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Huron Signal, 1866-6-28, Page 2
" LEUISI.A'rIVE COUNCIL. `with the stn and consent of the lagnsla CamObrll, rd those putlemeD wells I us wosgh_ef.them--but they tow Ile TIM■ IKIPONDIN0 WAH IN The CAN&" COMPA rr• I W absorb them. She refers to them tMl erect Atturwy, ttaW, or lbs "" of the I live Coward : tontine of the Duchies. Her oruso is Gurerumout, that M h.J cuW to the dstor- I.tetii.Artrx coceclL., right loyal @ponchos, se might be expected, buried beneath the overgroonY covering a1IIRUlR. Coati of Huron, June 20, 1888. 'thein. But e,Iw .dl Ivy tO twueurrrl,uid I .duction of abandoning the protvedtngs in 1. All that part .h the cue ethree and C o Barker ro tlr Pror, and his breast io the Clinton Cemetery, while The Moravian Fatbw Point Tot LJour „f the Hh,roa Signal. some aro lukewarm. guW oC the lover ►seal the d moult las bad toot with to proms O"M+r, Junr Yl. Iwyel.thrcnoo, o(rhayer adage► Iha" of eha' Vie. P P' 080. Mr, Campbell presented a return W Corruhd°teit Statutes Of Cao.ds, tram Aa Mr. W. T. Cue rwpoudal. bis vusum and esdeartug qualities will yeaterday with S.ghpa,IL datre w the 14th lJtAt Su -Wh■t on rrth dose all Pownn, huwevw, un full of spirit. Life - nidrnce. as aoaoaonsd ter iatauuun es lid' fir a c0raespem&om sad tutors•- word', o rad diet, ibutad tie hb wanner," t , 5(r. CamwoD, iD •ver ftdin manner, bre iuu held iia rmuembrnse. Hu tatter tie SasuD with iLe area of '10,000 eo1 of subm ttin the matter to the action u1 the ties res{eethts the imponauuu of cattle, the end of the said sectio°, "I be tad tin I 1 g K dint There w@/ a rumor ie Lnerpuol fhb (rasa@ mean abuaet the " Cauad• dior", i.+ full ul' light, and lite money vote Orionk Jury Col. R„berts was the. du- Hw• Mr. fdoa+a mord •u uiderar for a same to hemb re lad. purposed the health o{ Boo. Story, gee of womCuts, we are glad to hoar, were happy, On that dr that Austria had declared i Cum an ?" fink u what Western C► fur defwoe ■re pswnd u°roimou'I ebrr a„d on Iwai° th. coYrl tow .ectad ? ase 7 P 7 P y•- lip i g Dory of the Wt report (rpm the trestles of 1. Nothin m this Act shall be held or eon- the oldest Mawe in the count. Mr. and hit IaK articulation a breathin fort► with laws tits a censors. Col. Bob• tbsQumbec N. nh Snore Tuou eke road, show• I 7• g war agsiwt Yrauia, but it toss tot trees sadden Dewapapnr you will, and you End Mursover, thews is in ail Urreany the sid, s in h fM f otnctN to royrrl or idler ereuou ono hoks ,tory Dodd cruet himself only to a few of peace and yrmad will. bR the •tale of eke fimemo" of that trust.- dried of the +cit recited Act. able to any public or reliable source. A editorial+ suit correspondence, launching of uuuy-wmnthiug mon than a !food, cru r n rhinjtou, rA,ro les w neeirint meted• 3. Thu Act bah he • Publir Aet. remarks. -- attention from I e publw wen. James Ste. In rept) lis Hon. Mr. Christie, woo/dot could not be long avoided, how- gut in no the iniqu term■, against what or l: the ustrsry. ,secs u alto there, u,J '1'►addew Ste•eoa The rt then broke awe to amuse rtlx tP!IllsL r If the Urnnan Uict, to which Awtna hes wanted W introduce hill, to the Hsu", but he Hou. Yr. Campbell •rated that memern - - _ - _ -.--.. pa 7 J ever. Prussia bad withdrawn her •m- they term oho iuiyuity aksd oOrrupuw, of rules, ed the settlement of the Vueh,ea, 'term declined. The Ke•. Father B.Lider, a prntt ` ler the completion of tow scheme of r,.,.Iw r- themselves n they best could, winding up Took place from Goderiah yesterdy i baradur from Vienna, and Austria her's the Canada Company. Iia what hollow with spirit, it may de,r" F"*,.l executlou of une of the C.1bolie chu.ches of Cwcion , stim would be sebwitt.el w Prrllameut i very U1811 ignxlr with that delightful branch of recreation, (21st Inst.) at 1 o'clock, p. w.. They from Berlin. Austria had rutiral en- have tbes* 'Hi Van Winkles' bsso.leop• agwat Prussia, which, If Prossir is ohrlma"s. a, refused to permit any luslgrda of the Fear abortli, and in rngdy sulbcheut time to allow ll 77 ksxkieg oQ ba4. M tbo sh■dea of heatw was preceded by lbs entire Vulun• I ousted fl. l.tein, befurn the advancin P won'd be a declaration of ear a,tnwu her by ao Brutberhuud w be 1•ruuaht within hr of their being fully eowidrred during the t =__ ---- - r g tog In for the past •l0 years; that they I lbs .bole Oermnn CoufeJ••ratiou. Lr that kst seriou, evening began to fall, all returned to town, tsor force of the town, and followed b ,)role tau the ecv ho of the burial service r Aa nuwber of bills wen r.rd a Second QODEHIOH. JM 28, 1$68' deli hied with Utn stkersoua's Cntcrtaiu- t y (grata of Yrassia ; and had alto publish- have Duly no. wake rep W eha erorwity nese Prussia wuu;d n Ob ton rnbtr to re at u he of the mss° who tow t Co re age fitht ! -,---- ______._....-__ . ,c the friend@, pall-be•rcn, Officer■ of Laino d a reply to J$unt Bismarck's ' note," of the rine of this Company of sinner@ 1 @worn bar lin and snide le or 0 kt P" 1 P' g rl Limralma R;dde. Our c r e•poudwt, haw ; asonget lie fret, eve by I THE MASONIC PIC+NIP, elect. Mawuic Lod of which he wes a mem• Awtn. red r l Uerm nig bertdyS Iegs11 wit It r. K•TI• hes bleu rnleee'd asd fall Sou. Mr. Carlin Tu incor ate the t K", whish Nw publianed m the Leede► igen Aad @burn ■11 : how is it that Mayor' oonoiwuon,L air% «d r ri. sI Mr with the 7• y ea - Bothwell Tram•rurd and Bridge C mlu,uy. c bar, and a la number of the must ra ( 1 / d orated, -(V. Y. Te%brr. Hun. Mr. C+moron murrJ that un Mon weds, last bring St. duhI s Jay, of rg• teed@,, m whiob for Ewp•ror rays nolh-IGlass, u tbn city of London, C. N' , so..,nWlenblr r;rrrvau.0 that aha h.J juiuvd lit' H LATE J I'IIU F,. spuitable @basis of 0sadrsrtoh and v,cia- I in sow remains but to aid the honor disiD4re*LeJI inLeresta himself 10 arcus -I Italy in a league •haunt Germany. Tree 119Tt•nr w Tr• FszltraTo Boarow.- slay went the Howe resolve itself into Com I corn■• Iso demonstration could be made g g° 7 I remember nu war rom{heoted as this swtttaa of the Whole, w consider remit, to- I ty. Having marched to the 11w1Le of of the ornate and to defend its r1 hts- in the inhabitau4 of Huron and Perth A Boston • r ives a gra hic sketch or the by Masoksa, the lollowug dq bring ap The hand u( Death has fallen Leavy rep- 7 K g 1, tea; a..d once begun, i defy nT une ria return of Ihw he es of Pt fuon 11111. C,o.d, solutions with reference to exempting the the tow°, the Volunteers returned and in other words, to o to w,.r. It ma be W to work at once, like knew, and wo- r -,e bur it will end, Psstra .1 7 Aus:n• brriuess of the Canada Vista Gowen' Pointed fur the installation of (,titers, on the order settlen of this district dur- g 7 gts reor• ea»k other, and bol► dewed seruri- gathered w ase the Oris of the train co° the sad prooereio° proceeded to Clinton. re carded as si'Dif ant that Garibaldi br wen Wo, Ian and kick this oma ties for the 1'ut her 1 haw h that the t►ra,ng the " sic hundred." " At ls„gtb,'- ArOCYatiuu, fur ► eenaiu unrmther o[ yrr.r, adooldiog W Ctenrnl practice. After dog the present spring. Lay ■fur day b 6 la PP°'e. pposed ho.a taxation. Carried. On i4 arrival at Clinton the procession arrived at Como. -Larder. Com D of signers into a ” cooked hat T' Eu ror N• tau„ could command I( eye rhe re{anIn a tea * hit er whistle ear tra°oactiug the busi°ew peculiar to the the call gore forth for the living to follow pay W PO ace. beard. in n i,uwd the hitbwrw '@iters( Yr. McG•venks wo•ed n address for copim ria met by the officers and many of oho --- The stove are uestiura, Mr. Editor, he es+ to declare •gull" Prussia and Italy, of all report•, orders and Correspondence, I ont ion, at twe:ve o'clock yesterday, the dead to the silent tomb. ROBtar I membcn of the Ma,ouic Lod s of Gooier- y a is panible. I doubt If hw eoeld hag %he I theiibetwo a"icand •nervier li The train no t Ke /} Ne r'tketae fallowing from Tuesday's which ver tient tau caubot or will cot betweso t►e kltituyy wthuriur• and the I (Monday? lbs wewbrn of Maitland ('Darla, Eat}, lereJudge of the.c United I 7 !. Y I ot►er ads rith tat equal chavise of Irsecer.- I d, tad to t chat • share 1 insead of lM Militia or any ouw. D.pastevnt of Goverc• Lodge No. 1 I2, headed by the Bry6tld Conotip, departed ibis lii'o ou Tuesday lch, Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth and Wrox-, (26th) Leader: -Maps. Sinclair, Gordon, try W answer; but I Can secure you if Frruce sed Kiwi• united, could command W I+ most, m refineries, to recent military move• I I t IouJ view@ of u, enMesi"tie cru.J ul mid• brass band, which wes en •aged fur the venin the 19th isst., at the com art etre, who farmed two deny ■tad preceded l tad Poore, of a bar bei o •dale •thus you or lime of you► brethren of oho quill I saes i !std if {ruse t+ nut Prewired, it . iks eiers the .sere of 'kerebie4 by (air ladder, sense pa the Nugarr k'rwrtwr. Carried. b b g P l rr nti eke bard uru4, ►tad BYuar, ked o) u,uuou, bre<we Ibey aro net united. g cls the hearse to the cemetery, a diatanee of Pinte °i K would answer them, It would materially Its r at once ontbu'wuu and despelms. or dulcet strains of music who ware •of lion. Yr. Ldr.alwlse mused n addtd/s oecasioD, marched iD procce.iuD tg Mr. lively early rFo vl' 45. Itaviog hese al- y I far copier of ducurne°e received from Jw• about a mile and a half. The business n iotanww rich the AttErory-Gnnnnl West assiat wwe r i Durants in makin u As to men, the numbers &is unlim reed ; it is engaged fur the Occasion, many of them wan Imes Cuumul, in answer to tla report of F. Piper's beautiful Frove, 'hint a mile out, m ret a ualira of ibis County, -a fact Imes of the villa re were all closed, and tadst (25th), to urge on dim tl.a appom4 p1U K g P mestu, rru a and mmrnwns .nit duelI,hse I drwad with .ries in whish 'coward," R. Tornace E.yr Carried. Ito en)oy an atiennoon ,pec neo. The which he always alluded to with pnde,- P meat of sousty Judge rerdereJ yacauti b. the thntr minds bow to sot, when the ' Yeti wticb may be iwu15• vent for the st,uj,le'. - ' sneak," thieres," sed other dstee%bie Mr. McKellar moved an address fur tl eatables, &c., were furnts6ed b 51 r. it is Mwort w r/uous on our rt to •very large number of geutlrmen from all death of Judg. Cooper. Mr. J,tbn A. Mac- tion', is presented to them fur their stgaa- 1„ looking over my papers yemt* diy, i turn -I OxPi"uuns ut like weave town plenti(vlty 7 ill pa _ used. And so arrived •nd were received sorrespc;ndeu(w relative w tba daps•uw0 I Clifford, and we moat say that he spared attempt erre the shortest sketch of his parLe of the ooublry Wllewed the body to doaueed that d • b toed dnutitm sealll M gi d taro. 1'hcrn aro tvkmprctable people iD eura•'ru ave ire ts. neY em ark mad»u Yet sum, of certai" land@ un the Nonb Shore of I .ka I I its last resting place. Amongst those P p pia i rime five or az hundred of the Bower ul the Superior skud Late Hot to the Iiudw„w' so pains to @cure the Comfort and bappr character tad career. The deceased was en to the reprawesiatiou. 'these ger Uwrn I Huron who will persist, in anring that the I use by Prince N rpo;eou, who hr' lately made Fenian arny tat invasion, who arrived from Bay Company. Carried. I Der ul' the frateroay asd vi•iton in thi+ eaacatirlly • se jataJc rewire -one of those present we noticed the members of the state that they reureeeot the wi+hea of about I Canada Comptny adnainmerod th.•ir , tieguem .dela w lbs 1 Yder,es. He r re- t od. °: per opulent train from Sl. Alban on A number of bil s were read a sevund vee t, 11'ben fart! h need from the omiurst minds, of which Canada oto bar, with hardly an exception, D. H. Rib , forty members of the bar practicing''° that Iaode better for the p Dr pian Joe our t, ,,rJ w bu,e +aid h ? t left 6 r o Tba pu►d of n- tima. y duarcl• overolneut curt di'1; •end t t there sere •• ]'.w eek we ,t I helirrr iks war 1 yrs, I crura' which {aft ban on Fridy ensuing w•re Uu mcttou Of Mr. 3omerri.b, the House I care@ of busincv for a few hours, ■od bowl such S,oumbrr, who although reared I chte •q., Dr. Woods, Dr. McDougall, I « hundred., tat' wrU W Jo I'arwen Huron Jo. t+taw r+ ii to beak nut t I will u f ou. '^erceplml a N'bite f4wr and about fifty wskst into Co(nmittes of eha whole, and adopt• I brought amongst the beauties of nature, amidst the seeluoWu and quiet of sgricul. I Major use, Capt. Coleman, P. Adam- WE(tLEY.tN MET 110DiS qgw, who but for this Cenrdr (, to 1'h» eau reit br«.,k nut iia the spurt, n my •aired ahurlly .(tar etre@ o'clock bks Sultd.y ad certain resolutions for the I spection of the ¢net suis men will endeavor W re- tun! ursuiu, IoOked forth u s the bus son Esq., J, 1Thitebead Mot , asd Macy CiICRCII OF CANADA. P ! m;ht. Tb» mel number of retires will ksot would Dever bars owned n .ern sit .it Vi in-law sed; eel is n, o TM utevi eau feather ►red rev hides. P I7O 1 ..t Vrctur B,omrnuel rm n•. lunger rodannls. cart mush from shwa eight hundred." The House aJ ourned ata tarter sive their outh ■nd sot with the innocent world and resolved to strike out for him• others of the same #Lending in society. As fur the Company D•,t having spent the T • public debt incrwes ever ear. This +_- J 4 pear S y F The Conference of the W. M. Church, Y cannot telt. 'fhe Ki td has reps tedly writ A Party of F•erlans llkl rN ae fivd freedom of chilJn•n. It ton won thio a(df a career wbieh someihiog within hu At fhb Cemete ate the 5fasooic wnunt the were bound tg du in un roes tsooaaioD. All went nut to en o them- breul tau ht him to feel he was able to under the Presidency df the Rev. George w nu; I think they will be prepureil with `u lh» F vi rue that he meat have a IY10 crew o1 the Annie McKea- ttDuunve corrcu.. I j y g brethren formed two lines W ick two hearse w Uttar@, Jwe ::. ethes, and w 1'ar a we could sec did so achieve. 51 any before him have tn-d P°'rm, P y Scott, D. D., of Englandrl closed i4 sit• vo Mrs w prove tC the c utrrry. I my- + own ;' that be wood nth•. he plain .les at Porilard, Me., named and eared in immediatol after it. elf, now of a certain road, u ,n which Cnr. ler de Caeigwn than play loo Iwrt tat a our dontreal - Attsmrt t0 tinges io thv City of yootreal, oa Fridey P seize the Ieaael. The Hotres met a three °'cluck. W t charm. Bwidts the o6lcen and the rx riment of risiu (raw the humbler The grand funeral enremooy of the EpiO• 1120 of their mohty res rpnkst is d'•in'( •,+era who ries his"u dal) dri.an to- The Speaker read a message from Hes i Pe K oro Church was rf,rmed b the Rev. last, 15tb. There were about three boa- about 1\t,}0 of work -their so rvan4 k unard a DAPiyice. 1 repeat a -my father-im' Excelleacy, submitting the code of civitl pro- mrwben of the Lod Fe, we noticed walks of agricultural lif a to a position of Pal y tired Minist^n resent. We undento 4 low ha+ warned my eouxio that in ,he epriui( .. Montreal, June 20. 1866. Cullum of Lorne Canair, as framed 0 the ; among the guests J. 1' Dctlor, Esq, our eminence amongst the world's' speakers, E' L, Elwood, Chaplain to the Lord P @ted, sig ndered and fooled the money, he would attack the Austrum linos. Bvltere The ship Annie McK••nx.e has jut arrived Commiriuners, under the 'J,.d eha of eke that the pact year had bee° a very prat Dut it u ether tough Wary th.t the m< ; n u thW (at flys rt drum I'urrinJ tau rue 20th of p i respected 5lay'or, Robt. Gitboua, Esq., writers, and practitioners, and, @Ito, how Bishep of Huron, site.- which the brethren l that the struggle wi.1 co a- d ss„pu Ads or two bdforo le 2 t the Consolidated Stawles of Lower Canada, tis- I perow one with this body of Christian, Company dt not spend it fhe authori- ,nen.*. The Khn,t i.drl ;me m use illusiow- , y y N'ardrn of lluron and Bruce, C. Cnb man have discovered when too late that of the fnternuy farmed oa the square tie@ of the d abouW have Own to it, he ktw.s that Adwr will be virwrwus, but captain sopped a crew, tneluimj the officers, ether .iib their report, and otbnn pal rn . J having a very large inervace in all their': t . chi ffice iia Purdn,& On the 19th ee•w;" tboma iib. I F, 11'. Richardaou, E`• Bank of' be dream of rcatuea+ ave lace to the "'coca the grave, while the Rev. A. that the mono w ex nded aeeordi to I h» knows that hs ■ et rd arm will o9br a I' PE""d" res, 4 g g P I conuexional funds and over a thousand ! Pe K ) of May IOn wpmin, r gong aboard, favid Atter a cell of the House, the Ccmmiuce 1lontreal, Mr. Findln do. . \fr. 111 realities of cur and tiutrer,- M■ckid road the deeply wlemn and sag• t the bond, and to hn purpose, :\wain, it s7nous reustaaa "rylore inng war. The I the aen Jruuk and three rimed "lion dnv- on Standing Orden and Privileges of Parl.t- y' ' ! 1 J 1 Inacasa to their wewbcnhip. •ictunous arm wilt reSa occu Los went m ad that the Hon. Mr. Morris. one Horton and turn of our most res le But can Cao r had the uisite htetive ritual of 3lasoury. Than the - 1s sa.id''• th.t the 'umpany dues nut now „ 'Cur . Bui tbaa Ice arca- the rest of the crew, who were wmrmw4 ria J P $ Pe req Y -w•" J of the lite memtwu u( eha Haase, had de- citisCre. Iww,diatJ oD their snip members marched arouksa the ¢eve, wch Tho lollowin;; are tLc appuiotmcsta Ilei oonhibntr ntythin towards iw`prove• - I b.,ut too JF.ck sweuso,T rhe) wen Hoed Y 1, qualiti for advancement. Posecasing a 1 , tion will cls n,dt. flo sever great mPy be ,' J paned ibis life ,puce Iha last sysuuu of Paella- do ion• in his turn a n ri of eve reeD I tho Goderich lli-trick fur the present meets." The half u this wry is 'gra.' th . L'aperor's desire to mau,trha (race, he Englubmen. The mate• die t ibis time went ( the company attacked the . viands with a mind of woch native vigor and elasticity, PP " P K 1 There is a town•bi noted fur swam wen trymt to dove the un►neJ +ailurs back Paxlrsiantiaal,oar : - P pa. sou!d rent Iarmit Aw:ri.i u. Jesaoy ►ten work to tin forecastle The ex t Hon. Mr. 131air s►id, in rcoPect W {Ee stet that u,ight be ezl ectcd after their and an intuittire tscrecptioD of "the true, upon the cuNo, end in many cassro a tear I I called Hay, in this "we -only of Huron, of Frmer, iia Italy. He wul be co,glwNed to p ra met rlwm memo of oar lsredeto"(droller es, Isbmill ! • to the memory of a brdther, ouw b.us liudrricL-llichard WSiting. whasr raw nro mss r that the U'. i.terte'e in •tau of "b. savlf. n; hnw!•er, •nd,ksdaesd she u(arm./ m"" w gu to the 7 a long walk ; but there wan enough for all, the beautiful asd the good," he thirsted I Pay' y P P cabin. Un rise limo... her.* " 1'wtand mole that th,.• Hoose do °taw adjourn. I I* T.. n.r .wirer esi she,. -r ,ra,.;;rr I Clinton --Robert Brewster, George Cgtu au sea lou exist and retain a contra'y to all expecmtion, the Em{»•ror Ron. Jame• Moira was well kuuwn to ss ale I asd W spare• after knowledge, and se he drank of the ,., ,,n .. P y y g and Piston the cloct mote named Wood be I»ayes .D faltw.in Ire m 11w Imeh. h« rush. I,eccb, fI. Bawttnhim¢r, Saprrannsatwl. lame puuiuD of the Irudn lb hold there. y ase w , lei a ac that h. tow relieved fur a lung time. He tilled a prominent pond• Thea the members took their pie" sweet spring, he resolved, as we hare prrror to Income Km{ tat PirJrwonr as heron, tion iD Parhamekst and the count. , atd he S afarth-Arhd Hurlburt." l have an idea that the Cuml y w1U get I w ../ to e•cv to«res uihd.r ■hien tort 1 • n Juy, wbieh act brcu,nt wwtere b • 1 I a oD a etasd to taken i° a icture b et tied, to rix, that he Lt Ise of use W H1:Ia;1 \l; fur l'.t.\ UlU t'1'L9. l V y d' ors. sad dsrelupid the tact dss she Ihres also seen! the t'ro•ioce ably -and f•na6liv, I' F P J I Mitchell -Thos S, Howard, Charles tired of rt •wooer than_ the to yen of u,.on foam rea;.•cont Italy. What s most, as a member of several Governments. Be Mr. Johnston, who had re d hiruselt mankind io whatever s here PlOvidesce Ha . M dear air, I do nut • ret G,r aI 'Doable s. root Fru,co ..ill intrrfrre, aid 1p "" wdun and Wo a .en Fenian@ toss a mau'res led and esteemed b *;I wbo P Pie P it is somewhat @.rennin„ to watch the Aguatus Hmwn. I I y ! P idamrie e•rlence -r ".ured to , r y for that u Souse iolrrfrrcucc b mi ht see 6t to loco him. sioKb moment, W be Cuuud up idi„g that • t r 1h• ear else Kiog .dl n.w the reap uov ionto him, Luth m public and prirrtn. He P Gam' J K d' efforts of some of our conservative friends p rgie such institutions ac the Canada Cow an I wh de u1 Northern Italy, while the Fms,erur them at P. •ton, Nova t,cock. TM designs Strrt6xd-hall Chruto hasgn, Geo y; 1 W .h ■" the Issdsr m the emu r.r a: o the ratitude and election Of all outaiderr, who should have known better, Thu was Dot all. To his other quali- °Oda I )'•d t I to catch t exn lidato utile and willing to 5I. Brown. let b aU Maans, b've ■n levee a I w,.l Japosr tat the J:ruhA" I u , 1 blares. (Hear, bar.) hindered the operation, but it was at lis! ties tow added the Erand louchatobe of sm ! In ins h;ht of sctual event, and of rhe' "1 wen wap u lig fudvd oa the St" Janos The mutton .as secuksdvd by HuD. Mr. tin the Tsoumseth lllvuioa during the Bay6eld 11'illiam R. Dydw. tics down to the very botWto-nut don 't prr,«nt anis»won. this ■wemeut a roaaSk- i after lerv,nd P,c Vin. 1Vuud- ezarorrated @ccompllashed ratitfootorily: iarlonl'1i pfrse✓erunre, without which make flesh ofooe fish andutanother. Itis at the fission of his lan. • •amntl loot bis GmrMll, and carried. taming election. They ran about froom Duo sono°-Jatnes 11'hitiD 0°e to vi e. :fbv f` w•i+n coa,,tjc.twn was cot I n s'l y '!he House tnen'td'ouresd Bill Monde I 'fhe worthy Slnstef then called the a man can rib nothing Freak, as K g' wrh known fact, tLat then .are lhouuui• ,en Wrrwen. Then w so d ,ubt that • I for"°' hu eoodiuon ter tad ■;greeted ►y 1 y ose man to another, -as some loco go be sent. _ li n m duan the Lxn161.ATlrx. Aa■zral.v. o0mpally to order. to hear the tout+ and through which, other thin)•e being equal,. I I of acres..° the .Northern townships+ of this r tt exists between Prtrmi. rod Ittl d I K Wsa•K»-tele( to takepos. The S ker took the chair at 3 O'clock, I tog for newspaper subscribers and Kincardine -Orcin H. Ellsworth, Ona y 1 w.own ul the ship, sed lac,° s re•uivw a pes ennui, held by apwculxtura rt the prey u" a' a treaty, roan a an uksdemtandm4, tad I' L spxches. be can accour iah almost anything with- I the eaptom's head oritered him to sw'evid.r but the Kowa wt with closed duos nG 4.20. ! @d.v tisemeD4-sod n r general thio¢ W pia „eel, muweot; end lv ss w mvtu a it this arm, the too p.,wer an n•wrat sfir, heeurrw it w" understood that the question under ds- I In proposing the loyal toasts of " the iD the range of human possibility. H,is •.nth &,.I ezensi w a terriwr sed aro v leu commssd. - The dwwnd +d assm•vdiaely tboy ale langhod at for their paiw. " Go Teeswuer-Edward CngF. alt over Cnwa 11'est Aro they out ria lie ► Jenied, n,tthe ca tan, -hD s a •;.oder but cession was a propovd adjournment of t:e ' Queen " and " the Governor General " I earliest aspiration was to 'become a I o „ , i 4rdrn the r rev and well bein of the P wed ,th. arW power. 1 rc ra , V sun (need W „ Hoeae on Thursd.y, :efts mat., till Tuesday,' i , getiblemen, "get rep your s,eam,' Ainleyville-John Webster. I K P °K g I Itnt r w•,(ro.mj and eery useomfun. rd,ty eha a,wr with lei@ 3rd of Juiy, in couuecuon with n invitation ' he @aid Diasoss were second to none i', lawyer, red, beace, after enquiring •large „ Crgyoise, organize, organize,' and when Elma-Nelson Brown, UDe W be sent. souotry, re well as the Canada Company, a Ie colors won, on the part of the friend+ of "l"•kl•K lrou"I"t, usher-upn° be wes rerrwly to the memhers W proceed on on excursion loyalty,notveven excepting the 1 ofuoloers. amount of useful information, he entered I ou are wits "cad fir the nam i"O let i Howiok-Jahn 11'ede S+c• a Alfred •reit Itaee toward upuD the sweat and int Italie. that wain dove not bland alar,- 'a'ad. Th« hnksnee' of tow e'yta,v @tons W the Uppem Ottawa. No final action on the I I J 9 7 pa e• y 'g ' ; of the r set tier as well w the Then y •rued Ilia ws.p lion, the Feuaua, " the raw subject toss taken. (Cheep). .pun the etady of law with Dl r. Stewut, the publi:, which it waiting in n agony L. RuaeeU. why select the Canada Cvwp.n y as taw an" .111; Is t ro o,• puit t w the pr m• of tM C'w " "ta b.....apahiaed with tk• The doors baring been opened, the following I The next tosat tow the health of Bro. who atterwards removed to Btntford. Io of suspense, know tate result. Polida BucknowTh,m'I m Tucker. 1001) sinner? B,inw every speculator u we N seypon items. '1 be Frntlisb I u'tt°e'n in the e.ent o(success. The first bdl vimon t ahem wen totrsduced vied 'Sim Grnd 31"ter of Canada. This the stud of thio xience he res@ed are rather bat 'est Dow in this Cnada I i wild IutJs in C .skit@ w the bar up us ruin l»r Kuru as u,rply np'te,uW pu.ea I °"d sec°°9 a'"te' care .lead, bra° befun a ti pa °' ! prop 1 w rtrrte and remained ueul w morrow for read a tent time : - I wes drunk with true Mazonio honors. rapidly, paring one by one those ever- 1 I The next Session of Conference Ito be tire. Somd will nn doubt .ry nut •• vesh• 1 Pwo her twin fur Iron: cwuctiuue. Hui- I fort tem rx•mh ,aI , In addmuor to the Mr. Scalcherd-7 o ezend the jurisdiction of nun," but you May wcceed in kicking ei.. a ..Ppoae l w enc .cerin» of mmtiouallic, of Division CoksIV to U r Canvidw. I M. C. Cameron cid, at the rtqueet remembered steppiogatonw oC a lawyer'@ held in the Cay Of Hamilton, oa t6{ /nil ed ry;hta,"-but serer meld -Ick jwtjac ted ; f n •ked in beh+:t ul t annea:at.an of Vroo , above rerwata,no Wood r also charged with. PP• u a dust et. I Mr. MCKeller-To incorporate the village of the 5lcater, there wn one other toast life. A' a lawyer he ws considered p J _ _ _ Wednesday ot'June Ilii 7. I even WodeJ, red gu the whole uvure.-i u. ria It,y. A f<w ye ago •b sent rim re ru.m,tt W mr,der a "viae". of Botbwe,l w a town. I 'I .- I Shotald you think this worthy vl' a corner , virmy into fluedvy, sed a (rushed with a I he In ;e'uta,ua a Ph,;Gpaborg is •tilt A message was read from leu Ea«henry, I he would like to propose, namely, " Our bound tad reliable, hu object ever being "- The Bruce Herold charge@ as Taz Gat\D Taws AxD rex VctA kala nn your jouruai, Toa may beat from me l stra,g Irwd the @errors ,rM of Poland prucr,do,t cid ell probrblr clow on S.w- transmiuing the estimates of cotral,s sum , visiting friends," soupled with the name to construe the weighty truths of Black• with ineronriatenc in that we fntwcrl The •alto of the Gnod Tronk Rat a riD u ,a thio sub'aet. I roe ,aaure Of the cwdrronce ' probrMy des dig. Thus ter sistesn wnlu"tla tave been ! y' P sg p' 1 ra•ained. elf Cf whom were direct sufferers regairal for the service of eha ynr, ending of Slayor Detlor. Nothing woald give sines and kindred authoritim by the light inatall•d 31 r. Dickson " S6crilf of li}ucr was never more fully rialized than daring t I FAIR PLAY. I W occas iaforaatio,u Of tM a•, Ibrt ew.d I om obs k'miaa fun 80te June, 1757, I be w.vn by Russia. Libor K sea will su„ 7, tksd thele a.dwce Ron. Mr. Gast explained that culJ •poi- him greater pleasure than to ride Mr. I of common sertae-a practice which might and now mention his name in Cunt io recent trouble. Mr. RryJdcs onbnnat,ml fy pu:I .tastrus w an ally, or ate . I ad is Ji• Miers heavily aguet the Prissia, I'ho ticks o[ the estimates bad been brought dove° j Detlor on the goat, or stand at the foot be followed by many of his professional with the R tstrarbhi of Huron. The laced the whole resources of the read rt tow The Impon ing Wdl III Europe. vi fin; her @meat tie ;varre, tike ,Asad- K"yal Carradan &it" anal tho Cnwures an there, o abs expenses of the cell govern bf the ell r to abd welch him brethi.o with teat advaDLe a to all cue- P se ice tat the Government. and the employ I - — Of Ilya I ere ave prolmbrlity. • res duiad gw,d over them, the Kaysl me.t and others not libel to create much' PPe 7 Ix' 6 >; gal and bitterns" of -out ext remrly civil I r . bei fads Iss•in hes° retrc•ed (reel the 1 climbin it Lou hter. cerned. About the ear I t?46 he sdd,•d eo wad.. him performed an aa,u11t oC had ALS RIAv I K(idSIAH" /1pVS• France, a the u laws. of bgot'i1iu, wig 4••Lne .An si4e tau» ul rue + di+rumicn, to enable him w op,eo the Com f ( g ) J contemporary does not treuble w serious I 51EV 1'S. awd ra r,mv of ubarn •taw, w tlw Batas sen wears, miam - -orY that can h•rd,y be appreciated by the` _ ed Miche+l Cr..aler, hes bred N!IT trdnnu6. mitten of now to Means on item y. lie I On ruing to respond, 3Ir. Detlorssid it W Lia pnfireio+nzl duties the arduous ly, sod we certainly do not feet entitled 1 V f^+Oto•r, nch army o tr that f th • y into,- d "a S,iueh su++'ecn, bavin Ieh this cit o now o take the fins item of those I xenerrl public. The value of such ►lir to Tb • Freruh arm Of Deco atiu, ma r 1a- J J pr pomd ear most gr@ufying to him to ter thea Irlora of an editor, being engaged up•° to the left -heeded com liment of bein case of.or is immens», sad cost " it W I MnlaYth e[ the Rlwml reAl67I I b; be oor.n ,he ed at K.. m En )and h" 1OI'•inthe Fenian Ores.. Tee m,n Coburn no. is Hou t doe°. - P g y 1 6 'i' d' arrested •umr data .face as a Y«nicks and llw Huwe then. on motion of Hon. Yr. called apoD. He looked @pore the com the BritiaA Canadian, of TOTVnto, at aLle to instal oBiciala at will. ' It mous I hese to the enrol ose itiou wuhor it I s,"i.t ggend ]talo W tba P,.. • int else I 1 resolved itself into a Commitee of -U limeat r. aid not so much term 11 as that time a leadin•r conservative s r. r woWd tie •mint ►}rrmint oe , ( ICert. Of y 'er York ltmw I I peck, at wrwnti to red an I 'liwbwgod, was rearnwaed to d. b the r P P P P' ! e P Pe rumored a the wean that SI r. Dickson lie P.,ts door col es ! ! plig; Mr. Stnly iv the chair, and adopted the fo the office he had the honor of fillip As *wetter he was, es 'ail in his The cruces rformed also b the Yon LOw 'e, Jam 4 1'.166. -I:am. l ardunJ AnI m Ilio lair @teak of I t'•rarnmenl pintoes at St Albans. bat ism t(,r Governor General's Secreta g' P ! ear Ilk,ly to he Sheriff %,C Brute and we Its J the gout it attributed to, hu ch. in at be. _- $1.900.` 7t He had beard wits eat ranee the younger dads, clear and luminous, hie 'treat.Tcle;mp Com wen of vitvil %m The war is to b'Ria w th• h)t4 0l I g' - Pl merely pare the report fur what mt uta! 7 I mg,lwt oro Or there mi li,as ul teases 61 the un motion of Ron. Yr. Galt, the Horse oothusi"tic reception of the toast of Her Command of hoc t, -e bring greater than worth, which rr had u art ri ht to that pounce. June, so it has been raid. To- Morrow isI;alto• iii Good,a. went into • tQmmittee to consider the follow• I'nf -- I the 10th, red the outbreak hostilities I .rite of thus Impending tad terrible war Gn■cious 3fajtety, Queen 1 i coria, which that of almost nig Casadin writer we dug rewlatiob :>t -That it it rxped.eot ro do- I ria. !t was, a few days @go, Currebll) re- TI/ E LATE MM. ORP. I bee.ai. men'• r o•ta .re loll of it. England demndy the members of the Provincial Go•• reminded him of the glorious institutions have road. lie found his labors in this ported on oar streets and spoken of by I seem■ to be close at hand. Count Bis- holes to keep out of it. Eirl Russell oot ernment• the'A,ditor sed all other peasoes ty;y lived ander, and the privileges of capacity extremely trying to both mind Tte lee Mrs. Story, whose moral mmai.n' Merck has •jus sent a despatch to all the like to help Awtria Mr. ©Intoe' &at My concerned (tar the uuar idable de rture from 1 parties of reapectability, that air. Dick• Swn6eld gmprtmse with Italy. The Quenu v pa freedom and selfkovernment they enjoyed and body, but there can be no doubt the were followed to the cemetery on Saturday Courts of Europe, so full of gall nd gee• S eery rol+wd tD P it•a. PtoTile I e the pruristuna of the ]wilt Act 27, 28 ]1eA ton was to be the Registrar of Huron,' y Y g Cap. 6, in the advance and expenditure tat (Closers.) He felt it indeed:n honor to the position he thus ooeupi.d troughs his Iset by •large num ,er of cur u,wosme», was powder, that nothing mews to remain bis land will art with France w lore ass France the auto of $70i,319A9, not rortded for is and this tumor wan also given, just u we one of the pioneer ladies of the Co. of rem.aus neutral -as los "abe d ,es nut act. YZ be invited to join their festivities in such abilities and acquiremmtls mora promin- I bard blows. t oof theusumy of 130,000 a~i ro aririid une ofpthe gT P J P' pOribly It. And, after all, where is lLe iD- flurnn. She, along with Ilse husband °f her Austria did not decline the conference; short °he warrnoodoub, eachuaccoodiog to •beautiful oke,where, se crated from enol before the ablicthanmulJ PP P coneistcncy? Il'heD the Shrirrahy of:enuica, I'Sured diliq•ody to "caro • t oroluary expenditure for milie c WA. to the ores of business, they could enjoy au haca D_en the case wader any other civ- I she required oAy that the Powell engag- ..is .,res of `tksfuresau.ts. 1 mut do the the ex t."' of the Irootier ssr.icr d Bruce was on the carpet, .Mr. Galt wr I home in what was then almost a wil• I nems c Pe so rhe interchange of'thought cad cultivate those cumstares. He also wrote for the Lou-' deme and under ell circumstagenl tog ie it should renounce any pretensions U,a of the fac4 which ladicate LM nht- redlstrib°uon of the aggregate sum arpro- livirg, Ilia lamented death left n office "' b territorial ■Ddizement Brt as pr•Atad for the other branches of milita ". kindly foelings which teudei to make tie don hers/d, after his removal to that open worth threo limes n much w the I tired for her f'mi.y, who wwe • drht of fati aggr unto of as understanding, if rw t e. formal peaditura, w as w meet the actual require- whole world akin. (Applause.) What city from Toronto. Sheritl a OfSce of Bruce can ever be. In rude to the best of mothers. The disease ass Italy and Prassu were both determined treaty, hesoeerk Luari+ and Kue"y is that men's of the ser.ice ; •tach advance, esp,e,d- e r he mi ht have uttered in • ocor I der which she died w" wddeo-de nritg to et more territor and Frnrx and L t ,a ormer has w,thd,a+n nearly all her iture, red redistribuuuu,ha•i°g beet occasion- ( S 1 Os the Judgeship of Huron and Bruce fact it is ootuidered the best ohce in p. g y' troops fro n G•Ilicia, Heodary aid Trsnmyt- od b the Iuceestt of maistaioi. • Ise a w@j to indi+idual Masons, he rrgarde2 bccowin vacant b the death of Jud e I her at once of all con■cioum,em, and retain- Russia would Dot engage Dot to tike some ,unit, learin the frontier u stn to Hoess, 7 J l t R y pt the two Counties, nd if Mr. Dickson g I miliva force o° active duty, on the frontier tt the institution m the mast ancient and Strachan, which look place on the i!2nd sew 6t to lake it m retcreneq socordi I ing her iia iia iron gnep °ail the tut Sad mo if Offered, • conterenoa oD such terms be- .I d apprrsndy d«!rnd nK u{ren that Power and detailed accounts tat the sans so &drain;;@ P - °g I me,,t. The ag,cd, disconsolate hus!and nd m caw of ani iuu,rmcnun -hien satirist ire Doblut ttharitable institutions in the of October 1858 Yr, came n absurdit Austria is blamc,i . and expended to the 9th dy of Jur tnsrany Cor per tow appoint- I W the selfish theor of the Walkerton y' exe.ted by the emissaries of Prussia or Italy. 7 f.mi'y, we teal 'soured, haus the bean -(elk b►riks toseD laid before th.' Hour■, and ►Ito world. Chem. 11'rth retcrenee to bcotaes rhe docs not want W Ince part of If nn such adrermnnt exist,, Aw,rimi ls °ore g ) ed to tMt imporVnt of5ce. He entered paper, ho would be doing a very good I sympa' by of the community. her own seines, nor to have ➢rupia sure 111 her a"tern yroymcr then Italy. of " to protide that ny further sums which It his oftce he wuald say that while he _re upon his duties in the Novewber follow I thin for himself. 11'hether he will do I pow s•r sof kern. v , my have Men or rosy be ectmeary w aa- g To the Editor of t►e Huron. 6. .•once and expend for like purposes alter the matoed iD it, it would ever b( hu object in Thet those ishan were moat arda- keel- appropriate to herself what belong@ to TM Prier Boars., s •re told m what g so or Dot remains to be seen -we have day lel m'mtoned, ■Od beturs Ike p.'aing of to adence the inteKceLe of Lie fellow- ouw may bo inferred from the rag eateot Dever arxrted that he would. In refer -I SIR, -it wa■ with much regret that I per- Germany in common. toms so ata rt e.rtrtnty of war, M arm tad rcei•ad iks yoga pap.. of last wee@, rhe record Austria bas thrown the setdement or "'lor"led. 'Ibmid io another pusile. Tnr tbe'Sepply Bill m tM pre"m aeesion, ■Hall tow°amen, sod Le eau MPP, t0 ss! tLal gf the district to bo travelled over, and Cnee to the seer of the Neu/d about our war u easel heel a sake securities of be W w have lawfully advanced nd ex- of tea death of demes Ycll rs le Esq. W the uestion of the Eine Du hies u,. u the 1 ya@dsd, provided for red made good by ap I hu effur4 were seconded by twelve of r tba immerser amount of labor rtquirod in I supplying the rradere of the $seal ,with here so few of ibe old rnlen left tbrt when q nJ kmnd boner while at Iwo. peoprtauo°s for Wet purpose m the said ball. good Couocillore as be could wish for. I° the rfgrmnoce of the duties direct) and Diet, Prussia thereupon attaches the Tne Peold0 of the Duch•e, if they may bre 1>e ! this " latest news and rnmon " we kayo we hue one, we cannot fail expressing "ell cons demi of any cense uen". ode with the recent troub!e they, along with other indirectly attached to the office• But the only to e,te that ha has been glad, etc y p y y I fund. of Holstein in the Hamburg banks, 9 eworm of s m ah towards tM broil of thea .Austri, In f.rror of their own independence. *xrres* Conformal Charges. gentlemen of tM town, had manifested new Judge went into his work with a de- i4k arced one. The late Mr. McMthoo was and marches her fardel into H,I+tein.- A meeting rif 3,00' at Alton" shim week tow now, to copy whole columns of news from r We see it announced that Yr. Smith, 51, the greatest zeal in tak rex every possible g ! one of our very earliest settler, and durin,I Austria N dela mined .hat the Duchi. a •cry ksnr.nmuum in the expre cure of .hie f"I rte of heart ChcerfulDe" which com- this paper, without paving as the dight- mt na d I ws i .nor pretezt for this f tO P.'iP. (or Durb•m, has given notice shat be step to repel the threatened iorauon of mantled respect, while it lightened many i est ovedit. We would advise our content-, a long life passed ,n uefulness, was always •hall be independent members of the Gar ,.-:x Veneta., is the pret Of iia pin,( t will'bring in • bill to limit rhe charges of our shores by • band of unprincipled a long, rough, dreary ride, ■nd won for poesy to Cultivate t better t"mper, nd anxious for the welfare of our community, man confederation. llerr Von Br*elnro► 1-1111»nes to beIp forums to annex people talegrlph and express companies. A reform marauders. He would again thank thew him a host of warm personal friends. let the .1;' I follow its own course, if he I and never (stied in promoting to the Otmost seems more than ever determtired that n" d , nut desire it .t .11, het the sontnrv. mord ° dad b the coon e' cull with most stutrorel for the hosur done Lim. Ile t eakm of its Po r g g It 1'rua'a relay annex un■iAi.og pnnmte•s h y try, p. y y cannot to ! the truth wh p C of hr mer an hm that mi ret Condree the andl be nnexrd W Prussia ; nit refennci)o the latter compnie, will not Chaeta. Judge Cooper, however, dii not confine atyings. thareanto. H. bore hs Inng illness with 1 +hy ..or nm Awtria keep provinces nut j himself to the were routine of official life. I - I this lienee and resitnation that helon trove we Brand at ends nmmeat with great an . u *,,orelat gksgage theMtteption of Parlimimentdksring the Mr. Gibbons said he also entertaided MAITLAND LODGF,,i•'. ok A.M. P• semina threatenin each other across the fn« Y "'r" oI H,hen@"Ilarn, ahs now HCa mmien. Armatters now stand the public w the lei •heat vee t for ao OrJcr which In every movement of a charitable or I only to the true Christie•% He was ever en g ,solar of lioumanir, u respanng W delead 6 iadd sot rent red kind friend. His Irk frontiers of 9azony and Silesia. „a newt ass . ed th,ons. He boo laced u the mercy tet the ezpr'w company, and patriotic chanc►er he took a romineot The fullowin aro the ohcen elect for R 1'" 1 9"' P powerless to prArnt itself from bein aide embracd so many of his personal friends, reek and when the D I g wed was peace. The Austrian army now amounts to h1"1 ell of the head of rn army of 30,000.- 6 p• Trent affair " area*- the current ear :- the Ali of the romen iis itim. What 0ksd from what he knew of it, he felt that Y " How bleat the ri hwous when he risen, 800 000 tum, of whom 350,000 0 r fhe prudeeung P"wen b+ve, r vvt, only ! 6 D S ed the blood of the Canadian n le, he W. M. -Bernard Trainer. 6 ' PI" ,re" hi.mi a veli-omrirl recognition, ba they e r demrrdrd ter t i be p't%d, and gratuitous he would Dot bC stepping far out of tae i" P , W Mn Sinks & .eery soul w rest! the Prosisnr ■red 250,000 tree Italiana, tdl not .fill- the Su4an w i.terlere sod are im ntvenee acce ted in addition to dreNhn.st ton Doe of the first men in this Conoty to l • M. -H. B. O'Connor, Hn■ mild! cram eha closin " ",' P• P path of duty aliould h° j in it. (Hear, y d y with reserves for either. Gen Benedek 'fisr+ed-st le»sn Fa+nee i4 to acknowled e ove"lrarg.s. 1t Mr '$mill. can so frome hr step into the volunteer ranks, lie loved -M• C. Lamer°°' flow gently heaves the expiring breast. , g resrro that Express Companwi shall limit hear.) He had os hesitation in rewtn- " -W'm. Burr}, br strickly O rbldden army crrre•peod- 11e Trait aroompll ; wretch is a very (teat the service -ear enthusiulic iia his of Iife's duty dons•, as sinks the slay, area• The arm] n d to ital alto- tnang t° do, having 81st of all •oenmplimbed tbeil Iesb of ria" so as`ln reduce tear po mending every reaprwLeblo young man w B. W. -James Thoaiaoo, h DP"se Y. ANI*something less th.h five hundred Per forts to a4v@nce it, -and when the Fenian Light from iia load the spirit Or", manded Archduke Alhverht, ormriets lure fail. htroomo oonotcWd with it, as it roust do J. W.-Robt. Rooth, Rbde heaven and earth an I W w --- .— -- ..- Cwt. M tvttl eouGr •gent boon on eke puM trouble broke out, it wes with the great. S. D, -W. T. :;rex, •How blast the rt b of i°tontry of the line, 106,000 r/em •n, tie. A d&M Making n incumbent on ex him a great deal of good in life• He g tees@ whet tksy ."' 16 000 Croats' 38,000; cavIr 5,000; The F'ewlmaW. press OSeial* a w coatoon emeivir to would now to ro the health of est dif5cohy that he could be restniued •1• D. -i. F. Toms, - _-_-. t• 1 .N pose Cha aio,Rev. A. M'ekid, coast artillery, 4,000; 6,•Id batwrists I4,- tbair ermsen wrtN,.e esl,pe@r, be illegal, h from jmning his oompny @t Barnir, al- Dd OCR IgARx F.'Ir. Even the Canadian• acknowf«Ip that the •sd u tie same ties werlar his friend the Hoo. 31. G. Cameroks. (ibe Tre". - W m. Piper, 000. The Austrian nary in the Adriatic m.asion w wt .n an pro 10 create w though it was apparent to all that his son- d, but they vire consider. muwC-;O a cbsye,-IHasiltadTiur. mistake was greeted witu a bu.■t of Bac -l.nme Thom now cnpoists of red vessels of all closes*, *titution w■s rapidly breaking( down. !' pa°O' Oar market begins to improve in ore- h, esarcioed shout tM at•uon of the Hokses -- ---_ --" laughter nd applause.) Aaditnn,K. Barton •red B , H. IktlCr, sngaeDoe of rhe Dulk of Spring tome ps_ 10,000 men, A26 guns. It i@ r• pCrted sf Reprs"ntaiivn. 'Ment of t►» soldiers are A Hail Hill for itofoeet Palk. Robert Cooper was a Fres Mwns, both Orpnist, Ws. Gardner, that the T urkish navy will also defend 'eturning home, but 3,100 re ular tromp@ will sn a short nd humorous Ope,cch Mr. is principle and practice. He Mrs Malin* 1. 0 -B Haatshurst, I ing over. Wa.l is coming in preUy free- the dysu rn ■horea of the Adriatic, he atrunned •Inns the Iromnavr. 1'he pmo. 1' Tke Wincing is a copy of a Rill whiob has Cameron @aid that Although he otula not to nope, he po'sessed @ @park of that *a• Tlkr f. llelwrd. lig, the prevailing price, being 32 Cts.- Tke Prussian army is the largest ever non captured are being et.mined at Fre gess iatrcduewd lets Ysrfi&ment by Mr. juat now lay claim to the rids of honor- cabling principle which lade a mom to potatoes are telling at 25o t Mill. Oats tet on toot, nd it is armed wi h very su- Itghiburg, and it s e pected, e( cosvi••ted, ArroivrwarT.-Mr. H. B. U'Consor ter for rifles sed srtiller 'Che ri/d@ are ver little lenioney wit be shown them. A :Meet. A. eha Rill roll offeto • Promtksm b ably, he hoped ire rix mO..tM hal,toed 25 cd per bushel. 7 C•binst CMncil ear held in Otla.., Caned., det@•Ibag Municipalities not W their in P J conk uptu 1'niu vas) Rrwb+thrwtA r erten- h" eked Clerk or tits Riversdale Divi • kse YonAy. Tke n o■e n Otis ns, aro et Pal to be returned trium hand as the L "top"' atlsCnpt the mat rapid as(d is mer, •Dd d*iYirrass .eJrsre it will pt •rex moksth'e •tris thing rel and de6aod, vel ter, we aisesvr. (el se f nn, lafl •aria Av the dwth of Mr. R'a cannot give our cwlomary column the caouon of superior metal. The Pre*- imsed to eserrise gr"t eon 1n making u•' bola :- htive Councillor fur Teoutumth Division. I rise,i it is vzmects4 that the ... 11lerlr elan army Consists of 452 b■ttallions of nes ander the Ars6eu me eau- awe - (Cheen.) y belierr, ttevw i■retstiasnl/l wrnwgefl a tea•• of Inca! iwms to day, fns the wlficirnt rano° n'Irp eM1O A.e AN to smeod An Act respeetieg th. Con human bang. Rboam attacked Irtferl will ban, i° Wilion, the the postmasenhip infantry, 321 squadrons of cavalry, I (ISG The Council had under Consideration the w OMMand Maeieirial I.Aa Fond," as to, pmposod 1 than is nothing worth writing •bout. uestion of mitable irdemnit f Ma I)etbr the prosperity of lhrouyh let par fnv esWrr whiob we and omae of hoer of ewmirrials liceoslfa field pttoes, 7Y c%sspsnies nl fortrram @rill• q ) cr tM loess No dlmnMtion rel the aseys aridng Maitland Iw.fge I Il, and .Ne"n. Tom* --- - __- - - lery, 4 battali,•naof piocksten, she. Pricer+ orc"Ioned by the Fenton rs.da, and " to IFss the Clea Rosser" nerd n,! answtaae,As n loit a et near Cka a east Miehi a Freleriok Chvirles hr I»ft R*rlin Ger his t1 and Crabb res ded in a sui4b man- Psi iT ga ga,, nder charter The 6 at tM 1J. B. Cosnleh, nhoki ltn h• Aro roan 0 ,rernmo nksOwns. pests" h M eaan.ted'y vejjaM 11 &l die 11O° b to read what sea rid agaio*t him, and by the (andiae Goveremenr Came into thio at Galerieh w4 hoisted at half -mut yet oeadqusrten in Ailesis, the Royal Rorri7 H.f1"rm.n, Mnrphy. and tM otMr !•noise @ bate sof t his Upper t..amd& Menteipaliiiea nor• t wMbbsld from the 0"lly Rssnvv, should M r. Traeman pmprwld the health o f he never lave the lama iii -will against part ibis (Tuesday) morning .t A o'clock,- I lardgy r a fo4rn of respect to the eksawy Guard hr left for the anal, slid the old „oleo» . he wan arrested by the United ion clog a I from the Mww' hies whieh theme wM t red I nst him.- Kin is ° M he ie '"i4s1 (.pea ^Pe 7 sial She tarn" two Araovlmng. -Cee 20 tad Cw Of th* late .Ttdppt ('.keep@►. t ►cad, to folbw them. 14ismarok Atates Onvarnmeet wM to he tr)ed a t7•r t0 &@I to the U r Bro. Piper, who respmocl hririly. ue ._ meant war, and Me Icin te m- rndal na estorda 19r Few mss en trotter ktew• thea M ear 12 eller, std w manned h SA hl" .M - - t P@Je R 1 )(Tresdsy) TAa 1efs1 Y otisipal i,nw Rand, std w hatrih Mr. GibM•s pmpor»d fLo Vu►unrewn of ' Pse y • _ -- od." Mtn the. tM tart, oho nm erreleled. Oe Prids sCrnl"g, eats@ pY to "ker whish set be se and few failstd os•id rw sive a heartier Irmo the frigate AsesIs, rather e.%mssasd of Death et Oen. Cow. its' y Pr° ! Or mrwirineey Row (sok esa in Wept ` y Catad@ in ewmemtinn with lM @anew of m'J "M^Rs• TM lerxwr Oermss Powan t gnetillg wbWrevar M tenet Ae had his iJeot Tfsron. Kho will only s'op /nr ►dao Gan. Iw.is Cas d,4d &t Iia yasdsaee %e r power an pt0 ADatrit, *(rise At► for the p°roCr orf puede/ with *4 In y Us v ,f, pee Ms},wtT rig IIaM Carts. (TdWmn and $@veto ad Liwt. 6ti16- ani HeaaN kasow ear h@/a •11 e/ or two. Dweft, sn ti*sAay aaeefn8 let stead ft4. trio U frith lheNs. $he dor to( thtMMb I gale, deb tM eMrr sande SON" (el. Ree !.. errs Yr. S. 0. Ooarteq, lraiMd &air Dr , t y , ,^Jr.9A^f nT-rear,. .' ._ .. _.r ♦ L .. _ _. +.. THhi MARKSTB. Coultticu, Jane 26, ISf38. ipring Nbmt......... 111.30 (do 0.00 fall do ............ 1 40 (rL 1:50 limits . ................. 0:25 (gi 0:00 Flour ................ S:00 (4 6:50 Barley ................ 0 40 ort Ili Fen .................. 0.40 1 0:45 %heep..................4:00 (e's 5:00 Pork ............ .... 7:23 (m 7:50 Beef ............ ......8:00 (r: 0:00 ILdes(grate) .......... 4:50 (d 0:00 butter . ............... 6:14 0:15 PCitato•O...... ........ 0:26 0.30 S,sod ..... ........... 1:76 (4 ?Sd tiny. V to• ............ 7:00 (4 M:M 944......:........... 0:09 (4 RN W owl .............. ... 0 32 (w5 0.06 iltell. At Goderich, on the 70th instant, Pre• W sw.IA■ SromiT, aged fi6yesre sed 6 sso•tlr. ,•,.,Sm abberttiltllulu.t .,,M poria 3 Y DAVxsv 'E(JETsHteE PAIN ]KILLER! AT THE OLD FRICE. }- Rf.'IfARJ4. OF COUNTER. PE;f7ST AND If'ORTfILi1SS (MITA• TUNS. Aon118, 1866. wl2 is THE GIREAT ENGLISH HENEDT 9IR JAMES CLARKE'9 Oe1eb»ted Female Pills. - PrrPornA finer a pr"arripb, s of Sir J: Clarks, M. D . Ph Milan %aMr'aoriiwary so rhe (lutea. Th ..n.aln.hl. mado, ne a nn6d nr in the cure rel 411 'to - Pr,nlnl end dwrwees drsnsee I„ who. h .h. fem.le ,-.tit.,_ M eshl,•et. it rn,rlrst all verve. end re..'se .11 ohmrwetMas, sirs a apsedy rare mese M r.hrd oa TO MARRIED ADIES d • p.•elierly .sited 1 wit , In a Geon bee, beer rel •" monthly Pmr•„red with mrs, array. Earn ,»Atle, prase fine OMI." be'n the 0i .rn n,.nI Alemp of (forest Mrnale to Prevent rno- trrfain. O A Ll'TU7T1. 7L.. Prl/t .A.r/1 nr M aaM. Fes//!mere l.n g tA. PIRM? ?T1RaR Nrf)VT)Ia d Pva6- ee.rv, r 04or ,.e awn to settle ave ANwrt- r"•fa• iw of ator our ft ma I/.,.,. e+f'. In &K sere of \e•ernes awd removal Ageetw,ve, P4,"e h l the hoe a-1 iAmba, h w Mybr rxerinm, Pa,ptat,ea , 1 Ila 11"rt, "reside end W hd", Ili*M Pella -11 4od6e•1 a enro who. all Mbar -moo MM f1 ; .sed ab►ewh • Pnw.r• fs1'•"• WI,. do alto -was, •AI. MMmvl, evw- mo•y. rn arr►oog homm toe oeeo$U mo. Yell ob.eelroee 4 the ma&*Mo awed .vat package, .bleb .held be v. rehiNp emean, . eels yew Woo Ua,ud fh"m •ted caves I JOB MOSEA, Ra•►esf", N.Y. R. B.- 1446•od.a P•• ye mempe, ".bred 1" •wL w refloat ins si om a smile w.- WutR Il" br ester@ s g NURTHRUaP A LYYAX, &gra fort-esda. 14060 m i " r WWII ,, n•qA 1,Meets,.