HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-4-19, Page 4I I}Jaab a wker maty Team ago of•red - A big; Olt well. 1 IrI !aper for discount in oats of the - a11 stoma, lea, add -has the horsed of di- OIL Bralsus, March 27, IN66. 1 reown Cent they, atter motors d•libe-,:- A committee, composed of the member@ of thraw the paper out, which di.plaaod bleat the Guard of Trade of Oil Spnuile, and others, Jacob. and ►e coneeguentl so.,ht rte. g. this day visted the Hendricks Well for the 1 for •bank he considered rather ungeaU l.'al purpose of giving the some a secooj test, is tnMtmeal. A (eco dap elalwd when Jacob eww,queom of • report having been circular " pmtsgnted forty thousand dollars of the bills led ,Let that well had bosoms nearly ea- e of the bank and dematdd specie, which was boosted, and was now pumping an iritgnif- w out W bow in kegs.rane thousand dol- Cant quantity of oil. The committee beg t lam h- the teller of the bank inlorming leave ty report that they ropr,red w the I •. hirci that they regretted they were ubiipd w the tieudricks well, and found but one task I 1 give him small colo, five amd too cent pieces, available for the test. Two tanks, of 75 bar , r them was • dilemma i ►at being equal to the rets each,we were informed by Mr. Iliudrielm, a e■ ergency, Jacob requested the hurter W un had .heady hoot, tilled during the torepart of I tend the casks, which bring dote, Jacob took the day. .rhe pilk having br •. adjusted to ' a handful of the coin from each, cod' request. the only tank unfilled, the engine wN put I" I the teller to place the remainder W br motion, at a speed OI about thirty strokes per credit. It was rid al the tow that it ro minute of the pump, and i„ une hear cod quired thin whole available force of Ike iusU- thirty minutes produced S6 barrels of pure tutioo .tis count the •rein. oil, of 40 gallon. each. The pure{,int, then I '` EDITORIALADViC[.-Aneditoradvises ceased, Forward of tank r -um. There bad ' his cor7srpoodmts thus :- Don't write beeO sudiminution in the ield up w the long Twaays. Give us new ideas; gi1e as time the pumping ceuw. '1'M welt stood a Whorl, praaioal common Muse (old Grief) test of 40 degrees. lair. Hrudricks Informed w tEst Ire had put in a seed bag the previous notes upon the vital questions of the hour. week, tad clewed Out the bottom of the well, Mind tbo hint w be brie% very brief Life w consequence of w accumulation of sdo• is short; newyapers are circumscribed ; went, winch bad iutrferad with the proper space u valuable ; words are many, and working of lire well for some dais team. writers are over -garrulous. If you am (Sgfued) D. A. FAiWWI 1Ll. convinced &bat you can add an idea or an V its"-Pnesdent item Lbs will btorlit or enlighten your LuLalfaTits ExULL811 RAILWATS. fellow men, bay it, but say it in the brief _A jury in London has given a verdmt r ret 006sible space. Don't •' take my pen f'or i•=5,000 w Res. Mr. Eland and wife, I in hand to inform you that thaw few lines who were severely t jured in the recent prime hoping that you are well, &."- railroad accident at taplehurst. A few Think carefully over what, you have w I verdict& like this in thle United State -and ', ay ; reduce your eommests w the lowest Canada would go a Sreat way toward passible friction ; express that by this makisr railroad oompanies more carefuL ii must convenient logarithm, and it may be that your little gem will find a place in r-- ----i ---- the onutuun yatkerw,a of a great newt 1' OK SATLLi . paper. Right this Lime 1 Tu invade Cur with r 9 8 and 9, rouge a, a its township N the faintest hope of soccer, the first ew;ti rat L\ $unke s30 per aero ; E"t!3 erre. o(.wtb must be at least 30,000 men, with field ta er ""only quener of lou 1 t toe 1Rh rens., W . D., iw anad eavalr . Thu force must be uic I A•a6r4f, e4 per oers; sod 20 Town Iwms ,n ( Wllowed by hese rwsenes. Allowing t 'y ,,o Qrmo'pn,c $30.1g,roch ens no wants. Ap- each soldier won it east $1000 to equip and °'y 1'HOS. WEATHERALD, get ready for marching order, a force of 30, Otdeywl. OMI Fel.aus wou.d cost $3,000,000. Bot -- - lhis io owl all. The cavalry arm and thea DERICH FANNING MILL tillep, with all the horses, harness, waggons, --'- eairons, shot and shell, would be enormously AND expensive. Neat would come the camp 4 equipage, thea the commissariat the swat Y amp Faotory ! il arduous Sud dl cull of ell to masa a effettire- R• O S ) .3 'r i1M gg , F, 1 (Rig RBF.0 TO 1. F uu r nod in tla o1 II I in u. coca s c rat ami !sl 1 1 1. a hnsule }aPWalloo. 11'e m.,y put Jorm she 1 t 1i hattror mo "t tae Cwnnties rrHuroa fiat oust of all theme equipments for 30,000 end and ao be 1hie wutrtunng, ud►as men, and the other maters mentioned above, "n hranJ • •m r..1lou is the Slaney to co prom sT rne;°'do ea thhe SUPERIQR FA NTNG MITIS do PUMPS. tier u looked into, the more ridiculous docs tie would partieu ray dr.or .nrw...n to lei• Feniunsinarmal prolectappear. 11Jh1... he won wen mth"..,,,Irrr t4'he+noun Ts[ Alexa. -Tho kinselon N,ew, • eat•• c.rkle, rbcs.. . P' ,p• nude to mor ministerial 1 -aper, arnd s,pposed to be a tort a"J wunnrcJ. of or an of lee Hoo. Mr. Cam bell, Orion to P..y',o■ Read...., «.w Vue.el"r.ar1 morle ale the Faoicky tone of pthe Montreal cid Cara car. i ministerial organ, by showing that while the At_-o,agentjorthe.ele of . organ's premium uaoada government did quite right in making .nripstent Cl l L'rl VAT1,N, re eh hu never vet' the proparaUons it did, and while these ppre- failed I. save x...rauttiaao,t ■ . farmers who pluuione show W Americans and all others Saye usedthem. the Canada is thorougghly loyal, and able and HENRY D DD, willing to defend itself, yet the demonstration Oodenet ADel122ed.Irs4. It is very expensive,' -not ler than ten ortwelwe ---- _-_-.- - -- tbousanl dollar@ adav,- whilst rat is the ( ODE'RlV11 ((roteneral opi.ioo that them is ins danger. cow* ON ■ l` The New says it is the convietiuo of '• all W H sane American that the Fenian leaden do not mean to fight but will content them- selvev with the money they can wring out of tbeir dupes," esltecielly since it hu been de- monstnted that then to un duloyality worth speakiug.famong the Irrb is Canada. It a =fora thinks the economy should now Ye ` considered he well as defence. DMPILLATa Resocacs: - A blacksmith seaad Coles, of Ilminster, has performed a feat which rirals that ascribed to William Tell. A child, aged seem yeas, whilst play. log with his Mother, aged treaties wontha, be aL D 'u r a to It els 'Jr` P to placed over hr@ bead an iron bar similar W thesneed for the outs of pot-wbeels. The THgoebw•riherwnulde,00nserto taepoWic child's neck soon began w swell, and when the 1 of Huron ud Bruce that be h" oa head recalls discovered rat the, were horrified to end will make to order (S.nurre, W one, Har sod that it was impossible W remove the band• rowra,ilie., wla,b will be .old,heap forCasb or and speed suffopu.o was imminent. Colpo oppro,eJurc.4t. Un hanndd &aadd far sale cheap, come eslVin,aed suggested the desperate Idea JOn.`t t'ASQyfGRE, of tammerin`` off the iron with a sledge, and he auoxeaslullj oumpleted the dangerous task. YnstornHtmet.o.darain. Whilst one person held the legs awl another AwrJ1N.l I6•. .4s 6w i the bead of the little raw, Coles fearlessly - !embed at the ring and severed ie. A fslme ParltaDlentary & Departmeotal blow of half me inch, and instantaneous death must ham resulted. ACENCY, Worms tr Usa.-The preheats of England AT OTTAWA C. W. have not more than 300 words in !bele rocs- T bulgy. The an.•ient or Egypt so la eh we know from their hieruslyphie iuwriptiubT, THF, andersiTned Aeon!: special attention used bat 685 words. A well educated person w ,lots procuring of Patents for [cods and in En land or America seldom ,sets more for Inventions, the adjustment of rend and than about 300 or 400 words in aclfial eon. other elaente against the Government, pion verehuoa. Accurate thinkers and close Carisg the pssage of Private Act of the reasoner@, who avoid vague and general ex. Legislature, and the transaction of business prerio"a, and whit tail they l nd the word that gemerally with the several i apartments, exactly fin their rsr►ning, employ a huge urcRtxcp sv reanasor. stock ; an eloquent speaker, may raise to a lion• Jae. Shead• M. L, C, , command of 10,000. Shakepeare, who d e Hon. J. 3, AscDunald. Hon• M. Cameron. playedagreater variety or expressions then J.M.Currler, ,M.P.P. Jns.Aursnnd.&q. probably any writer in any language, pr6dtse . T. k W. PENNOCH. ed all hr flays with about IO.OPO words. Mil Feb. 1 QG6. sw3m'iq ld .o a're enmposed of Nall i and t gOTEL NOTICE, Old Testament sap all Ih►t it has w ry nub I1u•LtT SOLD. -One night last week, a J couple of mon living on The line of the 1OHV DOXOGIi takes this meant of in (seated Trunk, a little east of Rockwood, were o forminr the public that be hos entered walkisj alone the track, when they came on into the Holel hus•nesi to thestond former)J a IIw pig which was squealing with all it known ex the Fulton House, where he will might,. one of the cattle guards, arable w be happy to receive old friends andeuston.en f „oderieh• June 6tb ISG5. W"N gat not. -Thinking the pal ver had (alkn off a Nock train, ,lots two fri"nM pox to an early ----"- -- -'-- ---- --- about itieent lee they should r7 it, sagg T A I L O R I N G about it kat oke the pig home, kill iq wd divide the carcase equally. No scouter weh this proposed than it was done, and the us. Xs D A eft fortunate pig was at ante token off and omen. • !iced w the cupidity of the two. Next mors• ii ETCRNR HTA MOPTNI NCFN E THANKA raj however, oN of the men missed his pig, forlhe ver,AeltennR ears..ar,,- of he It" mod ager looking about for a while he got on reoe.vednn" lets rnm nanced bu..or.. nn Oode- rleb, mot being able fo execute over ost-ball o ib track and tra,ed it to the identical ca11e theordrra6rought 1" him tart.r■ar■t bons, goad from which the pig had been taken on how se,-ured facJ,neder -=-pgpp the previous evening -1 be thought a once !' flashed on his mind that he had killed hi♦ Carrying on Business Wensiyell own pig and given half of ,t away, %ad so i turned out.-GwlpA Mercury. end emp Iryylar none hot Arm -rias tradesman BeAlT01. BiLL's Tools. -On Saturday Ands•D.A. bel,evnhioesprrnencru ('ager t evesisg, Captain Nicholls left for Berlin, "`itmeltow.netfha Prow.nee,hs•,ngcorndom buionosse aasn4 rely and euet'eafol l }' . n H oin llom r marrying with him the various files, tugerw, pnnc.pelly arm-eianraN.mers end keymr berm chisels and other burglarious tools, which Cnttennomesf tkarrmrepal F oraM,ahmrn s ra wen dim ti d eonceaMd ander the mitlrw Vd,.bergk, N,otl.nd, he fe■rlerly.tates to a d " Bristol Hill's" bd when arrested. The dis anrng public that asorlrsmet comQrisn eleveo files of Ent elan workmsrahup, manwfietured from tte OLOTHIN(i CAA BE MADE bat ofotest1 nim ehisels,thme wpm, mod et bh..tatd,ohote■ equ,lohe -wet En.blis4 a h rge ntsmbmr of gi MIPW brad awls, skelw ,o„nit. Townes or Montreal. tot hep, ate. There was Woe article in the Cod"neh.(Ml.io n6I •wr'w46•ly colleetton, which in the lanFoags of the f `, fialersity is eallaJ a 11 Jommey that deeervee Ian %, `? ` A L E• DNiee. it is made of warrented steel, about j` v lb S Iielfta t long, and turned off at the end. It wilt" rials instrument used in prying So Arm:,; of LotNo.32, East Lakr Iagsl, doors, etc. The Amisek ca m O Rau,, Hay 1 le rlin, to -morrow, at 12 o'clock, R ire e.pectiod the Galt Robbery Cw will FIRST a RAT, LAND I be eats a1 the first invnnigaton by the Orsnd \ Jry.-S/edaror ad Monday. Terms ensy,ap,.I t. Ort Tsre Posmow.-The FdinbOargh T)ONALDST1THERLANO sectrons, one of the most itaaalial papers o. the premiers, or in Be"., ssaayyso,-it!m now b,00mong ap- M. C. CAMERON, t tea thediawsst apprebpmeioa that the Godfries. r.•., Goderimh, Aori130th,1844. w14•tl a,f tWb Amenia s, end as icompra _ 0 el etol.., bat al e. bac Valuable Piece of Lead reit !twit tt-R (. alt tkgN Napl,n .h.ch limy prbdeoe is eownnn, for which the Pro-' FOR eA ,:0. vines have natural (aeillties, awl for the I dwwslepernt of .Inch they haw .sow cep• V favorabla tercets of payment. The fol oriow aeve ntajme, owing to the light burden 0 lowing property, via : North half of 1• of taxation ad the ins thier ewri ltion of the nmmher 30, on the 12th Slow. of Godlrriel pMie currency. For the Provinwm w con. township, eoetmaieg by ada•pwrownt 4l tints w bang ee the skirt of the Union teres, more or ler, upown wbe► there W week be simply to bear its berdNu without fifteen acres cleared. This land is to I pas•kipabag In any extent m its empital and favorable sitoatrmw bang within tats miles o whoprir. Sr@ far r The SUW sreeouerrn- the town of Clinton. Aim, a valoslb ei k is 000"Um and wM mien iIN the proper! in tho village of Kmbnre, sa hal Int" Amorken ht b dawn ail, cn stare of . a good farm homes, shop, sr g Rtrr ... Mo of 1M efd-v, . an -s e( the sto►i♦ its t\s pyvmisss. TW +Mw lee . gem f TtNlar.r vWa I esm►Is tbem b Com sitsatwe for a tailor oe saMlea asd b. rash eamma"I ltly will► the assles is the maker as there A me" .4 the viofai„ tar -Ma- of be wort. leather or stop sei u wholoeale pro e r A TUam" lady Rewe her beAlad faell he take" for .Mlwt ♦r th. aloin sed eco .toad thralAi oe ? pI.,N. lag JAMIrB RTANL1Sy, Ol. w 124f Coata.es 0. o, i l I JU 4 A aY-LAW THf1(1 .T H% S U B S G R Y B E R MONEY TO LE1 D «•_erelalaa.f.l.Ite.e11 :..1 1'HO?OGRIPH GlLLEBT a ora, 'o raise by w•, of Lo•w 1►r aem of Tommy ° I j•ID'll. iTORI, C>tibb's Hlook, . bourse( Volae he the plrrisa thso.m raw- %OULD BEG TO DRAW THE ATTENTION OF CUSTOMS" IN ON :NPRuVdU FARMS, TOHN HICKS, Proprietor. Thi[ to tN r ouaa.ics. tlw.d. 1 I want of a good durable article or J I.rgs.t■nd bealCouutr, Hola ,n WeNara - 0 r 8 PEh CENT 1 Canada,aad charsra as wudermioa. as HNtN HEKEAS lbs meanataw .f the vmnard FULLED CLOTHS AND TWEEDS Conutw W Hurua anJ flruo< A" ra,ol•d -int.■o,- is M.Trhell. Stage Pruprelor. uud ora t/tor tfw tahCa IISNT AMO TAITt►sl a00wt. a d• gravel and .n aa. a vena.. r .ad f be H.me•r. otoor, ad uarngN fur H ; et gra I r a»or SUlue lU 1nYCJt IO •J.OwR Property h. sb1MNINNarr+ PTCTI'aa" taken i every N,Im sod is all am.waye con\ l a o...ly -1 be-. for l\r i em. wwhe Ibe •tart Cuualy of HYnse. White, Scarlet and Grey Flannels, 1. B. GOItuA N, ] 3Y EXP ..- Z Ik;„da of weather. Ana colon" Ib•aa,d uupn,•crwul. era aa- })arriole[ leo., 0udnrich. "1 w.Thu iso Couu nl urns, nW w. ex- 4 ) r } 1'R10ES Lu R'F.[i than also mhert to a syr .f waking U.e l ne a tt, he Jefny.d br PLAIN, STRI I ED & CHECKED WINCEYS, OWlerieh. Sept. 13, 1864. sw3-if Cwada. M .cod Cacwty .rr.ogar.te u( tm. c..mty N D. C. 3111BELL lrw<, t►. Iwo ur ,ie ell W paw by tN cod 14 R A R N E V S ARD g'j ' O10 X I M 0 Y tib R A, a KO 1 A1 D 0ZZ ! - Oud•rich, Dec. 1, 1d63. aw2T .wr1y td Heron, .rd thr rue Lwwrnaner mr. e.. - . IM,.d wait be rood solely .p.m the r.lwW.I TO CALL AT HIS FOR FARMiws• A wapeny wrlhm the•md County u. Huron. Awl SHERIFF'b SALE OF LANDS. ,here_ l.. carry onto .deet The said re.',1.d ob- WOOL FACTORY OFFICE, EAST STREET fTBE subscriber bra money to lost at . aJ u a JI be meatwry I.r 1he saJ , .rprr.. ue l ('nllfd CnUd•,fa nl) I)Y YiNw of o coral Y( u n..e Ike core of Twenty ,houend Julian a And judge for lhamse!rea before purchasing aherhere. mtdrrats mto of i.1rn•st. AI•u, p Huron and arwc. }j ) rleri Far,. !seised w hemaa,..Ihro-ItrIlornllwad. FARMERL3' v(roo.Lr CARDED A l;(X)D 1'ARM for Mlle IN BRUCEI •'.hart: of Hrr Mr)r•q'. (aYa] And werrea• a Neapedwol to define the rear l'ou rl .1 the us,l.d Ceunura of Hum Gari wdrce .o. uu to tie rail mJed on oar's Ilwa o, A 30 a•n•s cleared, and a Vrluahle Farm fur I arum, •ad to tsar d,"etd sound the lade sad amt tleade,l to be ,wpmvrd, a .1,411 l.r spend- Or made up to under to any required style a reasonable title". sale in ,lnrkerstanh, five miles from Seafurth, tenement of Job. Rooff■. ■1 the •lar yl Joseph d"ail oat 1w dna e4'Mduk.1 the W the fly THOMAS LOGAN. 60 aero•. cleared, a food frlam. hove, barn Arhe•ou, 1 baro or 1 mud isle. an F.reut,w Law sad wrmu,g prat .I Ike come. And wl.raa- w12 mod orchard on the lot. Would take a tavern all the n,ha ole awl ,mere.! ofthe Nd delrnd.nd 1. o coot: requlm the wm of three thuu.sad two I lGo durieh Wool Faewry, 1863. mrwlro.l JWlrn I. br .used aamuelly by eel stand in a good locality in part payment. in uad to fol uuwlror 4.veo m the . in t e •sole for the le ywenl nl rLe cod own or Jabl sad - Apyly W eo"rehsaon of the wirL:p of Nlryaeo m the al.r.•m a. also l errlaaner n.. uwa.d. T .,S. P. YEOM ANS, ' FRESH O Y S T E R S T r„Ywl, „1 I., le 1■nJ.. I i ( ..."I o u Arad where"the amount w the whole mtpde 1/ I ' .hell icor ear solo H it nit. r u ILr,'aura Iluwd H R t1 FO U N RY yalieil"r, tr a Nnl atlal C a%U wkT.11 r u lrth day of uudrn&[, at therhour at twelvey pmlwny of the Nd Mumr,,e lily ,rnduperure W doJTrleb, Q. W., 4th Doe.. 1165. tw12 Iourlh J. d A rd oral, a1 14c hour W scooter ea .ray lWerstm.mm-, an II'mam=14ad,ere"uy. • --. . BY `1'HE KEG, CAN OR COUNT , ° ,f .my .nom,... f„ be eknv.el a,.. the terupuury - j1 ,* !!'' tN cluck, Haut. invrNmrM..Ibeunk,wswnJlwrcmaarrmen_ MONEY TO Lrdl L, JUI1NMAlDl/aALP, ra... or any f. Ihereul.rrowlmg wthe 1a4 4M n JM j def-; • LOBSTERS, SARDINES, aerneH.a a. n•vr.d Arrwmrnt Rolle, t.emx I.r use yam• one .. - .. AND ('LAMS. tlrr S. raLr ee[,•TMrYIT Nhenf. Irl.mawad e,gh, Iwudred watt .sty her•, war ►.ght BY+rnOa Osie, less.eh, Mail.w. and alts fire th.uawl .ore" hludmu 1, n WILL be I.an,d on am FRESH LEMUNS, ORANGES, DATES, _ Istb J.. r. I,NI{. f .+dot modally Iwo Donau. a 530.000 Drawed Farm Properly. Cocoanuts, Figs, Crapes. 811LjtlII.B BILE OF ir Ad wherwolw!my',n`1hamfrn-Nand erect• 'HORACE HORTON, L L ll-- C [i I int en rq..l annual rm us lu.d for playing Ihr IiLC•r IYr, ikc., rat . and auu t,1 twenty ll.rn,and dollar@ and •a1.ro4 - (O oderieh, 6tK lone, INfiS. w 19 E. B I N Q H A M 8. Unvd l'ouellw ut) UY vlrlua of a writ of "►rrona ter mentioned, it will require an equal --- -_ ----- - Huron awl Dr.re, )i 1] Veen Far,N iNerJ uul annual .pm tl rue ase 1,•ur leulha .1 ■ r@Jl m the 7 ITrat tide of A/afkmt rYQYON, delier, .o akin.,,. w .11 other raise rad assets t. a to con : of Hrr Map••1T'a fB-10 `" GODERICH tri U,.Irreh, NT,v.90, Ittb. aw1N mo to ihr weleA - eu-ta the Huron ted armee b Irylod m ear\ rev. , , .: .i O ` -_, -----_-.._-. mod t. u . J,rrr•IrA .Rauw Ihr IawA. lanJ lone• a '"- - ' -e7 NOTICE. ae it tle"fare enel4,d by the C,.rrpp .m of lite '•i'-'. .Ll--._ ..- ..• -1 r } ►. ora of 1a.,b 1'v. 1h. youurrr. ret rbc •oat d Uuld Counties Ol Huron. rd W.w, ~ h: 'sTCAMINCIN E'WO RK81k I ". pAARBLE WORKS ` - W'llaa'°l"'rd°e,I hm.e wurJ anJ a►r■,aeso- T cuuun all able O,hl Iplr still urtr"m.1 the rawd.. ld Thu .t shall he lawful for the Warden for 1p f' " HF losrtnrnhip hrrat foo ruamg no the l osholi ua and 1. I -i Numlrr thirty .n Ifo -,NY ,lots t me Leong of rbc mtu-d Corporation to R • R U N C I M A N liL C U • , _ 9 T town of l(wlen, h. under the Nyle int r•uer•rwwn of the towmrtq. of Cial,e,e, m I 0 n,.r i,y wey ••I I,a..n nam +ray per4e ur {rrwha - M W . C . T R E L E A V E N eA-- .WM,RY h uA ,1 , ss. boor dawlved by mutual ,'„„rate ,•f H ucr, ronnrinwg on. bunds d server Lody or I.d,rs Corp,n,r who . .). Lr will..( lis Manufacturers of Grist and F1olII'ing' M1118 '' coterel. oAu L Ioi.J, and IrNmoeut I Nall n/er for ole Wvaeee ter cow upon rhe coal„ W the llebN .' j 111 IM1A11 RTPRT, al my .44. ,n the 1'o■rt tluu.a in Ise cow" e1 forty be......ger meul.ond, ■ corn of money WI y dE OEON,IL. b. KHAN 1w... talo ,. h am 'Tuesday the 1.,ghfh J.y .. Mar elevedoo, ro the whole tlw won of Twenty tber p OoJerw•h,l7lh Jul),IMaS. !7w-sr96 next..1 the hour., lwr1w. of thrr h.i, moos. -ad dollen, mrd to cause the •alum W br paha Circular, Mulav and Sash aa.W- Q _ --' ,iso use hrntle 1 tLe Treawror of lM llmid r'J ra'Uq r MO u Head All Peorwo y Nolen end Aer urnstrinnptg IUHN MACLO\Al.n, (•.unt. a raf ,eala.d, f r the purpose sod with the is h. curve u s ' W ihr Lv arm bare 1.-,n pl.,•ry •1n ,►r !dulwaT,. rill, H. s i .b,eet above revaol. 77pp Ip fffaa. s Ire'. haw:. fur coatrn.u; Ir>+NuTs playmev P. roLLoc[ Ltr uill! nr, 11 Th t it .hall he lawful f•.r tee ra.J Ward.r , 1` 'l, RR (t y l,Vl r `` j solo, b,.- a got ? ,yon ipl (1}O Op KYngim M.e, tells no:Y t Io .awe emy mumbo, of debenture, . hr male A i 9, M \t QT_ ` ,1 3.'J j}} s ` i me lJ tl` 1111 '= mwI so musk, 1. a. Ol)RIM)Y, __ 91N Jao.. InED. ' \ v1 lir Such •as. of trainerr ...say be requited nut b na Y. -Or k•alhau ons Huedred Da.9.nN 11 at,a that ,1,e ■ a I o• - - (lo leriek. 97th July, IN65, lAr 27wawlM1 aHEikis 1' fC asLl yr iYaA a/sy. Nd llrts-nm"a .bail tie .avlyd w.lh tl.e se.l w "r 11 I I2,AIJ1R3[W4 ' 1lJ1AC urges b'. , a Ib cod C,,,pw.n mud s,g...d by Ibe.ad War• 'I !bran = T,Mbs. Tablets, Table• w --'---._ -__.__-_---- Unurd Count -of I y warfare o/ -s wntM des. NRC { F rD '» •I'll -y8, &C. HYwn land Rruv., } D Faen Yarns slowed .04 Ill That the sad debeamroa shall be made SEPERATORS HORSE Wiii-S' la rckresce to use ■dere n ma, b W1N UN ]'„ r., . of Hrr M u,,,,l s ('suer r t l', tor. of Hurw. mrd pp al•le m len y.•rrs a wether@ limo the Jay ^ OLD STORY Cour@ of Iso m d w„ Sona. h,, soler nreou., 1 for this Ry Law to take I $ GODERICH C. W e' onJ a. 1 Jrre.'Id .gun.1 ILr Imn.t •nJ sena• e tort u. Lamdsn, E,ti, and,or war place .n Cam- r s b t,1 torr ,b Smeh err. al the rat Or Nuadoek be MowiII and Rea lII Machines, Wood .Sawa, A ,y 1•.1111 on lFvlmvk,and will re„.am in U.e bwid- ad., lis be dr4gn.lah,n the wd de ulurr• Sod 1; p g -- _-- mit +t yn•rent w•a•up.d until Lt ort .bop lo M.•Kenur, I +ye sr,nr.l and ukrn n raaelaarn .hull hive allaa'hed w,loan C'.rpwu Ilse the W y- r.ntpbtrd lie b •rrhy rrturrs h.9 since" thank• all Ihr nghl LiUr grad retroed ase ,M cod deed mut of mleneL ,OQj&• -V' L VALI F'LOUGgts, Mouey t0 Lena, to the friend• mint r.•b•mero who hawo fur 94 •Iasi ,n .cod to L4 nambrr •,a t rhe inb c sow IV 'That The sad Mbenterm end r.uw.. >)run r.fewdal tbr,.r cretin to ►t shop, u,, n,.nuttr lowo•btp el K,nlow,le . .. inh a .hall Io ,code .o m enbrr Nter4ng a my o Brasso:"tingsmade.and 81.cksmiIhs' work d•,ne in a neatnud+abstrntinlmanoer. _ pop gyreehonwblrterms. Apply to h..pweudltuwenl,urwbuuu.•o, _ flour<, r.•nuuun/ .nu ►un.:r.d erre•, char► {'1t,. ...vI Current• .f this Provosts .t the ,,. , all kind. ul mnchir,ery O Iamb anA trnrm.ut. 1 .hill ,•err fn .air el m qq C"tinge of my deacriffrliuu made to ,ardor. AI+ • R'K. BTORT. o.. r m Ile fens fl.u.r ,n The ,own t,1 Haeerr ,.,;ujol it. ..d Woolen, so that the wh.4r reuairod os.hurt notice. A ImrKeatcek.I It. L. DOYLE, C,Kl,ni,b, Anruml I. I6fLL wary .,u Taerl.,y the Lgbl►Jay ,.1 Noy oral, int the amount W the M,d Ir•hNlmes .hail n.a ..-I - _ -____ _ ,hr belie memtwod oro W twenty tb,.-.d C00ffiN(N, PARLOIIB, AND BO% STOVES, r'rahb'e new Block. .. kVYr ul IRtIYa ultbr ihr NACI. , d..Ilan and they *hall bear.,■„e•I al ..J •nor a Nr DAVIS JUllN MA('DUNALD, the ,.a, M s t Mr centum pro ammm, allow :o- UrYderich. 9th Jan. IN6S. wSU•lyr • • Rbeelf H. cls. eer'a t •hail ur peyeMa un the tied Joy ..U.swry Always on hand, Sa-ar Kettles, Wa•on and Pipe ll ties. .As o6r patterns of the above ore -_ _ - f `i A N V F A CTI'l( Eft .AND DEALER IN R I(. PoLIAICR 110"T P1161i end erd day.1 Jul, m curb end every year Jur ofthe moat approve! kind, we woulA solicit an inspection of our stuck tw•(ure purchasing "- Wove., p;r Wh. sod ('■.t og. of every de- Shef p.=, liuerrneb, t ug the rsnn"w.a'.E o f The Said drtem,.ns ■1 The i, the above at the lowest remunerwtive rices for cash, or ur a I nil ('. , .col Sheel Iron Ware.at IN Joe., lbss. 6 •9 - place where the debentures are w.rw pmy.We. el"'oh . n• we are oft n ig P p ffioney to Le r n'",Ln. Tu. WP' _ .., . _ _ _.. Y Thu r..r the VmTr•r W fru.rmg ■S,nl,np proved CrodiL. Old metal, Brass,Coplaq and all kind. of uruducetaken in exchange. I 1 The srtet3tore Dep.!, Jtoikrt 8gusre, liodm• '- (uV f .the pethe p e( the f k delomuea•. ,nJ w39 / N Real Fitote, at 8 per cent acrd upwsoils rats►• S11erwis Sade of Lands. Oodericb.October.l869. / Post rcr. nit APPIy to aha interest■t the rule al:."sad, la becamedor gee GOAL OIL, Ualled(."tonal of i Y renis. nr t well of lhel owl, en ilot. al, am rite of Lar lentb. ul a A A C R E D R I C K Jamo rv, 11 WALKER• - Huron .rad Rruce, F,rn tars.. need owl mdlutbe Juuo.hili as iYW.Lunw 411 Whcr rale. I Gtlrfirh, l7l6 Jruwrl. IN66. w523m g"7"l'w1 UJ Lsmd.•. drr.,See, frlJ lora, Cop- Tu cora: of Ilrr Mged y'o l'oaoty and tale. le rel.d erred ■ad cool-eteJ a ---h _ _-- p", ora". N.••s -w ool l• k.sge and sho•pkaN Ytar,r lof .,Kin all the assemble property wnh:• RF MOVE7D ---- oaken t r■ -hors, flV QeaN oo.. Uelad l'o'mi,N sl Hiram .ad tram. _ aaJ /.• lar d.rn•IeJ .ga wM ter Iu.Ja ud le•♦- tbe sm'I l aunty t,1 Huwn dunng toe c.ntinu r ` t • ---- ----- -- -- meat. f fate,. k 11..". m1 Ihr con ul Georg• anre o(said debentureeorasy of,►em. TO C . NITSCH S OLD STAND. LA NDSAFOr SALE B RIFF'S BALE QF LANI S.) ""0la"'1' "`"`e .r"^'dna 1a►en m rxerr„a..0 Vl Tha the By Vwshall laky tsetse, and ,,_-_-- P$IY/ TE l;iLLS. the rags, Id'r anJ rho -"rt .v ILrolG,Aad ,o are Com, cow opemu.n ,.p.m the firm day of J,.ly .n - UR N'o "I reawnable tenni, IoM. 10 sd 11, In let ■walrr 41 .w 1►e ,orae,, of tool\. i" Ib the year W our Lod one tluusaud eight hundrd 1 •'-'J N. U il. TuwnaL,p el Oeeem r1,, ('"Only .M Vn,fed Cnunee• oa) l) Y T:nor of Icon wnU a I Cwntr sr Hrn•w. r, ru,mmR one snr qra oleo "a aW Maly 4a. b+--.rr2,i..-- - Rrurl. 'ihr h.ra r,.utam !A •rntr Neh. W Hurn anA 4t,. -e. } D f ,en Fu :" .-1 ubl me" writ► the hiii ilitre e, w!\rb learns •ad 0 a. . - - I 'r., w ,t : ) 1 tier Ma •m '• Cane a RT4E8 in Canada Wee, intending to c.esna on ILr rvur lots The I.nd lo fir+,•gte, . vn.menl. I .hall eery m rale el r, a.alr v Ile• SCHEDULE 1+ makb applicatinn to the I.rgislatare for well w.tered sad hmlerrA. Ao Iw,kb _• Cuvl d lM OnIW Cur"lr• ,d Fl ilrw •edit', un Hoaar u,fhr lnwnari. d. rats\na Tatad•T ,• ? Pri•ale or 1.oeal !lilts, vi1Mr for granting Al.. Io n. limit I>. eon. S,t. e-h,p al Gwkrn-h, Hrurr,sm)la n,e directed asotwl the t0d. and rhe L.gNI. Jus f May seat, int IM hoot of SEREDTO Ilf THE FOEEQOIHQ. re t"•mrnas of w d1..r .uu et b... v. of ?.D. a lanivate rank cBor coilb inn corporate W •' • ru:h, carr IrlO rlraml ". thr Iwo. Q I,..I,ee( Ts.,tuek. w.w•a. p R g Elceleul w,o-w"ernU.ud-I:mber,bewtw..rl; Torw .coat Alasan.ler Foot►,.,\awe .curd had JUHN MACD,rNALD. Yi♦ rhousaud r.ghl hunJrd lr,ltn W br ra- powere for ellmmercial or other purposes of la,.wt S Imlry IM•m 4)odra✓b. (:.•d ,orate hers rsla" au E.remons all Ibr rex it title old later- NA..,/, L. e WATCIiMAHER (St JEWEER rofit for " ulatir sarv,as or bum dariq. rend •Lwp •AJ w.ufonr le 1. n btwre. amt fine rm of Imo .aJ defendant m aril •o Ise sort hall Ay N. For.r.r.La. rkpaly NberA. pro ,n rte Pon AThen fitted. P ' R y .rebs... •,lild Or and a,panra as agt4 Ona" 'J LW nambrr iia an, the atlls """"w,a of file elects ho.naand d•Almnte the W..ghmm fled WEST ST.. GODERIC11. or for doing.nothing tendleg to aR et they 0000op of,'.Nora,.n the ('mint,•d ltunft g\•r'r'•lr4e. fi,denrt,t Three .•uwod Doilm w the Neaf,nb .rd rights or property of other rt ie., are herehy suit pureha•erw. ApWy'" T 7 R oytrag IIs11na..1hN. F sof aelmarre R. - la THUtl. JOI NSTON, r.rntuomr Tilt .r"•, -,,. .•d ear "-- _" -_-_- neat door IVrst 0 1Ir. Stolts' Saddlery notified that th,y rare requio by the 5.7rd os IM,."aura• lnerrtw.m a w. aero W .+J f, s m erlJ rWTryrd - -- Two th.. aJ Dullan on the Huwrct KoaJ, o, W . J, 3011N51uN.1uhi< by nor F.a,eu,nn n! r\r lav A Mla .e 1" ono I r ' and (allowing !lisle of the i,egislatire Cnun per• , aJgESIFF S awLE of LAIQDJ3. 8th and 91q l' ver cue. , LL u.Da rt •,,,,,r„e\. J.•Ln Mogg, w\irA L+nda .rad rnemMt T dal oil ad Iegislatiwe AsseaWy re-p+wivrly, oiler (ar Nle.1 w alter t Ike ^nun "ear an Twu thob.a .e. \ondrad Dullan o■ ihr WATCHES CLOCKS AND JEWELRY .hick ra ublishedin ful to the Cawnda 1 N•Pi• »•1`fb wJ- 1'nrrMfbuuw.nf DT •:not - s cont at r trphe" Mnt.N 1 ( P -- tM Tuwn i 111 r.1,, urn T1w•,Mo Ihr twenty B w.thuusar:d Ilaeon rM Ray[inrrl N.,4A• RitretR6U nY allnpT ]u race, iGairrrr),Wtin TN'O MONTHS NOTI 6 nt164+y oJMe, Nel.,at .ile \.oris! 7welveW H•.•.t inn Rsrr, F.,n F.rtauwd owl N,seloen hoo4 IrJl.re w ,be Moil Road of the application (clearly sod distinctly the elcek, rt.•n. 'fo cora: ul Hrr M.Pol)Is C.satr mua.wg,o Taws rl oft,"y, In the best Style fit Warranted. aperifrinr its nature and ohjtet). in the Can-' For Sale at a BarPlu JOHN McDoNALD, !'own owe arrnd amino. sl Horns sod damns Two hu.dr.d R•' w ,be W,fieW (:once► ,ua. s o••eo uwmrwsmrnr dila Guxerft, cod alto in a nest's per pub. _ „ ,t H•4[ ,L ■rad I. Ire iutervd arum Ihr len., ud lane coo- o h.rrh. HAT valoible I'd elapldy aanr•trd pr ptnr n con M Yql l4•tela r@1 IM -it M Ma. r BN Uelddl. Plated Jewelry. M(a,ehee.I fi.hed in the County or Union of Countits i T rclb. Town.1.oden.•b fr..nting the Cunn a78. d .(d v,C,d racks well 1 here wrrtre •sd ,Slee, m Eaerrlw ase NOrr E. .afected,srndoa iesofIbe fiat and last 8bwd'•tMre,Ct k 1.11 ri C•locfrw. Jcc , 8rr . g P Hasa:. N.1w".end for e,gLlerw Tear. knows is oke rghf IMk asd lwirrrN rn the aril deli rile,( _ ea.,..Mf of sueh nulla", w the Private Bill Office of l/IkY.b. 1b" w4 I t ha m 44 scaler kw 1. Ili. lemma rester ,onh.nd.nd.-coordan he ..r, wre.e"•rd 'THE FAI{,MEltB'INN;' I.t," ..1 IL, T.wnabrp.1 lla",eb .n fire Come eat ene..'aphuSaed rash Hoar. -- The above ,• a the crap] • P?"P r' Y► UM.r. 1.1, rr1b.TR" -14oxa All Petitions for Private kill• mural be Ironerw,u,n Inn. n hos enpo•hl one sl it. I flower• c.itlilwarm floe Hmn.lro, sorer. wbrh Law m W obs onto wmd,d n (''y Tha Mw, !arses, wrl.• 0, of Iktl tar wrens i ,M lark.. SH LYLi a SOLE 01 . iaatA LB. Ls sofa. ncJ lrnrhrw-• 1 aL•II cater h.r lal a ry el„pahfy of IM United C...fir v( Hur.m ■cod` -- - Dresrnh.l wothio the Jird three Ieeeirl of ,lots 1 orlee on tin• C..rrt Hwwsr a the 7 mss o/ a.da. &ues, .1 the corer@ Court Rwan tM "tows ('oan.x•,al w th the hold u • gemer" f„". 71r Cnnad l'uuoatra of Y vnnw of s wall N atria, on Tweada IM futile, a sib ds er N• y MARINE INSURANCE. eh.ion. whole are ta,ffof nose end . irkrm?7v 31, 1hn e y r 1 1 M Oadencb, ,■ the funny of H n, un tat I A. TODD, slorw. bogb. sod remmad,rtt ce tan gJt•N derp. Nsnro sw ian.re, F , eisel% , Co ase seat, of the ►oar d Twelve el oleo a irk •oars. Fonneentbdgw lune, 1. aI tka ear i'Two ` Chf. Clk.•Priwnle Rip 08e9r Annaedl a, the h.M•-Inatwo dorrfnmeYTh.ltra Io con: M Ner M.jwt4 Conry JOHN MACDONALD o'cla k la the utermxa, at wit Or me and m►ttleb American Insurance Co L. Assembly, b'ar .wibowwr•, ore. g Chan orf I . m dire Coots ul leunw end .2herd H.a s. pure the me,abrn of the O.,uar•1 rare b by rr- _ courts, sed to me d.rreted apiaN ,lots low's •"d gored to attend lv the Parrppee••..ee ■breve \ or TORorTO, J. F,. DOI-CET, - hamdshr : I - .ted l ( mol Offam 'oderiiJ os- lenrrtienu of ('hark• Myment N Iso •wit of At. K, 8. rmib b, rb-pnty :-hone: I'E fr:R ADAM -u, elk. of Private Bills, i.. COonai. rr Imo K Fubrr, wn,v ug p.nNr of Nmn\ •cod ;he fi'•(nf,.r,li,denc►, ,:.unnercl hterine veoartmento Ottawa. 23rd Feb., iSU. w.w5old Ile• s.yA., K.rd, ..t •Stew li th poo emra or Fl.bre, I Aar; •r.ad l rad taller@ m Cxroranow all 161\ Frt.., Ibbs. N County Clerk's oelee. GEORGE RUMBALI. ultra el.on, well kneed, t5 of aMeh re ekny of the right title .rd ny,w N ,d the rod deksd.nt ._-_ -. - _ - Oulerrh, 9th Murh, INi6. AR,at. I dram K. with a bow,, Lpr belle 30 A X), as .a an _J 1r@ Purl, 1„r. numbrria 6, R• 1I, la, Ihr 19. , - redarl,•r bore N>S t4,+hod.,r 8e., 90, 11, t2 •rail n ," Ura•k •. T.er@es, .. 'sd SHERIFFS SALE OF LMS. k. to 2t1A, INo Willits - - --- AIM):- In The V Jvae Of r,rt \Ilion Laero -i,- -- - wdk dwellonr brow awl oto.,". he , are of lbe •N oro part .d L•w toml r Moray a1, nn the got I 1'AI?r iS F .I AL . _-_ _-_ had cavern slanJa nn Ibal place ani has lulls '' l•' onrrwten ra the Town•hq. of !run'.) •n the !.ruled Conntvsuf t,YvinarnImcontnlVes- r f bon aver nawrh. ('nonny A( Nuri., which L.nde,ad N„emem.1 Huron and Bruce, dn,a•i Y..p.a....Arse" AXES . AXES• Termsbtorel; toantpwre6a•er.. F•afarthet ,bel eller lin oda m)7 t the l'san Tr@ coil: . .sed. Mr erwdw ase 'ELN good improved Famo for sale in the NOTICE VPI! I1"war o, ole T.wn .f O.denrh, rrw.Tw.dq tet cord „!,'cora Ferns ,cored! int ,•1 floe Mwpd,•• 1 Countie. of liuron, Perth, and Siddle.ex. e portmelvsa to twenty pariah dry "f M.y mr[6 ■t the hour of i r'nun Qnetn4 1'lr, h a„.1 Pourer ('inn of J. a.GORDON, l:aq. Twelveoftfi•clock..nes. IMIfmtdCoont-oftier,n end ane.rsadto For particular appply to the slldenigrled. `- THF, Subarilsere having commeneed the or ASUREW DONOGEr, I'roprie,or• eJHN MACiN)VA LD, rise dire•Ied •panty Tha Ilan,!. and unrrnestw I)AS•ID GLAM, Barrister. "1 noN. Qr ENC'E n(,he Jeath ofMr. M. %f i Axe making in conNetion with the Their we" ", s d e t MNrh, 4,w, !,roue., N I W'47.. ,.D.,M f. cines heretofore carried N. R. -An lhnae mdeMwl 10 lar either by 0Me Sherif U. + i tbt bats of de•Tb m Ihr bmmL of 1snt4 w8 fit London C. W. Blacksmith bonito a* at their old Stood, comer ' os un,kr /h rhe +rail dyke ut nr,.•ek sarins•, are req,neMd /n settle the war w Mnr,h...t, rdmuwln,n. a all onA nnroly Ike -- - of Waterloo Sud IdghU,vuse -Vest where without Arley u. ankr ti, rave "oat. Nv . Polho4, Ai,.r . Mr,A. f Jo, cl,.o. I•, doers sod,avdrtwbr'k cam a WTI, Tr T A M ' I (comers Can Ret undeneh,AynII1N,IS64. Id IMnA'a.gtre.l:,.trnA, ( Rr TJ Uiyt• rslYsl alt . T CO., - 16th Feb. lh6e. l M 1" Mnr, b.. o, alrenaed. of ibe lits• •f bra Yletoria Organs and Melodeons, lY YJ VAll1 3Jl w i A Cood, Home -Made Axe M -___ - __ Alex • e 'hr wi" "fl fr rel Mond Is a "d A' o Lt D n y NeW Marble Works C Aaund.•r Mahe ri T herr .Wad end oke• n mase trrle,aednew the .At a r.msnnahl, fi,; re. We air wl•o prtpar rlUST OhEN EQ ..reuueo all use Wahl, nth rod Inlne•1 nl fh. owl Jr fowler@, ,rand In Ihr wish ►slur of int •1 w ism old axes sod make them N good , nater• 9. d In, ,n the er•t c'-strerule m tit. IR aI.L TY[p1A[RelrT tlTTL[a. r Pollock s Blocky 1 T.Thr@,►,putHon,nonthe('mtlydarm,.,roe- -1ST DAY OF RIL 1865• , roe.. a , , , ,0 800, & Snoe IIlDatrated Catalogues Free• i 1 •{T j J V71s>1 Al ;3'T 3' Jai ♦ sora a•g one hundr.d aces f Iland ; coils. A lore, All psrti,sindeMd tithe Te Arm err 1, •'r. ;1' 1 d ' af ,JSJfI e 0 axil trn.'mest•I.Lsll o6.r f•,r .al, at my • g„a by'sNdedthatallnulesand so....1 ,err -JJ'l_1 .1J r 1_`_ toit.,Ueurt fi-e-,,ntheT.,.noff•nd,rnh,an 4Y -k 8. William's TOroDlO dueon,be Ell. M. •TOhRMtOitah• Establi hmQnt Inr,Aev,thrtwrnfyfiwrthAa,./Aped nrxl,a ADDRE, Mill Picks Made or Sharpened 1 r the boor of avi M The ri-A, n, on. or W. T. Cnx, Esq., Godorich, who will sup I st da of FIL9 next, V Kingston Mreet, wheat the. T,Ipgraph JOhN MACDONALD dyCatalogues. w60 y And warranted todn grrod con, 14ONUMIs, TS,HEADP Sts Al.I 0 iWire. If%# 'roprietor •,,lime a *bar@ Sheriff, H.aisr wall beheaded mthenrNnh,etor to lection TOmM,TahltWpm,Post,ac., w IOtIN >;rl'1{F,RgON ♦ Co. of the public patrnnare, end hes .ill bee hi- Sy N. PnII . k, Drpury. bent. --- _ The a«t on bead will Ire ao of emery drNriMirwi awd style of Nherd•ra u,lke, O.rter,ch, Oudericb.Doe.5.1465. wsw37 beat endeavors toafrord"lishetion. SEE FF'S SALE of LANDS. I woInIship, fnrnished on sli rl 13th Ju.. Iable. will LQ T. )E• O]It Cil _ I. I nMite and int the In.,st ori con. J. ROBS. Itn,teA CounuH of DT nrtse sf . tont W OR SHORT CREDIT, ---- - Idkerd red"clinn .rand, for rash. B• -Orden prn ptly a:eM4d io both - HuronendRrure. Fiera hen•.+sued out Ita,seeteoral.rre uartmrntu(PL,gh•,C u ,- rRa ^ '.S and, IP6. • ,'n w,u m Her MateaTr • C.anlr ell 0t11111[lfrl'tlll ITiIINI T0,• ; IRth, IN66. w2A lm D ,S Y 8 H O T E L 1I .atom.Hprrrw..NlmwCut?".• W RO X E T E R. Clan of .he (lniled Cuwntios of He" wad I Ir ngnt of Monument, ac., may Ix Mets „rare, and To we directed spaenal the lards acid THRESHING MACHINES Grocery and Provision Store, ath"4hup. _-.__._ Te"emrnfa of Heurge fligltrr..d Nesbit a.r6a, Rnruelrd nn the 1{nvrl {ford rnamng from a the 4nl .•1 lamer 11.11,1 hole we.aed land Lkts Fol -with and.og.r.kettle., waggom and pipe Ouderlch, Dee. 19. 1865. w47 lvr Nasf rah In ••norh.mpi nn• ... lade m»ih e xr.. MATT ROBERT301 -bore ititeJ. ae to,ling ter, .n. ..,...1r.. ,n Ekrr,uion all the nghl, nrk end ,rata I. ,Y( LING ionted said fitted up the store -- --- - - -_.._- ._ Cooking, Parlor Boz Stoves, ''"g "' the rad los Ne eel m end ib Ise wmnh-wed "Tel err., a(d A. a Rale, Ino lsh , I Belmore: Walkerton Southam toD corneroflh.T.,rona,t(rh. elghtremh rum Aa„,yl arrnnA-hand above uStntse, ism naw p"pa"d to (amiah Waggon and Sleigh Making! ' " ' ceaaan uflM Town•h1 of Grey ronlaanlego,e families ilk ur eny plu'r,n teal rtneebwa, wdlfind .reommo- hall sem of lead wit Ihr la,fhngs there" MgMM k_M-EINCA-XM 7 eeaHrd, awl known sw Nip Ssr•• Tavern , veb.ca ' r les aDd PiOrISIOn: delu•a .u. h as .r only e. pe,l.to End at eny clan lewd■ and tenement l shell ate, fr wk al my ■od alo,.0fal,loevev h,r ,.n., a 1'lew-Mill.. env ha,rb,,n rayl rr.,wru. once ea the Cour Hcu.e, t The To.. s(Ikdw- AlI partir, re.Intrmg Ili, clove ortieles w.uid which 11h"1 ell at the La.tst (:ash prices, ICE ALWAYS ON HAND „h en Turwlay, Ihr Arm Jmy .1 May reit, el the do wall In 1-11 .ret ".",a the stnek .1 once ■a , O and Feed hour ofTwN,. rat ore Ml L, n r. on. they well get belittles. r@•1 RIv JOHN MACDONALD R. RU Ci•(AN. kept a^n.tanlly , band- Tront Fishing Friends sb,+i/, )1 d B. A shares of Inco tronage will M tkamk 8heti140a,r,(i•i•viskr { in"It"Hrr In the u.nvr, H. Rnn,.mrn wnl,,ullyrtCeivedand a full,atlnd•d te. rR[nrtln,rnmrnTRns f[rnTnn, "all Joe,low. wl Mprapsrdly inthenu , Of "oaf ; &HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEET _ _ Wives awd I.h,wers, frsekerl MANIIFeOTUREB CIIARI,NR1)'iYR, rlir fiURf1N FOUNTl1tY; and6tasaware Fane I:eed~a ias1+M sed gaols Tratotal1 1 y 1 nr.1. .tyn.n awl awrnlrartrnr the t Hand Mase kre.l•nl Ys, glee, Oatmeal Coraaleal fo 1'nde far ed would resi.•and B ire • 146-1. Proprietor. ---o- a\In•,y " rwal.enA wJl rats/ I 1 f f dorm the fwr,rer@ LI Fluron and Hoare * g , • •r/s. DR. JOHNSON/= AGRICUT.Tt'RAl, t 911•LISRIVINTte Beekwkeat Floor, end tM Millie Rentrally that he has core I1 lyl t ■ ) ' Q1 Ogee and DisaensarF, .vre.nd.Nli.p,elrmlasesable „,frCARH &e., &,E tnenced the shows humiwes V sJJ fff11t EIKJ 1 V !11% F1, fEA COIL ■ , Coal , Rt •^'"'''edit O O A L O I L 1 At kis elt stand St. David street, Ruremua, t4eh,, Lonneta, R.dwsedo nn eadleM Ns. 64, l lttk' t. James Street, srllodarirb. Dor fl.1. 1664. .w94wQ -AND and having now on hand an excellent Mort voner,•, icardrWra, llr,ok (:■rata, Motirerrs. AAy LLAAQRGE, Q/IIt1AANNTITY/O1 F t'rnasr I'. Me., U,nt['faL1e., H,wektanl T.WN. BLAVJI1O11111 j1/Q tg0 j MOrTTFi. ]AZ. lir m .t .f the bol roAt rim] he is prepared to ' - C (%A L OIL L A X P b. execute all Ordorm in bin line in a wa which Toakl Ta M,., Wuh Ransil•• CAwas, mod man, P.rrA, Corr nr C\"wv Corprwiwr,, M sn/o, - ---_ --"- - _.- - - - - 1 othersn,cies too nu•wrowtw rwstws. A,Ikmds 1V,,-, heirrt,D;e.nee,y1.6.R/ 1). FERGUSON. cannot fail to,(i,•Nli■faction. "t ON HAND AND d.r.wwf W,o4c.nr rad off Having had gr,el tatrwri,me In this FOR SAL E P,rmfdcrr .a1.. MONEY TO LEND P.S.-Goods will be delirtrd in ally %V(7(71) •t'iTn7g1NCi A ire boaintr, end all worn in his shrry Ming done part of the lnwn. un,fer by notal sa rinte,deuen, lee can Prom 1 attended to. tTPHf1 • ty 1» y w Y 1,. TERY.,n ol,ta At +ihe Wharf I T1R.Jf)RNNON,LATEOFI,ONI)Cw,EDIN OaJerich.i'nh.2nd• 1866. swt.i under heTt an l sups, rat Aroa In be n Manrer• to Mu,to t PvN, dtte"t of.. cowalm,tt T 1(1T1I TrT l t I. 1 p MuwTrdy• o" Iho 'otice. tttr tM the i'spreff aMa the MN q.alil,, while kis terms will he fomnd ERTAKI Ire arcs or eel.rred bin thN nMia<. Mlany,rra".a r1.mr•,--_-_---- a,y reasonable. 1 C•1 n (3E0. RU]rBALL, n F.. rend the Rath CMnnre, ".a r. him Farmers glee him a cab l Mr. N. rr •dully ,nvnrs inn eumlaumn m a...pt. One llundred Dollars sail upward,. Tt Aftw,• to drew Mme ,core ramvka Mr resree , sae \re p hu sirK'i w.rnntrA In Ir, •nsAr w ihr t+n lar `f ^lett.. lens oMumng th, MW land luoaw r use. %pply In F Dr pale Chea p and mem in, yourNItM. ,rn.l and workmanmhrp, end .1 gra .fly rrdncrd (IWO eh. Mmy 29th, 16". 8*77 it- s" ."ell, hem n rOrna. .4t ,. wrath Ike "r)31b a MOORE, finers. Cm11.nd.'omp.r,, .rad bu.s, .fi,d loafer, [' '"' ROI„,Ifs, V. It.-Flnrsp shoeing and jobbin! of all gmng,'a-wh,•t. mtrf celebrated phywrnr.1 The nM wend. Iho j f)Tb(f.,Atb coo., arscri )n, 41\ Kobe.; so hildestrietl atfonded to. r, - -- be.•an nfendaetn.sta to the."t."nesle ole CRAww's 11eA mLOt:K Llrh con. Huron. Arlwy l• r IT Iwlwro.landalllaud.ofYsrmer'ePfo- LEWIS ZLL10TT dur.l.k,n,a... h.in ,, T -4 epetdy."d prr(welen". (lodeele\. aeN. I(br 1II4. 1.•94 M. C. CAMERON. ' Wvrronm nn Igin o"alat. PY. • k, T/♦ F4 1 gr RTaawarn To Two Wtmg.-t► Joba _.-.-.-------- Godereb.Ost.br 9s. INs1 (1-10nch.Mercb2 th IN6I. AWS/ .cols Oedatelk Uro.. 2Tth, 1866. w49if se's R.ivowli a will moon. to • entry .bon f lows, - - - . . __ i ■Ilwb•wre ufl,Nea Thr@\ Sorartme D.4hry. Low - --------------- - - - -- -- -_-- GREATLY REDUCED , .rMemn... v,en,,tr.•. Te ftAlnet, Fannie, -N111 1►iantlitta- T rrY-rrw lhv,T•xa Nerrtew. T'Iirre as ." R Money to Lend, FARM TO RENT. -- ---- - I - enl M1tt A".. M11Tfeetaa by h..ya a1 _1h 41, fors tM1 r9he", - . n IIPON Mortgages. Apply to D. Shalt TAVE .rr.ilg, thi ao wnh Iter 1r@ m..And, IM RN STAND ,'FiF: i'BIf'F,4 OF .fsrlo offbV "vii p,.a.l low a rr.w1 MpLrthle, M Orwdln tioheibr. O81ce oyer It. 1 AI,TfARI,K !'arm to ran renmaling rel 1 anew MPplY it kJo hr. An cob" core HM MACHINE Htr A owh. 100 meow and seleald within .earl 6 fANGI GOODS STATIONEflY , a ,M•wLlapplT to r lekm.na .mnrwellal.l, rr A"w hundred d Ito b s• la,nod w nilN of HwT6tId, 61 n( which am rleard, rr(1 i - •AyE I sad he will.eMt s .ped, sed ewer! ewe•. FOR SALE. pawawtal "aeelly' In.n is about A acres nr Fan Wheat grow I it Dr@sas-* M Toe Rion. lea. -IT Is a A RMALL ►logo r Meebtw, Neel ntw, God-riuh, INIh May, 1866. awT4H w . sad ahnst iR "erev of hist don., A , f NDwf iN THE TOWN OF l}ODTsRiL' H (1F colt kinAa nn. aR k.Id La., Mow gn.uy d. a ft. d, tact th•I $Nesse colt .pus t. ""pole of plant ►sol ear ail wood, t1 ova. Ikon w w gwed !lying dram renting 11, I v aatsrna+.tles Ihr rsaafllhrl.cod twpnrew w 1 taneks".,des-..II res r.lA ,crap Ino,a•A er e.. --- - ameocrd, sad mal les cold In eTaM room IM Fars, a fool) Frame Rein (Bark).n a RF, toTera IWMI Oers for 1 nn (i e(w.w•an. d. Is►waw'e tl.wpnsd slpa- epp,oydameol rnr vow,. aha ar p.r• F _..-. T r pied by Mr. Barge, P 8 oAfh• 1 wnl t► eredlwa all AimawiLN A,wa p•1T( pais pa ry De.y grad leR house, also a s 1endid young orchard OR the torwr "1 KIa •and V' c ++____`` onrogMy Nog a A►{r tat ler d Tn ltw• Y"a TO LOAN at nine r east ° tNO^a A !lens stioek sf l3ekssl M■ I sakwardatalpew emeo(Ih.m.m. R.w.tw uapfdMl "*'AMOM, E"dwlok wLc b,'tAad M of rhra" fruit from. ahevt will be let mein,, (Mrd of the Allen EsMfo will b. M ""Mfd.d I wat► M NT a4drrr 00 " home eco of M oso* ,cora w bel fit I rya•, ear nn ,mp M•.A foi ret. for oN Ora form of eam A 1] In )` of all kinds •lost rpeoiytd and.ailin \t Prieto Iremlull 11 sots lfuwtp11 A. All rerwanre- to the mb•rtbw Thbn "IM.mmt i. rets, P, YkUMANB, 1 PPY .,aeeTl roraMym nr yt.ra. Applyb J If JOSHUA CAILAWAj Jr. A. ALLEN, a. inw r any game Rest of Toresfat, Irelr .hrwhl le K:fe/sn/. Q. Oka•. f. /ribasmts, JAMES bMAILL Solicitor ae. M, Lamle S(. Jam oMrm. mmu",C. c . (kteel.►.IWit11, IW,j sw9M1 Oedertdb 29th Doe. 1865. OU RayRpld. OBO. COlr, I Execrator-. t. N March 19ti, 1866, w103{ Qodericb, Jho. 23, IR66. w67 At Butiel' i. I . -w.... _..i. ." . ... .. I,,'a o •t uoi (' of . q, si , "4*, f