HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-8-30, Page 2I a o a 4 Arlairliall Of IIII.-ir Malejesillis (Affores- It I W me", hirt A bo l., . I obuld owd, FhOr3d NEW Tons- Makent Chergialls. legal acculd have borne with indifiecronce, and of hoildi.,g tialif negg uneetinif at (luderich I who uttent is I* either a traitor as. a Intel. A & welitary instance in my duty to All Outer Amsendiall Xessomw oI be rlrom - hew*'-Of&4iotm powers I what's that ? We 'Was all joined in the bilisslato of the usegrows to u' 9". Front our own orte,junutent Alkali all bealwallcoeJ up!, tkooki comrades above A few orienaft W be flullowed by a trip antrow Lake well-meaning foull it may bar, but a well-moso social slid lateople, or fawisel-of upon any v'on AUMMISS At ilakim woulti,t tiocce via& & 0 its 1,,ub.biy ould If them,*& that . simulated I, ispeoct fur we wirlit I'viloss. vy Ykialli, Aug- ill. The Gun-Boat Cherub, arrivied it, Our re t it this, loom, ddithol. that triater Burned to W Swgiumw Valley. We 11110 out of larnession bowed. Poop!o who speak ,it %V hat I have "A. or tistaujilli, or done mo a I'lato Press A"ociallou of Canada met this N rtej harbour (me Sunday morlailig hat. Shia their a rolling coush over our bit a back opmall. and gleam of sociologist burst is I retail-- in the hall .1 the Mercantile lAbvrty we Iv the earth hake beneath lion UL matiseQ 'that the good pe,iple or Oodench this ulanner would do well to reasetubler that reside t of yQui Loan, I have said and wo rhe ingloorkabor If cholera caws rel carries two Armstrong (iunil klroetklk. Is... 'riat I-mal-ot a very Serum*, process thong t.oud With you, best .,I wu aclock. Shown that thd 1pi- That's the house gone. r. Gordon, I she I not attempt 1. depi grill be glad to do, all in their power to. ' The is a list of the Olice bear during the Ila" week I ladders) a .11) pounder %aid I 10 Pounder, or, our reel' Art &edition, language, aulceitamly social &A local wt rests. nor bows I ever a.. is to & onalsi-lerable extent expect,al it - i,sald nog, h.ld up c bas Is missiv. ad do rundering the visit offso many news,_ the main will) should express himself Sam buys. for %tain All either a hooter or a elegant that thelie or*:- dentic still exit .jr the wild joy of the M. 11,Iwooll, hatellig"rer Belleaville, Pra"I f this city, and that on I sod is sustained by 56 fuel', and Offiloores Lieut, Huntly if, oorilluand. Tire grossest a '011heii fear by Gazelle .. I b0ow; 1-ifroo paper inch as dgroselable as poWiltle. insit d"elitwel wou!d richly'dessisove "a he iistereri should 11m disturbed by internal or parts v I Slid was "lu%ed by Sigurd among the *a- met notion orthe Endorser air u1sich )ties. Sets afteltut oil in promote us a tr.ilor or Cobiate.mal em -goes. grown especiailly III~ for dealt - TI in wariou still needed 10 Pro Eta, L:" to ) , robe up, viscluic.ing, ter conducted herself an friewitic %mi Ir -r joy. The nialloguificent miss ai,; led to air alerturn " a dangerous Intent c. wh,cb the pectalso of them Pioviocale wv in ; Jarneii remitting 14ofts $TO 1 Cherub is to inalke OWeri, her head. (-ad I I let am steel i I only that Vir. Gordon %aid let. a- fluebt Teadvi it, the) 1101 IIW. 1. (.11, file disease rrosu o,preading any lurlh- quirkro, proballs works I us, now I 'I'd" assay der' -was alviav dauicitria ensibiaced air shilir excitemeol, MIA h:,j in And tfaemllfrlvd llv no hswoflmt uu whole, ..is wide big. I have, I think, Pursued 11.1004 St*cmtstry slid Veit weather 11 for this Full and %Yiu. load on rise sc­v of ipfavior low# of, you all tskinvat -d straightforward 'file sudca chis"40 in the nouta"lled to sail lot on tor &try apprellike", r. : 'a. Wild. Iluelliugliat". fidaCLA". der 4 let sae fetch knol.11 that I thwAtht 0's hattlerl coloo'h,ues very or. Ir it asive, at oil 1.44bis that fals, Cut m. 6 aalaP before me Lurnitht 411F."Ver opposed to, "Chough.6'arlY I- larilird onold W.MLIII %%'edilkoday nighte and our I bado a Aid I thi,,k f) g Sloe p list few days is 5, 7J , Fenimns of old iovade CkcndalA in any alone. in, sari .,Are of ycu, apiar.bati.a iL E RE1011,11111611,I)ANA AND, ),.n Ail deliverance was detheyed for hasty adieu to .3 outrel fr o laiwo bers arturvaj with ropesiviss, I for oil& would lifferve 1, on like oti,vr, Inand A Vie Coussulter you is tried on 1. I ),.0 be, its a w Nor it ad, Housecary Secretary. dqrin Our feet ar valliog .,orr the roll 01 13-toughe"', it' Abu the allow (if' air incro,oaki it' the faults I Till till. Y IAAHP 'r the want of a IdI While 'raw in their h,I,dL4 va.ft) otative of the United St." failed in owing were fund I,. he to atleaultanaltv:- THE FUNIANNi, do, ratocurtif. title 4 bVing and frill, akbtus d r, Uut prvvl.)Us Miller we those, a It b"! bpr'""'. VI her of cassids n,porled. Ott Saturday there arkor ad a. to vote m a o& &I suspect for Her Mosivaty's malroi F mi rd Oliver. than movent-'ell C311,01,11 anal 10 oltEFLEY. EWTOR ()y A a were no less "LLIZve, Weis very ionxiouria to IlLing firealiv settled, we had tho plem,­ !I'll with .1 exile,waceJ .ffiero whose opi- I eil a slid Military, by emitting to extese' H M"Ch"' ; a This however did not "cut t all safe. Urc of wil-,esslug the ireveplion of Lord "lure I hat ­d. I Consider every reporalini to ilikes I buft inaterulitional vasurtantiess which Paris i C if Pont. Undiskey ; J G eight deaths, but it, the public itiolitu- -rilh, NK%V YU11K 11TRIBUNE." IIpo., etutaiflordou""A"I'l fol 0. rj 11, I Is % A., rt I a" " an, I a fare, I, y m 0, the Govisrowarsat of the toited Star., ,In- 'fand' I,iujds.y Free. turns, 1hery is 11,continued' abasement or asle, _%villyoupormilaweralLo saddromatoyou sit nod w.,i. A 11-1 4141 M 111PU (I I 4 -41. Addifer, C.roosall ; I lie majority, or Coleco TV. I claim the right to do so on nSaid react 1 can tell yl,u which is wattle loodall If i.purre at its public mervionso aceriordit Stratified, do; A Us . I lie epidemic I.. ick (who) halt cogne rrum oqtawa or, Jabot olalidgplly, Ifyiestrage My min,t fall,] hitlePrits Is"n ow occupied'ed laid Assay it, Quelksee by slid Nl3yor and that &,A (A to tv,eiggs countries. Indeed were I its Woudst'scis Nolies- i a very Sudden and the ground of haviag once given you my hand ties" I lead nesto 1.1i e it, tie I Wnsri I -'And do, herth, Luckru. Mass" <,be arbar%. Ii*Wa do it S d4a 410 cOully nLp)rted are or -ties us,'the *,eno, by % Iii, it me were atuircmud Corporation. The sgaldi rx were turned I'M r who corgoomm,,deal tire conilaoser which leave o.se so, I should not only dw.rvo your J it Havant, do do ; 1mL1I character-iflt 'if those attacked ud tuavinal 1*401, would- Ther OCCAAROn was ne.aregat japiumixuriL., to Sllo,pan I& navitat on d %iLh Siwo,:er iiiiest at lainv-64to t!ioiresp-et, as I certainly sisjuid seeeivv frons Oimotil. J4rctawL.od.; hAd actvpwd a-, it, latwu to claaks fullow'd in a a.k vioull, III (silly cat :d 0 t), .. he 16 -A .,glet toa." is anal hit Worship, in Knglish *aid valodol;ik . W . I thedineitge now appears It, a lactate berood a dw eexchano their. back ,;u,n for t4e like hcdJ of the L)tp4rtmourot Soste-111, 00. onevir recover, and on an toy the re, ble to)& of too caudl4m, &A a Ideal. "No picir,vinny. tire criseti French, read an address in isLiell Him I d -,l 'I borliTo tile gas eirarnent plartm at with which for The see all time I Be orks couta-60 of revi-tif tile ,'I' I Isto regarded it an hookur it) clamp hato old U Huron dismij to be of istaich bull$ treat the evilinar, ilice %us just the Poor young mother from b0ow. car* WioJoor: %V Hann-tod; W fit i"Ittse of urvdicins then the early enough ha;ht togi%e evtiphing, arxeupt thide . Exot'lieocy was warmly congratulated will ever serve the volunteers with relvati,q' Note bet.. nearly fast five y*ar* ollicialiv con- shepherd, ' eases. itb end, -hook 1, I's "Ith Malay 06 sinswoore'll a dealt'@ voice A loself-theellIctol", Belleti to i A #, u sells elise oceurmd over owl Ia bad girl. 'too Iall' isjiged but I know thiror are dialect reunions to ,"led, it* seeleress, emotions. And GaintlEr HoaurT. lifoo&orgal. Naq,sowll; Itshair tand .,,yet dimn,, I_iI upon honest t u lain tire radius of'tL,- lights, a g:uieerluc tto! all A on poll his elevation to the pecrago. Lord : A A gas,,- ;hcokk the best of tora.ch 1,uslacrok, well, there is anuther.istrad hiher ware. is, Broark . other day. It APPeArke pilot. For ye --d You lead. with ."orming wil, unek r9folied in an (spent candid, oultiot wll ch are ul.u. I believe, tire beat to are than law flaillyful perform- he mawine,i at the Uriso,Alyn 11,,blenews Stood up for that dark mail of the It' I m.d you link nothing b of 4, Perth; K' floylo, lin" Picilut ; J or a diabolical usipcels. The is in u e Site It i & IT Fi.-Yll that onto Or t distance, trivet of %kg, w acres fouldwal on flat him, but iutk wry net tlsile cielve ob yoUdelf; for a ­:J,er is, t lie wui Id. Stratiost. Ezalui"T bile we in 0allada gloried in bei I style that did him great credit, A retakessage was Since Ali my duty, whi,A1 is, that I harearsearosiv South, - floor, appeared tire very of Last lie all talent tank God." 'llid back ever the ed within a it.; we?ka tranat Washington, io I, Star, Cobourg -9 I'I'rumble, E.a aeollilur. ,vy-Yai it died oil Thursday, it was 1111UP- Ailaolic JJ1, for a tufficiervt su;lply of to front the Choices, and while the San tionist you bad "cc"4. api.its us It Ed binsful or, but rkevertlkel treall, that and elicited rrequent bursts of applausli. liketnil.rd C"Full"; ble to supply yluru for the odes dispel found r. Seward tire Tallorrand of Isior. ; oil! uld isegres, tall mail specti.al. its %ht atessidoot The wreck of the negro-willa,ge the The trip to "Quebec being made at bmea,h lu.d­,, &,ad I am in hupa kk that I I inudero stattesivern -with all of Toolleyawbuirs J W J Id pnotwbabion was (an its' way to the A, an be hoc bore re rr num r of on r, StrAch turned In ed is ouritnit a let. likes, muIv%u!clitdcww& child was found unhum, &aid, in a few Delta' sually weeLs-pruhata:y noL worry dava-will diploggi virtues-willaii alone of vice&, do do W Home sai'mard- ovillostery with his rionsaing tie throughout our country.. . You then stood gloatiagot oler all- it tell. solid error me seaclacd the gtosiald, u ! night, we can say nothing as to the facener his hi,,h Saw sou ul in the y kx-r re tire artival in Cui;kvila at an official ikeplorubutiou of my otticild'acia; r y ; J %V Cartession, Brolials Aiworicang, i,iusness, an I actu ill; kick-ol the IiJ But its$ more ilours mr boar, we reousinfA its &road ofits nautiser. of the Lower St. L-awren w, which is said saimccli loading artabi fvr the whole volunteer thereluiv I will day that y departure frum Kingston ; T J Curlews, Express omprommunir plookulat or m off the Collin, lki-tilig consist decidedly 10 all how &all tyrannical. stale of inosert4usher on to ISLIt W"'44,oli, or Tire titat thing we did on arriving at the GAeti,b is owl"A altogether 1. Circuits- 'A' P Kelh,.v. M-wame, Isawrit us; &it we kvuw was that tLe peuse ul surface wild to look round sold *at thu dvvAs- to be very fine., Arrived at Quelasto-on ratual over a hich the So ce,rwy or state &-reassur, Ii. terlsoc-o - if C Iii,tonedy. Cos being earrird off in that summary manner hUJL air, ho- is it mado Is flow gritted you W the Samoa had oratimitily diminished. At last, nation which the harricanall hed prduced. Thunday morning, we enjoyed ourselves had and could exercise ate coutrol. We kinds, vitro MoriiabfAr, ; It' J H.Par, 1remengforr, without firat hat jug been Consulted about Iday It, The ey" of British AmericaLis Ir As I Could hold The agents .1lie'll tour toyes fell upon wed by driving by couples and threes in the Farewell Dinner go filter, 1).P. III alleging with a I-adirs 4 sea,- amona i4 P-1 itical pany, to look to the Striate lot that -the customers pt poocot, Mverickvii1t; The cholera is set a NUCL*ftful 6d4ei, I end oConsul. is E .luckiness. Era. Ne-ukkaok,t I hot graAj inttosity iu'llially eff the. Southern i.. a strong Pgottatic go vuvorival to open the tialk, that I simetfgn ! which buffies Jescriptiusti. The Fratheiv of the country. The Octal love who , you way with supercilious ofewite vi aft what is"i the Sliw of thio4ot alcove twit. -IV Cle, of the eout.tiyfw;.s, ad it seem only light vehicle known in the City, 4eciaft yuu care not for the irood or if aguectiods me-fieneral Alleuck slid for Whom Expokatiolor.Prills; 1) Ki-Ilicl, do do; J S and Western cities, but is abitingfin Chici- pound. I undial klov luteu mail stoalmytal I,. ch tn,,ed. It looked no though, a burseatiog yelt-pt calaches, which are'layged over hill The people of (laideriell having learn,64 I eed not bespeals your kiiad reg-ardle is otw finite, Vindicator, Ustut-Alli %V It Clime- at -d tire Wand, for where )ta, and dale at larealk-neolic [speed. After with regret that Mr. Fitoam United Who will it.) credit to The r Is e he It" bes,n 8*481tsx"lx, Kill"' P:X. lift up Am door. lout my at wnj;tb' was not houl vuv-:o st 90 In Cincinnati there were silty -four olint Sir, neither you eudk-iurt to, left iL I ca:lisl up %It-. Guratle i icillity. eo,trything was growers and luxuriaia, Gazelles P- deaths on Saturday, and a day of fasting I 11" mail Car) fla ,it so) tituated the appointed to fill, for it fi%e yl -sirs fidl,,ity to _ I r "r .ar ; Ord I he." mail one Of t1se iasllf.uts ; 6dL aster ulditd was lease, bute need enarselloL. i.iiing the historical spot upon which States Consul at this place,' wait about to and praying has been appointed. In 8 get y3U any 1.0,lakbg of his folited country upon many a Express, N-i4Luw ; Jmd- es .1 just - V, WS, Klaa,LOU ; tallow J I, Louis there were ninety-six ended and cunhen the runge, igisomany will stanch to attv.411i to MVI -V it - 41IJ Ad flint, u3cr it iota) Ill t a alies, I bud the tkoblo Wolfe won Quebec for Britain, resigair his fewition and return to, his -b - -atips repor,rite-I fur the -.04 yout name until the SLAM of The ha's recessial I _ ! t field of battle be a guareuty that a. S 1, It ihirt3-fiva oft de"'ic'e Wvtelikena to give u.'e,, aeyerkrceu; vegetation, human habitations, final forfeited his life. we went out,weveral lausily near Washington, deter iiued I amung You will be Akich Ass Too Climit Stalestmaks y fing,am tensile when I for it became clear first 0.e I nits$ of she houtme, and agniatil file had all wanibbed. Cos land the record, to show you. ' Ito erim. A;4Wi4i*tr, 61141114d ; 1) hourat i-nding at noon on Saturday, .,I awuk 'the AW foll leu over us, and, ;i.l assistance I could \J"arookolooks itself was a mov.6 of ruins, once failed to Falls of M(nin.ortnti, he left, to give him farewell enter ouclumi.n Gentlemen, F will say that heLb. Cits J 11 Putfsell, Church during the. Since time isk New Orleans remember they have touched your hand i for be sableginel from ubov, . me re piou'lrot . we shall ever K or, your bond is that A a walrdemr. As a rho were comely i1suaki.11d; but which am 11 worthy the attenti111 of usent, its or,lt+ to al Anoustreate the estitua- erl return to Gulderich or not. or login. nefiewn: Can. Our posisti,ilap W" by Alto IDA was 411' where%er my lot in future may be cut. I J S j twenty -Piz casers proirlsil ratal. dean I my ,I At charge or murder at floor -tiordiii bure his loss with gieAt ecisonann' wunslar. Then we visited the citadel, tion in which Ile hit, been held for his nterval Tire New York Hil-ild bill again been ra I" a murderer, came, for Wier bAd hAk idea W11413k, Cycle it loPty'. ..&. J..m hall carry with,\mo &ad Clientele to the I,t,,t Jones, POW, Ott' work r- preventing the C all*- i From the i.1"" a' over, we alaosald be itiews,, said our stc. Our\molcue %-air Joe so a party of nd had the pleasure, of looking down wany ma-cial and Personal merits as the twur of toy - life,'t e remembmiiee of your Ilriamiston ; W S Gleeful, veq busy at sued oaf. Istrait,ori you base @a. affiliated was ArLry SCLNIT. ]lot this %us not the a at u about a - rrightened earned sur a political tener, you lationd on a 6.111 ['Tom those frowning Cliffs which rvioJer representativeof a foicign government. frieuddi,p, &,ad lefin Malay. Many PIC11aliall J I) Mclni-.sh, Chroossich. Oil S. -i logo; Jol"s ihans to, be as W, red " and ' MoneaChasm Ifeek-le, out of their i 1. at the appia ich of I if Carl throtto to commit murder wood rals, WOML &yet we had to encounters for ))r­cut:y, distant where Mr. Gurdoel I Joe City tho (librealtar of America. ccordingly, a number of the leading re- looting wh-ch I leave arpotiot air your a atestering expedition.- ­` in a communrl; beeftwo the iNut age low no)-dwicaus iticularlin,; came load a lauditi.- place and who, although file) r. Fitalaw duriuc the alefivery of the wj*, do do ; Jaw" If W"Wt Caselialldl at another Fenian -E *a we "to a 6h. your warm ',an t. At I from the ugara,heof the earth. A few ministers hall been triewcal to the full lury of the gale, Quebec is noted for tire auciout-lik­ preesentati,e imers of the town ordered the fumalloing mmarks was repeatediv cheered. Safe%,* if t. wide, Pon It .1. - he backii or lso 0i art, however, that the " expedi- elfel.a.4, &end 11,ru'ok!se uoise i.cres.k.1- much eascaped uaii ,joi, do mud at doy6r% us ratio led t,. sappeliraince of m,,,st or are buildings, and dinner to be served up at the Albion rioe Choirmaster treat gave Oein. Allcock, Joined Unitive%. r"er, Albert; J[ I'lle Feiiian curb to whom yo and the whole claw ad us-ilke earth matter under our fervol,the to L f f get thavir waster. lay, I Fatitain's Asuccateasur. Velis"oplon, Witten la" Mu -m ion " alluded to in only a pic-nie that flab f Kno. Knothirip would allow no office in I" b1le, 1h , ' ely he large amount of Shipping o1one kat itb Ilotel on Saturday 128L at 6 o'clock, P. Us., W EUPninker. 1 bern extensively Ablyritirsed #O'S'da" Place '54. 'rate World knowes, &aid will not firallsh while edifice rcelt,l-tlic emialked-and a, is ,be .oil for more this:, The General Al -i th4t he wait hapry to the ladder leading to this trial) spit kao fia,,, Ilow -the ti..y used port, There were lying anchoreal in the atwhichhour the party sat down tore have beell houired With 491 ,to wit W G P.Well, star, It t ...... 1, StA a Somewhere if) the vicinity of Buffalo, vo-ar hovrjou 1,eagvA1.:be Irish at that law.. It it =ratio. and illi am,.iiig Ilnor us,,rQts. taigl hat can remewliter. . that he come anion de river, boji,lcak 11. . S. Aurvora, many an(*& recherche one. Served up g them rather us,# Atraill. , Mary'.; Joe Advertiser, it,, gaverei of lite late fi,oser,-ilke I,m to no at no re., or the eeh, of east a atmw erwit rent the j..Ult. it in jol'sk on, ag r Smog, Cohl % Bui-il -I " being deterwine,l to About Inkland, that yoswon, take thou by the win a waineut of intense Wa! oceran-going ships. Ily the way, w! 4)on&,h'o beat style. but be that ows it may he woula n, Stritlordi W IIXIT Uiiui,, going, in asoine shape r, to". andeavor to deserve this respect staid friend. ham. Beoe%, kerp, th va: mentiowd th-it'at ontmal, We noticed among those presents Judge ship which it was apparent Mr. Fitrom haid James Itatirs. McIrcurY. What -6we fit* Canadians, douse that flow ato-A transfixed vaith awt should be won from all in (ioderich. Uo said be " Chortlelit-fe, A an long am they can filed duties, sh,uld urge a blood of pirettet, ,,,to their pro. nothing entire than flat the eajUlt,weass about illiale th rough the kindoesse of the offiocrei, we TuLus, ilestross. Gordon, Moore MeDer- I Vh4t Is swe we I , do we as Imistow's to opera and swallow us up. I an Ell thollsonan by fourth, but a citizen of the g1r,114L Berlin', F MvPhersk,, al, i. I 44, And " giv"lliVo " session, their own country. vio.1 No ituou" had file egarthquaLe passed, than lead tire prittledge ofiespectin6 the steam mutt, Walker and Belvion, Of tile Ouder- Unme States by adol,tion, and that he bad .%tw hails, Closure; Her J,A* A it in, n who will he tooli,le, enough to buy lot we espertsA Supposed I, a. ill CA add a u danger wereact it 6s. ' I borough oLin of - frigate 21 gunfe. ich bar Dr. McD.,)u6-.Jl, Charles Widder, Served in the U44ted St&W arwy fur four VfEnter,Tterwilo. E H Dewburat. Triegrespoll. Vemun bruds, (it even beeQuake sullowriberso else(* am rqutl in sell respecogge with 1b.1hewrliockowille %all witterwastlowilli, rat * GODERICH. AUGUST 30,1966. yearki and rijSt months, and bad been is, W Home Journail. In to -file. ' Beat _iI otb*r claimed. e have ooKitow knotbinge ly. and the, fi,or.ut fit. vault was to .rleudv I Out viait to Quebec ward, on the whole, Esq.. _ Aptliiu Hays, and Ensign Sey' many of the severest eul;ajeusvou at the rhouidar; far A J B,:ictal, iaA,a,li1iCup,.n here by the more intellig,ent home. We d" ."It sersel'solks them from office. orred soung,, inches deep. At firtt, neither Mrs. T11E PREIIIII EXCUKSIO.N. a mA,St pleartant one, and there wait not molars of the Rille,rCaptain Ord, late of if. judge. lit would do all lie c.)ui-I to I Arg , St AI'y 14 C Kirby, Heratist, N,-i,t oo,bjm, I am int.fineAl Ility hold far more than in the U. states.- bectater our the uL -Ivtll SCCUWJ 10 t---Mprehrlid -ice S. H Detior, the III, t hiok that notion more. Over I allot% ser rbarn what excuse for over runnini the from - Shia ; but as tire ater rapidly incleadood. Mrb. ukurwur (at' dibomoti4action when we -L 3"r% Essal ; tile It Iyor be commercial welfare or of On Tue-dersT, the -.I at inst., the Mena. i-ioderich while he should hold the uffice bi curralespowlkint, Hamilasin; A grow out or this pi-,oie business that, the tailor us 14 it lar-coucke we prefer Seut,,r became alive to her peril. started on the return trip to Montreal by was Unaoidably olloatent ; Gov. Rumbsil 'P=Od to if. Iii,onind,60fron:c1e, kkl:eville. nor Britubt,connevation to sono.saggion ? Sir, hers of tire forcing AmociAtious of Upper The Is areadft'lia bar of "erich were inutes of halt allnuseal meelit'4 were .#I car,,," the forew, t all hour&. The Um. Why," she exc:aim.4, startling up, 11 we the evening train. Tried a alcepi FoAq., 511r. Findlay, of the Bank of Mon' won & lead, ii --ice asm.ult that Still undoubtedly be iffiall all tie diownetU-Is there no in,aus of C.,nada suct at Kingston, fair the put bert, It"If dec stroad made 4011 pike,o, whiskey, moll -lager., As the u, 4 iat..8 had give.% role 10 love Pool I fur the first tinao and found I a treat, and tultay olikers well knoras for also icomplitmeiiied, t) ;which JuJ ,e Tows. amended, us reading bar redcarre ? c- I on cut think of no *say of ex flaking boat down th St. Lawrence; for Messrs. Gotil in and etmotion eat Is" proemdingli art to Ve ettlit-eited by a Shaw liver oh. I Is lao-alloone"Ir.g.resi. tricm ting us sucallb car relieving tho! horrible tetituria of' their sk lrnijing land racollocletability in our She sur.ed of me. M Eusign Seyknour waistsed The Vu,unk-eres of meeting by r Stilwell the bittle to reporess,4it Otte lose fight at Hitl Aticall - 011, f, we'll quiie eas whutVver,' I teplied. Do We are critical, at which 14ace it had been "[naturally; oral last, but not I,-aoet, the Canada, and spoke highly in their favor m afheodiq by ties- wu'fd -- Upper " air Asia aluck (or like unity or the I" vyl.ule flight's railway trip. We crossed y, air which all tire rnnj) and Circuits. in the hands ol'Gud ; Its, u!utiw call lbdp w, decided to hold the hilt Annual Cain- a I i Ciliz -it Soldiers who were marly to wke the fee t tie of it aIt is now styled it's creature, as the Fotlk%to of your Metrologist if it is Hur good piCkaborm." list marvel of human itigessaiiii-the Saydir, polestar or 11 c field at a momenis notice; and a tlioul, he istance: tit' war " will too- witho.t . let In a rebellions cause, were Jrpeo Veation. There w,,rL in all about one t Of coming into Iters "I'maef, quarters 'The slid loody's countenance barzaterne Easily Victoria 'Be idht---cw Fri Ijay ustarrairs, at Cathiplic Chdroh Isere for over 24 years they Castillo! not be eipected to do as we I as file gentleusto were electd I .Way fittlu their homes that The maccessi Peter gold their she threow top her Agraid, -d bundrel menilavirs present voith their I 6 o'clock, &and being sci down sit Ilse &H- 31r. Whl,ler efouveyval that regmt of' tire l9o,ru!gkov at first, They wouiJ do what rie-s flicer 14 the carrent year: - with C.1 Stierl - of villainous rebels smelting enjoy Iheit property. Tilley ashoe,kt,d I can't die -I III ilia I Wi-I 64itlet-cue of the larest gatheringa of could to de * 'see of th-nir country it their live'. 0 President -T hold so SeAlor, MontreaL 411thill.4 mi've PAmikA 7 A 111 "11601111 entered else .,t-fern m of Uppoler Ciernialso, to Rev. Mr. Elwood at hi4 being unable to we, to be &a.,; ticks. VIctp4?i.Icugks_ja4. Canaphe,11 and, liv.da tuay be hooked for. IX; % saut they sea& for themselves dual Otil-frego new nobody save rage ? I'll give auything.. I'l; the kind ever he2d in Canada. An most eventure station, annused oirselves by t you that tile Fcui:iui buy your and name, you IiLh," She going from one Place to another fit search attend. The Chiir was occui-ied by r. Mr. Widler's lillalth havin been 'Im.k fear* \*ad nd thPoe food covt. , When Eng. Col it turoin; to itio nerues. f the memliaLre; tiecied to gully boat front W. T. Cox, Goerich. Car *4 with a to, wadable war wish or an carly breaktatert cDermott, on when right $At Gencrii th-it (Jencieniza iI slid said that les, . -If rebates batialver alrectly ? land wills eriAm. Eu, you it we can ; we voo' Kingston, theru wad quite a crowd reen dy surer - IV. Bucle.highain .6.1 At li. the it "flux a Scey - Trea Kil,, It insepartio. vote Iowa a pretext to declare sew cip it ; lit,t ne. Altionack, the newly appointed Consul, and not let the occasion Paz I 124crepre B Ih) 1i am,, or 111r. Finni6asky let buchr. ladies die if e It io go aboard at 5-30, a. in. The trip Most ofthe naernbers left by the 9 word in complitnent of the Consul. Pu,i,,g Slarri STY -8. LJones, 6t I Iran, and th - c latte skediddle lko l; her -e shot ?A," inuill send y er [full mid Your get left- an -_,o(,d ad unitiody's, wine bumb)e, "Elock . train, on thwir way and the oil his left the grat-st of deal everainz, 1for. the Frailiago excitement here last June, and Honorary -'Keret were -about its -uc- holve's. )tat we when de water count uber ac herad,we no licip, Fitusim. Lawyer 'iroordon occupied th- when it seat exiwct d fit,- energy Would IWIJ. taw'. down the fiver upon such a fine steamer 'from over rise lam-rder oursel"ri: so all be like deu,-we all bas; as the Urcciorks is a most delightful one. eat,un-ion was practically at an tnJ. I vies,,clhair, with Mr. Moore on his ri6ht every one, espe,iaily the at see,, led ch,,d,e,, Conk ulitlee_E. jAckerin, N1 no. N ",at itletyoke armsful atil ennill, - 1, attracted " am ther, to out batiolerst to a, free, died rich too, do I ­rd he pastime The occilery tdonic the iouse is never We C:knuot Claude without exprelleoln, I and F. , Uier Sclinci-h-r on fit let). were in a state of alligators at that tiine, r. Fit- Ad tior, &,all could hanily be ease- 1coarle mbelluss, ask our Oxides a that we maide As the water ruse, it was Alone a study to Dick tit' the chair liften, entwine th'. mile came to hire, slid told learn shelf at any ilJ WICIS, C. B: Bulaiwarks, Load- nyour $appreciation of tire 1 proved ul oil even at a great F uilialliblortimearklifirwma. Analnowassacreastairem4 watch the fact,s of Ilrese about me. portico lame, und ut times assumed a grandeur eoirtegy of the dours.tror Should arue, and an actual onvicen,is rasky.I ilookinine, Peterborto. prission, . You n- Rogi,ash and American national -cilltd to hold the next unuil lflc'nlc- ALe raut, upoo larly oftf.e The giadual trAtoillelf! Wl,'Icb cannot lail I intererat and clear,,,, Grand Trunkandothet railway yessust.-ers. , If su of Foemaus should happen, to bring his Ideal. it was A)t from anxiety an fear, and frow he, so le; getialiveof those. if,% or loraternal fiii0allip ily r flow ftoody of say others 1. his fc,jel, i %feeling at GvAl. rich, said have air Excur I let c-,onceti.)u with this subject of Fe. I .I niani,en, I ua.y add that the Hadic.1 pas w Save 1 wildest dvillair, would have been ,ludicrous in, "` , ut the grea, . t red. 1r. Dwight, of the ontreal Telegraph, which ollsouI4 always easiest lecture . cn tho: *!,it tire flag of the Crooned States should Ore Aug Son Sakiinaw Valle nk'ttoa h .. fear ( %I.@ result no the extreture, bud net our altakestiou been on ture of such's trip is t raissous run of and steamboat men, for siourtusits cittend. peorple which they rk-kelvetiely represent. feet then, it no rftpect shouloi see paid nor the run. y, racranw; Lake Hu t) all those country, itho n4va hd rv,,ry- r wake a visa" ; taut we rallecigoesse the lo, wool we the noso-i that can the rapida. From the stih at w is it is ed by them to usembacria. The dinner , Irivin - been claboorately nivokileri to laid town. Wlii:a he Ir.d every for view )r cosif-A,ration Mr Ilayrses gave t1iiiiii: tlit-ir (own way for the put few m tmo,64-xcsvae emiempus Whi e all amund Were and wall;u" - discuiesed, aides,11\11loy, on' geir-rous A%;w ol (cr the knevity of ple:taints &old notice chat us the next are w,u,d velcors, and the lAtc Carl- up -in a country Ilea' has tried W ;wl tim I.rt ethat Cedar Its 'd property under Lis own filr he f lv-n howevpr. Mary and Gruet, ut, alreffy still chainpa,igti, tire chairman gave 11.1 rise isni I. C ­.Al., let- glegas to almost. cv. rphing, is doing all in .4 a .(.A I $way you, ..%a in had .,&age did ut,t fail them for at. I I less thankful ill tho Consul for his uff-,r as, In""' I .an, *aid the worho 6 llrao,h ! Ira power lo oceura: the Irish vote at thu n a vabrone to "it any political con, Iv lwlftctly (In! ftels a degrep. of' larealhie.... intake else. coustiucti at. I heir co 1.1 leac it, SPEECIIIII OF TIIIIE ADJUT. as The Quee ," God blow her This protectijil. in be knew his Object was like a' North nal;pmacliing eloclions. Tire la, National installs, el,toggl: the water Ili list that 6 irseat .11. W- talent yow- 1 Led which 11cro; 6 sousel hill,. ind -ibably G EN EAR A L. flentim,lut was of ceur­e, receive'd as it least to allay"ible sellers off tileste whose were froilil insti4tessolaos. We distrust your ernri of above their knees. ]it the faces of t a -se two givlsk might be mud thut uncom, po, 01bil-Arzting. The mi .711d,laters i Is true- Britioli, But-JA,ets, with shoreward without stay Centel. - 'The C If Kirlow, of ontreol, were prolKnord! Convention held at i'lliladelpleta too U'llrevemal liberty. We a4sabelver boll- pport the Pr­Oeut in his great work ..ty When you S.y 7 O' teepee, that high and eudstriiii futtritud.., [he rupid agantiored. of the four men forlther er7 after which tire whole coug- woold u,,t rail to atel-reciage Mr. Fitikkank*' &,ad ceel, ti -d as me noncom of the subalwailatin. rt - Oil Saturday last, 25th instant., that ioud clic . and Queen's Own," from Toronto, sod the pan)-, inclu%in' ed that A res,l'uriun was ul%o planned ta,or, we see hilrall which is a Special cl.aimc.teiisgic of n1liell ther g the two American Cuu.' kind offe:t no I ;at occasion. He add 'restairing,the wholic anj up $tell See an not trolsical,rda,men. %I lick: 1, and the inanner in no c A in frals, aang As Uod Save tlkc Quecu,­ he CGUA, GUL re.ret Mr. Fituarls, a departute IOU IlVA, pl. I be it . i3th Battalion from Hamilton. ..rrivc cowni'litee 1() prs-p rn tuples, foe dukkv rgswug It ing the Constitution his given the Hcoli- givlp &At ballasting. C111,112111(fiS and rho wild dt-,I%ir of Mod. Stutvr T03LI answeris her 11clul like a thi from amou Oil rsWe .,It ng 0 catup at Thurold. Both Battalions IIA4 mag. I agettlog. calls &I attack th-it ham met I, tell tic-na interelof (Aw a heir "g The jollification cont;nned till tear mid 'text &""an - settle I wraetbr in the Iwattleful lilt. " is am will the ii a was very notivemb:P- It Aball lifL, cretatcl an iniprcakion tba& Cannot feartned in sfinare, Col. cDougall inspomt. The nflat toast pruposord by the Cl ght w.A li,oda,go of fuel, voroh along aod dcolstrate tivan ever. Not Coast. *I to-rew. Aorlf we resent with : e ana Gird(in I know wild Out %venting in cuu.-'AZ*, "I'llat Ed theiv; ek d then addressed '%,tee wheat the compare! adjvurned ac­rs this relient" it-!6iv to dimiurb oar time to try She ceura,w ufakiv one. Mr. b erti-ed rrout the tuciesuiry. an wa9l, " The Pr,,aidetat of the Uisliiogrd adir- We would direct galt.otioss, to the crep-rian,amig; oil the negorgs, Obese did- 't " ­ " them, in IS I -fail . I, pl! with the ni.lits, entertligninessis. adw. or Mr. C. K Archibald, vilieldic urnwokitr are lousily emfage-1 in seeking to vw,,Iujliiy. Poir, haist,ory will reeord the bow but his fartioud,lI wenitol 'to have tortuaLu ioliall we bay, howo.rcr, of the Lachino forcible and appropriate specch. We Cie-' Tt " like, the firvirio-4s on(-, was adult 1: MUCII PC41.4C Cbn'IUI hC SwAll r. stock is Tery full is all lars6ches. Give Cavite tile protjudicesectfillass Irisalk-born Cilia- Ithis act We lo j Well fai'lit torsought him. Ilia loselIms octe wild ; the mussiles of Rapids. 'There the excitensent torlusio- tr2Vt the fallowing remarks whii:h are of, rapt ,.,."ll.,, y v his wouth twiLched slid quivbro -, and slow, ates. The run ornine miles is und ' receivei. (It,iklt ;rad Isontogh-11 hilue 111ML," for the blandsome him a isit.#P acres agstrust Ilse PrVerilent tile the active else Past, but palled you fit your hour of and liken he routack.A mvkgewtbio , that I ewu!d an general interest, and are.eucul3ted in a I restated Mr. Fiticitall arrhoot au.1 if , grol in which he furniihed tile table, East- still coomitulwaii use4mumese be tn6,rmil irui;t.e, When your civil war broke (all, oar 1'r;ked .0 it to say th go 1, not hear. about fi%c four swift its the J,,Sccnt. the compiny f6r the they lae' .1 last ia ev,­ry [rich the FENIAN agAh.l. Life fireless Willi of marauders lu,ftnet Owns ailn Sympathy how The Inclt by Inch the water rose until it reach %Vitil those rcat measures to dispel the 31" Italver, tainc usiles are cialbraced-1 session cuuA wtfurd in the way or eti CHICAGO. who W) recently, undertook to ilkvak mild ""' d lone 9!;i;e ; Said it was only when ed any waistcoat. One by une also; buttons that ivany of' our readers may have e -T to he ex,cutivo chief' of the and c,.ofectionalary was bounti I you feelings .19 tewiplorigge with sk!*very that came, dangers wLich -,ui,;Lt well Lave appAlcol i Stiters, a man whom Ir, saiJ lie hall known fully supplied. , I ill ig a friendly nci,;hbor. The only m- areitri twc4me I"s -arm. With some Shia: 11 islappeared, " each suiroute our stuciny giginw, terlailled as to ih offivicticy of tho Mili- 1'..r solvent year.-, edhiie he occupiA seats A dexpatch ovart rroun Chicago on Mon. I bum:cs: new Of stalmsee III-Aicills, led on by to rOdnems wb.-n you it ui..,, us. wT I watio loallat too re- a* b anyone Irona cnceluostcring thetu in any- is DvpA;tiucnt in both Zoeller; of Cungm,ka, at the honesty, 'MEJF-ANCIIOLV AFFAIR. day, in the New York journal- roy, th3t'sucki fhaticks fare old For- lled 1-*In,(I&,.d law obook,rvinA the all loope. .31C.Llitue taut a I it in. lar; -r thin a canou. At one lilace t 11 Sualki Hinkle, and that other .. I as did. But ottered nor 611 t1dalLuAlil.1t mdo toy Both newspapers and individuals have c and honest repirvoientrat ive of the State there wait great excitcuran,tal th'ere u that I D'y' 0- I)-, Gordon or hill two daul;hieirr. Mrs. the 4a-;igaLl_ cl.annel is too (ittruticly asserted that the guvernment bad been &old is of Terinexace; need I altnougli t!,crQ hour lye wenc shoiked on receiving intelli day tersiong thi Fenians, and a movement i Or uthers tu poms, rve a paiiiiicaf via . the gre I an&" of the Ceduadlese.6 trol had ceasopol her Cries, tt,r she had perinardt-o'n-errow that the roctria on either side can a,lglectiol its duty so the 'emotio,r of proper appettred to be some oppOsitiun to is gence or the untimely death or 31r. to array -cliou U-11,311 ovells)II, ars'l )On to put down Slavery. ooner 30,000 a tall negro to lanist- bete upon him othumiders, I b, a-,Iuipmei,t for the vo:uutetst. That "Oil- u(iministrati,-m of pjblic affairs upion F re -me kind is evi-lently under war of- B,ni-h Anno,r.cans to, light ynor di,tinctly, and to tu3k-c matters are,,, th-- Nelson It Fralick, sou of B. Foralick, ., , race aguinst race. .44r. Illank,4, who to IS A , I here she do& grasping une of the. cland1to O"n issuarse. There to n though everything is kept lorotioundly goI kip your skeJoaddlerso bought a home fill great he was air a loaal*s, lNUTS0, just as the velboacl darts through It w hatever. I would me w a n I" n I"' D C. Clerk of Airileyville. Is Core report Asia NeutrAlity Iowa, job son. There is a r a Clarablian K'r&ve Is rob )Is Vi i0h . part of a fe- vi ties late 1; egi:1 he h.0 E.q.1 lt ' let 0 o di6bt but air a short um. one w1i of I. qo1ne mysterious pre-nicloand plefc. lod I$ L-0 before Covskil;rew Pro - taillike ..or battle Southe'"M praradis , flat she dal not iewetailser that file I this sluicc-de o1wraing, it I. is neccagestary 10 map ...... bic for the faulty t,qui;)me6t, who is g0verialkagent w,juld tells attans air their woutot appi that, by sorno aecilicht,' dtocargial I Ivuh to U-13 Uroonsect, is the Panic )IT. ,at middle ab.d the n,;Jlt of readyiUm, unit inatiteact or mo. uns as Strong in the norgru for the Starving (tribe nisditio ex. sure atlgeriti6% announced in that Val- e.1,1111all, and r. Jobaiiia.'r; administration of "it air overdose of hudauuni or souse I Barak.- Alto Led th Knotannothing pirty ge Irout -)or bo'dects ruside a sailla A eastern upon all honse:11', 'bod that the u,o-. ent. the -water turn bearect a sharp ungle. The blighteat nditure upto the last weetin of Tarli - the goverorgesci.t of his cou-tiry be mad in of cinity. Two l,un,lre,l Forniarm poniard re rgmgn Iii.ti enough to endug, r the tire of that acci lent to thawlicul or Offering apparatus gari ? %V by all,. peoli:e of Caup,th, thrlsugli ter blbt-.ry With pleassure mail struftion - such drug oil 8unday last, and lay in a throuh Nashville (at) Sunday from ptlem. lunar ye,ars ago in . meachwetirs. Those us like a thusurler-clop, and we immediately oaI too %-..:d is, oil :eave lic) at such a jusurgient, wilould in all butagan i4eir rvism%entislives a and I &clme lositive. 11, did not believe that the lkar ur. st ao fir Stupor fo:w about 1.3 bouts. `ut Itadierl party of t"y was the Kn.w_ sent our vultakillosers 1-1 Obar tong Sol prevent a I%vital; p-irty then ; and filwy drops recarredeco. Vaudois no law to deal with -?p or eseupe y float from the in A -lit false of ed one unkind Idelinj towarda aingie citizen, withstanding the efforts of Dr. C013 be and news I so%e; rate. No, Apro A phie, on their way to attend tire Chicago: for us, ui.d all we could 0u wall CA probability be ins,taut destruction to lor,th no guyA,rnment has b(,en mo-iored even bully A. Irish-born ciiiz-ais to uphold those who had ed the privilege of asthat file! Fenlans; there ylum, our 1-4ishisiure pronamitr p.msed an Is A, h i I Early to have done more than the prewntgoveri - whetlacr from the Suath-tatc lthoiai-i forniotigingunarchy and de-puis- aisets act ro low wait th ppruacli fitut & ch Was velikencl und crew. indeed The Lwd All. could expirc,l on Tuesday at 9 o'clock, a. area. rrom Nutty Orleans slowly evroeoinn. filter. Us. A asion'Cuff of Mo, a meot has Along to render the volunWor foriat F.;Lst.ur the West; but bid silo AlTt was to are making preparaii,mir for thei Chieng., ef0- blind yin wl,ilo running the florpilson Thursday onite all pit, ties wider the of a called- Dr. Coleman was to h,)I,! a post trimanne awful suspense could not In cotaicuiplatcof. I effLi-rot It is tojoiral thAt the people of it.&. 'I'lo llila it).. recent F nian ptc-ni iman, will turn uiK)n an -I asetil them mastaim, Imad low d..,h your lieloved have beets Il.rou;h many lwriisk, but never last, torrid rou&r ties accident to tire rudder Canada shoida be impatient in them matter, man brotherhood. lurlifical mai proteted ors the body, arter which we shall be able fac-n to ,air pforri"Ce Went I"Ir, Chicago u -y I equally by Me COtIIIti.L tior. sagaid India of tt;t - , - naloubtly had no diredt, core- I list id befir,,. he IriAr-born citizens anything like this. A wait many be brown chain, and, we arc informed, that hall it but they should consider that the labor ill be ta give further particular@- r. F.ali,k " i must be very verdatA, indoed, if thty ul- point to) them fitrus Its Show we did when his blocod is hurt slid the tide t battle Unal it neotion with any tiolovenictit rInt li-en for tile coullieses of tile Captain performed it enormous and that the cosple At t his I 1111.0 or flow proceedings Crept Ord was a member of title -Huron be- so it was prolific, yet Gen. O'Neill'to vi -it Iow then,reselvess ektill to be dupe by Shia"" remember the pink& wherno you had Itent-d is hAir. carried him oil ; hill tir-st,and Still and bet, ilia fitumattle,ketime. Whenitiscorami-Jr.t w.s c.,Iled upon for & grain party, and more espet-ically in view of Such Xrw, what are lh* returns yoolikers, ciellitrinic a go wh ch he gave air loved by all bill compani,mi, and a ruore there, wells doubtless for the purpose ,if grim destroytr entering nearur and tie irer the accident orst have beca a ui wt dismal. ed that few cluthin; had to be i"u.d to flat- his p:t--&,.t. blood Eli Ablaidli-elicit- )Wlog Cl- anwillino,fits exprewd in she minute he, inioute. &aid inch by inch, req;oirelt frond one. 't of the old exiAting fince ; that e Promising y.cung man we leave never asset. c"Isguallation with reference to that inove- A dArmig trillion you think you calk a very d4r,­:it sort of Luumge. g"C'e'r to liuvermacke deals for cantet,no - I me,,t. E--plecting the time he wall o4p,:-k- tract of a spo-celi delivered a few days ago forget the itol Icu rule. The more of your lonsiple. , All he applause of file cukas:-skay. I Tire ..ter It Ali toy tl,,4 tem. teaclassil allagoort We arrived safety in Montreal On had it) be provided ; iliat the field batteiiva I ­ The next tomet air ordej, Paid the Chairmfin. H is end was truly a gad one. h C-oie, lie was with by Thad. *t venka, the -;rekit " besed-cen- of aspeoch d to !o our shou:der-, need I fell my fort.tude giv, T4siday evening, and at once took up our required new harneds as %ell as gurres and was one which he knew would be clagetriul:v Ing at I 0 - I 1, a. is, WET WEATIfFit.-The past week bull beer, DrOwinen -the hancombe of It4no-kide, writirags of -rek,quiliters at tire St. Lawrence Hall. eat'jile., said ibmt the c4valry requ:red saddlery ter County Convention ct Polnuylvargia, ing way; I waoit-d to c4:1 aloud. to all t r1listill there, all.] since Ilia ar- Ire " of the liadicalie, b4ore The L invars. Speaker atChica,to-111110. iiiAgrOMf)( Olesby it tout a few modeling among one (it almost ennitaut rain, said farmers rival at Nashville he'lles espare,sed great fur bell,; -m scluoething no boristo a it, aud Ilie-armeent ,It#- Airline time idiat, about IZO w that nk)wtnat d him fr C,)ngrets:- journalists- all theme rabow the return you the illeA uf being thus d ugiaksl, like Tons in ealt morning tho party scattered over pani, a -ere to be equipped throu4ll- us-* sitran.er tie mi4ht almmoetUy, but whi, have toad great troullIn with uvfstaijdlhg statisraction ith hig vieit, send fn -dicta' NS e leave bailen too much governed by give us, a cellar, that I mcoded frans it. All this the city by thres and fatsues,li to see the '-'es', be vident air I the work could by ties alcutlersoomly conduct and jencrouit and glorioui times for the Feni:inx this FAII. Sir, you hare placed arents in lite hndle of called little' 111011 0 14,41 fibiif'; but Ilion rise f friendly intorcouiole with .11. hall %on for grain. The eather -as foIrtorkmaterly very our pnjudices. We leave listened to" P) i Ilights send pas time away utitil the hour lot be done with that rapidity whinh au horgesillf the love and.f.isludleloop of the people cold for the season. much to train or c lizeum-you have urged theor to enter he woole, -L, ala &low, that flail I minor so earnestly &site. 1l,en before %be sail whery., cry is' NegrQ Our C"IMIFY-TOU have holuAlled when Out I " in"ll'u" .1 Ood -rich. It was ti allow him their ap- 1111111110F.C1111 111-OADING 111111FLE111- Nig,rdgr' -1 Ni;tgci I'- peace 1()Iif'4 citimfoll have been Shia (Lawrie I -or loll el.qualed gaince it fireat entered the of luectinit. ontreal, which is decided militia estimates we c d an rgent re. preciati sit of his uncross in I! is resept car elate t:JoVWe call the attention of our ,eaders to rustle. Arad a..# a,lwirk came the rurub:ing III tire grent c,-mmerciA cratir"t of ucz, wool (no-wa,del that a com. %ke are iollell,ne"i too.mueli by thistle fly Zoatille made in tire Upsould 4;ctses luouias, it.,- ew ised tire mclecei.ing y aid,] nat-t it.ere that tAtindpi! t do hit,, the Advertisement of Miss Ilatura.0 in sea The Ottelf-re &,orreseponent or the Canad. le evidence of the great pleto cluillneent in kokupsucks, havereacks, joAtice. All re,grvited hire leavin, the to peressions from fi,rriSm lnds, who,"In search sold limit from (7nited Stareq rilIej by I rnited clue of itA trwk ; the ploce Shook. tile Weaker least equiluagoo, like., for 35,00 volunteers Init tione more so virgark himself. se -id althow"' olhor Column. Leader tel,,griph no, fi,iloraro, lr(v(loin,,Icny hat bl kkoi ag to thse who State'a citizons. Yon hotwp afforded them every facility to Accomplish their hellsob a s(Ere their r1so(ols -as upwai and partially sullI 7. her lap by -the prc, hould be reent to Canada, an well as fur the he was antillied that Gen. Alleock, b,j UC. It is kn-wn that a large, number of r I fine. I could not towlisove my eyes; I ex;ncit-d duccres of Up r Canada. The city is necesesnary harness and marnialleareot all"fou. fiel.1 MF1 Wr re.,ret to learn Ihat Mal A W wo'k, and *ben your gove"ament losevilormed to Asele it I use *.-mn; Lou% I bralchred it ourely, b&tl-ri"*and fur a supply of Istray cession, would be to Owing equalif " selateling overfed Fnfieldx were ordered -onto time His le­iogo toward the Feniornis may a full of lire and bustle, and the imarar.ase I iana for Otter, died suddenly'ou Saturday lw, at Co I its 4"4 1 -up -1, to ay treat joy, that it'ossair raptd. be instruction ofthargarrieson mitt lery. No air r. Fitnam, yet, be result say that h.,, be d you take the lead in finding Finite mp, real Stores in Canada have berten tire% I, I " he ly It a up in all I awell go all who heard him, oi ply ragmted his residence in Toronto. ill' those (if hire anscoarintex on the subject. Iforate Gmeiey, the abolition 4reariged buildings going ago for the use of the militia orthimcoun_ naturally regarded an in accordance let I y duty., r President. This ta tho re- ofinleusbe "Itel" thLoJ!I1 o-urdmiticr wa sent dirccti his ditisiturve. lie would now propose the try, but as longue dchy will inevitably no. w learnt with Yu hot 0 es,61 intended for wholesale houk-te, note to their utmoolit capacity for our prepoi,ig lao,411111 Of OUE rill'it, THOMAS FITVAN, late These Pertained from foreign trends whom lost lite I I the mail if out - all 'cr. Wa circle ",Pit fro, In' is an 0 aaws. &aid to make up deficienri" ot-nitnecti The New Election Law. car in procuring thcookc, a sub-commiltee or tie bl uue, fbr obj,,ciing to scand poli- ?,I liberty! I I with your repablievit, friendia, debath ; but how ectit we t ;Je,ativa, or still further de-iclopment. Consul of file Unitcd Sedits G,.Ierich.- be have been entom.ol easin Conrad& for bevel Mr. Fowling, *[to was evid-vitly affected by twooke nations he a, a 11, and as a I front Itur living ought) I how sort T io ho narrow and gloomy, outeliso, water canteens dead b,, sT., the the tZma ftnernal. the executive council, Consisting of tile Steal equdity with it,'" ug. bar, a curie will rest ul n you and learred, an I ir th st,14t,tute for kill! *]rich can -the ro, Y Onto of those who on--ournato men to our iinown I I tharks ? , we " b i the mmoner in whittlet tire comi.11 raised anal In reading twer it,#! Municipal net of I lion. Mesecorm. BlAr,alloedougall and Cock. seats rorst-are the gents.- Come and murder wk. rhos hAnd give us at. _ -y ievore only fill the ov,nument. was at sainne gai Ci Fors­cral hours " 'I , 1-.niflaod great coat strato umples of whose votes the Radicals are -poll of the little - ror of al.,,kra.-out. for else it, his 1) ept cl--:In would ad or ate reigaiinir in ConoodA oar approaching Municipal election. all file best brosech-losiding and revolving weaken isympathy fast the invasi-on of Cents. (Ind of retributive justice. The vipers I ill, IhAw did.11tional It., h, -,n wool. arialrou, before he wait able to respond. He Ill holding hign, by pretending to fuel in. ?,on matte it thick therewith le Them is a of greatly to) the ap.t le., istatilkin'd with my brother's toy Wall ad Lau'rotol I .... Ad from %bers aid. ion, I find many olteraii,swe which e m`:' burn, was appointed to collect I 0. on tomiso of tire place. The weather was flicte;;L to atipp:y every man of the forte. lar. uhairman and flontlem-n-This onex. last. The R -eye and orputy Reeve are now rides which can be obtained on this aside o_04 and Sued soloolloem to repi'llee 1'sm- I 10 wet and triagresidable dulling our stay New to "' have been se tit to 1.,00don, Ilbeigni - pected, slid I will blid slogan, the undeservin RIKAVER, is ive warm d into life will'yet doing you. The CA" t tell if I or easy one I line Is t I i allun anti Turooto for the purliotc,! Air tit las ig to he elected by the people its the Ramp, way of the Atlantic. with the. obj,.et of arksr Count, IrSee machiner ad b ch know that ^fee,- a little we -11 appi-ar in a I at saig L-secing-verges not a very pleasant I in4 don. it] r usm-r0cumble artnor, I ki piiment which won have lookid me, by an as the MAvcr, the-ir will store be salu-siontpol on training which would ber! the motit secritic -Jamnail.Wme,,, e Somifyobamos!"wer Zfoyaudi f Atul­, for oot it wmd wAs tatied. ovicrallon. entemd retail thid explanation its order that to d:ne *ties role on the ere of my en. Trial AvIANTIC Molirgin.y rolt Br.PTEUIP:R. P"Y'd Chicago by a Coif:ts, is worm late 0 @At One little I looncied $raw ".a ,,wer the country relay know that the niiinnic d felt WaAhington has beeti rectioed that same day slid at the mine time doess the hie weapon to place in the hands of the I'll@ follnuing am Its rh, l!tan h, :Ihe", it .8 a curve to mankind, and leavioj At ten o'clock the rearrecting wait held toy me, I mount you, with leelio,,s of the deel, avor, which is at fell o'clock ut tire lut 8 v lunteer foref, upon the frontier. A Sariteores AmimAnt; On Tronslating the It$ left! *111 be disreputable- ius need Certain deal, for nay lamm -as hiied rinivia is ol.rog its utri disy in rnab. c earthly Various. " u!4 is, one or tire in2ny 1121ho of' the city. I aer.toolude. Why is it that you the wraith but one in Iselverher. ll'tovu this I ankilihi Z ,,,;I feet f.icAl to take- the fivid f a Divito, Commedin ; Wrinuto's Work in the 'and bitter. amended he also most appallou risks. 'The utereout harmony prevailed, it -A the old. As ith ib -t full a 1 slid talvia, and I will &Ay also tire, elite of the 2nd."l'br" Councillors for each word for trial waq Accordingly had on Tues6y in y a of ("onri%;h, Should thus oddle Ast" lloma;tPq from ",cuitholroat', 11 You wore again to offer met your hand What, it ?' sooli 1. III L24 " the rn tin resulite leave been laid ber.ro our ni,nowok an well There is v0:011tar"I Towing not havin;g five Words, Aall Is" noi. the neighlInrhood of Otiose& Two or I I *,(Pu!d not take it, for I sh,iuld prprpr U5 wall I let ruVS kindness A)r one who Is" University Itelform ; Ties, itAnn r I trust no, forget befo,e as vcur chairmen has said, but a (a,- orstrA at the various pollin;t places at risen f three of the best shobs in the city j,kined VIIICIV ; 'Ae allaoitsolowwr; A Doanutirughed water eornA io 4emn I Doul you readers 31r. Sillier, of this lead I !, :,,indi.idwals have bli,,Iy free for another shop, rant to pen sale .ug. e, Lai. m illor uing actor ; rho jiulawk& - (I iffith -not to countenance murder, but. air, erned No*. *sekater. ar600g aleI ,vill ,av to the impul he, disks day, an that no nomination can he in it. I am informed thit the result Asr tollight may, explaincl that it was the in. ex;- bad tEe opi )it that if the vo ur,ti,els 'o,nor (,or l4fir, i is, dolprid my life,to slrikd down the first I' JeWousy ; The Chisoney-'C learned. There we. a Ealier ar.'arent hootite field with Alcor preow-rari Ill.. "It'vour own safe,,Prous h,.ArIA to determine: loclh dgylleturnirkgaffieersonth day of wo,trimteoneluilivein favo.-of one An limission R44011tormi lucid,nin of the murderer. j; tenlion of some lesdin , -ntlemcn in I -ere I to undrritake the lask of prohio, the, Efolanon. did not a;,Iwor to be that .if wall , g i weispotim-the only weeps bit it rvawl kskhe­d, )et w ticulAr Ad report, a Isr.-ech loader but not a Pertinent rise. it resulted. I fell solvent an-, lots% rely 310u:kcal to entertain tire members orthe h hi far i is poesible at the present 1 he nifnives wb:ch have prompted you to do 3rd. That one o(claresse elected Strait mtir* revolver. Loiillo ;low a Latin Chain CAA,0AN. With the, tide in questingre Y-eulkc fsay it. tit I Also. I should find them to spring from hat Oki the tied or the first year, one at the end I Pliny demand war* a I that I could not i.,!i it Areassonhtion, but LA been prevontod from supply eiethe volunteer@ or I.,OAO and all Mending &lure* at untellelo the orwimot, sent] the third at the end of the twelve aturstor were fire -d III one oulaule. an v;e*s still L,1",ry otice, - W,lkr, C,Iliw,, gill" Fie who rides a tonerigoved horme the water was retire, or falling, or, it dolng w by the crowded state of use file fairsoars-tar knook the k'seniang their friendship, Widen is elearsileterionie solike of the third YeAt, the Council at the timi rowelin accurate milli being silken every time. The A rmod* o.-Golonore" Four Yeard in the not rde often. them wait an at all. I listened agool, superloi repeall"I riffe,is, dnP guternalt"If of -ad hotels. Memo Sellers John Divagall,11 sessuplot of U. and Lower Canada. Nostrigi nutlet the direction of the Clerk shall belief auh-committlow, have IICC.ordingly repottv,l "Lleddle, Itillatlout Ameriftn Publications meet ennot certainly ilestre were soundor. a the country wool(] ouly *call therem into the I Woltville Aeadima says that toAsia they met fir -on Khoto won iih a mapecessile reputdi ever gmi for who sholl retire. it, fievor of thin ..rni said a muffici,.tet pap. dj Itio thi 8, n I is, ,'us ut Iad pikee. 16M. I me felt ad SEA. feted. nial 17 Aver .as, u,/ is , ell Us, a riefed. 1h is 4 'A fall, 4 As first they hat each to Ej., or the irifnegra, sod the other new& field for be murdered ; land one man had I lie togreatong them without rwro-iring their boo real 41h. TIAll. only cases Councillor will he re ohmLl." foot tonVOWA captored is low days f ply for the prevent por"it in to be pre) 7%,5 wrote on Ihe both of a fat %I temerity to say th At entered the d"rorook", rogn by Mr. lkarlols njAmin of that lure writ they bo"nw plairver,and at logo I cou!d Paper luen ofthe city, were very kind plied with repeating 11las, he atol the. hand a frPoludship. And nl sw I gniveld to he elected for each ward on ilm Widened at the experes, of the w go's cared &I #ones,. A frorrher trial of riles eorporatih." while fiethin to, had in the Babbitt a( arm - distinguish %it* blows of picks, th if. land attletotive. We are hippy to be able =..P,;,d thtork not it) turn oot in defend, may poorteraps r7 without being conerdror,ed Seeing yosiord, all* retrorlsig moolvehr r u in in be held by a board ofrosgular officers, X( 4 of shovels. &led these at last Zilul of the (,,unity i( called open. 'goal 1.1'ral a .0 or two for myself. I ho)n for rolloelloin. Theilqual,firaft,;n for M%yn, t.), A larnown coward boosted ofe weekend Charles Mellowed, in answer in a roloom to Wilk the a 0.1te if hum.ro voices if to trials, that Mr. Colit duellteded in getting Now, I say ounrillom is 1400frolie,ho it, and S 1400 And thegoverreargent is nn the alert to Col. (lrollopoweentobselower co a unnesiniougs vote (only one hand that the Issues -he obkP8 that language Liters early safflins that, in my lineir stociol i,,oir and C feet Run.h rurther inform ttionfor with regardto Pit, as You were oriental inrienate Mo to the Simon an I It roadingle, flow to - 'I he Vp araid land con(ori to the Celerity I thm I twit ostande With you, I have do he all in my parewer leakeeholoil actual Airline. truly &I hand. -noo .it fr". it b than I At's Plied that it will be isnpomiht* for him to da his to win four ftiendship, which I have valued am young, San* a iii,wirtion was eviores than I few Missal III A- lActrag railed in the SaNatie) lk favor each language to be imlitiouso, said the Ms.%@ improved wOmPf)" " it way be persuasible wism ; all* won killed for looking behind be, sals, ou"mrseva in r,rifilseeked being 04 most lerighlyt and that without r"ltoring its HUJISC11LIBER. in obtain." wheat Ali* good. nomerow. . . . . . . . . . . . . was*"