HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-3-29, Page 2- y _,'] ;err- ,yam Jam• f ''A , `' i k ti 'M'^p?r "?^. 'y"a ,,. ', ..; , r ,,., ,.- .., _ ,,:,. p, k Vr r ^aY •rtrr; t ( :TB t. 1. r.;r l., 5 4 1 r -.+,c J c ._ F - . t , , { - 'y r 1. •^j l 2 ,•„ .. - - - l 'l _ -- - X k • V J A an ecce u s tiwe .dwti. H E: P R I N O SHO W \, tYIVATt tlltLZTs, linalem way gslhrc rrouod Its atandafda ■PtiNG 4"IXACrt. I Guvtwomtes, tad in a private Capacity, Only pn y" •paw esuseuof the spewM pad utehe IIIc ate Noia Iheu basrof w PI a tai pce or lu• • - AAkxIA, hare► 21i I thea f h K wbiCY fdlowed. That to pay the tart, r • faroursb4 p(aw pn `ia bill that the eveujug entartwio- v g. a .I `R a; }$ It., ••J 3t` t' lFn ..i' :: r`p',s I M„.if•1 $ ' s ) ir. v~d vp?'', v ¢ rV /d+..l.w ay, ", s i t,t , ;a.A,,, f, ,- scum u t e epubha to lush ■n u• while In Goderinh, hu won the Coalition" Mr, P. MoMahatr, sueaKille, for SL Pat- for an attack upon CYarada. As m a under- mot would etsoclude with the wystarloo UNION LOIIICULTUII'L SOCIETT, )I Y DRAR 8t4aR.L.-It would be dm- ltot ua to become ultimate) den emus l0 Tbow Courts wen opened oo Tuesday and esteem oC Vis fallow oitieeoa. The rich's reed •nou• . ad the b sato : All sinal • nmd snit, drill of old the Feai•as per able iu .y araN hnealat] likes Jarsla to I y K ;20th lost„ before Mr. Justice Morrimea. ' eidlised sessions ul the world have adopted in the e will take place tu•aurrow, .e dirppearat of • lady. Sero it the Nu Exegttive, sad la a nation to diedzfe I fullowisi address wr read b Judge alter the rfsfsssaee he rlu with the ass ors towarlrs or gins You at aR time" any ktr}>u amount of p After the usual routine at u nine, the C B 7 P+ p •,lib J r to th who mi t bava Yi sled the u scat aro■ rill, esti ae an met here to- shall r 1 Mrs un o Wrtut 11 0( alis po I"d "••,, Rb P lm► oop" :- o ht in memos of the •trou rant of one f fn ..salve of the • Cf t e Mother- wife of the naw WbO owned the hall. As H F [ 6 L D H U R U N K 1 N L O s s iufettwtin(i uewefor the aim c reaan tont Juriav were oalleJ, when thn following t1 7 P J „ . and Id like tree in the bud. And Chep GIe Awari- To N'u.l.ull Fnaw &Wens naaou Ireland- 51. Yatriek. (Applstss.) ked ►en Ile W A W A N o s H aulfictcut malcliul Jces not ezial for its ganUomen of ►hu Grwd Jury answnrtd to of Her used 'a C•ritom+, at the town And A"wric& too hr her patron riot, one - ---- - -- -' caus aro bound by the m"t acre, of in- )) • mBeufaclurr, And when )oar take into trnuUional ublignlione lar event the iv- their names -\Vw. Aldridge, B. Bea. of (ialerich. whom she found amusg her own peuple,whor American Troops ow The /rt•oalw 1 ICtpf1- Will her held in 1h• Village of l.askuow os eur•aidtnliuu the bi:iun of the turres- he the ubda rrigoed, on you Irving hen name sbe did nut have w wak in the calendar I 1_r. Oo the 6th inst •t Point Newnt, Gupe Tuesdr the Tenth day of April at Ten P va on from their shores of a counts bo- nett, Jnu. Quchauao, Samuel Boulton, ColleetOr paadamtwhoathe p tufurof alt -know- Y / fur.nulhrrpwul, reywatycur arept►nce u( that ou•1• ou "int WYbngtov. (('Leen.) P° Bay, the ■ifs art Juhe 6Aslr ham(, o'clock A. . rhea tLe fullowog ynave 1 ewe" whi^h and themselves friendl I Thos Br"df,aut, Geo. Coz, ki'm. CArMu, Uas came, now prernlud to you, by year We are grateful to the American people fur Three co.0 ^ire of American voluulrers I of Inland He -saw, of a esu. will be awarded. iug that his military duties must at ■II ] 6ieods Y a juke. u( their rete•m and ret t havin rea'etwee w with u u ass end rant have been ca•led out s► C.pe Vincent, and • reLliona sub id. To •void the dale{- r. I .1 aa. Doughus, Kubt. Ual;clly, !i. Farren, I r i R ri res R fourth u like) to be added to them, to du Un Haturd■ the 17th lust , the wde u( For the Haut Sutlioe fur agriealtarid par• limes be attended to -it is to bar ho for the ou haves amt s.tfafthe du es of y Ir tb w ell the rigbu red privilege enjoy, Ly 1 T' {Ii r Ped Ons prccedrnt sou)( l to be ralabliihed, it. Gurrulock, J, C. Gibson. Ju. !looter' rhirh you have discharged the ,news of your thelraaelrea, end bare ae not shown our Tawe. July rat Capo Yiucrnt iu prcveutiug •ray al r. E. K. l..wl, of • Jru;;hlrr. Pose•» that your readers will make due a', owancrl 2nd Rest 6 maint+iu a btwtr of see, and Io avoid al. H•dwin, Il. B, llodlge Thos, Lamb, u1B •while si&]iund in Gmlerich: Trwlinp Iletin by nurrleraeJueas during t1e low wet Fbman or other dcwuneuating against IMI 1ralltD. For the lir.) 11u11, 5 ,,, for au a c' N. McInt •re, 1), :McKendrick, R. Nichol, that you way be lung spared to fulfill the 1 wy ask why waw there such a war T I ry pract of Canada from that pwoinl, The Drtruit „ ] ppareat short anmingn. mac the denAer from within which we nave S ✓ b my Iwai oo im rbnt Chan res have taken I duties l any petal which you say ba placed. iI .0 brought •bout by tba evil maehiealions tree Yrcr uys that "real u(tM l7lb C. Un the Slat ins., harry Cwroli l., Infest god R,sl '` P" h adverted to, the Guveraweul should now A Reid, A. t'an Egmoud, Jno Wait.- We are, your, ke., of England •old I trwl that m a for days we S, regulars have arrived in that city to be u. tiau4hlrr of J. Slv earl, a,;rd amen "Wells• The Dewrviti i i thea ens adsI the .fiat r place in the geeteral stat" uf'affaira, Thr Mr. M'Kendrick was chosen foreman. Un the part of arm. and subscribaar. will bare • chance to profit by the example signed to stauuns then slid cl.cwhen •long The Nawnl lakes ulace on H"wrd•y the ll lI';'^'lore ' erlPnae.err rdtlrUuoal fav+ declare that the Fenian Cance has gone far R. COUPI•]1(, of u.atralit she ere us dune that wet - the lake•• It is reFAo'ted that a portion of 24th inst., at one o'clork, fmu her Father's same pace anatiun i. Bail and nig•htl ole I Itis ! ordrhi in addrrwin the Grand 1 K R n y enough and moat c^sac ' P K Judge, I{. k H., Cbawman• Ireland hu iu .II •gas Levu opyresscd pad Tbem will rolenr The dctrelueeot of the 4th residence, til. UuriJ + 1troel. F1 iraJr arnti 1 be Scallion oLlraiuing the fir&] pries will served b5 the military authorities, and - • --- - Jur , after awgralulatin the Jur on infante at Fort Wa are, that one cum a acuuaiutanaa are invited to attend. be re: uited u, stn ow dry • .w dwiew • Y K Y l(r Fwkn in • fatting speweh, Usutkd the duwutrt"lden, urJ h.a she nut produced wen T 7 W Y I T should Iawiess wen atWlupt to Another Vulauteer Com a in X ,.ubsonher Io the srumouial for their +S T , - - the ""Or. in Ihn i ill" a of Lucknow. Pa T the li htotas of the dutitu which would old to Ihowo of pan other artium iu wit will her• sent to old Furt Ifrrdy rat the Sault f JAMES 5OMERVILLI lJooPrle•h. rt kiudnes, to hir•ael( end wif0. anJ prom- war, a hal poetry, rrst Irrntiug, To b.1ll..g iu Stn. Marie, end tau will he swtiowd at Fort wt111tCt1l1 elk{ . Rewwrl " t'ut s foot ec nor oar bolds, levolye apao them, and vzplaiaing puinb ! war, a hwa t ten attested oar •vera L.ulrlield Gnliot, jest rMv Port Huron. [wekeow March 17th 1666. a.btl 'ie will show th, m then sold there, On JlOnda eveuiu last of law, referred to the Fenian movewunt. "' l" herr hu old Irievds io gnwful n• r] __ _- .,. 7rith) a OOm• ant mbwonce when he used the caw now re. of Furope pad Awarics fur she )set centur iYhat Crrobdan h.u,ls seer da, pany of Inf ntry wa for sed here, the Ilcapoke in v cry warm terms of the great seated. He .leu spoke of the greet pleaulrc pad I Yk I appeal to the world, pad Say, *lay The Rewarces of the Fealans. LANDS`•FUL- AL -*-- + - - Al,d Catuadian hearts can dere." should much • u le nut have their iude ed• Insolvent Act oa 1 . rr. uisit , mumher Laving curulled their erimr cootemplrtud b those who desired he baa experienced in the s"i•sy of the lriemda Pe P Yc _ These aro the a yourgo. seotiwareb ez- 1 ^ r. 4t luu • countr into anarch which he bed fou", inGo__a h. _-_ rause T" York 7SmclsrnWntiuuuoon rthemdatolofrthe . N T In IAS natter of WUlian Hinds ate /ren( - names tier Inas purplso fru" the Iluwe F' Xe S y Mr. Fniwgr, Irouh ([wm,tcnt):-' TM Y r pre "Pd shore era you I o. 11th lust., sa s:- r Q want. Guard," )1 r. S, 1'. 1'ruwnns was unam. west well )pnverneJ, and whceh offered to Nsw Vv..l Atsaa 1Lnauox.-TM om- binary of the Irish esu proven an Ib9U at tlr T On kVeduebday aId 1'hm allay the sees, to ees on the Grand Tnnk have been forme river Ro an, when a mere handful of Irish Mr• Sowavd was iufornud, a few days ago, Tfig I owe'loas r•1 rhe Iwdrem •n saved tawi.ly e utt w Cu rater, IL B. arge Mae- every berty t meso all the civil rad retie e 7 T H6 "low4 exeallrwl farm bb, ria-la.s 1 t uwwl oI br e+- 1 Cryolr soder the heave Srnfinl thew lima by r prrun apo prvFoiid lv a aecurutely 'h s &ad ri hu n:der •a Aw " betlnlion psr.l4e tool- place, iu WLiCL the y ed into tom ni the whole of ■hick make Y d+ 1 i k I , Lieuu n:mt, and 1l r, G,rx);o 11 ac- imus liberty that could be ,aired. The P• ++. iul'orwrd, that the F'rntems Lad • mdi N. a■ the H.yt•Y a-.waw.a,w of lM Tuw■- lou wnJ etlect., under rhe •hour Ars, sol n.e. the one hatWion of voluutKn, b order of C. J. beat bock The saar,auR buries of cuwrrJly „ shi rel Uaadeneh. Cu. Heron, cwrterea ala, I ws for -Si mi Awrs•,e, sad ibry •m rogated to men srwua rapidly bcrowin f pmficirnl.- kenue, En,ign. The new company i+ Jury then entered up n their duties, which y F:n duh wercrnaries slid rLe are as brave to force of 50,Oo0 men anrollad, orltamiaed a r r A heav fill of 1a night eom posed ^ Brydees, Esq , General Manager of like Com- T 1 armed, and commanded h experieeced ng w aver or which •rout b0 ere cloarcL deo tioc furnw ate, wabu two rw°tlaa from thou date, J lino" on 'Chun, y ^ p f fiat -rate mater awl, end, We . lortunately were lighter than for owe pany. day Y ever. Ireland w-d.y makes air appeal _ 1 I wrta, bell .1 the sunh I of lr% n..•ares, L■ks .db thou cl.twe, elannl•mg rhe «only lie, ' doubt not, will do credit to the town. lake I for freedom; will ou bel oar the real work, Iters ; that they have fifteen tuillions dollar ,f od, EYt ass 16. 1,.wwwhip o1 :'holey, .nJ hull, d sly, sad tun vdue W n ; •uJ II parr, relieved the men fairer the duties of panda earn. -_ - -- _ _ --- , T y R I un hand, ands lar w Bert of wemels now ly- I Coeur orf Huron, cwtaurng .nova liners u stages the feel ; aha no"..uewavJ md.r voth, on Frida • ; const uentl a sort o1' holiday brlicrr Capt 1 mwaur Lae the prmmen of Y Tire Montreal (idse(re, of'rhur•day, gays. (Me will.) I b li"o the heart of every I R yen.revt, des rbc .ew n W LW wish 1►e •res hen Ia w 1 - I m iv The lark+ ru and that all of there -.waves, mewl P■ frP"a's of -IN ,rima. sues c.r n r t ennb lug mO.t ill M f,tons I • regular drill in -tractor f err his ourpn.- I The civil bussness was also remarkably -., H'e baro fens •comes ndenl iu low Awer icau is rill m a.d shay .all know fur R P ten ,u," tmn-1h awaa oa .f uw sad' n- Ibrud a utdrneb a the Cousl of Hut" J Y f P° b, pany back IM false neutrality of England. j are uoly a part of their resources. 11 is P f Suets, wsauug •nous 16nny macre., tau flth day ul March, IMa . 1 the I"ent of their owu i"cliustioas. Your 'Truly, G,alerichis a warli►e place I light, owing vo doubt to the improvement York that an attempt will be made by the Inseweu he vee w aur Hag, it rill yet Warr Pusiyle that a proelamatiou wy be issued, "isle k ur a, -,e. , Ir•suew, •Ins I, 1, t1t Iwo, `t. P. YEUMANS, Asea"•. Cnrte:+pmnd•rnt took advantage of tale time --- - - in the liwes. Fenians on Cowl within a few day, We over our beloved wui.e laud." I raruiu; people nut Tu be engaged Io thtsa Kaon •' 1'• r the raw J'uwnislq•, Mu -0 W. T HAYS lohemor li.r Irsdry 1. ..N fns' irrussAsr To CmaatTglxU•xT6--Persons r aturh norm wrranve sol Ihn ud'arnwuuu. fhe I movement& ; but from •ll 1 cam leant, I ' mile bora 1Lftew on rhe Ors wa Hurd s rola- - -- thus at hie dispa+"1 in p^Iing himself up Trust A Loan Co. ve D000gh and F ( ) "ratan Iron (his countr to r&]uuteen at the Mr. Grainger, isnot he Demcent B ' Y elTona of the gorernoteut incrosss in rig,- ,Cn man who is out Lcart wad wul and I thank w eauemvly doubtful it. the Garver maresu ten a•re. rJ Dewe .ng Lou Sera as d Insolvent t of 1W, In tLe land a awo Of II,C town. Cow• _ 1 Yre•ur o, weer, ped Uwrlli■ b..use, Han anJ Ra Voung. Verdict for Id. !s dams • merola s raktn Irons alwold vurk (heir Ietten with the tom- P 6'es• ear•'' ere wave ►old liter of Lis heal with then went rill Irks ay notice of ir, Mr Sward Un h.ru, •rJ des the• wmh wesexl held w LW II I think It would ffe 7 1 1 Y P K• p greet work u not tit to live. lGresl rp ,will yruh&]dy puma to the recent sperc► o(I tag►Tam■ tam tam eshtk oaaw.oa o! Ibe Tuw■. % Kolur.l Bill njfAs Turpw• an and rank of abuse written to, in rhie I )I. Swdair for Ifs. lw Lke rswzffrr n dlffiealt to find a plate In n mar,± pens}w•r- P 7 GuJfla ich, :7th March, 1866. Nr. GiatLwne m the Briti-h Parliumrnt, Y I at r 'tanlrc direud, w.temrn b,m1 "tato ous condition. Its geowg(raphical pn<iiioa castle a prepaayrucat of two cents wr:l be McKee vs McKee. Verdict for plff. plans*.) I propose lar discuss a few pwmu P u r ° aAiy vj 1'lderdie ins (Ar Couwty of Tribe Fitnrr a Ibe H,'aua awwrt: ha'arlUg un l rC CLYrdellr Of Ibis mCrnag.- alYrrdartl reYptl ff IImr1•Inllrfelanee; Md arses 1 lead n..aly rlr. rd, •.d Sallee cru has made it a moot im rtant dr .t fur aulhcieut. $(17.62. M. Cameron for Iff. . • the ez ditiuus to Clare" will M allowed l0 1 m,M of sue "' "" rr v"no' Braes, ate Iwsolernl. ins p P 1 breuzh the medium of your widely arca• \i leu sro the Fauww N'bat their M:isf . Ve F•ur pan„ loses .pyla gpe-isally w y perp., ITbe crrdilors vel tail Iwolvsart •n ooti6ed the supply of rsvoc,t"anrs to the oil 1•e• --'- ""----- Whit, l vs Sturd et al. This was an baled paper 1 beg with our rmission to rot- Where rare Iles frueu T And whither om 7 proceed. o,,. tla tvd. 16C he hr made w ari(ume"t a hie S 1 1 P+ 1 R R letter .t taw t lJt6. e, S ens -which ou are sware are but a TOWN 1000RfO1L• funs a vile calumny which hr been circulated I will endeavor lar answer those questions. I A Frit riga u ran itis ►txlAat. March f1ih, few. r9 ee'raw end of irc,a, under the above Act, to I ^ )• actino upon a bond. Verdict for pIB. It would seem to be mud Ic therefore t -res miles distant. Nu one scarcely cat ,5 regan.ing my disluy&]tr n our Onlored Queen mtglt ba Ykrd west's w nese", Irks fur in• . Po' 7. _ _-- - erre, the sl,drnirned aYi„nee, anJ he rawo cslcul eke the bornefil that has accrued to The Town count it held a sprcirl ser ion { 19. 0, Clark mud h1wood fior p1ff. ad (iovernmcpt. It has been most grstuL stance the name ul Andrew Jackson. he_gr on the part of also Fcuuaus to let Ireland - red to famish am witLin two y Sarnia from this largo and increasing last (Monday) ni,lht, Ila wunbip the )Iayur Trust k Loan Co, vs Patrick Htely,- tamely mported that 1 have uttered seutimeau a Fenian (Loud cheep) a true Frisian slid if ■lout, pad confine their uperatiuus lo' Can.. I t p Q g from tIII der, witb Their elsirss, A'1atls ,E I strum I in favor oC Feuianiam, and Blau eco- he lined now, he would Ire heart anti wul ads. in Ireland they will encounter the j Iluetioll Sale of , Real Estate) +le f ' z trade. A trade, tine, which a ars more resid.n Present, C'„uncillor■ Gibbons, a dlet fur lil. Ire dams• re. M. Stn- R T I the security they hold, ifwuy, and ab ••!w PPI' i f 6• I P c nn ense against our Government. Leah of with you pad he .ould have Leen ))usl Y whole air_u;th of the flriti.4• srmw, rod w,tl o(il ; and d raonr, matin Ihn fart , t s er lana to bare. eff,'etetl almost every McKay, Ilouc•iman, Cameron, Kay; Seeg. Clair fur FIT which I mot emphatically deny. i hereby noble by pay ober name. Itul tlsrro is muse wuredly fail, wbi:e every :toorn tap- ' T TNItEN ■uJ , sea. I.• Power ul R&] Kale. R lured there with anew iu hs hands will he put v neat, ,a ■g r. too Nunaasc male sly Ro>f.- whole •nested under nestle' rill the •smeMr branch of buaine•e, Should the dixocr m l:eq ('ox, a d Cliff rJ. Patterson va Gore Bank. Verdict for °ger the sum art Uue hundred lbllars w way wmathing i0 •Dame. 1 takes it aha Ihn en 11.vl (eaJ Ann. D.v,w" h:• w,fr w her iv so -port of ouch cl•ima. of oil continue, whim b e m•w•tent I .anon who clan substantiate an s:.eh eh• name Fenian was derived frum Phenol the lar death. So mach publicity has •irewdy \ r7 S I Toe )ayor read Mltaip lettora "hath hod p1pl, )levers. S1eDerwott and C. Rubor- sinal me. I ms •Iso say that I •m lura pan of Sia ot.(cherr. .ho pais the nsJwu been given to the plans of The Fenians for the he, Duwn) Iu David Ho,d Nowt e, d•tsd she ►baled at G-1••rich in the corm) of Huro• jadgus is not for a mourent doubted -Sar• surd Mtweor. IIINMir cud he )linisler of I R 7 T g ) R I twenq ninth day err January. A D., 1•bl f r r• this se mweuth da of Mmeb A D iA66, I 1 son for plff. Thowp&m fur def. anJ feel loyal, pad should it ever Merecter- oC Japhvth hirusrlf lluud ehreni),•ud a people. cunqut at of Ctuals, that the probability M' eunng the +pan of E xht hunJra 1 p.11ln .all err niz cannot hr. p growing to a large place. 1 Militia with re_ard to the rote:tion of ILis I I POLLOC'K. I P Dunne vs Dn rn, Verdict f r tiff. to for me to be caped on to defend our come- « I don't know how ancien, sa s ,last to that they w1:1 find IL .t task to be • match ' a<rws a the rte of twelve per rens Iver aasuna, find • atru.g dr.ue prcv:,din! re c'saes to b'.S 1 T y ) LI •Icr un.:ertakin than the ex eted of sad try v,nue M ain w:oen.eml of the wd Moet• Official Arija" for p'•rtt Irnm a Feuinn mansion Ivy, 1 rill cMerfuay go 41 the (root ata( do bim abs granted pu.eeaswn of the isle of ' t T ' 1 • e made b the ea.•• D.vd Herd Wteh,. to Swb8 nnroa i Brno. uesrtaiu the (erGng in E:.,;Irnd reeardinp tl:e $130 dunag' U. C, Cameron for piff, m (rest. the sea. and his descendanu now I' ihe Ideas account of the lar," bodies of English Uoo s Y randy response of the v,iwttecrw a the Brat )i r. Gibbons stated else the mecliv,; w,.s 1 y, Pe Ir.m tv•wa•k .• s •. t ns Fan uwr w the -. - J. Q. (:Orden for der. JOHN U. MCINTOSII. is of ):oil will soon brave Int mel os but and fianWtav vulwltccr whume they will Insolvent Aet of 1864. til of Ibe Hurt our le L''wol. It rs lhoudhT calhJ in conaryuruce u( w cmamunicatiun R 1 P losens 'e the 'a• TL .:.ate (i.nve, 1), I O, lbws tive cuuJuct of the Canadian Government from Ct t. lions re resenting that a number I Iluiley ve Ilanna". Verdict for :ff, both isles a the see. (e i n ajust tppl•wrv) encuuntrr• dual thea ke mold dor o1 FAhnun, A.D., II11- end de un )hie oceniou will o • rc.d P P P Reluetalemeats PHmotlaMs • Atd lM Fewia:u balie•n is • jest Goi who - - there wdl are sdd ur ynW,c Aw n..n a snr •• R:r- _ P+oI R g of line Snug; men were in want of ncnu, I la ,swages. \1. Tums fur pIB'. I rdl won rennn their down trodden coeml: MaCC•rlal Carrwr Of a CaMaQw h H„lel" .a Ile Vlllape of )IrlftrW am CoanaY tea in pruviog a sa'slautial denim to the The Int Canadian Gazette ices the dol•' y an. e(Hurea, u■ In the Mover of Heary Frederick Sharp an socka,kc. aAoug:esting that the fee furnish• Knell vs Zellar. This was an actiov S And they believe in St. Patrrek who silent Marasseruuusuf auchrven-era0olJwinSmith, Y Inwl.ror. who have rope eJ!y declared that we were ed, Ile, Mr. G,6buns, hail comuniestiums for libel, deft. haling circulated reports lowing announcements :- hiwlife for the welfare of the country, and Ttesda , the dist da - of MS Next, HF: Crediton of the insolvent are notified f4•frrring to Mnenl Order dated Quebeei I well they may, Ix jt he tired st the present By the death of Lieut-Geoetal n. J. '•t,wo .1 the clock m the.Itrrnonn. (5der. per- ' that h. Vas+ made w Asai.nestnt of his pot cater will [ to Mar s than of our own' (ram leaJiu: "Iervee, promisnng to giro their deryogatory to the obarecter of Ir. Knell. r ds be would het to banish from it the dead- Sava •c, R. E , ■tial the romotions eouse- drb ace. ecaennally cane capital joke oc- I au,slaoce in Iris vex rbc suh'cc of w le- I l Ith Ocsuher, 1.63, Mr. A. SI. Rus Nevi^R ! T j 1 P vMuJy m•po.ed eI by I r va,r Mesas) dI shwa estate site] eff"is, order the above Act, to can am •at Ike men, rhieh oRorJa full , g' 1 pp Verdict for pIB, la daringges. J. B. Gore complied with the orders of His Excellent) by venom of Ki nish tyranny, as he did the neat thercu n, Brcvrl-\la or Frederick wnaas ..•I ,.r trwcs r: I•nd and premise Stu- q W 1 Oe me chs uudeniined Assignee, cud they are wenung eke pwy of Counfy oolunlren hrforc the (,ummander in•Chief, Ia withdnria 14e i toads and serpauts in Ls own d., . (Ap- Wcllw, of the let R • 1.,. bad brio ■(e. Iyua'air lae(i I■ the T•,w•eb,y W Ouds. -.`•7 emeugh last for a week at least. Tlo den and C. Robinson for plff. Mr. Rose R ) yes aired to funaish me, within i.e months y other ;ht abate •guard of the iG8 •s were 'he Co. Council wt the next ass+«on, A° fur the defence. olf•u,i.e pwngwoyh tot► rad m Lis Inter to Plwuse). And the Yenisus .ill euros lana fleck, to b^ Lr: utanans-Colonel. Cei nee. '" Ile wed ('noes" •+ H W,m banes row r+9 doia duly at the Railway wharf rise follow• I the prices of the ponds re•puired were nearly Captain Seymour. of 23rd Hay, le61, with ■ll prru of this wide cuntinnd, and from al I pawl .I Lot tholy eta as Ihn Hayfield r, racer un from the dolt, with their claims speeityl.g ;. in• win; Inca, utloox acP. It • par I McKenzie vs Thom son. Verdict for respect to the Huron RiBe Comp any, and flat land from Fair Head to Hantry Bwy,fruut Wells was burn at Darrnport,near Toronto, a the . d " more err ni.,o nab+hone .V are the security they bold• ,f any, and the valve v i` ppe ,noble it Sarnia it par thou;ht Leat that P I I the rear 15'2''2, and [hr tamale tdideves air" y < of it; and ,none, nslin aha feet; the .Lula Laving esu withdrawn hu wbsequenl letter Sle•lh to Uld Tippuran, end 1«Jy lhrJ rI'I - ' ,u1r •ern ars cleared.) Terme alone ►.rwo s attested under ort with the vouchers In su "t L t quite a nuwher of bores sad ponies " the abould her , it w tin Gude, ich. I defevdent.. C. Robinson for pi(f JI. C. I IL h, p. rhthe h•Ait o! rennin at lame end bean;; in y P I of 21st November, ld6t,,•nd having further 1 go to surround the tomb of Emmet, who "Lich stands myon the elevated plateau nab. pert of such claims. snrc► of sot thrir qtr wen direclyd to ( It was m,,ved lay Jir. Cameron are, by Cameron for der. expressed his regret for the breach of die' would have ' no epitaph written thereon till I north of the city, is known to all our cid- (SoP+d) WILLIAM REQ Wl('K. M 6aawvtor Y Hans, D•trd rat Godench in the County of Her" wberc {be isit wen at ps 'led -Geer r, the! Mr, h"Y+ that W-vars. Gibbonv, McKay, Elliott vs. Pinkerton, Plaintiff nonsuit- cipl'n4 of which he wait guilty in afterwards I imlandsb,o'd be I:ee, and there they will I scar. He is a son of the late Liest- R g cone an ep:Fa h that •Rall codon herr ►ll Muth )7th, ltMs, vr9 the Twenty fourth tirav of klareh, A.I)-, Il(ti, srntrn Learing samettaing alvance, rt once i It.neienan; and ('vex be appointed corroi ed, %Ir floss for plff, Mr ?McKenzie Cor Publishing the correspondence on the subject, I _F` I Colonel Hon. Joseph Wells, formerly of ____ _ - *9 2W S PUIJ.UCK, fix^,-bayoutts, the set••% approached closer j dente with Csi e. heels sod Ilsyn w to the dCfendan t. His F.xce'leney the Commander in Chief hY ' timer, 11df,nnkme an erlrm,.orat) •i hwrc the 43rd Mgbt Infantry. The p eseot- ORrrial Anti,.. for Iluron A Breese.. and closer when I.c eaa.erieuced wrwe link• "nen in their resp•ctne corps, who require I Men pleased to reiterate Mr. A. M. H,w, I Colonel has at" u wards or2S ears ser• AueLloll Sale of Rpal Estate J k I rets nth I i' Y V 1 Insolvent act Ol LWJDa dash. Ailhuu h sptiu m room w bare race bouts, Bsnn01 shire, kc., and famish the Clifton re. Ryan et al, -Verdict Cor Y captain of the Goderich Battery of Gams- g ymT' T mush the flab p• pie, they J T i have been o rrkao and ahuai•d I the swmc vier, twenty of "ich hare been iq fprelga some aecurJ,n to the Deet of their old w. on Artillery. power that o pprrs.rd pad tried toycrash out I stations -in Cagedt, the West Indies+ who were nercrkirowa to tarn' tLeir IseUe t J f plff by consent 20s. Jlr Camernv for von an enemy, he could amt for a moment went. Ouderich Rific Com n .-To M Crpt•in V DER sod lay vwt■t W a power of sale cors- In the matter of Charles Nye an Insolvent. Several i n..rre reed and ordered to he I PIH. \Ir Sinclair fur det. F" our forefathers. It slwyrhurts rev feelnalwa . • ('rimes, Iodic d Chios. iv Janna iT ' be ex cted to insist the chs ge of a whole (teem ran Lieut. N . T. Ifs o, vice S• 1 h U urged as . rwrte,a frurlssore male by Dot- s wimn of cua6 "bait anaiorsly con P^ P° i) T (tem 7' to Le.r any one speak Well of the En;lish 1 Ihst he met with a scrivus accident by a eld she, to Ru4n 11 l;.,d..r a..,t,u r Eat Ibe erallton o! the lrwirenl •wo wtrf+rd 1 y referred to the finance cow. after which the The criminal businew• was die sed of moor, resigned. To be lJouteoant Ivo I that he hu mad art aur nrpent of his council adjourned, fiover anew, 1 ri fid• su it is ti mutt cruel f+ll from Lia Lone which tendered ole• rater a the sed t e fo aha• ate f tAl of native. • ! sidering whet paw Deet to Jo, the C'orpwral vel J !v a very Cew minute oo Thursday. very) Ernrdgn ]Chea Davidson• •Ice Ilge, I heartlem arwl ps,fidiow of nratinns ppylrau.e) ; dec..aw1, J•W Ibe faun► sal ass lhrule, A D., ratan and efkcte, ander the atmt•e Ae1, to the pruanl made kis appearance and to their The ____ __ la ('plea O. The ucen va. Eli ah Thomas, fu y promoted. To be Ensign (ren:pdhry) : B. the Li.L people oro s1Hm1 w rise m Iheir 1 e,•sury his immediate return to England• ISM, I"-.unnrl the " a r:.aht bvnJred and me apse uedersigneJ, A•ost—, •red tory er gneral Ylufactioe they discovered the horses :i S Q ) rge ] ymour, gentleman, vice Day,dsau, pro i He was in the Crimean war from it. coal• twenty r h1 W1tar. do Trot&, w ,h ,,..r .a I might mel mscae :herr countr from Iu 'r regmiod to fauuh me within ensu months to be without riders, Rein, on guard for the The risoner who resides io the too nAbi motel. T sem Iter anon Ser .■nmm. (acre w,a he ..•w r. Dust third hours in heav marchin order. Slam-ul 10 Ihe )trgn.l. P P __ _ - t ranmcal ace. f'h.ero I:ul I d , noI 'wen meal to ai close, an11 sof hrmoraLle I ' bom lhu stns" wnb TLeir cinms, aprr:ilymt I 1 7" ( ) aa' "\ I y,Nu Auva,••u s1 he •• Pwcr H,ad•• ,a out l'r . r 7 J R of Iluwick, was own" of having for d Ile b.sobtaloed se 1 wedals the secant the bo. if rate , .Sd IM •w'no N'e Lwre the plerasin; inMlli ence ham a 6 {te Mlne•e Ihn will M dune imwedutely. i d,. s;mc••• 4 , tare W Wy6es1 .pal l'wn1, or Huron ..a J dr 1 .about sleep and hsving bed to torr out to } .0 large quuLL,ty of muitery clothing 1 I Si o<tt ; and if alone awing The fat; ; the relieve the sentries every two hours, and the respectable Correspondent at Chicago, that I a transfer of land. There axing no evi• Lu e► bee" received from En •!and. not thunk that the time hY evict to raise an I the " I,o u>n of Honor," mo a fur ni Lt Min unurll severe i feel mite unable, 2000 British inhabitants of that Cit arc ,awl I 1 b armyh:utd march on Ire!and just unw yet i der 1 it : Ima,' •' Inkrrmann," and "\ Sabasto 1' the 23fd daj Of' :iPf11 DCII, in su ort of under oath, wnb the •oeAher S g J y 7 f Ilevee to eusWin tLe Thai e, itis Isordshi _ _.. is m ort of orb claims.. g P - Mlinre That ,two miliinns of lar+h Ira tl.is + PP b eaten, this letter snr further.• I I 1." l0 1 A57 file Cor ntion'•.et Tor- I u ensu g•1 t►• cruel, rs Ibe annmena (d nM pT awl williv_ to come to Capada, if tLo f -cera' ordered the Jur to God •verdict of not Al. Pwtrleh'• La la Ann ArNf ry. ttanJ r fairhfull rahe amort theis i Po P" D■end at Crodeuch in aha Comnty of Bmrom " l'IIILU Jl'\1C ." Y ! s roust P T cw.•I dr ,ad ,af vee Laar.,r df abs i onto prc+•eored h:m wih a handsome sword Y r y Pr' ) tLis Tweet siarh da of Mereb, A. D. Itl ane dare to mVde Rrilish Territory, end Bnilty, Thomw paw diachargtd •flet bo- Msch. I rigbu •nJ auppwrt tend cLeer their Cn. in ce , 1 pn.I a vasa ,r laid .rad ,;..Ne e. para- 7 J n that 200 M•e &]ready sent tLeir name to inS warned to beware Low he iodulgtd iv Canada ami Ireland, that • greet change will I of Canadian mapaacture. ('ol•nael iYetb' ■te, w,wg end Ie.sx .e un Yd v ;..#ie err lar• wv 2w & PULLOI'K. Ny ansa Cor spvr..t rent• sart.,,n. , come. Why e. it that the two Canadias are In promotion appears in the Losdnw Gasette' "I, hc.rg • ompo..J of Lw umulto, ns ►uedred OtBeial Amip;,teo for Ileacs s Snwae. +' aa• sew Tnrontn, oBering heir mites It nquir.ad stimnlcob in future. . I I 1 l e"d cares m rhe To►e pees n Iaya.W •tore- - __ __ _ _ _ -__ -_ _- - µ µ " L they ovemment, to tkfcuJ their countr Alez Oilkison, chs rd wHL tom licit The Gcucral czcitrweot at present on e mmoaon from cod to rod 1 1 ry ft plain• of February ' 7. His aucee.aful military ; Y„I leges• made know• a Palo T 1 e, C')' 7 7r y , rg P S I ly chows that E"dland is guilty, (,beerwk I career is alike honorable to Limsdr rod RVREK f H. GAIHD\LR, , Insolvent Act of 1864• Thal the' organization is not so furmwdable In the forgery war also discharged. Ube Fenian question, will be Bonin apology roving b Seri itu-e that tire wiesed Bee I I Eaeruw, Y stoewmW. ` P d 1 I creditable. to Canada.- Lc ado. Y sometimes re resented,it mer be mention• The Queen vs. Then Currie, The Fri for this cowmunication. An account by a ! when so main punueth. But t!w I,ish .ill Itsrek ll'itk, IIIM- w9 les fhe mntier o` Samorl 11'ulkrr ate li0MMOR. MUCK 29t 1 Q. P T I soner was brou ght a on a char of For• et make th.mwims heard .road the roar of - -- 1rS,lsewt. al that about 1000 Femtans are res drilling I b P Be Canadian cycwimess oC Ile sayings and y What has become of the redoubtable TRAY CUw. b• C'rrditon of eke insolvent are antit•i roq . Verdict not uilt cannon tend the shock of b+Ule, (,rest rap r 1 ALL UIRT ON THE, ST. at times, but are des;4sld by the intrlligeat' b I B 1• doings of lite Fenians on this side of the awe, the call of GetdnM will et wand and noisy Fenian leader, gwero], the "one ! , - 1 I o the Queen vs. Jacob Ilobson, the I P ) y „t that ►e hY made an amoinm•ot of his ♦ 'REYCE. Americans ns •set of ('opperheadsI .bo line, wa be intereetin g to some of our don; her lural vales• ra,af when the blood ■rmcti hero No track of his whew A into m, mcimum lot .lobe, oar Rgd car was traversed till next assizes, wit- Y 6 S I 7 C Ue S,It whew fate. Tw owns• ou rc- eats" and efkeu, noire the shove AeL to were not too .ill ag to defmld their owu noW n beim on due rt the front, numerous readers. During the week pre- Faflat Inst dr.pwta Buwe, the names of leer abuuu hes been had since the Volnnkxr : 1 "DJ ct pen_ ill. pa vnorces,.,,d ask, mss, the ande igved assign", and they are Since Patrick's day, when a Fenian at• Country, when den,- er threatened I g S I F.mmetal, of her O'Cunnrlls,and of her Stepk move in farads. 1, he lying low in order 'l""O .'Nl►rwwtiw rrdlow tool be add w-quire•I ru furnish me wi.bin two months . Thrrr impnrtaat r(veoue Cases were I vions to the 1 7th, I noticed several large ed. Ahall be fixed in hvr sero❑ of f:une spa r ts leek was anticipated, ILis moat profound+ Urer a 0 vesAele are laid up in Chicago I to pruner up on our frond• r ser eonjunrtion defi+T • \ from tl!. dale, siM their clams, sfrafylna anJ are n .. loin; a aimici vin an .airs withdrawn by order of the Gcvernreeot, placards announcing a meeting to be held i indelibly Y the ear of the'fi: mwm••o1,' will, or at the bend of, an armed rabble J Is• FKALICK. the security thew hold, if any, end the Volvo quiet Las reigned "long the frontier, if we i p W g the analticn havin burn aid. Mr. Curran, Irish (IA•Moent) :-•• I lolly ?/Carr ens !,lest M. n o(it; and if mme, etali•g Ihe fct; rhe may except a few Fenian Batheringa, and, sr'riug anJ simmer hu.i ocm. I Tho Cmwn bus pees was conducted by p trick, 's H,II m the evcoing of 3t.I g p oe"Ain It is wort a•ingalar that not a word hr loth Worth. 1 { W9h • r'e wnb the sennmrnu of etre r ; ___ _,'7_ - - ---. _ whoa aclaims ender cath, wrath tine wpporl f report be true, the open and daily drill- sq, y, Patncks day, callivg on t]ae citizens of s ,oers bor.use the are ri;ht ; love of con been heard fawn Lim, although he was to i Premium+ Awarded vet the late Ira Lewis, F., Co. Attorne P+r Y - - of such claims. spring "red f Lflw' of the Co. lYsshtenaw COmrty,the friends of Ireland ty is inde'ibly filed sn the heart of eiery haQve apautcd al a number of Centre meet- • F_! „ Dwttd I t Goderich is the c east of heron ing of proposed invaders in the Towne on 11. A. vet, razwr.RTMZ14T or GRAND 1CRT. tree Irishman and woman, cheers.) f s time. ins in the States al St. Patrick's des •! afolla tku raasleootk Awy of March A r 1N1i6. Ute Amer ican border. A week or two - and es ciall her sons and dao^titers to aft B P R 7• ! Gousacu Corot }Totes, P` Y ^ Ms come whoa we my look fur gre. , :+alts, Ile must bare .ac to Lust a lire real ft{' S. POLLOCK. iku 10 hush Sarin+ whg at Jpo. Pentland, 22nd Lareb, I H66. t Siwe a hearty response to the eff arts now th it never was a time when the here@ of our I Ste hens, who has left Ireland for the ••a Of6,•rl Ari raw for w ago we knew all about Gen Saeeney'e j ' ° P R•awnnrrh. IJT i.rraa,-We the Gran) Jurors for the bei , made to eatablilh ser ivde ndaat peupl warn so Rro•I Ihie theJ ,k, u'd throw swSR flsron k Hew". B Pc d of Lia countr tVc resume the _ plans, but at prereat we • do Cot know 2nd tier Jnn (art. Grderich to.rahip. Coiled Counties of Huron and Bruce, re. Governweat In Ireland. Able s aken og hle yoke of hated Eagan 1. R'b•1 is the e not for dteo he m',ne pba•r in thea -_ -- -- - " S where flat amiable gentle headqu arNTs gad Jo James FI!iut a •pectrul!] submit the following pr+eenlmest Pe mtanmg of this uprising of a whoa people . S` S " riST m +surd•♦ a,gbt I•N, om Ibe Market i were to discuss the uestion, now a itatio it is that Ihn• are min firth is their mi ht Aids * i tl. um • arae► l-. with a small R„se at • ' to Ver Inrdshn 9 E B -T R R d WINO tor the At -w -1 -on of the Rertp-ty the nde, d the t,.drr wallokindly 1"" IM rr are or "Lal he is about. It is conjtrotur- ilea 10 ba.h Uau Jno Salkeld Gaknch t •. T P - _ - 1 We have vnsitwrl the Grant and found vet nn w the world, " Is Ireland ca able of twkin to cnngaer and rachicve their long carted I P $ _ O - mina le as.I' .. pad, ng. i 1wand t as Uarkh Hdd,the wJl ready able ad by sense that hr Las gathered up the 2nd do 11. Otwny, Ashfield. i e.mfurWble Conditions. Ther riwners b.d i rigbu. (airy%. Iwuw I ria o rtru 1 cess of tl R al E ;;in" wlc[.- Aa . t r' I p °('y ) P awl fns relur.k ■stern,. Mlontred. The nn.ler• tuHT. tL11LTT. I It I do 1). Ii,rd e, GWlerich lowushi no come chine, rand we were hes to find caro Of herself" Tho evetfful 17th Oame wish Ihie fact t;gd y, 1 went down to 1letruil t•fficcr of the itis al En;;,iverrs slated lhaU o, ed hey. ,-an tdmce .n olkn.g rhea «rrweai ' fund.+ail `cut stick.` The azcitement 4 p. ( espy s^ 'Parc►fhb,Uai6, ^'~ `ii lkst 10 bush it Usua . pe ; 1 and although a ver cold d■ the side. and there i saw pan immense concourse of ] t shah bar ,he k of Hta•ra.ner►►, Anne., ells side the lanae Lea ver much abated, I pas 1 . y U.em rusm the bmfks of the hhnvy. Il n Y 7 Cadens mucro Beat to Fonglaad five weeks - S wgu ed w ratification to tern that aha I,tupla trave¢in! Ihn streets, Ile re; maul ban Htttu. Ca[ua C era ■+a (ins n,.•, 6[. a[e.- 2,ad do a;hu Makr Gudurieh townshi x waiks were thronged sll day by men, Ain -P, for 10,000 soldiers to be landed at r "I bey taro .1- . npc• .1 Arp.n,nent her ILia.To• Tako N--{I \ buI rho dmr•cr is Cot simnidered over, end I r P• been at levt 30,000 all av4emb ed to d., hon e■ a tier sue mesa. mc•s of w ea •ad e c:ergymea of tire town, "irh a becoming woman, and children, ail beariC the un- llalifaz, who will march from thence to s' P'n+ 3rd do D. H,"l;e, K or an the nrame or our Patron S"int and all every preperstioo ie b •m; made b] oar sons of their Holly calling, hold Divine ser• ""*-*a. wlstakaable nnlaaiwn stomp, and each hry animated b , e sentiment ban -d to F:o;!sod New Branrwick, where the varnenble PJHY WUGA1.1. ass C..., Iles) (0'Lcah larlr b. )1'(Iwwine Wnwan ,vice weckl for IM S nrHwl he"efiI of the 7' n people b reju ur attack. Fthe every Y Y P in ra s n Of rens oe the left breast, eke end • determtn.ti m soon to rescue heir bo- p.wt Is feared to be. These temps are Gommw.es Mereh.nu, wL. nm ire of the the W l P R B wet tmos+ Mnntrcd. Land par have aaAurauces that ratdler than I Cotuiderin ILs wide Inst of countr em s&],.ons had •good ren of bus„tess and many loyal Erin Imm the Iynnt gaup. (C. been.) ezpectad is len days, and oo their arrival, tD 2ati do Jnn And.ews, Goderieb ►awnship. I LFaeed h the United Counties of Huron and old rem000r cnces were rerdbed over new While lining thele opposite shore of Windaur New Brunswick, it is considered will be lute our "nil insulted by the preseox of 3rd do Jno Hunter, " T, whisks 'fhe rner l • •ranee and ac mi ht be seen the red cost• com lled to SHERIFF'S SALE VF LANDS. AMI1/.1, POLLOCK, bale Dr el the raac.11w, ever mail iu Canada ca sable I Bruce, it u • mailer of pleasing reflection to T• i PIe R 1 e safe. The ships of war, Ar&ndna and ►i T i Fleet bash Timothy !tread, only one sample feud w very few criminal races requiring our tions of the crowd seemed to afford infi.,are st.ni there in the cold all day watching the 1• las(lees, are even now in the Ba of Fun• Sheriff ha. been •ppxnmtM nRtCi■I AMIRe- of Learing arms will take the field. Our ahnwn, 2nd Ariz,• anwnled to H. Otwsy. I invesligation. tae wen glad to learn from enjoyment Ib Zhu funluwing Amencepa, pad I Fe"ians slut what is the Fenians T i pay 9 7 lyuard C;rwntrpof T r: Inst e"twn wnu of ear strider the fnwlvrnl Act of 1964 fen the Rest Y hush Cern H. t7ibhona (ialench. uta hordahl s ehwr c Ibat the residin a many tLiugs 1Lrl lave evidence or..flow That any mw when I trot in the her that dr',. Sir Frederick Bruce has ordered the Harrow end Hrw(e, erri ."Y rruedoui Caited Counties of Heron and Ren". correspondrncc from Sarnia, Chioaero, T P' R P R the whole hive w x a reciated h Youn (lrelandehall be fres, is a trite Fenian• We 1` est Indian srlu•dron to sail immediately I^ esu: Of Her Ma)r.1y a Cnusy pry? 20th. flit. sw30 2nd do Joe ('or, " t Jude Ina the ower to remunerate wunews Y PP 7 g Coart ,flbu Urso dCowwoes of Heron wart Rrw. Michie :ua &c. -to make room fur which P R P for !lalirax, with all the die ble trop e{ ' Best bush Vast Seed i sample shown Joe who may br! in indigent circumstances; but, America " K n venous cny oft a on fence already see snmle d the blecu it our Organ par (" sad t roma, (:nun lof the Cohety of & and tr v- ------ - -- - ---- we havo to,p"tpou0 editorial articles and Salkeld. we t►ink it would still father the ends of boards of "Ring U'Slahony of the F•ynyrns irlion, F.ngl•nd lrcmhle. wish eonsciow in the -West ludid. end Io me ,,reeled s;ni nsl he Lade end tr e- Q Q1 heat ►wh ('lover S•ad "lice if pall ssoh wiultsses wenatlowM their end Juiy his Queen, kc., ke. in aha tato• gv(Il and ferar r is trident A Ibe ens rasion aenl. of J ouepb M•,na) sl the sudai d Uwod BlrlCgBffitH 8 LOOT 1Waarr• 1 Leal oorrepuadeace, will be read with , I sample shown, D. ) T P^ +lew.n ainJ EMeean 17 urr,r, I b.•e «.sed .rad -- ;^ SI'llw.ine. crc•mar ex s. mg 1 wended m +y to the all, over which Of the Habeas Corpw act,by the prepanuons Lkes te rxeruun" tit rhe rarht. oar, awA ..acres iutertst. _ _ Y P"TMe wr•od w r►m a itb the brae of Erin the w defend Cwn•ds, •n.) L the arrest end im PArGament iis further roro d till the 4VTFD b aha auMrrilrer, •zoodeWAy In cm:c'ueron, we herarlii concur with rile f J . P J P gam rite ...I dr Mnd.nt m wwd to the. Ant gal" of W - -- - -- - T .dmianion lee war 01, the ticket was hand- risonteent of uceful citizens in Ireland, 24th of A ril but not th•u to meet for lha 1,^t flumes tee .. runermemn A of the Tow.. ' " blackmail either by the month, or oke FRI ('rattle Mitrltrt and Fat very w."onable renuks reads to us by P D" P v •shn sn•h•r,ii, where there le my H TIlE UI•T1' OF T11F: A NF:Ni tiomle got up with "the Ht•rfield circle of wlrvedy sbe IremAle. for Canada and cell she denpsch of bwmem. .hip of HnSlek roatauteg toy ■era• m,wr n D pie Castle !allow In Geselph. your Lordship: First, in respect tothe iarne J levo, Sack Lowl. and Tenement+ I .hall offer work, It Ming on IM Durham Road ie the L A \ (:O F:IirME iT• roceedin s of • bod or needed (riots the Fenian ISrotMrhnrd" printed tberoon my for herr lesee of it u nM long." P R 1 P W rand si ned " John Walsh center " the build- - -` ---- ---- -- - -- nor wa •1 my Ost,e .n aha C"nn H„aw In the township of Ore.nock, wlritah le tt M gavel- , - We are lragwd to see that if r. Geo to disturb the happy condition of tier Brit- g , Thr speeches were Iregwntly tnterrepled ♦ To.n of.aideneh. ow Trwwd. Ihe Tbred da• Pf a P r$a 7 r) 7 ped next summer, none need appy bol • Thefaat that large alhc•rin sot man anis 31n'M s extenaire dominions in Thin Ingwomldeonlanaboul i00 person•, end 1 h IoudrF:rer exclamrtirnte, and denmaeira- TUWNSIIII NU1IC .• lnh"eat,nthe hwa ,Twelve "rthe bb,ek. n 6 R Andenoo whofsrmnLotl IS and Ili Atb J T ""sur rised to find onl about half that •- seedy man. Application to M mad• to take lace in the rinci al cities of the gwrter of she IoM; rand, secondly, regard• F' J unns.gansl :ng!ranA, hoofs end erica tend "°°°• the m.ddrei real nniskillee Greenock Pee% '': e P P P I nd numher of men and woman all to{d, nose of all the evidence of intense enthusimm, ivin THE C wrt on Re.uion Mr Tse TowmMp s f JOfIN MACDGNALD, R r ) concemion Ilowiek in this County, got the rn{ Ihn loyal a gwllail spine shown by Par R iI TurnMrry, will be Min "t the flow.aa °I Mr. Merit tl'. k R• Owe coast] of Br"ee C. W. -•,a . Coit ad Staten, avowedly fn the purpose handsome s:un of {172 for Piz fat Cattle Volunteer In the pr.sent exigeney, by turn the 1200 sude,uo(lba CsivenNyaacepl two to the me.tinif the appearance of a second pan, McPber«m, Lal II.ron 7, nn Tawrdsr rhe Rhe.a,.(Ja_ Go& -loo. ifCC,ii MONTOOMERT. '+° of discnrup; the propriety of, and rai.ml: iv the ■Love market, as al the Bret .n oat so ram tl on beim called so the or three with myself, slid none of the 8000 edi'iou of Tamman halt let loose. TL. 111lbda of A I.eat,r.omm•ucos ■1 IOo'cha:s R P P 1 T T per a t4tA Murlt.lnrs. weft Mwrch2LTh,la66. Aw3m . ,i +D cittaent of Ann Arbor Mt a few Democntic mr.tin closed with three eheern fur John A. M , ! r the ur se of Mom • a • nS disisgmishel service of our helured sad R P P t ppm le sews end money fur, the invasion of', pace for the beast 6l lhilcr tm };zhibi- , Queenly Sovereign. demes;agues, who .ere errffmtlf rnyling for O'Slahony r f New York, tend thee• far Jsmr Arwewtme"t, he • h.•., the •tar►aibs,ed RoN e■ , CAoada, should alone cause the AmerlCan the Irsh •ole •t the tiexSilfunicnpwl elections SlopMna of Ireland. The members of the be w" at Mr. Mean eon Hlrroves. ,OHM RICNMOND TREASURER elan ; not bad for Hetrick, considering The Onsnd Jurors may raid thwl their ran JAMES JOH249TON, 7'p Cork. Government to interfere and ut a s to knu.lodgev nt is der• to the Crown officer I found myself "ceordir ly in a crowd which " Swanrld Circle of the Fenian Ii-thorhood March Dd. Insa wsas y P kro that the Csttic had sizty miles to level for valuable aaaislance cheerfully wondered. +non smplyahowed the predominance of ILs of ,knit Arbor" remained to count up the pre Aeeonnt With the nnlei alit of the tlaah inane •and dangerous proceedings. to compete with the far famed County of We here the honor to be, i uh element. The supper wr a success and cords whi h i suppose have Ione ere this - - - ' This invasion project is insane, because Wellingrton stock. We are ha to hear My IAed, . i tally endorrsd eke semiment of my right• !„and iu way to the ivtaiwble cogen of the ' MORTGAGE SALE PPy Your f.ordsLi s obedient Aerv' hand supporter who remarked that " thim inat Head Center. w chi of lIIomdf --& every arowiLle man kOcws io his soul that of the a Irit he ha shown in ttin some P u o then wr rale nice." A German violin J. R R. - ---- , P Be K TM Grand Jurors of the Sprang Auizes of 1• DF.R • Fewer of Aala eontwinedia • IA65.--- __ -_ ---1865 CRs--- - Indaud can never be liberated by such sof the test Lrwd Cattle., Rheep and Hogs Huron and Bruce, band discoursed Irish sire of which " SL Pat March• 20th, 1866. DR mesas, even should Canada be cranqucrod, I in the Township, whi h have taken rises fly their Chairman, rick's day iR the morning" was frequently n- U Mortrrage made b7 L"tia Arthur Carey Mar t C■sh reser W. u. Hmgslo•, law March t Paid tlishoof nrden, , , .., ..lial R 42 a P DAVID MCKENDRiCK, rated, intact it swrmed to be herr principal NeCnnneh of rhe Vdl■pp of Hlyt►. in Ihn T..awurrr...........i415 "I W. T. Kmrwon ate Tre" 44 M . and it Ia da nprc:roua-fo the Iterates, Ltd, at local shows, brnides the example he _ stock i lrwde. 1 could not help recallin to Count of Hum", bin wife briar • r) A. r.ndlev. Lira" Men". M he CIArk•. Salary. , • • . , , • Ip to - . .----- P t Fealaa newt. T Pe Y •z fmpanvrme"1 Fr o t......I IWf M Aswrasm'............ M on In that the first horde of fillibuster, that mind dlRrrent .ltitud• of a certain other thereto for the purpose of barring her dower, eche in feeHling, 11'the ifinefits derivable Q}For want of.loce we arc obliged ro Nrt .aide« tea"........ fa 71 C ll.rlma.......►.. M oC tK' from such stcek ere lskun rdnnl a ef, Oer an at the celehnted Diel of Worms,an•7 drfwslt having ltwrn made in the dor pr,Ment Mtaed mow snr INa7.... !leer Oo is allowed to invade our soeful shores ieav• over as Interestin article from fora Rl•►►Ar.n, March 23. -Thee MMwrwg 6s +y Agrinam's..... , : " .. 1M Oa s6 t of ill another to whose life long devotednw thereof, and notices haven given In all ptartra l4".... x79 Oo R,.ad. end Srdsn..... Ia7U M will be, io dl human probability, the caus I"rth. purr eont&iw the following:- Aceurdmg T and hies ezanpla it firdinK atttmdtd lo, _- _ . _ ___-__ the 6wwse of civil and rellaious Iibert the interrstard, there will be old Is we Ularw, Pelt lass. IoM ! f! esti Ovrmh.rge .1 axes.... hes ant to mformaion from a reliable source, there T of a disastrous war with Great Britain, we are sum that farmin will be found • It is rumored thea lha Provhle&] t• . nzlish mpeaking populatnnn of the wor dowe are three F.nlan le imganbt or anlzed here f0 " Covey re.ennrr....... ss00 II R Q R R R BD Tt sday the 27th dq 0 DIfCC`, ApnlfA A. M. Mr•, Ca"n1y Tnww- Co uminr Oak rr. , „ , , to ao en the cod of a mouth. h ie •II ver I bersu, IAd head and n.en Victors their red - ut ennaenca to Chia day, end I full r vided with arms, k. One of thea hue Cr.nr.... 150 00 y more pmfitahle enterprise, and fewer nom- J Q ban H6 woed.rcd what tl e a times i hod y, a o , P n A. D. I PRF, at 12 o'clock, non. ( olleet10arY salsa es.... 117 OD M of in woalinHr Y Bron Y the nava R f' rcg,mems is fn M cnmmandeA h flat. JuHM Kon nanfe tear• 4. zit het :