Huron Signal, 1866-7-19, Page 2r,
��y ��Y �. the pndttew. Tki■ Sud moo 'maw ales did o• ete■tior'f watt of laM 4CHOOL FIC"1r11C. _ -- — les"
R a Tb Wars ag ! •sill 1rilM Ysin the Irt lav days been alr"u+t troppiical, and t►•
Po4 I P••s eves DaATY •t Yol•oN.-Os Frieda mora• hi beat eR cation of ■ borntiful nosiest it
acid io a similar strata, thea ker wird• a Porto" of lk.t line. bet oat once bad he m mu - r Ir Europe. R I»
pass+ LI lag 1■tt Mr. Juno Oaken, why lits sear wiiilf/ we
anncgsud th",ughuul sAn lad. 'I'M pro-
__ tog ap by dedariog that d aotteat►t °°m ales soaasstioa smarla i° umS un u attYHiN. iainw then r is Icwkd uu u s cull
°i spw■td, wkile M wa tMrr. However, some Boo Miller, discovered a moa in his bare,
�Qge tori Um 1881 A triter In tbu wurunn; 5orrte:-"1'be p L I
wen not done, the people would 11.14, to Improvement 64 beta made within tM Imes ., "^^` L g h
M uadtr t►e effeou of laudanum, UD Wt 6t0 tent, rho popiM d lbs stateticw sired ri,h sled iatereu ■, cid frog t e last ,hat farmer, r il' ►y a
- -- -._ _ improve the h•rbrrn oo Lake Hermit aced t°rtd,{kL The rolling stuck of the road had 'L wh°ola under the tuition of aha M6006. 'jH Bed' TLE OF Sg�CL alit moment :- lfrlrw" the ye■n ItlIS mud eummMn node standing, hon t►r year plre4
- `�- -- --•-- Mce remov.n sad ■ oald to the .f two pbialm •hieh had contained that poo• 1864 2 702,000 men wen killed in battle. Of ed ao immense train ■asd putolw crop, in
Jr t. OALTya TASIPP. lbw be e•aWrd to send their prirdaM 10 the Grand Trunk apufd the road g oenll oo be' s• by roan. Medical advice M' 4' Aurt11er'a met wit11 tacit panou ,The i.,odun Tlmse Sunni u the Austrian them '1,148,000 wen Europeans, Sol 164,000 wti:lpr:lun nil llw ■o.raill of cyttle rruJer-
market b) w■tw. , mea,aged withoal Pogud W the in�irnu o, ad gnudi■ue, aloag with ■umrrow vw- �� Yrossu. n rte utollcwSP-•'Thr Arra li habtuots of the otter cuntiryats. 'Th in{t pasturage ler Valrble than mal. A
)•dgis� fatten the fdH•g •ipersasd by the people .lung the Item, TM wen Proearvd, bet the pres"t &,old Dot as{ Gun •coma unJ ■ o xf Arrtml routed ur
aomltaessrcial mea i imserally throughout the pro Rspsask °f ton to anj h) it bolida i and mthe o iD trim• drive) be k ray ■Superior force at ue i during tarty thu peon d . averrgr amua L Pr •
Su awh for Mr. Dimkae'R asoom NmheA from Lowe CaadS►d bean caked ba rovirwed, coed after Gugardog nMtil eh -1 heed rt th w u cluck m , bona °Hurd prober who that prlehrJ +wuuau to 43,tlU0 the zelrauoh vl the cuuut1j unJ rust n from
Pri»iesa, 11r. Oalt'a new tariff .nets w,th seising views in 1885. A oh■uga, tow- fur t64 se►vea, but ►e .veld mk tem u all BuDJsJ mrrnrii,g Ae died. A• inyurst spurt coed pleuurm, Suitable W /lc x3oa by tbe,r Ice as br u Skedjea on the !Sud to ! Nr, not held. -S the victiuu of dwsss sin the Jep:eiimi uuduu9teJly tweed al
Bpd■ Aver. (N euerwe N a ie ever, anima to haw cosec o'er the s rit of fdnasr wkrthar Ibty should ioterfon is seek &ion. After a fail attendance at the Jrrum,ry, ret, if re may believe the Austrian Iremkred by thv corse luevicer of war. The present Y it's combined ree•N Kr■st Furwr
i sL•F•d W • ewlioa w t► .ed sa the hence baiter hold by Dr. Alcl.eae elisittd tto inforrm- Iwai the munst■r dilhcultis r to kned, and
ttwtain bnm*6" of be ,Wn will fad q l g eohta,l bunt the Teaohero sod Scholars ,...a at ei+Id June o five that amt ■flan Cumesu far (!000 a art neurally the moat / R
hu drwm. Co•sariohso ►ave been mallet 1 tow to d+ml .it► eke Nater t►an eke {ruple •U0o �• than we Aare sated. R bet,er P
1 aha raw •cu of cuuli.rntrl err,-cri taiu
noun at tsar muwtes When. we bud aha' the destrueuvr,5ll,WU cern h•rine pr,iaheddur 1 P
keenly any burthen is the way of 11aly of The •ecu°" mereeted, who had • nt their 111e deoenusd war ao habitual nate of matched W a beautiful Roqumtered and Prussians ressvd forward from N,schod to do its course' 176,000 of these died un ilia almWthetic offsets of the latter causes Ming
oar ■Ceummodatien ►ss been am sins M p R nil' course fell a this ode or the l'ha, rant,-_
time asd mow) u" the reed, and, in aprte nil sloadd spot, lyioq between the Lake and No studt in the mornie and came into col- fid) of battle. 335,000 from disrwes in boa
deur w tatalion, howelcr joatly-alttosgh Jralen were grumbling ail tketr protests, hard it over to the '" Tran- laudanum Sad had taken an ovur-done, or . L' g ti
levied, bet when uwrl all en to last winter r hard r ever -thin water (C►cers ) lie endorsed the o inion alread deliberate) Tsiwoed Almwlf, u, of courze ehr River Sable, when the grounds aro Inion with u, Austrian army corps &t Jkrlies, ppraat-236,000 brie Hurirn 98,0001'urks, Drh(in G'urrwjkrSdrwl u( fAe 2tmu, JRwt
I 8.6"d pa P f IPO Slid were repulsed after siR lours fightiog, 10T,000 French, 45,000 Fosiliah, 2,500 ltri 25fA•
a more row■te hue, and Mr. Dickson e■Dre'°'d-'feet tkw SNlgmtooa w nerd "rel mo wr11 adapted fur PioNioe ; here the with a loos, u • Vienna ale nm of esurday ions, sod 2,500 Ororks. 'rho err i" the
�ai•er of wkauver; rlosr, complaito and uickl lead r"'he .mal y uokouRe. T11ero wase Du papen .bunt g l Pmslles Ir Ancient PalloRYpay.
q 1 R• T of the companJ Aalted ha do temple jwlice to the adds, of eigAtasn guns Sud many pnsm,ees Ceucasw (1829 60) coal the lira of 3:10,000; —
sa ms how rather lar think that hu Urea' Western alas ks she Urattd Trunk.- AIw ha green clue to hu name or uaUen The Awlria.,s, them u nu doubt. A.d the 14o Angto-lodian war (IS5T 59 196 0UU ; Amon other ancient diA ortic roblems aro
{ the) 4,re in detail of being ruined iu people y ),
G would n,riw • amatkw wick Aa tM member Iasi Laabew bad ohwreed ■til bat i is behevd he came from ehr sumptiu ta repasi Spread out (or them by ( h g P
, I "meaaw, fJtera� meet wryly be soma m•4t open , y, bow in this sthcounor, though ,he advantagije the Rnwtan cud 'Turkish war 1828 29 193, the fulluwi-1 dilemmY, which are framed
• cM Ore% Western Hailrw■ would hart W a oaamirteu of Ladies and Gentlemen ■p- the obtained mar bare been by uu means do, 000 ; the Polish i,sunectiuu of 1831, 190,
i• : t►mg wrouS. That Mr. Gala's intcetiu- arms 'f the nilwq uAciale wilt Duly l toworhip of Huroa. He cera moo abort 1 witk w°uderlul m4ena-y, the .cultures die.
taloa in ilopofo"« Ame ent std ►ave �as pointed fur the occa.ioD. After diouar cwve Some -ha Ytonabed .Iib meeti"g OUO : ihr ci•d Suer u( Spain, which nSd lad w their eunsiruction berm unser
les • ROOd nee do 11ardlJ ba sleoind, cad Prointse W ba Rood bnpa. In bio recent `ren mueopOly. ANndmeau to tM Bill 45 yen old, had light blas epee, dark with no on itiun in their invasion of Sax drum 1833 to 1840, 172,000 i the war of P y 8 1°a°
6W bSr o rand in estard to the rurkin of thn ebildran repaataJ their rceiutiuos sod Pea , d. The first is ca'.ed Syllogismus Crucudd-
)Sit the feeling expressed by w mu,) io sP°ceA L hrir, war on the right arm, Sud wore any, the Piussimas have been for this fast Greek indelw"drnce (1821 29), 1u •hieh � ar,J may be thus slated : Au iulrnt while
},. the roadt bat they were •o mueh wale pr dialogue in a way which re8uctd groat wast fasling tnrir wwy rt errs) parol on the l.onf li)roe loll s ricum, 118,000 ; the •tri- placing on the bank of 1M river, was seized
ire ver] penin of the oumwreial enter Mr. Dlceww mid the reawas ■s.r ned for P•', •e Its• oar not a ernxle clause iv oar dark home mhda panni striped shirt,
R 9 oredit un both Tusohen and $chulan. frontier of Efutheir and Awtrra° ,,'nil The ow F'rauch cu i Ain, AI ever, (rum 1830
e uoa which rarLuda had wt ter to ceR and straw hat. The hod was oMve ed til wearied with their efforts to fall to -itb a 1850, 146,000 he Hun titan lerolutirru, Or • eroed to i The nce to Miring ire
prim ref the Province should Muse him moving the mix aoatbe hoist to this &II wen P° 1 J J These over, the Rev. Mr. Ritchie ad- gg cries rwbod to lar ■ned. p cud Ly hat lean
tbrea-rant, that zelkscie-t facilities w,rold ant 0419 nor if they walked, 'Mir seer retwlin enem aha usbd fur• I/2,000 • the Italia, war of (1859.80), 129,•
leo enraRider whether him policy u o■lo•ilat to the Guderloh CeeteterJ on Susdq L f 7 P fol eotre+,es uhuiued a promos from clic
ba mRurdad the tm,-Ilt°g pobr,e; escund. that We leave the ictellgtent reader to form loosened the company m a very eloquent ranf tnroagh D Icw for than of tM mono• 8T{..bc� tut number mat M Thus analysed, crucod.le, woo vas ubriousl ul lbs higbal
• ed to condYce ha a bealtA) rcvrone, while the i„!ensu of Hnodord .eA na Sul6cie%y a+eomg. and a ro riate s h. Atter which the Sun defiles debtwr ping on the plains °f BOLD- -%,814 tell on the field u(battle,ard 33,000 iutrdi encu. that W rvuld ,grin It b• ck w
.I • it, r the Rome time, adnoos the inter- prouctd; and, third, that the pnociple at bar own eooclu■ions. Tharo ma) be con- __--- _-__ __ PP P loOO into. At Turam, Troutenr, and other laces, died of disease • of which 59,664 wen Aw- g
awnlSstasuM .w • Jangerow uenr. M n ertene in web a cosnr, bat few of Mr. broke u , some to return to their P her if she would tot! bin truly what ruald
atm of our pcoplo. Oo this subject the ) FATAL AUcmatm - On Saturday P•rty P they drove the Austrian out posts, but as their I 30,220 i', 23,600 Italimns, 14, bappen it. OD ibis the mother, perhalr mask-
gorded the first poict, be contended that the Dickson's supporters, either in the Hour evening Iasi • laborin • man .ameJ Sulli- homer' others to enjoy a boat ride on the culumnedva"ced, they found themwlva m 010 Nea 'thtans, Sud 2,:1;0 Hosanna. IJ .and : Yvu rill nut {{Iva it Hack.”
Ottawa aorTsptwdrnt of dee Gfohe tele .N,Auas,nu naw wirexluerJ sow aha Bill 6 lAake, all uall well I tasod with the P •S•aes of tM army of Brnedel, ehic! A cuous result may be deduced from thn Tbe crocoJJn awwaes w ehr• : •' If oar
n bt on the 14th, me follows avyered the .hole gmur d; a regarded the a out of it, will ba able to er when it wo, who re.ided on aha LA's mama to hie y P mwmed behind Jae Mtodf Sud Pandubit ■bore -Hance, that a raster number run l
L P leasurerr and ear a meats of the ds P • 1 L I'• have spoken truely, l cannot give back the
seco"d pu-,T, dant' thing wassGh rentmtr 10 oOosR In. loath under Ihr fulluwm ciroumetanoa : p ) / J who Lad lung beep o" tM w■ttb fur Ihnm, b) the dueem mc,Jaot to • cemD Irf+ LbeD
The division on Mr. McOiveria's motion roteet the ,werests of Bmetfo d I K _ chill ailbout drstruymg The truth of year
p rd it cool M — -..�. __ cued wen reedy for • apnag heron tbPy hd ■re aeturly killed ray snot and •bell or aur Ro ani. il• ren haves ken false! I tut•
t ,t ►ngoime, to be explained to W prmperl) air added to the Bnl in the Itail•a Committee; It Seems that be went down to Me Ylatt's Q'} Mr. Macfarlan, u to more an address town to draw u and de to their fume. esu I other e" toe of destruction. As to the suns t' y �' l'
meald. Tbel menu■ rte code whlN Ibe - y THE TWELFTH. P D 7 L not tin bark the cbiid, Mout )na have
with too" ear the 3rd point, he a" Som& mill race for two pails of water, and the f°re COPY of the Charter of LM Canada Com the open country. 8u far Y R u possible to' of money srdl°wd up b) them van, it u
¢ Orvemmrt lead SIol yet .withdraw- from .bat astonished, that u, that side of tM v od a from the im (eel ►rad Somewhat cum I im bla to ►wive ml an thin w roachia ant fulfiillat your wgi�ement. 'rhrnfun, 1
Then war ten Ors demoostntiou in weather being very warm, stri d off hu Pat'!' f theagroement entered into in IU26, 1 S per P+•st l L pP g anual ave it back, .b%her o■ here
Me drama' •Bitude wit► wnieb 'Mir nee House so much do shunted be made •boat Lr PPe tlte'in n its we here reptvd, it would be I a C ,reel calculation. The Crimean war L 1
Sam .ere heralded, sad -bile they ren is p, Inciple, .ben he m,Qllected 'bat Inst ear Ooderieh this year, but large atherin clothing fur the purprse of batbi _ between the Government Sud the Company P° (one spoken Irwly or falsely," The mother retort
nature to infer that Tbe onward march of enc Hestia 2,328 millions cf franed „d ; '• 11 1 have • ken trul u• must
ft fall tide of wirer and coaum laced an 8 WActher the r man could sen o w in Upper Canada and dates, number of ■ores Prurian in•aswn hu been checked for the milho" of franca a egnal m $200.000AFtoo po y y
I ` lits,. Alter'he drbata vas twmmeaod �~ Hill er m very umila one .as allowegd to Of the fraternity look pl.oa is Lucksow P°O Sire beck the child y .ince nil Junes agree
�•a Ro to the committee unopposed. No. when •noted aro! pace {std per aero, rich cooedi- psittaci and that ■further drance into B r 1,34M,U00, England 1 320 mi4iuna iu'hey merit if I bans oho false! that call onl
•RS the artille of the u iuos wr full and Clioroo. 1Ve have not beard drat not we cannot wy, but at ■h events he p y, y
7 PP°• 1 we lead • Miler Bill, dr Id not think n lions of settlement, ruade, bodges, �., what Mmu, will be found rennryetic■ble." I,OtiU miaiuua, Austria fur mere demu,alra-
operaed, • seem of chang" which operated should be opposed at ehr a on The gruud I a•y disturbance took place at either plana. got beyond hu depth ant♦ was drowned. rtioo o(thoSe (rads nave bona re conte ed 'rho Purl Mall Gasetfs of June 20 so : I tions, 47 millions. Thus in two losses and a he whsu yua have givao Met LM mild. So
to lar I disarm ■track .em male, fM - I that, whether I have spoken true ur fedselr,
Ley vel princ,plr, If vee only h wicrtut brcila - Throu h the efforts of Messrs. Trarher, I b the aid Com s" names of all Hua to - • There would be a pat eo strrd,ctins be. half, 6.526 million franc$ wen spent. she child must be Ren back," Halton u
►ookler Scheme, in Iu ufle■aive lura, was ties lar interchange of cars un them roads, THa CANADIAN \AVT. -Wt 6 g . P yg P' lessen the Austrian and Prussian aea•unta of The Italian oar of 1859 cwt France 345 e,lent as to the issue of tM remarkable gdo,
be wdr.,e, Tbe oSnmun .e,e promised to ,be ,-.tits be representd would have ihe (Ottawa Platt, and otben, the hoed) was roouVerd I rhos auen coO•eyanrn hers bran made, the battle that lea taken piece in Bobemia millions, Austria 730 millions, Italy 410 mil -
rice r etre lewd b the Com n with but fur a aua iciow difference of data. Ei• hone. Then in .two months 11458 millioaa Pru•
M mudi6ed, .od uoahly the boruugs loran opponurny of seod,mq their pruJucu b wnr wt) sotftrousd that the Hoa tbt Pro- ■bunt 10 o dock. The dexemid Iravm • P P• I W > p Of uimilar u•tun to lbs cram Ie slwVe
of The ndatributron scheme esa a.ept army, ken no- closed to them For example if .1 vineiel Secretar M r. Macdon all, leas blind and destitute wi13 and three euildreo. resleesrooary aighu in minerals, it such lands Ther side elriam the victory ; on either, guns, were swallowed tee. P
y, 8 metio6ed is the f"Ilowiug, which n even mora
cad the tee. a:bemp dalni►uted last st;bt, br esas desired to send wheal to Hrailwa it had trans&rf'd to bis de srtrurnt, b He Ras • sobw, industrious man. hen Me" forfeited, whet amount of money stavdardr and prisoners bare Mien ukeu; ad ._. - - - I acutely state A J�oagg man named Enath
i lisre tM e•alwn, sAo.ed o rbofseoN defer mold go by ,be Orval Wntern tion to Pau l y I brat is, rerhaps, eve° mon eireurustwti°l, YEWS DY THE PEYSIA . Ice received lesson& :n rhnotc from Preto
ansa W the (aslmge nit tM A.eter° meahn. and tMoce .nhrwt transnipme"t to Hamid- gr• _- had Men roceirod n the Cum n ort of K
order in ceuocil, the mane meat of nowt v P• I' 'be despawli of each come Elacer tM-chive Bre. _
Such forfeited when Such lands a ores, it M,ng agreed that -certain fas sbould
e Hass wen other c.uSee wkick operated W ton, sad the mme tbiag would sale place with affairs for the province, so that he sow Tits MiDaa.-We an war to hear leodti Po cubes bis enr'oiJ in.lull retreat It a rather The I.ondua rim" sum up the Acs'riau be paid it the popil was Successful uI the fiat
�m� members to bemuse in •OURr for the regard to commented commodities going to y located, tM -umber of acres set dowit by the si"gnIer that the Psim"an intelligence of the
mNisa- Many ancers friends of Conredeva the at, To oppum this Bill gumg to the oeeupies the mm- relative position with that the midge hue made 'its appearance Company as irredeemable swam names of battle stilt centime■ W be reoricted to three •0d Prussian reporu u follows :- amens be pleaded : Enalhius, however,
r P, o'clock sin the afternoon. Nor u then an I Tbe Austnaas, dnren back by a Superior n•el•cted to undertake say cause, nod I'ro
tali w41e ould tly oby, is isersi wn6 he pies" a Committee, he .as sun would du- regard to the Candian say) u the Hoo. in the wheat fields is this vioi-itJ coed u all aubaegw"t proprieWn ur stuck huldorn m 1 t Oro&, in order lar obtriu his tea aua con-
II•red tlhe) woald twraby u.epenl it. Tbe plSw •very larje pion of the people In• the Attooe General Wer holds to the doiD 0oclaiderab'e dame the Comoan and dividends id to ,ham information uI the ' uffi al des tch' from' force at Noebd, hd, at 3 m., best, ares- I ■g
pa P' P pulled to sue him. Euatblsa defended him
!. patronage in the bands nil the Government ing in the Cuanttee Chad the Hamar to repre y g 8e• 1, {'• the l'russiw beadynarun of any conlasi l ed bi !herr foe Y far as Skedica, M IM rued 1 melf in court, Sad it war coosoquenily tae
M the I cannon■ rte "ot Habana n e, el. esoL !ty tba ax noting ana0gemem the peo- term) -the Inter u mtoiater of militia, from the first, totetMr with rM a....I cwt whatever nav,Dg tak:n place at 8ke'lil� to Jrrumirz. lest if .e me be Len the AY� oro men'. 6nL The uater teraUed thus
\ Ifo! tM Isom among the many ipFiueurn plc iu his section had rot woewwhat increased LM former may be, Umefore, Y ef isisttr OUR SALT W ELL. of workiag the Company each year from the ♦here IM Austrians claim the victory. ale- I trine bulletins date,! Jwe het.dt, t►St mSme I y " `1 I en soccs- rD Ihu cw, U ! 1 U:
wed the ttitcumstance that many members had car accommud&lim. It wa still, however, date of rid charter, Dumber of timber lic$o- ■ides, it the Prussian see rug% represented tM P
. vat ase- their constituents ar heard tram unequal to their ,mala, and away of the led- t11e s■vJ. ses oierlands a re -hula truth, rhJ sen not IM Prrrseians mTJo- altsr000n at lJ miomtc$ to 5, �e fid abet tM r la you rill M c0( 16l ri oay, by bets
tVe are happy to my that through the g ed to be Sold, quantity of oft se-te■ae of then righteous visit
!, them mince Mr. Galt's scbemms wen laid be. ,ail merchants there had sad you bad better Di'lawx Coveys -Mr. Seateherd a lands iven in lieu of laodsdeelared irrodoea sephaudl, instead of their having pmcip"als I Prs iatu pleased forward ton Nor" to I and should 1 even be u,swesWul, yen .'ll
\ �� Neustdt to the Morning, came into collisio0 'ben have t° pry wn iD fulfiillmeee of Yom
lure P•rlmsent In fact, It al well kwwn let the awn:gwmenun go 'bruugb of that will •ilei indomitable esetgp of Mr. Platt, assisted r IT follies back ; So that the despatch of the ,
V hero that ,My have eerely t ro•Ched tto oe the m m of securing increased facilities Pr•r"u, hu bill for an eriepded jurisdiction b others, tba cabin hen been tout 0(• able, and prima demanded -land, to be •Imus- commander in•ebtef, dated the same evemug, I I
r ewettrryy, coed arc, ienedeedt oaly M ms+"g w for the transmission of oar produce. If the of the Diviuoo Coarts. It provides that the ) 8 I ified iu townships Sd towns. Mr. Carling is n (mm Reiner:, a place actually in Priwise will ao Arslrs•n .,my turps at Skalics, ■d unjwat Contracts IM , this tame that
• ba as"de:wuxd, As an ,osl►rc$, 1 state i - the Balt well, and pat down again suoc terries and oeu Glrtz t TM Pruni wen re ulwd •fur siz Noun 6 brio with a I such euo.inernS argome"u, then di►metrled
P°• Hill did nut fully meet LM dit5culty It should Jdge of any Division Court may hear and w seeod thS matin". !y rs; P R S ly opptosed, completely staS red the judges,
i` \\\ ti ely'bat Mo later then, ytsterdzy, a member •t least be allowed to o to the Half wa Com- fall). We hope in our next W ■nnoance _-. �.__. - on their own evidence, must baro retmewd 1rr, u a Vienna telegram ,rf yesterday adds, ga
t \ Rf Jk Uoveruwnut ar ued that mnun L 1 otetermine, io a Summery way, for or &sweet I who beio4 quite uasble to decide, postponed
`!rt L mntas nod cwt in such a shape that it -oaIQ l that pumping operation. are goih on �'S1r. Moorbotse boa received Chambers ten miles from :racbed, or twenty mr,es frna hof Iy Sung Sud ma -y pruunen. The Asir ,hS j,rdseme"t Siwe dla.-CAumbrra Jury
role■ -ere amen, IM l6p� r cents which all persons bodies corporate all actions of L
R I acct the diffiewhT. h had loag Deva a eom- 5kalicx on ,he ren e•Smnq of their pretended -
Im was laid weta in the tree arc, aid he only r smissi corm, ♦a, when the debt or rue roust journal for June, r well a all tM other ted• (race, there u no doubt, had the bat m this sur/.
plaint Sg■ust our railrys that they het give" P O0.7 P � J' victory. This eemitted fat u alone :u"elu- _
daleo•arod ver i norance wbeu Mr, Udt'a tog rnagaa'na• an • ement, thou gh the adranu s lne nib I -- _ -
L tM faruitier (or tM mu•elueot of produce w daMmgw du Mot exceed =200. Other of its --- sive •:stat the Prtriisn report of the eetion. R R h S I Amtalmitse .Rlesveeneals oI a
tariff nm>latip"s were shown to him. 1 Ibe teeters, States set the espos,se of our provisions, of technical character, permit the Tae Dmtrlhtlo■ of Seats. ---- I he fat that the demand Iver an armistice Wued may have been by no memm docu,ve. I C,irpee.
■sight the names of a couple of public people. Last winter, oo the BuRrlo and escrow of many pope now Mld by the SW Mr. John Adams of this tows tame from ,1. Prussuns slid that the Aur I Bume.hat astdnisAed •till .,I "g tit► no _
■sce w7, in co"verrtion, exhibited like Lake Huron, there was an iaprunment t" w for C.uorts LM Cotnt Coast Jd You have doubtless peen the new bee presented us with ■ few of tho finest uu"o felt themselves in a Desmon w dreline l oppwiuon in Their invsswn of Swsu"y, tM A moa nwreed Jama HYwod died altoul
yaRsaaRR. `;That tM tariff r just hegin"i"g that rppeet TM carrisre of throu;b pro Per b7 ry 8•• it, .iso confirms the report of a Israeli de•'' Prumirns have Men Iasi this week lectin Iwd•e o'eL,ek canto mutase .t the
M i D itlt&r$tood m the Country u nada duce being prob,bind during certain pertudm If the provisions w of a kind to simplify the sebeme fur the distribution of Scats un• I new potatoes we have seen this sewon. . feat , no reference is made to it, nor u then R l 1 gr
tsutMrr H telegrawn and letters against it, 0( the year, sed frcilltres mtyurded for morisg Ise,, ane ehewpan its Cwt, the M11 ahaald der our once form of GMeromcst. Doe - any dmiss,nn of defwt ie. the 13rrlla tele their way •t every pont ani tM frontier of I 'A. toaster House, in the Bowery' of thole
w►ieh ta-dnlo wma in frog all polMu W the our own produce which we did not before en- 7th A soiree wall be AcW in Bethss irwne relative to the'conflies." li°bernis, ad Austrian Sdani, unit. worried, era. Dr. Waterman, of the Baan! of Health,
meabom Mr. ,•aro• r c$nsiul hove m■Dy hinds. rt not appear dear that the claims of this 7
!beG l joy. ni was estill* that the • rice Hu. Presbyterian Church I 6th toe., Godes• A co+nrrmox or T•E Aranuw VICTORY. I with their eff ots w LII in with their ever 1 sir the body, and pronouucd the cw om
astid d fa t s gran (rl thank. of ex. yommu"wa dung tli Butyrlu mod lake Hn- - - - •�. -_— t obefy los (air Re hit eo talion aro Ko ° A despatch dated at Liverpool, Saturday recvdiug enemy, they pushed forward lhroa1h of cholera. A" undrruker was called in w
' tRe•v) for tM etaay rweerions ex- roc Eiarlwy wo411d hb lM Bill to go Mfure IY•rl■ Oir•N EletllN. b ba ignored? While tba Cuunl) oC ith Towwbip, os Tsesday, Jnly 4th, evening, Jws 30, mye: '•' The fullowurg n f
trend from the Government. The tovitry the (Atemilwry COMM.t W* when it could be oo Imbibers them of tDn m0uatain de !lis de- lay out the curlew. 1" a Short time Dr.
The nownee of the Convention, D r. Clarke Wellington with 48000, (Recording to the 1866 I At 3 o'clock, in the afternoon. the latest neutral Austrian Telegram relating j bouching on the Bohemia• At Tarots, I Waterman was summoned again, and gold
s ed why to follow nc ,M active demon• carefully considered Sod it sen tbinj could M to the fight"sig oar the 2+ith
u �as commenced w m further su Mtn deopid by a forge majority, the arsaw of 1861,) baa there member, " Pia.t SITZ, June 29 -Tbe Prwsi.ns 4 d other • the drove back ' that to man war net deed, the hand arms
t*MMr s+la. done there wbicA would gi•e mem.Sd facdi- - - � � � - - ' T•oDlun■ w
Mgdk*tkmiL, if wt, ihe Pour* withdrawal of ties for moven you Miug as fellop FROM WASHINGTON. P1 "` g ! r l
g ithd.h m that seetioa, it A1iddlese - 4A,OL10, three mrmben; Vis Awtrsan fumes 0ndereGly defe■Ited,n to �tne Austrian out rw"M end Pyelid+ harins miryrd several timer.
Oliva Clarke• I 1 P 1 ) pits, but as to in eufumna The undertaker ray fn;{ktened, and fled from
1rR�fidt's linty -Sad eacirst co-opSrauvo ■ckld ba hold with delight. R oakstock............226 99 L^na 23,00), two membeR; Renfrew R ! ed•aneed rAry tocol themael•m m p
war tie of iu npreSSatauves. it amt THE CRISIS IN THE U. 8. CABINET. hind one-third of their■rns kdlel.d wound- the house, sayie; the man pm alive, and
ppaarrtt Mr. PAaxbe Pap Hum bar Surprise et find Blesheim...... ...... 260 190 l I tli., he would Dot touch him r sin. Dr.
Iwrsa,lLeeed toot Ouas al Somawhent re 10,000, twv mumblers; sod llYtisg 45,• d. TM withdrew to Prussian territor to °f IbP army of Idendek, rh ch meted be ;
� ing the member Iasi Huron and Bmp eomintt Blmdfon.-........... 83 47 l l
bmlbRgreae esntres, whin► iapoq (Orprd Y • w tact of tM Bill; Mused 000, three members; this Count with �ESIGNATIORie ser M ENSEUR. wwrde Glare. hind JuSephstdl w,d ParduAns, hd Iter I Waterman found, sin •, ears, that the more•
�s•�1� W greater °ecesiit) tbal PF`O Eat Zorm............ 228 28 1 F
;N� should are ke fedi iOlormed Mown himml( capable of making an dmirs, Weet Zorn............187 42 tante than 44,000, u Kill W haw onl � "After occupying Jlein yesterday the Pru& base on the watch far them, and war ready 'nems had lvev,i caused by the relaxing ,drtM
Pt 1 ble +peecb M bath odes of the quMioa.- Faint Nira.ri..........176 60 ] 10,000 IxDuxs or tai Penns ms Ta■ wan stars rear ruweked Ly the r.rv.lry division fur •spring before they had u.ue ter dear u muecl,a of the body. The man dial of
°tn°1O°' Mr. Parker prat on to refer to the bistory Embro (m• oritT two. .Tbe props: mode would ce►uinlJ PATI. of General "lab" The)) ren driven oat' - D spearn% ►rid the ma%Im were tightly eoD
city u beton filled with men°factsnn of the Hill in previous sessions, to show haw ) )• • • • • ! have been to retain Biddul h and Mc(lil- of J,an send retreated toreards Turn•u. wed deploy farces m sba open r.,untry. trocar). After death the) bKame relax.d,
from Droekvdle, Kiwgetoa. fMlleville, [11r" Ginng ■ toW meiorisy fes Mr. Olives of 657. P •New Yonx, JuI 14.. " In cater• uenCe or alit• d.•foet tM Pro& P ) I R D
stroag wY the feplinS of oppwitioa it had I So far Y It ni settle W 'ud.;e from the ren. c+urn m .nov, s h,ch those resent aetook
deer (hlt, Haailhan, Jke, and telegrams en levy io Doe of the Huron Ridin coed q
eecitei. HS rent oar to pee the brtory of 8•r The otornmg pan•n cantata the (° lowing Sians Wt ni,rbl evacusted Me!m4, [w.wToa end dict and Somawhu can0iennt rep.,ru ■e , f„r recd -nee u( Ilfe+ Dr. had
eoaiag ie from various prrints. Mr. Cowan the Bill and an account of Ibe efforts made NIAGARA PRIP CAN ILL. then have made the three Ridings of Hu• telrgnma from Wasloingtoa : L-ipa, and withdrew iu great haste to i Ma rrecited, it would be n,tur.l to infer' rarer ne6,n witnessed a ease of lite kind, al
P••••t d a petiuoo last night, ""feed by b Various tnembe s to roao,e its � The- mems W be •L� M d acne ranee to- Mrimcs. abet Ihs Onwmrd roach of eke 1'rumun arae.- tAuu h he bed sired of tbea Sud lean- tAev
P f••••eal roe oat of her 51.000 inhabitants. But P .t
moody Ln hundred of the inhabitants of 7t thought that the member for Ide"lrvel TM U"ited 13u1es Ben&te voted, w Friday night of the b, nif that G,oSr4,m rill u I•ast '• The Prawian Loam by General Edei. ' ■ion' hen heee checked for the present, and I mean -o by tins un,tu:a ymptoma Physic-
Gdt, praying that w alier■nioe be =wAo in Centra occupied so unfort41n■te pwitio■ in to postpone the Niagara Ship Canal Bill u- the ineuesce of Biddulp6 and McGillivray not adjourn at present. .hem's attack wen anurmous. I that a further adrrnce into Bube■tim .ill be' mus un.. island that wet°mKre movements of
lie tariff oa sill mod factory machinery. having charge of the Bill, and that tM wna Ill the next motion in December. The bill would be lost to a Reform Hiding while i Leading member•, since the "is ie the " T6e Austrian m the battles of the found ,mpranra Ale. I ear `ss ocesr Occawomrdly in ebulera emcee,
The psution was signed by the large woollw her for Iambton war right in stating that leg- wr sed b the House several weeks Sitter, under the res st arr on cot the Ce rinrt, are m.,n thaD ever mcliued to pro- last lhrrr days arc ernmaled at acacd lwc TAP 1 Imre of Ike 30th m+n tAat d arri+ alio wnerecver Ise are nVab,- Y. Y.
PA up Momn iD ours wood Gdt, and vas idaliM of 'he kid y P Sm ) st'CurC longg the sers•M. I ihoussed kl,1ed a.d .uuuded, The Prossal" I tM lderlin new+ is reliable the P, useuna have I Pool. P d P
• ice •fnw ►nen. proCpo0■u�ld�, a left to S d' hat ncavia ■ sf man ■mendwents iR the North Riding of Middlrsrex for ■ Safe TAe Timer telegna a s; We have •
LO1 P (ecti■g Upper Ceri■da, chanted M loll W wnm- L Lr• y I 1 R■10 I„u a %least equal." whie••d soh) Su,�cer, —
The delegates from the Montreal nor bees from that xctioD. He was o d to tbe Senate• is bow lad over for another year. Tory constituency is sell time corm a batch of rumors n1 changes. :t a The Mornin P,.st believe• the re'oicin at Fielaita la ■IW
mcebi• Raw Mr. Cartrar to d. Mr. Ile";ve Ptere 0g•- sec rareslAs rcrsatow or rre.Ria. R J L Nmol•
L I• tM &II Maw it war agunst the in'erwt Of TM ■d•oxata of aha ship ten►I hwve .n Act In the fire ears Oince the Isst census, I Powrted than !r. Speed vnt His reel;nation Berlin a promatut-,
AW metkasp hal appointment. The rrwla- tM paopfo of Upper C.nada, end becmw it frog tM 8ute of New York, but iu terwn y , to tire Prrshlent ywtmciday, avl yet be sin The Lnnd.,n Dtilt' New zero: "It ape The Army and •Vary Gaselr remarks:- About 2 P. r. M;iJi let (lot instant)
d•OO of the reitsag were laid beton Mr. no County in the Province hu increased present at tM Crbmet seeming todm ,and Peaa that the Ysuesisos have i,rvaied Bobs
would led to an anal amnion of all tM re- am cot calculated to secure the m rot i in three c.dumns. len She :.tali` tbe erre •''ehr lime hr wen cramp G„ fSenedek t�., fire Fani■ts, aaon,ret whom pro (;rneral
Gerlier. The delegass w. Mr. Gedt b day mantra roads rich t o C 'crook. 13Oards {'�/ eoF is POwlelia• p npidlJ, a Huron, Lith I remained to tM clone, being in rompmny wnh \ she- .Amber or oat vee is a Genor°I," Ywrorney, Swiss and M.•han, iu Iwo c■rri■ges.
fibovine, sod ■r ed him to abstain from . mk- mr•ction of the work. The groat merit of 8etreuries Stanton and Sewed army, under Prices Freaer Ck Charles;, oeer•
L of Tr of cilias of Upper Canada had moo- , situ the exce on of Bruce. Io pie) W ichenberg, and tAe nest dq rd• e d Parlimmr•nt mat ■gam on the Yeah. I rrnaaPd IM Pro•meiml Line un tM mud from
lag the changes i■ tM tatty proposed by damned this ■medgamwuon scheme• which the bill which vas hrfure C.agreu aua the ppte P° We bale "u authentic information that Nr. The proceeding. in thn flnuze of Lords F ru,klin lO FrebgMDerg and Hopped ►■If an
►im. ilvuce. Victori■,Renfrew, coed rome others S has rest ned, thou h, a staled Iasi 10 Turn.u, S arau In OD The railway w6 A inose %one Jama Feeles.' • water of e
nffurded good re■w" for t o conclusion that ■ hat su ■tin" d, ac ording tt thS cans., Peed F g were mere! formal. q
- the scheme allows for the rxpansiM of the j mgbt, then u gad authority fur wy,pg that ''O""ecu hr•den coed (iorhtz rorth,Srd tit y i tulle into St. Armaal end m tM v,emilT of
ei would prose prests if th commercial and Thu sum would, weording to the estimates, both S and Harlan will be out of the Prague and Joaephstrdt southrved. 1" this In the Cmumals )Ir Gladatrwo silted
=r. l♦setwm •a Aenalg(aenaU•a, Sgrierlsural interna of tM Pro•inte. H- Po rulaliM without disturbing the Reprc- 1•"d their old cam gra"rade. On their return
-eat on lar contend for the proposition that !Over i very I►at Proportion of e p pe�s em mentation, but in Huron growing mora I CAbiinet in a few drys ettra Pt abs Pruuun■ wen complSMy suo- that he Dad receive) S rxfmmunicitson I liver slopped at Franklin centre, and in eon.
th.. moral ti of making tM cenal, and wen tM ■ppropei- It rw romord that the Presis ert ha noti. crural. Oo the 38th part of the army. am (rdm Lord Derby, requesting an adjourn -I mere• iol, with some lahabitanu of that place
lltr. DiekRon, who hr been somewhat R• 'on tooled lead insntabl) to tM rapidly 'has ibex oo ssch allowance I find Secretar Stsntmn that his rest ver I der the command of the Crown Prince, pass- men until rho 5th of Jul aua
absorption of the Great Western by lM G. moon ante made, there y every reason to sup I seems to bare been thos ht of, But sa s l R d toe Rinse- Gebur a whirr dnides Ru he- y, give time I amid .omni of them had bean in the town of
ebwy d speechify ing during the present 8 y cull ee ■c..If d, and that be, u well as R ' S for Ilio f orm■tion of the new kliniat:y, so Do - ham on iatarday, and they would sped
Crook nilwey, and tbal it woald also lead w pose tM work would go on bra•ely. W nen tome one, the Representation is to be I Mr. 9pe.d, esill send to their letters of with. miss from S,Iesis, by town Paan,, O -e col• abet io Me interval, until that dale, the I)Ae 4th m F rankhn ■Od the Sch m S'. Armand.
RHowe, comm out at last in a manner the building ■p of great political power in it u finished, our nei;hbors calculate" re adjusted with each a•naus, true, but it: dressed today. umn descended from the mmh upon 1 mute- ,1 to lhev return dans, the +aid l* mould
salealated to Sstosuh ma" who remem- the corntry, which might M card Ina ma" ' Honsc would nal ■a.ntnble to ex ite f 1 1
l that it would take a /hare of western Prodoee is easier to sort right, tMs to pot tbin;,gw Mr. mrlso will not rat n until com lled Sun, and the other advanced from the dlree• y Ped
err it em r s the libertine of pp people.- I L pa advance again set, Cansd■ u earl a Se .
'• b.r the toe with which lie unard sa , to Nrkst D Sum of Oa.e and thercb ri ht afterwards, and if the k of Nia- 1O• non of Gle,s upon bachod. Rome neetstary huacnem. 1 P
spy P For tMse g. he woad o tM i- l 1 ing 7 8 PP1/P tember. and would come with such a fart•
PP°•e an, with their 4000, oaEe t Gov Raviuso ioMlalred to M tbe wcceror " A Slarve a, ,he leap. will show that tM �Ir Bernal O•bnrn^ commewted upon
oppoaite courze duriwg the past It will coved readinj. styord another town competing .rah the Erre R ge ■.custom- I that nn Cnited &mteS troop eoaW interfiPo
ed to be re resented b ■ member, it will °f Mr. I emiso"' meds through I rantenan and Nechrd both the extraordinar' position of the country .inti and th. would make clean stork of it
Caveat. II a Ilio, however Ib■1 o"cs credo P 1 � 1
ba remembared that 110 opposed Amsl Hon. Mr. Banwx npl ed that he d d cben P I unite -t Jose lost• 1, .bich a about Firteeo
General Grunt wall oke charge of the 1the P P i• being p long wNhoat ■ Gnrernmcut, tAu nme.-Corte al o/ Muwlreal
I be found somewhat di�cult to rectif it. •P0a•it
gu•tioD ver) Krongly,"not mnro than ■ end ■lessys oppe d rt. om member for Ho- from the tt-esters Snits al vent tt into 7 OBce, and Jed;• Browning will ha•e the mils distant. tt u proAmAle, truto the re st a time vfheo affairs at home and ■broad Gi zew.
ren had eddrered tbe How that night is ■ lake Onterin, nothing aro parent the SL Over member in the AssemblJ Seems to luterier Department. counts, that the two colgnins wen intended were so nationally complicated. He re -
year ago, a an attempt W create a huge drtye,ent strum from anything ever Mara frog have a guwd deal of influence when offices IAAva.waa,R, Kansss, Jul 13. 1° m combined movement. And, ac• Le Idatlre Asw��l
lawmnc$ roue fmm getting its chore, I cordin I roachol the Cabinet for flavin reeve nerd i Y•
nilwa] mMapnly, coed in his owe peau- him before on tbe same Subject-(hen)-tbe' era to be filled, let us hope that the mme Reportsjwt ncstved from Ue"ver and tM g It the b■ule on either rued frgaO a n a msttrr of devil, wAile ehr could
most strenuous o nent of the wan ma- energy and activity will mark his efforts ;old rcgionS m) that tM mat serious mppPo •bout .he mme hoar, and h described m I PO y UTtswA, Jal) 18.
diad] elogwot KJle pointed oat tASt • PV° L° Tae •e-Dlslrlgllea •t 1Seatt. abou from ten in rhe murrain enol ih ser- ceruinl bare comma,ded •rote of coo-
vM w it of hu oonelitaesu were 1'oa IM put yen, M esu now its wrocat.. to procure jnstioe for his constituents. beta one aro felt there ad upon the great L y Thn afternann, • neaber of Dills wen i"-
1°< y Though M fo.. ' sto,Od u for the iuteresu overland routes• Y the Indian hands arrm- teruMo. TAe }'rweimn drop-tch dear, hem Ldence in the Hou.e.
Tours, den„ II URUN. traduced avid read a First time.
! OVPosed to the Bill, On Monday, Feb. of Ihe people along TM Bu ala a d lake Hu. The Lender myS lhe'(olbwisg will be bled a, Fon Laramie at the peace tmaty, the duuhle- action ; whereas the Austrian des M e Gladstone explained the pdaihon of lion. Mr. (;hit moved that the Speaker do
40th, 1865, ie the debate on Mr. Wa,d's ran line, ■- against the views and designs of the arrxngemest for re•distrdbiting the — --.»_ -___- taken the war path. All reports agree that Patch dors not allude to the e•enin which Ibe Government, and defended its toorse. Lave the Chair fur the fl,os a to go into
tM Grand Trunk, we found him getting sp a band of 60(1 Sioaz were in the ,icinit of took place near Trontenao. Accurding to (.,,
motion for the second reading of the ban to "i ht ad ■sserun that the ole of electoral divisions, a far u Heron rod Lg�Tho following patYion Sun read io l clic Prurhn des len iha baule was n Attention wits drawn to the threatening mmstfee on WAVE Slid Wens.
R Pe P MtPheeson, and had pmmesd tMm well armed P• L ro andira which wear tacit Imce Ur Mr. Mc(Ii•erin mo.el, in ■mendmmnt,
Amalgamation Bill, our member mid that Huron .n Bruce do not objoM and never Bruce Ere oonoerned : -Bruce 2 mem the Legislative Council on the 9th inat: - and with plenty of rmmuaition. ap W tares o'clock, and the Awtrianm est,, g° g p that •II clic wordy ■Iter ^that" m e on o-
dd object to this ramal •amation oa rind le described r Mein Aeon driven bank a o. radon; in consequence of the defeat of Iii
6 D p ben; North Ridin to include the Towo- " Of the Munici l Council of the United At Fort IAwnnee.on the Little Blue twenty R f ed aounn be stack nut, and Ure follOwm
ivie$ the dela) of eight days granted, R P' Jure hatadt. But ancn,din to tM Austrian aha Govrrnmrnt, b Oo-eslld wnrkin inserted ios ser tkout, : "This H ms R,
TM s.oment ht Oles Brown) bead ubat he mita east of this Ian, a blood of Cbe eanes D R y R'
a petltitwu had beers received ayaiaEl, sant to the patitron .uoa, ■rid tonsil • pelt Shlpa of Bur), LmdsaJ, Eutk)M, Albs Counties of Ifarow coed Brru; praying has bee" mordetmg ittlen, .ening 6n to despatch the Prussians were stopped in their men. One speaker declared that LOn Q whHe pnpprrred to make sdPquue Frm•ieiM
tad but tmo for, the Bill, (Dee of the an• lieu which, he was worry, that Aon member I marle, Amebel, Arno, Brwon, Elderelie, that measures be taken to eomptl the' their bousss, stealing and running off their advs"ee frnm hwcMd, near Sk.lies, and had, fur a time, on the previous evening, for tM poAlie defence, for inn maintenance
was not in his plate w bear. It was a peO• sod the villa of San and South cattle. Th. inhabitants sere abandonin their wen themethes driven back, with the low been under mob-l■w, while others contend• of i11 hlie c. edit, and rot file Orkv ncy Of
Almrable patitiosa oar from the United tion of the Council of tM united cownues of R•• R•eO Camdn Landed Company to fu161 the L of ei hteen uns and man isoners. Ba yyuuf
am ton, The Soath Ridin KlneaF boom and crops and are moving to the nye L R 1 P' ed that there was no reason for •form, tAe s, seryicr g.nerellr, deem it expedi
Qoaltia' Comsetl of Huron asd Brace) Huron sod Bruce, which set torah that they P 8- I terms of their Charter, by putting up for'settlements. Tesean the Prussian and Austrian despatch and that the out dour meetin were awl eat, in •ie sof the pruA.Av .sett) eMaootm&
sad be wry jeatly inferred from this that "m opPesed w the amalgamation of the dine, including the village, Greenock, sale their lands is the mid Count either ( Tbe -hole re;ion between the Keras and Then r ofeourse no cuutr.Dicaon, beaa■P i1 y lima of the C'enGdcratims of the H. N. A.
Buffalo a,id Lela Haran Railroad Com a y' a quite possible ilia,, althn"gh the Pruwians natural attach ■ time.
" a intron feeli Pay Brest, Hunn, Kinloa, Cnhswa, Cmrriek. Platte a avenin with sive. baada wM sen I Provr"em -an event which will rscder e?•
_� g 06 twisted t6ronghaat the with aha (;rand Trunk (ver the blloneg ver al a fixed price or to ehr hfghcst bidder now msumm tM offe,uive. were ultim■uy detested, Tley ma have been :Sir George Gray explained rho fnlir
ago proposed ISra a y, -that mcnopolies are in them• County of Huron two members -North at auction. Tbe another is the bands ,,, oD ,be ram pro P y eweestrcae?' a c mp"h nss11 lM Prn a(ths c =.
- s' noncar test the mme - w camel a41cee.aful op to 2 o'elork p. m. t b further riotous to recent miuhief, ahoaW +n
sir selves oijur,o and that we,m a eo U Riding to consist of A shield, Wawsowh, __- ��_-.__ • is nt,moted a 10,000. stated that afar the battle a Pmwian major be intended. Lord Elcho and Mr Lowe
itstion. Not only bad Ibe people of tbe J O° rpora oO, WR to ado t meunree wAitb world ha•a tM
" ha•ing given tM Buffalo end lab Hnme Tarn , flowick, Morris, Gro Tbe bands of Sioux and Che enem have Proc'ed•d to the quartet of Marshal Ilene. had been hooted b orowds near the effect of unMeemnrily disturbing the trade,
different mantcipalitir thromgh which r0 -d a bonus of $300,003; that the GoTero- berry ), Col- Rt.Accwoop'a MAaexrwe.-1.. heott Co, attacked and killed whites on then lain.. dek, ander • 8.1� of truce, to sen reit •n sem,& Hotta of Commoner)w'lile the resiJe"oe the manufacturing industry, tM currency and
" the Buffalo mad Lake Huron pawed men A ratif sin such a unio Societe the I born•, Hallett, MaKillop and the vill F(• Y• T. J. Moorboeme, Goglerich. TM P tie but the demand aua refosed. Thera
t l 1 L 14 •R• Ulier, ■ re w torp r at mace wet go lM of Mr Gladatrane war ____ . ,M backingnzzl of the Pd the.'
ebim wbieh t -e 6.n nn a on account of contenu of the Juns nisevrade Siem; IronuPr, thara .JIM •rut nmavet of wRSr cera '• Ilstle doM.t, tMmfare, tASt on ,he Fwd Mr. EvahtOnl mrconded tM •menti
" cendemned tM Bill, but also in the y of Clinton; f3ont6 Riding-(ioderioh, between Naehcdwd Jose hatedt the l rut
the Municipal ey ao Fane, tt h.vinr bar I Sir Hronk Forbrook.-Pan XIiL; Life of iOLr and many lien lost P VERT Sconnnvs.-The Pair Mall (in- went.
" cities of Taranto, Haniltw asd Lon- rnesed aha mane asd I•en i, lO ■" rode town and township, Tackersmah, Sun- I sins Aavr met with • da,ded n M'se."
1 L P•^ Steele ; Memoirs of the Conledesrie War fov 1'M iangar a great, and nooses tmmew P . sells of June 23rd, n a :-TMH e • enc tzaSLATive uaxrat r.
` loo, rod many abet plsees they wen tient rnmpanc, and not Ibe final Trakct ley, Hy, d Bide sod Stephen. MG ezeiteme"t amon tM frontier op le. 1'Ae entr.neow of thio Pmrians into itch* 1 L
ledepaeeknce ; Cencl"sion ; A mean's •Man g P• sets oar receded h a formal declaration of 'at belief to day that •t the Cabinet Council July I I,
tort rte!way company isulatetl their contrast ()ilhm and Iliddol an to be taken NEw You , Jal 14. P l
" tiqulllo bdmtile to It, a lending o build 7 Ph for a' That ; The Permrive Bill ; The Po l wa imam Print- Frederick Charles and ,n held yesterday to determine -Imt Course I he following bill wY i■trodaceof and
Ay 'Mir bed manSgewnnt tat .int.r-that Jo►n Minae Botts pableb«. nptT ha J. order ofthe dr ohoeld be taken at;lie resent eris' it war reed a first time :-
M tp tech ■ {rigsntio railway morloplly n rolling stock wr taken off the road, and they fmm Hurrw and added to the North Rid- loigal Crisis i Inde: R. Baldwun'm So. col, and denies that in he fin which M called bio troop ,'Solved to • el to flit Coamr .' That Mr. MaelarlaM-To consolidate the iodeht
coned Joni n rode•• at a eMa r rate than i of M,ddierm. to protect Prcamia ham lbs dnmembaraaat PF e 1
would prone bight) detemehul W tbe d P P• 0R -- - -- - - imanmw .i,h the Iso Prcedaat l.nculn, tr ibe contrary to the wish and the opinion of ednen of the town ofAtr■tfn,it.
' � tMy nrried tAet of thew crrvatrse-tbrt aua ---- -- -- 1861 • ro ikon aua offered lonkm wAirh her eroeala wought to inFitet "{cera h. r.
" thrieeltonl coed eoamereial inurau of Tae liellegallm■ t• EngSland. P POs g to the sir Shall Ihe streams of blood " he asked, Ibe majoriy Of bar Majesty's ministers them lion. A. A. Dorton move] that a writ do
„ brave pe,fnraed over part of tM contract A7 �' We haw to /haat Mr Philo tVhite withslrawd of troop fmm Fort Santer, in cu, •+e aro doubt whatever. It is the wish of ices fns the election of • member to re m
Ib4, pRrhpl. of thio ewatry, and danger- p.yinr aur .r.&IIt pan to the M"Nicipd -hieh your (&there aid aiM Frourrd not an- P
" Fund. Mr Brown then went M io ob of Lseknow, for a prernt of fine Straw. 1 La Minern sap if she British Ministry ons• Virginia refused to sheds. der Frederick the Orris, in the war of index a small minority i but that minority bare nll .nt the caanlJ of Twd mountain., who hes
euS u tie mfitJ ned prriry of Its shnmld be reconstructed ire a Satisfactor New Yoa+, Joly 14. n the wer •"d all the rmarion, and all the rest ned his amt -rand.
" polities" After Outi that the wMthel Y tM manner for Olengory lead borriar-hmm his own gardes, we pro- l The Ptat's mone °Wiese m s olds uie pa Wince, and .hieh .a oe,setwo lattarl) PO Pt gg
rid, Mr thiM ably expluwed I tinea manner. the delegates tram .'tees Br"awiek 1 1 B q t. Zoo at i)uppal ed Alin, mn been s ill ,w olosunany of the Croopti . Hut en act the f1M. Mr. to onorall then enDa e d of
'_l�-` ppee wenn, TAe) were most deliaioas. Sud at is oatbmg ave limited, Tha lend- rm;m 1 Never I We will mainuin F�roral 1O1p, . or mnro resprmsiblp wnn wcroally joarned dPhau on Mcniwrin's ■mmndmm■t
80itur d(.eMitale, Clinton, Harpurbey, Sod erred how ma)mt n world a to hal con- send Non Stnbm, wh se olepartera Awa been ing tate a rraehmnSod. TM IMa market -ar 'neat opun the g.erpetr■tiun of Heir wishes t0 the motion for going into Committee of
nitw"ts if that soul entice aua aeraios- --' - u she al, ad '►)) vicharie4, -take Mr rated-,gri
that►, Mitchell and 9lntford had ) L• P° SW Sportsmen will have a fine time retarded by the Ministerial crisis, will lean abundantly sapplied with tilt• capital offered and mightier. We .acid be worth of our not only agai.rn the .ill vel IA.of own col- Ways sod latrans. He wen followed by Mr.
ed. H. (Mr th eoalaend.d that wkwn r for En land ee the 19th Inst TMdele ten at 5 (M 6 par cent. Thirt million+ currenc l lea Res but against the manifest feelin s of Mankenzior, who wag still s
psdtsoeed °gat°./ ■aalgamatloe, Mr. aim resdin io the tenon thro k which tM r Lw l 1 lslbare. We Poly on the nod of oar father$, R R pinking when our
`` uL loaf It Itis fdl aroRgr the blot .gnirrels. feoa Nor• 8coti• an the HM. Merin. J. will ba he stock frog tM TreYmt sen 'he till be mighnl in us, and will blow the Ib• whole country, al another thing. We report left.
Dteksen aced the Coanlies of Herrn, road pried, cad mae{eipalitw a1Mg tM ben rr4,k. TM crock as,■K al uiet Mt 6rm. d°uAi it. We duuAt ,Maher it N not clot tO
ens their moan for Ibe comtrsction of Each In • drive yesterday to the country, we W Wtche ad J. MXell of ihe U per q arm. of Prnr a I" --T-`
Parti ■ed Brssce had gives js(x),noo to R y
l / P Sou sharks ui it., railroad Aoedr stmng,ad Oren the most l,oatr mind that to die. 8en7 OIte1, Is as a omen' for Pro•
roSd, it world M most impmPar (or clic comnled oo IeRa than efteee rwi the side of Ffoams seed Hon. Moan. Tapper sed Are►i Mak SAares t uist. Rsilrced ahem in wcti•s TAs 75 mea eo-resDnnd.nt says :- wolve Parlirmrn l no., .rad nn rocA •n wen, ictoon, obzevvsJ that • FrrwT; 1mrader ■t the
•air fs building the Be/ -In and fake Iegelatare to take it not of tb r bends mrd i " -he march s tbm Austrian temtory his South clenched he argument against the int
Ibe roed.wlthio R diaueee Df -went) rode. wild er the Ln.o" Moors fmm N, ilmna- "Is Kr slur the bend N. Y. C. domed set ,celd My sod to the irritation which •I,
Heron Railway, abs inure,' os whish aro n to • �rpom foe rbieh it sir iotand- _�•�_ - _ 9!11 F:m 74. M'n distinguehrd by tM same regerd for gaily arid opprSrion 0( Prooetiym IMtisa, Ay
ed. He enc d • k on 'him mmtia. from wick sPo tM Hon. Memo. Tilly, Wilmot, r private pro{urt) they wr so merep•IOrly ob ready exists against the enduct of the got-ddrwing a my haabte, enSrmly drtrmd
oar being paid panortaall) in Mdilinn P'• 9 $}The loeml menu n( Aswver'a hall's I JohimOn, Chandler ad Mitchell. 1 he Post's Special a)s that Attorney-Gea, wned In 'lesony, The Artesian Villagers al oremeet, specially m such s coarse would 4,erditnr a a -ars:
the 4,sprrrnc- of the wonting of tM North- Ohio Reaper think we did not do them jar Spored lea sent kis rasi,rmrM to the poi. be •scribed worry a•eh w the inecence Ot Mr.
dr Armwsof Heron bad SpmI $400,000 am railroad, Tnonto, Them bad been a __ _ __��. - dt"L %Cmtar Harlan Ma also .ant." him Rnt tanked M tM irrrphoo of the nay sl Hri htrnd Ais radical iallowin IslMro M " My follow citizen I do you kno-
t can Att►apo wade t t hve it trot- lice 'n nor meth- of the neem trim!. tVe 1 their northern kinsmen half Ie frier, half i- r S' tk■t •AIH M year hoOY cwt yon ate esnu
en Gvaed :a•da, to enable Iba rtten le r°° ha the (ir-rad Trunk railway, bet then tbeegtl we -ere verba and mill think me, bat e, Rare- WA1.eeE a ,4, A esus..,, Poe rmi`-°tian, 4vt it bas not base ,lived bl euriesity, bat SMn lMy ame to he M "it ober way Mt of the difficulty 7 TMro u one � 1 -rd mors than it need or sbnnld, in
�[ their produce to the diffswst liar, : dy 11, J, R. Qenit, the U;►t-roes rSI_ lha twido t yet. hieh tbe nernment mr take -and r
Sum hardly s ciusee of Toronto who woald we did them the 'Mid to mai 'het the die log tams .ith the snWiSrs, and the• we 1 Is order to m -dl lbs bloated dividends of the
M, w►ile wallet -g freta the sip of the WA■wtwamw, Jnly 14. hyo wFil oke. Per laxed Mlwaen ami nS
atW-.Meg the lice, cad surely every net Iwk on Seeks sen an i a gnu injury to /ePoriw hat.we the Rens 4,.d flharman's TM Fr ;!V thio AI goekly spun wppfying them with dentias P Yankee factoryowncn 1"
Iheihq dm%W be greeted them a s is the city, and -rat a cart but world my aha Cooper -flow to the top of the Hedge's ruoos nominated en .ate? and doing them otber other cod aur uoa, wbieh the CJr.ea is strongly oP to, sir Well, I as it did, it ria n an," re
stashing oar sip d: hL The • nts of the the flPnata A. W. Her -W I, na. 8nt ■riatanl L aced drrwlution, which .cull M •normorsl pp�°° 1 1
l { R Mia hath rrWl of xisett muse W brae Of 7 L L• How 1►al twaing, • heigAl of 44 foM!/tea view." l plied the sand hills, Suri oneasJy ander
"pr 1 beta timet lh■t part ref more advano to the Cit then the Grand (crew my that it is eassirweud of Much bH ha the Fwt+mstaI(I*r,wal, ie pled ref Mr. inconvenient and almost equally intolerable the Halter of • ro sera ao�dantl ..-. I ntad
dm R" 1 the paaswnat, Ids ►is baland and foil M IA rani -On, reagnPd. ------ _•-r------- ,e °II parties in politics, except the mdicml 1 1
••�T hr Ike went Df mammary I ,work cad Gram W - u together. (Hew.) w aatsrid. Of that N an eel pnp•nd l0 A. st . He ti Frisked ■p and oMveyed No elect rasi natieri of Cab;eet .Mee. no hie. ' 1 don't li��or how t0 maid -1 dent
wMasmmedalim • • • Ha Daly the atlnmer ,►ri Sirred that Ile ( $}A grwet ocean rend of cpm SAip s naw party, minalten meT a`reS I. stake their know hardly mnytAing. Tl iS orlRg
I•drwd, it ' pp imp• to abs ellld ter i)r. ren Hemp, .asm b4, lid be.e resivad b) tM Prraldent ap se Orion hming rap from Chima t" England. A prix plaees M a von of cnn6d.nru, iAe gnpSl,M tem i 0orwne., 1 m
vlaeli °PM■? r if it mow, bat all the late" bel eh d bad owl today, of ■tries $5,000 is ive" to the eli , ur whieb rat reform trio mmittsd to Mx1 erYSM. At l L ppf1••• that i wn't w
wen fin $ted per- flrSei ,Mb MvS Aare YtMwhed ►ed t er assmined, and, .nnlerfol ha plata, aua L I (p+ L
h•I �� Tbe wMk`f i•t brlw smsssdiwglJ Ciwransvy July 14. ►neega The First now w to Kngls, d, $.i par any este, .e should not he oaprrwd d 'M tow 1M) t►args gh siz ee- s • Ia+vt ori a)
tr 16, of Ord+! Tont C ., "t. u Fir l l nth mpmMr to. oar H• (Mr B.) bat deri the WOOL. Ha n farad go heVa arrurwi M aurid 1.1.7, Two r4,libamse in do wePo eaamiu•d in ten baiag asbwribed ► the inadoa sen mer How of Comma Skirt, wMe i DrwgAt it Iril Fin."
tbaew Fionl ►o1b.Sd tks4,•e .r cel mme 4iU� � � n R t• 1 nus, ■14r all, Lnda then fou •�•
•eery ebafrM ie abs nay u /tr that a( dioft'W wb- throng"' tM ill" am Roi•g w rapidly, •ad car Au" am &A Within fiftam Minot" those ,f s, sdk4,d tAia City Imo Highs, nor Rsrper fmm needs., t►aaa fur tAu pntpeze. °f the mmrtry ret io he ban&. MtTnw, Joly 11 -t1.wd Centro NMpMes
wtsN �° 1••dw •f t►at satids (Tom s.esldsm ia4Srreid M the ver of moa{ 1M moa ■aniseed. N0 Mor■ wen beak Ohio, .Y moedor d fee mouse) eOd • too, --- -.M -- - .Y umst04 to la K the w14 sf P. A. Flo--
Vt"as •utast r PsnrM POmt pev+g 11► ,*,W.g ie lbs AteP•bM wmlbw the a -•mrd Rills , b a Mi bor fs sero- i} The Chicago Rarpwbtiean Says is re )
NOW at the Rd4O •-•1 lata H°rw lWb to L' ,w reported in the mews that be 1 1 Le• � &f$bt warm wtattPr ba •ppppaamntty Mt t, .be elaiw >14,000 for "feeling Mc
• Ue/ab s CwAarnasy -41 whb Ave Grand Trunk. (( ►stn) ♦ sudng the bevy trap, a wad a f& m■- TM lea ley the beruug of the Ates/use) estPu uoa $700 pen day, mod iu expenmze rt n lilat�ar IPoMed, asi a It-okud ■pan iw?s■ M RSnlani.m and er Ismsevrd
Trusth to era i-toxie■Md. Nowwver flat meT her M $11(10. t'•tNow
Mnrede isvw h SeaP a 0 I" +w+r merged cited the° the fe1Mt then M 1114, • of wbieh we hear of d. he gee4,ter t►mn .sen at fire cep r moat dtlliW •(ier the bsa,l rata of the i0 aha txce.sion m bampor Relb. Stopbow
Intel sh.,4,gh u • teat u ,oe nos ra js- -tole ver `rcirth Ameries. He gM maps spnmstd • dstprmiarien 'o agora Wert TM total I- $66,MM { tw Blanes $} General OrOnl is le visit Niagara den. ar11e? pates of Jeas. he Lro,th 0( appeared i- the saeieipal coon std I"
gMwing aoornr•u hnto ell gns►te?a stn mfr r";virAr. YO,MM, ing thipmmm.r. P,*Mow teal $foto of every tied boat duties half m $7,Am
_ aa�
. _ r ? r ,
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