HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-8-23, Page 20 t-. . - .. Aura,' ) - -- Atlalntia Te198'T$pli. Ilia filing r't..• Valea{aw. mde, .able on lithe filet of `Se itember, INfi6, , Axgnal. of oar Nrjeep rs in Ta thenen. Frew this mor eyuivoc+ting. Toa large a of FawT.-Thera sea quite a trot{ Gut v . -- at ilia wine aloes ■t per. The •ppliestiun tbls, which • n in no ler ■uthorit] lire of Frola t/rhne seep lani ilatgo ntTm- I night (15th). Frost at this °eAMA M as -_ _ __ (Crrrrnepundow. Of tAe Lurdtm Ain", lout strut tan rete and re°yeeu•e Jrw.uu. - _- or - V ._ - than the Canada Gssette, we infer that rare alit is um smut• Naw To° A 17. fhe moratn July 14. uou ser,+weed OJ Purcho ro Ilepwit re - .- QI ti $ oral the Ar wbl roto have nail denwwl it romta, Im toe "sou ]unci looser fh,,y dfd `$' Most of the chwl ulhcial5 eoouertrd with cei will be rasa by 1hn IGiceiver-6rn OODER1CHa AUGUST 23 1866 ] ] --•fe IM• --- Pipers have the following via the Atlantic , 0 couobnl nrd A the Yiurter of Elnrn". aJcinable W oppose sariuWly the .sears reyfonR W the murdnmus affra •t ATWo ter in thn tut oCa n,routa, th•o1J rtiantieeom a •sad the now An lu { 1 Pp 1 cable :- American tee still w►;tinC at Valentin for to be held by tan p rchrwwrs until the dsbem Rldgvway dm ilio 2nd June. Kine flat the G,Klerioh Towm•hip sompan) ha PAsla, Aux. 15, -The Emperor Naypouloon the completion of the great work. Mo fur" am ready for de every, and the money IIM. DI['KMk Y+fd CdlII B►L'CT. imiliatusl is that l'pper hotly. Thursday last there Gas been an unusual' been sompted and John Mcl)olmid W bra received tan Promise Amhassrdor today u [Atimer Clark ban been here wtw drys. ary be aid;nn, any breach at the bank of importation of them. end although they + w •oJirnca in lithe Tri'eriw. '1'Is Miorter } tiro hsp4aio, Aa deeuie nngipeer w tan company he lir. Muotmal w the erad;t of the Receiver0ev 7 he Tordmlo Cf Le ha proven ins peal FENIAN BUIIOBIe, ate scattered in different ficrtia s of the _ _ _ _ _ _ de,ivervd to Hi• Majewr the reply of the to report upon and decide wbwther or nut The oral, Interest will be allowed to purchase" ]aura, ere Mr. Brown become implicated cit , a Ire number of Ihrm art W be I . (roar failure• then eoemrred lu K erbl. hes Men troy IrN. It wall be girio Irom ,le date of drpaoiT, d the appfcuion an The 1lomdton rialwo of the 11th nes J Ke Kir of 14u"w w the FreOcb sow de.uiJ in Coalition entao Icmrnta, °rut while the R IouoJ i° the is of ty of the rolling f the ung an exlemdon of the frontier of the em ire g - Q our to him fur thg poetess abrut miJ'1'sJ acct ted. IG•form Arty was Stru gltrty uparard/ IGC lo luwisyt, whish u, iso be11ev1, all and other parte of thn ratcrn cad of the Dluntreal,arwmg flue • ingucial prrrsurr, to the Rlllne, I be Slaw P•i'K detls"m that on Saturday neat, tad his inn" tarts for P --- . .- - ---- throe h numerous difficulties that lit could I that is known of Fenian movements, and city• brougnt on by the •tappage of discounts, the drmtand r madmiseadle, mid that Present " canducpvits" rod lens ieOloe will prubrbly A Cargomr Boy. R .dl not acrde W it. Napoleon roylied that oec,Ip wtw 24 huts". lichen the cable his 1 the preparations to meet them :— We give thew various rumors and ni, tit anticipation of the changes to be mad, he had me& tbedemand in order w satisfy through t o lent odeal, it will be A liocheetc•r ps{xr wl6 the Wllowing out de.•p iuW .lint ins aeaduclurs aaa' porn, rut that ser think tbrw all entilkJ, b rho (iuvs,rn,aent bank wfemn, blic o aiun m France on tbe wbicct sal cei•ad W be ,hc ghoogreneJ masa of ,err- The roman with rcgani to Finian to oredema, but a showin•• the umcari- Y - - - -- P` n rccapted by ,the rump+ley u eowyletely IuJ ; rather Irrge st.ory about • M5y in +het rely: wocements and the action of the Crna- . r the rocuficatwn of the frontier. fie deemed rod. as lar •n artrotific skill can tell, alio I fivers, u a boy of fen years, whose parents to raption prevailing in the country, but we atsa that puaasrs,s the public wind, It g 1 resident Johnston ha liberalised it • in., demand, but at the wmr t me Roe great electrical problem of nearly the Iwt 'adv in the twelfth wpral of flus city, who bat doubt very wueh, if ins ins palmi,xt Jays I Jun military outborilim thicken. Yes- will be remembered that rzagerated oto. the Fenian oNeers who were engaged in knooled,ted the fairness of the argument used we yratr will have bee° wl►ed. A propensity fur hunting ret+, out to destroy it ever ea a terday the Colooc sf the "Truth Royals' rid of a similar nature preceded the last) the late raid at Fort Frie. by the Prussian Cabinet in reply at refuwal. A cortiouous stieaa a: rprliea(ions is them, but to secure their ends u truphas of w out with uaything so reccrcl n3d the 1lsjpr co maaJing the "Governor trail, SnJ it would therefore lin fully te •--- -- _ .__ - He mid (het the .tenors eainbing a prewar Noting day by day un Mr. lila., offering hu prowrse m that .ase. Ile a eery rxprn, w the bila ilas.Lich a give J eJarti le treat thew our•, unreliable thou h wan gars Froutler. 1 P 7 K g J From {lir 91■ betwrn■ Fmntro and Premie should nut be almost an isms fur tient sal' meow n 4. mud hu hruu hi in w man as three tads a General's thirds Guar.l " Totvnto, rece'r- R ] dist,, in an ease, and hu d I'fauir 1] dA FriJuy last. tYs givo the article Of them moat be, a uoworth Of nous. ser ilio fullowin •Order : T110RC LD, A .e 18. -Two cumpani s { J 1• America when tan his r opt tied. I: oney day. W lieu M gen nu more thole urn, e attire :- h tiume basis of truth, to (hew them must erg. wool+ not a#,nlep the line. sore tlarse eoyaueas [. drat sal' time Rnd owue)J thinks that is n.ot much of • Jry fur rats. He •' A s,iaraav ra•rcow. " JliLln.► Itauuue OrneR, wl6cient truth to render it the fmm Ftrotfurd amved hen late last n ht, ST. Pargasseno, Arg: 15. -Tee ulfleere -fur their requests always Mme by irlegropll exhibit/ these appendages of tan mt. Anppmg p #g I of tan United Statehosyu idron wen received -if we dale at °nen that it bas been deter with bla,d,w;th as much delight man lndtun, Toronto, August 131h, 1666. J duty of all te be prepared for wGat Is end ppt up their tenla •t I 1 o'clock p. m. by the Emperor and Court to day at the Im{e- mined that oo arrmage except those of tan wuuid display ilia reatior walp of his victims. " The Reformers of Upper Called:, tom r 1 i,iwmfrrr Celernrl Onlrr : t nrwteDeJ. tial Palace of the T anomakue. T.euly of Etogl;sh and ,lme.icsn governments will It Is strange that this el ill can be an sue"" s-oeed Ibe" struggle f"r fnuof ti nUni- a To dray • cempan) of Ibe IGIh Raq;imont, them dined with the ('overoor at The Pan have an iuril at all, save these which tul, wed yet avoide being Linen by for feroei- %,-it n in Ibe 1'miiameat of the Ln;- "The T'enlh R"yals will be lead] '--'- - - from Gaimeby, arrived. There aro mon loff.ky Palace. The royal gartleos were arrivesliermThe Imo hu been publicly declared saw little creatures, which appear for beer ted Provinces, from which has r"al(•I THE IIOLIDAY. ei tan fussaiion of the great Ilrit;sh eyuippeJtin all rreplrcls W move ioW than 2,000 in camp here ° w. ST. Y J P0P Pe sea z Y t m aificnnJ illuminrud, ad line ulnae o n. Mr. GI thr mane in dirctlur of err(aachmr"t fur their tads. Hr sPpean American Confder•lian, nrrrl 611een yes" camp on Friday next (the place to bo CATUARINLs, Aug. Irl, 1866.—The Lnn• who tunneduet in very large numbers were the company, Dow Seldom leaves the tela hi understand Their hae"ta, wend mrllges to T In consequence of there becoming ro admitted ra eh hot," at F'o;ihummerh a. either ate ht •11f re them into his clutches. lie Places •gat. '1 lee at rug le his been r IonT and hereafter nnptedj. The men W take mo arduaw otic, and his ksmbeen from throe gnawer from the Railway authorities to don volunteer battalion end the Guelph The Rimian bands pla ed the American K 1 y r 1 K J P use J.a b:ern Bunn the ver shun intrrvrl rwa "err b ins wrh r .nson the, tan rat reonul effects lir and k as Ocks. Each national airs. The American officers •tsied of hu absence ever m. w and signal is must come u to rt The rv,,nrl rat sous who Lark part lira n lea ■melt era•rdhvn. its,- Pr Y Ps t2e rcqucatof lithe nom. appointed at the riAeo".pale] have pared hero sea mute T Ip P K fanere mry ••ell I,ok Duck upon the pxrianl man tri have v0 rounds of boli cartridge ;n tbe Emperur'n poslaos and all tbe pubuc Duild 1'roulbt to him, no malar wt whet time sal armuouu (lir tlu"r hen the buy sewn tee with pride. • They have been excluded hold his pooch ; also 50 rotinda to be taken Public meeting relative to an excursion fur the front. They arc expected W temp ,raga yeuerdas. tan nigha tad mud seven n um the body rith a singl. mgr rdvnntagee which unlivary ,o ;ucana until Thursday, it was icwlved W forego at Rid}easy. Tbe inresugation into the etrcumsunew it a Daly bit to soy st what .e hope mar nrokr of hes ;lir. The bercn.ed rat ser with the battalion as reserve. Safe"ding tan late afiemut on Ibe fife of tan• be rhe successful conrluoiion of this great ,,,emu to hu ha "g place squealing with print coram ter valuable, .,.ad which arc w , rr ordia the trip to Guelph, and aliow the e,iti■ena A company of riEae from NL Thomas ase eireuraoamceu. the Irgit,mate ra•wudt of " By order• Czar AieaMder, kw lerrnwrted. Several rnlerproor that from lint to last the croft of rad fright, sen to Ibe delight of the tour s to recuse themselves in any other' way Rod two from Chatham have Nem passed accomplices of the would be regicide made 'rat achievement is almost solely ties to him sal the misehet who prtiendy watt Yor the' pVahhc seance. liras noes sorra• lir. pt i,,g " ROIItRT ii. DENIRO!f, b, ifes offend f ser their arc nancti ; but arc y p t y I here. cu,fee ;on., which show that the object of Hir ewe • , his ler slisrtwn, unit not • little cumin of tan ext rat in turn. A rat without the leaad. A,cordiu •I mics le- j pi d t { "Brigade , lajor." Pa P The I Oth Ro els end the " t_r corispv.rs rs. w eR ct w Km,nerri n•ulu ,.f : is rapnal, Anse ►opt aha ruiow Pluu r sol hes neve yet rpp•rred to lino youmg furry they stars firm, Thar wen week wwm nice) at Bmmiller and e'sewbere other 7 Gntarrnor •mon r„tit, and poor men -men to whom: in addilirn fn IGC Tculh Ro ale end 5 tun ins the F:move. Tfevre ensu ❑ ep{x•rs "ug. rnA ii the atlanuc erblr ts IriJ the chop. I sat dna to porta unknurn. h S I Y General'/ Body Guard" pared through our be I rt t am not tolerated im tan emulu.rnu uI ufl en weie tf grant ire yl:'jon 1)yirsau ° 'f rtxrp of Cavalry, 'two °vetted thrmselvea of cheap excursion here yesterday. By some misunderstand- '" Rwsia two rent ng na r hwrA an the times Oras° onty f.iry claim the chef y scud i ! Gorenuseot, nee Mang aamrd tlw .lswuuon bonore u( its ruccrv, rst•ruri. lir ■her Iwwgg a member, sat wheh pongee ; but not dif;ue all t.n se Ii Oacn other iufrntt y twftaliant and a batter of Kirin by the ' Syray.' Then, again the ing the Royale had no blankets Or to y In MTiC1.,atiam of .0 e"mpittwn, s great rate are supposed t.. be ,,rand. Talmo Sbe n can ere recall a single instance where . I fan sal llrlr•mwtion, lhr other lkll. 1 hr had lean Y ,lowers of Sport went out either on' there last night at Thorold, but all sea mate their headquarters in Moscow, and sited ins felt r preparing here fur all the rtaniry are quite frmuiar wise t!e .operations of this n rcseutatiwe sal lAe it.•(nrui rrT o end nrUllrry arc to be zeut out Iha week.-TGis _ . P I I { T ri •ht rod• . played ,he tmiUtr to bis priucq,l#,. Some I crater, °rya rho Lrvidn,has no reference to own book,' a in Connection with a shoot• b J cammumiduou nth lithe iiuropxan rcrolutiot.• xuyle bet+ser this and even as far a+ let d• spo;lar say be s.me Wean tan pre.ixa --.f wry cum.lttee. Srverol Pules rho Supplied dleracy who may choose W come ons The wheat be operates. The tailless rots pruhwh- in fall soli of tib milk* weary Orwell 01119, : the calling out of men for their annual Ing match in search of game. -The last The. Flaaace Degtartl>real. be nsAa*Sm, belo"geJ to thew wcktiea. brsy;tahe im;ntinun aR.nrd to ell vouud. ly tarn their brnthen upJ wWn of for, an9 other hw hard cad eeri e 1 .hr•r dr WOe uite an affair, twent -two oun • men - Blat"'. Au I5.-Ttve dr er to the dr- The Kni ht sat Kern Said Mr Utars "re to .r dander, sod they Nee to other laces. Sr pa •. Tl.o lira, a sent 'out ■ro s iall q 7 S F Y• °Y P Mrmination would hoer D,.,.•, . _,I. Itis j P Pce Y The followin is the unclear me t o P#' K - I { antis now lea man Iia, sold his rote. We' ;ntorltded as•an " army of observation." ranged themselves under two leaders,- R m 'on of a,tie now eaistan m llbrman is the a°tei+mrts. Firew.rus suit ibunnn,s• ti pert hms this little fellow become in bend resell rraiton in the Reform ranks in former; ylemro. Ilixio 1V/peon end l'. Robinson, Mr. ilowlsnd'e ■ppnintmemt W Ibe ca out by ray pwhtical differences on tan tiro hweartivsl from Iklblia, Raid every I"ng ran, that eros rotey recepw hu knife it The GIuLr, in n`fitring to the same part 1 Prusefa, t let by qurstfonR of a Lent thing °rents to promise a ,grand gal° day rad he gets Iwo full view, and be never yet has dare -men soh0 sold tiae.n.elvca to Iq rJ and scoured lithe country fur miles around of Ftnanx Eiuistcr, in the Montreal Gu tonol •tore, more eapxcaly ,bo•se ■risin, night Ie eemeuomte the successful laying leen hiuen. Ilia propensity end skill in th bydenham and Lord Metcalfe. Nut wt h,i•e mrhject, as •a that the Guverumcat in0.•uJa in search of game. We are happy W say Artie ;-" The Hon. ,le. Howland will om that partitioning and sij„strre"t of the of the Allantte cable in IS66. I...e may be some day turned ,,,I. profitable had raw soch fur n4nl' Yeas, pal. Il rF W place two or three battalions ufVulun• • I hate temporary char_e of the Finance end`Progenty anpu,red by the wK. _ account. ► rained fur James Dickson of,member f,,coallO° leer infantry, s carpe of cavalry, tOgcthcr It sea° cot ono of those murderous aff.urs I hu 3rtment, in fhe Isco of [ion, ,y r, war betanin 11,ussfaand Prano u pro- Gas /or Lew than Nogslag. -"---- -__.- and limes, a the cLaee of Ilii. great eunhsy P Q table, Drarhemnem Among Wonar. xith a win•• of n .lent of lhd regular in which Girl s awful as thestr. ycn of in• (, ,It. lie will ender with the [Ion. co Calf lora, the &o which w many large er r r'f. n •P Tann a at rrtm-, t to he seen, of 16 .X'ew- •fhe round T•bli ublises a startlin article eA{ad. He basuffrn•1 tLe only rxnmple afa s•n•ic[•, and a battrrr of artillery, on the 'cera arc shut down, the abject bring W \I r. Cartier, especially in m•tten inn- HAnncee..tu•. 16. -The small s',i Rr/, P r Y Itefi,rm mrtaber sal Pailiamein beirimai 11'Aileand/hOe, which left N. Y. on the ton &vert, H;;;h Holburn, m"ext,wordnary J 11'm%ncr dot imwediattl make such dcstructire rascals as red and Corning th- patronage of the Dt artment ; silo le little contrivance o which it is shown "fon drunken"" maLoptr ..men. It "yn tan (rust re sill m hem ty hie cn,.Ftnueuls J 1• `ilio IoroC P 9th Ju y. south two meo soil •dug on bard, P ( 1 dutin; our`great e.alcom ,a.%I strog-gle, lie I will be stationed on the Nia ara frontier, 1 a and he will rrt tin his own Department.", ••d here to da , bound to Landon. At that Can li;ht, about the cool of a iib and the vice is prevalent among frshonsbl+ ladies blacl s uirrc(s count Gigh,at oa the score. you. s .led that mime of tan most rli• amt of them g JI r. Cartier .rail Nee Lower Canadians well. Tae name►.ut the men un bo. rd are the gritrxnms eonereted with which, m coweud • Pattr•y I:e imm hp, which will and a rti0n at Icast i0 the wicinit of The amowat of game brought in at night r + I sill pica wmner, not at rotaran.Ca use New• P° J the a not trust am L r l.anadfan with li ti 4s is Heck a and hie mate Foch, much bis lar] Arco w;dr nn th m. The ,,,rt, " waist, but al an asylum for ambri+es. briwg him • few a paced a sena; and, in was a ai••ht lu ba:huld. Besides baser Cull QP^ p o! tared fur aoiitneb dewd..rn n"thin The { the town of 1Vrhand,unJer canvas, wheve e I the entire ohs a of the -„Finances of tbt Ifwtin;ps u a srueil [Mxt m the English tittle- P Y Ibe wr;(er lut;m■wa hat tan •i a "f fasbiun crake lit earn sp on placed brehial, haler and I discoverer of the Introit gas manuteclurin mal, •t the denten ofthe a ha”" er; Tht the regular right days's dl ill xill be put of black squinds-which an not bad Province, and Hr. Caret"r sats hie Bnser sol. •thus 33 miler Ii+p'° Bnrhton. K Able drinking is i. •. more prevalent meanie T'M sus.ship K grroe, from New improvement n Mr. Russell. • genuem`n the lsdiea„bat e..; Iha ra.tlnaen of litho amsen represenrwfive of the heatrt Rm-form- s)at(m te thwc io whom the hunter'r in- •nut the pie. 1V hen Mr. a • Lower - i% by the woluutcen-thea to be rcheveoi' R Rt en Of Ibe lar rain r mac u(tbR moat inu•Idi. York, Augwt 1st, •rn`od at lrrerpool on wall known m ism .orld nl ingnuus as w Y R. L Canadian, was Finance NinisteT, (t wa coma that train dreg -..arra .wits it • G usher cot + as roan ae their usual term atinet is well drrel0 —there sea au I tentee of several remrrkabf osetul and y roof rnuutim of The R'#,tern • euin.ula, sal Y P P I , tan l5tb. M 1 polar to furni.b they customers with d,ink, h not though( lee:rrr•ry fo employ an pgser _ _ politic] bene(Icial my -m uooe. if Mr. ftus in Parharncul for a. lion, cut' g for Grand , is cow l0ted. The I Olh it 5 als and yu latity of small fry. The points made -- while m s,imr ►lure/ bottles of wine en saw P J Canadian W heck after him. It it li- set's new g.us pnsessew half the advr,itsgrg Trunk bills and prcuiiary favoure In Lower I b Cr Robinson's rt were 4,170, b're t+tfargr Harder. kept on hand for lady shoppers sad in others Governor O;cncral'/ Bad] Guard, peace I J W J tying w think that we aro rear tan end -- be dims fur 11, and while lir ceruh,ly seems Canaille, .illi \Ir. JoLn 5lcdon illi eom while Cat Watson's men scored u of thew Lower Canadian insults. Two men belon_io to St Mar aret's its to prove pretty clearly at his temporary worth lbs Irvrchutu allot their bun to go to the ice of the Itr•g;s:ranhip in' s pocket ,Dere I Toronto nn Fumy morning ss part of P • P r R f• nrarest harrouls fr liquor owMn ladies der are some men soli. from heir Mei;Vml eau 5,4 i0 thus throwing the onus of the - ___ named Iexke and Ge,aer, have Men arrested in Newton Street, it rill create a revolution the corps of o4ort.cation to be thus formed, a ;” oAt resent axrria of roduci sire it• N htkk aid brand am tan favorite atifutin", are uarblr to e , bend lh. beuc gl?Thero it ■oma a+urges of ■seat- lir Ikwcure Il o chu at wrh the murder P 1' rK iarturw Io 7 1 r au r u tGe former, The 3u r was dri"ko of I adhown and n w e. of Ibe In be ameJ b the 3tL Crom ilnwiSlon, 1'P' Pon PP° of • stm er r#ho sat u a tan h"we of • li„h6 of An rxpenster cbaraclrr. V;siturs t" leer of such ■n act, end who„'n commilfin, J ` (ly from immediate attack from the Fen(•' °jp P P the temporwr works a Nrwtun Sitwell w,I' "I one tool fiefpgent d^ nut have Maw ¢let a in the evemn m e lendid s( Ir b Mr. McKenzie, on the Margaret's 14 road, T ytr would lee micanri iaus of the' inbmy. hlul wits that portion 0 the. regular force P Z Q J J I T G. aura on Iha bill of 6rc, •neat little air", Me• James Dickson . lent such man. r e \ r. '1'h0w m, and was en , ed b the eras m the fact that rho Radicals, who Irte tale FUI. A yoaog woman, s miJrnt 6,d that Mr. Kassel ,ase purr tO them tbur 1 K ordered into Cam recent deter- 1 Pw j' J J If you do not see .bat "a amt, ask far P aero r0 °drop: of the Me Ke"s;e lamd liar given tan iofur lin r able r, extrwet 1.•ns (roto rcgr[A!,;e sob . known aii is right and what ,s ong ; nod ,h ly managed to wearo lice 1 I ;t," gives tan bolt to the initiated. In draw he re ed the one and arca ted Tile other , initiation of the ylilitia uthorities W ht5! ,rrs as though they had been tramp- matron uo which tiro arrest w” founded, It stances which, up to the preen•, have been ,m.kens bills the si ifiu• t item •• dull )ec# I vote oPth , Brotherhdrnd, will not rm(t ,roosted os utle,l uselen. Said which, 6etwr Y" Rr eoodu• resents a close •arallrI to that ace the whole Volunteer roc under iug through the bush all da lA his worked u n the irl's 4n.od w sat••h so I 4 P 1 Ql J I them W Cuter Canada until after the fell extent that rare TOlunt•ral disclosed ,he c;•• null, alter pndua"let the gat i,eeOmea.rttrr I tllu.n hi ^fun lady up the id olh is of of the . If baiter rec frees in The OrIJ's Taken alt, ether the holida wan • n li. oun rhieh like I■d ►+e. odrrcd thn.0 h canvas hoe ;resulted In flit Orewent 'g J - a(c►+hcun.rruble- •rl use ; w ,1rt thn morn 1 1 d history. if his tjairty pieces M ailcrr r no I a, built Ballots are not an destructive ove, a ma,i noate, w g the murder To at p Fra- ,he modiste who anderg to her xtuated taste, taping the form it hoe ; bat the ncen- 01VPlete mu xxr sled contributor larbroly wr, a ma; utmw, rho m torted lira rhe ro r ho es mew gat one manufre it sad eon f ►ring wrh them th* rem•.rse which bodrl ii 1 0 as bullets; soil for ,,Gis reason the tm ••rod l P I °mss, the Atrr adranage it will M la •ante al the watering piece/ s bribe to lite 1,tpye, it soil! only be because he can u( bt a leasure of our townsfolk. r•thonlinr.• We are indebted to the Cnran;- s R1e wailer plexuses-• went supply of ligan., h testicle on the Nia,ara frontier is no bt \ P Ino:do of marauders had butter not show cls fur the following :-" see sulrd that one bfm pecun•rr11y. if this be sen, it only ". which, h tie connivance of the landlord, is t sal even Ibe wcukeucd conaciturc of rietated' b ruoicntial motive■. ' ' - ,Grit verdrrt unifixmg on Camad►o ■oil dray tut F.II • atra°ler tame W Mr McKeo• I mei -.fur w list come on for h.ppy tonclwi, lira, ,. ha.ed u ' rat,a luncheons." It is asserted •Judie, He will carry to bis trace with hie J 1' ` the sti ma of havin brow ht rr roach u n Government have been activel in Som- 1iS IIOTEL MEETING. thin the next four months. sic s and whole then some altercation took I the e, elan lie ,t our houses rah gas fur ea d R g P I'^ Y „__ ( : liable nothm Allied to this startling ro •rer- that gir'a u( r;ghteen. daughters of the mos Ibe party of which he was once 1p boricwtd alunlCation with the Commander of the pl ate bet*a.n him and Lrke, m the Pre-' R• • ren ect.blr Tew YJrk 9erehanu, have bran member, and of herinx Sncrificed air re t- ublie meetiu was held in the Town Later{ from Bm/iwh. "ace of Geiser. As the at "ler wu •,ing able peculiarity, Mr. Rwancl el.0rs t"r h.s I P p K K . new II: ht," much sueriorit in a varier of "•en grrs"" intoxicated is Broadway stages taboo to en n a few (oars of sruwat iidul, Po d in making three arrangements, amd out lithe truer door, and while yet m the perch. 1 y end up,.n the blic hornets, and that no 1 I IIrll Monday eveming, 2Uth inat. In Buffalo, Aa 10, 1866. (erste seized an air, .,d aauer The ",an •' .eye. over the gas at present in general use. P`# genca." b] t time the volantcen move every- I g' \mon Ihrm ate ins (reeml.•m fns. off•nuvr sufr-rluntsut nibllect ler ror.el psilion b punuo oC a oo:intro published in the There u considerable stir in Fenian severe blow, whn¢b split his head canplvu• y I < sul5cnent to uard a lad • inst this vice. That ie evidently the sadden ppurisr .1,I ifl be in readiness for their sec- I r fors e a of building a New o(.eo. The •t anter fell and immAatey 1.aril ; ins clemnlirem, in throwing oN less R _T gr mut of Icng bottled -rap wrath, and yet, Otpti60. PaPC ' P ►P°a0 circles to dffy rgarding the pie -hie to I expired. Soon art", Locke heck the c"r{4e I ear.en in the forst let s.00k or soot ; hs A Fur or TKILURarwlan,— When tan hotel for tb wcommodat ion of Summer molrow. Ls a numbest of a is to the barn and covered it until tan evening I.,racuout qu,ki being p,rlreily free from while we A ree that Mr. Dickson s conduct A Ottawa corm nd,tnt tel ha seg F ° ns have 1,R n of Eoglwod, r: the , dFing of tlo g P° amp Viniton. J. ..GorJtmI E:+q., sea ealGd I +hell he Sand Gerz,r construct" • rudr bier s■ ldour; the ewe with which if sea he.depr let rSs,u„ „( I'rr:ismrnt, delivered .her bcen arriving all day, Twenfyei_ht oars sd for domestic use •en. b the ra s lit awl pees. hai hero such as te clottage the fcelingsl Ilial it 1 he iotenfioM of the Government to the their, II ortfm, E was • I PlaceA Me bods Menus,, sad drnveyed it u, P P', I P 1 perch, n *.is actual.y tia,aonted IO Paris of icer Krformcr in tbcse Counli:s, we lip form a ca of 2,000 mien iR the Nia "q'' P full arrived this evening. Large yuanti. the violate. They work obaot shout one I absence u(cumphestiun ,n the gc"enn"n of by 1c',gmph in hew oma TL•n it evrld hear J pointed Secretary, w •n it was ties of ammunition are uudertrtood to h mr. 'I he irl murrover 4a s th.•. earn at. ibe gas, the only thing nec[evey t" cnwhie B I head therm•, haA tan I'rrriAnS Men ably a, )' „h ara I (strict septi oaonoe but fuel that the (rl r i+ guilty F, , ng dl Orden oC (1[,avtd by G Rumball, wdrmded by have pn9P.d 1 thew. ser tLe .anter lecke rrmortd tl,e pxcb, for w privu fam;y To reeks thry own gas rnh. helwn to it. 1••und mores through ter rir••t the cerrice, tom d of Ian and Noor "I soh: h .0 covered wrh h Dud. Thr n°t buminr more coal then is netrsasry IO• ofd lith, inconsistency in the .alter.— Po°F fegu Mr. Richardson, Thad a committee be ,lee rate of ahonl 1,100 feet a second, and. "' unfcen. It will be ke t u b reliefe LATEt4T FROM OT$'AWA. maganrate immediately forwarded the drpo; their ordinary rucking operations, Min eras TV ben Iha GoJerich and Beaforlh Post h P P Y I R onSequentlr, it wuwd save taken 20 minatea appointed W take up subscriptions for nun (" the wthwu"s berg, when Ol6ecle ^f Yr, I4„se,.d'a geometncal raroleS-rot • l t" o from 11;mdon to Paris. If the ofce affair occurred, we inted out, as until next year, each Yemaining eight ere es i•e &Ili:le ; sad ins i0uminrunr K Q'#eww N' Jay., fat which the yearly allowance for stock• to Lronaist of Messrs. Rumbalq, OrrawA, August 20. -The excite• wen St once MrpacheJ in quest of the ac- 7 (e^' had said, " My L,rds" in li.don at 2 1 Kidder ficrdeo, Sawa a eased. Locke won ar mwol a McKenzie a. powers, which, beerier being s purr, white plainly a. our knowledge of the E,,.,!ish o rill will be aid. From Montreal we , g , Roe, Crabb moot which hr prevailed in the west clock, Ilse AharpeareJ Parisan/ world boa p le•sSalt li ht• is mid w be three times r be ase amt's iia moa and ' •i V 4 o I t Sd c ser to d hes u t 20 mu:,, R T. s,1 • w est 2. Ru asit. wit as h aril te rnmon of Fenaan nicer p 4 hm would mit that a sea n who reit e ganga Qtr are i%formed ,,bat it is lirporeed the Lord and 8. H. Detlor• Mt NaMwwt Arm rosrl, Md bnh Eroo• lit Rrw•ter tMn TM cool firs diatribued fo Mr ' was du file of such arae act, could Jo much Monck Gas ° Iirr to (Ge Iso mints is oonsiJered W he solicit soled. 4 the rru•t sa•ter sow flee ry h dd To Pais sat P• pp perial author. Dloved and seconded that this meetio ] ed to the coy nn '1force s ought Sorg" Ilett' PPbl1e. Tlr •pplinnrer fretrwuy for Ike inn .mutes iter oho drhvey Par Ixefor thrl flies for 40,000 breech-Iwdtn-30,(100 R ler. The government is furmahed with of tbe lice fora•" bruurht tan girl o (bo r°nulmetarr ^f this wonderfully cheap gas r d" ted of it kid r•ucktt yetis before tit.. worse if he had an o rtunit ,•-that I e PQ( Y fur the rolun000 rod 10 000 fior the 00 adjourn, and that the committee meot at pn y city on t'adneoid.y even;,.,;. 7h.: eRrr.ina arc rem.ekabaTe la, the,,.;mplicov mod a!:•r , j I full iufanrmnripn u n the eub'rct, and ml' I peigde liken could o-.wby barn beard the small a it was in the ratimate of pceplo J. 6. GorJun'r ol5ce to morrow •fter000n thou no a reheniune ■re ental tai. tion of Uie slices accltsed .rhea ta,k t cr' "'1tl Th" rrodsecian of Ibe gas its Mr. alar tM0 in Canada. 6,000 breech- sop PP P 1' beginning..' who rill mot see be and the narrowest a of an serious demrmstratiou'at ,,sen esterd, before Mr SMe.os, Sti r IiA Rumeii's proceasevms to be pl■in.a d eff•etu e r ___._ loaders arc stated to be on the way fur tho rt 4 I'. 1I. J IN t, T J• t" n •I non h. 'f le "tilt mcret with Mr. Kussell A BtO 1'wexst.-A steres ecnfinca of ceh6.hocsr,tbe proccediag estab- use of our militia. '1'liere ,•re over 100,- measures bare been Laken, to the entire •gutrare. It was not euncluded last ruse v R pmudent ends is ---- -- %ix lye understand, horrver, fast uo Per keep fu him.eff w fhe exact naw. of ibe a deet, 1, ,m rt a elk"oi the largrnt hems• 1 l f U Lar at swat io 1 f the will • ithoritide I )n J •fire mr leer b w 4 Ol of 11.t l,e•et 'n I t filch M is era lel W r dished • reodl . pt for w o c h fie J riica 'm o G I xalc to 'ase b CRnada int d atvd fur lhr Crown. It u mot' t sen• 1 ' sun • w P r a M in hs or m F err a t an r..0 nus- m Ir rP adv rPe 1 T t'R .gAL1 R'E1.1, was lir t f we 7 O e ed use vent x't t o so f f'i •• an I b h vee o woe I t JM er that u b-,u'a r stow, Rpd it u in[endeti to bSce them g J F der ach eircuwtaners. tbsi eke rtwe .ill " ca ho ch 1 let esuiu. Tha part of The Mewr (terse s litter, F n , rwt^rs of which was imimical to gmd government n l eel Pr','P made breech -loaders. lever res tirn, ,hones on Saturday last in presenaa of may arae Willi the utma+t prompintsa. eseape jw%os. We call upon Me npirrnt•. AL\u•ery will, sal course nrww tbe pwOtertl the Iwgersdl rMrse f.etory. It in...Or" end which if followed up involved moat i P I' I 1'ea thousand trots can be aAeentruted (n bo-inpg made for the Fenianr, Ryl an several Alrterican gentlemen, the strengtG P° liras sal th s drown to mtsrPvse. The Rtipen 'f i arose. Al all rv.h,s bhe ducts -err as fart eight inches in breadth, and there dangerous principle.. Fur Spanking out. unmcnse amount of war °torts io distri • of the brine hero • full ° W 100 r at any paint oa the G, ulicr rt • G;w hour's diets Mrgist seam orght not to uralrru40 an ser to he an ease Aingly im a5rtaot one, I f -rt in is thicknese ; Ibe milk used in it. as we did, iso aired the tem ear ill- 1 J P Pe notice. Arrangements have been made iovesti,;ation of ibis magnitude in (lee absence , °1d tb 1.st,ng experiments to which Ibe manufacture weighed 35 1Ons, .and .a■ fur g P^ y I ted throughout life eonntrj. The Go Bent. The building•° for the development to insure an efficient comeirinA. is( and a of the Crown officers. it's are surror e d that'; °1lrrni"f( of the ouhlic le invited ae very fn tuhed by son cows; the we,ghb of tEe cheer will of (•owe leading reformcn, who reform- eroment have ordered 10,000 canteens an roves i4slion such as this would be .t i wr'siirkg Laedow 51►a*• iterh I.,here and a tolf bus. For the s.le f thio we:,lth are going on favorably uo- medial dr rtmant 4as Rlw lice. or •an ed to accept our Inductions while they for the volunteer force, to be oonapleted in P° 6 tempted before the fullest particulars were i - . _ a- of title kips of cheeses, a buwst has barn time for the approaching muster. They d clic management of Mr. Plitt, i> obtained. We understand (hat search will built, Flxtcen feet by r.ghiven, very seMtan granted lithe premisos and not • Smglc __ - Gu - .i.- - llahhath Vrhool Arroclw{low o/ reform journal in the counties, and but few oro the made q Hcom now and will, Oalx int Gow•. tR Gt•or :ow.-Lectare be anda file the Ludy of ate deceased today. Caradw. u.l, nrd so,o StruNed lM tan cheese ca,, j Willi the other re uiritce now btti0 made, E CCRRION FROM DETROIT• - On -[Halifax Unionist. -- be burred over in three and a halfm,nutes.- oueeide, could sec in the matter an thin y R Cilmr last about 2.50 upon Canada and the Fenian raid bj Lieu6- - Ree rediution r taken ser mrd •.aum J K equip the force in a way that will wake J P• m. •bout 80 A eircrdar fro Mr. Millard, general were. rT 7 K ., Col. Ugle R. Gowan, of the Qrtron's Royal tory of. this A istion, which onnounest •I, attack of tan Frosras (Nie.). When tan alamling. in fret it was hinted that our thetu much bettor adapted for active ser, excuni ists arrived in Godench by the horde:err, °Iso ex member of the Canadian The Burden of War. that thn neat lore and will lee b•int in M.,h. cheese is dry it will be p,t into • new dr.a oppositirfa °rote Prow a desire to ubtaiu vice than e( prix°►. A large portion of steamer wecomw, of the Lake Superior P■rlirment. Ur. John Iaach oecu red the treat o i fhe 4th, & end 6th uF 9t wether •which 'r bring ps►percd for ;t-• dal vwnird the order for boots is cow real end the P The Towth iferai correspondent gave° ms' P sons- el. From its resent a something for the editor of Lha $igRal, ins Y• LiWe. t 'G a the rt were 0s, ^ ing cbeir. Tha H.II sou crtwded. n.•xt, and • cardia a iwion is eaundrd ti, K mel"# 1 p'Os'•nmee remai%dcr will be ceow eted within eco P° J j J ^ an .dee how the strain of war u begmmmy W all ministers and del north from Sabbath it u thoghl that in will not "quire '►cops' which our motivem were weig' ed in other •1'he lecturer spoke at considerable length tell on the u le :- - d• e, ihemseltes u (own • number of the fe f cb"cls. Tda Gu.,d rank slid •yteambrt t° Pre°t*•e nn forts Tkoufk mon tkwn • J of lithe benefits of aha he cattail the "free In Prusetr Ibe munici al taw m the kin+ own a wales. And the Globe, instead ul Goderich folk vailed them•erlves of an P eom anied will rooves ms atend;n the momw old in Shapes perfect. It in prop"°wf Un Sunday Quebec sea latenwl ex• gnnm a((,overomeni' which war novi par dna here been nesrl doubled, the rommuv i for K comin to th rescue, not col mu -stated y convention both wars for one fare. Ikle- to take i, to Toronto next mirth for tan Pro g J titer by rnmon of •anther Fcnio miss- eacaraion trip W ay6eld, and after their seed in Crnrdr, S. compared with the "pew- ties line beam k,p►fy "blued to w,•piy ons cri lire s stem," which annum I♦ ave rise to g q R rincial Frxhihilion.-- (;lobe. i •tea and vis("" Sae re orated 1a ice ler.• 1 the actual facts ofthecase, but apoloa'ised inn, and the streets were thronged with return, the boat rted on her return P ) R quantic of pear, Tn required lir the ar.y - to mach disturbance in Ireland ; Dore testi sen • aloe of war. Tha cud• i/ rc'mhu,s-d tics of Then intrndrl Presence at the conrrte for Mr. Dickman hie a man who had worked anxious crowds sedeking news concrraiog y lion to Nr. E'. E. (Mfwn, hookselleq kion } The American Nrg has received • trip te Detruit. I money to the ability said willindnrr of the after the restoration of Laser, but in the first it General Lindsay was applied to for trcwl, that arras ements roe gnaw in.°IL from the P,u+S,ans. A man so hard that he tieac•rv(d any little casual __ - _- CMaf; in people to defend their country from instance moot bra defrayed by the cnizeo. - K e be merle f" named Churter Ikrcer wr seised un ban tnfortnmitm, nod his ram t dc0id of the their e.omlart during inn cm,renyos. Un a - P P mvwion ; chrrpng certain members o(the Thus, in Berlin, where loonier sl uRrs there I Amrrkan ani Boffie lit tbe u6cen of • advroLage he could get over end above the TUr. Multi r..—An m etion of serer• I rivin in Montreal, the will lege o to f troth of the rumor calmed the rxcntement. ePe American a:uvornmenl with double de■ling been so Ion lerird, a the lots o(6 2 3 da g y P alta ittaoec n cis dbllan a dor d of the a ring wheal ti Ids of thin vicine in connection wrh hie recent rad: ■nd re• Y 'Lion Chun•h, Ire. tY;ILesI whirr the Local P,uasian man -o` -.ase. and wiolenty drazgrd P J P (% y) information was also received at UtLtx■ Q Per crot, on the inuual mot, l l 1 91h per on b,ord the Praseian chi '1'be n ruin, of which ile received for his services. Had yesterda from St: Armand, to the effect it has convinced us that a reat amount fermed to the Fenian" w people too insignif ,-cot is exacted since the be intra of Me I Committee .dl Attend in the b"rmrat u, P• P J K Z Y I give toe. intn,dueti, rat Ui hiends, who wiii the Brrffie protanled, Irum, $wing onso maid, our conte. rare come out Idl at that I that fro euian movement was apparent of dame a ha been done b the mid can( to occupy pe ple, hon of sensible Ise n. war, p Hanover, tie, people have •lean• kind) receive unit entertain them durin sow forced to submit. Ausrrio, frxr, hill l+o J K Y fan• fhe CauAdirn > Ie, An mid, had oral t" T on the. Vermont border,. In Kin sura on F1e' P 1 dant apprortumy foe rrahsrng the unprofic K I foto ui,T of /eosin M Ana.iean citizen. time, the evil might have been checked, K AcreA oP lhit ram are not wortib cutin watch and be on their uard • ainst those tbeir m K I K waturdsy it sea carrenlly re[arte[l that R Z, R R elite lode a die t tax , and unting t( bwi- ) _' -- an ea -mayor, end crmPelhnq h;m to .stere in bat L its reticence it assisted in lull"% but weeincerel trust the damn Z ha not okinking tello.s who gave like emanS Ihe;r cos+, lis the direct axes, am"aming W 10,• --- - J i elt8 Commandant, Col. (libb0n, hod re- Y Z std in secret, who armed them with their ,ha army. Une s,1 like rrnpspxrs ias;eu the fellin which it honestl ex tensed bin been neral. The immense num been 001, il yea (5. 60e Per beadei hoer Clslaw/al 'Pralwlrg. th.t • mesa e R 9 Q ccivcd iustructinms to kit the milita m fie leen uns, and who clothed ,Item with tbeir4nili K bentoncesent s ant relief n ► been uctuoly duuhleJ, 16R country tieing re Tiu•erumeot d.mandin tbe sant relief of reformern generally at the out.+ide, might Garrison, both Regnh•n oil Volunteers,' grsashoppen, alsr, have done much injury tary •film. The lecturer was frequently quired to maintain the tr"ofr garrisoning it. A bill introduced by the lion. John A. Berger. an ample sp logy for tan outrage. have netrated the then thin shield of in a state orefcient readirevea for due at ( • cheered during the d4Ii%i of the lecture, - From Saxon n ;ee ease of the ubtie ;m Macdonald was rn.nd in the letter art of and a Iruaraaw against the mpttition of ie J to tea oat croget• 7 s, P 1 P o moment. Ftotn Ottawa we leers and, al ins tire, reaIrni a hearty rote of u is as et re ,rtegl but as Ms overly o DIr.Jwota Dlakeaa's sense Of tight sod J -- Pf° 1 1" r i last week W present the unlawful tn;omg .ach ■n insmlt.-if them m ury denial. the nem( arc ..yelled w pay 40,pp0fI •des to practice lferald call+ {tld!y for s• immediate punish e that • regiment of reRulan ha° been th`0ks' of Woos Io the use of rima, ant to wrong, wl.ich Succeeding stents Leve FRUM BCFr'ALOa _ the Prusua.i general in rommand, besides tntlily evoluu. .A or * ereises • • mrnl of the act hs silo/, h seo.nrecuutrn ordered flow A! .treat to Cornwell, mod larder"J into a tutide ms im nrt•ble ns'I' 11Ow To Oaks Ooarn 1,111rK%r Or That esWDlisn;ng hospitals, supplying Doola, !c. 1 t led to sat- nth utak, (•Ilan Auntie, Dut Frtwio mus Pe a already aro its way thither. In Ilamil Thai rloLes lel ram of the 20th bin F raw Kx.-Fort ears ■ s, the late Loral the ordmar revere will not be able to b a thornse Just;eeg of the Pe ace u, se;ze and ntr eg )J 1 K' 1 be tri IIt, eve° in the ful: flush of her the shitlJ of A jtx. ton the only mihtsq trews is that Brigade MRciula said, " Them a loll anti cure fate 'his additional stmin ° n it. For the 5res• the felbwing 'BrlreLo,9aturday,Aug. y 1 r^ p Wm arms cnllarted or key,, for Purp,wes dan- r;urwph, That America° ri au Cann"t be There are still people to he found- Major Villcars has received as order similar the evils which newly me, u.. freedom pro- tint people do not grumble a ii.mo extra I v- gemus to the ublic Ser." II the first trampled Speak with ;mprnity.- The settle. te that received is Toronto, and the roe I8. The loth Battalion and part of the dueee,'and that core in 7rredom i W hen a iso, l heir attention is absorbed h the war, P fe 7 )Metall of them--whO say tLrt AI r. Di• k- P - > cactian, all meetin,p SwmMid without an soot of fhe vele#,orale .ill M qubed with Lability is that the 18th Battalion will be Grey Battery expect te move to Fo.t p. /goer isown bis cell, he eannct bear the A d they hots that all will soon he over sand lawful authorit for ohs use al traini" ;,item. sen did perfitclly right in Rcacptiog lbc 1 n ht of aitt • be r apable to daecnminaw Mrman at len lib eonwlidrwnt b thea y' f pi1e K urdrr id to Clifton or Welland some time Erie oo Monday. There are lou of Frti;- d r I Y 1 or drilling are prohibited ; every person plc r - Regitdrarship, if Ge has dome mor ■nd we cofor+,or recognize faces. But the remedy common efforts. em thereat for tan purp.•se of tramin4 of sen. A MAA'g flno Car liter ■• tis CASs.- Wisweek• an ammunition ;O this city, six railway I in n, t fo reindad him to hr dun eon, bat to have %ot the least doubt ►hey would do 1'he intelli ronce with regard to Fonio R -- in liable to imprisonment in tie Pn,v,nrrsl A nhOcktln death hs ned on a midi" of the car -bads having come in about three weeks accustom him W the cats rd the nun• The Nome lir/ the Horrors at War. Prn;wnti■ fur mwu er r w Ir t w K Pte K the same {f opportunity Offered. But we movtwchtt in by no means so definitc,Iheir Mae of truth and liber( rata at firm- dazzle rs T ler ' p,i n; lied (;read I rusk railway, •t 8trrdord Bution, lana• if the have o bei" worked out ago, No Fenian outsiders have arrived y T by fine and imprisonment in the common j•.i nn Wedneda ni hf. pat it W nary Gonewt men if he MriJ 1 Y Ji Z and hewi!d.r natione which have become Accoumtm from Bohemiadescribeas one of for an less term; and ever rson attend T R A tethering a, t ism with uttna,t secrecy. Gere yet" half blind in the house of bondage, But kt the most betertrcmdmg stellate irmagin°Ms rhe T J P" in J"hn i oho. It .seals voila In •mitt sal purchase such a gilt by drpertimr Froin _ _ v.g tan came for iwtr°c+igqn le Keble inn fine Tha Bosom Truu.11rr ataten that the them gsse ms,, and they w111 Sa,n be able to crowds of woman, h,Ih of the hgheel and ■led imprisonment. Thd,fourth etaa.e to- nmoxaeatio.. laid d"son with hM hraA scrwt every principle up n which he woF el, eted, STANDINti CArr oN Tfir, FRONTIRR•- beer It. MM lilican& of nor lime or* in lowest °lasses, who havin rushed to the r a main and want la dee . About .adni 1 t Erman. are holding meetings at Ct Louis, 1 P° g r'.&a for the Seizure Sa.A detention of ail it bei" ver! dark, the nilrht ow;ichmM sbant and by alienating himw•Iffrom #•home [.Ilifi I again, and rfectin a thorou h rear an• It is the intention of the Kovernttfilnt to the habit of laynrg it down " a self4vident, scenes Of rarnage from all parts of North and aims slid other was "no kr t liar Y i'r R R R proposition, that no people ought to be free +koth Oerma„•, are north wandering over fhe P P "nom seg m d wme rat* se that r the and thew cars cal friesda who txhcvtd liim W Lc the ere ostiole. Their roccellin are mninl iter t forro' cam of 2000 men in the Nia n ' dangerous w the Pub ,e yeses ;rhe( apt” im mut Awre sod cute the nn,artuwte .lee's ry I P R J Q P R° until they are Nt to use their freedom. The battle fields, through Irg•rel■ and hospitals• formation u pe rsonification of honest still u ri •htness, s=erer, but reps, Says Sax hundred IriAti• Dinftict re resentin •ll orders of the ma.am is worths of the flop in the old stor faulting f,r tbeir fathers, husband*; brothers Don osth of One Or mon credible circa, ase ml dRyhght arxt rmnrmn hrod RnA )x J P 1. + P R I• rivae" or wi%rrea. any Jwlice of the bd were found cram letel severed with No ! No I Jamin Dickson was elected W loco cnrolhd thbit lessors 0s, Fiaturday zervieor competed of regulRn oil vOlun• who resolved not (o go into Ibe water anti] and lovers• The teirible cries Ma every Peace mar i@sow hs, warrant to S covet■h;o fo T P 7 r night, and the s me number Monday he hal barred how to swim I 17 men are w now and then strike the ear when one of search for ara Stir an aoca wee ms or mo the exception or a small piece of skin. ly represent the *mputttnt interests of these tetters. It wall be. kept up by relief anal ..ri i,,• I,bert until the become wise and those heartbroken creatures has OU(Monl au y p tan side of the handless trunk ww found a nigh(. The f Chet rnmon come from 1 J T nitioos of war m the p,reseion lel any peso" sort brnM with w►ok in it. Tobin leaves ConntisM, and iwt line i nobl i,etra rd Buffalo, orae of the next ear, each romainin • ei lit da w, fire R^^'1 m drwery, tans may ;cde,,d visit for covered Mr dares (Wend among the Moos 9 1 K 7 T Ieportn that 10 gtv- J K y ever." ands ,. f the hoick, lore ■Sad 10 shah. even tho*' f" par poen dangerous to the public peau, a wit* and fami'y. Gis frust. Unt of I'•rliament ht wruld ling currency W the report (list 10000 which the yearly ■IlOwmnoe for drill will lit and to Mat erd may enter by foreS, by dry _ __ __ moil hardened against alp forms and expmma itht into ss, not have hero tlwught dd- in (Innbcttion Fenfans are at present in that city and paid. A part will he called out to a fcw inns or hart raw wRx Lica.—it tarns .ions a( human misers. It is chiefly ins "r ad 1 hose or ether ylthe Q}We barn Mat gnu aI lie; h mnnnwnt rilling every night. I rink rnmon still out that in addition to Roo ser a,.d Borpm remA where the thousands of ,enuodrd of P °w 1 scram] Thr "sore. Its the on th* MaTAllo tows. •torah tho western with high oflirn. In 1'arliwmcnt Gc days. T W other clauses ample provision ,s meth 1 yr front of the city of Quebec, Sn%1 that for are wilder in their oMraeler are in cirepla- ___- -. . _ _ ___ ,,nem wan hal ane .aro bend (f ouhur) !I•d rwa at n•zeet aro housed and taaded h 7 talked loudly mini^wt s(ecu101on and Cor P J My pause wiSm lien i eo for t biCres ll benng meq r. TeA rich °hot and other mon; lion, lint the Buff:Jn journns m remwr- LAROa Yn:, n. -Mr. AhrSham Praetor, of droned from (Ds, bargig wrecked ate MmdAj I tan numerow rata" of mercy snA K"igha live eiw u tra,w, sad elan for tan ,,coral tion Of sea. The Im tial uiThm;tira era the honevt poor mon. The ap(rulatnn kmbl rciieenf, nut ■ Word a °rile in lot 7, con 4, Morris, boa sat threshed 292 1"L All the band& on board Jack O'Sbm'n of SL Jobe of Jem sem, that they acanrea g I1e T PPe K j' and rigo-_ enfarrem. of lite set. fsty °lire In the nectI, X e difsfy. re• ore ,,tow thrown Into the Rhode, and fhe i them nn the Anbject. In mems of our boshela of fall wheat taken off w wren atm lo•rga were ..arid, but had ndn bee° heSrd tadoUy occur. Mens nl 1he poor Irdiew kava __ __ - ` P ti..os, and are aclir Secdrdia 1 t man ma o to Jericho d he wisheii, ! cities and towns the appearance of mule i• field. from when lir tole rums ren Ent stem On th .tarn tot led haloes without find. chose f•f° R , w y ` P R K The latereatwRrarlwg Dehemw bare. A cue, from Ik. F:•■ns nl PietO. 4s, they s,ught, find the ordinary mins of eom- latent. I}} Cnloy :ase ant Mr(arrlh *lin was -._-_. •_. ICious•looking etnnprrn is being unwed.- -- — - - --- . tan Hi h RaihfraTstrr that on i "rt was mnniestinn bei" ver mneh now,, ted, fie 1' ss The attention serf the Cornwall Adsrrfitrr I RI'°^VASA.- Some thief Or Ih;evr entered / g 1 P — tetattly amemil- lis mart muu•I m ibMm 7fO ON OU NOT TO B r:!'r I held nn The bodies a( Royee and Barton, but they often thick themewly« luckily if they Thr °dvertMMnt fe tandems far Ashen for complicity ;n the Fnn,►n conspiracy, and hait been °alle,l to the number of su& t• I lite store of Mr. IWterl BOolh an Tuesday in conse uonce of then li ence shown h obtain a amall seat on an ammunition wasL on, turps promised by Mr. Oal(, ap"rod in th, p q •K R 1 ` Senlrntent W Asrlh, h" hal the cs riul sen - At the chore of the recent Rnmiom of , "oaks broking strogsen from the Amari- night lest, by boring out a panel of the door , Ib* (-sprain of the tug in tint going to Mev ,r a vehiee 61WJ with eon•aleswnt wldama Ca Ruda fiasefte of Betorday, and is to tan I"new enmmuh d to panel w.rit•Z (ler life. 'to'side, sapping about Cornwall fur the with An Roger. 1'be rwnwl attrmpts11 to w{stance, the inquest has bean adjourned rejoining their corps. Rat they ore every offer, that a leilnmg will be rteoivent ep to } On the n;ght of Friday tbe 271h, an ran ]arrliartal t Ael to poslpswar for ■ lin. I past w.x•k or two. They are penOns with. force open the back door and .an,... but fur further A•idanca. TM lattsr of iM. F:vaas where ve•tent kind] and coaneretly. 'NO 10th Pros• ley tan ReteirerOrn'.n de. enterprising wretch broke into rho iso ser bis tlOr tlrr lamming of wits fir the nes, ort any opporest businewn, and totally failing in that course, adopted the bolder Lon alP eb1and Tbal Th nth No 1 k iwo,den, Naris afkinmark Md Fin-- i'"'Imaot f"r the pacrk- of pr. in, sal de , Nei of Mr. Ne.ry ilrrngh Of CoDowly, .fS.1 rbaghea of atembers of fhe Legitbtice anRmn.n W the inhxMtanu, and when R p ( ) tJ" T•, hanuren, to he .aced ms, dee.ommatims of after roma little march diam,pred vo= gFIM. Mr. If,Oth lied big mOnAy sernred sad Iwgod to Mr. l,erry, of Kin's.-Rtrgs land om sen bars o comb,wl 1a4astrial Egli $100, 9200, }Son, and $1,(1011, end bear 7 dollen thieh•Were ]oek►d a in •desk ail CMa011 RRs rererwed for lbc tip nillcATirti gscNirmr 1, that anSwrTo are aeAatisfine- did shot mfr anything from the store. ton New. bition at Stockholm. per coat interval, payable Irlf yawls, and spapropn•tent !bee fo hie o e ase I .si,;, 4&•ru-ARr, LATENT r•llON NON'PiBALe MO*Twa.l., '1 eday. Aug. l4. The (iaselt/ ha/ the following I"Aht, which I have reason to believe is eorreet;-- •' We have it fru■ reliable antboity that, ons Fr Way lot, Sweeney audek number of other persons wort holding a conversation al St. Alban- Governor 8lo.th of Vermont ww present -when anatomy remarked that if Influoeee catod be brought to Mar un Pn°i. door Johnson so th■t the arms aid cameo• itiuo seised by the U. 8. Ouveromrut Should be give,, up lu the Fenian orgi,,;antiva, and If M further arrests were mode, they would fait,, Cbnada before sold weather arrived. •ywteney alto .rut u° to say. that if they did out accred with Pr#,eral Johns n, thaw .odd be vu raid thus Frill, but they knew the Ilepabhern {carry wen all in their fawuer— that lite first raid rat truly a feiftt to try what fan tan Canadian Jovenli e••aki bring against them. It is so far saccoisfrl, a it abuweA that the available force of meo ons that Canada', Side vas below what wan stated. The arms which had been seized loud ail bee.. mu.od forward rear the frontier, slid if given up would be ins a convenient posi- tion fur use. Such u reported to be tbe general opinion, and the must way he inter• lard* the .hole is worthy of remark. Me are further ;nformrd that a Canadian, lawty returned from having at Fairfield, relwrtsa' that be had sees three guns is • barn, abteh wan laced lei the mow, tot were removed, ;oto So open part of the barn when the hay was put in. He was also soured by different {xaple that there were gun° ;.. three other buns in that ricio;ty. They Sett described " " nice peers." Mr. John Rhynaa, of Montreal, went to Porttad tut.eek with thinruu(nbut;ot from Manicotti to the Portland sufferesw The Sam was 116.000. The taecre l of 1 mmah. r — Ww',ely There are woman who cannot grow old, - women who, without any special effort, tv- main always young end attractive. The ma . her is smaller than ,f ,1i he, hat there tis rlal •au6,-ient number to anti like wads dL ferinee betreen this elm and the ol►tr.— Tkr great ecerel oT Ili.* perpetual yerth lien root to beauty, for *unit woman positive. it who are rat all handsome ; sot a dram, for they am Iregoently e.relen ir, this respect, so fns as mere arbitrary dictates of fns h.,n nae •es- cenaed ; nor ;u hiving nothing to do, fee these everyoung woman m always busy a here, and it i° very well know■ that idlarow will fret people into old are and agliaem faster that: overwork. The Chaim, we fm - &Mae. lir° In a sun") temper, aen►er mon tier lew--the hie@$, Ritt [rf always looking ons flit bright ad. of life, and adtichiog the+ mantle of eink ity vert everybody's faultsand tr;lmp. It is out much of ■ rent, but It m all we boon been a hie to di rarer, and .e have *•*cited thick ."%great ,ow"t, and a drtermrwtiam to repurt lisJlelly fur 1►•►ert. e6t of rhe rest of tan wx. It ver provok. ing that It u a„mettirg that eanno* fhe Corked up .rad solid fur fifty "now a bottle, bot as thin le impossible, why, Ibe meet of w .ill have to keep o° growing old sod ugly •ed dim - agreeable. A Tswsts (.'ITT r Sore■ CA■o1 INA.—A eornwpundrnt of the New York Tames, writ- ioa from Ilesafor, Sr. C., says there s no city i4 the Cwiva Ilio has empentoted such • change as that. It raw formerly a rich, air racemic winter resort lot Southerner#— nes of luxuriowesze, .bo bad plenty of money, and "int n wah"hit /lint. fwaulutl s now c"mpletely Yu.kerized—that r, is r r'aost wholly inhabited by New Englanders; Main*, New Hoot■htre, Vermont, !imwhroens, Rhode bland snit Conec%eut are all well re- prtornlyd, and although the present inhah;. recite are more thrifty Suit Industrious than the rat" who formerly were the p+tne•mers mf property there they Loop their pone /tri.ge wh tighter, Afaprrwe chem#,, ole., Iris lavishly. re are brtwves 1,500and 2,000 while pxop nn ilraWert, almost all of .boa are gent Yak"$—All rich, too. In and abort riere are surae 10,000 eolnnd mer. wmomamsl,,with •have just as though they i wear of IM Mme erg;e as the whir#,. 7th MRyof df tan eiy le S New Enginnder, lead eviy alice-hold,,, laid holder sad Stnn- Let,erbails Irom the ware sectu,n. The 1 best picot, bawerer.t4t Iterrfrt u lhomatrb• lir a Y.r.kn• town, o obtained from the fats IIbAt the prople are':n favor of egro 21katro, mud to S man- olheerholders sod all- pr► nousee Andrew Juhnwn`-S trailer. Faxes x 1)OCl7 tx1 _ s. T M r n ase M p m of Ik•nnie Sull;r+., an nffieer in tan Fsoiam I torte under it Ned, . back .ere i.wdve"Sns• Ilett bcbl„d by the owner in las precipitate Departure from Fort Elk, bon Mtn left •itb se to be returned Lo 1.IeN. Sullivan on dvmrnd, rhowd t►lt uNicor dam cher necraary in seamring hs further prumotiom in the armies of Ili e IrisA r t r n n P I e. Fara h I. Ir rirYi,W .1 I kat b k q oft ( r {'e Ota! wn' Nr. Sullirsn sow • prirue im H. M. 47 n• gime-, i sow scatula. d sl f,I IS ler in/114 r4; sow ;n 11 a Cramer Irom 6th IA erabor, 11':54, to 30th April, Iro.t6, Amt look pO%aarryt in tan several email* upon the I(ma;lla,411Oa. hold ; arrived m C.hadA Irl May, )95t,-Aaw of desertion tool rearmed. Upet. 4ullie.n kas wino lost hs d:seberge frog the metood regi. sem N. Y, heavy arublery,-w which he served one yea,-sttrmrd sod delivered at Washington, 29th f(tpirmher, 1nfi5; si.0 his natara:tznation certificate a e, cil.ws of ,beCniied States. 'Ibe old s,loeradesof Lient. Sullivan, in ole 4711, will no doubt be inwrestd to base fro■ him, end doubt ease extn•ad to him m was gmeet;ng should be deterauied to repeat hs i oil to Cmadz. t}We wmYlimm poa►aps feel iw(wrrd to doubt (he powibi.its of the Almighty's being e•erywhare equally preaenl at fhe wane time ; t^ ear week understanding n appears impols- $,hle ; hat murk the son, whkh he hen ii ode, dues it runt give light bo ever trent hire dqual- IJ, withoat the Smallest difir•utoy 7 and we hire rover struck with wonder Thal it should be m,. If tier an object whkh he has created in abs natural world own have that pPanower, .by aboold we think it Sad that the C".too Himself shosld hove a muck in tis Spiritual wreid. CA.tttws Oass RRED. - 'the ro•ernment have louvred 10,000 eommets For the volan- leer force, to be couple" in time for she approsehmg .voter. They are being mads in Hamillun, and will. with IM etbr requis. item now being made, equir tae fans i° • way that .111 make them m,.eh better adeplvd for .crate serw," than a Present. A large por- flea of the older for books, being mMu:•eter- ed by Messrs. Childs 1 Hamilton, iso cow ready, and the remainder will U completed within ten days -((,lobe. Thr First Fruits o1 the Weal in. dim Coamml••A4srero Report. A Canadian monitions, whose action was Suggested and guided by the West India Com. miaione s, has just ,,leaned In l solids after a visit to Havwne, which Occupied hie 21 days, and cwt him $260. He hat brought hack orders for 200,fifIn bo,shooke; two ler three caRnes of hey; 100,000 feet of W, P. lumber. sod an Reamed cargo of pad, fttni lure, block oak, bsMs and yellow emm. The orders for brn4hooke rare yxeialy Lalwble. The fist stage" Gram H•vena are slower ex ported in boxes. The boards am eat vp into the proper length, And r set of piece° for now box done up into a •book. The q...tity Ot hole° consumRd in f:tha every year a im mensw. A single transaction pike the .here more than rejrys tan country for all tan et perm of the eammain on, which Mr. Holtum gminMrd +t so looAly. The other day. And dhs fact Mat tan j"urnry of this merchant in quwtion!w a direct result of the commit. stoners report, i° an abundant answer TO his nwwriinn that it was full serf lmi and nothing else. The h,,nk i° oto which every me, chant rtegbt to beve .n bis note, and we •m tried tan• printing tommitt" of the boom her* Aeef•e•i On printing ismomi rely a Seeennt Anti- Iion of 1,000 empmr.-[Ottawa Pott. $} TDA i 116 Gmrds and Royal Amu Gars, were reevwtly mview•d nn Wormwood lteenb a- ft*tent of the mon had to Ie ,taken o(r tae Cortland offering Irom #than& fion sod rrtroke.