HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-10-19, Page 3hi Mr. Waiter, That the application made by
the Trustees of 3. S. No. 3 at the last meeting
el Cepowil, not being ernertalued be no.
gime up by the Clark to UM Tnumee Corpor.
The by law for raisin/ and levileit the
necessary automat for Comity sad 3thool
purposes for the preseat yew wee read sad
Mored by Mr. Warmer, wooded by
Mr. Longboitom, 7 bat this council do sow
adpiera to meet again at Loridestroro., on
the Ifith day of December, mt the boor of 10
u'eloek, a. in. -Carried.
'fo•natilp Clerk.
Milani:10LT Arreta.-A sad aecideat
ioolt plain hers last Thursday, the 2.11 met.,
whereby Stewart Soothe, • respecteble far
seer Isiog on the Loudon Hoed, received
imortal injuries, which resulted in ha death
-on the following day. Mr. Sunnis was re.
turning from the faunal of an infant grand
whild,tee child of his sou, JameeSinil lie, Es I.,
Deputy Rugger Hay, in • one•hrose waggun,
the borne became restive, and striker,: out
with his hind feet struck the old man in the
abdomen. He was conveyed hume at mice
and niedictl aid procared, but it was of no
avail, end death put an tad to Ina sufferings
the cleat day. The deceased was sortie esty
'ears ut age, a native of Ireland, end ern.
grated to Caned. when • young roan, and
settled in the County ot Terrebrnom, in 1...wer
Canada. Allured by the saperior lairds of
the west he came here, and succeeded by his
!Wesley and perseverance in inakiug a *Olen.
did farin out of the bush, and securing a good
home fur tumult' and family. By this
untow•rd accident a large circle of relate.*
and friends are tbrowit trio, Mouraing.-Cue.
itnnta En VILLE.
Jes White, Ced W Arbuckle ; best 2 boatels
barley Id Shirray, Ind Wm Arbuckle ; best
2 hush Potato, Oats W Arbuckle, 2,4 Wm
Bell ; best two bullets COOSIalue USW Denman
McElwee, W as Eider ; best 2 Dumb bags
white Peas be Arbuckle, 2nd W Elder ; best
12 eon Iodate(' Coro Wm Stoneman, 244 Wes
Triaquor ; hest bag Potatoes Jos Lams, 3nd
M Rodger ; beit 12 Oaione Wan Arbuckle,
Lid R Eamon ; beet 1 dos Carrots 7. Mims
Arbuckle, 2iid N Mornay ; best 1 dos Teo
oips W Arbuckle, 2rid Traquor ; beet
Apple. Wei 2iid Ja• Borithron, 3rd It
Paterson ; 1iest Plums It Patersoe, lird
Paterson ; ben Gropes Wm Elder, 21,d Robt
jr ; beat out pair of Socks R Paterson,
Ind Win Wilson ; best Quilts Get, McLeod,
Hey, 2iid R Paterson ; WW1 CnVerlel• Wm
Arbuckle, 2nd Wto Wilsoe ; hest 10 yards
Fulled Cluth Peteison, 21W W McShirray ;
best 10 yds Sattioet Juhu Traquor, 2ad Weis
Wawa ; twist 12 11.4 salt Butter It Paterson,
2nd Jur Swineroin ; best 5 lbs fresh Sutter N
Shirray, 2nd Jai White ; beat 15 lbe of
Cheese Wm Elder, 21d R Bell, jr.
There were samples of Tobacco, Pima,
Pesches,Beets and Cabbage, (fur which there
were Tie premiums), which •sre highly re-
commended by the Judges. - -
A Mae Etylmo -Cht Thoraday night or
C:). The U.15. President has abandtmed his
contemplated trip to Richmond end Nurth Fr'ds! ronrnioll loot • floilwor steident oc
rum South Carolina and has notified the Sec c.iirred at Bothwell, by which men awned
mosey ol the Nary that Gm vessel in weiiing 8'"nleY '48 11111•11- bisolloWsd was •
native of Derbyshire, England. He bed bee.
fur him will out be required.
111•DDE TO ISIS Iturramss.
Arrah. Kitty, I love you to madame,
I seven by this crow o'er sod o'or--
11 you Mt ine, I'll kneel down with gladsome,
Acd ',Jur beautiful self I'll adore ;
The enemata, we're told:1 hy Herodotuil,
Used airship to eueld statutes of stoma,
Time saisly lese guilty and odd it is,
To worship the role fiesh and bone. -
When Paris loved Leda's fair doughtee
(00, be was the deuce of a boy),
Away from her :seemed be Artie, tither
To lufty earl wide tweeted Troy ;
But I don't intend for to carry
You over the comae for to roam -
But, (Iselin', I'd ask you te marry,
And be Queen of your owo bele borne.
Yoe tell me to wait till the Shrovetide,
But to waste Pine, you knoe, is a 001,
And always in summer the lore ties
Far stronger sod warmer seta tn.
Och I look at Ow birds in the hushes,
0 hue reich has a husband though coy ;
Then, Kitty, awe, with your Weibel.
And wok" gyre of your own little boy.
Cairt. Primes 111e.itiostateis.
We sre happy to be able to announce that
Capone Prluce has been re-inatated in oBice.
This is no noire than what we ariticroateld
would be the nose, rot the returu of Recorder
Duggau front Europe. That gentlemen. We
welerstand. arrived last Fra‘v. Being
rather indisposed. the meeting of Pu.ive
Commiasionele yesteidey wait, at his ',quest,
held at his reeidence: The object ut the
beving • " hie time at • entiddang.lend it le
supposed that he iniatuult the railway Owl
fur hat heti.
Thr Laudon dairymen are runniag fellows.
Having first sent round circulate to their
customers, declaring that they hare had tin
diseue among their cattle, !bey now stud
mooed a weotad circular, inneuncing that • ia
coneeguence ot preys'. at cattle disease.,
they are compelled to raise the plisse of milk
tinnily -fire per cent.
Tbe Hamilton 'I imes stale, that butter
Nno Vgverlimends.
.tlh, CFO QM TI-KI1•70.1
.1. m • Medicine km taro Wowed MI. sad perms..
Wel ',motel et ita pate; Wow the *mien,
The Cemettlidet Pan Deartmer
Curse elieuinatue, Pleurisy, sad 1.asaa la tkos
b. •isd doles
Ornedisan Peon Demon.,
Ite'leves tit la tba Head, awl belt Hmeleelte.
214 Candoreas Pas. rhserese•
Cants bibelot:0:1e sad Crewel. the ationtarit.
The C'anedsmo Pest Destosper
Cures Cholera, bolero llierbeo. miry eadl
Corandson Peva
Cum. :ewes Coids awl bore 7 ea .
714 Caned... Pain Duo.
Cures/lure., Sesida, ISite• and Scalds.
Nets Ilifterttssursts.
MA1CH convected with
A the ahom Society will be beld oa the
Fame of Seruuel Carnochan. hum., Lot 20,
Did con., uckersreith, one mile sod aquae.
ter west of Harpurhey, 0.
The Cu./um Plum Daareerr TUESDAY, 31st day of Otti,ber last.,
Ceree Neuralgia, 'fit Duttioure•ts itml Teeth.
Oen. . •ben the following Premiums volt be sward•
The Comas... Palo Duvoyrr ed :-
le alec, an et. yllritt their lyr W ountla, 11,tliata, X [Sb' CLAng.
Spoons mid etsios; it 'Molt away all pais lag
itt•Aut.1 II a •ppl;ed Int. Reaper. donor Mr. Be11. St. George,
1 130 00, 170.00
Yentily •bouid le Waltual • bultl• of
The Canadian Pain Destroyer!
PRICE.- 95 tem. is: !SAO*. All ordersolstehl
eddreased to
Neweisatte,C. W.
saw ,a Ooderwk by Perarr dr Cattle end
P. Jorden, Gummi: rk Co.. lieveekt, hues
Reatauia, Ilesetv,110, J. Pickesd. Earle,. 1. IC
Ca:mbe,.Chnion, E. Hickson, Eetjorth, and •11
2. -Iron Pimgh, by Jas. Dickson, Emi.,
M. 1'. P 40.00
3.--.Panoing Mill,MoTaggart & Co30.00
4.i-Cmh prize . 23.130
6.4iiiiili Fite
6.-Usali prase 1 13.00
7.-r•Cash prise by Jail Gray 10.00
S.—Plough, — Baseball 10.00
lat. Cesh prise
2. -Iron Plough,R. Runciulati A Co 313.00
meeting eery of course, to courtier the ease ja-t„al evy it ao• Tanked awing thorium*" Ciorke..0 D . l'hyortan Extraordinary 6, e., r . a ao • -.
Prep, red /row a prescription of sir J • 6.__Cish r,rise 30.00
3.. -Cash prito '
4.-.)Cultisator, Glasgow, 31cl'herson L
. ' 2'1.00
Celebrated Female Pills.
we have yust suited. I be Recorde- loaded the saasket was heti firmly at 30e per lb Plough, Searle a VIM. ,..
ut the Chief ol Poioe, and the nowt um what of the sermon. The light supply offence/ in .
The Ealdhition of what M kanorn as the ly ho OpfAmed tit. ie -milateuseut. 15e cum et eery old ladv named Cornell hes lately iihm ,ayslusble masia•ose is unt•liag
to th_.e. Queen.
ai the 11.,o-Nockyrake and %V bipplcdreee, Fulton,
— 12.00
greom our owes Correspowdent.) •.th the Police Slagistrate &isnot Me Mayor, • 7..-Suddle, Horace Ilorten
Het !trench Agricultural Antonio:al Mire 01 .r. •Itt... p01.101 and dangenie• demur Rudd & Co
died in Poston, Einglaitd. Iller parents 411111
e.W" 44f gratulato the citstme til Trifronto-on the
SOW. the firet to embrece tLe dor:tonne 01 lu ethyl. itte female ionmitutron s sidle. i. It
. John %milt', •ho, on hot Mid to Preston,
, `peached iu theIr li...Lse. - Her et er sea t e
Tuckeremith and limy, with their wires and
.douzhi.r., .pp..rod kr.. ,1.. gruwo, I. ... (.2,71.tt.t. 11:611.nceeh,ii.",amiyi ti.flia,i1-tenioitt ubetlicei:,:wienteell .4 ,,,,,,...:,,,,,,:..,,,,,,,, ;„ the w„ley j,,,„,,,,,,i,,,, 11,
the sic/Oa-the storm awl wet cif' the preyed- t„,, urdem tio.,,,,,b .Lioo ho loo, h000.my j. oh: w41.:11„1.1be 'herself eel tbrineued by
ing dere, had given itItce to • titer oky ; mid pamsed,,,e-d the kaiowledge that au unbent; el.
• ple• kit stionno day graced the proesettiM1,• oue /atilt. it oatchli an u a nomad, to A Ilirto Ilie.:-.1. hallamished fellow in
There were Not as wally entront as have ; gectjie. j.,‘ ....Riot.; (t. ift t•ilicc.-- (globe.
at ftudgerville on Thu114,1011" Ath October. metoretion ILO' Chief to los office risen 71'
A large number of the tamales of I.:aboine, which by shou:d neter have been suspended. f sad a treacly 4 Ule Ailey Le J
moderates *PPS, ey• end obalrucl100a,
the Souther. tastes tells ill lial.•r manse
tun, •• Biteth Ahl, retTT1.11.'•-. twuctit.hy et„, ei,orols re• Filf.3.2 IlifEE /1/0.5 Pirid., ..1orte.tb•id 01 en Mr.
been at former shows,' hut takeo ail 111141, it leaves lied Leen egos nig omellei y. degrees
mu equal, it uut Iltifeerior to any past aitua. ' sui, ,
In gulag. A glinepee at tlie most 1,rolumeut list% ;*
of the mirth anti artic,es eshiloted, neglit by . i„;,,,,,,i,i4
interesting to sour reader". A 'mare awl foal ter we (lid
&hoot' .11 T. SMins, were Etat claw 14141.1111 l , „,..fn. tiro
So were, the tomes- homes ot to. neocutt nod i „4 •,,;,,,, A ,;;;;„;
o • pecollerly -lr•ird 1: 5. 1. 01 abort Illat.
litt• lea &aril y.
Ewen Iwolir. r tree Dollar. been the Gov.
main.rot etest.p Cleat 111.10m to preernt mum
• v,i.t"Ttiriw.
73... I', I. .kedd•ri I to laA• Pi frowiri die nave
lit. reys erttopotiti.f 01011 nol be %se" le
year% of age, and if eatutred must produce
issue -4'4,414.1y !other 0(10,2e,'
lid• Plougl men to by on tte grotiod at
9 o c'ock, .1.• M. Pinilbing to etfilmet,te
at 10 n'clock, A. M., nu Chinned efilit, bee
lid. The quantity nt 1111.4sto he ploughed
'"'"'"1“." ""I "‘" A"'A. 11""g" ttli. Nu lotion wall te
. e i •_I, .. _.,..'‘. _.,. ,1.114/..1.7.. W IVA'S 11.1%01.! '1 I.•• blaier,' Ile ' Ill WI re.. 011 ..> "4,1°14, IP Ina St..114, A &room, , _..,...,.
. , 1 tbe l'iritighnirn ex.eut to set mod regulate the
. , 'r
,,,,, ,,,,,,,h,,. ,_.. lir, :d ai,d b,,,,. ohe mid ktrie ked. e ben the hely wain.' es• j . • WO . Ira a tory (ober b r... Oft m • Sete .
...y rri4cots ,,. .p,,,, "....,. .. , .....,..j. , wi,n, ,i, ,,,. „„" 1.• • , '1,, pip, Paine in ilm imt I: nod 1..0., limo* on sli,tht.' ' .
'0 tar 4--chidl.00d to ex:renter --' - ' - ......a, on. 1 • vision..., a ineve„,o, pi vo,,,,, end i 53h. Entri,o ran les made With. Mr Irleor:re . 4
W. Bell ; the young hooles, ef ali Soots oere) ,
• Aso,. motitaitio' litre t';nr.. on til.A 0,„., . 0 1 • the.* litioat n -pet at•tbriuttgL the key•hole.
.ithr• mentos Icor imiel; end aittrowl, • tower:j matt 0. ' If bona buy /fittlOtterit MOWS .5117 1'
turned out iii the Couuty of Hurt.n. The profect ..ft e g -a and Wit *ere ciu.b ono • Sii -Itiebiod M. Dorinell, ii it 1,4 Eiiglaiid ne ""r: '1,f.':`,11';',..i:rtri..,'„‘9,,T S":7"":„":::::1";,, 0 1 ;DA", ei, entry 1,mps-,,,pi 1,, 00. day pe ;fig
turn out of cattle was not whit iiii,z0t bete ; bre,.„1.• 61„..0;-1;,, ce„, mug', ,,i 1,,,,,,.....,14 Pow 1t.410 spo.. - M...i,,, 6,,,,."1 1),..,;, ow, • '117.,"...",`,.„',.',';.' „,..„7„, .11. :.',:1,1„7 y v. ..„ ,ri: M.Ielk. i Le SA e 1 ..1. y itil1 he.on the ground On
b4en extected, as to eumber,
h". :" '1""‘" would he 'added. I- nfoiturietely i be Melt. 11401n au as :AID inlalial•tt o'll the same dis., 11%,,,,' te st,e„, i„.„. thet..,,i,...d !,/,4,,,,,,,,t cnn.ic, , tbut morninz o;o1 rre, iv.. corium,
:: • , v s 6,00..4.1, pteingt. semis. eartos. d ! requi. ed from ern h comictitor in. t he aim. 4
w"qhf c'r "'nu"' ""`" 11'-‘". **3 h" Ilk'''. • felt ob",b el''''°••°' '•'!'"•" l'' 'I''' V "I'• ""4 )4'1 AS":':'331.3"4 Qu'I'''' -Ai ith' - - • m eet towhee, i led nhee0 w i' maitre . bottle -rum i..cl....., aed ers.cott file cents froria each cent•
ons, owned, I believe, by Meesre Wye ott . siteti.lth lt% the brain. Fist humb et, 'mutt& luriet eitt• • • . ..". - -
thee leerteelitettail1112 WI 111111a1 hy the Predo ,10,0.06.4i2,y 1,,,,..„ 1., r„,„,, „ ...
and Entukaii. The lah-aw ol erweli wee °P'e'....,'" nf flour gimes to 'the trielj tinily pont:d. 04. der:- Sir N• I:. Relit:au. - - ' NOldi 1111.'1' 5; LYMAN, te ,,, le the boo's clrel.
Ihd-"ch 4 C°11"k1°i"I' w..i1 •I'MPKI, 11,"^) the hofiy tdienerit, %bile the store iiiiiintity of Is 0,„"A I..... ‘,...,,I yy.d.,,,,,. 4.6 heen.r. 1. .,, ,
. .. tNn. B.- fhere will lie FlINNER provided
Of Dry Goods, Groceries, ac.,
LI. can prove for yourself hy calliog et the
Where J. V. DETLOR A SON wt!I ts happy to • ;ow to than uil friends °mid the piddle
generelly, • laroensid ye, led sit,ck ef
1---TArtroWYkrt 309
Porshesed the Beet and Cheapest Mei kets. aud h,ch thry are determinc.1 to sell at the
---..wol"....."!'"! ._. ,0,1.1.-s_ e -i---.
y direm'it um...re:wry td.stete alb nature of their stork iii detail, m they feel satisikter .
that their lore, experience iu business in Goderich enables them .
to Anne te the eants ut the CU011tit1111..y.
\ 1) AN I.S1 TIC\ 0}"flIE GVODQ
— /ifif/1114/----
of .th'ear ltit1ts
yocr bie.d.• • Welt, you need Ion mike .0,1:
lotr*, thom 1%; • Wi I egret a ell w hem nil ' Lb)cocl., vt e it at to tLe due tit the .
1. above the oi, ring,- no b. it. r stie k eon bc . piniiul itl hill, 'it roast keel; mei il ti 0 . hole t-.)` 1.1°- I-4" 1- 6"""'''' of N'''s $e°1'10 1°1'11'4). j" i'''' '''''''''''' ' ' ' c*I''"'"Il •""l• ii tending erinos bow has net been able tu
reepects the spotlit" wes good.; Etipecisi,y c•istirst th .. )e
'3 (-}1,tr Winsios Pee, tc.4 poirty have sire.
J. 412 0,9%4:4, Itochuter, N. . ell, An valance tee of ene sr w
NrWt Dal „ganglia ,
eaoleo sheep, beeeldeM to be met *Ws at • brain grses 'more than one uridred so.d,teenty `,„„mee a ;„;„ "e.g.' tot meets. .yacinit Hareurhey, mita, diately
township idtow. Ab aged non, by .W. Ar• five t.ounds. 1 him h.me fie e, the phoo „;;; 110„, 11.• nom Cook -tome cab. sO14 IA Gis'e• reit by Cat ter Air fettle ern1
buclee. ow very goof ; 4i. Ple-s la. of phaie 44'11130N iile 1101i4/4•11 elemert of - R. f1111134)NS, Picsideet.
es:smith, showed • pariang al- 1,..•Ith to the wher-e Luau,. Molt. from the "al w" al '1 lbr'w.it re.ertrifo'n".'Iti..b;:::%1.171:::.Y.1.11;,<':1..afgd..YE1watlir4r f".1". Ala. C. 31. TR1'EMAN, Scott:or.
clitotecaldtng sesrereiy. -II 011414.-. (.1.1.1141 , E. elokion,‘Sea.orth,•ntl Sel ir I I. I -,
weeferee •
A FINIS .1.-,41171. AI EN 401:
D 1,2$ (f) 13 DI' }-11 CE
Mao go 1St car_ coe-
Tea from 50 nts upwards.
J. V. ETLOR £14 SON.
vomit this year tokcii prises ut 11,rperhey and r limit a theeitatteres; softly ol
:4°0441100 III etheed of a41 -he has a !buts ; same:owing pla. aphetee,in the 11014 Zif mote cotsTer letters on Satuorav at
V wit& a•id Mon be No.1 btre bum ;;; g,„eral testrots, arrismd
n full of real:y goud profitable 'outdo/ def. ur ill ru to cure theSe declines has inal""Lf wilIiss °I Au, ;
hear the grant Of seine but hove ma num to, literie ply sph *tea atm: piias throu,! Nature's , °41'. 11'0 la" P11"°•15.
examine thrt poem Suture well tinisheo nog- lehonitury; noun i'L.lijeetto her enipu!a• .-Ir:es Two Sew Toth Regiments were being .
gone. got up by. Cr. Omenes.ade, ot Rodger I Ii••14 specially prepared by Al. itisoected at a phew called &deem, lust meth, '
ville, finish hi Notes of the outside depart mighty power ;and Milt. to soder 10 Impart when affilsgmeefUl fight r et -tiered, in *limb
oat butt ends of Mire being freely used.
he 't:to Le Journal de Quebec says that the
raspberry plants to nuit i.eighbvrbOod bane
bloomed seam, thus prepariog al other crop
of raspberries nut ot all likely to ripen be.
ire the'frost veto in.
Yesterday Montreal 'halters added
thee heifpyiny to the ,erieMef the loaf,
by wowing • good deal of .greeiblieg
frugal housewives. The charge."'
yea pence pet loot.
sineuliar threshing machine accident
'n East Flasuboro' oti Motiday lest
Wrizlit. He wet caught in the
d ei ery stitch of clothing except
whisked off Moon rm testant.e-
reereived sere injuries aid is mow 01
precarious oat
.alteep-tbey ire well worthy ot prises. ;tulle or no idleei. I he arti.,lese ,tei,„.,1 ;„ , AthIntooal ,eouiderfetung- ICAtill Were than I
oh mit. 7 he tetra °Merle were Geo.,Ahdt rs I thew (*culler tote's tu the Amnon (tan • ; iri both iv/Miceli. pat tnimated ; missias aud the ;
e on, ot Stanley ; John Itauenbury. ut ,ktruvie-1, pismire phrase, the shortest. whet, mid
field. and A. Naomi. of flay. Esoni. ! mfallitTle melted of (siting etrengtb to
Of tne Inewle Deportation, 1 hod tbie Jud•1 body, hone, eed brain. therehy minting
Roam* W- Cweem l';01. of Sloe W. Cowie esee, mid building up tf,e constellation. is t
er. Esq., ot Tosekersonith. mod If. Lowe, Seer. divot more bread out of the whole grain;
of Hay. The door of the Ilan is 'hut open enethyr of *beat, tutu, rye, or oats."
as utast. inviting ',crush, hut a goaiii politely
"" ft" "n" ed""i".' 91 10 Pound Doctrine tor Canada.
improvemeut, I thesh-st tends to regulate o Pas az._.o
Go."-Tkis little masim hes the
the pm and givei all aa opportunity of Gee-
ing. Luke the esitude. the entries are not Ida lawdee07 °I lb, .1"0"/ OT OA world for owe
stser.00, but geosinoty go,,ct mot bell seje...t. ages. supported by no 'perticler pretewhosna now
. The graiu might be air exception 10 trir rheieriek.csidenat, or pompoms period, bat
cat t
-there •u little shown and the genii issiiwrwl wwi tur"."8- •Ter "lib Walt" ‘21::".,..
t bet middling. But the deficiency WY Philrooebne Pleheilso Knee. adapted ten
time made up for hy the lone dupla, et the•Imitude and loneitude of every bowie
potatoes, *omits, carrots, mange( crrtter. it kontarres within its fore blessed imrm"•11
future eve
- nue on to
apples show , were Very good, and OLIP
of fan coaapaljadall 'bowed good Renee and
tame in naming their varteties ; it is to be
h oped that ell mil follow this good example
kg, 1. deckle ohice were the boof monsbilbablea analmis ow wegth ; it is h' h°°
appeared to be a poser for the fOnin's steppio stow, and • letter ow enedit
would recuuniteod that' ia nun kan distrust wh '' it goes. It is oho
eau; a boiled right bower of ehonoulee and amid. of honour
of their hag. The few mow pleasure -611a tne day hours with lowiet
end drier! the baliff from the ail, dreese.
•' Pay as yu go,'' and yu wil ktio bow Jost
yure a trceng. how fur you hove gone, mid
alma it w tone teer stop. Tredestuen
in future. I noticed, some excellent grapes bow ghee they meet yu, aed det with ets
grows by the Messrs, and H. bengary wolf tried toil starve un yurr
at is established thost We can grow good pars% ".Pay as Ito " toMpert luxury sod chiselers
in term part uf Canadiell.Can we convert want, add. dignity Lew the poor man, 'and
them into good sine 7 glide wiers, pro- Moe le. the ritth 140, 'mono' nun sod
tiling by the hrnt, or rather scolding goen pasties ow all. Hese rz an antidote for much
them lett year by the weredery. for the that is the philutto her's atone ; here i1 supply ut it on hand - it may he the meow
scarcity of daim pruritic*, tame mit strong in motto for martho ; here az a leaven tor of wring your homes life. Itemember the
butter, there being fourteen entnes. It tau *nay sized lump. Yung men, es; ss fume. mod eye 31311" tb° iignatu" c't 13•333 &
rather ludicrous to withella 111 POnIbMplaljyty Gad b,n ytt gas old yu not depart from Co., is on well package.
it ; other vartuee wit; sartainly cluster about Noelhow Lyman. Newcastle, C. W.,
.11te lives of thoueands of horses haw beta
saved during the year, and the credit as
et, to ,. parley's A Man Hese. Remedy
and Condidon Medicine."' This _preparation
n being extensively used -end omen frotn all
We hiaMet proem. Nothlug of the kind has
ever before been halt as successful or given
such "reversal setistaction; it cannot be
equalled. We ran cotifidently recommend it,
an r •uuld advise sll who nwn loose* to keep
attatedes anto *Well :he judge" threw t hem -
* elves when going through the process of
reettag ; it WW1 bay" been • hard matter
to decide which was best , if the detleion earn
aot quite satistactory to the makeM they
might solace themselves by kno•ing that oe
beton butter eould be moos. I hare not
time to go into the dry goods deportment;
wed will oaly D01101 some excellent home last evesing. Bernard i . Kane, aged 19
'made cloth Boished he O. Weo4rob lb. Pr"' years, was shot by Edward Simons in the
sant lessen of Hell's woolen factory. S 11
- ° we-- orthern part of the raw. and a member 01
does Mr. W. do op his work, that a piece of
2ilth 1..S Colored regintert. killed *natty
Sattinett sea mostalten for all 'wool, to the
0 tn the ears near Havre de there. The
amazement of BOMA' 0nd the no smell amuse. re ot Ims just primed up Cheseout Ittr•11
ment of runny. in under guard.
It has been generally understood that our with
Burglars were secreted in White's dental
old hoot, Matthew Rogert, of Rodger:vide,
de t. 4 I ch street, this morning at 6 o'clock.
was dead In hotel keeping> but be and 1111 wht:;, the More yea °period ny • boy. The
worthy lady are still aloe aMi, kicking, and
euvelars Seised the boy, .moid strangled hiss
.01° ...4 w,,,,ing! as an wb"at tn. t,b01"/ to ;teeth ;10 • rope. and then escaped with
to the sunstantiai dinner prepar u tor the a postion of their plunder which they had
directors, judges, Ac„ can testily:
piled up ready tor terooval.
At • %fleeting or the directors in the even- The •ictitn ie the Arch Street nnoler was
ing, it was unemmouly agreed to meet the . coi.,,,,j trno, „rod 4, vo,„5, inst,..d of .
directors of the Zurich Soeietv on the secood boy. Tbe burgrira look from him the key
ilimirsiley in November, to take sups to for of the safe, and plundered it of .2,500 in
• ution of the two Societies. Mei the effort es.
be somewhat ! ,
The President, T. Lamb, and the See -y,
W. Wilson, Eetr.. 'red with each other IC
getting everything in tlie right place and
everybody corntortable. I am indebted to
the Secretary for the annexed prise list.
yv ; said whin natur hands to her last hall ye Proprieties or the am as. m
will be awl the better prepared to pay asps rich hy Nike, F Jordan: Ger
Co-" diner & 1fity6eld; das Benthum, Itoeer
1111ree Mmederelis Plillsdelgekla! vole; J Pickard. Nester; J Fl Combe, Clinton;
E Hickson, Seaforth; and ail medicine deal
PSILAIWI ells, Ort,ther 7,11. -Three Mee- .
dem have been committed pace 10 o'eloek Ts Este This Canal is 360
miles in length, sud the Tolls collected upon
it for 1861 smourted to over three million
dollars, which re overly double the amout.1
eolleeted in one previous yew; and while our
neighbors have so much lesson to be pleased
et this result, it is 'ratifying tn know that the
sales of the " Canadian Pam Destroyer." foi
the cure of coughs, colds. sprains, Ammo,
rheumatisoi, fed% biome, chiltilmos, he , is in
creaniiig much faster. Sold by all medicine
dealers at 25 c's per bottle.
Judges for Ouldloor Elhibition-Johe
Rettenbury, Ese., Itrecefield ; Getoge And.
mon, Esq., Stanley ; and Alex McLaren,
Esq., Ploy.
Itest Brood Mare Richard Fanson, 2nd T
Nairn ; best Friel -Tilos Nairn, 2.4 Alol Mc,
Laren • best two year old Eilly Nicol Shir
ray ; two par old Colt Ifuncen Mee
Erten, 2nd Wm 'Fraquor ; twat yearling Colt
Alex McLaren, 211d David Diek ; best Onm
Moms in harness Oeo We•ittettt, 2141 Win
Bell ; beta Mich COW R Fatimon, 2nd Geo
Weiptcot ; heat two yr old Heifer WeiFt
cot, 2n4 Wm Trainor ; bent yr o.d Heifer 6
Wel/lent, 2114 A MrLeren ; best yolm ot two
year old Stem" Weettcoat, 241 It Fenton ;
hest yoke of yearlIng Steers 113IcEsen,2nti
R Fannin ; belt heifer Calf A McLaren, 2nd
Rich'd Morquie.; hest yoke Oxen W Cooper,
2nif Almt McLaren; ben aged Ram W lam
Arbuckle, 2nd Wm Elder ; boa yearlin:
Ram Geo Plewis, 2r.d Win Stoneman , best
'Limb Iamb Wm Stoneman, 2nd Wm Stone
man ; best pairdweeding Ewes 11' Stonemsn
• W Stoneman ; ben pair yeorling Eves
W Stoneman, 2itd W Stoneman ; ;stir
Ems lambs W 31011.Mall, 2114 1) McEeen ;
hest pair fst Ewen Geo Plevris ; beat pair fat
Wethers Gen Weisteot ; but Reed War R
maninis; best aged sow Roht Laing, 2od Jag
Mwinerton ; hest Spring Boar tt Mai -quirt ;
best tiering 31ne Rota Laing ; best iron asle
Wegon Geo Greenelvie.
dmirts-Wat Case Itaq, Hay ; Hugh hove
pen, Eel, Hay ; suoper Ewe ocker•
Best 2 bushels Fall Wheat Robt Bell, jr,
214 Wrs Be'.1; best 2 Imaliele Spring Wheat,
▪ 1111,110V1.1111/1T T112 PAyeoef mold
reeell metes where antlers wont' ahead
with imp 'entente, t counting the cost
till ie took for them 1sa•
if one has OK
ot, %twerp of
Id he made
iley again.
n business
le tu own
he imam to rw
a •ice thin
aim them • t
ready with to
the temptation. Only those s
at first that wilt tarn ate
Farming humid be conducted
princeiles If a merchant id tint •
a store, he mos on0. 11' a fartee
money to erne* new beiidings, he h
get along with Ins old ones. If a
invest' money, he expects to get at all
mood mom too. If a farmer boya menu
Meririn sheep. he should he eastful that I
are on us...11net they return the original
End profit. 1) • farmer lay. nut money
ditching. he shoti!.1 do it whore two or thre,
crops pay it back with interest.- (Nee
How Folits I/tree:R.-We chew tobee00.
the Hindoo metes to :IMP, the Pntago.
Irian finds cententineat in -• bite of guano. -
Dm children of this emeriti delight in empty,
those of Africa in rock salt. A FrenC1•1000
:0•11 hi length for fried, frogs, white sr.
Beptimaux Indian thinks • stewed estedle Ow
ailed* of disinties.
11:, The qaelbon was recently peitpoteed
a Down East Editdt Are hoop skirt* donee
rove ? He ignite -die if answered that they
ere always very dange us when they bead
aoything in them.
C-:yerrime in Ireland is ;decreasing. A
Iheirgal grand juror "entre th the linerlo,
l'imr., boasting that in his armee there ...-
trot, scoring two hundred 'and foly lkosmatia
people, a *Ingle ease to try.
grjs. A married man who was recently at s
•Ipat party, when he propomd to go SOTO
araa silted W Stay a little toner. " Well,'' ho
replied, " perhape I may se ; wife is
erobable already es mad as lobe eat bie"
Such missives are now all ilm f•shion,neer oh.
telegraph eine, and they ore. gond news for
some. and had newe to others. For one box
of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers you pay 25 cis.
They cure a cold, hooreenew, sore throat,
croup, etc , in a few hours. Sold hy all need,
eine denims.
T 11 E 31 ARKE TS. ,
CoPeriett, Oct. 17, 1865.
The market on Saturdey was aplendid,
largermetitice of wheat passing 011 at
PI 40 for Fall end 111 10 for Spring. -
Prices are not so high thia woek, but still
they are good:
rail do $1!18 (4 1:20
storing Wheat, .... 1:02 (R. 1.02
Oats, , .... 0:22 60 0:00
n om .... ....... .. 6:26 (i) 6:00
Nes ...... i ... 00;4655 (7,4 0: NO
;instil 0:35 c4 0;40
Sheep 3.00 oy) 4:0to
des (green).
• ter 3 .0 r o 00
211:0„/ M 0:22
2:76 eh 0:00
PIPS ,..... .. , .... 0:20 (4 0.26
01i0705 ((al 00:11102i
Wm 8:00 (4) 9:00
issionte, Oct. 17th, 1865.
1741,14Whieti,l, V Itueliel • . 41:15 (iIM 1:20
Spring Whoa V bush0:90 3 1:04)
oorioy . . ..... 0-60 0:62
Pegs . 0:50 C52
0-20 i 0,0o
/pm Stmernstannts.
Messrs. Galt & Hoskin,
Messrs. °sit & Henderson,
ov.,, the !loyal 1 'vino we Oltro•," Tomato
TlanIla• GMT, Q
I101/11 OD analla
Tomme, ()ember 13, MA. will
A1eall..or lb altna. w3a•ty
Relief in Teh Minutes!
19 12.1.' A •
Tne algal el Wain sod isrer,o., rr,itory 11•11 dIlleaVere4
lot • . ,f
Chest end Longs. Coughs, Colds.
*Wane. Consumption. Bros -
antis. Indurate,
iharogimm, Iiicasit Breathing, Bore
T'Arout. d c , 4c.
Tess 'Wet., fore ine n.. ommt.o./.0* anti we.
feei re.tot, when ee....yri..d...14 ,.•orloo to deco.. •
1weltt WI to edeat• mewl le,1114 c.o
Imm been tenured tr pe fleet health %ha ba•e trod
ether to;mno ne mon. .r..•.1.14.•••• M •rottellfinWole
they •re • itewmg • 1141 1,Te -woe oe•cl 1.0
Mallet tow loaf the Meow may Itave calmed. et bow
@ were it term he. pmented the ...meow atrortura °Rae
y.tal arm. n.o hope owe'. d myed. Lwary
shbold glee thew en moan*, terI.
Me. %% arts TV( Tweeharl) vale& 041 *di 5.4
day remote the nott otmee oeremoal Int•moo et and
Woof regular um tot • law alt)a luta al Winona m-
enu. One pewee and tonesteolne at the twee, seemly
Mipeoes.91 ore Ione. ownp11•11. anal shorn.. Me wholo
Farrow. they.. minterly wed Ity teeny reeieseewof
J OH AlonSj1 *Me l'eopeleme. 1Weheeter, S.T.
Poem 96 ern.. preens.
Voodoo. tutb Piddie Monikers
Vaunt ana 1141N Neatens
Yeomans; ma Public Monsters
Ing and Pet •e•• Wee.
And an..., las en,
Wul and Straub Idatia
Intaleable Milltenra
Intelsetle te won..
Invaluable meows
Maanembo and A..t. Throe,
11...owne•e•nn Sore Them;
Itermento•n• Sore Throw
And mu ourres• ihrt Yens.
And rev ...Immo*. 0.11w Vette,
And fp...Lisle...to Votre
'May t•1i••• 111 mumle•
The) relme• ten sematen
Try remits lo ensonew
Coate.. Colds end •11 them..
Cosset row.. end •I1 dom.*
Coughs. CeLds, ems aLI dloteste
• 1 the Chew And lens.
Or the Chew and Longs
tin Ma Cheat sod L•na•
110I,1 by 411 Inegguits,
Soul by *AI !Mewl*
. ay 0* ornerws.
e swimmeaminw.
. 9 ;
UST REnelvy.e. a 1.,r,:e lat of
ti Photograph Albums !
from rifles. upwards, at the
ilsispasai Cofficke.
bey Books, Lech:ere Journals, Cesli Rooks,
Minute Batiks, Bill 'tools, Copying Letter
Books, Memeiandum Book", Noll, Books,
PASS Boots, Indices, &c., he., cheap for
Cash, at the
October 3rd. In05.
Mortgage Sale.
TTNDER • Power of Sale contained in
Mortgaom enade by Joho Miller of the
Township of Ashfield the Counts of Huron,
default easing heen made in the due payment
thereof. and notice been given 10 all parties
interested, there will be sold on Nfondee, the
25th dsy of September, A. I). H65, at 13
o'clock rtoon, at the Auction Mart Geo. M•
TrUPOIIIIII. in the Town of tioderich, the fol
losing propriety, namely, the South, holy of
the North hslf of Lot Number Se•en in the
Ninth concertos, Eisetern Diyaion of the
said Township of Ashfield, enntaming by ed -
measurement Fifty Acres nf Land more or
At M ef • Wm. Woe. Terms csolt-Deed ender Power of
Al reale& Wel
At 16 em.t. • bem
Northrup Lytton., Newoutlas O'Gara]
Solicitors for Mortgage*.
A nts for the Canada'.
Goderich, 6th Sept., 1865. 32w3t
.„ Kg. rede in Oodern he Peektte Cattle and r. ler.
din; rob,. I . flotohmes. lode,
TA,* "."1. "•''' '1• N. (3""" E- The shoe. sale ie poetponed until Monday
Me Pasterns snd au meditate dealers. prill.itn
,_-_--. the 16th October pros. s-35
Nir MOD' .41h. 113 1L• 113
The [SAVO Sale is further postponed nntil
mo.d.,..mi November, 1665, at Milne Mat
• 1 and eines
DART of I,ot 24, North of the Hayfield, n SiDER A POWER OF SALE renteined in •
r Road. in the Township of Stanley, eon 1‘13.340133 1,13de bY Sellentine• of the
11.1itng 74 acres, more or less. This is a
raluable property, and forint part of the Ifil• ohm ▪ Wawenvith. In the County or Oman, Ye..
,age Bann 1. man, •nd Charlonv Keilanone, emie 01 aril
Alen A I WIS' PROPERTY. Jim*. Hall•nlme, and Arin Jan, florl•nd, woe
of to tri Hiram leoriand, for tho n1 leirrins
Pert Nm No. 10, in the Fill COOCeelfiOn their dower,erhell havom hi -en ;mole in iheden
b•vmebt wf the prineieel anal iiitei.•.1 moneys
thereby *canoed. molt notice het .ng !won duly
Veen 10 till parties interest -tit tiare wie he W01.
on Monday, trie sixteenth day of (hint, r, Ad%
1865. st melts .eiclook. 11 Inv Audi,'
Men of aeons lruemos, the 11.511
node rich, the following property, nanorly : -The
south -writ gitertorol N midst, r nein y• tem,
in dm tord ronerwoon of the tewiship WOWS.
*mob, contesting by tintmerutrentria Any solve.
be lie Mlew Inoro or lee.. Terme coati. Deed
er eowe_r of sesteis. cLATit k wALKE11,
P.Olalltore for 140,1e.Ree.
• 2714 eiere___ember, 1stue, vv3n
Nog Loon] Agent, the 2:1rd October, instent. mme time iind
TI.. above Sale is postponed tinlwili.2:40edav
Who sill shuw the lands,
ofthe Township of Goderich. 110.scres, more
or SIN. and which said part eternise' of Perk
Lotm Nos 1,2, 7. 13, 9. 10. 11, 12, 13and 14,
es sworn io the sub ditision of Lot Po. 10
,foreseid. Registered, in the office et the
Register of the Cuunie of' Huron. A very
property. hawing • frontage of sheet
bell• ' • mile on Lake Huron, vrith a view
haihour of Goderich. from which risieg
Nett it ia distant atout two miles on
ihe Ilaylicid Gi eel Road. ran he told in
arAtp71.1.010,1,11e. rominteitionere Trust and Lonn
Co, of Upper Camino, Kiiirgan, or to
. 0. )1. TRUER A N. A uctioneer,
e`ceeber !eel. .38 2m
0 TR A Y ED fr. us the undersigned, lot 3:3,
3 Hellen, on the 9th inst., a small darkish
my mare Led. with a son ia the forebeerl,
41•11 wen near Smith's 11111 between the '9th
toad 12th. Any person' siring information
eliding to its recovery will be *nimble re.
i aided. • AUGCST KRUSE.
Blythe p.
Millen, October 16th, 1P65. •38
1-4`411 INS A.
▪ le thot vignette. ferte, home Lea 11. roe
), 01' w 'ship Colborne. 551stniall ,w're
.(ssin now land, trit seteoclesr of etemtm. ender
otti-stion, torah Frost fenest ; hog hoer. 541.
Mote ItOehon, •od en nr; h•nl ni A prOm, Phone,
vo. The 1.f,r1 le &misted on lba Cataypl lInad,
...thin moo. is leoel• ent 11 •nd ma. of ore
mos mills ferns .--111300 te he peel nal 1./Ile nf
meohiter, •nel Ora Wanes In Itialalawalla t• inn
oba perrallidat for sestral•as apple to M.C.
Lemma, ta the respeortat.
c rots, doe., MA, 1111. Ve1111
Insolvent Act ot 1864
WILLIAM DAIILINli, Ptssirrirr;
JOHN '14 'WART, Dere.
A of Ateachew•Mt hos issued in this
reuse. of which sll persiona interested in
the Estate of the defendant. and all persons
Wong in their pmaesaion, coetorly or power
any.portinn of the maestri of Oie defendant,
'or (elk are in any way Indebted to him are
replared tohalte notice.
Meng% ff. LIt
fey S. Sermons, Dwane flkerre. w 3t
CITES LOPT.e. Lost or mislaid. four nome
LI of heed given by Otmin 11eseely, fat
SAO and $17. and.Joseph !sport, nen. fat
$26, end Joseph ferport, jr.. tar $9, beniriag
date the 9111 day of October, poyshle row
after dots in favor of the anis riber. This is
to forbid any pesos, Tit pert tn. percheelng or
eilatetiatiog said notes as payment haa bees
Steele., Oet 3t•
Q•rn A YED Iron, tt,e wary deo, la the town el
▪ tinder. b, Mono atearst id crortnter Sot, •
d ark rml row. in it5,4 taller. shout b tiisrs old;
Sod • Witt twit on wheat Woe irfi. 1 lot ',Watt
*trot fore • reWited re to any perste vying
stt la 11.114)11.111.un ow will Ivitd to ber recovery.
111611 RAIN.
OuderteMOrt. 6, 121116. vr37-309
L'Olt sale. on reasonable terms. Iota 10 and It,
1: 1%, 1). R. ToW1,10p el 14 reen,..4 Ctrunty
Brine. 'the los etmtein• is) scot. 1.64.11.
eseared on the 15.1 has. The land is erst.rete,
• wntrted and bothered. No huildong•
• IW• 17 and IS. eon. 0, townshtp of Owlerich,
hO' parrs ea, 0, °Vele 100 cleaned ,,n the two.
Lecellent weli•estered land -timber, hardwood;
•Iwist 5 Male. 1,11. 1:ualrewh flood tome bora
MI shed. And comfort., le lug house, •ral ane
ott.bard. Will be leold-popetale togrther to
area purchase,. Apply to
' ea Me preemies
or W . 1,' JOHNSTON, faakmper,
Sept. 23, 1066. wife(
H E Creditors of the undersigned are noti.
fied to meet at the Las &fire ut M. C.
Cameron In the Town of tioderich, on Tee*
day, the 24th day of October, 1865, at tea
o'clock ot the forenoon, for the purpose of,
receiving statements of his affairs, and of
naming an asaigriee to whom he may make
an assirnment ander the above ace
Dated at Godwieh m the County of Huros,
this 6th day of October, A. D. 1765.
Solicitor for Insolvent. swIltd
Dissolution of Partnership.
1 fore existing between thnundersign-
ed, who traded at the Village of Seaforth, io
the County of Har.on, aa Genets' Meretiante.
under the name, style and firm of Dixon arid
A rchibald, was dtseoleed by ealuiton 01, time
on the twenty-first day of Mel A 1).1865.
Sesfortle eeptember. 1/465.
Office of the Provincial
Ciento, October 1565.
THE Office of the Provincial Secretary and
Registrar will be closed at Quebec from
and alter the 20th October, and re -opened at
Ottawa on the 25th Instant.
Prnrirtctal Siert( a17.
• oct. im65. w37 3t
QTR- .•.YED from the oubecriber, during the
al past IMMOWee, A Dark Brown I lily.
coming, three years old ; not large, hut very
Mout ; small white stair on ihe forehead.
Ar.y person givilig information leading to her
recovery will be suitably rewarded.
Gorletii h. October It, 1 q15. w38
Coal Oil on the Brain!
IS FAR lit:III:it than nn• Coal Oil Alt
I the 1,trom ; ti•wri is:confirm le dor,
eon., wo; ,roiii,o•ly
Restore Gray or White Hnir
Whollkete 10 11,11. n rut Olen
Ihe 100•. hcstedol brilliancy eVer men on he
horn., hair. II tiort not elot no the heir
oil-. Ire Mtn thee/sin of darelrofl and Si remy
Checks the Falling of the IfoIr !
e nd promotes ea 1t I. ihe eMearm artete
04 h•ir dossing ever "Ors d to the pub,
92- Tonne pimple s 41 ind trot the lett met
eee•ieo hair -dressing Ihry ran primmer.
Price only 50 cents per Bottle.
TRY IT, ANTI tor Re aaelsrien.
RE PARE D B ions' 111-11VO.V,
e•ricsia, a .1717
RAI by Druggists and 5ferehankt gen-
,se Mr. Rename may In foetid at the nab*
of Horan Horton. req.
h, 111h, 1111111.
_ .
Iffooday tialfTwelftli dray of Jaw, in the tem •
ty-e,g6th rear of tbo Reign of Bee
Majosiy, Quota Vktoria aad ia the
year of our Loed 11146. lietweea
JOHN llcDONALD, Defeadent.1
',PON the applination of the Plaintiff, sad
111 it sppearing br affidavit that after dim
diligence the mid befendaat cannot be Coved
to be served with au office copy of Om Bill
in this Cause. ft is ordered that time said Ina•
lanolin, du on or tenure the fourteenth day
Octohei nest anseer or demur to the said
Bill. And it is urdered that • copy of this
Order together with the settee rev/sired by
the Gel er.1 Orders of this Coart be publish. if
the Buren Signal newspaper, peohlisheil
al, the Toon of tioderieb, set lees (has sis
weeks before the fount -tub day of Vitieber
rietl, tuntiiined once Ito teal *reek
un'Er. 407., 0.7.Sigued A. GRII.Arrirst,
Signed J. J.
1101IN McbCNALD, take notice thee ifyea
do not answer er &mei to the Bill parse.
ant tu the above older the Mania my ob-
tain all older to take the bill as confessed
"gained ye!, and tile COUll Pay visit mit
11( may be entitled to on his °es
"bee Mg. sad you will not receive any further
notice of the &tam proceedings ih tb• caws.
,(61w31) Plaintiff's Soliohos.
It the Queen's Benet,
In the nastier of colorise- i, IV °TICK 1.
settee tor right td way of i.e hereby gives
the, Buffalo and Lake that thal liellelo
Huron Ilaitway Company and Ink. Hama
thorozh lots- ,:g 0 s . 83, Sli Itailwity Comma,
and 67 lit the Maitland hove/paid into the
-cremes:slim Lif Ibe 'Tore. Coen of Quemlei
ithip 1.1 (kilerivh, .ia the Itentbot Tomato,
.•; Couitty et Heron. J the sion of two
hundred and ninety sitt dollars an.: 'sixty .6.•
cents Leing the compensation and sia months
intertiet thefeuu, agreed tu be void for certain
lands fur right of way, Whig peels of lot"
heathen eights -five, eighty six end eighty•
seeeti. in the Maitland concession of the town.
ship of 1linlericii, in the Conon, of Huron,
uted:r red by (blue uf a cettain agreement or
thew! f•v:1 hearing dote the el..., th day of
)1. v. in the rear of Our 1,0n1 1.153, and es.
...oiled by Wiolinnt Ford and Fleury Food of
i'.0 suid township of Ginigrith, aod now. UO•
der the Art emitted •• .t Act respect i lig Rail.
etals,'' .10 further notice ni verb to all per.
sus teitItled 1,1 the amid ludo or to say part
tiattoLeit rens...ceding or being the hatband*
of isity.,pertios so entitled. to file their claim/
ittlo414 said Court to the said courpensatiou
ur Any loot thereof. and All mob claims will
be edeeired and adjielged upon by the said
Coal t ;sergeant to the Stamm in that behalk
lhated Gila 1.7th day bf May, I i65„
t •il 2 IWO . L. 11 EY DEN.
e 3 f.:tu, f Clerk of the CeownWad Pisa.
i ;noel cennthsof) DY swine of a sent w1
'447%7 .416114`.1.'13. Monte and Were, ‘, 1 2 Fteri r demi ...cal trot
1 o Wil : i 01 11rt 3/Infeely's County
1.) Tow., of Collot,oe; o folt ob.. I ',Wet of t.fit rnoled I 'Wont... of Helost • nd Bran.
DV Ill* 1 laPICell CA \•14;/1001 Sectoon Su. 1,
Teacher for m year 1.66, .A marred en at ""41 T" ”*".h.'1,':"....1;;Io :lg.'s.' the 1.nd"n%':iiiiie,:e."
d welling biome d th acres of 'land su- the right. tote snd interest of Itto said defendant
01.7:4"11....1 have iteotts7i.a.risTes' a'nutelrecetiOn ATI
Sill be preler 1, as t re is a good hock
jire.i,adi,a.gltolte,beachwice Co mithicationa, rot- mend ia 1itto neitilets, 11 sad 12 on the south
"o either of the role ..1 and trustiam.ot Andre street, fit Ma Village
.4 Welted.... in the ToMeahip of Bram, lo the
JOHN 1317
Sept. 2511).
THE public weateroned awn per ming ur
▪ nreutiating • 1101e 01 b• It • tirade
on the atli hp.. 1665. Hu ti nine in
haw id William Fannon due rig dey• atter
labt,e111,11,10eat ut the • te how been mot .
Exeter, Sew • led. •
- _
'T tees.
P. 0.
en ..•tr
Mortgag Sale of La
County of BM., 1.001a tw adAlle•MIMI.le111
hall tin Sete. Ot lea, as shomn on • plait Of
runts modeler Wgloam Noinhourrh, P L. 8.,
•.1 brine esdultocion of Imo 24 and 15 In the firm
comesson snob Ihr MO haul NOM), .n the sad
Town.lop .4 Bram ; trOnch land. and tetormente
I shalt oleo loe tele St my ots, In Ihr Cotill
Hower, ia the:rows or tiodench, oo I ueslay.
meant% day of January neat, at the hour .4
tsetse Willie .1.a.L. nenot,
Sheri" H.de 19.
My rUl oa I, neon, Shend.
PlhenfiN Intim-, I ;oder.. t
ftottolter, 191.6. e36
Insolvent Act 1864.
11111E el:editors of the undorsirned are Igo.
iiNDER, and by •irtue of a Power of
'Cameron. in the town of floderich, in tbe
a find to meet at the law office of M. C.
svt contained in • Mortgage 'wide hy Fres
eminty of Huron, on Monday, the 23rd day of
erick Woodward, of the Toenship of Howick
at ten o'clock in the fore-
cnani.d.he , c olir.net.,y.no 1, Hour .tnheanttlinnprpsovrintceLf Ci"t"h"r in"'
refit the put psis. of rece,•ing etatetnenteuf
Pennell& Woodward of the same OK., hi. hi ,affors Rod ul nmniag an ossignee to thorn
he may make an assigament ooder tile above
wife, (for the purpose of barring her dower)
of the second part, and Edward Douhledu,
senior. of t6 Township of Turnbcrry, in the
County of 1•11Mon and Provirice ut Canada,
aforesaid. Yeoman, of the third part, -de.
fault bnvine been made in the due payment
thereof -will be Fold at the Atusinn Mart cf
Georg* M. 'f ruetnan in the town of Godcrich,
on Tuesday, the seventh day of •Nowearibm,
A. Q., 1865, at twelve of the clock, noon. file
(tittering property, namely Part of lot No.
twenty-seven, in concession A of the said
Township ,cf Ilowick, and which may be
better'knowo and derieribed as village -lot No.
One on the north aide of Newman atreet, i*
the •illage of Wrrizetet, according to a Om
of the some made by Anslrew Bay, Eequire,
Prosincisl Land Purveyor, and registered it»
the Registry office for the county uf Huron.
eDieetord. under Poorer of Bale. - 'retina oil • Sale
may be ascertained by applying to the Suit
'11 months after date, second 'nob. doe 33
Dated at Goderich, in the County Of Heron,
this thlt,day of October A. , 1/465.
w. F.Luorr.
M. C. CA\7:110N,
8 Bettor for Iosolvesdo iwIlld
gITRAY C%...-C•ase Into the premises et
luv the subsen t, lot 3, 6th eon. D,
Colborne. aboutdhat fim uf Septet:lib:Fr 1Mit, a
leer KED 4:44, with • heavy bell, wide
sharp horns -haying no mild). The owner
is requested to prove pruperty, pay charges,
sod toke her away.
Colborne, Oat. 10th, 5. w31 3t°
MOTICE.-I hereby obis all persona
fron. purchasing or etegotisticg three
mow ot 8100.00 each, with interest from
dete daord April Dee 1860. ',Finn note doe
JOHN BELL GORDON, months, rind third note dee 40 wroth' lifter
sw13td Solicitor for -Mortgagee.
•THE.undersigned °Cuero, *ale the follow,n4
• prarmeni, rotuatini 00 the °revel Rued tia
In* lowiship 01 W•witnosh.
Within 11 "Iles of Godefich I
containing 100 aPflta, 60 of which are t•Icarrte.
Oe the prenoseo ibete to • comi Frame limn 30
by 62,a good Frame Hoeft, young orrlinrd-
bearing. A sued ereek menus throvorir the
Oren. Apply to
R11031 MeMAttl,
Lot .3,410 ',I,
Wee mt....1bl ea . teas w i• im
VAI .1
T.OT No.10, Con. 3, Townehip ot Godee ich,
eontaining Eighty sere., beim or less,
sisty of which are clear of 'turners, and under
a loath nate of cultivntion, with • first clue
stone dwelling, frame barn. etahle and out.
shed*, two large orchards hewn.* fruit, sod
never failiog spring meek running through
the property.
die Goolerich Woolen Factory office, Emat
For terms, Ae., apply to the !mime yribe3srif at
n,od.tioi. 131h „et , 14161 5IOS. LOGAN.
Strayed, ,
rROM the fereMkei 01 the sufseriber, Glebe
l' Farm, Heron Rood, about the middle of
August 151, bun Cow. while face, elute
belly. Any pennon ;Owing information lead
ing to her recovery will be suitably reward-
anderich tr., 0e3.6!All4M63R.1 lAnireA3g7.3(
Teacher Wanted.
ACOMPETENT M11111 Trrolfer wanted
fer the cueing year, Soho& Sertion
No. 13, In whom a liberal eatery will be
gig". APPIT717400MAS McINTYRF:37 30.
Trustee, lot No.15, Nth enr.
Stanley, Oct. 610, 1865.
Q 1 RA COW.-reme into the pleats,* ,t)
U the undersigned, lot 3, eon 1 F, Aid,
field, about the 10'th of Sept last, a red yam
star in the tem, top rif one horn broken off
The owner is nomested te prove property,
pay eirpenaim and take her away.
TIMOTHY oturrnt
kabfleld, Oct. 10. 10415. .37 3t•
date. 11 -awn in fayrr of George Church, or
hearer, and migned by John McLean ; as 1
bare received too value for the same.
Calms", Joie 10th. 1805. *et er
.. ._ .
I.TRAY II KAP Elt.-Came into tne premi-
se OPP of the subscriber, lot tin. 71, in the 2nd
con., Tuckersmith, London Road mosey, Oft
or about Om 15th of Novemher Ian, a grey
Heifer, rising 4 years old. The owner ill re-
quireo tn prove property, pay charges end
hike her away.
Tuchersmith, Sept 30th, le65,. 36w3t*o
_ .. . . .
' t_
United Ceentim of lair ',me nt • lent of
Mom end Brace, 1_9 Tirn1111101111.11,06•I•nni
TO Wit : rain Enrols 101 telLielli•
1.01Wd 4011 Of Her moot'. comite Court .405
embed Coyntiot M Huron mol Brom., •nd tn ate
dimmed mrsoniti 115 isad• end tenements of J•tiles
Clark, at the swot 101 k411.41 '111..0.1.44.n, 1 Wive
swirled and holiest in esernsion oil ih• 000,1010
•nd interrs .4; the mid Iktrndsot in •nd In lot
nenther 314 in lhe 10Mti 01 tiodeboh, i• the
momly 01 Hit ..... , witmll 1.11.1e 9.1.1 tenements I
shall idler for 1.1.10 •I MV colt, to I he Court Houma
1. lee town "( Oudertch. on Toowlay, the 19th
day 01Septendwr wit, Itt Iht. Lour of is..1.8 a
the eloehossem.
- Sheol H.& D.
It..11. Pnt,Lterh. Depot, Sherri.
0 ratio (Mee, (t.shett li, i
tuth Atte...4, I mi... 1 WS.
The, above sale is pontponed till 10th
October best. at sante time and plum.
. Period H. $ S.
Sheriff's nate, thetern h, i
Ithlt :Stitt. 1313e. 1 vise
The shone sale 1 further postponed 611
foeldar, ispsim .15. of Oct.,her inst.
Pet A.!. firiiii Shona H. le 111.
---- - ; ----
— :-
THE (Traitor% of the undersigoed Iver)
a Bed to meet al the low Offfee of Mr,
WM', in the 10511 nf Goderich, in the
es tardy of Heron, nn Friday, the tetetiittb
447 Of Oetober, 13165, nt hoar of twelve,
noon, for the wow* of scetving atatemeeie
of hie affeirs, and ef nem*, sn amignee re
whom fie may make an assignment motor the
tbnye Act.
Solicitor tor Inestleoet.
11•553 st Goderinh, this Steel meow* ety
M September, 1044. wad