HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-10-26, Page 3„4„. „4 44, heal fossils*, sail whoa no MSS*41114111VOIST H. I* CR bbf91/11119119. .1 deg heen enarneued aud sultans* bi !NOUN mid effection. "1 devoted myself to pour (Staley front the time he left his bed, end lie vitae to understand troe &amber sit 1 think but lee fathers and 11014 ever do. The poor boy peter blamed in• fur blighting so much bap - mew front lom, mod I bare oometimes ttied to thiek that bis if. has been mode happier on the •hnle then it would had I out home taught my duty through his ',notice Son, Retell/or During. 1 should be sorry to bete you and your eon WiUisa. pais throe0 • mast ordeal." o I nut that we shall ot," emphatieally and gravely responded Dales. " I thank yogi kr your story. friend liatifotd, and 1 atoll try and profit by it." And lit del profit by it, and we hills that permit who is capable a sinking has earl inNeer o sketch frusta \lif..ratimptruule5niet; tiht r.'4..tsdthis • GO1)/H*1CH TOWNSHIP. PlouithIns Magri. A ploughing match was held on 1.1.0 farus of blr.Jeihn MeIntoati, Ceotre Road, on Tuesday las The day was a most beautiful one fo the purpose, and the et, tendance of Utast very good. The ground was level, ven mud in good order. The entries were i the 11114 CLAY : John Beacom, wilt a Shaw plough. John Cox ..... . . . K kbrde fi IR. Cameron, Stanley,. McTavish " Hugh Henly, ...... . Shaw If. Kirwen Roneiman otewart Ward fieltbride " Boys' Ci ea. John Torrance lIcTevish plougt Peter McDougall.. ..... ncinson " Spread Mt Dougall .4 C. Mclntosh H. Wise nt Mom " L. Herbertson 51 Mcavish " The wcrk done in the 31 ll'as ChM was est:client, and so even that the juges, Meese,. A. Strode of Goderich, W. - (English.) and A. Robertson o Colborne, had a difficult testi. It wits tli bt tliiit Kirwan would have meet 41 14 51 ; hot his opening was agminet biu,. Sone of obr beys alao wade excellent pi ghtott- Stewart MeDuugall'a woe, t little if any behind that of tire beet n the men's class, Peter 31eDoug..11 dud well, sod for a lad of about 14 little Jo° Tor. : imam came up doer .Iter the best in I is \class. The ploughing was done by 5 it. ., when 31r. dee. 31elloucld read the ze list as folks AI c's C 1 Asa.- 4 ni. S. Word, 16.00; 24, K •en, 63.00: 3.d, (Meta., 61 00; 4i4 Be 17, 13 00; 5th, John C141, 13 01.1; ett, be oin, VIC Ci.sse.- 10, Sterol MeMougall, • wood n plough (60.0u) post:GOA by tote w orli n in HUltrollinit'a Fourtdry;20, John Tars. e. $3; 3 d. Wise, 14 Ou; 4.14, Mein. tub, 1 001 5t14, P. McDougal, 12.001 lithI Herbert n, 81.50. Theld game, judg.• and eieiters pertook et a first te chimer in Mr. SI lotushM, the, good lady the butane and tier hoshetid ex- erting them Ives to see that ali enjoted deur hearty hospit SIIIKICLAR ACCIDIST• - Oa Monday last as Mr Jol, Andersoo of ibis tp. uu returning Lome with $ load of lumber by way of Holoseee le, his team, which is a wild one, beesnie entar.ageable while be ing turned at the '. y' and ria full 'I againgt a horst sten leg at the 'hop door while its mate wan ng abod. The woo - goo tongue struck poor brat* aiih inch fore.' that he ezpt se a frir minutes. We are informed that r. Anderson has coneested to ersisnoste damage with the owner of the borer. r. CAA', by paying $P0.00, although, If be could hays been held law wit douPULMONIC WAFE bt puss asotn on paymeht Of the. 23 In tolsidav tt Jauary ;Irv. 1st the hour of twelve bk."1 cent sod execution of the Moot 'gage. The of ibe clock, twos. I year...Olor ; I two teasoltl, red, /0111, October 24 1865. Pricer in this market would range high- COLBORNE HO III. er if there was a poseability of gettiug - 11 HE sulmentar hatitio leased the, above MP: As itt5 the eteveheelee ere Mill% I weli.linorto keel, would reep.ctfully in up fast, form ike Farmers' and fravellees that they Fall .wh,,,,,,. ip h.,,,h,.1 .. 44,25 (..4 1,35 wilt find excellent aceomtnodatota sod ezell timing Wheistj19 Web.... 1.03 4 1:05 attention paid to their c tort, haring Oats 0:20 (p) 0.25 GOOD STABLING AND SHEDS, iiiirlii 0 55 (4 061 And an sotentive hotoler. He desiirs 111A10 Pees • 050 (er 052 to notice that he hut:met] up, In aritillonl lti - ..._ _ the above, Iles %draftsman Is Excellent Oyster Saloon, mess.s.wseese. ••••. • At considerable exper,e, Rodin prepared to .A. Goon TI-III•TOI• 1 f h _urns perces at the slamteat awe. FIRST-CLASS ALES AND LIQUORS ..mmmr• TRY :IT. Aiwa,. on Itanti. TUE CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER CHAoderich, 23rd Oct., 1665. aw16 len RLES TUOSIPSON. Oon Alvd.cme tor the amoebae, wed perms- • reon. v I .0 al pain Iron' Itte ..v•tetn. Curet44Porr" untalosio. Plrogelsi . and l'a Ut the C•xudiux Ye. 1:, mas SibbertIststrata. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANIS. United Counties of BY virtue of two wets ue Hutu. end Orate, Viers Partall tondol out 'Cu W of Her blieksay's County Court of the 17nitesi Cou•ties uf Haim, and Wove, sod tu one directed Gentlest he lased* mid tenellaealts uf Hugh MeM•th, at theater's of A [11.0 941101. antal William M. Serape, I ksve woe& and when executime sill the rib, tate awl terra ot the .lesendatit os mid to th• south bolt to Loi unalmr Tbotenn in .be fourth coo. rendiun el the township id W••ranteels and Coen is of -thou.., ,....ntaining by wIrne•oueenient one buinhed ecre,, he 'he Minor mum ua leM; *4.4. lands .44leneanenta 1 V111111 011C1 for .411C en no Nara .n the ourt 41,.,,.,114. Iowa Or .111,1k.r1, Turinai thu 1 oay ol J 21,1.01rY 4a41. •• 114.hour wet, ul Ihr , soon JOHN MACl/UN.N1.1), boter,11, &8. Hy S Protoca, Deputy tebertil. Ilher.11'..1.1ittre,.b.dtricii, 19th LA , I MM. u39 Sheriff 'a Sale of Lands., .40 hts. k AI d sides.L'l,.Ld United0ourtiool RV virtue Of • wall 0 Th.' 01,14141401 1',,.. D" noir . .........., Huron and Bruce. Al Fier. Varian oatmeal/ 3e'1*.e. Po.. ... lim Ife.d...od sok flied elle. , A FL' 11 flirt -Supply of Pholooranit Al . TY w" : of Her At•teaty's Coedit). Cures Cholera, . holern Mont., 14...awry 5.4 Ca". l''''"u'C'' ' ."4 1 """P 'n 'h. 4I'n'a.... I AT THE SIGNA' OFLICE Cures sudden , Ware •nel Moe Throats. The Oyu:prom Fs. &soar, Thr Carinims. Pa. 1."1...rr III 21. Cumod•au Pion Dotroor I il ilii,ons trio,: 50e1 upwarditiijulit to hand Hu • el L peons. i.. 1 `1 I r:ii ea0..d t?. fr,.sioif 1.% ‘ cl.r.:1.1 .wp ton, ity...1,6,7k ,itnen lite, • Ymohorie I h vie mixed •nd taken in ear. Olson • Loon olthe et.ileal t'u int lea of II won and Bro.. and to one directed agai...t the lends •nd lens- turbot...I '144.,... Loge., it the malt 01 Luke aft the 'tutu. 'bur and nite,14 .1 thy .aid ...stead- __ I k e t.;.heounhtyi.oi.d1.4.r.nde,wrzwitseraohielt.ruks.;•rue % 2a• C'n...18an Pa. Ditstrover si my ...dice .n the t'ourt dome on the loMal ul Coors boom, Se .1.1., Froet Heirs and Scalds. Lndies' and Gentleimen's Sist. hels in great Under.. It on 1 urnday the Thirtieth ..14y of Jitisu- The tans/is. Pens Dearow variety, at the sly eau, ad the hour in le, Ire .1the clock.nouto . Cures Neoraigia, Ise lauloureaus anal Tooth-111111&-xs.al ojelfiloo. raelt•. , JOHN MACLONALD. Tlf. C.,nou'l•u Pate Dert•tryste Sherif', H. di B 1114ctCla1100 nn recileot bohe Wound., a*. By 8. PocroCk, Dputy Shoed, Sp111 1111 ,1ao.; tlahra aMay \II e .114erai'•enfloo.Osolersh, 1 .39 !nth rt 11.011teul iI la applied . A lagerassortment ol N- EW ItoOK 4, Jul . letgb st • Nu Family should le without • bottle of opened at the SHERIFF'S SALE OFLANDS. - - tiIGNAL CFrIGE. The Canadian Pain Destroyer ! _ October 21t4.. le63. . i',,,j Conntes nt , 1 )1 voo one of • Writ 01 PRICE.- IS mos p f WM*. All unlert.•houkl Huron •ud Mut e. t 1 1 Vendome., Exponasited TO WI .. ' 1 r•. 1.1. lue Ito renfllue .a. be &messed to NOHTMH(.1' 4 LYMAN. .,44out t.I Her Mak .1) 's Cottony Conti got the U nasal C ...... lien 0454,,,,,, rind Orme, •ntl to. Me Neweastle„ C. W. , THE Fultecroher ho 6 r Nile on ressonalde &reeled .5•,,,,Ithe lands lend tenements ot film+ irk Saki,, Goderlch hy Pon lteeer Cs's ••• A term. • 'thorough bird 1.k.C2.-_, I ER KAM. Frayne, at itoesuit of William AkIrldse, I hoe F. Jordan, tr•nlitit I' ,Sr 1 a • tfa, belt/. Janws '41 w„ *4.4.,,,,. wised nat t Lulea in execution& the rola. tate Roth, en, Rorie. v.tie, J. Poimd. Eerier. 1. H. 7 V. Of Iliere 4 Cenci C01•1044. in Nall. IOW otale.ear of Me ulaW deirtalnal In •ad to Ow (...... i 1 ni•Pt. L. Hirkson.,traloitb, end all study on .he efeemser, 4th tboaeamiona, lictdro somb Loll of Lot Number Tweedy Ave in the fith Med. aie Oteniere. 1 ' 04.4' Silt 7%...iii hie, to com•moon of the towocop of Storrs, III 111e HALVEY HICKS, County of Id,..,, who. h so 41. and leheniente I THE GHEAT ENGLISH HEMEDT He oh r 210i, 1,63 21w30•hal, oder tor vale at me "dee in !hellion House in the town ot I eoderich un Tuesday the Twenty.. _ , "'" eittlith day of Not•inbrnext,hour it the .110 01 FOR SALE. SIR JAME, CLARKE'S Celebrated Female P1118.(lancery Sale ! "elv" ih“":""‘". JOHN MACDONALD, ' Pep,. red i'fe..en pre% icn •..eir J. &en, H. S. fly 8. Pt k, DePuly &moth "rke'i 1)''PhYincia Extruffdina" IN CHANCERY. Sherol-• tioi.ertcb,( to thr Quern. 1911ttict., 111146. • 0439 • GARRATT re MeDONALD. • nursiorotte iX tiltholielt the . • One tst 411 Ito.. posertni and danerrnuti dollea0441 • -.. . t" sno'h.ihs 4.,,.1.tos`lillitt"" w sithn'.. 1 11 119.) he .o'd in pumusoce orlhe fillet artier moeferoom ire ert-eteeno .. inatosall ./WilotIllasiries mud,. ja, itaig raur sy.ith the opprolsatiot, Cooed Counties et 111 Y virtu, of • Writ of mtdu Ppordy t•Me Muy bo rel..* on GI Itohrit I. Tue. et, &lobe, Accountant of lien .3 ,g.‘sd hitrurv, 11.../ 4:,0):..e.st. tooted not TO MARRIED LADIES this t'ors, 17 Pultbo Aortae at the (lout* g,. ,,f ,, 1,, , - ,,,i " „.., I' ," Y',, „., 1 ,ay I t s• i teal CI, lialie.. • nut. at at Mk • it • far-illierly la/101. ' I: 110/1, .0 1 sloOrt Ilnie• . 44 ,,.5 ill the 'For , of Godroir11, a It .1 sad 10 floe dim tied isettloo.t the land. •niftere. leis( on Ito n r ,,,.1 Moth regoint•ly. , mem. liti Kii .od .1. his Stewart, at the One IX•11.tr. biers the nor. Satord..y. the tweniy-fillk day of No- ....I'm, ill...811cm. .1. I nave a toed sad er.....ent examp oi ltieat Britain to prevent Culla- Sheriff's Sue or Lands. ' CA1L-TIAN. vi mber. 1.565 in eller tom 01 the r,ld,t,titic and interest 01 the i at one o'elock it, the efternoon, by sent it.f. nd oils in and i Leo N her ttIsh en in Iln, third ...Sec.:raw! 01 I e towitsbm of Morro in Thew rifft •Aeorld ow 66, nth. tr frock., olu,iwg the I t ,, ty .1 If ut• In, 4 .1.I•1i Inv Woe FIRtil 1.IIR EH M('.'. 1414 ej ".s. . MR . GEO. M. TRUENI.AN, . . ..-.-,.... th-, WO IN, 10 &ICS 0.1.111..ast- i Audit o'er, the Roaming pl op.. ty di-Olve. i !",,,,,,;,,,i'.,n, ;1' i,`..,',.:. ','!,',.:if,i,',..- .`"4,,",.7.,':;1..ned,,; .w!..".vh 1 nage. toy at exp whirr trete filey we of, • . . yin. r lp the • our. ttrii‘e CI, /e ("wit of 0...loonek, 1 du an raw. of emus sent Sousa! Aireettone,11.17ell'he' ...:,-,te half ef lot 2i1 in the 1st cote I,. Tuenhiy i 'I i e t . -sr ...tate- ,.a, 4t,Inaotaary own, et Petu• in the 4110/• and bottle., Petieriie ton aolreht cersiort or W aa weals in the County ut Myron, . the hoer ut %tenet .111.• do. tomn. em woo, 1 nop,istria tithe Lott, Ilysteric• isee.1 1 • 14 h.tew, thew Yila swill eleul • Core when •11 C'"_es'i.,"k.!00 ,"c'' '• ''.JOIIN MA DoNALD. • hair 1,f the a'est three -lulu -I , . other menus hese holed; mid elan/ern • power. m. ine Amu. S ends 111.* 8.• fed oundy do not co•tinu min. ereloneel. soh- trio 01.101 27,, the 1 t concision of the same' sb.11:,;,..poth.iioe:ko,peuarcte,offikterld. moo, ere sot th.ny hurtlul to the neetwantenn. 1.0.1Phit., etnitnitim: 7,S urea. ! lidoro... In the Domini el Around eve• , 3. L,, Ay in the 7iii. etteeet...te of Col • 19th W., 1414. ale pboliarte, Who. •Imitiel facsonolly pre.ovird. 1 km.... in 0,,, 01.01,on.iniy, ,,,,,,i ,, lag 400 -- i 51.15 agent tor the Lensed nolo rod Cansistivo, ' '41 .,• , r... -la 11UNES• itoehe a.er,;NY. aer.t•• 1 .wMaieMA.l toe B,O J) epro Pir:.Yisi 'itaw".14‘t1s)itoRuF' o any o.7Au,1,'.I 51000 w.lowe• btle tor. Mi.es ut the Town of.--rc_, rnaXhe 1n1 EIFS S( AiLE O .F L 1•DS . 14•416 Ill, Pille, In 'own loco • s of sod pally tar Mona: perigesk NU<111111.14!1Na.1a:t:euelared end tooded nab -'„''--,--,.e.""-e01* of N,„...1..1:4.,r..;,.14wbsirltu.ririne„. _ sIrrti.e.ak 1.1001 I : he ea: ot Her Mawat's 1• nt1 I trr ,ntii in Goa.,..,..h b, 1..6, 3, ".10. .„. nt ' Ten ter ceof me purchage mInotley Is .- Covina U the nited Ccunties of so.,,,,, sod lir g. J....dsa ; 0.4,.,,at Co , Hatfield ; j.,.... paid at the time id sale to the Ven.dens 0, lin.d4o to • Jeerer., agatrot the lenels •nd on •- , H.,,,a,,,,, ,,,,,,,,.,11,,, . J. J.,. ,,.„,, 1...„.„ , , J ii. their Solietto.s. fifteen ;or reht No ther •ith more"' .01 1! 0. Yen l""lMoon Comm I have .mwd ". 4:.0, .1O., . 1•16 -en In earth - w 11• • mob.. 61,...hot , 1,..1111.14..., bee ono, rind 5:1 in 3 months from•th.t date, arid •• Mottgote two the reht.in le tend Interest ot the out de Moaning htestera. .3.•-lv on tIle premiees to be ;jive!, hy the putehoser emitted en and to (he south half to I.ot %under s0. ming the payateet of the balance io 4 Fun, in Ire tuortl. 1`0111,...n 441 16. townstoo 01 Wanted. IT IS NOT TRUE THREE JOURNEYMAN TAILORS, itsu stir 11,00 Constant Emplo)ment and Good Wages. Apply immediately at the Clothing gin - 4111 intri of A. SM I T H , 111...4.1 Gu lvIrA Goderiel,, 1901 Oct., I 14U5. .12 COUN EY of HURON AGRICUI.R1 SOCIETY'S THAT STOCKS Of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c, A RE LOW AND PRICES HIGHER THAN TEEY HAVE BEENAS YOU L1. can prove tior yourielf by collo% at tho EMPORIUM! Where J. V. DETLOR & SON he t• ,pey 1.1 shoe to th, it tat f. lends and the public generally, and vorifid stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NG MATCH 3E-1.131:130Wit.rt 4 PLOUGHISti . AICH .1 the shots ;toile .01 Le held on the Faro uf Samuel Cnrt chat.. E1'-, Lot 20, 204 con., Tuckerseith, tie toile and a ter *raid Har whey, on .TUESDAY, 31st day o l'et Ir inst , when the following Premium will be 'said • ed MOOS' CLASS. lat. Reaper, donor 3Ir. Dell. less 130.00................. 2.-Iton Plough, by JAS. Dick M. P. P. 3 --•Fanoitre 31 ill,MeTajmert & Co 4. -Curb prize 5.-Cselt prize .1.1. -Cash 7. -Cash prize by John Gray h. -Plough( - Campbell IlloTte CLASS. . Cash prize t. George, ..$70.00 EAC1., 40.110 0.00 ,00 00 0 . • . 2 15. 10.0 10.00., sirbr.C!..;' Purchased in the Best aud Cheapest Mathets. and which they re deterruirlid lo sell at the VERY LOWES TPRICES For CASH. TLey 3..m it misimitunry 10 /Me 1110 nature of their etioek to doait, se th.v fed that their long experiesue in business 14,Goderich enables them to antseipati the wohts of the costrelenity.. ALL 1s1 114. 2.-1 ron Plough,11. Runeituan& Co 36.00 3. -Cash prize... 4. -Cultivator, GLegow, 31ePlieteo3n0.0: -Co • 24.00 5. -Cash prize 157..10,00' 6 -Plou.th, Searle le. Pattie 7.-Sadd:e; Horace Horton IL-Nsck,..ke and Whipple.trece,•Fu1121.40m0. RAN & Co 6.00 • RULES. 1st. Boys competing toted not he over le teem of neeand if required idea product ant tante' Oty. irrOtar ofse. 214 PlasUghttell 10 be on the ;owed at 9,, cloek, A. SI. Plouthieg to eommence at 100'clock, A. M., arid finished within five boors. 3.4. The quantity ot land to be ploughed to violist of one-third 'of aro nere. 4111.• No lemon will be slimed to asii•A the Ploughmen extol *10 get mid liegulato the mak, s. 511. Entries .'an 1 mirle•with Mr George Layrocl, Clinton, previous to the day of the march. 11 from any unfoteeett c.w.o. any is !coding competstor hos not been able to woke his entry previous to the day of the match. the :3.er-troy twill boon the ground on thot.moreino end remiss varies lith. An entrance tee of en* dollar will le requited loon emelt competitor .n the men P irlaisa. and oeventy.fise cents fiom each con* petit.. in the hoyr I Hue N. II.- flooe ell he DINNER provided st Knox's Hetet, Hary.uebey, immediately after the match. . R. GIBRONA, President. 0.34. 144U}:MAN. Secretary. •31 - NOTICE. 1 Relief In Ten Minutes! 'gold annual insientenei and interest at the eo.r.. an the euunty in Ilioon, cot:wrote ot e h 1 he toot hue, to lo let shun otter for ole •t t thee in the Court House THPLE HEIFF.R9 rime onto lInt 13 11 le A 1":' Pt ot tin per ('1 4041 11111111.011 paynblal sith 14 1 d• ..1 *mien me I hundred ewes who Not premise* 01 Thomo en the toillrat tiMietor , on 1 sievdnv the I lor. 11, 4111. eon. I/1 St phen. .n Amulet( moveryame to 51.41* 0? to be et ine larches. rude on hack 44.1 Leh/. $1.1 heners an I he 4011N MACDON.‘ LP, 110141 on brat Saturday ie Dr.ene)er, it aid et'a expense. The other coalitionu ot gale Met,/ , 11.4. 8 *wooer are the standine tooditions a the Court - dy S. Porto's, Demote Sheritt. C. nor -1Y. eii. 1O6.5. . . 11, Clerk Aerobe's 8tephn,to . w39.3t at. Q111A S1 EER.-l'eno• ,nle 159',.n,;10 net tar, 104 23.131.011. MI KIII0p. en the neon It of foto hod, a Ste, r leen, ly• While. dyer 11(.1.11 years 411d; IIIC 1 nther is ty pay cliarrrn and tal, kE I Ells, V131;1.34,./1.).. 3 he Irish Feninne here eo itted • grow absurdity 1.1 their illend drillinr Tb, Fen - t. 4' cocles ' have bon envies." themselves i. to " scrim, 0,-- (rui h. A GONE GOOSe.-The Most respectable Fenian hotherin arrested 14 • l44,1 . Th g smocks strongly a the ceieurated (3bb.. blarden.-t Punch Honesty is the bit pel,ey,- s Scuichnotn. . I het, it, my bieorl." u ether, "Icr I hate have vied rmah." Cr A youug frohmon, haviog been cls ed with bring drunk the night 041 U' ot. wishing to excuse himself, seid, eeriest y, " indeed I neree rots &er,1. it. my 111e, a/i. I never mean to be, tor 1t am.), moo... my head arbor too bad nest n ..... log.' tie The isles of the New York brokers and pritate tionketefor the nine mooths 01 the present year amounted to sit thousand millions of doll , tome which they peed sr; three militia., d hall of tates to the goe • 'torment. The AI of one broker ant.nmed to 1..9 million., and of another to 100 atil• lions •rol not•ithetereding this enc.,l ous inallineal eery les Of there. jeer)] 1 any C54 1151 of their own. try- Ti..'eNew York World. in an article on the 'trip tires of Centre/ Park, hms the followtno : ••• Mts. Henry Ward Beecher, ehoste repeated aceldeets with fiery horrors ham in no whet ettaned her fondness for them, lakes her afternoon airing'in • coupe, and oddly enough the next °yet that era be hold in that of • Methodist preacher, drivieg a three minute horse. Thia .5the Rev. Mr. Hare, of tiewbergh. who has trotted his pony in 2 344, and thinks like Mr. Berseher. that •hat • man cr a horse is called to die he should do with all his might." folie Reeent geological d.scoveries prove. e o far as theories can, that the ores' Belgian coalfield eztemie below the chalk formatton Kent. Surrey ant Stumm, and it is prom -sed to mak the Imperial Parliament for an appro priation to sink a test shaft tn the required depth. If the theory is eorrect and the coal can be won, this new field will supply fuel for thousands of Jeers to COMP, in • allintit 1 extending with iron ore, which hut crowd to he worked *Mee wood bA become so value. ble. ft A worthy of remark in thin corinees tMn that Canden end Ireland record the ezist- Tee Bat Jewm. IN 'MK SrA11111111 REA j EsTATI truce in Surrey of jet pits, the locality of which A now unkaown. 'ng to Goat id • ai • '('1..be 1110n rertrun snot grew y remedy ere, dillinnererl • lor oh donors f not Chest and Longs. Coughs. Colds, Asthma. Consumption, leen- chats. Influenza. Marti' nese, Of ficiar Brent/Ingo Sore 7Aroot, 4e., fe. Irato.re eter Ho neer inmenninnentia n.54per. feet re of when proem,. 404.19 aucunthnig t...101m1i0 I. -serf. I on sitect lapel soul lawiant cure. 'r hunatare a b•re I e• rest/or.' in peffe, a bra ill. who b., trod ..10., memo no .11 To• looser 504s1,r00•11.11001.11 'hey af, • 1 le•ring, war ure-rone Imre d.',..,,.d.',..,,. tin ns.n.r rnw lona thf dimmer num hvve relsied. be has metre o may tr. pn.erle.1 organit Pierian of the .801 04541• 0 04 11....' /041) ayed Every one @ Mute. clew] (i0111.r.11111 0141.01611. 0.1111 TO VOCALISTS lc PU3LIC PEAKERS ..................... o4. ,,4.r use I • kw MllI so tri ob- r. se I .e pearl 401 teineSenlet• tribe inose, green ') g ;kw •0e1 en•rt,.h.. e.$ fru hu 47the, Mt 4114;4 used hy many Perartamonel VOVI • tor moat.). o..4 nen-hairier. N.V. I'rkr 15 101* pr• les V..en.to rad, !pester* Vorabota rod 1,410 !Tent,. vocatwo. wr ruble &peso. 5,11 0,,.! errant. Mahn it .11 hurt Bryn... Ware. ' Welland ideates Wagers loi•Instreni .le in nve !nimbi& le 1n lotraleabia 10 nuor• r an. Poi. Throw 11...o...to...ern note litre.. lion.onese and Sere threw n the Vrie•. oh* V,,.., too Vtes. Th•r, retort, In on mentors ; They trite, 111 len .111,111/11 trIltVil 111 Mr. inmate. Cnugglie. Cnkle and ell I nee* rough@ Innis. end 6.1 n Canape Colds. • nu 411 404 not glee elearrent Ann eve elearnem Sled (IVO 14,1•01.1111 Rola Ik an Pragglosa, Sole IM all Inuartiate. 2 ine by at thagents. f 4",..,4",..,ana 1.11,11 Of the ( Iteal atul 1.51(1. the (Ow send Loop At teeenes• tom feetnes• brie At een r a Isa Northrup k Lyman, NewM.tle, General Agents for the C.o.d.'s. 13- h Oy Penn, C tie an• r Jor- dan, k .1•Iv5140; Mr. We Inn. Roger. / 1.1,41,4 1../4.,/ 4 I.. cone, e. Holism. evoked, and sit i.00d.54.44. prit-411n4 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE Carafe.- No one sill fail to acknowledge the E • beautiful Island of Cube tithe hoghtest jewel of Spain. It. (+mate 5 he tem heelthy the wrold, and thoueands are restored by its cellist influence*. Yet greater, far greater, is the tootle, power and restoring influence of flr an's Polemic Warm to, the health 44 our citizen& They will, if taken early, cure 7r2or (‚old and prevent consumption. aod Colon 155 be left onvistted, mod lone Ide rejnosto. Ho et 25,1• s boi hy all pudica &mere Two to est ben•ty temper ler the ples.une raw/eared donna the brief rune st or plimin damn the thrnal, St the cinema. .15 whole 04 01 theturlied steep, •inf • Weary walunty in the morno.e. Second, 1,. try ell the natio en velment* tor thee...ions. ;eons on the ck And ware, roue h., etaels.,orn nrnerenoke., (*fors tryong the • C•nnolian eme Desivoyer." foal by •11 Meilo tee dee lurk 61 05 rental pet heath, ot. THIC MARKETS. - Gonantom, Oat. 24, 1165. Fail do ' 1115 (4 1 33 tiering Wheat, .. . 402 ow 410 e. 41., .. 0:2; 4 000 Pour . „ 5, 16 CA 600 Barley • • • 040 r4 057. Fess 045 '4 654 Sheep gooll @ 4.00 limbs 300 4 0.00 II obte (greets) 300. 4 moo retatnes I mid 140 1 0:n 624 0.25 1.76 9100 Erse 11-1111 (6 0.13 limy, new 41 tem 9.00 4 1:44 BY virtue of Power. or Sale roam..54 in cer- tain blantesses, watch yid be ormlueed at the •ale, -On Saturday, 11111 November, 1/415, III .0. lock, noon, Al THE CLINTON HOTEL, la tee VILLAGE OF CLINTON. Further partieu'ars to he hod on applies w,V beft:a L117.tv.s.knett, 0 tiot0 Me49ri. 11114... C...1i WCIII, al Fi:hA14mx. 6 7_ 11. Spencer, Barrister, Totontre Wf R. __. 7_ Gar• ----'--- ------- ran. Colborne; She'd!' Holbrook!, Godencti. SHERIFt 'S SA.L4t: OF LANDS. au Aucti. meet h dair of October, 104,5. - Dated this 20t Ceded Coast.... of 11" virtu. /1 • w' r. ; ft 11611Eil1. 1 CNEILtre •,,l Stem,11 Fet4 Fames Wetmlinn '..••""" PeBLAKE, KERR a a ELLS, Toea . of Hr 1.440y'S 1...11 evfee vendors so,i,,i91.a., (41.39 C.ztivio.i,t,telideInia„gtril.1,1*.,,...treivh.: ti:,,unt.ii..n LI 131:.: ,:.,,,1.......v,n, 10.„.„..... , mvois .4 Jo.. ph Ha. on. jun or, st the 01 DIgortgage ,ale of Lanus ---,..--.... hnve ""2" end "4", 's rl" . NOTI E. . _ d.q...d....... and 10 Led Number eel !Wren :it retalt.n1 nil the 10110, Inle and Intro/eel ...f ibe sant Tura a 0./- 0.44 etre 'Satire that or prrion or pee 'rick 6 renletaid, „f the Township or Hoelek 1"h l'11.,11")."'"''' "h" hol4"1.8,'"Yr"'Y'L'''' ' ' .r! --- in the county of Horne and province ot Canada, Yeonorn, of the fiist pert, and dey ot billowy text, at the hour 01 twelve el the Permelia Woodward of the same piece, hi. Hock. noun. ‘-' C...trined in a Mott/age mole by Fred e''' l'we'lll' ''' "foul .041400.1Y te Rrte e:eon• 11........owl o.,... 4,...,tosi., \ - •-r-he r.. • Power of Sole the thrt moo...we oitol °I tler Ilhonsin Hood in • II • ore, 1.4 mem my toots in toe C00, H..,.'. en the town oithsler eh on , trestles the 'thole. th IjC"...i.23rd. ibb5, ibe Irst rut...WM VI 111.11 I eiwohio ot limy, 4111 eons found treieosony on ot :sio lb, on N0tice. ...mus I LID, omelet's,. 13" nNDER and li• i I f wtfe, (for the perjesse of barng her dower) JOHN McDONALO, of the NC old part, an.1 Etleteld Douldedee,1'1'rd' H.& 8' To School Teacher 1 Senior. of the Townehip olTurnierry, in the 8y3. 710, Ir. Degety slier. d. TCA HEIL holdout a *eyelid ..lsor re 6 (Anent] of Huron Lid I townies. of (*'id.'. r I • ,C ..719 ,' r•le 1/111111 .41.1y Bonn, or 70 1.0111 Seim /9th thi., 1,40. s(urestel. Yeomen, of the third path --de 1. Wa• teat fur Sehriol 'reunite 7.0. 3, Mahe Tuswn fault bowie/ been mode .., the doe peptient SH ERI 1 F'S SALE OF LAN D., stip of Ho. A elate- h richer pr ferre.f. lo, partleenern •• to tones, Ivy., apply to elther Ul 1 more -oil! be ...)141 at the Aue - Mott et ' • -.....-- tieorge al. Truemae in the town or Code! ii•h, 1'„,„.4 c„,,,,,,,,, or (Iv 'lvier "I • 04,"••%"'•' 'tit "dsn'illiTim ;51 r3'1":7.1‘,.f.f* 7 F: R , ? on Tuorlity, the seventh they of Xlaretlihtl, Huron lintl thine, .1.7ditoono Expel). sineriere (04,14.11 riiiiiiiisT, , Trustees. .9.1).. 1465, at twelve of the elerek. noon. the . To w,,, Fa.•...n fir, firPothIC 111•11i41 1,181 of Her Mawsty's1 oiontt t . tot of tle Centel 0, .4 411„,' ';,',.': 1,A,,,6,,,,E.:, ,.' "..';‘,,.....) i .... ii.,,,, 1111 '*in( mope, ty, namely : Part of lot No 104 enty.even, m comma .,ti o' t e so. Townohip t f llowolf, end which n157 ne von, se the stet .of limes Hooren Stevenson and' !"'"'hin "".• ii'll"'"1.• °• , 11Cninat the da nit dreatentroan 411 11 III . 4 uunt444444.1 111101. onl Howe. MI to ette.dmiretwiedst. .„, ,,,.. ,,,,,,,s1/4.,.)...1.,....., . so, „,1 u,,,,,,,,,,,, 3s94,,,.134: halter known aod &WI i1,4•4 •• •411sge lot N... ! Atchileld rod/ :Netherland, I lave /..1114.11 and . tia- - t• ... z. Or 51 ts05. v. _ one nn the h aide of Newman street, i.„ taken In ear/ ntion ell tht e meta, lit'e and Inleteet • p. "I ;„ u. ihe nod delendnnt in and io he north halm. IORIGAGE SALE the 'Write of Wroxeo.r, aecoiditig v: Pi\ --4 of Lot• Number Mete. n mod t rere en the 1% 1.111111”. 011 01. 1 he towo.eilip of norm., ia the or' 31...A.IN ID .! • Pr"si"cisl 1-•`" 75•L•1,",. awl "gisierrd ill - county ot /Immo ; whit lo Isnds •nd tent ment• I the Hegira i y offio e lOr 'lIp county of Huron. shall Oder fur este et itty..fre e lee the . mot Home Deed ander Poster of Sele. Te,ms et Sale to thetowe ol ..okn',,t,tn. 1 1•••'•Y ffiel ee"IY- may. be ascertained by applyinj to the Sol et:trisityhe dutietvh.c,r18,k•ve.n.dttemr nest. at Hie hollf 01 slow. sel3td JOHN BELL GORDON, . , JOHN MACIO)N,ALD, Blum', 41 .1 B. &sicker for Mortgage..' th , p„ii,,,.k, 1),,,,,,, pik.,dy. ___ ._ - -- - ---- 8ber111*•06k.o.114mlesich,1 FARM F()lt StiLE IN WAWANOSH tr the Amp mode by A, drew Bay. THEY WISH IS ,A CALL, AND ‘N INSPECTION OF T nE GOODS. - swifts, CLOTHS IN GREAT VARIETY. ...Iffeete A FINE ASSORTMENT OF RESS GOODS. AN \USUALLY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF' EXCELLENT REAVI MADE ti3D71.11HU X.ssorigo ilatcsnis. or I • 1300 AND SHOES. Tea fro 60 Cents upwards. VETLOR & SON. September 19th, 1815. .12 A CRD. Mr ESSR.s. 0. KERR, JR., A CO.. (Olost,,ow 1 tua). beg leave to return their sineere HI thaots to their kind frietim for moot. Nora*? • of Lindocee, and to their numerous cue tatters and the poblle generally for thttr favor sed •atrosittoe doling the lote coosinerciatly ent wish that such aod oil may shun .1..penees1 season, aceompanying thesime with. the fa deal, omnivore in the btouings with which a Reroute .4 4,,.,0, u the ht,hoodman. Proeidenee has clowned the efforts 1865. NEW FALL 0 ODS. 1865. The 'Glasgow House' IS NOW REPLENISH ED IN 1111 AN Is:Nunn Y , NEM STOCK OF GOOD Onderiele. 194i Sept., 111(5, WHICH WILL BE SOLD ' 4-63 t.t D. KERF, JR., & CO. Nassau! Nassau! Nassau! UNDER and hy virtue of a Power Of Sole contained in It Monger.. mode by George Stewed of the VIllsoe of Dongnntion comity of Huron, ehoemakeruf the lion part, Jane his wife (for the parrots id baring her Dower )tf the second part. ar d James St tweet I 0439 64the townetip of Colborne, to emly of Ho• ron aforraml, farmer, of the ht.! part ; de Melt hating been made in the du« Palmieri thereof, sill be *old at the Auction Mart ot GEORGE M. TRUEM A N, iti the Town of Ooderich, on Tuesday, the 7thd iy orlioc., A.D. 1N65, THE unlereignedofferor.- .. role the following FARM LAN Ds ! 4 • rain so, stuatel on the (travel Ito& en ••••• I ow. ship ot Wevr•nosh. FOR SALE Within 11 Mites crt Goderich 1 a e,„ ON LIBERAL TERMS. On 1 hr preint.ca the.e to a wood Frame Hein 314 by 02,. loud Frator 111/410r, young otrlierd- (W A N LESS PROPERTY.) at twelve, el the clo. lc neon, the founeieg froperty. vis: lett No. Thirty six on the Lott ak. tha rithompoot street io the Videos of Dishgannoo aceordino to a Map or Plan ot tresring. A good cork ruen...g through the DART of le,t 24. North of the Hayfield, ..0,n000t,o,, mode by Moleswinth and Weath .11m. Apply lo \ HU011 WM OTII, I Read. in the Township of Stanley. eon Lot .3, 411s eon. Mining 74 seres, sow! or less. This i• • r.linioldRi.171.11triy"(0i4ffil ee"o4f Mt 117 vC7s i tOgt ya.;:if 11;11i7ol oi' n. \ livalt aamih.lan. 10. lirrA tel.fm ealuehle property, end forms part of the VII. mid ;at b..i„.,, „. *be m,,,,t, h,,it ,r 1,'.. ri,,,.., \_- - -- - loge of BannockOurn. ! teen in the Fourth coticeosion of the Town. I Als4- IRA LF:W1S' PROPERTY. ship et Watonroh in the County of Huron ftiortgagi- Sale of Lands. . Part of f,t,t No. 10, 1. 4140 Fi.st concession' f i .I , committing one patter or an mere of the Township of bloderich. 110 acres, more or otherwise Deed under power of Sale. and by virtue 4 a Power of Sole 0, 1,... ind „high gni,' n„, t en„,oiots ,,r pa,t, TERMS ert SALE may he ascertained by ..td in a Wartvo4p mod,. hy Rich1,at 804 I, 2 7, 4.4,9, 10 II, 12, 13 and 16, applying 1, 114 So•ilbitor. *64 Marlin ton or the Town.hip r f Colborne, „„„,,,,„ i„ the ,,,,hoo, isi„, 01'1'. No. 10 101131 BELL GORDON, on the Com tot !Limn. Youflassao, ral the Vet ofotesaid. Registered, i, the office of the So kiwi. for MOrtge Me. part, and A n Dvrlington, los wife, of the Ille•timer i'1l5,' Comity of Heron. A very Oeffeeleh. Oct. 23, serlOol •econd mot, er the purporei or ho -.ung her valuable prolerty. having n I'll/Wage Of about -- F'F 40.0,1, Manna !mein been mud e in the dire hell' a mile on Lehr. Huron, with • view ol SHERIFS SALE OLANDS imyeneet i eren wll be *old on Toesder, iho harbour of tholerich. b•om which rising y at Noventher, A. D . TOWS II is only ,1,'..,,t etoot two ales to h'r(*ir. flir'u:;;;Cn, Mrak n.at. ' he't :.ahertflo„lehlnripOmvtl Road. Can Da sold in e S e followiee pi-I:wily, Apply,., the Comettegioners Thust and Lorin limited of lot No. (I) Cu. of Upper Cmoedn. Kaman's, or to evonemmion. Hale, 11 O. 111. '1111' 101 A No Auctioneer, Dis corstssioing one beetle...I or Mts. Deed under Poe" of Sole hip of Colborne, of land, more Who trill %how the lando) at ti Lard A oent,044.1e2rmich, Monitor 16, 1645. "*Pleh. ()et"hert:::11 "'• 4.'1:116 solution of Partnership. , .3 0 srnsclunits when in Montreal ...re fortuonte enough to secure a few lines 0 NASSAU GOODS! Otigiranlly deflitard 10 0111 hl.or ;snip into ,11.0 9', 1,.'',, "'Litre, hot is In , oh, o&retool of e remotion of homtlities, were shipped to Montren1 to be mild on account. These goods e l be sold much below their value at the (Broom 11.':'.' FAR D. KERB, & CO. JUST OPENED FOR SALE !' Boat jr:JI &Shoe Establishment, L0.4. No. 10, 'on. 3, Townohip ot Golletich,,, containing 'reit, urea more or lea*, sixty of .hu, 4. are lear of stumps •,,d%soder a high state of milt ntion, with • firet.clams stone dwellinv, frit barn, stable *old out• sheds, two large roam • bearing fruit, and • never falin ig c ek running through the properly. For Pomo Ac., rieply to the etthecriher at the Goderich Woolen Facto fli °er, Emit St. Lot No 1 Imprnred Farms is Witwarermb. The .00thOemo Tooter of 104 No. 44 in the 1114. r011.1111014.11 tot tbC .05..hlp 01 Watennomh. ronitionon•AO &vete .0 lout ..... or ow, Vt1.11.11 snout 36 mete. nre cleared herr •ne ereetee on lite premiers • log dwelling -Minn and Mos. Lid he 1 - Timbered Line! Is FrarranneOr. hot No. IS on the set -tont nollerewbon Of the yo roe!'" 4 Ws gannet.. etretaen ng 190 aone. land, none nr Zeit No. 3. -/Infeldrroperly in Ott Fa- kes of ll'uorwaid, 113 rum luN iH IP OF TEN KERRY. Heing emanated of Trilogy 1.014 1404. I. l, 151. .0. the wrest .4. 01 • !yells some, en 'be vet age of Hlurvele,en the County nf Herrera ,eneime.ing marten of en mos ot land, more or los. there Are eriesed 1., the preninorm 5 114104 trtima how*, • inane loot and Matti *00.4 a good It/ honer, • frame orthle and dome/ Somme, Sod an owe iMed ; .._,inst.lanth .4,,,. purlieu money t. be mild down ; for hisloire. One* will b• ma& lumina at lb* •11.. 1111. ref bother perteleare:sprey te U' t mit tho twenty-first 1865, at tweive 01 A111 non Mort cd 0 mpoarv, 0.rhoieh, 4,,, 11 is to say, Better e four, on the seventh (1, dieision of the snel to FOR SALE OR PRIVATE TERNS, •1,11K PARTNERSHIP HERETO- _ v0 I 31, Rita, nneh ode Hayfield Bowl, in L fore ezierieg between the undereign. LI the Toenehip of Manlriy,ennistotitig sixty. ed, who tetded at the VIllage Peafreth, in ,lfiy0v. eIeapd, with good barn the County of floe..,,, as Cierwral Merenanta and oreltard. in *nod cultivation. and 0.11 eeder the mine, st)le and firm of Dixon aal watered ; withm one mile of Hayfield. FUT A rehilteld, was a...solved hy elation of time information apply in on the twenty-11mi 4., a Hey A D. 1845. 'PALMER J. CARSON. daafitetb, tith Saotereher. 1845, Port Herne, Mich, SAVER. DIXON, Oltober 190, 1143. .09 31. *33 17 wAfittls11. ARCHIRALP. i .410NAS Al' JONIC3, Wit \ ma rider, 11411•Mileilm.. T00,500 Frew. ••••6111,,, Coded routv.e. v row ..4 • vent of fletrun tort 11ru• c. Veneto...to Espona• wot1 3 Fiero F•ein• for revodoe, s orot .0 Fon leaned out of Ner Mat • e•ey'• Coon of the rooted r.nostees of and iIrob e, anti h.p. 11,11. PCS 111(1101.1 lts !Ifni@ lard terertort.le of Jewell/4h tenet it, at the Neon ot I..•v 1 anent, Willt•M 4.1. South land 44.11h. 144.,. *mod and yak n ex • notion 5:1 the eight, tale mid in nein ot the owl detemhent in Pool It, 1.48 her 99 m lloom street on the vIllatre.tf atonie‘'11.. In Ihn Coonty 11 attron, Ibe Ontlrlonan thereon Wet tell 1 too le bier oo 1.!owok .111•04 In MO 1/111Sfr 1,4 Helmore,isa, half sere 01 i•nd wnh the midolonge tht•reoe reheat...I nt the ...eh rot eorner ..1 ate Maw...hp of Ihe linty 01 r101,, forming part of Lot Nnenhur I, en th.• A c ..... stun ni the tow..b.p of . meow; athieh •nd ionernent• I .14•11 infer a.* Pale my ..onie on he l'ourt mike toles of Ituf,,,,,h et, Ow, eley of Novena...I. nett. •t eh. boor 04 twelve rfthe eloel. 110,45 JOHN M A CD( /NA T..D, forest, it. et 11' By P. Pottoek, Depute Pher,f. .ftberts • s dare, Omlenee, reta t We , tette, 4. • 11 . LOG A N. loderich, 13t4* CM- 1865. • 3etf ASSIGNEE'S SALE OT Valuable Real Estate in Clinton. TUE tinted 1 I.ote 14. the VulIsj. .r CI ioton helitegino to the Aseigned 1.10site of Wil- liam Itattenbury, will be offered at PUBLIC AUCTION, On FRIDAY, 10th 1,1865. The Eetate eomprime SIXTT-FIVE CHOKE LOTS, Varying in size from O... nrih of an twee to an neer anti • ouritter, and ablate on Victoria, (Mario, Iligh, Kirk, Townsend, Forel, Rot. tenbury and Princess Streete. Home of these are among the moil e1i41141e eituatione iIu the view* for Ovate residencee, while othets, etre •ially thne• near the impaled site ,,(Nr. * hitithendS Steam 91.11 .1 114, nation, will be well adapted for besineu eauddith. meets. The Kale will take place AT THE CLINTON HOTEL, And 1.41 enmmenee at one o'clock. TERNS OF SALE.-Onethiett 01 ,14') 'Mich.& money 1,u e oh or hy approireeljnint notes nt thom month.* with interest ; the reseloa in three eq.oll ainual instalmeete with oilmen at esiL Nyment on the unpaid prierepel. Further particulars will ha mark known at the time re 540 er nn application to Mysore Waleson 4 MeReand, Aceounume, Hamilton; 41. Hal*, Clinton 1 nr to (1. 34. TRUEMAN, .95440.00?, f)odeeleb, Ott. 9, 1961. .164 ON Kagston street, next the 1 elegraph nn Proprietor ;toilette a ahem. ot 117 public patronage, and he will use his best endeavors to afford satisfaction. j N. IL -Orders promptly ezee-utedR0SinS.both !nuking en•I repairing. Jut; 1465. w23•Im -V sTlt %TED from the multscriber, during the 41S11 4141S01•r, A Dark Brown if1117. 'tossing three years old; too large„_but very stout ; smolt white 5t.tr nn Om "forehead. Ar.y person givtior information lending tO her recover) wilt be suitably rewardfd. S. POLLOCK, • Deputy Sheriff. Ondeeir h, October 14, 1965. VI 11 (SKCON D SA 1,E,) °Moe of the Provincial Secretary Qt•eme, ()mob', 2itd, 1116;., pert Office .7the Prouneial Secretary rod A Hedistro •ill be cloud lit (,4uetse from and atter the 20t4. October, mid Ini-opesed at Ullita• on the 25th moan,. Wst. McDOUOALL, f'rorincio/ Secretary. Quebec, Oet. 3rd, 1865. .3 :ii LANDS FOR SALE.. VON sato. oo notritialits terms. lop 10 end 114, .4. r 04. I). II. lownalop •1 reenocl County «4t Brive. 'Eh* roams '50 acres neeh• 440•44. ...rand on the two lol•• Tb• teed is nio-ien.. well sotto& and limbered. heeddlot• Also lots 11 aln.1 IS, oto. 6, tewrodelv of Liode.e1.• "0 a, rev rat 3, t0rt 100 rlentafll on the 1•41. see'ient wel.mmteloi teed - umber, hardwood * hoot 5 1.11011 (.0111 IikAlvt WS. timed Ovens lorse and 01011. •nd 4.40.44144.1.461r los: hooms, &HI eio• oreford. W ill be vold sirwatiote yr lOgyellar 10 • purclawsen. Apply ,o 71108. JOHNSTON. the premieres nr W.1..10127'$107',limbev1.er, fJoderich. Sept. 73,163. legal ' Mortgage Sale. . • Power of Schr contained in • Mortgage made by John Miller 01 ther Township of .kahfield Count, ed Remo, .1efou1t having been mode in the doe patio*, t thereof, AIM melee been given to all partite lotereetee, there will he sold on NIondey the 230h dey of !September, A. D. 1165, at 12 o'clovk norm. at the Auction Matt of Geo. M. freeman. in the Town of Goderich, the fol. hming peoloroy, namely, the South bolt of the North half of Lot :slumber Seven in the Ninth eatteenition, Eastern Division of tar raid l'nernship of Ashlield, containing by ad- .nessuremeet Fitly Acme of Laird more nr .,sr. Terms cash -Deed under PO•er of SINCLA111 1 W A LK ER, Solicitors foe Mortoagee. Goderich, ith Sept., 1865. 32.31 The above pale is pomponed until Monday - the 1614 October ptoz. vr35 'The above Sale is further postponed until gamily, 13th November, 1865, at seine time and !dee,. o3eid ern,A, K1, from (4*, uudetoignett:1 lot 1', Hialiett, on the Sth a small darkish .517 11111.• hod, will, • Mar in the fort hewl, was see.' near Mtn:0..6 ILI betweett the 9th and 12th. Any person giving information leirdlog to' its recovery will ht. moitehlv re• rd 1 AUGUST KI11.9F Blythe p. o. Oetoletr 16114. 1h65. tr344 N'OflBcrehaeltg iheir.bi Or n'ecet:4ot! linii..4t liPFrrirr.e'"i e motto of 8100.00 mech, with imerest froln date, dived April 21.t. 1465. 'First note doe 21 IT 410 Iti nfter thate, Acmel note due 33 months mei third note dee 4.1 m.inths aftel. date. ',mon in favor of lieorge l'hiireh, or hearer, nod ai.(ned hy Joh., MeLean ; as 1 have received no value toe the sem... Calmer, July 1,,J451.14N MeLE %N. tI Strayed, FRI9eIrmt,helltr'ome allbo""uuth"ethe't:d,rillehdie nt August hot, e Dun Cow white fare, whore 14e1,7• Any rweson oieing information lead ing to her re cotery uniinhiy :37wiair.d- ed. .1 A ‘11-1.1 LOMA S. floderieh tre. Oet. A. 1065,, STRAY COW. STh A Ylet) front ihe au herr ;ler, In the town of Onttrnrh, 101010 tole 11144 `eyseniner hut, • *ma .,ow, on fro.1 Order. tainwl 14 1001111 a bold • I•rao Ilea on wee. ime T40 mover wol ger* • revranl os goy peewit retell mach difMtellMonss will Wad to leer neetreery, 1111011 MAIN. , ellertelt,Ort 0, 1•01. •11•919 It the Queen's Bench, EASTER 7 ERA 29 VICTORIA. - • In the matter of coilipen• r 0 TICE k .stion tor nght of way of ' hereby girota thq Buffalo and leak. that lin Sulfa' (Wenn RailwalCompeny nerd Lako Ilur..,. .hrouzb lote Nu& 85, 06 Reilway Compooy and 87 in tbe Maitland heve paid into the .:onceitsion of the Town. Court of Queen', 4(4 117 Gederich, in tbe Leneh.at Toront • County Of Moron. the sum 04 t • . hundred end ninety siz dollars and sizty.•tit • mom being the competes& ion and six wools Mitten thereon, agreed to be paidJur !anti, for nen of way. beino parts of la, numbers eiohij five, eighty sic and eighty• 4.•Vo•rI, III the Maitlimd commotion of the mere, .ship ol flOderich, in the Country of Huron : otoler and by virtue Of • Certain agreemeot or -teed pall bearing date be eleeenth dey if May, in the year of Our Lord 1953, aml ex. *cuter! by Wiliam Ford and Henry Fo64 of the said township of Ooderich, and mos un- der the Act entitled An lot respecting R• 4. witya:' tool farther notice greet to all pt• • roost entitled to the Aid lands or to any pa thereoLor repreeentelg or being the hugbatola of any p541115 50 entitled. to file their claim into the said Court to the said compensa or any part thereof, end all such claims .111 he received and adjudged upon by the I - Court Forsuant to the Statute in that beleta Dated this I7t14 day of May, 1965. (Signed) 1. HEYDEN. er3t 3mI Clerk of the Crown and Pleas. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. reeled Countleenf BY 'otter of • 'writ .1 Huron enc d Bano, /ben ravine 1/411M41 .1,1 To W a t 3 el Her Moyeelej. Conoty Coto.' .O the Unit& enonnesof Henna •nd literie and 10...e Mreefed naninut the Inlirin and Wee. mem. ot James Munn, fit the tint al Willtant 4)'Nr'14 I have wired and t•kee In execution all the ree t. tone and intetew '.411.. NM tlelltIld•Or in.•nd 4., ham nombers, II and II on the sinuat .ule of end frontier/0n An hy &vet, In the Yellowy ea W•lkerion, in the Townithop in Brent, In th• County ot Bruee. coma tome be wIrmaesereno et half nt. per'. More on limn, WI ulittern 011 • plan or survey made hy Wilhelm It Himehimeh. P L. S , and brine aubdiennon °Onto 24 •nr11.5 in i he lira It of the Dm hem lined, in the amid .T."onwe."..roliop id Knott ; which lari.111 and teneneent• I ahall utter lor .111. SI toy *Wee in the cosis Howie. en the Town set 1 ionlench, on 1 dendat. 04 seem's. they ..I Janunry next. st lb* boar .4 t entre *the slack. ...41. ;s.,:::AC 0()NALDt. Sheri/if. a B. Ify SiPot..ft, ptt•Shout sh,rt..0„,:, nail Paivinher. teen. f will ..... QTRAY COW. -Came into the Jimmie, or IJ the nndertiened. lot 3, con. 10,E. D. Ash• field, nboot the 1014101 Sept. Isal, ft red e0, ., oar in the lace; top of. one horn hroken off. The ownen. romitented to prove pommy, "7 e5 41 enae6 aud tA74.11.Mht et T"11"Y 'va !lir FIN. Ashfield, Oct. 10, 1'65. •37 3t• _ TRAY COW. -Came Into the premiere' of 1. the milmenber, lot 3. 6th con., E. lb, Colborne. ithont the first of Septemher last, a large IIF:It 1091', with' ti hen., '4.11, 0111., sharp honts-dmving no gilch. The owner Mille/If al to prove prupety. pay elnagt and take her away. IVM. FEAOAN. Colhoree. Oct. 1011., 1463. •37.3te SHEIXLMS BALL OF LANDS. f'onntien of tilY virine of • writ n1 Huron newt Bruce, 1_1 Vewhtiono Limnos •rol Tit IN : ,Flerl Fame. tor ponies. mut& not ol Her M.je.ty'v Court of 11. Hutted Count.. to Moron 81,41 l4nsee,•141 to inn oltet•elell .i oi.t the 1.4..,,? ....C./0•1101 of J•ittro Clnrk, the runt on III/lett 1 hompeton, 1len,e unia.u1 egui taken in earroalson •11 the ewht, tele ▪ inlort•at 1.1 the sotil defendant in .011 4,. 101 member 321 in ine town 4.1 lionlench, en the e.ninty of 111000, whech 1.1.111. 111111 tenement. 1 re *hull ba1:4 gale XI int/tn.:re In the Vatairt 14.101111 In the loarti .14 loderiet., 011 T.M.11111,! .k• nab der °°t"' nest, nt the 1.01.1r uf weave uf the clock, time,. 40117. M IXJA A 1.110. Sorrell H.& 8. htySk. Pro13.0C11, Deptity Sherig. Slierill'slletke;Golerah, lath Austesa,161m. I w119 The -above sale ie pratpenerf till 10th October nest, 545n' time end niece. Jt1117i111ACDONA11), ellorsil H.* R. Pheri,4:. 014 it.34 Th. ol'e 74her postponed 41 Tuesday, he 31atd•1lttcnerin. j(1,tt(.p)szi.n. Pet ,'..P. (els) sher.e H.& It. 1-4-0-T-NI.4".1,081'.- Lott or intemel, finer notes ot hoed given hy Otman Dourly, for 1o0 and 117. and Joireph Import, Den.'for $28, and 4.5444 Lep°, t, jr., for 09. bmiring tin the 9th day of October, payable one yaw 411:ebt:id ate in foyer of the eamoitter. This it to forbany 1411011•11 Or person.. perehanal tie tielittiattnit *aid notes rn payment hes been ,0 PROJPER 7E89.1E. Stanley, Oct. 16, 404.'..w301•31' ‚.‚4l'KAY IlEliKR.••••Cases into the us of AO antiworihar, lot n..21, in the 2101 eon • Teekeremith, 1.....tnelmi Rood Itore y• nr 'throw the leth at Smoother last, •grey rtatng 4 7ea0.441.1. 11....n.. re et lain., to preen property, pa; char*. • aod tabs Wit im.y. Teekemeasth, Sept 34417 Iftnift!,: 19 r* 4et.4o:WNer