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'W. .002, Editor and Proprietor.] '
W-li Euz"v EDIrivil" T.
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,The Qreatost Possiblo (food to the aroatost Possible Number.'•' 'I
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GrOD1•.ItIC11, (j. 1V.. f11URSD.�Y, AUGUST. 30, 1866• ; lvol.. XjX.—:No..l
$USii SS Directora. O119i11 ct o Dirff an. EXHIBITION TO' BE i do 2 00.31) da R The aAo:e clot,, Flan ( Pay of the Volunteers. a base of oprralions. 'that campaign i as man, tit' the Putrhman be, which Bili' prem" by the wind against the opposite aid4
IIFLD iN the T011�.1 OI eel w' Wank,-tsmu't be all W.ol and holes -- failt-J, but the failure was not Mittibutable' "ever bat -phi : but when Ihr, are il•unk. " I air the sierra, come rolling end tumbling over
I?s•. 1 A. Alchouarll, --- � - - - - -- spun, mxuufuelurcJ in I�GG. Iter loge riirrr I TLo .1JjulApt (irneral Au wbmittwl the 1, r.�bl geed rlxwJicriiuU, nn doubt, for the mouLiaiur, no+ dieclu,ing wlae of Ihe
Malcolm N/oholwn. ' Thursda , 10th t to the fire in the front but tilt. fire In tilt ' rulJru Iimr, Aut ,t would bard: hold
WILL BE T UUMN FUR CONSUL y September 186 mouuleJ Con is r 11an,ro+Y OU; IL.t JoYbla 1 follos:ng instalment in rent, to enmplA10:4 In I ' 7 Y t 1 mouniaia. now conceding nn9 now `dyelus
lalboa t 11.10"•k, o. every 8URUICAL AAD MI:CIIANIGAL UENTIbT, -- e•It I'a to Iia Bess 3 U0i Ilvst Genticman'a,l rear. Ilad it Yat beau fur the U. Stoics ill, At• latler'dara, wheii Inert d.:ak a li,lu:d ing sump of the rno,t run. blic spddsiu nalwe
y I;LEt;:'RUI'A'1'HhT,Sc. AGM 'I LTI KAIs 61OCIETV- evictente to the w of the Vulmdeertotre.
Will.ie,, 1. t any hour afterw■rds,nlab Saddle 200, P I (iuternmeut, there would hbts beau in I that is warrauleJ lu mule anaktx" come at excited in rue euvh lively and npturoW Inter
Q dad• I FFTH ivaei ted iu either Pis. P i E N II' D JbINT. Lutes' Wuax-Ba•t TatUn; 1 00, 2nd I "be sdjulaul Grnelrl luI the boner to hep 40Iorls. eat a■ could not be r•a;ly forgotten.
__..�_ _ . -_ lens, (),aid. Kilyer, or Vulcan. . � I L 75 ; JIlei Crorls" %Polk IOU. 2nd do I resent with Iefe'enee to the eloreur.•tirs m$ad.• CaoaJ.l Ile -day more than 511,000 gyral +•w►r------ "llrame no get to Pvadi■e din day if Iiiiii
te. C. Ash anon. M.r).. "k Ise' Rubber un h•axuwWr wrens. OIITSIDF UFI'AI'ttMENT. I 0 5'; Best Fmbr„idv,to in Mudi. 1 00, 2rd ! u to tl • note IMymeIlt Of YOlt1UVo"A, dolt he lbca Intl a ue, marching towards they aea A Nors.t Ltbf.-A' abort time ago, se a I lop looking lea dr mountains all de maauibg,"
STRIC{AN,SUI EON,AC. ke. G,OD I'3'(K r over the Yost Udiae. W" blreeL 11001168-11tat Brood Mum and Foal t!{.- d-) U 75 I Iw•1 t:m6roid,^.'y in Silk 100, has made minute urquirr, and filed■ Ihut, %iah lrrin lel eels won w niaahin 166 btu yosio• ;aid my tilde guide.
officer C.W. 13:40:1 Cudg..h.-_-__. w44 00, 'Ind do:1.00, 3rd do TOO; I:rn! Iwo rear o Y in Clare aIle exc tion of the h,st few wrekg. and, ill pursuit of" their i0deprudence, Unns• l PP d F
y 2nd 0 O Ri • Itr&t Fnub.uiAer , ep I Bl;d:r, liver N:ryx!a, IM cuudutlor found • •Wmoniabrd h� thin, i againNrted• Iba
_ .- -_ -_ _ _- _..__ -- _- ---- old Filly 2 00, 2ad du 1.50, 31d Jo. 1.00 ; dud heuil.lr l •00, 2.rd du 0 75; la•dt 11.te,•, wilt sue ererption ler which'6e Ills- ,dA bad been Invaded, nut br• _ 't)u , )nun"t men Pilo could lint pal b;d fare. 1918 I our p(:.reedrd touch f$aiber; •w Apo 1 j•erselr
DIt. I61c CAN, GODERICH hest ]eadiug Cult (allot ler grldiog) 1.50, Naw' Work isiawf 100. 2w1 1:o 0 7:, ; . t.ict 1'upno*%er hwl cumontcd ru petty Ihe I rub,na Marled It; huh li cru -e tt was lite I pour la•Ilow was eviJrwly iii tlw leaf sages that OW Judy s pnr;nwlla obro na wtthout
,{ Y _ 2rad d0 1.00• Beat ea -lin Fill I.5U 2nd Iwai I �uidin{ l -0,1. 20.1 du 0.75 ;, hest fine Las Lvr.•n re,;u'udy I;nil as moil as :the weAebt )tilt of tiw Ein tr of Gleet l u('cuuwlu tow, and autari.tled ter skel"08,ia their mg¢ificaoce, for a brihiant tFougb
QYSiCI.A. , SI'li'i 'ON. CUIIUNFR 7 R 1 r }'linty nitlin• M
ite, U6cr •sJ KaoJrr r'hrrJJwrn•.t lel `�• >/: du (.00; Bra, Soon 1), su,lht limses 4.00, R 1.00, 2ud Jo 0751; Baal p'bf r pYy lits dud vouchers arva bcw¢ ro- [;, ihin.f The isiv, w•r ntionf or the Amer -1 pruput rirotu. Ile MetLJ hinaelf•rod his eyre "nl;nous acne pprrselllt'l itself to my view.-
2nd do J.00. 3.41 do 00; Itost 1 san Cal, Ib,tt Iia; 11'oden Sucks i 00, .lid do eaiied. 'ern red as thnu,:h Lo lied be+n err ;n,;; I A urmenflous Iwilk of Llack FlbnOg hrd riled
Corral9rAWl 1 � ria;;n Hurn a 4.00. 2n1i d0 a.bU; 3rd Jo 2,UU. t P curt CanMwcnt hrd leen neclt field vc- hal til+• Li Ile cam •au could � nM 1; I`.
- _-
11 7.1 ; B, • Ih;r air lVo..lea Stockings LIW, ; 1V Len the A'olucteer f 1•('! feu Ixced on I I u u it were, leu! nl to bowm of the ocead
('ATTI s- Ifrst Milch Cow which shall have t"d do U 7: ; C4 pair Woulew Mita 0 T5, at': ial serene• un the lot Junta, orw! to the taut, end tbuu�h lilt ! «rbrrut unJ Seb 'i"r� I 7 _
nR. L. WOZTH�I GITON, Bra noir W IIs rt Gloves 0 7 5 ; Beral Shirt, : fact that the led utant ti llelal wu• oblicad to «nary of Slate way be against u•, the I I'ulagri•ax•.I, nn re masa Irrve pia train.- ' horliwm1n 1 Iwas lookIn o wt thisr11wI en dart at
• ; ' - a Calf i¢ Ir'GCi $3 00, 'tad do 2 JII, :fJ do 1 J ,yut • jr fen a}:lel -ler moved YM Ilse coudur I R
PHYsiCiAN,' 3lIRO90No c., will al• 50 ; Beat two years old Heifer 2.110, 'L.d do 1.tntemnu'A 00, 2o -I do 75 t, [kat :fax , :eosin al Clio-&, -heli hr mint Im; ortor, .lsrtiean ptv)ple arc with us, nu 1 near tinto for led him from hiA w•at, Rill 6lriretiwg wait once dt secure' muted re Ly a mighty wind i '
+tea4, psnw:ulad e.tu Jrwoae. s¢d srreica - l.!A; Boat one year old lleilcr 1.50, 'Ind'n Fruit 100, " A do 0'5 • .last Wax Jutias acre at Monluval, lar@. rtoola•is of wi:I dneu for selnevin g the indr wridenco ( mus.have mom of titYrk vapor rollro u
G#WSAM e. epw tM aye. t { (ear; bkt just n• hu raach.•d ICs Joor, a•bern i J PF
aYwNa t"ILLgaa.Ure.tb.lde3. [w47 -Iv LOO; Ilea Yuke there veers old S,ern'l.VU, .flowers' 1 OC, 2ad du 0 i5 F Itnt Paper +tones, to Ihe Jitlimn% Corps uC VuluuO•e�e of Ireland iu Rptte of all Oplwaitiun. TIFP lil'ul `irl •rare frena t.. erwt,,u:J wits biigAl, aaJ mp rraJ'thenecl•r9 rthwwt Ibe ir•vens,
MARBLE WORKS, 2ad du 1.50, 3rd 1.00 i Iksl yoke tau Flowers 100 211 do 0 rnhout ilea knuwlydgp. ciliah of 11110.410 Chicago, St. Louis; and I sparkling eyes demanded rhe swount clarg. I 'Muni, ane do cume,mamAe; roe for lrler
-- ------ years old Steers 2.00, 2nd o 1.550 ; licit fat. - _ __ 1 LI oidvr to Sccurr ilia Province at amst alt- eJ fur Ihe r uivulnl. Th: a nJu,joe . ;d crikd m7 hide Cupid. Ole Ju4y ultra!/
».,. novexwat Lu•n, the Ad utalet Grnrnul a•.b•,cJ tine whole wept art• moving. Tile cause I I+'�' ratYL
l a•r Lew.+• W • C. T R E L E A V E N. led fix 3.W, 2rd du 2.00, 3rd do 1.00; Best ` j ei ht dolls w e•eUia n Ise yowl • and noble fight ; an' 116 male haste, dr rain
r . -- flea -d Cow r I , bmmnur ing nfli(rt%.1 ver r) sr•ad in fell nnvrt la auanJonod• IY9 will )n tw i @ rr+ ii. 1 ) 1
QA RRI'3T E It AH11 A. T(,StN l'A1' I tl Iltlkr 3.OU, 2nd do 1 Ob, 3rd tlr Iia I irl took Ihut Inrw her urxri cud Ivd the eweh we."
B Law, said �ubcnor-ler.C'hoo.., 'u 1.00; (test hull (.YIf, arlrrd in 1�G6 1.50. „ �' ' - lea the Iliatarl .trfr utlicc:•, imul.dliatrl our glut Lr,;, pl,amin_, rind fi�htiog until the , si I'
y, leu"I) f� mp f� 5 y rer6 Aar waves in muni eh over 1. illi roil, I to s atnu brrk to ilia trot Thr action pea, i did not bred wild Ise Lav said, for if
Crus■ Attor oy, U,derueb.:radd& We•t. 'd;,r OOOfile�ISp Headstones 1 ombs 2nd Jo 1.00; Iles% llciler t.'n'f, crho-d i0 S' ' lion la ing rr!a led. four reen•boe, & renon - I Ito shams w•eral sew Whu hod r;uw,add tt wL • ah mn}•e and mAgoih ePnt sight
a CeurtHome vias n I I j.66 1.50, 2nd d0 1.00: Boat ke worini I J L 5 1' a '.g is& one column the ytom-a reernrll, Thcrc is a A,,:lt�"g mill,ar ulalion it 1 I"'. upon whicA 1 was gating. Our h■I of U1@
yo J I y {'o! rid til• ' uR rola lea v bell, bol'Lo wL01r
- -_-__ _--_ __ _ _ Tablot6, Tablo•To H a1c.. Omen 4.00, 2nd Ju 3.00, 3rd do 2 00. iu aoosbrr t Ie serves Ilion in puromoeiou,-and the Statra of _00,000 encu re0J to arm douled .•,m:r n nidi ....lid rcfwu•d their a+.ia- f
P + R EIVED : f ) Iwrrrre ru slack a ntgbt, i n' aim oiLrr
M. C, Calrerup, Ohio Frce Sta nc lvpl on hand f r [[wild• Nst6r- Ho t e ed Raw 100, 2n d0 1.- is a %11Cd tile vuux of dc6c;euejr.` Arid Ibto ian p K I. h;ighl and nidaul, the sky wilhaat a cloud:
\ g d' � ler Irish iudc ndcutr. trope.' K'hrn tLo ori cru r' at Albert
ARRI3TF ATr01i%1FY, CONVE 50. 3rd do 1.00; First yearlu.2 Its 2 OU, l.Ah(rl. SD)Cks A,fpdnnt (troer,rl "It rred til, 1 i 1 ret Psy- \Jrssra.:1 N l:la and C s {a0omim 'ILn yuan, prutecin•as gave the invalidw,rawy Never Ie:ha did flee r e of main reit o ied
ing purpnnen well aM 1`apm, Sills, Ile• maser to retain all mumM ,IuP io \ sdnnn•r,n PP f Fye S I
B A loss. tc�iartaluw strpel•U ru,b,C.W 2ud du 1.50, SId du 7.00; hist I:we. (Ira u! i"' i a enoo,h lea keep little over uiAht in tut city, a reater eoatnsi,uever was a scene of ieal-
ld• seal dc., Cheap for Ca.h. U ' ,"utlowa i ■ Similar Straid. R R
_ __.__-_.___._. __ ..— Iwo) having miw d •Iamb in 1-k6 gab 2nd , , 'v at nAn, limp, not of pry, but (,II etnout ld q
A O D E R 1 C IA C. W. do 1,50. aid do 1 0; Iirlt Item Lamb 1..0, v 3 V >i V Gi!!d u(Grat,nct, omit tLc,e I1wnq sl.uultl The dtmonrdlutiun; cit, r Twobirds of the we reads for ors( Wionsing• I I' lo• mos oto lett without one of more a
ether, is rc- R P
Slnolsla• ac kVrlker, - I i ,•.:rJed as a (ailuro iu A,iut of FcniAs ! mvn lef ILa world wleuld prllidg ¢,agailkwrn•. '1'Isr contt;Wt reoeLPJ
ARRi3TF:Ri, , -_- -: 2ad do 1.00 • hest ,we Lamb 1.50: '+lid do Lo Irv, 4a', Au t..ut iLe J, fcirucies and"1 r 1 &niter by coin w: itou ants leer. 7br anal
SOLICFr0119 CON- �OO S 1 iia climax whin Shun oat ter J,rk ;fell flash
1.00 • Iwai }sur fall Free or 11'ethers 2.OU, V • I -•„m ::rarer should iw `tLnrgad;alaiust eueb uumuera. � wbn ar.a that uoblr y;idl f,r a wise ria bu • niter Owsh of lighruing descended tato IM
atracaa, daa•. (hire, ,over the Blom oI 161$31 Of tIX43 ' 1d du 1,00. Lillrl ellowame_ '7 4luiIllme c., turgid du;Lig lite Fort whj u(rJmia*Able err
.. Uallus r &m.UutMncA. I ' UF' E1 ENP' I The can+v a(d •1 u let lily final wltement P J S• - yes, fed tNo %ewde:, aiee growing Luaredy
- L P g e 1 a d' 0 ck J'w.r-ftest Briar, la ',a breed t:t.00, 'Ind 41 y Fsrie r}+iJ by the .Uichiy In ware di.•eharg• � -- in the disl..nro, wu echoed back- A t
}!noes KoIJArrmot. do 2 00 ; ik•al Year, sea 11 Lret.f 100, 2nd DESCB,IPTIU w'Iib the Vu!umrerio, Ion; il -,elute been m lr- I ed in court. �y -�I,is IArdship ILe ILxb,q, lel No.& seotik woortnios, mv,,rheraling from cli:7 toyclifS
PARIL 3TFR;' ATTORNIFY AT -LAW do 200; IkSt w f l iall reit 3.00, feud dw - I_r alt: havi,, of Ihr I'tot end ea flavor is ( d . , at
� 2 A T , flica•r, hrvr J.+Inr,•J lea send m IAedr o 1 (Inc til iA%mie enE..jre lei Ihr Pham fight , Kt on Eptrroprl bwivaw to (';leo imtvwwn nod from ruck 110 n,efi. - It res 1'rats alA
Nw lee Palms'.,at.., West 6tnrl,Uoder • . '1 2.00 ; host, Sur, small 1, ' 3.00, led deo l .. 1' Y had on a uoifonu of the 111th Its •tlutut.: 1%d Werk, where he wall the guest of Govern Witr pae.wified } but, alms 1 the blue sky IM
M. :. 10:1 �.., ✓ 200. I've' alotito w.M m baea [lad .pigs W. N. SAVAOZ S. ''j wo, with the f!•tunn rt.,ae a;.•1iti, J.' b r Uutol+s. emblem lel awce, was bein fast swallowed
_____. _. __. _- _.. in it+Gli, ubeor more pigs lo\ aluwn with - � I The Adjutant General lass thiaday rtcelred ---:--..» F R
lo�� l)rvswon, Sow• `. vixl:rr �+ vu. - a letter •mom Mu dn•al, infulm,u;-hire that u , _.._ up by tbe'•aj.•uv of rleg'l nuture,f}u bdteni
uuUlaifcfl, C. W The :t[eR Ia14•rewt yAaw'1 0,(w blutoal ell tilde rcmriYed of pwq¢ili
I�ARRl9T6 ATTUHVFY.>tIF[iCIT6R 1. 1'urt.tat-Brol r Came 'nets 07S,I the pay Lau wr two at tbelwurhuoa, aur �• INCH BY INCH•
141 pai , t ly and beauty.
e Chancer dcc - 01Scr, M.rkct Pa1caro, 7� 'ltd Jd 0 SU; IL•st;wir len:-wyard 'a. IeN.75, Asn I : kis, Iwd. wl r Alo il. My)ted'June, w'cre ,,Wy vat in the 1 We h:«e been mquc,iied, s:aw& the \Ion- At lust I lunged to ga 11olh My bored
CenreulK.ex+tea Y%reet,U,Jenc►. Y:4f _,y god do 0. i0; 1 a1 wig Iar;;P breed T.i, 2•,d' IJay bifote yaa'.rtdxy, and ter:.. they were In•:.l lii)zrifr, to 66.1,1:, tr6Yulh narc•liu0 A Wt:1T•IKOIAK 3K[TON.
4 t t' r and voila MecmrJ im ieued with Ihe.aecsrai-
- --- --- - -. �.ti du 0.50; lfuxt pair iSintams0.75..,.I 00,50; •"• Ihrn, to many Fw.uculwn'IwtA )ucuwplcle ,,f rhe 1'iuron•i.l life rin•r Iti'I, lel w:uah we Ir of exb•I;:m,'and 1 fouled myself AM it were
Johc. !. (iugaloe, \ lust it (terse 1.00, 2ud del U 'S • I' t or l . lid iucooecl.. alive rlrPaJr oven der ■ubstance. {t rcwJs Oxt flap tererinng nr August, i arose al
TTORVFY•.\T- A W. `401.1C[TOR•1N H. GAR I IVER 8t Cts. ' '" r r L early ¢arrl; asd ArJ t Roughed dresei roci,Ij wish the storm ; Aut beton 1 eou'a
t hurls 1.00. 2nd do 0.75; Best paid, ora I. ! All the n♦f:en of she M;.ifia itrpnrlminl Sa Ldlow.:- ' IeacL m Giend'e lanlsiion, the clouds wslo(
Charr'ry, Y:.ar PULL, ; C.rnveyance . u ,r.6nAl. Axa rel a I b. Fowls 6 75, 2ud do 0.50 • Lied war er ,-..-- h rr Sweep -b' king dmast ni,;Lt fed dad• for I ., `o honk sh:Jl,nGer %lie assing of Ihin mroPlL,wlen en a;J black romwr put hPl I 7 P
Ike. air., User •la, G AJr N'eN Uaace-,�b I. rw wit els back, ord it ie an' nu w% 4, 7 and Into my roune, rxvi.iwing,. o11r, in INiog over ma. be6d, and,be rind was bowl•
e v t�wU...fe M Wart tr t,th,rJJuurtrulapile u l''o.),I.OU, 2nd do 0.75 i Vest pals Turk r I --- - I 1 I J Aeq hs Calle Io anT penally lir fn le;tu,e ler yo alurl as Ouar
6 wMllor Yyuarr. Hardware erehauts 1.00, 2ud du 0.:5. 11 rka' •e fluent with a drlo, wbiath is certainly ( r - d.eeia•J, ma.me1" and m.oci.l ILat 1 -was, 'rg ,tA •Rale feu bluwiary t
y e usuor under the.u;ntb, i-tiou of Chapter 5+ „ i :6onrh bI•!om, ib-rc sees I:ot a b.rrth or air
rr CABINET WARFHOVSE ..of a r16uP,tile to %hem, t ■Lw want on. 1 Aria; coldlaud t.:aa;
_� _ 11orT Cuuf,a-Ikea aero n1 Turni fl3 00 0l' Ilia CurteullJrtrd Sl$atL,ca of ('acrJn, Iry sow do JI• mann{„ ier ant r Iraf oU1rtoJ fed suI • fi b Iralsd
Yarkllt Sonar Codelich, b d du 2.00, :lid du 1.50, heat acre .,I Yo W. .I; Wh I the Votu•i:eir Force, to the number touted An Act I.es latete.,t, but Ibe. g, mamsaf" - r PI'
}l. l{Gteatr<4u linit. ------ t7 , K •'('umc us, JaJ 1 answered• I'm all abe placid stSe.
i7 tE new un baud e, uprirand well aa• t 7.00, 2nn du 2 011. 3:41 do 1 v0; heat 01 20.0 Q` were audJvcly plate) an aelual awarut of inp•rr.l or ccmm:u;wl -11ich tach r '
';ARR13TF1t. ATTOft. '1', SOLICIT 11 .atwk at Hrnl ver avatatmg )n ° PwrSJime aow appeared in view, and itwdl
.lea, dtr.,11 ,oawcn, C. W (levies : ITp Nytol yyuantPr ,Fro Carrots 3 10, 2nd Jc 2.00, ad tl)rce, r was n,rvlwblr ILat Dt fiat tLr:e Lank can rorover.hall remA'u as limi.eti by look feel lul went M lbs mor%rr7 You don't Jeso•,Ted its name, fur a pun trwufally sit•
!(torr• W.Isua'. Rb.•L, Wr.t . to a r Ads..v da I QO; Ilest geartrr acre MYnatel N t oset - ""- - -• abuuld.ha. • hreu drlryA rod Awrtcumiuea lir P.;d e;raptllC" ' t••of lace I Lad never area. R the tier f
RroaJ $a,•., J 00, .Yrd do 2.00, Std do 100. Ynriies com. ) , . lint it wa_ Id a ear to Lave horn rel ted, 1 is rwlder poorly took. G.Ott I' -•lie rr- f!. rte P 1
Pens Daar seat lel ula.gnw Huu PF P' e 7 b s nwr now be ronadered to Ire IFI hew, Iia' R / rrrcbed tAr A,ouw it began in niw, 8163
i - -_ ('bop l,,V •Px•., . petin,2 ,for.tne above root crisp. will be re I very unrea nahly, Oust the d•ff•rert duura as it baa passel Lrnh Unitas, an•l -dl , un- 1' .t �- � le., n Irum m• hoar, I du.!+rd r IM at, ,•t
- Par doublt•d!v n•eive hr s.melion of Ibe Cor• -I Ju•I did out leave floe ro eu.I, I' r P
\Aga.t• t.n.hr•. Ik,n aired al •ry %I. enOance fee of any cents. a f the A u:unt l:roeixhs Ik intent, l I 4fso,'ae w mK, (h(•liall, Y
•Som+ Je Ataore, . W.s,;yn jL,sr., Can..l.• W aro, q l which, in Ise ,' ,uls^ArrvwP, an <!IviJ(d La- t when 1 kad taken mr a'x•IL•e ; w r't;i,'}tF�iri� +$aa few mly yueeted by Mr.
Chevaol t.u,n•-4'uodw,t!.I.,l a Una I kurt.l:llr.ATA-ltee,t Iron Axletrre Lumb•r - q ewer Ovoe d. The rfel of the rcu..n of drat Ibe ha' let sotneuhin )n Are mind, of t;i. d,ub sad h a Iwo Jau:Lters I fur th k
'�TTOIIYfEw'31ti ICITILRAN9` f fi 1- a s we n $5.00• It. at Wooden Axlome I,um !J - (twerp f1,e Adi, .,lit G. oerd s, the Qaart-l- flee Cult. Stat. n altd L the fwegoin q A - ) Ut
nrh, C ps"m a r. ak•, Hai Fir ,.,I -.l I.I.A-.G,.• P. tty. R" a F'U J g which dv wished todbbwden Laterite 1 aaiJ: lu•y was not so demur w rativv u Grace, t to
Clem Tfn, lined rove. Powd.•r. SL t. (a tier -a;(uu 4 flat lit at fruit lrycu:h :( 811. 2nd - Mu.ter General's, str,Ilral, Trsnmpor4 Coin- ,lad, as f)I'uwS:- .
t1.IWK 1'• (TiIF 01, 'Sl' iN TIIF: COUNTY,; n'i•snwiutarod 1'. fat rimenrs, shou:d have '•Lyell, July,•rhal Is,'" ,;lance of bar ays a:d Ilia Iare'ujoa bee
• rc r. T•.w.: ►twr,C.u•, r Hasa• al. Lind•. nm, -teel. f+).rom -tori, dei 2 00; Best deaden Plough TOO. 2ud dO I Y !"' " .end except os afolennid, all hands• bol, , Will mis.n look at de 'romNer bum hv,d' , lu,ek told me, at any rate, that i was aW me-
Gasefw:h.AatwtfTtk. LR61: air 103•rJ1 Huls, t5pokd+, d' 16-t .-tad, r Lfdl; Beal d nlhle mo..ld Jtno•d PIS u,h 3 00 been ped'orm, A wi ate merge.' regulwity a prnnn.w-v uoraa, contracts end aasu-notes r ,• wrleomr.
L. sd, Lump r Ie -, i.+oh."A Ik t AOLvuil lou •h :{.1111 • Itrxl ung burse D. RDON, those of the dIda;, d•-panwents of the lel- rhalMtrver male or execuicJ Fa euut:aren• Look at the boromr'er 1 W1,i,t fur JUd1v
_. - - __ - untox•.. l.. ':ex- Glaaa • I " Ilink we a ,;nit Ile lint, hal bcane.•I '• 1'er. glad you ars comes• hid Mr. Got=
cultivator 2 00'•.'Ins Ju I.op; Ikat F'aunin„ Ulu' a•my. tion of this or•t whpmu fen or wtr•eb• • r.
Yku,Hu brrk, t-7 �'� 1 is .av ,1 =` a� a'•at 1 ";\ Lal ricanP." 1V Ly, IA••re never fors a dun ; ibraJh we Wit hot ee;tect you.
tV f111wrn 'r Ilpw. Cut Y 1., Md( 3,00, 2ud d1 L' (so ; IA •t two hone_ Cul- And Ibe Adjutant G seral respectfully d,•• : @neater ubter-At In testi, vel and taken titan
1�['TIIRYFY-AT-LAW. YOLICITUR iN , AND UN RTAKE .i.rs bwe to'rea0r1 Lis nioti. That it w uI- finer m I•oin r rains "lit lel 6110 h,•rveus.' Itut how i1 it the Culourl is not wnh,ou T'
Cha Y,A.n•I'a'dro,Convry+u.rr.S.•.. if 0.1 H.•ait.. C Ind eb tt•ator:1 W: M -sI %t ilio- bora&. Wni,isle tent lmrose't,Is W work tains oust•, in rlethotiz-d Isl tluAact lerbT wine o%Irr sett .(jest fur l: uv, means; hat WC le go. "Ile would not come because Old lade
Ac '_U: ,- C. ndu!aal'a An Ne el r , lA• T.eu 1 00 ; itrat Uan.i t o,it I U0 r Iles. 1 air Morton, wrr• .no lir. won h"ml ....... i�le L I q de lir la-, allall be.utter'ly vu..f, and every Bank hull hurueane fur ell JAL Mase o0 0 to I P''Ophesied wt wed- uing to have • hurry
rt Jen. b, W. h e, •ver F A t, Ywxs.k, 1'wxu .x41 'uh•n, CrNl n..urt,ncail ler Furmin , I I.,f U n -roans•, lime oC reolaure, with de rim^nu Cuda, IIv I It �,
'torr„ Crabb•• HI ►, vLn: tv I .- V)1 Lr.apA, PfoniF, 4 Hutnown :tAO. 2ud silt Z.bU :. Ik"t Iba Fe•Id P 1 or C:unling inntir uli,.ns, na' a•rery. lite torr- cane. I IaoeLed rl er wt Ihs Oma but I
otild n•a!" fur eke emergent J wtliowt rx,a•• Parsol w d;Ah dry.' r
y I• .iole, slid Cumrrduy, ald Ansormu, nn u per- 1 „Not go Or Ila,wlisP I Why not. Jwlr 7" Jersey I made • mistake.'•
_ E.wP, Howl 1 oat rllmw+ Ila: Lltaka� . INI, I'2u l duel o; WEST r1TREE� ODILBICH ;irmte, ,o it notboiug •,tank, ruthutisrrJ to lend or „ Qu donAt of it TMI old woman is al-
TYost7 to Lend on Hell Pra"rty Mal.•, ?.w'..r r,,.. r
----- -. -.-. a Mt a a A ' Fxoetience has to be learnt l this cane• s1 hnr:ow .mons• u afoeaud, wh+ch diareiler Psu.dise alee place in fine wlddt-r; Lot
!t. !A. i)ovnr, >`"s"• Ik I'un.ip !trod Iht1} 4 00; Itrst Turnip Lim too much near d* onuntai¢s (ler •rb i0 ears ar •. i Ibe glass hat gone down like a
a''• Cut r 2.6p i Its-ot 1•'rr lints J.UO •t Sofu, Boro.00, TYIsIrm, bads, Hairy I Ilio. s(anle of the I'Iuvluca, a prubrbly. ,r ildirecly tYkaw, ace a and recenvew • Aunipoe." P i R
A R R [ S T N It, Ac., (ioaxnna, C. W. tT Thew lee will Le,okl clan Inr 'ala• 1 ' P lam uflrsd sea kt r e% wr bleabfist at
B 0 n 18 T 9It, t e.. oilock. . p Thrr. ling Machine 5.0iJ Vest \lower std Cane and Wo,O-sentrd Theirs, 1 It Moulding i al taw e:pensP qt valuable ,ivte, he Ihat rate uJ ;uY•resl, shall fn fail fed Iwe
n ' Wrll, PII look at the lasn ao soon se 1 °lice, or w• eA$aII bin done tet o! it. lien%
_ Itexpl comhh,rc S.oU ; I0i -iot s:.ud bre n•- olid i�okine (i(angrs, ir: • r tr. of i if Jepr-tmrnto we experled to wtwk well for evert such ofli•nce t«b!c Ibe vxlos or the K Mrs. Seutat and bee ilM • I think oe kauer
-------- -- - — - — -- (ilLLINO a STIIROEON TW E l vying Lukulg cattle l.OUi [i ••t eel let Hurae a (, n. l:uw of war, U.ry. wall be Pr. led. end moueys,. wary, men hudize and other coo• bDq Ifo;nbcJ my eulfir ; but ■s 111 not going Ibem." g ) 7
•. P. T rOvAA1R Shoss L IIUme - i�J011I,J1'IUfE RAd )fled . • grin evper;euce of routine duties, d LAve mwliues,leOl or Lar Se;tlod I'oq to b• recover- to 1 atadke, :hat's out al' IM qutntion.r
' FOR S L E G H E A P. I K I , The old woman left me I Alrs. Reuter wr Ibe wdonii of • Reaek
ULiCiTOR IN CHANCFi1Y, ATTOR 1. 0011 UF.PARTIlk"I T. at their command lilt lM knuwle';e' :d ap ed y anion of debt in any Cao: t of coin rt- ; and fi0s bots my
D. G. hart niwnw A nn ''•.lid a enm 1 e say Calices e, time of ae, Which lM onW 1 i coffee, I rep Out to rsamos tM be.umd pl.n in reel th and rtor7 tutor; but with an -
Smat, wntawv, coxvaT.wls, tr.-O*-* Aar-1-6or C.,nm, Lniu-1 A■•er■scia Co., COF INS. Also HE E9IP' 7 ealjo lAdic(iun is tLla Ir)•inar, erly ped emainder of the o1 my aur hws eothin•
Corner of Ilea..JYar mryrt .ad IM square, m sl Iw'.I.•n.Kn,rl.ml, fi OgTMt'l. A'a.tl. PRahrrTA'+heat and okment of ,J; r 1 6mva to bring lea beer i time of woo. of which penalty shall Ir paid to Ise hs,ceorer• b•r. It mlodotl at 'lU 0, Bird, as l Lxve wW, I F I 7 J.
(M ►!aldlas I.rely reveled by J. C. ,1NelntwA, la ztetlrndar, 1,466. w4f , I rat name collection of Apples, ,.at 1.•,s TU Illi:l: Geiural fur the sees of llrr \l:.'eaty to -at ds fl.e morning was a ■piendld ung:.u, Lno-1"K to du. Iluriug b'erk last Iba wind ioclroastd
r . J that those wa a young lady al I'wadi.P who in v;olrtiOe, and by the time it was over the
E 1,tl.rdeneh. I - - Ibe Slit eaa' vs, rely $3.011, Ind'do 1 001 I �• Lu•¢her And Cordwood takes re TRIP TO 4:O RIC -1l, the supportbf the Cirtl Government oC the few elppeting int, 1 laughed. at old Julys hutite nc had eommsncrd in good earoest:
--- - - - -- -- airit u 1 U0; •At sus named vxri(tir• of Chau@e for Furtiture. -_ Prommee, •lid the other moiety to IM person kir.00.'onsePro; thea, iD:mrd;reel setrbrw/
Jews, mod dr,e. Imo•' Y) stat 7
�� J. V. I'Clwuod, T(� v ♦ 1 _ W lite A,npies, Trach 2 00, 2nd Jo i 50; , A..len,•h. 27th Om .4.02 w9 i'rnur ler lh_I u t Tra rte. Thv slur for tan same." At :h + moment niT fiirud came bwli„R maL, pet a•auune 10 wiihe;and it. W in-
ARRIR a TTORNIFY - AT LAT, VII' h e 1h•.I si named we 'eties of Full ,AI'plel, 5 of __ a - - As we b•fu«• stated• iF the erure follows p
R' he Screener Kewe•-no- start• ! on a plates l oat of his room. •' how's like glamor, Turn 7 dawM and Sumr we. a h:.eli y bol spongly,
B e.. ray ,few, Y Urff v-elsb's Stuck, e:. A 1 0 , 2ud du 1 00; Beat Nogrst I+ or Sale Cheap. t 1 the !looks will be mvvr y unable to re- br,ienJed. end Ike most xule aruele-1 of
ppn:wtp , thaw UddmilLk. . n. m• J to:kation i;t r%r A, not ITS& than S. et u seulmu)n lr: Gide, L W. rn :lid'! to r at law more than 7 wr cdut. into tat J„dy A,�x we xrP guulg %u Lave r slmm ;said f
rw f, 1F sw37 1.1, thc.e tpdrbtroh„ Wm, E. CRACE, by t -,i • Isat. air otter So rda m unnr; ILe i dwL dWx s ri AL” value, Iugr-f Ler wits a quantity 0f fratisi0os,
A each 2 00, 2nd do 1 0: IS'st Ih:rr nam I ' - r ) r o¢' hum:.+u•' note*, Ac. ltut mherwhr y ,j `
,- _- A mote,, Iwok..•count, will p1,• IIT. U.,<tA r„n•. Rroce: In.4th Klnlo+r • R3 jk,a ba'ny dl -1 d till onto O'cock. 1 was J No.r•role : I :e fi,•11, " 1 br ,;lure is ns sets ronveyed dowel a Oap•duor into a cellar
__ __.. .r._.. _ I ern, t ea I till, 2nd do 1 ,0, Ilr:ot And Tari I L 916 cee: Iluron. Apply I, ' } tM e I ekl fee, and there a not:ua f 1
AVlllitfm wear. I nq1 s, w. 1 altrndrd a, -one ex rated, shoat y' �' ' I K I fi,m sA w ark; un+l tl W JaJ s fcelin, w ball un Innpuxe for solely Ju Fn,•( baruinnua.
Ar RYFIY-:%r-L.AW, 3OLICiTOR IN namr'rulhvliu or 1'lu nut krA Ivan ►is \L C. ('AMFR(FN. 1 T to per let them canl.ml an• rate eiltum• J d r Tkfa wea scnicol actum tli.!red, when the
CALL AND SE v.iia Lr,, 1'11 let ch 2 2 .d d, ! 50, 3rd 7.i ava tut U•d 7nnn Ili Luil. 1 hP wrath- that a all nunwaM." 7 t
Uklrnery, i'wre7ueer air. W.U.•avwi I C.m._nch. t1st..hrr 2�. 1.04" •wl* I er v,um we v dexmani, wall Ov" scenery oil each •Laocq my rrgw,e.- t hem in not Only ...%h i tint I u 11 nu it ii o sorb ih:n held cauda rnJ whole (opalatian of Ibe •il-
do 100: Ikst fou varm•n•a- of l'lum, named o. 1;w ; -:sl in this, bill it a -feet' 1,• ,-1 y
O,LolWete. •IOnILYII- - ---- 1 ! la ecsme hurrytm u to seek Mwlter a
Tb.-:.,.'wnnnu,d.•lar, I jgleu(tLe rouenJ ill'Irir Wren to u Ir I'yo Irrlein lour Ila,.irsne w1dJuA,htl R < P d
---_ 1 00. 2nd. 0; 0 st It it laic of 1 ripts u w Ina onl of the uubiuly s rctGcd• f com uiunahi wrtll their muter and bis Casa-,
• mord 050; Ilrfl n d c r ecli.,n of ri I n -ell ktiu , In%hT of Iain,; fern. Ahem i' - _ i tuctnld every Durr yf Ibrm. tenor not tet M P ,
'risotto*. tY•4.*rl.ea•rNd. O}ilc�! on Lighthouse rr I I ri And ail the honks in the Prov;nte come -
tiinr Ndoek ' t llaroA •led SaruBs wera tt toda bor,IY•'o Mylar tban�onwtrfber- P7•
C[Vfl. K'Y'FINFERANil11110\VIYCIAL :lrrifuJJr .AndrewDonit�h'r Cnpr•,3cl¢statrsoft. h, gra no;etlair unser %Lr am :Jed wclmn. y'. J
1 56, 2114 do 100; f seri C,abb .Apple., - eYPLeJ, hal „ lea t.o t!w boat beteg Mhfld W r I'ronncd Currclec bill @Ir.s; w, t( lake my xJrlee, will de- M•anlime the whole sky bad barnan
LaaJ +ur•avvf. 'f.ruatu+nee/ �i,•J•nr... -- gD'�'�� �s Ittoe the did not to lun't, and a,(r, at urant I for you, tri to the Go•.lou..r. LIeerR.s night, tUe cleuJa rs the, advsneed
,•1603 allow 0 75; It, It I late rabb Apples, red 1 erml:.ina n "I .io la $allow the LiilA of arta of P
___ FOr $alC 75 • lira nemr0 auJ lar at collaclion of F"1 l' VS Hf� MUFTSISCFNETHANK:N rxrma;uue'I .our h p'nrca cbrn,w tO lr- v' StuR'1' 1 ropLed. o f too, my wart, Jr.ernding rlmtkR In tbe lnrfa'e Of tbe peal
_- _. . - -., ___, --.-_ r I) r ser Nuakei to be Iam;rJ or endorsed, or wAicb wait now lashed into Ilse ei1QNt fur
l.• lt. gnmlln. t 1' chart, no' Ir•. ih.n 4 vote, ity, 6 of ea•A Il loath -Ire % d.tne ,o, r,raa•ur■&rmret Lr hr• i mein un .)torr.. r nnJ on the bast - and @o I shall t 1 dodf wxul lea J''p• leu 1
200 BARRELS SALT i o,hrrlr:u• cvl,:lird, 0 IIP used a pr,,.0 be ( T h, ILeg+lt. Firer, now and Illln flashes of
�1(VILKY(;iNFF:I A?tUSCIt:'F.Yllli 2 Yuddol:,O;Ifrel Ixt ufPrachr. recrrvaJ•m.><•Lr,•.,mu„n, rdh,,.,nr..InU.,1r- renehrd,I,x1,e Iluol ndLMewhm mIn,( cut, ;fruwanalraidrbulyoumantnut(hmk
`� Weds ant •rd Cow •¢car,KmranhrA P ,rch.n.dl.•m ahlrto.•Ar,wtr oerr ".-be,I01 lertt+w,Iluuleaapro! rtnKatrAplDtestwabe I eaa md,a vivid li hleAln Lwet from ILe
e , :Air n 0 50; Beal dimplat of fruit, Ibe growth clnotd fpr d:vb(•joz, r. •d o(• gloat ,ler fare Io Ili; i,Ps ns.” g R
n: r ueL.drrAtauu hi to Ino ts•t., :,vert: hor:ag at in ba., d the m, . rr r • ' r 1 urea)- t d - " AL, my dear b)v 1'' an*wererl int frrnd, eland., and de.cPnding war! ioltaMl) eagnit•
- -_,_�� _-__- _.l. fyyrt��A1 of the hibtor, d sOnci Isom otIs rnlrieyr au enured iw•d,to .I,n I d �)�� "
C{71125 PER BBRL 3 aprcim s of each 3 00, 2nd do 2 0; Best , ■rlr w qui,u ore.Ih un.nl ,t tlA••uuatiuD was " wIn•n Inn Lxve bar) nor tante of a �A'ent In, rd in ILe era ; %he nest moment tile, ro-Ajr
Castalate of tbeL'attedstatesol • Show of . ko correct:, n.med by w "fit renabrJ, ARRIVA OF HE PERSIAr di Sn hu•I;canP, you -i'I nil! wwnt m wcond 1 rested foo be,new;h the wh4e foam, and &}s
Amerlea. A 111 .\ \'I' 1 i' 1 IIF' wryman. it or within or without the 'ro•. Cairjq o n Business hiensNely I 7'hn pS• t of the p-r'am ■ oa l inlet blxideas there is not a wars plater in %be is- Patently arernd'up i0wards the sky were met
D A 112 IC MI M O T F. L. mer, nut Iv+s on Y(1 •arieiiem.3 of eves o 0 Cr red wish by meY!s, Urich. LY -J -b)er were Nsw YoaR, 02. 22.- 'be Penia with Lind Ihrn that lime lifer tdiw of Gordon's.- b,, -ill" m',eae Lhover,g above.
016es boon frac 9 o clock, a. m. to 3 ad 1'nt 11 ,A1 "i ",V" `0 o trot-, .A.. Cullw,en • Ihe u alar u .I m n elfin cnehes over
+ •IC hen nrticlre uiro in Im rtam(d, the Ua I '�r ,a•.rlear w& l'uurr lee I Rf no u+J:m:•l ►n'd. 71.p uirl ro- filled L;veloul d■yes o the 1'116 nvrd�at anon. 9'hP wind vele M•twern IhoAr two wuuntaios, Pt R
T q lauds• ).A.r%I,ervAh' x our bends, wwkin u the echoes of Ibe
w tloe�, p: m. 1 R O • .% wtih ILe risen muN M nlacbcd to sac •r, on.11 , non,• nn wr I'r. rwrr.h.v,neanrnad un 7 w'Ib ave ytLin (the Le..rt rrndd w A or. 1M1 a Her advice■ bare a mgici} tea by uewA and tag's u� rho •alley I'Lo mad " g P
-•------i---- - wlid.a, ha.mrsAratrn•Ivdy ■nJn •awtullcn, Hnmdton, n )Kd G.•peelca al J u'eltrk L, Aul Iry the cable. 1 feu do y imp:Pn.,td. fells my Lirnd's w1 "r;ghbo:in1 muunta;rn ehnk;ug tae LOUMe err
J AM LK :116 .AI :1 a li 1 AN,orlad. mI all ar.a.tee*ntu•to' rn.xnJ kam, been iu (oundrLua the Min 160, deneendd in
y taro ,h • a:i ht m:•usl.e were by J .A a 7 Fre rime cart Su er bat •n turned via•, atiJ tooth to Inure 1}im, fur I c,c,•irrd F
�, PLAxTA ASD IILo Rn -Brat named cnllrc r >
/wUN 1• Oaroope of tLr I rincq, 11':•uLh•hm''" • 1■ vel a •unrrnienL wi of per dock, I e as (imo n exult burl. ilial hr feu trail iu ew'nrol; Lut,lu6th to enureects It e.•emrd air (hough Ihe good-gSe%d
ARCHITECT =S.bO :'tisk 600 P•JV (w� ! %tan air nn',IIaA, IwI Ir thAn 9.1ni, l .•6 2 00, MSI Istur Aoolrml. he telrleasif.taten to • y P I cf leaven sets o ,c•ued,mnd the vernal assert
end do 1 50; (test no d collection of Rah dire ma ubha,hat staeen bav;nS r pins t . T h o h b F( .Vig pmperw cont t t uls daa tchti of sour tMfle waa a eerlein a -by of her o i'ar I
LIn AJIN err ..1..'.J .Uf+ re Rtrtld Wa. 6, GIiAETt, Iles, not Is" than G war ,lie@ 1 60, 2nd du r p MAanty la anvil ra cru jtrmu. 1 he fiat Jules Y {1 h, Hoot. (that the elrls h Iran rdue (Ihe nada. b, tM-by of her fnrh•r'a sere M'minR dosu spun lea. To s 1d (o the
f•pp�,dcm,sot up it o air■t aadPurnorayly (yr 1kiy ayrtf3Ad +36, wff.11 ee*Ion etiacero a 161 sown m the miuAa f drmae'n d, tbrli rucam ,trvn b¢nw and Iaulruuo for whom, aawilwa Ma , 1 L.d a aw:uluus o(the aebe, it tudedly breams
�oaje. st rho Huron AueOoa Mort, Nam 1 00; Boat named col, Ilion of • Rm(rr C INF CAN BE MAPF pr K } P ) )) a* da'4 fth Flcb lM wIM ever ng
k."tl,=.,I.d*ncb. few rinTlrly - -- - - ----'- (Blwmn) 1 50,'2nd do I u Itnl collection I the uIry - a waa Thus givtq fel unravmeeul I sir IrrJ,•r killed. feet ler *nl•rkin; kindnr•m, and not hi', .hurl r 1
9 it re
p twat Ic vin tn'
- ) r of Verbemn named, not less loan 10 vane uhi. •veal inhmrn nprnno ha •est f:.Inh,;eL. trnJenrrI .n�so make bwd worse, it began Y mleoil h.,opn;,] the wife of aximifl n a o% tM .MUln,r plPmenceol'lhe tornado would R nnenaFl.
r a i` 1 1.( I .� I , NOTICE. ties 1 f0, 2nd do 1 at); spot Aix IxmP'varte m(•nttn,'on w ler Montreal. ", to rain shout Ai,f tat %;tree, a\d eoutina•d v ai The aMhctru m af. Maximi n in c u- here rl0pjx•d ms. hrsi,lrs, I feu in fell About de•en oelosk, t6s noise of That gale(
(4. A,•Jl. 1 U a T F., �'I A \ .. _ - tint Verbenas 1 00, 'Ind do 0 b0; sl name, Ca,'nch_.0 1.30 xt,J ow1�,w40-111- while -p Temaiue lee Imlt. All tacLA end mdxt' as very ptubable, in Pari, nu d health anAnfnnt+; fed n was nut likely that was something 1 bad Inver before heard. %till
LAwOAOrw T, 1 cnlleetinn nl I'nlnxdni, not Icer ilio 4 va: ie �{-- busses brine soon tell taken, a party of hiders Tall! - J, who L',d been knocking about lir All I.a:u yet eve,y moment it seemed to was stronger
1K,rkel Square, G.dorich. ST.CITHFRINES NURSERI S.
c os ever wed needs Crow 111 * m tics F 00, 2nd do 0 50; Rest name collee 8 6 a � and gentleman cba,tk.ed a rumor'sweigon 10 TLB' ris6snr in Candia Awl risen a mint 'of Ibe w rW_could Ayopxlbity,witil, The feel. and stronger,lill It ineroSesed to Sul h So o%vr
Te;d. n.1 r v Y' 8tao N:\Shcl'11i[ ala cenmia prrmons An selLng non of G;adioius, not hese than 5 rA '•ties drive about the town, lid soar had Ilse xal;A. Ilse Tur a authority. -Ss of en $ancfi'rlt bLrck woman, or w',th ellslm;ng roar, that lire atrongent effects of
U n•. n. __- - I r I^• `It1 ij ��/I C. taction of bcurg dtenc d wish rrin,••nd lel' 'There Men 1irge artivels of 5.20's l Ili lit• of Ilio cLmate worn Unit 6rnnat've old tism Kumon voice, in closest proximity, were.
ueee m Ihe 1'nuutito n( (Laron and Bruce 150, 2nd u 1 (bl Brst and ed 201 co •r SPRIN U A ANGEMEN IY attracting oFrw:naiiun bY,�be fact Ot one of Lr•ndon Jews to %he 11th, and curude:Ybl Ilea err with whom I was ••nyin,}, Monnang ryn;le anhra,d.
.t olio CnmTnri4 uudrr the talar p•,w0ce that they are ob tion o(artnud. (bL,nma) named 2IlQ; I f Meanwhile Ise
R A r: R .\ I, COMMISNION AOF,NT rained from the �t. Cat6et ira Nuree,ies ilio colled:on of Ante 1 (10, 2nA do U 75, 1r. tUr waa b:eak'veg down. me!oa for lien any and )holder. my rte, fl•tn•fom, wits a blrck boy fora The building beZan IoOAowby iagookines
GCom wtswoerru QQureoh Wnrh,lleruk'^6 is to certify that %(os Jxmre Stewart aPe do 0 50; IteMt oix Cre1n house plAnu in _* ! hour gevilan excn,.ion W Iisyli. , ('1 mike . TM uR cial moriunwf emwn on Friday y xluttd on jnmue•. lbs/ it wan lime Io ge(MIOw foto• play of
■Ad*v,u,Coavevnrrr,dcc., Yr. U'icrlm 11lu.J IkrIsrrl ffonl.•n xm Ibe dvely pl•+sone now bloroo 200, 2nd do 1 50 ; Iws1 F'Im_d erns-„"' down on the take nLore, Lut o%tm;j to lud,n- by Ibe brukrww 'i eulAr wale ;-llrlewns f:oir r nn wt • Leith;tce, (ler there is some. gees Mr rleiy. TM Seegrors feu• fMrofon
wv.Vdtsees([itcardrse,U,W• Ire •mhorizrd in sell trees (rine my rianeriee mentor d•ai;u 2 00, Ikat collection of Pan• a;�aeaNle weatao, 4t feu tot very I+veal. at hod; ful mddii 141d ; for Mot,de fair thin in ht ea^ly bl.rxr of n t�opicAl-mrnn. roimMl frOw tMir.tlpora •ml by dgrdesirod
- m thaw Coweties. .aiee 1 00, 2nd do 0 S0; IkAt rollcerion of O DERIC H, B A� F I E LPI Psl' meed. 13Id ; for mnldhn 131 i Ger uplrlds fair root w ch ' peculiarly relmolkin;, and, diRw W Ro 1'Plow.
}'etetal'Iftme. D, W, BF:.\Di. GrkocomM 100; He*t collpeKnn of list AFU •E�otia fila bn?idings are g ing up, and 1514; for miidan,{ ;tl. 'The enact sales fes a n lit el'wiatr into ynar frame, The has" by this lime bs� become IRW
ORWAifOF,R A N U CON BION �a 1- Citdarich bads fair to rix. Fideed 'it af<•,a of ole week wen 51 F9 balu includin YIP, which im l o be rtaha;nrd h ulwe et•r- I!•Iler than • 4whin vend whilst a shower
F MP.ch.m, I.vtuoaow, C. W. .Yotr, mnd .-•..1 I'rupntt lams 1 00, 2,:d do 0 7b; Rest mlkction of iw L7 Ila � <\ lit .'�11 a A w r R J R r
wl8 Rrockn 0 ;5, 2nd 410 0 50 ; (kri collection n( yetj .14,v in.tucrmenls lea Pleasure q� lkeos 000 for esport. litock i d,i•erpool eH�,GUO sue. lea mNd oto this, Ihr &. enery %Lroagb Of 4kinZle& std glee waaeN') iMlwm swept
A,eoaol•c,dIe,ted. Osoiole*a of .ny ,lend en- Y:i S[ay, iAGG. Petunias 0 73, 2nd do 0 50 ; fleet Ilogmt or I Ud instills, and woos .t le.) , In halt a bales including 362 340 hobs of Am•riewn ahich 1 was I. veiling won of lM most ro• from Ihe roe!. Tely soon 811, are Mr. (For•
I Winks bio will t*OWTO"r rt attention• THE EAMR BONNIE, tncurl go micnUon, for the hotrs are '116 Flour Rdvanced Is to aid Irt stick ; *total channn case ' r 'on' Saint I, witb . li M doh. wort safe) Connor ed below, Marr Paid i
w40•Ir3uas HF, ondtlaigned, Agents for the abort Cut Flowers, for table 1 .50, 2nd do 1 00; ) f R r R J ll S
__ _ ___-_ T hest hand IG lee% 0 7•'r 21d do 0 50. I'A NKS G. A lt`ON. , M ASTER, ' to ovetfl, wnh An.encane, and • eo - ad•■netd 'Id ole rcJ ; corn eager ; beef or:A hcil11 fess .; vedtl, an In wek a trsole horfi Icing the lost to d.axnd. As we did so R
W. M. $AVACE ` Nueterits, ere prepa,ed to fill all order ml r I psi,y ate do .mg number mammoth pork dull I bacon .cure at is isocline ; IArd m r hm•icAl " 1' 1 Lad Rot drool larwl cr eA proehi "ed tA.l wmeUuing bad
I in their herr and u they make their wipe- GARnta VCUaTA11.n-B,PI collection of ILII nn mn low•) on,al fa Isar not i•e,
QYR and smile Hew York Urafu-0reen- W one. Godenic ,hpirR uut of rhe way ,tqu me bots( and haver steady ; tallrlw Irp demand I ant %hied of Ihe w when I camp In Iwo fallen, and I do,'left back to a •e d sty ace;•
tions petaonalivo their patrons may rely Upon Potatoes named, not len than 4 •rrleGes, ! L.es,-s (jock h• (.v:, '' i trtiu;ng) 10000 one SoAcl fou Go her met its,'whirle, orad io •ar 3 totid lower i torpenlirm 87 to Sea I fonds; '1 fess wine t puvelr•d which in dewt had happened In my ho,t. Wio,, I qot
bsrkm-Nafionsl ca;coney-SIa1P notos, itihat no pSems will be •pared to glue MstaY ((Irrck of path 1 150, 2nd do 1 00 , est Loll twrty slondaT. Waol„ d.y And Fridayst two only to be L,IowA, to be appreciated. lea I Fr�i olcom firm i linseed ail adrr¢veJ take, fur I Lad lo,Kon way gaol•, •led hw1 Aaek in the root, 1 hound him un;.ynr•' ;
and ancurrout money, Set cerreat rate of taction. rhe: Folates, of .n s•toty nor,reof 0 7.,, (2) o clot•:. 1'. M., I.,r • rutty I facilities fm LunUu4,and fishing are excelled e, j;4; ; alarm mt•rdy. ndleo n) finet tort I fe ar'nln I hard left Istat a suArkn b;vsk in rho cloLds old r `leeWi
each ge. STEWART: GORDON. Ind dO 0 •i0: Best t�rts Summer Squamit $ETUR. NOr ' b7 low aiber mummei tc«rte ; the mid ie Lra• . ,� Aim tar Mhind. 1 waa • t la oke (he one of hgAl diAcloe,d at eahwordinsry wig`t t¢
IM► ., 1845. w4T-lyr$ j Jose lot. 1:•"S. named 0 75, 2nd do 0 50 ; Best three Winter I cin Ihe climkto reuloi kael hrallh tbe to the ri ht when Moiee.br 'lid me exclaim. int. The •ir wu filled with isirrs of Sell
uaah mined 1 0fl, 2nd da 0 75• Ikot fwt IPa•e Snrm. rvel•'fu(.Ad:r Thnr*d*y sin) g• 1 1r ('LAAR esu harRamxuS.-Tbe quiet ob• , i _
' !Ia..... wt f A. 111., w,ni•Iq 'n Cah•rirh at waur cold sed pore, and�IM scemry q d I oener eft nand IAings I* lhw or sol other rd, 'shim de wrong fey, Wia ; de 1•f i. Js demeil ipliOaas1�� • bnncAas e( Ir'eo, AO;e atones,
111. Mcl)onw wH IIs.e roots While Colery 1 00, 2nd do 0 75; Ikst li At(ul. Hero¢ Coanly, Qf wbith UrdencA wn i tarried round,. re r , stili ttaire Alam. •lid all wrto of mov-blr which wore
[CRNB D AUC r10HNli R, RAYFiELD 16691 M1 ,NIts Cillt�['Px lone roto lied CPlrry 100, 2nd do 0 Tai; , two I'. Ii„ cull#* al B.ry/ie( o eA WIN. 3 large cit)J w aid nal find it dtAklilt pr'd•mill J P ai
L.9I' Haror. 6.104 1. volt a et' -"'A Ile IM county -town, is a VIPs Md fentming the druokad winch are .cell on the sluee%* I l found my little black guide ing the d ;von alObg with incredible speed.
° •r DP113 fl mPR13I, i drli3 ml'lltsr7, Rost four heads Winter Cabbage, named 1 M, .For 1'esight ler pasAag I IJ I I I r
aaa•M1r arts .sit. wt -:nee OBUROE Iii"UI1AL j Cn. emntry. 7 be .9igss(ul IhP 17L: uyn that w but wP 01•im seine difRcalt, woo'' ane i n lin 's tail. Tlie hmatr 1 pre6a a, Ming Rud,' eUly A •;alone .hoc•k wain f Ir, wndinR
AND PATENT AGENT, 2nd do U 75; heel tour heSedla Summer C.A I O each. former in the er (pPaert of ' cau'dv hu ,he allempt to give plea •111rtalprimte tiHaA, I Om ihin amt of thing, Gwk no an a of it, w sb il. •km¢fh mr Aenr, for 1 expected to
D�% ria j[4r.r kt'v. bags, 1 00; Brest nine blood 1t"ta 0 73, 2nd lea tbrrMd Z9� brAeb of hall wheat rken iLos Ibe oaaq rnmcxl Aad in ilia rd • see tM whole house tome fallin s os ss -
_ OTT A W A . do 0 So ; first nine Nangel Winmati. 0 75 ; I Or to W. R. CLARK, Agent. 1 and be I1ra auctwe d thea I our Nish, s►hu R R P
Samiw off a seven sen Mld. ':.'kis Is nrh •wrote '' 1'irrce Pro "prae" nrarfJr IMM Mm I Poiultdblic� with which al tfhlr M 7-M ebtidO Aad once mon eL,oed ap, sad
t0 r. A F, 1. P A, Tnn,aclA Lu.me.. ,rn ,h1 frown Londa end 'Ind d0 0 50 • Iket'nins BweJa Turnilr 0 T6, `
Othlr Gnrrrnmrni Drinnmms• I '1'*kre MI + often dim*@ lM Can•ds tlamp.n rose for Iowl Ihe knomal's movement•, derlmr s;ain cov*-od the e•rih, tM n I
911R(i CA I. A M RCHANiCAL Porrnu !or I„••coma•:' dAomA Inrurpo- 2nd do 0 ;i0 • (Fest nine long Oianse carrot• Galeria ht Mw 151 h. iA66__ s 4 wheal wt the rnnsol 1'rorluewl Fihi lion• IoriAe a jai. 'Tom cls . ilFrd drwkalM solar 1 1'M til„vgA it (.m•ed •very b•A ` re,.ewteJ Aatlra or lightening Dolt rendering
DaRnmT,llorenrh, C. W. eight heofir Si follows . 1
noun ror':mnpmnnP. Ly hrltrn Pat- 0 i 5, 2nd �n 0 50 L itcet ant Pan ly Horn (i(1DE&ICH FANNINQ ,&ILL A sell well hr been struck on IM nk of ” TAo lint a ripe d►wak, arts M leap• and waa wild or p;clure.quo in the extremes. % it me•e impentlrithte; while the fltatraer made)
ant; 1hmn.land take• chars, et O 75 2m1 do 0 50 • Iiewt Pine White M ion pretty river Miitad,a compaley hxs`beea pin a And hallow■ and dwotill for lM tray- followed fire course .d a deep galls, wit, uP a fomUlt owell u appalled the hewt, amt
)aIMIM Ter Private R,I. donna (hiker+ 11 f ted and forge w,nle we in course nj elec- ,ge; tbe second iw f1Arok drrtwk, and he Ain;ta sides became sent .wl mote p•rc;pilo., I ilmo.1 annihilated the mind.
lrT,i. 1:dA1'tDrYRaNArs .,nn.hc,,o,Imlo,r•- CArras 0, Z do0 ; ist nim er Iii linin Asa ro'nenrdtotMde tilbl dya"setl betty
Juaan Ar166d slarwily ambo• Pl.ewbrre, .nips 0 7.5, 2m1 do 0 50; Iteol P•Ck :ltd AND R P J P ,,M isabout the Aurae calls the boho a b.d r erilenrrr,d wish • tte•n and i have but a Tort dos IAtoliate:ion of What
-_ �_ Omom 0 T5, 2nd Jn 0 l0; Rtai peck S;I•Pr �� r Std I, need Ihe bort• brought op m as@gne nanery .breaks the Slams windaos with hu text: irinl MjtWi vii, lorri•'inq of Lushro and a *pools I SM1 td, all (Io6ne myself el*
qP. B f0 DP=I R Zr F B' R E N C Z' U : 5k�n Onion& 0 75; Best reek Yellow Onion. Yllmp T ftot ory t i N 0 the wlompler. sggrr, and iM apt to goorn l +;ah any mAn eree�n IM blaeeoma on fevers wen mortal ser lit tlr I•d lPr with Mr (torsion ; hat f
.,} Ibe 1'. W. Pmfrdr rA \lntrml std HOR.A.CAeFMt1.L•1'nm 'tV. M Wrl WR, Fq., p 75; IitM Iwpl•a cwn Cairn err 76616 1rs I After lap” at fire hours we left itlt . „fit) Spooks to bin ; the Ihnd in nrine hoe. y hrMtidhl. %no ePfirst Mftrre we closedihp Inr tMdIMMf
UBNT M.-".*r.n Crown Snnr„r.
et.A•it Compray, Hauler, , t'. W • Land*, H.P. 1. CARLtxa, Lon• 0 75, 2nd do 0 50; Bent ill'- Water %['tons TIiRtAfihth9i1�R,B^; �n QpPMMm frFHn[r� town at el ht n clack. The rein elifl Conlin AI'ler enm f r wde dimlance (lima h mad ife pm P, orad tM tibratino of
A . PoTf ro, La 9d, Cnn Mom., N. L,•om. F.el , Ilannl•' d m. 1011 ; Itcxt there Mwk MPlons 1 00 ; fk*t 1 I drunk and i■ ArrTe, lumpi.h and a:rrpy, R R P"
Ilmsle, P. U ondArn.rthat hPn •001 Monalhetnrin@, asd A.• sing, lM ogees were confined %o IM end Cres fm •lime more drink• and • d e !ration n(Ihh ravine, I al last emprg,'d I %A0 w$aI itis eIe ILty meld nal eland hwig'
63 Its son. IIR. RILL. Rat,., --a" foot head CAuliflnwer 1 00. 2:A do p 50; on hand ..nmhPr lit ha. eal'i wile ra ilk dancing they beguiled IM pefo thnre clmAea ; tAa Imurih is Mop inin 'he open coa vy, at a opot lit Peralie• Ynleor it toil. Wastes we had dors! this.
r--_---- - McAfee• R Lawnk 8(Iw,{teed ArrM•rA,t n1ueN1 Best perk Tommtcro red 100, 2nd do p 50; houro evuii eM'pr two a clock a. m. in Ihe drrwk, wise in Ms non cunt it when hp cat. I Mouty. On my right .lid left rose hi;,h though t wands from allow wen *eery
Toronto. (f Elle AnnnnreL'o' Beal tint g7PMPn rariMy of vPrr(Ables din SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS d6 PUMPS. mnnla, tho wes rr cica,ed u , and ton(im , I mountains, whote •kr, now slid then ILII Low evil til n st.,tlln .lid a rwllin), we
OAIrlOertlalRstel,3111/e1se1lt7•w K { n0t h'iet 1'nlha hose wind; ill fifth r fm 4 P
_ __ tinct from miler entries, eacIs kind nnmrd urd plrasnnt axil r Serriwl wt Uclrol 1 U •. ,nnrd/inrlratlk, wMn a I*4ow wiU feet for Ihroagh Ibe cloris, stPmed t0 reorh thw st-1t in firm aiee gmew,k, and wera eA-
I J ,OEO* 8Y Irk A f T 4, /M,T a 00, 2nd do 2 011. 111 won- n+rrrk',dm.Iy draw anrnttrn tp A;A m• on Sia, lA P I heaven*, Th• whole of O vw mnenmin. 861111 to "I'at" r d.nnd,Aon b ltw our
LI {i Y oiW W TIAIRT PROnccs-BPst S Tho Fresh Batter %4,t!. • hr will wart..nllhetnto:n-e %(hPAlfram y�__�__ yi ur F^ in (At rmd*t al Aia ('-pia , I time S
OAN RICKS, Pmprittnr. This is the Ar,., , o- kle. eh -A. hr. P.,ol t.A.deto . mite f _ you, sayim ' %0um1A 1 l'aprwn, ( tor• wrest t',e;' wi'Aa perpetetl wttdere, ile chao46 of %hong M aPA listings. TU I PLr
J and ..mrnnt,d. TII F: ! 6f1A �R AT DUFF A LA. :live ; gn ply wrys ; don Amt not IMnk on btfon me waa • •sUPy, epreawlinS art in IhP wood. of otr sicca •*A eoemnnicHe
ta►gwa% aeA bt•I I'.mntry Il.uel ,n Waren F'Oit VA/A1([)I:ItB, il'200, 2nA do I.iO, 3rA do 100; Itrnt l0 —w
OSenaAa,awJ ohorpr• e• m,mkr*fP.A any HTuee bis ftalt Hn•hr 3 00, 2.d do 2 00 .Frd do /•wnwcvnw N.Lm,r .r., Mfg••ow Pr1r•rvere• utter of me le l do of IIMs ; 1 would 1 enald teary Mtojre to tAa sdde nl ilia Ys. Dur thwrK ku Ay wO dor IM oyerp.owrr,
b Mrr}}.e•bdl. SStage Pru rfon 11„ad even fm.lnr , was CwwMiw Raw A. Tlw 'rilaix'I ilnNalO ('teres *dent elf I had East lees w Ino an tent •lid. ing AIn b wAck we Foe ih• La l,. lir
jfA Ifrlaas. H,xw*•aaCMnagte (M Hne, eu Ise COMM 19 91011 rerl:�AAlsf 311 boll OO Tb Ihr Cheeu Z 00 Znd do 1 :.0, I s Po (ot Inge sMe sO well as I An; odd IIspn Ae I t T P I
14 7 rase Rao IW ILL ams or the 111ot inst tl w after thp'sham battle, puts Ilia fingor in Lie eye aid trim The *ins 7 was Gsrmwml, for in nn jort of ilia world be*e eiituWipaesed, a e Ohre t fel, 0b
M RfAertr•iNaies At. n,agentfrrthe•-IP of Movggon'. premreWi + y ' to "waste* drank, when a man i. ,bunk a imnginorion w pewetfat-y rllaeud by wen. wards PonaW *sprpr. ''. he W” 1s. poor
- PRODUCfin CUAi., RALT, WATER MAarIoACTdoss-iipm Homes Maly (Juilt ."op'.tentIfit,TfVAJIM.whreAban-ever yet Oen O'Ncil sddre.•e/9tLoaRoembla e-
- jlOO. 2m1 do i 00; lima len yor.fn h"ora Io Jedtogireaenera.u.tscunpinlarmvn fest K au1! ,l,ioka hime•If Sober ere he *,lir; Ihe "ifleManiniropiC& liras aajnshetraaJoer Mm- Router owl AsT* rWilar*visW. Mr
B�IU1A Amerlodn As9urdnoe Co. i,IMF,, Ac., kava U&edlhem. C.nads, he psi,], had been invaded by w.rpnfh in Cont drank, when;. his dru.kr•m n( IM Inn.nt.u,s, 1M miRlyd bestir d los eM coasN hear a mN h, waW IMO/
F 1 R E MARINE . t1' Ari i& for fi•mi char Mwrine and Fire lm CIOII 3 p0, Znd Ao 1 00, 3rd Ao t ne ; I •Sri(•t f aha •, etstin*, .n lM d, P awd to ►Pres* ma s
ino■rwee ('omponiro. Roe( Can Jarrs P7annel 2 06, 2nd An I b0, HENRY DODD, three, not for the p)rpnw of making war arm he len no miod but on t.ochpry. The y " R P R
JOFi H F. SOH Arent 3rd do 1 00 ; Bell parr Blr.kels 3 00, god (l�not 'A)ril3te/.1P64. fe eiglh r / t dtslwk, vAre0 t !e in cn117 dreak, I wmbr�fureat, wow Sell new 1n Will. rhe* the rr ' T,ke lord ptrsPr•s r r' evrksirOd f
w5I 1 HARBOR pf7A r, Cxe■..eA, C.W oe Canadiaso'but to jive (be Fenian army slrmge ciminwlsion of AAs desdl, wb:P� bot Iblia be awful. I Owl Joe with twister
]syjtld. C. W ., April 16, t866, 817 i
. ,
4 4 ;A
' -1 e.
_. ..�...._...,.,...... 'r§i-ant .,
� I
_" 'r