HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-12-28, Page 1I �ner .
W. T. COS, Editor and Proprietor.]
I,3u>incoo eClircctori.
(Suceeseortee N.lisped].)
1L (t i 4! It I 11 IL 1 1,
Cowl • Suare,aos.,,rA,
• Fealene,*oJ ltup.Mtrote
CA..,l., Pre/bawI,
IIWr loot's. and Nail Dirsabaa
r•irTt,o Ls, COLwae,aySe?Vra,
CAN 99999 tog. rte ere.
O.demirom Medi:.: men Nausea
811, ..s Th.4. Puy..
N.—Phyuren'. Pres. ,pIso.• e
Of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c.,
1V1.i.:1:KLY J I)IrrIC .
Tho Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Nu'uber.'•
l}O(UERICH, C. W.. THURSDAY, PEC. 28, 1865.
1 : au prove for yourself by calling at the
Where J. V. DETLOR t SON will be happy to show to their old Erie
generally, alai* and varied stock of
Purchased in the Reel end Cheapest Markeli.and which they are determin, d to sell •t the
and the public
110 h &CO. OILS,
VB Orning• 1111, La. Oils:
I?0! .l. bye. A L
o -i del if a. Ihn t:•cl satisfied
They deem it unnecessary en smooth, nature d f their trek n a y,
that their Tong experience it Mountain m I;orierich enables them
to antimpate the wants of the tummuuity.
Money to Lena,
`JlJx very reasonable terms. Apply, le
e;rahb's new Sleek.
Sioderieb. !HI Jae. 1065. wM.lyr -
"rile' Partnership her iodn exisiea is the
1 Town .4 (f,.leru•1meter the .tyle of
SPAY at UAVle, bac been &salved by mrlual - - ^^^ -•^^ ,
(mossy. Noe MAN DAVIS.
(lelerwb,l7tb July, ■rise. 17w-ow9.519 \ r- r
nt. foreman rt AllPi
Promissory Nous and Ar... u
lathe late ere have lees rowed in the !'unrn- _
hrr4 leasee. (o .elle.ttow; las•suts papule
stat be mule,
1. B. OOI:Pt)yl,
Berri:te, lee.
Mode rir , b Jus, see. Ver awri
• le reference to the at.. may he staled that
1. will d,n Ire. nrk, o, d will rema,n to the
Mg at prreenl oar• p,rd emit foe ace sr •bop u.
co.■phi.d. He b• eehy nm,n,•h••'ne...mane'*
m se,d
the b• aril n,Nmv orr. who have for ti
Isar§ef h -i.4..1 their elision. to kis, shop, mid
Iwpr. WWI loWerti rtu•.mperan.e.
Caderich. Aexu•l 1. ISG.'.. w,027
del Stoves. Pliessisend C.Wne• 01 e•eryde-
eermt.on. T,n, l'impel sed Sheet Iron Warr, o1
the Market ,love pelmet, Markel Square, Gude-
r]N •,el Ihn tamp•. &l..4r. (Nd Iron. rny..
p..,ftrnes. Hsi. et ..1 Peck rags and Mhrep.kmu
taken ur radiants. . 1711
Valuable Piece of Land
\ far*tern
s°, terof payment. The fol.
O lowing protierty, a:: North half of Int
number 311, on the 12th con. of Goderict
township, containing by •dmeseuremeut 40
*cru, more or less, upon which there are
fifteen arse cleared. This land is in n
eavorsble situation, being within five miles of
the town of Clinton. Also, a ealu•hie
property in the rill.ge of Rmburn. one half
were tot land, • good farm house, shop, mud
.table on the premises. This would be • good
situation for • tailor or saddle and harness
maker as there is nine in the vicinity.
leather or sore goods •t wholesale prim
will be rakes for either of the above
w12 -If Constance p. o.
ermine.- of Camels, (.only al ))) IN the Ca...
Moron ,.me .•1the United Com- L ty (!own of
limo Heron end MMus. t00 Coiled
counties et Huron end braes.
1* the swatter of VAN/' VERY & RUM-
(I.KIIALL, Thomas H. Va*Ecery meg
(:mage Remelted!, Insolvents.
oft Murday the Eighth day of January next
Ike umtewlgwrd will •pMy to th. Judge nl the
*aid (•.110 has ■ del horge under the mod Art
Doted st Osten. h in the. ,,only of Heron the'
.thirtieth day ofOrtober, A.D. I1163.
and GEOI(UF. RUMli.tl.l..
Pohc elms for laud vents. taw tem
30 Y.5.1,
Insurance Comp'ny
Arrnmutate.l Feedan*km.1,I[t3,000.000
Alcoa! Income Elfleel' $2,500,000
i! 13E•tnewA**S.PP,•ted at the LOW/C32
1A' HA Tg gamaiment orn►wfety.
Life Iuaraaee —Ample Security.
Cottee Promntly Settled 'Without
Reference to a Board of Directors
Ur -Lr,. h,M.r, Iee1.
I.s ,rg0 $tOAZC sf
\I T
1 1iTO1�►. Y PLOT
•,�701ilI�I with monogram on corer in rubies, emeralds.' dismay, The Pope was taken gene by sur The Committee on hankrupt law bare the new reading has been give. to the I:.*` ,
•-—�_��--_ l and diamonds ; and a superb 'haver gilt !prise, He 'seer expected that the Kiug un Animosity agreed to report Jeuk'a bank• but it seems to us to he manifest' s later,te
dressing case studded rob atoms. A brace. I would go the length of prodaiotin • the cum rapt (fill mid we trust it will be overruled se it N. 1'
There in a beautiful world
Where *:riots and angles slug,
A world where pease and pleasure reigns,
Andheavenly .raises ring.
I r
Cuoal s.—We 11 be tl re, we'll be there;
Palms of actory, crowns of glory,
We shall wear
'in that beautiful world on bigh•
pet„ presented by the iuhebitant of Dudley, l pale separation of Church and State. or the •
W'aerrvarux, Poe. 20, 1865. lend greatly to limit the transactionsbent. u
horn the followinginscription : " I'resented , ru(,presaron of religious corpowtior4—a mer- the two lalntrie", flirted!, as ,he 1.11 d
r01'.1: or M500Lak0TAT10►a.
by the borough of Ndley to the first Countess* ere, in fact, of which he had, through Signor applicable on one sent of the linea, must he
of Dudley. ori ber marriage. November 21, I-egessi, procured the pace iereement, and Mr. Stevens pmaentrd lbe petition of w applicable ot, the other, ►ad th. the mete
1865:" 'Then were also gilts from the dnvbtlewL as M thought, the withdrawal.— Judge N'armuuth, •skuig W he adwiue,i a bot, ways will be restricted by a new 6xai
Countess of Dalhousie, the Marchioness ' The Uoly Father tuaa,ed that alter the Ihn Iluu,e u • de•Ir,prte from the Ierrla,ry u( regulation, hitherto m,btsd of. We erg m
vol ' ria r ' o b
le ma and purporting to be a ned
.,n r* elections theItalian linren.mrnt weuhl be 1"+
!Townsend, Led M• Collas 11 M P Y L 7 leu ser the 't til oboe w
t r I to our that tine ne
M •jor Anon, lion. Mn. Claughlun, Lady anxious to draw lowarJO the Church Indeed 19,000 others. •nM•. from the new born ss•1 of suiw deputt
Georgians Balfour, Hun. Mrs. Ilud'ey Ward, ! the Count de Srrtiget bad, on bit return from Mr. lawreuce, of Ohio, submitted • sent. ,,,ental •,Biter.—//e,,Ud.
Lord Delamore. the (Ion. Seymour and Ms. j Florence, brought word that neg0Uetioes on of resolutions which on hie own 01000, were
Egerton, Lade Frances Gordon, the Counterssss \v. original bases stipulated by % egesri laid on the table and ordered to be presented fro ,a,. il, 26th Ike, 11.....
of Westmoreland, La.J }ilanebe llupp,iln, mild immediately be re ripened, and that the fur future ►cput urmely' To the Ral r r. a Ms Cu aio..f r
lady Charlotte Rowels lady Othu Punter• ag mid the new I'arfiamenl were disposed "Ileurlsed—That public judice and n►• P' 1K f rPord f•14, the Duke and Duchess et Athule, Uon. ' Weke eoncewions to the Ilul See. And thew! w! security denten,' that u soon u it may
IAt tows of (iuierieA
Mfrs. Danser, Baroness Lionel Rothschild, Sir i of this M. de Surttges said he had received an he provI eul,le Jeff. I).v:s, as • repre,re^tative t^ Continuation of my letter t0 7,0.N Frederick aud lady Elisabeth Arthur, .sssuraute from Gemmel la Mammose himself. tear of the oele•lliuu, should hews • lair and bearine„. date tM Nth and pub!'.bed iu
Hon. Mr. and Lady Augusta Fleoltet." Ilene* thu disappointment r1 the Vatican is unpartial l,i.d n the highest appropriate • Haro■ '., 1 of the ISth Currant.
Throughout the whole district with which profound. The l'upe seemed at first quite court tribunal of the country for treason,
Ib earl is inure immediatele connected the prostrated by the news, end artuad the most flagrant In el arrr•ler by him commuted 1. all the minty upended in the toe,. 1
(session was celebrated with various (esti. French ambna.ador of baring deceived him. in order the% the cousutulron and the laws j Goderich by the Town Covneil bur I,.,,0
'there is & beautiful world
1Vbere sorrow never comes,
A world where tears shall never fall
1m ei,;Iaing fur our home.
There isaleutulwndd
Unseen by mortal eight.
Arid darkness never 4nt01* there,
That world u fair and bright..
CHoµ e.
There is • beautiful world.
Of harmony and lure,
Oh ! may we safely enter there
Aud dwell witb God above.
Cardinal (*Merlon. the other reactionary cur m07 be fully vind,cetd, the truth clearly nothing of permenancy or profit to the town -
dinar*, end the Jesuits are, 0n the other eatablehed and affirmed that treason is • save your two school Hewn, ti4t i• the l'rr.•
A Novel Comtlaessemt. hand, delitho-I with the turn affriq have crime and that the offense may be made in-
tahen. They rejoice with the hope that there famous, and at the wine ti.0e that the gees lural and 5aiut Patrick' ward school. TIoy -
A few mornings ago the Superintendent of is no longer any dun;er rola reconciliation tion may hejudieielly settled finally and fors IMO Dollarsnod value
T1 lw.r � roof t unsete talae or �ti
the Chichester ('ity PLlice (Mr. Everett) was I between Rome and Italy, which Il ey dread ever that no State of its own will has the
imp oremcrts was a L.la!M:iir Ir'atiea mei
disturbed h7 a violent ringing wt his hell. h more than all the eccenn -s of a revolution.— right to rrnounre its pl: ce in the Union, I P
mems that the bell is at the herd of tens bed, They are doing .,vrrvthing to excite the a040r " /ltwtfrtai—Thal public juslia rnrl n•• in particular teat paid in the several Coatn,cts
•and the police-corutakles have ore, 10 ruts•• of the lupe agsinel Italy, and the pour old tient cecmiiy demrrd that in C•se of lbe Irl to no. A Chauiberu Introits year I -:,l
thing serious 0 ler 1 such as a Bre, to ring it man is kept in a pitiable spite of agilaliou, cOnt'ictOn of said Jett'. Davis the sentence Lf (I I0b bulk included wilhil phi, perirwl —
viulenlly, is order that ibis energetic officer 'Ito intend..it is amt' to rept,). to Victor the law should be carried int, effect, to over
.aro •as 000,tI0 as *0 as
, ern gat..er
may be up mud doing. Violently the bell I Emmanuel iu an allocution which will be that the constitution and the law! mar be. fh 1e m...; made by mq its the 1',I : of
_ rung, acrd quick!) the Supeiintendent bound- !
delivered in the next cosoiet,n, probably on fall vindicated and (oiler executed and the' the 11 tuned helps no accounp wland :n ,,
THE MOTHER'S/II liB�OR1 . .d out of hen comfortable ted, and naturally I the 4th, or al Ibe latest the 1 llbpuf Deem. truth clearly este:iished that tre,ann u a heHars you bare for that an up kill ,,dJ * .•n
•inmered, •' What's the aper 7" The eon bar crime and that traitnn should be punished the north side of wellinin (tree, end w i nr-
• ��" stable who had so dealeriuud rungthe Dell cel of hemh,ck plank in the de sage of
Put in the drawer—my bipart can beat nae 7 '• Rrwdr., ouvh in lila m:onier, and for
exclaimed in tones act alarm, •' Prey be !ilea offences, soch of Ile mat culpwhle of decomyyeesiou. in the way of sidewalts aitn•
mer ; nick ; I have a poor woman bore who is suf. The E. H. Congress. in the last lour years accounted for, that i.,
Itow up the paper Ili' m7 dewty's hair: Jeri.. much and 1 feel alarmed." " You i be the ectal necessary
yt10 swirly
the rebellion f mar from Id60 to 1861, the Road overtime V r,
Moths say ' , Pe t justice and fu ni a. Curh!Ieytor thesfhlur�r,Wnd blic Seal, arid
15e on en's unprovemenia 1
1 ken, I ken, it huh renews my wars— don't sac " exclaimed Superintendent Washington Dec. 19,—Mr, Morrill in.
Duller', and had the Council let nut tet 4 -
tract the gravel repairing of thee" street- eii
thuamomd they would have deliser..l on I
spread 2002 funds of gravel and •h'ch r..;, 1
make over 2 t miles of gravel sidewalk un.'. r
juduious management, and what have go. v r
1,. Sonne mudbcaps performed by dry pubo, •
en at the wont season of lee year. 1
Cash handed by the Cornell to Mr. esu. ,'
without voucher or workman' account..
1 world beg to Caution you web reg>ttd : 1
these gentlemen who wanted to res..
tour market away from the Locality *l.• i•
was origennly set *pert the,* fur and s,• ••
the Ale payers with 12000 !)•Jars more c • .
dept. lour honest mayor of 1864 was In
means of 'Defeating this diabolical p. .•je i
notwithstanding that one of the ('outelo •
for It. Patrick' ward told th mayor that l.•r
was unworthy of the office of ayrr for 11:..t
he the saint Patrick" gentleman was ergot
years in that Council and never before n., t
with any oppozi.ie.. Not daunted at t1 .
the St Patrick' treed u.nother erste ie to
atomplish his wicked design. He did seri',
no less a personage thee the Reeve of th •
Comtel under false pretences and w,tbou•
any lawful authority extort from your hone.•.
Treuurer a cheque as • fins instalment .
this nefarious market house action Mr. Cr,
would not become a pout) W such an , le:
in u much as their was no bylaw to tn.•
efect and aprneed of by the me pays,. i .
accordance with the municipal paw.
We he,e m Canada boast ufbeing an ins
gel pistol the Kingdom of Great Bran.
nay we eo farther, we sometimes seem ti 0 '
we of Canada are the Brightest gem in le
Diadem, and how do you go to prove thb.—
Yes, by your Council for the town of find.
rich, with their C L aver in the month e
June 1n*.:. rams resolutioa that the 41h e:
July should be Ilolyday at Goderich, arid to
what purpose? to take a trip to Srgana, and
the Council and fits Company did go,
ken 1 shoulders touch my lassie's clue : • Everett, who, when he -saw the condition of
act when the post comes erowdln' then' my }the woman, naturally took up the a=i
brain, • tone of the alarmist. The real fact seat that
the poor woman wu about to become w
1 e nna lel her bite o' things slant.
Sin' 'er she dee'd I wauken *i' • stat,
An' o , there'd eomcthing stir comes ower my
Then th richt. Tike lightening mind me o' ber
drat ,
An' fur. bile r searee can draw my breath.
i dream'd dream before she took her bed,
An' oh. w• me, it's been ower truly read ;
An' when the oek began to craw at nicht,
1 bodit aye tha something warms richt;
Ari .w Len the ndnw shook fire bead to 6t foutbe
or the eoguanled o bareuan great1..] i a a b atao (! Senate n replyina 12. hto the csl (have ths e Aunor tmed o suite
thoeht my run heart lap eff the Gil. nails, a padlock, and other minor articles-\ that the retellion waged by a portion of the
Nae mar Tree l ,l the door fir see ber kmk, Stri1.ped of Ihieshe woman &menthol a more ogle ay.inst the properly noel tiled au•
Nae emir to mini she'll lay her dimpled cheek! becoming form, and was handed main from •t roritira of the Governme-.t of the foiled Justice f r teals for trewI',,for writs 01.rrnr,
An' matr me routs! the neck she'll tale', the care of the nane5 10 the I.Jice, From Stites has been suppres ed ; that the United I and to carry into effect the purposes of the
Nor (look her bonnie beadle in my lap the ark. on the sack it was found that the Stayed am in possession of every Stale in foregoing resolutions. and that said eofe:rit
property was stolen at Arundel, where the 1 which the msurwction existed; and that, as tee report by bill and otherwise."
weinan had slept the eight before, wed she fur as could Ire door, the C.,arts Id the United The Speaker laid before rbc Hogue w Mee
AM eventually transferred to the '.melon States have been restored, post Aires s ,e• sage from the President, enclosing a report
police, and remains in duracce in the cells of eatandu:eel, and steps taken to put info of the Secretary of State in relation to the
troduced a Ilii to provide for the deistic* of these criminally rcsponeible for the murucr
the north-eastern frontier, which provides .d atarrrtiou of Union priso,ten (1 *a•,
for the repayment to Maine of al'Propriutioi's should be tried and nioh. d for the high
for the eoo.tructiu,l of the European and crimes of which they here been gui:ly.
mother, and no time was to spare. As quick I North American Railway,.' Resotred—'(het justice should not fail of
u possible an order woe given for the &delis. Mr. Wileun introduced a Bill the more its purpose, and that all who are g.rdtc of, or
sion of the suffering woman into the work- effectually to provide Mr the national d.•fe"ce, ere r ipuns,ble for, the aw•wlinatiom of the
house. Intimation was sent to the governor, 1 by estaohdiing a se Rorer militia throu;;huul late Preudeut, and the great offenders durieg
a bed was prepared; •od nurse* provided. As the United States.'
the recent rebellion guilty of, sod responsible
Well u he could, the corutable assisted the Mr. Cowan said a mess1,e had just het^
Istarvstarvationfar, the murder and starvation of Union pro
women on her journey, nuturaily anxious at received from the remittent, in response to a unrn of wart as well . those guilty of and
the delicate position iu which he was-phieed. resolution, calling for informalioas the I r,,spunnihle for other unparalleled violations
However, the poor creature was got Gately to I condition of the States Iutly iu W u rebellion. of the laws of warfare, are amenable to and
(ye workhouse, and the -nurses at once pro- i 136 called for the retiree!! of the nexus... I should be Irirconvicted and punished by a
coaled W render all the help in tbetr power. I T11e-mwrge of the President was read, u should
tris d,al authorised by and ished bnrd
The fist proxeding was to undress. the follows: I by the common law of red and the uctioo.1
woman. On doing this, to their uprise they I ':To tht Senalrof the United States. I erllied nations, whenever and so far as may
be r ecessnry to secure the code of justice,
'• Rrsdrrd—That the committee on the
judiciary he instructed to inquire whet Ie:61.
late. it anv, may be necessary to prondet
Weep ahe was likit by ilk nebor wean, •
An' uneo.blylhe they keepit my hearthslane :
The dnrty sues she'd pleasure sae auldfarrau—
Wad let them see the'titan that broke the that town awuttint her exam,ne0nn—not by I effective operation the revenue laws of the raven's!Expo.ilion to be held in Paris. In,
bra'; buses this time, but by the hon.u`h mogis- , country. As the result ot the m.•asures in- 1167. and•in etch the United States are
•. - tate. The affai, hes caused some merriment I atitured by the ex -eutive with the view of invited by the government of France W take
Wad mak dot' dookits iii* her fingers amt'. In the city, and one or two wags have sent t0 inducin' a resumption of the iunrtiona of the a part. elm subject is commended to the
An' raise slough that would delight them a' ; Su1enntembeit Everett to know when 'the I State, c.tmpr' l e deg in the ,oquiry •of the
Syne let them ave, upon the amld knit heed, chnatetn,, s likely to come off- The alarm• Senate. the people act North Curulina, South
Hoo ' Robie Salmon.cgingerbread
it his gingerbread ;' rd cons4,bte, who first took meniscion Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, p
Wad cock her head 11* ,e tic awk,e look. the wuanari, has scarcely yet recovered the Louisiana. Ark*usas and Teunesaee, have I,y repel., one of confiscated property.g f . shock.— [West Suarez Casette. recognised their respective State Govern• Mr 11e'1 announced the death of .Mr Orlon
Her ler tongueie geed na it wad clipptt clouts, — — wants, and are yielding obedience to the laws do Kellogg, member of congress for New
But when my wee drap tea i sat egaan, The Cattle DIschse. and Government of the United States with" York. •
My wee bit lassie soon sewstmyhan'; more willingness and greater pr,mptitudeI SI:yATE.
A droppie i the saucer syr she gat, The following if from the London Times : than under the circumat,nccs could reason- The hill to provide for the payment of
An' Lyne euntemit at my fit she ass, The emote platne is growing upoe as and ably have been antapated. The pr 'posed 825,4-'00 to Mn- Lincoln was taken up and
amendment W the constitution trorilin
But noo when 1 Alt doon 1 scarce brak bread, the return • best
we Teatr,duy publishedealn r 1 g passed,
perheire the best justihcation of the alarming for the abolition nl slavery 1'orcveq within the Mr. Merrill, from the committee on the
i scarce can lift the saorcr to my bead. report made by the C,tmrhissin^era a month limit's of the rouetry, has been ratified by District of Columbia, reported a bill to regu
Ab! never msir atm . a cake. 111 row', before. At that time—that is to say, up to encour of Ihew atolls with the exceptun 0t late the elective franchise in the district, y
remorint di*tinctione of color as a qualifies,
thin for its exercise.
Mr. Stunner addressed the senate in foyer
of the bill. ile hoped It would be acted on
were erten. The country demanded it.
Mr Sumner presented the petition of ecr•
lain citizens ot Mnasechuselts for the appoint.
meet of provisional governors over lite State"
lately in •Ilion, the guarantee of the
rights of all the citizens n these States, en-
franchisement and equality before the law.
&c. ile also piesenled similar petitions hero
citizens of New York, Missouri, Ohio, India-
na, Illinois, New Jersey arid Kentucky.
The petitions were referred to the .peed
committee of fifteen on reeWrurti.
Mr. Sumner presented *be petition of Dr.
Cheover, of New York, Mr. Parker, of fits
burg, and others, for equality before law in
the Southers :tides.
early and favorable consideration of congress.
Mr. Sterns, of 1'a., introduced a bill to
ay persons, and damages to Union property,
I Nor catch ber finger i' the .cgs bowl 1 (h4 21st of Omuta r— there had been 14 O+th ' I001, -,ppb from sirhuh no oBMIN l III unnn
1 ken, t ken, she's in &wart moo, animals attacked since the commencement of tion has been received ; and in neariy all of
the 4b*erse, about the 21st of June- Of (hem measures have been adopted, or am now
Atlpang the fluweis that death can never pu', these 6,711 had died, and '5119 had been .pending, to confer upon the freedmen the
1"ken ! Oh ! 1E0111 /:ea. we're born to pal l- slaughtered, so that the total hum dun.ig- pnvileees which are essential to their comfort,
But if 1 Aetna greet I'd break my Inert! • • the whole period were under 12,000, But Prntectinn 4114 security.
_ now the casualties of fear weeks have doubled infn Florida and Texas the people are musk -
the precious tele of four (months. The lot.,' Sy commendable progress in restoring their
The 1-orer or itanp,lnnelon. CMOS number of Cen 1* now 11(1m •d as 27,4:12, a tate (iurernmenra, and no doubt sm
Tea from 50 Cents upwards. and of deaths alone a1 12,680, while as Many ,01.504 that they *111, rl an early Ierial, bac
Pep of Arong nervous temNrament am as 8,99e have been slain. Week by week, n w cunJnion to rc*acme all of thea prate. .I
��p(reaI Mayes10-0ewhim. and caprices of too, the disease increases still. The returns, relauurs with the Federal lioa•rnn.e,o.
t'eir ia••inatinns ;nal hence o le of nod � In that portion of the l'n;on inlet in Fe•
September 19th, 1165.
J_ V. �ETLOR 1& SON. pe P B which were 1,6., on the 4th of this month P 7
A 8001 J & Siiue
t Kingston street, next the telegraph
F Office. Th. Proprietor solicits a share
of the public patronage, and he will sat his
best endeavors to afford satisfaction.
N. IL—Orders promptly execs"ed in both
making &nil repairing,
July I8tb, 1065. w25-Im
'1' A :NI IN J. It P3
hr , Sr
February • ' '1• w (7w.
♦'.. TI'Df4111 6\-, Proprietor.
THE estabh.hn.en, ,s fure0ehed w ,h .I1 the
requirements t..ental to ,hr ,- .,tort .d
aunts, w34,1
1'1111111 Ie'n.('•t,ory !
the inhabits is of the Ceantae aliens
and Brnrelhat hens Will Man^farter,ng, and Isms
no hand a nemtwr id his
He wristlet particularly draw mention to h..
,/x11*. .s he won warrant them to free t1 heat from
est., eoekle, chew, tc. Pumps made to order
and warranted.
F,,l,,,.w Melon. 0., Mtiewn Virlart.fresl
and CnaMia Rene•
A, •,, .cent for the sere of Meri.e's prem,nm
and patent f(TLTI V A 11)01, whieh hoe never vet
toted to giveterlerele*t*taetinn In tomers who
k v re aced them.
(ind1444 April 1144.1E64. 10
12w quirement
• tyranny of
a very online
1 of very ordinary- p :skid ac- were 2,580 on the Illb and 2,66;1 on. the ' helium, the aspect of affairs is:aonu p,omiawg
are the most subjeit- -1.1 this ISth. Under these circumstances no one then in view of all the circumstances could
rel over matter. Oecasi.malh rill have been suprioed at the appearance of well have been expected.
Port of person—that is, an a new Order in Council imposing restrictions The people throo„hout the entire Smith
itdh-Wul of c osidernble mind, but whose on the remora! of tulle in mfe.:ted dietricts evince • laudable desire to renew their ■Ile•
FARMT menial eap•eit s art unsl.al It is encouraging, however, t., observe that Vince to the Government, and to repair the
I1 FOR SALE partially undevel(ped — wffen from Ibis slaughter is only obtained in the last muss devastauohe war by a prompt and cheerful
a•cu rr n os a ren ng gree• as the penalty ofdinobeol,euct An Impactor i me u p r u s. n a mg a ,
So' dnuht (ova the hysical autho,ity) one• may direct the Solution of .,i a meed or s- is entertained this their actions will conform
halt the ills that Beall
d iced by the fancy of
I Hundreds have died by
holes, yellow fever and
aimed, and so
1 OT 3, Cnn.IA,ep Ti,wmebip of rlowi , li
A mde Irum Wruirter, un
Log bt'uio and barn,
Apply to
'F. W.'I'HOMAe. Esq., B. M.
Ootinch. Feb 16.1 1.4C4 wesseldf
1:I(3HT/ I'Elt (:I•=N'1'
IR eras 0%
Cr* {hundred Dollars and upwards.
Apply in
a: aletrh. neer. hill, Ihb1. r31u
Ashes and Grease.
THE SuMieriher will paella.. all the An),.,
end Sn,p Grc..e that may he '.red Inr
him in Goderich and ori.hhorhood,
July 16th, 16011. (w25
R7d3M 0 *0
heir to are emerin peeled animal, and if the owner shall disobey to their professions, std that in ackn0wlede
he sufferers *lose. such direction, " then in such case, and such ing the enprwnm0y of the constitution and the
re symptoms of case only " the inspector is empo.ered to put laws of the Unit rtes, their loyalty will
segue, induced l'7 the animal to death- At this toojunclure, be unreservedly given he Government,
those terrible whose leniehe the cannot far a ,reciatc
however, a new agency is appearing on the T T PI
d, wherein • scene. it is proposed to treat lbe cattleand w hose fostering care will soon restore them
felon .condemned to do.th 15 N phlebotomy plssue by hnmo•opathy, not casually or ub. to a condition of pr.aperty. It n true th■�-
had hii�trm' laid Mire to the sh older, and seemly, but on • large scale, by skilled pest. m nnme of the States the demoralizing effects
thrust thllow4h a hole in a partite, while he ti,ioners and in the fight of day: The pro. of the war se to he seen in occasional did ,
was fast bound to the opposite e' e ; the gramme is certainly eharaeteristic of the orders, hut these are local in churuel,r, not
hidden executioner, upon the oil . side In sent in occurrence and are rapid) di*n'-
. P , science and many persons nosy think that :he "1 rapidly
applied the lancet to his arm with a ick ; pour cows are baring a hard timed it "K noel. peering as the authority of the civil power s
Inc poor culprit beard the muddy stream ut•them on the head," says the velennar) ser extended and sustained. Perplexing questions
pouring, send soon growi.,g weaker ■rd tai t• Fenn ; " it i* the only thing to be d000." were 'stalely to be expected from the great
er, lie fell 11* , e swoon and died, when th 64 Better poison them. sn s the quack; "Moth and sudden change In the relations betwrep
fact wen nota Drop of blood had been shed— •ng li'!e pison for effecting w cre." se, our,' the two races, huh systems are gradually de.
ea surgeon Laving mer 1J snapped bis lancet we, if quite well and troubled with any tom- veloping themselves under which the freed -
upon the arm, and continued to pour a small 'nt, are to take a good drat of arsenic mon will receive the prutzction to which he
stream of water over the limb and into the pmorning, by any of tonic ur prestos- n justly entitled, and by means of his labor
basin. Another ante in ' pint' was that of rid d notwj1Wtanding thu jnedicions make himself a metol, independent member
.a Philadelphia amateur butcher, who, in precaut n, they should still fall sick, they of the eommumty in which he has his home.
placing his moat upon a hook, dipped, and are to bo drenched with deadly nighuhnde. I. rem all the information in my p sse.eion,
hung himself, instead of the meat, upon the This it iv confidently Moneyed, meat bring land from that which i have recently derived
barbed {e,irt. Ilia agony was intense; he them around again : but in cane of default from the most reliable authority, I em tndec•
was quietly taken down and carried to • they are to go back to the arsenic and take i ed to cherish the belief that personal armour
physician's office, and an great was his pain smther draught of it. We must ask the 1'17 ia surely and rapidly merging itself into a
(in imagination) that he cried piteously upon render not to inner at these prescri; trona, or "lint of set^nality, sled (hat representation,
I every motion made by the doctor in tontine to dispise the advice. The prat -tree ie, at 1 co^nered with • properly adjusted system of
!the coat ani skirt sleeve from about the !vast, ao good as that of "the I'*cult)." - taxation, will result in a harmonious restos
wounded arm. When, at last, the arm wee I Even arsenic cannot do more mischief than ('on of the relatioes of the States to the Na
berr!d, not a scrlhh wan there ! Tye book ;the pure ase ; it may p,astbly do len. Ir- threat 1;""'^• The repast of Ctrl Shur: is
point had nh•roly posed along the skin, and deed, ,t has een tried, and will ■t least as herewith transmitted .s regersted by the Sen•
torn the sbirtslesre.—[I(lackwood. mach "acmes AS killing. It u simply because ' •te. No "Pori frim the 11on. h.he Covnde
Aumoc,pathy h:u Mien neuwlly prartireA with has been receivod by the President. The
some edrwntate in Ho11wnd that • numb!r of attention of the Senate n invited to the ac
buhleme, and gentlemen, " not all of them ' o,mp enying report of Gen. Grant, who re.
The Inndon Morning Post give. the fol. � hommopm'hi*ts," have now formed themselves l ce^tlly matte • tour of in.pa•einn through
lowing description or the wedding of Earl ' Into en association for trying it in This several of Ihe Siam* where mmbitaats part'
Dudley to ilio Moncnefle :—" The bride !country They speak very modestly about cipated in the rehellinn.
wore A rich dress, with s tunic, hodiee sod the molter, an *row that their proceedings (Signed)
veil of valuuh'e Fre•tch lane: it was origin ) oro experimental. I'erhnps.bey ere not very I Washington, Dec. 18,h, 1"65.
ally is tonged fon ,he Empr, se Eugenie, and hopeful, huh then there ia• nothing hopeful 1 New Yong, December 1, —The Poet's
li\A vaned et upward* n1,yt2,090. She nln, *bout the case. Wholesale msSalere is not I Washington special despatch OK flet tie
wore w hnnd.ome bracelet of pearls and die an encouraging example. nr r w it eheenng Preset:mei Message, enclosing the reports of
sheer dread and fear o
maladies . A case is aero
An Aryateerallc Wedding.
tete ;
mods. • -.editing poem's from the inhahi- to contemplate the 10111 enopeueino of cattle (len Grant. 14.0,1.1100(17 an earl?
twuni ht Dud•ey, *n4 a matchless necklace of 1,*Bic• 1 omeropathy may well compete for Iron of all State lrnvernmenls. 1t appears
pearl* (el five rens.) !be gift of her nohlr (snot with such doctrines as these, especially In have deeply offended some of the members,
huslm•,d just before melting out fur the altar. since it possesses the unique recommendation When it was read in the Senate, Mr. Sumner
The presents were ve,y cooly, and all the of threatening no harm. row and pronounced it only !paralleled by
jewels of the mo.* rare and choicedatcript ion. - - Pierce's while-waahmg message on Kansas.
the piincipel and most unique in the whole Italy and tae Pope. The Commerri.(s Wash,n,,tnn despatch
collection heing a rnntehleme p•rere, ennsisi. says that the President has mens Gen. Grant's
"f •'ludem, necklace, brooch, ear -rings, A l writing from i(ome dor Apert on the condition of the Sort', to
bracelets, rompnsed ,.f rubies and du mg the
finer pan of last month says :— Congress. It presents the resoIt of the gen
WEST ST.. OODEItICH, mond* of the finest quality—the rehire "Nei- rat's obwnanon during his lour to the
ern .Innes—mein( m p�rq elsaa c•l style and A deep sensation bac beet produced in . uih, and it is highly M.orable, es mum
Next door West of Mr. Stmts. Saddlery, mart elegant form. The vel,^ was nearly I(ome by the speech of the King of Italy.— great ani,114.,es in thus god 1,515 of the
ILr. w,vnA no LI 0,010- There wore also a air of ver The 0°17 dny it was delivered Ihr N.oto051 Southern people, and the* realines+ to semen
e 7 Commiteerecelyed • *nomary .d 4'1:11°11'117;
t Ily kin- the ilia of the war. The tenor of the report
WATUHES CLOCKS AND JEWELRY bel Mpph,re and d-wmnnd Periwig* ; • Ink- r* It *rid h•atenrd to it to file
t et ar hooch to match, with fine peal drop ; t s ogle 0 le to the restoration to the Southern
■F:1'AIRF. Ii e,Y aH/IRT 010011'1:, a pearl and diamond bracelet; a pair of leaders of the liberal party, who were con- people Of their foil privileges' Of ti4iwwkfp.
In the best Style & Warranted.
I d diamond ah pad yoked on the following day at the 114(1,4 o(I The rnm"tutnli,n 'it. prndured 1 marked
Jew alar the °6""nanr Ind" o lac 6
ornaments 01 maims 'kinder, *moamin` us P Oen. Grant's judgment.
h rid orneM in valor Al of •perch, and anal w•t,al 'hemmed topica 'The Pert s special w7e
ae a pours a ear•nngs • •
I"' t Cercall& to dislan tha matter. TM day !effect here, as gnat coo deuce u reposed in
riled Flrostao seta besides mane Misr Rn b ' hoA ►M
, — that the Committee
many thousand po A lar a crowd eatbered in front of the ogees
flew were presented b the Farl of Dopey b Ion eppropri.tiow have made a reduction of
ten bride. Indy W•�s luso eeseata toss st- anA tVe '&n'lh stemciutltaet prevail' At l wverwl millions from the naval •rr or:a
.d of a very bands ms miniature braoele, the 1'auraolhc rQ•st eddre5s produced great toms.'
At., • lone monarwas0 n•
staid at PIntt'd Jewelry, Watches,
(:'locks. &e , Ie.
Cen.aattTo' las*ane..rrenm410 lee •arspr•.en•ed
ria, ,nna.r 10(01405,
Oeeertee ley 1711. 511111
New York, Dec. 20.—Panama dales of
11th contain %deices from Vulpxrwo to Nov.
Ieth, and Callao to the 214th.
There is but little change in Chilian war
matters. The people aro daily becoming
more united agam.t Spain.
Some forty ports are yet open, and steam
ere now touch at a port furl) miles Dom Val.
pei'niaoewhich is connected with the latter
place by"s g ul road, and passengers and
nails are regulaity meried. A Cbilian priva-
teer will soon be on thiewea.
The .loop of war St,M•ry'?r and the gun•
bet Mhong°, were at Valparaiso on the
18th inst.
In Bolivia affairs are Trete unwonted. The
revolution is still gem)! on. A disturbants
had taken place at Coleja with some Clnli•oi
owing 10 Spanish vessels being allowed to
coal there.
Adders from Peru are Mille important.
Gert. Cerium, after partially orgauning •
new Government, was depnee0 by • public
meeting, and General Predn, also one of the
leading Genera's in the late revolution, was
declared Dictator, he being pledged to call
Cotgrese t getl,eres snot as pawihle. It is
supposed Prado will declare an .11ianc• with
Chili lgaiust Spain.
Camedimn Deeds as Atiwillens
A gad deal of excitement was mused
among some of our m.rcantile men on Sat}r
day by an announcement made to than by
the American lice-Coneul,lhat for the future
goods entered for the fay -.Hent of.rd o,Ilnrtss
duties in American ports, most be entered e1
the duty paid price In Canada. instead of at
the print of such smolt in bend. The follow-
ine a the elates of the American law o0
which the prelemir.n is founded
was a,
Satan" on the glorious fourth of July and M
what, to hear the Declaration of Ind. -lend
en0n read, to bur our parent state and el
its institutions held up to public scorn. A.
you shout to stamp their infamous sod d
graceful act with your 'probation by polo
these men again to represent you i(Io ace.
Call yourselves Britons.
Goderich, 21st Dec., 1'465.
Evil. ot•GoSasp.
i have known • country society which
withered away all to nothing ender the day
rot of gossip only. Friendships, once as firm
as gratitude, di.solved W jelly and then run
away to water, only became of this • purr,
that promised • torture ea enduring as Iw o.,
mid as stable as truth, evaporating into a
morning mid that turned l0 a day's Ion.
lesre, only because of this ; s father and ..
ion ,rt toot to foot with the fiery torah of a,
anger that would never cool again between
then, only becalm of this ; and a husband
and hie 7oang wife, each straining at tee
bated leech which in the beginning had Mees
the golden bondage of • God's blessed love,
set mommlully by the side of the grave
where ell their joy lay buried. and nn'y 15.
cause of thin. 1 have seen faith transformed
to mean doubt, hope give plate to grim des•
Asir. and charity take on itself the feature* of
black mulevoleace, alt because of IM *pelt
wards of scandal, and the magic ■etteriegs
of gnuip.—Great crimes work great wrong,
a• d deeper tragedies of human life spring
from iu larger passions ; bet woeful and
most meleneho!y are the unratalogurd
tragedies the' issue from gossip and darer
tion, trust mournful the nhipere,11 often mule
of noble nature' sod lover bre% by the let
winds end salt waters of sander, Sorry 1
say, yet so hard to disprove, Ikrn•ng on tf. •
innocent •11 the burden and the strain e,
demonstrating their innocence, and penieh
ing them as guilty i( smiths W pluck out the
stings they never see ; and to silence wade
they never hear—grrip sod slander are the
deadliest and cruelest weapona man has for
hu brothels hurt.—Alf the Year ROwad.
)1as•,;*51AT or Wosown Ogaw.—ft is
not so much hard labor that beats omen and
makes diem loll in warm weather, as the fit
treatment of rough and abusive drivers.—
Tress them with gentleness when at work ;
feed them well and regularly three limes •
day, with cut hay ad straw wet with water,
sprinkled with oats and Indian corn meal, at
Irons twelve gnarl, besides *nine roots daisy
let them have clean water as often as they
are I:d. and de not ,egoirw them to drink
that which is impure or stagnant ; give them
at least two hours after feeding to chew the
"Thal in •11 eese1 where there is or .hall 1 cud and real, and they will perform a •as,
he imported any ad rolnreut goy nn any • amount el* hard work, and intense in flesh at
node reams wars, or merchandise imported Intl' the same time, and wili equity be found n,
the United States. and in all mese where the be more e0nrenient for many purposes than
duly imposed by law shall be regulated by or hones. let it he reiterated that it is one the
directed to be estimated or board upon tee herd labor that oxen perform that eIMmM
value of the square yard or of an, specified their energies. Oxon were made for herd
quantity or parcel of such goods, de., it shall arviee ; and if treated kindly Wal eseefelty,
he the duly of eh* Coll•etor within whose They will !shoe hard every day and Nill grew
distiiet the sans 'ball Mimportedorentered, fat. But when fed s stinted allemisesef
to nus the actual market value or wholesale Nor hey and meal, nested and ill+ued by •
price thereof at the pend of expnrtwlnn to Fowling, ill,•tared (hirer, who ineeseaatl7
the Unite! Slate*, in the principal markets of septics tbe lash or geed, and dragged ow* H
the meet/ from which the SATO shall have esrr7int on their needs • ante earl loeyse,
been imported 1.10 the Dotted State' to he from morning till right, their streag,► f.tlK
appraised, and surds appraised value shall be and sensible people ate head n ee.elde Meg
considered the value epee which duty shall they eannM raises the heat like • horse—.
be as,essed•" Ara. Agriculturist.
Our own sunny contains word* of a eor-
responding tenor ; bet, on bolh sides of the Then n a pteslverly ferreiNt lensed o.
line, it has hitherto been ,50 1 the the moor, whale? ental)) .0,ae leu ' egue 1n Lon& u
value ser IM ,treat vale Ise the dbon or, brooded ' 4 L ,' sod wksn & ewel.wsv MeA
inI other 17 *1 the market vale* in bond is ' Come sod 'ave • Ansa e1 And • bell,* 1N
placereentry "risme the expont-betatinn has tarts oedrutsedl gists the yleht inks to 1
plact. lye du sot know upon what authority 1 y