier IDN drew° oar .' `!baso w iTaajManry one. Yalu 'p nPair •
ed for time W procure witnesses, and ,yr. Kimball tdvgrnphed frons Uetroil p trees Se. I oats, barley call peas were also very sue' let, rimmed l,xl.tioub ; 2nd, lhma!J Camrr- y g A 4n g `roes nnnce o taking yermdu Np iia
some of them had the audacit to ask riot. Tree butter was Brood, although u^• Farcy Q, !to let• James Campbell ; 2nd ( pewsation for an alleged injury tidme W gth, afar many •airs attempts a T
I that the general manager might go tis-- $ Wuarl Webeter. l'.1ch sett, 1st, Thomas an alrcaf brolrn down bri:L^', b the l *ell Their p!eaaont pleasures, the transport can yoD art sed wLiawu1 It wt of
that two Finian leaders at Ridgeway goat' We k to call the attention of we noticed some samples in which sayer I I ad lo• foumd the, iby were bound w each basaah fences. ltintser *cure til yo that.
Jericho with u train and DI r. lienee re :.udsnra: 2nd. R dent: cGenzie. 1Vua6 In 1110, ce. Happily the wa-tatr:te; I usher h mon efieatm Donis than foyer's 7u make Yuur dtrl le. N aim is !)toter.
should De allowed to giyu eviJcu`e i° fused to !tart w r Buffaly with That one readers to th important sale orfarin Gad been • 1"ttle too glaringly used, -s rn Qditt, Ise, Jamea True•es ; 2r Jsmre I rows. ' e but sash had °relied the itch, -act 5ryrko them.
c4 who tried the eaec were not so no",aw
their favor And Ire rotected in dein,• eao.' stock sic. of Ura liutt lot 5, 4th coa , fact which was soon diswvrrn•J b the Trur:ase. Ten yards Flannel, In, "gave minded u trio verve or eao instituted P
P a ander 4is charge, he trial of 4holo I Hendsrwn : 2nd• Uunald C iateron. I31.O- I I •nil af$er Gn4 w lons,and that eight having 7u Urain Lauda -Drink whiskey, and
To this rcqutst the Icanlcd JuJ;r very ! ctuah arresWd will W Lte at Brant- Goderich t ., which to es lace on Tues- ud^cs. There were several nice choose! 2. the proeceJioge, attJ dismis tet eke der , cooled the moos matter they fvunJ dv ynend \II your time at thbt village u ro.
P P J a sets• les, Tti.rmas Anderson ; J, James y' .
y ordering the alum of EIS to Dv expeodcJ arra both tuck feat." The yorng gentle- fhu n!I dam . , of all you land u • v y
properly replied that mid leaden might' ford at the Assise! held' thio week. dap' Gth ovewbcr nee and a number of the very worst Jcscrip I McUuoatd. Fyll elite, let Leonid Cower- I man Ent ,tis ted io dtesn a ahalrtGmt.
un 2od, Charles Girvan: in repairing the bridere. I way weltlien I R ge himself, but
came forxarJ with their evidence Of (heir *►lasts. Ilonse and Sauodera were re tion, apparently of the butter-uri,l per- + - forum like Au emiraa'a Later, •Ute man } ••y R•y to der Sal.-lopf►-[areas t
lr3 head the adv, of '. L. John- in eonnewion with tile rase, tbat the D
earn risk. Ever reasonable dela was 1 suasion• The ladies had on exhibitive )oar try W pull it ff the mon it stick■ tbe' with • cmyual paned. After a little rectisha
Y Y r , siJcala ref GodOrich, and regarded b ur son, hoG>nra hie artist, wh han added { awamoah A rscaltaral gratite ie 1rf so gahi a equality that it is u will be able est draw Nus lar
however, granted. M.C. Ca¢erOo Q. L, citizens as most ord•:rly, respectable s `(i largely to his accotumodation! a stock, j some aesabl,: uilts, mittens, socks fine - s taste F' Teb you - . ai then attempted e, ( ne jest iuds of
P 9 r tleoletr. useoi in erteeting the mrwalrial W tkc lute _et u which shed , .Nine the skin of bei pas logs .nb ease.
u retained to defend some three or lour j I 'shirts, Se., od berlin wool work and I Prince Cuns,rt in Ilyde Park-, and it i, I drells, and all bar r rclothes as fu u the - ---
of the risoocn. Ou yaturd tact, wbee trustworthy luta. engaged a first classartiat, and is n Pre- stout xrvi able domestic c:uth. km• The Wad anneal Show o! the Wwanosh not improbu°lc tha'. ether quarries equal- ' filters." In skis pli t aha teed ao ntw•e \arrow Essa
P t7 . . -- I I itranch Agrawlwr•1 3o -int was held in Uun- p! 01 a Qallwap
pare) for any number o ofrderl. {I I• 1 will coot$ Deo nail in IrelAud, her diatowlate rtaer, bot it wmr4sm se. Trasa,
tree of the Fcoiao& sons •reigned, 1Mr. i Terrible aat(a: Fatal Accldcat.. - _ I Dnp et sevcrol .articles o! furuilure we •onuou, un 7hcrsd•y, tick l lth. Aldnngb y kid' pt
The agricultural artwrcs of lreisud bare lie couldn't come At soma• parley, h -
Thurston ,Lr. S. Consul stued that he I -' Mtasrs. Acheson A Smith sdverti particularly admired a dining table made !.1110 weaahor was +umewhat \ntawouroble m suet tete ppraAlwhed. The ictal acreap un• I come to the conclwnnn Ibe he could manage I tet ulna or Arc os vena ureic A •
had received inslructums to rrrcurc coon- Y cstrrday (Dlonday), • man named I furs, le, good cud cheap. Call &&d see f birdie c maple. Ent tin carrots Thc morning the day cwtinued dry throash- der crops h:u dlcreaesA Ihn you tar the ea I it by •:ippon: out of his pan . Aeeordorgly •asAm,
1' (out, aid un the- w bule, the Show was tee
Thos. Crane, of rhe Tth conerrosioo, `Val- , tptest, y P g ant of 1i8,T!b. Tha crepe khieh dininwD hi . p of ns companion iC CA lead
tel for itch of the' pri+atero &e were I a potatoca the vegetable were not soot- mntseccxrfuil oyer heli int ' pica. ed are : oats 47,580 acnes, bar c 26,564, hro a it of u uu41 het it a h,mw. P►om the Drs on, Obi Jowreol.
wanush, met with an a vful accident, re- - . .- 11 I 1,u1za t.isr. 7 Pa t"° g Ig 4
American citizen%. , Tbi,. most e•xtraor• r} Ilessra. J. C. Defier A Co., hereinst I thy more than a passing entice. hers and rya tl9, beau asJ {eas 2,1Itl, outs Sne "haogM her pi; .en,d1c, t they .arc Mr. ffobrrtwn, tied Arent on the A. A C7.
r...... suhiag iu tun Jauth, It appears that I , I Meet spun Horses l,t J !'antlered , 2d U I not too Inn
Binary amlounccmcut Las created Fath nhened ,splendid stock niton nnTaug froze Du ;the afternoon aevcnl trotting I Ncllw•en, lwt retire and fordl, tat It fent- vice 1e, i41, tar 1{w I,,n91, meadow and 2• Wnh ib i Into oliun De 1Y. Maur sod, betwasn Tba, coy u,J Clear•
about noon Crane, Jaa. Hnntcr, and Y. ` clever ,7,998, against This we Dave &n in Flipped off hu boota.m'd ponce, in ins n
astalinhment and dis_•ust, but it w, we 810.00 to $S,qC and uinbie to even taut.' recce we of u b aha owners of fast lan,l, 2J do (i )'Dun ,ani Jo U: an S■if.- I { Pe IuJ, related tow ynterd•r, the stung•
r g P I J den drew himself out Of his r b tasJ
Donollad were On the market with doubt l , trcase ita .hen of aJ,SUU aerea, mrngel ar.J r Pe T rain ab,,\p • laranr w►n nranlyd • ernhlw
. . Itat fiilr, lit P Currol. Lad do J Need. Ikat P
think, in perfect keeping with Thr Conduct ; Tea C111VTawA7.-H.vs. T. A It. White, I nags from oderich and other plaeaa, but geldin last P Nugent, 2nd do J TrR•n. Best beet 5,740, dabhago 2.A24, car -nu, Ar.• p V"+"iblt, end the decunaulate coat took dnaow On than roan, ,,car MwaDald, Ohio,
of American officials throughout. PFO l wagons containing about 50 bunc b of : pas tlemselres down stair• in a very fol iia
iof Hamilton, have just commenced the publi- as far we rnu Icaro, a little Frcuch pony ' yeulhor trait, G Young. 2nd do J Mr Ksi