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Huron Signal, 1866-3-15, Page 3
TOR RENI►NS IN IBl f.111E. Ministry, u be elloa a from k d.re of bulk I "arisen- panies. It is bolieved Non Scotia will aooD At G krich, as Friday the 91b hero► LARGE FF'INIAN AMMUNITION FAL'TO. frrlluw tM example of New Bruaswick, Ibe ler. E. L. n Frad, iJthe lis M of F!u HUES DISCOVERED. TM Newfrsodlasd lAgislatun arrw to tminn run and Bruce, Mr. JuLo Kr wort► of Ki Only pmp,saog sow modhaeclioas. 1 /land Grewmdes, HomlhsAet/s, Furs, Id• The murnon OI the Cour, ■o". to The I cardia., to Mn. Mary Bwnerenaa, of th west ludin had mss with greater seem TOff ut Oodgricb. firs, ed. A, rm efs usd Rtredrerr J9fi• than was antici led. Mr. McDougall re I At the Wesleyan Parsonage, Mweb td, roterrd. Ar•rsf ofu Hr)rgur srypws/ fo I'a • he Head ewtn tryAsno. turns T., he present at Parliausaut, Mr. Ryan by lb• Bev. Jt. Whiting. Mr, Jamer j4 _ laking big place as chairman. l stun of Stanly, to Mrs. Mary Shepherd, of Fair IA. L,rrrywl ('wrvr, Feb. 10. _ _ _ tioderieh Township. FUTAw rilgrAaATIUSS. A lllarlaad Cabinet Maker. I The last seizure of arms in 11Yblin appears A juuur Hi••hlrtder was fi , rrnticrd to a EItIROR11 01•' YOUTH. lar bre even more "duas Ilia,, wait at lint re- f P A .!ie,,..,, • 1s,,.uerr,d i"1` resented. Is the worktho besidestLe like- cabinet-makerm Olw&ow, sand gut, ase first Us,,,lu 1`11••,•-101-V ted.11,ber,dara..y.r.,h- 1' I'. 1 I job, a ,heal of veneered drawers to clean and y' onwh_ Asda, bullete and earlrklges already reported, "lis rd rfs.St•,...u. anal 1`„r W rte .4 ."m,rr4 Arwouy a large umher of hand grenade•, "Orsini P ti AMr a Nltleient time be had els rewf far W ell who need IlMte.er rery.e u.s din,n.r. b. Iwmbr," olwlls and fore were foanJ. The ns Ibd foreman lbauSlt, for the work Md las Ia the -1.46 resrdr L ►.,h ns wrei,.d. rue him, he inquired wheihar he was read wiT► a.ur• wlaht..(.n pn•s, b1` t w„m.er•. sal -,roar. furnace• appeared to have been in uv fur a t lore drawers etT Uwh @, its •lou h ulb d. w b) wdrrruq. JutTN n. (.HIEN. fu.ndetabk lief, w that the bricks were I'rr almost taken the skim oe my win two _-_ _ j s. tae ChaaMr•ar., New Trk. nr1`rly Lurned Ihrough,auld tM iron work of i III....I 6.kn I II get it off the drawers.- - :the melting pots was thin from sire. It w tm 1V hat” to Iird the ascribed director of plan• IiTRAN(IF,, RCT TRUE. ions.61, to say free how lureYY a time this foe- I sod chisel, "you are nut takio The veoerr. ing ' :"ry y"": •,ujy•'"I z,n'I"1`a"'"rhe C1ul.d a,ar tory had kn. wl wurY, ter to guess uR you blockhead?" •' W hall 1 of then, fel 1``.r I ...'s "`ry ,,,-, w m -o ad,.,,,". I., at The quantity of ammunition which r -..--.I II—..4 .h.rr.( b1` whnlawr IA. •d..- I ei,1 1 cuppid not sural put a pol" on before 4w, err., h.r„w amen..( toeoq Au soue&.li to elude up audmay have been sent I'll teuli tM bark off I'l I,, . i.y....,, .:", an,w,d. All.the,. wa pie. - mW various )alar of •the country. Fur _, I.ctns.It—o.edl.nl w1md, Ther eeiwre• of anus are alms reported, A " ' — ,&aim. P. CII.AI'NAN. lligbland claymore and two bayonets were Time 4Jlenearry Ohaer. LIr•a9 , am tMwdwn. New V.11; found buried in the earth in a yard nsar Dub• I he Montreal Gazette tt,w remarks on the I M TO 00111(q%MPTI V EIA. lin, .sd at Warren Tort Iwo cages of sr The adrertmr, heel Leen re•ram,d In heahk In a I ms, late Miuulenul Unuwr:-' 'hn raplruolim, °( 1`,s consigned to iinatnJgr, h.re Leen ca lured by 1M Port Surveyor. There lost co lamed our flint the sn their spwetbe l al Cornwall, kw werAs ky ■ rr.y u llis rtm..ly. ever A..oq ra re; •dint the Ia:e ne oualione on the Reei r 1`.e A., wvrrsl y.w. w1in..,v.,a mIy .ae,+w,1. and twenty rill•• .rah bayonets complete, twenty- $ I till" meed emeses. C.or..,., o- w -..,r W .-t. 1`iglot sit-chembered rewlvrn, a nwnher of PiOC1t1 9umtwn, a hig61, approTed uf, Gad It.w11 n. Its. alA.w.,.Iv, ,ne m,.n. "I'.."1`.. bullet moulds and a great yuautity of ball -Leif course mrru with profound admiration 'r...n .I,,. Bron n. he mel ..,.f ..,.ray .4th, rye. - i ,i,. caririd ee. itis Yrub%ble that thew arms n the Lwwrrss circle o(Ihfg eilj. 'Thera r"Flew t.d,l.eq,Lw,o,n„m..,r",r..z•rt"1_ i never was an occasion wbvro an ez planation psrLlg .d u..,or 'n, ..n1` wn.•h Ihey,.w,11 aid A.Va. were imcuded fur the service of Urw sawn ; 1 s.A.C--lorn..r A.n.., 11., ,."I. C..1`,..,,, $ (rum M -sten was more to r• and the Ir•u•r,.roll all Thrwl ..d Lm A•e1.Wr. 71••,rel' bout the site tel tLe coump rciden It none Able and dixe-ilird mannerpin which it Inas "1'y"", ash. wv,nirr „• w..nnS 1h. ere-•.,psv.11. w the less imporlwt that tbel should he wise J. bceu mode, renders n Sha more acceptable, I bulks m, ,f. od..w aprn.d ml"rm o.,n ash„ h , , oM••.vev re be 1`n midge. u.l be erre •.grim and Ihurowgblj arrisbctury. TIn huto'irel wr,rr ►s 1`..r«ly. 1`u wiY Gal e1` 1.o,►uq,.w Dr6liw, (Poulin 9) fefe111?h fo tAe Lolsdrlss ehancu r of the lfou Juhu A. M■cduu.IJ'g ""y ry"rf soy-. , %times. Finn• sew"ug u. peecnp,iw. rasa L) relam ee,l ANOTt94 Aa■uaT IrincuTtsxa. speech gives to It great Internet. Thou ear- win ,d•sae add,.. nest find prazoical speech of Mr. Galt hu • MT, F.pWARDA. tvua'Dv. o To ds the lice discovered @other e1`- N men"t.e g. K.nge C.- New sort. 1 Po mer, • force &bout ret, which is conclusive. Ieuaive wasouf■ctory of ammuouiou in • •mal) 1, i. impossible, we think, for CfinaJi.m to - " - - - - - --- - - 1 house I0 South Fart street. All the materials read lgcm speeches without feeling. of great Nee ar"rtistintiou. for the manufacture of Minis Title cartridlles iutere.t and great pleasure. They ought to I -err prestos in abundance -conical bullet be carefully read bj ever) max in Canada A ( OOD THIND l muulda, powder mwurca, small tutrdis es, and the British American Provinces. Every i ab.pea a i paper cut In the uishln pattern, candid stand will re and the statesmanlike ? gg l In two Mxes the offiarn fours fro less than policy of the present Ministry, .red the propp-- T Y I i - 1 260 earl ridges, the greater number of which er and dignified course of Mr. flair In the were fully prepared fur Minis rises. The Reciplotity negotiations, with great mid"c- TBIF CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER t police have ascertained that over X600 a tion. And this feeling is the only one we ie. Mwhnne our Ibn ,mMedate, sd peruse• f week bas been rid lar twos workin iD seal Two, tel 0t .:1 pain Iron the.yae,m. I 1 p i have heard expressed by the merchants, and 7%, Cr.nreLar /'ui. Den.ge• • those ammunition factories in thin city ; four amoagsl all classes in the city. Cuts Rhcuu,ar,"'. f'Ifun.,, a' 1 urs i• the ' have been dlicovered, but it u believed (hero _ Br,.k Aid :f,J.•.. are many more, and that vast quantities of I . If you sre tired of being !in priaun 711- C...do.. Ps. De -f -is . •Mnmo,tion have been distributed through Rr'.eve, Pun us ,,,r 11"ad..,ol S" t II -A., lit 1 tM city .Id country generally. A man Hay. 7t bl to catch the measles and lou ani 1 771. C:. nod,". 11c, IA urvyer rrubabl break out. dna war arreel•d un tLe preen - To was F 7 I Gree Bl ,_ Cub` amt Creo,p m Ibe S"narh. . brought up to_d•y bvlun Ma Mcl>ermot rel - • . IX• C.,rwrhe. Tni.. A.,.,oy,r the head office and res&coded. John Can -it wenn rICAICel Coed.bla tLa • e, unDy l.•ree Chulsn, Clwk.n Mcr...I Uyarnlrry and a 1, I I BrrN Compluute. i w .Ile .d Fenian Cen ter t e t1` m all w , o M o lar En la s i 11 J abuulJ s n fo,ei n r. i , D d P aj , M r cuu0r of Cork was.l r . I r Can, +Ji,or P..n I n ,.yrr j rte b , ted, he(ure the I one jean r sum or►rl f eel vel W hrl(r m IlioD Curr; fudden COY. end brse'l bloats. • . "me m.gislnte, .red rcmsnded. A pe, son, gtsrliu fur nosh an item ar moons, It 1`P 771• C,,..dirn, P.,n D,own.w, I tboug Ll to be Stephens disruied as a be fyyaq ps. r •, owerer, car lLe luesl ."aUsGcal irsur ('ora Burse, R, -AJ., Fiurt B,ws sod Seattle. has been artsted roil im tuoued rt Thurl or the hoard of Trade, that Holland a,. I I r P 1`r, 77.. Cu.ad,.n Pu,e Ihsr.ev,r , Paulding .Y,luines as to his deul,l,. 290.812 bushels, Belgium 113,413 Luahels, Curr• Ncuralp., r,, IAwluurwsux sold Tooth d Francs 109,66:4 bushels, Porte1nd 192,91:9 a''... I . _--'_ _ bushels, and vaious other e,mnlriw 13.8'21 I 7%, ('...d.o. 1'.1`. Jhrr-ooyyre t Canada the Ob eetive PNit. bushels ; the total actual Talmo bring w t I; *I- nn "".Hint Ihmg tan Wo-oJ., Broer.. H nim aAd:Mnm;; it ak.. •war all a Ins Juwn al L190 973 the D P•' A •rarrl'T&O citizen hand• us the follow. W. iter prices wary muu.ent n , u.pbd. ing, which has bees sent him Aj a eorrc.pon sag f1`nm 51. 1!. 17a IAI. )mer Lwhel ;the _ dent in . large town of Indiana.:- former having- reference w the p,wdure of he Family should 1e wn6uuo • 1 -til, of h 7 here u a great number of Feni:.nn herr• 1'on ue.l, the lase to Sha of lielguap. Tho Csnadlan PaIII Degtr0y0r 1 I If -some Irish, some IJulch, some Bngha6 — Seolchand American. Ileel ion that be.. Tu OwAc sor Hoasm.-It isa well n1- PKiCE.-2', reale p, r Holt;.. All undersaboold ' fore thin sutnnler tar,* over Canada will has t,ated fact ounfirmrd b) sloe ez,.,rirnc« 1`,t I, Gat lre.aed 1,. , attacked Ay tbuae rofkeu.. it is "Th,•ir talk 1h„uru.ds tlacl '• D.rley'g Arabian Hravr NUILTHRCI' A LYMAN. 1 that the green sag will ■ I- hoisted over Remedy .red Conduiun Mldi.ine" fur his.". Newerwle'e. W. a sI- Sold it 0 .1nnrh Fry Prrkcr r Calle find C&MAR and th.l 1M y mil ace Ihen plate u supenor to anything of the kind flow ter I F. i-ohna, Uorrimer b ('o.. 1fiv6aM, Jar,• ,. of action ; and go for nus, although en. ever known. We know that it has been -sed F4•obUr Ksgerrdle, J. PwkaorA. Exrier, 1. H. t ala►eJ Irebnd. Ge rel 8werny is , to he in m.oy ,sen .here the horse los f,een con• Caner. batua, E. puhaun. besfirah, sod ell . their attire xmc H• is ..If.ling money ,lderrd 1`'m„at wonhleva, wnh rlsn most solo- Md"''1`a Declare' mm _I_ -SV-" is large .mire e, and buying arms. Some factory result, the hose bariug Leen reeU,,:, Relict In Tee ■IflYtei + lave given him as high w $50,000 ; sow W perfect soundurr ret u much benefitted $30,000; and one man gave him a gun d-ul the complaint could. scarcely be °four '11 It A, A 29.0 the other day. There Ia a certaudy they wi red• Many such bones hoe afterw.rds been P U L M O N I C W A F E R 8' • ason try what can he dowse. The mumbersuf sold for frum ai0 to $100 in -o then tb,y the aneiety here don't like O'Maboney.” would bows previously broil and were Th, m..o 1. n.m u.d .pr,.,, rrm,dy ...r di"foverw 8wcxsT i1`, ne dnwAt, the man who sono- well worth the difference ; let al consider 6.. .h ron-..•.. n„h. sets an attack upon Canada, and it cannon be this. Choat ■red Longa. COnghs Colds, 1 gwessiuned tLal he a receivib9 large aasta Reroemnb- flip name, and we first the si,l- I Asthma. Consumption, Bran- h, once to all puts of the Wert. o MAaoys, mien of Hard +Co. u am each packadr. Cflttls Influenza, -8 on thentlie, bard, a working u• account tet 11orthrop { Lymon, Newcastle, C. K., pm Huarerracss, Dtffi,sit BreatAing, Here . Ars party. 7 h• interesting pant for Cass- prietnn for the Canad•s Sild by all \Jed.- 7hn.it. 1`i.., g-c. -adiarr I% how could the f.a'uuns work to cine declare. gelber in caw tf an invasion of this Provinw CANADI•x ImokaT4Drras.—The p,ewnt in- I-,,. w W.r„• ; •, ,A, „ u,M.I,er r icing determined upon T Is it poeuble they debto•doerrs ,of C.n.ula i. between b0 and 80 '•" ••+11` ion,,, pr,...r,..l ..,n , ,. .e g . no,r0...,. would MalrN'e for such a p.,puoe T Thr, I ""_1 d n. 111111 ..;»t "" n ""'d.re. 'n..•....... I "' ') ' j of invuwn, re fwfj, w m the asren rnil4un Jullara, •Ince mond huh sum ter n..e leu, rtxo.ed .,, hrl,n. ion,, lay. ,n.d //aacrrtt - lamly, but sloe 4i s not owe this without h.v- 'dh...A -sk,r •r.. "'f_w,lo.ea.,,a ail......ual..... i a&1` t ; and U'M•■oar, to huW hu ground, ins u,methiny to show for it • times is the I ..." ' ; Nitron, and -1 -none n,rd d1.,.,, .," might hd It ageervy to go with the stream. K r o,. r... was it doer, mry hat, .st-to, h, Leader. 'elLsd C.nrl, the On nJ Trunk ltailw• .,,1`r. , sry d. p.-.f,J 1st, .rsa•h• urrarn wu1 extending,over Too miles, and tut thong .tel o'"n. . h•.I-,..Imdc,a>im. &, ____ - - - nut fears, w the 11 Canadian 1'.m Ihetro».• ,eww •hw,ld-per him. -r panel nW. ep w.e 1. TO VOCALISTS dl PUBLIC SPEAKERS i'ewlam /Nlma which Ior the tun of pleurisy, pain.- in the ,I, bark acid aide, @pro Ino. bruises, sudden colds, ,h"•1` t a -o u, 1-.1nrly -1-14'; ney sem I".n. tet No Yoam, Mares 9.-Sulne rxeiremenf frust_ urs. !Sold b al d.y r1` n,,,, ,h• s.1 creme• ,e as, 1=1Z,e..,,e caller, Ar., bas no F Zaire in the Fenian Circles*in this cif W s f Info „self "e. f.1` . L. ,tel, .., h ,n n...,e, , 1'/e 1 Mwdreine Deslrn •1 23 cu per bottle. tae u„ power end o, eead.dn. , t.nr pndl day. It is thought that d'Ziustraturn will .ee-'n. u kmr. r•. is-. scroll ,h.n.... I..1` wh.k PI shortly be made against Cw.ds by Gionrs, Twensy Mean •zprienn ia--usin,1 ,m»n, iei'er, r,s-hrty o.ed by ..soy I'meer.,rl qn Bryan's Pulmnac Wafers have proved Ibem I'•1- Awnny. It is said that In has •:ready JUH Mn.+y:a,.." 1`n......,,,, R-hrnel. N.I. to M the mist el►eetu►I remordy for cwidh, Pnr, yin,,,,, , large slOres of orma, mor.ilinns of war MnA - r^ ^•• tnmport.tion at hn curnmarrd. it is under orJ nusual a of the tors t voca Aj eold, I V.rdns, ted 1'1161.1 fie, akar. G, ter unusual ezerlicsl of the rocel ter• ams; V,. 1 ,::,d Prld, •I•„lno. mood that Ste Gove,nor is urged to cell oat t V,r,...re its 11 b1r+ ter. public sp••►ken and singers will find them p,. militia. to he stationed at UgdensOstg, to mdl e.a "Ir -n. W.an prevent nide from the States. const heneActel. The entire frerlors from I{',h howl url.0•. w.1` n n11 dehtertnus intredienu Traders Rr an's Irdi I'd Iln.n•• War". \ Palmnde Wafers, or Couch and Voice I,.,wl..1d, t" 1`r Pr 1`n. iri4' 1_aRemse Robert. L,s•n;ea, a safe remedy for this most deb l- Iw11 to "In.r. -- carr;, 1`A„n, and has cawed them to Ix held Il::-"nr•.f 1 sn1 Tbr-I 6l,.,00,110o iTOI.EN• in hieh rst.em b all who hoe used them, n"1`'"n"•,..o+.., fhnrr T _ 1 Hrw rwnr.r ems ,ne Thnrt !fold Ly tel medtine Jrelen, at 'l5 scuts per sant n,,,),Inman 1`-m, von., Vn R•Ivrrlay the enormous mfr of nor box. \ Ari Roeei..m,«,,.,a,vonr., A million sd a half of dellen was uulen Anep,1`rs no,n, fAs soar, Thr. filer, in ern mmmr.. from Lord's banhing.huuse, in New York. - - Tho r,lv„ 1„ Inn m,nm•k Tilt. MARKETS. Th" ,-I-,- m 1- sinma • c particular oft , affair rave not jet R"igA. rnte..n.t.nm-..,. • or. refitIced tea; but a Tr.ard of 62u0,e0U is p 'wish.. r,.IJa, .,.1 dl dor•..,; th ri6eked for the declectio o. h.. C .I 1 s of the thief. 1' 4 t Id .Y, .1 d..ene. nnrnu n, Iisrch, 1, IAIS(1. s err As rbr.r 1`w Luna•, as ipriud aVh L.-......../I'00 fry 1:00 (N,A.(•b,.I.rwLm,g.. of Cholera ReMmlaalame. 1 Fall du ............. 1:00 ,or, 1:15 (rf,Ae Chat uA Lung. Pu I hds. ....... ........... 0:23 0:26 soN by .o nrnraon• 1`r W II h 1 FI (, , 0 a'W b, aY Irrrgz,"I". act t_-_ ,._.-,.._ - r - .- _ --r.... _ _ _. ---- ----- ---r.__.... -_-- ___._._____ ., \.., \ \ M= II '. N O 4 A 13 Y -LAW 1866 r rY re.. L w.y of Lao. the .,.,,I n, T.,.,y I KERB, BROWN & MACKENLI ,' A New k[arble Works CANAD•r CO W e dvllar,isadJtio. rxreeJ,nr nbfect Jr 1 1` ion pinoe sod Le ume ry•ndaal G•Imorc 1rrh.n nnury 1 L.,u.awl Jklflan Aur IMprrprr.c•lbrous veru- ` ”' II A M I L T O N, LANDS. Peck/s Block, H6KEAS Ihsrouseat.tu it the U"" W pav u ctg- r-f 17 J1D Y ©ikYYA Or Y 0 1 iiiL ! r0. Uosaw a Hurw. and amore w .e.WV..I ]ilrtlul In &reds grsrel and ml'^ v. -.1`w. rw,1. •.J 'Late Kerr Brown & 6o and Herr MacKenzie & Co„ our H"I"A" 5 rois rhe ma r' bodies (et J s) A. Nj. •Tuhnaet ons, ii. eaM• wilaor ,►e sad County or Hurts•. It Ambers PostOflice, on the let M.rcb 1`Y A,d w►eh•ss the mod ire vane■, ■ora -I i , Will l/ON I'MF.NTS HRALWt('IfF.N, orely w.lbun the Cuuely .r urn -..red the ez- I lac ready to &how 11 Tur Aa, Table -mpg Posho Ae ,rr pens of yaks, Ihe .eine a Ir ere de0s,d by I I I t Of every description and slyk 11 the uYl lu,•nly Irrr•prCl,re of the C -cul,' „l; / r f dry■r1t1w. an rww®p { a r rrrx I J r ■1 a 7Y i r T4ww M laarl "."I i"I L. pad by the.•,d -`_- GJP1j G InNIO] 1■ A T IO e- I 1' rl 1 Hurter. srlA the'ce Mrolmaaer own JJ ,Jg— 111-■■ U i wul kmrrehip, fwuw64 oa ekrvt 1WIIte aYd at t]e !swill ptlfla. t.u"ed rdl Is erred rrblr upa•n the neaeHe 1/ r+VV ",7) 1.)rNral redUthOa maim Iver fYI. ,sheeny Ilo w Hun,•. A JILL 0 IiI "ICILIUI AIirW to. to ve nto 11-1 th wLrrou to tory u.1u etlM IAe rd rr.'nnl oh O F i w yr, t u • JI Ix nne-fry lot the rd Curp.■l-to f IkUgeI of Mo,wawuu, jc., may b• aces w rN•r dor sum uf'fwenlr Ihnu•Ad dopase so rr 7 1 I the m■urser noes. sit., n.rnnoned. 1- iPT1VA AN1) li ANC71' ' al the sh ,(', AMI wbrrn• n o 1`a peJwnl h. Jeerer IAe tea I r - I re IrrlendrJ In 11,• rmpmY„ I, Id .h.11 1.• 1`r pend- ,wl'IIYe re,U,lll le .,, n rot I, ,I ,,n ra.'h Lnr ,•. , Gr Q40 10I A r,Idenfh, fit. l+, I«r . 1`,71`y. _— _. _ .__ - I ha 11, r M!• l i l:l `111 UII .The r sJ .. -1 ow u. the ,rvh dark .t the eno w 16. Hy i -9 1 Ao I own ref watch the uwrrm nn Jrse kir ess ha t and of dcairour u( urehaa. I ams and lurm,og rt tel the eau.,. A.d wL«.r I i P lamdA. by pro. mg pmpsny, sod p■jrng r►rgas bJ auj faa e t'I I ON MONDAY 1 2TH INBT. ing nrr udurmhl thrl lhn Cruatr dPP,)tile to w " wIY vert t w ours tet uv,e Ih.wunA two 'Cum ny have huMlml dollars In he nerd umua,ly I-.pn•cal • 1'1` TLe Tndr i' rcspectfullj n1V,ted to inspect. C.t1'1'. 31rGliF;i ,OR, " w bur Ihr'"'a"' od ane and ,are ter ayebl .nJ ♦ mlrrrri .s d.0 hexm'11" n,e In. -J, IlrmilWn, u.rrk 7. 1•im Lanus to Sell or Lease (i,.Jaich, XutL tilb, I++iti. Mwp• - - -- I AnAy oris stai.M,.1nn-p Ihrwh"s Ijwr'e Ju urio s, its of tMProviuce. pra,Iwrq of sloe Gad Muu„ .p+hy irra,e.lire ter Grand Square PIANO .rev mtare mire..• m ihr rune, and -Violea live n:ray ,ue.m, t. M I the tempu,an NON -TARIFF OFFICI.7_ I foe Company w Jd p,uiiculurly Invli, tet I r klag fu to f vast relent u( IAe unkwg hmJ Anrrmfnrr Ince tcntiva to their W ILD LANDS in the Co stn 4J1•smn ez premed his deterarication to four. rov,eeJ A.vu„rnl Raoll., Iwina for IW m,,- A ""ypo"'t`1`., L...'n1ij.v.A ...I WESTERN iNSURANCE COMPANY I ties of HIIRON 1(wnit 19n1.1✓• tlw,,—.d eirht Ludtd .uJ .,.l1` h.., w1` k:.g►r. _ ' - - C7iiUliGIi a AND PERTH. N,rhlAlfreriMrs hmr. ahu",n. ad brly file Ihuuwo.l revca Lundreu (UF E\GLAND.) LI\lll I Ir, rhieL will M rlia and of on liberal tenor lis i lilt "Ir Ly pli,uto bargain, a ii octave arAnd ie Iwo Ufor ♦d wbrren. Aft ,•In 1`n. ,arn.r F'IRF.ixL1F'F1 .ND AIIARI .Ian NIiI rties w n h a,ny be prepared t,o 1`r 1N i 7 Cbtkeriog 1'iuw, its escellent hme and lo. an•1 arra. w, 1`r ms u, rywl raved •inions Iwd f r pn.g ILr ""^u-- C.\RH, n1` a rnn.iderrble sum down. i°Od order. Tenura,-iia muutha credit on w,d..,.. so emvlh,,.-.ddwlsrsmaJo.ler•at CAA'ITA1, . . e e - UNE MILLION NTEIt1,1NG Crued&ComnsnT'aOill approvedendorrdoote. a. hero,rater Meni.....cd. n will rrywt an ,yual o Toronto, 1'111 Deer, I(K6. # 6twSm O • w• THOMAS. an.—I spr.ul coca tel lour torohr tel • mdl u, IN CtJ Is•:F Ob'1•'la.'11crt . _ _ ami f- No"& tali 1A66__--- ter allulha•rrare".N size",n be lrvi d L 1 tVATFRIArrrl-%('r:.PAW.MAID.LONIK)N. . - 71►IAD9TRF.FT,,IA%1III:F'rus ted _. -_ -_` -_ _. -. _ - OLl21Zy `(lafl.1'ieb. , m .., r.aI. UNTAIII011.al.t.csit'Mra oTKEs.'T,7%fizsr w. _ _ Fua Boole- Noou Arsx,a A, OZ% L7LJi•O=1 NOTIOE• Befit"rrcf,re rn.,-bd hV, he(',,pr tion ofth• Umt•d C.uaau u1 Huron ■ad Ikurw. r„„y.;_ -0— Jorx Teu,seos Ihw"T, Qe4, Y. P. Ams UW'vr. Re1,•nr clif.. I-. Ams,1`.a m, CrsI.&., I,_ .,. Murhe.,,r. - Ai.RII'I LTITR.SI. si1('l I':TY - A DF.SM EN or otberm in Go,lerieh heves 1St float ..hall he lawful bur The Word- ae., Iran U■ws■Ai MAa•dsa-Aav■rm graAlt hL.I. r+e.. M. A. p 8PR1NC EXHIBITION.nG wee"YOU aganrl Mt. 'IhO,YAe, n1` Ike 'I e is a he 1 u,e b...1 1 the aioncrld (' .rpnrawn to O NORTHROP A LYMAN, IIiR&,na Nwwwaale,l:, W., rel H.r.l A••' Bank of 1l nn aro hrr. rhes,of erre by way u( loan frons.toy Iver,... or prawn. NUECIAL Al)\-.\ TAC#llr R. 8 ria Sieh/ Stalli ns and Balls. P ' ' s cad ,hem in for willement T°,medl.lely, . A) ter bodies Corporate who nary be wlhw( Mlv.loe 141` n.,.1` ul.m W. crcdn ulthe.Uel.•n. to Tll r: n'F.RTF.ItN IN9CNSNCK C/1`sIPANY.I•wnd,r•rlWrleemew reit,., red fre•Iruu eke r»YwtY,as f Oad.rieh. Feb., 25th. 1866- 4031 ----_—p— nrr. hernraArr mea,unel, • Stem u( money raw -rwe.ty m".wllT mdu.g epauu IM eaa.l.md Oaeea Th, ,a lhercfor rra•W,d .o nrr even N Exhibition connected with the above A __—_ y_ O 0 R P O e T I O ,• :he whole IM• rum .ISha Jdl.r., u• ,al rs1 1`a m ud.vblrl Ment, w11A«m 1`11"111 r W the .."IT►:RN ., rug, .,.n .n ,dcW. kalwu ewe rWuyf a bpsW bl so I''nne rid,... Suciel will be held in GudeneL, nn I. " '1`HE veld AMI IU Cr Uel• IAe Nn1e IU car pod ties the bud. ,l the Tresmrcr of the IT,,,:.d 'mean. ZiISha 'j. U 1 ; ',i 11 IST CA r' WEDNESDAY, 14th MANC 1, 113(;6, ter ufuTrsanl, for th, purlu.ea.ad ferried. REDUCTION IN MANCHESTER WAREHOUSE RATEIS. for A,win.9eed,, fllo.i-t job^ W,Ilo.ft-. J•wse 'white I*wwikm .t.rvr Il Tkat n i■!I t1` tswful (ter lheeawl Wankr ler I\ MARCl1, I+I:S, filF: WI ^TERN lJFF1CB ISS[iF:D T11F: FI ILLl1R'ING NOTICE: when the p roe iums will be "marded : bleat 10 bushels J F. M,n W,I.,+n Aon k I.An Hugh Wrk►am Peter (rag) o come .1`y mute of drbr0lro- to be male our -,h sem” or Mn"rrr •mry he r"..red ems Hundrad REVISED RATES FOR MANCHESTER WAREHOUSES. Apring Wheat /fl.a6, d Glu 7.00, 3rd do 5,00 : best 10 bushels (htls 3.00, 2..d d„ , United Counties of e1`Ils- one Mthir.es. h, anal that the ad Lkleaere■ shall be emlyd with the rel w h,n...aq,rner ,4J,. (,,..fly R. fere ,4 IA. r1s(r....."I, ry,n, o, h1. n h -,.1`f. Ger ....... Ihr p..i,,.r. 2.00, :ted do I.00 ; heal 111 Lusnehi love. 3.00, 2nd da 2.00, 3rd do 1.00 beat 10 H T TT/1 A N D BR he ss,J l'ory.urnllua .red upld LV ILs sod N'u- • Ih:•R lar nM,r ti :; ;,,Is:..,, u;:i1: , rn1, FL, n.i9.0, lhr 1`,n •a r. „r Ihr. C. -Iia") L.,1` ,"'n in,J. 1 . II„ .r , err. r -. 0., ., ,,.t.u.uo.....y • w t bushels hurley 3.00. 2nd do ". .+RON {JCZ J. III Thal thew:J Jruefimrc. .I,dl 4 mock F"I" 'b Icor prowlpl. of nrpny, seen rut ..d. ..d well t1` i..y+. ,.d .rel mw on u. ".. Ir "I fU 00, Ord Ju Ll1U ; kcal bwMl Timolh S1rrd 1.50, 2nd 1 •DTII e ,. Le, ! ., uuI . , 1,...11..1` .dJ 'h1, rn■Je a leu I al rirT Myal.1- ,n ten Meier 11 lu,thwi limn IM dey 4 1 . t_1 raise .. rrJawliwr w lher r,.t•,u,,,r l,..W its ,• etre, h"'- • `" ::, lourarnt. 2 do 1.00• best bushels Corn i.00, 2nd do .+aaso.n • Ine Pruvu- ..at P■.h■Ment fa A., Trimmer ._Il reed f w thin By Lew 10 take cert ,. London, Varlsnd,nr -nr ('•a- $dlt ctlons have also teen Made by the Western in 0.75, 3rd do 0.80 ; best bushel FIAx Seed I, 1„•s.l,r bI-IAW No. 7. I1b5, ,d Ihr t „ ,1`j Cuuunu ,,f Burton place m ds, t.1` drug-trJ the Rates for the under. 1.50, 2nd do 1.00. sad &-V. lar 1n the - J ,44 -a -r, ..ad hall I a v, sntecbtJ lar llwm Cuw s Wr Ihr ■ Pew r ment,onod rules. s '-1'n lieu bark. Clorer Seed 13 00 do a2 00.' B GhA r, _ r tet 011.1 t r e N eel , I , ..I .. . ,,, ;. .I ,,,u,.,, ,.n. r•„ win hr n, drl,n .Ire- do t w vire rd ..4 r.mMrdn.. w r u.ao P'•' ,.r .w. yd lirkdw. ., .1`.3,..1 FagL.d..... h. sr a. ' Trw, II 1 Breda socio rear i A N 11 Oma y i P W he M ld t A D.t 1 141` i\ J 1 Cuueba•.''le.k 11 lob. Ill •float the rad Urrw•ntrte. ■nJ roupa.ns Br I'n IM In u.. the t\'r:.'1'LR Y u el.lr a .aldl un1 ..,ll.., :, A , u IY .r r W ,un..,.I L. 111—li! +n p, ,a lir u „ . U'" ' t"' , k'- ^lsn'• ,•,'""1 '1 l0 Ihm -ken of eke •iu,'i,l• out,, on the S h d 71A JI.1`••A, IUIW. .7drM hall b• maalw uul in en U-1` 14lerhn moue nn'Inrhkl C,Menry a>♦ slow Pnwn.a el the yup- ter In•'•• . gel ,d,l-. A.. 1`L, ha, i.e. hl.rsZ .ckn,•wlaalged i. ,Ydn.r.A Ly IAe ryog1`,w ad tA, l i'n'{w rel ,nrr• ❑. eelN dl.h nouolirdY•a' 'n uw .ala of 'r nut 10 exceed 121 Crnl busL l -- - — - --- 8 a. w sif flsu ...I tf &den, w that Ilse w'h,.le asocial tel ILs red U-1....... •hell naa en„vl p.1` ,m al.r Jill, Iqf. w , .h, 1`.u./nail. Strom he,. in" '. 1`s, th, r.., ,. ler` , r per ".00,m. TLr Prwu„ono .m ata rhe, r rf.11mp.rw,Wm. N'hJ.1M,rnuiue.. h.rp, n1`•, i.m, ”' per overland above the market rricv f on that dA olvent. Act of 1 T briure nma.o•al .use tet twrmy ILuuwad Icor 1`u, ..l uvea, Ihaatuuo,.er.numu. '. - n,o , ,.I lath. I . f m - ' Thr exhibition of "ItAlioes null Rulls will fu tLe nun.•& W a.fhe., W■flere Carfstw , Il. 1`a u1.1 terry andl Lear unrn•M .1 and .ort he ,awol .. SECURITY OR lake p! ce at Codwrich on T!w rmsr, 12th d: of A POCK' .y r Mur ”. II, sn 4wAvrsl. ll C- Hr: t'r,Jno.a .•l lbs Ifialvroi ams n.•tttd 1`A.. s. In-(wa .1x per ,"to,. 1a•r.,,.m., wloirb m- \THE COMPANY. p rel, when the ib,wisr l T wrk •. w ha rel +Anil ,s wLk 1`r Ihr IIrM dile olleni'ary lir. Pl my 'rhe CuM .,4,1`. v,.n.ua,.l K Ag o f .n u. m. 1, un d ,n lh.- I•,a, ,..1--t,..J P remiuro mil Ire award. J : Mist Stslli.m fur ,8.(10 •.r.te •., ,rhea t., qn,!.., Ikc .rove Ari. lar " the .d ,I.V w o' ca.1, rood r 1`,y era Jur- y g ika,'m,llar•rr of iM 1`,d debenture..) the .hat. l...w,. mo., ,Ano sion .....A.,,, err , I.1 ."run l.wl,.. lemon red s.rnw„neer. n1` n.,lAnhr41i.',u„r-1`o A1`.• ex_ r •.,d ,Iver wrm.,y,,-,.I .M Inf p .I, ,,, wh.'h Ine lid,., general psi s 010.00, '2nd best du , under. mimed A -.cmc. end Ihr, err tq.lnrd w turuu► whres ITre d.twulurce. are scene payable , ,el.11-h, d....I lair 1`•d -il-.1`l. Irl .. n„tb„kf r .a1`.. nay he we.. any •4 Ih,- Age,. v - 3rd best d0 6. ; Mat Hull ,o( A.I l'luse 15.00. 'r w.l Iwo n a. rel h. l'n.0 Ibn. Jrr, wllA Iber1 'w.ull y Tlotl f.r the parry.er o1 f,mnng. nn4ng y,,n,- ,rd •116, hnd uar "T. roup CA PT. ROBT. THO MAS, 2n hv.l u 1.110, aid tMtl du 3.OY. '1 •d. uu•. n,lr Icor .crony tkey Mdd. a uy, the 1 d Ian IL. peyrnrul of the ted drl-olure. ■nd - Taer-M Ms Ilan nae Mc.r,.aicl, w bero..or m., S(' OTT Da'(JRAssr, blarific Inspector. blan,IFers, Ifritish North America. I be SI Ilious rim remiums most trowel I R P whisin lL limits f tM (',,,rely Society aN 'red v.law ,d .t ; rod r a.a., vel..&.M free, fb„ nlwlr ulent.+d under oilb, w 11, Ib, .."have ,go.I•I-- A,etc tet lour trnlh. W. ca dfcdo0-,4zlim CEO G a„p.l tl fullua lug,fiacr” not luter slur R :E i U-MBALLACO., ,&.0 pf.nt ur.MJ.,I...... I).,•"diNi-"Iel,A,Inlhecountyof Home,fkfs tell a•kLnun toll ushern.c. 'rued ,v, ry ,,Ili Ja •ix: Goderich Tuwu, Elsth Jay w Milk, loos, asst Ie n,.e.l end -11. --lad m rich the Ascots, liadrri.b. I P.,lrr'; ill, ulumville, Clinln and Gbdrrieh, March 6th, IP66. n, tt ILLAA,r G. SMITH, Aver pan. 1`a,-.Irh u,;m ell ta,rnlde pngeny will.... .al l'uunly ..1 {luras Jurmg 1Le ` -- aw54 if Smith's fill o eonlinue throw bout the g r B.GUKIJIrN, Sufics.r await ewumu- nae of sad debenture - any .f 1Aem season as above. _ _ iVi( IVEY YI Thu Wr By I aw.4.11 take eftert 1`.J , ol.. npersuou up,m Ihn li 1`.1 d.y rel J..l, r - AT SALE G. M. TRUFMAN, rPt« TO LQA w Mar at sur L -d nae Ituuw,al eg6t hundred it. Or (; derich, Fob.`.,Ill. 11406. .'I C r.w 4 is- Form or Cr . O s apaywa4 Nail I y 1 I — e0 rslss IIF at Abp, and upward., .t I'•1 •+•ell of To mrlpat w o 1m .1 ILs, rnJ.I 0 y.a/av BCHEDIILE URY GOODS 81LE LllIDB. by For ■1`J t4rea r u■I y e4, ifnullivrong Appll..tiw pies ,..d la. Il.r .Mle MPMUN 9TOINTREFOREGOINa. PRIVATE BILLS., //d••. ,,,w w a n R eAn N'/( ." In f NDrlt and by virtue of a Power of Sale u contained io a trrurlgrge made tai Sr m. `+INCLAIR a1` WAI.KRR. GuJtnr►,fihMinh, _ - bk,rwN _-- Five th,..mnd eight hundred Loollsrs to b, 1`x- _- u iLu i eel Alam+ of ihr rowo"hip of Morns tt. Iha It" A am 38EBIFF'S SALE OF IA = oo the 1'„n Alleo pard. floce thousand d.11arson WI"rh.m ARTIF4 in Canada Wes* intending M P AND RIEADY M ADE l'ouA of Huron, yeoman o(the irm Pout -- United rounllp the Naiad Three stoke applicati-, to the lAgsalatere for ' and Agncn Adams 61, wife o/ 1`M wcould pan of )))DY winos of a will .f erz.1 thowad M,11.r. us the S4r1 •ml 16 Private or local lulls, either for grantinF ((ter the pwrpare of hnring her Duret) d. Hoer neo IMwe, j Vesdh,nTo E'apeaaocni 1V.1 ad, 7 oro ,b.,u,wn,I M-Il.r. on fire II"w,. Is Rned, exclua,ve prime}es, or conferring rnroorate \ i O II N G (arlt Aavinif Leen made m the psymeni there- To : Flea bur rwdw (► H s,eJ owe N H -r M. ews (:oualy C.wn •f Ike h and 9th Cone; ,oh., powers fur commercial or other porpeee• of i 1 e of, well be w:d 1'ed I uI uf}1un.I F fLuer, load m wdo. Tann taou.■. „re hundred D llars sm the ,f.0 Ito.J, profit, for rerwlating sure a or Mtof dories, -- •— ON TUESD:IY, MARCH 27th, 1%6. nrrr,l lopn•1 IAe I.rA ■N teremenu a Wm, HAwfAerew,-1 d,,0■ 7 oro 1111 the 1frtire a•,I 8ad n1` for doing •raw thing Vn ng to the nRhu THLs"'w, tiRF , beinr .bout to leave I IV. more of Jahr Jl,.wry Lyes J.m.s J'laysatr, Jobs M.Nw,o. ►. III- l pan.& hII r"` N,ortc 1`n Lundrnl D,•I1. r. 1`n ihr Mol Road re'et or pmp. rty o/other ellen, are hereA j I" GudericA, hate drkrmiried to sell OR their ret twel•a o'clock noun, at 51 r. P. C. Barn .,,d Joh■ s. Psranr, I b.ye wad •d 1•haa to Iowa PLu oI(lTry, notified Thal they ore requhed bT tie ;&3rd aria Aue0fin Ronnie, ifichmond Stre6 Io the r f,. m., r &11 IW tog Al nus sad ra,re•t of the Two hn-Jnd I•ur.r. ,m th Bnbrld Uto e• a'I'] following Rules Of the Legidative Coon. 1VHC)L1: ',>L3•l i e;]; I Cw) of LonJuw, the Iullowmr proprry, sloes •..1 aA•Irndea m load to Lw uml.er Frve. Gam ,- fi - alcn-h. nil and It islalive AaaemW I 'r To raj the Soulb kali sf Let 26 1 •.dr of Wilu■m nrs•,1 is the V II dM NOTICE. The ab.-, T• a Irhw crop of a pr-pa•rJ H raw le be ak,n into con..jrr.me, I.y it,' Un rrupahy of sic Dnolad Gosa,es or Huron a. sloe, at the (t -only Cutin Ilo.,n, it the Tow Gwkrreb, a Ihe Count/r of Huron, on .n awneeuth dsy M fune, 1!168..1 Ibe hour offer -lock in Ihr ■II■mora. al who'll Ion. an n-1` the nrmbera of Ise Coune'1 are tench), n read t0 ■,,and for th, er,pp1`r slorread. PEtEK ADAM -O%. (:ouatroe Cler k, County CJl-0 n?.r. .sncb. 9th Marsh. INS { -- - w Imolvent Act off' 1864 -Vince of U&MIAN.)) In the Count' Crain e '*only or Ht run, ) 1, ,led C ounir .1 list To Wit: ) ron and Bruce. homn■Curroe A Adam Uc.rea Mc Dooeall, 1`l■imres I rr.er lia order Camphelt, - IN fondant UI'llN reading the *pplicrti.n h,win the VI•ri .( Att.ehn,ol end the palwn filed, it I lered that • •leetmg m the Credsurs of 11% t owe r m rd Dr a kndAnt h al e 1'oun Hou- m the 'f awn ,1`f liwkrrh in ihr d Corm te; cn Mondav ihr twentysuth dal ,Is r, h,A. 11 Is", at Ir --clock , .am, b,1` 1h, rear ..f ff. mg than edc.•. uMm IM ,ppmnr I w tel Ita..a A,..gner bur the Entar of IIs. d Drfeud■nt. A d 0 is onlered that illi ate login”, arc 6.- n toe Sense, Nr Ramey, of Mio"esola, introduced ■ (iovernewont resolution for The eatab'e.hutens of nuaramtlne rc66al.I coal to prevent the rpnad d Asiatic c6olorn, which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. bit. Mitchell, from the above ('.ownitlew, reported a bill to ealehluh tel,gre hie r cmm innitatir.nhelw«n New York .id 1`k. Weal India@. _ - _ _ _ A New Featrre Ir the Galt Rask Robbery Cane. our ................ a;uo ( b. A Carley ................ 0:43 fill 0:50 Peas .................. 0:45 '.i 0:49 Sheep ................. 4:00 (0 6:00 (i t 7:60 lied.. ,Iy..... . ..... . ... 5:00 (.alp 5:60 RAwas(gteen) .......... 4:60 (d 0:00 ll.:aer ................. 0:13 0:15 rtt...as............... 6:30 0.37; %,rod... ........... LTb (1`n 2:25 Itoy, mew d ton ........ 7:00 (c0 R:of Torkiw................ 0:66 (,4 0:67{ ewe by so Domrsw.. Nolo•, AIW,esrsl.,a week• M 26-.N. W. At is eerar i knit Ile Northrup. A i ymnn, Neweastle, General II'V1`- Arents for ib, Canada*. IA66, , r ,,,,1,10, aisle n, h hr fait.. s 1`.m• uid F J.o- A n, asmote,A Cn. n.ysrld Jr. ue,1a, m. R,•g.r• - ,11,: I Iti,t.rd. 6s.o-r. J.iI r„nf.. Ch, r:. ll. k..n s ,.Awl1`. ■ sd .II nwd.we d,.1 n. Iwm_.m THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I RF;MAINING 1l A.I,.r ARt J:,MF:A ('LARKE'S Ad■m. Celebrated Female Pills. Artem. Is ddnhed m the ('aewJ. Crosdrr tour P' 1`r Ihr gla.nte, ■N 1st wo fn'n'l■ol -on c,r",y al f {derieh fou two week;. u,WwmyknNlhte F.,glnbdg►ofMard . w7•tt (1`0 R, 110 01'ER. hiss, J Hurua and Hroce. - - ----- L18T OF LETTER,B In the (;.daneb Poet thea r Ine 1316 Much, Ib", Devd Martin J.hn John Meyer A J John (reg) M,O. Matthew - _ -- - _-- - - -- -- _ it is stated in the Reformer, on the auth ]ilrtlul Prepared jr-at a preseripfion nj Rir J. Ashton Clarke,M.D.,I'hysiriaw Thor M.-folsslk MorevH P Drill of an r,eichal wAn hY c.er ac seg W a" It Ambers PostOflice, on the let M.rcb 1`Y Es(raorWa,arF Lnnrf Mr Muth,wa,n Wm ioforwti that the prisore•r Gustavo. who Mn. Aler- Fraser, of a Aon. (O ! t Queen. Hnrnudr A sew erh.diled from New York Ihe other idll'a. Hurn. Tha,ro-lueM. mrfl nne n .n6il,nr ,n Ih, Bradlet4c, AMtrw MrD, 11 Arch McLeod Ann Mlsa da,, nod veno i. charged with administering pTuwiC acid to a in Toronto, wec On Wndnrink the 7th ins,,, at her fi- l corn n, •II rhn"e p1`mlul and daorenn.A d,-.,,.• Beno-sh lar ash" h the female W 11fnry McUrerw Clow gentleman • confederate in the atses.pt oar the lion therercudeace, MuySymrngtna, third and jaunt setdaughterof W Torch r•on.liluf' • Is " 11je, I 11 esark in-foruh,allucass.ndtmnvrah.tattlrt...n., ads• d Ir Mary Mor McQuu, Cath Mo. 1 M,Kry (ko.oe flank in Galt. Ile u well known in thio q"nar, ora lira tale, .aVhe w hip el C e1` of School Nn 1, rswas►ip of CdbarMe, ■Ked 1 i mostig ad I slays. Frirade • {'•'a y cure Inn ra•In•d ,.n Black y 01•,kellK em Tl M LADIES McConnell James Mr f rs.n KnM MrDermkl John M-DonsW John now tat n BooBrstol iuq. Il s nn. hated 1 M ha ,can will pFeca4 aebelt of lbi4 lal.faWiar. M. I a'a,rsauhalT ,..teed 1 dwi in a anon oma, Cmnmander A C' f IMFVn 9lnwor aim) '' lirislol Bdl" •Lon( with nth n. al. ►nor in 14e moolhly P,f and wick rcgnkrn y. F -II bustle, pare Lyne Doll■"be.. the Grow- Campbell Color Me M. a. Win -- M-, `--`r _--""- tempted thou mAMry nn the HatArda ts• ing previous to the last trial, and t t this wrnrea 8tanlp .fUro•t arrear to pre•vas edea• Cnnphell 00"Is. lh.•d Mr M,6in Wes ' Henry Mcr:rcpx Wm 4J1•smn ez premed his deterarication to four. aaslmiitfafana ter(ens, CAG 7T1fON• Contemn Jnhn der Mr. Thomas Harrir, the clerk of tAe _ ' - - C7iiUliGIi 7LrPiMa.J,-ddrera.salrnAvfena/rudsr(estr C■IkwayJackus Creed N,rhlAlfreriMrs hmr. I'sol ()Ref, -how sl ee Ina a rtment r io P Pr the Neond .emr, of the Flank bheirop b It E - 0 P E N I N GF I tA.FIHy7 THREE MnN7HJ r- oy Prr I•nwry, w M'v sere err, m Mw,y raw Mirror- Grnght.n •. , rVothac 8-4 jo J erred (1 Loh■ sore. Ne,. n the, mi o cot be disturbed o their ra- 1j J opt lions. For thio ppurpose it u ota,ad shat be a, .n r.Arr Ni„ 1`A, ^V1`' r r "" raP' la •II ears .d N•rrmia eaA Npinwl Arrrl r -n1`, Dere" Pews m Me Mock sod Lina, F.IT,g. on .I,ghl lZr N"h"I LAv,rm• Mn TAas N,rnol k -M lied aacerdi•d half wa Up the Minor wbe. be The Wesleyfin MmhaPW Chsrch 1 exerlwr, Palpulurn 1`l In, Ite■n, Hyr•nn sed Deugir. Beery wY overtaken by '• jtrkeat hill," ash° ro- IN GODERICH, Whil,w, Ikc■• Poll■ .dl elk t • cure when all w„r,ti,s Ml.er mesa. be- fi w ..d ■1lhnneh a Potion W m C C maps vaned him from cargmb tout i.A intentios. Gustave Y (Leman hawing been ittled up with (IA Li.S It- ; paver- "earl, Ad nVoin-y. d. aoo -.I.,. Imre, "io mrl, .n,r-Iva Grange ROMnI4M W m InAn ems • Jew, and ie Yid to be a man ref a heartless dispneition, IES and rather improvemseta, will D. Y. many, 1`w o1`vlhmg Mnfnl f- tow a•enritnsmn. valla Fall dweetwn" la the ssnphkt a -".I ~h Ma• Nntherla d Angio ix- S,mfA which r more Iwpecial ly noXicecbb when N be refipeaod for I)iyine Reniee rmI Fort.. psokye, who h .hr,rld he .•,.&fly previewed. / Dwrw&'■ is.limulated by ligoor. _ a raw rye Q A ByBAA A H E X Jl , F.ra Kok a&.M ho Ibe Denied Stales fiN Cmadw, F -A JIIH M(IH1 A Rochester. N.Y. M R Mol henfisA MIr Iyav, , i SuIverho n Gm \ g,mmms Inen C Ia"OratNa Carried me New• QN $CH is I<. R'_if 00 and n. pn,tage Stamps, marl.e.d di, to uy ■vel -nand ■1t~ Is"m - CharW. Smith Job. gNoH/and. When llRRMONS will be Prm&M as w,M • boost. raw. famasgiav Pill., by,.Hire matt. HRI NmnA W P Mrs (L,•yRw Pmith nareA Globe. S}re1al. Iloilow.:- NORTHROP A LYMAN, IIiR&,na Nwwwaale,l:, W., rel H.r.l A••' lsmee Pusherlawd H Mse (1`u) l Mar I Rpp.e«no Rohvn From the Halifat II.1.11t, of the 24th 11 A. M. RRV. A. HURI,RURT, C. D. •ural Nr Ca".da. Henna Wm& 9r".1eg Knh1 rebase,, resolved last nig ht, we learn that i P• M- HFV W. NELLR9, M. A. 7 P. M. REV. R RR6WRTRR. M y,.,d Is G„I,rbh toy Parker N CeOk ■d HA"L, w.n Tons Wer. both branches of Ste Ne.fnnndlad Legials. tare Lime w eprad the Q.rhee whom@ of A Colleebou will he mado a the Clime of j1a Tmr F'en F JMd.st Gardrw- 41` Ce Rsyi.kf; la,een Hsaki• swnlhom R -con, !le i 1. r;A. 4, Raster f J.H. GemM, tihmeo R, Hiekeoorbp■farth, Jardime Wm T.11, Wm 1.«ph Confederation I TM nen uriyd a Heli. ,h, Service in ad of i, - • ; amd .11 Mothers. 0arrlorM. ra0.1 J -y ► Th-. who. Mr,A :at on the 27th, by the stwaarr Marlin. The Valloltid .tales that she 'j. U 1 ; ',i 11 IST CA r' " - --- fTJ —` - Rlrapatnrk v6 lo 1,-r.rww k w.gess", 0c.rre pe.wir W■kin w G ownoluliore Msec ecrried ire the LoLor Hon" on • divan os of 19 to 7, end the U Hoe" .mmem. D,.n -` A Pm►lie Tea wanting will be bald tin fd- 1 r lir IAeflw iw the matter of William Unnn an insolvent job^ W,Ilo.ft-. J•wse 'white I*wwikm m".ry I Thr derided •ft.en of N•wfnand IswnI ereing, Ma -eh the 19th, 1400, rs Sha BaasaMnt of the Charrh. M.rf&omwry The Crediton of the insolvent are nothfi.d, 1111— J F. M,n W,I.,+n Aon k I.An Hugh Wrk►am Peter (rag) lead will have a most imports" influence o" ' iMon upon at ►elf peal air. Tec u sewn. that he has medo an Aasirnmfnt Of hal FAtate I w7 )1 ARCH'D DICRM)It, P. M, rbe tuber Maritime Peas , and we ►earl 1, e,rngrAlelalw iM rN)n"frl •pne il, Nc. Aedrese Macy be expergi d from Ree. ami effi►ete south r the alcove Amt to m e, the' - - - ----- N lmradlard s a 1`f val"able portion of the Morn. A• HmrlMrt, N. F. RmglmA, W, anderNg"eA' mmitnen, ."d they are ngmfrw) In furnish me anis In tion mayotks from ibiM UTIVISa. RrithaA Awsiesn mviner- and as -mar- kat fur oar ricultural rsdece is weec 1`i P rpega Nell W. A Iyyer. Gad T. Hgdwist. TM C611A .111 Iead"r Ilislr wlsmlrlA &.rvkN d•M with their daiw apaaifTine the Neurit, , Simi holA if ",, and too valor of ht and rel 1 ( F Caeft "( Revision raw the Towse►ip at (+r,dift...ill be held a lbe 114W mesvIlk rd. 1 (1F A he n .... pla . I V• none I"ug the ier. the .hale almeMd inn, en Moseley the flesh dy of Apelf @rt, Mentreel, Marsh 0, 1/60. Governor Garden'. mission hon .an M iMn@b test No. Rnna.ink CAG_ 4 •►Loh mry M bad K the ahsllm of kkhOn c Defl", A %on Ael.•mica A ae.H D. Kerr, t Jordan, sed ■eHao'dy. Rrmn, ick- w .ndw oath with the vowhom in wppnR "f air anti claims. Am Oederie►, FnerfsarU tM perpaec ref barrlq •Made aNlrem enm nt, be. a,"Mpfa isderutiaa, mal will ( mmda w W bF mpFliectien W D. [est m trim, of Fabvasr,, i,,, 1 JOHN RRA W, meNo -irk b AcAwrm. IL WRITiNG. A. Tew"abv Clop. give it itzmesiiata e0key tAroage s mew JOHN NALDAN, j,, Much 11th, 1466. .7 Godere IT Mach I^n-A, 1406. a.A3 N. goes. g y respectf•• t, lar t w s&. ■Ikw. (which are pmhliahed in lull in the Canada HY THF Third concession of the Township of M .rrie, I lo. m IhrCwnty w fit-. whn.,h kN•eNte.e• r rwo►u I %bell &Mer far w4 al 1`r (i 1 e.wY ac I u n M z,(lr to ire TWO \ ) m the count e ,f(N ( I f llmm ), THS d 1TICR M , 1 , contsining Une bun 0-11 ,,seas m lM sewn •( lH.l•rink' o. Tow. tel the apphcaimn (clears• Gad distinctly St of ••■ a nett tired sent mora or less, dmf tM 8evsook- lb tris, u1 April Masse at skis specifying its nature and object), in the Can• I fired under Power of Rele, below -twelve tel,be,IM•k .-,n. r Istat- Gazett end a1 rrrrrirac it JOHN C w G sn r • ueweof C pub- I and cnmmenrin oo r em immaliak•ly. MI DGNALU, _kengH, t a. liehed in the ('nuns j dr 1'nien of Cnuntivs R\ I Cmdithone srf Hale made known at lime dbwlr'. ..r%ce, (+.d,neh, / J OI telt, n1` un repp litation to lAe uuda•rsi a 7.b M.n.h. ,MAi t .7w 1 a4eCtrd, wldinq engin of the first &,,,I last TkQsday, the 2 1 fllast, Zed - _ _ t of such notices, to the Private Hill Office of EDMC VU BAYN6i REED& /'l ry7 they will Mfrr loch exlraonli r induce•I C 1 , rarh 11.uw. Ir OIIB OF 1 sn t t r REYIpp T r u fur toe Mortragwr. OiOH. ' All Petitions for Private Rifle moat M mslns ea must ess'. •sped, wrwr.ce, fwb3ld Losdnn, C. W, hariu,; the: saie uu GuoCs w II be - i _-_ -__ ff Hh ('*net of Iiariaiun for the Township of Session. witLin tlrfirsl floret tnu4s of Ib• 1 Slephn fax the purpose of Revising the seas`° GIVED Out on APPROB ION I FARC[ TO BENT, Assessment Roll, will b• bold ht Hill's tov- A. TUDD, I ern, Crediton, m1 8w11uday the 71► day of Chf. Clk. Private Dill O(6ce, A Ik1U:NINU Roberlsoull TAW*re nu I!m April commencing a la. 1. Assembly. (nor will w..r article purchased he taken\,back I A Northern Grovel Rnwd, •bunt 4 mitre C. YRUC -Y, ' F DOI.I.FTr N, B.-AII accounts mmaiiwing unsettled from Godarich, 200 ares, about 60 Acres of To.sehip Cork, Slepbeu. CIO. oiwil. 2 r B ob I Comaetl. I on the 31st 11AUVIi next, will be hooded i which ■ir cleared. Fr■mu house find barn, March RI L. 1 ari8._ _ .T f Ottawa Yard I'ob , 1861. . one.72td to an agent for eullecliun. Lalrddarod. Apply to the uud.rsirn.•d. _ - -_ __ — _- . _ . ----- S. SLl1ANF, i EOR SALE OR TO RENT. --- JOHN rA1R (Nr Co. Market Clerk. I Gudericb, 19th F'rb., Id66. gw50wd 6e GodericL, Fub., 23rd 1966. sw51 IItif well known Judge Farm, lot No. 2, ; In event Act of 1864. --- 1 `tit e,)"., E C-ihnlnr. Thfe firm is -------_---- ' F02Zrier Notice With• within 61 milee ofGtdrricb, thee. Ia 7 i i acres m % f Notice to Fruit Grow I cleared, .red w fame howl .red Lara. Ume i /w fAr a e1` r, 1G,Ixrf //unitah n Sm- ers drawn. half is clear of stumrs, slid The other half for/A ams rent. I from 9 to 4 years ,hoped, and hu never been T[!F, uwdeni cord li been appointed u- p t RTI9.1i desirous of hawing their orchards I Ploughed, there tee •Ino a young orchard of ■i` nee in thi &nrr, slid rnlnires Clairoe + or nnr"eriea prnporly proceed sold it ,!we 13P teen of the heal aonrtmrtit of fruits to he filed withta t moa be from this date. I can have the came dune at reasonable rales, ) a good well find pump. A■ to terms, Ae, Thr crcditon raft In • I + fol sot an n° il' red ' 1 red s m a wi•faclor mwnner A 1 to J • I in to 1 rPP f 1`P T i /IT ., tm meM wt tLr olfitt f the undersigned, in the undcnt2ned, wAe hm had w nemA•r of l tee `'Mnnlein a Ci011LO1i' PAnIICK CA RRfIL. ihr Town of (iodprieh, n the Ykh dry u( ,rare exprrien.r in Arrwnl rel the meal ea• r Co 1 Cnlhorne, Voir 10, ihtiS. wJ b )m A frit (rest. at TwoTo cin , 1'. M., for the tenfive Nurserin in fill in and America. OF lM Township of Usborn• having pec• ordering of lbe do.in o(f talo generalll Addrrm, }..atneid, to and • It) law rr).'aliuq ihr Ry Li. p.a 6ro err and Provision Stores and a:amination of inanlvent• JOHN 114TNF, sed by tin E+ecton last year, is acrnrdant• Si rOLI, CK, River Monk, Ambyly pin. with the Temiserlinc" Act, pmhibitinr Th• Ufliciel Asfignee for Hum ! Rrwce. A.hfield, mile of inloxic►ting Irquon its lbw 7,uwlal.ip A SVrNO ,enled slid fiord up tie non Goderich, 21st Feb'y, A. U., INN, .will 4t Fehresrit 2nd. 18 w2 6w is ++ laul oce,gsied bj A. 1'. Ilusb for tM — -- -. — NOTICE I$..HEREBY GIVEN, "love tmamem, i am now pre,ared to furnish -- rr', - I NlORT6A6E SALE IAmiltes with Ttlllii •NVII,1CIia Th.l • klreting ofrhe ►fumcipal Electors Croceries and Provisions -.cit a of slop which I shall sell at the loen•.l Cash prices, TRF Menicip Council of the Township of UlMorts w Pewcr of Sele eontaibrd in . Township of Osborne, I Flour and Feed Ocderic•b hating paved • b, Iran roppal. U Il(nrtgage made b Lucian Arthur Can ing the Rj law paawd b the Electors last T 1 will M held in rho Township linll en kept c-islrnUj tee loud. Co my at Il ,he Villose of Tins its lir Thursda the 20th MARCH, I y P' R jecr in Ince-&dance with Ibe Ten}rerance Act County rel Ilurnn, hie wife being • parte fr A shore of roe rrnnm w will M tbaah prohibiting the sale of Intoxicating hilwnu in thereto for the purpose of barrio her dower, fully received and faithfully attended In, The Township. default having been made in the due}r ,seetit at ten o'eleck, A. M., Wines ad Lipars, Crocks NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tharrof, and notice been given to all pertle. FOR TIIE TAKING OF A POLL, ad Glassware y ? that • meeting of the municipal Electors of interested, there will be sold In dnride whether or not Ihr ll,poal of said ,iI axe Geedl the on TurSday the 27th day of Aisrch, 111 L►w be cosfironwd by each Flectnn. &e., 021neal, Cornmeal, TOWNSHIP OF OODFRiCHr A. M 1966, at 12 o'r•lock, noon, WILLIAM EI)MOND. Buckwheat fbar, will lot held .l Mr. Cobbs, Holmnville, nn At Shane's lintel in the Village of Rlythr, 7 p. ('fork' &C., BSC Monday the 9th day of April •I ten o'clock, the following pproperty, name) :--lou nom- I:sherne, Frb 26th, Irlf,6, aw46 _ Q O A I- O I I,. 1 A. M., for the purpw of ■.king a toll t° de- Mn 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 in Block A`` }3Y LAW NO. ONE.--- cide whether or not the "pool of uid by law lou numbers r,, 7, R, 9, 11, 12, 1,1, ■nA _ ^ ANB be confirmed b much Electors. 14 in Black R ; LN■ numbers 6, 7, 8, 7, l0, To n,wn and eSt■Mub r new -M tM,.wgk het. Q \' A L OIL L a P . WOiIN SHAW, Tp Clerk. 11, 12, 11, 14 And Ib in Block C ; Lou n"mhen t1 end „, so the LMk C..n lo. " oo Guderieh Towtr111, numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 io Block D ; the 'rownehllo .f H.w„k, n row Coanty .f 1), FERGUSON, March 5Th, Ifl66. --- our, 4t and Lntr numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, imd 6, in Hoven ■red Pru•mrr of Lend.. p, 9,_ Clado will be deli"1`•d i• al.t TO L T Q1` - Block E • of McCunnell'a surrey in the &&A j P. it one I.rI rnrrthl M the Mn, c,p., r„nn- part of the town. 1tr 61tY w1 CIS IT MAY CON- village e Rlyth. thewmebeing swbditwions l -sl ter ,he T.wn.hip 1`.f H.wick, find n a GoderN►. Fwb.2ad, 1060. gw46 C of parts of Ino numbers nne and two in the hereby maecfnl n1` the rid Mn""4,ebsT. that - --------------_ - _ tenth contraion of the Township of Morro (n w" 4nA-11"she tests pleninse of flea of hose• Insolvent AOt Of 1001 in the said countJ of ifernn w the oma are that site AJlow,a4 new mad .hall M rrpw"M I it,P!• laid tinwn and deli staled in eke 1`r hglerd ,lit,m1`ble In for Irernpt'on hrrwfroo- wt ml. — i Y and Ran And .n.- that dour,, thn red preee .. in the m.(trr of AI"londer Me'Ib"alil Is. pplan thereof, made b William Ralph FA+, 1`..d r,nbnr.d .,Ihm Use rnl el w ipoow, .MR "ohenl, P, 1.. S. in 1814. germs made known •t be unrd os a ,nibbe M4hway, And ,hill T,i ,n ,n- M e1`• Lison.( ILr„ Irre l•wnl an Mu1t/od NOTT*, i. hereby gi••n that application mile, erns and pugp sib, port o Ills, rods or wd i beet M Au made• cn ""t m M re/ Ne ill low made by pehtinn Tn Irnth Houwe SiNCLAiR A W ALKBR, I Tn he d ,-tale &red effects, Under the above Act. N of the .Inane at their n%xt meetin M Thr derrinhe, rQr,1 new lire ret ,rend. Alt R Soheilnn for Mongagets. i sled alnrw►rr sha ren■tn ,.an'sl n1` trscl rel IaN n• TM wrdersigneJ, Arrgrrww, .and Ibwy allss hate the Township of We cnsoh, in the Goderich, March 6th, IP66. w61d end ry,0n u,e 'I""' lying and bane m the requi-ed to furnish sere within two WAMA@ County of Baron, dt •ideal = two mnniei- __ Tow n%ip of IL, w,rk nTAe (:renal dHurec aid from Ihis drts wiT► tkeir e1 eprs paliries, by a line tinning nearly nnrth and Prevmro of Canada rnnumng b1• ad.-... - LM seeuril rbe ►-Id, if say, aU, Ihj rate, between lots numbered twe"ty-wren Takeo Notice. I meet two ane Me half a-rfA tn IM .rme more w ) 1 and twenty Wight. The maid di,l"ie". 1`.r M lege hems m,nlpa••d of pan .f Leu Nmabw of it ; 6, if no" mewing The Ari l Ir "lied "1s"at" and " %mt " Wawann•h, ewe. tv o„e and fw,nly swan oc the le h Co.— Ir►ob atealwd and►r oath, wkb W venshma compettively. none or a•d Towmh.p of How.! w►.► err be is "p,mn of awes. elmies.. JAS. SCOTT. Commen In`1of a pew ploaffl'" she w,ah'"T Dated at Gedenrh die 19th day of Fesgw. TeoN►ipClerk. Bute 1`I loan noMhrr rwe"r• ,n., 1`,d IMriec. &1`y 164. Wawannmh,Dole.20, IROS. w602m BAMUF.i, POLLUCK, R.e•, )ate Deputy en.w.•dtrlynrk.Nnm,h.(nntMwlb.m. JOHN HALDAJ( ,".1`,(i a,n..a.g Non. -,easy A,order "w mely mo- •'•1 "•i I sig A-, ` p _ aMw111 h.A Men appmnt eaiehel Am:p I,,,,• ams,I.esy eAsls. aN Iwrny haAa stare - leaner' Insolvent Ot 1A64 M tlrlOr tee iawlgM An ref 1064 f.1` thou .f ler an Iha Isar belw«. Ln n..i-, .went, Fl arm for IJ - _ iistl.fl Cnenli•s of #turn% and Bruce. oe« ."A seventy two, thee., Norah greasy wane !w fAs welter of Peter strvriff. nand Georgy Vas 1 ry 20th, 1 RAR gw5a ' d"arma'smal savants, nAam •rt rh,ry h.►. I"Mr Cowls, lasafoenfs. ,,!= - n1` "" lea prnl ta.lel oa Ihw hre believe.. r twenty tw. lood I..nIy three sck... free• of A U A i L (crew d e*oellarl loc l @tad? THF. rnslifen M IM I.n-wenn ani rw.Ad "` FAR.M r Ox lead t.. orb ads ecru wA Lou sl,r•8er A rswt", hmor Ihr Rirw MaikNN4 M4 fh-1 ,Myr haw: me" no A...g"mvat M Ihw- - '— Iweey •.N fwrnty Iw..I.ng •d tee mid" A ellen d Ib• Vii el r:waN o.A eflrete n.4.1 the e1`,- A.4 in m• the , ( (-) ]( tas"A aim, n(.hr Inner - ealT dvrrilyd,fienn w /ewriehior anAer.. and Au, oo-, AMI itea are A { 1 . lria(li.r, bottle The earth bwlf of Lan Re. A.rn,eAs r rrgn,r•A 1- N,- 1-1 Huang the Tim hww"" f—"'r I'm 14, ow Ibe cloth east. of Ibn Township Ill s lima with- fours Iwr.efba (ron flows duan. •d b 'IT then, Nn,s" are -boom Ie rAe .1ih Ile- elalrk. .lawtoog IM wwr" fuer THAT eliribl" farm -mow 1, rleaTrd, lately east M lM law art I k • gglM•w e/ teal Iwe Tgnl,etr, aoalaismg /0 arok M held it a"y, And the vale• ad i; ■red N 1`n•, ora- -"OF w,f bT Rnb"n l%vw)s, hp(n enure welt wide a." ll the wd bmwece I,ef• aim ehmp/e4 l6 sour er w" lee ; mry s e ors ; f raw .bol..stear,{ nnMr ,.sb tech pw.d of hal Ihinj .i1` a Th• B•T sea- re Ihr werwely ad• d the titre, aam,e em. wiN M GUM ahaap int m m 14 vaech.wa a sppwl d erb „loran I ('set 11 1 be t".rgei"g M he • irms Cr pan As 11, .alaliom of tM fo.n.Aip of Uadorieh. orris. eewop" Fse larlhgr I&dgre N .4 Daryl r GodeneM I. ty Cease/ d Nares am / Law Iwread.f m 1w car w M Prf N.rh d•, -t III•&-►, A. D., 11A Nm safe to be and*, i b1 lotter rMPria• ar 1I M IM Towmllhap n Hnw.-h •l ow rest e.wl•r. INK w. WNASL fl, FJLI GCK, sy tn/"oe the ssw,.nd lay o1 Apprel @sl. rd.l GRIJabR IMRL, 0 as Agents, tl 1 ..57 (social Arsov Ine Hans h atww. ter card to IM Palmseb", Rlayi"la C. w. I T.w".h,P ('tech Jesse:6. 1N4. taa North tad, 1066. , 6, 4t Hew lee, Irok 1M►, ,"a- 06.a