HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-9-20, Page 2urn Aigna
aomatiga. azer. 20, DAC
NOT all DU D.
The editor of the Detroit •P'ece Press
thus cutupares Ilte admiuistratiou of ties-
, tiee iu Britain with the system au rapid-
. ly being introduced in the yuited States.
We fancy the truths here uttered au clear-
, ly and forcibly will nut tickle the over-
. mecuing vanity of aunty Amerteaus
" Now, is it nut 'Mae tor ail true lovers of
our country and the Ronne& heeded duien to,
us by our forelathers of the Revolntioci,
irk themselves aeriously whither this parties,.
spirit r drifting ibe cunnuou wealth ? We
talk • great deal about our glorious °unite
roes •nd • greet future in atom for us. We
eat to ook with pity to thq expressed
phis of the Old World, and ulcer et the oboe
late notions to which our British comas
still cling oss • cetitare behead Auiesisr'e
boasted gouges's' and eulighteenient 1 But
contrast the cdwinieration uf joetice
Eugland with the esteem so rapidly being in
augurated our um land, There, ever
since the reign of the Sr t , the improve•
tueut its this lossach of ter gusenauseort boos
here uslinterrupted, while we are at:totally
retrograding here. W Minster the she:omen
ings and errors of Englishmen may utbereise
be, they eau point with honest pude to the
primer in which justice is dispensed in their
courts. Public oputiosi avoid uot totemic
one moment such intik:maim% upon the ridolts
of British subjects as Me free-born Americus r
ei torn to rebuilt to in Mancebusetts.
The joilgas in Engler are tree, iu the meet
cousprelteusive were of the term. It is eel'
dor they receive promonere mei Metes wry
selected by • method which le open to tie
rational exception. "Their higher tribunals
are Owe kept pare, so far ae Mama precau-
tions reecli. tenon the tainting influeure
ot government and piety, arid the mules have
notori Rudy euecesehal. the upright
magistrate who sent bar sumnswered• letter
writteu by Geour in the hope of
tag . decision against Witass the coy
e.hier, who, in sten, &teems, tundra...ea the s
cooduct of Om Secretary of State ia the fam-
our case ol Gemial Weimar , lite hooest
imlve mu who rescued the emery trout a
bloody pr....rein/snort by supoittiag ; jet
'hue how valuable are the gosereateee
nieces nal duiperraisois °titanic. Erogred °
and •liat humiliating retlectidus the Orderer I
mete at thiogs prevaiiug the Curled States 1,
meat uecesearily suggest to every American."
hillier. from Grads would het
the battles of Ireland ; but.t.hsejikw
arm. Sweeney &germ( C
mach more to the some effect. II
nas very irreguler, but rub ern
some of bis Terra. enamor. tirt
alertly eheered, end very loudly
said that Sweeney rut never be •
take Canada. In °promos to OM,
arouse fellow propueed three cheer
O'Neil; mei they went given with •
p to fight
mkt aster
He said
is speech
Icier Ann
was foe
when he
Bowed to
foe fLe
We observe that application hps been
made for aeauaniuodatiue of regular troops
as far wert aa Clinton, and we can see no rea-
son why, if the proper representations were
made, we ouuld uot have • few companies
and perhaps a battery of regular artillery
at lioderich. If the Globe's correspon-
dence is correct, Goderich is to be honored
with • visit by the Fenian. this fall, and
if there m any danger at this puint, inee-
much es it ts the key to oue of the rich-
e„t seetious tha ceuntry, should be de-
fended, The representations sent to
headquarter by Mayor Detlor during the
the last excitement, were admitted to be
just and wof thy of the gt smelt cousidera-
mtion. Now we think it veil desirable
that fneh action be taken. Why should
the town not offer gratuitous barrack ac
counts...tattoo to the Goveruwerit for any
',meltable number of troupe ? There is a
luck of buildiug• Kingstou st. that
would be just the thiug fur such • Tau -
TEig sCrisioNio.
John Brandon vs. Wm. Elliott. defended
Mee. Verdict for Off. tel 0 12. %Cameron
p .• i..rdun for refs.
Arleen Pollock trs Jos. Thompson, defend
Moue. "I'Vtireleet tor Off. 112.3.94. Ourdo
Daval Dirk vs., Paul 1). Bell, defended
ue. Verdict fur plff. el 25.61.
for, pill", Moore for deo.
f. melon we %I Busby. De
tie.' Verdict fur pie; 10366.24.
r plff., Proulfoot for deft.
Pruedfoot vs. King. Action
leyeri billet Verdict for plff •
amerce lbw p15., Siaclair for deft.
S Gooding vs Jas Lomas, de
Verdict tor phi, .127.81.
r pi Cameron for doh.
Li Cu ings ea Win Brooks. De
ue. Ve iet fer plff. Camaro° f
nelair for ft.
1 bus Milled vs. John Alsena, el al
ded rye. ict for plff Came
Feriae, and courts.
i •
(Prosn tbe lire Tort World.)
Ws are revealing nu rent when we say
that the recent meeting of the Fenian Con- '1
rem at Troy will be followed, sootier or let
- ---
11111LITAIBY PitoggorsoNo.
The following will prove intenetiug to a
roam class of oar readers
32rid Bruce Itattelioa,' oratory ii -Heed •
quarters. Walherton-No. 1 Rale cu., South.
111”11.111; 2Ist lufantry Co., Kincardine ; 2iid„
and 3rd do ; 4th du, Paisley ; bth du, Wel
kerton ; 6th do, Arran ; Col. Captaiu A.
Spurt from No. 1 Co.
13r1 'toren Bettalioa Infautry-ilead
quarters, Goderich- Nu. I Outrun flattery,
Ooderich ; 2nd Hide Co., do ; Infantry
Co., Sesaferth ; 4th do, Chows ; bib dv,
Hayfield; Mit do, Exeter ; 7th do, Ooderich
T,oienakiip ; Lieut. Col., Capt. Alex. 14.
fear No. 1 Co. ; Major, Capt. Coleman, 11.
D., from Nu.3 Co.
ler Several bold theft" hare been
committed itt town recently. A few
nights ago aome one entered the room of
Mr. John Donogh and took some four or
five dollars from Mr D's pants pocket,
and, art eight, (Thursday) • en-
trance was made into the bed -mom of Mr.
Thompson, hotel-keeper,with a like result.
Chief Constable Trainer was on the alert
this morning, and from suspicious circum-
stances arrested one Jams Gooding. upou
whose perseu waa fouud • sum of money
answertog to the amount and character of
that stolen. The young man was lodged
in gaol for examination mei trial.
Pact 1.7''.." -ori --nd Harbor
gr. Jahn Radcliff,of this town, has just
hired from the lithographic press of
Messrs. Chewett Torouto, a most
ootupreltenatve view of the Port and Har-
bor of Goderich, 'halving the buildiegs
visible freatehe, entrance to • the harbor,
the docks: !rehouses, eleestor, light
Mouse, ga6kshipping, cows, goose, etc. --
There is no 'doubt the trork Coot Mr. R.
agreatteal of labor, and we believe be
43°'41•4', did the-1km, .best he could, eonsidering
feuded thktle is • man of about 70 years of ago.
Cameron The pc:rsitoctive is something worthy' the
recover attentiou and admiration of all mere am -
1 43.42. eur artists.
fended Nem e- Huron lilacs
6°°4111 have received their new uniform, which is
hotted a great improvement over the old rote.
or PIE The boys declined the honor of red coat*
whieh, it was said, they were to be fur -
✓ oe fur Dished with. They expect to go to Thor -
saki camp on Saturday.
(15. - 11 AOSIN.-The Artillery CO. re-
turned on Saturday last well pleased with
fended ' roughing it,' but not sorry r a general
sienna thing that re week was all they had to
pat iu.
er, by another invesiou of Canada. The too rim
IT, Moore for deft.
Jou McLeod vs. S riff McDonald.
ded tame. Verdict. for plff. 11
oding and Melrose -at for plff,
Isaac Buchanan vs. T Po . De
lie. Verdict for plff X56.12. Ca
gramme hasi been •rranged, the leerier* ate PI
penitent and the money ranted to titillate the ,
war. The political contest vi loch is now rag 'en
iug iu this country has detracted atteution po
from the deluge of tor Ilish &Joined citizens;
bet they mese business, and something will
be attempted elong the border before winter 1•11,
sets in. The reinforcements of regulars Isom 1"ff
England. which are on their way, trillium so
rive • moment too soon. Ve
Ito new of the insecurity 1of life and pro- for
perty au Canada caused by these threateeing A
. McDermott fur deft
Baxter vs. I. Eason. Defended
edict fur claim. Cameron fur pill,S
. Neff. Wallace vs William M
ended issue. Verdiet fur cla
movements and the heavy enteric to which lief
they are put to protect their borders. why 5.1",,
du not tbe people of the Prentice' make up .
their minds to seek admission Mtn the Euiou? ,,11"
As • colony, the cusiory emir* pruner.- 'a,
England has passed from the rank ot • first
to that an seeond class poser, and it ie too ""Y
longer an object to be associated with ber in
history. By voluntary anoexation, the Cana- T
diens will not wily secure themselves Oulu prei,
the poseibility of war for ail three to eonse, Qat.
Let they will be relieved of the customs ez,
duties and the hindrances to trade which now kept
cripple their energies et every torn. They
may rest routed tbat they will never again „,iao
have peace and security as a colony of Fag- kre.ee
laod for so long as the latter country keeps de,
Itelaird in subjection, the Feniane wilt never er d
"Ye up their determination to attack and ee'„alt
ore for plff. ("Huron for dett.
Devereux ve 11, m. Brooks. Iter
e. erclact as above. Gordon fo
megrim for dell.
b• queen vs. Henry Eitssirnions
. 1 erdict not guilty.
num C A TTTTT or oniwou JURY.
he Grand Jury beaded in the foil
omen% ,-"l'he jurors for our Lad
n 14/00 their oath present, that they
mined the goal and find the rooms di
in a cleanly state aud the prisoners
fied with their treatment. There a
nen in gaol at present, • fact
us reason to hope that crime is on
oes not fail to do all in his power to
TIRIRTits ABROAD.- On Saturday
erray. night last two men tried to break into Mr.
smut- Buxton's private resident*, but were de-
enekd reed by the wakefulness of the inmate,.
✓ pill', Mr. It would give • couple of each fe/-
lows a reception they would not soon for -
get. Again, laat (Monday) night wine
person or persons entered tbe drying yard
• flg attached to Mr. Logan's Woolen Factory
y the and stole about 50 yards of first claas
bare flannel, blanketing, ate. The cloth was
„it being manufactured for Messrs, Piper,
Lehticeun WM. Young and others for eibibitioo oo
the Thursday. Chief -Constable 'Trainer is
gaol. investigating the matter.
r the - .
The Mehaeletioev Accident. - Da
the the heavy hail storm of Friday last a son
fr'.....he of Mr. Carman of this town, about I 7
years of age, who was assisting to take a
small boat to the Fishing Islands, w
struck by a beery sea off Port Albert Ilf1
thrown overboard. The body of t
unfortunate youth was washed aaho
end being recovered, received Christian
burial on Monday.
Lep in 'error the only dependency of Ilse tribe
Judg,e Cooper is certainl/ worthy o
Id we nein be invaded by a la
we hope the Government will have
leer forr placed on a footing that
au. Mr. Champaine. the efficient gaol-er
power they hate which is within their reaeb. tate
It ie icuporible not to be struck with the oae a
ionderfel pertimeity uf the Irish•Ainericaus shot,
of this Fenian movement. The wrongs of bsi,d,
their native land are impnessed so vividly on voi,„a
tbeir minds that no difficulties are countered eaaet
sufficient to taro them from their purposes to eff„t
arenas these Time usually assuages bitter ut,
feelings ; but the Iriihmen eltri left his elute
try thirty years Lance bates Englaud aa in ',ate
tensely Pa the emigrant of yesterdny. Many &pate,
uf oar adopted citisetc bare acquired wealth
and positiou, but uo change of circumstances
alters their feeling towards' the British power. Th
The folly nod dishonesty of some of their ,,uett
leades do not dishearten there. Um Chief is
peered incompetaut, and be is rut aside ; Waite
somber dishomet, and he is quiet y sue' ved ; stolen
one expedient fails, another is inonediately
tried. This preseveratice mud enthusiasm heari
s surely bear fruit in tire. One thing is to the
ve ry certain. that (he American people suffici
•armly fecund their endeavors to secure jus-
t es for their native land. discha
'f his Fenian business has ;is lesson for our the dc
nem reeple, if they would only heed it. The
mural it conveys is, ibat it is better to con-
quer conamounies by kindness than by arras.
Logland bars tried "1 had. itevire s plan woth
Ireland for several generatioss, aud the ap- .,At
;ailing emit is before us -a reined land and al last
en extirpated people filled unit ineminguieba- sent, t
hie hatred of their oispressora. !Shall this be smut
fur policy with the seuthern States, or saell
we rather make them friends and partners Cox,
in winking out the great destiny of oar A c
It is • pity dist a journal wh:ch for. ,,,aa
merely occupied • pos,tion of respectabili Toe
ty should descend to the meanness or ad- tie, em
reediting the intereete or Fenianietn. The eitiewai
above article is falae from first to last,- useless
The prentiaes are falae and the argument of Mr.
is wretched. A men who states that we that we
caonot prosper u a colony without annexa- the Roa
lion belies well•known statiaties, and when sections
he urges us to geoid trouble by suing for with pi
an entrance into the Union, he adds in -
An a
ault to injary. Such oontemptiable con- cepadie
duct is unworthy of any right-thinking poo_repi
Mr. I
h and comfort of the prisoners.
te of respite: paid by his Honor to
nd was well deserved y the robe
e them to drive the foe from our soil as
;rally as June last. We lime to thank
mar the Judge for hie able address to
the opening of the Court as well as Ira
Esq., County Attorney for Ins willing
um to wi in our duties.
Dttect.sss, forTatan.
e only crituinal trial of any comm.
oe at the late seen:one err that of It -
re, who WU charged with having
a coat from Wm. Johnston. After
ng the evidence, the Judge charged
effect that the evidence, was in-
ent to convict, and the prisoner was
rged. Air. B. L. Doyle conducted
fence with much ability.
a special meeting of the Town Coon -
(Monday) night. there were pre -
he Mayor, end Councillors Oibboos,
iller, McKay,Runeiman,21clutosb,
nd Caifford.
ommunication from Mr. Grape re -
to his being over -taxed on income,
erred to the Finance Committee.
street inspector reported the mis-
t of various kinds of concrete for
km, when after a long and rather
debste. it was decided, on motion
Seegmillar, heconded by Mr. Cox,
ordine to the recommendation of
d and Bridge Committee, three
of the equare sidewalk be re-laid
ne at once.
ecount of Mr. Smai I for cut ting
n Minnie; scoording to Statute on
dent Iota, was ordered to be paid•
:ex stated that Capt. De Horsey,
of II M. 8. Auroro, and Limit. Turner
of the Royal Engineera, were in town
that one of the objects of their visit was
sold to be procaring of bansek accom•
modation for regulars, and that it would
advance the intermits of the town to offer
such secommedation free. If it were
found that those gentlemen were devoting
themselves exclusively to nava/ defenoe, it
might be well to apply to the proper
military autherities.
The suageption was adopted and the
Mayor, and 31easr• Catiteron and Gibbons
requested to wait upon the gentlemen
The council then adjourned.
On the I lth lost., the Hibernian
Society of Toronto gave an excureion to
Lewiston. At drat place, Mike Murphey
the escaped Fenian regaled his old frit: .ds
with the following irpeech .
Between tents and one o'clock, the ex
eursioniste, rale and feral.. old •nd young,
'soh, red in • very small and a very dirty hole
to hear the exile. It wu • sort of a •' rio-
t:spur" on Mack's part after the manic'. of
President Johnson. After move cheerier
end handshaking had bun gone through with,
?lichee! spoke. de said he was rejoiced 10
am thee, Ile wag tiew a free man, in a free
enemy, and could say whatever he wished.
Ile thee related how be bad toe. arrested
with others while going to Boston. IIe
Med being on tiny Fenian expedition at the
time, excerpt • reaceful rec. Ile could never
be on any other than • peseefel one, so fat De Slara,
as Canada wits concerned. Ile had no cen-
metier whatever wiih the TTTTT Fenians. er
limy bed no right to go to t;anada, and he Lieut. 'I'
would alersys oppose them in that es he al- I ini,,e4 in
wars bed. frimoie sad th• (r ends of all
bums bins lieed in reri.da, erbetis the gen Put •l
orally hehd their own. and whet* they id not
wish to be disturb,' toy Sweeney or any one
oho. They hied had trouble there of enure,
from eau& elesan, but they had always
takes are of themselves, and were senefied
se suerritiag except that tie bloody British
flag waved owe, theft. lie them pitched into
ffraglead sod mid that Me would mono be
compalled to free Ireland. Forty thousand
Diareety Braille:am at Hee Trey
troy, siptimber, 18 and 66.
iathur eddither-.-ourdisj to prom
started truer goderich fur to Mind th
convintion hear I sized Mir
dark fur • we dhnip ar ould ri, and
gittiu wee vaulty to grease tun b
sellyd forth. The furs; place i aria
was the funiinst lawyer came
By pain 3 Jolt's i got a,fre pas Lill
10, and got there as eoen its tile t
(Vona 1.411 spacial Cuereirporatral,1
is a !fatness. C•isr, 'tut Tationot u,
1 Otis Sept.
o ray. Dean Sie-I rata • few moinents time
it let you know bow we are getting aleng
'fair out here, thiaking it midis nut be ursirite;
rod" *Wag tO you and Me renders of the • Signal '
ed et We arrived iu camp en Saturday night at
ruus. about o'clock, and rid fortb•itn placed
ofa. In pertession of 6 team i coming these
rane tents they ',resented a rather uninviting op.
'rived. At Hereto i met in witi • friend
Who thInkin 1 was got up iu rale fay-
nian stale peryided wid • par of pa-
per which he sed was a sartibeat of inj
• delicate. We heti several horns of
lorger bent totgelltet, and i pumped all the
infortuashun i kud out ay the poor do -
luded crather. Nutt raoruiu i started fur
troy wid the Vane an a bad lied eke. At
that sity frotand things in a divil's own
coutoehun. leery hote au cornur wus
filled wid dillygates wid
noses and lo foredo, an it MI 4111 all war, -
&toady must be atakt-bloted aristocra-
psarauce evert to tired soldiers. f bey had
bum left III • very uncleanly couditiou by
preceding occupants, and as it wu dark whee
we rumor we had uu opportunity of ' fiaiug
ap for that might le • 'hurt nine we were
furuished with two damp blankets per man,
aoid atter mature consideration, we decided ,
t at t • t thing to be done oats tu wrap
ourselves up in the blankets and go to sleep,
which we retarding!, did. NOW thie may
not appear so very bad after all, but whoa!
you are informed tbet the camp grouud was.,
in a good cooditieic for br.ek maktug, awl '
Pug that the inside of the teuts werelitee better, it
will ezplain the difficulty we found ourselves
uoder in trying to be comfortable. Semidry
- irlands rites -Jt so forth. Nisi
tuortrin i aplitte at the dore ay the eon-
venehun an was axed fur tue doceymeuts.
I handed over ine bit av priper, sod
tiepin the giutlemaa • wiuk teed, down arid
the bloted. asirtocrasy, ould ireland fur -
leer, arin go bragh. Ile laft and sett pn•
oede. As i marched bout •• • sheep be -
ton. two chap armed eid revolvers en
twenty six Diluters i tha kall
i sed till Iseult Berney ye sow' yer in
luck, sure the globe aolfadher min hay
till Oisgise themsilves *riot- guns
.1 k .
roun quietly, aed sich melt/ Thee was
, „a ota,
dogs :wid malt* ot. thius in letthers of
rale goold. an gMelfribens, an laic gine-
ral, and swancy, and roberts i was
tould be mlousbeielidlnates cverY-
where. '1 he first wus to rode re -
porta, elect ofieers, and cethera. Swaney
wus blamed fur not taken Kanada last
time and was ackortlinly pitched over
bored. Thin we hed • dhrop borboti
whiskey/IMM-roupe, and things wint I
\hatit was diet bethcr to &tack ireland
much blether, bud i wus glad to nothii
hint an Kaneda afther. The nixt da be -
Aides giant wid seine big koktales I,
slide ar,thitn, i uotioed sum av the &lei
wid pockm pistils which they fired duwu
there throam. so 'ellen that before the r;
aft bernoon yed thot ould nick hed get ; c
loose sure enuff. I saw fore fitts gun' on!'
at (met an at the Mime time twilve glade -
men, wuu of thou, Swaney, staniu 1 a
there' spakih like ad. TSe hon.!
gry reporters outside gathered up
to here bud av they angle en ing aut ay the I
ruction Its more lion I kud. onetin was y
finely brote to order by the dh kest mime t.)
berm Fein to ;Acne, an the biros p eded.- I in
All i kin te'l yis av tined& nes that t r was la
• rule amain donnybrook row trot d I mi
hart good, an everybody Sidled everybody I w
• lire En annular truer oil his cosi:dry. A 1 n
fur i set thrieblin in me boots ( the ,
were bruges as sed before,) never sayin
waiting sometime for tbe bugle tall it at last
beret on our expectant eon, and scarcely
had the last nobs died away when, as if the
destroying angel had spread ha wings uver
1.1, dowu onus Ole Isms sid what had •
moment before been a tented field we: freue•
furred to a busy biro ut soldiers wrong with
each other to see who would list put hie
habitation iniu rather Ism titan • two bushel
beg. 111 ahnut Iwo minutes after Ma bugle
call' every trot in the bettalieu Ibuee
occupied loy.the officers) ver ready to be
piled ins the tut medulla, Ill the pogii pul
led, bagged and tied up, aml we ready to fell
in for home, or at least tor the old camp
ground.' The march orres-like the inisrelt
out uut;atteutled auy areemsiaree
rt uote. The o er was as follows;
tie y
let, an advance guard and a mupport, then
canoe the cumin, bellied *kora cense one
company ef infentry, the lioyel Artillery, the
Welland Buttery (mounted), the detschreut
of the 161A, the Proneional Benetton, and
lastly the Ontario frotalion and a rear
guard. "fhe nierchosug on the vartoto cOm•
ponies yes ver/ good todeed on thia °erasion.
We hare • band in each Volunteer Battalion,
and they played • number of marching limes
shorten the detente arterially. We hied nu°
mum parades yesterday, mid it was left for
to ay to crown the eight ‘days " plc me "
arida • grand sham battle. Mte paraded in
heavy marching order end had 20 rounds el
blank ammunniou r roan served t t
Pe ou
morning came al last, and with it.the see, Theurer& batudions in quarter d
(which I believe was the first appearenbe the column etre thee funnel lute brigade
latter has made in tbis region fur a week) bead of the mrsde ground. with the c
mid thongs began tu leak brighter. We got artillery. and I nth on oar right, a
our blankets oin to dry, and then began to Ontario liellubou on our left. Cul. W
east about for the wherewithal to candy the then took command, iiiid the brigade w
cravings ol the inner man. At S a. ie., or to the righkbp.sumessive celuinits, .•
thereabouts, we were supplied with bread lure. maiRed to the " promoted '
(1 t pound per dierc per man) and meet (I klis.' 4,,,und." In this moeetnent our posit
per diem per sani). We wem also furnish, .eame altered, nod we, to our great g
ed with • tin plate and cup each, (whiek.1, Mon, were urderei to set as ii reeerr
bel: r -g ) au wit su t taLion, the whole thitpno Benetton
eat groceries to bat lour days., We get for: thrown out us animations by auCcessiv
rbe_entire company 7 oz. °flea ;end llos of pries. We advanced more . the c
coffee, with anger to match ; and thus tot sm- through farms, over tences, ditches
; rfted tjto lest (end it amply sufficient to last) hedges, both green aud a one, for a
1 lkindwiiiall. t War tueered. iYa7laid 'Orono qin7aniii-ialeIte°1t hPeePlirst ;mmi .ffi'irtnheirli6i--bsaalyer:',11aeherfei"nn".t ah.N..taile
of rations furnished by the tiovernment. then the fight „began. 'the aliireci
We are allowed fillet's per man (for the 21 eeutionely working their •ny ahead thr
days) tu get butter and vegetables, ske.. is % rises, ., appeared to
addition to the ne4 00 paid us fur lora of tiesel-found the envoy an the woods in Own. f
Wheu we an ived at estop we found that only and corunienced a rapid firing trom tie
one or two et the Volunteer eorupAnits liad lit*, ol.i.:b sass cootioued fill the whole
arnv,akbejore iiii, owing to sour unaccount- was une muse of smoke and fiame, the s
abld de/ffi is the transport arrangement; but reports of the nibs keeping or ••• in r
we round 4 or 5 companies' of 11. NI. 16th goll u of heavy thunder, heightened
Regiment, and tip Dan/ions (le gum, of the boom ul the'field guns on our right. A
"Grey Itattery ' 10 possession of the ground., the supported enmity teemed to give ves
Tb• Cainp• i• situated about i of • magi fore the terrific fire, and then the corn
Thoruld, and is I think, aii good a spot ! was given id " charge 1" and with '
ch'inien for, the purpose, , cheers the skirmish line (tossed, Mahe
though en it rains the ciariool is Stirred I the hill and charged the position, clinch
up." powerfully." and attains to Out degree I carried at the point ot the boycott.
of stickiums known as •• bootjaCk."' ...Troia I ieratained by a elate and well sustained
dm brow of the hill overlookiog "the Wel- 1 Daring this exciti ag charge the resetves
raed Canal, can be obtained as fitie • new oidered to advance iu line • considerabl
I thinid emu I "go back " on the old spot having been re.iliforcel the " Retire "
al rie would eish to see ; I was nearly say- tree to act mon readily a• • oupport
ng that it was finer than at leuderich. but then to letdown in the ranks. I he e
yet sahile. There is great variety in the sounded, then followed the .' double "
lanoranitespur;ad ton before yotr'bere. Fine ' the skirmiehers came out of the woods •
oases the c al and the 'noels laying in the • double quick,' formed company, did re
ocka aud Wens, then the Railway sinuous, ' in very good order behind our bans
oases the town off. St. Catherinen, •Incli ts 1 by successive co " ,
nd Ituuses, Mlle., Ise., lying around. l'hen which wee ordered to coniniencerivgoltletyofi
pread out in the Tal4174,jand girded on the We (being No. I ,Co. of our battalion) o
er side (frons here) b thick belt ol woods, ed the ball with a splendid Volley,
n the left are the tiritaeby arid Hammon ; seconded by the Mansburgh Company on
!eights. covered with beery woods, nod be left, and confirmed with mere or leas xi
ond can be seen Or blue waters of Luke ' nese down the line. and this was tenni
mario, and ite ehote-e-ineeiLAleets of ead : f,ir some tone, varied, however. by the ti
g crait-We can see the tar Co.sat of the ; ol volleys by the whole lone, and by sue
ke studded with trees fee sheet eighty siee wines -each wing retirins, as it del
leo end it iil rod dint un clear Mays the , ed its fire, to a fresh position in the
bite buildings of foro-to are risible ' to the The field artiller me It I , p
a t eye. or this letter I' cannot vouch position on our right and left rear, contini
ur as 1 .' didn't see it,- but ic quite probahr. to give forth its red -atomised t builder w
t to return to our ramp proreedinge\ great regularity. ' Altogether it era • see
Souse of the Newberg present forma
thetuselve• into a committee to coosider
the Lem of the magistrate. in the cam
of Charles blelaellan teacher of Molloy
trifle, and decided u follows :-Was the
members of this outimaittoe being aware
that Charles McLellan, teacher, Ainleyville,
was fined for punishing • very unruly boy
at school, that of four magistrates who
oat on the case two would not eutertain,it
on the ground that no bodily injury was
iudected, whereas the other two, even iu
the absence of such grouuds, fined the
Mesolved, That we as a body whose
rights we consider invaded, do hereby dis-
approve mid condemn the motion ot the
above mentioned inagistratee, and do here-
by *aloud our sympst hy MeLellan,
and look upon es an injured p moo.
The neat meeting Itakes place on the
second Saturday of December The
subject for discussion to be, " the beet
method ot eouveying the meaning of
words, aud beat method of teaching hie -
Proaisieut, pro tem.
Ledger dream Dr. Garner.
at the
sotirii Toth' Editor oldie Herm - &gush
nd the' Sia,-11aving morn a short ismer addremed
oolaely to you front Wroxeter, I beg to Sky that in
heeled no way or manner do I hold myself responsi-
nd we Ole tor ibredeath of the late Mr. N. Fralick.
• battle timgot 11001 Me a prescription •hich have enerer yo sneep them away before they sendel
los be been in tbe Imbraot using fur 70 yelp and up' gam iberouths of tbe cannons. ettepie
ratifies. wards with Ourspible socetwill. 1 gave him fell sll of arm blurted trete the seethe of the
• bat- mid ample vertsel,iustreetione sie to ils use , guns. sectolpauted by Om discharge ot the
ben% and •liat any rather man 'mild COUSidef Iti• , shells which were being blurted forth
• com plum enough directions. I say must Oerrowa hilate through *be thick wow, oe
vuutry enipliatically that I court all enqinry in au Vtnoke that hanglieavily before the emodee.
mid I hetioreble spirit aed am perfarly. satisfied f Ike Soak aerator, beading • Intl, •wley
tit a leer, the cum to any jury ol medical risen la ' irMe their COrnmics tablet
and now the fear is almost solvertel, that lea.
loss • week ur two of genuine Waoln maths,
shall leigiediately intervene, the crop will sat
.feir .•:atidte.tialoorddai.nissigiy.e. 8Mp.a.r.laisettobt:leehz at,eid.
ready counted upon the probabilities, ead
tiPrcirtliousageof".17 pi:egselitsP°Ctund'setitiecine" LT14117:41;
dwimrerraunerit.latellitily ass10 bethebdePedetrUcniton'"Osif ea' 'r6risto,,a0,
valuable crops may be Evoided. The Were
toPliftle'!°45151:etne:fyibeoyrfemiat 'Hg1alYacl' eattinebdn' t wbei u7o;:iuts:4"11:ealiurr77
the unripe svar, and unite to us e bounteous
harverit._-_C. /*imago 7:Itaine.
Cavalry Chatralad Amine'''.
-.• te- ----
The Prussian military correspondent of Me
Londe.° Teem •rios its follows to that
paper :-The Promise alsillery ores brosght
mu actions, and, firing quickly, did m wench
damage as they could to their suitor 5
.1717151 twilinajuliolion.a0h.d.1,0,0 6A,a.utniianida /biter:
little sign of quitting their ground. Thee
tbe Crown Prince called up Ms cavalry, ga.
%ermined •ith them to carry tbe butanes,
The Fifth Ceireasiers, four squadrons eines,
were formed up in brie, and were ordered to
ewhaairdtrei:h.pfrufret Iiiresb.itsloh:mely ans'Idnamen"iledilyr°ert
Goat, tetanus to glide over the &dal, ereds-
7rielisutdcreaiteraifinSre Idhweireertr'spoo"glEtabel".., w°4biellill
emptied mac y • saddle, when wit bin • tew
hundred trees °film IwstWry they brisk, rat
trend into rem, striving slob desperate
a steady gallop, which increased nt rapieliip
\el e'er, etride that brought the horses nearest
ukase Austrian line. All the hose uf their
&device the gunner' petered roiled atter
mg I this country or any other couritry on the wieourludy., 1 cuabriralluryth.usituouentturterindirfu 0tiree.11.u.tme i:hftts :::
-sitn4re ii pe"ruhainiarl'iikqeu:olizZimathoutyllmatrPeebee*"n" eassizhibni..i_edy To rtt :mei inwo 7 .ob ./ I, :0: m l d1 , .. ,,,b sia ftt vs.„7....1.eit-,,,,,:iss.„......4..,.z.,,stb....rdottithipit ,cl
i.ugh towards am, by some other Neediest
smear began tu Gift slowly, ',way ,„ betneweti.
rhiNse,rie, I L...,,tihn.iiires1 .1000se.otiv‘hrderdice. I ilbranatht roalci.b....47
1 donors.. •byes not Imbed. Shrieks flees men net
ht to ' slur on my diameter for negligeuee in
line! instructions 'Ober verbs! or written se the broad blades of the eituramiers,
seam ' Onto( .• Willa Murder " for which I
harp I not tbe One. 1 ...mild 1155 willingly accept Criel fur quarter. tare rapid tramp Oteciorting
sod excited horse., *I . rattle et steel, Moue,
v the , committed to jest. Such • chugs in say Werra sod imprecate:me from ester ...,
last shape is false mid I spurn it with contempt, hbalotanti.Its.,itrodeb 10.up ptyosyheci.r.v.enh,einhavvretelbemeg 07-
• , 11 is very esar err Ise to account for Me
mY sad deeds of Mr. N. Fralick mod es it is soon to hoed sp by another armed host not mese
f up be tbe saaject of an arias trite', I &all leave
it to the judgment of • jail, of my country. wandieichdwiieumne itofrfnmigailBeutmhe. A siU"sriail.illuici"arlinseiry
a„..„ rh abe„ i ettall ea„ a char,e, to eapase that wits covering the guns, dashed upon the
witourde r
fire. 1 rum errors." I have not even had lb.
ty heretofore to expleia matters end was lb:, it: leembrar.n *List bilouirit. •it. tott et b.aagnme.m...mieeth.ntAsais-
ta ha,,,, it,,, eeideaca of a medical trion homemen, broken and scattered by the
nee adzdy ?mar ,c,*00cm1 behalf. le the meantime 1 shag hese,' *bock of Om mummers, flew in wild
wee fortunes'
utouret,,ueuxj...okctuvt,haugt uwabacht ulutolia:seilidurses ;rounuifustbioun,fiunekiver Arailllied,th. gan.d., w.eirirh drat:7.1,7.
Mr. Fralick's death aside, end for
es fell into the heeds ot the 1'i -testae
et part of the regime aad horses, ard trey
and which II0 teal man tan be, or la "remelt- r;t0:4 r
t the ble, I 'cut me the rule means again. I
tired lassee treated, I can safely aver over 300 MIMI
lion, of • sorMler ure with this medicine aud all
ring have be -en eu and withoet exception, az
eft, cent the unrolls'. te young gentlemen, sod
pen- as fine end Kellen* one ss I ever knew, and
ably ' .hor death no 1 on more deeply deplores
our Oulu 'myself.
eadi. Yours tin rly, ice
nued JOHN . GAHNER 11. D.
ing 1
u • ,
THE 17-'131111A •
ued j .
doil • we'd fur leer ay bein tumid out. On
the mu day it ma miner to see' the stokin
plaster an bandegts on the beds ay the boys,
but Iverything past of quite. Wen ay the gin.
ends made is grate scee,be. IIe Lune in
b4tke stile at erisidect Jones', but sed they
the bin inn on there side. Greely an
!Maier, any the tribune,worrued an eincintiatv
papers, sinkage journal was all rite. TW
loud &tack Kanady many enuf was Isul-
ected, an it !be kanueks resisted thar wud be
aw 01 work, bud if thir Atnirilreu aspire in.
serfered the grate Irish army Mil turn an pa!
Own riff fur there nu nothisin. At diner Moe
we adjourned an 1 moiled toy lettber till the
signal bud the Iiii.rtmen whose Hann IS Psi
Aft breakfast en Sunday ad ,,painla tensed well calculated to cet th bl
• s set' eir er, t
tint as t e want of bede was felt •une, tbat
niedr mut . ted art (vibe's - Fero gunners the t
wee the ev: tint to be ieniedied, shieb re. Ore tberwise, and I suizu_retotdh.ayt-1.0hio
went numbs ith the blankets, sewed hone world be of immense asfeeateee to te
logo ol them tegether for a tick, nail kept tbe engaeed, u it rood not fen to give any
;; otber pair to fulfil Abe legitimate end for • good Klee of a regular fight -at ail or
which blentets are *Opposed to be mode. we went throsigh,:11-otelteuurenoetioolnustuuon_digll
We Men made • raid attit neighboring far " • "
: mer for sins., and ler enouxli home to resist cavare -sideployed into line- whe
' to make c.iinfurteble beds to the •hole eorn• of in line and in cailionti-formed into' sk
puny. This, unlike most nil was ptufit• miehing order-edneheed-retired, and
able tor both parties, hut .partie r.y for but turned inside out. Thee eras sn i
• .te we eame late tin Saturday ight, all menet number of spectafers followed us
thie had, of coarse, to be d.ine on relay, to see the Maniruvres ; recursions hen
and our eamo on that morning looked very been given from Ilanolfon add other town
like • who.ciale enioneker's shop -every me The Volunteers cannot gam too mu
rite ling to the best of his ability, eare'beina praise for the manner which they Rorke
taken to mike the thread 'Inn out as long es nd the fire of the skirmishers rem reel
obit. The length of the stitches would erislid I tlili k tl
1 r astoiesh some of our sewiajl freiernity,
we bewailed mournfully the abeence of
right hand men in this line. We have
ee paredes per Ilday Reveille sounds at our first , an care were entort•i
O. Orem at ti. and Pande at 6 1 5, that we woo he
again •1 9.43. Then comes dinner at I, before we we dismissed, but tlie sior
. afterwards the bugle sounds the Dreas deeds kindly pe ed. and wpm off to o
.10, tool we narade for the third parade right and lett after Liberality beiprinklini
roweling officer's parade) at 2 45. We with rain. After expending nearly all t
rolled about two bows at each parade. ammunition served out to us, we got orde
rytoing ie dune here by bugle sound so
p, a
Wee [bat most of the men engazed
r have had the Phineghans their f
1102111111 .AT
Taor -homer. Ils-ILaccilt.
Sweeney Illailuellts rape Mtn* "141;1.1.17";
ou.d I err' 4.1 TeX feigns witneli 7.. Its
rant j 711Cisin--71101 TTTTT /Mont o 3: PC" -
chi -Weer um Baron TT
-Moos Tatter roe C•114111.1,.1.7
C•Vslair,,son &C.*,
Erma oar toes ceriespeader.
• beide\ Elopement.
PCENS WARD • iriiroot mg, GLASO011
On Monday 'fieriest., • demesne sere;
of a somewhat unusual the/atter, took plass
on hoard the strew *tearer Wipe. priories
to her starting for Liverpool. Aimee the
piuserigers observed on bred ••• a man
someebat &deuced in years, who re paying
cle•oted attention to an elderly bet tolerubly
goot looking trust's. The hannosy imbrues-
iag between the loving per wes somewhat
disturbed on the arrival of the train from
Gingen, whicb brought nob it • eare-wore,
motherly-lookieg womaa, evtdently taboeing
ander great excitement. On coring to lbe
summer she pushed past the ticket collector, •
id confronted the male pereoesge, •ho tura-
" ed out to be her husband. Inmost to his
feseate COUlpstoon, the infuriated .ife wised
hold °flier ibe bloomer hat which site
\ woes, aud almost tore it in shreds. and other.
At the Fenian Congers recently held in
New Yuar., Sept 1 2.
anterfered, and the two worts. were
wise resulted her. A member of pursers
re*, Teo), tbe donne hours were
ogees that rite mean was haelseed,
el" in the disceesion politicel matters. Ttirs 1 •
P.a•cd fuel itribuly laitt,rated. Ths wife espliunesi aloud to
tr. mamma more -that he had eloped
ir-. Me the hillier of ere children, end gime"
sic question at issue was upon selling ou
inbargh he resided) that
• enure Fethan rote to the Radical ineinbeirsiomof ..th sh. ..ido.,
set ! the 17. S. Cougress, at the enseing elee
and that, wing got a boa of the affair she
ng this fell, for a reenniary consideration. Four
had star •ith the nest tram for Gleason.
1 Wars were meopied in the dist-maim' of ibr ma. the tafareet
rtuestion lut Suoday morning, and one el the wife found 1 the steamer had sailed. 51 •
1,, principal '• delegates " declared that 0th:us; htototkh.thzillkt :spa:ries G.rbocen,:ck.,1.endt.d.
would himself to the devil of they ,
To utile artier& compromise was propos-
11 only more money for tbe care A ed. ‘et the etre p hateett her inteenon of
el"; large sumber of the delegates were &Went joikaied be
ruing t"ltimateiy the husben got a ticket tor her
-caucus, harlot returned home diegustedreit, utott.sc,epra.uimemiaugyerullizen.,tuog li.srer.pozln; pab,ost,i, obb.ce.
gan to osier the heeiread 111. 11•1 position
"•' rather hut. A large trued &mere ressesse
ks to 'ell lissesner II( threat, against be texture.
43 1k/...11111 SI1 bail do ettiod him piloted me oat
(I I till WWI sr the brethren an in the twinklin av
he a sbillnly three or fore n• *him was nankin tur
1... italtht11111/1q ,1.1.2 / Barney this ill 110
re/ place fu.• yer present elite av he.th, rts heeled
0 i med a NAM umovinint doun • back 'direct
ao gut off wid hole tionell. lin sorry sal
kurnsterices pc:rented nattaktin asyer special
v. I envy longer.
Excuse a had pin an wo
Par We have received from M
Aloorbouse the current number of ChaL11
hers' Journal. The articles are capital!
Mar We publish to -day interesting le
ters trout our special correepondents a
New York and the Thorold Camp.
1 - - - -coe
pillion 5.3
Bit. LL.B./AN. acid
let 2
are d
' Ere
ut few e
got in the ntoim fight who will forget th
day, who Rill ever be sorry that to•
paled 't. It tamed considerahle durin
ned4 uring the maim of this Sunday moo
A *cry interesting ceremony took pla
(Ilee We are glad to hear that we are likely
to have another gun •boat ori this 'tattoo soon
The Government shows • removable desire
to defend the important section of wbeb
Goderich is the key.
ru A GREAT Cnor. -Mr, Edward Mc
Quillen, of tbe 14th con. of Wswennali hes
ta en Vie bushels of prior lall wheat off tea.
acres of aew land -or 49 bushels to the aerie,
who can best/thil yield.
Orsrflits, of the first quality, and per-
factly fresh, may be had daily at Shep-
pt.rd Strschan's.
bar We would direct attention to the
advertisement of D. Kerr J r. & Co.,
whose store is crammed with a fine menet-
aunt of Neasonable goods of' every de-
The Manchester Bridge.
Serious complaint,' reach us; with regard
to the state of the Manchester bridge. -
It was, under contract, to be completed
on the I 5th of August, but at the present
tone it is perfectly impassable, two horses
' having bean killed in the attempt to erose.
e set that only three or four men are
at work upon it, while the farmers are d •
pri ved of availing themselves of the splen-
did prices now being paid in Goderich for
grain is dimrsoeful. The matter demi,'
be enquired into at ormo,
y, of 31 M 8. Armen, command-
s western gunboat Beet, and
urner of the Royal Engineers,
town yesterday, (Monday) and
will be betbe Herm BMA. Their nay
8181- We Pave very gtoosity reoutits
from linen, SA 141 the Orilla, Oa illorrant
thr taisrment rare ef the par throe
weeks Rome of one own northern town
ships ere roe betler off.
Ants, Sept. 14.
It is reported *het the Enineror ham sent
to Mexico the recall of Marshal Bassin*.
It is stated that arrangements here been
mete for the meeting of Napoleon and Ilia
marck had beeu completed and an Interview
mut soon to take place.
Two French journalists --111. Virmaltre,
nf the Liberte, and Mr. Blondeau, of the
!Court lies -frught with swords at St
, an e, near Pane, one day in August.-
Vinnsitre eras worndeid in the ors, wben
the seconds intornosed, sod the principals
Sept. 1 2.
A terrible 'interim emend here thie morn
*mg, Tim saw and pinning milt of ft • (1
kork, !onset M Ineenne and Welter aroma,
re blown spat twenty tenet« to 10 re'eloelt.
There tree ma or twelve persons killed, and
eight seriorly vrounded. lie mese of Ote
explosion is not known, as the engineer is
averg the killed. The astabliebeseat rover
00 mu" 0rdroned. JAM &beet $10,000. Esi
irou.rh and throng
O 11 Mailnid complexions which several o
o ' le•ding Freon* were attempting to itn
upon the Congress, and mous the unly thing bled ape* Ors quay, and me espression to
waa the passege ef a vote of thee
Gmeral "Cotton '' flanks for tbe puree of Some (.4 the wore enersdeires fagot fair
10 b'" '° ref'""1 16° 1°1111°.°I'lf 1".* PM. rieou"ndehr:w nsgt7nd gPro"ePne.hloid fele d.operprie
d to this reins, bowever • resolution .
lately at Tumearora -the opening of a new 'to
Church by the Bishop of uron-attentl*i peter
ed by upwards of twenty clergymen. sous
This handsome and elegant structure is hos
intended for the benefit of the Six -nations redo
who live too retuote from their "t
pariah church, The Rev. It. It'aberts !;:e111'
I has been acting aa their Missionary for 7ava
Isouse time, and to render his services 11 "7,
fully available and to make him cow- rne,,
tenable they (the Indiana) have rcsolv. Colo!
ed to erect a parson:1m and to enable it:C1
them to carry out their good purpose .1
they resolved to appeal to their pia, rite
faced brethren, by giving a series of con. i air
certs in the various towns, the first of cons
which was given here on Wednesday b'1717.
evening, I 2111 inst. perha
We hive often heard of the sweet and T;ii
delightful manner in which the Indira h
conduct the singing in the religious nee.
vices of the sanctuary, bat DOW we are
enabled to give public testimony to the
peculiar sweet and plaintive etyle of their D
singing. There were seven who appear- parii,
on the platform, attended by their which
leader, Mr. Flanders, who, in the way he non as
lodeon, Wa1 an host in himself.
played the acemnpsnimanta on the me. oiwiutotrui
give • full and critical rotioe of the per -
We do oot feel ouraelvee qualified to
Tar th
lormsnor, indeed where all was co beauti- 1Thir
thei hbr
NI and chute and well rendered it would
be dtffieult to partieula.ise. We are Iwy totrpe
sure all must have been delighted. The bro
nehneste of Mra. Wsaburn'a vaiee and the ed abo
Myle in which she delivered her 8010a, fiwan,:tdeboiatrdhr
was so much admired, as to eall for sever-
al encores. We were particularly Mesta
with the deep, rich Immo notes of Mr. and 0.
Hers himer.
it you want to wash your free, you have
nd a coil ow! • guard to hunt atistun
. We ant No. I or Oar butialion
I, the Ilemdurgh Infantry are aio. 2. and
t o; country companies, formost anon
1 wheal the conspany commanded by the
ubtable Capt. C. Vitally, or Sarnia
riety. We have two battalions uf
ratters here, of eight or nine companies
, together with the Coboarg Troop of
lry and the Welland Battery of Artill.
which, together with the fee ula w'
ber •bout 1500, or more. Col. Roes is
merit(' of one butelion, and oar old
tel, of the Sarnia Provisionai Battalion,
trap Quartermaster. The Welland Bat -
are, I ani tie.lomed. uuder orders to
at • moment's notice, so we are not
certain that we will get home on the
mg of our eight den', but ihe probabil.
e ra that we will. We met several
panies goinE home front camp in oUr
here, and they cut rather a sorry 6gare.
it ran el nearly all their eight d
ps they are to be excused.
•-sdny mOrning-lt raining Oar morn•
ke all possered, and I don't think we
see any a. in. puede.
14 September, 1864.
T-11-0 no I.D•
a Bin, -We bare just come in from
t ing in a grand field day here, of
I pose to give as good a descrip-
I hm able ; but first, perhaps, it
he se well to give a short accort of
oven:tents yesterday, as they were •
out of the ordinary routine. Instead of
ree drills per day, we got orders for a
eh out," and accordingly ny a. m.
igade paraded in heavy marching order
Primes tor one day, having previous
els oar tents, which were ordered to
ught along with ux. We were march
to four or Gee miles into the country,
ered to pile arm. and pitch tents in
ge Oar Battalion (Provisional)
e Welland Battery, occupied the high
on the right, end tbe 16th Fiesiment
Ontano Battalion, with the Rnyal
ry, occupied ihe len of the field in
we encamped. Pickets and *oar&
nt ont se if an enemy were really in
ntry, end if re did not feel that we
deed soldiers it was not beeare of the
any of the observallees prescribed ffir
jesty's forces when in Or field.
interval between our arrival and
h• men amused thcnteelres in ftrione
ot the leer amusing being • very
ing game of " leap frog," in which
ho was at all 'on hie anwel. '
to join. After dinner we renived an
on 'bat the Anglo *cold. blow to
tents " in 20 'flirter', and mooed
all girded on our unmet, he., and
position to brine thanes down hy the
• being • tartit onderetanding arnong
es °empanels that each would en
o be foremast la tbe strike. Alter
The performers appeared in full in. :II:
di in eostame, accompanied by their were*,
Chief, Mr. Johneton. Whet with the wtheer:01,0
elegant dreams, the excellence and peen- lack of
liar "Kyle of the mune, it vras a treat which Hir
the musical portion of our community di:own !het
have not e.njoyed before. ways, n
At the conclusion the Chief addremed int""I
the stulitmee, which was large. The dnit0i"ned0
armature wan held in Victoria 11.11, which intimate
wea plowed at the (heroes! of the Indians '.‘11;i1`,:
hy Afr. Cribb, with hut wonted goineroaity :tn,troft
end kindneen• The emeort was n d rea,
the patronage of Mrs. Roberts end Mrs dilizyr,,arieto
to march hack to the ramp, which were gl
ly vilified. In the course of one march
the roar! leadin,e to camp. we encountere
a number of the fair sex ranged in line alon
a stone dike ' which lay directly ie our
of march, and which they thought tit bein
about .5 feet bogb) would protect them end
stop our advance. They reckoned nit
their host, however, for, as we did not recei
any orders to halt Chaege direction, w
marched directly at it, and over it, amid th
screams of Ricers mumbled in front.
When we arrived on our parade ground
we were all formed in open or wheeling di
lance column, to " asarch peat " the Co
coctmanding arid staff, and then it was the
ihe test of steadinees wee rio he applied t
the respective companiee, and I am proud t
say that old No. I did not fal
We marched put with shouldered arms a
osusl, and had a board been stretched elon
either rank it escarld have remised ever
man Ae we marched past we heam the
Colonel eOniMatitling (Col. Wolsley) exclaim
d ammunition' seined stod canliseated by Ilse *if°, whi*b °be Lail*, M ow. roorroroo ts
United States government daring the recent '
do and the ir uon therefter left the bias
the husha retreatiee ander • eeries Of
raid upon Canada. After raking further
groans nod brim from ell nh• wintered the
provision for the colleetirin of money- • antajt-the widow ei,,e, tart aa k,a,a eataaaf.
e int which these rascal* neter seem to ne. Mg. Ai very little sympathy was extended ,
glete-the " Fifth Feman Congrear ',goyim- towards liar by the other female passengers, .
: ed without delibernting upon the rel.,. sod u fears were beige expressed 'het •io-
kni hand. might be taell open her hy some of
1; course of military 'tenor, arid without salting the more demones ranee of her re, she wars
any prompt or sett., meet/wee to renew Otte nerved by 1/1141 orate officials on board the
o contemplated mtack oo Canaria. Sweeney
o has been rewmeed from the chief roonand of •fre'r eat.ed gr"led°171°";°°°,71.01 1-006°.
time it wadi deemed necessary lo seek the sid
the I eman forces on the grounder inn:mope-
e police m mai to net vent the husband
' tency, but his queerer has not yet been op- being summarily chnitised for Itia rambler-
- secure ehe services of General Phil. Sheridan, cdir:vedintsluoctutyPpe_su'"ind,letowholeilleurse toid,,111. laidetv
p pointed. Great snits are beine made to nem. Th______,„_, part es...were very resyrettably
. but tbie distinguiabed officer will probebly
' think the matter over twin before he will con- p.ii.in" AiTuTric_riin omen Ai.
tent to resign hie contrition in the United_ vertmer of the tOth san :-The schooner
t States regular army, arid leave hie important
o Om city, has been re-elected •• President "
a in ed n ai: , . N i , ee ne . ()ter:rim:the Wo.). . ear.aatar,d a aes,, gala,
of limber. When about 46 mile@ out else mu
toch7ethb:rotherhood him been so altered that
hes SA much authority ever the fun& and
e •hich several thousand feetinefth.loan'benirri.entil
, "plain Sylvester, kit Toronto for
toil port on Saturday morning, with • cargo
working machieery orate orgaoisation aa '1 whoa, atime .e bee. bee. enema, (0 emu,
as overboard, together with a ruttier,
he was " bead -centre." A reeoluion or min. The night was very dark, awd ,ho pl.
ale* passed, that, of the 849,000 received by so heavy *hot she could not stop to pick him
the treasurer sinee the raid on Canada last up, hot wail drieen irresistibly onward IA*
any purpose without hie airmen.
une, none of this money eisa be drawn for eau, minuted ta g., d i re, b„.ede jogetk„
making • sort of naft, on which he got, set
ongland, it appears teat the threetened
„ 11Y 111° .ist'u'l news .received he" fru"' drenched and hirmoshed with eold he floated
, . .
or sixteee boors on the serest! bosom of
evim invasion af Caned" this fall, and the the hie.. meantime the sehooner hove tee
active preparations to meet it, are among the
most prominent topic*. The 1,ondon nines ander a 'seekers, and when the gale subsided
remarks that " sohode outmodes ate Fewieriss ahe pot back in the direction of the place
are going to emvpier Caletuda," but the where the man mul lost overboard, but with
little hope of Sod/ng him, however. But be
eontempiated movement is thmwing some was diseevered not far from the same spot,
heavy expenses on the colony, and making the only ,isibi. m+,e, in tint „de num. a
some demand on the bort government.
The despatch of three regiments nf British (ceded on her way, arriving hen ties learnt
water. Getting leas *lucid, the Henke pro.
Tratiritero4rintilio hCesoutrut silts urUnt'.71461'1:1"tro; CsT11:1: nus adventures and narrowest reaper (rola
Ong. Thie is at once ono ol the most peril.
da, and it stated that still another eavalf7 death which has eon)* to our notice ta a low,
Tne London Telegraph enema that Canada
regiment will follow se rapidly as possible. time.
is on the brink of aventlier aria mine mere
serious Myosins, and that three additirmal
batteries of artillery an despatched to the
colony in prudent anticipation of the easereetn.
ey which has arisen.
„---- lit:A VER.
1 / the neer. Upon bearing then the ?regular
wite paused for the recovery of the arms and husband reserve So return hula. sada aiir
'splendid," "capital," "couldiet be 6sat,'
ke. We after•ards heard thet he said
the °Wench company was the steadies
Volunteer company he had seen yet.
We have order. to move for home eery
early tomiorrow morning, and will get 50
rounds ball cartridge served out to us. As
we are going •war to -morrow they are not
so etrict with their "lights cosi " as usual.
We hare had one target practice here,
each man firing seren rounds. This is mere
ly to give the men itiNtroction in “nosition."
no score is kept of the result. I am told
ere are numbers ot Fenian* around Thor•
old, and there are strong supicions that a
company of Volunteers (the Oshawa Infan
try) were poisoned, but not fatally, by ratify
pies botieht from itinerant cake vendors.
Certain it is that after eating of lir pies they
were all taken sick, aad the Hospital mar
geon said thot there were eyininoms of
poisoning, and that the ?morning pies eon.
mined poison. You may believe we shut
down WI buying anything from atrangers
alter thin date. faro men of the 1 Sth were
affected in the mem way after eating some
pies they hool bought in camp. Of comae it
is next to impossible to find out who sold the
pies, kit there an dozen. of trivalent sell-
ing them in all directions.
I must now conclude this rather extensive
letter, stretched oat far beyond ony oriental
intentions, and I fear reline longer then you
will find race for in the columns of the
" Signal.•'
Sincerely yours,
The fifth mentor meeting cif the Teach -
er's Association of Morris and Grey was
held at Ainleyville, on the Rth inst The
mad...eta were disenesed with greater ani•
matinn than nasal. Geology oecupying
pertaeular attention the ennelasion srrIved
at by meet of the members who spoke
that that anbjeet as treated on pages
69, 70, 7 1 ,of the fifth book is incorrect.
_ _
' Tao Coro crop
bie little eseitenunt exits anion' opera.
tors in the cereal prodecte upon the prospect
eneditirm of the emit crop. At an early
period daring the peat season the heart of
the farmer was gladdended by the torn ot his
extensive fields, giving every presume of an
Ohm% lent yield earl • haodoorne return for the
labor expended on them. Rot r the alninn
wore along, the weather germ atom enprop.
itior, rain stnnis snereding rain 1110ren, Ind
mild when there should have bees teat and
eanshine. And thns it stands al present.
Prematurely advanced at first, the ibeelop-
meat has not kept peee with its rapid greed',
ffIlavealeot_s of Troops.
b"T:rstosentioireesdpaniiiirestmofamd.tlie ultudethtbRuisrdespi.havine
leindon will be filled up from one nf the new
regiments shoming otos
As the present Parliament Csnada will
sot mem again, the emoting goverwasent
in the novel pneition of posseesing irrespos•
aible power ; ia fact Mei owe do sa they fibs
President Johnson, having been bent to
I/108, is just fiftyeren years of age. A ram
aalre-" Why a Johns." like eleimbeesee
and answers in the same breath " Beeson
he ie the grater eg the Asthma."
A lady et the Lneanille and Neeh•ilie
depot the other day stertleslems7body by
crying ont, " J're got the Molars I" A.
fine boy anon made his appoints/re hots
the world, and it premed only fo be
cholera infantum.
• - 444, -,4 -D•440104.4.040 --•,,to -