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W. T, COX,Editor&a,#FroplMtOrj •I r• e,yaThe Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number.^
�- ____ -__. I
s/1.601'I�;K ANN. IN AD'DANCE; -'
GODERIC1I, C. 1V.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1866. �� OIr. XIII. --N0- ¢)r
r� - __ __ _ _ r,.
Busllit$$ IYICC( orv. \ FeseloHy Io .ree Pork. mairscer Im 19mler'lo. .omobody sJhmbft save a ball in the prr,•Oi
--- , 1_--- \ -� `Vul.je U. won.. it, 1 -t Mill larval ocomi
I]M. P. A. a[oDousalll, �r F' um aur Oona t ^rrrq aJrct. Hl tees u, Aub. '!"_. t . mt to think col Ii a rr ■. I fmayined aUl ,,
• ILL BE AT $GME FUR CUNS(1L 44rr• ' Naw Yuxc Aug. 17 Abnul two dclOck tLix r)na.nl pyti ah"rq ILe't lar Ian ,.v of prel a•es-ta r r ill .
tali"n uP to II O'clock, a. m., every Jarr 1 .14 - 1. flmstdi and Aln-e ;;,unit the Ludr "I 4 man, we,:diag, sem• sr. rinl haul ber0 eampr•je� j
Willniartpatirobat any hour awyrwarde,m 6 The leaden of the Fenian brotherhood, pq . to riyeraalit•r •L�ua a 4iuubhI
e a+ aLo tial ea droik hero burdened, loin Wal a.J hrd
eF dn. flgdirrk the Ola of '• bonds u( fns lash ra' flat miclecii nett the curlatr col litorhange l iu goieg d0■, a,,ahn n, lion door k - but, .s 4
public" too blow a proceed of filling Ilrir and N' •hhylun Weets, l eowd not • % to dei• t 1 IL," m Ord io
Cik. Q. Ybrnnon, aj. D.. 1' I R'
�%HYSICUN SUROEON,Ad,,A0.,0OD - _ '-' pockets, have recently lilt upon a wort Iwpu- TL•• L,adr ones 1, i•rg in a pool of L'wrd, sir: road al Ire mmulr a I,) y -x o Aura ! r dry
. saecs,, C.t�. 13:40.1y ler scheme of ewiudling the poor aervaut,;itts The Luurd ,if the skull no c eco wdea•Ir 1 viach, 1 Irft my loam to go to •,.Other ■(
---- DR. IteL6Aht, on - t and their fellow cuuntrylnen utA of (heir hard , ecubL. i in. snit :Oe luwo•• j tw i., ns Lrulrrn I Ihr end of Ihr p �a-..'fi, Tine mooncrct k hat
_ _ r' I earnings, They base set oq foul aernN of on tics:: eider. 9'brrx N•r` a1- , a Ir �v wr•nral my Juor, 1 aril a nun xl nidi. ;r t•wr,iMr�le
13HYSICIAN, 8IJ11,460N, CORONER EXCHANGE FOR PI�QI3UCE �_�� on still .t•Rlp, S.1.1 yaw "a aIle• tun of aye `I front me. 1 Le fellow, wl•u ra. .u„ul . Yt'
4go OAre mod Itr.Wearglhird dtwroantol i Z! L' xL iJ 11 3.4- gigrn c pie-oiea to be held in all the principal bead. The Lush ;x that alt's Oran ■pra r^t:v I rest two mcbes iu h«r : hl, a1 J mi,sl 1•ower
t1N1reI M"houl AT IGul)N:[ticla. - - sort rnand western cities throughout the 50 Team ortal aLuu, 5i'rgt'u llrr,h;; h, -J lolly m+de visa lne"urg col file door w► fans.
rgI �''- �l p 1,, p ,t �" - Cuu lr the first of which carne o at Rua oa Cost M g,ray ..udrt,e tr �1 I nix, very ,alum Clue lu nat,t, Pa Is ad Ilia hand o01
nH • �.�OR+�aN0�0 . , .7, '1.�.:� � F O�t GC 2111 1LQ' C GIN 1(21 �A.$'1 it. xr. �' Y-- hi" L tall•; slit bouts. r lite a"tun rhi,l. I handle Then 1 first caw ;rim ) Lal Ih0 m.,■w11C
VH bICIAN, SURGEON, Aa, will al- 1 , , I 4 r, �.•; _� :'' =�- '� •few Jsys ygo, al which they aGMJ • y ii4 pial til boron ; I neo cutler, w�L n be Cru�ol agile saf me, hr wAJn •nub rithar
ttflad, rrmulaily,todrwaweelsadynrgiea � I`QR ALL KiNDB 0! COUNTRY PRODUCE ardenble sum. AnwLer sit thew grrud ymxll silk reek t e ; Lruwn ,itbod wuL':; to tOarr m , sir ro get ly mt, I don't kn yr
e,•res,ane cyan Uy•ye. - wows talk plaeo ■t the Iiellevue Gar aaek-curl slid.,,it black ..•It last. He hrd which : a'J IrePing thus, 1 dhow. beak, v
Hew.cal•.LL,ostll.'.I6,1N.2. 1.09! �.. DFUU.81:1) AT THE WABMOUSE OF y,
_ w tLrd cit Ieat F'lidar sfturuonn. The in his pal, kat • e■.d of \rA� A Goch, dh,l• allowed him to teas. '1 4r neat m,•nwrq 1
ler Lewrl., - weather wss all that eou!d Lr Jrxin•J, Ord dealers, No. 140 Slain corers, r •spall key, 'gave Ibm alum, ■cod /ba bowwbiadwa•+yw.wF.
/� R I and a clean linen rollar. kir ream• eoin l•h r. ly ar,owd. An ate. mpt a Iwnwt ass saadC•y
BARRISTER ANDATTCRNEY•AT i^• V7 SAr.&GEn - Worefifteenhundred persona u( both hexes'ablyroxrkrdw;ihsmalllloz. Lintolila-ticalIlotthe Clients or two whit► Dad rhl�md,
Lew, *hit Be1mits. i. -Chanters, Cuoaty 1� [i r
U.N... AHorwey hud.r br,'as Wet. 11�Of -- (i(Xi Ch et AN�iLi , 186;: I \ graced the occssawl with their presence•- of tint writing, the body han nut leen Arta,'- euablyd ILe Lurglru to mukw 11o'od tberrn-
• Grunt Hdaw "•�' v!{a40 •,. -� -LT' •r' f ,X, ,_ Among the matt nuticvable wed Jamrd titefh- fia•J, It bra hren n round so Kral'y dvuJ- I ess, and they got eloar rwar w�rkoW mo•
- - ---- a `' eW C. O, L R. ; he wu accum lrineJ 6 house, a"`t Coroner F.domad. will Lukl Inc leylulion. r
1K. C. Cantron. \. .- - -•'•K- r t .•r' .. 1 y . 71ar ,aril thin to be dor way io M�erMin
1t� Inquest. Two most, Mart., Collins Slid p ni• K
utylimmi ATPUItNEY, CONVEY • - -- w n■�� r n—r Gen: (:lesson, Cul. Itarke Col. tiuwrn, ■nit
,ivy' tr se _____ � r I, rm Jl .lu,we, of Iw)ckpo t, hxre Dren ■r� t::e rxtrnt r(uur lu•>rs ; end a r«r! pleat,
e� &nou.lge, Xiacauystrcef.UudenCb' wanton i5.U0 first Wooden Axletree Lum several dlliklt_4o Dr.'7. recently leen d(o- ice (I m decioled this. Rose,*thin •(silver.
THE LIV&.HP00': eg L04DOIk rested, ru.,,•,.,1 still lire mntde;, and rile R"" g
�q$11t;88ICCIYOtyg. err wa ,�01?1C11.
binAlair Ie Wosll[wr. rias a %irzil(gcRRrcaCo. gore 4.00; 13rat Iron Plea h 7.40, 2nd -_.-- •. - _,___. "._."_ .,._,_" _ _ charged by •' the enemy" froth the Mountjoy twlie*..,v on the trial fur fu.abar dev,lolt - sir gold iu the house rbu•h 16.y tanto jr
BARRIST6R8, SOLICITORS, CONL du 2.nD; hest 9'oudCn I'luugb 'L00, Y1rd ,lo pawn in Intrad. The greesrr part of the menti• Ibeir hands ups a, Ihey lad em red q(� bull,
d Cs 7118 POINT Oi'' iDENTITY. unI
rs,vucsai ago• User, vet the 'stun rel P• ,s r�,1�, tar; � /uw�rr ad Putt! L00; Real double mould hoard I'Inuoh 3.00; afternoon was pwaed In dancing " rale cold Cullium and Mrhonv ren olo.enrrJ L1 J miicb arlic:e ss i(ega int= surf!* I
.. V. L4alurat SOU.O,;Iwwb. DRUGS D TJGS ! 65'�• bI Ikal itfbdoil Ploufh '3.00: Rat pre horse persous of rhe Maosioa 11,.uxr to ser+ dorsi 1'1■te they never Sah i W toutb, ai b
Thr Oo,at •,: ,d,•tnr)'. I•,ap hex dl...ut••d. Irish jigs," drinking lager, etc., etc., when 1 - I Game was Ifir about in Ibe dtRrroul loot
1 [ 1'u'toartor 2 00 'lad do 1.00; Ikar Frunim•- f ho s,rcrt Irrr for m roe of Ihr murde•, Au•I R realeay
Jsatin V.nwa, - Br!li6pla Life A13sflraleii•le. OlLOadoh. M,;y MW waasl,l 0., owp.,rr. labor�1 m rem shout S o'da•k in the eva•oin Str hens I ,i ",e .c d ;;are ronflic,ioK miaUemen•s of 7 her had mull a clean sreri, of the tart
1:21,00, lad Ju 2.OU Byes two horw ('col g F
BARRISTE ATTOR 'SY, SOI CiTOR ' Toliid wu a mrrLmr wmcn mghl Lr rompuleJ IIIc,!' rNlualdr of the momenta left iu dw drawie
R ..'aror 3 00; lksl Wu three hone N'nipple muanteA •table on the platform sad &links w."We'n dd. Thew scion therw away a P F
u Cbanrer ale U4ee, Market fdyuarc, rT'rAEaedersl all, havia beetrsanoi•lee 'rhe pout W i lent,q, Giemsa and dans. I mt runm+; the had wretched oir+u;d car -
Y. 1 j (t I Trees I OU; Rnt Dung Furk 1 00; Ike Prir Nd lollawd : wrltrt, Ac. y rt�r�
Vomfrotlkisg"omslr•et,(".tl.b. Hi Att•eillortbeabove hlxblr ra.pecLao,e flarrons 3.00. 2ud do 2.00; ;Nest Iron Field LAUILS AND 09N[LaMam: Some time • o - -�--- - rw,y u''I the gold lops from the ffuiogsot tha
- Co mpon.e.,irpropareoto aecep:ooA V4:earl. 7'Lat socla•tbmg whits pn,ves a nun's Protons Y d1"y.i,r�-cxbe uJ
.lobo ifs. (lordon, holler 4 00; lest Wooden Field &Jler 4.00; I when Ibe spirit rel • iventure ran high, he mr1 N$W BY ATLANTIC CABLE. a the drwr,nR•bag; they ked
. Liltr:aks almoderaterlte.olyr►alum. 6,n
Ikea.Hu liar Itak 2.00• 2ud du LB4; g' ' •very mpnted u■ray grndrmul will; Sail to Meted two lumbleepr nn the c c -ac 6te4r'
CsasusryBY•Ntrar PuWIi 'Convvi aueer, Godrrieti Jufv t IfbS, •RQB�sA j ��f Fheyta .Ta j)r 4.00 ; ikxt Turnip AnJ r.rcn lawn till ra•.I to dnringuirh Lar w, Litq "Mr. Strphrnrs,yuu neyxl Out expect to du TAa Morning PrW stain flat NapnlPnn ''OJ ark"„ ralunW, pr••(,ea ty Goo vach, whit•
tt�� i ;, uii ' O I� D A i*T, Clutter 2.U0; Brat F'n ' Gr1r�2.00; tk/r Allb .tin 's own hiss Le •rLe know br i. wring. I rnythiug Dy ypprrling to the prtriuti.m of lass crteadeJ the Irmo Inv .tile erarua inn IL" inn,ntw virle sirel a g ; but. must too lel-,
it -1 at Is I l)urY.iob, Laerda ea. -o.n • Althu' Lr'y w chair ad Le can came huu.r❑ "I
b o 4!, uJe of Waa siteet,thrrddoer from tba-"T---- - T'hruslnng Mdchive 5.0' Hrst JluwCCr and g lour eosnv amen ; that is nut IIN way to of ate French troons from Mexico until Juwar "•Oats, IL•ey LnJ m;,sora rLr great pliaey (b4
C nA-House 8oua•e. - -- (Seeew"orloR.B.11eynoll.) - ;6501 HF.N1tK 01t19IT, (1660 Reaper• tumbined S.UO; 1)rtl YrubAndeFeOr rc know' u." In spite o(thal aivin it war to ftwir l,;verpool 29th.- An .rriv,d here rennris )rwrin,-bi uLlnis which V.e burglary ked
li wm ehokih csltlO LUO Bret wt sit Ilse rm"iutism that be N .led. Ile. ,erled tsa havin seen Ibe Grent (:,naterw m, the 191 h, en plannrd. ]'bey hrd never im igillad .ka?
D• rlbrda (ioodiiam. DP rtmenlil, PArli3me l ar R j i ret: 0f uW it wa• Ihon ht the until Teal region I'1'" p{ g
e tion head of the Iilmlly would idli In a bed•
M e d i oa'1 I3 $i le PJ y Ston LQO. the eirlo and hidfrsl spirit of their nature 9uulb•mpton, Y9th.-'1'hn atouner Ntc r•omn beyoid,the snrwnts' stykcran, and ao
"kRRISTEfi, ,+CTUKNRY SO ", Wr, metol fur the paha i self hold• her Io their bun Gaddup w I rlend. It wed for maw. for Ner York, sailed to dry takinj ,,Oita nn Rtlem)rt tans:pias ip thatdirrcliaa.
.a.•te.,U'Rearcomi W -:sal up AND PATENT ACENT, IxbUOR I)I rARTMEI Iamwh,
�aBrtts Watrici Book, Went Kt.; ea nae, Cob".,RMS.Sgwve,0•.a".ta, L some great porpoise a had been put Ihon• to 462.000 sterling in arareiP.
Pgta Door wall col mulpow ROOM. I O T T A W A . _ HORTMULTUTAL t'sopccrd'-Rest Brad Atiilt,fall a ■pPesta there an r umlrrksn len"ao l make that struggle, In Stile of all the , Lir.rrrol, 29th -Cullen rhe t, dnv all Ther must have ren"used that fhr best twol
Tr•n.a•ta Ilia•,.,- y.•nIt Ila, Cmwa I�,,,dt ynd IalAeat nap" collection -of -Apples, not lend 'W ht's Soul .rem• lo. dwell i■ their aomn�hs falures of fke bat the cwre-ss Gud lei ns ntimated at 10,000 baled. Middling u IunJP ,awm+, in which ylut,e till Jedeta wen Lk•ly
' om.-i� Above. DISPENSING CHEMIST &,DRUGGIST .ill- 0.veminem fx•i'.rlmrnl.; ']A.«x'u: D f
770RNisi SUlh.,l'rotts, like. reds Ihmq 5�,teach whirl 3 OU, 2ud do 2 OU, "loss• • I P ' 10)!, wuu1J L tlor to the trout nu 1b
Psteil kirhnrapcaawi (,W -n, 1..•-• rp.. + 7I 1 red )wUcn ts rvrn■I" HullyJ uy"ll 13.,o .eeond Auer, C ver the dnwinr Haim; lar
txylena,raJ Imporserol n."' n. ^.wnp.nne• My (w•u«ro telt- 3rd• doll 00; `kst sic raced rarirlirs of (l'hern, ►t,d claw of •• Itully aur you 1 LoudnA, 291h, .non. -The n ni i ire d -
'i rah, O. 1%, Oi,•e - Wf ABB•d sW cur; Drall. and take• ha Wi ler A, Ie, of FBre 2 00, 2nd ds 1 50 ; M man basad PWi.l,erl, en Lpbrener! xnJ tender, '( Pr Rbout Ilit all Ihr must hove bun fair hue '') ' \ �\
maws: t• rte a•f PP b I " Itnve, Strp::eua ") It ads breu.hr of filo of ennoPla UrAay is 8fii for species. 7'll 7 R sly
G E N U I lel E D It U 0S Private Mail. duriugthera s ]j It a �rsi■me,.varieties of Fall Apple, 5 o; It rare from ehe.wnatit and fix's n, the heart• I fish he heal lt. himsaH that Ile half been able Promising, pri,w of American ,fOr\n in -I -I• in alae h'qd of rain y tiller prier, lia'aninpat
•. ur.rOw.. uywrae. - a rwn,hr ,fur prn,arrw. es�th 1 50, 2nd do 100; Brat and ISrRem Theo love war the rrry Lr.r proof each could to in0uegce kiscnuntrymeu. ("'1'h•tsso."). wtrq Unifrd Soles' 620's, 7'! kris 45 ILrduora to Ihr MerlLmg of the aleryan; •m-
t•♦deneb.Aeeeagh►.1664. sw102 I CadSmAe*s, P,r/mme•y, Belmg el.ewhen. d nlove - i r I' lean rain villin lilt- consort of fill who'
_ ___ n drrJ Col ectinn m Pears, nut Ices them 5 of Nof lie... me he had Wen glfnd w rnr es' .�.---_- -_ f i
ilVdllwm T Ear,., fi sir r...th, end Nall 13rrehe. - R E F E R E N C E II• each 2 00, 2nd do I UO i Bo et three named And Crich m another'. ex eleore t -k pan. lraoidiriary dr ree. ile had unbounded frith shpt most heavily, Sold otsitrn , fair nn op)Nrr
. K A Lacer I,eH•A4-Tilt 1"tul edner.nf Ihr
jl"ORYEY•A'C-LAW, SOLICIT iN ll.%.A-(•,"all 4L, Cann• W N. Wu-eu■, fSgr vanei;es 1 00, 2ud do 0 �0, Beal end Irrgrst w the "'l u"J nu honest mru cuu:d el tw.ity of axli•ly i•nteninz Ibe,.itr,s. My tuot'
. Chriss, ,Votary PONie•Co ivelyaw4r.%e. ►us»,orwpCOLORS,srssrnn, ms....".I Crown Nm,cne. nymed eolleelion of hlumr, not leas ILau si: Then Levmng rose Lrahrr,ngJ raira,t to ru lysf I•iI•ambgl ,(Mo.) Comic, id alae wrdthlea alter tDr uyrku,g of my d" the did aloft
! him for live unuutem abd net I.!ieca that be newalmldr man is the Went. Ile sunt, 4;, X• 7
LmnJ.. Hun. 1. CARLING,'LNn v.iieties, 12 0l each 2 00, 2nd do _ 50. 3rd was in earnest. (: M•ers. 'I Lia fritBr ks,d s,4Rin rnemld fJapproacb. slut xlth5ujla the
e e Grabl.W.-stack. or C. C. ATIUh�U's t steam
Cnb►•s 61a,rk. ylaa'M H. Jcao■ Eq., Aural• don. _ ) by wwldl; pdssPai•m. sn follows : :x. -
llimre. HORSE .11 CATTLE 8 EDICINES � ons. w r IR. Hr 13., F -eq., Inxprr dor 1 OU; Wool four varieties of Plsame named 1 Rall-rn ac,wsne-rep frim the heart t, the brnm, given him his strength in Ireland. H• had !aril (pSr valor) ¢I-ri, as ; ono Sue J er )''slily erre nufr, we luu•.J, upon ulq,;eri,rtl
• >ret6! N Is61� 61l �etl Ctrl Mr,,.n. H Ls iryh Roo , ol,r of ArmeeN,l;n:a,w,al l 00, 2ud ,du 0'7b; Pkat ('late of 1'luess T r n wu yrov,d w•meifuag by knowhxlge Paoli Wes, a ho knew eke roto le to have Old IA"I. $500.000; one seven week; o;tl tort they hrd carried oRmupe,ly to a very.
OAa OaMegEOe. AO..aO. Toruuw. ;Late A•.ur•mr C9 named 0 50; Brsl noticed clllection oro •nit remwn, A. _ many virtues. Man hid yard til hrd all cwuiJ•I rv.ie na"uul; mtlred, lLe tum,1�f�1�m
a3. L. Dorsi I 7 .y l.oal, a1511.000 ; cub no hind. 4a ,rutx ; loured could but Ln tui dvtd, at Iron , **
BA R R 1 3 T E Ili, Aes• Guu 111147 (.' W. Orderns,T Medica: men puncmdlysiteedeAo I wPn, a elsvn of such, grown in open air Anti he who krai nothing dad nothing remain. the •in.•s u( ernlgcle•s O( dsrary and tilts due on arr•ount, tl ; council as 12 cents -
Ontca-Crabb'4 Nem 81atA Brl ! e�.r 7 af• P,rnr. 1 50, 2nd aiu l 00;'Best plate Col Antes, could not do anything(. He contended tlwt Total, 81,750,001:55. ynrron hwndrrd r"unds. A
_ N.B.-1'hyaCJr•. Prcunpuoat e•ror(ullyJia. MONEY T LEND I5; D 75;•.liett Plate Crabb Ayplee, red But re who Lae later Lave made an Improve- suffering is the great attler lh of a rr;oplr• Of ruunse, it.c first tb;nit Li he dome sew - .
1. 'V. 101 twood, , r fsare,l. dg, 0 7:, • firm gamra •and lar est collection of nanl, r - - ass to send fur the lire. Thu ser done o
U"_W' lcb.Jas.10.11,38. 41 r K lire people Ill be tried ono much, but the The Atlantic ('SWe, from the point whe,e t"'
ARRISTRIt, ATTORNFY • AT • W, ___ , ( -F Schee, no' fesslLan 4 ryrietiem, 6 of each And neral out lite p"adr giant plagued Ibe folk• I vihoemof a noble man an San to shine nus it IvIi fNlenllm Island to the spat whale once • red as We% t only pflepn •
r i hf hu bald
1:ItiHT rI 1'•I (�1'N' .eaid dol 50: Best late of Ileachrs r tale bri rr:"rll aero uryhod m Ito+ hour a cr,
lido •ty+.e rr. he. Ogee -Blake's I - - - '— = P P„a Rhur sur e•eq flat. furl hrd pari- I it era Iar,Jral wt Hrsrts 1'uunent, Int rbcisel y 7. ,J l
ft( *VMS or tl 7
♦ t,• Paid 0domis. Uwbvtch. LIGHT 1 LIGHT LIGHT.1 , i mod 0 50; Best Jiip'yy of buil,• the growth Ds.mafion .wmag Ir Imo .I.). a sew inure• I fled and ennobled the Irish people instead of I IS6U miles in length. It's a gncer c^ineie- w om I in sit iurreJ.bly ebml ,y,acu e(4ew�
J.. holy s. Use. - _ Ont Halodred' Dollar#s and flpW31`11 n thus exhibttor, d stoat from .filer eolr o s, � ohnt, degrading them. Along with their vinun dr�nee that iI dhould 6•ve Deep l rrfrclyd 211: a arum Ina{; Cu,r Fritdvid--xo 1 will tdI br. -
WilUrm Mew:, p/�(l pe # 'trM�lo w r a prcimers of eacL 3 00, 'land du 2 00, (ant 1 AnJ werghnly dwell. as the panel a era. alar Irwh1 people alw pasaeased mon erpub• year. o. alar Q a.rrraiva. Tka inafw.l.rc lar A taH;
Arra NEY-A'C-LAW, iULiCjT IN ROCK & COAL OILS, 'lYD A MU )It F, m naval Applea correctly nrmra Ly am Nur• I I ficrr IigGts And Iruer republican principles Sly drrr Amrlts,' a:,iJ r chid 1 boor fair LrreJ man, Shu lwhtJ � gonad davit
Ola y, r'eReeyyrcer, age. W -row Sea""Io' se Step, either within sir wnbout the Prow- -"are nor„ n file ane..I, rind wilt "f nc� myner, IIran are in be found int awui v in Eurus e. 7 yameger I►rn bis real aqe nu Lt use. ilii
o I '�r 1 lone w ixlwd for this opportunity, but handl
aa..rle.mer yids 11ylr .Strains F1nid,LllNOsp 0(ls� fatAlesrl. RL iii.00K m Dol tem than 20 vyrietiea.3 of each 5 p0, and u, rr ,al ndrar threw 1, hl u,r 11"• Ln ; (Ileo, hear. 7'brl he .oke aelihentelr, 7 Stu gnr)suon wBrm : " p'bar so, l of meq, wss,
neb.6eN.Mb, 1 r,731. boa anidea re Sin Io Le tamed, the tick- Tac ..le r t ) t drrr Slar.k now, (er fear you wJl nwjocl me; d iL•t ou sew on the Irxdin •, sir '7" I eyed
'r V era weet.nerrlea. 'f. q ar oou., b• n . 611 "r .ret„e: sed with a thorosgh kno ledge vl lnlaad.-- Lut 1 IovP u, Sa y t'
Por:3ata h _ .wtib the games must be atacheJ ,o such y^ you wall be min• 1 Your at uucx toes 1 lead beet, a INTI• dark man, bmlt
IVIL 119 YEBR A?)U PRUVI CIAL Te. maaey tiles mrkn •nit dentifie. mss: f aannral to him • ver remrrkub4 thiuX emiln wnuld she end oilers 1•r ell In a
N F. IO11iDAN. a i lea. I I table 1 Lail t,utseen himures Seen well to -ha•
C Lasd..r,. . Teemay:rrt,tlldMee - 6fdmeeb.Jse.IT.1 �S9 N dV ER11"Il 4 atilt the lnxh people hrd fuuuJ ree Ills a fxvur Y
4 - �% pros.• ; ' vcur rmJeS would Shed,' and then
- pwx[s azD Ptowras-Boal named cnllrr- The 3 an dint I* nnet•n impinanro "f pia tel, amore lbs Ame,iesn est le. yetis dmeli- rLlr to dkacutr ilia ti•atrrea arewrtcly. 1JJe�.
• Iaa7 _._ —.�._ .- t 1' P he panned •rain. • Never mind site wi trJ ins ectsar do d corer m dram lion fur half
—' "'- MrlColm Nichic wrwr. li n of Uahlwy, not Ionevilla 9 err i«lien 1 g10, I H1. r•nciMC rxeNlrno-e even w,r knrrwa; cuus owed a great debt to alae people col the I „h.d,• re Jied Ameli • o at with rruy 1 y f'
L•l1.--iamlin, 1 UR SUafsti At, ANO Ith:CHAtµCAI. DENTIKT' WAGON CARRIAGE 'Jai du 1 50; Best named collector,,, of I,,,b. 'I 6o'dn, •ea Iunh I,gilt ills, larva..^ the ra•k•m, wcild, and he belirred every American out• talk• } ^r g P r ori"Ole, end lheo ca11rJ uyuu wP sur • 11r,
t(VIL BVf1iNr,8 AND 41 RVEY b nut less 11tsn .6 vanefit e , l run, 2„d do He .6mn the •run et wnercv.•r be g wW. raged Tht pninciplrs of WNohingtun who wdeJ Jr■cnpuon u1'crery •rude u( �wl.anty
ELF,.:'fRIiPAserted Ar. which heal Wei,stulen,aadiia beL.e,,l
/ Laa1 Agoat cod Ce veyeatrer, Cteetrsdrr I ; Ikat name) •CUllecunn of Howl did sol ■ m Uiw witA and bel au I laud rearcel t h.rlt wn tl rue h rho ly
TF:F:TII irlserlyd in distill Pla- y P" P y
_ _ _ tint, Gold. Silver, or Vulean. r � f l,Iowa) 1 50, 2nd do 1 00 ; Hest co'lectiun Thus M•sefth notice .ulwf.it e W pelf-0emonan- pelople atrufgling ser repwlniran p.inel THE S T 0 R Y OF' A BU MLAHY. y gra 7 g ed,'
Coesmlmte o1 tide l led seateM epi ise4l Rnhler "n rra.,msble h•nna of Yert dress named, Out Irbs tLau 16 vola awn, laer lie Irlirrrd the American }»osyle wLeq ■knock wax 1•rarJ at lLe d wr, Gad
Aamerae■ 13'OAkNs Over the Por UrN•e, It'll Street, � 1 50, 2nd do 100; ikAt bill named erre• II.h"w• wbo ore relic• or vandal the core, � were making a very Serious mintxke in this •in Ort(i,er Imi. 1 was invited by a Irieud SO-geYm ttu„ol, as 1 rill calp h;m,-Rlw of
Cod ,.b. rfs a If- V,•ibena% i 00. 2ud do 0 50; Ikat named W hen it aheaohe man a. it .Tien hie astavn, mutter, and then had been mar,itwled throe h of mine, when• dsuglner wan nil"ut iu he mxr the Q dinmon, -way au..cal d. f ial be
la q TZ ft P4 11 U P. L. _ the rrds col this cuuntr and L nlJividusl ii«d, to ru In (.rend"n 1^ mit"A Ibe wedding. not 'uern satyhd a nr l;te,u11. I -abould never
c ketiou col I'nloxen, sol leu than 4 valid A,d lees ♦int • chyneter b,dJea beton. 1' Y 1 huoc raxrd wLri Lr vier. My irks of a`
Ogee Yuan frac 9 o'clock, m� 210 2 NORTH BRITISH - 1i 1 00, 2,:d du 0 J0; Beat named collect Amerienns a certc.in amount a mem ■til far lie ban taken a furl. hones in rear O the
_ f P y t pal i• tau", vin,, that bus Was tall Nnd.wut,asd
O sloek, p. m. A - tl o or fi:a.dioios, Out Lasa thany 5 rs;.tire Fair some it Proves cumsiag, who oarw were pyrries who would go end inYrJe Canada I nrerfn IrnJing mel r, I' Piceadut• (which 1 will
AND - _.�__ ti. _ I . 2nd do 100; Bent and largexf erl!,C Aoonslit hnpty, (" We duo t want Canada.") Vere little find call Folkestone street), arcJ waaar, Rood rs sill- »L,rakafy IL.t Parr the ,*;tie col this,yf
.l Ali I : �1 sr6 �t :� ! t., iia ar.anIt.l. (Wumus) name) -2 00 ; li.at An l Gane n proves a•rwrl, wbo Dace wen thought Isrn mhuwn fur l4oSr wLu would Id rrrtr I oNer mr N ru<,m sur the nurrirg.i goo mi:st.oa of the Servant -mild/, nrd rhe r.Nre
ARCHITECT. ■ERC►hTILE SIR�i 11119 IdQIi; _ Gall "' & ut Aston l 00. 2nd do 0 and ,tj ar ea Mr. Pyn L" Rya ben• Wan aWlin sam
LAat ♦ rU err ,,lh'II:ATII/h+ el nrL1 InanrAIIC QOo krait, Iry l►nd on Irish a In F:urnp" it wiJ Le, 1 renchal Ir)nd"n rhut,t ■ week Mbn aha
•� a 30 iY to O t O r Jo 0 ion; Real six Ili house plants in And et•no•' it vers wrc•cMd, who ,sed w bre Paid that it wan meiel a r u.euun of intrnNs• im C Plate clothe, very Phwt, rw) der► ni
P h te., g« r n •lea y.a clarrecl da _ -� y gt„ 7 ) pOrtynl J■y ; Io till xe wbo know grey _ eomyleaion, rend ,i Lix Iaala dry) will ktti
Rd C m 2 U0, d do 1 :r0, Ikxt Flerd sena• bre Americans hrd ever thin to ria b the Thin about weddin a 1 need tint s. ili•t
if all• Uiee tt tar . Andglo \vial, yl - p[uf.sesbv I!!09. T"oellaMCriher wBen- n at he o Ike phMir mt for d�aigu 2 00.; Nni collection of Pan Ise • annexeUoe of Caurda, sed nothin to aiu ,hns week viae • Dury aur. Thr P�•yenty Cut very eloyr C Su that they mm Lave nu1A
Q'et .4,rdyreD, lbw vls.ilvlr 1 of Hnro■and Bmry Ihst hr hu on Anag call 1 00, 2nd do 0 50 ; iiEa1 colketlon of AnJ a,•ute n pmvrs madogeS, w►o wemed 'W b the Inodum of inlond. Thi, vin Ihr m:e were numerous, ynd r"riai ll"i Th' safe's 'u$ to hold on by, he dankly wLui..ed ►^
■foo i MAL, to.rater C'.row ., Wason..Hat'. Pound mepd. y me etatoarelssiios vbad m"mw dry.■ate .
6;: _Nti. le ii. L7 L M A �i CArrreL t2,00n.noo, STERLING. r,oan,he., wb,cb wil!lar oW .•heap forruh sir l'uc"or"sale 1 00; Ilenl ee)Jict,on of Bal lake of urrnow minds. He rclt(lated Ihr r- sirs: the /►Olissen r, ( wed udi.r mrd, could y
LAAO AO MT• -- approvedrreJn. Ur (;and snit Wr Sale ekes p, en Th• 1 00, 2, d do 0 73; Iiylt collPcliun of How cheering the symptom► -what plesmns, anrton that thele tau be nu sur ther rObrt nr t he sur l.alw J ; Au, of dot i nm not quasi• lint. I aoppreadrd m) aslonb ma••ur,xanl yo itr
(ifld•trift Fire Department• Narks 6 75, 2n ado 0 511;.I se colletlion of levitating.. made for the freedom of helrnd if the preerut ffed. nor ai it any pa't of my puslwine, a, Iv ger r) tisito. is rel 3e14014t
itrket 3littare, TV 1RANCF.3 efferb d ern all clanarn OI HF. Sill rrilwr bus don received she Agefey Petuniss 0 75, 2nd do 0 .',0 i }kat nes or movemrnl be not carried cart thin Pyr, •till m ak. 1 ■m mel en r«I Ord state treat World espeesMd IM wast civil regnta Iqr
To■d+C a mvoeow"T WodsooMy,from 11 a m 1 '. T Hsa9 Thr mmd f tint r: owk a tad ken rsa nit 1 ohr . ecyrrestY.-wlsieh, wmrLnw, one aeon
o t I. s,•• aLtfO ru at modenrc rates, bosses prompt W fill Cr&tinted Cut F'luwers, IM Gilts"1 SU, ,fled du l 00; . „• P t if it tailed En land would r gain become the d� resent. of weLo• wen• bum«,our and
p ,d , 1 n.uLle utd sr"'na s, Vfile and feeling, R 1 p p
1 W BALLS 0 II loll COMBiNF.D�' Bee Hand Boquet 015, 2nddo 02110. , . must pewarful nation in Europe. They were wrlusAls. Ar ihP wr,e brnu:Rt in by mea Ihi"k, ydits'sio-en iv . pJI>emAn,-re
y h"u hof R 1 rill vihnlarlel tuu.uhiwn wiW
Jol.n Or.npoeU. Life DQpatt7neIIL ' Tw Acheaa pavers, .red puveny'. Irsal. Out sura dial this cou itr a el aide, std vire„ ee after mewrrZer f•om the varioss Jew• Iqd •clot Fairfield. tt pal ILS lira
in •in oaths uarnnnv xRbrdec' h lhrir REAPER AND MQw then were certain) trvu Was iu she future. utter; she r, Ihr wen 'old (or int ci lure P P clam •ad.
Gra h It R .A L COMMfSffiON AORNT g y saner Vcocr,n.an-Ikea eolleetios of _ _ _" _ " T "'" 7
Cena,w„rr,e Qnnes4 Il.nr4,torsyk ng loge Crpi end accumuhlcd prufilS, tLiS p Po loos mm�ed, and iCm thyn 4 wanrtied, 1 1 1 1 r 1'r a
k Coo en t ado d noxa Inwer thaw sae of each 1 u0„2^d dol 00 • Itrs1 hall THe ConfNermelOm of the drleon P 7 seemed to rci•3r Lim upon sure towee of
Cw"nrnoPv,, c.,he. U�eaPaBarad .MANGFACTUHF.0 BY (rt r II A"other onomhuuld take b,x in ��iseoum h visrton, with other prrrPnla, in Ihr Gent
P ) 1 I b el PotatOn, of sir vuiel nu.l le 0 7S, Is \Orth ADerleast rrOVASCea. y g q scuon. fur, Ole, ,,gain mi l me to desa-ill'
o, Ter-doof[,■,ard.w.C.W. ___ eat ruricable D an other office. $AWYEB OF HAMILTON 7 T M tr aid kn Irnd's om be ane, stir wuulJ nut drawin rwnn, which, 1 may lobser•e• had
+ h he corlented A rendintr "sit her Alrbymus• four lar a wludowuall la•kfn• into, the main Ilio man I had area, be hurriedly tet the
P T 1 2n do 0 50: Beat t roe Summer uash 1 g
Peter %1'tire. To armers• wilith hu r krided h, ice the wart arm S'3 The whole of the delegatin from the Lower she would sent rnn her Neeu and armiom, •uJ street. d awm. I IIlr„ coml,lai ihr fait 01 tla,M,lwi
S retial low rata xre broo made for farm- '�° ` tdeJ4 wi�e d 0 75, lord do 0 50 , Ikn three W iu ler
d 1►ARDLR A N U COMMISSION P implement col the kLo' now male. i�e Prurmces sae now bele, war: the Hun Meant Climb thin eountr Ua eh other head, 'I he merria a way fiw. property, rend, Ialter accomptsy•ng A ' a
F M hyW.taveamea, C. W. stele. mad buildit, and other' Idled risks. 5gjuIs namrd 1 00.2nd 0 75; Beat four Tillc Wilmo Fisher, Chandler, Mitetell g d for a Tved pi ;
gy JOHN I'AtiSMOR no White Celery 1 OP, 2ud do 0 73; Hest y' 4 with the etabliahaent of an Irish relWLlic. and un the Satonly g+r•rnru■, my fiienal nvl• ■larcfur w x tour round e1,u over the Maas,,
Areewat llm W-11 c Byrnes of Say ►rml ea- TFe smlenign,d h ing bean ippP;nted - ' Vl:lort.Stmgt.2.fio red Johnston, Com Xeon Brunswick; and tAe Ili see hew the entry had Leen e0ic0.d, ami -
finete aim will recent pruapl esw.lio■• fun roOls Ikd Crle•y 1 U0, 2ud Jo 0 7fi • Gad Ihie country preslrring for ■nolhrr halt a Janne. fury to r.dntinnn un M•th sideL and
war-Iv6pz •gent Ot the above Co ray for Oalderich , ASWd Iy1.1Kz -.ii” t len Mesyn. Twylrr, Archibald, Ilenry, • Ruta she would cenanl crumb Knr land. a lad many people wen• invited ,u cum. in '`Iter Iv i,,g cunvi„ced Thal 0A thieves M}
-T_ ___ ---- and surrounding country, II he gl.d to re= __ Redt four A,ada Winter ('abbage, versed 1 00, 'Hichie, S►eCully said S1cFvlwe, from Nave 1 rye T ,( R' dui"red sum alas LncA throe• h 11w krlohen, I
2n 'alu.0 75; Best four heads Summer Cab- 8,e,;a (" IJowo with her -may ,ohm novo rim• Ibe elenir.g w innne,cl ILe pte"Ills awl the d
w. M. $AVACEy ceive rop cele for inwrrnc in both branch- -- t tin 1 00 • i),at nine blond lkele U i5. Ynd again t" and Lugbte .) it wu the duq ret hPu,rnr. ser NaiP•Jr ni ht, drrr tilde firm good mon,iog, folly aunvtrced that
U Yrs ar,d tuella New York Ihrfla-Green- a. will dwRys ba reRdv 1 ive infPrm.. ��rr%�IBTT�01[ TO BE do 0 50 ; Hesl uiM Maniet Wululs 0 75 ; The dclogalcrs Ihol h••e anir,d Rn N p 7 e T the hen tern vise to gilt, gad bear om, kw .
11r Americans to uublinh n ubli(7 ell over ehr body depaneA ohm an after aware t. *-r,k •.
backs-Natwnel ca:reney'-Aute.sates, tions, to LoRnie. wimhinq In iumu, IiBLD 111 the Tt)EI N O1 IiODERICII, prevent Gabbing el the Alexander Hotel,Hvde world. He them alluded to the' recrot rend L Ona o'clock, ere•t liaLl wars Paut. as Lc at we might. It war ilia firm beaief of
Wm. HICItARUSON, rat• Yn db 0 f0; Bret nine Swale Thrnipr 0 76, Palk Cyrnur. The flue. Mean. 1'illq rad y 7
sand •acerreat mosey, at Carnot rated 2n do 0 50 • lest lime lore Oran e-rarrola speeches of End Derby, Lord Naas• late geish.ed. No sampicinn of rohfni "•errs N, every vim col me. ,bel every a,1:"• of,ndd wit'
Yank of Montreal, (at St. TYllurbd8 , Se tember 10th, 1860. tt R t dears mpeue a tousle of dre}'w with Lord Inns l.ieut•nynt of Ireland Brad she a ech have enteral into Ihr Aend of a, alma .ilver was in the ,neltm:g-pe► within w how
esckvlfe. OodPrich, MSr tat• 1966. n70 .. i P f 0 T ,, 2nd do 0 50 • i e. cin• em l) 11-1'arnnrvou ata his seat in UsfurJxhire • aid ' 7 of us, „firs the thieves left the hot se, Part that mei'
w47 1 0 7 , 2nd do 0 50 • Beet nIi is bi I Rel• ire of her meat praeioss Majesty the Queen. and the jewelry and offrer •ells able. prewfam
lttkl)ee..l6ti._ brit iU)R16'C/.TTRA1, li4lClff;Tl'- } '( wemcdrrsundthesthlemaidemoflheCoun- pn,lioroftiesloienpruCly .Veld Ldn�
Cr. ruts 0 75, 2nd do 0 50 • mt vire i'ar- (f{'area anfJ jrwne). TLey abould not Lim were left es;nsrd n, the frhnl alt a. inq loon'' cvverrd. \sir dd ono IDink iu Our tits is
ta. NicUOay�,J1 , �r. PRS MIUM1 LISTi ' , ' 01 els Uukt or IluckinghnmRud Chsndn- 1hy woman althou h she mi ht Liss 11 ell lhxt m hl. Iinl nn IkP anti night, ILe
LICENSFD A(1Cr10NhkEER, BAYFiELD •� nnyra b 79, 2nd do 0 50; Heal Peck IDd end bergrace t4P Duchess, base eneudrd an R 7 g ( 11)41 there was •u use in tie lice Pstar
er rwM. 8.1.. n voltage or o.omy I ' Uui ns 0 75, 2nd do 0 50; Ik. ck Silver Queen. Ile coucludeal by nuertntg Ihrt ria prolong of one chameleon did neem to have • y F'a 'rR
OchreO..rtay ons untie (�(1D>r3ICH FANNING ffiI OUTSIDE DEPARTMENT. y Pe sant{tim, fo the delegates, to enjoy the her Lel him (lad ti htia should commence this little ■nxiel rf haw, an cloth valunblr Ilwm•«Ivoa j ser Da(f sol, ram BrSkSmrd lu'
.n•dials.. `, _ Skmr1 OnioM O 75 i Best oe¢k Yell 0 urns i;ii hits "f their cuuou seat a HWwe• sur P d R y r .., xn toeli�(in M,.ir rower of a, '
r • r ♦ AND ' Boasts -Rest Brod Mare and Foal #4. 0 7.5; Best twelve can Cure flu 1 use' Yheyemxinder of the week commesicin with wsCy year. prorany etpn.ed in e^ open a nml P•, y t T, - i t'amil ,
DF. N 1 t13 \ J.Y- , 2nd do 3.00, 3rd do 2.00 Best teO ear g he commaruCrlyd Lu r■Sin to h,. tri a really Jfffiauh cur, .Itch y able nod"
i d y 0 r5, 2nd Jo 0 50; Ht .l tbrrP Water lona 7lredy, the 'tial insfrn6 Chen were then given for Stoophent, after �' t” to Promise to icu , ,1
Ynllnp Fae�to3-y r of Filly 210, 2nd do 1.50, 3rd a 1.00; 1 go • ikn three /tut} 5lelonrt 1 00 • s1 Item. The must arlly of Ifo jeweln wr,r
_ 11e Perlin Colt (Gond or elAin 1.60, ' ' La the nsemnuma,and pending the ■rrivAl which Cul. Uwke, furnarrly of Ibe fighlp in accordsnew with nit au:grstlos, pilar, d it K , J T r ;far Arne
O r. r A E L P M. K R 1) four bead Cauliflower 1 00, 2nd do rJ
SITROICA!• A MECHANICAL HE SITFIRCRiSER HF,GR TO iYFORM 2nd 1.00; (kat yearling Nilly 1.50, 2nd lest Perk Tota lces red 1 00, 2ud dln 50 • of Iha Carraige ent hasa, e n om to e- eig,bth rc ;meal ?lee York roluntafn, then Jud e.lhrn of m as cwt k•►al
that an arnn ers,ent firs hbet, come w M- K • Iar,;e jewel -Lax, and dr;»s11.•d wt b"IumP •nit a Ilt,lt ellerward., 1 w■e infbymerd tiled
D•ST,.*,Uoeerrh, C. W 4 T thr,nh•Mu.na.f the f`onntir, erllar m do 1.00 Ileal Span Drsaght Hotsfs 4 00, Hest mnd grralrsk variety of vegelrbl did R Said that on the termination of ft.t war un U, his minfress's lsedroom. So little real now. TLP bur6lan land Letts captured. .ed .vo►ry
ern the British government and the Nova
aSd BnrPl h+i btu stJlMauuf,e•tunng,eed time 2nd do .. 0. 3.d do 2.00; lust b;1rn Car fill,% Gom other entries each kind n mod this country he left for Ireland with the in, iefy, however, las telt Ly ens ane, Ibml "• II a I;u vl proberly recuvrird. The m■wMw
ItlOde oTrtt Yr. F. lordaa'e DSII[ �Ad es hand a Number Pt bus riA a Hoar 4.00. 2,d do 3.00, Sad do 2.00. ' St tit aud .'vow Rrt,na+rck enmmiwinrwn, mr mfie"ae drn.in ease and d-rS.it,
R 3 00, 2nd do 2 00. em t druils d the crnfroiwvmaon of Bnfish lention of helping The Fenian organization on K g- gob„” in which 0a, eaptwre was e&eted Nan an ioV
,rl&sly (:1741 g- r Mil(h COW which shall haws both wish old fiton• s of ,,,, t •slur, or pilots, tied the whole oNrce Imes w eraAit
Jaaur, Il,►. IN" DAIRY pmnvcra-. K a gran
---- — SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS A PUMPS. IlPat 6 lbs Farah T►mser Nunh Amrrict aid of the imps;■1 guano- that country. He rOrnA it gelid pPrkrt and wen left• with nomr•ow cher wiciM, to rel p sat,
{ CaH In 1866 3.00, 2nd do 2110, 3rd do L SAIe ui filo Iko forte of file metre nI
iiEeAROE roRSE». 50 ; ilea twP e n old Heifer 2.00, 2nd do $2 00, 2nd do 1 50, 3rd do 1 00 • Rest 20 to of Ibe sum required by the Intercoloni•I ready for action. Pmniea 21 1 ide of the one of the bark dr•wnr ,00trts, wilbnut even Ileal I shall make no sapolox for desdtitro, R
Ha woNld anir•ul•rty draw ,nem;un to ilia a1. R D Weser who made promises did q bse,p 1Lem, the ka f ell her nein turn") in the luck I.1 some Innglb. . 1
r i.RO-' tree v r old Heifer LBO, 2nd do bb Sall Hu•IPe 3 00, 2»d do 2 GIS, 31d do Itailw Tau aannf.n hr Leen romised R' e
7" g
Astick ,d fps ('. W. F.. (:. Mmr as Mdlr.ohe wdl wmrn nn hrtt to arcs Wheal from r 1 00 ; fleet l6 [be Cheese 3 00 2nd do 1 50, +uccrm kris ht Lord Orel in Itl51, by fke and the people of Irelraad wen naLle to fight 1)t, ;has Sundt' night, or miller errby m, ll.. . .
gl rk Comp.ay, H.adum, C, W. CerNn, a h,. Pump. mndeto older 1.00 $est Yoke sera Old Steen 2.00, M I I usi wieseri Ou the ecgrnsbn of till hwbern Mandy morning, Ore house SSS •uhlw•d.
0 Forces, Le t Tao Cala t, Mum•. a.d watsseled 3rd do 1 00. Duke of No- taxtla in h in ds teh of the 1216 Thr bar lar at a, (Wend r Anosm
Ors Ivo Uinrb, P. U_ 2nd �0 1.50, Jed do .00, Itlal yoke two
Pwrrery.w Nn/dea xr., Antwan Fnrren@,trM sewn cid Sleep 2.00, d do LBO ; lkgl IRb M,arr,crrara-lfPst hems Mnde'Quill April, 1861; ynd by Mr, Cardwell in • du- Correa Bret he, with several other nflicerv, w:.n It will be well, aha MIOrP 1 )rated Folk, Aloe! Ott � 1 wag nM, i do cuwred. bi
1" re•
K 82 00. 2nd do 1 00; ileal ten yards Dames. patch of the 17th nl June, 1866; but it wan arrested aid confined in British prisons. Tb^ further in my umrrmlive, th.,t I xh,luld give a rev moon. alae first sit sats 4yd wkich kad Imdw
•■I Cwrivie R.rI. d Or 3.00, 2rA do 2. 3rd do 1.00 ; F3eal
Cemosereeml6otei-ifilehe'l l C.� Y•INd Cow or Healer : 00, red do 2 00, 3,d lie CloLI 3 On, 2nd do 2 00, 3rd do b 00; mark dependent on the anent of the Pru• organisynbn r not Jt -red : it ion far stronger general Idea sit Che number and xrbiion rel ly tcourrrd. A u„ceaafeyi of n)bbtriea bad
At.no,• Ifertheaaleof M^rgmn's Premmm 1 •,face to the ennlPdvrsonn, which Nov 7 R 7 the room, on the obrre Piineirml Roots of fire taLen -6ea at the 71e t
dO 1.00; Rest Rull Call, cal• in 1A66 I.BO, pre• tan ads Flannel 2 00, 2nd do '1 50, ti, -0a Ihajt it wan month. a n, qnd ell lilt 1 / knd durirR tilt pew
sndpesea,"CITLTIVA'fr IR, whmA Aa. Bever Y," 'gqJ do 1.00 ; Rest Heitar f, nSl►ed in 3rd do 1 00 i hest it }t 0, lie 3 Ob 2nd Scotia and Now BranSwtck had until now wa„trd from, this side was Ihe�arnssRry aid in hoew. Un the brnund A, nr ghem were o f t e Ihree munlfo th rPoints ntly. tar work
UHN RICHS, Pro rirlor. Thi. iy tar a,ledmitivegeneryresufaction to farmers who withheld, and also, on further evidence, that o(lM Sane man
P ►Sts u,rdthem. 1866 1 So, tad do 1.00: Hat y e working do 2 00, Rid Jo 1. he Rhowe Cloth,'.Flaa tbo way of funds. '1 hon wero Plenty of Jimng•roam, bnekfaat room, anA morning (for IbP anter asters �e
J lar avid IwesCarntr Ilolel a• Writer HENBY DODD Otee 4.00, 2rd do 3.00, 3rd 2 rest and fllan4rle mmt he all WnOI and Ihnme the sum of 43,000,000 originally otipuletrd a,.;dien to Ireland ready to fight for Isiah im room, Un the Ant Nonr, there ser, o ah ser fall is6i ed Ibrin, all„ and the paned had bees
Caa•J uJ nheroes as u,s'.lmnteu,n�Hn,M r p got abould @ask* for the puepow. All the dP nMnne, and the will S ht whether the Rrr''rlly neldrd at their non-xvctem in det•N
Rwear- Hear urged Ham 12 00, Z do 1,• . nn, myntfm lared in IR66. Float Felt dilver d I" S d 7 drawing rroom,m;end 1„ud, d Ilrese, Ihon vin.,
y R mourned Canictm flarnns a 00, Oral �mable Fro•mrn hays naw rgrtar to tar cOnbd.rr rerw,•e assistance from America or net.- builtOOl of lila ba#, aid lying hrynrd Ion "'g Itis eslprit.
21s Mn.•bell. "rage Pmprwwr. Uuald a•• uglur Owk•lel APS; l4 ". rd.lr6o 11 511, 3n1 do 1.00; )seas earlin Ha 2.00, tion, red it u rid In AAve harms oom,Pded Stepbeus shwo rase ree any •few words to t- built ou' fthe be, the n dirn¢ abeyna: rain •- As far hack as the miJrllr ref Ibe pnlvinsOs
1a0 Hodwr. HnIMsu7 Carriages fa N, eel, e• ___---. _ _. - - - 2,A do 1.50, 3rd do 1.00; Fiat !Conn (plan of al ll Farm harness 3 00 i first Gentlrmxn'.
be wh•rlr.t No.'•v____-. --_ _ --- 18 6 6 awn) hying aimed a IRmb in ISA 2.00, d Sand's, 2 00. that • contingent fourth million shall, if lades, when a norm ar(se and Ibe a sembly room inhabited by my ,raced gold Is, wde, June, the h"nM of i great mfoiatPr of stat♦
pound ooeewry, be further guarantic". As heal mru
do 1.50. Sed Jo 1 00; that Ron Lys,rb 1.60, Lantts' Woac-Rest Tatting 1 00, 2nd T zht shelpr in the adjoining botef, And in whnlh til iew l& bad been depusntd, had I rn broken wtO, sad • gNAhlll OI jew
BritishAmerioanAssuranceCo. SPR1Ni1 ARRRNGFMENTS. 2addo1.00; HntEwe hrmb1.50. 2nddo we mentioned in our Irt impression, the whendaoea maddrinkin whnindul ted in Pla atidrn. in that ear, the t►o sae*w
f l J do 0 76 ; Rest bmide t in k 1 n0. 2nd do rimary Rna NA is@ is to � given by the K g R Un II a rc000 A,rov wend try I,rJ stoma s=- to haver mMri u a •or hi h well, N
1.00 • lira r faueA Rwat or blathers 2.00, O T5 ; Itrrl Fwnbmide in Malin 1 00, 2nd anOf •bee hoar. A tunsidenAle amount of • dremmg raam, occupied by J1Ai,rent mem- G 1' T R
FIRE r4• MARINE. ra' ry 'ro,*.n'( l I,Pp ;chi rs m tar following pro- mons wan 4uhme,ribrd for O the men in th• Ihen Io bone dro d " • via dia•Oge etw
JIs11 V F.1480N Atme 2a1 ig 1,00. dO 0 Tb; Ilan st Fmbe•y In Hilk 100, 1 ben of 16e fymily and aii,.11 rM Rr
} pnrtiORA :- Fnr4welftbs Dy C•rdw, three a •' and then ended tAa roviceedin sof ' nc to acme leads. 7 ilia A•• bion asses M w
Byeeld. C. W. A ril i6. 16611. w12 peas- Ikat I)nar, large 1rrPPA a.9.f10. 2m1 2nd do 0 T6 ; RPn F.mkroideq in Carpe and Shalt lwelf.ls D Naw Hnnswrck, and 6 r• F R P f went to fled ghoul eleven t four o Aad R
r P do 2.00 ; Beat Hoar, small breed 3.00, 2nd and CbPnills 1 00. 2nd do 0 75 ; pest y apt No. l." most haws slrpta souuJly for abaci four or live window, thlnngh whirA bon Pnbred rhe ban;'
--- - - An Z 00; Hoof Row, lar a hrerd 3.00, 2nd du WPrtted Werk nis"I 100, 2r,A alt 0 76; and ehr' Sa000 proportlon ►y Nun Scotia.- Otaynl Sweeney. of St. Albans notoriety. Islamist mi i waaawa.en ill b the •roir"I 1 sir• jewelry wed taken fees, q Irdy'Ad'oo.int-
Certain toovitiP. rn to be ►ypdbeealed in baa • t wuPd the foilOwm warlike eiresl•r bakos of a little that which' 1 had is t1•r raiom, .ml the robt.ery mrI bars Ivor" .19, t.
OA NADIAN HOTEL, OO D E R I C H, B A Y F I E: L Dy 2 00; Heat Sow, Baal breed 3.00, god do hest Rnidim 1 OP, 2nd do 0 76 ; Hen }'s I( z
retmrnfor larswpokul.ran imperiefger mt circles of the Fe n broll,mboold: nAamwithme. I looked u and Sa» tier 1
AND 1.en. Th• ►lave sews most haws had pity Fau,y Ruithng 1 LO, 2nd alP 0 Tai ; Hat «f villain •ver shelf lime aflPralr had to
ante•, which w aakulNlM w sRaMe two , pear rtmest, F. 1t., New York, As P' files swim. fair she IIA nM nein to bred M
QLI1TOlit C•:W • nn 1966, ons or roon pigs w W Saows with Ila er pair Woolen Backs 1 00, 2nd do UkpBr gr dear Of my bralroom opeq graJPA ly, mnd w
PORT A lis N i A y eohaws Io b rmw •t alloht (ser par Nast. - , 14, -Goon ofercles •n nquoaled to tar• Drighl l M mhuiP lhrom h n. i caslPJ Out Ila ea O'clnek, Brad tbathA•„ were ter n1 lar
Row. 0 7A : fl..l ;tiros fr WoOlen Ntotkin s 100,
ra R (;amoebas A -we, ward ImmediMSly to, Ih,ian hvadquarten the at once 4 • load vacs I •' N ho n Ill", 1" I hntrr by five. Ilse e, n.421,14 bamgP io{
�W. TIIDeSQRY Pre.rlrt.r. THE STEAMRR BONNIE, Porl rsr-Rest pair Gwa Fowls 0.75, 2rx1 do 0 1S ; Ant ppasir WOnIPa•Mita 0 7S, nada ossa e.Wn tsn1 mal sir men from eu:h wken ehr door wan luickly and qu;edy divl Ili. ase wed• that reap of IAd Ibi •ell
I2nd do 0 S0; Itnt pair i3an yRrd Fnrlm75, prat Prir Woolen fllovn 0 TS ; prat Shirt 1'e 7
TAtt PstaMi•hndel „ MntshoA dl IM JAN68 d. PARSONS MASTER, 2nd do 0.50; Heal pair large board 0 75,I red trenlleman's 1 00, 2nol do T5; prat Wax A �nolge beim challenged by a (engine, eirclo• for t4P perp ane of appOlallnent to Ailhamt mn answer bomR reodrnrd. 1 "e1•r wnsAet ^:v Minb m Ilam dren.ing•rOOw bed
,Sno,-"Ru O"oaliel oo iM emmdvl a ' ft d sed nr Reiw the mI itar brach of each circle, dreamed of doce•c for i had been Simi.a-1, R r^ 7
wd4U do 0.50; pest pair yntaean 0.16, 1■d Asa O.bO; Fnit 1110, ltd !n n TS ; Rat Was Ihr lullo.ing ;etre jus ,ria lweaW t,- [ 7 s, for, kava Is. TM Ifee gyred eon aver•
{Oman• WiLI, run an follows until farther nolit•e. Hoot pair Geen 1.00, 2nd do 0 75; Most pair Flowess 1 00, 2nd do O T5; pmt Paper , Ptd yon receive my near, sir t' Jecige- CAn most pe taken that none Mgt in "I',nceolduabeJ Ila• night belure : my on.pumiar film to Ince IlaN, thieves. bids wars, ewwdi 0•
_.—._. idnev s Goderich (weather permitting) 1)utLs i 00. god do 0 7S; i Bot pair Gunda Flowet7 100 2nd do 0 76 I 'Ye. sir.' 'Well du you intend to ARht me T Gad tried nAkrn be ssfeomd. F. Y►. 8~4 seem, that wme mrrwl had mw,►Oa ,the fall and An myst.riow dcd ehr •1►d, rPM.P - .
��. ���. t T y, �f� every Monda), Wednealy y%„f ndayu two Fowls 0 7fi, 2sd rRl 0.50L lint pair Fea ----- ' ;rfO mil.' ' TArs, air, 1 cOrsid•r yno • r11 Bae• of War, F. B. \ room, lila Do,rw bomR rereads t. All IDo in sAa1 they were driven to soy�t t►wh1kN1
OLL & wa/'j (2) o'oleek, P. M., fnr Sarnia., p'owlg 1.00, 2nd do 0.751 Hear ,r Tarkt s hrd bra. Nome a nwsivaam ait MsMl
' ' COLONIAL HOUSE 1 ililifd onward.' 'Right, air ; you hoses Neat Us ll 4th col Sr y, vii*, as Fenian Ben• waM. (mere • ligbq .red, ►uukidg •t my r
gV R W A i tl ) F, iO4- S>ITIIB NINO, I.00, lryl do 0.76. ttONl a yon neem would rrrm ebsl lanjed yea well Caret ill ?ilea ry en tar will be In- worth, time ILe nate to ha tome o slosh. In Ii . ynd o,"t .lmmli p tv i. ,rely
Mayo MBrrnis @very Tfe.d y, TbgnA•y and Ron[ Carers -float aced of Tor ilps �3 00, Mg• of Aoauelal anA mat tan dl►iri will tx m- Ivor s lime i Bsl4nwd mtrntty, last awn, 'n we, Sc rot Perms prw'rW elhbt IMsllk
M IID sL�l'E$ QD �L�I�B I A dwarf wilt To a giant, • we equal vrwtR"W I MA antil this wires, evmr finding that all wan quiet, I infRed oR my wan no Rmdmh wheum". r
I" C®11 14 I R S I O R 11rrEtaYlap SurtM�, St A A. arming in fineMr rA at 2hd dO 7 MI. 3 d dO .fin; Rol aM OI FOea
sOAr eco n revs away or Ion P. eMWwg at AiliiMrd nerd ray errs 3.00, 2nd do 2.00, and do 1 60 ; atlas rights 7' ' Very trod, my good follow,' n kno -►•t l4•n will ba est 111a liana' Sda, end tried IO gat rb abwp •gain. 'rho, A fortnlRhs rhrrwer,la• maoibr
PRODUCIt C U A L, R A 1,T, WATER Yee Heide or p■Orga •ppI In qaa ret acre Carmts 116; 2nd do 2.00, 3rd hsPpbine'a, Algaashrlis offail I. Ih,chmw, pled than final, ' lint Iboa cart not •calk in g Aowtver, proved la b• imprxesiAle, rod 1 gni Imeit plmeP,-Ibis tad. d The a
6190 R(1M�A Li. A G. do 1.00 i Beal gmrler Brett M•nj01 W Merl IACP beeks A AMtIYinY br wh;t., hlack and m stused.T ' N'or tkOe ie miRe.' cid tar mo•PMmot toward as in•aniOe al l tb,r ^o more sloop Mat night. A►wt f re o'clark sa4nal as In Ibis Pmw a MelMr q►
IIIMR, he.I eashimh• 3.00, lad do 2.00. 3rd N 1.00. Parties tom• colon. 77e la is the COOnt,rs. r.,(. matlen a red a 8/ Ibis I kaarll wme sorra a the 1kri Ardwoem to pared 1. Mer •tarp;/
t} AgoaM far Arst clean Milled Gaels w B, ChARti, A/se4 rR�t �O�! ads pre (�+e r , w
Ftinwa tinting for the above root saps ill I be ro- Y'VA . i. 11tCHiRALb. than in Rftlo attains is Flogiv s� of% abd engelod,d that my n@igbbur AP ht. ABrd halal loo, lar IMI ar
a COmpanioe. lfarnia gmro d to pay a Gramme fie of Rfl le. 1'iederiek, Amgrt IIsi, lost. 4w 103 �' Tn liar gnktly, too oboeW M blind, �Mb l� rvRj
wbl MARIOR QilAr, AaderwAl C. A e1Q, elft and demb.tt�t>y ; sed •t ►elf prem aur, i Byrd trait.'
1 00dariek, May l6tk, 14601, aw74 INFLgwasra-Best Iome Asiotroo LMbOr
sag, r � , ,