HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1866-3-8, Page 31 queen tymctterla la rare
'I'6e Prince and Prrncea Wales
prince iu the foil uniform al a several o
•od the ynocer tastefully •attired iur •
of Wh)te Wlis, trimmed with black 1
wsering • ban of disanuda, and •
a aow10 r w
� ell of ►iy gen"-entered in
If.1. At Iwo o'clock precisely, 11
Fad onto a sigoal w the Lord Chance
at which the chow s ,ably ewe„ In
then Six mint. the dour to the richt of
thrlme wC dung oppeen, ,and proteeded
long train of hrlbordiers, buttmtion,
other afficiW.&, eswsetl � the Alyjraly of
land. . ..
liar Majesty wan attired in half mourn
and walk*4 with dor atop 10 the W
(..I lowed b the gnat office's of Sww
Marquia u�Us d mut bYrirg rhe crown u
a eusknn, the Duke ul +rplo huWin,
a,vurd of ,Qwt, the MMymd of Wanchr
wppurLSg the C1tp d' DlrinwAtslKe.
several other uuhles porformiug their app
led lrnetioce. Her M4jwy copped fu
instant al the rout of the *tells lis shako he
with the prince" of %vain who, iu co,ur
with life WbulJ as miabImge, bed rings us
The Q HM wore a black-anme u'
deep paryW-relret rube, Ihich, *'bet
it were purple or black, lacked tuLo
blook is Iba dim light of the ehnmistr, tr
need with whit* miniver, and a white I
cap a la Marie Stuart, W the portrait
whiy4 uufarruuaw lady she bore iu this ret
a remarkable similitude. Around Ler a
the won a collar of brilliaufa, slid over
brllrn the blue riband of the ')neer ut
f)Arwr, Other or"meets rah• bad now,
looked iu this simple and highly becum
costume "eros) iucb •yore.," end far mi
pictureeyus and regal than it she hal r
tlM r�ysl tubal that lied IncuN me
IWi'b br
During ibe interval that elapsed betty
the summon of the Cornmeal rend the ro
the Queen rW client acrd e0tie"Je t, w
A• r eyes fixed ■poo the grorrd. She are
16 take So hoed of the brilltaot asaembl
swatted hey but to be wholly absorbed
ml*uhuly medjutlua. Evea wheu
Ctewmo" rallied Mller skalter, like A e
of schoolboy&, to the bar, with pushing •
I "hirings ■n".mly Smong gentlemen,
wbicb teems to be couaidnred err assent
part of tM day's rf"awices, fler Majw
tuck so sties ufrlhe intorlepuoo, and ne
once lifked bee my" from list ground. -Lo
dos Tines. .._,
TIAs Oldest Mar Io tee Wort
Jotel" Crele, wh-- ' robably toe .IJ
mer da the world, died .. (atedeaia I lir
town in Wisc,asih, tin tM '1 lL of I—ua
last, at tie ace yf I II yen, \Twia•e tit,
soon and ten years maybe "!H a ripe r
ala. IIs Atta,utd an r,;e grr4lrr by tile„
,year& than th a enjoyed by tM mxt 01.6
mss of modern limes, , Joan Clause Jac.
a member of the Ytooeh National As@.mhl
who was e*tltd the Ihan of the hu
4p»site,* mud who, died at as a4e of I
'fhi& into"bore arms a( Braddock'* Jcrsal
Prckeu6am at New Orlaa,sa, venereb'" r►
Taylor whipped Santa Asna at Ilmna YW
. and yet Wu not ten old lis mjoicu *ben 1:
surmudered to Grant.
Joseph Crete watt Dorn of French paren
in what is nom fkt.uit, but wldch vas t
Yn!y an Imlitin trading statfuu ,n 172 i. r
retort of bis bAhd.,a in the C.:4olw ebur
in that rite estah'i,hel this tact bey u,d
doubt Us Wes a rwi0ent of Wueamio I
about a century, sed wee the •• uldt o• er
me " in that state beyoaJ dispute. Whe
*Ter the •• oldct citlsen " visa .1!udA-1
-every Wiscom.mi m declared J ,*"ph. L e
was the mac meant. 11. wad first er.rt,l
New "'um10 1755, ■Iter heri"4 grown
be a batchelor of 30. t few tears .per L
marriage be settled At Prairie du Cb,en wLi
tlis:omin w" yet a proem,@ or I'r
,let." the revu:dliunuy markt was empl"
ed W "try letters lwtweeo Prairie du ('tn.
And Omen Hay. A few years ago he r
called u A wit.esg i4 the Cucuit Curt
N'dcomtlu, in a ease loroiling a l:t a to,'r
tum real mt"C rt Pn,n-i. Ju Chinn, to Civ
t•atimony in re141 w dr averts that ttorrpr
rJ 80 jean t.•lure, ad mA.y )eAr. befar
rhe 1gl,rants w,re dreamt of. rre pvsub L
was rather show* the medium bigbt, spam
fies1r, bat alocrit evidences of baring nein
Iu his priate-A Century or so Iwfu,-.-s ma
of gentler aril ill. Uf late years a haun
Ing "nee of to inesis o.er.!,elwed an
Savored to saJden him. 7'h* wily Wesk
cellmind which be eve. Imyed was in lh
led years lir two of hi, exixteure, Che
b. remarked, with a st&rCiu,( air of end it
t ut he feared that perhaps " D alh had for
stullem him, " bat he Would alw.Je add, wit
more c6 wfulm*os, that he felt sore "G
bad not."
leo Beats and their letpmeed.
Tee boat regattas ar« quire fre,pbonl on t
1 uI on thi w"in er.
I ce s 1 A gsib • Ininua
cummuu speed witk thugs, end nue bout to
c"Slly mA.1, eight miles io s••veo initial
T►u speed may tread mcredlLle, but IMre
•e #~it why an ice boat should not r
with the "Lolly of Ilk wind. It u a tri.0
sulu platIl one angle farming the bow
slid the I O,eranglea the stern. 1t each angl
G.t skate iron is In ertedmad mMle fu, on able
A glides when in motion. At the middle o
', the stern Another similar iron is pieced lettin
on the ice " do the othera,but tLii else muve
uppas • pirot which parse'& up tbruuKh 1
p!Atform w which the Lill" a attached, nn
that farms the redder. This lounh iron pro
jeeu bete. the boat a little further thea th
others, so (hat the Lost dares i of rest on d
four at Anytime, but u thrown a tittle to n
Sid• or the olhegaccurding lis the wind. Thi
.also enables the rudder to ruble the boat.
must earrying a large sail is erected near th
forward angle of the boat and as a counter
poi" W this the oast for the pam en fare
?Inodd Bois• at the stem, running frocl o
angle acro" to IM otbew. There is sesteel
tiny fri &dare upon %be ice u is the came of
Nilsson and with a fair wind and a smooth *or
Ince the boat flier literally open the stage o
the wind. When the wind is fair that it, o
course, no unplewnt estimation produced up
the pa&mm an by a rpeed of f0 miles
iu"goe. as h In a dead calm to th
Are oA %U btal. When there is an ex
t.neive sheet of ice without dews, sailing on
tje�o Il.esy Y BA erc,lwg maaesmtgs,
.+deb ,We there are holes iA the ice, if th
sae ►ni be efficia , the bead with a std
,Iter" will skip them very rodilir-LJpursal
of Committal,
-r �
A eyokoo"w robery of Ure ' pone bnnve"
in SL �ry'e Catbohc CMrch, )n BudiaM,
has Mae jell os r am unknown period
of Yeo, Ntd a few dw siaee, wlw the
semen" of lie rtesining d the fwads was
dl"evwed. The thief itstd a large hole
mind* i• the bottom of the bora- posted
then over with while paper -and when be
doeoW tho time cam% when plenty deposits
auk h 1 r'
iso Y•"a he chs *table o •
Pe M
d t6a IlArieb, wise! hi• rounds a..d
cmpsiled she f posting the befell
"before aftw 11 f r
a o father ke•illme. it
11 uppo"d t►" the individeal had bee•
twARMg cot of the bmimeos between fifteen
and twenty ddlmm n week.
Noce M1sw►xtwran.-Mr. Guilford D.
21"etb, rawrmith Sig naMr, of " city
kmesse•ifNy reanera"red a file pistol,
.Nell for length dr raga, penetrating
power mud pr rielus of ebeoung, will bser
cemp�ion with wy weapon of the um•
weight fol hard of. TM satin weight of
thin ministers rifle is only two will a gsaryr
ppoouai•• The barrel n thirteen int get is
leegth 1rooYd Wilk w raped ,wilt iM bum
i. tmwjl and Ib le6et amid ie an Abrsetd
bolt wrapped with paper in the same manner
at the Enfield bo bK. On the 2TIh of Feb
ruary Minta Mr. Booth bind ••vont••• show
at • rhidw of two booked y" wt e
terpt fmrta• ►T slaves inch" M sew,
w.lk • lee itch boll's oyc. Tie cobalt,
fur a firm tribe, os It want gave eotnplete
mtidkttios. $r"ry bullet struck the "at,
eight taoetrumod the bell's mJsf tbirmes
A1sok within • cows arolo of mfr ieebs%
Ili* ruwoimmg boar wore on a . E
,hisg ohs ri Ad, this shooting will be
foend so any unser to epd Cud very diff.
cult b osrpa-Oft(man 7tt1•mr
• .
"Ir J' 1
it k
. -----_--__-.-
e. CAVA* or tar IJLV4 Co1.oeA ur Ta" Bar.
-It i4 r•alnlly eappowd 1►at the bla sol•
-the our of dee sky to due to the mui4tuie iu our
Liter stmorpltere, rad ibis idea chink to be tuufir
dens mod by the iuw ldity of 14o colour during
see, toe moist weather of Guam*, WL.0 cum
luny pared With the sky of the gfon dry wvatlwr
side of Isioaw. It LC mainly been shown by
tack 1'rufomur Cooke, of Cambridg,r, jn a impel
liar, road the American AcAdcmy of Aral and
Iles icieucea, ,bet Itis view is correct. Hr ha+
the found by rewires of Ili" apeetrogenpe, ♦ eery
by a drli"te ib*trumne, of analyse„by ahllL 1hr
mud most iniisute aulwtabcte. even W Iar11 al Y J,.I
Erg twice, tan be d000W, %bat the ayuouus va
pour of lbN nhuwpkere .id tr4i must power
dreg, fully 16p follow std red dil,6"ubg from the
m,ie. .ml, leurtog th* i,lot toys to be tnuemitl,d,
,-the and thus aceo aliag fur Ilio colour of the ski,
pun Tilid instrument Shia proven that the colour
�t4r ,A due to r simple absorption of Ike” toy,
atm* Ly the water, rod ent to repeated mW,etiun,
%I'd I.ow the surface of au iufiuily of drops, a•
.a a hC berY supposed.
r an
rid. Time ■rmtsah I!oa"tltntlon.
Ike" �� _
Nr Eu4lstid'* thruuo cud the soh'a fabric of
toe llrili.b Constitution ani built upuu the
Ido Ill iocyJes of ter SddeI slid is -it uutb;u,
her think you, that upon 960 ,Illy wheu the Crows
be]. of ibex Finidum's was placed u{Ypn our tau•
Im "rca.a's brew, also r u silemaly pnalalrJ
SW with u copy of Lt'- Holy Scriptures, rel Ili, -
of nn"uca vi ibe Nublea, the 1'relaltw, aid the
tiro, Command ufthe Irnd; slid shot the" word„
eck ul weighty Import, ren addresad 10 her, in
hel the C.r ,ftnun ",,ice 7 ., Our gracious
the (lueen, a"n preW"t,ye.0 With thi* Btrk, the
and moot vallabiu thiig thet the world e] or&. -
in; flere a wiedors. This is the Ituval LaW.—
Jn• lbm" are the lively trade, of (;,al. Blessed
cru s he that readelh, ami they that Mar tem
It1st&aI,. ••,IJS ul 14is Houk, and Ih,t keep slid du
Ihe 16iust eattained in it. For the" ure the
lilyworst. of eternal ibe, able lis task. you wr,.e
slid happy In this world, slay wim unto sulrm
itit dais, std, au, happy ler evermwa throu,h
reed Irith which is iB Jeans Uorist." lie must
a •e nal ouuut it a little thing that, at the coiunN
ie nun of our graciu.a Qdtrn, whom may (dud
tin p,eserr , thiesolwmu me' Wes done; th:.t tills
„ b Precious Itnek w" given ; mud that ,hes,
Ud wise slid weig►ny wends were sp oil R lilt I
but 'r lel us pray that lM Word of G„J, *hie 1, '
i.l was thus it-Aemhly pretended W our be!oted
Air (i•1„eu rt the moat Solemn moment of her
ver Idr, mr1 be su wntion iu Icer heart by the 1
n, Iluly Rjdrii '• that *be mfr adw.n incline to
God'a win and walk in Il is way; and Irl us
pray Ill r that the tvold luny have free
tutor..” And he glorified du•in. her reign,-
11riflrh 11'urk"kan. i
t.1 w�i.--1 he memLer fur Ihn enarn,
Win. MrOno,q., F:.r), woulds-rm to ltt
r•` burn m gotd luck, cud dcetined t.i die rich.
IJ SJmeyea,x ru,e he Acquila1260 ac:cs "1
isnd iii ILe bt.Aadrip Lf Isaac, %IA,h Nt 11.
el line wax cunsld,•nJ.1 lift. vs!u t, huh Ly tL.
I:uuto. p&pwtrs we are pleased Iu,r•,eai-e
That Ihn Irnd loss become a re2i.lar R:I I)u,r
f, ,Io, fur on MowNy a I,000 or I,.,Oo barrel
”' ram struck neer it, IM yie•Id im-ing clear ul , n
flour which m G0 harrel gunk sex& filled i
" fitly winutem.-7"he honorable geude•11tan Ice
C1 n,.. "Hit J uI parchax n; a far_. yurul in
a of oil Lea�io. aod'rre ll.t nit Iv,.Uur y, *n I
"a we an r,l•,.m,d. is cunf,drut yf bacnrnur"'
t, Ise oruet al such 8.,um as w,ll slave a bmtd-
. au* nlargaln fur ten er lweAc hnl•c. ser
M ,�erlun^s.. If Sir. M,Live ins oil pecul. (
ch I'ou@ tolu�put" aseveuful as Ais uthe, get..
tun•., t11r a i•"'. scmeoy be a d,,ul,t but that
m >l. t'AC; iuera-(he boon. 1m. Itis I, ve a,.r
`r , huice-wi I d-ri.,'e the Iallro •broefit ther,
li from, fur I is a N ewe to keep has mull ,
"' locked up iu tdeleml security if he can Syorl
.t, Aa was ttilencer by the rglid manne!
la in rh.ch he filled cep w h bwldmt,* the prop
to ^rty he purchuw•d belua Nelllvd Avenue. ,
h will.lrteni&W 1.im to.yiywprne11criOlkel S
is r. hY 16o,y 1",.•1 d, -"t mtcrel arts of pro
lis .luctA between Canada end the (fest lndi.
' lal.rnds sill prme a Profitable truer.. W,
1' only Loire that the oil lasds _4 anis!, n-
n • rn;;t. !,ly as they tow bad fair lis `du. -Sr
uCatharines J,urnfll.
_ I
r. Important Beet Trade.
e_ _
t Fur *.,talk Wcels pour Sir. A tit d(i'u \ F
ateut of Ihn Outs is pa:Liug. Hous, U►mn•
I tau, hos 1t* 1, at-ounai the Country, huyloll (,
a cep brei auJ push of cc,•n J,aceil4ioe., an !t
6 v.ry IArg. ,+'. 1l1naM. He @bills some 70 or
a ^U bead u! {Ielhngtun cattle per wrrk, at
I 'is••Iph, u- I5 114oS,:twnt art con.ttintly
ua 14a j:.ceww. Me"n. ii..ekin slid lilt.
faces Laws exte"ted.I•reral large orders fur trade,
e antis which the pork end ,the beef packed
n ready fur. Iiunahipmeot for Liverpuo Sill T
" 1.4". --Tho isrern iu virinitr can sew &all ,
` oftheir camie at their owl, doom at as g.•aj ,
,•:ice, - tl,et, Cuod pasih!y obia.n at the
tte.t Fair*, mad lh. it porkers Sm era_bt Yp
wah -n cage M's„ "u!y cyuallr;l by ih.. de- 11
Scent of the Yankee buyers into the cuund•J,
anme eWilht ago. 'Ilge Company clniliJr.l. '
I. &nt,c, a-,• 16" the traJc wi I
l sun
1 M w ex•
e" a
t0 CY hfYfe I Y M n
e l u A c
■ cud eQ,;ctu..l'r neLtrslw• (heerec.s of • rrperl I be
. of the• Ic c,p:,,city Treaty . br Silurdieg a i"
ee. C,n.Jlau mn.at.a Llisi,al"I exhrcotire as I',*
r acs Ise heretuttrc enjoyed ll.rouaamrraca. I •"
vn ('cltninly. If -their other agents rre mnwlhin,; I `''
I. ;c y enoril l:c &,If ow-clatfut es Nr. Mt i T'
, Illap, the e.,mtry it a!nwly experienei,g
c no small eenefit from the enterprise '''r
Guelpb :ldnriiser. iur
g A Stour its, Srdlzo -.1n even'ng contetn- '"�
& purr's ienins Com -a country sula.crlhe.r that �'`
he the fi..t erns 0f the season, se.•n by ),.m, J
d were observed an the C'ap ftou:. road ..0
4,aurdny morning being cnnsirlvrah'v earlier v'
e than last scar. An early spfng i3 &reform v
I anticiirdd.- t.bebce Gazette.. _
Oe Gnyymm rre ?Taw Yoac run Fwr1.OTAl
• TLn 'JYj6ilxe Nuys lb4l S genllemau iP \esu ("
A York, who ad4i lord for a clerk, mceived In
three haudfcd reyVI - Thest appficants
rwere generally inle.!li4ent and well ellucale(i;
some wen *chohi s even, and showed good A
toe caancity ; ull Seemed to work for low we ,,a, A„
1 and uw'y uttered to tome without salary*
• a"d take tiro chances of Lha latare. TM
1 Trifwse save there is plenty of room fur all (,...
f iu tM tellntry. r•
_ Q� it is very wee for little children W Is t
la uM, but a very bad thing fur them to grow
S� up SIsep. .,I
Q} At a Council held by the Queen at r0
Osborn a proelAmatiou w" ordered to ire col
oed issued g•vin; currency av the United Kingdom
q to tbo -old coin of the IIlydney Mhd.
(r j; Sing John of Saxony, ender the Ides A
dooym of •' Philalethee," Ms just published
the Hund and last volume of hu translation of d,1
the •' Utvim Comedian' of Dane. 1,11.
rj,1'he mnversenl of travellers from s"
Fence to F,ng!and,by the port& of ('•Isis and T
I~,, for the wast Is", i:11,026, &bowing
ant lgerca" oaf 12,430 over [064.
. 03.7'M l,erds Ai*rc" stalm that a
shoemak&r, caused Smith, saderdwk for t
wags of eve shillis)p to eat a rabbit ammok. C
.d. Hmith eommsncod his brute] task (which
F.e sceumplished) bel an eiamiag his water
i n w called the liver wh'
hi ■ tensa n " to rCb
he had len. 'ro enjsh ail disputes betel oar On
ate this, bat no sooner had be completed k so
k and diad.
lbw fell bee
W bat a Book did.
— i1 is
A member of the Britt*h Parliament, Mr. Ori
Jackman, recently gave hid history to a oto• ,sem
Shamir&' am,nistleu of young men. When t
I i yea's old he w" taken from soboal and
pot at hard work, al a ttlipi s side from sin is T)t
the morning lilt nine at night ; with hell an r
boat for breakfast and three quarto" of an n
boor for dinner. At the end of nine month"
his amoar baiag sick, be w" Psi into lM Pg
offtre, whom lie found an 11 tneyelajwedie ~r
ariunniea, which he read fM% beg)enieg Wh
to end. AMr that he never lost an hSor. M1t
W hen be had a vited till Wise, .red ppb.• to
lid at len, he had hung a tampp �over his bed, P
sod read a part at the eight. He a *at 0017 Mr
an honeyed =*=her of Pacliawtnt, bat r
diyMrsabod Is wamoree. He ►es toeww• 1<
vial retatiom with almnat every pun in tM
world, and an his sseosos be merlbee to the ri
kn*wkd.0 derives from books, 6o�in*mi gs1
the F,nty"Mpmdies. I• Rand r' wrbim mahor-
lien to young stns. ' fimts"41 oil smoking
your pipe and drinkln`( bar In • p"Nm how"
rel. ad Tlft will W art, @do*%hwgm•fith fr•
mmablee to et/awlai0, mpp"r a�d fwMrua owl
yua ` M
n .lA
S k i y Y �(p!! � tf": a
k. 1
-Yrs Jottenuo Maria was rt Malas __-- _ -
"14:-wonsthegustioof The l.e.l uwal �-- UP TO THE TIME
Cob -She w • re gl of the lion. Hurel I . CuUaal H March 8 IBfifi. •
hat ent we rre Iur es herr i i�opock H Ylockp '
, g N rocwiring y ria Nr6eat...........fiI:UU ' r r 1 L .' \ � , ,_. #<
P 1 (qr -Ing • /
flim attrntiuu acJ cuurtey Irow,wr citi•enal F'itll I�u 1: U0 � l: • � ` �p
rbprvirtlythe ladies, tial are w eminently ) '•.•••...•• (q ac GREAT I J 1 • �,� 'U. ,� 1��I:vua+9e
dos her. Inlr,................. 0:23 (lr O:ISy:'
_ Flour .... .. r �_ , t
a:UU (w alis° '� t ,1r �I• .7utlnMtoair
Harte i f
east NATteaL.-W hen a parson bas 1 • - - • - • •,• • • • • • 0:45 (u; 0:50 11� l i i r �t �- r
prord w'•rli.0 ami loan, it good. end aur Peax .................. 0:45 r`a)', 0:49 �,_ J t 1 1� N lJ I/ 1.1 �� �J e i I .. .
w•ri11g toe purpmsel�r whichitto iota��,1ed Sh.wl'-•.•••,' -•--•••.4:Uo 'Q$ 6;OV .4- 1�OSiUMENTS,A1i:Al)B'fl`ItFl t
is will not readily abandon it f n' out l' Pork ................. 7:25 (ly 1:60 (/ t 1 / 1 1 t r, 1 Tumev, Table-tupa, Yealti is. ,i
y rf.
Joubt`ul repo Wliun, u: cuucorning rbieh Ire .-•..'... 6o UU (It' 5:If m, ",
�1 ULh 1 Ah11'1u 1�fll of AI�iIt( I1. ` , ; ufNary description ani nyM of
! know• uulh ng. Ku un Ird to male flit"
111a" (4reen) .......... 4:60 (n: O:n0 '`• �{ .t ruakamr.hip, formirhed w Abut ,�:'
Infer ................. Y: Ice a 0:11 l' to t " 15 G Jl C r nu is • r -r,n
y p l , h t urtb (whist our . a,cl 1 Skul•r l vwwcpcw we will odor t 1 a r ed At the luweak
remarks owing to the course •Iter a unuad Y e ) u the t R,•s•• sy,
Ly tbu.e who hove Well 14,t ecl.brut«d weJ I','btw5 ...... ........ 0;30 (rq O.S,1 Public this t ,a , 0 Lil trrl rrduetioo mSill tool. ,�
truly rrluaL:e hursrrueJ,ainn knuwu an M J,d............ ..... 1:15 l 2:2rt i e w TILL 0111111 KIMILIT Plinio it: x a
" D.uley'a Armbirrt Hears fta•medy"„-all are flay, new 'jtl tea ........ 7:00 (44 H:UO , e v �. Ikp�ns a(Muuuewuw, fie., man 4 sNr h;re
1 u, Lacs........ „: '<
so well pier@�J widb it that they will nut uta I ....... • 0:1i0 'V9 O:+i: I `A/ ' al rhe shop:. y •,,;,,•, .
rre.• other ; uluty Lary rritwl arrcre] wtwse *' HOLE OE . OUR STOCK . ( ,.. Cod.si'll" Ike. 19, 1595. wM, r
built •Leu •ant u,u!J 0614,11 u new su , d f - J " - =P� ,� 1 !-_,.
-- - -. _. _.. „
I l y — 1•rflafoll)4 ur 1 ul'en• 4 ��' A . FAR NILE 9R TO 11 mI "
TMm is 11othing eyunl to it its r cmeJiuw - -. at Ctdf, iu order to make ruow fur '�7•
Sladicine. m" Gra any cuwp!niut a6ixtiug the A If-wkr,r.. rife r,n.n•J G.r ,roe rre o nrrr,Nu, jj' 11tJ1 Fat` nod elh.rt desirous of urebas.
rind ul Ilornws, U •Iriny Prrl,u u,r Irrr / od ru tole .crew., ).an." ry h dreg landx, lar ud'Jrm,d that thspl'sl,►d¢ IIF well known Jw11e Fum, of Nn.
Ituuember Ile name, end ace that the rig uJi ..•n,. win r,. ,hr..tr,.wn.rw, kuwuer, 1 1- r r r J r 1 � •Jmisanr bare �!h con., E. D.. Culborrr. Thu lien i
aulu,e ofllurd¢Cu it nne4ch joSck'e.e. nrna.r,allwe.,nerlu.uo..,y.•.,Mdereeaar. ', �I r � wilLin6 marsof/ivdrawL 1
Y.nfkn . ot.w u...r,o yt. rel.rnr u, wire. h I.r ser :bas; r1- .P P J � G I !V1 t f J '� i ken u Ti ewe
7 f f.ytruu. Newc.wtle, C. N'., pets. r,.... w,.h.,r,•• P,.,u uy I.r aa,an,.rr..ey,:. r Lens to Sell or Lease I ,cared. u„J a f Burs hub” and bar•. 1Jr
priaurr f.r tie Cru.dev. S,dd Ly all YcJi as .Lebo s.u...w's hail in elan of Olusop, end the othev kali
ion dr4le,A. - n W. a t" Ula' ,:ire us a erll b,dorc buyif ; ellwtrhere, lis iiuos parte of the Prov:oe" Lout a to 4 years chatted, And hoc re•w •
N. I3, a I,.__ , �rw f...t. .; I The ('oepouy would part:eularly inyilt mt plLusbed, tLrrc era ale a win tato
Tru Qcaa eat ordsI liswraw.-Why Th C t" their W lld, LANDSly ibe ('Onto• pJd gjmaf al 1M has{ +mmtang Pani �
shautdmenwerrlesadaT Br,auw Ihryare tlTltA\UI:, BL 7` IIaLk. fl, gERR Jr- CO. M"ih
a deal prolncut,n to than throat *od luu„s, 6rrry yea ; kJy.td ,,U,I +. e.1h. I unrd rarer• , , . • ties Uf a quad wait end rump. Am W prase, sib
Wh add murk W ILeir ryuu"rt shout rWa. , n.,*,I l t.. -t very .). b ,. isle_ a111'..u¢r by fill tow 1lcuse, Feb., ^`th, 1866. HURON AND PERTH, rl'1".
r. ,`
N'Ly rhuY1J we ore " Hryunb 1'ulmuuic 1fa- .-mre. y.n prro.• r e w•,. ). ry w* ,.r yi rbc ask,. - - , - - - I PATRICK CARROL
•,r,mJ. 9tr.. k*nus Ira ..a ural, I,un,uuat.J wen - - -- wL,, lr will Ian dlapused ut on LAerul term* b, C•.Ibmne. Nor. 10, 1.4 w/bJm
Ian, 7'' ficcau*0 wheu uecJ Inr (:uughs, told•, I,,,a• L).wl , . .,,a Ihn.•.rd. Aa Che r11 yJl yhwre _--�--"---`_--^ I pal ti11 Chis mmr M pnpt lib to s 1N
ucL,iu;( In th. thruaL Wcontuese, aa., +Wu",I.-,.b jU.1, .I?,,,,.• In reference a aborv, let it bo distinctly under*tahl that so Goble will he subject. � p 1 - - - - --- th
flier acct like a c4rnn. Mmi,tr's end Inr en 1•IIUs. F, g11APMAV. J , L,t, 11, ur r eu:uoi Irrable sum down. Foril:Zer Notice W1m _
..,[,.I a r tut u.....•,,,, scr t",t: In F'sebatlgo (twlorstl ogtrccially *geed start at the tier) during the ooutiuuauev of the ! l ruw1A ('umpatir r Ulhce, `'
use tLanr, thyaciaos f•comuu•nd thole, and - :lbruutu, 1:411 !hc'(/ l!iGS. # Sir3m drawn.
Ging "A al, public s,:uake,• say they etre the TO CO\rl :tll"1'11'1F:1!'. .._- Nate.
nary beri Acedwge iu euatenee fbr ahs euro •rbc WrenA.r, ka.m, i+, u rr-r.,rra w ►oro .0 • >• � � '
of such man, stun. Sold Ay all medicine ow era. rya .r,) .oulJ. nwIII .1 .1hsrr, ru 1 o k ) T 1 r I/ d�"t-1Zlt� Orxx", r021 0 .i a
dculut at 2uct rb D• KER1\ JR. Cil Ir,:
' r _VAUCUI.'1'I'I:.V. SOl'11i'1'1 .f 1 1='
y - r. h• os. rrr,da..-r.I,am wuna..,r.rlus•an,,,,,,. a.:d l a3:ric! .,1 •b. 'silk, 1 �, �y�l�p&;��. ,...
I'as Itunr Srsacu-YroMtbly au In,la,r.ea cer.ampllk.U, .,.t, $P INC EXHIBITION.
1. I 'I it�.l.. r. it •,,,.. ,A Q
uerliuu is less undantuo. Z 1I I � � 1; w•wr,wtmmrsw l�
q l tl'1.•etlq 4m4UUx "!y,",„ �I I J 1. hr *'111.. n l a e., •, ,• the ) I � �_ i
lb m 1be I i (ht of search'. lhure is nu genual rept... era P,.r ..i oll.q. ). r""rah.: z,,n ,-n ,.. r .n -r,.:. 1 1*. r Ly � i( 1 t ■ , I ( i 1 •- . -�— The Municipal Comdl
err Ihi11 d, th r have eel a we waN.. N- lis.• _ _ l
1 y- y r""g• Spring Steds, Stallig06 aced Buller F' the lbwnabi ..f ('gborne heyin
,w u, rod hro-J nen t� v r r.h .,...,aa - I P Ro'a'r
lis M utrrueJ rrca,lr r.ee winch hr;t a 'as e,r. . �a.•n"r. ,, A .arc. no...'n. 1 .." Retaii Customers 8 li Q
C b7 P P" .,.,,.. mud „Ti.r •1 t..+r lt. eu,.,,. •ihr ..y upp ed at Wholesale Prices. wed s lir Imr rY •rA!i. the R Lr
eJ luuX ago; this is nut the cess r'ilh tkr •gin"-I'll',•',.,+•.r•, i:t.,,,r 1.,- rre. el...l u'. N Eihlbrl,on connected will, ILe above rrJ h the �;Irrlmt net ear ice ssro•�AMe
Crnadi I'a n (hdr t rr. Ancient lid ' ua"' Ir.A,h, tirJ. r..I .rrrrl mr,.rramw wnn•n k, I :�aFJ 1 A ! T
'ri• 7 ,a,..loa-www,.k.a. , syw erT .Seem I Society, wild be held iu GoJnnch, M. With the Teinmr.hc" Act,,!prohihJ lbw
tell dors 11at hary to twitr*led to find uul '.Illy b.reuwey. r:n wife Ian Wr .`maY ey. uw fI
C H U O L BOOK 8 ! ' IVEllYL',I)lI`, lath AIARVII, 1866, sale of iLluxical.og Liyuara Ir llwTow-hila
w ln,m it liar re.iecaJ from the weCuuur pai,11 "' Mu,r a ,....„ur.
rSo.Ira,sea.hetq,e P.ssrgrdm, n.a h>rerrn wind Ifur Spain;Ser r, when tba Gdlnrint prc.
ar ..A, A'. ren, III 'I[ euldr, .l throat, .,1,9r.«a.a"". T. -J. MOORNOUSE'S R DUCED PRICE LIST. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIM
n, ns, per S„IJ Ly ell )IeJ.eiun lh•*len rt I:,I; Puu•uln t, a'N, obs. met will be wa-d,J : Ifert IU bllal,os m
�:eta p,rr bot Ir. t(r...aaw.¢ r,:,;,c,., \r,e 1.r1• I tip hue Wueal 8• 2nd do :,00, 3,d d0 76,t A Met6-1,; of rhe M,Inieipl Elasten
Lt 1;,•.y of L.. un.. ,,$ Irnm.r'Coch.h Omm�r r. ..10.:, Lue ell. r; rorr.l,;"„ ph. -Ger. ,.00; bast 10 L 1618 O:Cts ;9.00, 2nd do of dhe
_ ., J , da ..G 1.1 l ., N:I. k +utr•r... a t �"". 15 , e'.uuplr I'. Ju :J
nein. <'ew oberttsnnents. �vuet to du ,..Y I IN".", ul Arutou, n,._ ,1.... 11r J,, 12.011 3rd dJ 1.00, u•st !0 bushels PrA,,
3.J Ili+. I ! n•. I io q .mr)• .... n6 I , , :iod JJ a00, d du I.UU ; D. ct lis �lao>,�'n8hip Of UebotMe, I
)n ihr 20,4 Feb, El;zA Ann• daughter of Air. - ... L ul l.a.r,n. Itj e.":.Ire•* E'elocol.., J........1) 'A�.l kee'S ..lis I 'Lull ,
%V.31.1.11i,11, 4th cur,. Ikrdurich Tow Chile, - - .. .__..____ _- IIh J.I do le - fial. tel d,,. ,., ..:af N -rester. Jo • .. 41 I bu.618 Bliley 3.00, L ,d do 2 iso, 3,d d.; ud he hold iii the Turuship Hall on
NgeJ 14 rr"n, of IGpILer;S L J•' Ju fU I F.rr�y.r.o . m nr.,e.aynv Jy; fl.,l+ln.lt,.h,ry url'rnudn J.5 i 1.00: 4aal Lu..lel Timo ry &•�J 1.50. 2,rJ i
1 I,.,b„L.li..l,,,y,.i r.n:!AnJ '.. w I'fber•:.eta.w ra'b.,,f (.... to d. l.00: 1,est 2 I,u,helo 'aru :.UU. 2rd d„ MONDAY, the 29th MAROHe
On I hU-I! y � IF,e lint i, st., at Guderich, Grand Square PIANO, C".r ,AND Al.l. OTIi KB SC1lUUL I;UUKS .1'1' 1'i: 1'Oa'1'IUN.1Tl:LY LUN' R.L77i:. � o•' '• 31'1 Jo 0.:,0 ; bcmt S,•1 Flax Sett At fru u'claa•k. A. St .,
'a1h.o .,c Uu'ly, a¢.d 2l ..:A s, _ I 1 511, 2ud Jo 1.00. F0R'THE'1'AKING OF A 1'OL.L,
- S T + rid I Y 1 N • i L `T _ Hret bush. ('fuser Seel 83. U d0 8'? 0 ),! ' 1
�CTII a17nC CIt5C111C11113. w s r - li 1 v 1 1 a ' All tau Seeds laking premw ,s to bis solJ to J,•ride• rhrtLrr a• ure Ind Retreat oC s•il t
l' '<.1 I -t. � ,% I �L. I to the mcmbars ul ties .-Society a 1_v, ou the By lav be cuutirlued by suck F:lactere.
liu,sl Ruled S.ee pater . . ee .. -un l'ummua itis, lis a.a . , Show Jay, at it , ibe nut toe e,e 1. can,. 11 lw.tx ED)IOND,
;0It "Ie Lr iaate bar,;",,n, a 1; .. • ... , ^;) • • • • 1 ter tw•LA,e. P i- ; i.
A CSU OD THINC3. 1 / I'I 1 octrvr 1 J.w Fu..l.urp.,, ,, , ,, , ,, ,lb,. ,L. '1 h,ek d.. .... ,Iu p,er LmLel neer and aburo the wa et psi:.• - Tp. Cl.ek•
_ Thick, lio. 1',ur,n, in ererllent 1111,e and lia,d yndlty 1'cu.......... - . 6 p r d"s I Nal• P.Aed... ........... 4 ,ler J„a. I on thsl day. I'a',orre Prb 2416 V ” i . i
TRYT I}� ;;n,.: order. Tenn., -Sia muutLr credit u, 1 fib. triiw2t%
I i' A 12le.,rJ (L,p,- D,r,l-{dual pater -wish Ike .bawl (r :n. Bial, , 1'cut,lr rnJ crer •Weft it ul I "The exhibition of Stxiliuns and R will ' - ---- - -
x • approrld Cn•.uncd u0d'• Cyl..nery d Il deet, Naes L. Ir b:. I ,. I) III'it,, ) Irks p, St (i udrnch un Thurwny, 12t1r (Curt-.)
F. 1Y TIiOMAB. .(y of April, 1=G6, alien Ilm fullo nK 1 .1I'P(IiNT TIl1•: FULLOlTfNG 'r111ae