HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-6-28, Page 14 - _ ___ _- -- „-____ . 11• A• I . . f. m• a' - - 1 . r, a . i _ I / r I 1.: ,11 i ® /--• - I i x __ ;. , . t . .. . f 1 w10EKLV V,riITIOl f. 0 ee W. T. COX, ]editor and Proprietor.] The Greatest Possible Hood to the Greatest Posfsible Number.'", C■ .l _ - --_ -_ -.- -- --_ t.50 %R ANN. IN ADVANCEI GODERICH, C• Was THURSDAY, JUNE. i18, 18663. : IVOL. XIX. -NO, Z2 ' fi ee,, GODMUCH R'bat will the Gerwal War be mate and three sailors, who were teemed ( skainot the entry of the Prusskaus iINo jects would be worse than a Feoun. Oar I an. Unhappily, questions had ariser ss t} As will be soon fhrm oar dispatehee 1>sdlilt6S 7W It t [101 . A►Oat. I mainly bas the heroic exrruons of • eeightaur• ' Holmtein, and stating tbat he awaited oh unanimity gved us this time, and we, may I to the interpeation of Scripture with respect this mornibg, the United Stairs Senate iruu mg farmer. Mr. Samuel Poppl•ytone. His I den of his aovereigu as to Oat course to have to need urrginity again. 1 need not to what men sh, uld believe. A vast deal of that Congreas a the sale judge of when the - -- ---- -- (From the London Eaaml■ar.) house, callwl the Start Farm,.Y aiwatid half( say to you that l' uuld give no quarter to I depute had occurred on the sobjeeq but it Routhen, States are to lave the right of ro- There are tad grounds fur either surprise or a mile from the place where )M stall, was I pursue. tbe known domestic traitor who would bring I bad chiefly sneer tram the pride of human presentation. W hen u this nolurw II011`EY TO LEND , censure in Italy's coming forward w take wrecked. He saw her go upon the rocks; he A Florence telegf.m nays Italy wk0 war and ruin upon hu adopted country. Bat intellect. 1 here %ere Caen who exhibited to L&•e an end T These men, who now + / vanage of the quarrel between the Great then got a rope and let himself down over I coinwence honlilities as won Re war u do- to &s rase a whole class -our class for ea- I groat ccatener and eurnoidinar) leaning in wame hat the Union p broken, have ON IMPROVdD FARMS, C ha Gersua Po■en W reopen and forcibly wttk, (Chs presipilous clitfi, w that by the time tiered in Germany. r amp e, or the F'noc► Caradianras duloyal, pOiming vat cerci^ anieles of 6ith t 1 always ctutended that it was ivdienoluble. If eT 8 PEh GENT 1 if poenible, her own dispute with Austria, fur some a) he coastguard men bad arrived to I is a erimn ay Inst Canada, of the deepest should be steadfastly believed, and other tat hey were right then thea are wrong now, and the poresslon of Venues. Italy has fallen to hapd tbe+ moo could be atrly hoisted UY(bl t0 d0 BO ethlas. dye• f "peak only that I know and have Celts which were heretical, and ahculd be as wile r•eraa. The wonder is that the feel MARBLE WORKS p• lltc seen, that the F'ench raid fresh Catholic• eanestl eschewed. '1'Dde orations, De aboald M aeriowl domed, [hot it ttet w unto finaueul sad Parlamrrtary syncope n Eepp4tporr;turteer took hem w 1 q J t Ile t! IlTe9t In Town Property from the uncertain condition m which the hu own home and gate them food and shel- The N. Y. Times says, we may usefully re- here, and jn Muttreal, with a very, very odd feared, occupied too much attention, sn.d much blood and teresare to establish. Cor• J. B. GORDAN, W . C. T R E L E A V.E N• last leace left her, condemned to support a ter, For this ex&mpie of courage &rid ho- call the notice of our mereanule, mea W a exception, acted splendidly under the lute diverted mar's thought& room hose matter• green is forcing a farce upon the country Imilitary establishment far beyond her mamty he has been rewarded by the Queen suggestive table which we recently capital emergency, and deserve ell huuur and appro- that were plainly laid down in Scripture for which, u a theatrical performance, may come Barri.ar, lc., Uoderioh. ._ ..-_..-. -_ If i - - Godsrich, Sapt.13.18[4• s.3-tt strn.gtb, or w parung nib !t to gnu up par ■Cth the 6rsl of lbs .rt Medals •new from tbv Fiurncisl Chronicle Af this city, f{ ballon frog their lelloweub'ects gensrally their guidauce a to what the ought w du. el,prupriateh after • tragedy, brat it q mwt Monuments, Neadslones,lombs, maneuUr the claim w the vital portion of decoration. instituted I a 11141, Wart I■sa*HQplsr Ftatement showiu({ the relative. f°r Cher pit is-4pirited an patriot con• The Lord's Prayer taught them that the• rit►ieuiow.-[vahville Union. the p mNuIs still wanting to the national of Moreh 7, •fur pe( ow who Save bel pcy;novQI Lluaaaln aud tM tat r provinee 6 wen W forgive those Cho tresprred rgai&st XOney to Lena, Ilable .s, Table -Tops, e1e. kingdom. st the hazard of their own lives, to Wye to* (amnog the thirifdv(o foreign cduuuied to' them. as they hcrd to he forgiven their tres- -- Ohio i ree Store kept or hand for Build- But whibl rot wrpriwd at tM military ar lives rf nthersfrom shipwreck or other poral• rhich he stat bulk of e: cru are Brut; the pausal. It ung them not to De revengeful, Pln laelAl Plulla eat. m.mert ant& muremeuu of the itaLaus, we of lbs se►." An illwlntio. the Jesa n 6. ,P 1`Terrllle Btorrs ora .]4aM01l ole. I but to live ie h&rmos with ora auotMr.- 1 ---- -""" "^ -- OII varyre&son&ble terms. Apply to it r ■orb as Ca Sills, Ba 9f d established rltottg bring, ra the language of ` 7 g Pu Poses We are w rt the eadiucr shown by the Pru►• of this medal appeared in ou of March the Chronicle, that •• with reference to sumo rhese were lessons not for eowem lation LBOISLATITR COUNI71i. dte., Chea for Cash. Auawtvp UusetEas' B. L. DOYLE, P u:n Miv sten to maks cowman cause rat 3l. It u vnderstuod that h Nujesth on articles our exports to ,the Pruviuces exceed merely it& the dL`eq but to De praeuceJ eery G O D E R 1 C H, C. T1/. those of Florence. Bismark has ventured ,Ming made acquainted with the story of ilia the total exports to al( other countries ; and, press the Cleveland Nerald, A/e.duy day• ` , Ovtawx, Jeerll. Crabb's new Block. ___ . - series of unpopular sets suf icient to weigb- 'wreck at he Start Point, at once resolved W io more namerow inetuwra, oar tapnru to E,eaCag, /sane l t, _-_: _.--__ The R{{.raker took the Chair at 9 o clock, Godericle, 9th Jan. 1865. w50•lur down any Minister. But the act of allyl send for Mr. Pupplestone and give him the he Provinces surpw in value our exports to Ascaris InvaTlriolr,lr Gvrwrnr -Mr. Hon.. F'IMt introduced a Bill to incur- _ - _ - -_ ___ _ _- afsl a Ot t710 with a tion -German Power against a Germ& edal with her own hands. Thu gracious I any one of the must populous countries of the One of he moat ternble storms ever know Galen, F. a S., tM ds ur"'IN r of the -M r. porate the Belleville and Marmors Railway with Urly against Austria, u the meet unpl urpbiq -'* carried into effect on Monday, old world." to this latitude, at Ihi• season of he yea p Con y. MONEY T O LEND L a 1' e P a d I o ek. alar that Bulwark has et ventured an the I th aR.,' Mr. Pn lestone. havin commenced un 3unde mnn,in and ix s by' which gunpuwdrr can BR rendtre k nun- {' J { _ PP R. Ot the right cf the Provinles to the title of 7 g. Sural Bills were renal a second uses. Hermauy. Wa aro, rods d, not yet in apo- been dtkirod; jo ehd Cha Cuurl at Busking being, absolutely, our second beat customer, raging at t►is writing (Monday, 12 NX)r, tax plosive and explosive at pl ure, has jueC The tlouw Cher rt'ountd. ay J and, relative) the best of all our customs Among the effects nl' the storm we h&ve Yq l.vented •very pogonion piece 4Iserhanum J silicas to dutribute pcaim or bl►me amongst bum Y•I&c2, sun.introduced to ser Mr tees - '' y' n' record t eRta Irte destruction of two nes•', . un Min applied w small'srms, will t.t.itl.ATITx Assxwet r. " EI(}I-Ire 2< rasa f:I✓I i')_`, r'` - tke paruee, which ore dririn{; &rd driren ter by the President of the Bwrd of Tndr, the there can, then, M no daunt. Th• fret a l' him to ischar a them with fat eater !r acts or 1 wards war. Austria would seem to be the Right Hor. T. Milner Gibson, and received demonstrated, not b rovincial a ens or rel• at th goat. aiid [tan Iws of seven liven, a g Sr This •Ilenuno kion. Mr. Chrpue 111d on foremost in rovokin it h an unusual con- u P R e ba ue rAhun, owned in Po sty than has been possible hitherto. It the table the report of the Commisswaer of Ons flundre4 Dollars and n Wardd. - P g. Y tM medal, whaeh could rot have been more suthuriues, bol by the ufficirl returw of the tw tau of •lou ,ttudi■al pep of mewl r p wel, ods rind Wok on a carg6;i k Y P pe ' Public Woe" for the year ending 30th June, contcaLion of forces without sufficient or asp honorably bestowed. Treasury Department. With this evidence' located fur bullet& acid fittli into• s paw' 1865. tPPIY to , rt cause. slat no doubt Austria u men- ' 'er)YJ ! MO JNE, ` Pan on record, curtly Congrea will not mparate teVre a due 1 Gardner I{urt lO iatt, g P • d Sato aye a oFFort Drrhn betoeeu lbs stock sad tan bo,oly st crew Ths .elan r Shcrt &ming others, were ' Solw uo-,! acrd, end to censure bnr miliary prec&rtiws ---- --- wsChout tukidg come Hep m th4 disect:un of '"!1 ' ., - t- Its W the we& n. A re1•olrin seer without knuwin the rounds fur them would Euro N6oV8. a renewed reci cit The Eveuiu Post ton, Canada West. She witcomtfandsil"%) WI i^ I Futmduced►rad read• lint um•:- CR►OB'8 NB I iLOC1i t t n ' y' t r& tain Bentla Haskin and had t, c," :pf worked by the trtgger moves this bar un, and r J. S. Smith -To amend the Act incor- Uoe•rfeb. Best. Bib, Id64. AMC be superfluous." ---^^--^•••- ^^ ^--- remarked yesterday that " Congress ought to p 7 4 What is most remarkable h the very nor• uALIPAZ Jane 18th -The CeritrA do something toward res uiu commercial five men aiid one womar-. The bar ue •siie(f at each t Oppo it one tat tie Lulea a the Dar Pott`s , tliC Pon any. Irnidsay &mt Be&ven L ^ r (hr X I , u brow ht o wire the barnll of the pilot, to. was Ga,m H. (IARDINERr,W Co.t row ground of war that exists between Ass- relations with Canada • aud wee apprehend fur hrr destination, and Md maim bl,d Cad- it PP P J P•^I •{ $le.. brio the follOwkn The kndkcaGOnd ,q auJ & s of is tired. The bar at tat proses Hoa.lkr. Drown -To confirm Derain ► - MONEY TO LEND wrotasats sun leEysn. uiu &rad I'raeni n Tb•re fu rot • ality P of 6's tart &ray whn will study with ordinary I r stmt* the Welland Canal, w put at the other side with all its shut ea ee per principle diviriog them, fur in reality Pr&s are that eat will soon break out. . The I taro lh, nature and extent of lho•ee rrintiona norm struck ser, and at seven o clue P• laws aloof 41 un s of Ua xes nod se confirm coat on improved Farms, and wo u arga HarliWare Me rehant8 I day evenin • she chan •ed her course and mt+do silo and can then lin luadrd seam cud us d as the ales of b by t&aes mpies.d radar rade against tM brrower. 4 sm s not more prvparrd to override the entry of the Prussians into holstein is ander the treaty now ended, will acquiesce in for the rt. This wed sou blowin • r before. Supposing each bar to contain ten said bylaws. \a A I to Market Sonars iode,lCb, claim or wvrrrigult of the minor f'owero the juJ_ment ul our cwtennporasy. Con;ora w g Pe PP J f than Austria is. The Court of Vienna cams regarded by some as a virtual commenco- feet tornado, &rad the .obis lir ase flew lea• shot, and • widener ld M provided isch half s Mr, McGivern We bmead Acts (Yin., "ought lir do wm,tluug," end that without dozen such, he euuld load aud Jischorge a Ch ter 30, w rnspble the care en of leo D. SHADE GOUDING, H wrL ■taw uk bed o dware, ons well a- I;tge fur to au v+terbur ;and wee Pru+ meet 4f the war. A,Istryi r ids such faro th- •form t sh the speed of the wind,- aP P•y Barrister. I7 wo-ta! Nark of Hanhranr cuowung is t g" e n trrther Ion oftirre. r AFruut midni at the ■f«'rn rtrd to mike the tae ntr of rias round" a miuutr,if nacre un. colo W nlest a more tonawivm pill, for We iia to morrow to offer W Auatns the fortress R F Weal Street, Ood•rich. Part of - entry as a brcseh of the Gutekn Conoco- thus far outstn it& tie (aq w needle oo. Aches, of Kosel with the wulbrrn corner of Silesia A{ hat the Fenlane hove ACCOme port of Cleveland, but nuaieoi, and was dme. PP R R county Urwo. April lith, 1866. W 14 retold Ate., around it. Franet-Jtseph would accept the lion, and the forcible occupation of Hol- plashed with great force on the beach just below the The mine mechani+ut can heapplie l to no" Mr. John, Macdonald+To inco"rate the Chepppng ,Axes, term•, abandon his claim to pay for eon I.tein, as a orsus L,11i. The Duke de 1. They hate drown too parent country eastern end of the ucw'deput. sad even to artillery, sad a proportionate in. Rosin Monte Hotel Caiipsry. . A.guna. BrmrNq. Unr•s•' uests un the Elbe, and conclude a cordial and her North American colonies into greater As soon ►+ the struck she commenced fill emase of repidity in discharge n obtained. Mr, Curry -To incorporate the Ottawa TO LOAN at nine per cost Waggun'Holex, Canada Plot", q - (irammont had gone from Paris to Vien- mutual seem ath sad affecti.m. in with water, and it was soon ascertained i Ixm week Mr. (isle had the honor of ext bit- City Passenger Railway Company. MONEY on Proved farm•. eke,M, Uurry-Cwnlw, Curdate, Vis. Pie. )+loch better woulJ it be fur Prwau P J R 8. P, YEUMANS, Purk•,Hsy Fork.J,tv.,0I- it.' 04 J to do this thea to risk war. But Prussia has no, and his mission is Raid to be a last 2. !'hey have banded the British American tial nothing could be dune to save her, tad ing his iuveutiou al the Nurse Utiards Denton Mr. Mstirill-Tu emend tLr Act is our• Solieaor !e. limen Tn, (!n■daC u.a, Powder, •bow. iI always been a bad bargainer. She is as effurt for conciliation. He had a confer• I provinces more closely {p¢ether by a sense of that she moil go to pn•ce•. The watts were his Royal Ilighnea the Duke of Caunhridfrr, ing the Bund of Trade of to* City of FFwoJ- 'fl Commander -in Chief, 'I'Da Commander-tn- Hen ■I. keds, Iron, Steel, Spnrat * .lI greedy of territory and &s teuaeiom of it, Re ^summon dacgaq and a Cure for mutual co- I washing over her decks continually, and she Wit• . b 29th Dec. 1865. wdau )t■las, Spokes, and Heat Mull, Bar the farmer at a fair haggling for the price of once with Count DterednrB. and an audit opemti,.n said defence. was pounding on the bottom with tremendous Chief expressed himself as highly dnhlitted yr, Morris -To ab better proeiioa for - __. _-_..__- 1wad,Lamp (slav■,s, Luokst 6t& esttle. Amtrio, however, will not give epee with the Emperor of Austro. Mons- 3. They Nave consequently ge&l1y pro force., 1'De perwus ora herd were as fob wash Mr. Galea invention, sad hie Royal the rcg,stcatiun of Mentha, arringr, n■d to Lora at ewo.obb tTlles. Obra. I.,okmg• Glass u Hutle. Austral • axe. And Aon gi e I muted the Confederation scheme. lows :-Captain, Bentley Hosknu, Port Bur Highness do closed of las be " the most ingen!- deaths id Upper Canada. WNEY Plate,He-Nad., P P dorff is stated to have positively maintain one and clever invention he hart ever war i Ap►ly to Cut Nub, right. She knows the value of the Duchies. i 4. They have elicited a triumphant d -splay well ; In Mato, Wilson McDermr+t• PoR b Hou. Sl r. Carling -To ►malRsmate 1 M. C. CAMICRON. N • w Fur the posserio. of 5ienwig and Huistesr ed the grounds of, the Austrian reply to , of the loyalty and courage of the iuhrbitints I Burwell; god Mate, John Vance, Tutawrndr; an oyiriun rhich was .flared by tM other Weston Counts*@ Permanent Build.. an sell Gpderk►. Aad failed UJ, Hdasoune.('•1 Od, Macb RWY by Prurs meant eventually the absorption the imitation to the conference. The I of the two Canadas, who have sprung to arms seamen David Haskins sad {sac Titus, Port officers. The dutioguiihrd party eempl!- ;savings Society with the Huron and Br i1 OJ, Varm.b, Punts tad Cofur. Coal of the Meeklenborgs said the occupation of to defend their country, with promptitude tad I Burwell ; & young man shipped at this port, metited Mr. (ialn in datierurg terms apo. ,laving■ and Ler Socitty, er nth say other Vki Isms", Plough Mttukrs, I Rueelan Cabinet courier reached Vienna, having contributed. second valuable dicus, Nair? ,.w•,t•,us,.Cut the enure south shore of the Baltic. Prussia ensrgprobably never surpas■cd. name vnkoown and tM cook, Mn. MciMr- J wsirry of • Cima&s cb■raeter. TSias■, Hoed .hall not get thh without either piling fur it no the 71h, with a. autograph letter from I b. hey have F eon the me ons of bringing meq wile of the tit male. UI ail thus num try to the art of war. The lloma&.der in• lion. Mr. Galt moved-Tbat • COmseottes IVONT NT NOTICE \ Kan, I in territory or fighting ter iL The d•.pute the Csu to the Emperor. Bismarck bad ont an •mount of gated faith and efficient I her, he only person saved was John Vunco, th i I furtherrrebefure flMr. (inia t Sleet be appointed to investigate the bawl relating Ac• bet.. e. lbe two great German Power• is efort do the part of the United States authori• the second mole, from whom we have lenrnwf w inweresq compowed .1 Mean. J. A. M&c- N (Y)99FQ IT E 9(-E of the death of Mr. M. M M The •boa will be sold eheap tar Cash. thus r dispute between chrpmen. Ttere is Issued an important despatch to the Prus- I lite to prevem tbe invasion of & fneudly coon- I the particul►n of this terrible disaster. Mr. Cnenmittes. donald, Cartier. Galt. Chapaw J. S. M■cdoo- IweAie•aALr. the urn"er eerew(u•e earrud - no nnci le m it ora either rade. Arai so- ciao re eae.alive. abroad, in ver bitter I which will raise [bat country in the opin- Yaace dues rot locus exactly how the ensu aid, Bmw0. Cauchun, A. A, D.coa, Holwn, o■ under t► aaiw .rd 01yle tat P P P p y PRarta roe Jx►r. Urns. -Ilea. S. R11e [hnki.. Bo&casea. Moor l'art■ri b a ----N(3 and UROEON TWINE found aro the grief and amazement of Cha terms towards Austria ; and in one pu- I ion not only oC 'Lose eolunies bus of the I wee Iwt but thinks that he most of them i q ** FOR S A L E G H E A P, German n le at the roe ct of crating R' J world. were washed overboard. The last he taw of W • Ren of Mempn, rector u( Sl. 1 &sarw Mel i iveren, Street and Parker. Carried. $Ob 6. Ruaeiman & Co. P P le Ra i sa s:-" All our information agrees, Church (k:pscopal) m hat city, on Whit -hu"" lion. Mr. Galt moved -That the Hoose rack other'• threats for a diplomsey which t. Tho? have placid Ih" rriah in Canada io_; the Capair he was akivq off h, elahes, r 1 Axeet• 6.r r,.mroereul Unio■ Awarence ('s., ou_ht not to extend be (md a msrkrl-Ol.ce. that tEC deterrrinallon t0 make sass by I r ve cruel osition-(orcin them either to he thou ht re arator to makiu au ahem t dy, swutJ a pastoral leaser W hu cargrega concur in the neoluuor reported (rose the F V U N D !f!r R s y AUatri&, is finell settled in Vienna.' - ry P t I I P t J g P lien, in which be exhorts them to offer up Commilte, of Su I Carried. of IwntAo",Fosbnd• The key of for sit.raon lies, mJeod, in the y I rebel against the government under which to reach the shore. PP 1• mom be clued.■tar before the is, .September. 1x65. Wel the following prayer, " every night going hands of the Emperor of the French. Mort Gn the olh^r hand, it Is amaerfed that ''t)y enjoy hMrty, equality, ace, Brad pros At 4 o luck the cook, .'1re. McDermott, ssia sol Orli moved that,m es, t) the le accuse that tentate of fomentin pe g, ri bid ►tad every mdroing as soon as you Krause rowlvo i If into Cummmes, b tun• Prussia hue been most conciliator for nl or vt 6 hl & •ins[ their own km, .&s seen from /te shore, las►ed w tM n (W IST- DAY 0 F APRJL 1865. - -- - -- - - '"p R y ` • ; rte" :- •ides them 1 ten M anted to Her M& vet 1 the war, without, however, an) proof w cur peace, but the correa•pattlding feeling no 7. fhcy bare ren .red themsely*@ &Dais ging, pmt ehurtly aGer that tame the m&su 11 O'(Iodl whose mercies are everlasting, d. 7 ten ) -! ♦Il panne• ed,M4i telM.ubn•e Arm are►ere• r r , roberate the &scusaw.n. And, for our part, longer exists at Vieona. Nut only was I &nee to the United Jtrus as well as w Britain , we. it overboard, and The vessel broke entirely fly. ('Rorie - end soh ro power u irfinit•, look douse wih Thr Bills of Mr. Dunkin and Mr. Bourse i' i•h •ousea lbt all quo book acwu.tsov"r rT% we doubt exceedingly that France has em there manifested an entire absent of all a.td Cauda+ and hive cut Jiseredh oo all I asp; and tb4 poor woman went ooh the gnod ,it sod cum sou u i Th .ervan whom I' /iii 1}e O 1 jC /e euan d Itsl w ruvh inW war. Ia the 6M aspirations after an Irish nationality. -(Malt- II erose. 7 F••• Po 1 t+ re a . o the me of interest, wen th eisl y a1 " ' r pl ural Amlru hos the power . conciliating roodincw to enter into confidential negotia- ,eat Witneen I Mr. Vance, the only person saved, staid on huu hasty laid is • plsc4 of darknw aud the , .wooed limes aiid ntrrrrd W Cha •P•' .__._.___ .. - -_„_ 'Fns Y next, tics, and discuss the ibilities of ree- I i der Give him always &sorrowful sone of cal committee at pointed to consider the gnee• ---- A- 1.1, those tnd.bledu We.. F.. CHACE, av .tad satisfying Prusw at any moment, and P •• •R --- - board until shout three ti nock, warn he P' L'1 F1[ TiA\B GOI\d IiO]iE. hie ons ►ark of Thy fatherly baa &rad ca$rree- las^• tmrlN title Mlbeu flulenmr r"r rolledroa ear tar tsa,k a. uuem, wdl pirate without any egregious swenho a. And nee meet, but the e:prrselone of the iufkuen [bought M wo.ld m►ka as attempt to re&ah TDrRinet oa bad rill Iso wad nun. Give to hiajudgev lenalernow and com Hon, J. 8. Macdonald in aired usher the f alp, it is much to be doubted whether any tial Austrian slateamen and councillors of I the shore. IIs took od hu clutbes and sorted. q one in Fence since el deaths to lee Italy Cau►di&ss had not much opportunity to oat prion, &rad W him • mark and furgiiing (jovernmeut would be n gored to Dein LQw iF`OFt CAt 1II_ CALL AND SETTLE u the Em ror, have bora ren rted to tho h The ■..r. wen dashing agamat the break. ed P f R m'i enders victorious, and united. In serve what manner of men t e Fecions were. Water with lremet.duus force, but he was •Pont towardR all who have eonfin hien. down tis Constitutions of the Local Govern - OR SHORT CREDIT, F q ping from In authentic source, which But that they were filluwed by a large con. Raise asp friends to pill said relies bim. Clients *aid Le islatures. rt ceass014 ora lir .oionme"lof Pluughs,Cuti,- Thr roar wn■nut drl.v. R•.me, questions would then start up which leave no doubt that the Impeerial Miuis luckily raised ora the sap of a huge wave Rod I tangent of burgl&rs, eutahrusn, ga,•rottere, I Gee him the continua comfort of Thy Holy Auuroe •(looanl 9fu•dunwld re lied that .veto'.. Harrows. stn w U utters, would pruve of great perplesdy to F ranee. I landed aN,de the ■pdr■. o r sou curswitch ) p C/a. Oil Li hthouse 8t• feta d(eim user at sny prl_•e, partly W tMerds-nod iotxndiariea, there s rDundrOl lits bruilrJ,Dut m&nag d to retch th" switeD Spirit, and w sanctity hn sAl,ctiuns that they the Go•ernmert would gree tea Hew r.d g 'ihere are some pnhtieuns at the present TH R E ad su I N d MACHINES h'er( (o .t1► dndrctr Uo uogh'x crus who are anxious for Austria a put an tide Over domrxlic intention ,nay, even I aceel'tel e, whom thuas, consoled wbo tender's shanty in that locality, where he re thou work for him .n eternal weight t+f glory errantry •full n portuaoly of c000daewrt pus-aN ■■J wprkelt ., sallow end pnpt -- end (ore ser to the quarrel with Italy h cod. with the expn7scvd intmtiOn of nest+ting ipor the. United Stbea Govefrom mained ,+rtil about @even o'clock, when he hough the menu r -f J -nus ChriU our Lord." tbem &t an early day. oases, Q ; transpevWtion hums, mss M gathered (rem The Hun" ad' turned at a. uarter five• For $retie ing \'t"iee and taking tM 17tiulsbi►n k spoor Austrian finaucee by Prussian co.lribu- I anpplied with elothinq &rad token to the aero I Wel QOO)<lIIg, Parlor Qe Boz 8teves, Irrhlies in eachau e. `fhe ob'rcuon to ibis the following dispatch, and we mx all feel A WALK AoAtrld E(tAOPE AT A BOT 200 BARRELS SALT 1 g J tions, or by honorable bankruptcy. We i of C&ptain John U Neil, ora f{i ser atreeq aird A good •ec^nd-6,nd pons J• can onl see s decided intention on the contact that we gptbrougbt mtu clover ) g Pe LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL u it& tau ibilit Kuria would never ant&- rf" every atlemio. pard him by the captiit& avd -A feat of 'uv,•nilc coon a rand reerr- ■ y puntaut with the as baa" :- resew that Awui& shou.d takt bW Pnnnpah art of Austria of forcing war with Prue- • Puughk*epie, N. Y., Thurriday. 14th. others- Although badly bawd, he was not re en h b just been hcOmpliawod Dye OTTa,la. Jars 21. >fT$ g tt• il T =NB] AT ities, or even the whole of Wallachia. Were p. i drngeroml] uqured, sad will M all right Ftench boy of 13, which Is w.dhy of The Cnuneal met al 3 o'rl.ck, sad •lolrf 4W-ko.oryIur (iret.ad - -M,n.. eta, and of alwost makin use of r. otic- Ldurmatron receirnd here rtaus that hence BD i this provintt akar from Turkey and divided K t'l; a„ain in & ay or two. mcution a Rthe Levant Herald. Throe All prraw• mimnng t►e above sniel,• woefd X125 PER D L. 'between the Christian nei hbors. Russia tion+ as to a Congress W gain time by carload$ of Feoians and roughs gut into a While the above dieter eat taking piatr, ' ( y ) Mr. Ryxn enquirnl wbt aro the rases do..li len veil and prospect tke N«k . wee ". • t fight on the milk train on the Hudson River months ago d:matisfied with his treatment which have induced the Onvrmm"nt w long Ibv well sot D"rpi•e, A QiL NTITY OF w: old tab `he betthe pnorthero Outlet oi,the cum rletedotarrau ormente, bntoesenciully Railroad fast night. they hosing proriowly Gum O kv lle cone incl el amerpredicament by an uncle in Paris, hr, started 'fmm the w deny appointing • eodeMnr ref emrtoms R RUPfCir[AN. A ase f nut o o y t" f F broken n n $be milk can or. the train, and c■ ild with fi0 franc@ in hie ket to n fir Muntroal, tad whetber it n tM•ir inuu- _ Panabe, but on the main river at (;also. iR pe few rods down the lake, off the Cleveland P Pea R IRON for those of bnr allies, bot espxtally 1'ur otherwise corducted themaelres iv •shoe Woolen Nilb. 'fhe Alice (prover took on a to hu mother, who a married to a seawd tion ahortl to aplaint (me. this tate the Crimean war would bave been ler own not entire) completed Arran Sir N. El Be Ira. replied the Government iso ren t""a In the above, N. Rore,Oek til/ • J ' ,F'cr fol etween' car o of 325 tons of coral, al the and of husband, a French workman in the em- \ (uegbt it vain. The only mode of avoiding mcnG, bel es pall fns those of her latwee. CWkill Neuro and Grrmau- t evderet the toe dutios nt G, have e( Cu► be propend Ie carry oa the Dan■er , , aa.ora,d, at durgrace to the Western Powers and a tm y \barn. Mnrriv !Price, and cleared or Tu• ploy of tie Shah RL Teheran. R'ith Cho to:t:ri ■t the ort is Montreal have lues r rtAF, MIJItnN I' C)U;1T i7 allies. Tho fact of war is a Bottled deter- town fghting was resumed, and one of the ronto on Saturda ni ht. ')he was in com P P• -,y , umph to Rus"ir• in that quarter M to keep the I number havin oxaa aced hu comrades, M J B aid of a map andgutdc-bewk the liltlo sdvnn• formed W tM atitfartion rf Cha pahlic fur ead ewtreet for the erection of all hied. n $2.50 '$ "t) p D$ ' Danubiau rovinces umlad and lode rdent mm ion at Vienns. The only farther R per mend of Captain D, (trey, and had a crew of turer tram right screw Euro reoeiv the lart ear b rC able of l,•or, John La wit i rp P w.1 thrown (rem the car window while the alto r ) c►reer a nxuaLand will sun r• a. B. GRACIE, a:M t of the Tur &rad one km m. II pal u W cbewee the favorable mnmant I u:, iucludi^g a female cook. About hal(past Y i . pp k. s"" trwm was in motion. The urin did nal sus it such As iC.ilil b the was that, on nut it i• their inlenuon to sppuint a eolleetor AGRICULTURAI. I gPLE.1IENTN Gawk . .tfeewmMn ted ask W324 lbs Western Powers will nM have this, they W begin Referr ng to the Duohie@, Bis- w pick him u P eleven aha al ruck, auJ corn brcke and went to reachin Consantin0 le, he heat still see%,- shortly sod l,urkey will lose the Provnnrn sltogeth- marck Saye:-" Perhaps we ehdl at least At 1'irnli lie nnght entered • bOtel bel Pieces. Fortunntel all un board wenavcd R P Hon. Mr. R •n said that, in that ease, it ova ude.01ings,nrr•■oaaWe nte.JorCABN y- er without an • roach las a settlement ul i ' h- J J O'elle t owedn • N 1 Ell, y PP be belsays; when we solemnly' protest ing t Tivoli th Geely &rad reas^g for nut►- except the cook. '1Jbe men were eonudera ly half hu franc, remaining. After a short would ►e a great saving to the pnblic to d,- aOaoerieh pea flat 1664• awlfhr4a Venetia. bly braised in their endeavoere to reach tae rest at Pera, be craned the Bosphoux, pe,w with tM services of collectors alto- against auy notion of wiebinq to make • pug. shore. They remained in the switch tender's en mule to Persia, but, a little beyond ether. • -- good our claim to the Duchies by frroe, ( At Rhinebeeck one of the party was put Off house until mornin when we lean, the m.wt R t O 00o\,•C,ORDS of Wood, 10,000 the train, and it& ured nn a terrible manner, g' Scenten, wad sought by nave Turkish pt- HOn. do Ryan eext askrd whrto r was l ods of Hemloxk Bark, (or Oglr°lel A nnonnrrmrnt Of the tar of dist gand W the sighs of the so- I I averely injured ware taken W tM Marme licemen and brnu oht back till an irate enc- fhe intemirn of the Or•rnmr•nt to ravida TAILORING ! Failure of Negolation■ p ase Cor. Now, ton, probably, it will not hu entails hanging out. Hos ital. 6 r P w►icbtbe highest prices will be paid. Appy Europe. be difficult to understand the real motives information having leen received at this The beach for two miles is strewn with ar was found. Il is stoq bung that than thtr.r ata ro@ett 'ren o forthe alldio aw ` to station of their coming, the train was nM eces of the wreck of both .bete vessels. Two learned, he was petard over to I cru and P Pa P• J. V. DF.TLOR A RON, in the Room of Cosemons son the b1h of of the armament by which Aadtris hu silo -wed to enter the depot until he night Ph o(& Cvstnm Honrc ■mf f,nswms wnehowes ETUANR H[9 NOBT613CRNETHANKI" LP P exprer ray lord lefq gicng the propnelers or there trunks had come sahure, but up to plscad it& charge of inn French consul, i. at Montreal, and whether it let the intention R for the very taltenng,n nrntemeH he bar of aBO. tiU21BAL1, t Co., Jum, General Yeel sad : 1 wash ask tea yen glee to the rtstent cristal, end soh re the limn when Ae left tilIDscnna thew did whoso acustody he now is, W un- of the fkovernme-,t to t%ke an stn for st the Wharf. Chancellor of the Exchequer or the Under removal b) means of the Congress shit has of the restaurant on opportunity to clow J P• ree•rv.d+ur. kecomtse■eed bm,.ese m tendo- *@ters none of the riMio, of this amble able to .ndrroand soh he should be in- sleb, sew being ante las eaerWe Over mil -half o doderleb. IW Ttbs 1 N. Rw72 if Se,cmiary of Foreign Affairs whether it ix true further taken care to render impossible by their house. storm Dod tome ashore. J improving and rnhrging ho preernt bilker th&t he Con oar has herr bee When the [run aced throw h the flu- terfcred with, end snRnly impatient to or for orocting o new said more eonve@ent the orderobro•ghl to horn laamasea, having --` ProPt•"al t g the attitude, she ha@ assumed." I'he oir- P t We could not learn the amount of loss by tow sec and f•e.d,tneefer SPECIAL NOTICE. rap T cular is dated June 6th. tide, nearly all the roughs were as:erp, sad the wreeking of these vessels, nor the amount Pursue bks journey. Lor for p methrr, nee wt I. F, Rel The Chancellor of the F::chegeor- •I am quiet seemed to prevail. of insurance o. hulls or tar coop twee t het •tad •keen yearning for her proteotioy. Kir ai F. vide a sn reply d bole Area CarrrmQ oa Business Exlensirel sorra to state that i most give an answer The L.ttdtm Tkmee aye that such • P tions end muton ern• m,der tM tami- r Qui •ah as the above has not often bee0 Shen sou no iiisucarse o. t e Boal shipped nth -r than any were wild have b en hi - J p `ATHFit S MBERIES. 'substantially In )be affirmative to the question dMp An American (Igglcer !'lots al A dentine o(the g nrmm ,t aN t&6 noiae beC ares -esu andn■mes of the right honorable and gallent gentleman. penned by en European Minister. The Deserter. nen the Alice Grover. This Ices must M quite ish adventure, stem W lava been hu A number of bills were read a second A■d . A e.l new* bu 6101-110 s Cotter is Yraw,iad etatutman wemB now W think heavy, ander the mobt farouroble circum• chief motives throughout, time gaeond to "o"e i■the Prov,n ee,h■v mg earned os INASMUCH as certain persons are gelling 7'ho first communication made to the British FORT ERIE, Jane 19. atanees. hesmaa.ltonnaMy •ndsoc.,, Nhfl ra Ham,lto., uses in the Counties of Huron and Brace government was a telogrsphlaic mer&Ire n- courtesy unnecessary in his communion• po THE LFFE6,Tft1 Oi•' EUROPE_ 1 W Huuw adysrned at d 10. h tiOne with Austria. All tM pride, the Conxiderable excitement woo caused W day There were rc rts that there were two or i.I:nms.ATly■ ss.awn v. pprrr^npaly 0101-ctse.. d01enrere a, bavfas lees ander tM false pretence that they are Ob *owed last night from France, sating tat ne 6y ail Amer can officer fiend slur & Deserter three other vessels &shore betweenf•this port A N W AB. earientete of rhe Principal F 01aMuhmen ■ !a rained from the 9t. Crtherirs Nurse iea, this the opinion Of the French government, the bitter btietility, the almost fanatical par• who was in the oust that came from the and Morm's Point, fifteen miles bolo,,, but - TM Speaker took thus chair a tbree Miabargh, Seutl■nd, be fearhalystatee to a is to certify that Messrs. James Stewart and conference was at an rnA, in conseq.cnce of which have been aecessaril ro taw► we elovld learn ..thin certain sad think Th+ followin remark which we • o'clock. disowning p■biie Ibet Robert Gordan are the only persons now the a ewer from Austria iapirsing condition Pose J P U.iled States gaaFso•t Michigon to deliver g + t s' say A number of bills were introd&w!, rad aulhoriwd' to ell uses from m) r.rwries th&t were regarded as impr&cucabb. We td during long .egotiationR, broke forth up some arm■ that the F'euiaN had taker th■t the nporu ern falm. We aro prepared. from the Buffalo F.rprtss, apply even mare Hari • fire[ hmo, among which was that of, ,pTgtltG CAN $ It"F &re now in pnnession of the Anntrian drnpatch who. regutisuona ms be considered st from the Welland battery. As the boat however, to barn o(more and feuful d gas forcibly to Canada:-" it is an dl wind Mr. I' To emend sire Ret Min ip them Counties. J shed off from the shore he 'um e8 &shore, ,ors along the whole eorth shore of the lake, "P^- t4. i atbis"•uMirhmen ,an•nothe ••eel E.tsbllab- R W. BEADLE, open the @abject. and the "nhstanee of it in an end. The despatch breathes the spirit W J, P which blows nobody gtnaL" Ilurope may the .urexe of cOwe lid ,, 4orieti le PropnetOf. t►a ; She required a definite anaur■nee that of over, and seems to have been written in eIwely persued by the American offi_er i. w Cha forrw u( the gole was temauduns. Mntf• Toronto tar Monlroat. char a of the boat, who ■hued him two lana. suffer u • great colamity the w&r ADe6 Hou. Mr. McGee aid on rhe ,whit 1M rat astesT►,(h1 0 eel sol".w40-t• Sb M& , lA6A. w18 lye all the Powers which were to tab part in the antici tion of in immedisto rupture. I g p We lean that the hark Geor Sharman warm ust or the mat of uutbrrske b•1 to la rl of tb i eposit rat e( .lgnevlare a.d y projected eonkronce ah"old M roady to ro- W hnndrrd )Jcods, SriaCry his revolter ►Iter him g• 1 P The London Telegraph says:-IVith withoutdoin him any injury. The Amen- owued by K. Shorman, Esq., of this cityCC America it can hardly fail to prove of vm Emi, IFIGS fur the )ear sn4uj the JOth of W I I. L I A M EI HR undersigned, Agents for the above ".aces the pursuit olauy s ei&I or pnrticalsr R and the scow Herz ui are both beached oR JoMr IA6rr re red to fill all order interest to the detriment of iho general lrar this dwptteh the tut hope of p,saae has can OStc r afterwards came over to Cul., 7 &+ mixed &drautaga, w far as material esulte Mr. Morraron mord fns curtain relernR T Nurseries, •rep P" uilit ; and the Anstnan government went disappeared, and hostilities become Ineoil Pe&crack to apologize and to demand the Colhseer, eagAt miles riot .f [t s pert but p sand Melodeons au LMir line, and as they mak• their selro- 9 we learn An riaeutars further toss that no •re co^Maned. While leu eBect in Europe wNh mpectto IM n.selrr M prhrmon der Victoria Or an , tion, personally, their patron• my rely upon on farther to 0splain that sentiment by able. A Vienna dexpatch says that the dewrts c Col. t b emk told them that - W O w w that in order that the work OI erten ecoid not M pros a lives wort het. will M to ii&tnrb all i.dustnog, avd ,derange bar a(ded in tb gsol st Nies of or woad it th&l no paooa will be spared to give saw- J' R P••ce diplomatic relletiOns between Austria and R P' Mr o1 deaths, k., and w iso a e.d u sus sss nlrraaarr srrtas. which the cabinet& had In view might be to a Prussia will omm the moment the Prus , Aootber4+lnian sur. arrests here today. -' - tie coaiww of trade, iu coe An n w "Reel in P *"POea■ actins, The Peotiate Ques/sots. Amens& will M to namul&te au u.wont"d gc- 'rink nfereroe totM row gaol .t Rs. Catbsr• STEWART A GORDON. condition to be secompliahed, it appeared to ekan re enervative at the Diet leaves ines. Carried. them indispensable that it Rhould h" &growl P Letle! trout HOn. III r. Mc(lee tivrt is every de rtment of uative to- Illastrated Gatalogues Free• J..e lot. 1HCF. yMrabaml to ereltde free. the drlile.r"ti.n" Frankfort. Austria had telegraphed Gen ll ve a. a Oire bas given ramie• hal ha y W W°d Mr Wh m mmrd •n he Ha f^► sad of Cha oorferenct auythinp that Weald ked W Ooblens to avoid au armart conflict in Hol- The following as as extract from • hoar will mme an aildra.e to the Gmenor (senor. boo aud commercial •surprise. To tM er seems with reference to tM Hadba •sd ADDRRAY-N. 8. Willi►m'•, Toronto give t. any oftbe Stales whn were than mvit- i xtein. It is sated that, Rh.ald a colli- to • frie.d m Peterborough from Hon. Thus. .1 ropre*@nung that with • view M prowiou tent that the ■sr vpreaJs Wong Cho lumps:. Part Dover Hoed I vri•d. er w. T. Cox, Esq., Godierieh, who will sap NORTH BRITISH D'Are McGee. lM cirealation of newspapers rad axchang• an nations, involving others, as it is likely Kr• Walsh moved ■^ addross Mr n net.ro to the meeting any arritorml augmentation non take place, the Austrian army Of the ,1 Ver n•Ivrilly yon 6&vs had, as f h.►r, of communications betw*@n the Fiahinnts of tender* for repairs t^ tats hnl,or of Pert ply o"otu•"• w60 AND or inemaw of power. 'fM regmroment of North will advsnor against 1 russia a I^^d je&1 0( pertorMtion in the uhlw tO do, hrRidm ha original parties en jag ing Ibweq and of torrespnntkneg •rod regerr ----- NERCINTILE FIRE Ay1) lAlli E each ad a agatemert beforehand was regsrded The Ctbwn Pring of Pruaeia hu bee. P ^f dio abol parts .f se province it i• spaver- in it, thin country will M called aeon to n- witA refrnnta W tM saree. Carried. fJA1' ADIAN HOTEL, by the goternmont of FMce an equivalent to mind ve Upper finedy It was ns ho ono sun, ant mil in th lM pesage on all reduce ors initlrflulfae %Qa the rofiwl Of w eonf"rerce, &rad as rredering app.inted Governor .f Silesih oaring Cho to have s" many firs young man shot down, Du ail in this province, aud to red■e. the pl&es tM hhor which it saspendt-lo •apply How. Mr. Rrowu seo•,d &n atidreo* lir CLIisAN, C, p. mobilisation of the arm The Conner- or learned for lite, by thaw outlaws of all rice to thea cents per half ounce, payable food to the combatants, and to produce is all eorrespendeneo that meJJ Mee passed it impossible ; and IM goveramont of Felt- 1 p between he Minister of France, or the anywtJanln IR09. loud are agreed in [Mir view of the caw with votive Anrt^iation of Karlin had appealed gov4rnmeau and ronegad*@ of all reliKions, ora ad•avce, the pnef•g" of all letter$ trans its eon workshops much that hu ll R•eekvor General and the FMearwal Agentof W. TUD6BU RY Proprletai. the government of France. All prN{reM of to the elections tAsuxain the Government who crossed the Niagara oa F'rid. , the 1st settled by mail, &rad praying Hr Exeslh"ry one been im rt.d from the other side CAMtAi, L1,000,006, 9TRRLiNG• he mooting of a f Fran e. seat' o"ft r to it& felei tic It sou Baud teat Jane, and the eastern (rooster on rrdsy the to lay before tIt. Hmw R see&sure to that Po tM Prmmce in lfotland, spores 1N Jw , M6 aenMuhmtn r. hnia►od aHt► sU tM R^ P^ y• Ath, offset. This u a mnuhl" move, and one hat of the Atlantic. The stimala to both 1N65, on the object of the "headed deM 1 fear, M reg►rdeal as at an sod. France had went a circular, urging the 1• They are gnne ; die rand and degraded, ' shoold rew,so the sanction of the Home.- agriculture and to manufacturing enterpr:w of the Province ; the negoteat,o. of a las. T reyaima .ts eomaiiaf to lM reason of iirt Deps[tIDeIt _-' - peata. _ SITRAl Firs •Reeled on all elsosw el riddle Gorman Sang to maintain a caw• le•de j ollowen, .iay.ng • Tale of I Tb pesage oa nasnpapere N Limply a "ui- whish the first hostile Kan fired in ilolWin, to py ^ff *@M eehl ; etR,r eopea Of &Il sorter tom t Mr• 1"• Popplostose, the First plea neutrality. b•ndrsd'piMfn*rs in nor hinds wt" will he nine t ten RuMcribers aryl ufficialR, the rerenw p^mdennr Mtwesn tM Min;.t01 of lvlesntw QO Orala It Ot0l,Ilaltabell C.TIri•k• a wrdenta rates. l.osaes P P " Wearer o/ tae A Iberl .Medal. «lJkkht or lilrsix, "r V"naua will isepart eannM M amt tM Recaiv"r O.rnrnl anal 1M BrM of ly pad __ A Promise divisum, ander lien FlokRs11 alealt wi M &srtw4d, nctording to heir ,t Vols in n.t half cogiv n. T (nen the Mtim"frd. if Hneopo flights, there will be Montreal on tM mm0 sola' (tor tM said Life Department- Frim IM IIIwoosl d t.wdria save, /esu I, crossed the Eider ore the 7tb, lend entet'ad arias. trriabh &rad anaausnae [!saws The owlet umra m Am"ri . oral hrivi" limM dna, axil rst^r^ rO chow cl.•ri what ion. rn virtM of the `u►n"w affurtl.C' by heir LM .rock Of th" R rit w tM Users, • Hobtein, They ore said to bs.rdered b " Uar Aefanders, volunte"re and regulars, tan on letter pnstags might, at Ant exam a bolo + g 7 OHN HIf,[A, Pro(•raator. This as tb large Capital and aecvmnl&Iod pmar, [kis I" . and sailon have nobly rr•pordrrl to the call failin off in mv"nua, but expon"nee Froves becatw buoy. Prices navy hold high, bat have M"^ msde sad dgMewries nell` seek J unpnsna hwtCosrry BMod a WONWO Compan e.. adopt rel*@ Inver than aro rmspl belonging to the line of Nova SeMia .d!upy Rohdabui ,Kiel, Iwhod.- or dot Tho have done their rt • we that in tM end it would M mAtablo. In 3Mh Jour, iwe ; th4 ales at wbhb web J) y. y iia r P wogew ►ill rash ►gb as •roll, smi it h eafi e.I.ea,oM ebrsta •■ mode" H••"" rleticable b sero aMr .Allis. avd New Brunswick packets, which sur dei•- Tha Anattlsns ware reported t. be evnee- aivilisrs mat naw do odes. •very ease who" reductions in postag" have tnnsaetiom wan mask, and tM gn, si soft► i&IarrboM. !bate pr•frmooll (woew agfw P 1 J gas epnn lM F'nwl rocks at Star Point, near sting Kiel and eoneentrstkog It Alt.n•, n We meet more than soon hI •i it lent and akten place, tM increased be•inom dorsa Mo pr„n"aitl • giant` g• of erm(ort wal wk"m mads, rid rrurnr to aMw shat tM Ylell.tor. N.sesaasldi uarMtN fes alter sa TO iLrueers• [Mrlse.uth, on 1M gnolIt Devoncrwt. dari where Ciro. Gobleas lend him wall had at- omig,e to hasp down ver 1 =Icons mars than compensated ter the reduction.- p W y' __. __ &mnsct O( unhanded MN sow des ►y tM M sbssenssNruio 14.7 gpac.. low raW have Men mad4 for farm vi.lant gel" on7 tie Urd of Match, will PMvierss. &rad M wbOm des. Gnhd• bail mg& &sd ot►or ioolaiRd risks. not Mve bow fCA the n b tea eeaal"rs ci film. assong ovrwlvort Wt mot aRord os purr NnssiNnu 71wan. B lA" eonaolidstim, of th" Am4rvws 63a1d►It(/B tfOtlafBr. 7 H•rn. J. S.glaedrnaldseoved&a aiiraw The tmd■roitaw haviwg boa. •ppoivad lhh mm&1. A .Mw tf t mbalta of lbs O. 4h& Nils. Ilio Prorkas troops arriv- hie nen plwmahle nrrtext far d,rrudsetinn or - - &rad wesare Urion Trhgnph lin", than • .aum•m of as lM Q Miree/r ■ads AusllT tat tM C. M. P*@ise•+ sasses Mal Vcol OC w abova (orpw] for 0^derieb d. web lM.rrtryed / r st tbe ad let Randaburq, sad cernpiad the town, dstrast to &^y p.rtirrn of .ar fnfln.naajrru. i ^.n Rcwq.1. os F.nccsTfot. -Lord .ill M & coelrol .( mon hIm ortant0 sei4e d re tM !Nh da sf Mrv+ t i. r 1aI C•t•6•1C N•m+lwm, l:. M, ro taw.[ wdl M lad fe re• '-` s And 1 M rnsMlrwl .n layal ennn-nn gOrd R,smll prssideol at tko snnrsl seorling .( tM y 1 Im •. Reim Ire fl{,'Osse t, MtsrAa. NJ wereewd• g '' a meek wan antraesd lot esu /abtiwios of Tha were pesoefully met i)y th" Ansttiae h _co g Ctrir,n-will sus► tut hrFLh &ad I«stgw AN.of Aeoitly •w Yew .f wirrti evudlusu og ell lrpnrtwt Ivan" Militia Ni artas. is aAd lM M ' Il! asire Iropotalr for kewraaw in totb branch` A I IT (ne, a sk.to► wit► wltab wt weer j t from Newfo.odlaed toAr Frr.eitw. \sit► was tH Us&eh. P. {j pri gamrwis who withdraw rom Na sawn of w aMn of has law Mow, to kindle dy. At tM siw• of tM *ramrnno. of tM ga.in` Ta of # of ea k ptMrs N /t ••r w I &i wale be reedy to gin isf.rws- `te„d y Mr. F. i idsfa.or of (dol,►ridge. the same day, and the putting sass grito seaoenl. iotaread ilFwill, aueoil eafr re•i bop 1M noble Rol aMrered tM Mating, is s ear lMre will M ahgrapMe ooduo!• and tM gawk, Ie; sled e11MiN » Ot+ {th(1 A111 iI0el1 NYhMe VV• lite to pasties wtsbia/ to pwn Tw fpgt&Wo •earl b.b was oauard frkwaliy I deet slatioe sayM M Aad 14tsoed witb groat iwbrea Io to M wane tM pplaty t&st ttssed &ed il. I iauhtallst eR sista sub. jIICnABDIlON, „ crew of ei h IeM,/•d tweo , he / Poessobwra, .bYo CoM is eve b M ttAral , wiRf, a-M14Rt • Beak of llc.lr"sh ON aotn tbfwa'nm#". n dc •a; AtMrkge acwwa► lM sere who woaM COW Ilio_ _ wttEt bad p+ota Tb•y + d so wit► tbre.a6soatio tM seaea.r. 1 JONIg ISO f . (;edwrieb, idSk tat, 1 RRi6b. tiT0 h f( car wen weed. TNw weft slit da, bad wood a pro6lawatloo Proand"t wMiMoo sod Wrwd west the ("** 4 *0"Id a flesh defy tewrds God &rad tovrdl Mr oe y Ilaya&H O. w., ♦'ell 1t, ltlt8. w12 ,► ' „!, ". •.xis C ". ren .. 4r L' {;, +, ' •• r s - - & 0