Huron Signal, 1866-7-5, Page 2>
__ --- - murur,trnsg operolfors, render ;t etrta;•
'- Com ° hr done all tbm evil it o&o do. pudds nilrwd liar Loadoa W IAyfield.- tram ('aaade, and Ihe rnat cwt of all %bar
Un Doing introduced to the audience, that dal• A diw,lalio• w resignal;On w buddy Me the ►ane a• Krbogr folly see► f FATAL AOOIDEN T. Thom evil diou't require W be enamors- tarried, let the curp•e .bi* lighter rued ail Ibis
M 111 cwyidered into .PIs • bet then ie little l gl•Un. Mayby fu dont me vat that is.- y of Canada .ill pe •pie ro 4 much what the
uX4 t "R . iloberu prooadrd W laud lDn Kuod a for toraiu ao o r cion Y to which wY It is oar ptdafd duty W record a tem- l for they are Wo well known, but the I T rnbuldl, That James !mall uun:dl°a, be tawor Provisoes tegr're et awe► lea Prieto _
b of Buffalo fur the feelin the t W paddy Kr►ugw, t fie o •ting Y;vH b•o- age time has °ow come when by proper mac
p good K J mwt protable; •esn paper oredteted the bl heal aSaiduo b which John gi
- died • a►;ILaLai, im the good ab time who J tr J sod 'r henaby wthurtaad to ea pond the .d that ca° pumbly he the eau W;J t li nit
QODEBiOH. _JULY 6t 1888• bad shown his brethren during the ror°t event whish it dtwirins It may he remarked. moot the muuiotpwliur of the dlflH- ditio°al nam of forty dollars ( d needed) to Sut«.
iovui,w, and W deelan that bowever ba.eror, roar the dissolmuon of P.rh&e"nI Irie► La wY bsag•d frr ler this ant►i°, our I lig., of AshfeM, Iwt lib IUs. lJo Bra- sot Townshi where their lauds are as un the impofar hal of Aonr into New L
t before it bad finished its first °emion w at trials a° &iatinod till be bong ase ob " w► day last Mr. Ifiing w" k Golwluh tau- Pa I repair the Hey gavel reed , Carried Bit-- -1 cot tar Or Sof 20 n &I bbl,. an l
F MR• OALTr$ FINANCIAL STATE- gloomy ills prospects of the Irish Repub least. unusual, and may, therefore, be eon a day. As Lina day &v the tonal tion I •yljag w ordinary baoioem. At about odJ, can make the nutation) pay w*U for I heaved by M;cl,"I 7wllar, sec. Ly W tlham tekeu at t e part of &. Juhn due, and
MEN - adored, he the 21 ase coy imoroh.Me.
ho might hate Dees De Dad fulflled every Patty wY heirs talon till the gallran • b o tdook to the aher,roou lou started for their further acts. The OUMPasy has , Turnbull, That •he council sew adiuuro w tram Ibst plate a very large portion of the
There u no doubt, however, tort the Reform J)
Tho Hoo. Mr. Galt broa bl bis Dud Promi" m°alt °° former ooeasia,a Its H,II w hillsd.- Louder. 3rd. cart Jollied by lou laud,, w►u detHm;ned till hotN, the vehicle befog o lumber wsgyua pave paying high oar oar their Ixnds fat !meet exein aO the Tth dy of Augwt sea ,` `r'ibuury toothelisRiver St IJob", which is
K fact, in hie opinion, " the etawu of the e" the job done r kumfurtable Y possi►it. ulcus •ted Let settled potuue
get before the House, on Tuesday night, F.nlMeoaott Rsvtaw.-Leonard 9oott dnwe by • spw of manse. At Port AI come )can book, sad their lands are ! cots that the cork put up •notice of uta the e c pay
past was th ha I rhown the Irish le Aa tb coy tby tb " HHp an Pi bert he SW sums time but our infor• ai In •due. The wood laud, its I mating io nch W41d.-Crrr;ed. „t the couutr .
the 26th foot. Ar might have txen e[- I l P Publuhin Co., N. Y., T. J. Uoorhoua, Public," an Jimmy Rils•, who Loop it, invited PP'^t ` °ing WILLIAM WILSON- IAtwew 2b and 30.000 los, " r flour
I" of America that if they but rose to Iba S I moot, Mr. Brook° of the Goderich and many Pisa", a now become r valuable I Tutruship Clerk. find their way to the unit porn. Y far dn.w
ed the trade of the Provin°e fur the ndrrich. The contents of the No. for Paddy ;n utl ►.• •tut dbrow!No, rs he, m"
{s: ear Du rewired favonbl Dein uiremrnt° of the acessiva, nothin u tlae alesred lead. The Cam ^ a P _
W 7 J. g 111 g De eurre,t oart.r an, Grate's Ylato ►aero herr), wile nut vote. So w they I Kinaniina stage line, who !aft him there, W Y Tuwosh; Clerks utiice, t u Shediwc, anal tb* B'sta er til I w•
} . on earth could prevent them from free q wilt, an tvo mania aMr the pangio, the says he did sot ewm W he io the least Iter, iI played out ; I bore nu doubt the I [toy, 2Y1h Juore, IAi4. { ponuium into New b'c w oto M carr; d
$18,000,000 to excw of the trade of I" lug their native land. * • Wbo Mews Briunnicle, Water Supply, Cor- al oh cod St Sup
last ]aer, and °early $1G,il00,000 iw ex- d;o that bad o;° "k'd fur sum rep rid sI wader the irfuesce of llqurr. After tear- different Nuoiolpalitics will know Law W OB l YD TBLNK RAILWAY alrng the Imo of luilway rural°Yj w.ar9•
"could not say in his heart that the in- respondaoce of Marie Antoinette,n The no Lor" all ;n a father. Yin untlia ing Port Albert, the deceee•ad proceeded put un the taxa. A few more Tears of Ott CA NANA. Wooduoek, for the oat of the IumLensg alar
ones of Soy previoa• year. The amount „sulfa cod oppreaiou of a cetttun were Inch Ch,rreh, Autobiography of 1 none •tan aro. Wbwt the kuru of Kushfo!ve trieu.
of its trade don not invariably isdieate I „ o° hu juaney r frr u Mr. CYheY • high u:" &od o0 oak far tLntr land, ex-
not is a degree wiped out in the battle Charles of Hese, The Res-oustruction of asses• No exon at prisint from yet surrifill few howdred yards beyond the Astrfield cept ■t •great reductiaa in rice, tree ' (Ae prrndrWls ul tAe Akarrds u/ 7Vsds Nesrly the .hula r the Aonr, tLetil The
the eel rue rat of a ably i la I P al Alrratrod. 4jaebre, (Ubawo, llwsWq imported into Haw Bnwwiek will, until the
Ran P Pe ] y' ' of Lime-tone Ridge! I" the America° Unice, Diary of the Right (rind Crthulio ChurcL, whbro he stopped until Cumpaoy will tin that their monopoly bar Naaaieto°, London. 4e• Intercul."'Al llaflway i, cousli J of too
Wis case, however, aur trade baa been Ss far eogtxd, but the speaker, said he Honanble W, Windham, The Reform BARNEY BRALL1f]AN. ",so.ity find its coy ;raw the Pru•i°co by the
healthy, Oar imporLa wire $53,031,045 about half-past nine o'clock. On turning hea,mn-m frilure v b the future, and will I Gsmn.■err Hay of Fundy. As I have already stated,
jA I knew there were Canadians &moo t his Debote. - _ - - g d P J TM abrogation of ills };edprocity Treaty I bare C.MpItted arrangements with Steam 0
agaisat $41,6'20,469 in 1864.5 while the _ • out W the rued ag in a is supposxi that De , w a to sell .t the nos the can
' i hearers, and he wished to state that h° be bud but one line in his hand, which bel, vetoer Berl hole l id* are sg• d with the ble ch sten, be t likely w anad , by rttnnlur ur fro l all parts and n Juba,
uporLa were, for 18645, $12,181,151, did sot tans W Weddle with Canaduna Orana ar IAcYool E:analratloa.a ttn j # Delievn tbn luryter thole 1•uda ere unwld sun,;denbb cbsnge ;n tbo triode of Cau•Aa, by whish Auur I'ror dl para of Cw■da as .
erred for 1863-6 $51,981,375, ahowilR that w •a wY probably tightened u bre rwohwl over rue bete r far tGn MuuteiprLtina in wLtep
fur the other, mad ust at that moment the the are situated, the Company p+ their ted eocsrquenuy of toe tnAic along the line M wet oar through halloo(-Ird;ng W St. Juhe 1 ,
wLo did not meet him as defenders of The hal6ynarly examination of the - -- j y of tb Grand Trunk R.ilway, l .a induced the •hi ler &t coy atauon os the b" u( ty
I we belie seldom or never done bsa.ner Anotber letter from Mayor Glu•, and
os •mon ewwro baaia. TLe serer of Bntish rale, which Smicablc seslimeot (7nmmar School of this Wws look place wheel° awed over a liul t P,In at ILe .ids tax" booert y &real wt the •Ppaiu LU10' to make careful soam."non into the condi Unna runt Hadco) at Por no alce*a be g
Mbar eorrespoudeace tae b"n crowded out P look alter the trr:nster at Purtlutd, lh•t being
ones ores trade iodated, oC wane, • I will be duly sppreciaul, The reason for un Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of ibis woe__ I of the road, throwing him out. The but it is a hard car to raise the urns t oa of the Trade, particularly its noun" te Ar,ua ae sell u the Customs bwo•aa, by the
y drilling at Canada wast because it wY last, and we are happy W say that the wheel orthe heavy wagg,u pumd directly tram many ottheir leases with the Lower Provinces, and uAiron of the Compact 8t A°dnw° cod
{ large increase of rcyeoue, so macs so the under En••lieh rule, Sod he thuu,ht it Y interostis troeaedin were witl"ead D W The err. Bruce, formerly owned But, Mr. Editor, I am not °egaainud With this T ]]
although come ex ven e, soy calls 1•hat ! . b g P Ra y over the poor wau'a temple, fraetunsq with Mr. glass. Hu politics nothing W with 11Lu •tow he.a tasty spent come time i° St. Stephew +dl alio , hichM alwa Pwe
)ustifiaDle to duck any English porerioa a Irrller number of spooutors than uveal, here, is sow plyist between Bnikville and rue skull, cod death must have bee^ al• I•.od by rr0;rto t difix, wh;ch own drays a
Deer made apes the Government, inc!ud- Osw o 0o with his views T Will he nut want visiting the principal cities ret tbu" Props• chained wntbuat d;Ficulty, cod tbruagL bilis
w it wY far England to opprov rod t]n- Ths ayerags number of pupil" for the eg _ I mwt insunlancou . He wY found dead to go to Prrii°taeat to carry out the "m, cod obW■ing the beet informauun that of Iodine will be given tu tb,sh place• also.
lag a Militia expenditure footing up to vise aver Ireland 1'ar l0U can. Atter r If car war Crow 3U w 35-which scald he rotund in regent bull, w the •:• Of the impureuo" of Aour iuw Naw
$i,fiS8,S68, the rhe le hu been paid off, 7 Pa" ha y g The Toros. Volustcer Fund hu and the horse standing hoar him Mr. lielora fur v ? P
this sort of harangue, Roberts took a glass is cotwderabl in advance of former terms. A HawelTs isuuq tree, and the po"ibiGy of ;ncnu;ng R ck hove, the gnat bilk St fur sums )sere
leaving a b.lance is band of $:i•L5;lG2. I y reached the handsome fguro of 137,000. King war a magielnte of long susding %h., rode .rah Canada back bee° from the United Stela t• although,
pf water °ted proceeded very logically to Of these quite a number aro from the and onjryed the r"pect of a large circle rb MEAPEM ♦ND BOW. even beton the obty sent of the .o prothy
AU this, so far as the past is concerned, V0, rho Stammer Silver Spray will HALL Tbh result t thew i onsideAuee, lou eoo- 'rreuy, the uantutr cont from Caaada hm
I d'uprove all lin had averted. O'Neil mai nrroundiug country, and judging from oC frianda in Ashfield and elSewbero. A tEB• yi„sed me that •ver eoYnderebfe teffie, i°
is bigLly grStifyisg, but what about the ive a chew excursion from Southampton J - thea ar IS6 y t. Johnir c Thus 1 bred m
frikd, and hr rtyretfed fo say they cone roB.icsc manifested in the nrioue g P Curoser s for u"t woe• held sea d►y b) the "r IA63 St. John ncened from Canada
fatten T Hirharto $500,000 hu Dees P y end intermeduu pons W Gtnlrrich, on t i $another color° eph h found the •i. treed, coo, % proper mora are he of hear y
disappointed. Euglind had crushed the exe ises, we think too much praise can- I Dr. McDougall, and a verdict reudereel m
eoosidered quite su Scient fur Militia the 1th of July W wiuwn the great tight •enisemwt tit Mr. Jtsepb 9herm+° of stns- rid oar hetW , o Carmel• and the other Pro los 000) b Pe urmd d due g The 1"t t eIro
Irish people, who were powerless to op not awarded W Mr. Haldane for his aesordance with the facts we have stated. ford, manufacturer of Bail's celebrated Ohiu vines.-tar he, of c°ur", my o•,u;dently
purposes, but the Government, taught by pow her, sod without awistanoe coal do ro rformance, A,c. mowtM the ganouty tau inerewa w 17,000
raoest erects, feria thst an increase should e:eni or his whalers fur thea: arise- Pe !x IDEJiT11 OF CAs rOU WILLIE eO1Obioe Itwper cod Mulder. Tbu Mach;e nl.rpd u soon u their l'oHle ieetiou is harnle )
notLing but ewe in mad inaurrectioe tion to th it stadia. As a prof at the $f1TA slight miauke i,eeurrcd in our )ggQ, ' Its caned a reputation of no ordinary theme I •'' Vstey mcc u"o"'a Which hu h;therto e: I If thu ear bre° the oea hefure the sbroga
be made m the Volunteer force of the o freer her aoverei n will and suer, but 6 y u m tt r a Reewhi cry e- eon n f li tle u
Ra R P° success of aunt men who have bees notion of the Bayfield Volunteer Compa- ter i° Canata, and in lintam it is considered utrd 6t re lard w the de•elopmeat rt this •muter about wb;cb there eco be little dr
country, and certain prceanuonaq there were five mi!liona of the Irish rex We lean wits feslinje of dapest regret of ! aeeood to sunk manuf.cwred Y will he (trade. hu bean the want of pr°per meas■ of
under Mr. aldane's tuition, we may ny, T. R. Jackson, C. W S., is Litotes- .rte, that too eire°rouat n ■b,+b nerve a ,ole
m:awr•ee adopted which will swell that I in America who would ut a veto upon t'AuEvery and the death of CYtor lY;lha PJsI., at hie rr;d- I eNS b, the retire ing er -ct from •later by large sntcettun ; %to ;tis quina er;d m no will make .t efutu;e Chet nearly the whole
p meutinn tLat I"ten int nut 1;nsi ,the latter itiou being p l will ht fawn he darn Irum Canada.
sum W at Irut $I,SOU,000 ! Then'sueh antra tea raoecdio n, and if !with- Wautuo have a 's taken rises at tba ea" ^ear K=Nur, os Mondq the :red irl. I.3csubt A;rieultunat : turfs •r°uunt u( trade eau be rcrred ental a p,
B°0 P P filled by Mr. Pollard. I)eeeAsed war •man of sterling gahties, and • • •• eco you ea ht "x rw to hes .four tin, watt is supplied. to regard to Wan Roue the imponattcxu
■ in it mast be obvious W every cheer y y, ubrwwl the most tm tout means of o the last return which hart, been ubli•hed
$l, I ful to Ac , ffc., the could s000m dish the London Cull is Institute in the de hu loam will be de lored b a very large circle operation with the ma, bmv : I dte,m it tar dot 1 Pur y P
rant n0e, that the prceperity of the I 7 I PlC-Nle AT THL FAL.,-Mir tPdk- P 1 I to that Province, noels, for the year ending
freedom of their native land. " With en- rtments, res tiv 1 of Mathemstics of trwu•L and acquaintances throughout the i to give ret a■ rt w 'f V toe+” ■raved v Pen<r- j commu•ucaurn, end the ons calculeted to
St eSr` to • ve eonsidrrab!e cx- I W 7o er of the Central Schoc 1, and her pupils, Cuunues. Troly i ae.d alt r't{er• (■its-k matin"ma r oo. t lel te,.t the tete to the tureen pea Li er tb 8epumMr IA65, show itis following n-
pS J rOs° r7 "orgy and deurmisa[ion the] could pull and Classics. m I icor the m+crrw were a •card to n, would he the %if WA O til • o w of
there styes r: The w-rk tullrwrng, lbs Roth wll:-
k`nt from rri'ejQtiowal e.uaoe. Tbe crop t. dew° thrones and Wpple monarohit:a i° The following is the engaged themoely" in the pro-mctug war], " lar tba situ of h(s a an iv dose_►.," I ownwesw I toov t e Exarb,uon thw yla+ a 1^• i Ilai,way cozrecung ell i,aru of ltir,•d. wish From Grid• .. . , • • • • • . ,59,2.33 bbhe.
of Inst year war , and the balk of our I et the Falls of the Naltland, on Saturdal. 1 - ^"°"s. !
the face of nolioss" \Ye fussy we PRfzL LIaT: CE\TR LL SCHOOL PIC+NIC. Iovert.rp.w.JeA<dsI. Thi onyb•"m■uraet-',ths, fora Proidems; Li a it isi to get New 8rans.ick.........lU,4A2 roe
produce found i to A meriean mar- I They went out in omnibuses, carriages, le mac" euadrru, a d earrrt tar perm r•vr lots, fur . r n+idenMe time to rotas, W get prines Fdwsrd Wand : • . :172 1
bear some American breaking in just then Gmk. .....................Colin $aehanan• &a. ands nt a most leasant time, ever woytHlmg •e Iba t'ro'd' •net Ib. °""'ser ■ted
P P J The Stator diyisious of the Cewtral' that into practical opersuoe, n becomes ret Ne+fnundl&,A. .. 6513
leets previous to the ° tion of the I with " bull for ou, Roberts 1" The Latin, senlar,....egaal, Sidney Smith, thin• vi off to the satisfaction of all ver sty ren. •pr g eat, raw 'her+ veer+ rnxn. I tss+ary in the ttte.,uae w adulot other mode Canted Sates......,...312,371 -
dteeiproeitl Treaty in Mareb •. TDe io- ] J Cul. Buchanan, 1 School of ibis Wws, assisted by the e b ° 'uv1raY°Mu 6 ietw 1 •t Great BnWn........... 1IA '•
of eon•wyance.
Gisenl thea went on to sneer at such oG wscenned. °
fla0on of those markets gave ha pric" flan u Grant and 1 to s tinning police M• Camps@", Principal and other teachers and friend•,; so ah w"• altugvu,.r oocot r0. ,.ar erape ere Tl.e pnuetpal Pons of the Lower P11 '.w txher places ..
' ' dt<u very d,wtp and pwrv, end tbra heroes, as ere which receive the tartest amounts in tm
IWC Scoots. CHtxRa FACTUBY AT Ex[TLR.—lie I en O ed a most deli_htful i"ic al (i8 8 at Iba rets have bm tom -Canada the lar
DeyosS what coo be ordinariil e: d. mesa and to c:press bis indigoatws at • n J 1 P tame ■. rm rrnwa, u the the mTher scow tine,, are : int fief Broww;inc & owed ie gat •manna hate pan to Hpeau and !'teras,
.aJ.,•...egnal, Char" SWIM, arc leaned to observe that our a°terpris ' point oo Saturday last. Tha extrema, • rret"rev. c■rry ■ taw w gre.a 'fee ui,ate Woes stotiw Hdib:; in Prince ( dws d is- the ranutnea have been rc,pebti•ely-
1'he trees i° cattle, horvn, sheen an \ P wnael •n tn< p.awrm. ■iuw ooh" b ern wrwe, l L• d. Cbarlruetuwr,; end ;n Wv+f^andland, ! _ _ •. • .. ......27,018
e idea oft" brethren not being permit Su"n Dixon _
swine, alone, wee greater in extent than, t o march crani in large Bodin with 3rd............. Mary U'Cos r. ing friend Richard Manuieg, whose (arm beauty of the scenery, and the saute sop-' dna no n.rm. Thu .xte., war r"• •.g Nt tea, I To ihf x ........ 6
•v cow ever known is Canada is near Exeter, has established a cheese eration fro. wordly cares w be found 't',' ,°i Kw aw,eroe Inu.t 11 ou acs.^►•letow dtdtr-til I reread°mans apf wren tires on C. I ram li ' B r o • -' , t • •' ' ' - s u,4T9
we belie e, , .arms a muniva,to of war in a free noun• French. .................. Suvn Dives, From Nov Brua+ick, ter ;mpoM&tium $n-
and the ria" realised almcst fa ulcus. factor ,with ever res of suocca+. them, tended W her hien the es o meat tee t en.. unte.elt s era tsrn,aa • f tss ►arses w as la end snow pr;nu .;II be.• the etf et to ?!ova 5a ter h.•e bet $netl y aloe
F tq. Fur 9@:reuq Seward' and Fresi- Xuthemunre sad Alyebnr. J J P P^n K J y gunk by oak. anA grtuag tie non.Y cone ht to soul Such time Y the Railway u completed, , the shun of the Bar of F rndy. F in the
(:•° thio eatwfSebry sate of things coo- alt hue 40 cows of Lis own, and will Pur- of &II resent, and it reall did one's heart bate wren a,'.hent r(a .rata• Aetna""tea' rant without which Inde
dent Johnson, t Speaker hinted that he lot...... equal, Cot. BeeMsaa, ' chase milk from his n.ighbote. Wt -and to witnew the a uj,,a[fOe of rho raw+.•taw n■nay bela•v mo. °f not be it ° Caited arg es, the, into The I" have Hato, t°
liens ? Mr, Galt thinks not, and them M. Cam isn. g` R ] •• Thr o hardly •eve .red ugM-stere woes e•anu% he pr„Joerly developed. tory large runout, ante the Pert o(Hwl flax,
felt the utmost opt. file. Sewani P (<oow of no branch of industrf,so sere to I y s -they baying amomnttd to 172 192 bNa.
fore propoets to fill the gap in the Rev- 2hd......equal, John Dickson, prove remunerative, and we shonld like I neatlt.lnsaed group. tit bright, bola and her. bat oven err riot, .raw raw nett 'Pere 1 t •ul rt Y LIz0 of the wade .seem o ne be
woe' is his apaawon but rile better than a Su"s Dixon. r . f. r sad nest. accrue rr rte. pr cedrrp, d*•ele;ed w these plates it the mNm of ]k nett Largest nlAa of importation is
roue by o'opliug the following rocised British a and he had s ass $cions wRll W ex some rntcrpnsisg mai► i° each giro, who till Teemed deterwined to ban •ted 1 caogrstubta maven van u they commurrintiw .ire a,ppl;ed thiol 1 +.•s u- Yarm••uth, ;ret • which plan. the impavutiow
soak of duties :- PT 8 P 3rd............. Julia Lysur. wen. .lib w ea;.tior
that Dlr. y, and bald be t back to of \he older wwnships fallowing Mfr. Nan- ° pleasant tame Dentath the grand old I . Yuan a erect Cady oris errengeeoesta iota 19,714 barrels.
Arithmetic. ring ■ exmmple. frets and perfumed shrubbery. The •• J. A. IMO %J- DE.^ i.,ne of Steam••re running bewwe*e Portland The ural largest are Cornwallis and Win&
To nix the excise duty on spirits from his tailor'A goose and vrrwboa again. 1st............. David Patton. _ and St J•,nn, w eery tr.ffic from &0 M;nu sora They each henng imported 9000 bbl..
30 to 60 cents a gallon. 2 I stables brought along, together with a i -- on the lies ul Me Gard Trunk Haifwa to
To naw the customs duty on whiskey. I1' lie thought the enrt should pane so- nd......equal,'I`hos. Whitely, Ts 1M tbrouRhoat Huroo pro COUNCIL IIEETIMO. y All other ,nru hese Ccennoi qa ach.a
lotions denouncing him as he bad no John lliekson, fine lot of atnwbeRies Carni+bed b] the St Jo►n, N.w Bnruaick• reT og true 100 blob. w 3000 blob g H
brandy, to a uniform Specific sand- sent t, threat Favorable appearance. The Tye n IH month meetis of lM town 1 am also Completing arrangement, for 1Mn aro s,..r iS plans Oncludinq Heli•
3rd ...........• Agnes Hamlltoo. trachea, wen partaken of with Joubk >ta 1 g sum_ s t. during the month of September fa: n lova Scotia, which have Cte;•ed
and of 70 cents a gallon. I " nfl^cud much er_dit upon them !"- -, fall cob 4 stated before, hu beta' rclirh, after which the party adjourned to eou"il took place on Monday *voting IYt Peat Stuaaen w na Ptxd.nd .rd ;m; neat oY tit Aour from the United sates
Sicrlp-trre' oonaidera j injared its place°, but the y ' ;
To levy a duty on Indian corn, and a era 1'he a scluding remarks rare political d- IK ..,,,..•,•..Isaac Somers, wharf, where, through the kindness of P^ant, the Myer pr. admg M, Nell-, ' M.ny of these, of sorra, are coil hmrbu•n
kirbLtx, nabob. it i+ rounded, shall ren enn-
graina from flit States of 10 cents a tone, to the effect that as the pr"cnt ad- 2oii..... al, John Whtus grsan end Moving crops generally, sever • Hugh Bain and other fishermen,mhe I R11°end, C Cameron, Hortoe, McL,r. f.vt & l thv lose, t the tar, (areae •t epos bsbmg ew sst;oa •n earned on, sed
erltr B. y ChQxd, Cas, GibtonA, Hay., :kagYrdH. (..t •weekly Imo, te b• ;nere"rd "lie ea sash den•v thew supply u1 frena nae hwACd
.,whet. ministration bad acen At to stop the Fe- John Dickson, looked belay A trip through uorthara t aboard two or three smacks, and', J
To levy a duty on floor o^ming from the nian' from oclting their native country Julia Later, townships recently, and reports from oar Tia mmna of IYt mentin wen Cad and 'tool of Jnr no.i m.ry ute no metra n. s to Iwo or three rryfish om th from e" to
State of 50 cenLa a barrel. o W a jolly coil oar lbs lake. A &ppro.ed. I New Itro"+ick, few na I•wrinn. and the a•wb which earn bb from thea places to
free, the Irish element should throw thtir (; h ootreepoodcnu south, cooyioce m the if feet that the city et fit. John ekes the fare , cow Yoek o, HoeWn. and bring back, after t
rO91OP ! 1"S , ostentatious, bat really suaoewful, i Account of Joo.' Militia (or keeping the est Ama•ut of amportauon°• meet, until the i lbn their lots•, the Bow they west for
To abolish the Free Ports at Grpe and votes into the scale at next election. In late•,•„equal, John Whiling, i nothiug untoward occurs W mar the peon fair of the kind war sever en' ed b • to.n bet $19.00 sums referrsJ to apeei.l K„l.av r bolt p• a•r.ef w the coy 1 have I,ytr Aosre touaas Wwn. i
T° rna the duty on tea from'! W 12 sod future the operations of the Brotherhood nEvery. J pmt, osr I'armero ;will reap an abasdmt ]°7 1 1
Sault Ste. Maria war of Por I-, th and, m m
harvest. ,So wrote it lot ! more blythe and happy set of school- eomtnittee, ,rot i, yea : n1 1 la Pines Bal o lobed ed cool owrtmtiolm,
.ere to be carried on so °ceCtly r W 2nd........... Fred. ) nor. op{'too^”, th;a mm, be rhe ease to reg,rd to i weord,ng W ty Use pu►liehed new”, Lase
12i cents per Ib. -- - —' mita• fialifax •Iwo. 'rho length of Lite occupied i
escape the lynx eyes of those in power, English...................Joba Dmak" , Tux BRITISH FT,rto.--)tr. Wright, I z-
iesowt of Mr. Stotts for R belts M rt
To impose an export duty on taw logs of and the next blow would fall when (cast History, * by tree a on reav r le ,or lose t and, of he°
25c per standard log. II Ancient........Sidney Smith. f the Baron Hotel, 'bas, to-day, (Toed• AivoTou PLcNio- The Maitland• ° Aa. of0.arww rte ,for war rt=nun !I course, r only sea;labb fur Ina IpaeM•en F"nr N cow his• •••. •.. 2,353Db1a
To change the method of levying the duty f oasported like a lightning firm. di) erecud a fine f taff u wards of I m•mt" `n the year. Urnng les t mtt par+ ,
Madcrn.........3uYn Di:os. •B . P villa. School, ander the able materehip of M l the s.onn, +hen the largest ,m•,em of W.v Br m&ae .. ...... • 373
wt•ich will bereafler be levied on as All this teachaus that Fenianism is by Raman fiiatory.Joon Whiling, 60 fcet vs height, and aitpid loud cheers Mr. Humphreys, also had • pre-nic on amounting to $422.17. ;,,odor* wells eonveyance, the di6culiJ of l'uuw si&mn 27,2x7
\ eomuleted charge' at the port of no means dead yet, that the organisation WnfiA (roe V'oladteen, one of the Iara"t and the come aflerttoon, • sLort dtatance from thea extnore nary expinw the 6uu,na uf' w•ig r"g the ('ulf is the grr41t ha t. O th.
shipment. is arraying itself against the American 9 TuLaI...... ... 32 AOI
j lfe worship sated that not.nbsen ing
K° that spoken of above, and all we said of rates in rugren d beonate th Mos u to rake
Bey ............Juhn Whiting bat British a ever Been is Iluron
To reduce the duties on sugar to the Government, and that it behoves our an- p g J J J tbe%loved bvrMr. Cammeron,rwe. by Mr^H. s, I • t^Yt lerabb addition w the soot of tram Jyea gg■4 an taken Irorm-d ret amerce
Girl ............Elis*Letb Hrddes. cow rtes n and flan W the besets.- the en'u mrnt of the Oodencb Doth cos; t paean tn. for year 1964 1 w" informed in P Ltn
English standard, vis., refined sugar Iborides keep a sharp look out upas Roadie Long may rt cone °ter •free, hippy. e:e fenced b the bo s and irLe of the' y I Another Hewn flan or* ae.a in the some .Ed+.rd brand that Mt tmnoot tau yew yr
$3 per 100 lb ; while ala ed $2 00 K' h le. 'i so Pr 7 7 K Thal lM ■r a. lot paid. erc«punq the aped s, coy. Tnr m.rcnanu rf Iba lower 1'rrla,, • ger, and %bat d°nn,[ the present year the
1 ■sal rnligbtcsed Bnti+ poop ovts to the roacvsan of estin ,m their w .
the raaeala. Bo .. Coles Bsebasas. Salt re•„ios, Tbc tcachor and a uumLer thwt se. to he left rarer for future consider••
yellow mnscovodo, brown olayed f2 J••'•"'•" se we all of us I " B the irr 11what s I S 7 R 8 1 I quantity fora ted will not be ler rhes from
2,i ;other Sug■n $1 75. Girl............ Sawa Dixon. J J 'y of scalo°a friesda labund to please the non.-Carried. plies u ee• wwne u( t►t ye+r, M.a f»en 50 h, 60 pOp LAIe
$t? Wei its dtestins W the letter Ewv ,• •, • JOlin Whitih pity it is that sups aro not ekes howl little folk, and we must w the sueneeded I T'he clerk stated that there vos $170.00 at eampe•led to IOck op •coos gen la etas ant I„ Ntwfuu,dbnd, of LM wtsl ;rporTstinne
Te make the duty on cane juice $1 50 per y """' g' I y y p 1. g 1 g ret 202714 bhls., there were from Canall,
of Dt r. Bgdgce, fn regard W trade be- such a M over the Court Howse• . ! of n tut, t basin alit ■lar a swab on
gallon, and molSases $I per gsllos. , Rtcilahow. I g to ° charm. Ball, and having, sad merry the credit of the torn in the Co.'ICn,urer a band at e9nan prnuds of rte year. 2),x35. from Nma Scotia 3, 3A 2. end from
tween Canada and the Lower 1 rovinev, -- - 4. hands, which would reduce the sum to be
To imfow a specrfc duty of 10 cents per which ie iron m toll elsewhere. The iI- Egad......... F.d. VasEvery, l} Tun cAOlftAw R( UTL.-Tbe steamier I Pt were the order of the day, although The netrss;p fur the .i0, rt town, nn the l ni,ed Stereo 172, fou TM bulk er
gallon on wine in wood, not over 26 F Sidney Smith, 1 "tin cow sot to cristal, Th(o.e who I uJ, ani the Mayor Hued that there war a longer exist. w Snore u constant awaits of I the irpnnonoos mea Newfoumd!and are taken
degrees of proof spirits, and 25 cents formation it conveys is peculiarly vela- At the close of the Examinations the RO°"te left thin tion for Saginaw abou $•, rK lot of powder, shot, Ac., which could be &old. order what they want by tele trepb .t short ;uW M1 J"Ill .,-a porion" Ltd
r Iba an wise ttowuisisg over able ■t the resent moment 9 o'clock tat sight It is the intetdloo \thee arias W Se%uro the bappioer of Report of Market Cum. war read sod refer anatase sod thio w•oid;n, rte Iwo ty Norete thyir w.y to the J,ffereM 6sbinr p nun •long
Pe Ra p _ Rev. E. L. Elwood addr•'s+td the visitors I and oilier contnn neve° which are netemiu4
26 dam. - - - __ to run her across the Lake coca a week ttltildmO aro dtaEtled b the warmest praise' red hock rot farther investigation v,tb regard K+ I the enol ;a rte same way u u the eco in
W AIk AT LAST. Lod pupils in a few pertinent remarks, in and eneour m l to the •mall •cath. ed +nen large nxks have W he kept oe Ws•a Scmia
Ow wine in bottle, except 4ptwkbng wine, at Lott, and thus renew, to come eaeot, Mr. Clifford suggested the propriety of fid• These figura coati give ° very aeewsu idea
jl 20 per do[eh. _ which he took trtx"ios W par ° Ligb
By the arrival of the Julia we learn owe isurcourw with the people of the collecting •small fee apoa eel wood coming Prion Edward bt•nd will draw y ir of the genrr•1 combo nt the Aour tai. •cod
"logium On John Haldane, l:mq., tvho, for DUNOAl f. i mmin!r snppheA, taro tar a they dn. heir wilt she. the mereh■nuot Canada the plmoeS
Oe eine rklin wise $8 dosen. calk We wish the ro prietors all the to Wwn.
In^ °Pa K Per that Prumia hw declared war upon Ans- the last twenl two ears, has roved him y' P I Alter a short diocuaion the muter war S°PPI.ce frim C.o.d&, by water fr .m Quthte with which it .;II be °edrary to make ar-
The dui on coffee is reduced, and there y y P succone in their enu rise that the can sceoot Prc Ntc - Ynterdaj;'June 29th, slid Montreal• but Wewtosndland, from its
y tris and ham marched troop* into Saxony vP 7 deo nngemenu for anpplJJmg This traffic in futon
is a general reduction on manufactur- self the able ■red tealona mater of the wish for. we bad the Dleran of ufendiug a pia-nic a B, V•w respecting the appointment of proal, 0, lishfax, .ill in all prnhabilitl, from Canada. To (.aliLate thew srrange-
and Hanover. Tho am ton of Pruvi* t;oderich Grammar School ; in foot, he connection whh be Don nous sebooT- •t kir. Forb and to a lar4e extent at an nu be ,u Iced ie
ed ¢o a1s of eDoul Ave per ceol The g" remote) ascan, d.p stag y 1 PP teeny 1 hart, u mlready explawed, rffeeled
' exact 6 arra we cannot ave to-do clearly announces the fact that nhe will be believed him to be a nom ete evergreen, present taught by . R. Forbes, which w r,•iding for the appointment ofa new oea- future from that place, arrangements ;n lregard to steamercom
K K 7• PI ^ .A Fi."BOAw RIrL9.- )dr_ Cameros, toe, war read a first and Solenoid time, and re- sizes the abrogioliun of the Reciprocity municaion beta- Poland awl St.
Thea changes go into effect at once. actively opposed by the whole Germanic far he had the freshness and activity of • dectd.d succtee, re befog a vrryl Iwge • Tceat the Province of Ne+ Brunswick hY
Customs CollecWr of this Wwn, hr' l (erred over fur further cunsidanUoo, 1 Jobn'.. At the boar piece 1 have rppsr;ntad
Finding that the Government requires Confederation, as w-,ll u by Austria. It youth. Tho Rev'd. gentleman stated, atfendrncs rt `ebb echolere parents land Mr• y Mr, Cox. of offered rte policy in regard to the not an Agent, who will attend to all business •ra-
secured a rife which wv thrown awe b I • by Mr. GtbbOns, re b
the Lrge aam of j5,W0 000, Mr. ($alt is Delicved thmt Bismark looks for attnlat• also that he had the plewure of ■tuodirtg J ] others. About three handrail wt down to an I That the tr eoa. be empowered to lour ta%ion, of fl vara .solo M,th from the United , ;ng at that place Lod ;n New Braoswick
once from France. The action of the a valient Fayoten, who woe trying to get excellent dinner rovided by the ladies of the the fence arourN the uare ro n C rr , State, and Conrds s now, es before, admitted enerall "A w .hom all o rt will be
proposes to ria the enm by the i arae of P col P i• 1 1 4 1• P' ve y
the" examinations for the Iwt seventeen from Fort Erie to Buffalo Y f"t r i- so as t^ ken out tattle, and to t r o n fav i^t° ie and°Pna free of duty in Novo corset ,,J. T'M >tteemen 1 baa rentionhd
tK em, and he would now ma with truth P^'r xightay rod. About ona buodred and fifty at sack turnstile stating that n y fpisne9 or will ' s placed alio upon the line between
1tRa1 under nous, redeemable in specie, American Government with r &rdb the Jcolia onA Punch EdWwrd latand the ISve
• ] J ble. It u a clumsy affair, compared children were present, all of whom an pupils! which were in turn before ills H-ci r,ert
instead of going to England r usual. Fesians gave much Satisfaction In Britain. that be war Y much pl,•ased and gratified with our " long Enfield." of the School, there bet one hundred and' trees . f.he p injnried either the act or P J the mot and Haute: "early g pt has b ih
Th° work of la in the Atlantis Cable 1 trees +ill M prtrorcut.d .itB the u at rigor fiery woe ntar,cwed h ••e boa•, reef, ed. end the Mordh o/ Yenttaher. An Agent hu Aeon
This announcement will give rise to senoaa Y R with the proceeding° of the IYt three sixty names on the register. There were of the law.-Carried. them u now a duty up(aon Untied !lutes Moor appn;,,ted at Balilex. who salt attenA to the
di&enat%ion. Many will nee bcbisd tie well be proceeded with at onto. da ■ as he had ever been before. Tha awmgm aree,ed eo the ground, which wddrd w It woo rewired that the lank aillewalk be i,$)oOrted ;tit° trees Pro•inees of 25 cut$
j .RQUIaaLLU.-Vt'e ave regularly inva- the amusement of the n bei°Y kr % u p hriixr in Noes Scotia generally, and alq
order, lard and roficieno of the 7r p laid &flesh in front of IM Huron [Intel, o„ barrel,-0"ter from Csnads ;n Moth Provinces u, the trade which, no dnuhi, can be nitiva-
proposal other Ivwa of, perhaps, virlordly _._ regu y, p 7 dad b rod sr airrob this amsos. Not almwt coosust mrtion, exa4pt durng the twin (rat of duty. In New6,undland, .Isere
Tom! War la EmrY y t I coaditi°n of Mr. GmeroH prying h dflbe g ted frrtm lb•l city with Nawfoundlattd.
irredem■ble paper, until Canada is flood- ' ils under Mr. Haldane's oharRe, speaking, a% whish loan* the most perteet I their w lies f •r • rest man ears bon
pup cannot with the woods, they coma into espen*e,ofter whist the toured &djnarned Jur PP Q ! J Tpen iA, of coupe, in .dditi•n to the qneo-
• ed wi h a depreciated cwrrenoy each as The l mnler of the 3rd $set., w e :- shows what care and attention must have I order end quist prevailed. Abom the" two weeks. been down almost wbolly frum the united tion of Aw,r, much trade hitherto car ied on
y town by the score, roti abort Rardas 1O'ch,et Mr. Alex. P.i.tead (urs of the St.t"a, a dot)) Sonet the abrogation of the by that lower Provinces tu a very large ex.
the United States are now straggling to One week'* later news from Earn fe lies been given to thew. Tw•, of Dia late fences and wood piles, and even visit the i trustees) took the chair Which he filled in a H k Y [t. cipri,bnfy Treaty hY been impowd of is lent with the United Slates, which, bJ proper
get rid of. An enterprise of this kind de- this day been received, but little of this pupils, Masten Watson and VanF:very, Market uare. The bo w, prom led' b very pleatn4 and effic;9M manner. Afar __ 9d • Mrre1. refers Aour, na maUhr fear mrnnt.reou, can be dinned iI the dincunn
Sq 7 P ] I a few spriZrute remarb by the ovachdr, Minutes of the Proceediz of the Mani. whence im
t wands grave consideration, and no doubt later it tell$ nee is real) new*, " it onl who aro now in the Collegiate Institute the huntin • instinct, unuo and kill them , the iter. Mr. Daunt wY alled u e whd P P^risd• of Cs hers to •M &d•anrego of New boles
Km J y P ' ei f Cozncll of the Tcwnmhi of H• •t , Aa regard, Novs Scoffs and Prince Sal• sad ssllen. Thus, Y Cgerde New Broos-
Mr. Gait will be Asked bow or Dy what chr nicles s course of events which could is London, aro winning for themsel,co moroilessly, d-livered a very excellent address weed to p• P 1 ward latand, there is therefore a diwrinnnat•
mala specie is b be provided et Tor- rosily be foreseen from former advion. hi h mamas in lhd inetitutir,n, and he - the negation, which +r listened to with the meeting held in the Townhall o° Tuesday tbe week, LM impn.tation, or Mtter coal rbmer
K ing duty in favor of C■oW* nl 25 ets a bar omnunted, by the last pabl!c returns, to 504,-
most profound interest. Rev. Nr. Barr, 19th lost. rel; and when in addition to`this it is Cmem
unto and Montreal for notes equal in The formal declaration of war against would now Sa that the Goderieh Grsm- THe FYaATHLa Axa THL Cant's.- Loeel Su rintendent followed, whodeliverrd 1.8 lbs., of the Wul alae of $105,728. ' Uf
J M Hohen Hrowe, Fig., Rees m the stair, bered thu the dot► whtcA the A whncan GOT' ,hie, 3'9,846 lbe. Were porehowd In the finite
nambtr to abnat half the arenRe isxuc of Ad*tI is by Yrurw and Italy our ■e mar School is eeoosd W sone is the Pro We Dave had thus far in Jane wondevfel I.n ipstructi•e wA p19Y;ng mddreea I)tiMag and afull Council present. Minutes of last en.eent now impowes upon wbeilirported ad States• Of and home, cared and
all one Provincial banks. True, in the inevitable aequtDw of the pnvinoo'Late yisce growing weather. Under the influence of the interim between the ape"bes the children mieetin reed cod • roved from C. nod& adds, of coo!me, to the Cost of salted, New Bru snook imported 2 059,121
ordinary course of lou*int", moon] of of their rolatiosa and although tax p* I of the ScHool conA sone ualle&t pieta of t pP the ■rtslh frac .Mtn Arur w manofwcwrmd
iaunse beat and two or three fine showers IM., of •total •slne of $157,1 A3, of which
weft moving on all side, aowery ori . music. Moved by James 9milG*, ae. by Mahotel this fact, added W the great cwt of ell de{ l 999 A48 Ita..eC ;mponed from 1M U^tttd
this kind might be expected to Boat for I ons encounter had occured. The cc- Sarney Bralllga■ COMPIKINOIU a week the °rope, especially eo high rhe teacher deserves greet paw for the 'Zeller, That 15 acres be Laken from Alex seri tion, of labour in the Un;ted lutea,
efficient manner in Which be bar conducted P New Uf boon artd shot■ of oral w kink,
a length of trme oro it Sppeared at the capotion OI' Dresden, the capital of Ms DAtll9T Mts•rsaS iPDTrwaa,-Yia buys ground, have made genet adnvery ret.- wdH mber of aw"cent u it u in extra of mut render the pea of Aoar a lin coons . $Jew 75, of ooh Imported In • m@ rola of
Ihe schrwl, W hteh appears to gtye the mat in lunare Hoer that it pas been iI the t
appointed place for redemption, but Soal by ProsSis, seems likely 1mined Air coorse ,hot the •palpe ns al the Th: crop of hay promiaS W be vtrl bevy. rfect Satisfaction to the riots sod ole the ^umber of wren contained in the L,t.- t at $Ud,478, of which t166,4r, coot from the
however, to ave that suer • coo- P• M' 11e P Then au M oo done. tbera(erro, lhet u Unitt•9 sate► Of Inther, of voriow kind■,
" Daman nature " is a c°nasx thing, and R P^ hid AT the gu•ermint tae lade an onbirgo and opting grain generally aro in splendid I of the section. Corned. mends all the la)wtr 1'rovine". the ce of
midenble adnntag9; and iLa energy and _ _ __ Pri rhe impnrue W the •dor of $4T,1A:1 of
it u not amo„got the impossibilities that ■n whishky an' other staple aperrits, which condition, The fall wheat is good in The Canada Company. Moved by Wdham Tarn ba P, see. by Jmmn Aoar art, from netanl new, so IonL r who to the Uniwd ietes suppl;v l $42,650.-
npidity of movement in 'handling its Smillie, That Valentino Mitchel's name be the remnt lie of the U. Moslem is eon-
come "tea nr other might inAuoO •rush I'm tbinkin ill na m row in the ►sop fled placdi, bat a geed desl of it our winter To rte Edilae of the Sheol. p he y of Ind, Ne..60:1 l s. *tore ed tiro 1 the
troops seem W Dodo 'acotat for it, Sale• pitied on 1M s&at•araent rolh instead m unaed, he cheaper m Montreal than in Nrw sl which 18.60:4 Ihe. wen ssnt from cote
sem to the Go•ermint that Loud discind to
wbiah would •rrioaxl] embarra the eta ■nA frohemia ate wad to have been killed, coal on std bred the grub is doing S;r--i ootiem two wosynOum lettere aI Muhe. Porter',,and Niehnlis U•tchcrt's none Ynrk or FS„Nnn, reinderiug it, of mares, of 1'nittA Marta. UI tnhaero, she iapOned
mem manerior. fu tnity glad thim nobe &I orasidenble dom°¢e, On the whole, we late Issues of nor r off the auh' et of the &dvantaRr to corsomen m thea Prminet* 506,521 Ili., Of wliob 44t,RTA wen ane
Ooveroment, in rexpect to it• ability to invaded by them, but Such a ropid ad- 1 WP' J< laced on the most. rou' instead or Johe
pay over the hard auh, in which case ■ vane in the face of a General like Bene• Ottaway is till Ail poor Pac s rote at iliction think the farmers of Huron will be again Canada Com; sal. if the writer would look Gf P to buy in the markets of CansA•, rather than from the United Stews. Of refined w ar,the
times. Thiz al's, "ooh Me dar1;M bre the Okes.—Grnerl. those of the U.eted states; and an far"the gg
d reciation of the le al tender notes dek, and he at the head of tan army such 1 q ble°ad with abundance, and u the Euro• th t lint letter on the sknown y wall w Moved by William Michael Provinces of NOve Scotia and Priuce F:doord 11,0,99 the. wf and Now iugar. 43 with
K •n war, an lore im ndin is a certain- ret at tea Oats: i awde known ml muntiun C'rer th 160,995 I r i es onCfin, auger, 4of ilia
would inevitably follow. However, there aS he onmmand°t may ked W Brief, r- os yer pa., w' bow's B ddy an' the nein g i'° R Island are concerned, this is made still mon
tieulorl a the tlsxon loo are said to childhre, an' u the dict' di in bisnia rn r t there tin be little doubt that nem not W reply W any nature rtcept wcp rs &p lag fol, That the TCaanr P* at the Lwhe orr TM greatemt as eith, of mmtee, of J*
y p i P t* y, P •tA the oignetare of • kno•u p.rsOo. ing p.rtiv est of t►w Dog Tax ford when eO by the d,tyeC'naf dotin whish they sow anrefin9d wgsr wY either aupphe direct
io so doubt the goesuon will he thoroogM have effecteA a jenetioe with their pf a wad ye-elan yhTl he afar giving tit yer well ruk pith. pp9eaa ;ret se,
T►. role I cannot de ort fro however eas from the Wed Indies ter from the come pies
ly eanvsm ed ere it heeomes law. Austria and a Federal arm of 60 000 vote. Housumever, wee the its in r,rn I r0. 1 t011vetad the f orboor "tan, rico. Joh° M total im ora eco Of Aour into the
J [ ° reluntinn of 1M Atetemtnu m thea leutra P lhrougA Non 9eotia. UI Iba ►nide of tea,
We cannot disapprove of the advantied men to be assembled at Frankfort. The bat stay earn for a cowl bud thimailves.- NtnOULAa CfaGUa4T,wlil.—Some few would be. I ay ed, h,ww•er, gnat the ;n. NOrthcot $5, Nmhar Dennmy u, Henri four Provinew of New Rrom+irk, Non I'few Hnre.ick imptrtad 1,059,OA2 Ihm., of
duty upon luxuries, not of the reduction boll has oleo been opened in Italy, Dy the Whin a pan of lsbul dint or s kreki out &v days sgn, Mr. Jan, Salkeld, Jr., hung up manatio" u to ptrenn•1 advancement tie Orr $3, one Jnhn Nichol, $4 -Carried. Senlia, Prinem Edward Island and Newfound- which 455,9714 the. wen rat from the finned
crori of Llie Minemo, and it iA unlike) Il l without foundation, •hd I treat such Moved h Mich"I Zellar, mr. b Jomn '" acr'^rd'ng to the latest return, which .Haus t neon t►? O ole of the remainder
en manafeetarel ROOda, bat we do think Ig y tis aityeadnn they ria • helleMtoo Sieh r hiS trial in •cook AheA sttaehcA to his 1 I hove been published by the respective Gov' been im,,orted frog Rest Britain.
that we will h■ve to wait loan for uirrin irs,nat e°e may in no wy militate Ill Smillis, That thou rties which have in. 4
B g woo nt•er beard Ibis side ay Purga,►Ory, an dwelling. During the mm* day his at- the tiuos;n movement now heir eared enaeeu til thea Proriecve tare u follow■, The several areola °Tw►ich 1 Mn given
it i° bred lie to its • dui a fx R g P
P^ 1 P""° 7 Pon news from th■e gw•►ter. Ay rpt► kant get the e1An far thiasilyes, bh- Vnttewt war AirwitaA to the nhsr Anliv elcs-A the YnA tins rn•d between int■ 10 ! vis= .
ee•ns grains coming from the1 flailed - - One— - Pt^ forv&rd With w mach wccer. particdan sn nuatinn*d only u c's. T Of
Still There is alreaAy a dupooitios on Bsawterfal Crlsss la England. dad tbeln share till stick in Sam relabel- of •Amir Of bmnliful Utth weans. TMJ Yaen man colt 1 l l akr road ."t be noufioA hl the Clerk tI it item &co i........ , , . -, 255.0'2 hhb' rpt ( aenl trwdh of New Braby Wit r,,pn
Aew in and out of the °hod a few ti rod, DAViD GLASS. ^pen the rad within fen d.le and if v.t 1Kev■ SeMia. • ebb. 32A ' tan !n no C,mnn wMlevat, why wi,t
r t►e harder the Maur, &n Pmm o re.erd fur --»-- - n .r_ . •.........20,941 1 ever on the rt of our merchants, New
!$ the pan of oar neighbors to break op R The tvlo"k brings a neva of a mtnir •otin titer • big tax an the dhrop of enfther examit.ed every hole and sooner, and at London, 2rd July, 1864. opened within the time, that the P•tha&&ta \ 7 " o Pa
No.r R. i,1d......... ,. "%91f1 Bnmwiet should rent And 1t b he t0 Mr to-
s1Sm d duties a rale trade with ten&1 defeat m Fn land o^ I nrA i)ankmlh,'a last !cued fps rest Thu core examined beaetyorued to Wean fanessaadanl oboe Ne•fmo.dlwd......:. 20 718
'7 ( rage ' t w►;eb's t►t atoll eaafun the toy hae m lift, r THE C ►.fA DA 4,OMPAIi?• • • '2O " tercet W rhko her pmrcbooa in the mwkNm
OAweada) which has noel them one of their amendment to the Reform (till, the purport hwrin the dhudam. Them big nsimben av with gest portienlarity. Eur.$.. Wh■t SWrwtioem Uateovi -Carried•
of CansAa ntMr then in (hnae of IM Umited
i bout rnstnmmn, and any petty retalialir,s of i, nN vor7 early sued, v It p.rlimenl dne,n't dhrink vhiskty ar etoeret, ° °Plen`ttd piece for a next In one of the To the Us— of the Huron Signal. Mond by We Turnbull, sec. by James slaking a total of .......874,AIA a States. TM rate N taxation i° the letter
rent Mel 111141 it to hel;tute '' the pookeu I Ager diyirtR inb ell the pock- DLAIR 91a,-t have "sou twn lettere is illio, I het Ili. Taven Nepaa granted to "^envy, and tie grant cost of emtytb(Nt
t» oar► tion will, nam think, aamirt thgas 1 p'^P e'd N (the I Ort prroar•e me tree tellin' mach °lit) eta neo of thew wY pitched wpm, bits of This is Mora than oohe Average ii"folio lin" hers an large) increased the ce of all nru•
Sale&blt far the elea. art •al".' it John Ok* be 4smfortd to Nichola Defebert 1 Pel
win doggedly ■tgue for orae-iauroowra. >' 1 wr°°r war they d^ thea mAhw ritb boort e rock twig° hair, Ary Rear, wool, 3e., were the London Few /Yrs by Mr. David Of Anor amu the I;m;t.d surd tea C.o+da eM of anrm*roe, that it Y o gaatinn Ibis
. _ a all ev.nto earrieA ag•inN the rieiury, by •alta that the dubbb the sa e• the •rtiek -C'arried. den^ the txitenee of the Reer rneit
1 W goiekly 1(athey.rl and adjvAteA, and in • (Ilam, teferrieq to 4m begs eoesttpoly d g p 1 Honor adeit M Anebq ,bet CwaAw, Mout is
P"fA1$ MEIlf-MO IN SUFIFAL41, a majority of olo•en, and the immediate to- le an, a, • rte is Inver karis a ha n► told by JamSaR ao" rc, h Willie Trot. aura nti•el "IigMll sited, aMl wfTQ il'r
_ P ) ti p^ rer] few Mun the female hirA haA depow the Canada Company-their set prwfixm• R (,ria
colt had bra the e)rernmont of the Hoerr •barber the led that wY ma""MvinIO4 anal it.Ml ie the Beit a lin *him to ih* ThnMll, TAat Ism Rteva be an9 is Mr•hl woe, t►'rwfHa. if peeper atom of to be Mrpod,lopra" to ibis morel MrMf l,.
j ()a Saturday evening lam a Lrr sod eetil the atuiain ."k, in order to snepb 1 Ig (• i° their agreeuetnu, Loa., ke. All pia ssnmd end az,hor;ssA u tall • Mie mmmon;euio° °r9 prc•ideel, and e^°egy din. Sought me be able to apply the Inver Provie-
jr g •nu^ fur thio ieer muds • dhoti down his wl wteoi°hmtnt of the owner of the p° la m1 h IM owre=° of t
aadmdeotie r,+linll of Fewiana nam held w,imi°1M to confer W,tb the Qaces. Then stat►mev,ta I believe b be some, and had rerun of the elate n of the Tow"Ai J 7 liver /b• the ase wMe a dr rasa •drostotial reeve
f Ihmpple he rrsn av Iba ►mainly Petr.- stmt. Mr. Ro1kc1A of art" determined b t Pal° P .Ower PM•InMt alas well O1Rrr • market eye sY M dor, rinds) eelstiwg tle'cew►
y glke Sl. Jam es Hall, Buffalo, W bear W been no d.6nite wuloent of the crisis W hi■ Miuher Gaoll was &Sewt it ►s shed •• allow the w" tree• nts hk far. GIsm suRgesdor ham sated aprm at its the Townhatf raw Wralsmd y the 4lb day for the t Mak Of the " lr Acer that
Pa purer poor► Arco• T serest, b the 1Jnuhd Sraa
Roberts' views oe do op ,e oar latae A+tim ; nor ." any .*plans the lis, the coo b loam of Jul east at 12 e'elnek notion, M take Int^ Comods ^■aeA a nor Pam It roe be im6meWa m ve setae sailer
Pgattiiant ►y"oP"esa elope lbw sante a p•kfal r perp wat►*r aitiv ter ■ f*w wrka and fi"enod the P'b] bogy y 1 i til
ewe osaecte9 to ba ,"de w Parlimrtet uatU ga 7 good tg propriety growing • Tbe deur sew Imptad by the rallied ham is r•gaed te tab be& a N^n fleztiA
9too& .%-do P'", roul-a ik^a the 24th a HH Me)aoty, Who bad timae Y far r A►an w tbh wane there'll bo s t7oent a little man setlarel fa make Ih•ir land mash m ht hate bona ensaidantiOn tha of
Fwreral, waH mal score te Engliad tout Dual extra watberis a• the ereylber by vm all Hip OMforubk ebeted , bat it i■ now too late , the doer to any company willing to •M• M Rl° °Pus * * f1 seam■ Irum iY atwrr fle.1 ty lel al is