HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-11-09, Page 3!bra yet last' 114. ped 4114 an. be• her re" ion •01A re• pian it is her :A y hr t T-= ght .sir 111. 'tied who and' u of' for I led ging otk- Ilbh+ ,be. Irish f all seri • *Ito, hist . of Stele the Irl is Theo aims the • .1111. e to ,reed eery, it 4 •ul to ,oi•g t ales 11 or tot u west . { it of I 1 not o wn, snip " un - 1 the hitt sands aa. rode. netly inked iuired net, • ••don, toe of 1er'to Lena !what w t4, tlm` It sot stay on of tailor n pro. ererr Its Iger is. obi me of tvlent • fol.: I Me- 20tb 1•r, try for Jolla Pens ,r, for , 1114' 1 who oh by Cue• and la the 4outh- ieuted t 1At0 port*- ,t fire i'w lc herd 9 may ire of : pole, \cad, wind- thwitb u mber Is Mor• ringed, :I.pped a rrry s w*y such a ice at •e the it's a rdsh;p • My 1 you. back.' y and mole he de roe ot ot IM ,nd a1 - ,ye the r cold, by F. mad• A rims, feeling d from n bad, uthori. 'tiering Aide or •h, the imme- lealere, ,n for mgton• ••1•y, in •• now rn•ere- in th• Trunk It !ort - .14 nil Ione n( • suBBO)1!$T1ONO 1'01• w F. W.1'1'01144 ?mamma Vllual:M *411 Itacivar F1'au. Acheson J Mn,y 00 Auditet W Mr 1 00 Archibald Mr ,' Brown 0 Mr.. .. •200 • Butterworth Mr Huth Mr Brown Mrs Mark J 1) Me Iluston It Mr Brinlacnmbe Mr...... • • . • •1••• • • • • • 1 00 Cobb Me........ IU u,t Chandler Mr.. lu OU Crumble Mr .................. l0 OU ruo{(Mr Mr.... Y6 OU Cauls Mr. .. d 110 l'*moron M C Mr.... ........... 25 00 Coe W 'f Mr.. 5 00 Crmpague Mr llam4err (ter ..... du Dlia Dodd Mr .t,...,.. J 0U Donogh Juo Mr .. • . .`4 . 10 00 do ♦ Mr.... .... . .` 15 00 Mance] Mr.. 5 00 Dello Mr ............. {* • 0 04 i)ark Mr .. 00 Davison Mr ... 1 Dara Mr. 1 0 Ellwood J 1' Mr. .... ' 20 U }'in'y .... ......... 4 Uu Fulton Mr .. 7 50 Ended** Mr 1 .... 1 00 Fiddler Mr 10 00 rourby Mr 1 00 air Mr2:. 00 .. .... ... ..... tlibbonu Mt, ........5 00 Jordon J It Mt. -.... ' . 0 00 do I) Mr... 6 00 than.. Mr.... ..1 00 t•uuding D S Mr 2 ou fsys Mr . ...... ...... .......r1 6U llorker Mr., ... 6 00 11.IJan 14 Mr 10 00 YY 30 }Dorton 11 Mr .... .... 1 00 .:,oda„ lir ... 6 uu Johnston 11 Mr '40 00 do 11 Me....................101) Kirk 114,..... .. ....... 5 PO 1 00 ,4444 50 00 5 09 t 00 21 :t3 J 67 Kerr W Mr ',,bur*, Mr .... 20 f.eau 1 31r .:. .. 10 mfro Mr ... 5 1' Mr 2 Li...en ]Iry lake 11 Mr Murphy Mr 11 boom Mr. Mitchell Mr .-.. Moore J 4.' Me..,. ,........ . Mackin Mr Mu") 1(e McIntosh .1 Mr........ McLean .1 11,.K.y 11 '•.. 1141*„u, toll l)t McAllister Mr 4).., •1 Park w 11 lir.......... ..... ... 4 1'oltock " 20 l'hdhpa •• a a 1'....Inure - 5 Parlor 11 ".. .,... 5 .. .... ... ,. Parsons Mrs ' 1 Platt Mr .... ... • 11.1. h 1111.... 20 11.1phMr .... 1 Robertson M•I .. 4 00 Itonciva: R Mr ....• t 4 00 41•4s •• ... 12 00 40.447 4 ... ......... 1 00 I::.beruoa 1C •' ' 00 I:utled,;e ..... l(saxlmll 4bertann F .0 Mr uwul noon Ik rtltMr J...... .. 5 00 0U 1 IQ . 4 14 e .. 1 10 00 i'0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3U 60 60 sr 011 10 01• 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 Ou SI- Ste rYte do Smith • Sinclair Sloan Smaill Sinclair .1 S Smith W o " Ravage W M " Seymour i1' rod 2 0.pbrrd Mr Trench Lady fh..ndam Mr ....... Tbnms.441 ....... 1'anEver Mr........ . Wallace 40 ll' Nr .:. ... Nelly 'Williams Mr...... .. a Ay Pdvtrteftmtnls SICt10 111bbrrtlsrmrnts. Netts SI bbrrtf1rtarrt1._ L/iI,D SALE •_-_-• . A C3•001:)' THINGFI JUST RECEIVED. TEACHERS WANTED.I T-11 t: A CIYD• TRY I i ai a I�rur ,, r IM.01 or lisTiN- ' by the 1/•445 - al conn.. •11 Tru.trrr o 11 01 be ul 4 al St1.11. !sir u i t t'I:r1RC, n. KEKH• JIL, d CU., 0:14,4„14 Mimeo.). beg Irate to mots Ile r: nnHN 1• Pr•m14Jj• lA •. rbl rnl u, rbr l•e*Ird St 4".«444 th.a City of London Building Society -r thanLs lu tlu•n !. w,l f/` u:a 1•,1• Inw,r „pa�tat rtWnl Undoes., mod 411 their dYru•'r4ya law 8P. CANADIAN 1'AtY I F.STROI'Eh R �DY•MADE lineal/ Irrr�,r•r. hotline gra: or ranw1J 1•4•. blurts 411.1 thus p.Mlc ¢, u.ly f.1• Ir Irror AL IutruYr_e d4, u,, lbs Ihte cl'mnw,Ti*My Tim M*Ji.Je Our lb* iw,n.d,a1 r. l WWII- 11441111.4. Lu*e&4weu( c✓n11n.ner :rue, 1 , ' 11.1. uff r fur rq:e`Ly Puhlie Ancient wf 11 Jep,w .ra.au, brr,•m: 11:4 i•11•0 u irh the vent r la:t that 1(1.11 and Ot tWty *bun W it riw,w:,l nl wa is ff..' •,•1'111, .- . I JY urry urXl. ralr,1, •:611w•aurlm• \ l' the linnet* 01 U. M. 1UCEMAN,-0.• 1*1,4� !,..11'..11.:11..: ullL 044,4,.,1'c1uSV„6r1'ru,,U.otu IOW Ylurlll.d the idiotic CLOTHING y d Lenin 1p, :l 0:4.1 2'71. (b1•✓ era )'u.1• U..ruyr•r••t 0 ist pplKv.1*.• !).,1/ yarl)• *u1, ,•1.4 ulr4 and (iuJ4o i, h v1 , u Iw'n uC Ihr hu,l 1-4.11. Lures Rheuuwlew. l'Lw,y'• 1••J R. r* w IL✓ 1rtN1 thy 4 11 w) I e Iaeen,10 1.f tmt 44544 iyu.'J. 1*k and mule.. u , r d' f N be o .4 u L Et, �I; ll � i t, ,I) Y 11111, Ott J) 41 401.1"°«r a 4t QIu UJY the 1iti1 1) 0 November 41•'1 P 4 1 It ad L f A L. I.d,,, 1•0* 1. 0%.1...:;, noun, t{Ir 111. uw 1fY65e ���; 4ttld `?' w11It I. 6'o.441. 1•.,,.. L,.r•✓err i a a J •: 11'M.4,( 'K. 1'. ,r.' S1 * w in l r 1 .•111. .uul 1•u L r 1•f a If,a,J • :d ('•••1,444.411 s,:1001 1 non•••$. 271• f'o,1((4'..0 i'ura IN yr r (Indenr4., 4.., Darer bdwua lute• .111 t ramp w u.1• allam*••b. 1 6 as Iwo �_� - _ -_ T t ("*01114* Jar., ll.rt•ayr. j Iw)'Nru W11urt want. J, .lue will Cure& Cholera, l'bolru )dlrbu., Dye' &I*'•ry end 4''1..:11 '4415 wu);r* p,..l Cuuauo.l 11114.1 ``�� Dottie l'ua,plawta. 'sant. Apply ii...... -;y at the Clu14w1 47,4 {,a4Jd1.l* l'u,,. 5404•• •7. 1:(110.110Y, sir ('*1.11 :ghillie* 1.4...,i 0 .•1'luloua. , • Tll• Coasts/sae fate U•.fruyn .lIa•4.r Sitter.. Gadni.A tete* Woos. 1, ill., 14...' Iho..a.4 •.•alu1. ' ,, !,.�i•l', 7th N.,r,, 1^G0. *12 t••¢ Ila,d., ua : 1.•.. \u. 191 ,'i the 1 anu u I,i•>Jrl h. Il:iuIi1111.•il,. .41• 1)444144 414111 r.r1, In:t4,s,1r Ir%. '4'I,,, :, ill• be w::I d• der N f 1•h tor' a mN • •s Ir w a { uta J 1 c , 1 • (" 111 n, Su'. FI 140, t 11 ,1 1�1 Lo 1 4 1 t thio'• r y r SuCLie. �', my _Ifla{n.al 1, •C::. �. A. SMITH, The '('4M4dlr1 POI* Ik,r44.r,. Cure Arllrula,a, 1 w Uvuluurraua 4IdI3U1\1S. 1 1•'!' ritE't sumo, of 4'hat'Irip!. Al :l 141 11,.411 4Ur u.«...1411, j11,1 1 , Ihr J 'AT THE- SIGNAL OFFICE. .11ssc7, P411 of 1..1 li 1'.,'11. in 1!1•• I.'rvantb ('•,u rest'' ', ,,f tic '1' w1,.Lt;r of .1e16e.d, t et.owe: 161 err . �ort0, I.1•+. 7Tsa'('.M✓d. Run 11.814414 r ISONEILII /11 1414 l I 1 I.. r I. 1 froth (,,n•In atw nu .•t. 4-Ilrw Ib,r for K'nw•Js, 144u.•,- 1'. 11 � 1 of /1 f t tt :1 f 1 hheld, 44',DSwam. and:oleo.. • 11 truce *way *h paw 1 1 +y'aa--- J to YI Ll' 1 i, all all 1•,Y I.1•:, • momenta t uyphrll. --� Nu Fano') •Iouid he w,Il,00l.a b,l'le u(' The Canadian , Patin Destroyer ! - GOODS l'RI('I;.-T.ierm.pr14..41.•.A'l°miersi,bould AL1. PI•:lttillN, U.11'lNU (+1(;K . JJtrawal l4 el up (1...../.1 thrown yjuHTIIRC'1' di 1s1LAN, o. 1'1': , \11�aLi• I1( )11.111' k e w eaaUr, C. ,W . r tiu4 4n thalenrh by I'+,I,.r S Cattle and 0111 NNW t: : 10 F. .,Jlu1, lianln«r Y / . Datdhl, J*Ian•.' Deliver them at'Once 144111 w Itrar14411e, J. Pi, taut, Ls• ter, 1. rt Conan. fPu4.,n t,(tltk4un, !taw. tb rd Jill 4.11..': and Cr„t'c wa4• Sut('. . in 4 cat Val hely, 8111.• iBlq xi al Ot�iob. 1t:OO1i1. • .l l.riw a-.rttne0t,•I \- l.W'1SVo1',Jot* uyrnrd 1•l Uct04,•r SIGNAL CFrIGE• 2t41i. 11.G4*. (irL•-Om ' - _T�. __ ..._----- ----- -:, - Sul,citor fu: l'.fg 0• All.l"" lA..lrr.. AGENT G.T.RaI�WaY, Godefich I- the Queens Bench, w!41t•f, THE Ij EMT ENGLISH REMEDY 1'•. t 1 f Lot Tw«sly nine, North of *le Tow,. 1'4,11 114 t!r4 F'r.m1 •4'onerriun of toe '1',..,.,4,, of 1..Id,u,J, \1`.U„ co,Wi,.iag 10:: *011/, 1 on. or 4.11 1'F.111i 11r P0Y01ENT..+One 14,4 186 NEW ll J-- LI COOPS' \,1114 6*,f of 141 Number Seven ,u l4/ r MortK Bale. i1 c1)1:R r Puasr of 1Sale contained in IJ Multiage made' 61 June Miller ul 10. Towa•hip lytAn1it11) is 0.4 CNu1) 0t Sawa. dcfrutt .anus been *ss. M Ito due phloem thereof, avid autism brie Riven .10 all 4*r lire iMWltute(1, theta *ill 4t•Auld ou Mondry 1k• 2t0 de/ of Repo n.4M'r, A. D. 1065, at 2 ..'cluck noon. at the Auction Mut of (leo. M• r Trueman. in the Tann of Uoderich, tM fol. 1.. Mg pro; e•ty the South half of _-- - . _ _ r. ' .,-; T• • Noah coarl Wu ,, l elatern tlimlwon sl IL. ..p..-.. a ! .Yid J'nauehin ort ,lrhOrld, to4Wi4ing hr ad- / ilouse 6�� iriliiiij1 �} I FISCLAIH h WALKER, - ' Solieilots for Mottt*gee. l S-11 `,\ I"; ' t : Code, ialt, 6th Seel., 1-G5. 32w3t The ahoy.. ;Jr to p. stlaoued until Mo*day the e 1440 Ortuber lune.' 033 Il Thr shoes 4*!n i. lumber post *mil 1•"1 1 Mo ..Joy, 1:414 N,r.wber, TEG., ot maw time J ,Tod )•lac•. ' 13444 . 494.- %E%% S'FOtl i W 1•9 iyS ! • 1:'11!,'11 W71.1.: t: • r" r % f 1 ` lwrr;l t Orf.J 11 K rr I a j '_J 1•:'J �i ,'7 J+�'J�J./ ' ':Ivl :•TIJ 1). ILEE1',R., & CO: od ..1i.. 11., J ',A`»1VNEE'S SALE dor si and tla• 1,r1m.e In 1w 411n41l .., QL '• , hili:Jn.ent* with iutr.'rat ul ti per or :::::::,..10 """ 1 l\TA A 77 1 �1 a�si c co z� Nassau 1 VaIltihic Real [state in Clinton. COSU11'1ONS OF SAO ntuy I e i ad . r. 1141n'nl un.10 the uudeisigue1,•pud at 10 • time 04 .,tl L'• •• ' .1AME4 *1. FLOC ' 11 len 204* u.,..1d nl.lva,, wi:4 be. 444. Jwad them SI It .1.0111:, CL.UIKE S El.. .ttempt tot :11',,1.11 sill be Celebra ed Fem.le' Pills. , pantb.d to the 0810,1 1 II . l»rrparedsol a plr.rriplicn ,f .i• J. ._. J. P. YOUNG, C/arks,.1U.1 yo•ciue EZIruurdiaary - ('4, ' , .1/oA-rn'/.•. (o 1 r {tact n. r!' °Art."' \„r. 7tA, 1'05. nil .f This lna.lnd.:,. w..•1 ,, unf„hoe 111 eh. -- '- --r��_r�r .. ' 1•1110 01 111 •110.8 p "11111 'd 4.11.449✓. e,,,,...r ' ��i3A fu Whol. the k1.,a4 . 14400 1* •ulgr,1, 11 TO I, F. \'1', 1 l'A It'II \ 1111JL. 4«a41r(es .11.0.4.. u•tw/,Ilula"ntl.eu•. or ar•0d- eon./ 11., 41'411:„4 Ma, onto. 1'11 laud a •peal, 4 U14 w•.)• Iso r J , 4 eYr w'.y, •!. uuF:oa.ur ti, r. 41 Ant tun *a.,,1• TO MtRi•LED ADZES - A w14•s - - .1. T.11:1311./14, a.peemit.l) 1•1 L w 14 11 •)tort *nue, • Ira lYiI II-, ',.,,,,tu 144.40r.,r. L , av( on the win tl lv in I&:,l 00 , 4 (nut v: _ k:*.n 1 ,,tr,pr One 14 Lu, .. r.Ihr I10v. , ri...0 a Mrwp .•l ialeal Onla,.1 1., r Veut e. tot.- I V 1. lerlrlll. a',4l -hit IN. Want cd EASI ER 3 1:441(. 2'r \' IC TI.r:17:1. fnt!anl*terr of rompea•• 0'UT4CE b, .*14(44 tor' 1ltht of **1 111' 4.errhy (•,iteu 1 I„� he , 11,48•0 .n11d labs I that t1.' ltuffafl{ '. C. 31.01vAT. (run 4t*i�*or Cumpam -1 4145 lake Ilulun .IL •0 'h lot* Noe. K:r, »ti) ttailxay,l'ompw"r ^ '4111 7 10 Ple M.lilland hitt, ai i ir,t , t hr'' '1 1 h U.11' ..,pr r"u o! Ih•. 11411 ('vette' :f Queen (l. '.) I •h 'I b u 411. V 1h r.-;�u qt It l tla ..l1• •w•' d tot ,t Li•, u i 'J„ u the t '('• a 0111 44.•11. 11,0 *„m ul two i• 'ir.,:il, hue:dleI yr. nisi. ly.4; dollars and tint. fire 1 T16 (4ruts 61ing '.e Cum; ea.rtion and aha 04414 ha , Getir . pit 1.11., ..1 110..4, ITN CHANCERY • r, -4 1• :�L ac, a s \ ., 1•.,a !'. �. 1.. •, . t•, • W a ' onto. 1F. 56"i:�,-..I It(::1 i uLtn : , .! . ;,,, hilly, a,. 115 1.•s m the vinare •r mow, .ly, 1 • 1 1..,' I .'•i1•.•• to It / '•I •lied Filale 0( WA . 111-1111.1C F`'• Au ` 11..11 I:aurnb4ry will b• seem' al U ,.,L, 1't ,! .• . J 1. t:., L' 1 t , •1t .. :vcount 1J1-)11AUCTION, IAsIRr:ItP. un FIt1U.1T, loth NOVEMBER, ue rrw.tan 1 of 1, ,.ItJ,W- a r •iup,n,'1 h' \L ntnal t . I•• .u,J uu arc•'•• ' 1'4aso gout. wi:l be, s,1J ,,.uth brow lues 144144 at the ti •D;" IT ' /r. 'fin• F.erte roTfpn•es SIXTY -rut CHOICE LOTS, *1••• thirty $est dor ,.r' ll. L l eI1It, .11t.e 4& CO. hula. or *hath y1:ar. . 1 n, stn t 4 WI*, pad for tennill;• r+ Irl :J. t'., it h of way, bring pe t► ul oat( . nun'+••.. u,hn' t4t eiahiy DI; 0.11 4'Iflty ✓•tr•n, m 1110 11'44 i11111.1 T,. . t 0. in .1 ..,..w11t 4..•a I ;or thetr',fi.II,:, 0114 -14.,1 4t41,11 o' t4•• 10011 4,,'(,�.'t y 1•f Iluluo; n , u a • , ••Ca,N 11 •1•4 Ali d,1 al I'A•w Pd/I •74 of,/ .,.r a. /elf At le•.e . dr/•irt, 1,0 1.., 4 p 14.4 1"a•. 1•,.114 w a F r> 41 md,•r rind by t;1ll e • rat, 1'/R.,1 '1111‘1:17 ,114'.1'1 /J.• l' , g- 'i., ,,,41( I ' 11 h 4.' Aft,.., .. re" li 114,1• d•. 1 l u'I 110 *. t',,(def w.,ary, 44 *4•y Orr sure to At. ng• 411 ,ala.- ter 1/441 10 44.44, 4.1 4t one wee. 1l,nr t4.y 4,. oaf In .11 lar+•. 01 ,rrv.•u. nod ..na Atte,- pun• III 11.0. 1.44'001,4 1.11 hal 1,1 et01. • L aa• 4 14'9.:4, 1011 ..• 11031 roe. 0tae1,4. W1010 .thew- Jp • '4.1 44.• t a '"o' z.hen 0114141•11041114 4,.s! (44• and a!llu..• h • i uvrlr• Sol rmurdy, J.. .8,14.11 "au. 041•4,w1,•41.18 (r1tN11 :1•,f .Y\llynr,, h,lrr1111 to Lae rooti,11.40n. I'aI dal .11•00. ,*I1.1 l.,,ll,r, • •d r 31.0 re, k":1•, win.. !, .11015 1* .. el 1iy arc •...J •414 .arnl for the I. '.1.0 81114. an.l.Ca, .1011 44'1.•Ii"(, 11 ,• lo•aar, N )\. 0'-61,U 1m141t1.+•I J •*4111134 1411,.00'd In 1s*' awl,. 14•4 14,111 w. 1114111* la 1144 tut,' t*111,114 tsar P414., sit 041•401•4 'NVltlitl.l•P8i.)11.".N, Wats. ' N... •.I:,, •. 11.,genrrd -_ -- agent not Anode. • 2.14,4 0 '.!.',1•11 to Pao het ,A• 1'att!e god 1.k, It 11 V. Jordan; 1;5 ,v Jr l' Ir,h J; Jane I. 'A,,4 iteadm n, S..11.1.10. • 1 l•,'k4 J k.*elrr; .111 rhsrh'e4, 4.1. , an 1 .«uta•. 411,.1411. E.'II'Lr- ,, 51•* 01,1,. Ind r: t 1 M Mer, t • the : 1 , and til,• 5.\111:5 Met., Ceti"by 111 L0rn.1 11 , Fo:,l p'„ the ani 11O"' Slop ,,r6.„•, 1', 1 111:We P1• 4 4 ,i „ Ju, the Act (141.,1 '' .ln .4, .. ,-0.14.5 (lett'. 1•n••:.. 11•11.1 t' "nal 1.1/ ll,rr u,,li..r• a 4.114'. Ill ricer 10 ST. a n.eol1i)'11nthe h 1 a,!.ur'to 1•'.r, 11 ,.,d,d'airs th„etl.or r••cat: .'rb.m,ot?, to . .... :. ni.I 1.,.r y of .1114 p woe. r, m 1 1'.,t. In 4144 W'0 a.m 13 r e, d_or4 16m\,et., IhM11••81. r ,-:t t , tla Full Oct .1st I. 1...1 •' r 'u Ian. 1... •n'. ,),. n. 1. 1'.t Ar 110, 1401I!..1, .I. w.J 014 •1 412. .. A'' 1"^•^ao .....Id as I1 Jt,.- I.E, "v•14f d 41 ..1 Id•., I_td 11 0.1.4 +•... ,, •.. ,1,.. ,,.n Co :1.t ' a 1).41,1 to 11,.'.1:, 111•41,11 Y..); I;1•• N, 1)..t.‘.1 1101. Ileo *4 y r. (4 :PO) FOUND, Ct.•1: • r I - lame For Sal ..oar toe b1• ,t 1•.),u- t 1 \I \1:1;1:1,1;011. 41,41. Mrd.. ,,e .01"... •- •• •.• Carr 14 Relief In Teri Minutes! ,--- Got. i'" '"e' ' 1 00 It 11 V . ♦ .\r' 4,4 p. I00 5. PULMONIC 'WAFERS. 1*a"• • Y 20 tI ,61.4«-1 ' 50 Chest and 1., 94s. Ctlugba• Colds, e„,,, 4x;4.,•.4 1 00 Asthma. Cunsumpt)on, Bron- N4t.neer't',. 'r j ho at Out I....1 let:'". '1'6' I) E N tot t•t 1111 !toward. hl • .D11 \ I:. ..l\, r�1211111 I7 i-;, (.• ,1 ),:p(il P•. 11 I I1• t, o\ the apt.'s •..I of the P'ir•l1A, 11..' 1' .\ I :1I V 11; , 1,1', FOR SALE ON PRIVATE TERMS, LO r N ,. firs, 4"4111 !lay:44.1.1 R:inJ, in 112••Tuwarhi•4 of '10146y:cm ,taini0� lixly- tw•, * r • f 'i, -6.e Jar:. J, w i, h 4445 barn toil ay. h.rd. 13 'g ootl au.titali,d., rind 0. II war •1•a 1 ; wul.,4 um. mi c •✓f 11.•114.1.1. ' F.o nlfurmotun :yid, 10 PALMER J. C • • Poo 1141. n, 11.111. n,.';. r 4 0 , 4 •.'. .::Yah • SHL1'IFk'. ,ALE OF LANDS. IN W��:'vANOSH 4941'14.0,10;1 4 the 1•N, let n• Avet - • • I I . . ''• rl•r Judn( r. ... ❑, b.••!• 'p;•"' w it. (9tapp(,Iirno•..11'11 a• , 411,1 '. Ihv, .o 0 cm' Ir , 1 .1 {ry• ., ,'- 1 to 1101lbs or -0r 1., amend h, non It 0s (11100,11.1 notes d e. ,11.1 errt•ul as «tuns cnp) 11 I' of the amend 41 .1 "l 1111. 4d4.•• hpn. . 1 lir 111.1 leohdesit by 1, 1 . u. n 1« ►'4r p4.1 'r r 4.,*ttw,L 'mho, in. the 1'i n of1:,, h,M'L,*'d 11 O Intl• a 414,1 * 1 1411f 40 1•l.*, 4'• 1 I t •le e!ainu:"'tt JO Mit .rT..r torr -of the nluee.l.J ft 11,0 h.inp!xtllI o• 11. • o41-11 ort 4 11,, .Yq,pr.,llla'• l..1a 111 0.44 1 - ,.. 1 „• Lal :. 1 r;alan 41.1 i tnc.401.1 ou b1• l..s 411„10111 d.•Im'• c , , 11 .1 Lt 1,.,.1.14.1'1 ' 1 . f . • .. : tot , t4 1141 1114 •.•art • 4,44 3. t". •W'• . n_•+11•.1,11 : .\'I' N'1'.1("1' 11• t)1 . , •0 e nl'( 11,1x. 1 ,, • r ilO. 1, nd.41•-:... 1-i 1"' n• 81•' t.a.• , Ilur,'t '.A 1S4.,: -11 1 t... I , •1 4'11' nf•a W'r t e ' • 1 ..I'•(1mMr('ourl \t' , .. 11* 11;44.1:111 N ..I W'h .,,, 11 n.•. I 1...tr 1 . a, 41)1 R a•.. 1.. 11,, mnr1,,' J 1,'.1.11 1'/1('1,.1111, art ins, !.. tot. , '' - .. I ,•u. p N , 1, I' r •I , .. n.. .. , , a..atll,anu,rra1141411. 11,3,,K 011:19.1,,G3.) •3914' 1.. 111:1 111: \, 1 ua4 ► w I 4 _ IL, t l 0110 ear "Ple•a `i Lim 0.1..I121 ,tarn .n. • . ..114\) M.\*'Ul)`:l1,D, t .. t SALE OW • I.anw I fr•..Jrrluaue•.JL••.Unbr p 1,..1 . - , • � • 1Aa"71!.4•/J �itEnirrs SALE O LIMON at a Bay gain (4 1,.J, .1 3. ). (P'.1) A. CRA;T. 1 'I• 1'4".Ins �... •\ 1111, .. e..nn.W.,• Y 1-'11.1 of a writ ul •.t.'4:, .I .111 ) 'll`l.l I\1'1..111:. old 1f.00l nuJ Nun ,�,."'• 4I.w Etp•••sa-- ! "1r , I i (. _ _ , 1111 : ria" r - AA wf neodt •. ,..,,;_1,,,,,'1 f1••• . a Ihr ,�• .n • 1VIIN 1: SWAN lair n ,,. 11.84 :, 111411.,\e 0 - s • { t, ` , tGlad • writ sit 1''rr1 Z• 1.4%1.0.1,.4) .4 ncr My- eidr ., t .T ..n a. ai„4.1•. ..4 .. ,1..11.1.4 2.J It.: pu,•ult,t TVAC, d: .1 /.Illi:. 11(4?'1,( i(. 1', t...•,..111,1., . I' t I 1•.q•'• ',.unto t,....1 0( the 1'uard l'u«1141 of !.40...... p ♦ ` • 4144. n ■.Qbrw a•, and to me dirtied agam•1 1'411':11; in a'ce A. 110 our Lph .4 an rare to an all lads lo.rter, and situnle on \'irlarl*� Outs, 111,1,, Kilk, 'fnan.ce:d, 12441, !o.b tenbun' and l'i14.tta* Street.. Some of 11µ.40 1•'r among the mutt eligible nlluations in the ul'age fur p.ilalo 1••ud11•cra, while of hr," rapftul4' th.ma,nnr the intruded site of Mr. W 11411 L.••4 f ..1!,044 .. Mill at the ...satiety will b4., nal ad., .1 to: Lu•tl.r>& r.trLlul'• 1w•ul,, 14k. 4a*.e AT. THE CLINTON HOTEL, .ln'I• wi'I commence at one o'clock. i'EAL'$ OF SALE. --.-Otte third of *0. pu.clao' money in 11010 or he apnrm'ed j.S.I' notes' , f th . c m,'l:t0,.,14illi • iul(rreat ; Alta ✓ rn.d,. ,n lint 4 equal annual insa2weoly,,WI1hh into. st .t e'Mill 110)1:1111 um the unpaid 441••4 ip(I. Fu lues p ati0vtn 1 will he m„J1 known at the time 411.414. ,,r sn ap:die:diun I., M••rn. 11'11.w1u•i M• KvauJ, As cuui.tauu,, llnmgWu, 11. '•lia:e, ('4,ntlw :. of to. G. 9I. "fRCE1.1N • - Aapioneik. to Ihr un 11• 1,'•1• AR{.MEES' INN.',1.11.8,ternr 1*p ton: ,hl•:,111,,.1 4,.1•1,• a1• In. It.'•. la l . 0 ...Ni 1i) -• 1 q r. , •F tot S.4!e c....- .1 .r m.d. b. I:1•,1•., Lc 11 1 ,, .!- a, •hr r.. Shoriff's 3 :In of Lauds. I t, ., * n I L 7 • A(....1• t 1'1 1 of •, "•• ,..r .- • lana .�u.-.: 1..l. „a.,,-. ... .„_ . 1. oaob,ul 711'1111:'. Lunt,. at the '4411 or L1t.. 114,r.•r)..I tl.'r•I,.nl t'r1 .:1JJumta St :wrdl 1'.11•:., 11 1 h a. 1•a: 1.111 yn. 41d,•n n to • 11 .•n •.f *f... Iran,, I i;• ul l o, '4* 'a•, t ouulf of 11 ah 1Lr 4:111. t.bq:.r d 0 .•e t 1 411. •i 1 a•. 44- •torr n`'.,..rrl. l'.,*.:r. art Ihr 11ri,J 14111 ; Je c Ant Ina . I , 1 ,d cru 1.'1• 'Fuer..'' '" a in fti ,nlrh Ihat:y,; li,•.•n n,cAr w Ihr dor• p♦t mar t h i.•4',• atw4•lt l> r., .Jar , 11.1: .4, \0'01'l1' I ', 11 II I' U0 • tlttfta- ln>IUenite, _. -.•.,_ l4fl, n«l1• } •' 1 00 !IdtNerurs, U,.'/i.•a!l Ur..4lhing. lore 4 ( 1 `.1 1 _ lh.• 4 :,.',11:,.:,!. t '' 1 00 7Ar•wl 4�•. Irjt 2 -II "/ ♦ 1 ' a•, . ,o,l aJ 1 t . _ . ar1. • d o p.1• .t / - I I.T.,r ,.n •n„ I. 1 1 00 ' \ I I 4../•/..14.•10 11 b• / �! h 4 ta/ lar Lnl r m ,a1•.«nut 11x• 1,00•4.4110,.1 1 11.1 mil r a I !II U,0 Th.-W'.!..n4 •we 11•.1 ens..,,,., . ,r par. A1..•. a1••• *- ear he.. a.kAw1 .. ,. .,. n :r CouugwI:111.1•.1 o„ta,n,ar•4ar MI•'•.dun, tl ,l1•, 1; wdl 1.•<!.1 41 Ila .\uetlnp 1(*,t of ••V:-1,041" 11• a•o,! ro,1 U!rrt ; ••r j - -. , ' wand •.'1•U. a oou4.� :u,J 114,1.4,. 3;, ,.1•4.11111) t.1100K♦, KISl,�1:11.1. A •- 11 1•.(\.\C11. 111 • I,.Irmri.rJ Iei.entenla 1 *bail ,•a.1• nrr.au'e 111:171i(ili 11. 11:1-1?f 1N, in. the Tuwl�ul 114..11 Book Stole ' Li; 1 4 4�1 � .1•o st=nW , lb )t 14'.41..•, An !.•oy 1'.:nhd•�.. n.. r, Tur41a7.. 411 n•IC..n lhr r.wrll.4,sr m the Iown of _ d 00 am. I. 0110144,1 t 041•.1 h e • 1 , A , so it r, 14 .R. w 4• • Lt to Irk h da 194 year• ... 10 . 11 Woe dal ^ 1 1 b w Pa4,1 Nov to A U 1.1 11 41JUJiN MACDONALD, 1 ha "Tut 1 411 , a , w yet y' � Tll"4 $) ill(' / 11! illy.); Nov..\Ul .. A.D.A.T).1lrG.'i t two Ir,• .4 *I r„ n.ron the follow IN , At UU .4 ser :44.41. *14 11 4.114.481444 Jr .4u,ah 1wme.•s, pi sums 01 1.*ec Cu,m6, W .Io..0 0. Sunil • I. .then,«Irr ,.u111h. 111.*..r,s• d 1,1,1 1•i• u ,n rlh • 14••11 ..,l *1,4 HEL4, 1,1.. 40.1 0,'11,4 .4 IM• sod 4h•a n,lu,l w ,••«I 1.." Lol \un,*..r !M .a HIINe 41111 to t,.. ,r:..,,• ..f.t uk *.Jr• 111 Ihe Col,rty I.M•m4.. whir th tat 1 na• 1hnr.•. ere. tea • 1.t.1 '.'t roarer 0011 ll w k 11..'1'* in the \11.*NIr el IMlmo,.'. ore half a.n, [furl w ah Ila 1,04ml<* 114 iron ata 4.14,.no.fr4 tot Ihr .0.,1111 earl r..twer 10 Ih.• I,•wn•1: p a•feldr...a.ia rhe Ccuult to there. lurmwy par* off.4 K. 1x•4 I, is d«• A enure.. 11.81111/11•11.1.1./114 ;w:. 14 101011'..1 14 pr( ruga L L 1154 end r d. 1 .1.43' •de et 111 ..the 11.1111 1 •i h,1• y In dm l'..ort 11,44«• 19101, lawn u(fw1 1, 5 .•.. Ta,,cGy 'Ila• 24(4. der el Se1rruler 0442. at Ihr hour 011' • 1.e ie .. nu *wets... t the .lock. see.n • meas•+, u a - K y t5e Lou, ,tt r4hr4f,hra ,.k.nu u. 1 pr.: .411.''4 u ,a -- --' - 1 `Y•wr,••H • , ; , Insolvent Act of 1864 July MAN ON 11.D, " 7 Is �' 1••.,t , k, w Iry YMnr.. ,I ,. (,1/11110•7, Es she si(, 11. 3rD {,n,pcity, c , : Lot Nu. 'Mo 'Ilion the Ea.% S . '1" q• NAa•nd' * hf"••,11,,Irnrh, 11rlI rorr.r4R, 111 mt aL..nA', eiJr 8 ulb.mpton rdrert in dm Villa re of ,r .\\.�,._•!. ,•. , I. 1 T 1'k 1. l,.i ILiS. 1 tt " l' CAA f the L' 't d .19 0„,„„„n.vo mud. h,. 11.41 an 1...) ill II WPalib • • 1 00 rnry ueau,r rho...•• *. , an* .. , ., {..1•,r rhe dt..a4. may n 21 3.4 1•r nnry'r. 9, 4 4 4nr .. .... .. 1 001 .v11r1.11 ani' ,1•r,..ihno, ., i 1 i. .. 11'ertherald M Mi . do T Mr WiJJer 'Collected by and e:sewl Sundries . School 11 '(,hl 04 i� > Ci' Ui 7'I:11�011rry, 121..-Ce1o.es co,1c,, Luo (44 TO VOCALISTS t PU3LIC SPEAKERS Ihr f 1 • •• 'r• $ e • UUIIl1 .. sir U .e nI l !Th:nN•.u0«r.t.4.4u.Jy ( • Uunfannun a,.,.d l • to a 110p sir flan of ._ . . -- • I, 11114, t _ _•-- .11.1.1. Pin t... 14' L •ud S11 yerwa and 1i:1 J in 1 ' SUFI FF'S b.!fl,r. OF LANDS..... U.:envy 1:Lr%of at( 1', Irate 4t !furor., an Ins ,'v t. 1,1 '..*'brurJ l not of IIs N.111, lair 1'.n, c r 9 h.o IN. OLV NT ACT OF 186. �� , t P, . , 1 „nn,l,,,,,,'« Ilan1101,,,1•::;..i.:•..4.,1.,:,11%.,..,,,..,.11 1, t!.1•(a,re,,y el 11*Inn 1 :� 1 I •• ..1 m 11.-• T.. and t 1 1' II.r 'oumr .._ 1 , , ea.... , r n • , , 4'•,• .:•,,,,..t0. and 4'o,n , I Ihr k1 1 1 ..,,,,nu '.t Ilion 1 Ito., 4491.'.i 1 004141w, ion, t un., 041111.'4 of me acre` / ( ;11» • ed. I I ,n n nit .,f 441••, 411.1 13111 d n♦9ul ,.t4,,:4 II., lilt& ,n• n • n 4110 14144 41,14 ‘1,,,111,17.:1117.1.0:,r, uJ •I I,„* •r Uf :kala. 0 be 11n'd is pllrswlnt4 of the final order { i. With the 1 11:45! in tb elite.. 111 1 Ypprobrtio• of 11.de r t 1. 'Purger, I .quire,. Accountant of t2,. I'nurt, by Public A ietiuu at the ('0•rt Iluute 10 the Tun,. 01.014.10101b, oft, 50 00 1 00 2 07 .101 00 .4o 10 00 hoer Ndrre •n p..rn:mr. .0 4. ., ,,.... 13 • a. ray 111111 IAe n*•o .44441 ....... xl 4•.0....• and their np,1w,4.. 1, • f.w.'.,. w Lon • Arno 4, 11. era.... 1.• power and a1et,Uw tram LLe root „.. It, rt,.13. Y,,. ••tot«I••h .r ,414.,,.1, 4.9.4 11• y IMtd .b. „e•ny"r. 0•.11... J▪ ot, al, 041;4. 1••V 1414104, Ito. Aran. \,Y. .11wr t•rt no pe•g..• . 100'00, Y.aslutr ..41'9Id. Nosh.. Ellwood ill 91•wtreal ' 0.os n.mat 4,,:, m,rsk••s ✓ e .......... .......2 ' 00 Von"..u.,d 1'ul. 11• P)ntu, M'1'1 find fy.n'. rraGn *t 01 a1•«1 a..• '. w•frn s f concert projected by Mir M'.,; a:,e ur.aa•4 n.a r. .Isnn .... 2i 20\ 4,•.,11.'11 1^ are,.. 41 181,1•• I Ilazadr.... - . ... .. . -705 42' "11:44.14 1., renw.., from sale of lIr Ellwood.' for. 11.,.r:•n•.•,n'!1.,<1".••..' trait* 14 00- lloawliwr•••4aorv!hoe' do flan•icl4.1'4 l,eelure... 32 10 lana l'y .••:'•« 1•,1' cure, . Aad'p.• •,canteen to the Vo,=+• do 1ltaChar{.s4rolth'. roneert60. 00 The. rrher► In tenm,nete• Grant from,C4arch Society .. -100 00 1.e. tiff 1.1 vu 1111.1,1 1 do of Yr titan'. Readings 4;4 411 *nut 81 a el•11044 "+,toe T,.,.e. • They 0111,1 111 wu•u,.utee. 1'141.. f'..M• .• et, rlra•.•15.110- 1 r17, Pli ane. 20th Jahr. HF, under t tor• r t 17.4, t 11 11115`�l1•, Itit l4 •,• 1•l l • 11 W 1 1 •.- mr,ved bits Ranh 6 ate 1 t!o v.11 ' 9L1nd - on . !Mort %1•a•• t. t,lt4., .� . ,Mrutu.rJ by A I' a: r et t t' a1 1. , "., t it be 1•.r 1 11• welt 01.111 1 Neer him ith Country Storekeepers, I• L'-:'ur.lil' (1fI11rnnafIdB:uee. L"AlYt..la.. 4411,♦t (',t,M,p1* 1.1V,' 4 n 4' 0l 0 14,41 111. Thi, Iron t IL•• 4t11 snow.: 11..1 tht'1'uan- ,n .114 Mtn a• .' 4* 1 , •1 , 1 1 4111 11.4 d.„ o' 1.4n't 1.01.1" V- Ins,1..16,131I.,'.uruc.uf .l' I..,1•-• 1''' Ii',441"01 •1i F ,,f hraat.rlaiu¢dby. t•. 1 ! d '(11•, 1. ...at l:..lo(u1 isle .m.!V I .•nn.I !rte r I ,d tales, 1•111 at,n t31.1)4./.1. n . 1.e 1.614ru4arly Ms it.: t., .' • . • . _ '' . w N' t u.h, af.L . • pini' a Ih,• tea 1, I1, , , 1,1• •I. 1 , t .••1' .11 4 ,del I I.1, , i.1, :(11:11 IN, +'o. k of - - In !111 in 4N• , - . l .'. /, 1 1,1:1 a' 1(C'JI. 411111 , 11.11•. 1 `.4 r , I. `, tan„n , • 1 • 0 .,•4'14•• tot, 1 r tl. .1••! - 1'liaiiceery Sale ! 1N CHANCERY: G,ICI(.127 re. McIoN.al.D. 5rti00L EDC'';'' &. . rATTONFIlY eh 11114. • • soon: ('nod.. • • CI ,. • t.\1i1•s:cal 4..vrrnmwn.., •i',..; ., !',....., Wrap pin Prism+, t1.., t1•., • , 1;4.1/. LAI CO( 'I: Tota: subscriptions .received... $2413 40 1 Ca.tnrt•.•w4.,n !law.. •Cats sir CM14CM *S0 1I1'Tbar rl'aY. 4"'" 'LIZ and 1... "• AOI BCD•NE INTET G rid to 1luure for amount of carp sir n 'IZ axd 1 « 1•• ■u! L `Q(�ry, I 1,p/ t114ICRa*MCrra MAYO aT►• w. TMAMII, TREA IK ow tiro amt 1,1111.1 Pohl he .11 1ln. .., • 16 1' tract 82273 00 lhrd 4y •, ,1.;144 " 'Moore, additional work dor e 100 00'' •4,1 411 urns,'.,, - 6 ' - .1 „ , • .0 ,. A,"trem•,,Int' f TIF: x11 .1.41''44 bruMn: Ian.. -1 , . Fence, aubecrlpli nl 2,,,,h'••1•a w•!t.k.,n.n herr(, w1,u'd n•. apeci*Ily Iakon a 96 211 Al1.l1eor• tell. form Ilia F:Irmrri and fr4r•I'•' . 11, ,, 1 l " Rey F: L Ellwood, expenses id.trthrup. it Lyninn., Nr Mtle, (irnern .4414 F,.d rxr•! toy scrommnd,d •n and 1.:1.44 incurr.'d in eo'lecting at Agents for the Caned*.. Montreal and elstwhere000 rp.+.,Walh4kr,hJrn,rker114 mite 0r -.'(}DOD STABLY:(" gmon, rgerne. " Advertising contract - 20 •4..••'an•,atre.'••.,u,41,•bt: 1,•.1:•n 1•n; "h.!'1- w t u.a- 1 .,.aunt. G.. Ter i 11 , u .. 'hon.n. 1. . , I. 01- . {L. .1.... ..... ,,. mcnta (' /101rfril •• I at Eseellent Oyster Sake ." Protes of note deamenteo. 2 On tri REAL EsTATE '' Charge for retiring note dia. -- ST -CLASS ALES AND LIQUOR.) Coleriek 1 Sterhers for MONEY FOR FARMERS " Holmes for entre chimney .. 3 v0 or the one part. and W.1113m Webb of the ety of Lonol ro, in the 1110 iscount on notes cashed in " Iletooring old house 9 26 6 00 Total raceipis front •11 sources. 82613 40 duborstments 2615 00 At credit of accOunt 31 13275. (C611) Cloonatts, 3r4 Novemler, 11010. Received from F. Mr. Thomas. To•ssurer Church Rectory Fund, Twetoty.two nun dred and Seventy-five 1/011•4/ Sung ful. am- ount of tha original contmet. E1.1.1.111 2.10011E. 8I03. Gonutien, 3.d Noe.. !loner., being an dition•1 allowance molt on contract for outbuildings and , London, C.W.. Nov. Sth• default hating been sonde in th» dust 11.413•0 to Liai payuiellt thereof, -will be 101,1 on Interest moderate, am .113r:et re0.0enhle. C. W., the following propetty. !tit !inns. All and .:ngsalar that cellain ?riled or heist/ ,:orapow•I of Lot No. 11, in tbs. 4.1. To aro : rm.! torn of ( Porrh, 101 rt. ere r Lo• ndon, C., W., Or to the undrosi/FM.1. ••• Ihe rourar iiroht 01.,14 property I 01411 F. D. DEDDOME, 001 r foroot at Jame. 444,4,004 lime. Itnee.,:e Itelcred from W. Thomism, for patting /111,r0, 1111 1hr Aoth Amy of Not etoth f *OM. St the Anetionter. hoer ot J,41'01001t noon. SOLVENT AOT OF 1864. - :1111E. Creditor,' of the' unilerrigned aro net • np fence mood Rectory, Enthty sot Dollars 1 he.1 meet at the low office of William VALUABLE LEASEHOLD end twenty•tive seems, beiag per pent in full. "`orratsee 113y. of the 1 own of tindelich, p. dny of Itetambev, A.D. 1863, at Ten of th. Hoch in the forenoon, p.irpoto of re (-Plying statement of fibs effaire nod .0 an &mix...nen* nuder Om above act. T1111; MAItKETS. (10DiRtcrt, Nov. 7th, Iftfii. Fall do i 1s2A 0:43 0160 4:00 410 Sheep lAtulm butter . Potatoes Wood 1:70 Ens &In 11ay, new 41 ton 7:00 41 0100 8124 of the Village, of Sent...1.th, Snheitor for Totolvont. w11 2t Money.to Lend, UPON M,oteages. Apply to I). shy', Gondioe, Solicitor. Office over Re Bnoth'e store. A kW hen4red Men to be limed ea remittal megrim. Dederick, 11.th May, 1041%, sit10M R T le TOWN °V GODERICH FOR SALE CHEAP. notably adapted for bonne.* pommel., It torn* fpfTE creditors of Co too iliy at twt!ve of. mem. of hit a Palen nt Gadetith too the Ctn.: •tc 110. Thirtieth 4..7 ot ti.t,,btr, norri $11.0.00 each. with i0o•test, fro no here., CA 1.1,41 110 lot I he grotO, Coittow, IStlo. 1.65. n2613 3011N STEWART. LOST.- Lod or nnielaid. four n PPOiPER eltrth weretal memo Om** tow to ni•Ir nor. The troono 01 On 101rentmgeo1111 nee, end hen neeily 11 Tool on olio, row former pettenlars apply tn C. WIDDF,R Gedenrh„1711 r1rort•,1111115. 144- 31 0•14 coovial, INSOLVENT T Cr 1864 Ihrbed nt 110.108,•h 10 0,1'0,1.ov of Ilium., the NO E. Pr 114a 4-0 ewe Non, vh. any perl,On os per- il .nt e fdot t•••••sr••••4ti rip. Towns ol Ores, w.111 peomrhuted 11. the 100, m. 11:1111 1S 1.0W F.1114y. Imoivent La of 1864. 444,4.▪ 14,0,140,:t11.1,1,4:11,1.?,1,1,1!hir::,14,,h1rht.•.,..!,0..,,,,,,, of Ai :17. Peh, hue t..41naolvent. 040.11t To School Teachers! • .0 Ilse. A 0408 1011,40. f pr. ferstil. For por .11, 84 10 144010, fer,, apply to cdier 44 the ti erwane.I '1010.00 • till LOVE, 'EN. LAND OR SALE. B reve. The 1.4a e.0,1841 arrow rare. . 1. "and ow tar 10.4 hoe '1 lead to int -role, • i• 17 44.1.114. rnn loam bip 1114•▪ 10 S4 m,1,44. Iron. 4 iftflt•II. 11 110..11rve./11 pawl 9.▪ -. hard. Wt11 lohl sot 10g.11.11 • 00 the pforgurem • Odder. 11 Sept. IS, MS. artrat whoa. thre• er met teat. 041; ilea • vsner NOT ICE. ore T1112P.K HEIFER* remn lots, 01 sod p 'he 11/1 thourday in lir, sailer, 11 nor Pi Salado; the twenty -Glib day of NO. et one n'cluck thr afternoon, by Uncoil II 4, B. AUCTION SALE MR. GEO. M. TRUEMAN. Skit:id:7'A SALE or LANDS. • 0, norm 1.4/1.1,11111, 1111.1 1110.11, .4 lihe xaid 1:8.111 /01 041 t•love eopiaty, lay ei...rges, and take lie. ekergri nod 1.,loo 11.. no away. at .14 MeTiENrZIE STII A Y 11E11. C01110 11.10 the pl. 1.4 1 't2 tilt 4th 11.1.1. The owner it reduelted to pr .re pro. 1.01. ol Wanno. oh, othnit 1113 bit ..f August • fere e • ting between the undersign • SANFEL MON, pert,. pay maritee...rel IwNe her finny. Nov 2 1965 e41.31* • ot h• -tott.T. they lot Itqad white heifer red enta, did .41 d vrotb red shout Ow 14,04. '1' natter IA r`nplelnled 40 pule pent:toy pey /sharer a and remove het. REAL NATE! On Saturday, Ilth Novombar, AT THE CLINTON HOTEL, .! 1 VILLAGE OF;GLINITOil . ..........i. _ •, 111 - STRAY HEIFER. C. FROrTY. Ctert raw • J he .•Weet to pole* propettr, pm? caress sod tensuee her. Oeiorkh.oet. IR, 1619. vete lb mod 010 ir 400111.4 01041 hig hotpe, .1 Cor moiler pnri.,411-4. PTV.- to 11.4111 aic.c Noi balf of lot 23 in the let eau • or W40,Meorel. Au Coutity of Uwe./ 14411•1•41/.1•0811111•1111•1 11 ...oil. 3. 1.4 17 in the 7th euneernon of Col. 1,,,soe, it. the sante Comity, rontaiuiug 100 u tr AI. the Alsace propijetla situated witLi.1 to la orf M• OW %toothy mr Inosiin• put toot., Iota • Tel per cent of purellaw. tn'rinee la be S•Meltols ttIt....1 per trot (either with- in .4 niontlta bout th... Mole, and a Mortgage. 1141111•111 11( the bahince in 4 roe et tit per 1.wat per amount payablt with each ..amlassust, 1 he purchaser to bu led. 1cent sod execution ol the Morynme. The nur0 to 10 be ut 140 purc'a••- Iir.• • 111.Uldit14 001.1.11,11,4 1,t 1110 Court. tan, 4.ollatorti0.; S14:401 314'11..141d, (led.. rich. sod the .0.trin tor r, 41.30 • VITRIFY'S sALE OF LANDS. Hult0.• nnd Mutt, Won., IL. 413.1041•1141r1141 Arrio.ein hats Wited .001 ol said defendant In awl la the north halum IS Lana r•grober Porte... •11..1 hootren in 11.4. r'...r.ry !loom ; Which holds •rul len. mewl* I rhs1I ../110, Got rale et my bob e 11.0 1 Milt 11411418 18 1118. town elf 11.0derh•li 1103•1•34 rhr eiphoi 441. 10041•11.14, .1 the boor 41 mese ut•the dot .1011S 21A(4,114,1NAlla.11,n FOR SALE ON LIBERAL TERME: D.thr 1,4. 24, North of the Ilnyfiert, Road, in oh. Toniat.i* of Stanley. eon- •ablithle pron., ,0, •nd fortn• part of the VII leo ot EalinocChwn. of i he Town'', ip of 4nderich. 110 mere., note lem. *hid. odd rut contitta uf Park LittrsoLyENT Act 01., 1864. na !ter of WILLIAM EbE.V wit -111A 1.1.:WIS• PROPERTY. Nit of N•it No. 10 in the Firat entices:Pion • es w00% the An% driission No. 10 aratelefeleg ilegletetrd, in Ike oaks of the in, ,‘„„1, Roaiinor olte County of Unroll. A vary esteltbIll proportv. hn.ins finntago of about 4'1111k. cretf•Gh• nf ths insolvent art aware' tla• haAnne tl' Ondevich. from whit h ritonit StillormaTeres & Neon., le the toma Mule 01 138 leirolseat Dee ex the ooleneir el want 1 App.,' to t hr. rommemi.,nem Tram sad Loan generally. - h " , Ca. of rroper (Mend& Ki..,...iron, Or tri piped It 01411V102 161. 'Milt tley of Oriblow. 1 and Loyal Ater", tioderls‘, E. CLIFFORD. Wh,i will show the lime, A wigete (fruit:ter le, Isqle., e511 2• TOMS dt 120011,L