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.1 9�
fine Behlen Crain Dryer locat-
ed in front of the elevator is the
largest of its kind—the loading
^Cap'acity is 500 bushels.
The inachine is designed' for
Uniform dryinga-,grafi' is. poured
alt around the inner air chaiuber
Arab which heatdd air is #Diced.
By being equally distributed
around this chamber, the grain is
evenly dried.
k~` The air is heated 1»' propane
gas and driven by high velocity
tan through the grain,.
The dryer has an atitomatie
diner to regulate the period re-
euired to bring the moisture
down 'to the pi'Oiher percentage. It
automatioaliy cools: ,the dry grata.
Cann's Special Edition
Carfrey Cann Operates The Automatic Weigh Scales,
Scales Weigh Automatically
The ,elevator 'is equipped with 1 the receiving spout and dumps
two Richardson automatic weigh- its load, This operation is done
Ing scales, one for receiving in a few seconds.
grain and one for shipping grain. When the shipment has .been
'These scales will handle the completed,° the scale will print
grain as,quickiy as the elevator automatically tlie-number. of,600-
Itself can put it through. They pound loads that have gone
automatically print .weight tickets. through. Tlie part load is measur-
es well. ed by a hand. scale .on the
Grain is dumped from the ele- machine. ' •
yator leg into a bin on the scales The receiving scale is at the •
and when a. bin receives, 600 bottom of the elevator, the ship-
peunds it automatically Shuts off ping unit,• at the top.
Platform Hoist Dumps Tractor Trailer -Doerr
s Unloads s gain 'Truck's
Hoist Un Dahl G ucks
Cann's new elevator is. one' of
the few in Ontario which Can
offer a hydraulic platform hoist'
for fast unloading.
The machine is called a Ke-
wanee hydraulic elevator dumper
and it is designed to speed the
unloading Of single. unit trucks,
tractor .trailers and .:wagons. •
The dumper will raise the
25'x10.' platform from level' to a
35 -degree angle in 44 seconds—
it lowers in 20 seconds.
Rs lifting capacity is 50,000
pounds , and is flowered by a
single 10 h.p.. motor. and hy-
draulic pumping unit mounted
on oil reservoir.
Twd pairs of. hydraulic wheel
stops are provided fon safety.
Behlen Grain Dryer Heated By Gas
Dryer Handles : 5 0 Bushels.
and -stoles the machine at the
end of that ohne,
This, initehitie will dry all
grains including wheat, barley,
soya beans and white beans. It is
conneeted 1`o the elevator tie that
none of the grain. needs to be
Moved by heed. It is fed through
a gravity conveyer front the mill
and is emptied by use' of a ere
conveyer at .the bottom.
The dryer is equipped with: int-
portant safety features, Should
the hydro fail and etep the fan,
the propane 15 au•toiirlatleally shut
off. If the temperature of the
grain rises above the safe degree,
the solonoid Safety device auto-
matically shuts 'off the propane.
Features Fast Handling.
()pep ,House
Official opening of the new
grain elevator erected by Cann's
Mill I4d. near the CNR station
will be, held next Wednesday,
November 9, when the firm .will
hold an open .house for public in-
The pension will mark the ad
dition of a major service to the
agriculture industry of the area.
The $75,00,0 elevator, with its
modern equipment, provides .the
most efficient, 'facilities for the
drying, storing, .cleaning and:
shipping of grain and shelling of
Features of the elevator are its,.
fire -proof construction and its
automatic. equipment. The build-
ing is all cement and steel• with
asbestos sheet siding and an as-
bestos roof. A11 •the electrical'
'equipment — starters,switches,
wiring and lights—are dustproof.
Handles Grain ,Quickly'
Major equipment in the elevat-
or includes a hydraulic platform
hoist for quick unloading of
trucks and traetor trailers; a cern,:
sheller with a capacity of 1,500
bushels an hour; a corn and
grain cleaner which "'will handle
up to 2,400•bushels an hour; two
automatic ,weighscales for ship-
ping and receiving of grain; and
a large -size grain dryer., -
'The ;all -steel 'elevator for re-
ceiving grain consists of a 5 -Ply,
17 -inch belt on which are fasten-
ed 16"x7" grain buckets to move
large quantities quickly.
The building also houses -"two
steel elevators with'•12-inch belt-
ing to which are attached 11"x5."
buckets which hilk load a train
car of wheat in 30 ` minutes:
These elevators are, used to fill
the silos and to load outgoing
grain and areconnected to the
automatic weigh scale.
Capacity Of 40,000 Bushels.
The building is 50 feet square
and,rises 60 feet in the air. Int
houses six cement silos 14 ,feat
in diametet with a bushel capa-
city` of 6,000 each, A star -bin will
be installed shortly to gi5*e the
elevator a total capacity of 40,000
bushels. •-
Each silo sits on 'a . donut -
shaped base of cement two feet
deep and -three feet wide,, The
hole in the middle allows the
grain to rest on the ground
rather than on the base.
Incorporated into the elevator
is a new -type unloading pit
underneath the railroad siding to
empty hoppered..grain cars. Screw
conveyers take the grain front
under the •tracks ' tie the main
elevator where it is lifted and
taken to the silos.
,Also connected to the elevator
is a, Behlen grain dryer with a
capacity of 500 bushels.
A small 'cement block office
has been constructed near the
building, to provide facilities for
paper work and .moisture testing.
Valued At $75,000 •
The elevator and its equip-
ment, valued at $75,00.0, is con-
sidered one -of the most efficient
and most economical types oper-
ating in ,Western Ontario. It in-
corporates advantages seen In a
number of new' elevators biro-.
strutted in the province,
Cann's 1Vii11 • Ltd., builders of
the elevator, is a •,private cont-
pony which purchased a flour
mill in Exeter in 1940 and has
developed 'it into: a large feed
and seed grain ''business. The
company'also'buys and sells small
Prixlciples in the company are
G. A. 'Cann and 'his two sons,
Carfrey . and Art, me fat'he'r • is
general manager and director of
the seed grain' department. Car-
frey is office Manager -in charge
of purchasing; and. Art is produc-
tion manager and head of the
'Ifoo,ltlluooll'lllollf ... _
Established 15 Years -Ago
arks Milestone
grass seed . departmen,t.
, Gerald Chapman is the man-
ager Of the new elevator. Ray
Smith is his assistant.
Built By Blenheim Firm
The elevator was constructed
by Trugeon and Phair of Blen-
heim who have had considerable
experience in this field.
Sullivan Mill Equipment, To-
ronto, supplied most of the ma-
chines . in the plant. The corn
dryer ivaS..pureha'sed front Chat-
ham Farm.. Equipment.
Local men played a big part
in the .building of,.the elevater.
Garfield Thomson, of Exeter, in-
stalled the electrical system; bull-
dozing of the site was done by
Lorne Becker; excavation work by
Charles P. Dietrich; building
supplies were furnished by Huron
Lumber Co. Ltd.; cement by Sel-
don p'uels; gravel by Cudmore's
gravel;- machine work by Mara
shall and Murray; hauling of fill
by Norval Jones.
Jolla Webster constructed the
PfflOe Building.
Construction of the grain ele-
vator marks an important mile-
stone in the growth of Cann's
Mill Ltd. "
'Since the -firm .purchased the
idle flour inill of the Harvey.
Bros. id • 1940, it has progressed
steadily to become one ',of the
larger feed 'businesses in Western
Ontario. In 'addition, the com-
pany buys and sells considerable
grain and small seeds.
lily. making available to farm-.
err.• the moat modern processing
equipment apd'"ifeed service, the
company has enjoyed ever-in-
creasing support. It has intro-
duced ' new feeding methods to
the 'district through the• instal-
lation of such equipment and
machinery., for .making pelletted'
feedsand for' mixing and blee-
ding molasses with feeds etc,
alistory •of Cann's Mill IJtd. In-
volves a' story of haw a fatlher
and his two eehool teacher sons
turned a failure into a success.
Panned Tat West
G. A. Cann the father, was
raisedin On,
but he moved
teato11111t11111i111111f11111Ililltllllllflt fOlflllltt"Ittt iitl,llltllli ltlhfl ltttfHob;
We Invite You To Inspect Our
New Grain Elevator
Wednesday, November 9 from 1 p.m. to 6
* Semi -trailer trucks Iiftea ,and unloaded by our platform hoist
* Truck load; of cabbed 'corn shelled in a few minutes
'fit' The big Western 'Cleaner "separating cobs and shelled torn •
* The new Automatic Weigle Scales in operation
* The method of drying grain
* .Method of unloading (new -type). railroad lhoppered:grain car
* now guitirly the 'elevator will elevate grain to the storage silos
• Other points of interest -
'Take Home A Sotkvenir
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In Firm's
his young family west in 19117
and farmed at Brock, Saskat-
chewan, until 1938. His two
sons; Carfrey and Art, completed
their education there and, after
graduating from normal school
in Saskatoon, began teaching.
-'Mr..:Oann sold .his farm in
19$8 'an'd returned to -Ontario to
operate another farm ,near Dun-
ville. In 1940 the family decided
to buy into the •flour business and
they purchased from they Har-
vey Bros: estate the $ni•Il on Main
St. which had beenidle for over
a ;year.
Not being millers, the Canns
hired Ed Howald, now retired on
Alexander St, to -make the flour.
He produced only one batch.
The Canna diSee ve',ed the
Market was gone ' and they
couldn't sell the flour. Their ven-
,ture ended in failure.
(Fortunately, the mill had a
small feed business connected
with it and the 'ffaans realized
the future of the company lay
in this field: They are out all
the flour machinery and conver-
ted the building into a feed mill.
They installed their first mixer
in 1940 and made arrangements
with the Shur -(Gain division of
Canada Packers Ltd. to sell their.
concentrates. •
Grew Steadily
The business grew steadily. A
large 24 -inch grinder was added
to :supplement the original. 15 -
inch one. The mill at 'Whalen
was purchased in 1944. A .pellet
:mill was installed in 1947 and in
1950 .a Second mixer was added
tto the Exeter mill and Purina
chows and sanitation products.
were taken on. In 1954 a molas-
ses mixer was ,purchased.
Corn Shaer-
hellerFast, Clean
The Western pitless .corn shelt-
er installed in the elevator will
handle np to 1,600 bushels ,per
hour—it is the Fastest and largest
machine of its type,
This equipment is located at
the bottom of the receiving pit in
the 'basement and, it feeds 'the,
shelled torn directly into a leg
of the elevator Bo that It Can be
immediately weighe4 and trans-
ferred to the storage or the
The "Western Sheller features .a
patented ball bearing adjusting
lever which enables the operator
to adjust the cylinder instantly,
while running, to all kinds and,
condition of cern.
The spiral type- feeder gives
the Sheller greater capacity, more
positive feed and prevents crack•-
ing the corn and breaking the
cobs. With this feeder, it is int-
possible for the eorn to jump- out
of the 'hopper.
The revolving cylinder on the
steelier as a truncated cone sur-
rounded by two casings (upper
an3•Iower)`forming another cone
around the revolving .cylinder.
The two cones are located on dif-
ferent planes so 'that the space
between the two shelling sur-
faces, at the apex of the cone is
greater than -any other point. The
space gradually ' diminishes to-
ward the base of the cone, leav-
ing only snfficent room for the
discard. of cobs after. the corn
has been removed.
Big Cleaner
in Elevator
Between 2,200 and 2,40h0• bush-
els of •.corn can be cleaned an
hour by tete Western Gyrating
Corn 'Cleaner , Installed on the
second floor of the elevator.
Thee cleaner Is ,-desig^ned es-
pecially for separating corn from
cob and cleaning it as it comer
from the Sheller. With special
screens, It will also clean up lo
1,800 bushels of wheat, barley
or nate an hour.
The cleaner has two distinct
movements, rotary and oSotl'la-
ting. The rotary motion gives •
the machine great capacity; the
oscillating frees the screen quick-
ly. •
The adjustable finger screens
or riddles used on the cleaner
are absolutely non-chokable and
always clean and open, insuring
a quick and perfect separation.
The screens are made in two
sections and can be inatantly
adjusted to coarse or fine, clean-
ing, as desired,. by simply turn-
ing a handwheel. The .grain, ,u:poa
entering the cleaner, first drops
to a steal spreader which distri-
butes it evenly over a set of long,
malleable fingers were a quick
separation is made, carrying the
eobs, husks, sines, etc. over the
ends of the fingers and allowing
the grain to fall through onto
the first section, of the screen.
The riddles are placed in such ,
a way that the corn and cobs,
in ,passing 'from one to the other,
must pass over a second set of
malleable fingers locatedaat the
end of the first section. This
serves to give the mass of shucks,
cobs etc. a second turning, stak-
ing and tearing apart 'before
reaching the second screen, five
inches bellow, which competes
the separation and prevents any
Dorn from falling over with the
DISPLAY PRODUCTS IN SHOWROOM—reeds and farm supplies offered by Canns if1l
Ltd. are displayed in this modern showroom on the front of the Exeter Mill, Standing in front
. � C — .
G. Cann. rf ay Canis and i�• :xhe , 1'10 r
are Stewart D3*Icstra) Art 1`i'ayne, ZVi•rs, Don. Gaiser, Ca r 3' Doerr