HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-11-30, Page 2m t ,. ftesetheY are The comtiiu. Improcressfactilia, in offiederich. a. —fv H Tx # *H- a and after lose 2-ifind, gig saft. cut and cover, rough of tumble rect-ousk of i-1 year,' he "all I was IS30,000" Mrsklega Ir '4' y Tile roornin; officers for the pasuirli loratit way else. figin year . , after 111014 tile Ist Doe., it if 1041411felvIl for furrow of days goo an b.1 includiod ... that there Was a C,owguivol.ble Crisilli'Mill AMOI'Fs seem 'a b it I it') witi, it, & reut deal ; It isolpleassing to note the fact that our OrnRe by: all Iti ere appa-inted same but 1ho fact is thus. the less 0.1 which the Council adjourn, it. persons to take or to have in their postage otrivilu, to get at the right system, wor,r*"Ytup"' fur It" 1-4 slid licuigration The oxecOvi of (iolonerall orlegI, Wimus in yul"pe aw tenalleralose poll Iowa begins to inalgrovo isith tile dawn of esoeci4lloir young, &lid ploughing hich a lar4o quaki ity al and other .,Mcom, in cc juice" -y vote very fell, better times. For a few yearn past lani:4. THE slam white fish. ' The 11%hery, Sapicin- above all tisings -should be eacaurAged 141 ti to, Ili, th-titel liket., ake lvlar ,:I-nnd dec"I'l Of Oct. 3rd, is coniff,inge.j. It GODERICH. NOV. 30, 180, ll ver Ili. Last Ills with Mail. and Y,,u will li,i'lily C(.htetl.i ing has been altakaost at a ethni-btill, 14 tile Given. in tile Victoria flail last night terdent is deteratined strictly to gonforgio, Ithe hospitalit velal,d tLat (Ifooknol Ron,, and Tr, "'.4 they at,-- a of r. Johnston Wait locally J2011,000 in shot I'a't Y' Ac, l'Alva have (ordered all It's Frr,-rh THV. N —eiviliserst it Ili like law, slid parties intert Still would act praiseworthy ; thisjudge anA nianallf0rill- I- m far, thersol,,ro, am lilt- purrhase d a I Austrian prl-oloe held by the agonse of cle lit.t I remains that likoplo flifoluired all (ThursJ3y 23) Ili aid of the Iunds of wisely to goycro themselvs accordin­ly. (it' tile uffdr partook of a moist substmitil tha alfamonoty ($200.00u) into tile rostatilition. in to be rh,,y I,.,* kilo I Ithunioneythey eatild coal loan I to loctitt Knox's Church, was, intheasobtinspor- os"J"i"'I'vil oltreut it 4%karsf.. JIT There is hirlih.in 5 conibigival ion t f1cir. Ieilley inner, avid the pluu, thuicki were servoii tri-.lstoy l,f the sunst is Concerned, file sale 6,10tral Fisluero ol; I business dilecat. We have tHett ever tile tant fiartioular, a complete succepa—wo I with retref,buients J.iring tile IfLAY fsnl toit oil v 'low relavolim for the 0444-41 false. A eis do. Cutloviallevsk, ilto-tuitooks, it ve, few it,, 0 ill. I. Mack, lilt, .oil % vvn mt Sit at eit, I lgvl; ; Io.uJlw the) Is my .1, ink Iitteihow,ver, rtuarkAbly well ,,,civil of courpsiI, with regird ill tile. I) observe 'their other an evatuph-tely that n"t a Iil:,Ilv lk its" ford o4lwo a day or two) a,fo by r. Jinner when the work was Julio, to which notitpultiolls claims ill t the 44"' 1-111 bad, Iwill.,to.1 %I J iti,me I,, tin 'mcrchint.,R 'lots, tile towil.hips Witt] I lie time OP, 4111 gave local cut it ir lit poclik it tot. woney Those Hall qf1hij to.", who point@., without Ilwy did aniple justilc. 4, of cinfort i- III by thogic in- 161, ill,- (or instnce, call dr, him but oil a , , ulkon, me hopos lhor in% are begioning to titelood themiceivre a evismsely evowdeJ, rise eatiis were as IAlows :— Y in I ..... e killch, 411d it(nat and lecer". bad t4iag w Iyou kre there It at le 'at 500 tictiWe. but lite Pascal, who how a nalturst gift ahl. to, do,, And which, fleng wicil ( III. (imorail som, I he same. X ight, in Uiubt Ishe result is that a boor of ronas prookent. avid lite nimsettibly wee a far saw what wait till at one*, avid, Mex.-Jeho Holes, Iron ... John firm befor of the andle they boom erected, sit+ w,*,' lot er all. .ank rectil"Viv a Surorrior ties too .&III 11q4 "nil, new J)" like &Iriww of a "bash" litigation, c3so,ok, be sowl it it an t litall. arotinill thuto, f Jim. itchell .wal T%quipsoill ouprovenwtits th,v have tuade, there is ,rcry Iwo' Vera will, Firuch tr4 ports, d"li'l ItIoleh It ofto,St dUAl ho'buil.lill;gS are in crectioull, least re"ficetablo line. Tile licriboulauce Mo& for tile groodid like a lie will be It. . I's 1.4ft of I.il 't to I lit4l'A too Tow I ieill IC *(told be $Vol lishid Ilireille III witur: 0,74 Iwhi,chloulacta cosaitt Pill act tile vilutiviansc, slid aingeirs of dol )Veil. itabbo-d saine or these fillefdays, vie doubt. John Ilunglan D. Nie'r3vish: to Mutsmim,;Ga. t.r ('11 tile lovt ol ulk-j- ill" ' Wit — Thus. Itoles ...John Oray. We 6 lhk Guloject nw, in C0111 of that Flench Squalling, lit tile ounolk "fill opirifol fire lovi 1, ok nut -tot Nor "*tv I. '!I , a Some of the lose ason juslice to Itook Ir. It I., list its Wert a were ornangents to fho town. Ou tit 1411 I lie lite 0 rafid is reported. soI I.C.4ler John itcholl Is in Simpson. Whioul, as nieutiontol ill tile liougge by title t (If Ike 70 goviTS, mfor lkri .ht opi,it- in shut to . (4heri p. I.'IT cold 0,11ourne street and the tuar,,)l r. W.A. ;oing: off lasso eno,igh; we are gantry ill Say. I Stiv- %Vs are sorry to learn that a ortifill by lite Tie-ect them. We ..I. black bit%, is nody clinksging fill we to 4ol. & ,, lies cled up at, utifly gap will% a I This, on it bt, w a a i .9 inor to tile Seri itup,400 (it Ciown Load&, the prottinct, cooras that the Ilum)a Invited he I1-1 Iv I., , A,job. Ike Jtscel dat, oil a w It Will Reid, Iron ... Wast dinspeoug, is inclo-raltril fur tit-& large &lid inaporthat &Air. On of" bi111, -f tile "ill this arv,lt f,e",'vve are iwt that 1 11 T wheat lit the lower prt.of this County, sasn't L-iin i bad their Lou. ovilleudid throwstIlry brick buil,ling. It is character oftlw advetio-tis mado than it) Woof Situpki,mr uq" We believe lie is [he Duty one lialooll't 1-Im 4ed 14) Nalknown t`%e Ogoditor of ill,, New Y,,tk Y, IIll.- dokkra l II4 in set, I ant I that tile fi,.IJA ilk this vioinily arls sit. erwhoo, Vu Ili, or ']old fur A fiFvit-C13-6 store, mail pitcon. Ativ real in'theittley on the part of the I;(". Mitchell, Waud. tit) lit Call, killon Such trutIJ4 limit %,t liliftif-d ollk@ should it'llolill I.i. r, ad.rkk, C4 lie d's and I r aflocring from the same cause. This is Thus be as 1. %hit by Ili*' indivillica f-98 Peru l;*dx to the betiluf that ilI'll 11.0%, were .1 i -co to, loo.on of the betst buildings in p, it 6 that. rrVous the rt,av ory I " met ived in tooli the came of. -ov*7 . . -w in the wholat growing ell. Alolx Donnas, 11 , :b, st. d' c"fd "em's of sucreas coo Mexico is not l:,r4t -111111 Ithing no I&,;,- Oulu It' r.10 , o tie failure till the resolution. I Fr -It They Were our town. 'file tit*! is a capitl one for bus i's " g for the private p-tolor will, $('Oke Joint Anderson, Iron, John Uray. h,liefits we sh 0.000, to) sky nothin by some priveseF. rot. ver.ik N,itlly qk,,t firth a in I Ike to .11"I frttlu,nily 1*4 dead in a crowded hail. locrienteof'oir fte'niers, &not we trust *auto all real) "after from if,,- huge arrived sear Lima. I boctin,i'l.il , "Ca. If T,,u 1 ate ally doubt I'l -rson will examine into tile Thesuce,,satul cougloctitors were :-* -W,,luent a( such an axweisive it -act it, it liad out to Ilslope. and we it lye no doubt the inv slmomt the onroe doctrine ittia u"vitt "IS , i I intdigent 1, j -en I "'it at lh,T 441 etuffilk will prove We hope to itig, 31i m p,ribrulan- upon the ItICA1111'. Where of 11111 Oth0p for the prrmwllell I IN BUthill,il from 4, 4utial America. r -a first;John Match. xtret,jth sold pruspiCiity of the country, it without .4117 appeal to this I vook is or the! of the, It -tilif ft .,roiep. just lo-ok got tile ro 1 lure and it ibits of the twat. ilerb ps 11, woroind ; Them. Solving third i John th, titac-soll that to Core lung,r-when Piano fOrte proved her to be a brilliant blood %Ili. prIll'UPPIRIC11.211 i'luplivit I tura-0 of ill-- 6acise v,,u will hood the remarkably flio, weather this fill has " *PtIlo-moni, ii most retluutd." The Velessagren ifor The confit'i'low its 1,131111', t Litsilln - Ill I Ill -It ort it,, f,corkill toftme, %IT. the grounvi lodwoun this building and -d ACINAII pl ,fied t';, ­1tant. Indeed, her sonylething to it') in hatching the li Bodies, fourth. lotatailust.. Ir %beie orth street it -ill be coorcred by a row of (If K'al of the "'t're diffickill scale Boy&._ fuhn nkicrookor, first i Win. Thegronedla Gazette gor Salutd&y reasoning of the it, uni(I'le. it Wilt, tK­ that Should have lAill d-winant ,)lit It -id, megkoud'; Them. MeClyincout, third Crop Prospregs. a ifillo. senermi call isotopes in a siukilar stdo rchitecture, fiveratic picets has been -.1nallo,ol , MI 4 11-t -ociene does licit, asitl in fict c thr,.u,-h lo,l,it pring ; if so, a g,),),l hard frost will eil fourth. volut.trer c to.. trothfully,1 I II()It the corn Miss Watson also played An satooded tour thro,ilh Cankida Governor =101 peri,,d Is I it v -U It crer flawillons str-et. and lilt. in 0041crich ONS S~rt Maivilmilian vvillo is 'hsttle', e'a Square, It. & G. F. tewart and lood fang C!lAruiiII91Y, and limots 1011111) poo"Iy exercise a baneful iufiut!uoe Upon The judges Were J,-hn Johnston, we., tin orces"AT follow' John watu" and Getmot enalesthe Wolter I,) reliat most satisfucluni- is to taken from out of the fail Ill hit, defeirtkille-I itcrulu,r lie dedgelingfo. J. C. McIntosh are enclint., a br:ek block applauded, "jocially in " the nairch of t GH0. LAM, Sea'). "pon iof lho licalovin - , 'op Q'I'latc, Montreal, Ottawa, Muffint, An 11-ditor liall,inels. I oW heaL' InquirossAll thZI varipust til ctiona If U7, F0 Par& flope, L.nd,in, H.adt. armed olptio, ititno ; but it blula that his 'lie coulitly occult in tht. co"%Iclion 16AL very less and Thil pay of the offirgy, --\FIN re ill porrei-e- a failogre, and why two ptori,s in lavi-jit. whilth . will . be . ad. ll%fell," Nivasars. D. Watson 'riot I this purposes In lie* it mold It, id give II'm distort, gcro-ral!y Plottaltiog, enjoy a lovill'414Y 'adapt"ll tl ;a glad much store than the usual quantity tot winter y as fllow a ;-"'cut- COIL &I wilil, roomtit* rola,rt If the City Couticil Will( XZTZR, NOT '20th, 11trill. -hP:tt 1I brogoli sold, to .N. -twit Itstsodin X tile 8.1 !so ; paymaster&. Sit U n Wallis money, j vyclfl mold like I Tery diver,ifivil experience. q uvral store and ltnely since my mother diol," &c., very of Monday nig;hl: thit David IIILI P2 Oyve it iy. iiiniely a 1, gu fofeet that gyo ,v large grain books, k --ping up on artrgy . These 1 op-oking their tairols fredy, shop, ritsileti'vidy. *This v ill fill another (ore than of;lunw F I , o,ffo.ctivtlX and were ill sq., Ma . r,,r,Df 1adom,hask getterously INQUEST.- A Coroner's lo -mill notice 6r,ti,lbmut the Salomon, farvaroo IIThe pay Of %be no. e supplied by F' they 'are treated to the vilcot aft Mwt-k. r., Moral., andthe Graham, have h,eu ilk tit; ;8 -F :- corner If our very nicely, and lie held on the body of I II and pri, tea will be:_ presented the li,spotal Relidir committee inquest was 9 .0 wrigat 4 becauselet tol"Ilroan is unp-p" b I i ul'usuAl TiAlltill, orlaod #,*r the of r4t.-Majors 50c serlIttstaga, s6e; eo t Icked up at,tittlec, toy till o4ken cudgel, sincerely wish the yCIIIII! Itself eag,,,rd in wCouipoic-l- by r. Bull, give- several with tL, whole (of th Police Coun (am re- I lfinuah, on the 9th invot. in this village. skeed. Mi W; believe Toe are not -rr4o,.K .,rls me ; I'tiratels. 21'se. TWO ' Jgi every oStyl,f Sold solar in t a coautry- cause JtMo Aext ill. Y 11171Y Ike f afohA miol failed tile enterprie eve " succes's it& their ;tidcr- I Piec"I 6k th, ir several kaf`1 eviv, I fly hill, :,, Solving Maxettrato lit the t This limit been one of the niout di-,,,r:ic -1'411 the Ines. %lion we It-tv, tha th'. sui-sk '.6W in 7 I ry .1 I"- ill the ,&lions. Tmk peroor ham book I 1, kA% lu,,rc liens in, t-- wheat is l rwrillaints that 25 Crot, per day 13 . contoot. One seek dlt.% tilting. Upon his pniperty frontin., on"nor local ausatieurs pondered valuable aid 4;ourt do, i,,4 the past year. SoCill held in tho, 0,unty of fits r, , i under -,oter the fire than Ili, nui, il mill I In Ili to at ill&, lifte, I tat p-mr. I h- wvtatin-or IvIni it-noonorksti,,ro r,,r the litivr.too. it .L re,-Oive arty number (of 1 re-orits-the next f,00t a-rc,-t, r. Crnbb up ill I At tile clow of the c.-inc,.rt lite wilsicialls gift deserves to be, t up, it is broliived, m4ely top lucrAtive been awl on. plant h,oleveremil out as tbuch at Ill,! 11rilish mold, gQ I a lor"blvill Claims lit. they are with th, vd, oil of rik 47.41,. 'cI vr ()floor- Piro' k Of' an exedlent more promising I itet. at egiot style'a brick builoling intended to, jull 'wid nt.%ny a polor, purposes, still to injure like nit I hall. lit tile 'If she [.We' able raIlat %ill receive makii.kioco and Contralto I attention Iab,.ut it) rise in rr- rThis experience is iihess, a 'b, use I by the highly ropct-Able and repast, prot, ided in an- on' In I ... nt moment. Tile of the ruitlitkok a,e seo.d,ug ,a dAbrulty has which had been I physician by the Coroner and that doctor last ;", ly Xf­ all') trgio ht otherwise coutinue in waut Pool - de a to littlest Wee so Csmals . in till' out' the companies ask bo,lhou Japtin is not uu&i; proper di- llhappen- to hav if him owl, inflnential Mailtarol lealpe of . F,& A. bitter rnofn ,y the liclies Who lul Terb.11 mild a trillion wid. Jenelastrattill ate f [AY. "to th,.t &-.A of Ilum, 4.0cf.14i. ; that tile co-untry Were eiphook. &c., Under file loircutoustioneeii,; mild is not to. " . i. Called tile ,.Pre" littal ill A. as 3 [fall. 'On the Ate orthe 0 fter -supper, Nir, Uuz, in 'tile The Carter a!st, to tints out that Mayor' tsitit,lit requi,ition.itiried by himself. It vs, I'm . uuIv,,r­IiJ I it.$ upon 1" put a large force in the IWK-- Cert "W .33% isk.s lite of the 4 suit IWO to tile rice sovio'. It, 6 buillings burned last wintei ithaolocitl thost: who had iy ii-imewli,t in&rior tot the tall'.yers, fli'd the t.",ly-five Let's$ Per do,un a heavy clonou11I burth n. in 6 ski. 1.1, d to), of its trice: A f4reat pity that the glverninerst sitiould! 1 fi;'@ wh3e whrU wll;eh C4,111,11S, haw hitherto I United States to a I' ing.t.-fly illae.ivityk­ the lot if thi'o C'lf# ofL Woft414 10 debtor' ;tery bay -fly Ikluntko,frgid their Alterthru:mppoi,at auchmen as coroluersnothoone r­he--I,b,,twhAt is lack. -d it, quawityis '11to 'kf,-­r%ltiider" v,j,iu4jlI officers 1' Ill n I Ii Isecauite *-net% a cwtr-o go ill :I!! ow & e in ever dling, fi ons'iViao-k rugodicin, puff sirokof brielt. otritet urvo, every precautiou be. t 'if or To , _i,)n. Tale gr-ind piano forte used I h;W es!verien'le in M,gr.rs tile 1, olocloners more that, 4dio up li the rert.,iOty of a fell In c .. mm"I'll Oftlin' C ofthe touritr to collcl..oi quiet above referred to, who does not osader, . are sent ly uage., We till Sol we ,it" p ,barri,dot Ili thov Irwit, in hold their men in "Adiav to I lip to the Ili, at alu,truse this f, .indocilles of' itig inflect Kim tittle to cuard against I was boirowed from 11. Iltflerwou cah't do bettor than re ,iect dr. an. kggli h lan;, sit 1 is tit nuii &!; invilrolikilt;gs that the ecar 0, March at a wboueat,s notice to prevent post. on the corI say OlLen lielp, IO:itiC.II unit it i4, nforout-4, no icitilvot by fim' We lilt ler,,t Old tha ill, Free or the thAt w)"wark can properly fill the If: lite grain *I I it.. too tile ,,flqcncps dulary orkids. T,I tshec.ht, r .1 if. to II kn'se in titcr of P.irpril'o Ditty- st nutinas ,,13 'ba.s navitif,during' cSnceit will fo)t up it) -it least $110.00 ic..n4,A phv ,c,&II. ll,)wi ortises, Climate his sale Tble'OomisaliAtt,try left that city on Friday. of honor in tile French wind, and Franw c,mue in c,,,ji,ion will, the Ila Will you kilolly allow me, a bat a I is to leave on %*ad t 1 4 ty ,list newt r at it, 4 IThe Part floposs cvm be. tl,o vist years, been very -far "an such c-ironvr quepti;)n a askedicil e . wa,tho,le is never it runter cc na wy of IS good res,lay overing livir u b3or scon. in a very p -int*ul almoner, at othesit in 0 bar flakiness is very lively at our port throt"giii tile I"iting of your paper, tf - i halicit rions t c, iq now comfortably - witil".4 so as to give a jury a corresIt idea f kkinter stheat thou at the presprot so he 8;.qii #1 11i I just now. W.ides (Ike Giolerich ect, a lor"ate the Plili,famelion I felt Illot "vervill" i Mello, c-clut-T may hat then tile ay as if- ,,vourt f,,r thew tile papaithy with it is, ex ' I ca -e, mold al-ew to mum up the i A NO Srcratr.' last msn load the list bayonet." 'lot ZinberorAlucricin h,irc biology in while attend I lie W I a if -The latest Manchammovs men., Brother 10yinond, of a till lar'( rLt" I'll",.:,".,Pflal -d pro"C', .1 1.) get for- tory was raised by a fifty a hop was begging in 'r; I es eyan Incont ev " 'a iu,l,ioods of, Trill funny I 1,!nce and charge a jary twooperly while th aIII 41ge thinks thal a war wi-.h rr.onec ilr rin; the past veek. Till! accumulation I tile i ,the air -N - V. mlater article in hit; line. On Ijainilton street! lit' is ' were ittaile I refor directly to ill,. ti,tilli, under the influctice -it' ardent. spirit,,. We Ward Ter), ragru'dAy their i-n-parkiLioll ttir tile "If "' I") ill the day. jig" would Ike war al,o it if If file I . ....... sat the elevator isv ryr licce t - 1 inci lent rat"ite evienin i am,,, than ilk. vool -he unit a abou boy on hni­l as 'Aomori. i. _ ca e,:ory. w he 11fid the %Vill. Achtsion has buHL-A next and .1o, a -the rettlark-t think it high tingo for tit,, g ,o4 tuen Can Inter. evil IGr the allii.ore that I is mill: is te-iog crinonel with Palt front ; (it' usual extent (of pItPu..i,i­ h..s beei mi'ma, (or his misocklavos 6)ldut-s t-) exitose tile Feoi-ttk hunibutit,in Initslan-ial frame ctructure-, - the Iter. 1, TA%lor tl wor tlii- county to- such I I'llsoved; &,ill it we bal,l,vn it) haoso Ali fol"Ald ill, it, a -.I,r c -..h with acIt is 1101 " 10 5 Out which lie now I &h fr-rii the Wirolq. icre cc t4 -1.1y she bull, lo -de to brfallellilough, to trice 'thatl PSI -stable to thov suddle and and p4tll,Kl ri,,r I i of ily, Thio is tilut the fir,,t or see )ul of the kin early spilli, we sh,ju!J n -t be quy,okof it I llsquall come 0 . to the pormury, "fir up to piloculatt valkill tile nottlo-ria porip. &-ti. The fitoltinu: till$' and riplic descriptions of of w1l.-rcupol lie w number of ptil- it.- en,intr.v and of the &:of mix ,lraan store Slier, to all riftent'wt h, ago Iwilt revkidrnr,fog,,i,jg up this fill an o0 Ca t war. I I 'IeTP101 lins li -,n remrkably succe"ful lif-, his elthauktiv-.,, fund of ance. 63) ver costa treat, r thau lost "al tLe 11 results of ruch a .3oll i,oittol private Tit.. Joan occurred in this -corner shimilk all On b I 11r "'I )"It ro"ld"t toy NIT r .11-lj,-r K;Itian, with a rt beh i'vol over intil this oft, a* a It";** tworril witifew it. IIc bit -11 d-, cortrything to ay..i I it. an tile trado-ris are wakim- c f*r,,iu cover)- pirt .or ill,- O!"I"t.y- - 7, it. Art if:-:' to) rvn,.v,r -tit III)= or 1111110- LES. Pl,mo whIch i,r,.Iu,t has cksh,od, 4. that lie w, Old either retract or conseato.tu criouplyted is not veq large, tout a of If - ' out oftho-Ir tranq3ctiw`ss"Owlrg`1 G( have not ou'l, rot them ir. In, k but higick eoinj my tr4ly r,ft'relibing. There, wag Ifr thi iy 1) II..a cut However tLrlt war roi;:ht end, orvolo' t the I I ad Centro, President Haifiny, thenj an! Ae!l.wI,rtl:y PrO i ent the ri-c in porie-3 and preat ol.-tim n,l fir ,Ikly live stimulated them 44, ;:,r,loer orsetti n, m,,d the A I it fic,13 up " and not Be" "'at it w"gald llt;IF Juanxi 'l 'Ve tit Pringe retired spot, there to Pottle thc thCLe i4 tilt! IICW relli&II00 I fair lo tile !t , ca. I I if I I it I I tit" ck kbt %here. sifit, he h,,4 made J 9. "have a conquered but Anot It is to note that, this toy t1lo unit Ithe 1. O .... -4 . - clove I 'I.-[ 1k. 11tWe efF,rtq to W-cwhe, lymes-3. h- stave him single combat. J not think of; Cull li7on the - corner 4 Fizin and table sloction deels inSiffinnyor-nilt altnoin, ex- it, of, by tho chvirriialn aftlinst the f:llofl- go tsdar. oms room strulhous along paci6ed by vice '$%4 urtisir rernark "South -a o-Outh whiebi Woull be as, it. 2101 I... p oslir4e,trick building,, two hefolw0a %err attracted to thecoak. &not in attirely. Our IVAlvy frien,lq are good love ,use th,v c.)ul I 11 sion as il it. in itiothrn in Ioit, new of ligrom agrivietntily likdy to a,forcign agiray of inva- Prepidget stories nd Jot A th-ist aril-tiover.— S I ft.' " I eh &I I'll It we apirt an 0, `hippinei,4 I Oh, lucky 3 " - I C took,rok, ant, if ,boy con-wue our pro, . C larlions X11shap-A Ian isig flus u 1,11-1 "I ok tell The bun, hotel who Itayllooliclawhat have yot done beyond filli,,Il. and presents; ext,!rnplly a vVy nent: I -it tit of two Coal& hire utteleie-1 looto4let fArs-14h -4 pock by u-4 " F 4l iih Cl ill* -111 it is Oli;y f4if th'it Wit Should IsOm? 13491ted up AioVv. allow France and -.3olixio.0 Ito light it your follotri that s-ich an honIr Should be - mo,l hun,loille will,,. glot l.c Churl, yr ir jrz,r Ii -t- tit tie recloott I ;n,Tof.Aik;. 9-1 4 4 immiedictior;y, and kept film hold. out -Juarez &I- the upp, r,' mod lirzo: their t and lumber. ISod oft, r rur.ning about ill,** bcommoterroc-d poll you ! When 11r. It tvaskond kitchen Lt., pirtlellitais it to lie interuill. ;ca to her belut Iful"lit Itiv. to her c,, ! CIS if.,;V. In 0, tio arrgion atould, at bit if lie sattuld I), glar- he County Council EWA$, on inn i for iyerosi repe theLl $11" lay after . the toy ill., ish oIlk, tof (aidi stlucit It Ike French financiers - as lite nether wali tol-1 in miract Ill - I I ntoy W6;ch a inatone soilrtili-tim'.4 pow --r TIN lot v- licence the c-oncifort atio T IT 11: and yet g,.t kil w tit -it or ...a Ik.c rg Vlo avid torok " t .... " eI at n- fialating. ellsIbe ground to powder. nor fi.-kt lie would be 'publi.-he-I in the 1113floirmI of .1 family. in son fir a m3te- voc" ny itt L ­rd kle,a- hi -i vier sr esseR3 ike-I (In Iw. I the ill, ill" Wei 1ALCI3 on h,,Arkl' vkd im .rib i's rtrini t.p iy re.r,led to F'stommA Pre, it-crol,ingins or t(mie contemporary Ills answer, can o-ritri!Pute ill that 1111re TI;goy\ are beginping, to %tir -:v -N%A-*d -1 at tile in Lentrt fir pro aL to gentlemen !3 While We 2 losire the, I J. 3.1 I that iq, ileto I,) pek a, ,I r ookill Sa'rqtn,ist4attlp srft the f.I,cis of if.., coo.. that lWtst,ru lilt candor int can rnak,- such n1tin W-9 to tile (.if, ei. that lie 'woul rather fi I 'end. 41kc foundmitoo; or one Or two, munilpod vutst* rm in Torontn in liew Ell 07 mouth.:, We itaink the Trilmvir is q,li,e orl",lit in .1 two enlurvirs thin -and irk that .tlkpr good pri atc fi .idel bo, i Ili: tile :pproacl,in;, N­ither, it tit- I Itilk-, assisiol,,& 'W., .!r t,, tak, two.ght O' kilt them ill 4vtokil -4 relmot, III by K I *To I le`$ tiff.tul PlrrporwT we think he was quiet right, To be ult; out, an.1 we h 1111firturictes ever, IAt wnl. ifignteldsT. vitro Wi, I , from NO NAt.-Tile stating that be Is"t plIliry Or th, ave no doubt that a 4 ),.v t It. at ill' illst Well Tim sockle r Mool-lowitan snPat &I c United challen bat r,ur pAckmg ro,took, Youn ,;,.,w fr-,rn ifisat fatissing, an'! isl,aris the, ihisoimIV. f:) 31r the del.cly-regorro O" am States is to I, t Al,xicik Implore her own . I by a Press lent good esol of work will be ready fur Oar T -U- i'verc"miI by Ia. or .,,d iK-n ,awd-,-. the clot at oferve ma died I. -t w,-, k lit. it t J,r 11, it rstr.,nite a.d,fh4t he I,orcex in.. t.o It ot, mc Ili I &I up ndto twr govi"'loord, that aeaaccount, mill to d,,r.,te its lotion , gh f,,r one lith,!; to )PC killedirmtright inagouns cariy next sprin;, h he ",cut* builh;t'lwold Thus it wil besslon that G.efoijch is p-3or erveivire rrim,A V; ri-rio­ And clit-use wo-ow nrot twit SO Incam',oknt III( rhat i*hk,:,,h. ,:let Ili, ri.bt an development of' its own than I1w -Illimw"t to Col. It, lokSrvetI a intending think it in wrnnz lit e,mill3ring It MINI 311 editor could, ispar With be- aid if'& lICIA a tavern in Kioli sq, To feu.,d ej or, ircry far apirt aft- r all. pallor that - ,I),,- ' ' " Tile 4'. Tb,." colu, ill% &­ omi'Afth, $might#. Corning, glandr-ty. renterl,tie 14 it -r it oft aor -it of the WIxnever milef III t o'I, wilit'st Ipaurin 'of hliliv Wifil tile p-Irtition of i rt -co -ii,, the road near 11stropurion Ism week. Wh" with a, th.r - to it IIact Ill' Ititplo,ed 11 twit etit ,01 n,tt rI,w cuner tile next ko) .1levt fqrtmr"urtkti,, a 11 be mallets a it , f, Poland, file (if Cracow 6r Tarr Vol ir crustal actually free front croon, lot Charity a. ell 1, Ell . Zen, At am his casllyin no - Ikr ll I I, $I.-ak moticive thell-y not of dim, way, be, IT I, To the division Of Schleswi "Ifulosteirs. Th,:rv, am it Mi)- in 0ci. rlog,n yet tht,111 AiL . -4 a IQ mat fV it i, cote m.kt1,-r Out we must mtmti it] boil I lljiio ivill,', i. r lit IIo!. !.Iver, ri to that lilt,) Ili,* n-,%,tq.w where till, ut 4.1;lf OL Ihe v 0( the .'ell el ;r, ,hat poi ir, fir he `kIr1-IkIrVA:ucd &,,, :oil. ­ 1. it tali lit tr"uhle Y, ,:.neka :1 b1toku .4s. -ora had beem.put t., oinril X,a;r.9t gastrin.; Chill, re of I'e %!Ili it brautifill arnish. S. is no nnalo y in tile emove - lih,iterer. Thelffill"', WOF-0tom have luale tit fr app-ar. II,i4 all t ar1w 10, Sold itvite to stop fin looh,tr, Mexic"ll" )':)vs 64 o cured' for titiov ance in thor, lattor p,ri of November. *', in,tn pivii,kit, iit ill. tile i or the it -litA wit], n C flor 1'ect --it nee -,ill vier, efe-a,ltl A n 1, III tit these few lin,-II. a, I I. -or do -t make u -P or ;I&@.. Ithat still) a he.illtifial $[,,,I "N'tit twenty bivin, bc(:n received alres v. Iheavy yearx,baek v ill, a state of cle.voic fv`W JOYS,,agn We Wete Oh-elso xtr:iwb,,rry 14 At I M FC11.1 1r.. Ifly 0 Coy %PtTT: latty It do. it,,,, ,,.. at I r,,,, A every ut.,.4t i,.Aq imn w be [ell in i:41nreII-,nt hare ani wisi.thtlyst ot,, I I - slumaliver. lie We. little tion, until twitlacr hi ur property iWt.rc c have ;levn the yellow dun I". :%v touch fr too I.en tho pacc-Loors r.immo4o b,,t lits vo,y Slicks. - hich be havroollem Fifty rai'. safe, and it'cvcn 41 " Dutch Pulse " can lion Z)vresto; uithin (lie pais fr,- Iarnift t us of' 111,Ich whe.0.1"Asta uIt A Kamscl saLau lines 14 before 6 ek, &lid in I 1: POI'Tit lit'1111110N. oily tail trAork b, t tot restore Order I I IIIII, aw] esT,elierice . votiv.-The -round to-dsy (2"th) lit 11111 C,tabli-lt a stints., g,,v.; Our own izr.len a lilac tree hNs leaved out I lit Iirlic r I I - I 1 M., A numl. r or on'to lg x w-nt 4-h n Post-ressily ot ith Sg­,c, mr, tuts k'l A:icQ fir"M a Off. gornment, Which azilaili4n is doing Iu, I file new Tosinlit.,; hivill,, ,r it,, ­ M-oly ,of tho-to wtui:j be to) leri-I it with i,notor for tile overond, tim,. (yr. ­ - I , Irhni,ng ani without deg I A:f I' Onliris ifl4o Ille, An( nib of his hill Jo 10,41 I. 'I a, if Is. prying out. I inn to I oo It I ,I a ft,,.- lit o1, mL'.k'rda:Id pre wrn two 111'1 iltX har.d if& Mote were once ro mdgo. ill thk reir. Tit,! wcathrro I 1 worevrot, is %oft 4,.,kca &,,.# I ' off hAlorlaw..j- as ill Talk b,,ut los liffe, 14y th't i I 'I'm ono ..t . I ll ,J% , xWokloy L *list h tohot- 0 clo a"ythin, ths T.,Ii, I &not warto, still pre expect tO' motto 1116 6,11.1% tht W(.-#v*ru States, I., the nu,nhe 11 I. with rich 4vrh-aI,h,mow-ordq slid delobrs I, 3 of"lavo inches ill I' 119th- Illit, ovallitat rernarlial V i A q;!. Will d, lit rvc lite thank, tit' all 1,,v.,r will ord-,r. And the friends cf tile Puts. tit a) 1, we havic b(fore us, a" we write a I tva rtI ofast:y be me Ithe Fait Wheat is bring dama--,4 in the vie,- ooburvollsord-Vas on bliard, andi-o, tolilt$ ps'Aill's wool in . ho lf $a) XT ftll` eweUs pire. ithen conift' .1. I biro nuArk in a rvw hours. Ni:vi,,,gti iris -'rick (S Welk "Us) phaw br.inch Ion ,:fY (-I 47m1loor to what I "O"Zo Ili's youth rudely graph %*vs ;--An ovulthy oi note reoldi a bictaulifill white I -in with the work as as ap,ioi is still goin oil vigorously. to) - roolate. near:1 all the Tilting ia vowle 6i.11 .;w. , h."Vjwlf skervold. Isiews lonj befork, be Could strallow, cannot obliblor woo'kir obwrvaoico Ph livivioday nig*t count uls)u the carpet, tau looling to I c 61-ii,tsim. A of iy Or two a-,,. 31 Pon; it w.4 I tlos 4 Puth POr' (If till c-)untr. rite ,,'Pre of the wivelokia dowerig" as horli. I, r6me ( hearti hy lvog f,I:(?w vOrksonoton, and the IlWe at; c ur any fr- in No w Y,,,k so this r. Willies wket,s. A small grant from tile C.,owil all.] oadsitIwie a it i Too IIsannex-di-sa Of` To xam as a trore llick OF Ihi,, town locnictliffig. I(ifthatblartuld prove he -I%c notice with pleasure Vit -strrm., ma nO,hteAm.y I -4e Is -4 rrmu food truck in a 'm I-14 14,10"Irth" It .A. P. At tile romit, I face a tool, had taken II y :64iudd SmA scoh a wh-l4mile a; Ibet torkit is the car got If,, Lipres; goal% spa case (or ustorp - 'A hit, i1r", (toe of his plans Ire,,, and or, s4 O'wirl raill. ,he 14 r H. L. 1) tyle (of thiq low" 111vo su,;hter I.' , it Or cou I American wt:;,r or i.j arulf Olait Amer i. I xinsirgai imi, found thit it tin I pill r,w, rit. I he,wo A of I lulatitig, co. -W he Iloilo, tj I -r 4e. roabr .L.,p, I is@ k,,k. ..I. fco:y Fvpn risen, ot,om reque-o-d by a genVOrhan to whare Ile neec­cry xirrlin;; ' G'h ill 3 Very cr­1 ouItotile m;I ' lienne woo relosygid am loon M.P "s h:w. -t with him. sh.; 1,041ding 0 eol, I If become ca being for I re Awfacricaot, to din_- rall in 111, It amlife .( if;, tir ter and is now mimivited t "'o-st F -4 ton I'm To oC,-X,,it,,, Pool -It tookfolre bil he her I Poor wee thimz-. lb3vi. file to reW-0i qus e ill I I In the Ifough for. Altair'l. Or rITILT S the Doictrifolt, they wet(, only t.ikillr you have been Ist-ra to trouble ant] untinw- IT i it very tin 'I'd -I% a birri,frr. film Itill oThe cimid he go I net. hisi III— I ifwllwolilll had turn, a gef,priti it Ia.o-t mill, r a. ard appc irs 0 Oseng when tIP,y wretotsed that littl fy death. This moralist We cli trust it w;!: not be It"t &iZ!lt of. in our nv,rti-ing i ,luranks. ry Ila is Sam?., its MI ntr'A'-, ftn't d. Thourfrigi bu;,ed b,,,t the e*111,1111 swm fitter, If into. will, h at leggils ill= . patch a iseld An.w. the whortat of. I hkI To r of d on and AV.., IIIs 4 Ibadly stral­d i I th,* Ime' , a,,d It it: ,I ptro,ml iwe- " e, -t Icalled Texas front the 31. lit fl ke li,-* apon club tiny bre'lott and, lick, t%!,,I I i or iw,rc So ti, I A-,:I)caed, he firliCy rtsivid I %w ret,ol' often tdlu of mroditsly, properly, erery other reppect the I ' COUN41114 #,_Y- lAr1c triply or g­nfl,man froval n-lor ims . exr,rally to tile lo"wove at 114di-ifi. -luch Comailtuect Wi lie I tkof,, anke, beer$ im fair the nrilgir f;4il human fi werso 'oC which - I . Ve I I le .,th.r l,hV.ieian* who gave. him a to .Its tout Aplornwrlm-ol, and he &vowed him so the truth r f, Tho Town C­Iunc;I held its go 110 Y'-1 le , To 0 )IIe. - . I t - (,it solemn so r. I ill tsI O a nualf, -a rn novel gul.f. erably thwough examination, It.t. ntionto &ad Apoppird i 0 question.' The - the str­ ­st rii-4 n,I necessarily danxesous, lbr,u.h they by if Ilting lllono io Ilf 14 y,,u. Ittet, think orliot. 'A4 of eleven. last. Him lilvotlihip fl, (4r &I Iivel) to I osoilfrooms. tin ",It roidatil Ila I"ju- 1&17. Worked up to,& nervous agitation, fit stitni,otow to giv, d thm. enough it, I ' vv ! ill yu art' aller Meeting I I .;l is of a c-Itain ra-ifter, the rospn­c fth I lie .1 tIo,.e W,kri,ke timid; a8tates, than those, it. -loo-who. '[facing ! 111-tho'carly winter% and late tit ,,;r Gib'vokn, a ery - ennot plica tell 4iApte St. )fares; lout fro" tru'roviting to it 11-fidird facrughlo, gave the'all- "I r., Ili make,misiremi,y4themul large mod bil equal- is I'llie lit Motive toy reelining Ail his shouldstr, flail are constantly befl000king for v;ar lilt Oil sprin,,-q ,or ihj ol,14,11 tit Clilr)rd, Itncinson, IcKny, came:uu: fly a free fight. A Id,,mt O' 41 i oif it, M.,wre.il tt,.,t iwq or 3mPl14., ile, till you ever letItI', w 91 I'-' of, al'terwar,14 sffr c. r -fat­u:n Z. liitwe oto Yr "IyurI4, 1.ill. 1,%n4 stru,-k the heart or the genf, he ervald lkszardm-rig jt or wrong. eGreat expect to see the tinic when sweet II1,11- I was mi:- tool Aid't I, r I 1, filot bovet ONPNwPd a mv,,­ aleork attitude.- Th's mi"Otes of hoot tric,litt. a 1311111113 xn,l the p eirl, %"..I a Moore, The feconifils, of re,fulato at I-divalk, Republic has )''it eflenl :h t,fwnr for oing, pow. would fe,vp ()lit within (I irre vorcelt, I wer,-'ren-I scid arty Is "hen came a silence, a 4- minorlinx ni ilratts,' balf-century, and all run .,liable, ppr tirtod for It to ,it .4 state of cOnI poet 'If still li-+Is then it A0,400, unit five retimptitir are m, It New Explifinglivc &lid rooklowsme. On tile &trivial of the fr* so of Chr;stillikk ? pol.-te h,I­wt,% .gr Z,,*;; .... 1. 4., lint republicans ktiow that it ould P.64ition if John Whitlock aa m;t for Co. happint"A it'. or gradually W-rimI, till I cam. tot i.'Lt T Ing can evesily,lis, spaled it F gn Its ill' ties were magodle Iran and wife, wrong to precipitate a fr, I Loki, I'largin. '.# you may ,,,t have tile Ike sug,y. .,,it took tl:lrwzi western bound Inria, mt -oil (,no or eil,,r. MI rI or tales oil acco,ii,t or gickile".- ev in "itIow York on qaturd.ty, for Xlf-O at their steady found atociatkm" AKV fro "loop cost slid doabtful reckults withqui ro"Pal. f overd you q,,mc. aIR14, or whgT,,,, i n I!, n .81, boa out.'rally rxe,t-d to great %V hirb up, ly *#its inlic-st in 7 -it you wi;i firld hit* I because it has degrel"J"d a at Al and a.-@ the Call, Twits, -,)a Thurvimy go,rilinlZ is M# no* explosive The new if Mrsa in n a' of "'wila 11 miso-h er it is doling, i battle you bar* eporkort millYork Wit) good and islifliciont ciu Oil 211.1blailli tworning last, Iter. L. From .uty Connelly, wife of a man " ­ *nil Taylor, 1). D. preache a pail mm,,re w , ion. tered tile earproter Shop tot' Mr. thiin sioupowdlan 'Ine'drot' I y Istooll, askin., ';r relief. on motion '(fl .11 i ,iorvs will be held 'a tile Elipcopci fri-sid ' suffit, ieutly er.* It .4 p­l.-rly be. built of marble after the style of I*. p Mi' Colon, As!em. And coolif thomirrim 104%littir oil, ol-notiviored vi Dr. Noll P, a Ger. Lnuvre, sold ithen completed, will be the A ovis I Theory. mcrug,ni in the lVeshojan Church ti) a Very risrs. rinspron &lid Gi4lockinot, Mr Saint 11 was Xletbodi-t Church, h, on Surijay who wrih too 441,,, at least. to vIll Tom .'III I. kill 1-1 tells. 'I'live bourillor drove a Man , 11,mil, and is romy;nAt it of hit e sold largo &lid Intelligent audience, which mmlru, le -I lu hall Connelli #,of. be note" c fln"Al now-IMI-er I Me@ in tho, world. 7 fill licit, at (lie usucl hour*. u* I lilloft the shop. which Was lit, if!yero,r"'.. It is to have fro, no contorsocistare alrorad,r'signed " The P,Ork lye fi"' notating oil 'lie outface of The 'am li,ftened d.-lihtedly loop upwRr,l.q of front Mr. FjAh ill ... re, Chief Frv. routinto by thN Potts, a..d I r isw hAb idi,uan: rcigrm .h;.h;w, ,.it havi,-g 0 will go an at onto. , When is mova lwksk its sea of ncw4fAIPGr tin J. W. Y-Aoln of ea h. The it is an oN or a new enertly. no;" I we to eight tim" still explosive poser lilltralogrok, the (I Ir F, ' I t tool, stat:n,r that 3 )o I third thol, In eOOIIY 10 itumpowder. It is insatiable in water, &I'll Ill new 9on?'Pits the Herald will be enlarged to Apoll I ispionary 3froeti other up and fifte1k,lbe tools in his 'hour Icontact "Out 10 oar firth" I'll"'t 'splendid diticourml wriniol fir the hrurille. tfront a writer ii the Lirerpokoot jo In W; I hei'l IThe III ter kry w) *me I"juIed by being imerged in ofthe Loadon Timues savell its V mImoin,, bad. supprfi, 1. in Go,lerith. Itev. .4 11.47rd 11kat 100 feet of hose be 'I on flip Mnli'lay crelling following. "T­IkN torv- he wrialitipols he fila"d in a grain bag, Impaij It will n"ll ot w, nor will if ny jaced. Jly view- lit. whiell he round in lbWe rip a wit It lit or it enrol T i high r1i'r o,f h,,( is ra".Jw(K load iter's . %%'in. Yokom, .1. W. Jackson, .11. Di ick (r" othe. purpose. 'I he to,kin re O -en fouchr I 1 the tvverging. ime. Itad, lont *lien at 11 hiliur., do liverei -.sit excellent ­nvot, it, I by the F, Cook joev of that the to m in the gropan ril-t set down his at ir,-wil(tit ininititets skro expceted ) A I'lovailli Mr. Mill Iletrack La IIt will, looksgiver, eipi .'nnder InterI a lot nil Folifland. The polike 9 I nX 3hich crne .,ffnn 11'ed. ? in search -dr, beat f than 300 geologies, Faimuh,11. (It -Clare that it ill III#, result tot a lainsp, " a very sorry tak,urgs t"011 PIRCO On tile folloggriog 1londay The Poll tAl of c­tifi,, I fimmon was or. diver the thief, Still! We he ill kino, may -el evening, when the chorcis Was again to be rernittol. 'I that to Any ittem, as 1,1?n Pro of in Ca fle"(1-13' the 15111 iosl., on the farm or cute him, that lite way det0flites principally by rion,tsunion. If among the retail dealers f being Tl')N.-()Ijr ,­rl,,)rLer wool 4thew -on, F I., flayfit,bi itoad rn,,nt which he so justly C. ri Rihgc:"l`dw* Same of this Meeting oil be pl:ured upon wo charged on the mlTe!lS!b,.cfy , P.',',,: phtrol. drunk, In 0 bad MT, it. but -Itnod, lout denomily ort w,led. On lite p6tt, The tales of Ian Id art (re,for ag ) were informed ; Ub Anvil ant Wriest violoselly with a hationver is A Diffic sit CA in him InZii! lik"Ho the ehiirnann, Tibri 31okirly, FI,l fun'l;l,,Iin will repeat I- Its, in'.., hat loot (If "A that till! "hisce r tile younit man who svoe I- gehichi were antracribeI Own vmAg"- -M-11' have got drunk ere no aide which was directly no -rns, nd 11, We noticed inittk 1 I 1 1 "I w , All exl,!K!, but Only that rtic" will ell. rm'ok I%hr it". taw, 1. . or mar;amt t i)onahl Rokillz (,,r the lintle It few (;-TA rign from Mr. J,,y a as on ere, 0 or ohs hammer. for hi I Rph! ,milk Cal ,son Cheittr fr hants. fro-chanick, hotel.keorpe.r., Plat iemrnt ' I the Back Cal Cry fs phn h. to's prnmia4 it 'tin -v were not hold melt. 1leflaria. rtlerred cto the ruember of the M-chael Allark. mod m it e..tmp rrO avol farmers in an -I around Varna. r, is rnore. espossom int," gunpowder, but OR often. limultre ha. got so head at 'have &tot drillik'imea ill pubiie.hougm and d1lwk Brewster, it has from fire to right lingism the powvr, it aher ere I'll load ,ell I untr Whiting and Taylor. relief committee for (Ivor 7 hot, cSreclator, a moo It limot Allies ." .'harlel lie VrOrv*t half the hat. to Ae's Ward. "w: -Pr Of Il` 'I'liIIIII!, we di -I floor hesitate to or go'l the The agesed of is am c waper in an ?mti knoo links face fork retail* pw*CA, Yde,.'.'k go' After a few Pbort but appripriotte ad- A petetiev,% of Sheriff e , INiTiAl.1 ailin for nos Ihowe"W, that finen w o N "over taken a prize mt an pro no,& being aff.-ctod or iiijurvill, y arter, it is -.,hs ho~o, and they wort ploughlgl- were all ou cond class men, ,A h Pro Ft: - wito bad ]'be, have' 9-tt druit it % f,,,i,e dreatics front deserved, end it '10 '"ally a Very gralaollf,lisrovery. The Rev Ir. with, of C"ag, had big oil account hail nothing pl,)Ug we I too hoped the r-fecred to will I! accords Mr. 111lobinson is bom,d,. mild 1Q.y *toe bat b d hew the other wini4t,ro, Mr, w ricnim,umi of tales .... lilt 1010 ichel ark flor Mocasonsm bin; The boys re 4 0 it would not do 40 ocia with or illory or colinr 1, I, diodecate T-13 ami,l slitholooke and enclogined of the river wAvermitlif', the walphoust was tit o, with lite 1h,,11 al all -and is 6 Yntollif )egric shot under. end. avor to Carl 7 not, tA fully an possible, onmakeo, d @fill was otherwise easy It 'ejrvi,t J, auk at your There were 12 entries the conitions or the sale , AS it in not so ronvolmleni to handle !:riouo inju it few glayge sivAe by Isolate no 14'.1t of Mm,,, for I toover was p to, the Court oolwe I'm of go -0 charart,r. A$ in bill ing is is trovepoille I Vs Ithe atteriGm Of him li-irt-ra loop fit' in 1111-5 men And 7 boys. to lowntry. *blob was spot bw to. t ­ I- I ,left ever Aski d,.w,, II all iour ill (me of him ore The day wom eof Crown f,andq in It is un,tsboati ahty the qm. Mgbuoed below Drionkenocas is nobbo, lit ri,tte, ad I was of deal itutiIn was brooght before retot th-'t his loorre h.)Wi(; help bee" used rwerf"I explo oby I lo .11 w, and the Relief w, reerly, but [lie all that c,ould be wim' :ink eports tg the leislature in Isgi, Plat, d. if," mmvmkkl @0.4 y IT must m4f till Inod ficit, being more Th., nthe country of pro It 'I that "fr was Invented. It in / rr A doctor wait summoned to a eatt@0. Dilanke-luriol now,44'"ragood we it lIrykAwm. It wool not a Oooa(,,o!,.h eou,c4h Ill : imate thoot hall (;on. (IrantbM aware Oft sivid lound a boy in ripurl of bill sorrvi busy appt-­, -l- ,-,wleLn the, ecti-otric Itidiek, it .rn it mout.,, like the middle of April tb:n the lovilldle virinillho axle of ton newly surveyed I eels is 6 sift] .of national gre..Iiteu. if, got start. I in or ..14 awn a in Such a man"Pr, and at who" of and faith men and boy% ships. in the very Centre of the great tract If how )nor toggger," mid the doctor. The 't ]into It wait that ni single "qu at we pub4sh ibis contradiction. led. lehrit ace,Kil ve boy stagred like an owl. ooMo am)d boy, let 40 urn c3orgir beyond which dirted laidwor and tijither, were in Ill laying between the 01!aws " the St. tme see ynor It Ili I -tit in with a wHl which at once showed Propswor 11,1011 a foles I nuenologre,th aid grant Iveriumnera support erith W( Logumnee, cannot be oror estimated., rrpeg- d the, the- doe - about Ill lol4ello lit is COO ,:'to trindueed poketag" ,or real el,lacloce"which ,at lit in lax such taws beforso The c4nmneil. IN-cisd to to lite ew 1,ork they were ol,tterruined to do their beal, I' 'this assertion or he co-nmispioner at. r. p, bytis.;I'le low bar A "I of Kukap,lwr6,,r, in tk!' allision toor. ­ Talk Illnglish," the not,ther to Veil read MAI' in 'he kwor:d iscngn!x&,,I I be C)Ulll not bill stir tile *)ill and c solltuld have donoirn",l the whol burns the A propositin from Mr. Cral,l) offtoring the orldarilts hai the Onvernment or Inc The, ploughing of the men was exisiolient o4mir much attention lit the tinge in Qurbee-1 oto , y or Vol I the doci, r; n-11 then, ter ivkx to bar SAO. )&At* into, Of lingo Mr. Crawfor.1, in his infects in And bl­n d ­h, it Lilmor orn oil that - "Horen'thy gobbler, &ill been nittismovis affifieved , he us* or Ale, -Ilect of every one present. r. Toy- roo(n oce,eivitoll terkpor rily by I ho 'Council for United Sixtrog have be", fop prime time. and would have civinpari invorably it I Ili' si& of (Ionoral fine, ' lorrikor ' push out thl ; 6, has trarelh-4 goillottisirely, read a great Of sew of the ilwr with use tv O to Wer hands, they being Ail tit th,rof mero, he ews, Y ­k i,mrn,thriurni,kh such Mail- 00 While Ili* irrotm, olollient, llsommilwal. Wesle, the b inirg information with regard to the 0 ill Mt,. people ilk Ile r Hfilornelly Trokity, and that no Vattloicaghnet, whether tile, Sale oil mb I in in ,, f a,r, .1 gollatifinx worm. and we a hiskev deal, and studiA hunime witure in ever). the large Conceit Room 1,)r public movilifige with lite British ambass0 lado, who by Arring the ociety"' phoi^ Inqifleport w6ld he cow, nat no,. In re I lu"s All"'i"A of Ill's nlv6r 0yetome oil the, ill" famoorl",il ihmorh Marvianst, an Assistant varit?V or votimIct. flenoo Iwo b" the rare W 11 he typen. to ell that 01110,11towar, Avoid, 1 Ili i Ili* tZe to" owt)u'd thoik t hat, heolitilp boo, enldrwl lady. who load never Open an eh -Ph Ilk-, for Id"s hear, Ale, Sold porker. than a, tor f.W.00 per year, *,its st"PlItA Col 014 Pon" an pm-ible, forgla dii does, have for some time hick fers, low"Alopto fr, an FAvgflbh company, so. opla (in the @Aft% ido he a.,* ,"sell firfulty Of eirrying it ith hi:n I it a. au,li. ally, 11, 11 me'loslio, f Ing "I hi(h PxF)!(,tled ill 'front of the voyormin vast it on the nind, and thr,iwir,q up bel, oarits. r we see the xre,it4t part to ago Propriety ofmaking a new IsocAly.­ boven trying their hand on the right mys. nientioned in his &tin"] repo of like Crown most have '*-a,, orge or the infer"a'i hindoo in Admiral @tot' ;gbt hoo ulka,la better it*& we d,d denvies. An old seervent of Mt-. 'Cameroon's for Signed, I limms me. To this rempeell he is adruirably instramonts which alal stood to make a what thinis thpir kin got rip list ilia war I Not "Ones"nor go mul li tit themo, t of totponsom incurred h) him in the o doubt 11 Strenuous effort will be tons, and hire not labored in vain. The L,,nds, --old be h rrri d Out, she. ff)fl may"a con'"' 9"a"fied for the Pnsfkion in which he ham I*()Tit books chiefly to I a .rr.o wallif of fleagook im, hiq This old lady took him for a new Yankes n. them, dt.tP-I&b:e but that . mde by the ('snadian muthonliem.and h y , f the bnYq 6140 Wit, Pectivol to none nary real And y tion ry great (Itiesil"A. Y,, 'a's been placed by the Wepleymn Church, e-vo *(Jane Lakingworth vs. ill* 17,orporation over of norris, fly Mr. J, B. Robinson, the ('AMD4.9no aaamat the Almighty.- vontion. -a u gazoollof of I'loolistiellf, wait settled by in order for the our Railway men to) obtain a renewal of lo n in Stanley done by boym Antler- junior member flr Toronto.' ll'sillso Iflookscou" AI,AKX At OTTAIIIA.-Olk Friday ight. ft,e h " A T aomanIts t h an eaanoeIallof In 1 illfig seellIItgold I. I no I? race Ir into'It p g /In,, er.p' barley P Th fritonly *I to Ihm, &to. olit por 0 If Cannot at ltlok If We racon,,1 have while his bromad liberality endearg film I,, payment of till a 0. Pon load Reid, who toksk the first and This street front ill* commisminner's we The, Iowd Mayor Or regiveally M fowroscoadell hip deep dathrown, Ili* 1114 I .. the Trenty, but murisists is very doubtful, orgicurl prises, hAre joat eno,fdr.ted their port, its well a% hiq a of lustre 8 and 0 o'clock, while ty or oil&. fast$, suct yn'.. it trailOul aml mg., als.. It gram resolved that 84 00 boo granted te) And we think it front, nower to the [ion. Mr Ived tit letter oith C,T millfloket to facts. No., o, tile 00'e, II be well for the I 4th year, and we are not cert tin how Crawford, sm set wsd* at the time, saying I tell Crint,inool the (I illery corps began dring for practice. No sommoorno, Plot and the Strl-et lo,lip"tor was ill. lat prepired for the worst, so that no Ithlyne"ll's borttor. The Pror be enty,piptod. and the rountry to b" the danger you stad in. y,), . "Off"' ow" Foing aware of the,, intention an isionso it, If,* hftx--t pe,,pl- on (.,ill he,* been and "lectioar, on t1.i4 oor,ml,)n It taounLod Irwin '"g hope You ill ,ad islitionvid siC ally mell'i,tri it. t t4ho PuboveriptitinA mocciat in ranking mx avel see buninevit and agricultiaral commonality to ninny of' the old hands present could hAre this sale, all Finish talked on re in plarchms. rn,,noy ? mt. nail. In .Is I Ill*RIP row A iny do, y never toorror emitted orno, the pop"Imlion,wit, lit hit A IM to believe thy/ Ask* has* r. re tout fi-mon o tth: PAPPTA ovskyl he full of that ill# Fenstarve sa,lot have made a a.,, ul ""y Tug"'! to 111123.30, t-,inA nince tl,,,,k wn, fsolleeteal rreted lit irnpro-t tile road leading to ths. illnothing that lit of W mne L4 or t , I Islot year altov th,-r. , -shannelIt of trade to h to' trial slategoont,, hall line*@ tit& DIM Blied. iy be %*tied withollt the innervating of fromil nor drains, An . f Attack Or- Ili* city Several wet. &rating favortaphily Itookiety off any ft better Men than you ham halt to dow with Sticks, Or any llsojeet that fell iied,tr tb*,r I'loughling. One do" not now , con boss tin this forrAnt at ant rate to here smijointlT. time Veil sice"AblY surr,cord. 'I be territorial off"r einerry apon uNw, until the cattle of the firing could he You, rkqk r soul. ' I like' is *cur." I*wllain, ( Min, r,e.