Huron Signal, 1865-12-14, Page 1W.T. COX, Editor and Proprietor.] $1.50 PER ANN. 1NADVANCE t• .41411•11•41•...... 1.: I ) Uri( ) N. .•••••••••••••••. ••••=•••••••••••mrsMNA,•••••••••••• •••••••••••••• The Greatest Possible Good to tho Crreatost Possible If umbor.'• tiODERICII, C. W.. T111. 1).1Y, DEC. 14, 1405. 011ittlf55 Divrilat. 1.3tWillCOS Director. 1.1miiiecici rJivrtovu. _ . Bridish American Assurance Co. FIRE & MARINE. JOIIN 1..,:stiN A vkt. Bayfield. C. W., A pril'16, 186. w12 JOHN BRETT, Sheet -Iron, and ('ml. Smith, EGMONDVILLE, C. W. Stoves, Cultivators, dtc., for Sao. stspittruNg Moo at Short Notioe. • 1). 131e11..otstall, Lie EISED A OCT N EElt, 11A YPIELI) omen,. 11.1,1•1. 3,•• .•• • ,• ,•.ustty ponelosllystivi.1 tau HOTEL NOTICE. IOIIN litiNotill takes 11441 Melina 4,f ..in• forming the public that he kap mitered into tbe Ilutel imeness an the steed \formerly known as the Fulton House, where 'be will be happy tu receive old breeds arid cu;w.era Goderich. Julie illi 1s65. l'J Colisaseellta Motet 1111E114.11 C.W TORN Met, Proprietor. Thre ie • meet -Stand treatcountry Hotel iti Weiner.. 113011•AilArld elturseit tt• ,I• .,,,r 4/111.41, 1• ellawnPri/priel.. 14.0.1 a. It, ti.11, lie Hon., 11..ree. andC.0 mace itrf ! , 044 as Shorte•INoi 1 7 DAYS' HOTEL WROXETER. /•no•tedo. tke oos•tel note ▪ ffeal.irth oote north .1 Where il ;ead• oII It/ WI,,•••1Yr, •nd lay tine true- rhos, sho • Belmore. Walkertn, Suthampton, •nyt,14.-ein 4141..01 4tiett 44 he 4.4444 ot•o4,40 u.id Al lava env holeliton all rev.,4..• ICE ALWAYS ON HAND Trout -Fishing Friends ! ell. • a A 1(.,,,111 tor A HUNDILED .10 111,71 FEET C,) A tjA s w16-1. 11 -. IfIlITLAND 110TEL, GDERIC11 1, HomKEte, TUE 1.4x •bufe un nit 12014.1 hitfi., o•e0I,;102 .10. 114,4,1 Heroes itea•r.l... lianlen• atonal W•11,411.he.l. 11.4.,1.1 51 perole ...oily Mealhor Heti, 22t cents. orlItilthda 1'1111: 1.11 1.110'001s et 1.01111 DON eine. • 1,11,1.11NSI It CS CO. DRUGS, DRUGS • Arra natluttal Fund 11.1.7 .72s. BrIllasla Life ANsuranee Co. of Landon. frilE undersign i iia 44' ee,ei, speeinren Ageollut buy.. expeet•hle ,:to s, t p;•,..11 Fires se Llieriskesitinuder lifrite01.•rerriUM V1.110.•f.,,hystf. 0111eleli Ja‘let. NM. •• I 909'. CA141ADIA HOTEL, CLINTON, •W. DS 11 K roprietor. rF11; estaliltslonent o fun. cif w Ib sll the • ret44Iirri0eitis ...rutin! ihe comfort of guests. w34if RQYAL Insurance Co FIRE AND LIF CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DOLL RS. .1,m/eet' Fund,. on luemd,$10001 nnual Income Exceeds $2,500,00 . • 11E Inoorenee• ell, sr flit. Lp WENT e.11117.s ,00.,,tetst LIflusuranee-Ample SeenIti. 0 \ 4. I 11''. 1.0114444 TUA r. k sll,I'1I '11'F14P Losses onntiv ottled Without R3foronc to a Bo i of Directors •CHA LES TCHER, Agent w 1'. o; lo.M.••.1.464. • IA u FRE 131VICEr TO F. NliTSCH' 0'4. TAND. ICH • WATCHMAKER & JILWILER, WEST ST., GODELICII, Next donr Wiist of Mr. Stots' Sal -r), I, 11,.‘1i4 4-44 imps FOR SALE WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY 111.0,10t.0 tt• ons'on r In the best Style & W -.r a nt ed Tuver(;11::::isi;:::::;;;;;A:1,e:red 4., •slo 011 • 0•10t• d JeAveley. ONE - TENTH ONLY Silesia& PlateOrtnorttao. e • Als eWatches, C./01111111,41 mr or, reo,Ile. , niettel, renn.dea Ondente ele031 GODEILICH FANNING MILL us rims' rut IL mit AT vs: er etcrnur rt est.*, • ix) Nlie Equal %enlist lustalme Witi, inter,. at II per rent. TOWNSWP 11.' South 7 •ie 1141 co44., South t.. South 11 in 2.1 cue., OM A -we, aueth 4 71 in 311 con., 100 mew, N011,11 20 Oa lb run., 100 acren. North 2! in 111 con., items, Murth 23t, th coii., 100 acrea. TOWNgillIP OF HOWICK: ANSI/ • PI, 31.]AqT44 (Soweetwotult.11.1teynolls) e I :a 1 11 tt, 1 I-. Court•IlurseS•mar• ,17o.te , DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST OIFNUISF: i) it TFle...r, lleeir rout's. a.id Nail llemehara ✓ II Nes, nit.% ent.ctilx. Dei 11'7,Sn, HORSE EDICI N CARDEN SWIMS, sip.. no. ,rioler.from M.,.1 nien punctually mtendedie at lewelt N.11.-Phynelait'• Pe.rrune• earefolly ohs. penned. ' tiostert-tt. lan .10. 1,4. • 14.1 LIGHT ! LIGHT LIGHT! ROCK & COAL OILS, *Burning Fluid, Lamp oils. • • • °oder, Jae. 17.1‘gth. 2.0 • Money to Lena, OF very rcasonalrfe Jetted. Apply: to DOYI.E, t'rabb'e new Mock. (.,d-iel,. 9h fan. 1-e5. wrielyr • NOTICE. .T1114: Perternhoe hotero4.:re ex use( on 4444 Town ow litnienvii., otte ot otr. 1.1•••••111.1 I. 1441114d ••••nekni• W11.1.1.171 0T1 '14 Y. (.t.;‘ 000. NtIK31.47 auderwaerth J,110.IM!,, t.7w.tes92. All l'ronowore 14.,.-. aria Art...unto hetontrone odor lode 411111 4111,11. In,, 4.I4ers.1 01 I hr 171,14e11. r'• tor n.iIv. le 0; I u.11 LIDA TR payna til be' Dinar. J. R. (14111114sx, 11 I 1Infr•ter.IVe. erieh, !Mb to'v, 27st• two'. 4=1141.. ...444.444441ma.momosnmorripmm4., wwWwwwleirwIP,MelWellaireterewme )VOL. X V1IL-NO MY FIRST AND LAST GAME. i '>o ..h„,,e..,. 1 repied ; • the will uf'Pro• • videree Wylie. 1 cru here 1,4 84400, to rescue w---4 ere.) ) ett. , 1 ' Tuo lith.,, too lute e M 4' ellurtnutedEde . ' •• • . teexer A week tied..v re', ural ery day my ne4l1%ar.h i ,v I.0 li al,' i but 11,01 dYi..4.' • hall Uteri renwed, Ind all ury ellu.ta tu dn. I lest no time in 4011)1)11,4 tor tliemydt &tit euver the slightest trace 01' %lie young girl ! ful physiden that could be fuunil, by 'Aimee were unavailing. A. f.s.likkg of hopeless des. j advice ehe watt et °ce removed them the pair tail pees..Am rd any mind, Ka I began etillilhe ahnoeithere of that wretched abole to fear ley sin was destried to walk like a '10 • pleagant luilgairg, which I • prheured 111 Fewer...tut elterlow fur et er tepid. me. 142 l the •suburta. Evely delicacy or condert that their Mrsirtance was valuelese. f deeeriptien •0( the gill meietfuted su Clow ly.' of service wan instantly procured, find hefore to the Maral' Mipeluslime of metidicatts, that 1 Inanydirys bud 'eased her 'health began to tity,extreinity'I applied to the olice, but ,my ' ',milli:my:11.e dt:tr .or herself faltered nii•41.1 IS' . A mouth.paseed-by, arid the end of Deem I,Wee eight a profound and heavy slumber, ber .0 upproaciiine W g.. litinter had set I 1010 which toy 111:114 hail fullen, 0,4. 44.4.') IA. ili Willi 11011111061 rieverity, arid the omtli wits ler a abort lune frolll her ever -watt Iskil duty, e,,,,em.4 witi, *,,,,W.As 1 'sae (oeieiee le,e•- awl Abe hall ..tole,, 4.417 into the sittmgruen. • 'curiae tor vet in the suburbs of the twn, 1' p44148.'.) 40 lied:o ver the low wall of a Pr, testunt" biaryine•grourid. %.4' Ili a ...ciiiig 0) hitless euricmity I ' ens reudirig the insert • where 1 814 seated. '(4., hilleiS Were clu.e.1, and the tastefully furnished .apartinent was cheerfully iightiel. She wus liegjectiug to look like the uf termer thtea otkiy mote Imes on the vart.us boadetents, alien au • reserved, toile eLy 4414*4 44,, e gtositlettess &sooty the elups1 hell begun to toll otit its ill haw er vide. l maner. Iler dres, too, turseritieg )Cu!. I eleeed die little gate, and' do.-14isk 1141111104!,,,t 18 1444 a44,"Peel 10 taming through • stuall avenue cf leaftees Ler frado• mei Ler teeterea 800t 440 trees w Iked etraing.i the ghtver. 'Ile 18y4.0,4),1. a realrese. • 'uf the end.. sun giliteled on the showy , Edo.I said, utter • pause, nn, elle sat unkutels, spkiiiklieg lI,.'i 14,114 a gem like • looking thoughtfully roe the „fement lite. • I 114e IMP i•.I ground wits Mtge, want )014 to wisher me a leer- get.lauee.' and densely strewn with its human harreet.- 4,.444y qUelltioili. ceaem, you choose toad,' At Iregth I cad* 1441,•n 14 41414.411.410 grave. she replid, as she nattiest her grateful eyes dug iu a aohtery whoue the earth Iny i..me. grit &rowel, alth the eseeptien of kr ne %Mel; limo 1,,ei.ur father been dead ?' 1 Ikkdoek. 1 bk, ikons • SliDduIty C:.•• 411 .u„„1. • • e *OW, eVetr the seem LELA lay there seem; to have lest it+ w be 4.1, and (utile )lever +Six morths, Hugh,' she replied. Lad d,;ft,d essay, 1(41 11,4 4115111, verde:elves Gad these terrilde touti•ina evemore' putelles. you previewto that evesii' 1 ti.otn,tw.l. Tile 6•SPel `rad 116 I 101102. iti164d f Yshe replied. Before we left Ett larelnr; f ,!her &sliest d of his pursuit; eummens as 1 reached- die. gikviernel Muke. luta its 'Jarrow' shers. Art ittsislilvedeeire to -see the confined feral lowenr1 ite•Sliel restiog 1•111410, 1001( I 4*61,8i1/11 11( 44,44. Why, I woielered, Mel that secluded- spot been choette arrels even from the companionship if derish 7 Mita 11114 lialnan Wet.", WIWI...thy to pined& betel? *litre other 11.111,11t 11tweric A theuserel questi ming thrieghts *tole nto my bruin ellen I eas ahruptil starerd hem 111)11 000l4e by the 5ile4:18* 44, 4,12 of 4114. e4er4y• mats wor.itiox the liareral.eervite. 1,0014ieg round. my eye" fed en • plairi 1)1,1 ta: ong the wiraline entil,Arry lead rigfruni the Lid. the (1.48444 ge nrieetel clad, was the 0.1444. 4.44..) thz ineurner. At a slw, manned pate. the little more esisn reuefred the grave. arid the retie, bird, corntral shell eas tolvorral into 11444 thialt. As I etiteho d ite stead, slender frm, quiverieg Wider 1114 ertIALliir seie of arreukti. it recurred to 1847 reinethat 71,14f was faMiliar to me. At length 4)7. 0,,, tr ty errs over,, arid Clef :„nian 114,1, ed frmthette.e, • Itatt Dig the stet. hood in. eriatretif I star.dii.g hy the _ear... Alter a eutise kieltdeent and then the 1,0101 that load posttillly cool- er:tied her fkee Idi hack. As I (migh1 a gime .0 41( 114. earl coal se. nit „fed vet!, a few .4,111 tf,....r.‘ 1 Do g aditid ilea it en1 14, 14,0,. ot oar. el.: for ehom I heti In en so aux ionsit Won that 111.! rnl.tor, 11111:Ad. kir %brill itot! 1111.11:111.1111 in tier ei• en fru that tdol. nght, hit1 Who MOS luyeeold mid ,het narrow gap of cull; lf so, how meelt liad t lit reference 10 the abut.. 11 t.tiv Muted that 11,0. I.D11.1.1/ net lohlred ber of that tide OLD STORY ' ef geld anseer tor ! That litCe rim na_lit,1 Irate spured the wuthere lite to the •I. ly orphan, or ut lewd have shed a • O. rno lid wIll 1.1..1.10 in . sl :iI•vioiloin rire ,1 w&in etferefit hPtrwenl , looillio ne404, i.eiliele10/1. tleretie1peatnedteir Ifettled hums. ;lo the.frentlx *04 entDn.e1,,wl.. have ber 24 . With eilltiebty I corquerrel the iny else to ivem exerichat 111i,, ew. 10 bo• *bop.a I ,,I( -444'),.4).J.41 lief itieh 110.tie a Iiispered word 01 lo,pra Still le Weill Ili. r011tilltlellee. solace, lout ler 1.') 1414 seemed so sacred e ' n Cederich. Aortal I.4041,,, wan should profane it. •When her prayer NUS ‚1V7., STOR V.. ' pare, that 1 dared net intrude upon detest I rioted ehe con; 1,44,1then as site cast *1 DAVIS or • 0e14.00 son, I de• not know the 1111101 atnount, Red after a slant tesidence in Paris he broug:It ea to VadAieldsolea. Ile bevaine an habitual ftunaenter of Wu gaming leirtst•e, andretureed borne tine itglit penniless. Frani that time our commit eel. • Day by day -we atItI4- lower and' lower•ions the abyssof inverty ; datte-der,.noble. Leo 4t.1 Jane -pg 4411'0 all her eirle 4444,1 tritil: to 01.481li a reW pUpili for instruct', er music, 11481 (4444 fat!,ei • evil reputation 144 14 guniti!er '4,4111 nuIStAl abroad. and [01,1 would drill iy her, She then 4*41?') eudirok ery rieediewuk,ehal hut. tor her exertions we must have starved. it rimy be wrng, for child lo sumer *pewit:bratty ors father, hut that sletestahls v,,o hadticenue a me 40f Iris very amerce and evell corn that ceulde he wrung tiom my 'Aisnes haid eerie ieze van -s talgri to gretiry it. You lie ver knevi ityf4ter, Ceti itt?' irirmired, eumeutat- I ubrptiy. • Nv:.stes -r, Iliiiirlc Ii';1,1. AII' I can releiniber 1,4444 strr•ng, edm-t as ei tithful loeking ast you are hew, And,' ehe added, bilteily. 1 -tan t..tnetater I.itb • degraded, abjett *reek ; mink, .1 lent, hit name a. by word, and his pretence etiplefet.t. 011, Hygn,' she cited; 'neer, neva* let- tlt1. teed sire sully your soul. 11 4. ceyered•with a motel Navel a /rich frothing ran 11..anse.' lie dent rpctitant, I he•e,• 1 said, iti 441)12101411.44. 404.4), She too! prtssed her Lauds con. 'vuIsively. noel her chek, as if to sbat trout her view kerne repelling Spet • Ile died hy hie min Imre). Hugh I" The' wools 0154440 411 a low ',lenitive strain , , puemkg Is sd. the took - min, .1 cukkont kk:fkk• yuu the ft. 68 'ikt 1011' of my 11,444; that .us , J4144011 yeat* ago 10 dime ; but if tam 11411 1110Cep1 the peacelel whieh keno can trever change, it is stand 11014 It r etiff. She lifted her eyes from the grouted, and g brew their featless, loviug light straight tote mne a, she rove nie tier 04.4.1 ('14,111)1 hand. A few inmate longe, laugh, for the bruiees to heel,' ietid Edo, 'urd theti-' You ill he unue /' 1 all, 141deg m. the tteliohling Pater,. Wholly yours,' she II;Irred• 'I earl have flown uway muce then ; but oar wedded terrorless has II.Ver 11 • atlillbe 11114111 laces uf merry elkilkhen mote ueeleuded Aogiuter ouc home at The rose. To these dear children the story ut the eleepinx °medicaid and the eteleri Coin have 0f1e41 nt.eiterese.,ted, to teach Motu to slum the Lennie1 stet 01gioublin4 The Prealdent'a Speech. ' TI:efullowleg extract from the President's Speech is that Which reIntes teirecially to the didieulties 41188 I:ogler:rt. • ' • Our doineetic contest, how lia pliy ended, lam lett seine ,ut.es ill ullelleill ben: *411. 0)144.441 of itio,gnat Mainline Poems. The Cornell aecortbooce of liellige. relit rieliti to the insurgent SiMtus wise mire. 14 kleikpkl, end him not been jiollifitd by the ts.ue. Put • in the systems 01 I1e40ailii7 pur• sued by tIke Pows re 141,1414 made that 1:inlet s. sl,,,,, there ,tit* a marked ditterse.eS The motel Leis et war tor the iusurgent :imp wer,t• hold:Arid, hi a great isiereeure,. iron th 1404 1481110)0 el' Great th ita.ri; met 1;61611,th' is.. Mirrored by Ihitisli s4414ee1s,18101 preemed Ilu,y, rectivitig 11,41,4.11 urnintente, 8/41114.41 front 110, Irl s ordir.eat Pertain tu muke aiir di '44044 can commerce under the shelter' 01 a coat. Miteion trola the itoillfgAtlit Slide"- 'Dale ships hat Mg tnice elealtal (row Itiitish ports, et er aternuiilienlefed theta itl every pelt ui the amid. to refit, Will go to renew their deredattons. ' 'The ceeseetrence of this con duei were most .1hitst1o41e tu the States tlitit ht rebellion, Men:toeing their it, iodation 11044 m:sery by the,prhngattiet of our cavil min. l, -t. 11 trul, iseeeter, the erect, to or great estent, tu drste the American g44*. (Ma the irea, siol to wonder twa:4! 07 our shipping arid / OUr et nrueree to the rely poser ohmic male ied* bud created she trei.eeity fer `euel. it change, , These events took place befooe 1 • eusteal'fil to. 11.• ielleillilllUtiell l; llie (ee err:nand.. The siocere 4184114 lo rettee by which I are istowited led Me 1.1 i)tpruse tbe poolsos,r1 itlyeatly 4e01.1.1, 10 eulomit the floes tions which limo! (4,0*' ariedi „,between the coukatik s 40 arldtrutikkik.' These rmesticeis ere et sleds itterstent that they must 18444 (4114 nerieltal the ethrition uf- the great posr., cord are PO iliterebleti With the reef. Wit! 114(11115W el eVell Ofle Of 110206 to hate eti e ineol an impost tad detioit.n. 1 legiet to iikfkkrre you thot ........11 1lritaio detlito .4,41.' al bilritnit, 141t1, ,,ti the ether Imiel, invited ilea to the formate'1 0( 44 joint commiesiiin, to. . mule OlUtlial'eltiMs bely.et li Ile twti eta% tri, 4, from ehieli 11. ose for the depredation belore matt:holed P3onlit1 be Mk:turfed, The proposition, it. Iltit very uneatisfactory Linn, ill'i' lie".1"d"rn'tevlil"S"tites did riot present them ject us en MI eachment of the good faith it power which was prefeeeing the Minn Irlelitl ly deltettliona. hut al iiieelVilig quettioins of ptiliIie 114, i,r which the 6e441e1.4e4.1 is rinlell hal tu the peace of nations; and though ye eutriery repermitettd tloo sr injus tit eilizeu W011111 lotle folliflvol ii CidelitaDy cii is tleci S ion against Great ilittain, such cempertea tiou wale hot their primary object. They had a higher mon. 1, reel it SUS in Ile il.tetesn. of ;vete 80.1 jtilliee tIt cIt!.litill important principles et international low. lhe correre pondence will La 711:101:11 hoolure you. The ground on which the Irti.h Iliiiister teats his •justilleation is, euhstaistially, that, the munieipat low of a tiaCen, tied the domestic interpet:di 01.1 uf that law, 1110 klie memoirs's of it• duty as a ne1I...i13 11,41 I feel becitel' to declare my re inion, le fore 7'.? and before. the work]. that Ohl juetification cromot do oust:deed before the tributtel fin 181144144.-- .14 the satire time I do 1101 11014.1531 11 any pre Sent alit 1114 ht retires!! by 4404 of 112„,•isliillOil. l'or ilarcleiute, 4, 1(1171814). between the tui countriett uiest rest oti the haeis of mutwil l• of bitterest anguish. arrun to her, and drew her sobbing Mee to my bosom, trying tu .1 Ireaer sin dear Jane smile after,' .110 r,..111,41 het. hope, all leer bravery of rierit (404,1 suddenly out from ber. , fill r/ i eild, farewell .kook 30:0 the grave., L a 10-, G. N.A.? IMO eet1 Rub brrike (font lief 11,.0, „Did iihn ever 0)1181, Etla 7, 7 in . thrilled through the wirdry „air. sloe!, ;4to.,.1. 4 1,...itre w i I ton 441,4 recto. dretant hem the opeti grrive. Again ne,.(nr.or: u:o) t;hat. COAL OIL'‘ bet gcing.11',11•I!I11 8I4.1,1 ri,fer• aer rtfielowerg evecy seeek 'id brightness., ; the mei le d Ince eat .1-11i41d ',Mar& Wneluer 1ie.08g.11.! 11w 411.4. 1.1' tintsolg the o I.• :". '• • • • ' ' • '' • t heaven. Dal ile Ft IMO grates; titettetaitain; 44414, 4(4 74470, II,r &,..tr. • and she 0044.11 tru lutiger iit at her dtud,:iner t... ; thee ve felt want iu its nuot s;•thestle holm. • LIDe tileek night in Neermber (144 1,1181 been without feed, %taunt fire, fur mealy tee clop. My teiom tlier.atelJelicii.W,e,ifte " • ‘ fall 400 t Slunile,• und then stole fuildi into the 1 1 / A 11'.It ‘11 DEALER th )1111111 1'7:11(• 1 <, rv ' . 0 I S!el' t lone*, 1.r.r0(1,i•111.09411 (.00*rc0••1 .,01'S' Ile* ren T444 1.4.4 4 4 si01... I,..fl %1' TIIE S1'11S1'1111:1.; i : , , i I ; ; ,:, '. ,.."4 \.. ari....1 • te li1 , ' *4 ' a„4oe,, '"' the ,fifialiils 11....1 1 he C., II , • 4 1 1 1 , r ,11. . • 1. t it, Nheket ?'.pro, w tad !trowel net lire. .4 ,4! Mihtutat torsos, 44444 4,. en thee) i4,,,,.14 r of b IA SUPERIORFANNING MILLS & PUMPS. • earre... „ ,..., Ilwelch! wartime/ . .. . ,21 thecdeawr 444044 ailione sod t8 eLed opnceieeivu Ma..a•le Will wsfrui 1 '• . . . • . . joyto lretn.,Ahoodrubbed poverty of ite Onto, ,.b' -41l.'. rhes, 5e. t.e. 1 • .VItr▪ elIXir,D„il,.a,E. .two, *11t!\ gv.m. a 148148044444 sl• tlr of and Wrnted. ,- rtion 10 Iie eltMint (dole of wr nt 7 At 1.ots 2. 3 anse ( kh she r e neain tool with a loksey. ie. 1 11 rill ink American Inaarntice d'o , d 4'., I:oth (hn.., 170 a,..rel ea,., drsorsreee A..c.„,4 „ ,,„,t,,..,,,, ser„,,•„„,1 sof OilwA, le Rood . ' airslep, J. Mad 4Witf. 1 V its abui.t to 1 ......... Collo )4er *Men some itrexplicith c• T')W NA1111. OF i'llEY• , 0.20 in let Cn. 100 mere*, sn•psent rim V A rf 444. sotten too sever.. y,.; ; Marine Department. Alyo, Ment rir the owle oti M.irgen'• pseninini . tinpeile Die to I ik 010:0 more et* the epee !,,, et, (0 b0, brats :leant) 3.1in e e,,e„, 1 nn art,. 0:101. (.,,1,,l 10 dile :0•110,11r,1114111elioli to iiiThiers who . .,:r. 14 . 0i1 ' se•I,,, i:de iti'derd,..71.reitoriuniflgo ri .),1.4., ' 1 ieivirepted, ' I saw you On that . 111;1 / Ildi F. 111.:7114.‘ LI.. Leta 3 wool 3'I in 41 eon.. 100 ay teatoneh Ltlye asedItteill• ,,,137 • HENRY DODD. ! (Is)erieh. April 25111 Poen down ilit ils Lai,. voice., a eltuddering i 414 441) 440 c.,,,,iimcd. Lots 33 arid 31 in 10 eon.. I 00 acres each. len 26 etrler 1„, 1 t.1-. reud the it s. yeti n 4;1/ the ren.ei ke. i •,zge,„ik.e, 39 ' „„,,„, , Mut del trot rectignke you I eotitinued.• - - 114,11,1•• I,I 11•17nir hats(' hrough my 14 Es 1T lent 32 in 14 eDni., I no ace's, noderict Apr., 21..1, 1.64. 151611. cer tlie. FANCY GOODS ! 1`'`"""u''''") ' I TOWNSHIP OF TCWASE11111( N. E. 11 11 in Ietet., 50 acres. l_a rge Padlock. from under 10e, MIA Surf riding objects grew Tge *earth seemed or a moment to slide A I. t IV; F. 'FOCE ()I' suddenly dark. Cullectios every euergy, 1 gerekly recoveied , minelf, awl hurt) tug ; . rapidly in the ihrectien inken 7 the militay' t-01110151 PATTI:TINS- mourner, 1 soon ceught a g pse of her IN STEEL„IET,D1 LT AND PLATED through the avenne et leufless tr 0. Keep.- Applytn Cleat le Wir/OCR,F,Yq.,(1fiderich, or to the owner, THOMAS GALT, tap., wafts Tomei.) JUST OPENED A Boot 14., J & Shoe Establishment, ON Kingston street, next the 1 elegraph Office. The Proprietor solicits a share ot the public patronage, and he will use hie best endearois 40 149044! eatiefact ion. J. ROS. N. 11.-Order4 promptly "mooed in both Making and repairing. July 11.8114, Iot1. w231m Money to Lend, UPON Mortgagee. Apply to I). Shade Goodin,, Slicitor. Office over IL Booth's store. sa• A few hundred d Wiry to I...loaned on mesons) seeurny. Gederieh. leth Nay, 114115. s7lif NOTICE. A1,1, ince44 ooo oict,.,., W10ECR . . ACE,tor note Or booh iteetell, ‘i ill plc.! CALL AND SETTLE The Meow Without delay, Office on Lighthouse St. ,\,.r1 in Mr And rrrr Doroogh•, For Sale 200 BARRELS SALT! AT $1.25 PER BBRL. A QUANTITY (F IRON! Assorted, 41 $2.0 PLR 100 POUNDS E. GRACE, tioderiehiDeeembei nest, '884, e.14-11 H. GARDINER & Co., Wil.4.1.:01I • AND 11 (1 (11 Hardware Merchants, Market Square, Code: I 11VE now on head 0404 ele wig! ee- toned stock ,t1 Hardware, consoattng in pall of Aden,. Snood Attn., Chopping Av.., A,»'.,'. 11.10.1.es, Non's. Almon 44ux...,1111111/1 tains, 4' Contour. Ilona Fork•,11sy Forth., e des, fa me, Gie., Patt, Germ Tin, Ororelplonelo, 11.01//der. ('n4.. Mingle oh koala. Iron. Stee), Senna Motel, Spoken, and Bent Sitot), Ilar Lead, tonne 141.10144., Looking ILIsament, leettno• Oleo Vide, Gorse Nall., Cul Natl., And fueled (tii.)tengtohne,('ealOol, Machinery • I'snll d f' I void Mil I.smes, Plough Meulds, ehurr,CromeCtit • tiawr, Itantl • " sew.; are, krThe shove win be sekt .4)4444 14740? rath. GILLING and STURGEON TWINE FOR SALE OHEAP,. A.',11, l'or Cut...mere dmoon Amenrance eo., 03 4,, irdee,Eiilsed. 10 September, lift& o-11 J. & J. SEEMILLER, T A -INN INKS DEALERS lel LEATHER- FINDINGS GODERICH, C. W. .07 reamer, 11,11•44 13 1: 13130X LY.S, c., alst Slylcs of Back-Cmbs, 14 4‘111E11, sl FF.1 , Ill 11111.11, 01170)'' .111. r.2•10r9 ing et a guarded .114iiire, I legions on her 1, cheek, with the A01n.4.1, lutetlent t war. •.1 "ft" 41'4 I '`'"' lin° ins primmineed convoke., cut. Sturitaihy dead I I inechankally rept ted It wan some time an nee that preparigioel the wool* Witkeir utter iiisetaibility th . were -made fur our- return to liallurtont. metering. I rietuod' like uhe walking in 1,.,, ifelpe wi inert to my Mother, iriforill• 44C14444' nnd greW 1b4•4",17411)" °f Ihe ' her a my stunCe arid ail the elle- AT BlITLER'S. realitc x of lite.. After trurersurg a network or eareets.' is whith had befallen the family, with the . . I then recounted toa her all that eccuned to me on thet tidal 10,4114,10,4114, end told her how Ike coin 1 had 8) 84,4.44 ted from her Cried had retrieved my fortune and Sewed me bum ruin. My mint'. recovet y was slow ind wan veng. 11.I.pring was Imautifyiog the earth with a law gainuerit before she V.as able to leate her room. At length, however, careful nursierre and the 4!) 14441441,1 'skill prevailed, auk mire and lance the 'ting gient exc tion of their puverty, and 01411 kepi it totl ered by • smell tem, ' clans, mid ascended it island "wrestle, lead- lie ay erceedialg our depaetute frum _ IMPORT'NT NOTICE ,,.„ to the eloper story ot an humble ledging. I • 1101.1612 ; Were she could reach the dour -ley usitad.., -I, ir I celled it ati earlier beer their 4, nd rid Edit imbed tor walking. timid was on her aho alder, and 1.11 I drew the. , . ,li ate come, 110.!11. 1010. rem; IN rossmic EN(' E OI ,tie demi, of M. NI. M hood back from her heart, my glance fell OH ,11,..11k ii, w .40. ,,,, ror you to loli,i you, it,ug W. 1 limiAl,D, tho i01111114,0herettilure canted the pale, awls )et Moll braid olul face el my d...1-ci.n.dii ,,inin,•••• on n,bo th name end style ig cousin Hain you fergotten me ?' I esker!, in Robt. Runciman & Co answer to toy questiotring gate. 'f 1 ' I do not know yn, rut, elm sighed, with. Ir (3 1' N ILI I,: IL 444, a trial lul sIkkehe ef the heart mot be closed on Or 0. -fere the 'Nut kr ow me, Eels?' 1 (rad ; ' not ' 1ST DAY OF APR 11,1865. as Rues and Ler 'fathers -graves ; I gie noble to bate them herifutely 411 ill en iron rallnez, and over Jarielirave yr raised' a 0mM:1y carved minuthein marl. e 'and the little banked up was d by rows of Slimmer flowers. A pinie hear ton. hi thing demote mid the slate 444 dea , indicated M. ul lief lather. eyet wt re 'tiillating with \gret.tful • 111 d 1. on he ehanged ottpett ul the place. Hugh,' she reed, .1 eilleltit conceive nobler act than this. Yoe have indeed a getierous heart. How J-111. would have evr you!' Tie: 40)184 .14.7 we were on ouVway to Hai whn, and before the end et tire Reels. we were all *mord 1/11C14 0011: 111111.0 Uhl dining. room klearorry1 lingers over these height Summer tveniege ; my mother *till some quaint r mend& ry upon her hie, her Sister 01111 a world of meek patience in her gentle face, and Ede, half sit tingeha1- miming by her side. with still • Klittering renneekt of ker nol ketone pleyhilness homing in her nice aed laugh and features. Then itemas :It.* new love began to "ohms, itself in my heart, picturing a elnedleee feture, illumined iy thou twat blessings- -ptage and h11111,1 The Autumn leaves were 'treeing the ger, fee perloveye, Bed the eveuing ennehine wm itintiDA the Bowers, F.da an3 I stole from the house arid bent our footstep* ower& the 1,1,1 teuntstn. The bloom and tre.bnem mnilliocel'n ripened Spring gilt. 4)14 A sudden 'ery esta'llflCDrl'ped her, ned the neet io firm nr., intinitV lief aletoder twin ley, 11414) 914(1 Stunt• by notated thnl •11 ouleonnil hook areountaoter ""'111 my*r'.. dile on the „, How much. how very much the nweet face 1 et day of FIEWY next, ,leiriluaneir..1,:d 1..141,1.4 ;rectum, and bloom 41.4 • mon), whitener.; had j07 1484. gllflI' 844,4 Will hiehn1illed 10 their Solicitor tor eollection The murk 011 hand well be rood She lay several minutes sewers. in my , arms ,• nt length, %hen she recovered, she nestled her gelden Med upon my b1e4*00, elUng to one, on 14 aloe feared I should 'lan:. don or repronch her. 1 elkepered, and I felt my words choking me, abd my rucuili bernucuus mat quivering, '1 know where Jane ie.' In lienvror, Hugh wee her meek re+ eponse. 'Ocatli brut fondly taken her hum illis mieerahle And your met her ?' I ashed, alter a pause. . W ,hm atisiVer ;lig fl17 mpory, elle opened the door, and Mew me niter her. We linseed along a dark, Close va.sage, and emered • lumen, loll -pitched room. Tire few 'Minty *picks of furnitnre had the dejected appeal'. ante of prrverty in its won wretched torn. -' A glimmering Mem of the ivory nun shot through small eneement, anklet mid ise, on a tin, row truckle bed. There ix my mother, Hugh,' elle '.her• ed, wIthe ohs poigted to the white haggard late upon the Vapproacherl tke bed, and bent over the shesnkee Itsnt. anti Sianebright,' said my nem, and "capitally me at the first Oriel`, 'what 81111•01 Mu aided ea berg r LOW 'V( )11, CA -111. • It whims of a terse neeirtment of Inughs, Cain. vinery. II•rroWs. Pirate 141,1(111. THRESHING MACHINES nn.I kettle, waigun and pipe Ooking, Parlor it Box Stoves," A Food toneroodhend evr-m41.3.1•31INCA-XelVirf and • lot Vitehinery tor 1;rist and Fe w•Nlolls. All heroesrepining the aho.. yarteleo *mild do erre. to eine and teepee% the Murk al trace. as they Well am bargains. R. RLINCIAAN. la ?emetic* 40 41,0 ober. Reneiman be tolerated to eitvey on the galettetti of F(/LJNI)1{Y au centred tor the internee of all Irteds et Dle ehutery ea emeeletal WIll emmory 11.TI'llAt. I IPI.EriliTts snn rovwfabi. ratee,enrCAttft Pt short ererill erodwah. Dee 11 et. 4)649 014)4140 • tered 111 lid nweet fac, the hare% lints which the e•il clayLot had indented tleeye had e 'mine d, rolll she now stood forth a graceful type of wettishs 4444411 beauty, • justice. „ e. Canada without !Reciprocity. Wo hare ree.ivell theI01lowi,igkleas from an iiillutartial ;nitrite' man, whose oeinieure shield carry glint weight inthe country: "I entertaitt the opinion quite strongly that if Caericht (I4 1444 44 14 proper policy, ea. will soon he better orr wiiI.,t recipr4,,4ir 'Mut olio is now with it. I believe that the:,' are certaie °ogi which Canada eirodirees which the States must have ; emir( the haler pot em dutits it will simply enitin the cue twiner paying the extra 4)11111). I believe that tu be ate inevitable lew of trade. I belide also that the States must tor years to come be dear and heavily mated ermirtry. 140' true 7010701 tstuatla ts tot 11061.011er country cheap and Its lightly taxed us tmultv. To lereely redeye hfir crietetn. writ; to Ko as far And al lede1y 40 p in She direction of free hrb.; to rein. her revenue by inereene stamp dune, ; ler sorne increase of memse, and by ermine, direct wicatioc, commencing eith • 'knew, tax, or atsmoohitig roma 1y easily collected. Canada fer 15 lokke period must he mainly All lyliClI1erl1.1 r,,uolry ; 111 it gent arime.reillIieiee of cheap lal•o and damn fuel it cannot have iln laaf•Ulae• iliif anythinf bat enormously shbordinate to its agricultural interests. 1l.e true policy ts to develp* the natural itrengtk of the etniii- tiy, arid secure the benefit uf the greatest number. Its that and the rm.( a ill come in time, High preiective dutiee, which mem) the unnetural forcing senors width me •kpivos• le the laws 01 trae, mean Men the benef, t of a few nt the eXpense of the greet mime of the cenimutete• "• Stich I believe to he the truly policy for Mirada riow. It require* bold action 11114 cdmprelrensive etatenromhip. It M time that our pitIitiell Were 1,01:e11 0111 (!he urrely per *mt element. • " 14144481).' that • anion with the Lower colonies. and a means of communication be tween them, would at Onee add greatly to uirr-tfrele. ,Tbey 110 not grow {twit own 1,reeristuffe, hut- import nearly all born Nee York and Iluilton. TI;), eonsame now upwards of 600,000 barrels of Ileur 147880. leindra rimic k• 17 • 1011"7 e‘id..di A", twhorun,ld it; ailfil thmatonfttniimaiCtabielai11.,1;ga.r..01,,,,i1,74. aeon thit:Imy....7wget in Y'Styr ork and B noston.-- 7'enste Bedew. t'euremetclal per Ilikeratwn., lavender' November 21 -Cotten male. of the week food lip :0,000 bales, of which 7,000 helix *1 ''1.0 to speculetore anti 11,1100 bales 144 1* pone a. The market opened dell, ell rtelities.d.Hining eighty ; muharepmntly it pro tly rev ;veil, closing nominal, with e de. chile of d, in the week for Anteriese. The quigntions are na - ()ileum. fair 22.1; ,niddirees, end; Mehilemi1411ng, 194 ; lend., her, '21 ; mddlir,g, 194; Ile ma. Ism 1•1114101 firmer, *Olt an umard tend - erre?, Itervistuffii doe, eith • (helping te.• demi. Provisions dull sad au. toed. • P;"11,rttieie1, l°rd ((Ire ott.up:11;i 11.ieln l. tog 1.144e18 Lost ul deanopocut subset 4.. 81*. the l'huichreau of the 1:oli hon, there one half colorer' specially devoted to the liattleil of defaulters. 'hie company is mote then usually reepertable, 4480444 80 than comk wooly figurer' III die (elite dock. We 1001% 414 array 01 tbirty s Revereade,sis liosteks two Iloikuraldes, two Captatue, (one of this ell) one Iddaentarit, three spisters, bud P.'or R. Corot, le irides a small arint uf plant lirtera. Tine Chilli Inn et es Avidly referee to fellow, the einer.el of lie great Apo. -i1 e et tbe 114ent11,1 ..11. thou 74,4,1 eught egaiest thy offending Mode r steak tut him in le iciry." Ile takes the more unepeatoli. cal ceurref uf publiehing to ile. wold- the ediatitiica of Lie brethren. - But we do not,18 Chrietian forbearaciet tu nun whi114 peculiar professions and practices are SU: posed to he in accordaece with Gospel tearlriugs. 11e cannot wield saying, hew. ever, that the Mtn alio In.* the cornlige tr. expecte the delinquency uf hiacreditore, 1* hi with recoe wexpoue than spiritual armor. Aral, tuoreover, men who can ruthleesly kohl up to the public mum the inclehterlewas of members of this tender Self are (leverd oldie faimest eicark uf that t hirel• roue feeling eltarameriatie uf the Kerights 111 the days ot the Crusaders.- (Citaxeu, -A wettir in the Atlentiq !tenthly proves by statistics thai man* lorreevity 44 10 exact prop, him to his ralucetional attairments, "trot 1141,111,5 le ultli has ikot been lejured neer mental exertion. It seethe thet ine•eas iog intelligence and decieusitig war have pro longed the averegic length of life in Europe from 1 twenteetive years in. the severiteerith eentury,to ilertyfive yenor in the eightenth, and re folly Ste la the nitiete•otib. '141.. be -t alueuted temoutteities are the 'longest lived, d the best eklecated soldier live amazingly lot , than the wore ignorant, and seem to trearo chromed lite, trot te much against bul 4.1 itiM bayonet, ns against:h. lied* of dis- ('ase, prystion, an.) eTen SieVele WOUID1.4„ 011 their earietitutten arid liVeS. ,'14P (4.1111 0 it -$:i11.411. . , GODER1CH. DEC]. 14; 1865. CO1'NT11.1:4 utst I lbs The Ctrited Countiee limit Mt ftr the transaction of -gener business, in the Court Hous, Goderi en l'iteedaC, the 511 inst., at 3 o'clock, p. tn. Robt Gib- bons, E••41., Warden, preeiling. On the roU being called by the Chit, the following gentlemen answered to their names : - Messrs. Dalton, WItitcheid, Spenc, McDougall, Pii•er,- Ford, A. 31elittnalt1, Leckie,.17,. Brown, Smili, Snell, Warwick, Gibson, Perkin*, Whitehead, A. Brown, Johnston, Sweet, Parson, Sproat, Mille, Messer. lishop, Creary, Currie, •Farriuharaon, msden, Baird on place of Cameron, d -mod), Nicholsoti, Brocelbank, Wil- son, eKinnott, Schoales, Akin, Corrigan, Johnston, Mar. tin, Miller, Mcintyre, Sutton, Purvis, Wallace, Kribs and Adair. .After the •ading of tninutes, &e., the Warden addres. -(1 the Council briefly. - Ile stated that anon was still going the uit, but that some- thing definite would ably be presented at the offitt meeting.' te Hawkins mat- ter had been brought. to close, And he apprehended 110 further tro le front that quarter. Ile had agoin to II anent:Mt to the state of the gaol. It. seemed thift the Government Inspector, whenl, t here, had condemned the improvements Lich wc49 deemed by itieti;olf and others t be perfectly sotisfiletory, and it would be t duty of the proper Committee to tool: into the matter. Ile WM Sorry to .have tot an- nounce the death of Mr.s..A. Cameron, Inte deputy reeve of Stanley, since tlit•ir last meeting. This was the third case of death amongst the membora tenor he WAY called to proside at the Board, atei it Irra,, a lesson ler ull to, prepare for an event which naightuceur at ary moment. The memorials hail been tient away at the pr - i' time, and he was happy to gay that • smell Government grant liad,,been made to Bruce. Ile would congratulate the Board upon the late excellent harvest, and tlie went prices following it, which *err re ver inure urgently required. -.1p. 147'esetit)ion ••f Thos. Swat tad &tien, was referr. to the Schoid Cemmittee. , Preis fitment uf Urakel Jury at last Quarter Seesions was read and tyleil., 14.4441414 01' John Stephenson complaining of being charged digcount on silver paid for his foll-gtte, was read tied referred to Finance Committee. • Petition of James Towly ia regord to b telt mxes MI lot 39, oon. 10, Waw.mosit, was referred as nbove. Two reports of Rev 'tV Freed', 1.. S., were referred, as'also resignation of Rev Mr. Young, L. S. Cyminunication from the clerk of ;York and rsal, .,'ling the Corporation of ron and Bruce to co-oporate with regard to petitioning the Legislature for a renew of the reciprocity treaty, was read add referred to a special Committee. Moved by Mr Schooly, seconded by )1rOilli00, That Mr Sills be retrested to addreas din Council at half past 7, this evening on the Subject of Reciprocity.-. e. (Loud laughter and ap Moved by Mr Gibson, seconkl•el by Mr Iliehop, That Mr Baird be imprinted te fill the Conntitittert of which the demin4d Mr Cameron 441844 44 tnembet -Corned. damages fur breaking, 151111100-referretl as above 14 -Law to vest a eertain rd sllowaste• 111 the lowerehip of Tuckersmitb, to Con- s :Mee t4010,11.1 was read, and the clerk hist ruett d to draft 11101441041i1441447 117. 1.1114 we. A nuntbcr„ofaccounta wero referred to Fillallee l'ounnittee. The CouneilvtElviCfNursadujAonyrned. The Council net 31410. The. nin- ova 0f7(144144114y being read aud approv- a1,, The Clerk read tho Ily- Law emearditig the road allowance iu Tuelerswilb, which was eongrtned. Petitiou front inhabitants of Stephen complaining that the Crecliton lload had not ken finished according to contract, and asking that:the sum of $20 per day be iinpoded. The sum of 875 thus held back to be aeplied to the rano- pletion of the road. 'Letter from David Bradford of Cui- rass iteking!tir remuneration for the lois of Ids horse through an iusuthceut bridge -retie red. Memorial from inhabitants of Amn stating reasons why a sum should be granted to in:pove the Owen Sound road Wati li i,I overlill next meeting. Mr J presented a comun:. cation from the Village of Clinton, aalitig for the establishment 0( 44 Grammar School at Clinton, and offering to furnish $20t) of' the necessary funds -- referred to Schwl Committee. 'Fite clerk was instructed to apply to the lloard of Grammar School Truateea fko a, statement Of , attendance, firierisda condition, &c., of thc Grammar Schou/ a Goderieli. Report of Messrs, flibbone, and l'iper watt reference to the Port .1.1ber4 Besot with aceranpany ing accouut, Wan referred to the finance coin. .31oed by Mr. Lumsden, seconded 11 714. Nicholson, That Dr: .Francis of tle Township of Arran be appointed L. S. of Sheel, for diet Township in place of Dr. Ilairksworth, deceased, lleferred to School cnt. On motion or Mr. Sills, scooneted hy Mr. Whitehead, the Clerk U13 instruct, to thank the corporation of Hastings for the 414410 1007 sent 10 44,4* board. Moved by Mr. llogg„ seoontled by Mr. Wilson, That whereas a sum of moor y wee granted at the sessions of IStik-Z., to laid out on the Elora Itoad, Carric!., said sum not having heel] all expeded, he it'llierefore resolved by this Council the reeveof Carrick be authorized to ex pent' the balance of saitl sum on the usai road from Danbar's Corners to 1Valkt t'lI.7ninitetuf: Ciiication from II. 1), Cameron President Ruron Teacliera' Astsosiatine with acsouipany ing petitiou was referred W the School eon). Tho object of the l'etitien la to secure the appoiutweat of one Supethitendant of Schools for the County instead of a number as at preterit. The sug•gestion Was Well feetAVe.1 anti tho documents referred to the School coat. Letter from Mr. Fleming, simy of the Grand ()range Lodge of British America, thanking the Council for tho WM of Ilio Court House, Rah read and fyleed. 4,8 accounts were referred to the Fin. an 1' witimMi of Peter Long and a number of othe of Winghani village Was' and gran Moved Mr. Messier. seconded 1 7Ir. 11. Bro That a by-law be pa .1 by this Counci o establi.th fairs fo the sale of stock, tie., rt the Village of •ing 144188, 4.44,1 fairs to held on the sommil Tuesdy's of Fehr ry, Oat° r, and December in each y . 11' erred to tin:31nlicieved°"bLy 71r. Millar, nded by Mr. "leittyre, That w a certain sUM of $100 wss granted to kineartline township at the January eeting, 11G, a part of which is tun titled, be it r. ',Jived Unit this Cuttne do empower tho Itseve of Kincardine ownship te expend the balance of said aiiNt oiu2oorupe, r 1 Ileferred to the ance ems. The council en adjourned. Titunsin.ttf. 'I Ic Cou 11 met at 9 o'clock, a. na, the %Verde in the chair. The minatws of y4I.lr y Were read and approved. Repo of Rev. Jno. Stewart, L. IL Beret el to 14,41.01 cum. • Account from :thole' McDonald Ter amount expended by him in pmviding comnaniation for the °mitts or hoP*so, previous to the erection of the Court lionise, amounting with interest to $54fi. wax referred to Seance wain. 1.Ater Crom the Treuurer astin4 egal advice with regard i•Sib. made a ellretkee nendeeident OM, its Rreew, fa or a acpar ition of the Counis, ell reed roe above. Several ae-Armlet wore referred. Moved by ItIr. Gibemi, seconded II fr. Ilis,hop. That the engineer be aav& d to prepare A17 publierition re5041e0e hewing the amounts for wItieh ifse talk. ete44 weretet, kn.-Carried. Moved 143 Mr. J. Vflsitehe 14. sea -ended by Mr. Sproat, 11 at the eestercr be Letter from Mr Ritchie, offering to sell 1 Ate for a new Registry Office, MO re. ferred to Finance Committee. I Letter from Janus Madill, claiming •