Huron Signal, 1865-11-09, Page 1a r. is • we;, , ti " I * ' EDITION. *' - I r \ • ,: IF' ( jl. , 1 i 'r Ir 'r iI Il •. ' l . , . ---__-_----- ---- _' . ---- -- ._ _ _ ._ _._ . _---- .._ _ _ — _ - --__ w. Te OQZI. Xditor ted Proprietor.I . The Gr atest Possiblp Hood to the Greatest Possible Number.'' • • - - __ _ ' ------ - - - --=-- -- s-- r — - r_ _ ; _ . - -- --- - -;-t-- al : • $1.50 PER ANN. IN AUVANCEI GODERICII, C. Wrr THURSDAY* NOV. 9, 1 - / ,VOL. XV1IL—NO 41 -- - ' }. Ne86ie Courtemaye's Lovers, 1I«Ktie believed rlaad(wtly that *tont ear- better un the whole than the men, and it Iheen of as iufluhrly nWre ►useable charaa eunfJ.s.l, tun, I'L,t in the pn«luel+ of til« that wad • ('nn(e r,,i., of tho' ILrtuh TILE ARTILLERY Co. OYB. :iIt4IiIf89 ICfl10C1i. _ never he ngul ; fbA1 • ungIs Irl* stow aur silly be barely predicted" that whonryean 'ter airy to which p11litics ordinarily -Rave .ui, we wavy 'll !, n;r cuwp.utaou souk any vwe.iran i'roriu H. raa nut wro Ihut TER YUPPES. ) emice,ulnn, end it would brit in its trent P vasa j t !wo is the AUse,I, ", I'uinu.. User whem and it wou^•.1 n,•t lar ter for o it iutnrpu shut " (c o a r 1 r e s D. evil■ both t, the actor and to hose for *Aram nte,nl• J wills jeal uay-n to petiUms ant lists an at Irut equal -I Lnaw co+ry,rtellt we should he jai' -ad to Ihr l'uitrd 3tr1. ■.- Il rom the S. W, Signal of Fridyr Not. 3 uJd cx ricuoc to thou resent skill an , CANADIAN HOTEL, CHAPTER Y. the wruflq walk done. It could "ever aid U, Groghness to their lug0cle« they will I m ed by envy or J feemnt, said wd have Jud!. s who derLue Ihl•nl suw•vaur—tai Ilse (twice%, Nu! o } stn l) If there tops any Sir Carl rLwdrrre's happiueas to have &u 1 + r"'I a rersyn W he satisfied with the result. a h„tt and mts i,f hl` Gutted State.; while y14cn in Iba Ja when t!u• Its de m1;6t be Tia Uyster Supper given by tits Arai Tag DArs rew into weeks, the weeks into, nnlovinR wife, be she ever w dutiful. tiro :worthily 811 time paces at pn•r,•ut filled p lleq CLINTO)!i, C. W. 6 f F'or rhxt«ter erumefe we attach Ur prolitem, our bsr.ey is la•vund qw rhon a y+s ii,r ,led to fa.o A'nnexruon it tow itis li+w of the I COrapsny to mart fhFir Irte Captain, A. 11. mouths, loud Juuu,..y rppruw'ho d- flat month ■he only reiterated, '• Nu, no, it would Ise bJ older pinuglnuon. fuJeed, the oto whatever be our prod olictiohs and pr•fereeced. to an rlhind grown use the continent-•r•I ub. Ilult.du fill Lake H .run Kail*a►, 'alon„ ll•. Tl' I)N91' Ia l , Iaropril'lor. th.t low to se” Mre. luurtm,rye onw.more wrong. 1 there can be n„ difference amuu.rat us re re. vinra! so, relor that it in .li a.,u;ht b &w4, 1 a{•, and mIw"d • exra! boar together, will b mu.t Lwk to their laurels, or they 7 1 Y r ! wbaeh ' h Uns'l ai tinh - still nbr en. Th• I wax ,vee in Us Victoria Hall Iasi uigbL - wisuewl of Cuwt•uryt GseuKr' "As g friend, m gar mx, 1 ouch to IRs 41ai'11n to ajriculturo. SLni.u•r■ nix he .4mellcan bucorm, real rill K r , 7 p will lar lou. 7 t•unliuur In cum• '.. so,c i' .wan uur,l lima w i utd anbrokeu. here 1 F. e.l.hl.duun,t ,. n.rn .tarJ w ,h all the Lrgg,e JisllLed bar Imuro Irthrr a .eels (his c.ffLr full Fetor« u in anoher light," , Icly enWchcJ away by eager lurrmuJ nal, seal prrlisiurnf mar ezlubil new nlrn,f a gon.l prie+l, with ser .nh,ul n•,ipr,l• rot• .l i•.nnide, goioa w is lnnr , Ful Ihcro I Tks room wrs drcorrlrJ (ser he occasrua 1 re, wmw.uu e..I .l w rhe .,ori 1 - 7 7 1 '( 1 with Itri•iab Hlo;., Jae. Two tables along ile Iuestr.t 'w341mu Y ever, ►rad rvmdrJ him ser ell uccau„ue— anal Sir Carl. " H.we you lhe ili how wide , YoWh1ul 8ngep. I frcr+, and to the genet bulk of thn eommuni ally. \ r aL old rl Ile Supla+;a'J lhnl • ti+ling aa. a.,nd 1', nt xtron,ter than that q be Kloied - - I As y'et al, her efforts had been ua■uccex•tul will he tits difference in your position in that lYe hove hrxr.i w,wa loud coulplarats Iy Ute ehlon';e will matter little. Hut lel the ar,llelneul4 co•braec it 1, or nearly r'i, file i„ (i cat it, harm, Wid while these ors, Inurh I,-,, ,Ill said one aeruxs the head were sell for D O YB' HOTEL Obtain a situsnuu w K„remsm. ; sbe ah farm. -house, Said los Lady Oo.dAere 1 Young crops suffer, or the firmrug interes(s he in ;[r.,impruducin, I:1. al in til" pns*i"cP. 7 he in the S1..te. tluit N'u& •G•.irab:o, there rias over leu •uvets and &t the h u s bird. sbe an■rcl d advertisements ; bui Indies err not worst Ise lar as iudiffeMnl lo, aur•, rr_ r hug the deciAon of this judges in I any monism injured, and .last is the 1`1041a,et fact is ludr•;oul,blr thus Ili.: 1Lrilie,' north I ► u r appointed W RO X E T E R go u !rhe land had nu rmissi,nce in trtcLi„g Ke fur l'.uaittT 'fhw Il.tsia oil rhauevdr til•• c,•,rxun' a..wetho.., Ile could nut Udl a ]Salah at xleakt , Istariy ever near was filled-ibe atherio ' 11' , I sthou •h ale LrJ bovu hltbi .•der t , advasi s s of rank and slmifor- ; ,od,Sleggie, the Hops' CI'1.4, which is-prouuuneed I gian.a an, culhrait.A the hs'tk•r is to eve,.ylhitun,.hich, irp.irwd lo, the 1 sailed-' S K i IeutuneJ set Um ser•.. t Il,pud nsnn ln,r Iiom 1 r r 1, yon ghee hero eduemied liar them, accu•• IiaeB b a t«od than' Ion •limen, but , eewitry it or Itiay hcome los so, ug,i••ulture; lh•l it qua'ilr ; and I b;•Irere float a f,•.' yarn , StaU a iM y rt'auld ]Sure w givrup. (CM•ere,) 1 brsi•ls the mctuhera of the Artillery Co'y tleaa.enh lo, -ouUl+*peen, r. noir nun" ser and named los n frrences s..m" old friends ail ,aimed them. Y.,u are fiea•d lou adorn Ito• Y Y k Y P the m«u lo, wham th. comltrr a uld,bled fur I wail their if* barley end.;.is in,y he broutht , 'I'lu halls.' Mc.rrs CAlaior anal J. A. Mae tomprixing a cuueiJ,:able ouaberof our mo 1 where .t lead.offw W,i .rtcr, end anyuue tray I her fal-rr s of good a.,. lel pwnwn T kis x- sswirlr I could phis•• you in. You should whether there were any grounds for the elk pro4res4-1 muht almwt 44y ov enation m tM, hi,ghrat i erfi•ctiun, weth protit t p the' d,rnaf) yn one ■ I d o said Meara. respectable merchants, rofessional men and r r , lo, nrnw w .a"u+.g, loud she lad euue. ' P t•onsider,.11 imi,'; take I.me, and give me charg, ufp'trtiality we Wu.t leave to more -loud nn whom it is 4ileudent fns Its future. 'husbr"al 11:,a, in Olt ,e,;i, of L'.ke Nil „-in_, Itr,ew", Ili,*laud isn't McD.iu{all sea the Belmore. Walkerton, Southam ton, I Nye Qu nu, Lem« oIW W&UDbd elan refused was„r roarer r sew J.yS M•an.” com t•' are itis larmeaw. (Cheeti.) flow hrpp lr we s i!•b h Is W:f,,.t0 Iweu J -erred uuwo,tley I other hull t.•. others, hero bele{ .+0 gaeata present its a!1. P hertrrlura • bo it dd r-1 hard to M w p set orHleta lo, much upttere• ars nrto,ted its thi, res .ect 1 In the counlrit s I u e teal If l'ualruou to The choir was occu pied t• Itubt Gibbons, array 1`l""'I sew m.e. In""...1li"l •.'eu0,u.u- ' h. Sl.. it. l,,, Do, hon ail nnP toll. hrithl r I utV•iawn. h • . ai l up0a it, ton m.v out : furry ata • scheme of ConfrlhrusA ti, { Y Zan Pa a, ave ,.nlr r.perl.lu anJ JILMI UIaY lbal IU,' ll,lYrtrwurr, nail IhM ellly, mile abuulu snllle, it+rx&rt nnranirag be car:a' nUl lalhom : The pro/n(ttere of this great match I tar the old world the Iersantry bar.• be•ema ,last J,••t,a.r of C 11 .Ir. L .Okln • itI iia Ftl•' Aad .( d,.+tng ,:.'xt ..'MI ,n, IL Ci,4111 Iw`t Ito Fiat', \\harden, find sbe rice' chAir be J. F, cur butets,,n lou resvee'I•. b• d u ed til mra.b of bmwat mdr{wndrnce. then M•r eyes fell .,.A h.ir lie, ullmled, have the satisfaction of knowing that it I eM,elnq,hiud a, the source of u atio al gre it anuree from an ,trwultu,ul point er vir'w, . carried out in its euti+it it unit(,! be wu. ht Sinclair• hv, . y •' p Mr. omp Ian Cn pt of he Al fi,n alae had ei.tloe.ad Saul ter tr•lte, bea. You era fwnniar with Gu:JA uiM'■ til,• • ehup•1 w,rrv. ed un the euudwitar t .lml I U, rffh. l a r..i,ledenliun of the C iu'Ja. Ir (iudrrick Altiller Cuw n tat &lith ICE ALWAYS oN HAND cmr.lkwlrts rlrmenu seyui,inKythr aceasw «Gin reaker to raid , r, my you tone our of the b•wt ever witnrss•d in lobe h auuful hoes- la••ry Ir 7 Pi J, •cul"• t ern put rnr !;reefer U•mpseUun n. my path I I""h liar► e i splayed l teeunifi it per• 'wua bis inle,dnn, tai. floe." shut dehemr-nut an"a a richt, and U,ut. Kirk on the lift. Fria HIa liahmrnu d.t ya.ad. ,o.ed: ,'hen the luslet d then you did when you said 1 could make an Pnot ince, N'llh' h'spt•CL to tho number of : u 111 f r,.r the InoJ, t.. I,aarso.nr die r ern y, Piet' which inmpir ■the fulls Can hJouCe in I re a Enality, but ,,a a d,,or, a., to speak, (or Tvont Fishin Friends : her ■tanJard, a rid blwlly ,eldbd to ell shut old rota his 1,l,y'•• eutricK the yu'daty of til¢ work alone end I wii•'rc wrahh a'.•...u4'r1e. A., 1 d„•.y: the+rde•stiny. 11 as its ot]SPr districts. 1h« 111, emnner u( the elk Pn+vincee. 1 here ! jte supper which wr provided by Mr. g cries its her psy, re■„Irrd to acetyl louytbiJK ' M"ggie,' arJ he, aking her band, and til¢ oval u tt e i Irr'e, _ I 1'naaw. u.I fora. nmnv al,.11r.as IA me; la,l fear vears hitt • hee•, al Attrobs: Short I was another qse oliuu rai mut h i,rportimme to Clifford, ww got asp in first rate style, the Tae SI'n nnu. rusk" A rgloTH air that woe d ust ro . I her few r« ulremects. u ( 1 rte ,e t l away. A !"rat” I un m.ke t r u 4. r bream h" IawJa , - J 1 d 7 q have k n rn, PpenUy t0 his haw, •• 1 might P Hat . h.JJ A.a • r ILr.r a lltra'x h•, - v'„px edul hard Il If Or have tuld'a tate r.- air, and shat was, •• 4 O a wow w be• oma of ¢paten fm.]S and lent Of them, unJ the Ap t 7r Wer4 rhea reek br,)war.•utly wrlttd. sal have known, roufd 1 lar.« irlievrd Ilial altels Great peal -e in due to the $sanul'ueturen I Ito t Y• Ihr' which verve M«I h.. b en m I P Y HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEE Wire ,.I—J«ar„ rl, wu novae be.Opi" ed..' y adv' fa•ua.iar.— the youu men ri.in{ uC :,muutst u. T " It } I r , sp,irn end accom(a,imc,.b of the beat dr- IeriuK m..ny r .uyraCuii,w Irbuff, ytl fiadinl rlolsrd taie earth in morsel yui4n (:rn Sao- wbn have tome forward iso nobly', to co. S(Jr, n,•trifh.-Wadi .: thew d.v-roiir,4fe,go•uis. tort law m thn Aack cnum:r+ loo, had shout CHARLES DAYS, eewrvge w Iry agaiu $I'd et ataiu. Hair '.e llcrr; sur y,eus inlay we aub,tiutn yeur-aaw thew ,int of im iso., ii„•"I h:N I -;,•m rt work eleven milholu of scrca set' tend .urreyed, su'i1.11. Aflu Ike queen had dispotrd u( 1 Thing alfrr yotr del«nniuntir'n . i 1 U46--1 Proprietor. often during those twenty weeks ww her herd crura •e a must im ortant branch or tins• • Y o a wtufarlo wutit of bivalves, • Ywhin for i behave it a ri ht nn+," h i" *moon+l our farm -t' tL.•r ]Saar Lert un I but d Ili.• were Un teln•re tLow 1,•11 a,, usin. _ I (>.r Iros) 7 9 9 ---- b roses and Mr burl sunk a der iia lured of .he mt, . n •firm, tLuugh *reale audible bun,h'Yr to our n•pn•„eulatrver (lir their i yen,n•rtrf, ih.•,r eounrry+psi 1r, th. I, way cle "in , ani L : cin.; uu11 hail lin,!, IrJ ttnh 14¢ a•uuntry, Ili.• mwI of Ihaf Ixnd T'hs Ckrirassn tore and wise he hal been fU CfLIrNpNOte1.11111Ere11 C.vV angoety end erre nu nue ever Lueis Ut list,- -lune• rattle,• the affair' uonca•,Ir.enya.l,,,.l,l, rrrtr hr .u,•yh,.J. au,! an M•nefil;:a. th, r,nn,trv. •Thin year w;w rSmpnratively ro.thle4s. Ho had lama IJa,•wJ iq an awkward NMIhDa. Y IN did I.nt teff. Sbe• shrank rub unWhl Jr. rd hero Itie ,. hubstatiti4l asei.uure In g e I I ro , ,rorc4 set that w,-d,fin Ind her its sed- (Jed bleu vaso, my child, for that you and -to, the uffictn o! the Count • i (Applau,e.) Eun„hhng labor, we convert q,u•r them this reward lou pnu,•nU)' w,.r Aed one m'un J •,herr Ihat lie had bought b0U 1 F K, 4t1 t .lint ever Ito, uad reward you for the noble -ilpe 3 the toiler f,.,m a •iml"I. pra.A.11 into an Inde• Isar. and a bouuteou■ I, ,..sed h is. We have arty or that Lind Sn I when he went Out isi know IFP ptweut lack would derohe n(ns ii?T HICK4, 1 ;.prietnr. This is the I cow rsa out yet achieved, spirit you hire .howu," grid tilt Ywmnet.- f .x icty riot their a"ni"on effurta on the IIxndrut farmer. Ifs soca lint Cor otLen but n PfdruAbl crop wad psi a Berm :,k.dt' f, run• see it be could have hron;bt back all lire nut hi. uulil ke ematrrod the ruu.. 'r hey I std rseM.n4 h.•.t Ci,a.,lry hi,tel ,n Weann AL 1 wt t crulr, he IrtU.r Ibet fettered • I .. \i«ggie, • he colstiaupd, •'v..1` will noI , ,aa„ , . , Mr him -ed roil theca deer w kion. , luuema,! I.wue hl:h : and at en q th.• p, nal.e,,,y of the ors its *.tree is •two bua]S,•I lar (h.mt1, barn brought IogvUier nut l0 tej.ies tel b cl I n. _htt Ualult t& gowlbu nr.i K t CMa .and raimarar. as lu•rlentr ." env H xI■e Ihla Iwd Uf dryad i iter service. were Sees pi &!IO. ,him to interrupt our friemlmhrp, Qr IPt _ P I U( wUrkl.. ( all IIw Ills (Uf • ylllrare, be ,11nu,•r h se bruu,fel a'i.h II In ,4.,e' ity t.) lite 1Pr.) ',',.era were 111 Ihi,aC Weliala ■Iltl, I I sym atllla0'twilb Mr. Rout the late eM1 ata a of talthlr H. Nsear Pruprselul lJmr1 d'rltm,tlul ,'d IR a fel Wh•,u,N 111 a County lar d.AWhl li1Jt IFC lo •ric-ulturA Count of fluroil lab..rx whit a remcaimble eertgoidy Ib+t the rllerrFant• '1 he• d,'. , .I.&Iley wf.ieh was meq .Mari, a fit for ru+livwiun, but there wen no " P D ,1 raise one barrier et rese,we between w• i- ' Y be YOowle N.17: t%rrna,ea W[ 11.7 ee from .hr m«truyulim, w in.uur,.rsy W fist Yi,u must write t+.me N franklT tall you wotnl.l in ca ,able ot'great.lying,; when it.• ,coule I rewards Uf Irhor will ac "rue to tall own ad• ile/ted its some gwart'-aa bh-„I final- r;u host rao,rn furseli.Is), vbunLra nnJ•t a "ilei a the (lalench Artillery. Hefi,le tlri+ dt tea• ehl.dren, w,..m .he was lo, wrote EuKl.ab, . have dune had nolhin; of the kind m"ru,,4 a P r• - a I - i vautalr. True, aurh life in its earl lot,ad dial '"red : anal when`s, r 1 0, 1 - p' Iron got up between CaPI. Roes &aid Capt: a cuwfaille their cfforta, and we trust that J 7 T f . R' ! I antri of enalrtaUi,u. Our yosns, men, E'ronch, (:rroub, ma■is, (v.,erf rid nnflru• ,ell m, all your d'dfi,ultics, and year stairs N a b mrd life. Its too. k is brave and find Uw pr•o(de preps rd to work Is tae crhn, then, would have 1111•;;-1 to our usig`pth1wro ser Svanot r, the company had g, t or- swim wing• Forpp I mental), dau, int sed dtaf an.,, sur a *lar)j 0f iruohl,." the tosrIDs of Tuesday may tcacb out one, advli ; its prodacls am small and u;q,w 1•'14:1'al trulper which nlmays hellos lo, prrir t• to the North wtxt *hero here w„uld IN full ly, rhey did their duty well and every man S at a Bargain • i all "redestal u■ra.a year, that lo, saclude Megdie gave the promise with d••rl'ul, -im ople gcocrally the rJvrat+erns of a uni•m I rently dearly eariw(f. flat there is a futu,r wit• prosperity. (Lou,l anll continued A1`• cope for their aner,ien. lie hou;bt it in thn company regretted 16q action of IM TRAT vainal,le r -1 r!,rd,ly .gnu• -1 rri,,ornv. grateful err.. 1 for the poorest backwuedeman, lie Is a 1`lau l., ) w old be well for tone rr two ,tear from each isthe Turrn sMa,i. L,nor ar ,'.wort o S1Yggie Invverwlsra.aied. She Showed tLai Looq r(Irr Negcir b&d telt him Ria Crrl ¢f warps, leelrup amJ czertiam lo, coder, !relowner nut a serf; ever tree he leils lioerrnmrnl, Aul he looked fotvnrd to ve t h r w b , hu fur u Ice versed hen. II 1 r 7 a •, lion of Cruada W Wku One ser two thou \ir Hoa, not oval reinstated a hilk former How„ :4,utrc. and fi,r ,.ht.rn ,e.r. k,,,,. n U' Yat ,here In deep.runinterrul-leol thoti ,a-,riculturally, to n•ecure " 'file Greatest , m,rk's hiv.advrnre Wwior! c,anl.•b•ney I end :tl l! RO-a, fM.0 ttiC 'icr-chair, then ,saws r•'IUen rpiree lo, the \urlk 1Yest, lberr. S r Irum he. la,guid erre vu ppnu..Jr her ho glia I rhe hurublest shorn i. to him r ervtre.. 14e osition, gut actin alk Colonel ofthe District. s (COnfiewed ,re 2wd t. 1'u.aifle lita/d W lhC llreatt4t N• J I IU Yorke o start in IMI ton of a •tor t]Sc P g THE FAk H3 INN, 'i Say Mte Ctupur, achemr ail u,de,.ruJ••i.ce, loud Per ) . eribl¢ torn nn core si,lr that whicma cannot fel to , pmp""''1 the health of .iAN Y." UI''t(Klla, t I" R Drnna whirs nm+ n hr• arJ nor ser Ili& cors muse sof C htrarlf t0 he I'u...lad 1. tun NuWber 1" 7 ro,untn for a alrll funh,•r hJa of em1 nti ave, in ILs Jismiurl of Capt. Iluas the cuunuy ,q••. e l s cucoursoge kilo in hi► foie¢ but mrmaly riruK,: E(4., fl. 1'. I'., who had Arra ,cgnally .\Ct,r my.trn (banking ,L...r rt•r•nt fur Iba held loci &n ufflwr *lace eeju&I tow nal to bar larmeM p,ru..mad om fart "u•u sr the Iowa.. u h.amw u( CusUr• n}e OnO,g", Fupr - die,' 'Ile sera sbe ri,•It fi.IJ the sou ruu ' C."s merlaJ w"ai tar autd ..4 a• iced .u,rc. 'rhe , '' d ;,MUCNnm In conlrlbnhlh CO rhe ,'ends, and Lin1 ";' 1`I""' they nail exu•u, dU, him, 111. Meggir,' ►he alosd, .1 1 may es well tell wow _ h.. hover, i,f se•uera what be;a0 10 h Gtr I found perhaps in the ranks of the voluntet r *bol. are lauded a'" .nil ,.ail. 47 . J7. nu re, 111Y0 ri '' 1411d 1 T iI E U I \ N E •R , f.'J i laoksun lieamued IIs sew amid cheers. ilia N atmwt sa greet • di,ryp.iutweld W • -. Irl eircu.tatames ideat.cr! with hu own•- who ther,•bv showal a+ hyla always did t service of Canada. He had dune everr.bi et Sarin ►.ah. trad ev,mm,.hnw .rt n h wet de.•p.. Mr. 5n.• a■ m «, IL" - r - Ale[. Jo o.&a ' 1•:/,I , Hee•,. ail :)holey, (I Attached to fair hark.rswuroryfr rJ"it!.( ro ) __ _ _ __ ___ _ _____ In eemneeuon tool the County I -roughing I lie seed en,rugh to convince Inns that he lam I-Ihnt he had the tru.• inter,sra of Ilia con-, rssP1 Mr, UI •L,Lnfl rayhiu. ked Ixen J.ue a INxn could do in the position, and was sea aitwl4e, owtb,arw•, kr , Yrg,»I.Pert lip quirerd rnr an inaunt, - - --- -- - - but w « labor ant W •wen ;" rasme `` Ihrl Un I rtitocnfs at br'Irt. Tlae cent aliment Ir for the lla.li„Id la.r!I b 1t.lhr well kl.ew, able to acgait himlrelf in that AL8t1;—A small (.,,a of •meet ail _tsad.I aad tier r fr-lwt atrt barn. MAmwr use /, D -- - - (latch, came off at Itnoz'a Ifotsd, alar- I T ( 4 I T' 1 Q xICE. NOV, 9 '1865 prosperity enjoyed b1 otlarrs is.*16. flnbiu au , btlrl.ol.dyy Lrc.Ia+l nae mile (awn ,' nen .•e' hIt•e head toy dreiswn,” alae aa,d. '• 1 ern ' pnrhey, on Tuesday, evening: At til(! 1 se"cit. (l'berre.) Again, tunuog fr tL. remarks wade by \ir. IG +4 went n•nJ•'red Slr. 1 o!: -•m ,xpl.uned hal he heel rel. poaitrus with the best. (Cheers.) UnAer see H.yi,W N.•vl, ale .err" .n a,tA,l ere. of out alter iL" inaudible to our re a[cr b • rho vas •al mental slip msfl^r to fhn IlnrergmrM : rut I cuu.•uu,a, cavil are ,it t\ot *latest are a r.d iuttd hour he ueyta were srhered i'Iuu Lim mntchve of to da \re hire ma.fh Ir ) the circumsueces the ole of the town •• You are a wilful ii I P' crit d tier tuoth. r. 'Par' g K y' c8:,rt.a of a U w ' (ierraan. who inti+ted of ttwf ttu,wer ora. shst Ihcro wx+ nu money .0 I f'r' P r stump., wlai&Mwn htr b,•»w30rt 2,,411 ■, I DEATLL D LoIZD PALM#:R• into the large diming, nuom ol'the bnt•1, i'er it ufaratfun of our s,s,rlionty urer,..Id 1 J •pane. M %Johnston• M.w«vr., ss•ould per with a very few Veeptiuns deprecated the cedar Log ben rbc t1..Md., kc., '• 1Jo los you yira.r. Hut. Megguos Yau moat t .1 r , countries. I here arc plou,tl.olr m.te•hy m, pultint; In a w(rd or' lar"kert Ena,ll herd AL-40:-Ia ire V,U•mr i,1 P, et enter [ ar lar tar nor pnnni.e that you will apmJ your N here u r1 rutrrt,mti.d tinter was in 1 1F \ severe. 'rhe irn:orneement ,of that bar Is. action of Ire Oovemmcnt. )lo, would new FO1 U e rah«r si ..f the Atlrnup, rod th.•ry i+ :m, tlten•, amd whoa• a artm, d¢ritig Ir. would he a check ,Ito the Itailwmay which was call upon Ib+ gentleman appointed to read with dwvl!srw vows ad st•olr., Sloe ,ore ail the old+ya wt utA Gran e." best severe rend. se that ,Jmee, am• 8.. long The il i/ n Nassi bring,, us rile Pad madinenx fem go,, mta of the evening,• offi•.' tine 1`l ,uthmg fit«:c w ma, y in IIJNp r n Ui kwon's reply, were ably backed up by wl now iir4ln. its them. •• Mamrur," aa,J IrgKre, sed her. vase« Y f - testify., Hut I noter nerd ilia uews ,e ser ac. c J 1 the &ddross to S1r. Itna. barn keg» r• we•. I, r sere Of the *,"clef •, luugbmen, Ac. The I 7 i i & g,•nticman wro epp.•an• 1 In hast u gee::(. IIs. Jolnoston surd Le hntr•d Mr. Diekaran, w low w..dbn,ken, ••i sew Ise nu ioaoiw;-news that Lord 1 ALFI). run Jird Sao the 3 P Trrm•hlwrsl ; 10 &rilptro►&wars. FwlunMa B V counts of the fe,uvt proer.dinds which tail , y'wrattl.l n• cool Ihrrp t•,ol'.`/nen in IFP Winis,ry, Sir, Samuel ,Tolland then came forwatd Je' I of very irr.•L•vant whiaku lluuoenled rt,=.yply W 1`y, 10 wIH•n Le is n+oily my, frlker 1 m.) Chair was occu ied b Robl. Gif,bms, ' low a nc iturd AissA tet in the o!d countr alawt big r0no. - sl P IPIh of Ostobcr. Taking acvrre cuM, - P Y K R T• . that Ibuce h.tit ree-used d (wle for barWrr and read the to l'o.in \dJrer o - J. fl. GORUON, Fiq: Ike m tetribl hset ub, mamma, rget he rithuut'a.I cin the ulterior nl..uuq. In,nll P'' k&+d, terriLl bans to raw to Ito el tha-Ile Resile&Ile Rrew wnrvc sent death put E% y, \Carden set' Ilurm ltnd Hruce and q K \la. DIC rvl imi;ruvemenls sed Ilsreniumhiug. air ANhRKW UONOOiI, Pro victor. 1 g - h the me,f. RIW dU he luughin W IM I loth - OII ryeinl to rrpp,nd wan P yard" aortal W kin wd•ring and pluegn}l he' n•Pident 0th the Countp ietp. The I geyntlrmen *li! du ILu aukiry g *newt Ile U e: nn P:.i,l by mop wlmit that lar To .1. JI. ROSS, Esq. : N. R.—Alt tho ,enel4ed w me.Irtoer byt.M _ ag end tire prix• y ►ocelve.l. Ile Said, >Ir. Chair• or s+ook r,+•..m .re rr.plr.r.-11,. rape Ina ..ate M.S. eye routed herself to kids het, •ice chairs were filled b k.. Ro1N,E= I h&Jfn•ornJ the {,kn1 W Hruce un the q.ouaid Wer the nrancommisPiooed ofEeen atoll 113riliph pati In into mnnrninq.' Thr Y • q•, i giving. A atoe l gulf yawus between time man, 1•icr-Ch-drnfan, wed RrMle•m", 1 first it , air sad no Such im movements rt all. w,ther tslel4Y murder b, art -ars. the" 1.11 lane Idly br, k upon her touch. . two clamses_.Ial :a• a tbrm so, .mute, 1'he P + 1 rivatee of the Gnderich (iarri,,on Artiller dedrvie►. April t11et• Itw;i. w9 ad °i Th«•e w, ggo ut:d rruwpr use letter at- brave ate veteran died in hanlena" t the and (iso. Sproat, EA(l. Uu til.• right of 1 ( f Sh.nk you Must nnwrely Gar floe utast just Ths health of tit" 'odges w: s prop.sed &sed p y yw UOok be.t, .be arid. 1 am tire) of t whic he Ata 611td with set much the cbauhwu tat lion. U. M Donald, I p u izhuto ire emailed uI ober dndieq aoA drank. I chin asanre yon that I reel altr-p- briefly resp«mil, - - ,y Sir. Sl-ele, C'unpanv, would re -1 cetfully present yon pre b Ill Jtehihno0n ail' ,lin prise id the ucawsiuu I I ltie cow limo•flt paid to lir. ituxe, and Thp ,ice 1'rerident r m •.1 '• The Sue. with this address on the unhapp eveat of ( ` v C I theme rIe}a"tod r -e v, Mesigie 1 ded re. .billiay fur the pant I L ' years• Illi Ili,- SI.L C., raid un the kit Janes Ifick- on, of a se„los of patroaagon fo ”-arch"e, each I ILu kind manucr in wh eb it h:u beta p ,o111 $Qrt,98 `„ L. ale of Lands alter you baveyarm ere 1 tttl lo, have use K i rwssGd I:uta,etihns," and Mr. Thomism. the yrour being ouantnrd front the Volunteer life Isar ruylhmg.' tory is graven upon the memory of eveq Ell-, 31-P-1'., built of *how were on the irlreou tionatociw •enefh landuwarrlgoodzihr i Y )' Y J Hsu-,raa• aa:un, nee .eluded briefly. Militia forte of Canada. received b ou. This dlo tins cerlaitll i I Meg,ic relind to own room• and din• reader of the Im ,trial or. Celoui it rose fi, IJ daring Nle day. Ile-, tbutr Iyrn• sx»,I reallled wan 0111 needle-ttionp to in Mr. Diekson sup,so•d the henllh'of Ifr, ga i. (1. ,,•1 Chrern) Ilrrr, on the "ileo p It wan with Gcor of of that each \DER and by vert* -..f •Power of Rafe I i P r N': J Y Chwtk, soh a dunn.r the nM 3S enrx hod patrbrd Mr rccvptaww f Mrs. lruuaor"r lk ti"mea we noticed around the board . I MnA. the rum•,eeiiinn an the field u c,.rneA mind. Nl friend, .1 r. firms-, hat referrr,l s 7 mrmbe[ of Ike turps read of pone div D ,ouuivad in & Slorlgage made b. wch•' oL r and it is unneec May G•r now w Y I door vo much to s,ivrnce thn interrsu of lin tninal=your dismiasal for what ? for an sod Darlington of he T-1w"mhip of C.,lbornes Where tow Sir Carl Macre all .his more than •announce the sad tidings, it ('hm k,. b. 11. Ititehic. Esq , Thai■. Lawb, I "'I by lariats wad fumed tons. Thu nr(,u to ltie fact that I am one Of the Ob1 My/inn d country, act of w i Of is the County of Huron, Yeoman, of the firh I time T !Ie had leen rbmeuf r wetkt, r, d E:-, ., Cbelrr 1l•rlhs, L' e, ., flrll, E;v „ wbe nl,m,,h the Imo are the men ,rh,o,u.wu pirmerrs of this eeetiou, arrd •I may men• Ifr. Chxlk m -hooded m •'abort 1peerh, in b ch each us feels proud : of and Aon DrrlidjUny.Mn isle• .of the is cemjccturlyf hat Earl Rus4n11 will sec- I t li. 1 1 eJis Igo.J; p,umpt•J 4y »n 411nor,.ble rmt•i- tion that (hie " r Platin a truth and adherin Psrtr un y rrtunatd w town ar preen. day' , n r S 1 •. I tarn ruts dh -u a I • f •r Brent 1'Inu_hin;: fl itch he tenlnr of a,hrch hr wlludrol ho tbP rode R R In rt, std ■teood part, (for the purpaNe o! bra ring heel Geed him as I remier, f St. Ceolg , Dr. Culetu to,, , . Is. Me I s W ea: , a:d art thn fur it'in • that truth ubhicit in the Meggre had jwt ward end art Ler lever to Jay wisp held oar the ver ' r aid where set systema Or. cullivah'an at fimt alluded lav, amt K h P J dower),.dMaull hrvir , M•r0 male m he due, I's0 he , E , Jam. 'Torrance, R , I•', I d.rr'+ ia••runnlo vert rl thi, dent* t1L!r use ) 1 T that impr„vPnnents r di;ails iutrudued mail ubli ,rens• when ou and our com an W the ywl rben rhe wua .uwmune to the p Y •q' h• r , UW fJl{lerin•Iaw bra( tchutl hie tent in R " 7 P r 1 e Y P J payment thPrenf ; will be sold on 9'o,eyJ&v, I 1' ,NinJ u( ryualny, reknuw!edtiug no cLaV P sh, twenty first Jar of Gnembe,, A. Ir., I drawing -room, to reaave Sir Carl, r Mra: PL 1 \ Fowler, E ml., and about fifty other n. I m,grrfYri,y, good r. roji,lairiA war depemde„ee what was Caen a complete wildr-me-s-if "I'w w', hod IIIb .r stavcg lis -I or Pqud me were tali-reprHead J both w our otos Coullel,r a It!t. ut.e. ual loo tire seek. TAIL CUL A . 1 tDfilr 11. a - ( any in Milt iia IFP ctrl Iae't1 twrarlJ. TI'e town aril at IlcaJa marklre, ou availed I sol at tore I,a- vat the rlo, k, naera. at Ilse ! 1 1 NAT( Ill, ticm,•n from various pdrts elf tele e•,Ilnly. save upoh the bel-refiverlt Father ail all• `t his you call call alea•pnlg Jll,ler a w:1--vol.-b x 1 J Ther,• ora a brigs t Lgbt w Meggle's r Lr Jlffe,rfnc,-,between Canada and the old outs,. wail Ilst Ifr. expmmrd him hrppinera rn moat ourself of an advanta the ri ht of all Auction Slut ail Gro .'• !1. frcemru. Parket I go:d ryes "s sbe &dvructd with outatlrte d After Ilse, gue.•s i.'nJ P til-fitd ll•etn• I pltctiinR a, tent. (Irulghle•r. 1 Ker I 1 in¢ „'d IrrenJn amt wihn•a,ing the great pro• 1 R care, (rede,ac", he following pr ,party, k try .. O'.t tk,• result of political Sagacity. It k K { 1 K British subject•, of publishing in the laud to SIr ('lord, Ihnt had become .errt YII_ IY orit report of the great I' ughing all r toll, et9 :IIIA aulwuere I enJe la'ur,d to rr,w. made In IfIP t-ra,,lry since hu ileal Ise• ILet is to ey, hrimagcompo.ra ail sol Nu. (4) u.url to them of lute. Sir Carl noted both,_ ,vista with rrganl to Ila r[u.hly 1`f the j,,"+rn ay "Olevcumstaoc i lo, n0 wap mflu,' lead out for ut)ecll a house, an.l if I have cattle wequneswl wish d. , trent peen+ a plain, unyatnished st:.kmett four, on sbe sevruib 7th concession. low,stern latch, which, nowitltsteoJiag m,erinua 1 *+tell h ^ nm•st Ind rd. l men con- ( ) loud annebl ' Jn•w Ise own co,nc:uuoiu, fur roept b•,f, f ,al•, vrgrtab ea, and daiutr•rs 7 ""' ( 1 r ,ice,,, e, 9Ie- Clnsinunai er. r r I the Volunteers of tar facts which cannot be denied Orithr t t ) 4 1 1 it is ural a,s tLe n nett ase that a P "' div Bina ail life sato lawnrmip of Cuibornr,' Cultlea, we con,rivd by a fret uPe of I" t6st Ia.litl amt ppliticuans; g...erours T A 7. r zz l' Y r•,• , _ crrunce gofJ en. r winch mark+ the """'I.1, In era; -A I I'STA ClO-s - t mem clad s is urt 1Co Faso also under to - eogtaiuiogg otN hundred ima a Of Irud, more slUlwkM .wilco 1 •• Well Me 4`, how rovlJed b he l mdl•,rd, the elotfq wan I (R„'eninw ait hear dur-c very lilt a t, Ix Y Or ler. Deed no& Power ail side -- ti Kr,vrrueymabipT” mat and telegraph to•bave upna tLe pn•es remm'.+1 and Ire 1'vsun•aa of 1Lc cviuimg he!a (ulwari 1,O. 'I",eu.4 and prw,,e.asas earobrtifevery other meet who 11, aeCout• tlonrJ til+ dt!m1,a:J of(npt. Koen nuJ az ILata l'uurtof$ngnirjwahelJet Slraf- •' 1 have wt *meed m tor=e t&aee of r pr,twd hill r gr t teat n h..d h -n limu-ht ford off the corms oundelrw 1` -tweet ou M. C. C.►SIF:ituN, i 1 7 P in the ll'ce•klp .. nail. al 8 o'clock .ran the coutin,nred 'tai ro d ,•artiest d st act• ha i,r ,4 -t ,,..s b••,•n in yoite set- pli+htA the crime tend in flail seetinn. SIr. about Ilix'c..m ..,n L:,J oulShuoP o!I olhels f 7 S .licitor sur Mur a ollurtun, 1o,' Carl," rel need Me•ggie, .fill a n 1 to con«•. urucP 1 4nr ueteoi s of s y and ('n dein Not Input, the result of wine! t ave' little -ever so little -curl of iter abort a ..er li,lluwi r metlling, IF were enmr•rlled Of .. I 4 - p' t ROM Ilwa,,I-O alluded bl toy caner in the I i,1` the Province, ta od it he hail be.•,, amdeal i 1 Ooderich, October 19th, 1u4.i. w39 lip. a 11 enurie loo txmd,nr our remarks as much Ili chairluan propuomed In sue a+0411! ru!eri toil law m Ike r'.• .h i ...•"I -lo have •rnwnship,, unit Uuuufq C•,uneld.. I d".dl with he: hold a sawtiun would he fair, tins not breva made; known, although yon _-- --- - r. -- the, u ual loyal toasts , of " Thd Q a,vn, fat;r,U,m Ili.' it i. I, r. to u/ .t engtheu 116 I believe, gra' I have made free uebt a heallona at the You were in earrpeal, hen f" algid Sir all provoible. The incidents,. however, ■l- , , . I maUscbmenl bf a Iwopls tithe and, and w add . ticman, IL'tt hnvu d0no nIy duces! mdo he IIo,uV bo byre the ptapen I i'P FAK1I 1+ UK A L N. My poor little child, du you dls:,k. I ,r r P►mc+• null 1 nor. *a 11':Jeg and teat Sao the ,uracu.,ne .it tern o- ahoee M av share en friifg the. County vat' 11 urnas tri hroaght Jown w Ihr nffsir might lar office the AJjuant l)enenl for • eOpyi Mr. 'home iso much T tta Ji } t .e enmp•tih0n were not of grant of rhe Itn),J Familp," "The (i11ccnnasr r y y i that slate 01 1„•rrectmwl which it nuw en• Pnq":rlv m"'6411u•d. T41s L - -o d of e,.urve of the p•Iprroo. lie stx0 fe7r that mitre- - " Ul.,ise is to,,. atrcog st word," aid SIr.•- I (amber tNW / l'Unl1a■b•d toll U.e' •Yy firm- *thorn ina•ndmg xray dtor upon the ulficrn LOT No ). 11th cuocPsemiun to*tell of) a mmpertence-the work ueelf en_r.xelnK funeral, . &It of which elicited vrciti`roue !int of the v:esre n prairies. "hr taTCLlll; I joys• with ret mrd t0 itis Itailwap and prcpeutali0n, backed by uuJue inAuene•, Collrorae.v A i to P 1 ane + 4 rt an M rbu derlroyed my { o, Uw ,ucntTt/n of all. The field opined to c•."ar-la ak`ul Ircdasn 7I .fes ham, re• i lir vrl Road n t mm, Mr. 1'h:,inuno I orb" hml rccmnu, Od,J hti a henlitpl. ant'h as pnu would mel rn W use, has Acca Ismail k hr tele, a,.d m&Je mar a battles, to cheerin •. i )" " + Air.. Di,keon ou ep„•d ILr Lexlup of D. lI. PP J C. CAMEltON. I 'u, xnd Ip+dl rn•rrr 4r APlrndrat up.n M1`, the alcni Class, although pospablr, w s b m;mkeJ upon what he cotuiJersa wen of think we have trust a plunlhing match t{.t Fir, E I•, irur Irte ('owny Clerk. (.\1 - uPrd. Arany Ihr *Fiala of the megltxra Ooderieb, Ott. 20, IsoS. *391 The chairman then rose and proposed hmert i t the mind. ofCa...dishs to their to-do which will colt Iry lilvurabl will I fixe.) of Ihlm company are aware Of the eorretr _ or the lest thing: Meet bpm p stn real well nor very afloat, POwr of t`e sande being r.untrJ. ('rruini ku ma tnr+e -stme p p 1 l'" T S I w my muher a husband ; mo,t be meet nut urte mugh, and deficient iia eurf.te wil,$f6c health of Nr. Ileo) anon 13.'11, set St' Rround for his Opin up in the iodism of Crow anything of the kind evcao'wilncamcd its that Sit. KitrMe delivered a short but very in p"ndence which passed between you and VAY.1 A] 1 .H: em cf." q count , sold I &w IadJ to sal that it would ierestint a —eh, in which he d.•pi•ld graph Captain &•yoroar, and also to the Govern - M S Gcorgr, tots,, by this generous Rift uf' a dI O. oaths, who o to week th:or foiulves ail Y Y l •• Slay 1 know what sort of w family is as and yet on one of the inferior plots Ir, K 1, rally mons ass the Y,.iia and hxrd+ba .n Nr-h.d nwnt ; and we heartil endorse ever nee ow machine,. had oontrihutd •n for Far West. Now, although I have Ii(ile 6' tiard W get up & b tter watch In Ihr. I 1 Y he huui,r'd by tec,lvuig into its eucL' m. Thoma cnnt,ivcd to take sway also- ropicn-, I R Lkint fur what is tooled pxt,,iwd gnaervomd4t Pruvmtle, ,flee )ou take into account Y1A¢mA''arN in IifP in end«arcing W make word of it. Yowr JiP,mapnl is therefore FARM FOR SALE L I peencst Meggie T aa.t d Fir Carl. did lire, rite. He is • mn*t cxcclleul larg, If -kis the puce, se of rhe ,latch held though in my judg.aent al a nut (ioavble the number Com r tiler,, the exC. alt nCa I home for Howell in that sections. our disn;i-pn1, we have shared your honor. Meggre untried gold Plead Mrs. D.ncOmr'm I %Jr. Stent pr"poStd the h•aith of Sir. LOT Nn. 10, Con. 3, Township otGoderieb, I rt utrustur Inner in hu hand. He read n ploughm n, and it i+ very gneationablc ifllhat Jay. Thu Wast wan, received with end w.,ro i1 p„winlo would nqt De a,ainble of the work dun,•", ttile v:duc- of the prize% .Aix. Thom!ston, to "hove energy in intro. which have not beet &few -too now A1are ennuining Eighty steles, more or Iran, through, er- crushed up in his palm, small. an other n(AO in the Province unit, r cheers, and " has s a right {mud fellow, by by le -f Ia " I, to webseve for seer se Ue re the conlp•ted sur, a11y the green concourse ed (Instant Ifr. Ih•11's martai hey were main• Jour disgrace and feel proud in so doittg ; t, f , PT04 nsy. Me k follows continued thrill oil 1 sixty of which ere clear of stumtrl, tad under' ,one dogry exchat arUon 'd4uinst .s. Dull 'the com Ora . epwctatura, this you will ailagme asilh )y Indebted for hrio int; ahuut the splendid knowing that although your actions are a high state "f rullintion, with • first clam i tome'. want of ci,umrience. at itsr eircumptatfeem, could have made a P Y , industry -I thank flint an etrurt eh.uti tor, SIr. Bail, in m n+e, acid he would made 1-1 urpremae lho dislulrwmare ander InI that it has barn a great Pucce.4. (,\p- pL,uJing match Ile, dry wrh,e,Srd, start understood said npfreciafed at the stone dwellh g, Imme barn• notable god rut -I ..Neggm,' said be, '•you have not pledal' more. beautiful ridge. Woord, the tex ran which Ili ova oma le comstn•d wash fee 11) ause.) I fieri that a role o1' (flank. i• Mr. Thi,mr+ion burned thanks fur the office of the Adjutant l)encial-they aro shrAe, to IarKr nmharAe 1"•mrinK faun, &sed I ed y..o,rM io this is prrlerrnte to Cuun,. J not altclq t to mis e a r .•eh on the. oc• Westeno,St •tes. We ahouA Jo suln, thing due .tai the Pre•sidi-vat of this Count)' """"mefi• i tendersfood and appreciated by almost the • nMrr (ailin u.,; creek runts.; Ili ruu eh rite -take r In OTder, dIJ exlrrmCl *CII, P K isp' b nit p Gran e T P Str..l.,hoplon prop.teed Robert Gi ,bons, wb01c of the inbtabitant" of GtHlerich and the property. o 1 have " rhe replied, bright) i think good many thought rnr a AclaiOn. Ile egouesll) JrsirrJ to promote I Iloprralida arywPOUlvtaL'bl uo tkr Am;•ncM1" •lgricuhurnl ReH:ierp toil Ars namnowl trP F;, I•, N a.d,m ail he C"uotiP.." (1'he,ra.) ,I the interests of a,naulture, hard half ton- m eel n which off ra to sl c timers las, them, unccra,tul t sorts hi a tun a it.;. t Gibhona in reply Spoke of ,ha greet the surrounding country. For term*, ir., a I Io 1T e'•uhernher at deal.'• and lou fact t c orae•. - ' rich, fnitiv"hlp land al a rale a seal oil to I ii K P .tr. thr Ooderich Wuolet. Fedor Iiicr, lsest •all. I't ektidrdy pretenbre ; I shall udplro• trine that h0 was to bt the fnrtutnf eleat•urcd to ive a eubntgolUal tout of ilia ; I 7 m arc.I, used 1 hope Uw% this grrut wnee/e (rugr«ss nw!!n by the Cuur-ty of Rgooi,, Puate you accepp•J the Office of Captain Ap the work proceeded in Ilio H'Ierntwrn, K P the eomt of Purley. An onelktep In this dfree. on Aul am "A wall be n Sated eve. TiIOS. LOOAN. 1s laidepeudent !' he exclaimed; "yen, he sintrorit Ile would now sim i thank li,m i here ser ,d the tit}norm urn the g L V' J .Inch, now, might M sant fo r,l:,uol A. \u. l f ou company yon h eve been scalrue ■t Ooderich, 13th Oct.. 1863. w3Stf sort of 1elJrlrrdence the p• -or wretch,a of slid the islide began to narrow, it beCamod Y• P Y' K- X 1 til,, scars lit leuM, (..ppl milk •,)eel til ,l Ila in the whet ,hens iter. t('In r. a.) all limes lot out rtnpmteutent in mililarp _ . _... __-_- _ tM tresdmdi c&a bowl. You will. nullity much e&pier to fluor air the probably Puc- the President for prop, -in;{ hill health, and ! Whoartwl srnlen, rtlli'th entanhlt rthid mew ''`roe a..me hour le ,,ty os l,s un r. Dic . Mr. IGtcyin then prnprna•d Ihr hcolth of knnwleJ t, yon early pladc yourself 1 1 I ( ) T „e topp ted t. our leu„,y Fhnaa. Sl r. Ihtk' Sir. Bora, o n000' I trrtumr. lo, r«%!ani -L-." ) that acre Dance In ptewe 1be, McKK1e." l the company fpr receiving the toast In ere we sh ,old enable ilia poorest amuu est nn 4 uraster of Company null lfatuliun drill, ■7 ■ ■ i L , t celkPlul e0m titors. The men there„i• ayes l b sun then went on tom„v that 1„r fwu or thre i- t/ rY S • "Nt, taonot,' ah« rt•phed• tM,u,rh her M' to Ire local. wLirL wua loudly mppinu,ir•d, \I r. color went and came and her bw0ul heaved. were aware of this, for a gnoll worry of such a Cur teal matter. ser obtmn n lir.n; wP alwurl retain wilhtn yea* lar IuJ on•lcuto+•d to get man &m"ml.•'1 IG ,m rop.,'.n .or Uoe *•,unit tiOntocial pn,nion of auA yvu wire c►cr n•nJy and anxious W 13 R7, to 13 77, nrarthr RAILWAY '1 Megsie, be coatll.aed, "you n wt not The Chairman said amongst (hone who oar borders the host of Glomera slid Ag.icwurc Act, mI which.rvoow shu=es w...oll she ( ount Wall re' r,Ili is, sbe ftadwr imptsrl it to us, and we feel that Jou were AJOTR •,0 enol, underuke IFN • use do not know he orad:. thcm,knowinR they load Irttle or o0 chance, -were d"o"ve lou til¢ funds fur the l'lou h- laymen -sous who now wnually tnnefer th,•ir be furrier al Mrp arty with. "Alhi,ug,A he ,,,.I,, be tell %"hared that the money renli.ed ro faY succcwltful isp to enolate see to apprr STATION, (indene h, for t)I ' 1 slashed away to get done in time anyhnw K allegiance al -the Beath "Ping republic; sed C„unl wbtcll led over 0!I )o the amo .vat rn- Pry of a troy, n,eti m life ; my dmrli„g, let me \ we sboud offer induce•m-s0s ti, unmi finis, Y say the *lel of t. year's rto.) would mus Fe inrptol know and reviews wih cat ex At Five Years Credit, w.e you from il. Thr re iw ewe wq still without taklnR particular pains. The rug latch, the Re.Itlamnn on Fra right had whis ou. burr t4routh Coun.1 w til u h It celvrd fu,m li. olowei f wen order q I%- (I shut hgniaaisv il. (appsM1uaP.) pecond fn knrmwn it QIe field, toil so ci- n w 'n wbieb ou m& avoid sit claim uvea ouin wa not all done in the re• K've% very uberally, and he had nuw were unworthy u( their notice.• fiat 1 do not *Fleets cher CasIll. y le.' 1”, . old iy d Mr. S;rtera11 pr,rpolrA, ■rad the PompanT ,pro •,d by the tromwandinp; officera. In otlOnRerit rcquirrd. Apply to Fj qq 7 1 7 1 g p 7 lh,ice u much as M, y p.0d. It would O. N cn.d,.s.l rel tel -d till the t•ast of live M. C. C. ME.1(UN. Mr. Shure : overlook the y - lso. oe e, Ki cat pk.aure in prOposins( the health of i nA in.• that to Ihi, s0,;le memnwe ever 1 s' divminrusR fou too led that ono of tke A nil "Ili. J "64 .wfi2w11 oar agrlk, and tNcom« m1 wik. Dle•Rxir, ecTibd lime, bat wf.er once sal (r;abblin>+, K 7 T. lar aero Ihmt Krrul *justice wan dune 10 lhu Fe,,.alc Pii,o,r,•n of Huron !'% Godaritk I ( Hen. D. MoDunald, our representative in thing a„ w,,It wmdd Le r!nuued. Rut 1 rm Vcti'vraa•(n ,w,.w•ee a d lot I.uxl• it tha der• I, best militia jalficers to Canada hae beside *mea Mote held you • lint ght in er arae, it was decided to m•Crhwk thn talc in di,wh• .l I,4 a ",mune n` nn ma,•rrt .arsisaa, 1`P ) The Hoff with se puree Mr. Coeae,” in 1 Msve loved, u w 1 thuugM beret •gnu, the IAegslrtiR COnucil. (l'hocre.) 1 m; the next se•e'la of IS* wd eldr it the rormati,no well Ore lame set Mr. Cox of the Ielat to ltie r'rl'ice. i p ti, lure tnyfhmg m Its life. If you will Irl Senn>iderahon or the veep unfavnrabl.• good onP in which the peply i o,1 Karon, .,.hems of l'onfrJrrui rn tow not envied out, e,l an/. Signal Mr. Cox responded briefly. You hna'r lar- n otly y u kine) el every Wim in Bosanquet me, all that rear i (,I n shall be devoted 10 state of the weather at ptarting We thny r Thr Il,.n. Doan.n McDun4bn, Oa comm[ Yenh and Ikuaa asp dPPpy intemsted.- we would at I'•ast et ,sore door us its use• T p uerMn lou the Agri- one of w, cranr•qucmUy you ere eiekared w t r•Ard to rev nal sous r•rearell with a hear• ( nlivaed chrrrmlf. (live• us laud4 tare M l K 1 h r. Idyll loo orad S (FI)It F,\ LE' making you happy '' sm that the dacasiem Of thv 'rad st in thi* p., (" ) dncch,m. ,Iain hon. nn rad Iron. Treur-uetb vetoed Sn•Irty of Huron." TAe 1'msi lent eneL ; ton therefore feel • lae:ua(rlt sorrow ra .. MPKyie Md her face in her ]Swndt toil ]Surat Y J K' ty ruu-+d ail applause. IN slid, Mr, 1'nair- all w -wen, our) i shun maul, las afraid of com• I lard futeei in his rdeln•as that *e m Gmarl• in rMpOnse ezpt•ase+) the grntiti &tea n he fch 1 shin being compelled to part• Ret, Sir, sou -Z• el U ,,]'ill s into aeon, dam was Riven in Resod time, and w8 m,n1 Vast ChAmnau wird Oen Ie men• i b&ve pcUu a; with u e 1Y; et. An M•lePerl prairie pna.•.aed fireawr as c,eur•f/ than ,h .as enj y at the re.blt of it,- day a r.luughnrg. W hen can Feave Uae service knurimr flet you bare •• No, nn, i c&anoL" she nabbed '• it enerall mncuire11 In b ell recent. "u m r, mrcwlomud t-1 expressions of fx mr p and Cana dun fa ming, I nm per I ed m ahs 1. rated Seim, and Ghat If he hod he tM rn,`n•din;n went Io rhe ublic he felt awled uputhliy and honestly In your throe HF. QN F.Ry1(rNE1} "bettor a.e aeon lel would he wronK." i R ti ednoch n and hiw family k'adueas slid ,foal will on the part of lire aroaded hot the buftanrs, ail benPhan in on the ,f.+p, 1tivai of ILe ('to,+n 11 O"i it";'w.mld that% they would mlound to our credit. Ile IPr w* an ofiirrr and Jerj he world to point rj Mr. Samuel Carnochan's lluron, that I should be Reilty of made of he Inner. The prurw olf•rs uorW I ,rr a ter to ve,lle,*. Ib • lot 70.1 h 'nn,. towu•hip of H, *.nqueq •I Ah, Maggie," Paid Sir Carl, "iI might } (Nr. Ihekann,) urged IIn urcelk•ity of rmileJ tdrmt in alliin their jinger lou a single set unleroming flan Cowry of LamWton. T"e• Isnn ronnmfS of hwve kruwn thio bli;;hled life. &rad this worn A''*erve grrwt credit G,r the hearty h0mpi• .RPrnrio" were 1 W sxe tM Irngurgs d aur nimhle tI•m outinnn. it impose. no ple rmi I tial«1 come 101hi• cune,uaiun ,hmrt .vat nut twist „f ,h,. ki,,J, a•,d to+I P,I they tone!•, .ue'pm- g''^ilrn.an, (Ihnt ie• if we lnkr IFP •orient 1 nut old frena w+lop not tit to ' bC offerwl I,+ lality tendered to vimiton,[doughmen, ek-.e , VtNe un that occasion. Cum" when 1. may, nary drudgery. It awaits the .pp!iemsion ail to {five awry the faster sur d' Ili, I we're worth i,iiah *fill greater things when they race to role as o,ur gaide., but arcordasg to the new OaJb HII RED ACRESIt anything ko bright and fresh as yourself ; y In'xt ma in r mamet wbicE the wa,Nt sbe plougA, end yiil•te & harvest m r ungte eas)'Ihin{ sur nyrneullur&I putt1 ah"Y were reet•ive fair Ir from Ihr NenmM.,1. rule as lard down in 1'nna,f. the truth moat j still, 1 could offer you ,dewed affection and and which waw aoeepted by so, many that m,sle4t mar, misfit wall ht proud, sed for year. dtut behind these telniplauuns are I w„rth poymg m tilde Iur. !le th•.eghs the SIr. SprOAt aril the M chmyem sal Slane• nut be spoken, touch less published). This stmty of wA,rh nee e•IP , end ""rated .... s the tables were-urmunded nearly .11 day +ha•h the lead sympa etre m,tht well lid dr4s backs which it were not many lo, estat,;e ! , I,1u,u , ii,nr nh..0 J Im instrtlrted 1. toll Im" ftenln•rS had Annr nobly its tominR G.rwnrA must be your consolation -it is ours ; &rad "trhrrn of the u. T'. R&ilt„•v. There r. ■ LUG &n bIt isho P name tad 1`o I o l tout. fail. Relieve in., 1 ". deed pPn able .e. If madil cultist, -1, the ralrir D141ELLING 11VU.NG AJtD FRAM "It is not that. No. iso, I would tat Ihn,k b Fun r ueeta A number also en n rd 17 vs ! ) , P 1 o,1 n l acme for jer-d the rnoncy h, M ped film ,heir lied'r,ns, het where I pre this thereto he land s sats at gory lime retract of our &R, did I leve our a drw, ve ; ) 8 1 J Y ..f the ealup i,1 1hP turd oyimun to whwai you maayy Ae soon exhxu.teA -h ha not sbe down br!on• the deed tore grvpn, which would fmrmrrs wbn ma dew an thio ail he herd. (heir order &nal iso satisfy your wounded hoe• BARN oa tM Int. T 7 7" " rd droner ori' Mr. Robert Carnochan's. ns•e nml arisen user"lice ; for knowin as i endtfcrn ktren th and roluctivenea of 1 T K . but t do not, I cannot,'.' will MegKte, greatly R` J K K 1 P keep out the+ae confosriArd nlwculrtore. Hr eta Mought it iorumtlent uyun ugnculuri4u, or r to 1•AYCe ynY U, aC YpI yoar tOmmN• WELL Tr111SEUED,& WATER'D There were s omn six or seven whiskP lo, role Mundy it„nMlr, this habitual sincerity, our hsmrtie,ad land. Acd the scarcity eo. d rssrre them, iI he aPru hrenod in a 'ion, ones ,sere rat mrum(I that each one of dialr,a”. J in Ihcrr nd naow til li meet fWe wrrur&c .f Mose whwr pwrsute ail toil hw m4da Milk of hlnht ',in the pr&ins Yl"IM i4 an osrstrel" a«stain neva .w «•r with dole w little Land us W •man will tall ruw.d ou n un.— yetpartkculenappykte •• Then,Nereie,i will mention it no mors•," hew the on file round, and a the were I I 4 ur"re end show fMt Ihej loo ren e•pable 7 t I 'M. C. nORD0N, amid he ; ,' I only thought, if you loved me, R J ecuun Of til•• PrVr1U(9 w'hnt It iv, 1 feel that which 41 mind would De lu.uperuble.- bu+mrp .,,I Ina own is"nuul th.d they had nos or displaying 1ublie militia. 7 hetclurp, once men+ maunrK you of tM (iederm•h P. o it was • mulaion which *,ell Sri ■n el tai bt P"tro,raed pretty freely all tiny, the gantl when you ldedge a timet ruu ef, it -not w Oonit fent, n N im,'sat„ble, good buildings the mo+l da,lv,64erm ail the wrongs done bl osed'•the Tier,” which "rmpathy of your eompany, we bid you Ferge K , K .. meneom limen Ilia%on tbpcontrar that are inevitabl a ,.mise—au exrensr•e that) Mr. (hckr•n pmp Aen•t IIth.I0R71 '"»" undr take, lo, make an old man happy,' eff.•cu were viaihle tnwarJB evrninR. Nen V h 1 7 tPe f brrrtlp•s aPeculatnre. Il was qu.ae im(aiomi• wan resp"Idad lo, by Melon. IlcCawjbay acid well. TRAYEID from the ui)ntrrihPr, AurinR the 1'1`", i(4ha .aro F n d&ogbtpr, isle ecJd bxame Oci&l, lOvin ieekleem, meal ruu mean al that the words mare able to on t" the uae•rametb ther aro unatsemA]SI• ; MP for a mon la work rich energy when he 1},."Dr. Oudarich, Oetoher 27th, 1065. rammer, A Dirt BtowA fadly, muse him happy. Har marriage should be a ) . R' J, ,y. On any purl, then, 1 shall indulge m fuel modes- ad ud'rrixr, booth .nowhere bra I :141 rant know but ti.e Irons ..f his industry SaOOMI other vOlaat"t tort" followed, Sigurd by Sergrant4 R. Walker, Elijs► L JAMlhree ears old; not Inge, lint v.rr holy Mufe, good oval one Fling call toner• stupid, noisy or quarrelsome, recording to f r."raera"ry 6•rmA rues. Sy.aakint from the cold more Intense rap merrcbing• No, Inh an, ght be wreole•d fr.,m I.Im .t vy mennpnt. after which the main Md of Ila• RuPala n- Moore iCorporals Daniel Ferguson, S&muel R J the hew,t to the Ii let me stay in one word ,be prairie. may plo"ae poeve, and tempt hose Ile Ieh shim *r+nx d«« d gold r I'll a he stool; sm.11 whit" star on Ihe forehead. erste it -a Irmo "aid honest love, one tIA.t their natural pre, ile,firan", and Cher w41 17, K • fined bot w err inf,Z hal a sew. k• t shat I tm nk veto. AnA now let me 1`"V from who link not bewalh the serla•e of things; red an thin to do ..if. Tari, omens i% *clad t r P Wn,.rd,Tbama* ihardi er JohJmaaar TWA. Any Tremors giving rfnrmatirm lending to her shall endure through Ume and trail until a deal of onnfusion in lar Ue"Ce. 1.111e,'m son d to maven venerrl-from' Aut rafhrr kt.lrs Ann & Cwt;alrrn bush f.nm 7 K Mr Ant snk•r psinR un1a1 brensfeat litre "mat mon• 1'ntalesll'w. O&rdirwrl1Jokn N&vn, R'd recovery will be wiubly rewxrAeA death ; y, end after hat. f Pe' lar hi+ amdy ria ke,gr lhu yo, ,sec Igo.ls nut ail morning. ler Lek John E:mmerion V In a "cgs.f hml ld k see Onn r I'elli,w .he loyie that Co.,c.rnA ma indrndumally W the with raa atnpng laneny rte c,Ny •1*atilt j and the hands ..I land ah:,rks and a a vl"tora.-- . O. mirth, John R. 1101,LOCK, As Me,rgie looked at him now his Mind P) I' ' E.mythimg erannected with the dinner, iso WAiIP, Sohn Wdken, Alex. Nu.yl A, Jn►e Deputy Sheriff. some form bowed, him strong brei nhmsmt, had a pi. at of him nose bitten off His '1"'' that concerns lou Ot us u Cansduns.- lkabsantial OathuplA pphs, its exhaust em re- 4r. D.ekmon then t n,herl npmn what, in Au tar a ors naw, pawl oaf hgomuarously. Ilv,m't be alanapd, gentlemen. i remember sera a of firewnel to naldumv the rigors of win „ inion a"e dt"rtined to exercise &g inf ror• McPherson, R es Adl ition, ra Cisd`, Joaia Grderirh, nrloher 14, 106-5. w'I0 fhe oks. A of uta her pwnt revs, ant etfyep,.v a,,,lnilant, in order to escape the beating the wire ,al. that eacawlM rt wtytrons ter a himal ; and lou toil ca rbl+ of recom P 1 - Samuel c Jrmev ric McK Fl Oro tlsseiag- p v for kim. All „thee Iriraela PS,rac.gpd by p„v i1e 7 4 f. ant in0"rnre ra.Pr our pmilical Warr—he R&murl 6'nne, Erie McKr) Oeoryre Wig - T $111A S , e.ty, her mother about to place an inwper he would have received, ' cut' for Clan• f ,am ,(atmm oKn of him character• and 1 and pa.*i oK muntficenlly every outlay of labial meant the meheme for floating of the Ifnt Qr in endspquen” of the insane 4pPewla• tigton, EJwd Cam ign. Fdmsml [. Lartd, g &Ile harrier hetweNn IAem, Phrh , Asrd, ail. .00 conIK'l"M toe its wndom to tlhnk nf' wro• and skill. (Cheese ) Iloubtlems our naRb fib *4 ,rth Areriemu Prov,nz," to one grand lion In produce 4n he Western Suter• 1e IR(aka Reid, d a plaarritnn, F'. JorAman. J. STRA F. ria. t e naAPrsl -04, lot 33, ton a fat r a horse and buggy onglA J t Hallett, On the 91h India , a *mall Qarinah the Aright hones of her youth destroyed-- ntr him. Rhe believe a warrant 1148 thaOgenou (h. )with ut ldrmadnre 6hem into voon •ene,tnwwd. red rinithe •~rP m.1 ma m onlerle•rwhan 11 to m rI'lovino Thad &mretais i ed th thetio hr hewn, rr..I til; Bruphavy, thmvid Wigan" Robert Ronb, Sta. My mato feel, wih a Star in the forehand, might not the he following both duty and t 1 g •R R KK K 7 .bOwo ,, msec n(tM unar so f . mer ut h and d N Mid tall l g tonnage il t tl s pben Andrew, Alcamo er Wsuoo, AnArvar was Salon near 9milh's Hill between the 9h ineunuion W bid bar a he wish►d, rave •ad been immoied for his arrdt. ratlrhwal se" his. 1 slid 1e l e i mut rot fr pronna.ced mhe p rtic Hut pawn: * o,r•n iso muvh rpmesenre to enter nolo wen r•alw&p N aMSMIy Ia*sler lban hat going McClo seOUy dere•d i.a door., and 1 dare &toy ilial from the *bol+ W the pisn.e»lar pare, I &m . comer witA the Cwnala. fr bN npfnlx, feint. 1• sand 121b. Any person given` iefOrmetfon ease far her wvo.mrar& T Meg, e's mind was The, geld used by the Roy, we" I i -,herr, are ver few barn who are nos mora low sure it would be dnfirult mo, where in IM y p, la&din to iY tstover] will hP rliuhlr re. in a wharf. Ah, d "M eoetd but iso that, y 7 thee" wear On! two ,m.rmps n n W r : A WMl•rn pwpPr spP&km o(a wild tmkPy ala RrwM On rieinR to rP,,pOod toms ( AUO11 RRl1RI':. elilwe distant• and will a decided imprnve')me forfeited with he ■ppeoppe al and araocleP, tlnitgd Aalw Ira (Iisd.•er A 10crhty in which Annrx*hnn to the ('nit, d St..trm, (YMrea, *•vilest. without taking three vows that promirA ahs the arrrnRsing ad Uis tlebatea wbuh tell in fprogrea h r bean rota nnifnrm .rad u.madT, No I Yat) or carrying a■t he g,and doe ' *bot bra r y+"s teen anthem twenty Ire.' grretad with enthusirlie rherer• Ha BI M n. IOve ske dill not hen mile wnul(I cot roent n n Si r. Carnorhan's. The Anal", Tout moat haus tern &lar a loth• or •air n P• PereA"+ ("' Peery on+yrp&t of tM onssnos oil Ili• &s• nwapmramenl surprising air ,sold, ahmah kiN •Nuciatad A tM Hnush Cebiwt-+ra L S 7 ai,l, Mr. Chmil man, o faer&, wonaots- H011etf, Octnber 16th, 1065, wilt have hesitated to macrifies berrlt. Bu'ne we have paid, made GIfft lent work,-'lkemsled wisdom. Tae etanwo o< lo -da) ban is tit con• ' of lfaroo and Perth. i am 1 tm►II mporuslan.