HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-4-19, Page 2e 4..,
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i ] pA y { „„1, I ereaWaN is a 066 Suisse of the Br(tW Major Rome io a flaw rewbe, earrob. uniform good ounduot sod ewrter7 Dtrooaaron.-The Wroxeter and Ulu e- something like ,the goodly propsrtiur of Tb* Fea►a■ Mors=•at a Xao A Mystery Clwred up.
fir' Il li/ iYJ„a ` Ameriou Provinces sod ■e iscru tali o„) d Capt. Hays. whit. at tlaruis, was the wbjeot of the vale Literary 8ocicties met at Blunvale Rriwru. Branawle
_ development ofour vast Internal rwowuL h t air, and Dow that the are a If many people would drink mora whseke7., About eke Iblb of November last, a wen
s pwd-s_ __ _ - _ - _ _._.. - We Lne beard with re of r Capt. Goudwis, of Y* ooh” Co. Tgbr 7 go^ on Wednesday evening, 11th lout., for the let them pay well fur it, the country will N sw Yo■sr;April 14. day lamed Ilcooia Duddy left bow hrba"Ay
GODEIMs LPRM 10 m. Ida o then made a *hurl Ile raid his a blink is wade which it will be meat of havip • semwd friend) dc- baaefit more bas the unties the thea u The flet•uldra Lra@t n Ye., tele nm @a maidenly co Not ill Psiit street, not lar rrem
t inercasisg proficinpq soil tel' the ae difficult to fill up. puryssr g y 1 W7 P” f r
t`EIVIAIr MUfBMl( 1sT/• V oondirt you have exblbiud at all dltlaa Sompay had base ban before, that they l g Ha s atertai"ed the poneow- • The wbj rot rte, "Money or to be expected fru. their industry. the But.sb than of war Pylades, root W sou the river Don, sad Aid rut return, fib. W
PI■o* 1 eaprct the lower proviucrri will puts duly vary auddently yesterday ss'teruou. It s a large was of mnni Ye her person •t the
whQat a duty at 8sruts, and w@ nee I liked the , and wen detemised w do miarjosd o ears to as uyatar Supper last Nara, which te the groat@at ittoeutive to un dour loom lbs United States. i belie•• , rid that fiat of the crew had mounted ted lime I sad as she d' 0 reach home that
1'he movelweeta o that ver? Sbigrit ast.iro you tLat tLe inhebiwiu of the I all la their power to dowTo the esteem of night which was well altendad. After actio^." After some able @puking on Prince E (ward Island has done so. Why wen put m Trow, beace the departure, might nor the ural days }or aver After.",
juin body, the Fenian Brotherhood, seen town, and we believe of the County gmer- the citiseas. the cloth had bees removed, his health not t We csit *apply them with better Ties men tel other vessels have boom tow, it was Nerved that she is it met foul play t
all feel that the have ever reaatm to both alJr, Mr. Jaukrcn, umpire, was no- DrordatuB■ Sa chea as Amwricas, I( nut, GO with, ad Similar d,lficultws am e.. the h►sola of some ponied who knew of the
A he wofloed, at prcaeat, to the Nalw 1 J 7 was proposed in a out ■p«ch b]] Sarw1 p pa mune She had ■bout Ler. The •Bair nmaia
ba proud of their Vuluutcen. Cbeen were thou gives fur the Rifler, W ri ht, who bore testimos W Ca t o able to decide the question. Atter a vote a hat Ji Terence does it.make to them whether pored. f
frontier. Drilling hoe ceased iD Bufldlo, X J p ' of thanks W Mr. Jwkwn for the attentive the derive their nrinue from their tables cd s complete mystery until yesterday, when
1'he ucrifieu ou have made are of Do the Artillery, the lorentry, Corporation, Have' uniform ki ndoess to the men and ) Yesterda • rty of Ed lisp soldier
Detroit, Ro., tbtl F. B's have dire rod, ) sod efficient Instance in which he had ro- oat their wardrobes T If they do put un • y W ( a yo"Og lad o the employ of Mr. An\skald
PPea ordinary eharraer, but now that a kind Aa., after which the men were invited to of his desire W wake the Hunw Rifiw P erne"d from St. Strew to Cdurw, wharo
rrci prowl Jul , it follows we mot do tM an&,, n, grocer, err the Iew.in@ u( • hs•
Soil the oxNseluriow is that Mvy era wend- 1'ro iJenw has brow ht oat back is r the Sow n of the battalion. Ca Lain sided, the maelipg du(erscJ ; auJ the sura• We could out be metra enou h w tb.y dot inW •dispute rich some wldisn' man Dud floating u, the boy nee- Ad.maoa's
K J p the lluroD IiuWl to yartukt of ■ touch. W J P debaters adjourned to Mr. Johnston'a Y when a 6rht took place resulting is their
it g their way Eastws,d tuwards the pro fret Safety, you will have the satisfao tion Its s on ruin to res nd, thanked theIn . un western ■ bort &tad tour to sell to them whorl. T' a Day luunrdrtrl) gave information
This part of the pruoaedings $"toed to y g P° where they were hospitably entertained at a sun rofit, under the beim dri•.n b.ck over the Lodge which
posd weee of action. There was a ru- of knowing that you have dome your duty for the honor they had done him, and p prol.etioq of • rens over the river betwseu the two town. °f what he lord sesta, semi • w asraed
to (ween and country. Again, Gentle- gave them ,oneh asTlafactaOn• adored M"W that Il was IndetlJ la tlOnOr by the Blsevale Society, As this deb.te LariB,teuerously named fur our benefit. George Williams, al considerable peso••(
mor that a a,lli.ion had actually takeD wu • drawn game, the honor@ still re- Although a tree trader I think a little pro• No lives Iwo. risk, for which he was comylirwrtrd, took
Ineu, we extend W you a most cordial wel- The rvtuainder of the afternoon was of no ordinary kind to uowwand such
pldoe, but like oast of the etorea emenat- a mai^, with thu %Vroxeter Society, r the section 10 the farmer. of Canada just now Nsw Yoks, April IL ills body from the water with wine slight
cows home, sed we trot tint rt may be Spent ion ■topping billets, wtablinhmg I J of men, and to telt pond to say gainers of the decisional in the first debate. would be vary seasonable, hold it 'w"d ce At the O'Mahony bradgSartrrA tai this ■+"utanet, and it was found to be tort of "
jag from the srrlstiaiut peer cf Sew long befuru you will be agate olkd away that ire would talwa s look back '"naso. The lice bein made .r uaiu1o
i rwk, jt was uafuouded. The Yurtlaud u enol au errand. I regular gwrJr, and i" Got, selling the 7 __ __ dwrye in rcadu1CY to twat with oar ueilh city everything u quiet, but Char who know Po Y y
p• with axtrewo pleasure at the dale Tre 44 Bwyamadys yf Passenger* bun fur a new treaty, oo an equitable baste. ase loaf matters aro a ro■@ia ateadtl •tel with the fact look pw«ulou tet ib. rose iso
J. 1'. DE "LUIi, Jos or. whole machinery of military operations (u 1 pr 6 R 7
eorret"dent of a Muntrul paper Says: - ) he spent with them at the front.- a/ Halifax. Yours, Aa nal uufd,ed Dr. Buchanan, senior coroner,
motion. eurrly.
^ Fenianinm is lcx,kio a ,n thin outer• •1'ha little corporal could nal •Ileo the oe G. AiDLAW, The citizen oined with the Feuius in the to held u, bequest. On were\mg lbs Rudy,
K p q Dlujcr Roes Ihrn thaokdnl Hie W'onhiP cason to b without pro oto the health Til Dra i SHIP rEVILA, NoT CUOLxR.4. -- -- 1 u rrds tet $5GU, nein all io o cio, was
Vait4the fact wok targe rmnre ($oro ler :or the addreso asst road. The men had Ne ware elle j dee that the Ridu boys, of the u ,ttlleee en who had lain received bte g I _- 6g h found in a ba in ler Loom, over which the
York have brought n I■rge number of born .1 8 ' 7 MUR H Is. The steamer fmm !)r4m thio morning R
of arm■: and un Srturdav tai ht the trams indeed ann - to arms with alacril re- although • liltlo jaded ■Dd vary dusty, cammissaon in conp.ny. namel Ensi n ha,d of the wor"rn wu @light) cls
K P g Jr y Y Mao minds will be relieved b readin breeght about 200 mum Fenian&. They 1 Prst as
crit back lookin like real wldieri,read 'Se•auur; it g-tifying to know thgt we 7 \, 7 K Morar A rel 9tb, 1866, ■ere yuartered•in town. it even in the last agony of death by drown
froo Boston sed She boat rrrtviug Dere oat rdlwe of oven W be made, and had K 7 the followin er tch from ilalifax :- n P in the Safer of the sone was her chief
fie now had as offittr ■ho Dora the name of the f< W t.a,iur.flhe ri ■,l, A Iwae nember of Fenw"e hnvo jof ase i y 1
Surdsy morning brcugh. 200 men, mater of and willing W do all 1n their power b oo f
then wrarmly the ueifurs of the late United shown themselves worthy of the name of founder of the compwny, orad he mar sun b) "The steamer Englapd'S pasecngrn aro Udsa 3aa-1 tab"tae a eommunicuioa in rived in abs nte•mar from Ner 1'mk. erre. T►e tndy, it te nee.aer to Say, prey
,listed volunteer regiments. On • Monday British soldiers. The last words the Cul. of 11 invasion. They begin to like the saul he bad Jisplayed ice the discharge of landed on McYab's Island and here. The your amu of the 22nd if March, mgwnlidg The Herdd'oe Frcderiekion, N. H., appeeciao 1 ed t" be that of Mn. Dtwey.
uiRN ninety four more .f tli"e .dwenturwa soldiering, and many of them would have \te maliuy dm,ea, that he lolly ,attended to the a@seesneot O( Morris, sed rgned Dy one r ,ib. re@rguutiona of the amt Curtib=te -- -
•ight here. r Mond■ dtersoon the bed addressed W him were, " T'ell your do lou part in maria the Rrfirs as eticent as 'ick are on board 'the Pyramus, moored st lin himself '• Fair E Iso
7 rtoppod is Saroja •few months hunger sat f 1 if y," in which or•m A ministntiuu were arcepted ancond TM British Adriraly L*arag request.
haat from hero waorh rules to St. John ser men, when they arrive home, that the y other company m Iter Majesty's volun beside the EoglepJ. Tha diereses u au• munintlon, the writer takes for_example lots tiourlly by Go•enor Gurdon yesterday. rd the several eoloniss r ado t each a dwtion.
crowded with assenger■ and a large number Goderich Artiller Co. is the best volun- just as soon as ot, judging from the bits beer Service. nouuced to be obi ren and J se^trr A, B, and C, he says " lot A of 100 acres 'lo new Admintetrw°n baa bee" formed. p
7 Mr. Seymour, on risin thanked them ve P 7 7' uv el,s for culuutrd ar.ed •easels, oer
of the men r o bwd or,,,ed here from Bee- of ribbon and other ladi s fuvore inned Y r7 nit\ ea $roe clewed, Sed Only • f 1 Der^ u The house of sae the iy on g p awned s to t'suadsp over" neat r ase he
0.$r o:r{es I have Sver Been lD any part of P bedrt l fur these kind seuttmeou towards Soil oL Asiatic chole a. There is oon- g p d,w,tb tM
Wn cried ked. The Hrin*h cuuwl, the city 7 saoaewd lose jail, sod that lot Bo u( 150 sews Monday, w gins the iaeoni"g poly time to Im *nal rash. file t%awuab uaoantes that
1'.nbal, and a Iw•re ryssc tel pllitemen I j to the breasts of most of their costs when him, and assured them that w far as his g g I
the world 1" Iia, the Jlm or, would also, * ridated to be ass den ser, Do alarm is with iU •cow clued, sod • f-rxw b.ri, ,a ter asar.,
were in settn duce, .ad Matic o which were the waived hero. humble eRrts were cooeerued Ls would du sssewd fur •710, send et he con lana t .t B err, Me., A 1 14 lmve tail u hereafter r gwlura u( ssaple
co behalf of Ilia con ny, thank the cora 7 felt in the nit ' - Ulube. 7 P t Pri Ila with • beaver in the Satre, sod mar.
raw ihr ichor! err. pot shapprd, as the boat Ps hu baser to pl*a" tbrm. J' tut A pays mere taxes then tut H. tie further nos of lb. Fenian 7rndearouie in Maine
ation of GOderieh for the moble and The Ver HambD Co,, SS etron e is A cum n of infant arrived from New - mounted by She British crown. Tw deuga
sow■ a.iA Io M,full ;but it ser nr irrrd the o(- Pbe X P■ y r1 Sue or J►wu.ar, Ac. -U Wednewfa goes "n t" sate inset a the Juste meeting of is Sa,d to b. Mout Ieoert, soil • Hntesh ,a dor to Mr. Eu ane 'fiche, of Crow•
fici.1: of the United State■ sovennnemt who timely provision f.r the families of mar- oovpycd of fine, healthy -looking young Hamburg this .IMraoon w tap ib. plate of a the County Council our worth Herve moved vessels is said to be ereisin meas French- K
had teleen hed In 1Yashin u•" in Me nmrn• the Artillery alroaly relieved. Irith, at 2 end 7 o'clock p. s Targe (or 810.000 to be struck of the egwlization mw'@ Hay on the look out g V"y defrn me"t and u @ted to • ow tent
p 2 tied voluotura This had been a groat men, evidently Jrawo from a respectable Io ane -I orders at parade to -day it was number of W dtcbes. Clocks, ass Jew, Irv, hot .d ibis 1'o.rhi +hien u • stuew*nt Artistic taloa. A cop of the deemiiin ■ill, in
,ted, hal rerrired instneuor Io stop the Y P• a few dA s be torwarded to the Adoniralt a•
aAapatent of the wow. During ib. Leat ►eek source of comfort to the men and woul l clam, and their Captain is a gentleman announced that Col. J.rvu had been caged to being i" the pusse+eiuu of l'horle@ pinalI at entirely takes. I will not, Sir, trespw upon 7 ' y
Ilia stramrrs which nn from Boston w Bad• be lora and tefull remembered.- who stands ver h' •h io the estimation of take c"metat of the battalion at Windsor, + ours ace, b e I in Naw Your, Aril 14 -The Cit of Cork London. It wall, probably, nut b■ Inoon(g
B fie 7 7 4. the timr of hie death, and still a1 Iwlmed, y P 7 P 7 ,[ t° aurh atatemrnu, P y before thte new national emblem u die b►M
or, in M•inr Darr been eon.eymg me@ sod that Major Richardson would succeed (urlber than w Say, t►&t they •n .ithout brings Cork papers of the 'tad int, •hie►; . P
` (Cbcen.) those who are aaivaintad with him. The hi. a0 the Sarnia battalion. Col Jarvis on will he told at Trrman'a Auctwa M I contain some little new@• m our streeu co atl p"bhe ooerior.
down hart, •hose dratinrt:oA, by the en tai• foundation, and simply rdieulorr, uroly no
q officers are C• t Kenneth Goodwin, lea•'^ begged to tbavk the ofcers, non ewe man would eon think of assessni 100 The PAris CoeshrMfiorwA/ of the 31st rya
rises then mwke, w F:watpurt nue o! the fur• Chem were then given for the Artil• P ' IS VOLCFTUM DlsteaR.-The Town Co ria g —"
lhermrt ints to M -we. Arms baso leen commissioned etLcen, and men, for their acres of club Iwd•howewer worthless for ='!R Ib. position tel' France oat the Ferman ter.
q B.RL@T.-The 7Mds Rramrw gatb.rs
1"' ) 7 y tent. Robt, l;am bell anal EOsi aV m. bean) ee-upas-tiw, with him wh,le i" eon• I p Poses much 1 w loo scree, with 4S acres cleared, 1 y 1 •from ut&sel rcmrw that Ib. troy of ,Hurls
shipped in Imre you lace there, area some er Co. and for the uet,n, and D tht P X^ ro W e"senwio the Volunteers • tion u Chet of Reutralu but wlrterer ase
Iii l • 20 bores we undvretand, w«ry erns by aril• .oldjero fur Il Sate end Mayor Ikilor, I Swilh. The heaalquarten for the font Lmaled. Three roasmg cheer@ wen given for I public dinner on Friday Evening next. osy simply *Uta rith regard to Lha June hapfea France will nut b e fuuud tau( r. 1 in C"nad. is 1864, uol ■part itul.rl y
ing •esse4, rod put iu the depot mysseriuw- after which the Co. marched o6 Wwerds now i0 Wwn hu been atabliahed at the y the men Previous to bei"¢ dismissed. believe ahs •Bair is to come off un the Huron, rat igg of the Count) Council, Mr. W bite• Pd ad I able Tour for it amomuted w fire mdlwniy of
ly. fo the uni•iaiated, we should acv, dlsap- Huron lintel. The weather es bell remarkably fine and I heard, "cured fIr 550,000 to be wireark off the A Paris telegram says that pol:tical tele- busheb. or ■bout halfas much u the b"rley
end it will no doubt be a great success.
perng during the Mgbt. The Fent■tar have tLa u(uarr, singing heir mashing Gongs. gudeomg ulerstioas here commencrd i^ _ _ and $10 000 off the perscoal proprnr of grand from lterhn and Vienna, it es belie• Ion of ib. whole Coined States. TN yr -7
during the last few days been ainaoune,n They marched around the square in splen- The sprinkling of uniforms on our every quarter. t Count urhsrtion. It w eridunt Lem rd. here been copped by the go vernmems.
g In new of the • machin a ,dente the ST. trIORat'a Dar. -On Monday evening y O11 The French envoy w rid to have told tM in anads (ter 18G:o was probably a million of
tk*t they are ¢Sang w ¢ire urrr Ulkin , and did st le and were then es^orN*d to the atresic enlivens the town conauierufrf PP K P th mrsin of the writer u( said article, that b. Dwbeke mora than fur ItNii. Tb. article
that Ibe peni.,d inn artioo nae arrived, and it 7 y' slieeu ted premises tet .II parties are being ^ori the St Georges Society of this town has anther objret in view, than to rectify an Ki"g of 1'ruru shiest France considered from rhacb sow your adJa;-'• if.rloy jjreq
is aspeetled that thea ,attend to make a dash Hullo lintel, by the Mayor and Warden, clowned up, sod other aecrwry rOitary i ¢fives the Annwl Uinner, et t!e 'l-etlwd error 'n our amnsarnut creta if raid error did , & oev.ssny for F,urope. sod if war best sena northern climate. In Ohio, toil,►.
tar some pl.tt in New Brunswick. Soccer io $take of some sli,ht refreshment af- mews adupttoL Huteh We 6o Jo see •full utanolantt. slut Certniul ever rate aver in the should break net France cert. I wo"Id not'
E F B 0 N T- Pt , ) p . rte, Illinois, It roe, or its dark w color. sad
PHiLU JUVICS. be on the side of that wer rhac discarded'
or delsat to ■uNa en emerprise, we conceive' ter thejr day's jWrpey, immediatdy after I -_----- I Torr knu■a that the Court of Reitman is tae ntiseinns. Lhe gain gen tbrck okfinned. N'iotoaeia Sad
will bring •hem •much $mune Lunful harvest PuvAst IAo.ura. -. __T_ _ K}Several communications am left over held f.r he pprpoese of rectilviner any error I parts u( lows grove good barley, bat they
;,• of grvaobacW in rxch■, e our Fenno bunds which they dis;nersod in the dlreoljon of SARNIA, 11th A ril, 1866, Wr want of room, will appear in our next. mdda by t e4rrwr. If'• Fair Play" choose Evrrtnce, in sr. article pointaog out the era lou far from market lu iulerlen with r
than inaction; f r of defeated, they will have their relpeelive homes. Ne are happy From our Spec, p, P OUB LAST IdETTRR FROM - _ I w remain home louse htsownex reason tomparana'-a of Austria, says : ' I -t"deed, their barley crop cannot wool be
•fano Salsa,. T119 F ROAN. grimes rat thus to apple to that Corn) Everyahu,g i• bemR organised with • g„t to rhe K"lorn retire the same year it w
tie pled that they ea to, se a Ierxcr o . Th l0 saj that the men appeared to have im• NT DEAR” SIGNAL,"-Perha s ■boat BRUTAL 1tf RDER. view to the eventealilies of war. Groe-I ,
_ eon and more meuua w arcure success. 1'6e P sou \e Sot to lame iu some roesauro fur my grown. In Yew York ib. land te ver
From our Special f:orresytondenl. Benedek will command the arm of the north JJ
various governments have been notified dud proved as much physically as in their reg- as pretty a @fight as one sould witpe@a at the .tit OLD INDIAN rsnrctat MAN a LtD wrTa evappo"'toent isyedr. to eoe tm bring 7 by sick,' and the crop thenfon wnsa(e.,•
will odeubt be rr red. The men have 4 and Oane-1 Vo" C.ubleps rias ad►u,cc;
A cases• road$ to $hat wt. armrnl res rt not m r to
P P■ rain drill. They aro to drill •part of I front is the roluoteero at church; the gay Or, bowed the '• W. J. S icer" P wed." t
put up in the difle,eot hotels, and extobiled • P Suppose that 1 h given general F,ltsfac ion, Y I (vast of Telt
two'es s a week for which The will be uniform of the artiller , the familiar Riser St. Cloy 16th A rel, 1866. I I 7be /wdependasa Rel¢^ has • las yah ! ease •Ia
retirxn" wLien eh ,ra lnet tie moat tr 7 t 7 1 red P and, Iherefure . n n er ument m fi•cur ■{ i•
y f M Dear Si;pal.-Hero we are, homeward 0o Sat@rday ntgLt last an old Indian Doc• ¢ K from Benc s'aun that Bavaris, Heade and I '
pact eJ men, rod tht papers herr vprdk of paid.i - coat of 1p Gntry nod neat topic Of Me ) 1 cl my lose n,g rr"pbwii ed. But Sires i hate rid K We heartil wodorw ihr follorin
shear ,gennemanly' behaviour de nuaA their .,as..___ bound. it was .till mangled feelings of, for named Unwgwt•huorb came t^ hu d"tb' it is evident that the id rnacl sou pruned 3•xouy have formed a Iougne ,a order to I 1 g @@"his
sojourn." nfl@a, Oembane to make t moat plearIng b violent mew+. The iculars of the tem fur anather tab ct t w fiId 1 with oar beaux the Awtro-Pruadian question bsfors remake from the 7Fudfe Review, o" the
A' BIVAL OF TOLUATTEEBIs. preruro.dd pain that, thio mooing, .e ro 7 Part
impreSaiop t n the spectator. Their rtriet I file affair are brief as follows : The Doc. aawssment, which i ihr k will • the h et, Seth set indicated above. We trust ,some
W bile this is going on our government I eeived orders w return to Goderich- leasare 7 PPL■ "dent %
' P to the nicer casual uf,ser r, in aurin he A &silo telelnm esye that nIiwn psbw actino may b. taken o, bring spout •' Fo-
u doing all In Ira power to keep•the Vol- On Ssturalay aftetn mao last Jlayvr I Attention, too, to the serti has elicited in anticap•tion of once lysin meeting Our Wy who was .bout TS Jean of dye, hal Cam pe r lv\ no information re ardin m,tttdr io lrenchwnt,' as o,liucias would sa in the
eommenu of the wr f ansucce. W' Y Y 7 v*• 1•
antler force up to a high standard of cf- ( hetler received a telegram from Col. I warm prairie from the eitiacns. (viands •f home, and pun at parting with I fed all winter Dear YIIID*ro, two mllw from I ,lure he not come out with t e proper number e ,t now tabinq pldcu. toot of Tdexnphme. h r . refu•m tb.t
ficaenc The autooritics have trued vas• Ta lose re strati" •him to n• are fur two I 0u Monday flat we turned out for the many warm friends we had met during our the Wwn. Some tour weeks axe, a party of I of each lot teferred to accoerdtnl W survey of a Berlin evening papers "f the Slat give *cold secure a unu,imous •utas t^roudhout the
J 3 9 4 f P three or four Indians, with their ta a list onromss ordered W be armed, and country, ware pr whales the •„mea u f the at.
first day of the season fur early morning Nay at Sarnia. We were eoeverted to the I p nand ,aha Toweeship, sod Sten hie p per name. -
dere for fire wL„lu tutee, whether uppo Oom(rnios of \'oluoteero oo Momdq.-' ' children, encnm o ite I Fair Plas uta ublic o ,inion in hie loglity *tau IL• rural anJlrry regamenu ban I ployera and 3tcrkhu da @ of Tetegnph Com-
. !drill. Uf all the movemsote Sad sonbr- hest by the Sarnia inlantr) in command of i'td PP++ lea• Morru'@, hsa tittle weight, ihr ilbeliave t” b. ir@r,and been ordered, raved W their fall at•enxtle. P*'oars;p.d esen they wiJ no doubt vote for
,olive eerracc or noir to dryN two deye in The Council was called together imine• : Uoor that the human fame it ea ble of Lieut. carrell, who on all occdsiocs took the I quite near. In thin party were one Sulomon ,I,.w i would tell him it i■ like) W main so, The reserve of o new regiments of the I it .hv" they see• r they mot when they
_ __ sacra week. / Jiatdy, sod t committee appuinred to at-: W "tm st leisure in exsecdin ever file i and WiIson Ritchie, both bard cares -the a„ lout u hep Lha mouth mace. le con Ruard and'afan'ry ro sat of three army I it into ttae matter, that It would wkmi
I andergoiug, w" had to learo sod go P L s Posse Inner es Girl: at. On Salurdr Ritchie cludo 'hes los article, b i ►kin of the carpe •r* W be called co - None of the suD 1 t "nolo iateresu as much as these @('the
- Lend W bdlitiog, dc. \I'a dabs@ aenti
9 9 murtea to the Officers of the Rates. 7 uWk :
througL-stretching our arms oat at their y I 7' a y , statutes or macrame of three "rw or thee. P
THE ('APTURI; of !Ml'ilPlll'. learned that the con anicw to orrice were I The Hambur infante under command of and ihr Doctor were in Wwn together, "4"rat of faciior.," "eel torah son,'
1 the Huroo Rides fecal flew flambe Z 7 s, I panion with " Mmeaso Emperor plavinr, bat fiddl , Ac. ooh i corps aro 1st be rcleasd maiiiwy "The gweel,on „f the coot of Telegraph
j full length is front of our Bodin, rajaiog Calx. Goodwin aro cur travelling eom-de ■"d the latter (urntehed hu eon
The c■ ture of Mur by and Iiia oor J .how Mr. EJit°r here r}ht ground wer of ser.vte at pre@enr. MrYa, ass Id one whieh we lh nk t, r "taw
P P _ Infantry, being a detachment from ihr them up above our hcndn, stooping down w still proceed to Godench to b. in eon- i oouey to p"rehexe • Mttle of whiskey. the ,ii matter, The s irit O( f..etino, .tee I lulh I...:or the ppublic and fur the compass_
nib guard ase Cornwall, on 9londay Dight, to our tow without beading the body- junction with n on active service. Judging Ritchie faun 1 some person mean enouab ;o' • ks of wrss the r Q s to consider. The sarai char a for •
Sarnia batellfon under command of Major : from .hat we hare already seen, we ask no i I pea pint of the people in A■ Aassrlean vairw of Ike Lat al /
hap, of a,urw, created considerable excites j then imitating the rapid movements of better follows. The da es all one could de• to buy the liquor ter him. They then start ftesinl some tin- udee to elect him to a rat Arrests. cream. tet rasp very a nub twhat i is
Ron. At the hone for lie arrival of the y e in the Munici t until and the prominent ttuu. e e me b. •easy dennbll that s►te y
moot. That the party were boupd for rtguldrrxpier, the Goderich Artihe Co. the nib of ■ windmill, formed t part of dee; •brighteun and • Least:itul breeze atoms d for amp. after joining 3ulomon and rhe 1 a (S1' asou:d be reduced onrhel(, ter Ibu Ina our
7 I to eaercum a mot wholesome @Bert on .II. I uaws. OO tl:e road the b •ttle was ■ lied I mlmbrro ler u so much ann" eJ ■hare thew The Detroit Fasts lareas, of the 13th irst,
Portland to juin thrix wisFuadeJ fellow- marched to the station and took u i- I them extrsordipary movements. Ne Tb. smilin faces of the men and thvir jokes s 1 PP who occupy the seat he simrd st Who 1, nut' in referring W the recent Fenian eaten st er of send■ ■iowed t" be ■sent should be it
F. B'x, there is uo doubt whatever, but It P PD* I shall either return most pliable fellows or soil odd sadecDn of son; make one mall so @o frequent:y that thn +hole party wen I drily un account of their suss. ,r intrlli„rnte Cornwall, mys:-W'e mart candidly conk@a erersed to tr. nty. Either method world,
lion to receive thejr comrades rhe y Jruul beton they got to their misernb:o bat also• f ,r their doect bowled a of the' [net the arrest of Mr. Mur h does net take we br.vvr, '"cress' the reve"oee of the eo h.
will be very Jilficnit W prove the high I Perish l0 th. attempt W Inro them. feel dehghTed. The beamitul river, now en of p 1
crowd of mvilianr was very large, number ' Yesterday we bed a grand field day - tirely free from ice, weal dancing to the sun home. O., arriving in cdmp,the Rawl caroti a busi mass rat the Township. As for the FAP - by urprre. T be gentlemen, who w sea, lm"'es. if Me charge w. re a cent a word•
treawln wits which Ihey ate CFurged.- Ii hi and mdkiaY estures of welcome Was took lace; tLe $elle of int mad lensed creel• peeor"and his • Fiddle " be seems fd„y to I fected I h.IM Hv;d lwntry of the Uanadi ( wbu'eala'e hrrw a"old do almost all their
mg about one thota.and,-Inauy of tboer Un filling ip, each ma^ was served with 6 B P eovm ndeu" n tele ra h, iwle.d taf
However, we trust ihr scamps will get ' ten romods of blank cartrid a and was ea iu rippling boom. represent thou dign.taries bring opposed I Res en' Drs long teen nalaii wilb' P” 7 Y P by
present being ladies. Tie Ridrmen were X , I suss being heard by the white rvoi sate of its to freedom of * ch, and althou •h his I so. ,cin e L the u•«rnmen I m.R-frierd■ would corres pond over the
their fart derierta. It u • noteworthy 1 ordered to appear at afternoon parade with M roue as all were oo bcord Capt Hap net-hborhord. Ritchie • ro r " L P y 1 R t and Lire .ires-and there would De twomeY for •
received most cordially, friends and se l proposed three heart] cbeen for Major On PP P dated the bottle mete un the egnalirtions question w not up I fury pore of the provincial pre*■ base time
fact that J1 t. J. 8. D1cDoosld- a former j Riau Soil aocoutremeota i" fi•rt rote or- 1 and in ronunu W his own .se +hich tar •d I to hme, for vie Wte tel the nate ers, be •r,d ■,lein d wuuced hen sae daa.ffetted ted d mhla nor /or all ihr rnmpanio. If Ihe
quaintsooes ,•early shaking their arms oB. der. At the ■ m hrtm and hr staff- and to @bow that gentle P!7 den euw a b' Montroul Com r heatate is n
adviser of the ('Town -u retained b dc- ppo ted time every avail& man oar appreciation of his worth, we malty the old man to call him a mean thief. Upon t stems oBeridrd bec.use they refute to donee' Y, j ct. ii ins ehergu Mr. M'7 g of the
it hen the first warmth of the re0eptioro I ble mao of the seven nom anies formin made trrmendon efforts ass ex d oar tun to his fiddling. Hu .in e I have nut tura Murphy hr gra n but too !aadiio pwbhc earn A pri Ile a ■s Ihw would be t
food the prisoners. It is thought by P B pan rya; this the savage shuck h a :aged v,ctim with 1 h b hu 1 Rr been i would be war for Ther Provincial hoe toe e-
had sub•tded, fie whole force sou dawn I the batt■Ilidm mar present, The usual pro- I +hich by lou grsciolu @Indio 1 um Satrsfied be' I p■ss,•'d tea year wwlurhlu spa•@. I y I•,.et cu et for he bila lard y ben
messy that a gentleman occupying Mr. his fast mJ seizing a large club brl■hored him' oder whether it w sot in • anon to,.,Bate
up and marched t° the oerstre of the town, liminaries being aver, the Col. road amply appreciated. Then luho"ed three • I 1 am yours ,rotas. I w c,rcunrpaet u tae no Lt hate expected P
McUonaid'e sition should worn to take J more for the ladies of San;$ after sell, him about the head in a most shocking man I HENRY jdc5f011DiR from a con■in: mar, 'pluton ueasen, atrus lhr Movement. I" the interest of trader,
N' wharo the nom nice were formed into' mounttld for the field arrived Soil took I '< i r
Pa I f`the lit le Corporal proposed three roofers far I ser. The Ric•tor expired early on Sunday I Rom, and spoils. rtr.d of h.•ioR oported Ti neraffy, we ergs The subject upon talo
upon himself the defence of a set of trait. command. A match of • mile brought I stx or $ren nwste Kr■ph:c manage n. la loan• Seat a tme.a-
Ors. The prisonerat are strongly guarded, I three atdes of & square. The oBcero and va to lite ground selected for rear evolu• S.rKt Myor Hodwn end the Nno Com- I morning, and ILtchis aseinR wLat ha hod I MR. EI,ITOR - The following ohinetry I big fur erhn aned char aid hte dl dkls,s I ■Rasa owdy suet a York shilbrg each. We do
members of the Cor ratios havio ester- mistoned OBicers of She Steniw battalion- aid dune set nut rat once in the drenion of Sad unnee, from the lour ear Comer, .hich I thrice a wok at tLe Ja Rf night, as r l• n"t see ■by they Should cot noses in Cls.
■ad every precaution will be Laken to pre• P° X tion Tie two eomrpetki s of infantry I three more fur the " Glorious Appollo," a ! y
ed the open _space, II ie Worship the from the Point were alrud there and tar snu little retreat where Godettell men were Keen. Uo M'"idoy, a Jury impannellod b I r.i.es a ,npLic del,oe.ti.r of the ,.anw a"bias • Huls ambitious of s«eagq ser nem -S .card• ads"
♦cot their rosette from the other side.- J Y a Coroner McDougall, investi ated the era amt ,onerous characteristics of Mev Stewart I ed on the we.:e, nth J cri',ores of their
Jleyor read the following addrw :- seaved ass with "present arms." The day al+Sys mare at home ler & m st obit I I K 1 -
` ut Lu•kmtyro • deshnrutened Indy of the old I person, eased offiroo(rew"od or than appre_
They were he I Iicd but R the 100&1 mer_ being exceedingly fine, gottc • DOInberof Iia¢ Duet sod hostess. Now, the gang Mod returned a verdict of wi:ful murderI e,I a h„,l, rvcent,y dettaAed. As .t might, basion, aro trtdnionally tvSpnrrd- re- Fralt ('mltmre.
jetratas on Lha 1 I Ih, but we the reporters T Want °r ah "j /hr Iluron R a ^ the fair sex wore present to welcome us I way is thrown off and the boat s ...anal Ritchie, for whoa arrest a warrant not (.e ,I, reeIy ii, de as t. s it might rah sou rel tie Gran file has rel and in
and public were ri ,rimusly excluded• we i' with their smiles. As woo as the battalion m molioD, and as we leavo aur moorings, i was ,+surd. C hief-constable Trdaer started wruua 1, I beg leave W state, lh •t Mn. Stow broad li,ht of der, b,th in lei ('t c►es •ted 1h One o! the hranchro o("xriedlaro in w\deb
GxNTLO(IN,-On behalf of the Qior I was formed, a number Ofmovemeurs were I such a haarfy cheer greets uefrom the shore fur 3wuaren thin (f•edeas) mnrnin„ sod if j .n Lha subject tet rho mance in que.tiou. w lhruuth lbw culumr of the librrr irwh or-ae * larmes doral the borders of the SL
can obtain no particulate- I retion and inhabitants of the b I r would do oa good to hear. The fiat- 6 , ltswrence or tM ('coned Santee sad, o
-__._- • •-.. tgores through in capital rtylc. Un the I 7 th- thin;; is at all ossable he will bri the 1 the honored mother or Mrs. Margret Me iu Toronto, advocated views uttered! to be novas successful, is the•.,(fr rutae ,
ns Rreat pleasarc in lendtring jou a whole nine eon nies bein formed into ter of the ladies handkerchiefs and waving' Q aY Dougall. of McDou-ails hills, on- of the landmaRt that wan heedlwl eat bred to'
RETURr OF THE: ARTIL- I heartfeh welcome nn aur retDro rem as Pe K wretched mardererback with him. y No otter de oription of (arming can at all
y line, the word was iven :-" D eon a of the hats of the ciusenn, are Bees even earliest settlers of tba Township of Go,ieric\. I attract attention. indeed, durin t le f prufis from
I. E R 1' ('O. clue service. I ann axeoro ou hat this K 1 P - - Fl insertin l t M 1 cO@cyro .ith .t t seas n,fit T b.
J Dies fire & volle ,"-the leadip com o yet, as we glide gracefully towards the Americas Cousal ige y x he ■your, sod the ohee dry as• I antiJohiesun drys when Mr. Sewsrd' I,ttle an acre of ordinary apple fr"@ will average
independent xmmanity appreciates the, 1 c P' 7 1 int wmpanymq it in your mu h esteemed Jusr tall wed to tinkle• men were in thw loci I
The GOdetich Artillery Cn. was wet• ( real sacrificve nu have made in rn oil. Lha Goderich artillery - wmmenced Po I I a.l you will much olli Gra eoant R "se's' from one tie three handird dollars ; whist oa
S o P^ I and set a most worthy czdmple by their M lhiR it probably the lent tiros I shall Mr. Ftitnars, the American Cons"1 at Yuan seer re sol off to Fort L61 te rho Dauer d•@criplio•• they are Innen mor.
toned home at 5 p, m , on Nedra ydsp, tog to the cidl of the Go, treatment, when have of ustn our columns from the front, Godenc has received the followin notifies• I for harm etprrss-d sentiments far le s Airy than Ihat. flat even these profit@ dwindle
steady fire; after firing from right W Id' BY I h' Y J. P. t•mteful to the powers that be than Lha pout,.. rain insixntfieunw +hao enm
1 I th tali, by •large c mrnurse of edit- danger threatened, in leaving your homes 4 allow me to r in conclusion, that it her non, whtrb ma be iutereetiu to sono rel oar DLtrm tar A fllnn.ATO Ltnr or TTIZOLDRN I Into in from rune of ib. con ar f
and bueiura. to render an sec aired ser- the right wing was ordcrrd to advarice, y y 8 1'rrudent tar Qw EGhennrus. The Action cfj fared rat\ the
send. As the train a rowched the eta• 1 9 been my constant aim to avoid ea ip readers:- neaoot..-)fs. Stewart of LuAk,nt re died al' rola, mace
I vice to our common eountr so that our I tad ip quick time load, -titer delivering 7 B y j ihr Can.drn Rurenfrrnl wens w "s, tbero , t atnw and blink berries.
lion, and busby$ were seen protruding y their fire, the tell wing were ordered W ••)thing fiat could passible give ot m e, OonuoR'ta 8{cr's Ornery. Lerni.cben, I,nehaber un thw 1st inxtant, in f"r4 qua@ natural, under the peculiar ear. I 'Then r "o other em of wbuh we can
free and liberal inetiluti0se nay remaip I adranae, load and fire in a similar man- oma if occasionally a little joke or incident Muntreel, April 6. 1966. rhe *ev"tt•eagb;h year of bar age. Mrs. "s 2-ceo of the case, and it is oral remark p
f.-om the window$, t cheer was nixed. - y thi k wh,eh in Int least degree approrhss it
intact, and that ass marosder migFt pot- net ; on this movement beio - a,m leted was somewhat far fetched, it was simply SIR. -I am directed by the Governor St'"wt was • Reawnv specimen of the Milt. , Able that they have forborne w long Io wrest to profit, that dove not ie-tmrr a a sch yt•
Each man u be stepped op^n the plat- lute the soil of a free people, by obtaining f P to ftai a the mutton That to hashed for General to inr0r•a yuu that the Queen's ex.I land geWswomas of the olden time• stately On* who ■ee,med systematically to court per- I er annual amount of labor, ': hie in troll w
form was treated to a course of hand- a lace to enc the standard of invasion, too line was boutn formed, end on the I Squealer ws,po.enng you to act as United 'a personal appearance kind hearted, gxnial, attention•' "
p I wort right about taro, fur+acrd, b.jng I breakfast, which by a little attention at' cmrteous, refl•mannered, r Rly i tfdvrng su w a t later .\o hes d 6•''
The histo$ nations exhibeta the feta, cooking can sometimes be made more al Steates, Cc -nal at Ouderich, has received Her given to hospital• cull m d,nq .uRcient I•bor .hen he m. \
ed. T such ai we here seldom witness 7 rgiseo the whole line *dvapced in a csdid P Mo'est 's si nature. The notification of Her try Possessed of much solid «,d saoxe, she Qtai es It. ',illain, there i■ no crop for which
ed. Tho soldier appt eased Flail to see fort a pentad to once program arise, when, I style, it was in fact remarked b @table than the or' Lne( dash. ! y g K POITT&L iaraowawtv.-Tbe Se. I oo,S he
J pre. self Myeetyn he (saaal o(your dpph Murmt alas Xi intended sod orna,; ti her hoearrd a t firmer dsmy he mote certain of a mrbat
home once more, and ceruinl lir could for the maintenance of tech oatiopdaJ.I If my lettere hate ooptrabuled jo any peered m the tiasufr of the 2Uth Much. a an discrcell► and,udadously, dad reared • Repwbfiraa dcecribes an iwnntre t of the AS
7 J it ie oeoeraar that the amume the en- sunt that rho marching mar most excel- lar - $Lan for good,froh.
J J lent After the word hall had been iven, wad W the who wetion Or pleasure of I here the honor to be, ter, ed family of aonx and dwlhten, .nom she e1e)+■t P,stmrta of Sp l.oai@ M. Smith, But sweet in places where tan h calti•aD!d
not complain of any want of hvartinuts in ergies of maturity, and further, to attain K pour reaJen, who were Do doubt always Your mat nb't serv't uveJ W see an a good position in life. fJ wh•eh adds resit t° the facilities for trios•
ie quick time Mad, sounded &lop the bar doth .n -Intra«ot t y ; { as s business, there w not that attention paid
the manner Of their reception. The con- •Prop+$ sUtua among other oshInt, a B glad to heir something about the Sete DEVV13 UODLRY, yM of her clam of tbe wittinor letter mat t. The invention consists to the quality or sort which w desirable,
an ■s soon rax se f reli&nt dict line is uaential W the qg ranks, whici was immrdiaaly followed by Oar'r old *ehxrl, whose oYmberr fait dimwiahin "f ■yo=n in.lrad of • Iwther
p y, pyo alt,, was drawn op P r ht -and Inl't oom.De"Oe file Sed duingr of their friends while at the S*et. g poach, r the Thw ie seer mucti to b. re noses. Tb.
cycles of a whoidwwne influence amore the Bring ; Teoe. F'ITaAM F epic, Ac., tk. m the Highlanda, has awe Her receptacle fur Irtr-rs, durin Ibex transit 7 R
by Major Rwn, who had a+eomprmed it K the front rank some down om their knees, front` a ae all lie reward that your moat U. S. Consul, Goderich. ichly s y from one q firmer who hr male sp hu mind Io ealtiy.te
mind and mrmm wen richt) stored with Lha yart of the enunuy W anolb.r. fruit abnuld lot very Nrvteal to inform him-
home, when the members of the (0r sea- ddvern rough of the ewth, Such is the or• and won the whole line was in a rfect obedient subseriber asks. le rear and tow J'tinnar lore and rhe hos is m■de or wood, strop t bound
P^ e■1 through which we aro paw win Pe ,d I Re 7 y pnetry o/ Y y serf which am the best sorts, and who is the
lion advrnoxd, end la or Dotlor read g Mega. T° t young Soldier this was mot 1 IIILU JUNII;B." Psasot►L.-Mr. R. [darnel, who hes II. the Gael, whose graphic language she spoke iwith tried . Rod secorsd by the usual post ref• ort likely person fmm abom to get them.
Y {that our martial spirit wjll bS t, icited, exciting, the continual dischar of the _ ___.- ---' led the position of Station Master hero very with p-rfretion. TM dee .wd IxJy was pad oak. The Mx is RFoat two het long The farmer who i■ going to invest ten An,.
tie fidlowin(D addrrr :, 1 and we trust it will result in cementin I ° K" gse aver tabl for the ■ daughter of Users of Torrlaeshiah, an old by ten Inch-@ wide, and foe, or to i0ebes
K ridre, ria rapid loading and aammands of Portant inose Wasrlatton. Q 7 Mat year, hr resigned, t0 Ian in urea wcnld fleet rnnaali lose own prott
us in the bonds of u0ited action, vis family In Kintall. Her clan wen fatthfuf gird deep, Within, on the sides of the boxy am by purchasing ten good rasarod of iffy poor
To file o8i+x►e, roe.»mrnissionrr/ o sea K Lite officers, all tended to kee Ilse men engage in the Produce, Commission and loyal sdbrrenw of Scotland aancientdynasty, ' iron -toothed guides with A follower, o/onRned trees. 'f he pr dote of ten soil Ines world
I @Lability to our unequaled inatitutio es.-- P W►satsatud, A ril Dot: ( •
@rid yrrirxsfn cj the Gd,deri:cA Garrison perfectly delighted math the novelt oft P 14, 1861. Inau-nea Domioer in Montreal. fL@ place in ohne,. cAuw Ihey st,ffnred much. Al Ihe te prow. ib. lettere Inter tom
l'crmit mc, from informatiop rea•irod W J realist, more than that ofg6Ry i•aor n ire
ArtiGes y: field -day To add W the amilsentent of Negotiations have beep commessar I for • is take o by Mr. Snyder, lalm of Mitchell. haul► M 9heriffmuir (remArkable for the fict I Th* kel:.rs are pl""d in Ihe hos upon their with nos ifh thw tenable an planting and
GgNTLxMEN,-Rae, the corporation of, OOngratalate you on ]aur proficiency in Lha scene innumerable small naw fdeci prociy troay, and fox w setisfsetory " -- that the ri ht win of +rl,eb del'eatoo the It, t ■dKr'e, wiM"iron led in as
bo a insisted Taxes en Raw PtroNmee. J K Mratin per` tendirq, and one•fifth ib. ,Moil Decd ad.
military drill and on the anatenanow of aD J ormn eimnt of the fishin natation. The _ wmr of the other, both @,des claming the eels for different offteeo lbw fnllnwrr abed e„ q y
Godento (o the to wale the you ho e, """"bed character while removed( "^ anMLahng tie" Finnegros at ever) di• I Y g 9
Of tie town, hey; to welcome nn home, n over Gorernmeut w ra to un ah as in• To eke Berry mar ,tae fide Inn angwa; widory, Ihcosh Argyll retired to Dunblane p• p Inn months axn ws erllrA the attanit"n
7 ohs o b fetid g r the lid erdred ►rad locked, And the mail
'ser ' y period of w ervice ■1 the Pion frvm tax, tet rcadiner to w rte the l► backwards apd for- P Pared P 1 se read of eter farmers at thte @" is aid es ib.
ager oar FP^ g I irat,hoes of the law committed h the Fenig 8tu,--The American govera Trent havio and Nrrr to Ar,och) She Macrae@, th0uxh 1 W depart. With thio amngrment
nous old Ba under which we asitedl wards, t rowing their - lop said arms up y sea. R forming part of rhe defeated win of Marra no wrappers aro used for th- rmb dM' n. nmr fur traneplant,nq firers io naw sew at
der. R hen, a few weeks ago, y0D acted g 7 but sera so tau" as et for interferon". meat fanned such d Japanese illiberality, iu , Y M Mf nae. d, we .gaie ell their attention to ,t.
p I rally. mW the air, and pretending W be either 7 framing their commercial hr - Army, refining to By, fought walwsut sgaio■t rd for dif er"t o1Fces and the mail err. he
fmm u of this spot, jt sou will • fret- m nfe arm. Oar (armee need ssol be i. the leastalarmad
killod or ruortall wonndrd. The voile y gnat iidde, one of their nambor, from time to closed ntbin . Gw meeutre rel the aim. rose
toR a tout part led you might be wiled To tit elJicrn, won+yrrmmiasinsod nl)Deers 1 ) p@ the trade cf @hie country, it leen mw im "beat g"ing foto the hw near on arcnunt of
Bring of the fioderieh onm noes wary no- p legis) y thamhent nn ober c:mmont " lima, resMng to Ino top of an emaornbe in oat depsrtwro from ih- otic@. The name shout ekinx the tierbrt That is Account o
to meet the f emrn of Om 000ntr u and pnrwbs raj fAt ,Por I/ansGRry Cn. Pa flew sof lalna(f stock • their rear sod @houun Cobhair, cohhar,
1 pc mark■bly good, each Qime being, with In lexwlate Lha nor people a sell anfhr tM 1 K advantage s obtained in the Sawing of time It ti not enerall h
lite geld oaf b&lllc, and on oar part thaf, our tow MxN,-1Ve oleo weloonme you one Neat exception of a member of the The ahnw of Stallion@ aid Bvlla was hald Ir■at pweiIII injar or ,nconverten", from ad ochd, 1/Ms 'us an high I" (" Help, helpp sen the distribution of a mail apron its arrival. there s a large market `n Sgra laadefor lo•r
to oar town. On recei t of ■ uiaiuom J in the nAme of God end the Kinv ? Ai Tae acme mail thwt ax •d an ry uira an AO■r Y
ibl , we had aced nn some troll P Ilidex, simnitanmas. Even in lhix in- hem o^ Tbared" 12th drastic in con the derangement of oar let* mutually benw6 ) o e, me mail th ,s naw in tAe best apples, a■d There w no danger rat its ler.
ow Jax for the Balt limen. And now, 7 R 7 vga•n" length the ew thatservileed of the devoted. ing overstocked with any quen,ny that will
f f from Col. 7 a Mr, @matin Mat eenan so• $fence, the party, who by the by is of so- of the show. at Clinton and Har ^sent Girl tradaRR rvl.tior, and r rwny wd.wa band cat their w with their broadownrdr nets*. or in the h.nda of lhS carrpien, witA-
when fhe euilemcot bee vutxtidrd, it it a anmmMluione were rt,quircd for Vdoo- P 7 Pr*` l.R" wised anew. be award under the raw ay m ses, minutes After nn ae ca. The in he raised in Canada for ears. There an
tern, mao trv'k immedixt- actino, and we eustomed b the we of fire arms, de0lar@a ceding iL the turn oml of stallion@ mass *asset. ord.r of thing@. thmagh Me Woks of their moa@ M ca, r) home y
source of proud satisfaction to know that that his ride went off twice. Whet wiM the aad tale mad indeed U Torclawh,t4 who •nation, «omhined with the fife" of ors rang sspple Ire$ in the v,rinit) of Ibis city,
the Goderiah Artiller Co. s ran W arms I end assure you that so pains will be spar• I ,ratty me•grw, being "efioed W two. Hasd They hare doer all they could to de ria bad W r ' P that yield annually ihr wm of fiftrea dollen
J P X Mc hest and don, whish b the w& u r of the adnnugss of trading with them, ^Mem the Aceto d three nit ' smr, petty lose rued W thw Roar.n,mrnt t:e W their pmpret"re, and xta one hundred roeh
wiM the alacrity that marked Me 0nndnet I ad by the citizens of Me tow^ to render 7 7' P"rtarii , °weed by J. J. Fwhsr, took the and hate sen Farquhar, Christopher, and Drennan tlae Int a*rvrte of eight clerks in ihe St. Louse Pert
Our eta ■mou¢st as as comfortable as aftsdrt al ierahk, ad looked oro Dvery firsI rasa Soil Cle•eldnd Mews er', owned P acted the,$ agncolmnl Inter d nu;h of u Otic@ bowdew rte ine►IeaLDls amnant in w could be I g msd,
Of evwy Toluptcer corp@ io Canads, at the 7 It Q ' d • ceu, wnd ■Amit our u 7 rparinq wess. lite rear p antes upae one acre of ro
first call of the Gnvernment, ■Ithou h poseable, The object you bare in view dasmlrvd u If son had o,een in came very lose Joo. Gwk of Godariah tp., the estosd, serma r the drew rpofiuhle tentbw.mael•e@, y r° * R Rrcat sdvl them is car= • fair margin (tar proiL
' pp hes• b word w stiq p oess ed in the Ping pwp('rer and $wane, liar the
F I der . us, as British sub navy action; however, all enjoyed very Will aur f.rm-n he content if our Rovern• Tower of London. Mrs. ,gtesrsrt a remains tags goised w is t!e seeing of time to a II aur (•$man were to try the mining of
many of ita membvta left important bust- JraU, and yon BOM aro int clam ani.tela. Fiwe Rolls some of that dr.t,ri
will have She Satisfactam of kowi Mat much their drat field day ai the Gillet wen exhibited, all ins animate. The follow. •tent do leas t The will not, nor r it to be w"m earned to the dubnt ■aired of Harris, whole community ruling lou«sea, .hen ptm. of fruit, they wr>alA
weer, end most Mont• tender domo lici tin ly Thin morning the ■roller do• took ex cted the should; tb*rof.m aur oven. for interment in the cemetery of St. Cleanest n-cerl,ry, within fire minnlo sof tM time of find it fall) as prn5uhle as rising barley or
which arc senrces OI the eatetat wll0itnde I yon$ eryourn will he amongwt a tr,aly loyal y in r a Iset of the rte" awarded:- Ido Ihir• p ] Y Iweide th.00@ of her A■aMrnd, Mr, Ibnald deP"run, and dehrerin them within •few oats far the Amrriran market. There r •
their depsnere fa hose, lieudrwl by the R P ( meat @buaki irsmedrsely cordar sear notion pnnlent witA " oral man ferns
/o The soldier in time of trouble and I p7o ula:ion. It may mentioned to all the Sarnia infantry and followed by the Ilu- hw brod), W'in Yoong, Colborne, god mesenro well calculated undo, the eirewas Stewart of Lu@kiniyre, and sore of her ebild_ moronism of the arriTal are a IdrR. sm . im g 1 rs,
d• vnnflcenter" resent, that it is our intention Gallow"v Jan. Ye Doo P" - that during the growing of fruit trees, the
' I P rtm rifles, they marohnvl fmm ihr pends ( 1 gh, Colborne; 'oil I atano•eo W henifit oar farmers and decrees nn, were fallow -A tc the pia" of tymherka tant meal. The PrtmurrrGeneral te aath' land about them nu ht not W be tilled Tbw
daring this mark to offer something •little Rdwd. Manning, Hallett. the odds again$ them. tion, at the pier of Port- W i lism by a corsid• nf1 e+) t adopt this fmprovement coneraill, is a minakr, ones of the Detat wthoritiss his
Altbtroolli the cewil not it a he a I ex- I grrsund /o tine wharf where the G-od a -his number of carsa es, e0ntainin nen And, fon hw
mora tanriLlw Man mere •ddress@a torr --_ We amporl IsrRAy of wheat, ono, &&d Y K ) Pr^tr**"ivo antecedents, it w
hod of volunurn wal eptail a betty ex- I 'frank ferry boat was in readinras W Rr ■ceworoay Mem.-LV* wwlmm. to oar Boor, oven Data .Asn wvouro markeu gra Irreuda and seighbora ihr mAn,f"s,og tMv likely tbN the wbob cn0etry will o n iY eomr*nd the tilling of it aPecwlly fm
7 their consideration, of which due notice d
pseditare of moery upon tie Govero• convey them to Paint RdwarJ. Os the 1". Shall wt do so naw .hen ws an poi r*ePeet for her memo, y.-(inveniess Courser, b@"gtl j y root tr^Ph whreb taLrs •p Me @Daly .n Rite@
will g d, On older table the No. of this sterlin old m Ib. roob an upponusity In apvr.d, sni dn+
meant cod local manielpalitir, we believe Si sod, sem heiaU of /he (` t(,g, role " 3em o Po and rather pOn t R aR' off from tall American o. soh n we el leash
this e6eemof the movement will be Parma- X'i orlwava Sin wen seng in ae le, to dmwe if asilu 1•r Marek. Notwitheursd,ng the a.fal . R{ y ' - -- -.- - . - nourishment fmm a diaune*, Of Searle,
J. V. i)R'f Looe Ms seas. 7 Rust ant s nu 1 (:•$taut not. O@r Q} J'.rw is brcnmiaq`solrewhat Aeierieas- in lbw more it is n*enrry to manare liber
wsetly beoegeial. It dwbarw the mind@ 1 p"e■ible ear fewlirq(S •t pereing with ear tory Ww• of id polities) wlicl.e, Birk*end Rowemmena shneld pat • dory nn ilwiMd A new paniahm.nt inn jevenila "Bend- ; . Their hilt of Mase b.wa
am bad been inwxnted h an " American all
afl wvnid-M plardeMr. of for idrta that we Cspt. Fisyt, oo behalf of the Rif@a eomradw and friend@. ()n reaehinR the ape Sill bold* iss positrra" ss Ihe AeaA o/ magas- Acuses reveals and tca.,aml pass tb.m t►rowsgb iatfala• Two he y Artralias mag bock+teat cakes, ■PPI* ►rad mince t .del 7•
7 P^ y y ofeok of the ferry-LieaM Rirk and ine litenure. Reprinted Ay 1. tieott A t1O. in bawd to ICnRla d, parbApa reiaate ib. d. at • ►.nes, were eeritseoced rWR .ith rddrssgi ecekuike aMl emrhen P *b
an poem, in A milits int of view thanked the Ma err for the kind) @anti- P** -- ---
sat do snaaimon@ wntimset Of M)t1t P Horlsm, surroeadSd b their men, m New York. gold at thin o lo. "n .II flnnr and highnnn osperwwl, ib. pre local mswsp•pe"L ----- - -____ _ Twa hroan ov Ban [mew. -11s @cowl of
in raft- -d through the r and b7 ments ex rRRem.l in ihr AAdrvsw, hot ez• 1 deet m western wheat tar core. - _ had Inst, in oar opMion, lin in hart h•bir
ed and gave Moa roasipg *Ite*re far Coll Tea Estns gRue RtTraw.-The eosleata On corn the duty shcold M ver hi TRA Psssatdr PsorLIL-Thirty mamMn or Md Saaeg"mrny Tau, mom th.o (n r-
tlb PaOple u lard* meet eonTirnce oer', plsin.d Mat it mar a mistake to oppose ) gh, sa of the liberal party in Prasta, mostly drpu- t,id-ntal rireu.rianel," G*neomit em i *c-
his eau had boas witbdr&wn nom Jar.i. and hu sof'-tba three mon fit$ y we that oar distilleries would oder a Ixgs &Mi_ Art AwRRICAN RPITAPw,-Tice flatterer f; risen hen opened • sahseri assn (ser the
mre pan l oto ler all, tier obits we ds ' Pe^7 e/ ib. lrury No. of t\w able Qreterl M be" Alone ib. least to merit ilama Fommi s
t►rar romr•d@a, and torr Salon fldr tba r fdbwo:-Hadco Prero Painting; Tba tiaa te oat as"rb.t for coarse gr•irs, oast, la Lha rpiLapii rwa @ kNsbafrroe in Raat b.n.fit n( amtWenrs in the onrrtifuti"n•I al -
i t tdn prase, w* era grniy united in cur, setive service. He bore tastizaoay to the Indica of Sarnia, than 1nllswed three ruga rye, soid barley, which would •e @a better T _ f smdss eonMsin mast. A writ*. d ssub
sl*arir Gvlkea Ors Mand b th- Rlovirsu@ efll"'O li sod Wmd *mdaet asbiAjbed abeam and & e rat /enm the Rifles sed in so I mApodal Yawrfn; Pnblle GUIee• whsekey to Arink. In fart, ,f l R\ dati.s oss eoerlassw ehw lived t Ilfw of virtue RI■ hetw.rn crown and Mrlsemant Tie pro ase
J it •ed i•rwporriMr Rrmrda ; AR PwoRomia and died of eholr'ra morhne, nested h e&t error aro $hid intended to " li p,rrlence m ib. .urld says " I nmi•*r kala*
rf3ra•x Rritalt at all iarxrda. Thr'. bock Maer h i ieM for their trmrsdr Lne ( erre and *Maley wpey molt b.re as in ihr JJ eoMf PT"'t berals an r.rly-rkeNaf bed wersing pr,mA t "an'
/Isw1 r kas, y pates whsle at RavaiA and roto 7 hwlwjish of th* Pourssouth Cantary ; R*o st' C►an w Umt.d Ru reg f(rserr fait Ie this fall h of a hles@ad t" from n es, and In dssset rsN•utiOr,
Oao"diss@ irrarpeetive raft artillery,■ndrlhels*teher+sew►idiag is tie An of 1I.r; tGVY, r omt lTri season w• fa amthavwoees hiser.w Intb. Imarrtalit al dsa w. .."pope editors• The anoi w who oe M\w sarninq and steaetl]
tseSler prty, Bilin leis •ire That mh.y wen ►racer, hl, bad tae doubt is than distaeee, the Capt'a bell was heard Nr M rly age of 21 just IRM e/ Marob, IN4R, mar Mw T«spoes of ihr r■,
vveessppew*tt ce thb y f ►nen e! loco, v.o risoufd een"a 1.. sob° eonplalneA of bad Iwb that U ..
rev iewoaisdeSefd*wwa fres Maj would, a►eaM oawiee requite flgbl a y„ . dor ki..d. wen aw gi.lsfab..n a tiors.a O.abeffet Oso no4wable barley, smd the as+wality aril 7 months, and 17 days. Reader go Masan @sena• soba cad Inn` •tens- W lou "PI by dream of. Rat whoa i see a Wrrdemalte.
fps W+, *teruetw Sed p Me msu art's +rpwa*Ay t►w obey Ywld lea q- It is bet juab to ry the ase s/•- And bale; The Rntasg•s Obsdetas Newell pleya " "f oar alm*dy ka^dyOw poopb. and do likewi@a' ioS tbx day when Rrrlm erweted' fa Nv err*pinR not °f a mren fall, m the foresees.
I V low a t„ *vary Veil. Masy TAev, sRd Rand Duke self gdlbl6 whe rink Weald he grsatly inproveA. per maw. _ _ _ _ aR•n W it kin .cid ler LrofTe Duwhea la n
ah \s Iterdta Naek ,n lost ►o41i this ria
tIM pfe1id b dafiwee of bri rya wilt Wa I 1 bs6t` " IA I• "Irtiwted for w►rko ie . Rarriet P■rr r lbs oma of fhe Pg w nice PrwmiM very. TM M w f ►h hat tareed ■p anA Ik* aromas kartaked
Tlatiisnrft•y sonde► wA, w Maw, i "DeTllar>un ! a sassars orf /ha Ar- Rttws@iee of tie Fr•gaike*. lt* orad` aq ) W W leak- fav t►o
sttise4vn, rR«y son Ib.ir way to the ►noel, sed their L. &,sit A Coy N. Y. gold at ►r Orae tiohej fi tied n rapidly "luring the Irk lisp lady sohe writes tt.Aer the preAsnym of Prtrhlcba Hide, wove t►er w wise worst t , I. i t b ►e a
t PPas•■sss of oar soligbMfrs to Hotsr Lay, ieMrnrl, *ta crobdsd *II da . shlgg•rd a kesve,
I or a lifeeplea"