Huron Signal, 1866-2-22, Page 2lit "Ceshe not lisioned it' Vt. Then Rec1prefley Negatimitious. I of tit, Rel U1.11'ans. lit! It It' (-,,I tt,woo in it" U PIN-ir I I ou,,Po, I I iin. Mr. de"Ce d tile at ilbi I ity of %,r I Wp We Are indebted to Mr. lefoor. Avail ulyKIf of Ilia oppcssrtualit� of return - call '�etodoubt asto the t,et. I sober of the cmd;t of skeCuIrim*, ilia palloo,r to shic-re for them a fiential *,kit Isciuses for the (-urrent rutuber of Chain- Treaty arroingesseut, olrd a some fair in, our warmest thanks. rs. W difte- T second thought of the AseiiLon twoolo may ro-otorntino of the Wli,!,oy to0,,rittat F it, and ....... 11od coculitivii Wousibu,t the tro. Jeweel, journal. jilIVA, nl* to present her ackillowill Keo4ltluclky -Aalo adelited vie uk)uw jecholu- great fThe 6.ols comwences a O'cosi Icad, ire I ..... C to a the bie Accumi For Vince. Joel 411 letter Ike issued by tile (toy- in ill,, kindest An I wartueA th cral of if* troops �Avkik Intercostal t�q arom \'orth is cr a% we @hall Ise vea,iK.1W lie 16 1 111,11a Bw obos Uri Ill., C"'A of�erutuel,t, ad let it leo, on tile credit of the now story entill " llilk Abbvy�" slid letwiltele, tot of I yet i -h to z" usy own it, fr . in , r.e.q VT! visiting thso fir &lid as each We have no doubt 00 22, 18C6. %-'it the I r lu Va 1 614 in ill* mosistitinese. ,.Oak, 011L reif to tile estimation In 'inea ratl.cr limit " at foremost -upon the gives uiuch, interesting reading. - lbe annee spirit. For the value tiff tile Bureau, mallong t,,p the )I' the Jet all 6 brought tilt to sksol t L here leject, Indiana need ".Vo themselves no 11 b. a tile follow thA poliev which Mr. Ilitairtifent was held by gk,lkt:emeki r plivate institutions I telllog a I"j it Ing Ili .V*Glko opt, it .014. 1: . the Now is tho little to subloclittJ to' -45 Of o"t: �%ejitcd, we thank you , ad 1) - writ of AU60teoi . be air- llice nitesents of lictlicall, Arecibo tile. *Ike hod - stooi with I ink for years us, froul oil,- avi'libors locionsk, vR"o,i4 100 C"z n%ivlv t anautalitutionall a she ruturo lie title reillwcl- The sit sAd the party in POIN tat he evottloj direct their tewflarfor all tritaks-wLioat, equitorns duces, the best of the Briti.11 Mgazines. Cause Irthe I Jlin t tile muri� tn A deputation IL;Illg of reprosseactit.. lei, lFrI r-. atiesona to ties letters just read.411 and everything c1se. Allow ba,AA Io be gest, and will still cvntiou.� to suffigesi; furt, fullowling blt* OF, W him.heir floom,li it estate 'If fAvve tof the coolorood fkwple of diff-cosinit s"The the 11teruhlie, to nb t at the noint Kta,teil Am s"lall cospiteall. Ile lecow o"t their own ILI 0 11 U()Uh�M. years to come, we Octill further thank )'oil. 4-gooksil, concerning I pu'ur Lith, by- ilia of ill,, States, sul,mitat whout were Fred. J),kU. it Ito U6V'l fis at his,& wilhit an to hilt I IN!r MAW V inialvii by the Out,- Ait we see Slid Ilse theoto articles daily, Vve -ail Iri.,sh joui Old It is it curiltuls' war at tile tickle I pear lit h*ev we,o Jcutj�d. All IV %T'lling, 1!alwd upop yet y Fou,h 4h.oifed tut-ir lisionti finite at, thocoinjApniout twu Ily retitsitlo, that tile llet.ess made The ulliellial C,ounvil of Colborne met at will to thitik or our usteclued slid lhAt at this little lwurll all the (.11%,Ige,l ow, &,Ill till IJay in thin gins, &nil 0. eltawd tit L. Ott 11111,v fial-thos In this culit- The cong -I valivillos Ito tit* bhoculd it* bmd ale :0 equil cbe Vie Clill,PIAII generals as eye think ip, ill[ ato ..a ill tit. leakli,q pie qr�ouy o firiol v 1'rvosi n�vvufly, and, ilia bes, I are how fAvouralile it, a renco,val lit' tile 'co-ide ed to 'no tho u;-joercriu,ot o(I value of Goveonnient stocks, ythe s4ninvaj, the'llith Jay of rt-hotuary Ise*, Va to writiva by LiA, or u) to obacuroy. We 'ill bi,ve a general We Will a" as iIt"ve anti all tile Coutwillpro. tit ieir half of their brethren aokvd filter the - __ I 01.ugh nian?, of tl.eu too lerf To* I politics I'likirousufcukullcoulvinst biulking: We ILPI-pu $IT ewer ft;r rotealiog s" minutes orhist breath loving wbelles over their Ikamf6.- Thaw, 4licastaw ike Coursk" *A so so IF "I end in sia Ise eight IS N55evt to ote #%I, tit the yrt.. men. the t-foran t., w lith 1�h.,�:d (flow in 11-viiiial secuiiiii-a to the A is fly Mr. Willtit, istiolos Ili the I't6un Tho of r. 6ed, 11-01 lit *Oft- Awlastput of our paper iftis, %illn, the die'I'l.,wriship Cluck baid before %4d Cjuuw And now 1114it You RlAy in Ilse tum sideration of Certain with a, ti neat. I. all. On I I,tcockalli ill,- tile plitonis of theift pt-riona, re-lot-ing Is your int,r'L,iobe We bil"ll ver Sakeerely film w,itf.au quilistital,will be tile u1not view to socuring Ila or tile wAya &!,.I Mseaus ca,niot fir leaded wit& ths, bola� of tile r-mutri, Vy' . f Blackwood, I Sir J"U%hP, clie, is Icy Ili innioetit one. We have I,, doubt of 1110 ell In present ocandition or their The 1 will 60 ta"'t fb� plane tile clowns I "I'llou bovist MKIR114, � Ile 6umerionient to charge two Sod Tartin Licetaw fur tile current yesi. wish; and tPoloCCiAll; that y I= Mr. liever; thict tin litsketnitfan is he the lion. avvets of tho Denloctutit: party, and we (In ill Ilse. p.m.,ful lower its tile of 1 to,1&. 11 tile it ill" Icy , I., i r wonlif, cells, on the potinir isluv,l To 1Lbm%.Illo oAnd advanee ifer I,, to Mrs. the dau.4ter of, total doreirl"Are, ttw Iriewont ise�h that Iw- nrograces rvjoke that they have lc,�con fiee,l Aliprinz, .a it 1, oil done or boost rodur. the title of i..tent,lk bit 4.11 the ssi,.ei the",ps Ise !In date ;A that in All the $at - 11.11 bellee lb,y h."s, I MAW tile six #mean OF the talent oll office of -yuo, ('I Ihio JoLociol, I,,, !":,I its slid too 11 if a d di%i%v hope, Ice u pray. I -Usd tb�l .. SLe'Ull I i t J &­extout tile Permit, e 'it a] but I" tile end %lid. I11 Mr. Faiiser 1, A rate their yoke of bondage, It it tilt if I I, , , let ellit tile country scill be trot wish to be placed upon It footiulot ;X e4o i.1the"thmarebrem.' racirseld to else arlso-S "If' 111-4. t1honistive Ili* seliclawn's me nAuLLkcuv lled. Cuill! aid : theft in the flubtfict verviverwit eJ. III otIfr-tn ill,- A Iidtr;s;,s wider whi,h ntoit is lcoilhave Y, A . 11j" #Ufr,.Iin#. is it,.% ity by being allowed Ill-) full privileAel Ilia. 'y Wore liaitb;" that is, co,,unllty Ilia power bebod the throesse best Sir. ilkiought4e ncerickvis wore it t I"k by the we le,. imen, it) illjUrl US fir. %-rest the unrutr counbioat,on if t6ewn, is' A Aftlearant tile 4-6,7J. Nlvw A , the r I I,, to hi,h all uk-t Angerie-an eitislonew at tile ballot box. Tile sooPl of' ise.eosw it eoinLoel, the ir hey CA b Moved loor Nil. Yonn,- teoundell by IfIr. as for Unit reine 'I'h.,t %ice 'Ll' of it 0 it y uilm.le wit oiv to iLv Guy, To I-131iowoll, your part its tielefuture,41111 TOO)PI. le gri of last be brought aNVedcided I And such is rot -11 111, ill . LIP lit is PUIU of Prossitlent's reply was rather �uklie for their'sonen-1 and eally ncw estblitihorkent. visit coath Tmero by the IQvh of' -atleel by - Is Ii:lA1 Is the henericint efict of our dionmosorlitic il'sli- 104111, INIt and 'r", uccome tanks Io L hinder or sl�,4t y the I sad e til,ught of* pe root his, and elikoo r nio, wherever I repidt,, Irish with cout would ifelieud upon the know. Arch, and d any 'I'lishato kee so hoe especially, as bLing a slAveholdQr tceasoutorl tliw, but if they to it mile I lthe scrar.'he else unde"tand the 11'eviing-i of' th., twiLF kit A. do, 1ci.h, 'it tocul ean i -Ar li-cini it w.41d or!y us all I,,, cIcy like public of tile .1wid", to 1.1 tile C:erk at Ilk- It -ti -ass, that this *owl A ohicit, has the pov�es, . tit Ise!$ The Join blil auvither -oibute to the nl',V eaer I � iniji-ve our oA it cliatinels of thuv colliuctill, it. We saine-Carrmol. a I uIny 1'.. lillomed tit Add, th:11 hLA6 It!$" the gicadore AeC1*SS9'J to [Were". Lhow wll,� helvrt s, elach duliag 0 ilia le, ice '51okout TLd Anicarice-to .[Ili 1h.- A ­A11 good byl, fit %I,. e,teeuik for 31A its %ieillity s91 F )'It it ell oil ikis exi t of our pul-j,-ct. but ideeply ooft-1, Eurpean News. to Act justly And lightly- Lite. ilc� Lat %o v :144 tn rally H -.3 ot.ttv,l tit it whilst. ditell I ti..evernia. tit eum�llllf 11,joull get ongibil,of iles cif the like Pieties to a elwv. oshe morlitoy wlsiA ;IS taritIrcust,'thoe posatols. Provillets unviii. our populations wto Is ilia ricuuticae, we have dtic, ce4cd lit millini, cantles its xifvi,r be revoked at your. J1036:4 b). tillythin" 17. (.11,1 it Icy \[I. Re 0 A 'i owncra of slaves At tile South hid as"ILVIII1.1 �. A The steamer City of Lnirdom. fi am lj,wtr I Yet., to serve thi! I like eAiot&[)[I, ee:A1 0 t lie * evils (if \lot c r Vt' tile es licti, in tut, I*, t�,Iioo T lie o norenous catterstrice of ren t ill e W lichoks, I Vir �po,ko to the �t of we Alkali we have onsiced be Mr. MANIV, That tit,- ellier n i Jet'*, 31 It, mild (liev.,otou is end twt Weir all in the cooete�l. tie, 01 \eW tuA. _4 -spusitig Ile, wai happy not written I,' L, i - lit cunimented uilon by the jourrials of Its,] gained a great deal, with.Uit 4. t,:� 1 pir 14�11 tt;ricultural interests." ivoin. A,;alVaCyI'urt1­o­i,,h!, reived for Ill.. 'rax,s collected ]LADIES, �q Armed. Ilsou f;itv. , Tho following am given an a few thent;elve.; to ancir oviii-i I� r tbolo cletent to T". th, lie I TO 1.#. 4, still proud ?At be able to s iy that tile Agri. we quote froun one of our beat scutlikorson flat* wish the discount as ale volor adkkcs are tuaialy the inagmuc;a soologo, away of'oks, to" of 1 "to As I L.,invather our lkaki!is serp lit the Tlie IIIAN-cre giveol, %lit C-1 &..it those vf ilia prvatoot year: �,f ail i,thiing, tit ne-1 import cultural Society ofwhi- ie till] the lo -no subject. It. ice the the vicipei!u-le- of war -that 'Ihe peonso exact Called I'll ill the vote in I'dv,)r of the win-lutere,misto rsI a .411 1...... I of b, ink 1ri;iJcnt was in a Ill mrithill., I The f,,Kow toil its white% of tile hated tile w6ol i el -le I&, ale �t Ibe dj,,* far ties We ProteSL (,%IYS I)r. McCulloch) against Moved by Mr. Nutley by M A, sunis leave bcen rovilloishooll, Ze"sit. tie n th oftile paltileril is Younsto That the. Swilcil School sectious 0 by the lady coollectorii nam A lit A r, e tit ifStory house, 17averly At African r.oe, boonow the 13tter, by circle. I Ilaile.la it lots been our ;q -tom it A, -rho C.-mmociall Iutcrv,t� or Czina- bill, it' ,in i tkot,.i tj limit their rellionio. ilia Towushil, iihoul reeeivd 1�10 each for, cat Joe.% neA, nth Ave u $1,030 $1,50110' I Inost excitisively Wit h. The I -Ottftl Stnt,la. t a�,,rt The Fenian is still 4 at -y boucle. lArajettee labor, :ictu2llv flinae olives 1 leda wait lAcq(tided to by 31r. elnues, Iii I a Measure Would be good fer imue of ilia Wyn i� Tho Ve Ill opolising t lit th, lie"i-et of utt­r uninuiI mine Or a Ave 1,860 2,2001 I %Jr. td how adjouns to; -,,I that Porliameot will be a 3 stc),rl house. Clinton I'lace of thomese-and th,lo ilia f.rtc Test; if licLAY FlOoke clol-Icutly of -eptio lv.r%� ,�o A pretiouni (in -tit ley r. peakt will for the humAoity ufuur tOwnf. so WT. - Tsn,h ca is new w"ifni, - tin I we let - to" mild NJ r. M e I'llecoi sun of the yspecied bit eb"k wouldlyount, rh�tiliocCount men:-- It is rnm ....... 1 2,411,1118 01" Nalgra Fuffrct,�", lei tit,- present tint repared the to be a iwi - r to At a Ives t to in to hinder , t he take& It 1,06.1 Tavoca'sutith's Itill, . hell ad 1. *,all lit I to-- h4locons to gil 0 Go or state of the public I ice doein., if the u ­'l chAnatla of e-wh I -nil X ur veST. W W Th nuss sent power I. deal will& I . "reign c,,osl,t I. 1,,ry bouse, 15th cannot, lkerve c -Is us Wr OW3 regoonreen JMokli.l,�, vernpoied file toast (of AlArtuers,,Irno Ismi -, wing on for a wilies of withod by the lteove -.%lid Cle W-1 if Il'oodomy ...... 2,500 3,150 .&,.,y I.Ous*, 29th street, loai, until every llrl-wn la -00, W 1', rcwtods are pfrettid for it, r. th-�y are teaNy iuculkiN I Avenue .... 1,500 2";00 amutruinary war of rae". Ali lie I'lleale. alibi u!h ret 11tot very inip,-rie,kily , 1v i t. jr,ald, d'vidifli Jai ;e pe'lutial.1 coul-I o w'qq to advi.e tile blicaq if I Trooped, orally o So, inoti4oiticsol its; by 111r. (of' the and Nlr� JrArl . lonit of its * I It Ituoriculan 1tich, vvsai�,u leadiwX to the capture .1 tile F -i it 1ere (of Votlefii to were S,hokoider 4.01), C.,t;l. :1 00 11 it swry house, 12th street, I_r Ces; of tile Si3a,11. their representatives, t I col..vjU 4webi Imake Ris lckelie%e. 4 aqbtil." 1rd Avenue ........ 1101110 11800 , neiflelson waver costatnit v Lrouglit Ili* in tho Town hall ot T Dayle 2.00, Jhn Deli 2.00, E Chiliand I mzitnent evaloat4i.d rikia, Li, . selves by aduestion and therwite, until! stilly 6stilo' I ' " ` " 00 T '11 00, Ait 1; 1t 1, W � I storTAvute, l7th street, -e, to a alcut for cove o4.-.0 gra,!er error then to scappocom that ilia j-)pIc the proe, 1. near Broadway ........ ewana t .a ose4th . ...... r 6th the harsh feelings snAen,b-r,,,J toy the war df.y the I,Uf lViliceir 1.60, M J Tobi,i I. -W, J W-, .00. It 4 still I!y assiv,unees! fiom N" I %;eiko tot any iii,nivrot moulds, to bar N'iritniNi rr.�in here arc- moelt indebted 10:�N.KATLON THE D' -r The IL eve tit th-ehair, mild a fuil consicil I It Illso'shorat 1 00, It Itirttiner I-ha?4 . - Intervention, of a ., 1, were. -4 fir oil Ayed ni to) rea I -r de sur'. it, heir theo, inoca�itut it at 41111 i tnc t It � cc -ell lit i it ca fr fu rn * i If,r th. A 4oule .......... .... tioo 1,500 :In, CACTI Loa. J V S-lZirk I.W, J d ustriAn for Li presont, the miukt-ors of list meet!rig was rv�d RXIS story TileCorsoccoreitil C0411I letations , 11, 'Ioek IMeted retiorries popwilib, willint t ince, als-I t.Ir renainy 1.0o, It 1,00, )lie Allei, lid In. line. -lit to a 0 .... clui -,30 1'(;00 inimical to the peace all'I welfiry of thal 14ey i,Luattwil lei Kiuc:r,line. I' hat iog fi: led the offiev o Pcpu!y Stier Wcatteocald 1.0�1, ire 7herhu 1 eff", ill[ I I.e itChiliart privet. "ar"r t, war %'&Fick ...... From a calm review of the I by Xr T"nobu!l, Peecon led by eountry. It is pretty Oid,-ut froin the madii, fir oily Countsisr; coerce At utudeF'Sheriff MCD:n3id fir a period f: "": 14"k, of -�'­!y 1 IsI'll t,cois f the C.Sal excites attentlod. 'Vi.ai ilIla paid she $"in Silirst-keArs,E'to r.011a. m Mitelsell A Tbx- atesta men in the Th %xiel rerrinfris made usa of by ill-! 1're-ileat it Will that they in 0 U It 11 N K 14 fourtrn years has resigned. It lot we I- i1irs, tilt accow.4 of extra wolik friend a E a as f.wenol too hire Isevou built fir the pelouvi a has not tile leist intentiin vcf� eninislent with our digoity, -#me inteividt4, or U A 4kmuu,o that IS our roolatient, to the Ui-iliffir Countm They IhAt the course of our wort caused by t a 4 tax IJ, to Ili,. sI 4 iiie". lIry an licirvorurnsiont; aull won iLliased'to depart �Unde,ful thiags in the . I r, "Parriiii 50,-, ills Fomcs,r,�Or, M-� pettinjp has been as hunlano and toonside entylive di'llar -Trewly ractited at a f�iuncr�; I . III,, b Lcory if the lay "lid .1he Nogro as tile ultr:,s th;TPh,4;,r` ll.%%rl. d lia 3litor *,Ile,.XIrA. built be tlie L-lirell %hich I., tri,leum ___ , Wil.4,1 Pr.1% ioUioly ms to As'. wa, 11slor to Odo; 41. knowok thit tlio h:,vt o1r,-,ed aroal 1 tiate ci ih,i ro,-kipoinsit,lo nat6re at his effice, :11c, a G.Paill itie"'s fricocall M,a Petit. Trot n0v 141 ;,i anot was at inviksg lot the bWitACV of tile earth in oil I fit I To" bistro r;io risk tile -netion 0 lei which ur in liters ire aff, etell coula adlllit� (if, an'll vio think few will. Ze:ktr, b.v Smith r-4 Amen l rs Poolicre th�- 1i'llise, says she will be ill riers ofthe gh,he. The (11ACAVOlkil it, grant IBM of the ;reLdinvii " :ire lie t . he sersagennotit,." by ilia jetion of' die Lnk or Fuglaud,' a i0e. Mrs Fei -%,Alin 50e, Sir o,til the.8plauish d,fficulty witil otohilt* set pospition of to many childrPre, unA I deny that Mr. has been I tie ,st JAju,.i That in � t of lim a6ili -r,� Mile Thakos C ties steel ISUg Lie" two 11 ell Salk" �oro Mrs all's Non -an 1;4,ted. ,r3 Ing [out. IS I every% la Country it is rie'le and also pointed out what appears iewp. ""WHalitivican 9c, E Assets Ward 50co, ItuirorewoAvels these with do flt more intelligence o.1 ,K,, 0 Lefore Will collingly tile benefits Able A-istant in ca out his Societies I 111.,11 (.f Lus boa . woo tie plonoteetion derNssit they can be trusteoll t,. �.t u6no- itrain Ike Uwfof Mexico. to Us oupwlves rrO"I:Asa Its tile Deputy Slieriffi not til, recoziosivil b; tit I.adia to I !cvih,!dTb,eXthN couritry fning the operation f j,'rol :,lie, a 144�tel Nil# Our loe-Ve ale yk t amlicritif I0 it% influence, u c now tat n to atUotilloor porn thit the, Z nt'le Pf.icul- 111ink Illsicaa 21-. rs II,U" Moamar r I . lial, been unrcu.itaing in' his endeavor ill o I . , , that friction IoI 4 d-Imm solleflas have Ito here roe it in facture of 1'residen" tu-I Cong do withoatlWyal, if thin 'my floe price a- or . 1 tural be rec3p. kit, El!zil�tl, Pa e!y eAnnie Mike IIU;IAAkQ4* i" end I. hurr) ing'th,ir Furo, -, Still it is Said with litce-it, lit 0o. oursubject and put it broadly. I� our -c floe interests of &I it I.St, repreventi He"ItA icicles "ui onli-1.1yer, Audi Metedoglocall 25,, )its The utterences of His Yxck;ll,:f East i was 6.4;d t., exist, but iPut to prosait financial govenAment to continuo t; IN filly mine Ick -5c: Mrs.. i or believe t4w.,j !.c b. Ise. AN a tif (it i,tv Ice has Accured tile 1"wuR!Iilw 114"114 lie T, e gave the Emperor and exionan e uso� Late news froon Australia T IfewiJoice the III of thone Ponsocratie'llo, W- the Ter, Lie% ulual, sill -I If I Are we alo ayi to be the allutilo-cocks of boldinj their zhilick, io tlw e.1,1. f in a fii,lel it 2-w, S 1""Sell sata topilecti reception tit,$ u flat leaders who hope ti g tin !Ili no,"tilencjIt 1 Ilia sub r hai re -p et nti otoew or a very lbr--o circle "Ant petrol.uni, *,If halt r 0 tile the a,) called I'llay Brosich Age, isIlerib. beeo *I at- As 'own Aimed i . A' AeiA '1`4 visoniod inaillutionct with Cal list woo lvr. over their Rialoubliean olli Cre i I've believe it was 31r. lk�:n cbi,-Hy c,-rispossiod from oth- r I be Jur'o ho"! 96 ;a my poor to,-unticr filie'flihs, to rnko if Vt I el:kit lie I of tioe huoolreJ Rod for ty barrels �vffivct in ... We tlicir r-pleiive Towmicips to-sidt 4. &tied s1wir It clipir4willy. d'y are stmet 1, t of this substance ilkolloclo's Int.tition to relire,alt.,guther all b lvia, lircluch ill 1,. 1,, U, Wdo r *S, athe i .(,ill ca. rkot� I It neat ,, I I I-APONITANT 111P '11 111111, E. I frous public life to his farin oil the Bay.! J0. Seymour $7. Jlvv. V, L. "V not ; we L(q)e at Ila If &wnt day to oldsibitiom are not Ineld ii the Turwashlis of E .1 that Whe, I'ville, We -rt, The r". yet to oil tit esh,,y pull ofthe Sir. Vie Irv, but having flail the offr o Hay, mull that tile Coerk for,aard c ii�y of N! I:iiak Anil 51 at it WAY be I's ploy it Fart area,,, The Ways, and lfe.inq ovir'l-verniment Is -c, upi the so.le ;nnnufac I I -tary of the Cotaity 'a It -4 wl.i,,h efto s,TkvCe!V be jum,-,il. I off ituron alricta3urial i it 0 L, - . hare hadseveril interview, with th,13riti4l ' v. vollether the same cc t1be al'i"Jill" cot f Officiii Aicsignee fa,. of thio, vu)tim t3 the secr, flo A Aairtit or from ra-. %%'bell that Ifurork and Bruce, lie has coaclul-A t ximod In the eartit Inc. its Minister siqce tile d,pirture ,f ilia C m4- i Ott To -day tevening, the lth inst., by Zeller ;wv. Icy Ithan offieerol. The objict ail I purpole-of comes to pads it i to be & t of it, :- v, ill be Turnbull, Tik.,t the Otisrh be instcwteol t.A ...... itcold titers until There a4 - per tru" 11 flive been t couillLte Alueec". had bardi,11 writtelk (or ;�- nted witicises to Ate P SINI I ......... -1 en 1oon Ili- ncees,itte, them interviews were to) ase,rtaia it' some call,iial of star will be rtd.ctd to Lockett vi-rticnient in an.,tl.cr place. T40 uffi�lo ka M ... .... 0. ar- it Cause forth is% gualkirl'if -itleseCansidaTlastle Act, an 14At the iulsoci ..... .... PoUlshiLill Of ill-) plates it which they ate is by no ineaviR a bid or it it. dilStrent 1,1,cv* its %like fa.nibip,req act arrangement could not be effL tint been for like absence of 'fl;c the I' 1,i and Ile -eted which I. -,-u I irt,d ;Iwt the 3c0l, ell frorn A-_ .1.1 Sul if,.& -VA pre". would be advantageous to booth countries. : vinn, in whow hingr it was given And, Ile starteli, 'And i.vead of nuincrous boa. tis teases maw not Ilia, the pleat of' i -nor 'Ace 114 ...... front MA; firmer L mcil � 10" Ps"d *tint tniterpriso &,.it industry we.o so to ftd,ii-t floe of Moro fluicit Is'!. 11', Wo r -tit ail vat. fretch undert kill a. Thel, il 20 arry aut daid Iiicir. * -geecta to tile 11ritiNh 1'. and ud to wen- " a ill. ty. C. 11. KAPP, I 1;.1,! t .1) to The ournmittec gin, ter steeikers ell just the usan, in our orir I,) i.char,;e 'fulainz or ueglccting to c liliniciter to submit anv upon h4ve aceornpinted local Links With StUall Cal it4l, We ShOU14, at %he dUti,Lg thereofin a F ir and cquitibl,! J Carn, J. I I 4ft 1, flooker mne ilia,. else' M tLid. . pro"Itton" hill). bIr. Dick -on, ILV WAS. Ca" We. hy N ichael Z!l I eo,,as Mr. the world fir it tc� I of man under the the subject which hb thought proper, end to , be freed -f. ra one of ill, g, eate-t 6%-i!s see-willecr 11, issi S,ghrost form of ,itiAt .... I, a -III ever it appeir,, Wt. hod, It 17, they would carcrully be Iserearnt synt-tersh viz : our dertudence manoter. Wo wi,Ao hius everf suceviii. I lNe, Tioat ii?e Tnerjurer play to f N 10 near -y were dii- NI 11 'i, 01 - 1, Mr. They informed him that th, tbroa�:li ii1nessis Ila thAt city, and Mr.�a our the Akan 2,,,!, It a. M.'and of grietifiesawn wanact,ors &lei c*IV A61, Ties,. wol pow.41 tin Reaction such legislation, as looks eFrlane of Perth. said one or two '.ul-at hAve I ere roaked. as a kle, W. tale t it was in witi-, tosts ui t,) aA& lx*tv,,:a the tho, atAl fourtL in W&A 11,4.11 J when t1w old'Alary foel icy wo'col &V- r. lUlucl rt (In "" , , - fair and just to n-ciprocal trade between others wit,) eini! on a4 fir a, Godvrich Ott N 1......... ert"It icy fr, those, tih,cua car., if,,, %Ito forintily corresptonded Wi-14. - 2 NJ- �ol Mo lluni4 bet-Anice streop, aws, eclat .&a sbacavo-ed 1, Ishe I'tovinoes an ilia I Tnite,I I Lit, M,teol by Jamrq laiii see. be &I i,,haes Q 1 % it Mt 1)"u"all e 114toic"S helps cost them, arid witio are hen, him as Rqwty hcriff to genii their co:u- ZA:voTh%9 63 Cleric tin- �J.,!,n CrNi4 $I- Untwist Fans. - d -o 'Juhn t1keir way up, turned bick they dill- o;0;v tat;" its It 4 oh pe t.-olcount, which The above important iteui of llvws W39 covered that tha binil,let was to be *fill- 9) lay and am" lu-nionow. There spe 1 enuatietionis, until further notice to boi&,J for thtsim of6t,,n ilivuleAnd J-11:SrSAIld livivies 2Zic!'a ftiond 25C. Tow V rip ieOwn? was per,, *I via, and.will bel-olm a fit To ill W here - '&fWTL %ilk other 6 fasless, the 0,,, of sent from Washinton in the biter part out it, princifeell uert. Ifene- 'ago aii-ight, it would, Ivant t Ofli,e 4irect. that the Treasurer si.-n it with two oOlvv4tI of last week. The Associated 1'ressuien, It Iueity or goo, fr.0 our ;,to I I i1v anI It We it Deakiloe; 011 tile ext 1w vt I vai which are tint ti.,w k:iu no tint hich .,If 6 iterround readir for ih,� w. is of mainland we know from past experience, line cand lie think as Might take a foc. ieS L, A are very Ithi'difter "Ohe Xer. , -, I 1-1109:111% oil bankiq. fltb,re I WITTY, �rlifr.-A. i,,m1I,tnan li%in- its ri,d. jrrc� far from being infallible, but there is Too. tie war or k,w "like is 4 The atlitering it tile Town Its 1, Kill- I so broke ooi�', \,lie lar;, Stitulty, a 110 cieclus to fs�lokts. an lulauc:lwl J6, JAmes see. by M;,havl tis, 4 %1 IJ it. m.t,iod : oli. Wist, .,I 1 00, Mrs. I.- to, - son to believe that tiscre is sotue truth in Z":I;r. I hilt Ilia toll,ii permi:tos'like 75, S. 1'. YuGluAtA 101). Mr. J.,4 12 the istatemeni that ilia osniluiLtee of ways . cardine, was large, JJAL re at lea -1: i lsq:tQl:on it, tile Uuiw4 X-LAICS -as if. ftal,� unt of real inotlicr vzit, %:nds uts till; ollizers ficer else cort-t-in rear, via., Win. -Over a lie. -fir& n,11 t It;%. Kcst n '10 ) gentlemen precterit from ;ill pirta fi of Cansuierto of Nt-w York, with a c of f4lowitig Lricr it,IVCrtj�Luitnt, teit,'wo 'are at a o4larl cf fjref� and means is oomin- down frona i!s high I �, Ilenty Gmb hall it, Thoottleas T,.;,bntn. ilia ran., wao,­ all 410.004.000, at lie worse tinle, Ili thot ittate a istry'lo Aay 11, lovii by tile essuril at .1 ell tthe County. we! horse. Tile pronipt i the.0 V�.e ilk ail 1w r OZ itin L indon v, IT, IQ# an Woo Ifell it 4 t.r. I"I'llsol by 'Our d(le- noticed koitisre. cluo Bruce an.] Wal saith .3 ul.ittd Ilea Ili* e I it j, (:o A ni. gates to accept the guicidal terms propor- AIII ri. J Ass N11i 6, J. per but arwrivards licircil"'k.-Ily, th., St. I'Aul Vegas )to VIA a ser of Walkvrt-,n, lion. T'Fitnani, At,,r- a Lpital of S32,011111,000, or an sterage vat itril C,uU,' TvwwsI,i1P oStool grosecto ean, ad to them by tho Aninic3es satholitieq, 662 to each ",I if -I'duct F kill M! %one. J, ican Conil a. Uod,ricb, Alex uarkediatapplication to bo;iuAdp to Box It -rall 2!,,4 11. rim titone. M 0.1k jr. Calerit a 1% i;son, lemis Vioccull,, I,, ileSimen, t1eh.p h,,t us.11 colvi W and the firm, hopeful tune of ilia Cana- Vie 11sulis of Commerce we shelf CA tLe mi P.O." capital of the rvouriin;ng 299 1, ar 'J )hst royer, &(lit So I the Itiveir Jan flunter,T Corrigan, 31 31cl'her . I. won, 110.1 full of to tile mossilluestat J.,Iln of our neighbors, an I at the cleventh floor %Veit -r than I'mrse, seem to have opened tire eyes ill.'ri'Lil �'t isjoin %IcL-.iv, fir. Win Wither., 3no Is wTence Viewe-.i-B"j. lrtir�. Atfous, Vhis� pr" $to"' qt� *11 title vast of soren 'fit are th q;. � lnuio�ccc AL V., 1. ill* Ivic'"t Ralton, ij liarvi�4, ("Al't ft're iq of' his &-a Turoffty wre,k' . . .1. . in c, they are disposed to patch up 4 now (`-�rJ, 4.thwa White, ii to r. I Is. its;, . 11,4. wwwl,, Pinat not t, will Itowen, Goo. So McInn-st, Ila, I. " . 0 om, ith oil" to rlingesell. ties Is, I (a J. A.1 ilica I,'4mk of Consuserce, lif vitriol otlier lo,11, its tit-, toviu-Lip A -till, 111 4it old n, Ifeary or cc, ell lert-11 or Ilia rh,b" burimin.f in,titutiom, we belio,ve we sito p, t, nent unuittl Ilelll aid; spirit of fairness, and it ilk j ist Wile Iketl re.A. oll'u"It! Z. we. on oIotoel h. lkTreaty. They will doobtleft,; be met in a tmr., Abvt Weilr, Sulinces W -K 41WI six to" for4 Oft poolsk-JA 911cPherinn, 31r. w4k :11a emote, 114. i:l the It SOAri i mr.,cox of tile The mail. io elit:ln Ilia., that' cut of Ilieextritue age of I I' 1491 Omt of inammia to schews, r-om to inarket, s It t,, ,, 1 .1 iym,d, 31r. 1,lpg of the, fir flom yCars. ws J4863r, seRrilloc,im, A. A. Chepley, Oe, hA* be -:s 4p-wa:i I t ) I'm ,;it that ere the 17th owe nof have W. leIntyre, t"at city , no 1AP:lk eveliti, a. lutgo, I lrgo ntim M X, :: a r Or bruad"r He lia4ed up a r-catet dialls, weigh I'll to change our base, is we sh.ill'undouht- ed. tk� t to ravc'.,by a 1; ber of 0 C41-111al -Iwui $50 0,IJ i if. were a. v. IL I vatir &till I re of them ; punsdo, w i lit a, (11 u,, 11 Case sov. by Michow 1.1 a I, W. 311% all -I it "ply il, it, tighten IL!, fil:ovel incourtilen aPer IK I'sva;QsAJ 109. lei odly have to do if tile Trealy is allowed to Revi" . I,., Ische tri Ill , f fut.-I ell a banl-i, in 11 a 0 ;Len,le.r woo14 to I up A. Win Itaytill, (If Kincardine. act. the 2,illl Lae_ can't Olt tile citilo.'j, jhe.omsr it a 9 oirt po-I at aria's length n, expire. At all eirentis three or four weekp 0 prosperous unit bi...T. Sim" if e. it as cl,.iirman, And J.J. LLImen with w I' THE the 1,411year -r one wiy or ,ha table 1jeli inr,r Ono nalOf f,oca 300 to 100 now will deciric the uiattc that of JAue sle­rt 141. He hffod 100 pow,di with his Ifille other. gin., nee-jpied the vice chair. e mat sk;l i,*k I ending 3 I1t'b,,ccuj6.,r I i�so bliow that life asset I toile-, AWI leave the Well 1,6�11 r agoontly aromwi his head. if W-14 abundantly by M rs ILA Cilbcrt what advantages hels ;Its Pled our proloteat $33,61.1.463 agin"Nt 13th 1-60;. 1 M t Ta elqriym%n. Whn the 'fit "Ile univers, locks of 1'.0 gig Count; okowly AMIW\ -I rL-,cu ke.ki system that**@ (ontious, I Q. ttki, corroipondi:ig LAU Mrs W Idlinciten At, $4 Sire limit" llv4 an the (At of tl.c land, to, he AL�vip; Ir4 (;6-,dik.4 �, %!, , it.. ROCITV likindtonidy oroam S k NItati.l.chotlied slanausel ealmily, I.I.Mwith colom still own part we ean oen none. i voter of I tti 1, a 1, ilat the isuports did ot Art Lid C01411i*ll 3- pc nch, will, hand, Mr. T 25w. . %Ire Roarnes York a m,,Il.,Qfy of life 9 . give New , 14111ba"S' beli'l Illacced ()I, else chair *% %, Fell. 17 1 It, 1J 4 tiW,:Iiwc toying trade, with eAt a bbow he oreek WITAT A.I.ADIAN PRESS A%YA. suilis S\ nOse of loCal 'rial-La (%:is, ';,,I Abate of the latter peri�,L Ini 411. Jiv Straigth-Coullederati.)n," L',)nuwt r'i.d I V, LLUSO in O.Q%ttct, of .wl Yoth) ICKaT $1, F I;Injrhsm Will the power I,) ou,,mccio wii,t rl,t,m,,f rrei,lIt or it bar Or Iran, une iiefic ill di4niet(r, ativaimist her words we LA%c I,,,& raillions or njokil) l`;nL,T.,I%,­­I"crniit ilia thrOugh &is-- cim-al full it may holom, it, the 41,14y ,,,r- his kakeal owl take a bow. Wo mulojoin a few citcacts front our Interests (if lvc(,.Me to our I jvu�ie,. *a kc,lieve ionriy hent-fti woul 1 "' I . . 4 levrojis firsent ollll-, a frArini 2',e, Wen flask latest Isrooleire of the W"t. t I with which to meet any'llemporar ter,, I 0-Aternitic; of your v.duible 1. ificer. I we Palo - I 'DsPis Inse" $IT$ 11-yarever tP* 4J. - Canadian contensporari i, sis a sample of lr,-u:t.- t:.e uA Uo raised' 9`1 eti,i A )I if,.: be i!� W,4*lmmn asleet, Guests," I'r,�sd of Cinl,la," &-c action 0( 20,., %fr Kerr 02, V11" I' Cox 01, wN the sentiment tilat artui-it th . . The in case oli'lo-ini, the Ieiciprocity Treaty. publicity to a %cry J.:', ill hiq 1ox. ho pick"] nil k�ox and Kite in frim anim, were to Lae AA-1cels, I­I,JhA4Ik 25e, W to rreven,,, tie a ree' brass Bond, under Lite WRtChIU4'3, C;Irfylfl'X the failed with the great. throughout tile 1'rovince, and lit ' I It. tile manato is of Oic instita. Very good for Poor, fi ozen, neuch-tradoo- tile, woorinti, fir ro iins� Ilt't vxi_t.,d between aC.allarnal $1, Ali. M,Kenxis eat e -, 104 dr0ppod lkickn over ilia wall In. platiolk will be found a few intercAting elip- Ir. Walker, perform A n nurn. items bring acquainted with tile piarii�', I'll Canada I Joseph G. Ward, I it,! teacher in tito Tit- 81, ItIr Naltoel aHe 4wellaus 8-2, Win Vew Yoi it, Pere Cars Ise -ru,juestion IN that ill tj Tuud-,:oP bu, I iug ground. I P-i"e ofalusic dullog lwilh them, with fill. watAl of Ire Of Varni, W. cTowns!,i,, of a friend rillici-leirsWid 2.',,.,,,,--rnj;nAtion,hyilwsbu(tinlruit nr pings from American jotirnalq:- I A butcher iies passed a large inslow, Wc,Ul.l Ile 11 nillet, lAtter Our ll.is Stanl,.v, and at pre-wnt teachor it, S: gr W�Ilou hy 2.',(, Mr W.t. '1`10111 tile or the but ten t.,ok halt ail as from &Acw linter in file a vcry iv toy lid been %cry 'T,,Iy! ilk J tile, Mrs Walks!j of transit. Prickles Acooly a which Toplusta ke" Sitting. lie nom, di They ptopoic to add tit Ili,,, I� roe litoot correct, inioner. poutoioi tit detemmic sh..t cow -co, sch-ruA lit, &Ilia we, it, nil to the cointuencennent ll 1, TournAir, of Collsone. 31r. Word son 210. 11-5 Allbilool 9e, �Jps 10 L4 -son 25se in' veainca 'hen 4 excessist! Mimi result liters �,th AP ashells ease and dexterity existing between tho, lwo' cuuntriv,k for the the re-novil (or. ific flAa smr�ved Aawarob; thi ir ennic evert, than it in the late eein,ra tinerin. A fine rdi ny1durino it re-Henivj or ire nr nlicut twelve Nike mrs Wair dissections , last eleven yours, A,)toe twenty to thirty c:as I . ' ' ionre &Ile, John Mel"herchink 1) ather- Y to) th! XZTif-LI'laral and all ther in-Inestriall that the man swam the d -ml hat down away c'inirinin cillel ar,,Pn 31r. It", fooi.�c'y at'! 17.iv,flirog I its it -i lent 200, .100 or now fill Atiturday niglit I.:st h. -.s given nil yearst, AS ituclo-ir qp, land M,_q I)Imr!y 11, u�n 14torev ',0, .1 fill! West. with like beer. an of Ans,,,ican &nil us In I Who tin I leftors of spilre: i 104 orkilva ff, And wil"Oko, crivincot to The Cbi*&XO Triburia says - At a race, a mart ionlitted pon driving admit all these insto the Provincs vNxt. of "y I capital stleighing, ill town, and farnmrs tire Town-Iiii, of fill by iliq gniforla t, Sir Lrry Oe, Angus Fne. " Fo the. "3,-m 1 upan else traek, an Tophosem took hold of the CUPTO1113 lot I v Wild sit other what. from 11,1n Ir 110furrich, r. MeK4oter worth thoAir K4( IrIcel most tie not I -ter $2, -Mrs VIA'Al 41, A11:11cli,ly 2,,!, ff r helm of Codg-Ai from I he ..1 of his cart land threw it gently, back, the I availing theinse:veq ( fthe Ftt::I,ly prie 1 not ill woPt we make told to �amy, by the r,.juireineuts of the but I y ex kindoets, And url,mity (of manners, on. Vie, Me z',0,, 'hat ill"' whapping lbehom Hit* iodsh shis ever -more t:,us we have ever to A. McKerzie M. 11. 11, lion. W. 11clit. I of*$ 1.00 ror pring Still Ilk 1.7, fir deirc,l himself to All Wit,, bi thoPlusisure Mrs Until suaathta�Ztll at W , I tile Cou,stry.; to become 11wi Is ',)it of the otiaer Bank. Those '.9c, M Ilknor Mrs 4 rim I #)is$ y it, earnest kin the kin of three reveitacon I `AC, M.$ 61pil infillirl ofwater com. Der I'arker, lion. Guo Ilt-owl) Is Mrste arlice'Itols. e guard for tile collec It- 530tion will point (�l wades have Conic in riont no, of hi� Re'llisint 'neo ueinz Ilia long term ubjec & r A" Arol,jo Whom he it@ I tablic house two . wit their Northern frontier. Uy taxiog ou, am La. I Ina , )!I 2-�,. TaIlletin Wat rom ol000ckliti,in wi!h tile seaboapl, aoti that I;w,: 14 o &-niervilla of I.ower the fiolronloynf our1rair back a" tile townNhips or llurnn amd�offeririccs ail au'l ni A citiz,n in thely 1"Pre defeat lit him; go, toakwy� iutnel oil. ls114 resi. W A J K -.y to tioce we New York se,q thisal be set" them by th, sups of theft 99*5 it n itl4o�r rointinuctl pu3juvot 1 Aid reevirls dence, Colborne, "it t'll(,.8tk lie sels! t lldmoerc; Ward... .. ..... IN? 30 linsdat voefooiri,I4 t., o no. sn't krfthd their heads together 1111of It* people als Ireavily for whiskey, spirits, beer, Stirton lion. 1). cDentil,it still i believe No # York will hot give it to 11, Inetoleakeeii, estad otiter artic!csk, As, Oft. have up i tile village of Vier, I I I he Mt. river it 164 ntstiml big#, - 1i our I Pc;rfs front Mr. Mckion explaiiihig tile reaxum I in *ben our neiAlihois on it,, wher front 000 to (1,000 baAeli p�,r diy. Patreks ........... 121 - ill;. conallorce, Still it Will reqirevery knocked 11 the tight out. hFed to tax theirs, b:y scurprige'll, with an u I,xpeeted I t any at Goicipe still (-a Like Ruierio, I.) spend 'of his non lActed ince, &.9 Above stated 1 side cl the line, h.kre lit -en constrained ithin I :6� �1. .. ......... 6d V.*, Large flumititit-s ol'IN)rk have al.4o been Ile set nished a Savor who roessintoid hirs $1 r,,000,0oo In old in deeloeniog sA,J eniscrift. tor a niinber tit hii pnpik from N'ar- 4�vrid rectsonts in sonotiore the people of Ili Ing our chain of caunklito so CiAt the lar�mst 111 00 sell 'hat the' oullet mightnivit bigno,senood oko with 6 -COAIIIII, 1-y traAin4 it close to his The toa�ts of " The 1'rinee she that ten yeart, to Ru-imod twice, 'Fix : in putchaRed tit lvt�zli privets. We think no who pre,ecnt,�,i to hini a writing, Je ........ ear &I you vrould . Ile^ a tipon one ;ill( 'd r vessels [tie upper 1;-kes can law I 1'riececks (if WAIcs," " Governor G.!n. I I,.n.z., &nil at the canonvocement tor the great rarinerik will li� it Isein hurrying brety atia tin eb-zintly Ill c r Total ...... ....... ..... 0l-l4r4"`I to meet the great and growin (tie wor given exceptional we I t apy 0 284 271 4 -kairne h,o lifted three hoctsbanaklo of wmltr.- throe;(h them to ill.! ocean ; after expeoilin; cral " and "Arwy and Navy," pound ofilpareloroduceto tuorkt.tanopeed. Sacred N'olame, lan a liki: Copy -IF sai; this immen- sca-ut tit mt,il'y for tile in ()ties he throw his Accrue over a fornisilts, rr:vjnieiit )f i)ur viternal u I thi,,k it may Wrly Lo put aside Ilion flit, volatile to rs. Wird, as titkans or his, The W00%& Ineills, xI% gAte, And at &icy time coal(] go lbrAugh As ,o .1. from tilt ch4ir and spiernporist(l ify as poossible. . %Ion. TonP Bali and my all. 0 av'sation, Y r'C'P)"d' It'i., well k,,o,,n that tile kinds, mild knoore re-; manuil ofarme with the beam of a h them the of -,sec d I Cd to. I:V 'APT"f-h I -Ohl Ur- JOhO 0*31413ory, Held Center of the Ing , heir sor ZJ rivers In IN.Iti w;lq a illeasure (it protection At he igarsix towarsici lilrog. And dirthe lichill ! . - we rbeived i..te i-iri ca that Irtnoo had Arne,ican bram-li ofille Irish rocublie-i(stick mr, Isorat The Chairmin lorn"ed the, health Cori ti e it place 11wre wivii a largir C-)- On cituo,14y, 104b, a daughter a arzr ciation of his, Fkerviee,�q sea tvsAie;; IV,- A I%rry from Nil. mean on* of the ties low I on the gains later" " our own; ;,.rend, r Z. I i lege of tile lie to Of A John Tllsompicin, Hollsoll, driink abolA 4 N115coalh S,,rret.ry to those the pri hellii.s o this the 1131-1call C01-11, which will grectall *1 aj",io I,. 0w Au:u of tile hanks- an Ann of their emee: I r we $hall blication of " A now r TRW vvhio;41�y in Mooney's fr& expr.m " An Cissionimiar, write,,', fom st. k*epout if Fenian fighL ir we tell Austrian; I discard our ow:i Patent laws with ivvol� I.. the AV,,, Age wants If the Colin. aa Pirot or ti, tow Irds him. Iflonk" on Iho 30,11 I&nLwwy. 'fbo (,,,m issued As manif, Ila, Ilritit, (;a,. Destiny" lky�y reaptir, and saw theiiis invested; and, tam rlecon Mtilataked tile grofolprk,�n sionnitT. In tho, equ%ill,-rcatinn ofth s (Itirsition iGifitiot, and beromi;ig insellOtAr, Mr. 1�itnl rouibra!e-1 the oppArtunity nio-tonent, aniveil a. St. by tU. enonent spie!e (chain the Gk,PrnmPsy Mail, brin "in print a plars. v Re@ deleigind tile �rrkck h it, a book qrptiole 11 The l'uhilactic &sod we are Proposed to pledge, oarselvas to tict-tie 9 humll&Uag omw4niwwf they will grsxi,)Ul!y prexent Fir tile cordiality oftheir reeeption it It.,% Ill IN- hurne i,i All the liank ill a to fivur.4 aft-,wincilit. I he liqnor ohlopis gin Illyin%( i -it to Varna and on 03 tbO 17 tit J4nUA1 I the 1'evians of out ity. lie Atc! IlWory (IfNA "it f8fillet vice qlar0ingem Itiolvingrage .1 a "filter a the'rel' labbilth nw, wit'll a 'rho party bell %,?ry wivoly Prf an -he Thi] Irm wA4 "t"Arling i -S five yo favor of the French, by,folamincel ill. Selemselt. �.dowend to &"it crew tte 11'rovincels or film, as lien or a substance, vml�cr by Any flank in the Sint,, or N fir boa former pupillil, and address. lwlvernt(! thernomolvem into two divillions-on- intheir Alocantry, much artidoes Anthey way name (laughter and ishevers,)i which sub IsItakowle Y"vk I- r,re tile telmilika hall to Jet! P;,�u, e,l to take eharoe rtheirs1no-irsin Ilrazil, nod, lbat spireaviinif urid�r rev, it., which an ratilie in Addition to those previously oil Lbe I- to e Ion Rppr,,,-,l ino,t.f4,,% or state stocks. C-OrNoWn would direct sitention ind theuttl as the other Io Th-Inerareek and I he West fortion government the Pilirection of A (t'rmee Louis Na2aleorl believed That the Joint. sm inoundotion th" we $hall contribute to was Andrew 1ohnslon, tie cheioen head of GEO. LANI), ti;; prowl about nor *transit, finsAidiall of lonlOpq Phillips woulif owl" take Ticerefury although the blinks su4jendcri, the advernarineelt of the Sale toy Auction In-fiel ll!sulld. M(oni, Sell, even aniltr %lots, -1 11 -longi the reveyncip l ill,o Unit@dSle'adthe rate.4 fia gircong country. lie trusted that &I. ullioaa,,. redran Trustee S. S. 6, Stanley.: gil, ll�Khn Find Camilla, M,. Me. batch conspiracy Spinet citisco, of %be Plat# mild be Witivrod rightly. French (Inv. duty "motWeed is their propmal a i pliVo of wall rifice Flarni,ft)rrickesly oirned by Mr. I:race, I below. thou h tile Stattim' glerernmeart It Sold r Gdlkorne. The properLy ill K9TI1fFWefb, FRINNihic,-I need not fell 0mall! of Nnra *off Mr. Smith of public."011ic &cc erninoolm in nin,loorn basee, &ad since tolses sod is a very yAll t be dowrifa:1 vol the canvient monneshy, Spirer Ings, left St. ThrinUtict by course, 11 the wq the matter 19nie.r than sixfeau or sirroublecen loam- y rowill, date. t., rtomifo no,onoroill as before, and 1, we". In It I Ok-where if Y" Of the Tteed ('enter - but Shel,,ye"A V- 0. Los*,. firas ILI ItA morenoul; debt in drifit f ennh if ill,- toomks, -% a very itou" ill the coal us; region, hat I sin exceedingly glad to meet TI T*U thin loonling. You rotvy wail be.. I oThe Alruiritoan mocknolli'llor, proronscorri atso in novel. We irnst "or, so s; a trade poilicy different foroin that of the Pi'll, to the I toile of ills, leave that *N,r rest-idIng ismang you for 1Ithit not exactly I I wile Ili limit of the saveres. eftfu of dutespon riks. prkwAn,,, 1, 1 I p4let few y"Its, she principle of' Free $1.10. been %bus else ovedPoneck that if tho lying so lrgely y,mr Cause. isoveral iqlan,14 they pro Iftn"I Will AminUin Ili, striclest nee 4apolocan I Soventuen years the popwri,coNde a trOse list. VkArh Would. in an.", The discussion that we annosenteced i y, or,. oinj I: Alike partF, C mjet,n4 of the war now a" tublic we only Satisfied that the whinatf have becion proh"ory. I,rom fl" Trade Allan back upon spin I a laoot Week to off at rxeter, is. through and your ounfi.ivnee. I ro.3nnot n .111mg between lon"Pill Phillips or -,ap;rd Ike thriamor. 'And we lIa-coared, it in to see You slizin. lVerick of V r. L-oV"comi., ho no all.] ilia Il'itialic and thal transition I scad it Iran one wwh to the pmiw,r unlorcoteen cireusetnoccs. postponed to there nothing thnrefot,� to in, 11r. iI whalklick-T privil.tiel ar, W "start 0 ,,, be, tied all,me by the hand trade to prohibition is the Linsaticat l�,blo by gulf toy,!. (Choric. flat ish.,tevor content to re"tye the (aces aft I tak, Ova May Kabooly predict titat seventeen Ten's Will leave �SL- rho.. Atit. pe inci piece off trade stibitimaing between usua*'thou 'h train P""a"Res It be-% Frioday the l3th of April, when it will will he Olkstrdedlelliefe W (he " found se;��ry to salliscrall The a time 7" o nowt-novil clithrearty of thaw Pro,oa~ to make it I a b,mmid. Our Ilk sornotinvol, within me than merely meet, Lie" 241th .1annarf for attociro, where ileml so, the fr, A ('enter and lit, brethren negotiators went just far enough in *11kew the two countriep, the pent to of the. 11 nv*tinr till. 1 alwer in specir. We am smaccati earn,,, off under the Panic conditionm as ing you that itself were enough An neloonnt I loociell to artive af-ut thn 22:M F,ohnner he parallel ony areas absere, -I. Irebatch einicirwel., he'* Why hilt it in hanced their thehrosigh desire to 11662 elli"d A low I load (ntortakur,l a feeling of Ifilad- ed Isill iscjnry We. done to the Now for my happiness tit 6his won anti beat when I Wa trot hot h will have pem I tint their ? 1%*p. eftn"ort Ifflgilm, In on 0.11d reason,% unit inses, socally I they am rooraw oMe.a, tin.] train thlfr fneloiriee, wo. f,ect, the It, C... Jodi -it frnm rational I, stiff be fit eat be" offiretsit 'naive scoric., still qmrrd will towards throne, "glh. public by few whativaition of theft thaw you add to thig, the unexperted and zendt.' gnatinn corminalis as of an alook prol a solLvall by the resticted imi.as sinl,6pate tit. hilpro,,4t nocultot in the zA, -into told in Ceng-m by a, Western Move that the Ulan filed (Ar ill* downfall this r,,unfry Appolsassol'] A crorreprvident writeso its letter a," kindness you have selicrown to Inv anti rnirto of Itt-lish AmeriemN_f(;lAb* I 31h. With the Ceri'm Athe achieve Liblif Fw0P�VAsI"""`t '"not the ter. Itmg, being Celle', ur)on to spealk, with ian,l, we it wombi Ilse- 11 not wonder thit I *)could re��l I her. At it fellow who A �'ni,... vy i 6WO store to out advantage bad (our Itholks bearing IvIetimony to the high moral closeer. you TV - NII'vewelpri milisambant, "A it " l it, the predicted we" jacepeatistal that rim Amoorsetan , , I Unable to give. expresi to my eirintion.q. A bidy in Fall Itiver hit* been in the habit Sm insist bit boot on symi, she ill roe Yftt* Of the pecisecont religh added I. JAS; ,iffskill to the Sharon W -M let, James Dick-, sucepanded as ik-y did an it f,,vr..r 'color or )Jr. %% iiewcon, lonelier, of Mniont, I wait ;;Z. the year the P too scosevorkilled ilia three* wil'aamost reason. did Not "to to -in- � on"' FAI , 11. AAA be bring the liket ai reards the suspension, �Anuot fell you of my F400are Rini -or of fin"Poilliftil! lao, parrot with cranbrries f,A. 1%4 time Came ; who 0.4 on hill to gi-saff the one porchilim,4114so That resign" Nall) in, d,:0.4 I bear -sA at Able in I off this tit) of floe 11047tie'; and the Allier 'lay the, floe fARAPI that other find 111" dOWnfA I by The".." maker Sfffof*WQf.L I morry Mr. Vicloccon woo L p ftylt�:e in the Stole r Now yalk. we, be t I A r. lfiipon has already in Age pricto when the visits dftk, steel Aland. hird, ho!d receive tAmi than "It vagam dowoor"ial or it " have base palm to order tickma Ise mijil r tb*ntajaotioc on the kill* led I Plead hir ticks and at length replie to the chargesbrought avarks copies or the 18fecrod and honored for trick & Owl As gegromess "ll Owfth witill Ili* W� Of (Of lbO SPUTICIS lid 64 ref4grAJ tb and Wit , &ilia" not to lie berry, took off a C:rt,on of the toneael. 11 winning ones. -I 4 Brocco. An unle isill slowly a'att.16 Aso or"Im", m anowill." IN Isleas and acenings, like ob". of twigwtn. Vista At* OW FAW 0 itaii of the G'",,17 r A retry 71 =,Taff. , lcove" we rather think Irwk matter volume far Scleolt. Word eked sorstolf, reach. is pr"gnm�d that t parrAt will fou"e ON#-Itiomd Am A", *0 aa" As Apedde" seems koq,t bad been in .4. to tolls tile and thiml user 0, cghtmes, laws usly to obtain ilia cof drop, so far as we are cotherrowill. ed car new reA41toes, sod desire tul cilestathe xfttioll. *' theroes %0lAfq of fasnapective_90sew me., be LIinure tratioacZ on that point. 9 an'"AsAl this 6mr4by (114orge I I.M. Y. A final. lit a disclance.