HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-10-26, Page 2A"ttron c*igita iora.sion of our shores, we think there isl very little &wirer ter be apprehended. eefore anal an attempt coulii he made' eer • ee _ - with the retuotcst proepect of somas. a . a largo army would have to be organised 1110!VIIV ATTE1111. and supplied' with munitioes wee, and the United States Government could WI °ban hear the% printer', ares.,evers nevi( allow such a monstrous breech al leetinely " putting on e poor mouth and luternetional La I, especially in a matter begging for money, but our readers will totally devbil yf National interest" The I do us the justice to' admit that, excepting Feni„ne were petted and cncour,,ged a. a call " cordwood wee:titian:illy, We long us their anus could be turned egainst have done ro dunning on our own account the South, but now that the war it. over, for the pest tiiree yeake-that is through I their elaime, such as they ere, will be a rebel of great finaneial distress. Know- 1 quietlemignored. nue, " Circles " may ing that our agricultiral itiends Werel meet and throw off froth as they revolve, plodded along quietly ta the hope that 1 very herd 'up generally speeking, We times would leightett up \ and enable our I s like men. tr e I , arse that we ; king for. whet liardesl kind! 1 this paper I past three it on the! friends to pay t4 tthl ece believe that time line arriv are now fully justified in we hove earned by the very of work. The eireulatioh linving been rlimbhaf within t years, tenders primpt payni part of Subscribers an abeilute neeeeeity, on amnia of the great 'aerie in the amount to be paid for white p ter, to. gether with heavy expenses fo labor, rent, insurance. ate. A C0111.1, erable nuniber of our subecribers have co rived to keep up payment in advance, but here, ts a minority ta' good eney-going 'ho would take the paper and read it, ntl approve of it. and all that kind of tin until the day of their departure from th worI3, without ever having the ',heart a mil US • dollar until -it is dragged fen of them by dunning or otherwise. Now, to tide class of people"we sey plainly, It ot your duty tn pay the printer, and note. Quebee, I I th Oct., lei/. We have worked hard to give yoe a local . - Aimee. Iletweala srewebeeer Aweeetweiten. par We would diem( atteOtion tO the Daly of se Latter Paseeelfer ma members instead id three, aa they now stand, United States. ▪ Theit lauds in this vicinity are A correepondent ie Southampton, county would avoid the danger of a teacher being n ow selling at greatly reduced prices.- of Bruce sends the Globe the fulloiring diattlialled he the influence of one or two members of • Board. That changes in rural g old for 1160.00 per gore are now offered beets foued un the beach of the Iodise Re- st.1141 c1;,1"1.1',1h1d 1,11" fl" inb'rrY t.,..11 .111 districte were more frequent bithabon ort For example, Park Iota which formerly for $20. Land will net be nhe3Peri in our terve, north of this tillage, at • point about • Sande of une °or tintir'onCew h e ng Tate second meteor meeting of this Amoctation was htld in the Central &heel last Friday aft moon. The attendapoe of teachers was pretty good. The l'resident, II. D. Cameron, in the chair. After a short address from the President, the minutes of lent meeting were read an approved of. 'floe Com tuittee on Text ILI reporied program end asked leave to sit again, which was granted. The delegates to the Proviticial A•ssoeiation theft reed a lengthy and satisfactory report of fhe proceedinets of I that biatlyist its fifth annual inetting held edv. of the Trust and limn Co. in another Die Pewriab o Fou• . 11/..i..111 Ilded. :I woe argued that this opinion. Ma miles dimwit*. Nu duubt is initert.dried 1 eiren.lee to the teseher. Ser Attention i. directed to the ad•. ruble obeli atilt acutenetia, and in raider to lot Mr. Chas. Thompeon, of the Ce. 'borne iv S sci,tt, , troner, je repo -i jinn another . lammed mai 'het the final aelion of the of New Teek, Mean. Welts, and Coneecti• piesij with RIO 10 • theer- • cheer. the tweed fiteee, in a very respociable manner, and woman enshed ashore ort the beach. . to the educeteonal interests of the province. it On the Mexican side of the Rio Grande arid re•echo fmni the slopes of cod Nephin,- but elle ems passengor by the ill feted me Thee' "..leets were diecuseed with eons d• Pe a able. Yesterday an Incline called en Dr „,jj 7 ome it considered wee New Yoe k, Oet. 20.- The Herald's corms. pendent from Brownsville, Texas, and New °Hem& blemishes IRMO 41r interest hum the Rio Otatide border. era • u • ten. 1141.1.41 and appareatly • hitle dissateMetion had heen caused in 'Money circles by ihe 'event older of Lieut..Gen. ditecting the ',lustre mg oat of a lei go number ot the cohere] troupe. By this order thee 25th Coops under Welts I loses eleven registered. of veletio.-er ...hired &olden' from the states they took to their beets like • greet of rabbits 'mired in • warm*. (lcughter cheers ) A eoeeproweer ea generally a eowerd, &ea a fool liever made • soldier. (Cheers.) I have no fear of these Fenians" , 1 believe the heart . Pe N is was going UR In ear court house • number of open. carts laden with valuable machinery, without a gliarti. •itholat it policeman, were wending their peaceful trey, up Intl and dlr..' valley, 101 safely seed accuiely 4 royal car rinst driving under the Mindere of Wind., Cutlet. (Laud npplame.) Currie, thee. au4 or which will float •Iong the liweree riter, Ilutel. Mr. T. keepe the house, we be• Mime lee& on Senday, wen the budy of • Association may einbeely • system conducive cut. will end bi,n preperva, et ' The t oroner tiied to•get 11004 parties to the further en agitat votilueed wale el motets I glee you- the Queen. ILI her "oleo.' as io.reo or oysters !es deemed prudeet to postp,olte all times to get up, a dish in the meet ate go up Au the phoe indientedt en • boat, tor Ile"mele*tisis.rve stcl Mocring %soh tla•ir coeirecrele her pteseei mid be, throne ,,, tee . mimes end oilier Republican a WOMB., and her wisdom .... a proved style. th'' Pure°" h. i"eind esie &let, But 111r. II. D. Cameo., who w Re ,t1/1411.11ed the vicinet eil NIetemerees, tend skirmishes loml etTectiens of too li nth people. (The nil it WM feared no lauding couid he made at delegate to repteeent the views of the Aiwa. ee. between them need the I tot eriolests yew sUll whole iseemblage j ..... eil lit a loud and bes7ty • f h II tion at the Ts. clime' Conte ntion in Tuionto, occe, tieg, 'Meg h net es bequently aa memo cheer, which •ms repeated eith great entire but whet' it is the p ea.* on Set 011,11 t e see r none Pr°11°86'1 to °cumuli :let,' at Toronto last Au•surit The remora was ALLEUKD Areete.-On Saturday John which would risplunee the still treubleil roNyimi aro] ord,r671 to. be tyled.' Bolton of Bitylield on • charge ol are-nt 4". 11Y/111111. Alexander Steelier, J It sebmitod • very able rt putt ol eta promediege ttme ago. et tone.) Mr. Seymour proceeded -1 Lave m erlech he gate is cleur and graphic sycop Sortie of the 13hern1 chiefs in that region ',reposed 10 yon one wettement j now. offer The subject Ivor -reed for discus:don at A Comenette• was wen...tiled to dealt • re stinta,..a the intuit ot C411,41111'l hers...lenge cutse of Ireland. (Cheiciejt iiistituted by ocie 311:Gregor, Mae arreeted 'Sole: into a Moo ly %oft with Mit. iin, is light wagoo, and try to get there throuth sib., Aft and Jocks.. yolu,ocered to la e are nettimiting 111 • compaeato•ly quiet stele, to you IOW ier• e • American shrewdnees will prove too much • • " h I ' bet by constables Trainer and Addison, and , this nieeting WWI t 6 re ation weeu the bush, theie beteg • road tor • pait ef the mime proem! the counte Cue.), tt. eppoiei tormen to the t need ;metre Mch t re am am maim of privateers might be accomplished, per- I was iened b M 1.1 f If I tnagistrates. The case was adjourned un- purt to be contiderably decompoeed, the heir sellouts in place ot the Local Superiotendentsee I -exams, roomy, and matetial meesuary to hue and eTelf hes politics or his faith. (Um tnthueiaern. The fittine out, truetees and telebere." The discussion I brought to Guderich for trial before our • we,. 'fin., found jhe ly. "'hid, they COUI117. Silpel1111V114.;11, to supervise the eonfident result io forieshice them ali rolls no nisei shot! ever L asked what ta for Fenian • hope, with more ease, and Immenee &me y eWar 0 arpur tey, the 30tli inst., at 0 o'clock. Pm* frein ihe he'd' ""d the kinuit's bi lee tient this Orange ivould naturally' @Weide the item ruonths.'. Already they Mere analyst for nee the Difference beteeen , Ihe A.60-'41110. 111 110 .111111.1111s1 of the beheet • eid 'heir etosetry of 'hlestionilien the chem.* ) here is the chemist that can who submitted a resolution suggesting tlae (11 Muntlee age might be done to Britieli shippieg in I be e • r H A man named Arthur Atkinson, of no appointment 0' townehip- ar s o trustees tem destreyea• The dress: Imeeve., sharer:ter 01 oar seko..h. and gt.Z.bly ate d ille received reiniorraolime" from some quarter. Prete-Want or • Celholee "%elk of flag ? (Loud a very hhort *pace of tinie, an,' yet the a , e • • r place in p Wail sent up for 1 0 ilearly entire. and breeeekelig • person in u whouls eels ed under the inopectiou Petro. ere haloes on \ either side in these cheers.) Does not the same blue delver c weer of' such lovers wont! necessarily nu the ;amnion ol trusWes sections, days for being drunk and disorderly. . lady'a ,rold weteu. mit hendeeel mid six The 4r, ihe mem lime. Generally, after -nig 10' jetted to Awn 1:.0..e..,b:re whim. el...ashu position. On the beefy they Lend ems) cosereoloit with the sr houl, Iiials mei herder rosiest" bee' litt • thence for their itd11111all fields? (Cheers.) Ire I sumo township ooa'rde to have no power limited, frau the siinpie fact that no civilised nation could' grant them a single privilege or look upon them as ether than itguler pirates. , Fenianisrn is a child of tlarluess and the\ Sooner its deluded ail. hermits sink back i to their nstive obeeu- rite the better it wiihbe tor them. The Dismissal of Vain: Boos. ANOTIIED-CAS-E- 411' WIFE dRI 1.1'0 Or 11./ greenhateke aed neer y eleven hera get the Committee: - De•ar, McSbeic a mock trial, item lire tali. out mid shot. to dismiss a teeelier without the concur. •111 'SE. The ewe ier eteipte, dated 1860. are frum and 31.4 aut. the Repo Jeans El Partal eollbre're., (Cheering ) Hut the poetry ot Moore sinks rence of the superintendent Several. t'ee hooking house ut Torah, Hues 1 Cu., to The next meeting will take place at Clin• ' In the city of Patio, Pre ident deem& Wore the divine philortpley of the Christie.' T.ffin. Oino, to Miss Jujus Reassey. The ion on Satuolay, Dec. 23,d. 1.465, niemeng to relabel. the aline, Teary of th birth of the 'Wigton. the not the bleseed founder of . Republic wita ce'elwah-d on Me 15th and your fret, mid amine, inculcate by bis ex• later receipts, with statute oil them, ant from eOulmence bailors* at 1 k r U. the F nit Noiunal Beek ot Tali., 10 UMW lu the eemeing 140 'mech.,* we, enteetain 16,h of September by the therm: of bells. ample and 'resetting the prirecille that wart Ity ihe Labe. of (lode rich et Mr. Welleem A,- tiring of ye ...... nratems, identinationt, a fiott procistrued at Ikehlenein -the principle Julia ltornsey. which mu money was, 4 memo from • tele. ;Wed with muse% i isttementel ate" vocal itoilluseeem r..y also found, in the leather bag 1,, Um's, oe Viet,. ea Street, where pe nett. re trued hell Rpnrt..:inil.1,eir seueirezgoithi\. peotarpeleut Telen) eerie, goed •ill tower& neee'e. led.fferelice to all religion graph co npany, potter of nee -dies, and end dealogues wed petforined and Lamm!, Man,' uffi,ers were resell . • out, thing, but forbearance hetneen ail reli• Small ecteper ere*. The prop*, ty i* at pres selected. alms, w.th a , supper erhi. h The Impel twists in %items:ties heal ten dion• is another. I am • Protestant, the son 1.7 rd. ei d hall me the 17111 enel 24th 01 j p 1 b th f hundred dollar,' in breek receipts tif deposit. McUoneld, Hisuiphieys, Crineron. thompsos. - The retort.' &teat of I Imperielole by 11 ee tote.IsPitta Lowe 101 wane altars a. aTs;ti amendments were propoeed to this motion. , A WOM30 Assaulted The whole subject called forth an inter. with an Axe, Pok luting and eptrit•d diecusaion. The — deb ate lasted ova two hours, and was ably We are sorry to have to reeo conducted ; the teacher* wit° I'm PI" of those sceilei of brutality win in it manifeating considerable deb ung disgraced this section &aim; the powers. The sutiject b.ring one etf g •at iniportence and the time of the memo The following, ie tlie anhonneement of limited, it was *erred to postpone feet!, the dismissal of Capt. Rome itt detail, me diteuesion of it argil next meeting. ubli.heil in the official Gatette of Sitter- lt was . agreed ithat ilia:welch as • the ay, the 7th inst.:- . asuciation resolved at its I ist meeting REA D QC A RI.ERS, that it would be conducive PI the interest* her Husband ar-c. Fere worthy of the IllatIO, you have been VOLCNTECII MILITIA' kind enough to petrenise us, and. now Denim. Oicona. while money is Gering into your trousers' ibut.b,70,44, „ii'',4;1%.11,I'7. 4 4 :',Grf;onc.h,Pri,^;:inc,;tc..,Nni. pockets from all direction'', We Want you pane, mede • public oo,f ,..,,i,,,,.: ...c,,,,,.,,,,,:, raft x petition to the ;County Courted, children. Mrs. Connelly, who contrived to pity riolit ofr rot the one, two or three alainht Captain Sefuntur, and olie Deem praytt th it the7 should appoiot a super - to raise her head ae the constables entereel, intrnd nt for the whole County. . 1- 110 exhibited a horrible.* ; pp• ranee. She was another have t few months. On Saturday last information W35 C011eeyed tO the authoritiee that man named " Tom Connelly,'' who resid- es the Fiats, had attempted murshr wife in a moat inhuman m Steps were immediately taken to gete the matter, and constables ate in the hands of Me. Alex....der Siateair, emisty the MOIlt laitelious maws. pwa sp n 1. r. a rineetant e ergynote, ie rt. err. two. "hie fem.. The,e 14144 on the body • life , of sixty imitmar 01 the rith and houttteui „seettreiherj h eons. of S1,111Coe *os., t: e near relative el many -shall I therefore pretierver, to misting of rui le. which accounts 10, us liein,r SI ratibl over to this side. 1 be hody tint yet been ',moved. the parties eh() metal fee e Menu impessible to get "."er'-- the' Wagon tear the piece. It eill !emir be neer breath.' d tan toelay to Southeniptuo, and aii miner ioquelia held.'• of edge ilia') iu this county to hem', a Smaill on merit in at the sce • uu ref.. i mg to the list a possengers lost ut• " the ea the iillated Pewaltic. we find the own. so county SlIperinten,1,:nt appointed inste••d ra witnessed an • ppaling sight. T Al.. Rummy, of.Tidio, l'hio, or local superitetentents, as at present, that V to: Up011 the floor of a wrt tebeel shan esti." the lady whose wortal reeteriees have Preerdent should name a committee . were Connelly\ hie ws,, and two li„ 1)". ° 1"1 1711'1". We hoPet 111mit line. "air .1,1 eneet ee e•te of sonteul _ter test_s. _1. D meld sinclno, of Suuthourpton, cor pondent, and tt ill doalteess dire aoy fur. ran' .Y00 are behind) hnd if 3"u °taw" tw "in biliTii7i'ilYeneartivw 'teh'ecia:eiesillm's'einideit'i -7. pay for a year or tewo to come we Shall Chief to, rettart the t;rens ...f tis seeue,tioe't, f0t10/1116.WeeC Dattle..1 for he committee . aleethea, 31eF.,11, Me" tier head, apparently:by an axe • her nosu smeared with hloul from gtshes made in like it all the better:, Twin) waiting for did ea in 8. leVer e hicb ens an:Iggrioitiomet Messes. Bs wJe, the bill ? IV lay ? SuppoM your name ' 1,,hi':,,,,,fillt` ::":1",,I,;;,`,'ffitrtortati at'r't t itr,LorrIt."iwit ‘,/i. Dinuld, Itomphrey awl Th'hinpano, the was injured by a blew with a poker or to be " Peter Eiteyfellow,- mid the label that Mstilt in th. meet .46.,,eiee popietel j,,,Lj, President WU afterwards added to' .the f10111C blunt instr.unniet, mai her body on your piper reads "Iter. 23, Te2 '' ; .iier, by causing ithia heginthed t? n pith it committee ; to meet at Harpurbey on tte U. iiie etre, 44.1a..11.1m. 1,1,4 10,ri,1 v., .. mit , bore the ' marks of intnusin treatment "rib, °I.__,th.i.! 1.'",e4e'eeej t,"e l'eleen 1et..0'"e' tilt* ellewe that it wne P"i'll ''fr tiF 10 tb't inaefiwe2a9I'PeOrr're;'...eulle'ereewilm tit,;aa;,1"!,°,;°ta,w,c'h" fire; Stturil iy in ...overshoe, o c" arrested and lodged in jeil. On prented mium it the mune Pro e ler PeeeteiC: been this eircumstateee the:e ie not the Trona the feet upwards. Connelly was at dato. All you have to do thao ii to send emetect being .subversi-30 ot ell diet:q.t.., The As.sociation t n idjeurned to meet •. us in a regi.tered leiter $6.00 for three 'en'"14.I".; it,", (1::::::41 tee alltb"mrof the Cillo• 'via on Saturd,iy, the43ril 1),•oembo., at' Monday morning he was brought up be- loall414`.11,'" fore the Mayor and S. Pollock. Lei . end e:elbieoe"wili'ieh . years' subscription, atel you will get the „am,,Ii.al .1„,.. ,..,,,.,i.,1,...1',.,f'd%%:.7.44'.0... ha,4,..i::.gy I i o'clock, a. us, at the\Clinton School 1 nekt paper ntarkiel " Oct. 21, Ti:i."-..Tbat which 'ought tu exist between the seo r t. ilonne. \ 1 rem indeal until toelay, (Turuday); when paeereloins I oi 1-aurely simple ettougb ! Now we des net hrunehes or is,, Volunteer Voree :, She Corn . . i the evidence of his ill-used wife will he ai 11 1 1)81 sat'' mare at great deal fir money /or its otco A. 31. Ross, of the Crodmieli Voltinteer-Ar In the evening of the shave' ,day, tl e ' t le, art7100.1. • menthe le -Chief orders that theastel Captein . , -‘itake, and we rather like hard work, bets idlee1 t'entener. be &inienied 'rem tb.• 'Ger leforutation, by letter, if inked to do so. 4 inquest was held at Southampton on Junog ihe I enamel tmehle., coissequente ming lad of welve years, .• Tete .hat the Tett, et.t., by fV S Scott t'oronet , ene et.eheo..le.wh.:Touilo. beers check we 'peat among tee body of e,rasirmattly dreseed letnale,v lio . you. .1 bee'l re'eeed end nth*, eeekeire in in: aimed. 'wilt' a heevy blow on the side licv"tWtiew:5•AILIID: A' tts:hen:1;:t111:bat";,::"d.r.:;s1;dulnal'a:dtgi 4/11.4 1.141141 .111 the Ins. sterol elmut 6 tune. Aitomm litcson. who comes tatted this &at mows se he sf Mr, and the last ot *hie tt _ . _ . • • • , • not,. y 1.e4114 1 . 14 1' II I ROO oi t 'towhees to eheie past ;impend for our euteibmineria. After nipper we became more jolly than before, Jr that were possible. The %Arlon* teleys and froliekeeemenports peculier tu see h youthful gatherings were engaged with auch • ea plainly to d that h Nom to for a ni4111 • twit", novo. 11,iu lied away as if the) •eie oui umineets At tem the hour for sep *esteem crate and we parted with this genii meet 111 OW' Ill 44. r•Hdpiwi to meet, eerie pal t, douley help, to 1114,•4 16444111.". oor %molts ate slue. to oar ettlertion,eal, and :tre bereft, Isom cordially tresdeod. We cm meet truly say ilt the late/wig, of the poet: That irtheoush the estuffe 01 die years whedi •weet us, Some new severe ef..plessure shoed opite view, We eel .5v, whim wile reptur• ,1114 thought mice and the hartlidey of Gen. ?depts. commander them, whoch also were ante y several U a. offitrers, meludiee tie Steele anJ %%easel, II • refuse the hand of- fellowship to the Bee. Father Healy who stands by my syde,and whet has (mine here to hollow our opening cent meny tty tea pious beuedictions ? (Great 6.000 Impanel troops were expected • epplance.). Ireland will never be heppy till almitmey, on the 2aih bejdeaser, to rem every It sehman acknowledges that the loves• heat those on the Ito Gr n e. ewe la every creed is tnotherly love, sad it 11•4 • decree t et bright as hope is, and besetiful as ie drrevited %bat 1,0 teseeils ha &debuted let' ft. h, the greetest uf these charity! (Ap- Meilean pOrli tallith cannot show proper plate...) I give yea ih. eentiment, .• May opera 1 URI armee! of 1.4 empire hi the pm( mut I forbearance in 'matters et religio• wheows they sailed. impir ail e.eeds and classes to Ireland I" II) the L. S. mentor Florid* gut have move A tu tilt of applause (unwired this genii. of otipietame from :youth Advents. meet.) The Hetald's Parcae* eormapoudelet,seya , ies eons tried to sebum to the' demand 01 the prospects diet the Republic of Chili •ili A 61 eery tram heal Lite. iletie for indemety tor ebeged &tempi et What cm mean by seehieareleesnele?" eurieied hy tis eeseeh fleet en the l'isethe exclaimed Jo n During to his sen Vi t int see .beeei a peeseengee 11 foted veiled et the 1 IRV. ed lie l'rupelior Meteor. 1 he her person 1.4 to the rondo ea a MIS* Jetta Kunisey SitheCA Cu , Ohio. riee !wipers •ere readies ete ilefenets. 1 he 1.1 Jested. May 3e4 1°,00, the fest eiee the I7th Sept -ti.• are 041 the liankiti 114111 of Meore. her, 1661, the tte,t from lee lend Uinta t Co.. 1 ith e, the lest e • t; mink tie mo et $1,06 DO nen. Call work with heart, and write cheerfully, who le net able to meet hi. hands every Saturiley niaht and say. " YOU bitee earned your wagee -here it is, every dottier of it,- and or whom the paper Merchant cannot eay truthfully, bi teachers were entertained at a, [met il 1 _ ewe. .eriee uf the Volunteer M.I tot of Canaaa. party eiven at the residence of 31r;\ Wi - , institute tor the Deal, Dana \ IlysCoam•lid Of Ilia Eatellethl the .1d- Ham Arthur.. , 'no asiontwe oomb, a i and 111111m1. \ mi,iistrator of the Guverument mid Cow , tw _ , . .. ' . . , -..-- .` attiler.in 1 'hie( be een forty and filly etittee and gentle 1 A very interesting exhibitien of the tHoo, 0,, It., Aj.j. yi.,. j a. I'. L..Meeti9t7(1.11.1, Colnnel. Adjatant General of Militia.Canade. men, end the evening was Tent in a mom . , : iels drafanut;s ar I th t 1 ,e 0., eirienhealeo in 'weir 11, • ,t, 0•...,t,..h eml 1 joyous mintier, each end all throwing off i PPr'e1. ncY 1° w" blii may be trained under proper men- ealu'iou'l a""" eruc'e"" I°"'A "" A careful permatl of the !drove wili allow the cares of seleeil room, couitting rem seem t was given in the Court House.on 1 beris.P;;„7,.e,,1' a:, p, a ii, ef . of ow hoo „jje oie that in the eyes or the militia authoritte, end otee, an I enterit4 into the epirit •si ., : speak personally, " Cox is a 'brick,' met v ening bet, under the direction elle p eiterver tad il, 114 ju-y as *WO Int the Capt. Roes' offense is' of the cumulative the oceaeion oith the utitioet heartineu. on't!Mi;-. J. . G. Terrill, sen-in•leer nf ale ' e ironer were of need.. that IM. oast mime. up hie ac. as tegeular as clock:work I" We order, antnmetieine with the " pithlie and A numb r of eharail.e. lee., were perform . . .../iinan hal pee•h•d Stoat esh..ustitio aind want to pay our debts and to carry out McGann, ot \Idle Institute at Hamilton:it, ,j ; see tee dereiniee ii .5 of in. woe el insulting, aeclatstion," and &Derive:el.. ed, to the great aruusetuent of the epecta- , contemplated improvamenta which will The attendance;\considering the state or, chins( meertiod th. Outwear( • poit moor the weather, WAS *ger:, Rev. Mr. Me- 1 'h.." "I' .ht Mere meeting.' tne cm.se el deed' The nature of the offenee originally cone 1 sloe C ,Lner lise tett ten to Me lionnieg eonversetion. The aff dr erse a pleesing Ki 1 being appointetehairMan, Mr. Tea 1 getathichment* to 41/OS/14111 III! metre.' of plained of 'was given to the public. in our 1 ,,,reew,, and will not noon be forgotten'. rill proceeded to real', '. 'es showing' her rein,' n'e. TM properly lowed on h,r columns, and every intelliaent reader entt A ; 1 perim isi be hie paw moon.- lie wol be happy the number of de ifmutne • Crime In London'. Upper Canada, after 'which\ •ei deaf-mute I transits. ind bit"- 'n ;10 attend t i any eiiminueiettimet hem hei dacido for himself whether the Capt.:a was mewls not right in acting an he dil ; The hear wes 'referred in the Somli but with regard to the publication we • Recent developin—ents prove conclusive PrVans omega.- •Cure. ly girl was examined as to her fit 1 &mown munwsery eii the tame evening ut the know something, and we unhemtatiegly add to the interest of the Mem tore, after which came supper, mtheic, and oublielting the deteile of tho whnle 311,0. nod in order to do this we shall be glad to receive ell arrears and as many advanc• payments as passible by the middle rof November, or sooner, if possible. Then can be no reaeonable excuse, and we hope every guile -wife (bless the thoughtful gade-wives) who knows her lorti and declare our belief that the intention wee inaster to be in arrear for the Sigma will to give the personal and official coerce - tell him to send Bob, or Tommy, or pondenee publicity in order that the meow Charley, right "off to the post office with ban or both compeniee, and the publics a , the money. liege, might be placed in possession of the Quite p number of pereons throughout bare facts toreees3ry to the forinetion or. the Counties owe the offiee for job print- correct judgment upon a suhj•et much ing and advertising, and we hope all such talked of at die time. hile we think indebtedness will be wiped off without delay, se it will help the r•rinter ahd clear the consciences of debtors to a very ap chief quietly and satisfactorily, without preeiable extent. falling a single whit ie tha estimation of th tt Capt.. Ross misht have complied with the orders nf the Commanderan• 41•14 4114. his fliende here and eleewhere, we know bow hard it ie for one man to decide for THANKAGIVING DAY. another in matters of feeline., and that he every Cenadian city, aensible men mast We were pleceed to sec diet the, dey of had a perfect right to act for Ilium:If eonclude that safer, are mot now safe Flame Thankreiting was °blurred in a becoming 1 where Is: considered his' !moor to be ht for Cie deposit of twee sums of money. manner by the people of Goderich. Che stake ; and all that cm be now is that the burglaries ceruinitted in London educate:a. She repeated the ' letterre prayer 05 sign laneeuage, wrote enserers to nianerous question'', and, 'act, diepleyed an astonishine amount r ntelligence for ore in her position. A tale blind girl read a portion of scripture 'rein a book printed in raised letters of a peculiar form, and also by the sem of much worked a mut given her with a series of kaised figures. The audience was highly floored with the exhibition, end we hare 00 doubt the people of the town will eubscribe liberally to the fund. of so usefui an Inetitute, when the lediee eo round. We understand that 31r. 'I ern!' is likely to get two deahninte pupils from Goderieh. •• If en, we hope s0111, thing may be done to assist in plying ler their eilucatioe. Tlte gentleman who overlie! away an oak cane belonging to Mr. McKi,l, at the close ot the meeting, is requested to leave it at [Ilia office. during the past few months were. the work of an orginiged ging of young men cots neete'l with some of the moil respsetahle Gnat. 3 in the city.. The piinful fret was i eveloped n few day* ag0 by the diecovery 1 o plot to rob the reeidence or al atatek- 1 meyer. The police got wini of the mat- ter, tMalt pr per dere, and succeeded in baggingnearly every one of the 'young scoutidrele. Their names are Kerr, Hen- ry Schram, Wm.Wilson, Iletuilton Green, Claypole, Fulton end Lawlers. The at ie 10 be tliorenehly investigated. In view or the robberies eronnsitteil in nearly differ:et pieces of business were closed that it was a very gra it ;ity that a epark Without cxoeption, end our streets Fount- at an so mite re se I , wax not ei quite k Sabbath -like rippearance. The in *nue way quenched at the "twat. t -i" morning waa wet arid dimagreeable, or) one point we can speak strongly : The which amount the attendance at the twee. dismissal of Copt. Ibise will leave a blank eal churches was not SO huge as would - otherwise hero been the exse. In the Epiexopal Church, eervice was he1,1 nt • I I o'clock,a. m., when the Rector, Rev. E Elsr preached an eloquent sermon, admirably anited to the occasion. In Knos's ChuiWh. at the hour, Bev. James Whiting, preached to a good enn• gregation, his exaellent sermon being lie- tened to * ith the eloseit attention. 111 the evening at 6 o'clock, the Rev. A. Mackie' delivered a suitable raddrese, in his used able style, to a eery large con. Cr} .1 he new steamer demo enived • h h d • h i lif here on 31,mdty night. on her way fr.on Thorold Colingwerrel, to take the plicee of the Aireind on the mnil route In the Sault • Meey. The Watialo is • new lo.at jest 'snitched frau the building yard of M. Smi- in the Volunteer free Canade not peon, Eel., Thorold. She 11 a beautilul easily filled.. From the first he evinced an mole! and her !ince are all that eat, be aptitude in the discharge of the difficult dteired• ta an th•Praethed sbe ^3 &alien; Of hie pontion, and for the sorer,. hiliite 11,4.44111U' 411/1i1O end a lisodsome a; • ment of military knowledge, thet marked Pe"a"" "et"' "" her ha"' eleinent. him out for distinction in erase his service* She 'a 1 00 7'''t kee'' " feel 4rem, Ind 9 reel should be required in 'weal warfare. ece of hold. an I ie filled op in the best style of a proof °chi") eohlierlike quelittee W6 1)0114 elegance Ivo! comfort fie passengers. On het I> a company enrolled under his comtnend, „at , puerto up, V:111 111 411 11111thillery 111 lif which has been a just source of pridi• ter to. moneeement of a regular mieinver, she attained thi seeed of ten milts the town, and which, whenever put to in how, which speed we ham every reasoe the test, bar proved to be eecon 1 to none 1,3 loll be much increaszd when re in the service. 'Chit compiny is now about to trek tri be stricken off the retie of gregation aertenibleil i the. Wesleyan Clinnib. These, two services Were attend. Canadian N'olunteere, every men in it, we ded neajly „li the minister), of the believe, siding with the C.iptain, ant fully resolved upon retiring with him. There town, and by churelegning people. of all II no help for it. The authorkiee einem evangelical denotninatione. very well retract, the men are strnng in their resolutinn to share the fete of their T1111 ANS. favorite capt tin, and the CO4VIIICRCR 1.14 TUE Brothethood of Kniene ass made elle disorgenis ition of a company which s mesa of it it, Ireland. As long ala opera- was en ornament to tho town' ant a credit tion were confined to 'erect " Circlet.," to the Country. the machinery wetted well enoug,h, but the moment eil effort was made to trance „ 11111 eat chotouttare MATe11.-C It difficult prohlem-the thing collaps underethrel thet the Preallent of the Co. form them " Circles into " &mama "- ; 1 I.A.S. has received a letter from the There IA DOI 110W the remotest chance of, Hen. D. alelternald in which that r,,entle- elleeetill Ott irisli mil, if indeed there erer ninn Very kin,ny °sem enntritman sit) to 5be fun& for the ensuing match. This RAPE 110 trAR. - Although grave appre- WM.. The lenders, *lei arc inaignificant , m ‘ttimut "n6". hive bec" Prrr"I' valiodde gift will, of comae, 'be npportion- herisione were enterteined at one tane re- ed by the strong hand of law, and lie in: tinam4 .y gariling them. we are happy to learn tha o the &legatee in such a manner nor ty,„yerieh rewele, no far as heerd from, prime, waiting tn be tried for high trel-; as to give ens nr twd mitre prime, or atil hive escaped the ravaging effect,' of the eon, and the rank and file are Ct""Ph'1'17.! to the value of theme already struck. We are glad fo heer that tt. is Mr. Mc Dresslire r t nevere scone The Bruce hungapi romerlem. the ninveincnt hes been so nicely nipped in the laud in Ire- for severe! dnys behind Chantey bland, intention to be land, considerable intermit ie felt in the I Frew"' at the 4"tch. Ineerie Ni mar* worked her way aikly into view of the large nember who will be coptow000d, operetions of the Brotherlinirel on this &on frma tbia In effete is being the )1 41thntl has been continent, which 'min,' th° gmt ha"' 1 male to get the a 'COMII/OrlatiiM erain to lie heeled from, I nil we truer, on the whole, that nnr entcrtrieing shippers will not be of bivi"14 giren birth t° it. W° tnid over on the evening of the Mateh until 1 () „bye°, f„„h" Cepa &me. SIRII114, pnant moo well known good onler. She is commanded hy her.,•enel wh., has gained lei present position frinn Ins uniform et...Willem need good bele* men, ; rts this is hit 6 est cenmeterel, we *fish hen end hie new boat ereiy success. • The Mame* ie the prooerty ef Messes. Beattie, ond we trust ih it their emeriti -las in nutting with n Puiliello 1.41 on the route from Colliegarteol to the Sault St. Mary will inest with limey elecommeeineet. a. ) NXTRAORDINART $11001•1140. --., an Timed+, the 1 7th, a party of the Artillery Company were out 'for bell practice when private Addison made the greateet shoes. ing we latve heard id' by a Volunteer in Canerla. Out of ten round," at 150 and 200 pale he in ele, nine bull'e eyes an I one centre, thus scoring 'ila total of 39 points! 'hi, hat vOlunteer can best that f that • C°""eiti'm of ""m^ 500 delegate" &clot*, sta that they may get home We 'emits are to be etpeetett The peo• is now in soesion and that meet imminent , *ban, porb,,pa, b. able to im„,,„,,,„ ,,,,Hi.e. Anefolla.-Two emesels,-imn7 of, tt,ihne: thing definite in the aimni on FT111,,i. _ _ a PM ill 0110. went 'shore a h t d • grernalle 11 Wahl 10 eirtbrace the invasion One thing to eertain, ifuhe weather pre,. below Bayfiehl during the recent storm of ()anode, the Woo of letters of tnarque fine the attendance will be very hrs. We hnve not beard their names, or the es. to privateer°, Arc• With "Wad to an from 31i rote of the County. tent e if ilatnage dim% The Thrumgh Traffic. We have.reaeon to believe that thmugh treffi. by way of Gielench is me for this mason. 'file Saginaw. line is virtually closed, the Niagara is running to Coiling. wnod, awl the istiliog vessel's are carrying to lower port& We hoer, also, that two pmpellers hone been taken off the Sarnia and Chicago route, the (1. 'T. st that point being choked up with freight. There liee1111 a great &ficieney of ears along the whole line, arid local dealers in grails cattle, dec., aro grumbling loudly. LO 01/71 SOCILIT, Chewett Co., Toronto, 'The cermet ',timber of thie splendid Nage. sine is before et. It is, se ee have trepreetly remarked, the MAI elegant work ot the kiod published in Biitain and in every wny worthy of the ex tenviee circulation it is ob taming in thee country. Cnracmate's Fenner Stratum, W. c. Chewen k Co., Toronto. The eentents 01 the October No. are Chrat Church Days, an Oxfird StAry; Sonnet-emy St ply, hy the Re, !What Wilton, M.A.; Rationaliene tied Wee. Infirm, by the Itm A ether Gurney, Pari.• The Chure.hes of St. Petershurg, lie J.a Cobb% Oeir Religiotia Novelists -Mr end \les fewell; Reil for 11.0 Weary, by A 11 Itrant, M.A.; The East London heir, hy A R Craig. M.A`t Mother's Derlme; A powder Ilistery of the Ettglielt Itihle, •• wou'diet Marry . Cerate r, Elbeilde in Norm Milibenk • ; I he Reerismtimeof the ?Are% of Nettie*, soi Hatoricel Stade, by All RAPT ,J W Irinis.D D. Casings& Jocose", On0 of the most we!. mow book• that reef hes oer Sanctum, is to hand from•Nfr. Moorhens's. 4114104 sir We flimsily with pleteenne from a London piper dint Mr. J. R. Grant, of, the township rif Grey, has obtained * nee• oralarlase certificate at the School of Mili- tary Instruction, London. The lnstitu- tion hex turned oat enme of the emu tient Aimee in the Volunteer eerviee, and we feel mweltlent that relent Grant will do t no discredit. ale C Nova N•er Brenewiels and ritere leleard Island, are all at pre lint ender .1dreineet,etore, oupplying the piece of nigelat Oeverners. . Harnu Teachers, Amineliall•a. . SIR. Lofton :-Tne members of tisk As. eisitiue.met in the Cented Seeaoi House, 1 rich, cen Fraley, the 13th init., acme& i eg t previous &mitten, merit. The princi,41 sonject eider V011141O,11 I./11 of the Amocia ton was ' The relation between Treaters slid Teacher. ' This .iihjett is beginning 10 arrest the tow uf teat:here on az, uunt of the ma y evils inMiivemen,es &tieing lien existing between d 'het as Ion; as the teash-r otweeted such arlepe tdent pos.. bon as 40 nne posermes, s0.10reg W,11 the profession of teaci.ing he used ‘,. 51004 10 same other peofcesion tome jertieon ent in its rimer,. TM* contiiierilififebsiwe t..orn the profeCtion 1 -ass veid .ttiat tikes or practical experietree. *Meth if ince' pe-manent it eould 1/4131.44. The 'ember cannot caletiate for a xeriainty upcn • ps r. mitient position in any locality. ni, melte, how well or AR ienCy. he may discharge h duties. ruder this .y.teen ot meny worthy tenchers have then diontasert fur nO other reason than that of tenons' eerience betweee themuiees mei s.1111r nitea• hers of the tool of f olteee, who hold foe their hands the balance of p over, r {Ilia ewe of Afters to be rt usedied f wee the subject under the consideretime of the eian -iat; aml it /V 11110 cl.ffisult of solution. It was moved in the form of a reso- lution that in order to accent fur t1w .Tencher • more eidepeed int position, a Towitehip Board of Teuewes he established, invested web the pawn! to &miss teachers in the muniviperity over which it bod juriedirtion e nd that Me esel Beard he genet. sed of a rep/Tie/dance from PI1CII 11Oelion of the then d eep. It wee ne geed seppoet uf due sys rem that it would mod In aet uro tame imp.ar iial decisions te regard to the commteory. characeer and eleportmencof ehe tencher, the, 11 them:0 by welch he weiod he ited,,ef would thus he removed from thoes local pre. Mired Red itilltemees wheel' am found te emir.% to a grealei ur has degree in all gee 1 101111. It ao.. Muter •rgued by thee, fevor elele Io the ietroductioll f this i iei le th pr fe . the indivitleal Of the section weetel.1 be wattled and guard. d tt.1 representeti. 1., who would hear. timid ,inte 6,111 Ilto menoters 01 his section 44 well se from the tenehe r teed Submit th, 111 SO tile Hoard own. - All the insmhers of the Atisocianon were too otioninteus opinien ite to the completeriew •if this n auel ermsetpiestoly it ewe MOVen all an am lideneed that ono tearlier he dramie• tied su lorig 44 the eeh ,o1 proeteses meter non, utileits RAMO 11!...C1/1C Chtrga he hrottAlit m Ind that the ewe* te suton•triet be the iv Igoe nt es Board appointed to adjedicate moth maniere It wee ergiewl iti Oproltilinn tn thit eyelid% thee we this steiteriar Boer& 44 if was te b- ✓ idled, would he / 11/1j.V4 'to the same loi•al influences eis the It mid of te•mnees It would eet, therefoie, wenre mere? adminiittation ,e1 •ther to the feather let widen' thet, 't!ent h :741;71:m17h 'oh: :77,1 h ""' ut iniorunihle from the preteut those partiell. It iS bring,. specific charge against a teethe, for leen, unaele to advance Ilia tithe.' se raf edly att the a •etion noeht tetwerinhly es rel. The flieel. v rit hi Wpm a rh ere. el dos mote, lies in lilt. fact thet there is en mieitniem "tended of progreewieri heyoed wham every teacher ia eine. tool to etIvence his s. herd, - No choir m email ihmettere be notes end rate inantimed mitts, it were foe a Rageent oeglect ol dotty. &time of thee. aeolem• did not meet with the ',portent of all the me "there present. - Ant 1 er system of iesemaang the Trait.' Cmperatione of the rend rUstriet" to semen Tea liar* Aseret. or rflalteof D- OT MAO l'Alralut.tiOT far 146. BA best titer rootains Pies: -tent Andme Johostue Attest% tut einem,. diem' Cam tr. with- feet 1.41 It; Chetac er te the %%Le, with twe;ves iiieetostione; the Mother co Wes'et; Clora • we in the Ey. Seermerieg tied Stinterin (Cemes &eel Cue ); •Le ut. lienerel fliam ; tan Ited Mon si,i1 mg Meek 31..n with illes teatime; Ile id,. of Pre Ladle g rid 11..ieta Neteranis Boxers eit POltrail• Pam of the tpoeres; 11.4.1 of St, Pawl; ef Men: Ctireedius Voederlele; lainguage et the Eyes -hese, hireg, gray heel,. and brown -ton en:e eeiliet 11e.,:- 11.,vn Iti. heed C 410,111 1;/1 MI6j01. (744•114,10 Sh411(O il, V(411 140 • 1,010; PI/IVO/4414y 14( Home: •ith Coe oot, l'o.t peid lor 12 teteis, he Mowery. rowler A Wed*. 1,9 • Air Et.oleso Covets rrasrro raw. •411471 Mtues.-Captaiis teetieib oy; late .1 the St. Louts pollee fume, retailed on fueedoy eveting, having entight, In the 'cay of elm , • runaway •41, who eloped web e man foal her movhsr in Coo ionalli . The eirl warn safely resireed by the Caleetri,who se es smelt' tr1.4,1614, 1 he Ceram in inuelled 'even thoeue 0 e feii med. Ile mei i. thous:m.1 mike ot 4:1V thee Ives neceee., eloptunent watt vie Si. L.11114 pipers. mmiht, sin io her won rewarded fur forms us that me es le po suit I cost him Et loam tee a..d sat.... t.s.ci m 1, oats,/ to the fat t OM t maturely ptiblielitel in the 'ilte youtig lady girt triers *at the Ciller," w m in pursuit :while she WY 14.. Buffalo, a if oh.n commerwed • ewe unporPlied in- pollee unite's. The Captain chewed heteitli ov. I' the New Eeglatid St. tes when he foundthet tee legalism bed fa ea the Croatia rosin, Sae wee then Wowed to Ibmoshint rata, ia Canna I W411 ; Ihener to f orown; Ilvi:eg e item. Rivers mid Menne& The Caporin t ell off me weld o he fugitives on the Gram' River.meing te the tact Mot Owe le's the main tiers ideravel nd took to 1; tali, de isoiliog tee river two Minified and fifty miles At :ai...treal, the sin's paramour getting iin-d owe tee latter 4114 WI bellied,. 'Lc, the gi, I fie tined down to Queer, •Ihro she was ,au,,!lil her her peree•ereig pursitret. The irle..; who according to riltei Captain's/ Slate • -nl,'" lithe peetiiest ever Isla eres WI"- delsivered berwilf up grace ally, end 'wee rt. turoceldej Clacton, Ili lo si...110 more i•s in he hoped, \Om wax her see aid elopement, she havieg tele 1.,the experimemeonee befure. and sr.., mil termite the Planter s House, in the coy, '0 compwit wetli a teseiltler. by the I ime "dicer • he fel aptueel her the ',coed time. - eat. Lotna lioneteratOlc.jet. 21.. _ _ _ - -.. Tut Lomonm Branutas.-The Ham- ilton Tinos 'ens that enema the prieoners new in co..toily at Lon.lon, on a charge of honesty, are *a son tlf a late Mayor of Hairtilom • *in of' a 'ate Sheriff or Mid dirties, a son of a present Superior Coart Judge, wel a son of a Posteiseter. ov c may add t15.it a filth is the eon of the man- ager oldie hank, that the remaining ma+. iiner is respectebly enenected, and that all 4)1' thent are yOung men slime •habite roe several years past have been such ae 10 bring them under the watchful attention of the pelice. , - you • p . • .14 1,.ctitura for C1110,1111 them. Thongh ery log, or IT yoo ,o05. the .1. greet 14111/.11411(1•10 4111101.4 IND C1111/141. .bmt , t ry or I.. ''" 11 1"."'"" .the TM. him sleeted for the house, straggling govereenetet •ol 'Lesley -Seeecumb. jo eappeces tin soh* es he went. *mit ' "416 '• It m lotonaleng,' maid Deering; address - nuttier. hustle ihr-edheet, e 4014 Pr.° in6 • moghber nemed Hanford, who WINO *long 111 a ter). ales mauler. red 110 therLe j.„„,e jjj,j, shot 11".uti P‘el'teriiithe".7.1 e, but drags Imptetatice ie the itemises' of the 1.0 have in pick up hr that leers rerelessneek” beard all that hied pawed. " how truehle. near ie barn, end of room bad Been mid and he monied to • nomsure of tests eloela William 6.4 at cid. nting overturned. "Astl rt was for 1114 to Pe that you eesaulted Tom told and knocked hint' down r repine! Doane 'looked from the. Okla in sericite, .Mar. ,Haapeafoterdt.. in &sorrowful tone. " Asesetted my child and knocked him Mil Why, •bist do yeti neeghber Handfore ?" 3Ir. Dliby aeysaame ow Foal. Just what I my. Did yea not knock the avid over the plow ?" " Well -well ...CO. Ile hied a stumbled pre tte• 44 IIVI;tordthl. Int some of the States of the Columbian iteeult.ic ..per4.tons Isere eottiti..e.d, hat tle-y eat appear to 14 ut woi: proportrunt. S1/ 1144 1,•0111L10114 are 'reported in any if the other !Vienne' 441 S...sth aid Centrist Anseliee, ere' obey areas to be isejoyare • lieesuo al • A new Ilex sturchinii lilt was recently arid tell over it." doggedly •rerhed lk:ninnts. 61"derThtbee euv"wenet ft" .D".Tn.1.771 rilijohtaPtoip"stsinisPrni7sovensellisilvInrri7; wee town, mowed by a public prorewion, " Certainly you have." responded Mr. ty ass mitly if truly Irish des Hanford in • proper manner and in a pre. e.r.apit ifte‘le.eekv,eistotherrail iptihsrtispirr.iii.hehor tha.notsoinbeighrwt toose.m,,,lekingyeoshi.mtbia,kr tilers smoug • the more proneneut ot upon eje cher' r, V Omer arldmw he ewe couetrymen ; and vow.' ye...nem-It rs now twenty yeore gime left the shores of Ireland to 1.14111 the heel, s of Ile its the rester kingdam. have won seine eminence and settled sem, de feene, bet en ecery varying *Moe met chang. tug e comma ce my 1.'1.1 hue food y tu ned neared* the. 140011 of my WO. (Chmet.) Meley things haee 4411111 frIIIII1IOd MR. md 1 have oe. epee] eneelions which have filled ne with some °stand pods. hut teeter was I so prowl 01 aoy oistiteetimi as ot beieg meted t 'emit ta ...1,1rese you No41 1 414 gist. icaw We* 1 son, ( 1111,1116.21.). 411.411 Rive nut one but • three. I shall propose three eentisnetits, .1 *hub embinee Ike whole ao.ueinn of -whet etotereissele hose relied " f he It liffi.Wty --semiscreteilthech tout h root of' the Isles nearreeng been e es. Wee dtpurienit el Mottle j Nephin. (Chem", west bear, hem> Leyalty, I pro; erly tresterstood, m re.t. toi enimy obe• thence ol the leet. 1. 111 1:1/141 11/1 IR, 1104 14 mem formula. It is nut a pageant, hut • eiession. It Is not setedied with stsuel• ven• Pro' for the theme withr at isn affectionate deivolion for the peewit' of she mituarth. 1 moo to know whether lit these /ur distant parts of Western C anght leer of the pow. 0. ol the Brush crown be untied loth love fur tht meson .4 Q41,11 V 1C11.11 ( Ef144111011111014 he1:41111,0. AIV (14VIO MIT FR1114114 4.1114 ,(teri4m4jehleid'r tratndlie*acerlit."1(^1:110grhieth, 0..' weletnne. (Hoare ot 'Guenter.) 1 w ish 'leery Femme ie the country wee here ; film tell eou weret. 1 am unt sure, but it feet them 14 the room beim I d sera the water iit&itw upon them en,1 by to row the en' 11.101.4111. (Greet eheera, and latigh•er), Why whet is • roman / A diaminterowl 1.1anntan in seiteeh of a ermearree-a trio' 1, r American itteulente to reciae• the peace Of Europe with -a thorquii. the teeth with which Yauke• bunkum threetene to whip CfP/1,101 GiltOr11 11/1.I letsithier )- Was Grattan a remelt 7 No. lie was always toy.' to the rine we mimes d rotatory. tt ea Ctoresn a Femme 7 NO Wdrallth or his pettimisete never coneeme1 the Rammed 01 Ma loyalty. Was O'Ciiimell a Ft neon (hoed ehrei'sipookfe I"fie" th INt,"1,Te(,4*4"bilen end of hie (meetly -men, be never iiiiered e &Loyal thoulbt the ltriteele throne or (1,0.1 ehevra.) I dotet *am to disetsie the im,111100 of repehlit•s or mentos chief to nut •het tan the *Immo craw. Mg of • reesoneble oul expect f,Orll et free governmeet !het we do net 1..teply in Ireland? I celebrities. " Ct course not ; bat who is telkiagabsest M (11 title., We regret to learn lieu air. Chariest 1.11ekenr, eho is now in Pere, has had a seettroke. mei merest. hie f tr mime home, but. WO are h.tptif Greedily reCOVeied, end is (VIVI trete well. - Mr. Lei:kens is a greet wither, end chew hie ten or twelte mile% eve..? day before dinner. 114/ doebt, it the tweet of hts booed? health an -1 freshoma el 00,0; hut it wee hex 'edema pursue.his Kieglith heat under the elms' trophieal heat tit I'elis in the inontle of Augemb-ICeuet Jeurnal. reeTM• editor of the Carleton l'Isee Her. ale sms thot the VIIT11.41111, ef his paper is 0114 metrating at e rate of the ty pet mattli, or fOur hendred col fifty sit per WI - We COndrntislate Our COMM., Int hie jeetworray, aed would receinmend hie tom stderenine view of kw peneneet id running out the Globe m Upper Caned*, the protons ey of employing 1111 editor 10 write for the Herald. iesiewel of 'melee( " eseiesee of othe:- metes ferny,* ' met passing it oft at hie own, es he is in the conttaut habit ed &meg at otellient 'rho necessity ce lording " watt. en from the Globe. Reeiew, aml other papers must be /4 deep huntionttien to the tiered& with its large mud' coesumetly cr.-ming c reuletton.'' neggering, as it does to °minaret' strone ..... beteeen the prayer -it" of a "large omelet " and the menial end reuniery moistly of stolen sdi• toriws. - (Peri h Coener. - 7 0,,,bStICar A Necte el r T. - h• Mark fetne ES- pre4 save, ihe .eriemm of the adeeneed eerieultheal nations, like Englietsit German, ,tml relieve. goes to show that sheep am 11114V1•11144, Of • good general ortone of hue. hereby, 011 oven the heeheet petrel land end the &mime &Tillman. They *Med as meet, food to man in propottioet to there 0.11 comeamption of food, lit any other domestre 'mitre/. lor lite person ? 1%011 11 be great• er 1111d..1 Ole rO1/41..114 th en now 1 Iritteety of the ferret 7 Woisid flourish more .teider a new loom tt duel metier see memarchy F111411401 II•11 11144 III 114-141 IRV I,.sh who believes that there is 0111 114 1.111. 1,144. tick soul another for the poor? Imimni slity Gevertiment patenn• age 1 Why, 1,,04 to your bench of' judges in Dithlin, et d Monaghan, • Filizentld, nod • rod Will answer your enefuley. (Loud cheers). Femmes' is horn too late for ete iime. rho h, ill that 11114114 have cieuted it e re cored ; the good thew might have . t• gel it hes been accomplished. I deete't sey that feels:el hail 114/ ,(1/44VNI$CP. b104 ( 11 1 4.4 that she hits none theat r. eime • .• benien r' rehei (.1peletwo.). hen t fed me the people ere ready for is !Wong. Them is only lees eesieg fer thee •ve riftdy - miles in their wares (fieers)-• better pay foi en lowest day'a wo, (Cheers.) 11141114 WWI ...re,be.111inhno,..itedtreelhi. I mr,W,..1.1.7n,g Leff.tur y nuns men on their tied. Wes there ever shy thing more silly than their 'sondem 7 The y had hero marching foe, deep en et lonely road tit melnieto, and though there were 6111 el them, elle, three politseeseet appeared, revenge 7". " Well, fris:nd lbwing let me sek ynu ilehni:11,114410.eanistioh..an ; 71or whet purpose should • " %Thy. to make it better, and do it good ofecitree,” meekly answered Dining. • or :any other 7" quietly aneeered Ilan. no, lint (hit I can think el jast now." replied 1)oring, thoughtfully. " And, mite. my (rietie," tmetinued Mr. Ifenfot;1, Da you suppose yoer treat• mein in yuir eon a few agonstee ago did him anv foie. or has Meteasted bis respect and e lfecto.n kr yoe 7 The boy I venters to say, a utterly sineonetious of having done e nv wrong, and yet you suddenly sageolted him witb ander and violence., and gave him a bemire' which 60 pthilirtionry convict ran be aultjett to without- having the outrage ineuired into hy a legislative committee. But let gee tell yea a long story. You know ay son Chitin r. • Vert "' " You ban probably noticed that be ie ISO4711.ave neilieed it," weld Dreier. " and se,,,kteld.horivr.hi,tnhaaph.reyne.rl, and he told me he ' Yee," responded Mr. Hereford with emo- tion, " the deer hoy never (field hs 'swede to my that it was by his either's brutality. Bet litsitte:,;:ih.ebr.e,n1toin.eied.„.1te be IOW that fiery " When Charles wag &bent the age of your son William, he. wee one of the nine Retire and Intelligent Inns 1 hod ever seem I was fond ol Men, and especially of hie rphysien1 beauty and progreee. mut enfor• lenately 1 wag cursed with stub an irritable and 'intent temper. and ena ea halet penialring my cheleren under the influence of preamon and veugeance. isatead of from the asdie,totteinan.of neaten, dgiy, and ealightened tine day Charley offended me by some relhnTill'hena"rielmtrnsifitineigenrieti.11y 'ens esynocer.tremnadtedi tyrenti; son a few minute" ago. I struck Ions vietimit- ly. and he fell upon a pile of stones at hie ride, and injured his left side so bee, OHM the Beedford, in tones rif the deepest sorrow eel ,1reilini,o,nse,, and covered his face with his Minas. whieh was at laat broken by Mr. fleeter' A perforl oppreresive *Renew followed. .. When T (mind that my hoy del not rive. from the stnnee on which he had fallen, I seized hint hy the arm and rudely palled him 10 his feet, end was about to strik• hien again, w hen something 'het 1 saw in kie face, hie 1.0L.,k,,a.reeris.uol my arm. and 1 mired him if he " Tei afraid am," meidly answered, clinging to my min fir Rapport. " Where r 1 asked, ire great alarm. rot nntWithillandind My brutality belly idol. Bh:rel*,'n'ilsai. replied, laying his hand upon his hip. eitenee I forth him in my arms mil ear. het him ta het lent, frees which he never aerate the ORRIS leight, active, glorious ho? eenie forth a pale, 'mildews.' little follow, hthniehf,01:adnnon. ere e,notclIhy,..sireek dewn nn that pile ef "mem. Sat eller many mouths he !fere Me. Hanford broke dnwn and wept like 4 •nd the tears else rolled down Dorine's 'hooks. When he resereed, Ilenhoef seal • •• 1 hie le s humiliating searrative, neighbor Donne. end 1 nris'il not have related it to yeti heti I not sreppeeerd yew needed the baleen efIIIII1404 ea impneelhle for me to rive ton an &berate idea of the seffereig that 1 hate andergnite en ace/sent of nil Metal raehmem in ety hoy. Bat fortsinetely it hem been ever -Wed tn my (me good VIVI VI /10Ve tents,74. hiettlevert81"plete, Tandh4 eir,..41.01•71: nintili"en himentl'eveirei be"the ruP.11"pill""lostertibe7n maand.2711•Pet remelt was, he vow crippled for e, eaid Mr.