Huron Signal, 1865-11-23, Page 21 eaele. mon 4bigna, GO/4;RWL NOV. 23. 1865. FENIAN BONDS. It , But dependence upon tintne vital Tke Judgeship of Drams. eapeetally deprecated, and holiness of life The Wiiolsur Record nays :-. It is report. especially enjoined. The necessity for 14,1 o, 0,1i,e:, ,,,,hnn,, tel., the Hee. arc, Merteal viaita and the attendenee ofelergy McCrea hos been offered the judgeship of ' •hen puishioners were at thu pent of the eerier ef Bruce, and (hot he will accept 'death and the cereinutties on such nada. it Very Soon. ThiS wiil of courae Impel to a Wens Were also spoken of as not the 45*. new election fur the Western Division, to /f a good deal of clean mew Itas been tail matter to be thought of It web the 'a.lirrele°,earlerelenba. trerfour wthhilichureetti‘res: vteera7s u waled by the imue of Fenian bonds in convereiou which took place some time in ',tire...gay many gei•itle,oen are mentioned as elle United States, foam good has resulted life, rendering' all eo privileged °willed tu lironebite ciatideletet ;Net mi. woo ketuirinveteittth.7t 10"'n'eb'iY• Tin''''''Olivc" and l'iloti", le, calred the s tiers mimed ia the text, %,-u(,:,;,,,i,:::....b.rtehi::'1:1.1"°b,.",,11,1",,," ,tt or,,,,mi t if they were not futile enough to swept i ; t. i i . 1.- • Witten stone ot iapoistee, ec. being ap- refrain from title; auy names. There will payment in the currency which they tiele poiuted for the edit) Mg of the so infs.- zt (ilfiuht. he eitrodidatcs roosigh wheat Mr. creel into this world of trouble,-- d "I' - W0 Th.:We, as we understood his Lordship, ' 'W 717 trele'rellisi.ce to tho above the Clunk:int can trust Yankee. eltrewdtiess for thttnee- „onsi4 „r the ehei:ey „id these „r 11,, "4'1" realine "milli"; lis"J'°nIe for 1 iity who h ive beeu thus converted. It their lebor. No one r Ise is likely to be am. withal a strange and a mecum eervice. Pecuitiarly las"fit" bY 14. b'sa'• TI''' There hi the chaucel were ,the numeritua Fortian Monde! 1V1ty they are 1124 worth clergy, chatiging their pl mod keel taking leas aS 'Lose etray bits of dirty paper, parte in the, 'service just as they would do n hich, as Dickett• sap, go :about tlic d .. at St. Ilarnahas, while the • • dOn religiou, Mal strecte at iiinIrt in dietual droves. light '' c tine through stained glow win- drican hy the wind tire Myeterious jou:- dons which •eteld do credit to a New neys. And, if we arc to iredit the tutor- York Trinity, alinnal,,, and rhea a *arm.. mation conveyed hy a e°at•r•alr'rarY' 6° that could have been quite appropriately Atueriean Government duis reudared the priatelte.1' by Mr. limners& Bat there new litioeimi still more sertlthes, if pow.' was eloquence and much truth, and *mete: ble, by etraming the lotto and 1 ing the plates en as 10 dry up, the stream at ita fountein head. If it iit pound- the hearers were nettly who eared nothing dirty Ilia &sonar, and nutty who, haply for nilly thenmelvies, coold not undcret nid Otani, true that our mighbors have dont) , a" 'fin" ("66 "'"e" i"1"‘biLinti " 1 h 6 d t di a oil n of eat al0ho were thorough. Churclimen Iong b,n eric :ue r "re i se ac ore such noes -met se high la and leW C respect, it is a friendly act, and one winch crebrounbt out to the ereat.diecrerlit of% we shall be tinily to en dit them side th Church of taught; 1 and !retold, especially if it is followed up by p'acing a till i, properly, is neither high nor low, few regiments upin the frontier to show bittt A ilk). Cie halal' The ;nreat Mertens the Fenian leaders that tlivy catimit ec. o tiers! ‘titvaribeish art. isurrouuding parishes danger the interoational relations of tu 0 4uPiiti.rinar•Mitinpgue..1.1rekulalsAwlY:floiewsinthet0stbillee great countries: with impunity. Weelid !preaching Olathe Rev. James Carmichael, as much witch there was denger of reale , the ineutubeiit, who it now well &misted the Rev. Woe Johnson. 1 found, in upon their frontier., and a return of the bY compliment naw that it is required would : r tLa‘airwels, and paecicularly from etiquir lee be an aet as graceful as it would be juseleoniparattinei•Lig tkjati \I Li pi: 0" or th050 Most or tho feniati gentleman are Anted- ' tatianissu docs"-nn't‘-nc.:eueee6 wt11:17cerenSec*ces. cnn eitisi ns, and e e cannot believe that bel all ll* cle'ln are anrehel, end, 1 hellinstn the United Stator will allow them to cons.! sal may, colignionalate yOu in tioderich on thr ties bor organising a regular artay•of Inca- !"""e in'Y k",4"Orn"" 1"00 le rP"'“g''' 6.7 'nit a "rosa briel, of the itetionol anion- wonlueisacalliduMielFXJ. a'uudr Ctic tv.i7 tool do good by 00.0 worlkiiel per. Bien. . seretanee toleitilam. I 'confess eouln ' hardly &JAN, with hi, Issrchiltir abont the TORONTO EXCITED. Aaints, leing a sinner myself and toing \old in the Ilible tiat ell are sinners in their verv The Isceace says ceiniderablo excite-alerughts to .th. ir very end, end cunaot I meet was caused in Tormito on Wedgies- ' "r4ed t" i" Ch'iAa"itY '°d'h° Itittle and perfer book in aide teeter Lavine day when it become known flint the &Wool anythin; atiout either. It a:I the authorities had rec-ived feel Life motel' Ciergyare Senile, I am very glad of 0, but with re.eird to the movements of susniei- t'llsbw4intro bZi ORS inSlitidUall1 in the :city.. The regular ; onty.i„reet v,ry troops were placel at the disposal of the mete', of the laity at:Ousel lives such as his Mayor, the guards were attengthened at 1"rdr',1"i"'-"d 11"" they ouankt to lire, the aruinry, ant everythiog plowed In shippers. neither yr•u ncio I May go Wont:tat!, account unhouserled, 'tunnelled, with readinces fur an emergency. Nothing transpired, hoWever, the evil -disposed, if h stl !It there were, probably thinking ilium- the little church; s'on'ne--enTrlhalbly. hgwostonl- f.°41 Limb e piece, and which walkine mend the lion the better pare of valor. lf dieaffoct- ed people in Camels know when they are na 10,1 lershIttt.;lel, ine. It seeins Clintoot built on the person site of the 'well off they will tither leave the ceautry eh;ef Ail _u.e., many as ... at Goderieh Manure says " We understand Alit the roomor is without any foundation. Eien were Mr. McCres roffered the Julneship of Bruce, it is Mtoaeth• of, rf it is not itnieetaire ta voit-the wor• er intorialtable that he would accept it." - Oth has hewn etruck at Isondoti, on what is known as the Hicks ruin about a toile out of the city. The veritable stuff dews at the rate of three or four barrels per day. The people are going crazy over the • atrike' as fest as they can 0-Athe- na:tidy, end the papers are so full of oil meter* that they (alumat) beget to feel or keep precioul quiet. Our petti le are t;ei,',Ih'.1:":‘,LA .tireted in no humor to be trait." with by any witlistandini; the high prices of land, the rascal or set of neat.. place Omer. Some Kkgitolf settler? thought they would get uo elturch. Titer left home for no fortig; thole, but for a put u par The insurrection in Jamaica haft their own Wed aud could honestly seek.. been finally auerremed and the atrocinus o 4-4-44 whgit there they found Nocella engaged .it brought to condign " !freed out tr eroiship.Gad.7 punishment. The number of insuments Mr. Ronsfont, afterwards Treasurer or the ahot and hung is estimated at 2,000.- County, granted a Oise of laud for a church Of course wholesale retaliation 6 itet It rent the71111"=hb'' '1°‘ °A° of all all times safe, but where such barbaritias of ▪ tio;onovaerUsiuoir:Tleoetni'es'd ths the negroes of Janalice and their and the like, bit has eine, become • Church man, and moode no opposition te the tit.e fanatical leaders 'iwere guilty of hav been committed, 'Common justice &elm Is have been useless, I inn told, if be had, for a terrible retribution which is all the tithe every gearch, the worthy Mayor, Mr. Whitehead, tieely admitted, that the title was more effective becauee.it is swift. Tim in the chord'. Ilavitig postessron, the lemon taught Will not be lost either upon settlers, 'sheet 1a.lee built a frame church. Vaialethurgli, the. Coopers, h(ey. the 1.0 Tit! or their rulers. , weeds, Pagto and a host of other old country e boys,' as they Bleu nese, built a church, and a Rev. dlr. Lotiook and auerwardi. Cooper, mire the Se,torr at Etubicoke, near t3 the tough, The formation at L.andon is exactly the auto as that in this eection ! Success tu it --we mean the London well. GODEDICII TOWNIIEMP. Two boys !lamed Michael Richards and John Campbell, stole 40 lbs. of butter and a jar of preserves from the house or Mr. 'rhos. Metelt, 31ouday the COI inatent. On the followiug ueeday, Richards' was arritdold, and WA! unt by J. las Cribb aril Torrence for trial at next sessions. - Campbell lite eloped. . IPP EN. , • _ The Fourth annual uiecting,of the !Clown Reapino Society was held at Kippeu cu Mow der, the 13thday of November, fur the per. pose of larking rangements, and the election oflicers for the matinee yearnentionst thews 'which hove been apirointed are, Mr. James Anderson, Previ'.leill; Mr. J.:lin Copelend, Treasurer; Mr. Hugh Live, jr., Vice ['rein. deet; Mr. MeMordie, Secreinry.-- c„Irscription lists will also be itsued. and it ,s hoped that all persons interested wilt sub scribe a sum sullicield to encourage the : some. Thorn living at • direr:nee can for ward their -tubacrigtioor to Robt MeMunlie, Seey, Post.ottice. ' /1101VICK • • - - loterodliag News groin Earl**. New `foie, Nev. 15. -The Royal Mail steenulsip Perla, Capt. Tott, which left Liverpoel about tiiie u'elock a. et., of *health and Queeturton un the °vetoing of tne 5t13, arrived here. London, Nur. 5. -The Parish ministry bite resigned. The preliminaries ut a treaty of cenimeree between England and Austria have been @omelet here is uo ether news importauce today. Thu Pell.Mall Gazette euggests thio Mi lialerial arrangement' are ferred in convolute:, of there bsine no SpAker to Writ& while the iuternigousi would be prejudicial to sittinn member* shored a contest take place. Mr. Gladstone visitiog Seutlend. The Daily Novo *aye ha speech at Glasgow leaves no doubt of the gettend course ministers will rursue. If supportel by the country, •ill not beillow to complete ate work uf reform. Mr. Glad - moire has declared hiinse f favor of an rateetion of the stiffrege, men iii view of this, the Liberal perty droignutedhito leader tit the Commalis. What doubt can remain of the true elisions of the party which selects such a man for its acknowledged leader ? The - Herald titlarks no understanding is arrived ay. concerninn Marna The London correspow fins tee ',orient Lire.-Gur Village has dent of the 3Ionchester Guardian says :- born not into momenta by adreadtul Nutwitlibending the tone of Mr. Sewarets ty Yetterday about,three ticket:. the re- speech at /where, it hi generally undeistood _ . . noticed to be on fire, and snd retie, omelet preasing to a tirrel the emilrovers) le• the pc guhered to extiguith the fire, ne,„,, ne ienh„,a wee" ohms 'nine, nee the; the l'reeidenta Cabitret hare me intention HOMY. - A young man named alicheel Mack, of Ashfield, who has hien hanging about Goderich for the lest two or three &eye, Ins allowed him: self to be tempted to make a sonry attempt at horse•stealing. Yesterday (Monday) morning early he beau* into town a valuable horse whieh he h id stolen from the stable of r. Jemea Joy, of Ashfield, I and made preparations for instant flight. Ile engaged a boy to ride the animal bare back as far es Wilkinson's Garners, where it was rtabled ; the owner ositetisibly ens eigial in purchasing hog+, tried tra trade it off but without suecem. Meanwhile, seen:tine Chief • Condable framer, and. Ihis amistant, who were close open him, ' tee rase :ea under eover, awl contrived te elude pulsed. The Chatie was SO 110t that Mr Mack had to la the horse go and the milted will no doubt be recover , as it wu traced into town lest night, -es 'olley's little derkey reniarked, " the chap ain't limn\ cotcheee" yet, but We hope will \ • - . .WE EY!. MISSIONP. On Sunda tnoruinee next, the Rev. ; Lachlan 'I aylor, who.se '3.eputation AA 0 popular and cloque ',plater is well tas- . tablithel here, will p 3C11 in the IV esley- an 31. Church, on behal f the alas:eon:Iry Sociely of that holy. e Missionary Meeting will be !Ida in same` lice en the will be following evening: wheas satires. delivered by Mr. Taylor and otheee . the cause of misaiena as a noble on,;ean worthy of the attention of a- Christi:en f community, we hope to sec crowded cen- gregationa, and ps.ni subacriptions. We advise those who intend to be present to. omit settling the amount of their wheedle tions until the h r Mr. Taylor. c being now claimed hy the Chtueli. It would. CLINTON'. careen 1.100N11100. Toronto': reached in it. ..Tbe congregation le I to pieces on the removal of the Rector MONDAY, 19th Nor., 1Se3. and the church rotted sal was repleced by 4 pleasing to tee the earnestness the exertino of the Itarices, Reads:arid otle • ers, and sten filled. I Ms was another frame I h• . . building, now toed lid' sclicol purposes._ tioos in Canada are vetting theniselver to Then they clubbed together to build hand. work to afford accommodation for public.' same betel church, was burn not loo4 I , worshia and the proper payment of miois seetro-,,,q,Fortuaate;, it was Mews d. wou'd y mink by the way, lhe insur- . tem An Engliahniare settled far a .,Innee since DI etennotrilrie choirches. You throw tinie in " ambitious little City " of Tau:, 111"1"`" br""'l IT^^ l'hc *ate Hamilton, was not prepared, oa a casual na"".; d''''e 1!", the r.intonritA found it h"In4c provements which met the eye or the "'!°ar't at 115011. "11.1 one a. fti'llirght74' 1"' thankful congratulations about good ere visit to Huron and Bruce, to see the utioelre am11.1:750 sth -tie avoidance of the Iriturance money, wee to .ame. I" and Ilse inner id the crowds th hun I • • d better times which meet the ear on lips of tho p.rn ichere. the eStice 14004.'7 sides in this neighberhool It is a "'"' l''''"" rr"") iti-1511" ."4 11 gi"r* n tur noipecuseility to the nambitious wel nowe ntaxiin that you may knee the in t thrifty *elder when you nee hinn building good hero and fanning Ilia land well •fore he repl lees the old loe house with a riek one, for which, in ton . 111E1E . rioonfitto'11 VS. LONDON. We are at length in a pesition to give Many cutee, W cro the hourte has been the sure of tlie M itch fired between No. thought of more e Rifle Co. of Lowlott and the Huron of the money to oild the inattaion be• Rifles uf 016 town, (each on its own comes the chief pine knJ so I see an ground,) on Thursday the 'Ali Mat. The Goderich, (comparing r igiou to secular matters), your petple haat.. ut I their wretched-lOoking old c than cramp the energies of t able pastor, for whom they have handsome Rectory and whom tit regularly and well ; while ire Dung it and setae other places they hare but ahurches and left; the parsons unpaid. Like the good backwoofs huebaudinon an titer:tem the lend ir weather here wax, aeein, very unfevor- reit rather able' sad the Goderich boys got beaten : ir Toner- LoN0oS a1r1.s.n.' uilt a trir Capt. IL (aerie _20111 2.1 132 24230.-341 Lt. M. D. Dermal 21.102 223 El 33/30- 37 nerd*. . Bryce. 44332 33133 3213:1-45 l'ore. J. Turner .30101 30:140 03200-26 1 artier 11414 04212 02223-41 1 C. Illannak..,42311 02114 03320- 36 they should Ace to the safety of the crops K I. lardee 21124 03314 303041-35 P. .... 14433 43111 32:100-45 of good 'entwine and remember that he Chas. ul 33034 21323 03132-37 who milliliters at the Altar should lire of Thos. Its undeon22400 31123 24020-34 Wm. Melt 311443 13:132 40222-. 43 McVean 11121 03124 00030-.34 lese. Martin .. 01240 31:102 22021-33 Joe. :Muth ... 31323 :13:14:1 :10003-17 Chas. 31urrity 4131 44331 22034- 114 • y. 200 v. Ito y. the twerifige. And they have done this in Clanton anti in the surretulding neigh- borhood. To squeeze into the donee thiong of worshippers on Sunday hat, at the dedication of the new Church which now " ita taps:rim spire to Heaven," rising high above all the bedding' of this Met village ; to do dem was a matter of course for a traveller from • distanee 'fetal Average, 37 *5. Runde x true. l'oints. 110 - y. 200 v. Son y. whose only other resource would have 1.1. 10 I'. lieva..22e.ia 332.to 2:1230 - been to .• tette mine „en in wino inn., ;amities Ihit Wain; ;13331 22:114 00233- 111 r, There was • reinerkably good choir, end teregal; ri.ereettn'.... ;111 l'iti:: 2003::al a large array of cleraymen, including the eagle Ifelegnittellteee 2Z02'2 22000-23 venerable Bishop, ant a swarm, .r hearer, Cur . Idellr.loth 20311 ' 10212 22223-33 „n ,, room . • • n12 113044 4:1224- 40 sad a very large eellection or money, there G. IL Johnson . .22 1 31322 00322;e-26 bejag mune throe bemired dollars required W. Pennington ..224 33300 02222-32 to pay a balowe for the building* and the jeaalAii7baen" ' •ecti21:,34 . 12P4 0920-22 Izepreventent of die grounds •herft so r•,... ficalinm .. 10243 13:222: :. 2 112402e222---:114., many of the " Forefather% of the hamlet iv. G. Smith ...23.1.12 02221 00202 -26 skop," In the course of the three aervicee 11, P. O'Connor . 33429 24401 4323A-40 A. fleamisan . -24432 2 64J2 02020-3J I really believe Cue money was eontribut -- iid. and If ao, yin will goon fiiiil His Lord- Total 164 Aversas, 30 14-15. Ant NV Mai ponuifte tuada in his rem. non, to ennareeeit the beddine awording sfir Deiced,* O'Leary of Montreal fell tn the " doe lad aufient harms of our dose a flight of staler et Brockville die mirth," an he emphatically etpremea lemeted his tech end dint on the *pot. y Otte oth, ote!-The oil fever atill run. high here. Another well at Dungannon gives a first-class ' show ' of the grease, iand a great many cntitusiaetic people think that the grott basin of precioua fiuid 6 to be found there. -We sincerely hope the opittien is based upon correct geological data. It doe* new appear evi- , deut that oil in paying quantities is to he found In ilea ration. A lerge and influ- ential company has been formed for de- ed° ,ine the new resource, and the Fre- e , e pect is Fo good that the stock it beim: e•geray purchased -tonic of the %ifs ' cotniug froM .kmerican capitalists. The aitland well is progreming body.. • Mr. I Nutt Lae erected- a large deeriek, the engine is at work, itha already the reek has bet% pierced to a distaace of fifteen feet. Wc eliall report progrers frotu dine to time as the work proctedo g rui ti e %le ta clines 'rite me , a4utho"rity s'iate; that Mr. A%lame. retires "next jit 554 il:•covered ' that Mr. Bowyer, only *prime A special cuiiimission nes been eked, Agri] one year, wits in the ruidet of isluea to try Feniarts Dublin with power to the 113inggwithout any possibility ot rescuing adjourn to Cork. The proprietor of ntre it. after the house was burried:down, the child 1."°Ple cntnntenend "lion anyntnst the enlace. toe du enure of that journal. No confirm. was lotted in the cellar • charred mus. - ration has been received in Eirglised of the The cause of the fire uriknown. Men. Boy. negro insurrection in Jamaica. I he Frerik• law sot violated, and no n military expo dines' " has been "carried ou from the United States" tnounh money, arum. dup. plies aud mei, may all have been shipped separately from our ports to Indeed, them to be organised and consolidated etto an *nay of insurrection seri rebellion. We believe Ai. quibble is not Oil diehonest but knife°. teal. In abe case u the United States es. Quiucy 6. Peters R, 4a5-tbe U.S. Supreme Court held it as not neveseary that the retail shou'd be armed, or in a et/edition to commit hostilities oft leering the States, and in the cue of the United States es. It rtinski 8, Law Rep. 251, the court held that of potteries were s hired or remitted to go abroad with the intent c uf enlistine in war against a power with which we are at peace, the IM violate* the Inure section of uur arearality laws. The queetion rut further eimplified by these precedents in reduced to this : Are the Fenian Brotherhood o begiuning, eettirig on foot. or prepaiing the means fur au miterprise which consist part of *ending moiety, arms, men, teasels, end other means of war to Indeed with the intent that they shall there be enlisted into or used in an insurrectoonti7 effort to Iamb I lah an indi•petident Irish goVeniment ? There is bot one i.e.:hie mower 1,1 this question. and that is. that the Feirian Brotherhood is engaged in just diet thing -no more and no leas. Its conatitution elates that it OranSists of Irishmen in the United States who aro soleninly pledged to free belard from the Jiritish oke, 0.1., to get up an Idris jaunt. lion. ta preamble el -dares its object to be to secure the blousing's' of liberty and peace fur the frith nice in Ireland.' Yet ' ite head quarters are and shall be within the limiter ul the United States. Its oath binds its mein. hers te 'Libor with earnest seal Mr the liteenitiou of frelend from. the yoke of Eng - lend, and for the establiabonnt of • free awl independent government on the Irish soil,' and also •birels them all to implicitIn obey the cumin:sod of their offirsers,' 'whatever tneir charactee ur nature. It is ruled by a 'PisiiiIdAriild • Congress. The Cottgrekle consist* of a Boum of Representatives, sod a Senate ot fifteeo members, whom they elect, and who are always in elusion. The Presi- dent it provided with • eabinet, canittine • Secretaty of State. of War, and of tbe I reaury. Ile appoints. with the "meson' of the Smuts., the agent of the Irish Repothlie, (so.called), thus showing that the Fenian Itrotherhoodeontains within itself. in embryo, the Irish Republic which it aim* to erect in Ireland. All itt members are trued eot less than ten cellular week, and as much more as they can be made to stand. Suppose their memhei ship ln he 20.000, and this amounts to the sum of 8101,000 per annum. This the Meiimuss. Many will give much larger sums. If we interpret this coustitution by the li •lit of even the ease es made still Over fi ty of these Fenians, it 0 eurrently stated, having 'treed/ left Caicagyi 'fur Ireland. Over two found led Fern:too...re-- of them linh Americans, have there been arrested, and are now lield for trial on the charge of LAYoti. Roods n1 the future Irish . Republic are openly offered in market, and feud* mised oir them, and anthorited Fenian oratars openly declare that the object of all their' acts is an Irish insurrection, and that rennet-, area and ,men, are bemg htted cut nem. In short, the Irish population, air a` portien of Ibion. are now wo4ing • priVete war dgairtyt England, making America their bare of operations. Our courts have decided that it ',utter' not that no or rams." expedi. tem ie being formed within -our bound teas. or mile from thenee. It is sufficient it niesi,1 money end meens be sent abroad with Ole iiitent to use them there for that aturpose.- This we all know ie being dove. Fenitinisni bsi its of 'this astie proper work, 4.3.1 yet this it a onere Criele ; a grave crime. becauee the petty n0,000 Inedans ha, no train no c on a war which the 30.009010 ut non• Fenian* must either euppress or long ce The Americo people are oat prepared to ',large in a ear tor severing from Ireland (Lent ; therefore it i• the iluty of our government to impress this private war of our frith American* agamst the British gov• e'rtiment. The Federel governmerit is the i ju ere of its own netiwial hoilor, and upon it I de ;yes tke drily of deeiilieg euarnies 4u? 0.11 merigan citizens sliail, aid what hall tea, light. lis wham" erf its de• action, we ars opposed to brut: 1 . . )er,it appears,left the cluld with Iwo nepheitS about three years old, to see her father:b. ow, a distaiica front her house of about ft or 10 toes. She says that the was wily nhaul 20 iniirutes away. --ese-sesneeetwes- Etitroft.-It is with airteere plea. eure I have learned that the teacher of fort Senate had repeated the refusel to accede to the demands ot Austria and Inman". The Waxman mails had reached Lopatin!. the allies commenced crissoillog Craguay to march on Correyuto. Mr. Thornton, the Itritieh Etivor, •itati an interview woh the Emperor, mid deemed the desire of Eirgleed to resume dielomitic reletiuns. The emperor replied fatet. Street School has received an in- Ilreadstuffe.-Riehardeon, Spence Co. crease to her smell salary, hieing choke), I aitil Wakefield. Noah & Co. repokt antiket • • I firm. Flour quiet, but foot, and in some I cases abuut Is per tuck dearer. No barrels discharge of her iluttee. .16e Longworth to Mat holds. W heat in Steady deniar.d, and deserve, every praise, her pupils aro cer- - $0 per cent rarer on t e *yea. •inter U11 red los. 2J to len Indian corn i3 ;paid tainly advancing th° "tisfacti°" or request, at Cel inbacce per L.4n0 Iba. on the -their parents, who are constantly hoping :week. Mixed American 29*. 9J. tu:10s.. that their children tea)! net bo' removed' 1sordoit, Druce & le s.,report-Ileet sent from under het. kind end judicious man- 1°,11!IYetit,', :11.1 rje"1"4 551'10' 4'4)4 54"1 c sue qualitots. Inferior un• agetnent. I ani in no way conned'ed with changed.- l'ork, none in stock. Irish and the tywn or schOol, but, I muot eay 11 litiropeari dechniotg. Mutsu lower and wOuld be well for all the famale teachers Muller decline expected. Lard consid'inably both private anti public it they teem eat -relief, from 2a. 4to 4s ry cat. Sheep .olont and kind Miss Longworelt, who ',1„unasinta,"1,;:n1ii,inEdnelitell?;1' Pirsicepa. rcheenet1/4„ take a leaver from the gentle, clad, benev.1 I '7.• d d • ?WM* solely bent, 11.0 only on the advance- North .taierican 49* Cal to 51s. Sugar quiet ment of the futile. in word lore, but and without intienal change. Coffee poet ' h It teethe but stemiy. Petroleum, steady dementHet branch contained hi God's Ho y word- 2a °J 1° 2s I id' Christian aliarity and/brotherly love en • Loudon aleiacts•-ltarine Bros. repot t the market for bre:Wong% lio ni, - and Wheat neceutry to their soul'a aalvation. Yes, : Mr Editor piece a few such 0 te iehars In 1.!.1rudel'ilLni."45001t0o16522-e. PZIoritreArrb:Ne.1. 414Vishitio" . ' your schoolsoand believenne, Reit all eall .-kUs. Ankeriesii Sour &came.' at 27s to 30e 1 meet the rebel -36 without thetr ears being per bk. Inse nom Saner quiet, about 6.1 ' polluted. . ceeaper. Coffee tine. 'I allow steady. Tea ' I have,the henor to subscribe mysAfa active, awl iiiisaine eases Id per pouod ,rleai a Teacher of lone ;toil rucceasful expert- L... ,,;,:e3...:ttlocojniiimdtatnocrcewtionidu a.1 Is Id. I etre. nee. . Goderich, .Nov. 18th. 1865. ' levaareot.. Nov. 4. -The action sea:nst the It .yal Bonk of belated has been eettlel ! nee ; pl. we' ! give cor the mane, being so applied, the true,. To‘‘Correspoadeats. - Soncitor requited the bank not to Day it over einem% Ilia satortion rrf the Attorney A n iend and batriber sends us a long rlaoafal• 14e ',auk -Wolf (01116e4 00 I"`7 arir nether cheques, Me. Leary corium:wed letter intended as criticism upon the • M L 1 It apoe +red %Oat Mr. Leary,one ref the Fete,. tremens sending in items of loci!' priemere ha.I a sum to his credit in the bank. tniiieh are Always welcotue, wee (Le ja:rtroune,flinut.:illefiged„,.. aAsta %tart:, Member that it is Important tol, trensannble puiPoses, and within view t the •ct nano.); and rintes. 1st 'mann trisect' remittances, and preventing ;the action. Au application from . r. roar, ' manner in wffich a rthin inquest was to dare part uf the sum, for the perpciee o conducted by Der ; ham. Now, wh ; that certain tet •these counti mi:tte,03r eindisc. In the action brrnin:hfl;IZaii toexpoeure a,rel censure, we regret ats tit WO are gs in-ceista are guilty of O'er .e$ Yr We hare received the following letter and poetry from a Mr. Oakley of this town, who thinks he hu invented a great many things which would be beer- lciel to the eouttuunity at large. We emu the sane and inte'ligent reader to judge of the documents as Ito may fit : -- 1Svi.XvioNS SSD thwevemes, TIM WW1 - nano 1, 1115 Aos.-As the Press now sup. plies the need of oral philoaunh and watery, o that the latter among the in igetit of that Ism is now reduced to mennivity, and es it a tiara to print without • press., ur to nom ypes (01 of nothing, would it be compatililt with c -non regard for surcring fur inanity to aid a ellow creature to such liflieulties, try publishing a emelt porticos of his production 1 First -On Railway Insproranienta. tvl i,elyz e titters e breach, of mittraiity which the' lienien I ftrotherh. orl are induleine. With less pal.' I petite evi necapUtist the fi Penternin ego. I f I damns of Aker and ipeo-Presislental peed rrnatio were issued aro ople anainet much ensmoing ek ouch culled for in reeard once at Wing- his defence, wasi tit once otgreed to. Accierl. me to admit 1 'tLer (1°- eumwe""m" Mr. Leary's attorney mentioned that the bsa• of the nebon, earth of any* was els, requirrol tor the defer f apocry. pt ismer and that it w• i Id b 11.7lieed. °let pled seta, nd thereby expore 14ie wive I Ira at once Irritated 'to. bedrai:e ads. ir,`,::+;!:""aP""e" the proPnetors with regard to this particular stet, 0 eine newepaper, the defence se , mle except what was neceisary to the l personal as to renderet our ditty to keep: pu eses of the prueecution. The Spanrsh : it out of the ,S7ynal. Thero can be little` wereing ihe crimes. We th to tbe Ian . - • Ore In stro g- Ireland, 1 he Eari o declares that Ilse weeks' in connectio furnished steeling importance and va,ue the Deanne. organs, saloon.' 11e takes er it to the Orangemen ,•ftir haring Irdig known t at such a plot exist eJ, anal !says •' ihat man locelittes will Le indebted for their proteetik and th• ir feelio • of soicutity chiefly to the existence vf the Merge institation.” The Olaugernen are further advised to be Sober, •wig-, end watchful, and to senorita heir nion,e-s The document is dined 2.1id of lictorlrer last. rothorrho.id. that withineness ni in the office ot the eur. has introduced en much that is AN out. MestIPIINTLR GoNE.- An alarm of fire was given yesterday (Thule day) at noon, and on proceeding to the harbor hill it was discevered that an old frame home on the harbor tit was in fiatues. The firemen had their engine on the gnome' in a few minutes, but the beet that could be done was to gave the arljocent warehouve, Which were in danger (rem falling cinders. The building was tied in 1 e31 as a tannery -the first in the county -and aubsequently nit a cust-eth house, &c. Two poor families occupied the old tenetnent, d f • tweed to remove their *minty effects.- Loes.-A let of good kindling wood anl any number of " innocent and helpless " bed-buga. Thee:34Year LAND 8AILL-'fhe sale of lands ler taxes commeneed on Tuesday last and ended, far the time being, on Wednesday afternoon. It was the beet sale we have bad for peens, farm lots going off ' like hot &tee,' and eveti village pro. ty, in Prone inotances, being bought up eagerly. Thie certain indication that mil estate is on the rise, affected no doubt by the generally improved septet of the times. The unsold Ina will be re -offered early in December. sir In the-officiarprise publiabed in the Canada Farmer, the judges in the fruit department append the following moth to the premium list .-" The under- signed having performed their duty to the best of their' judgment, have much pleasure in drawing your particular notice to a collection of Fruit from the County II aeon." *dr Mesons. J. V. Dotter & Son wieh us to add to their adv. that they have just received a large quntity of Cotton Yarn. oar See Mr. eloorhonse's adv. of chimp Stationery. We are perritaded that a larger, cheaper or better amortuient cannot be found in any retail bowie in Canada. 111.onsoau le Nov r.unatt.-W c have been shown a strawberry blossom found thia morning by Rev. A. Mickel on the banks of' the Maitland. No doubt the tiny wringer WAS ingettd 011t hy the recant foe weather doubt that the whole elf& was extra- , judicial and sitamefutly managed, and if our friend nad confined himself to a simple' atatetnant of the cireuntatances, 'omitting personal inuendos me should have been happy to Aline idle. He is too seneible a man, we are sure. to mi-conatrue our motive. withohling his three page letter. • •••■•••• Literary Notices. , - par From Mr. Moorhouse we have re- ceived the currept number of Chambers' Journal, one of the best and most useful magazines imued from the British' Prete% is cheaper thatti the New York ittilger, and infitetely better in every respect. isONDole SoC•1•71*.-Chetvett & Cn Toronto. -'f his Month's number is better In our opinion than sotne of its predeces- sore, although all are good. The eagles, Ger eienita Pest siy mite him Bel wheneve ducednond whe public and the mate of partite, shall anew of its treino passed ; but not one wend seems to intimate th deny sut•Ii 1111Lwill behrought leotard by the Govern merit in the cornet/ fieysion. The Times my that the disceinit ihmund al the Rank on the 3rd inn. was corneraratively lieht. In the stock Exelianee advancee hal been uttered e about 61 per. mein unmet ban joined -the Constantinoil Cohen ewirtn. The 'endow Morning liai Gladsonee :speecb cora- hearty appestat of the Reform practicalrle one shot! be ere - FENIALNY, A N_IP (frit NECTE.11w LITV LA Wrt• Frain the clams, Triter's. The constitution of the Ferlien Brotherhood hat been published end the hotel' of the Irish Itoputo in itgueL. Toe Government ie now cellei up., to toke jurnciel mince of a move mem which time puenslics its purpose& ti the w. old in a m 'neer that Iroaves roian fer deale. In our judgement an active orga nixat1on has been funned which careen rank read to the Orangemen Enniskilleingrand touter, elalions of the payt few with Inertianion, hese 1 rit the haidementah te". The Newton County Cos I a weighty m.ttter to decode. A be ' ger dose there keens cocks which the. mono." and awake, not a p shaven and shorn," but a wine m echo breught a County Court action to 14es. 15-tliat bener the amount at he values his and his wife's sleep. loge with the pant inflicted oil them conjoint throu rh the bahy being waked earlier Vs neeensary. • The judge, My Sergent Peters neonfeseed thou he did root know whether, itecordog te the law of the land, a cock can be stopPed from crowing if he happens to live . near a wine merchant ; nor did any of the , legal gentlemen who tornetiee hi his eourt.- So the ease has heen atinirtied in order that •' the authorities mey be consulted. reit'the,New Haven Regieter tells the 'owner 't A gentleronn, who is still • young man, came here with a few hundred dollars reel rammed a *tore 17 by feenbut brought with him what wee more valuable- thorough know/1.1,0Ni hie lousiness and of the value of edvertiaing. Ile now liege in one of the finest houes in Oho city, owns largely in real 'rude, end is soand for, we don't know how many thousand*, nnd is still enlarging hie busineen and carrying it on with an energy and 'meas.! whieb cannot fail to place him high on the scroll of the income tax list. - free, his advertieieg expenses for the past year were some 10,000, hut no one can visit 44 eatahloolomrint without seeing that it pays." lad.? has k Mena croW st all ,who dant. er for its object withont clearly violeting on hers are perfect gone in the new IMO,' neutrality laws, rind cari never hope to ottein style, the reading matter is apicy and entertaining and the, typngraphy faultless. It is a email thing to mention, perhaps. but we very much admire the system of und by Messrs. Chewed & Co., by nhich the book 6 gent fed and not rolled up so as to destroy de appearance, as is too often the case. Tilt CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE is to hand ream the twine house, and in, as tweed, replete with good thing!, ' wise mid otherwise.' (amity for Deceniber is a oplendid No. lt opens with a very pretty line c ing and' the fashion plates are all th.e could be denim,. Beitiales interesting literary matter the number containa large number of valuta° recipee The; following are the terms for I elle, in Am- ericen funds :- One cepy, one year • • - • $3 00 Two copies, one year - - • 3 .10 Three «mime one year - - 7 50 Four come., one year - - 10 00 sesseemse- its end without 1o:coloring the lenited States ni a war with Eneland. Undoubtedly the . progres4 already made by toe r entail' organ g3tirio becr;mor the suloject of diplomatic eninplaint 111 Great Britain, and will serious ly cumplicete the present thsturbed cronrlitiron of our f weign affaira. It is immaterial that Great Ilritani did [Ott nunatain her neutrality in good faith durtrig, cur war tor the ljnion. If greet !intent was at fault let that fault be diseased diplomaticelly, am! if diploma*, y . le 'di 10 n3 lair results, and the wrong be , worth a ,wite, let the United States select its own lime ind occasion fur war, and make war inns deliberftte, oatmeal, end dignified Imouser. n bet es not submit. however, tu be drifted, enhapped, and isboulered into • war Iby ohr own sevirninal negligence to enforce t re laws which we have enacted tri present out citizens and all other persons residing in oer midst (ruin levying pnvate war on their S h I we ernistr the cee own account aeainst foreign Government. - n on y h 7 tr: rd rrticir t -b -1°k: r ispose war; bin ef the whele people who would be merle to fight a out. We oak, therefore, Are the Fenian Brother. hood, end its nein are now developed, a vio tenon of our Neutrality Laws? 11 should it be permitted to go unpunished, or should it he suppressed ? The language of the heutrality act ie as follows :- '• If any person shall, within the territory or jurisdiction of the Vetted States. begin or set on foot. or provide or prepare the means foe any military expedition or enterpriee, tot be carried on from ilsenee agrees* the terri• tory or dommions of any tereign prime) or State, or of any colony, district, ot people witb whom the 17nited States Ars at mut poem's, go offending, shall b. eemed entity of a high mienemeanor, end shall be fined not perverting three thousand dollars and Imprioronert not moo than tore* yearn" The simple question of fact is, are the Feniatis beginning or setting NI font or pro 'ding or prepw Mg the means for • miiitery expedition or enterprise to be carried on from the United Suttee againat (frost Rritein The Peening will contend that ft long 01 no organised Sem and army it formed here and ,earett anted and eqiiipped from our porta, the A tieKsT la, tit me, Init.-Pio lemy Pheopeter, who lived some two hundred emirs before Chi ist, letrl a ship with 40 benks of rowers, being 560 English feet in length - 190 feet longer than the " Persia,- and 120 thorter than the" Emmet'. ; ft. from one side to the other , in height, to gum melee, 4 was n6 feet, and %la the highest toot of the stern to the water line it was 100 Met ; it hart lour rudders. each 60 feet 'orig. When it pot t.000eit, it held rnore than 4009 rowers and inissollarnomentriet, and on the deck were 3090 marinea. And besides ali 'hewn there was* lerge body rot morn under the oleeks pied a vast quantity of provisions and supplies. lArd Palarimetee's heir le bis nephew, the Rev. Henri &IBM, * eargyessn eif the L:aiscoposi Chan* • 1 gave ler a rose and Rove her a ring, And asked her to marry m4 then ; but she sent ahem all back, the insensoole thing, and said "she's no notion of men. I told her I'd neearts of money nod g tned to frighten her with *growl ; Mutate answered she wasn't brought up in the woodt, to he scared at the screech Man owl. I called her a corpiette and everything bad, I slighted her features end form till at length I 'emceed., in getting her mad, aid she reged like the sea in a storm. And then in a moment I turned and limited. and called her my angle and dear ; she fell In my arms like a wearisome child, and exelaimed, ''We will marry Ilia yeion'' pl. Parson firownlow, Onvernor of fent. ewe, when Ian heard on was in the gutter at Knoxville. where he had been kicked by a couple of negro soldiers. 1Ie him recently agate turned up and complains of having been required to lend his watch end fire hun• dniel dollars in greenback's to those footpads, who offered in eecurity • pistol, whinh they flourished before his terrified physiogeorny.- Niee people in Tennessee. Jnhoi Healey, of Wigan, England, has confesned ihe molder of one James Barton, on the 12th of annuity, 1861. Ile sere thet • (Impute ending between himself and Barton, he flung hem into a furnace at the Beane browse pit near Womtn. A solnier of the 30th Regiment hoer been ermined in Montrose!, charged with having stolen • silver watea. The Orengemen of Kinptnn contemplate the erection of a 'handsome Orange Mall is diet eity. Railway travel may now be safe, Ort every line in every place ; And trierals a'411 greet each other dear, For they cato safely meet to cheer. When men adopt the plasm devised By Oakley of Ooderich. Then the collisions dreadful strict., Will hare a shaking fit and Itul then, 'tit 1rue, the struggle's o'er, A laugh, and there will be nos more ; When men, ie. Lightning trains may now be kept From runnina off their glary net, 14 falling &mu in chasm; deep, lu erbich the dead forever sleep ; When men, Ike. Second -On tAc Mantic Telegraph. Now the Atlantic Cables sure, The telegraph eau work secure, Beneath the briny ocean. When formed in sliding links like tongues It thew will- speak in divers songs, Beneath the trecan's bosom ; When men adopt the plans desires! By Oakley of teudericb. Upon hundreA ships sad tables. With sharpen.' teeth is laid the cable, Then buried beneath the main. No strain, nor bite; can break the line, Nor iisterrupt the dashing sign, That will speak 16u•ihrn anig,t11iln, Ma yorall y_of ttuelsce. The ilon. Joseph Cauclion has been nominated at esitilidate the.Quebet mayoralty. The preteiit mayor bee announ- cedriutisi hnatelnlitpioln.loilevin"ot .r. et of British origin obleht-according to t alternate system -to be elected." r. reactor, 0 at prevent the only candid,' in the field. Some weeks aeuethere see d to be a prevalent feeling that et. gent 11111 of British origin should enjoy a ter in tbe civic dune and the names . lessee. A. Joseph and H. S. Scott were mentioned in that connection. No formal maps here, however, as yet been -taken to induce either of tbese gentleman to cowls forwent The Dear Babies. Conventionally, infancy is only Inother name for ineocfnee. Nu:leaner-they, are wide as the poles sounner.. nether*, as • matter of course,will dispute this prop...niece; yet tee) know`in the depths of their °fret:non. ate 'hearts, that it is too tree. Produce you'r pht'a•ahropic baby. Show nu • ...resole of the race that will not lIght. Igo they not all wile us by the hair, and tun thereat, with exulting war whoops, as if they longed lo scalp us? Is it riot necemar tu keep their nail* short, in order to Ivor searifieation 1144 any baby ever been known to -exhibit the slightest emotion of gratitude 7 Ito they not murder our sleep, motapelling permits to riee at the dead hour of nigh*, and walk merches against time until daylighi Is it uot a common thing to see them Weenie vernally apopletic with enbridled •- And then look at their hypocrisy ! cr:14 nut indulge in blood turtling shrieks of went. agooty,and when uoodrermed in consequence of suspicion of pins, do they not kick up their feels mid crow at the thoughts of having bossed their mothers ? It ie I'll very well to ay the Ileeven ir near us in eur Infant!'" hal it is the opinion of observant -persons, who have studied babita from a plalosphical morel print, that if theiscapacity for 'Meatier were equal to 'their ferocity, they eoal4 seen exterminate Ilse adalts of tke human family. • - • - - - - &Meta News Iron Europe. The ' City of London ' ai rived out oc thee 20th. rad Russell, i premier, aud Clues. dun, ea minister of foreign affairs, were iu stalled into office. It it espected no material cheirge will. be made till February. Tn. Zah.re bi"ein irsliTolviesteldtatiena tl•I'aititt Murat . atorTti. rivaieer SAeitasidadt had arrayed in the ersey on the lith, arid surrendered to the vista ship Donegal, and i* now in the bands of die aethoritice. Copt. Waddell states the first itifurination he received of the flume of the war was on the 3011. of August. from the Initial war veseel Itarracoute. and that be consigned his guns 10 the hold, and steered for Liverpoel. Illeadetuffs quiet, hut firer. Beef scarce and firm. Deceit dull. Niter firm. Honest Labor. A life of honest labor, with the aimple re- ward or contentment, is the nearest appro.,. matioon hapilhiess which man can expect here. 'the leinplalions to enter into businese lite sou then 1010 the pureuit nf wealth are vastly increased iit our own time. The peat few years have been remarksble in this es sped. The young man has; seen, or thought that he saw, the rapid eccumulation of color. 01 termites by men of his own age and clus, and hes felt the, bonds whist' hale him back - to be very galling. '• If 1 had oar) the capital I" a his constant exclamation. acetim • pained with the conviction that only that •aa venting to inane loins • brillient term!' of success in the pursuit of money -reeking. If* has riot thought of the other side of the picture. The apparent mucus of the few is always visible, while the bit r dmapoirtment, agony, sad sometimes a me of the maoy wbo air hidden out ts sight. If the true *tory could be told y generation of awn in this city, who hare one into the pursuit of fortuues, the lesson ould he startling. The number of succor 1 men would be found ex. ecedingly small •Itile of Olive wbo hays been suceeirifuntbe proportion would be toted se•palling why have succeeded at Ile expenses of happinem, red too °Ilea a self-respect, if n ut of revelation. It is ,rrtit the while of every young man to confider tierrously what is linely to be the surest source of happiness to bemself, and ha family, if he has one, mod that epochs& fairly answered will in most cases dhow that wealth a nut necessary to the result. Or if wealth be so eaniestly,desired that he eannos make u p hie mind to be erodeirt without it, then let hien knew that in the pollen of it he may meet men experiences of &treaty, such temp- tatiouS to great risk of torture' and of cbar• user, that without courage and firm pnnciple the ebanees are • Modred to one lie will fail miserably, upecially it he lords to • swift tenant, as the result of bold speculation. A fertune earned by steady, honest lalror is an honor and a blessing. Such • fortune will brieg enjoyment and bemuse*, in the proems of tts eccumulat on as well se ir the use of it. Such a feriae, may be earned 'sellout great risk, without corrodiog anxienes, wothasI the terrible weight of beery responsibilities assumed for the chime of the earnester's seccess. If there be any advice *hods eught to be impetus." on the young man who has determent to seek wealth, is thut, that he should see. to grow rich *lowly rather than ✓ le. The advice may seem to be throw. awey in times like these. We have faith to believe and Mason to hullo that it will sot. for we have oilier evidence loke thee contained in the leiter of oar correstundent, that such warnings have been of Isee to maul on th• years that have panted since tbe Journal began ats careen -Journal of Coalmen -a. AReiVsl. 1{V.V. NIL Wool ara.r- Ch riati0t Guardian has pleaaare,in an. Menicing the safe arrival -of Mr. Woresey, after a rather stormy peamme :ft the Peruvian Mr. Vloonsey lute been usefully. employed attending Miesionary Anniversaries and other 'pectin,' Jenne his eirit in En nand, under the direction of the Itecording Secretaries of the Permit Society, and brings with hiM • token ef love end deep interest which the MisoiUnary Sornly teke in the. Iluelsona Baya work, it large edition of Ilynerrs arid the First ; C•techism in the C7ree language, Mentes' eumeroue present's from fi weds' in different Peris ef England, In ortsoeously given, foe the different Mt -miens in Ow Territory. .1 Ft -Gillet W*XliKaiNtis.-The editor ot tit° Memphis (handa.J.ieksorrAtlan. (*.Montgomery Appoiloolto once more prints his paper in Memphie, givers a good natured *comet ot his wanderings lo and fro in the South. Ile asys he hmi great trouble ih avoiding our Armtek and thinlitt Gen :Spencer is "a genneinem of "ft very restless le.Mpers. went." Luckily for the Appetit, lie adtisnlie wor ended, mai the Appeal, " being now ! perfectly iron. clad with paroles. amnesties, lid pardons, is on its feet again irt robust d Norma life." Seniors couple of young men, in • loordicated state, were Yu ttttt ng about the s feels one evening lately in Detroit seek• I ing nt ehiet, when one cf there, unthinking, no due t. drew lits revolver and fired at ran. dom. e bell crossed the street, end, Pass. iota over e heads of Mr. Johnson and hi* clerk, who ere about closing the store,struck the wall ab. e them end, glowed ..fr, shiver ed several bottle., which were on the shelves, to litoMe. A policeman passing arrested them. 'Mow en Reek Seallnira.- Not far from Bedford, the otheeday. we came in the course of our rambles, on a little Yining. church. There wee not mochabout it to attract the latent on or an ectelesMlogies beyorel the fact that it had escaped the reveoes of modern chore'. restorers, but it wax renankahle tor conta ning an arrangement a loch we believe halm unique. The pew belonging 10 the aristo retie lord of the nutter we. up in a little Keller entirely partltooned n1T from the church, wo which it °communicated only hy a large with vendee. A little Hight nf keeps outeele the church led to the double door of this secluded oratory, stitch Walt furnished with a fireplace of 111 °en, and sundry com- fortable drake and haseockin or, perhaps, more correctly speaking, towstools. On making inquiry sa to the proprietor, we learnt that his Lordship was • devout man, and never ntiCied morning sertice while staying at his cottony meat. When the service com- menced he opened the eanhowindow, which was erectly oppoite the reading desk, and behaved with the Mei: tem decorum until the prayers mem over and the padre immediately before the amine sung to an end. Then, jolt as the minieter entered the pulpit, Ise shut down the south ann devoted homeelf to reeding the letters by the morning pose which had in the niesnwhile here brnught (leen teem the hall by " 'lemma for ha edification. --(11innirighern flasette. rje It is rveated of the greet Dr. Clark that when in one of hos leisure how, he wee nnhentling himmdf with a few Menne in the molt frnliesome manner, he nbeerved Beau Noah approftahing open which he stopped triddenly My horn' ired he, let ea be grave here comes • fool." ele "Rue, my deer," mei a niother her daughter, '' if you are stiff and reserved, you will never rt • hushend." "Ma," re- torted the punt tad', "anima the pees@ tell fibe, a primrose it not without Wham tioen" A WalliXING To l'aeUltra saga Yuceo Lsuliall.-A Nes York repel says that the thieves of that city 'have extended their sphere o f operations and inatitsded • new mode uf pluuder, not ezactlo,the garroiling Mein., but quote as Dad, and approactlig in fiendish barb:aril, tbe scalping mobile a the Bock, Mountain *AV ,kes.. The rascals carry whit them a very sharp knife for the pompom ef &tending themselves case of an stuck, sad to retiree Mlles of that faahionsable excrescence called a watertit11; Woth the dexterity of a .vs toted savage on the war paih. dry wiiherith • 8oarith of the scalping. knife, take a eat...elan Dos • lady's teed close to the skin ; and the operation is par formed with so much delleary, that *ha 1.1y only diecovers het, loss when her held suddsrity dome upon her bosom, haring been deprived of Its counterbalance. The vale. of the heal made by dm thief varies ; but it is a poor scalp thst will nut yield front 14 to liki worth, including hair, rags, bran, old junk, de., which is disposed of to merchants in Met branch of trade watt reasionable profit. A passenger left thirteen thousend in sleeping rar at Clevetand, %Inch wee found and restored by the colored porter. The Jeerer, doubtless in a fit of unwonted libenility, lock out a five dollar hill and pre•ents.d It to the honest darkey Without seeing for airy change 1 The Executive Council bad • very pentract- ed meeting on M ednesdily Mat, at which all the Ministers were present. lx what key shuttle • lover melte a prop*. all of marriage Ile mine, ab! (1.3 minor.) 'There's a brandy smash,' said a wag ee mein; &drunken moo falt through • esteem Wood Wanted. Parties wishing to pay theit traissente lions in dry wood will rheas' bring it in 0 once. At the residence of his fathenCentre Rosa, Goderich townseip, on Retarder the Inth inst., Mr. Dever tinnem n, aged eia you,. Deceased lees than nee year ago, wee ening man of more thee ordinary ability, ell of mental and physical energy and vigor. boa through a severe cold that settled upon his ungs, that fell destroyer of youth and beau. t comaroptim, marked him for its prey. - fir dually the strongly knit frame lost its tenslon-slowly but how surely the joys and glories of life faded from his young eyes. until Death closed the scene. The respect in which 1M beld by his neighbors was man. ifested by the great eonerierse that attended the remains to the Catholic Cemetery on Monday. At Brantford, on 10th Nov., inn., of Ty. phue fever, M•1111AHLT the beloved wife of John Hay, third daughter of Andrew Orme, Celbortie, Aged 29 years. 31ARKETS. stsIFF: phioirtt „two heaCcOnItnte..N.: 020..01.9..;0013.,0005321 (((•,(,:!1a1140051 050,10. • .0: Illinimiti.et"st(greetn) Peas 552::000205 00605011.00 0,72' n143 (4 1'29 Foetus ...... 0;4230 00 0- Ls. .. (4 *IA hay, new ntil to -n• • • 461i:00°205 fee. 914 Kees 124 Toronto, loth.- hoeinese lieht. Fell Wbeistj$1,40 to L57 1 npring 1,18 tn 1.2.1 k Harley fiSe to 72e ; Pees Ile to 62 ; Oats 23 to 33 ; Pork 6.50 tri T 30 ; Batter 24e to 23e• New York, 20th.-Casade flour $13.46 to 11.75 ; Spring wheat 1.72 to 1.86 ; Pork 32 621 for mew. Gold 147. Mon,real, Nosy. 110.- Advisee per City of London, which has arrived with Liverpool. &nes tn the nth, report breadstuff.' and p_rovisione firm, but no quotations are gitenk News uninsportent. Thor /mitt with taw transactvons. Ashes dell and %Nadine dose. warns. Reiter market quiet. f• leveed wonted. Illone-seperiot extra at 97.30 IA ; extra 7 tn 7 40 ; Welland ("Anal saper lia• at 6.10 to 6.20 ; superAne No. 1 Canals rebut at 6 20 to 6.13 No. 1 western en 6 12 in 6 20 ; whem--Cansda 1.2O te 1,2A ; Osts per 32 IN M :12 to 311e. Butter, dist, 25 to 26 ; sterepecbee te 1,10.