HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-4-26, Page 2I< '
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11Cp 11 1411 ■ the horrible ravages wer, he sincerely' Canada, wdahe h h - - ^ los- shat un:
tg poutton abs watld Tlilb YU>a I'1l,AL HANIy. -
hoped there would be no uccasiun for it. inevitablytakoie future yeahamongst the (West t=fln, than to to 5, o 60 fasille ,' NIAGARA /HIP UANAL. "JaI/ Yivlgniffe cess Ills OaI(
_`_ -' -"'-'-- - : ;Some time ago, the rpiuiuv was prevalent l ualiame of the earth, at4nJtn both to tae Srolectio" soul abetter iAy Cow uy- urckrw 5, ur tiUgO g4Un of -- Purls.
of their tuck Jurisg llajutnr. A largo rwuunt
nip■ I ht wauia Wr wrjtjng du ,ronl vrtaea of awlnuruce Cosa w lLn pruJuctiuu t°J ileo Krnn+i-laud Ibrw oil to The fled Rarer 1'L'u project is our halon l'°sgrees. The
QgaMAM 26s 1$66, , in the l'uited Matta that tLtstl 1'roviness I Crpt. !{ala also ata admit i■ lou onus! Offen fur the consideration of the student I mab,tatwuce of• °find heat, sal ahere the! and dmliatchewau Valises to t ku the lace Naw York lil rlrture, wine reeks Qnehee sad -ll
++ ! r L' a;o, Jia. F7nlay, r;enl ufthe
wero read to dro like a ri of huean nature a tows interealfu thecae Stock it "puwdYO ilia dwly storms sud cut I of the Buffalo now baeuminl scarce, -they gtauta) a charter ler tM construction of the treat Irma concerned w ori rYeg as i"yp
THle VOLUNTDEIR DINN®II. Y P Ile pear foto' off hasd, hippy rtlle. He sail he esu IF ting winds oC oar rigorrwa Winter, nearly would won make uobls Bug'do. seal ; wd Ila. Vanhurr, of New York, bas Colonial line of steau,ers g{irr,
the lap of the Great Ripublie, but the proud of the land of Ilia birth, and he be. fur speculative discurioa. flow aro we I d ulale the quantil of food u "date to Ike iufoN
GREAT 81'CC$3y, spirit manifested by the country daring lieved it wu Use firm determination Of the l required t wi: - - repor vi s Bill to Continue", from the Con, natio° before the pul,lic, cues further Iwry
_ to aocownt fur thn fest (every hrolher ed- ppuu`t •mm"1 Illy, and atma»t wy "grunt ria HAY. mntw Ou N -•ads at,J ('reals, iu its fwosr. ljculan, iu r tensa to lLtl Hrl14a CArosirle.
the pyt few wr,les was suft,icut to rove itor will vouch for its beim a fact that fad withcut shelter w keep them in proper q,•st clasrwuue efforts were brought to bear, lie says:
U**`Gaest Proem, i P Cuaditu ptdple to maintain their insli• 8 ) eundiuun• RVs cru hardly overestimate the Zurich, April 20tb, 1966. to the State Iwgirlature, both lot rod " urrt '• Ifraldrs 1Le line of raised
_ that .rape:atio,irta ip Caundx nicht now talions against all who eight wish to I people who have cot the temotest idea of value of howin¢ and wsrurlh in Hinter to The No. 2 Hay Nrweh A. /t., bald their f Ws'"ngeraavd
Tour fuuri,in auiwrla. witch eov wd RwCC Ent spring E+Libni'vfi fur . A., Hhrses and the measure. Foolir ran biyh, al still freight steawere faun Qutbec to Shedia,,ad
The Dinner given last night (19th) by be counted by twos unit three..- ovglthrow thrlu. the gramwulical coustructiou of the keg• of ,,rte kw I, rut erq.e avilc co u ai •. "1'Lu runs high, iuuou4 the commrrs, l"1 wit rail. Piston, it a proal, ud that lbertl +l it ba
l l b !lulls, !lits Jrv, Aew. Thu dal was tavurrble, r,wst ern of \res )'oi k, un the subject, 'Ibe line of 1'ariskt Luru Irnm MuuhMl lu Il a
t e CorporuUon oC eLe ': own of Godcrich I (Clw• ra.) A, most Leneficial iufiuenee I )u the toast of "the Canadian Vulun- lish language are overlastingly writing i barns rui;t Lr the Genuaus will an you•,, unit then w elf•
r gnu•) Aueustruca. 1 hu num wain adorers of fir« rntrguuisUa unfluruces' foo. 1 Le Lrrvt trait„ 1 sterno (!sonata rn
to our returned Volunteer* and the New w"uld Le exerted awn the miloods of the the an dian J. J, wretched wage a alum every ingly t, from I siva r:wgr u1 sone fm,udacior, xro a.. ,xi,ly I,nl til' u,iwals shown, %u out IAr¢e, but un• aro tit liulfalu upd Uawe •o L Nova ' I' d
1 IMn' being props J'Ln re emtl a Neu m mrnl Ira• chi.'fly brtreru lee tl.
HamburJ Co„ was a Splendid eutetws.- Ltome nulhuririra, for iu lata of asverlions t1'right was orlh•J upon to mak° a spueeh g p+wnrJ.wld fur sura vewuncr enJ +Isar, err in I der the eircunntaucas, it war Ar gond a cow reps wutrd Ly lfud'alu w'•u w r ,ru'«ct n, thr tier of Muutrrrl wIJ al'
sotuO reef Uatiunul cxcilrwcul down to lhu paruculsr s wuda•1 to the cuwtty, , mrprrturet w caul) knee beep e: pet•lyd.- iulrn•,t chirflv, i( out raciurivrl rl, til Uswr u cud uuvisiuus dura, 11 loo, in rrrad.luRa
To make lLe effuir a reception it wax, of I Ihst dlc C:nrsdiuq }A•q;dc wero iudiR}u,acJ in rexpaier, which lin JiJ, I(e lauded thn death of a nrigLLur'r baby 1 yid The Jud las ern Juhn Hu fila Tucker Six Ilurrrs rod trreo 13ullr put in ru u , .err• X + 1 u sn eah at,d Ntst
course, neo,•sRnry that hu tiwr„xhoubl Lt to dufegtl !Lows, IrCs. lLry woubl .Ce tLut Cho a ,frit Ihat aclualed - r emith, \Yihnwu Itrill Hulltt !cobalt Coven I •°re. TLero ww wol v I I rLilr the nlLa•I$ plrctl Weir rdruercy oleo L,dlvs pu,Jucr up, M rrgrrds ell ILa
no Leath is a of hls h'Cblrte oa doral T+ J ua put i arf Ilu+.a•+, %Life he oth'i tielr,, old espacinlly tugur, it u of tLn p -
I tis loluuken t0 y ' r luck, flc Kiaup, rn•1 fbO fulloriug was their via, for A¢n!•ulturrl lwrpwr$, u,J J afar$
lost, soul CLe hast}' mam.c; 111 whlcL It was we xerc n•aJp t° taro out rod watt n° stand La•twecn their b Orcd country spat Philoaoph;, meutiuna tLn duli ht of a P A7:huutb lis« uswe u incl, and Choir sup owl iwpurlauen w rand u%urLtpu,rol ■„
.arid : 7, J, and 2 Julian. 1'he bort Pox weal t° 'po'tnrs welt "rlr In pet n ISdI 16uu,;L Ihv I Chu tau un+ rr uauidad b estrblirh d
°P Prevneted thf+elalsrration nl decade .lull nuu,bcr oI iva•adcro. (Cheers.) a (Lrcut:ueJ iuvasiun, and czpreaaeJ hu • the •• l nncn of Wdea," Ilrury !.arae, uwi:nr \r y "t a
batch Of'laborure wlr•n unC of their now., Ifrsf rulirn Ihru Lt !lora«, Jo.,rph F'i+hrr. ))
w Turk Ir;;ia ,lure it rppews trot their thruuih frrias6t ,inn, w watt, eatriagr r ant
that tuigbt Lave linen r,=sible under obey Capt. Ila} s quid Lr (, It nnud of CLr ec hers i. luck rnnar h to attjkn upm o I ,'cud Ju Grur r p„Jbec'ry 1 urka•rstmth ; the eacmrJ, to kora-rt liar's uupourn s cowurrusteJ. iutlurucr tnom•h tar w nv had tit „• «
1 i pcictiuu that every conn was prrrared I 1 S K k Ko ,". of Stnulr; 1 r rat un ntadiruabin tarot
eircumataneee, Hut the "Little l'M}raral" ata°mer iu which li'x{erich had cows fur- to do Ilia duty °oAinchin)ay. For his Y I +Svst rnt;ne ilu,w fur grnnrd purpusea, !!tld r, ruJ the thlrJ, to 'tack un u prutieo wb,vh ,ouJrre W (r, t i ,•w llali(r: w llunue.l. Thn w+•rcLAl
rh me, and we sae the some trait exntbj' rl !sate: I another 1 rinse of Rrlra ow„"d by K. "Irnst usele.s. It ww to the effect that, w ve the Atlrutic seaboard °f ten 1',uriu Is
lana dl ,. ward in support of the 1'oluutacr more own part he mould mourn regret thtl time Ieit by our ohilJnn tlwont daily. But I 2rs! J g Francis 1•'uwle , Juur. Nua,orvillr of Bructfieid The Bulls ; Jrmos a u,•cewur • ,rrliwi°ar to a lin I canon it t'
ilia Huron Hokl was erlud t° fLe oa
etaion. Che task of } i I it l'rr '_00 Inent, and he Tilt I r„ud nl+, that he was he Sp•nt in Santi and when he took Ilia rh}'n,iue is nal }xrtry mud the mare 1'aa i Btu finis o or 2 years oW, Jamas 1)icksun, Swinertun Esq_ til flan, ¢tit let p iz« fare r, y 1 y • yt Ig lir wg I 1 t fa , lu ygrrrciuln rile iIty is rc",
' I atlp a•d hOrurw B:,Il,ut puss! eta. and $hr u ,ue *t chn !Yr,gurr Cruel, lhn F•ntl should t low that cite 7 n•rty til' Nreiprot'r(j n rhro.
■ran at about twenty-huurr' notice, end h^ramal with the c tamanJ of what lie place amongst others un the banks of the ally of torturin • the lan •u a so that I M' P' pe. lir tnhsrgrd. Tri+ u cuwisteirJ •I oust fro gaud, tit Lariug fluor laid J•,wu w11Luu
6 b 2nd do Il 11. Crmeb•n. I Vu rc based lately lora, Luralvu (7, N',, Tlsr lewuulol lu liLiug the iso', an cud ten laansh;pmrnt vi lower price" than the t
rreventinG a failarc, wax a most serious amaidcrcd tet easel• soros of the 1'rovinee- St. Clair, he mutidcd that Col. Janis' lines ends with words worn or live,.r4th= lieet !toll under 2 cars ulJ 1\'rlu•r Cowan, -'pit-po iso t° 11 iu. [beth Esq.. of Huy, fur r Gieod
7 cu
Y I tgtllew„y, how the stuck urMiller of 1{ark. s of the new prlj,rct will uudouhttdiy ret it I,um the Sisafra,au: Luviug s new mer.
one, and very f•w hotel-kcepers would like, (Laoghler nest npplausc.) \\'ben called face brightened witfl A smile as he gazed mical i+ loo rca u why p ople slicuid mend 2ud d Wiliiuw Spruill. b vt ' ttn 6glt a Zhu nest r•oiuu til the kat oprurd w tis, m iu retara I
_ ow. The Ju,l,;r" were Oro. Anderson 1';s, us . ur alitoD riag of
to undertuke it; yet i.. wa. ugdertaken in : to Sarnia au RgJ,lchly, they expected to upon hi. (the corporal's) gigantic propor- their effusions CLe uearert newspaper I - _ a of 5tvr'rr, Juhn Ii:rem ' ., of Bt+.ul,• 1 Lrgillalurr, to secure the rewovrl of Ili:$ re their various impo t., to which the arae
GODERI 11 'l'//tVN/H11 . E"9 r, rod new
Lr laced under fire at one«, and although tions, Front that in It the Col. t• Alcl.rlrn 14,1., of Hsy. NufLipz uuu u•I "rrnCllun Irma Cha ch:,rtrr. I he tactics cornu nor Lriu mrdn in lire Wvat IuJiev
g;r'o faith and most cueccs,fully e:vricd P office, \1'n Lrrc, in oui " n fueled" + Jia:.lrred, byeiba lsutlblo party iu tusk wad Brazil err Idrly to alit ■u Irrgel .
rut. The taLlua axed acre thn•e iu num_ it ens n'marka•J that he tunlcd very pale seemed t° Think that the country ns pet. drtwcra, mora of ouch stuff thou scull P took place doling the day, • .carman mi;At l
A s ecial marlin,, of the Fr.rharLlrn and coq 16e con+Uuctr„n of the Ni.."A'A clausal "A hila u1 IJost beau auuld uceummo•
bare thuu;;hl tart thyro esu an eolrrurdin:ory
her, unn: jog lee full Icntth of the Igrg) at the now., he thOtlKht Le hal ti x over fact!}' safe. TLe vary fact that t e Fa make up a volume u lure "a [Lc cow (efe Nuuse•huld•_rr tit S.. \u.5 err brid here un dyiv.d:-nt qp°n Wt' «nlxr nrvrnt of the F;, i,, Date Cho ra+fan, sectio° of the !'r°
amount of kern Jruuk, (cure; h tar bavr nuc. ad.
F ler lith fust., ler tL purpuan of ennuJ«,ing e.•rtwwy .Low much shares Juesa. !ty that ,I"iuiug ilia Uut of Grsu, IuucLiu rt 5ho
dining rooro, enJ the ediblr provided that and could now Irnd Lir men where ni"us claimed to numLer thcrosely by worlm of William Shakrapcarn, mil MJ! I tis» proportd .Beret lou ,n Chu Cow u,,,, thi w'e'd i fres) nut we who err useJ to ,t, arvri emtnt the lora X P
j dui en ° I [hulk na rid« u( mw$Irntn our inside,. rt ! Y iter ■nods thus :--If the Ra,lwr, hagL ¢uu,g enJ cowing, Bis, us•
were of tete solid, unlet rani.! lin,! ; t■t' V IIOd with much ware confidc•nee thn u,iiliou, while their upponuqu n' tt eOmcm, yntil wt pro Lurod Lu}°nJ all School .(cl. yI•. Jx c+ N'dki,non, f. 1'., rlrRt,rte, Ar the sn(t"nil • nK \i•garr a l«mv rn carutd out the ce t [ur Cha ur am o
°I °° I called to rte iiwir. Th , hn,rmrn the•[ aro• or ouuidrs kat b I p D i f coating, it would out
what a well w.rl'ed auldicr wnubi wish j then before they ro':eived such a thorough bored duly fifteen thousand, and yet we?s endurance. Fur instance, we received, a T I ra,lurt«m«til . ul' Wn other erect will Dr adviaat.ln to wnch at an utLnr uint t
! Ihr lint thuuJ«r ahuwrr iso buJ in the ultra" b+.vr &-eu secured ; if the. cnlar• e,reut falls, ¢mat ub'act brio the tbrou h castles 'e he
seeped wgiveI Ig ret,• the vur,OwCbaug°r uoarn ITT thew r we hey” hwl a err d+vR X ith
fur. AL 8 o'clock. itis {1'urml,ip, Jl qor `dri!lulfi under Cul. Janis, [Lan xlom a Rfraid to .!tact-, was pnwC'poaftiw thy' d•Y or two ago, Cho following, shish i. P!°Ig""a'd rr the IA•r Ur ltrrrsun; and i,f 'the bated mrd scAemn will I im•,,,ariblo • n,+: uuuOa.uvil, K
4. .
cf tin« growing reacher, ve:rhtion is akin,;' ,t g ruch,u Uma cud u.mnote.
IJetlor, took the chair ,u ,ted o" the I better ufBcer or more wrou alt [Ten entire :- vueJ't he nlurliva to ext their views lou ni loud, *Apia.. it the enlargement lin elf ctrl, a fLere would hr . waist is ti a funs o
PF° {, Restleataq they mad but IitQe protpcet of eoggqering s rapid -!art, tall whorl is grrherint up w' I:, is sola. 0 1 t fe strse,
right by DiSjnr 1{uxa ani };nsiyn smith, j was not to lir found iu lho cervica.- Canada. ThC 'her n+J Adam he Br.t w•rr crestal the aubjet•6 91,.Juhu'1'°r race spo4o uftLr ,,,,d s „ink reit that the nrcesiil fur the uthna in seas wh.•re Irr r •h, •wrutr uCr
Kittle Corporal's" re I" i " diol mrr.lp fall! said to Irvra l I red for
Ila a. h,rJ tit the uu,au.a• rruwnnf, rJJaioaul exlwusr rna• mus r,evuahly lel Y canal will the,eb Lec°mr m„ much leo, that intermediate pons, w1uCb could wt 1» aa:-
■od oe tiro leR by C:Iptx. G,wda in and ((!'Inners.) lla Loped that, art lung, we marks were lisleged to atteathely soul H,. um.'a r■. our a„u,plrlal low w a con+rquenar, u( ilia ivpuuu til tl» commesctl iu Chir luerliy? , its hired• rill yfnit to comwrnd iuflw ace cummudateJ un r
Ker. s antirmuu+ dun. 1t1. McPhail ales -n tis .. 'amity%, - rnovgh to tarry out the un,tual barguu,, - __ tis+o=ch ct, _-
Ilays, Dl. C. Camemn; 1•;sy., in the; should Live not utKrely lxo cowp,nies on loudly FLeered. t'ptu a ,r hvip,ucrt tis woad. !
m '\'had ,s gn•st !savior stisxpiouvrJ Ji iLu Prvpvsrd ayalrm, bol i'It.tNCItITON'Y. ' I , Mr. \'rnhona'$ Hill frena., is rJJ'tiuh l0 Nesleo.
vjge [:hair. At tis° taLlr to Ili) chainnan•a I active aa•rvitr in liuJa•rich, tit len. '1'Iu ne nsC to volunteer toast a aches ahuueht trot there wl tht !,r a . wign in the -- unumerci*I araA'm$, that the cunetractioh of "
}w , . sw Cha ,lar wamrJ • wde .
lef, R. Ituneiman, E -t ., rcsidnd, su ort- Ca t. Birk So AJuu a :■til m ■ ,!nudes, tittle fur ho;stiu•• our annual e•tia from Lately s young niau called \1cTa the N is are !chi crvnrl would tis w im ,orP By advices from ii
I F Fp F said the Mwpnnlem scot wen inadc by Judge Cooper, James ■t• Aml wlsrh ar w.l part ,A h,. ale K gY!(4 t p 1 lbdiy of Meaieo w”
ed on the light by Iivaign Scsmour and from ben to lar is had returned wr,I, sun, Fay., and others. Turn he xis, e w grr•rt warrdrr, January to June "ud reilerred to he diticu: emplgn•d in tho xtr"m saw mi 1 hen•, b■vans taut nnaitrn mewure, cud it owidrs fur iu learn Iha1 )fir. Maur 'a maty of M
l s sehems
A.J behrtJ h na,wt JarLnx fa,uk lies that artist floor CLe reflnn;; J wlee part +1« ci;rl rppn,Pnruun by {he urtrutneut. IT haR p.oven r rumplrte swindling u wtau
on the ICR by I:i vt. Uai'iaon, yr. whole skins, f rr ich Cho were dol tin kaJ ■U tis, •+ cur w.,l ❑tit wu wwuAg baring t vote w nae hiring o(e T .warn.— o cxsi ,n tO maks c"me nywire lou tlw bolsi I 1 w.
F y Mr Co: n•xpunded to " Tha Pnae." a t:, hr 150 tart wialr oil Wn sur 6.a•, 90 a Ewigrante arririug at Condoms Grid the prrr-
l'liffurd actin! as cmupirr. TLC other Ihanlful, but if call ax..y again the Wer ksic r u. umrnt w our was MuroJ LT fl r. Jamas Torrance And cmist.d by wroe means Or utbrr .ww rau,hl, d,ars I the kalom. wnh 11 G•rt dtl W til w wi■cs of I+nd
Y Several capital conga were given by Hr had I,.,rw, en ,.•:rs wr huuUn, , m: ,pun round and round, tors her from "ter, Aud s and aoiu►nce An at! mrnl
taLle was under the itirta Uon of our. re-' would chow CLr name !.crit C' • Wroth s •,nr corn vu mora ern ch ,r w ic, r by Mr. (:obl 1 oater, I" this norma alter lucks not Ins.+ ,buu .1u f •satin Irpyth cud Its la ra w gull chain, and rLry err ntucui y
y argt. I Lilhps, T. Anitrews, 13. Trainer Lmb, the lik luoekrd out of him iu a mr ;n he ein. is tut." firm from lull fur the tilt ('" llof Stilt«". A fire , rad le
due am+iet, is o of the ancien wad it ;,,(itis mint, Aud nus licked up a h„enJ m .r.- : cturn•d in lee
spevted 11'ardun, Itobt Gibbons, hxa}r, Cnpt. YrnuUln=, l,eiq called upoa,arose and otL•cn, end dunng the Cveniut the If en}tlting mo a n°uscnsical than the j,r,•alr off+ct”, is uf. opivSon that it is lou alleJ trany,oriLi7lfn ,J n,ihar slur,• c. ca „lel cit nu F' "'
1'hu i" tie wend acc,dvut n•,U, rij u: daaih y L , Arid lLa 1 7 t ;e ..fast w Lta h deatruv,d pro
aupportavl Ly Capt. fiirk orad F,nsigti llor- I and made a hamon,ue s h. lIn said, Glee Club egk•rtatned tis° company xitlt above cuu11 tie co civcd, we think the' ler, est would be sn iubriugrmeut u our ,arcs of ell on Cmumere,al ra•as•I■ err rna► w F,rrll to the amount tit I:roO UUO.
n+hu, wit wuufJ add neat! to our toot our rat this will. Circular maws require earns! exce'd tis.) rate+ ct.ar J uh tis•• ni:r the im A•rirluu suNrrrJ a I n ( •
inn, !1}r, U, Neliay Leine croupier.- , ■mnngRt other tLin a, t w4aile it wax come of Uicir chutcest vocal sad inatru- fialluwin;; eap. the d Cas, It js by the wiiha•t • Mrrestapndi { be etit, enJ that „+ 4w,Jlice-Ihero js Jan;,;er. Kr N'tilwnst f ,jt•Icaf a CLe '
i•r°al iu 1"Gi .'Ibe sum of 8G,000,000 , - 'a-0i\the Meaicwrs un the tit nit, loving
'f he vohn;teen, as tLc}• rnrcrcd and task ICraditnLlefor Gudcrich to C nixh'txo of mental music. acme author, who ai? hfmxlf " erchcnt prtiuun Chu I,a•;islrwar r,tr:n•t ^_ - - w he loan,.! Lr err l'onrd Ntrp'■ w CLe ►ilhd. '1'hct« rear uthar
'7 fight of s
thee, were mens av miueleJ, and shite i rush t IcnJiJ Volunteer c'• Alt etlivr the evening passed very Furevei." and th"t the f,rta of n•titiun now lead 1, (dOMru News. coin„spat rt tis« cwt Af 62Uo.0oli for every desultory tharactrr Cuing un iu Ibe out t
{ rat niw, It wax ^F a tido tel and Ira with t r Trtl,wrrw w Le ai;n -- ,I trfUU.QUO ActuallT rslw•ndad ; rad ! It 1'< r Kr?im,lirn ■ or;;ae .teras that s «'
the artangeroettt Bare CLe Inen an o,Nr-'also creditsblu the( iu the hour f su a• pleapa° ly• '(''one ■n my l„yam febow p 7Tcw Yuus, April 2I. -Ur. U. Ii. Itissetl, ! c«,.f of the receipts is w be, aid atu,u%11 i„w hF tit 100
That wur,e• to hr Irrr, uJ b the rat«!rreaa tit CLe arrtiuu, and fur Amencus'bad fur sted taraors, ,ntrnrlDl
t°ni of ettint ac, n :u,tell the effect r ,, FFi° ) k uta Planitis UtSarq in chares, of the I, n- flit treason of list ('sited Sete w be r t y !°
lei E I al dancer !o eood men had euro •dtneur --- — 8u,kr up roar nurlr courage wardrit tO oar S(vmber. Craniad. P y :uncoil tit Ibe InJane; Lut uvthinR p,rRise r
produced b}' their varied uuifurms was aelvrs as t Ilona- lO V„lunteer Corps which had nut Ane rm.r vuwmren, Moved by Mr. flcphail seeondcd by fair. rant ship 1'.vlahan, io tat to%rr b n, It”. nsaide pb,d to the payment of the pnucipsl of tLr k4"w• u to t ejr mtruavns• TA
ward. Out ' F the completed the usual annual drills, ru Tnr Frm.n. tory are uy ng, I J. '1'unatee that a vote of This a be AWA.J"L • P°rt tol{t) from the !near yu•runtiue.- Lluan,-((itch., he Z?tbl at
very fine.home-guard, to .Lich Le Lad Ixrn trtetf rompu,drot of 1'hibuehur m, fir" 2Tth of
P TLry'd pill unn crurwfe-rluwu; to the frustnrs, fur"t n idalters i$• l' ►,Np119I "hip Falcon Caine I:ere n;Rhv'1ay February +blit three I.,berd chief$ whom
1'he baltailiun [ren lett at the rataLlcs, [•apt. an loo It]ri cd- lied Lad sen vious to being placed On Service, will be' W' "ea• the)s,y.Ih,l tram ro nonce Iatinr, fu ilea sceti ? mo foga Imnerdiatmly buruled the' ship I • !- boat captured, M
.!towel to return for drill rat tilt num• Whrn b r u,undrnne canomu rna f Mvv«J by Mr. !t. 1' I r. Vir 'ma, anch„reJ hen, and n monad the HO\V TO, R N Ol'R YOLCNw Mencrs were ria Ilan
which disappcand is the most ortLAJo: formed, and as Ca tain he ho 1 Y Like I"•rrt. tit „r«f I corded by , . s pa stales that Coro•
p peat ° Ia r Of drill.+ actually prrfunned before Wr'Il mala them Warl, McPhail, th.,t iLu mretiuq Consider that it "ick t the h pied -f7 in numha•r. Firo TElEIt/. zy is besi song UuxrtlAh. rt« Iles tI■
nnti-dyapephe fashion to the tune of about murrdw to kl,ow whether the would Ittnvy roma uL.n u„r enure wuu!d ne G'r tb.• interest m We prorjren36"t naw c es were receive) frcm'wo {'ir_ipia s'•aa;on of inxbw ml :ra ° 1Os
i Y that d.i}•, Lut no.drilla fur the current Tnr hn'd nu•n ol('ans't• the lier. Ito. Hccnar❑ be rtm,n-rd Irgw 4is chi" mo ping- Tloerr wr:e luur'aicrths in the 1 r enJ u coiuu,q uv
two hundred elatterirl; lnivos and forks,' acerpted by the Government. ghoul{ our Volunteers be armed wah hu own account. qry cumom<•rctl of flat,
year will be allowed to be returned fur Wr''I "aura Iw• pat uuw" :carni office aim a succe•sur a ir(bJ.= halsp'al int n:;ht ; !0 (uuw l.irei breech lOsdin t-
:,qd Cho nisi ing of as manp iaRCS.- Bryant rapCd wn:e erre Wrn Ivan fay Wr',I hale! chain o•n o• w:e ' rl1° bunrd vt «nits , , OK c Pool wear he; h • '('r`i"'s1u,g nfloa, slit the Eu. Ian, Ara other 1'rci6c Puns it reprrrentrd T°
B rill pay by any corps which were not per• Lelif the ismer tit the tt,yne .anal• ! saes are huw is the d t displaced t Th,a u • gw.uun qu:u 1» broken un. Thr Fltutb sub ecu
.lurid the Luz of MDvt rxaliun we scull (•^rp• !ting, F:naielo llunun orad tl:e lice We 11 brief am Lar! w 1'■nlreu,wo, Aarapttai ° Uoe array”! of the steam+hip Erg, ! u !>Prtii,tnt fur ua u (or We (mull Guam• brim sub rrk•it w fun Iwq
('lel•, fu wed precious to its belug placed on whrreu,eywdlrry,uLhone J.\MF;3A'IL61\SON, Ceabman' j ed!,anr,.11 the whole
brat manp rerotrla as to the land•Omr• Se •ice or on the reduced dui of leu the praretems ur farts rad a ful!Oa i:og is the 1'etitrvu uJstrers d I [soul lir. 3awc.l sees the steamship Eng i Went n, the way ill rh,ch it was put by fir. vitalist was in tht Lauda of tl» 1alA•r
fir. riLr s PrOpnazd Cneada cur Lame, y , Capt. race, frim Liver of by err of b'"[kin, w fire Rowe tit al"- The
,.tanner in . Ti tLn dcmnn•trali,m bad i', and }(r. Cnme,up n aroud 1 in Ilia usual W■. urvrr ya beat J"wn ” Tu Ili /loadr,rb e, the Legi$latirt .!satin• H"lifas, orris d e, It rf r (;otwmona, the F:ml,eror ha+ giwu tie t;ea7,d Cr,r+ of to
da s week! t° dev, Site rrporis A A r Jal• CLe Causation 1}overowt•nt have (Sider of l opulit wad clot of babel Rha
I•cep got up. TLC tutxL+ hntin;; satisfied' «iO`i"rut .fate, rand (rnunrl ur, Ly pool gain¢ } 9 drill 1\'LiIC wC have received and published Ury o CunaJd, in Prurrascial Partial• ererot 122 n rich IG ❑Agin "puswnge,c in tact. irrtily amwereJ it - Inbutin ('etlmGt to :\h
's the l An i %"e Irft,a aoupleA with the mrmee ---- - natant Asr,caiii b# R uuDtc, wl.0 it a°w Ihr rulisK
ihcmxlvca, tic cloth sus nguvad, pm I ofthe Jc 14 See r and fir, •few cilxilCut sones Laid upoq the Ft- , slid 1'20'2 to the t with . TLp numberr who ill f c tit tars weaponsed it tCe ol t,iboing sDni1 of ilio Em rare, fhrre u ,
n Crr'rb, boW of gni'. utast inxtancas have lettly de- , The I rah 'un of tLi (nderaip:rd FrFnbtld. tied oo the, a •r td i Our jadZen ttA-slid -a haws brelowed ' al - c* that Louis \l■ ,o; e . •16cial en-
.' 'oma. whom made nppmprigte °fan agttatiun, Lu aluotation just pil•en is iia in SChm 5rcuun No, S, 'luwo,hilr of fss one .but lard ad ffly ; f:hr ; At Ilrfi frail, tiuee w { r t s withdrarur r hr
e•rtcLre• y , at ni.;Gt ons liver ekk »full "tudr npun il- F rrnch trouts, anal tLal flraimibau u s .
Os rising to ro aO'" Tbc "•,r. ltupcimnn prnpnae+i soul fir. Cox res- carred nn tis_ raUxsy cars, in which vol- a fair .: m le cf the nines of tr ah which tib
p Queen,' untcera we travclliot, having beep No F 9 P Gusterio•b, Cq ty Ol Huron, irfint: The p,•ae :•era sad crew Aa•+I weal. ,tat aon,iaknaom,uf eke goe.lioa, M we lima" Nr mmj Fnueb, Awtrwu std Lkl •IPL r
rrym'irJ m, •• 7'he 1',wxs," have come to Land only w be consiamtd u;aal.r antwrrn; The4jll he quaranti ,d in the lower bay," stated iiK, i• one of viW interest et- eta trtsjm, b •'
the chairman was greeted w:ih deafening ; Ilnjur la•RR, in a very neat speech,' pro- )orad in coo. •yucnce of the meq entering b• rr rt w r mr'i: u (.Tru+ Curtiaa, Yren• f""rl''r ^f tLi+ coatyrv. Tho a aresair of — . .. _
e'icen. 1'be toast was rcS(wgdcd to right : r^ied• `' TLr flavor cud C:,rpocatiuu of tLc can with air Lu meta fixed. The cue etotr. The worst we wixtt tiilx! lire noel 1 f1r';st r. nrrt ll:eyh;trujuit;'w'tL,
po 1
ltud«rirh." - l• i deaf of the .,ora::U,eCummw•us, , Ilcrr druJlr nares im sail! A rtatd r unties
L,}ally-the compsq}' j++inigg in the ea- last contnLfttor i± that hu mvy live until i sunJry iyovrtiuu. up a our p'exeul Sch'o 1 )ilei ntct touts.
Thr rhai: make rrapnnd,d in ssital,lit t«oma. Counmender-in- ')mala therrfu'n, directs I , -- Ile all dly am As Ib,'y exist to.dur ; for
lions! anthem. he Ia,abiC to w[jte bitter poetry, ju wliidl system, u par,puspdtd the Ch-ef `Superiu. \Ol for else p - - Barre tie p,.int at rLi h no vel r ten otra.d Attention has ►ran
Vr. C'rarb prnpps':,1 the hew!th of llejor' that in future v lunteers will not be al• , teeden{ of EJucutiun, whereuy many rxce:- i e o1 Goft. recently railed to e
Rosa, enJ in dein; .coin+t wnri ,r Arles yet the u't_walkl simple Ju;nfectatt wLaL Aar Ecru sucecar.
" Tho Governor Gegen! " was recciv. w allu,led tu'the forma , I Daae lite Cooq{y oC iluroq will have et Irnt fcalun•a uC thn old shleo" will Lu super- The nohlrat d, ••Ja wbic ha•e kern ddna meant !n dctermioe ilia ales of a.ti os. 'fully reel hen, A g a
i JiBrrcncee I,e•tw'e)n IAe t.o enmpaniea, of IowcJ to auk[ o[ iCmpiq iq the ears IC■et Ord - I 1 u en,agrd in tin ,t .
cel wiUt that new and popular air, ' Pu-hub?IIe k"ped we had now beard the In4t. y CeukgOrian. scdrJ. The propusr 1 iunuvation boa •wok "n earth bare u.•t Ix•en d• a fur gel i. {t Garyvrnmeuu an natural' alUw U, m..ke I 1ng crmpa,4 eeniLes that n den ! y
be is a right good fellow." Son'; by I)isie In acknOrlydgint Chu cumplinient PeiJ xith fixed ba onets. etre •spirit of e.nlulrc, wit mwi!ung -chest ': w"e rut fur the sake of go'd that the I„ -d sham es -hi' h tnrul re earn• rr;»nse, and I raan., rr ur tnY the rontrnfa rhes le
w tAe al.la"r• `
f316AF'ORTIi, any of oar ri,;hu lit lrumple,l upon, we sae, exme d• -awn And. Ji«st, and lis Ri,wdzs real mihtun r1!i• ala an poorer ia'Ir s'ow to arae vl' black Nsy The rttti t fur
\\'tt Th, ” my nd Na ■qd Blue." btm, the Major said t wro not sural fir. lifa ' 1Ve Lave roc 'vcd from 91r. therefore, a flee m.lu a cou•id«ration of the peached the a•ad ne s w I f1eP ori ui their darlinK rOuti Yet the iatectaul 's F CLr des
r Crabb brd►Ilualyd to tlJe trdurle hetwcrn the -- out enJ r
' The ano and NRT + ! , A I the I as fO!lou:
y Y i°g FrOi' to I o!unteer rvmpauies of Guderirh, for he was I wrbouxe, Chambers gtgal for clic 1'urpun of tie prop uitidh euuncixu J, ext ; 'soda. The Slrrtans I,wke 1 I do rewa,d "'!'Ist d' rs m^ref •card, and t pn,t res ' Trke equal xrizbt uP $„ F., u
M.IrnRTR,1TE'a COCRT• I thoroughly cbnoinced of ilia ruiciuus ten +rt leant m mcehanical.in:enuuy. e n oral• he lamp Imo, w IU. 2U ur ' h and fresh
ed, Corporal Hing !Crew the gucste into A"PP7 I^ be able to Rate pubb«Iy [rat the current month. 1'hc ern cots embrace John Itickaon atf j fifteen others we:c 7 "' m:»tr.w!wn they fuv ht and dl d at '('her ! JO Iwanda of lac
Jiffs a -ruses mentiuneJ bud bean aellhd, I dear of the chenpe pn,pur«d. Tisa rlrera• I I"11 v a i wd tSocntrs CLe wise, as;,ed leu d"serii,rd,u wondrrfd. 1'eol'I- hn Iray.• sc .,, it { to the a;zn of the aro L'
crmvnlsiona of lav •Llcr b sin m r a eon and a eF.otce nnxellany Of uvful rad interest• I summoned to arr,cer before Lis 1Vurhi 'hop Contemplated on tba School I,sr of ILa 11'•llfr m his c ruwroeu, baa Iirtd r xSa made tkem«•!me acquainted rich tis great them i., rr ante b (wail dioolq
} } K i` g' I that (;:rpt. Ilnys rand himerlf had ahnken a r arrels wnh hulling rater -
the verses of which ended with " JI hand,intoken of future (reudshi , ing read Sin F Province, sur -rated Ly rhe I.'hiul Sul,criAi ba'Ttpdt dl Li/dot•, ate rharse nit ran',lI Contex •that In!'dwrJ 'f}re..fint 'Hoch the lime to /be ennsutent of r
Y' l (' heen.t _ I YCler Ramsay, F.ay., .I. P.+ on ThucrJa deaf tit E4ucutiuual. u t auk net of rte lee t Gar ulJ. U r,.ucn•e r" dol f 7 Alterash-
darligg Itinah-Bitty-Angie-Jlarier." - I , ('•Pl flay. eoplessed the p:carurc hr lad lace Uor SOCIxTY.-)I cash. Clewett Haat, to answer the char rt of aaaaultin Y i set im unance and w } P ' d^oda• Gut n., S , Revuluuon, kroa ,hares ...\'r +,!eon the first I We soda wh u, the prnlr.itn,n of about
f g W Q ,,I greatly t?act the n t Rr to stake tarmselvaa rich, %lace its., i, °uJemned rid• sfurfibe u+eoholdir:s dee r gent of loui::ut venter toe■eh prrued. w
tlajor !coxa, on Laing called uptn,'rer m burying air, hatelort forever, and in KYing EduCrunnnLi,Jenat+ of tis jl't oiuoe,m rL Ch I old that it,,• floe sed trouble tit I„Adi rich a it,•s•dv, d lies
PO°d 'the good frelmg thnt now eoutrd betwrea { °'+ Lave furnished tie wjth tis A ail I H. Bullock alio, Rudd fled out, unn sitar another, into ford err ; in,ur the s ala foto ire lin►
el briefly on behalf of the Army. Co. ulli stn and sen of both cvmpwiea,_ Y F I 9, °° lite cvenjnF' even inJirjduat has touch at staler. '1'Lu fr, n aces ;.n'r d;st ti,e Irdrrs wbO went tit' them nov t than cou trrp iced their su;r r,u nixie), sfiro ing Ihcm well to •
\o of LOndoq Socia {\'e coos Cr it of the 13th, deFtroping prdperty',10 the School Convey coos, which Lave or ;icd a lea} ear to d.uJ;e lo, Ihr horyit►b u( t rrciri.n •nit ate, and rrr,d„ .elb ar. Them
Capt, Crabb tnado t vert Ods t•Ch ((^°Unuest cheering.) P greater ren frit "LISPY the mixture into the eras ol,
g ie I the spiciest book of the kind to be Fu d, I amount of I110•i,00, and eudearorj 1e vote i° lb,ir favor, have been Cr:a•err,l pre them va:ue;h$ fur the actual bwiness of war, ng It over. I'L;a wi:l flay I spread-
, nbehalf of the cavy, in the Murex nil rhe health of oxit ofn S,•ymour was ro os I Earl, aim; rr o:,Iv w poor, tf.at the - e to he dune yaiak-
ud end dn;y rewpnrrd, d to Ira that Etat ernn, From the same source we have acacia ' ° t Lis I'botogra h cllssl!y til ILa iuhahitrnu o(Cuirr wd Tuww m';rt 'rich iu noble .mks. Apd yduu1' Thu» s:aim then• tea rbc •ruo:m"ds r«i;hf I u'tarn the les° io,rrrdirnta
w!nioh he u ed the laein Of P"t D Car. Thio end akhoul TeacLen, who, Lvaevercapalole roe°, too, rL.„n tun know, chiA rm, and, ,f the great cr,.w.bA•a, formerly deemed so the wayh d over. The •re mixed
rR p g 0 number I Mr. Itunciman propnovd the health of "Uur the Churchman's Family 1lagaziue. created great excitement in Scaforth, every al jodgiug of theta iu other resicts, crndot + ]our nun kin, d,J m, M.irr ,n tfm l'nheu RUdes ser, ice. Y ear' of autR oda,ces
' f gngbosU on the upper lal-rs as orae of A^at and Aoate.e.” Mr, lvrieht reapnndrd. BOIL may be obgined ■t Chu o(Roe. sumo tit tis it COn,, rant rel y d.wh dye foul stuel!s, but produara
Jhe compan broke _ reoq bring rasions to hear the trial, and "UPPused w be acquuutest with what a "' tbemRrhr hate m -CII munty"b,sll 1 tarn? ° ea"ti•,n pt such nxtu a kept eke old evewth a cher feat ehauze in the mrttriAl
t11c beet means of kt'epj 1. back inraderx. I o'clOrk, ■II y un ako°t twelve ---_ w bin fur !lural li,atrict+. '1'i,dnth, tLra I when they we f opt r l aur, in, fol wealth A^ mu.kof in Ihr ist of Buurlrs" ao!• which u a. re .ha' s from
Piceent bring deli hied with g11i' The weather is, at present, very g b°axe iia commcnremc ,t anxioas nu witht uawrr -ell fur ('flies Ai,J ' IA er u;• w the time of tiro' tri •• 7 rcndru thea wholly
I! ie remarla on [Lie Sul j• et were loud!} 1 thn r L ,le aIT ir. We mal memiun that the a da mi ht be N n wen lin_ and r,,nlml, en a p' :,a,g,t h•,mer rand s.l m w wer. i mucuu It also reduray illi mw co -
e gin r like and our farmers are buajl at tLCaf say I fiowns tb«y Je hot Ir rli err css tuv r,Cws Ghat money u%a .n w fat„ bq•,X,:r enJ assay i (lie -,•(the e• lions tat he , did rdr ldb a .1htrlhe ea dire `,I, n
chCered. y,a!uufrere 1«rhav)J to tF.t last iu s w est or b Y kw de Loyd'. }Intel, wh •re the trim, I and wan of lar cuunt:y, I •Luer, enJ w„u:.ds r d•rrtL, that tkrter aril I• he ich tbO u!J ub}►,hone U+ the rNedid ahnnW be ends 1' pi rd the place
drily and res},cmabla manner. wool. 1r a arc gird to ht•ar [kat the fall wast b e bald The defcnd:mte b in}t A..d, fur er, your 1'ctiti nen an o rid” b oldfers, said the Euff •Id r Ight ter feu or thaw•
CommelOrc I{ose (an aced vc•h•ran of ------ .Leat, segenlly, !coke splendid. ell rca [ably cnnncrtc•i, hired Ur. Ore• g ' PPoerJ 16,;ht for theta tuw,t and Weir Q „res 7— ! lies+me the hours.”
_~ ----- I to tha Abru Inn nl the pretem it haul Sat•' No• chi Wren,-rherr u r ttrr [kin;; un r tis' 1{n 1 nl pp p r,ducl f the misll ix • enlu
t',o Royal \avyJ was salted to rrxlood, •. /T. OEORgE•s ROCIETY -- - - -r--_ '; pvru.-The hal a oinbd.a•.. Ibe r ten OC
max' eta •ly carriaen to eunrry chain to I'°na and pia, r -bole Town+hi;A under than-ee!th, a hamar ta, than Ida fled ; wire ihre' ■+idt tlurir old muakeu 1., "ddld' canalis soda, wi lion unn earA,,:,a u
fie excusod himSc•!f by calling alum DI \HER, illfCR:E ARRtxrED.-11'li•00 1Citchie, ilia court, nn •m„ ReatcJ,Tnm R'ext handled ore B n d ul'Tr ties far SCbtnl (n.eagar,,, land Ibat I$ to harm done II : "''d it, r n son its ruu•ipfe, was t;,,. 1 ,u sw narasin". ,,. tr t bete
is w ( 'urlb•u,t befog n'' Y
lud:an who k,llyd fisc u:J Joctur ov Sutwday , ib•: nbands, lod friend Fontan LinJl aro r°W Ire in}unou w rtie ma7ese oC FiJuta' l^ din. for rbich ,d men a bacon o■ f' t f , ,luinw fu fro hwd!td
hies ton, Capt. I{Ossa to fill hie pinM. The Th) annual diunrr m connection witIl nicht leer, was arrested Ly chief constrb!e 1 ed ns fwhuan. Fo ° K"' y 7 r)Rt w •a i.r the nrent-.1meli wn .rr , f ■dn <rre, u ;tri! , etror -ail rniah $ of
y tion, prustucavn of cu uaton, Ji$evuttn soul! rad Gad your afk«r smile u,. cti •rr. I:u in that war A new• and err«, ,'ticlain it r„mea ,
C+pt. made a few very s osiolo rrtnarks, the St. rtunatrl CLO arrived 1strile, s loin intriure of upon u r St f-CAsior w Kin de r w k• It s m ,re f'r A 'e we•noo be .
p y R lou o, d h inset wish. ,(■ ”
Urairte'! ycelctp of tLls !oa'n wsa Trainer rat da•:ieht yettcrday morning, A'uuul s•,f ly at tfirjr etjuetion, and fount his d q ,f'N' g ' ,,an to m..k-• duiafrc:"nt ;( bu ell a mrnt Clrimvd fof
+":d wound up by c:prcFaing the pleasure held ■t the tf,itland !facet, last night, g sn. \Ir. 7 miner Je- h nrshi t th'ir 'rat the Itw•to the cow ❑t itei,riri, t w .,f CLe poi loge of /e6•ctipg iu "roto, .,;J by ru partiAl os am aur .t
h.• full in the tiwught that Canada was 0 wiles Above Sru' a d our' lerchen who pay fav em, IA+latae wr Ili'en PRtrea ao Fi.v AnaSv i Ilse derrt so!Ji•- a, made ten wnun
':3rd. From suer. fhrre asstmblyd. ,-lil built clearly farrsre Ihrf Jl new se6. wuv:d we Wrrn.-H•.- g D ir,,t I A aimpleq and we ilii l Itrr, Jis,urec-
caa q CLu9 we rr•rn trent prwse fur the promptitude Le des test I in ser al ImP•:rN t rontasu. Tht+ ww tL, ,ant a snlpiwte til inn, ea mmun!
a''r to torn Ont Sgch ■ nnLle band of Y y called on ever m•%ch.tt may ht in u, uu , stens r, rrptuin ifl«. AC the A.rf1 of tr+•'-u r„ , , ,,, 1 k^uw u
ILink ■went of entrprire in dispogn of Pl,y,d m e C• acing the c"Pture. The prison• xleppcA fVrRard w'AL war CLe xi nal fur a difK'tult in Cha carr i:, of it o• X t 1 f e ". im v•rtrd far
:unteerx to defend their homes from ! g K cot j.d- t,or (^'received upiniona, it or, to na• Chn•+maar,{a for meta e, the mint d«s 'nab' and u+trl m the Ra i dying purprees,
trclrta, the attendanC,• F eLSCr fon him -cries in Court Prrcucable; ii woWJ be inure rs• a Ira, cud nkat h' 1"
wax not so large as er will be iu_wl here to await his trial. " thn e r Ude prefer to flu a rinat tl:r i ,d, • !alum ol'tlil primer of !,a C nG d •raV s .I chew xpi ew, o e maul e+. I t is "o, oo;y
i• radere. cheers for Bodd lea efficieuc Wan the prrs«dt eyetem. t, dire ►,trend tis« sl,rnna 1 "m•a«!1 Awai rdirra ww -boll F be ua d ritfu,ut any dan• er
Ion furm,•t acaxldna, bol still ger}• few of Y." whi xerc y;ivrn with -And .iso wou;d mwt emphnucAlly r arae deur reader, how often u , y lona'„ to •withstauJ u■ Aut i,. •.tion i„ deuJar:i■i g '
In propoaira ti,c next tinFt, CLe chair- TeE F.lrxrr or Urwr Cctnysru;h'.-`f r. s wiil. Bullock caused cat merriment, our P,, res at niche Boar) til Publis (mat c t •• aorka of ■ ^X . u e°nun°°•'
the Seats' Ren t•rl t JuLn Hunter u(Oelr rich tp., leu shown us lie being as usual " tight a a brick L1°"r rs at runt cou,titu 7 u herr nasal in ,*Alp elf err. I bur water claraeb and d aius it ii orfi t
trap spoke Of CLe xlf"sacriGCint s ,frit e y Bc, es the re• uthoriu" that fisc vert revers,, h 6-heen tis„ boost of a Fa6t'd that it I yalunbin, ,ill,*•run the f ca arty'
1 gulag members of CLC Rociety, we policed a plant of full -heat CLe noon of which bud however he swdre to all the rife. bring I w"eked well, und;treul imprnveo„utah,u Ix rn of this ie the rax; Aut (ilk you j,ast fa- can rt LuaArd in as shoat a lain Y m ■t rutr Ilew.
n,pniteakd by the VoluntMrs, of 1'anada among tl:oee prexnt Capt. G,o}man Prnctrat.:d ire sail tO •depth of about two present mxaaultint him, and m astly laid mat us r,r rod at b- nut trance to ley wide rarrks of.uI ice, Aust lr, I t • as the ole / 7SlrgnrpA•
tea;Iz l how ur u - musk Itul look ■t tM m , ,one require)
i i COming frrxanl sa they had done at Capt. liaye, Setgt Phillips and cater Icer. A cullinlmn Wat renders the sulrruil tis^- dawata•s at $Ift.i.fi0. At ie ata,•c f'C Jundawej with. w 1, err far yours^ f. Iirery s;rri:,, wr hair j let. (', id;.s Iles) td mar ta4 roto u( CLr GcOlogl of NO
Hoping tb.,t va wail ivo list yr o wcc's+i'rn of linin ill from for bnx,sin alb •tmtcrlca.
r Ile firot Dell of lis•• (iurernm•'Ub. NOth- e° porous is b"Rcd upon common erns° grin- of the sial ono of CLe deRx w bed to y R 1 r+ r f no,tL al and ¢ e: tht'e„d Lit off aid , o ,t d awn io
aljlitarl trntlemen. 1'he dinner itwgf- trd'ifecol+ot }tour ihq,aru:il conritrirti nn. nizran4 elect tn,se IMrience is U,al all ow: I tis« barn , 2uJ. Thr nmra3 as t, f.• Prof. Agwa•iz tomos
ion it h i pet ile could be Letter ealin xr mean tis° cerin;( end drinking act- Iil'roand must ire ilia Lut (ur •dry c;iwu;e 'lurntion fisc pl iintiff, ramal naiad (ar biting rind► for the', 1drawn n t° the conclusion
y k• "rad w cunng I,r w th, mv;ptaiueuee uC ILu$r pn,ragn fr the shun•. of France In the hr • ,A t catndt,t r:annm-d h,, 3r1• that the Contiprnl tit North
i ,ted to dispel the ideas soutLt to be in wan got up in Jlr. Ho,eker'R btv atplr a gun, etrne u hie authority, Lut Lis 1l'o ip r;Js til nur ,resent Sohaul S ,tem T ramrod t, be replAcrJ. tis. A I ^rte ccmrred wish ice a mi+r ,!mares was
-a, •►- . Y orcruled him, find Raid he did -cot care r Your Patitiunea wid ever Pia , ' A arc$ of i n rad, and 8y in CLr very tat of has to hr c, m thictnrm,
euleales bo economists of CLe G"ldwin ev, ry article of tileseasotl Lejng furgiehed, 4f • T rhe r,ad; . wh tkn enrn tit is d•aR. V.» ” "tit OI ti Ponce d put the,ehy a rrrinR wnh 1',i,f, lGtchcock cud
Sec lac site. rf Mr. POilock ” Mdpcy Blacketnne nr aqy Other imam, that wha I int the nipple belu cite },east ix ren t., °f her eminent ¢eulu,;ital wrinn MAce
Smith school., [Chcers.) We were now an Fervid up ih excellent style. The he RtiJ was law, stat to ht+ law tis•• "west-- ` ' wind or the water jt mattes not wLirly gnu, b e. All thorn inn •,ns islet tint, wad, A the gla •fast period. e r rning
allowing the people and authotitios of the boat deserves great praise Gx his escrti„ns to excel) The Huron sod Erie Co. bean y R PAN LEY. unitens a,d', frvill"s in elle mer, a. rArxt ren Ides tam P «,f of th s cuff•
an excellent reputation submit. : he above deci<ion causer a X I 1 prrnsue tkls Country, t e!u.i^n, he R..vx that Ibe dop.il a the A Ile.
1 fug rrianner, and u.nru fua cgnJd,n,rnr sad cued nur< ge wt u!I pe• mr 1 in the ap . Khany ra,ee of mdu,twirn err
mother ntis I that er wire Loth able t0 render his guests comfutable in so far ”' great uproar whjch could tint b! su , ,r vs he Sfault v r•ynnimny rt the Baur• time, glic'erworn t,
and willing cull until hja R'Orxhl t l n ! o ! • ung Show at VArna ,amt to lis° asst with +nota • tFler al his certain'y I ter, •in common with own other hrrwch•load the very lair,, eocrl I a few „
to' wfa
lee ever
sac ' \-
nfie olunt
C 10 gl0i' ter
y or Of6crn
wh Lr•
as oma 1 av oaten r ff
w , c el s
rat D to ren. d y tis
scelle 1 c I9
rat rt , Y W.
1a . r h '
t en la
old n n„taw • I mar nn
rr i c n u. l i r lo w
1 r t In , tl - ^ ar r • hi
o mai i etc t » e r r w o e r I ch
uCi to he ltio w e 'el a )n• h
m ind t net to to i t r a n
elate t acs' ahi oh t a c n e r. r h
ho 1 neat ch •• R' I '” ( i s the w l t e t
to 'n !Lair stile Ira ho r evil
n Us oou g d lb • ton tt r K n
n,- rmis.+i a.rr a,i 7 it f f
8 ons f r has m • sas$e ) he'
S f o t o h' s ,uuw rat la
hat. h leas I tis m
L• , UM1 I I Y r 1 +• aaa. t
e n• 1 do t 1
rca, ' aabi err .(,u
el . P A char e- W
, 1 •f a iliac r Aa.l r. 'A■hi ••
a' 1FY A'le u' tis r nal ,raw n e
. t r o" fat eel u a Jer rad d.• o f
rt im beim e n w, tnnd'n or i
Utidna rata a no eh 1 mei
under CLe w rceh w bra F An
whi ^ g ,red d ism ce
oL we aaa o wit d m,. K ra
Ilrc fepa•r meas JI 1 d' av
a on I mmnAs w it chub gnu J p ,wder, carefu'ly c reed in a lir tittle, ma,iC h A• and tl'c run: h, er 6040 brat
J. [Che. ivii p ing Cho dlilitary f$cLa,ls wa a propmow so V,a{ wn now cera And blows f,e.+h from the Rdufh ansa, ter► un lee nnci•dt o' I a+ um u"1uliakwl surfrre of
usual routine of Id}•al IoaslR was n e Y behalf of llullock w'ro called upon, and b as[. the curnnco yClnt4 aie Lwve La•l a _• I p r f a common a cap. In - inn, cu•)n:J wqA louse
Oar educational insleg srnla and our civil g n• rejoin their compan., with their original theft evidence amounted tO thi.:-that torso da fur S, . r . d o -neat by thou ands• nod their de■d loading the mnes.l i+ ooard down ai Juat raw the ler ire, menti
fbn,ugh with. Etch, sa prr,posr•d b} the caul, iwmediately oq quitting the schools. 7 4,e "t 1 aunt. TL«rt war n" lite err w•, ih)d whom• for "..is wfinn a tul•e in the halt wil6lrwarn. he da "nal el of which glacier mnr4a
scat nlit(ivae pricilCRatt were nr'eOnd to the knew none of the deft., Row no all r large atten nc' of the Farmers tit tis'• re crtrid I al na a Are p1!' tells that it hAed .ata brad
l hairgen, C, CraLb, Esq. I're.iJent yy rands.-Prrjrarr Nerrgn rn to the FieM. gas mer A•• taken in ilia rand at Oo, Rod
those of no people in the world, rand it wan --- -- -- saint, and that the damages don° esu Rise Jbwuahip and r i,lhbouA,u d; wYr seem••d ffdrrwayrx o—u _ u .the drso etc waRN of in u,d
elect of [fie Society, being received with A 1'scePga(ros FARalxi.-A few breaking of an empty Value and three one after am ln.•r d opt into the h° ur the 1 this rrp,ion, Ihen,tne thickn
e dory devolving npnn every ('enadian t charas, slid suitable sung", Il, propoeinF daps ago, ata homestead not a hundred a r••- I he nal! m••re „ mntazine' ps it ," bchpicatly CRIT - the l:) Can of horn cern m
t, lake a dreg fin cit in the pru:eritinls n! g - ht l•u qr xlAtivn,•d h«rca dor ess of
eland °pin !hair defame), at all hRzarde, poen Of glos+ 7 s 0, !lie WoraLi at meat rm'n I eek hu cissa
D the der ; a•n They might r71 be dn,pled in wt once d lee; (;000 feet ; rad this is nr kee m
" Tb° ISxy tie flOnor," CLe chairman once diemisscit the case, end Or mwy, •til keen ,ere the cri.; "'t tis, peel week, h u Inrn tis« Deco -n oflhe in to , some kin'1 of v', p X wrlh tM
IAFPlause.) Ile Lad noes great le ore miles north of thin town the wife of a far- 1>n BodJy cisme pis !,.,h tis anima!+ eohibifed.- I A ta"phr 'xa. Thi labs i+ ._sin inetrted, f Jtnct in,kther
li,xlerirh ritl«civ their homes, on M mday I e turn -d, and the rat rt is Inadd and entry ; for w n Ihr to un parts of ch
• tare to eloquence. He crated aha histo, mer was scrubbing Ler fl,xfr in the more• waa mulcted for socia, {'.1.0U, soul orden:J
ie propraing "The Yulunteers of Cane• of Rngland's lutdir saint, end shored ing, and at noon resented her lO to rclnO6e the Carr Off fire street. (' There were e,cren ant, ►bases a nn the compan O111whichdls 7 IAn IlAmburK InlantrJ ! e.aPl td for arrc.n sh•,ta, o, Err ry offer lis r•"'" ■r• much
P°n 4round, And fuer 13ulls Ir 7 o be $tali led tit I;od I , t lir 'w Gp i0 tett, 'le ice seems to have prae•
d■." The civilians pracnt, by etrninin;t that while he wan edOpted in that en .cit F rd xitL leavjng Murt, Bullock boint ..keit what wear rntereJ as 'ur of the Hsrsea ern:b tors time Inst the, ChicAfr fii'ibwten `cher, Itke w revntver piatnl. The whole 'd' ectlt over tis ,while fire
F y a tine son -early iU tiro aRergoon opo of he thought of yea forth law ,cased, "Gad ren I'or gnaernf nr 1oi,+ •. Urau_ht"--fist should Carry out their Il.r.•■t of ■endo I Ote r. li of revolt er poo ol. shuts would ricin; that eri,;h ae Iva a few Pe."a
their Inngs a little, got up a vcrp rePptrta- I the f+rmcre cows calved an hour or eo 1 g • nm take marc time then dr"d tin and r could gl"' itlr, xr nes, w O m ruehrd, q lid
by other comet ries, he wan in a pceuli:m Bold It9 what I call oat aped law." "•{.thew 1vcsGwke saPd ,L,hp Jo neem ,e Stns j rlrreh Ir hr capture all Ihr !lake pons, Or>d• ' • C Ods great oil h
We cheer, sed Ont gentleman startled Cho Rt■se the laky .rancher mw Lad llcr Calvice, and t gh et in U,r way, will Igo a t td Ina I'ng the ramrod of the F:r,fielA nflt. it could •rad when a ice yams ed from tis
"Grnrgn of Jlertie England." .» --.._ F -al R. of ImAth.y, Rud Hrnr C! .racy, F:., first aurckeit • Sarni t»at w P M performed, cud, to the 1„west fem trature 1AA Isnd, it t i , e wC° of ,!(.
e+gmpany by strikin^ rap the new and Thea leer then recounted the lemic that Uight orae of hja ewes dropped thrt't f:r A 'trot fon IFIo a aide came oR on ”( 1'uckren:uh. 'f he lint I',ize cur he..1 , u, un fb' p t !reps •d for the !orad of
i" r' A e suppnee, and m this Cnustry. Ant with ammunuion of flit husbat.dma . 'I he had aarfRce of tis
popular air we have alrcaJy alluded lo- derds of the llritish people -how they Iambs 1 13est this who can. JdunJay last id Fraforth between 11)mia d•,rais uwwrde)t have M•en easily d idrd ; ,i luwnemen, tAe Antill«rb (i„ecis 'lee Ihrir thin kinJ, mnrcover, the old i'wun maxim w
_ T corks was group t^ rowde t
” For they arc, dtC."-------+ F'un}tr and W. F'nw;tr'x fust NayR, s ,rat fi to fLaehrm" ow d ray man f fritudR J°rjng their na nru n t1 , st I ° An'r"'q the puwdrr dry aimultuttnus! ,1 L' s rfl wine n i 1 d he rhmente n(
want on e-r(lucring and t^ Mnyua/, until GoJerich, April 23rd, IAfi6. a:uount of mopey ch■nRed hands u the io u R ¢C ruthera, a powerful dark b"y, oat hying behadur without e i ' ' ' with trust iu a p- rle ra eta ,^jut • for h • t Ca Pn fair o rGnns, And
Capt. Goodwin, ha•in called to his filet now act , flo„ I t J i ranine esu rnagd t^ the .
R En;;lanit'S mandak was liotedcd to To the Editor of;Lr Huron Signal: g 17 hands hi,lh-chs lug -at i rx ent!cmrn: and wt ore d io Irarn A leo ries« might Ar' Inft in wwttr atl ui,;ht, And lime ww mir¢Ird .ich t and ITe regions, c
said he eamC to G Carni, we append the summary. i bare sten in the !'cony of llnron. e I corrrRPond«nt, that the g1aro we I y m rid and up.
oalerjch rant t° gait with ewe ramal nRprcf ° by the natiAae of Sla,-1 hz; Iexce to take [Lia method ul Aiateh fur SfO, mile stanch catch wrighm cry wed to M amnngn amateur@ of Sfellin^ w 1 I Raflrhrd I red ll,e same ns if keit quilt dry, io the P,Adacfis"e ljranite of
morning, ln. fief we rare informed by n [', t' cared boa Ihr a¢, ieulf f nand soil an.
sptecLat, tit to do a lithe fighting, if CLr, world. returoiag thanks to Henry S. Jones, interpreter• D" rat thtsn Show" Ihat the tionsw etre all "inn ciUz,ms u1rS$n alt tis-' recrired Iron the !
These eelntimetota were loud) gentleman who went deer Luntin a the 1 here ort evil"nme ail ovp ItMs farinas
there esu any to lit done, IIs esprelaRed chtrrrd, Y ter, of tLt Swgeep bold of Iudorus, for the 1st Mr, O. F•,nrth'e g. c. ISadiRl O, i{o"eke, rghl, too li,lbt," fiul nn gaiting tlnn,; side of 'f• °r* Ubenncr. K D he p n
cr'uahk Aeruoce rendered to me by him in ,{ ur.—__.•..,r-.__.,_- Utt•wa with pne Af these weap,rnR, IAAI Lt R' oe tv ,,low Ih"t al tint, iurri the at of
himself warmly with regard to the kindly The vice chnirmen, I,icu1. John Davi- 2nd Vr. W. resalen, s. c. \'clic r this monster man% all it their heads umtnt. fell int,) the river with his rifle, just at the
the arrest of Wilson Ritchie, charged with Ryon with the grettr•+t caw by t"'n lengths. T t' -so Fard is math a from*F;.il wrt 6 jet further infer• the trespicks este„dad dl over the be. The
treatment he ramal those under Ilia o:gm non in u• nest Aaod acid "too Di,;. to, bi mOmcnt til fining, got ■p, pound fisc wat)r ice Iwnod iR w
g p pORinit '• The Land we left,” the murder of the Indian Doctor. I bra -r P,ixn, esu ae sanded td q,iure. The Sarcond item an Aaa of mcrndiariem nn p( sail tv ire Iota " rat
nand, had r cejved 1'mm lie purple of made a quiet but affcclire, sensible nprech. hugh Johnston esq., will write td the Iadiaff ! e moot im}cacao! out of h;agun, and find without the alight)rf 10 Ibl"+ •rad next lu the Iwl qq
is TIIE IIARPI"Rainy SHOW. m.nillta "Prince theF'e t Un Thoraday nr,t w met of Co lsrden:ino litfhewsillawutther imporwnt "f man. beforethegdve 1
Oagderioh, lint ha (imrod they would broak IlarinR "ttaiffed her Li h sitioq u n if "utment and 1 think when the face ■rr P 1' April 16th, lbfi6. "( edea," a Ilona well known, And justly them cr . d Goin 1•;a$tPort to Ind,An !eland ! Ot 1 t , L,ch the ehugr ---wer_..-_--- •"
their hearts wbcn lhry were dallCd to g 1 Ilan vrAe • •pp ciated in Ihead penis. Fnf q, nstI and set fi fi Ihr Uwrcm Indian 141an Downer it srturcd in the• krwaa inti, Rrcu,rs Ffr ofan AA, ]ir pe
warlike lower, F;ntland'e mianion was now `tPnnepftd, d the drprrtment will take illi The Harperhtg !tel Spring Show w4 feat aa'rt" the Ent 1 raw wn awarded to inflictin da w e to the eat• iu perfect conhuation under the mat fxrnr Township of (idol n Lewis I
!save the towq, (hnptLterand a ansa. Ont of see- proper Sups, it will enecurage lrenons of held ■t Taber'e lintel on Tue■day the 10th, Iwne's 1'rintt of Wale, w fine lodkinq light This, and Stet n s fls c rat of 7!10,0(10. isle vlrcumatanCas and tberttore • Ir a In IAe third C hotlrne, hot number thrty
PPl ) Pe the adranceutnnt °facience, Wu kind w assn oflicen iff arruttn Crim R g omplier the ebnlr n quan I oncewwn, LAd one of Lw \
I1 some rt had t k was glad IInR Fenian litcnfufe and alt, end the dcvebpment of i• d lin t great meu"n rercat come b K r7+ with any quantity of m+,cle end actin of their operati esu far. Nmdl s. °ads n lin is really ustA, whip the Hall is mt,h a I"'^ti ileacs! cut ""o •cow
inA an g list day was All That could be desired for lee i4. The Stco,gd Prise to It. Urr'" rasped op Ihr
ozoflement had taken plans. D ) •Flub them art mna•id n C 1 f ludo larger than the bore ofthe barn!, which side nn Ilia nigAt of the 12th fust. h
TLe iuten. Ihnre weft commercial entetgxiree whjch 1lbi'rewmg upon this unfortunate cies the ^ecasion, and the lura dal was Cha Itrgat in Mar • an , I # 4 year old dark bay, nthis ra the IdIn I iron r.Al Ril Sa Other own. a^t■el ire r Cha t fining a the berm) soe clod rel ig 7 •"me
niau . but re rel wee bad enough, nn tended In mala her tLn ric6eat, ae She is unit on that jt cwsnot lir CommineA with end rear that r•er appeared on the S3Aow in Markhwm, 1 expect gndd stock from this I ■n himaa•I: hu R a Th« ['" , who probably took ilii"
nlnawl m 1'nfutn end it is Ibrought nut ru et asall this is, that while eke utmost Pro. I di"'^'lied mtth^d of yentin IS, mans a
doubt but rl» Ir+ p T Thn iusnal On of this in your groand, un IsRa than tlertn horses and a!r• k„n rl (f h) has look, At rs come of A good tmprobabiv that he wf stoles for Yew secured, the (,area with which the I lir' Lewis. Th•, row di i gainer
alt world lro amore esu tie moat (arwcrful nation of the earth. widely eocdsted journal watt nam list ends ea afler CLe wtwnA,
naidenhle u,lerMl wr taken m I where'rOvitions and • York, ballet is prop)lled i+ prods iow• Mr. coat• r and the hone!. rcm,tred Mm Ilea
°[h unity of fisting and ■cion "Our Gueals"' Won rrapnuded t° in ■ °fjustice wd ubl, a your humble aarvtat, ben no the int} x;ty of which would have three C.du "Rets" of the ' limy Wdlsee"i letter Aescripliun then
art of t much hills nentipned in the Howe of Commous • I / eteler.
thretlgLout the whole of British North swtaLlr manner b • James Watson been nn dittnAn to espy Shane in Cha Prom• whICA d+od corse can w n-' i As ohu;ned •t range of2,000 y"rdo. MndncCwho a yae^h tto w from a roliabla
K ;KNAKU'1'KAiNF:K, y h rat iR d I heir 1 outland. 1(a drserhdff o he;rand arm
Aanerioa. 1ih,•en.J --- . - .- _ ince, which Asgen well fo: t!ie !stun clock it tAer will rant up t° the wti bt of their of fneddm Lu r,ot et r 1 the v"I"Arend who
( C" t, GOaimon and Air. 1V, T. 1, a ; Highly im portant fir0n NOvti of this Seetion of the country, wort ea ial. q ani I net senpGp". 7 I brae ad""'t"g's beim established, hher committed the art will ver ,hdnly W hada hl
P Cos, ell Sire," bat they are sorrita'■rh nankin •1 l D aced any very are so deceive as to Ines no room for con I y 1
NrIs by D, rivmfin, " 9hdut, Rhoal I of whom bre ttalimdny to file value of s 1 •talo, it weir the Rental exprewion that! R Urn. Newde is dtlerminM Id tit Aown to f to book for his inhuman conduct.
/COtlm. ly am the Americans An char rat the country thin ww alto t,•tn)r the halt andw Of,force w' tro•eny. But IMn elms two °!her ns;i n+
IlhOul, ye 1 pal Bfibme." I society the rosin object Of which esu the - of dl the rnyan acrnbby .minds. in (act aver .ran in Sante nA •strong AanA any ahem t he 9lxnetr nptRting w fret from liabilitl prn n q o ng, ow Od w"" kefrn the
The next tout Rom the chair was 'Qs► I alleviatir» of the "uff)ringx spat the ru CONPRURRATiON RR901,1'TIONS PAS in my opinion there are too many goer fdr the Thtn win doh four Balls shown- I M P draterh In get anti Of npAtr as fire Rpeeld,, Will c l v,ewe lee bed ez ,ng h n.&A ro the
ire ace. . fAit view, lin has Iled for 10 the same carer and mar in tAo Ael"nl ilea Rkbb■th gepress. , Itis
GwfafAs." Major Rrwa, to rralpansc, N:d 1Jy of tLc wants of poor and dist 86D BY BUTH HULAE3. ;nod Of Cho counUy, u thin is mat a aLadnw Icy mA"nld tun nut twice that nu„Aerau Un leA Rbttt rs so A rnvend J Om i seed iA that Prwrytery rn
he eeinsided in the remark made by Capl. PPOeI'sr nut ural lin lois, butes ___ letat) fro ^ IAOmoKA breed+," and two' mhen An to follow. tVhils [Ars is pa es Of business of R Campaign 7 For answsn to negRiin findin r• was a sort of
o(doaAl bol tnat Sock will bong gnOd posts .Oradea." The „ (i/salsa" wan bat aO ao, aferd" sad thew questions we must go to Amerjesh watt char to him with •,.wh ch P o firefly do•
1 g o{ HaLlrax, April IR, for,name (cure In tram", ae when Rtnth is re. and IAe hest acid "boot them the bettor (i.. British m g R do i r°ony ; And illi., do dflirid s,thdriq, M [bat gsarded in fmse. ba mon
(iondwjs that the prearnt )zcitfinent Britlah vnLjceU grntnlly. A reaobtioa in favor of cite Cdnfadenlion Acted it i. nd1 like (:rain witA which one geaf And•be le " \'W &boos a one year old f)ur Ion the Amerie"n aid[, lAe arrirtl of artutber ,t it [try gnarl} saparior in both ity I. t.-.
les/hl ttk{ew/sly bAnefit the enuntry.- To " The Lend of aur Adoption" 11Ir, of the ilritish North American Provinces, P P "n ot.wAr w annnunred.
aro will rt lenish the Ston•busi it will ham OI rr)"I let"sty end prnmi•e; sad Uwmid flgsat.-Tht_b„st es,d in list rhanot lMnntrwl GAkette. OsOanl L nAsA as
and a »nlin w akdo a ' f"lea spate Mtn make Renck Omar Akan R'ole's flallnra— a., ,__-_ duty in Canaria, by ' u to nyi4 eO
K4J W mapeesaed ■ daaire to hove a YAOmatU made ■ ver I"eC fvM R R has Id gra td knghffd 7" nsignM his say h
1 R^^! S h, in 1n string* the dtuile, it dant, 1»t we trust it wit! he the meant OI lar got the mat ; l ri"il wroth wghl uWwit I Ay A ianOnAt and krys o■ . ^ • How ahnutd " pat eattt a (Illy ehergs P"rliantnt far W;gs"a Kill,, d.
irf1 wnh Ute Feuiana best in view of which he ort forth the vast resourga of P•••'d botA a- n on overrnm4 -Icy strk,nt the l
ina ing o IAa at errs td of the Block, and 'onked at Aim Ilial our Oowrnment smell not sand eeeasion"II instant In (r Th) nrrt of wog bttwn'ff A, la Tlywnl3 ARntd n
koeses of cissa Nor" Scotia. I'ulament. leading oar Fumen to set IM r»cowity of do better in Ibe sal of solving the Northl►od lea cwt attdgr her, n ^won Al trick, key rat ) 1 tmi4tionon al Albany
y i1++"g mincer, I,r Pon a day for opswjaf
and ,aN," wen merrasiag• The arida wall 0 asMl, best tt h' Ra re
rominenf• opened about the sat of M •th•r it will lis
+ xria': aliMilhilWYit}rrwM,n. --.__ . _,. _ ".
? ; Fa,r