HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-5-31, Page 4V
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' ' - — zr— _ 414*4 ! Lvudull and Party TIT111llBeet I
IntereitlnE Items. Ti•dIy (ullowiu the Vero itis die - —
j '' '' 41ONEY 'l O 1,1,N U.r ' r 1; 1': 1 1 t 1':.
n atoDgw(t►Dlr,hrltasdDolg,afellwm) X1866, 1 E 11 SPRING GOODS. 18661 I' 'D F j L DR. JOHNSONrB
romurald Ova the heal, and w6da Y lilb'd TM6 HURON d6 ERIE
i7` A new Lpper it, Luuduu it "TAP lkeclullwgunhuLrrr,nsas fuwM W 6r OffjQO an Di9><:eneiiry0
NIg t Lamp. rutten. 'I he .let* of ILe bed and the .,He,ia' I
TAe Vista u{ t►e age-rubl➢erieB,ud arising Welelrual were' sonibly dip,raiug, SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY• 1 INIIINg— rl♦ < 10 I2 E N T •, \tl. li 1, 1 Illle Vit. James Slrcflr
nub net. The ^ails oo hi, fingers and toe@ wire (rum The .Lt,,. +,.r•., y u p,tp.rcJ W nl.lu I A LARIi I': AND WELL ASSORTND 8?OCK Uh -"' • si
lJ} TM Iyitrl. of Go• nand Aberdeen m e to two iuchta lung. The matter is in the
. DV$NGI3l9 i 11 HB fudorywsrarhr^I (viol lust, Yls-LAt t Z,ddNTR P.A :
ate at tAe F'irlb Avenue, Nnw Fiscal. hands, slid it le Iri be b„1 A it will be . LI!, m ILr tlarlkW r,wcrYuou of tel 'fuwu-
1'ork. tLuruug Wp VV ISIPRUVLf, .Alp W 0.lrnd" Cu. Illusion, .onlrmmS .bar 1 F.riA• Cert o. L'A/upv (,aylpi.`.
silLrd_(,1ug•t•sv Afuit. W atrr.,n wLmb e4wl W ara a4walwd, dw lbr ,' N naw• 1kLl11110g pi,rwr+uJrb N _..
J } . Dew I'us carriage is raid to br .- -- F•A rma X'rOjaOI`tp• New and Fashionable Spring Goods ! .urle 1,011 sal the norlh j „I Lilt unwtarn, Late ( t4Mr..I 1/wIt.." I awl ell '
Hoad, Easf iu,hr'1'ilwu.h,put sIrnlry, .ndl Female CoMplaints, &c.
life• ter oar of • "alar njmph, R'ollda vital N6fH1UauC0011 14 (IN ltVtiT AUVANTAUFOUy'rEItIIIb. Couniv u( Huni". C."liieu,a so"I Wiry .1x'
<}al1•rn thuaatld (uu(udc rrlen are burl- (alerplUj(. Tlr tt8i M .•IlarunY • LaN• will Iw fuunJ 'ln 11.\SII .\'I''1!I I': '-
arlse, roawly rarerrJ, raw tL. wr+t jrn ..I W.at' toils. JORNPON,Ltr rL OF I,UN,IDN. LOIN
•d at Lytle burg•. - math ower ILsa w sal bar Nilrrrur• M •uvular • \ t t,,fff 1 t Ins sal Ib.Il.Atwulh'...-sinon sal ILo w.l'1'a ,o- I ;l rah rnd faro-, drv,Jrs hu silt plwr, ra
SfhaaYlLl.x, April 4, t. lth.. Tha, t i.,11 lie of 16N IL rn wvr 1a ,cldavl C `O o w y O Tj I `r I •Lop .,1 r .c.V%, ruula,,, "IwW ILn1y arra•", clus,vrlr, to the Tr<•unrnr of IhY t'amplaut•
sal lh,feat, ILS hr will re<rlvr dw•lullawownu( jia)i +t Vii' with !vpr rrra••alrrruarr, +Iw yyssIlk Lut Iwo•,, rru•rhJ wia lLlurelrr. llauy yvYneaprrirace
11'}- Oyc, Ibe I radon fay ytaW tis, mode Tu the EJ Jar m \V ,.L. J ypinl sal the 711"4. I the Loan, walo,uliny load,:I, m ta•wS load. sur Hutye •• 1 ' nl the woe row"Oop, IemK aur ( m F. t,y,r. and ILr Nr b:h ('uLnuas, vas ,r Lem
Patio • p,e.An u114U , to '• bio r fluwcr.'• 1.>,i 1'.lr lt,li,
Nkat a •' guy." Q I Sit, -The toll.„ ing very «mange uud lit• uarh•.1 or ploy n:tnu u, rdtrutr. ♦ p
ovaluua elmunwlance hw ions UNUM aged it, ,dvrnays nifty tr -•1.01,1 .Monthly or Y,-Arl„ C uuty Irou1 Ik,l u.dJ o•' tLr Uravul Kurt and ,.un F R ,S"H OYSTERS 1
1 Iex;,,,J11, assn, Btaple Good P'Ien.; W wltumwaw rvrvrrprrkrI aawroa and►s
Ojp- At • recent m .erode bits Ir ('AMS our commut.tt . .Ir, li..brl.l 1111., ► flour• S +w...1 .4 IiJw unr I" Iilleen sf tarnuy Ir^ M•re. n",.11y evil' .ni w,16 9, a.1 la 11lit. for "lwainuo9 Ihr lett a d latebt Mae-
J .W.o. sal water,^Buil Uwrllus'L n,w,l4rp rnwl wl/uI IAAI r. Ian cLr all,
1'w•n. n / r lin Gana, uud so!_ Ile mouth N'rurri ball sal lies I dust• aro wrh, fee1,I,Ia r.wrrrlMn rare wish lAp
go " an sages "ilk w,pgr" wore elwctaa•I,,. itching dry hoods wcrehal,l, L,aJ ft•jur01if Pres3 Goods, BGy
rlghtea•u III Ion ershl4 .w,rrwwu I •town-, BY THE KF.G CAN OR• COUNT octal aelrbrelrs, pkYo".10" w 1L,' old w olow, abet
rrmu:kcd shot ha euu!d sic up Ibrrn rcrka I FVK F1'Ll. 1'AR'I'1('I%LA :8 APPLY TV ° 1Y' f h«vett uUvnnJu.•rrotht. W I uDl.,n,furteof a
a 'f6ere is a negro in PhilYdcl ,Lin n.1 1, .1 rlanh.y alun••rW, ront;,ilv•,q alio,( .Illy
LOBSTERS, SARDINES, sq -IV sod ler feel rare'
1 . wiWuut 01:8 maNnrl J,•lrlmcnt la hu Aealth ; 8. POL LOCK, Fancy Goods, Yout4s' lir- of IanJ wtrlly elrar«,1, rMl wvtl.lu Iwo j air Efa.louxe Yu tna W.s[.—lk lnhe
wrote [ret meYuro 21 iuchr. in Irngts. " ally .(hYl rflrr the e: a1.au,•n r•1 that ulna hr f lit Ihr Vdbgr of VOYua. A\I, loft \11 l Krardlrr W"" arum lit r ..-I)oM time,
- could l:. slop as f s:.'« , w.• Ay.nl soil Valuhtor f„r Inn :u:,cry •t li ulrrL h' u,1•'or Drn” el+n a •ply rv. costly or by- prepaid ... wL. ere u,tln-tad wnk JVrto 0 1 ry so0rI Leas
r}' Julius Caesar has br,r fined J slid Ca' P. 1 rout r4Liug Grdrueh. L.W.. IS61i. w11 {
Irnt,rl r" "..I(aik•r ,e a'w. FRESH Li MUMS ORANGES, DJ TES,
ewa forgetting drwlk in ('Lica u, ut,lil 16s taw vitt made up. ILe rw Ind tri Clothing, f WJI 1 clMeleuwl, Ioxo••,hc.
-----.._.--.._..---...---.- -_-.-- -- Q T March J71h. IMM. _ : Cocoanuts, Figs, Crapes. r Yurao Mass. Taos Norecw._Ther• r a■
Q} A Parry in Hayti ww n•nrtly detect. brloevr 1. fret from eiprrlt .1 in u•y' lie 0 Strata Hats+ Cloths and '1'weedsr - _ r jet I rr ha`t's .tire a,.""..,eA Ly ,hry0 aI ahaad,
ed in'feutlh os tusked ulfues, yr settle, In ILr rally pais sal I•'ebrurr hr ,A{ - 1(- , ►7 1Jlj
X 1sold .sal his stun, ems urvuled the capiud V D lt'.Ul , A ISLGt (ILC., IJiC., at
whu'b en.wtc lie w•dh Ib.•lu In ulenLud; 1Ae
Ra-gwa-daw-wa com-e-gish-earg, on thns raixd in Cant,, whiiLSsre Aim lruure•
InDian chief, recently died in Wisconsin, ON LUI'Rll 'rill F.11t11St ibb ilsr Ija( lt $r, E. B = IsT cI- H Za s E w IkreO .1161• evil praetuw i11 mo el drplonlle,
t - ❑rupr'.b..'nki,..u,ly.h,•.,.,-. All who try
and it, tumplinnce with •jfbvs of'seY'ral ♦ ,,♦ M r ll:quad (. nnga tl, '1n 16e Iornship sal Il'oos NJc o% AM rka Jyuur:, „(pt,.Ird.Mu1J.p19ylo Dr J, buwa ,a•urediatrly/
j]o• A bachelor milhmtucan says a girl i, dentine ceuutwell. he btgae, uu tLe 1tth AT 8 PER CENT ! Feathers Me nsr + Alanlr\' 420 peracr. ; Leta til ari-V. W a mtb Uederch. N,,v.30. IPI:, tw!i9 roil hr will Valets a apetdy suit ucrItet cure.
a Savo when she camera nue to sigh fur l t1,iy sal Fe L: uart, to ,L.wul (:.m .Irep.- ( f \ , r0urrl • quarter lit sol 2 1p Ism sit, r.n.., 14 . sl., _ _,_______-_ - _ _ , s .aur t
--AI.so,- A.ha.id tlr per aa',r; rod 2t, Town dim. i1 - -. - IY D * • r ax Hr.uilu, ,Ye• -Jt 1.'a
her. I Geet:Pmcu sat of, Ly tuft, to satisfy lhelu I try 1 (f„dont lnprice 03o.1a1 rash alai nnwtord.. Ap• NOTICE. uxlaurholy lyat w,1 ILnugnJ. Ir 11 rosar in
sures sal h1. oi(.ut• Ibcult audit^ lrecldlle,'SuMe tU West In Town Pro rtv Trimmings Misses di.raa.•uwmYu, I(.r un.Ldml sad unp-.Dor naw
jp. A y -ung foolish tenor is making sen- y” ! I1f b f 4 pry lit r _
sonu t in Vie nua. 811 pussibddy of b.iuz ,reused of •uumer'- J: ik GORDAN, of,,,,,. V. Or. )ol.r. n'.•C.ugr,urnd you
tory watches utdrep, hn wuulJ rend nudlblj , fI10$.11'EA'I'lll•:ItAI•Ir, r IIF: P+rnxnbl ha•nyvlon, evrti m dor P
Vnderrb pp ^i w 'Ith„r•ngbly,rrJ•ctty ft'IAu astir”+ors t"I•
(', p I' '1'awu •,1 IIwlrn,h. yndrr ILr •lylr sal rd,.rlowd of lwpurr M.Ir..rnc bluWf. Hra,edas
t} TLa Kiug of the Sandwich 1"lauds u ► ell ui ht 'lou •,, rud•4cep Litc rest Julio tl,« rriil64' Ac., (iodench. %rlC'Ve'S, BOy'g f -_-_ —_._, ._. - -_--.- - . _ •j', IIIV S UAVIS, he. fit 1wlv.d by wwu0i so,n s ie- Its Sad I u, Soy Mkth,s t,tllc• boon
yl Ba
•0"i"iaseur of must(', flu u charmed with d•)'-watclrrd all the while, at hu to o n Gtderich. Srbt. IJ,18(J4. aw:4lf f I v.n.aua. nun i ells. All coraueews.
Ho iery, IChildrens • lr )ii :`1J1J WILLIAM RTe1 Y. n.n..1.tillhe,J,mewls,Ilk.Chu.F.Johuwa,
Id.drny Auua 1:1.tojo. quest. Ne would con.me, t in a char, fur• I -- _ "- - } UE(alittENUKtd. \ q)AVIa. un"..• All. JameStree.,Mcalreal.C. E.
rh eft and iultile<teal marcor u on whet Ae hicnGy to Lena, Haberdashery, BOOTS D SHOES,. ; 1 CT" N•'•' 4"''" '• 01'/' b7U n,untu,r Sus. Golfe— I.,='16,4y1y, 11*5. 1w•tw'95 _
Prenlicn nolifitp lout aro in Lia utlica Wal roar -de riuq thio L«rrtlesanest of 4,Iago "I
the grcateat fur,sdV't.bil,r oil. I'' _ __
lim,"iny al Ibp ipi.. liable drollery acrd feu• A , atuaa, us ,St. i.,r,r. Urr.,rn1 m the $HF.RLFF'S SALE OF LAND$.
'1 hese is W be a uucfurn jalBwort system mor ut,tle " Army straggler," etc. Un the o27 Tcryruarunable unmet Apply l0 '4 ( --? r-•' , T.rwn of 1'..Ir nt h. 'I'6r ab,vr ln,l"Orr I+y uu• All Prom: N.Ir. and A •.p"Isc-,111x1-9
io Europe. 1 1L d r vl slue at t .. 4 ` t ` Y ' \ r full nlua'rd, t•.i,n,n .I.uv Nall a Hot.'r 1 f irdCnurl.r.0
a kr k! w -Beat au:rc,twllua r f Tj '/ s`(:;\, I(f 4 ` t to lht lair lir , L rr sten pfrcad ,u ILr ulw•n-
H. I,. DOYLE, J V 7 V'y V J .r '+/ l , Lar rtgw. rr nrpru,n9 ulrnt unr rrrr „I Lrr1d. ler'. hu„ Ii,r eulkeuu11111a raou r3 "Inns l a, t l) Y .inion uflrs Wnm sr
EiSLI hundred cabs are mods anntujly iu of fi-i• . - 4 bo wens to de ep (lir l6, fins time, - _ Il a. rue ,iuJ Hruee, 1 i r ren F+r;001oueat uu1
Loudon. Sed did out w, Le until the ciuth lir fba fonts. Crabb's new Block. WILL BE SOLD CIIHAP FOR CASA. Cj-'Ix -ICj owl Iannnls r arn• d,•.ueblr uwaila 11 r xrr- I ❑w.1 t+, +de,
I'ECTIU\ 1X\'1'f ), inns rv!vrtr Mn4•wte. 1'..r prw'r ruJ knurl{ J. B. ail lltlw l], 1'd 11 J : ) I Ilrr ?I sjrsl y'• 1'uunly
entmouth. lir expressed the opinion that Goderich.9thJan. 1865. w50.1yr 9 dorcttotbc nrwr. - Wrn.trr,ac
'rhe plan t^ pity ofr tits italiaa natiumal ' hr eowld slay awake ayrar, and tL: n sleep u [ ( t I )' P"tp rums t lbs matt a,., nte.ul ,j.n. And 4 rasp
deka by WbM'ripliaw Aaa frilcd. (w rro .,stmt, wish., lot u,jul ing hl. c11 A!ee •I ---, --- - _ 1,". 1111/R , JR., Ll JUIN 1 t'{LL\N.t-- ,AIrn. L. :71L July IN:b- 8;w.w91 clod lit wt d" V,( ,-fa Ihalwe" iuJ nave
`` IU Qunbly ffi lr1(h. arid• ill 1!uM•n t!, unrrcll and H b„1 Atft prroll
Two thous clan• Ue acre rt+ doer until La tlatpay at F,!ev- Glas4ow IIouae, 13th April, 1866. .12 GJ Jtl-,"lid' - l ,lw •mu M Parer H,I cat E roiled Haben Ha-edt
wit pit:r+ of zl;I" were shnller• 1 I I I!' IWEY TO LEND - - Gr IJ HtiRA('F IIURTI'N, I:.y , G,+len. b. to irlrreh.r to IM.Lure ,t alar hr Ot+IsJ 14x1 lice., t..t and.1 th a Erarul,an dl IAV ns ht
ed by a hai:r4prm it, lie;tiwore the otAer his ry,s allI nee.i. himaalt til s'„wbeq at ,n per '
nigLl_ caul on ira-,rov, d I armA, land to chi rj;,, slink". 4, lolb til 111ri. _ - `--- 11 ' mterc.I sal Ihr w.- Ji,, Ib -'I 1e sen a
+shwas close he glia to cheep almeat i,tAlrptly, I _ _ ' OLD ST08Y L, ::wuLrd Srapuy l(k 1111— ill, I:ua
T l --p` - Is Il nnda+oar L,rnr wits rc,nnlnmllio• or 1'•rlr.r T, wnrbip ,rrkl Jr.aethe Cuua,(
•tide agaa•! the borruwet. [ UII 5.1LE Olt 1 V msr`Ta enc n Wrrr•u1 ,wrupwd Wool hw n.w .hos, Iw .1 Ib r, N9,uL L.rMtr Y,wl 'hr.rwrlrl• 1 .sans
a ound rguJ to Wn volae or ridlelIX•In _ "tler lit eft a u't .IAre rt, 1h• L..un It out,, u
Thr Lir -ft-i a a cost 12,10 ler OduCale urouud him, li:rru ale ma,,y cwi.ur fact. 11,'J lit O F I ,_j.I tell IIP►•rrhyntnn.•b...m.-rrrtdu" is I,,d 'farm of 1 to in. h. o,, 7Li da tAi '1'61"
2,160 c6iid:-a wt a cwt £2.aUU jyr sopnmm. oounecled with In. car w6icht misfit iaterert U. $:1.111F: G(i(jDiXG. p J jjj L L I 1 , G `/ 1 •I
A Mr. Fleming died recently is Illinois'the readers of your valuable paper; Int. as Rarnater. • .r iIF will known Jud,;e Tarlo. top No. ' 1bt 1 rel. uNt ..mons• *Li, rwte lar H Y 1
•'t, aoit day A Ja:I• nett rt Ihr Lever of'fwof "
Iv.r.rs vwAul llxrt ,•n•wn1 I,. b,. .hop, en•1
a + r Went 3treel GuJarich.- - M:h tun., E. D.. t'olborn,. This Grm is tar flu►, a o:
SPd lllr per,., Y hJ wit{ nrI'tlr plak m hIB I ,L F,d'l.upd'r W 111 is al JVlrlUm aro h F . r 11 F. .UblotrlLer Ih relirplli • t[tenkp t- the itL,IC frit 11,P llAe nal 0.trn llR Y ha RlnwPd h •nal wllld(1 6; alts. .1 (i,ale (ICtI, Wa•[N I{ i i al•rr1 L jr. nit; J WCnI alt tilYllstUY loon.
ril 2cth, lFr6, ' w14 1' r g t JOHN MACDONALD,
lice, Sed ntrer Lad an ucidept_ 1 nt for t.,u , un rlrh.uato stat,iUAV.;to f ' hen fr,r a nod of nearly twe,•t five Years, bags lir u• nounce th'1t et, order to eff,et a ICH. STO11Y.
Pa' ) clew end a frame house and barn. 11ue Goderich. I silt I! ISAL.. wn41T rnd, if y B.
A witty fellow s:.vs that a hoop skirl Laa .. IiLclr exixti rub a::d d•wurorie., 1 d.•.it•. _-- reductwu of Stuck, Wad to mai:o rru,lr for `:ew hoods, h,. will commence ball ie Isar ol.xtmnp rod t,:e ulL,•r hill hrnA•. UAh-r.1 I•wL
my out oCa dour rewtutis sum of a reel oC a' luarlo, aery quay, .pp T(/ LUAX lit eine per ce I - 17th Apnl. 1• w13
1 r '' Q ie Crum Y to y'«,.rs chu{rd, and hw ".ever been _
belle. I 1111 H.1ltll 1,. IRI\7 };, •■ r oo impmv,•d farms.
I s. P: YEiIMANS ON THE 4th OF THE PRESENT i1 O r y 4 f. : -- _ --_..
Y ]TH 1'uthed, t rte neeriau so oar un•hnrd lir . " . DAVIS
j);}Suicides ►ro of very fr uet,l occur -- _ -. - Solicitor Ar. r - 11314 tre, a o he , best nous, rlmel.t , f Inrlt} $HEBIFF'$ S E QF I•AN"ot
t7 I lied Sst er tsud tete 1 nels 1:x'11. aelliu at rices rents below the usual rat and_will continue doing so uritis a good will nu punt}1. A. tit terms..c. , A S I F A I"1'1. bK AND DEALER IN
\ route m Sew York, ave axing rt least nuc s I b.11uu. G."lenc6 7,th Dec. 1865. w48tt S P R r t A.,.,¢h. nit i 0 unx. sal ,try de
dry -- - _
/r Ti 1 Pill r 40 A,, J U.l 1'i 'I'i