HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-10-19, Page 2D is
' • : \ v•sta fellow sura tali.nq a . e ...
., C gh LongWorth. Tha parties had got fr'on the 'slat of Juue last. Hr IeR home were ofr Incentad character Tree dralP', Le g it, these Th• mart c ay was maks,, ur woe Ih• sago• •ba bad tau iter wkich er bsig A••a this rear bowed, aid oleo & Oculitl.to
rale •ran r pretty girl, when he met r n•,rain lung sryuaink•J, tot there wan ao promiM about 2 o'cicek iu pnrf ct health, ;;ping in wit+ cut. The back from the small of it tAicg in the evidcatro of Lr. McKay uau "bra w our place. the Cewnl sigw u( ed '*Cui( yrddprnty.- - 'F ;b7
mwa.ttin, rho wit+ aid,. an awed L+r ,rinC ' lh+t • geotluwaD of baa ei riruoe uau Msry Sbiolda, aworn. Knew deceased. Alter three years of wPro" Lied di -ter, -- --- --
of utarrf a on rite art of deft. The the direction of Dungannon. 'That was to the shoulders was literally covered with B•d • con.erruua wait Johoston in Jam w• es ►appy to as tM orraet to Deter
rhe knot mutrrmontrl at short Doric•. He •1 P K nut better up in bis proferum and able last. He said be would banish her i• Ica lima and ship, r o cls fur the talon."
at. lied him, •red astr•1 hurrledir, •Cron •eta CLi:J was rn to March, 1864, At tha the last time she saw hiw slice, .tri s. There\ was a laccntive wound V I'" e11ably de) real itame hate iter til►
tris r knot aur mc•. • lrs,' vaiJ Arather It Ito giro them clearor nridenea rhos he did. than throe weeks. Hu l.uad.hip, who shored a nruur dupo• avoidably dlefemd.
• tiwc of the seduction plff. was 17 years of James McDonogh saw M'Curdy, de- one inch long, I of ao inch wide, about He (Mr M.D ) maintained that this Dr. McLean, sworn. -i am a medical prat• rition to jai• to tba titter &boot ra thruogk the
1 ew'a a ; ooh, a do you welt it dun• 1'- as, nail drR. 22. Verdict $100 damages
I gee, rtgkt arae: was the e.., . r o it law• damages ceaard, in Charley Black's tavern un the four lichee behind the left ear ; also a1 evidence was utterly unreliable, acid could titioser hen. I was at tits post rnorlaw as court while the above was being read, sa. it t Mr MoOsos will ive •
full thou •h hen in the hi hwa • 4' • Uh ra, Sinclair for C, Toms for deft. evenin of the 21st of June last, St small cut on the middle of the forehead ; I cot be weighed fur • ra fter h with that of am"'i"i ase ob body of Mn. Juhusace t emro a him t►at then was • Creat Berl in R P,Aklve
K J tAe stlewrn oomin rgor him. Hn did deceswd. De•Cribed Iba eatenul a penance &ba presentment ansa hardly perturved W ei+mivatlos of hie deaf, dub rod blind
this is me good a place as wy sit sale good , The Queen of vs. John McKinnon.-The brother was with me in the bar -room, u one ao inch and a half Iong ou the rightl K of aha lady. Un opening the skull found a w matters usually cuasdered to be PUPiL in the Court Houss, w Friday
chuick iwlf,' Nell, then, 1 wool a knot not Think it would bra safe W hm; •dog cuosdenble eatrayssruuu of blood un the counecitd with the duties of Grand svioaing, 21st, adwisxio• IOP We hep.
tied io mr horse's tail to keep it nut of for priauner was put upon Lis trial liar IWA, was also the prisoner. My brother, prier' eyebrow ; one an inch long below the u m such evidence. When he said that
pp surfrty sal the Ann; the volas wen turgid Junr+. 'Che auggevnun to rite Cluny Cuao (O a0. • crowded hnuea.
scow,' shouted title wicked wag u be drove ing two ears and three tenths fluor orae once, and McCurdy went out of the tavern right eye ; one vn the IeR elbow two n`Curdyy died from a shock w Lis nervous With blood, aed the texture of the Orsini was cil with regard to the gaol, &c,, were proper
rapidly away• John H. Thompson of this township of about I o'clock to go home. The road inches long, I of iln inch wide ; also nava- sysk'w lie (Mr McD.) felt asliafial he Armer than u found •xceptin habitual drunk enough and would be bud before first busy. MsYouser Alwrrlt Lard.
McGillivray, about I", months ago. The of Wooley and McCurdy lay west ours rd on the head bestde ; on• small one did not kuuw ooh d ha was talking •Lout, •rill. to geld be li Prdop od the ruelown Se h regard ao the ch a wo cit the County
M slue w^re Paid to a fanner in Sat hen, and Le should not have dared w carne uP '"junes .uuld us hkel w produce tar hours Saab it ossa s organa he took .err tial io TM Behr Mertiir owned D] the Mr.n
N n d p p Wwards the North. Deccued and pris above the IeR ear. Internally, there was death D • lea 1 as saus0-d front the wrest it,, cad slihuu4h %Lit Grand Jury might Dutlor and Ww &ymuor of this town,
f ant t•u., ticim wait thrown u on .Mr. Me I I them and throw ma alight was In he inw 7 1>✓D 1' gel i K went ashore near Cape Hurd on Wsds.r
{ { Doer in going houw would have to page Duthutg w eauso death. 1'hn Drain wad aha aKrle'rheu a oleo's Iola caw m ab+ bel addicts to of the brain tbu sAe had baso wash • than the west In Af rad. (Len b•
v=r -- - Ki"mm, uao (.'tile ;ikrhtest la kin • nub addicted to druuke I'lle taro Afar all, rite 4 i'l h fur tnv* " ( day last, and with her ear{p of grain fecal
ry 1 6 over • LriJ;t,, defiud,•J by a panprl. sound ; cid effwiun ; the scull was nut I race. Hsopuuou was &het M.Cunid Jud of Tu Mr. Toon-i'ha ettnvasanon Was throughout title Counq in the err of Stex"
(30DEBICIHa Wat 191 1865, Icor Rc Lave seen fur a Ione liwc. \'car 11'0 ♦ry WLo Wold Dol aha wurC of hyuot, I fracture 1. I should. consider rho enure alis theory that h• q.erks uf,but h• did nut tell chiefly on the surface, which would lewd to roads, nrlwaJ, ac., wen eta eQmplete Chet be Cullin(,•wa d ie Ilkrl] to pilo. a lolal
them when tits nerrow y+um ar,ured, gad tit• eonclmiva that d,rtA .as caused br ti- th.ughl tt d.a Dist m tkle R;'Rnat deal of det(ar wreak. dhn was Pratt] wajl wsured, p
__.._.___ ___ _. _ . ___._- _ _ dict, guilty. Ilobiuwu liar prisoner.' 1 had a kitten in his arms ; McCurdy ►p. of death was by The shuck to the nevous when, in fact. an answer was Jradged out of -
8t1r We issue a day ahead in or ever The criminal burineas, uwin. to Plane cru stn id as though he had some, s stem, fur which there was oda sufficient him, it was directly contrary to the expressed cuemem, low cot always. In her uld I .neee•eu dwn fork , fl W to nuioet r aregird W hear.
to - ,Till t ' for '} hal icing Dae tr `I 1' {, Y eanoot ,in 10: how such injures could d• C*uta Towa tot •; low jean yet.
1 . P keg unaccountable delay' un the purl of the I trouble oa his mint. vitality to repel. I thihk rite amauat of upirwu of some to the moot eminent inflicted without doing bar.. The cuutusioe (Laul; ter.) It was !of mon +mpuruoa I'zllrvrAt.-Tkle Ubbe of the 16tk
Medical moa in Britain. If he had guy ern the rt ht rancid bunt • ared w hay. vu hrrn wad ro t administered, tba ,
crown officer, was nut entered into ubtil, 11tabt. McDonagh. -Saw prisoner and flogging he received way tLa uusn of regard for Ilia pan roputat.un he should i I PFin J P D• 11 the Oo er that "Captain A M Roy of
TYe i rtY \'etilw•ortY Elect- been in0irted r.th came blunt mstru.rnt. ds parucWar logli&y w wkich I!u eurru the Uoderich toluol ser netlike] wmpleay
tl w. Thursday afternoon. Un Friday ulont. dree•ased after dark at Black's tavern, deatG. have taken can before he came there to wen established. la'hu earl •a rilence be
throw btasmsll T 'ce:veto the Ws'"ce tp aatufy ec oold on iso euro. -Jaw pr,---, y W b tM orders of the CommanJy-lo
- . in , however, the time were brow ht u Dungannon, un the 21st June. When' and deceased on'!'uaday, the 8th of .ou, U.,. had kuuwn jurywanlo trawl il huuJrrd MJlrs y
g C P R Crop-xiamined.-This is the tnoond himxl(a w tit• evidence he was about w Chief, it duwiayd Prow the militu, fur
Saw prisoner walking behwd d•ceasnd who to C'uurt uiJ rrmam several weeks without
Tet abortion for this e0ildtiltetey is with range palomptnem. - we IeR to go home then wore only. post mortew& I have held. I looked at give• -any gtotd doctor under the circum• Wes guw/ towards hums. Ile kicked her ; pay As cun.i,Jarable expense bad beet, having made a publio and iwultin ! so-
a n to take of rho ablth •rail The Queen vs John Gillis. -The bceides Mr. Black's famil m brother, nrncce rosld dol have aeglecttd w make Iwica vu lite nLl •t she was o into that incurred in lactating the C000,ty Turn rt •usatwa lwaiaat Cspt Seyix tar aed the
Pea pias Q Pea i Jr J the eWmach, and it appcarod healthy and the proper invnug•tion, in order to satisfy g4 gg g
28th iasts,. and, as it is the oeatre, l'e► tilt, otter, a' lad about 14 Tears of Age, was Wooley, McCurdy tail myself in the full. I could not. say whether there was h,mspif Awl others as u, the cause of drattu 'onitr, ; ahc teak hull of aha alms sal' it, rt l Godt+iek, he fa itJ n would Ira o toed }furors Itiflu Company. It w ulgod
time being, of adilical euitcmerit, it U stiff, ared he kicked Aer in tae lower part sal 'i ,rLdu Is•fure the ch e w ruld M re conaidlei' fDat Capl Roles wrote Ici ac olTlenalw
}, charged with stealing 66:..00 from rate' house. There was no iluur;elisg that 1 ' alcolud in the stomach. I did nut Clam• file whole of this evidence fur the cruwa was rd, slid he would nit anainuad the ury u•
,lot back, aeuJmg Mr roto the Auusa. flew 1 mauler iD lite otwa n, sod &Dat his
haft Daaur:d that wuch intercel ehudlJ br S wurtblena awl unreltrble, because it was Pal- a flatter themselves that tit su, auuu rvu of P'p
JahD J(c('owan, cif the township of Stan- r w, I Joe lirticularl fur alcohol. I underiak fnanl them gmrrehog Dalen &ruts conduct was xubvv vee of militar lir
felt in the moult„ The rempios of the P J pubis that thugcnl:own of hole aperient. IV m. Finy, •Worn. -1 read. in Guderial. be adoptee i it hadfa t ulnar ime r'J 7
ley, on the 16th of iCptember last. ( Susan Ann Hall, sworn. -On the 21st to swear that there was Du appearance of and lea r ading knew nothing about It. Dr. ei lion."
lalueoted Mr. Norman,, whaaa Jath rtro• I Sohn McCowan, sworn. Lives iD Stun- of Jutta last IiveJ a Swift's torero. Saw McCurJ havio died of a lex There 31, McDougall had utterly denied til* statement 6! esu pyuoner and deceased. Tkey lived ou I He t eet a it had ask came time P _ -
den the rigout tura. w Deeeolea wen Y K P^P S had terms, quarnliog, k , but aeon SAW to effect a wprrauan u rite Cuui _
sal hu brother doctor. lir asa l it aas uerf ctly
P Jt I ley, lnowa prisoner, who was hired' with ! McCurdy Cowing from the direction o was a a:iKht effurioo of blood on the brain, well known that m sum• eases wnu d.e of hem eln ie Aur. Wu is the Lola aha• d•• i ilio aid vee thou, io ,t hl Iu a I A%OTutla Ooutitwn Boy LCAV IKo.-
hardl consigned to their last Feeling Witness IeR homo on.the ,Mth of hie ora, lata in the afternoon. Saw hlm ' ceased Jied. Saw blood end • liul heir on Jbl oke as duo . ii rout r toot •r Imo to
1 him. 1 P hich wei ht have been caused by the'ino. apoplexy whew brruu tau Iw,f+cnly kernhy puss 7 g g Oo Tueday evening last w• w.n eked
place ere Mr. Alexander Brown, wish a - I 9 tit« Mvis, tau tit« 11th sit.b 1 &kirk. lot ,ad (lAu •bout a reon,rrl tai tit. Cuunly oar.
December last, Lttw.cn . and ii o'd,r•k. I abort sunduwD in SwiR'o tavern, ltd f oi•dinata assn sal' liquor. Should think - Ur. McKey sand the route • .•: tit ••" J stwt w h• wukld either kiU tar •t rid (Lrudhur) N' nit repiJ w tit ilJmut r to j.iw a qtly u( geotlemaD at as oya•r
' hull• that amounts uude•r the eireumstan• i it hu skill was not of r re,tam C:,1" • , y g
Told him w(o W a threshing„ but ala Lir plying yw?ita with a awmber of mt0' that the eon$titutivLL of dtceased was notlevde,.te was utter) totem•tMe. Tonle •.f her -acid gacuy ay umid si Mre.'speak. jAs it provenven they mduc pro I gas r or gives rt the Hbe, Hotel, and
Pea Mturo fiw 4 that hit trunk Lad been r ! of the stron •rat. I think death was m• l erRac Ur C,wady, uy n abuse ot'demrr the I it be did. H he would ort tau e o ld 4touyd j speak. Ar ioopwrrudut aid alacruun las unci with wore eureri r , far the Ent
res to itiec indrecnry, rushed into the I afaCrwarJp ter ncarl nn 'hour bea,do the • 6 P p" d be dW. Hle Mid ao eowtabts wuad roach ereraed, be shoutht a pruterrtioro•es tie r .6 a 1
field. Me Blown is was out•andout tory, opcued' and the sum rat' 01135 stolen, fur ; varden. He wears in Swift's bar about 10 du by the shock to the neryou, systeml crown waited w chino r verdict of mwder' him. of Crime w+tht lie exisreted. Th lou' +h , 16e,1 vel that Nr. Rupert McKay, il natire e <
but he nodetstands electiontrring factiea; .I o'd Wl with 11'ooley and •number , f I Char skuulJl. respect the eviJaucg of Ur For the defence, Mr. McDermott called Dr. I Ceotlemen ui the Graaf Jur] tar their pruau i F,Uudr h, rear about W lease las f it Inger
which tate prisoner wax arrested on auepl of which the brain is the principal pact. , Crrwiy-his Ludwets were plain, and rhea rue .0 wit budM ds, Ills wr.idla. thea di+ -
well enoneb to sack to his sdJrorr state I Mc Duutril, rho uaitied that hr mrd m P
• Dr. Cassidy, sworo. I feaisted Dr. 6e WAS'&„t c4•rtain ul.on a joint be Was Com' Coroner at the inquest on the body of. deceas- , chsk.;ed them (rum 1arthe, atteu4sice. I l lil, ooh we bdicra, he eutan low
clan. 11 tturPe Idcutfhevl lite men!•y_nnR I others, but acne out s„nh after th:d hcnlr.'
nlrnte w the effect that 'ha is in favor sat' ,;;own as Ptmilar to that stolen from Liva, ; 11 Unita went to Le•d about i 1 ^ clock, but did eoou4h w ear da. Ile, cerauJy, did cut , bnvmew. o •upper uau jtvoD he ro
icKay i^ the post uwrteai eimnluatioo btvk u , Ur. a1eK r'* theory, fur it said that I'l`l' filed .ub,•u•.,ed Drr. Dhrtuluu end ale I t a[xrescxx.
the Coalition, of Cooledcraiiu,q of rile tit rr oP lite >11 lacer bCin mnrkc(L ! was aweL-eued ulau2 Su'cbak b' a child's, i„ ( 1 l eon to a:ace r Isst nto.t•.IDaaexamruau. o.- I fri,,NJs as a m oY esteem, and the pro
K' P j y of t_e bol of Angus McCurdy . , of a the loan sus' A. bare died Gutta the cdowis of . The orntenale,2 cw,victi l Prisoners were
C.ncernmetlt die geurrrll nod` h.nco } h y 7 I , 8 wila,aapsndes! with •lie. Juuuet'all for wor#, ro sat , y LRae.rJl ga paused in a Most pl.arox
I” J 6 J The trunk had been broken. lfsd kno,vn ler in;;, Heard voittes, ^no of whit t she aeon. ,Naw, ha rue:J rd',', wnu the un ileal cul about 2 p. m., on Smnu,da .
a Grund a larga eemtuaion -behind the left erednn' ,-Nv as Would r'arrrd • verdict "( fern frequently saw her inaoxn•eu J. Was P
big et C0di;xiut that rho RI JU. arty not.liu•• n ainrt the bo cxcC at „ rumor' eear•niu, d n t 11'iLlam Wanl.y's, who was', hers I ca!,rd ' w lee fuel oD the dth ed Aq;., orad 1 Tn- Qr,«n va, IV w. N'uotry.- In aha Can•, i mauDC avrow lire s{a•i•cLcs orad soot.
p e J { ^ oar, r l:crcrtod wound four mehaa be 1 1 murder " '1'hcrr rw a IranieJ C••ut,ty At•
eanttot conaisuutl ' o , ,Pe Icor. It w' ,' , [ 's I au, .la• thim•r,'t I c+Win•, ' ti -d J -n sou, will you do it htr w'r rouauto,. atria; uuahln to awe.. r, Ilia L,eJ,hi r laid ❑tc prise•nrr lewd inJa b;.l i f,,llurut after this lis .Prance of lite
1 fa gt ing abs u Li 1 T' ) i the left ear, Lram healthti. The evineno,t wrucy "1 whist hnudr sura tau pi•,r t ,pro ,
somewhat a of ineletd fits the /.railer o r I a: aid "" when the other v rice would t s • can ralyt!on; iu Ucr err of meJlCul eviJrucr I a"d'h i t aM• l td t"kris ail ulurJl a ga lens to tht ju y for r leut,ut sr, d+tt. H. a they'• rm t u ' er Jiaftea a .McKa , Las
1 etcr 1 hl ipso t : uficJ this be knew i wPa sous taufiri!y the erose as that of Ir t of i Iuor. 'rho Tumra from her Dt las uwJ•, hrau;ht rat a sCrilict ,d mwder bas w.ru J 1 P i 1 J
n f LWwa. that w.s Jeii:eJ, A hr did not tee County' it tt,] d „ernit to stand In her Js k: Lace bee kuq wt uedti•,nnbly, Tk« ala . been &,way I okrd upon. he ss a ire
jN,rtutor and other ceni,crvative rapers, tis, the risoner. ou ILth Ike,cub,r lust Le I answer ' nn:' pearl tile: so nd a witu,,.. Frnn al I know the men ' q
p t}aenev: YLv had a,bl firm flat hl,+uau sat 11'„uld n.,l like to mwerr t!,at the Injn s J,d cep Wes Ihd h e should lie wcarce,died In i elev ti yowl; '•Ilow,ie universally feeissod,
Wk so tewdl)' against tLa allegeej ioiquity''was sent with prisoner,,ae v special am• Afu•nenrda hratrl t1'Roley ink rho other. mi;h( ince ailed of {w,J+tr% The wounJx the Inlu-st bill foo Dr. Mei u-aI ,. a n_ I cad P:oluce d••anlh but sh').ld jud,;r tit the• a'. Pr"rinc:al I enitentiary (tar a peiiud tel red wC trust it's future cuter ail Y
of anything like oppoilition. to the caudi,l• \ to a grf n and s o what's here." ('hx 1 ,; the imp.rani loterr.0 no. vui:v, t mp,,n eteb tan ern.
stable; to 10 riot, he (primul.r) having P mu,t Love been inflict J bCfurp tar too rem ax Ile. SLannun, 11 L,.ra or l nC, aril, rc ; esc•sanr dnnkuf; w,d mutt itkrly la in Cr i
ate they delight to honor \„tilt 11'ent• 1 n , • t axes 5Ae Ji«d'un sl a IOw of .t, or I't r d. h:.ry fur aa•nu!tn 4mith caw } kunurtlrlu rod s a b.ful ate_
grated that there war rpti&er bay' quit ,.•only ;In•w,r was r moan heard the nit 1 mdiatvly after depth. xk,.l Awl ieumn: `%•roll have g4,k+ •,trJ "I' 1 , Y
i l funk cele rdib,em sal b:a,d an nuc bull” w de:.a,n, ,1 to rM,r rdrq[s tar l rn a•nurn.
worth u a Itefartu emstitu luev, and Will.. ! of Ll)Wb !i,r, lie thought, half en hour, at ak N'han tC,.o,,v wail eneri,,. TYr "Lute Bwr s liyrnlw
loos in liw mam,V bupiuea, .It r tit' That c6..c,1 tlpacuse lite the'crown. r T • eroded by tht t:''.brt of \.arose to brine : n Joire . R r. m toi A .,e;•-etr•alinr, it sea !I :Ica Www
' liberal elector Vai,h,`ii to mealier them- ! ( there .0 not n foal' a1' hrr,ol er a doi'oor i., sea osY.
I+tf:;t+, tl'tail altllt•`a aaknJ risetuff least. CauLI GPC r.'e What war br111:t dnOPo Df. 'Mt'll nl al!. reC]Iled, CaUlrf not •'•'.,dial fr out l: ie quaiultly sal I"Jil lake'; r'. r..'. ,E &tel, Brett 1:.•n••l t.T. tlt`C, g.l
p:" P ' his h,u•r, +,ill far rad unru_hl up to I+« lrteJ'I.
selves a laughing ,lack to the Prnfincl. aD :y , ,' - I frau iter b•`J-mhos w'Jodnx.' It War iia !ra 1 f :n', tLr nm,y hose Girt 11qu,r Ager orr_ ' uJ tale, tate m n" is is cram a., lj"il.
tf hu w ill;cii it. Ile,; holt t. LDtiw e t it y 3 1 swear p:,eilin iy.to the caodv cf deatlt in a ( Gtr mutJrr al such rriJCuec a, by Fro'' tk 1tr k;, r.uan, ooh , I Y•,me abort same r{u •rule t, ynu'•bo"
r would bare W Jo wuu'.l La in gIlu, : t er It alar , o co ot lite a ,•f .ill i6t. T.. )Ir al •. 1' •.stili,• 'r'.it. ra pa,n,
toy TLc mngi•eratr: w'crn ylr,sr•. Sills an+l. h:ht Jq a ht It wLild aft Ft q Caw, wlt,re a port nlorh"6 eximlrlahun epeasm; sat! It Nae ,ju•y went daty!r l ell:,` , I). rwolt-she w, •ht haren•echrd ter 16a,ws i4 •.ai t , rw +J sal I,,; cavi; t,r,e u.,J ,,I the buruin, of Sl r. Thar• • :1:new'a bars i•
\ Mr. Alex. Brown W " in rri'G•;ed t. , •s:. he .J.J n •t cuwnIli' tae crime as r t ,e
it 1 i liib,on, I wain PWerll •III a8 apte1:J acral• C'rin'1:1 `Cd Lllen an'1 IIOR thY{ &110 fn;ee f Ltd 4t^ppe,l s'iurL of an CiaminatlUn Of : a •n,nal 1 i:r he dl,uufd Lr J s¢b+r.•tJ girt ,,:r "+' lilt hand t't urn toils, • N'hrn dor r',w c:^ D•reMr., .•int r wined I,Y ,i I,urdah p .,e-N'.ewailor b. Jtnte rh,n al Junn Iilackbura,
tion. 1'hadctorat,1'laetcn•tarrtdylr. PtaLleW Wi:L xipmirWGee !o'Leek Phe heard was alar of1Calr Sita do-! i v • 1 IJ•:;n „n.feta)t,eena•JL1..ie,.,utttw:v•,.. tu'r,•au.J iato.,nJ,sae d the GlutIlosrector of theLfeaerlas ver
g ! y J lac stow tell wad J.atvnlentl. ,I Dark loo Las tamiir. tout Jent that h+ w.ai'd' I 6ce Comgny
I Ur. Jya:.nau, 'saori.-1'w k part m /sir (yuJ ..qmd. " W, a that i1w t by xkrJ •d I
Mel'ilerron st the last clrction for the' for one John N'it.", his aIle ,d sec::las- 1 ceased 1%in;, do -td in the earner of the' Dr. Slatnaon„xwoni.” 1 h Yrd the etr•,!'lot k, - t,o +oilier 4c tae anent he d d I ,,;,,t +aurum ex.smy.atwn. Sbto:J sit there : d:mJ anh 1 , :e rd he wo whir•. ,is.,I Of Torras.. in w„ ch office r. Agnew bad
I.c; i,latice Councii, and aha Ler<f.is g 1 ands such or.f.atunnte a eunrttutate* 1l t jj been Insured..rudwl aha of the fir•,
rlier. Not fiinding Lien, witn,_•s wld ria. fence At 9 udInak ucS morning. Th, i.oduutances'uf this wad ra<,rtrrt ci balani aux ;r.no li" Ausevell uu:11 e•a of Ir:.•.1'Un the Ire,•" tni,ruwi the 4 l ra wnu bra raid
i e P r / caaf,aaiwt :,h ti ,1 An. t,,n ut.J a• a wh.,'e or yurf..e. et' aha brava. .Ile thouahl ,f c.wa•d ds, Lamed: b I and ieNitnyi w taquiry inti, 1ht clatter. It
\thank• was the assertion that laiber.Jisni are three trees on the road neo ilia- ap)t I
otter he Wax Ivifl; aed Le thousht it tion llu•l,I tis, and I coul•l not swear as to n. t al. if he coniet?d til t in his eye, .glen
by twleu, a Jeuth wun.J be aftatost D,atal,tr- H Dile J•:hnsfen.-11:, L,nlsLip 4,' Jahn• sup deal ascerlsined that the 6 was Ike
i that County was dead and buried ! where the body was R`und, znJ bid I w,s , Iver wad ,fhc Cewc sat peter MrCnrJy.r d,a&h, I J
9 ! would be herrn to till wLcrc tLa mons )^' want was tow cruse of Saalh raider rite a ata. In hu op.cii•,n ilia exanacrxauan stun br too rale un, r +qrt uD a nano W s..
Y .e a,." sold t!,at Ills was drunk and eL l m.t j 3 a( ■aria of •n inewl:dwrr.. Mr, acklwrn,
tau cold Jl I Jn-Nurill 1VCnt,worb, werC found on lite road a icer dow0 fnrw the .soled nut li.w• ir•tn c.us•sJ br r bow en•n rd„ontjmr, r,a,baL't rrn,in: ht.., to b.• ere+aA,ewed criawmmate tart old akill'.0 glia
ora, P eircnmstwoe,. ( 1; ten 1 t , kri the nye Pt r!l. If I r •., 1
t •sire lauua brfi rr: fled ",tic !ed v •crud,•d , h.w hr a ted in orae•=, tu,J h+w br cats' al R
the fcrmcn to iegtrei the ptbfemance ` I'. tavern. C,unthnL 1'ac 7: mnnJ, stYurn. I have t,,'1 :i•L,at, w.,ulJ he n.,t h.v, dad int (,” Sr,. Wa'u aha esu. 1VLda he Was worth n Js
! Ilia Ledship; a. this point sfi.ppe 1 I +. fill" tar four ears. t w s uia a:o• in , hbcrt W leave the C.cr
Of • n duty. ylr. Brown, su{•{nrta 11'tti. ?Is..oacb. Pworn, I lave near \ a I ,rr 1, lvr'.•,!x. d hi n ;, t'n br alt tie t+ t,"! r z!cat•J G,r veer ,alar 4, har ,L a: h.- y Jural:U the lawresta of ai,n Crulsn , , as
o tlx naur.•sTof .,arse, and iso eontcaclon tt' LDuwn . }r 11 tai,•y sinx t le year 1-3u. i:t the et a. c, 1 , t!c oa ha int , t c I • : t 6 •, f \ i T
the Coati 'on anJ"Cuofederstiun, 40c•ed ! b Dun_rnnun. leas calla!' a:l on the 21na'" TtAVtR,
I i 't \ ,„said uD/urn Au{ kiudneea alum bet yr be came ti,nr, ser
lle livel five . ears *ilia trill and never ,6111 thus tone to tint• J„J tiler ,.•ipAls..c•• o t d \ reed 'tibio( that r.
made Lj rile b y wit+ allowed to be put iu Y 1 o,,.ha.d. The f r;luwin,l cas•I acro v(sverad to the
Why the arcs& tare in 1oIF(icat must' June I st W xee the b dr of a tnunlen`J as wejdeut 7 Rut h. did ncr,hrr; all L • I veer should 4e fiir,y eumpon"tp,l for
as'eridente. The Jury held_ so directed, I i knew hiw to act wron . l..t. item tit„ rRet of adronkeu m:"c 1, m.kr W,v taint ad•Jte4w•d Ay Mr. McDermalt ? east CONK of Quarter 3eaevoas low. Mr. Blackbusds eoDJuct is rive witch
know that it Lots been fa.hinnabk for i returned a verdict of not uilty, and Itis' °ran. (in going up I di.J not at Cut , James Dickson, 11. 1r. 1'. I bar, i Ait c.,:a uni•m a ham,•. to cgs a of masn;ev '`''^ Ilukr:ed by the learned J Waite, the , - ! peter M,Ilroy.-R.pe. \\ affa! was 'udieiow •ad nll,n•s
year• 6'cl' l.,r c otrvativc caadlelaftxr to' Lordshi n after •ivin5 the bo a, ood rani} raise the Daly. It was naked, with' knolls the prisoner eines 1939. J t first! itien s.Mrnimrt wuni! lr':a a+:our nail As1n I k vs Jxt ul'la' NJta^u It Moose ntwrsad with I Dd. Bun.y • rI prwuce-Re c6 wunut prop facbfrl w IM Com ilad lIe
borrow plunks I'ro the )tcform platform, p' 6 y the est -ppm of the boots, frowsers and tiwe LC was 14 ears of, and 1-nown' alter away .inn it for • rL,'.e day, and be a f `usual. \ Pa^7 ttea.r
talking to, discharged hiw. J wt I I IV m. Rushy, Jno: Ent+orad .awl F'. mitn, r W !!fie inwnd. The amount of4apr•aee
and if it was a brilli t idea fur m sa it aha wri,t•b mils of o Phirt, and c,vrred thou •tis' drunkenn a, GC,jueQt:y manifast -PtttataTdtvT oV-GI AND JCRT.
p i as a smart• steady boy. 1'ntil he, left. ,t+t?f in'aairn,'»r G611WOn. . Pethal • Worsley, 1 pravnetneat mad.! sail Ik"ch rrrnut ' ed. P sad W air, Agnew .*a 81 Ion,
ani to declare that he could cot be averse l Thu Qotxo cele 1'etcr McIlmy -Aspull kith blood from a great number of wounds f The fu!Iuwir:R rexnnuent ..P (3nrld Ser John UaA Ier.tAnuu.' _ - _
with Jifeit to commit murder. TLe 1 E;;moodville he was known as a quiet, i hitvm: struck the ..m once or Mice, worked P y 1 R
W P.r b • } u ., ooh should rt its bad all ovar the boil : Took the bad into ' , , • I Lim+rNinto aucb s sten of excrtemrnt this wag then rad by Mg. Johnston Y I The h:arned jw.tge aipairted fur vroio, . AtxrD914T KtA1t WALKLaTOY.-An
a) r Y J Y o tally roan.
policy just now for a gentlemen of the same I prisoner was put on trial on ,three counts, I Blgck's tavcro, nail on going back, fouoJ Alex. Broadfoot, sworn. testified to t6o i d Thad not Itbe was tewtmdtn the crate e nit I '' Tree Grand Junin fur our l,Ady rile I S+Wrday atteruoon, tho Irisnu,n Action ipaident Occurred, a few drys since in the
scam to declare for C federation, ,LR. if for asadlting one James Swith on the 1 a col of blood about twelve aces from I T Queen &poo abbe lento present that tit«r ata,@ caowrneio_uD tan folly+sag N.ndsy. 'P`
P 4o r 1 P enerhl }rood character of prisoner during i take ,bis wieu• of it•'and if the jury wet! led ! diliJrntlr inquired into ell mtnere IaiJ be. i vicinity of WrlkeneR, by which Mr. W.
be can thCtcbl d JPgsin a f •w 4tur. i loth of Oct., 19ti•i, in the township of! the tavern. , The icxt trace of blood WAs's ' t,.Joubt u to tax pr,prely sat returu,nt s, fvn them by the i own Prwnc.wr, u) Wham f Ila,, 'm lost himand. He was en¢a ed im
of g hi: 30 yeari knowledgre ofhim. K
Wawanosh. James Smith, sworn. die-! 1 harsh cenhia, hr A ,psd9ud treated ghat air,( rite J u+w, ere ut,drr masa otnuruons for the ; 4;ood AeM • Iwderd. f dm ,a thre,hln outline et J„hwtsrD'•
votes P The ltetbrmen of Nvith Went- R , o)apoait a liulc further Junn, and further George Sproat testified to the grind efnu',t would, a-t•and"t br'the ¢anise t t' ) K
worth, Ica doubt, arc farorebin to Coitud.I tides is the. lvwoaLip of 11 Wawanosh, rc- still rile marks of u afro Ir. 11'e found drlceal d as.:.lr,ace he ern 1rn•J them. Tkr ; — Curnera, .wnr•D lou arta carr caught by n
character of Wooley since the year 1844. British law, lard them to lean to tit side of jurors were gttrt y aasiated to the dischosrgi I Ae an informed that the mail. by the nail Wrn off .11nut rite elbow.
&•ration, and they accept the• Coalition as' member, a aaL at the widow IInyJ'm in I a uomher of beech hiwbe, some of which I (;alar;e Rumball eworo that ha had? the acceded. I sal tArir duties Dy this lasu,J a d ilble` Clirrge B'lgirn broutht ort las a orlon lar }'a •
an impn,nment' up ,u the former Aoi :alae Wwnship in Oewber, 1864 ; prisamer aero twiettd usd covered with hair. On I , alfa,'the Crown oRtler had ,pollen al Keeut de iv.nJ o• them by His L,odehip the Jolgs, ,ima osis an•d berity, at price+ mads sat.sl••e , SCUDLs De.tnt Lr
known pawner for le fear at a rILLDa, i lent_Th in Ans,r•:r W worn o(Ih. arm menu of'II, ashicb the law on each coo was droit carr• tote have a„t,c,d-vi,rat race, l shot.. Cftawa.-An
poll„i, but they tLiwk very properly &bat aP prerenq •n1 asked him for ••chew of the Suuth.Pidc of the road further down steady man, tot addicted :o 'drink as Lr I tit! learned coun.al fur the prisoner, His upon slid p:rmly pointed out. 16• Jururt mita• of +rats W I.iverpoa, and re an re• enque,t wax h; Id in the township of Cal•
it would be bt,tter to commit their intenda i tobacco• Iie laid his arm around his 1 wen rite works of a struggle cud picceil as ba hid soon. $elieved that hg' had Lordrhip aumMrd up the eo(d«race I regret W observe that they found tit! .!oiCed to see roar the l ugh•b rsrrbt u u as rose, last week, over the Frady of Mrs.
t0 Jlr. ylc)Ioais, who In addition to (witness) shoulder is tits dterioon whco ! tremt Cate, telfinz the jury it was their duty chortles on the circular @critics and ' rvmd..Me for our cogw gram. The wo.st
of clothing lying about. That was about I sn rted some of his friends. I to -find the nsoner guilt of murder or wage' 1(n,m teeRDro arias of Rrcl raCJt Wen t6s. Cotton, who was suddenly takes sick aid
pP^ P k 1 many, but they are at the same d f 1 r _
icing the Government of the da ,A the plc sup nearly overland so,Aid, ” JamePo a rnRI' from where the boJ was faurrl. ! Slaughter, tar acquit him alti.ether. lime im re•sed with the o inion that akeu Anneal. Maisel* tuuld only b. reach died after taking tee etM hbor's hoose•
g a y I WAot to a ak to ou :” &akin•• Lim to I J ( 11'm. Caeslty, havo been acquainted I After a ihort absence the Jur returned I p r ad D •lot h duty, the rice for coast rains A verdict was rendered W the effect that
general support, is likely to remember the pe y ^ I tV here the body lay there were no naiarks `with prisoner .fur .29 years, We were' with r verdict of i1 Zuilty at' mat.uaughter. , •stent tut thallic f L w Iced u Coo tip g •re woo d make &hear culurau.,n unprofitable, •he died from a roptnn cf the gullet
inttrctts of the art from whose ranks kit i the rear of a stable. Can't recollect ofstrut gin We found a euat hat gad
r y ti K• r brow;ht up together and never knew The Coun Boom throu;thout the trial was taken into evnai•lrrsaien, rr comparvJ wnA •r.d every sen tow eunwyurutes, rapttJrlly W _ _
is selected. We believe &bey are perfectly I whether prisoner ,p,ke to him or not, as I portions of a fianned shirt all tont to pieces anything but what was creditable with I densely crowded by a throng of deeply ante I other counties, tit,• crone u oat au rest tar I •o'wer Canada, would. acerae. Che pnnpnct _
d MAMMOTH YRAt.- We been been
right in eppoping a man wlwse prineipl he wan inPantly stunned by a blow and and covered with blood. A plan of I)uo- I rested spevtat^n senna u in rile ma)w ray of tba jwitcial J•s ' t a Europ.an Jtmand, Auwavrr, d,aslpaave
regard to him. Tile countenance of William IVoJIev,Whleh ibis tree. It is «aid that .hde Dia^hts can shown a ear taken from the orchard of
knew nothing afterwards for aevsal Lour_. I tried of l'audm. 'l is Jaron think abet east P i
siroatdk truer tLrth wlasll allow o tdhiWc find Dr. Tamlyn to attend In him. ills fan 1 Charles Black sworn. Live in Dun- JD r. ylcllcrmott, in opentciR hu speech i wht a ill ju y ware &del bar an deared up u eb w ttT'mts wore tatrth.ta el• tlstwrerul Ix allSs.n wM to (ruN.141”, fu 1 era& U•n. Linan, Esq., Clerk of the I'eaee,
Y J g • lip war cut to the b,onc in three places ; I on behalf of the prisoner, •Yid -it bpd been ( when the verdict sus reed like a gleam of of the cases that came before them, iutoxiciet. I per th (.11e per bwhe.) lar cats, and ate stud which u the largen, epecewen of sough
short of a defeat at taw polls 1141 deinve gann,n ; keep hotel there. Examined ia drink• .ere the muvin cause of the Vs P ) 1
had a cut sbgve one eye ; also a severe hated by xome pereui that society sup a eundhine •iters .norm. He senores to con • 6r1t cent r OC r Dwhel fur Mne . ('reit we Dave evBr laid eyes news
them of a Pound rcfunw repremmtaliVe. I the ground where the murder wag tram• s kr arse pros'vect of even Penitentiary for crime. 7 he Jurvrs bare also noticed W6h' Thew rates yielI a good rewru W Induce.•, weighs I Ib. 9 a., and measures is eir\
cut on the side of the nope. chain of obligations, and its links must
-- -- I mitted, with %lr. Mallough found some and ts torrid y preferable to abs gallows I regret thit in came degree ibis evil of inum• I and if a continuum warket can be found, our
sp rt soh other. The wen dl mem• cod iu bored concomitants. nm:• has been extruded to the Coust American couutu will riud ae can du without Cumlcrenee, tM loogp,t wit], 15 inchasa
!'ALL AlRla1LEl. Cress enmioed.-it was cot •l •' the rod@ iMeitioied. Drew the •fres• Ply J 1 y
— tavern. People from the hnuse could sea ben ofsoeitty, and one of the obligations t Tec case or WILLIAM toiixsToa. I cal. The matter uau brouebt to light b • than. 'thus day alter Jay makes the Dully a.r and 13i inches around the oentre The
tion of Mr. Mrllough W a brick, which complaint lodged against the Turnkey ; Vt of tit• Reciprocity repeal assume ter tutmid
The Civil business transacted althou h, the affair. A few week, before the assault vesting upon them as such was the nems-' This ease was entered into the first (ping I . able r, naup, pea• is cf the Duchess D'Aogowkmle
R had Dluod of it. Jt wax about three rt Cies the Jurun gree pleasure W @tate &bat' P 1rti
of course, important to the parties im- prioomer tried to rluarrel with him, bol he I sity of submitting to personal sacrifice. I ^n Sauod,y monnng cite cede fur tM Crown to Raiment the matter was brought w A@r 1V• sou b fast aeamrr'd saws that of • I nnety.
paeou frem when the first ,blood wag being opened by the County Attorney. The I oro is 1b tuited 6i+
mediately coecerned, is almost totally and Barnard M CPbe r:tcific,l him Wit• An occasion had •rider that day calling rid„rase aloud cAuged with tA• murder of the nutiee of our venerable and sincerely n• W iddgm, Dau wdbonwt -- -.
found. The limbs we handed W P spotted Higheherif a remedy was applied' aretl.isyearthesburest. Tbeatar..gs),wid MULLETTCOI'NCiL.
devoid of public interest. The following nese didn't think It- was very yaarrcl9,we, npon them,•as jurymen, in the sight of his wife Charlotte Johnston on lb. IOth day which We eta will hero • sal .Beet in I, of oats is 48 bush-ls W the sc..-tbts)ear it u —
the doctor. I do rant remember seeing Pe s re
care wen diPpooed of and had not been in many' DghL, as 'hair on the brick. The +tides o!' r' 1 and man, W fu181 one of the mat of An=a t tat
prooentiog title hke rgalu. M reCirdd tole .+hmaled et J4, tar • law all t Lmeel• i of .luturt Isl, lAflS.
y p Mary Hedger, sworn -1 knew rho lab Ifo bale the aneraw u /U btuM•u-also
Clark rale ScanLan, ejectment. Verdict Duncan Mchannnock, wsfifieJ that the I limb ova praJueed are those which were onerous and solemn dabs that moat+l, Ju:.nton. On the 8th day of Ausrost last, iic lsrly oeatki d nrderlwaod &A• prsoot u coli 3Y bust els, tar • t w of d br•jets to Y~ting of Cooncil this day, all tile• r•y
\fur plff. Damages le. Sinclair for plff. sale. was got over when he saw }Ici1roy cot from rite retold, tram which &homo man can lie required to disekay a in thin txin¢ called on a h,teafter 7 o'clock 1 wash I ere judeciuuviv cl."ified, its epl,earanc” tit au,e. In Stark Ione, London, the gleans• ba. being prea lt. 'fM misuty of fornler
McCay rm, Millar, ejectment. 1 caller and Smith standing Lr(iad oke shed. )icing I world of doubt and error wbero every ed a uhotbed M,v Johnston, std sent for Dr 1 spoke well for the fitness of Mr Campaine tis• l'os's o' oats •wird from 22i w 24s iJ fur tin4 wen read and confirmed.
f tend no the round were taken. Un {ail. Her husband was r rat 1 I •
K D vee the office of chief adder. The Jurors n 31U fDa ucardi+.d to r ur;.ny, t arse 32s to 1. adored h] Mr. aloe iln, weond•d Mr.
!tar piffle Sinclair for piffle suxlicious of tone thing wrong, he nail' tune^ found on the ground there was bland effort In armee at troth Dut e.rocd to show lhouth she would sleep the rickrier off i 1 greased to notice that there wen four lunatics -ids fur til same qurntitr for mrltwgy pulp* Wanver, That MJIu I.A.don receive SIM Dom
Trust & Ioan Co. vs. H. McMath, several others went over W the dwellin 1 our own weakilms and imperfection, and thought she hold been taking liquor, but that coo6tied in the Cecil, a moat im roper place ties• The orders that have hrrn receiv,d I” .a1 throe dollars, heirs for @airs •er•teas as
R and hair. It is half a mile from my too the Dncter's assidtan a she would recover. , ' 1 R
ejectment. Verdict for PIE Sinclair Nr house where they could ace what wits teach us at times how unsubstantial in for such unfortunate indiridua trent alrntrerl have been in ,he vicinit of Its fur
tavern t^ the ricer. t4hen the Dr camp hs could rant Cet her to that immediate steps may be tubo to plot, a's's "ed 34s for holey, wvaadnig too of Wtbeasur.-Cilrri.d.
PIE going on ; they saw the' prisoner and I Dr. McDougall, Coroner, sworn. The reality are the foundations of our most take •nythind. 1 remained with her until them where (hear gases sn be, proppesrly'at• fre'dht acid insurance. An obliging IraDd 'J. Muvled by Mr. Wilmer, seconded by
Trust and Loan Co. vs. Clark, eject• Smith Pleading talking, when ylcllrny cherished convictions. This was the she deed wbich was next morning• tended to. 1Glatirs to tM new addition to nae furnished w ritD r celw:enuu of rt at 1f r. Morga,, That i{ugh F'naer br paid
moot. verdict for ff. Sinclair fr Iff. knocked rite Intter down, ldciud him b prasnncr was beforo me at the tiw. of the teaehin of all hiaWr ,and we were inevit- 70 Mr Mclkrtsott-I bad been scgaaint►d the yard of tha i wt, we ban otlyrred Ihot M,tb dn.w aro worn a this ray. t20 blonds hoe mo a noted ta .aed 4,
P y investigation. He wax anxious to make ■bl] led to the a)nclusinn, however Jilt. wink her for S ver 6 yen. 3M was troy thea aside fence is insufficient, sod that the Urders here fur oats, for 320 flo est y C
Canada 1 ea B. S. rale Hart & Elison Ute hair, struck sclrrnl blows m the face ( mnch soldiered a liqunr. [Inv. seen her f ll fasteran rovided for one of the door* - frri ht rod insurwnte ....... , les '” I»64. -Curled.
a oonferirm. i gave him the usual warn- sad receive marksasbad as thn,e which wen a 'P• R 3.. Moved by al r. Warnes, ssconred A Mr.
ejectment. Verdict for PIN. C. Robanw,n with hi. fait rand then• still h Jding his Kenllr sur mi ht search after Truth, that from tit. gal a this yard is vert properly Ufffre.gbt at,qual to Ss 1u64.OIA. b 4•I is
Stanley n. Cantelion. Verdict for IR brad u L Um hair, kicked Lim iD the I ing' bat h! still insisted, and D mduccd I we were in point of fact but gropim4 in span her wA u she died. S•w her desk on secured. Tho Jaron terve /toted rite Crn Ulf indoor. late m the season, 3 p o 8d 4s tVwwick. 'Thilt the following arsa,nu b
J P P Y his statement M writing. The prisoner t_e 2nd of Shan _ tril +School of 1=1rich• dad we -e much — Paid, via. Join" Rr orlon, 812 15, John
b)' consent ta4 36.011. 1.. ('. ?lucre lend face. They tocol over to take ?Irilroy a y r the dim (will;Cit, brad however much we rixon and hie wit lideCewixed. I xet axw Ixr Lend with the w,l of the teachers an I the Or 83.37 at y r cent eacMnge 14s ('.,ter 819 70 SIr• Whiuludd 01.40, to be
i moil it in m rt,rniA The ennfew/ivn p fe
Jno. Davison fir pill. -,4f, wh,n he was shop{w•J by onC '[Acorns mi;ht accumulate evidenea, pro6,sbili(y P proficiency and respectable appearance o1 If 320 Ib4 brio s 83.37 •
of the prisoner. was here read, as follows : alive on Tue,doy Ath August last. She was the scholars. The teacker, Mr Cameron, • g r bwliel of 32 en r{ed to ward 4, aha 8. G. Plamm•r
Cameron rm. Gunn, ejectment. Verdict lio)io, who draw an axe and said hr would ; was the utmost• at tirues, that we could e,omin to Me Murra s. She remained P bs ritl axle . • • • •' • • • • • • • • • • • 331' 815 92, R. (iu•ia sIM.So• J. Crotur 812,
JIy name ie William Worley. [ am a ; T std u, take a ride iu hu' roteasion which
fur elft. Too1P eC )l,.rc fir piffle epht the brat man who ehouid gra to framer. I do int reonllect IeavI the arrive at. il' he was true, in pyiig that ; •recut 5 minutes, wile followed by bar be•. we wuu'd gladlyVy other te•chen al one. Tavii take oil arerctmnls' commir,od of 4 A. M, Conrxll 69.00, L. Butt 81 03, H. Bill
F. Martin ,a. McCharles, ejectment. if it was rile ac ,chin of all hierorT, of tlY bend; lAey came cot Wgather, and hnaA riot y per crave., tar }• ter 32 thirty aro sad nue•
`ImitL's aapntance. The affair occupied two MoDono;h's. I reoollect after start• exprncnce, and of all• observation -with I hmne. Just as they cam. out of Murny's wc,radllu mtriacbr of youth nTbesCeade- thiel end icer fur 32 lis t. o, k. 14.07, 4r be chuged to ward S ; slao J.
Verdict for deft. 'Toms fur plff. I only a minute or ao. h1fillroy struck tn; away from the barroom meminq Mr. what an awful sense of "pnnxibility prisoner gay« d -ceased a kick, `dF truck Mr rig', School, in •eery r _ pact, Is ggreatly in AC'iw µrrirley order st 34le fa 480 7ra,n ear 610.6A, J. CrcaAia 1)12.20, J.
Daniel vs. Brown. Plaintiff In and kicked with all hi t force, which woo ahnuld w it a roach a nnmbrr nl' facie, "'the Rack with Airahnl flet. ^' I d tits o,wn+hi aehovls, sed it y :14. rloockte !16.00, .I a1cN,chal t813.A0, +rad C.
PaY I McCirily. I wanted him W gn home. J y PP her xyerel timed. The diet+race (, p
ta of pit io witnesses, residue of creat, be bein a lar werful moo. connected with nnotiveso that could not be lit, ' g Uff fright.......:..............ba drr•el « t to wit d I ;
d t,town hip sc ai that these bmalo, Control Ul iislira*ce, 3 per cent.......... 1@ h 1 81.00, u. he hag rA
Pa R R Ke Po with me and he Plaid hr would not 11I' ray's to Jnhnetoni h)we is niarun the Ien,ftA m wooed!" xhams ahnuld make an if ,,to C. Iho.eon 819 00, C. Coopwr 83.f10,
defendants costa to abide event in actor. To Me Sinclair- we overt roh,Sitw) seen without reaching the nmrwtt r cesses of two town logo : when drevaeed tarhed fort w ruse them to • hi her scale, be I i
P homo I triad to &tet him homy ; he (if the human heart. 11, did not offer t O ata exchars a 86.74....,.. 2 1. al.!vOle dor 33, J. Buckle 84.40, to be
dance with Judge's order signed. lion from following, but were prevented by the sometimes fell cad dro red me drawn with home, she teak Aord of the aides ..f aha driver Cause the education of our ch,IJtn ohould I
K, Chase remarks beeauPle he thought the +nd dnzged h•roel f in as if she had been ilia be m,farded by al l as of for utmost mi;ivrion r Ur 67;ergo plea, bwhd of ae f*..- Tn n •aro ,d to ward 3 ; .Ise A. OArdiner 820,
for pilf,'A. Shaw for deft. i }Myles and others, who said they ►ere hili, I reg,,,,,, getting, the Pwitchc, and Lfutlemen of the jury were not imprtwr:d sa,led by s kick he rave her in flip tbi,(F.- for the future! welfare "f our cuu,ruy. The li•rw.. _ 1. Manson 85.00, P. 9e.elan 86.00, J.
McPhee t Wilson -Thi, wit, an a fon i not to intcrfcre. They thea went Dace to bcritin,j dcee:ItcJ. s I kicke 1 him. i be• with a "Proper Pense of respaasiliility, bot I"'7 r •w't Anthr inmmneratp. .FfA•e clan' Jur,ns algia •:anted the County Oran rl"' TR► advertisempnu 'n le•a,on, 89.00, J. Gautier 820.00, R. Brows,
bmnght tolret ct dsuu es int rase mat r' the Louses Smith wax x. drunk he did lieve myself the sweat of hit death. i heft in nrdtr ,hat that r xpnnsibility roiKhl I ld nite her with Aii flet anhard asehe con d De SeAonl. 'f hp wnu n'•ate of pupil wasg,er4y of tLa Lutd,ea Timesl exceed t1.,',o0.a 1 be Ire 823 00 read R. Brownlee 81.60, to be
^f a delivery of a fat at r it! s :at the 0 I neat know what he wee doing. J not be for a tumn^Mioest slfhtof. It was `twrrn tAp snowh eras below what the Jurors expected to re, (wt a a,ini si sdvert,nlg blue of urn L,not, n Arar Aer. "f u+ war,& 2• -Car led.
life Ju him and he told me he would not their dun to decide this tilde u n the r I is to he regretted that this school u not in
cricit burhoi, w be used far raflin urs John Mainprize, sworn, cormherated Y p° n said W amount u, 8200,000; slid u., et 4. )loved by Mr. Wagner, secoeded by
P P fi0 hngne. 1 Rist xtrock Dim with a piece evidence brought befre them, sail u) T^ yeas Trams. -Rase known d•`cea,•d Rre • mn a crntrst utuanon, wbero a gt• • r lb'rs ale cit.ntn,ned who eah aunualiy es- 1L. N'.rws'k, rhrt mnti•,o Nn. 4, March 1st,
erases. 'The care, W Lidh oral}' invoirtd w 1 t e eridcial of last wituep io . gooey I •ran. Could .ant say t'vt tit! marks 1 +Perk , nsmArr of the remit of our Conntcy could take
r r s ., n W icular, of Dlard about the hip+. I xnppnw tht divrat their minds of ell ides• that might I of weer produced by erohn.arrt. &lave known 1 advanta,ce tl the, raha,blc inrtructiona tan. pen 1 h r rite Puri owe >f50,000. laic .•xlrta.. ,ve nasi mdtd, goad the 1 ,easurer hetafur lay
diffcrence betwt n the pard f me 61 , e learned 'oleo clue Iarlre wounds were the effceta of the kicks have taco f^rniA previous to entering the (her to M! addicted nn liquor for the last to i parle,l by Mr. HrIAa1ve. Tna Jurun iia for !.I,rIllywp the eight ed.t o, rat to. the ,@rallied urduw u1 1ao, Cusue.tfon of the
or F':0, was a c ry teliuux nuc, talin u h 1 ^ ed J 'tit! u box. 1[e tntlievcd one ver two local vnnnths. ?irver a tel, n ) {say Bntanutco,' U slid to h•vr snow w•rda far work June. -Carred.
K r I ' I I gave him. ile Arai a quiet man. I 1 e jed liquor with Mrs.' pained to Atar that much dlaauGacuon pre• fro,,,, r1.i,INO.- It is ileo mss-,t,d in.n 810, . 5 aloy,d by Mr. )dorgan, a.eondc,l by
y )very agaunst thv prietnier on rite• third had un r ite against leiro. I ihare knowb 1'a "'rPl hod r:prrsad opinions with oro I Johnston forvegetaNls. I sada ahroughuat the Couotia rojardin rile y ar •re exleade•d in Gn4lotnd sat,a,,. .4r. 1V../Wer That an additional rant of
nasal] tit« whole Jr for (rid. Verdict' U00 r .
a S• , ! count, th t of Jntaut W do grievous bralJh p r .aed to thio subjr ct, rite direuLltion of Ynrnh 11,na11r, mw irn.-\Vas err omintid l administreuon of Justice 1n the County sod t R
for !ff. 15.00. incrair fur iE.., l.' I In IST4 icoties nothinx,is more condp:aue,. fo.dA dollars De made to e•cA wird, tot
P P deerase J for abut Ian years, and, never which, in the int, rat of the risnt;er, he, with deceased. Trp flee aArrot Ove mt!ry in (Avwion Courts, end aha Jurors holve flu.& In lode cities nuthu,; la mon columun tAan. mads nn•1 bridge•. -Parried
f I injoty / iat,guilty ma Qu 3rd counti I r
I{abinaou or del'&. some cep, mry he taken to raise tnsm m
11'DermMt • 5iadsir fur ri cele mut Lion away firm home. i was drink• helped was very limited and eumparotively aha ronntn. ' Thry did rant Iles ani gnml i dnhc eslimuian. '1'hn Jumn would alio ao sva lu,{e bwuli ss euai,,;.larseaa, whit h 6. Moved toy Mr. N^r;wn, srcnnr{ed by
Carter isle Ryan, defended issue. Ver P "O?
' ing shat day. I uknowle,l;re (hit i Leat humlesm, He had nn dcairC.fn appeal Uo h B shell, i l`im^nnn. ^ leho weep• oxel ( i°C to caprett iu opinion abet the lace e.,em Whew An uwuctsn rt:rnmr,(e of sal Warwick, 'l hat a1M nese too iauaucud to
dict for ,1ff. Cameron fur ,IR. Toms for I The (ween'Yw, Andrew Berr ,arson. ! I the re ndims sat' the arv, but he would P t t dig aanap.tiwrs, by u.. rra:th, ex .mento .lad nr,titr No . Y. ItA erom to enastra,t a ditch
I i , J and kicked hoof. I took the bnarl 1) t• r ) j he wa^lt! take Jnwn hit ;un and Phnat h«r. metutt:rt• a •night justly decide rn ■ Pumnrs,;v i t'
deft• • + The prix mer was JgneJ on an iffdfet j way, loony ens 4 th.ct are now r,tumcd Ili tht f % a &k hen neje".J, J."p g. 40Ap ".•row her IanJe, t ,r alo pur ase of dnainm0
Mr Chet this caul *!m rat tlw mrnt Cara• p 4( I pp
j pnea I tMrught that awilches wCro not 1 Mdiaay rte••Pl he had coir mit with in , at, wit, al ITT sio-l"A on the ►iayllelra hi4her court, for trial. But lite oagutrrira, ..at of pubs: Tier, and ra succ• rJed by blued the road, and in ease Mr. li.,genoh fetuses
1'nrKmx rale Ifny.-Thin sup an aMingt 1 meet fire burni tlw dwelling -bona• of xufii0irnl } t memtMr Catlin the (foal, (abnk h. referrkl to her drinkinr , ,t a smaGer crpoal, man energy, anti deur ,or neg;rets to in,.1 ,rm the w m, the peeve
K ha nLvervali,n orr,uding. Ile would •ml hie brio .low of her. we learn, an loth w decide Pluih cars is
fe a.tAgee bruupld Dy the piffle fir 5aie one Grn. 1l array in larch,'f+ri.i. 1'er• i owltahe, front a tree with my Final:. I ! first iutCest Io them tAat there wax •o- ¢1 sammn:y mantra LarinC that the emit „( m"'anion to have the tact ►het they yl sur,, a horny. ntPlrucatrl n, pr„cnd m rho mrttsr
imp& mment. IL a gra ILA& 31r. Ile ld, Jict, #cit Guilty. Ifo lhm for rrisnner. Wm. NcMnatar, .worn. -i know tits ria J su.6 ccmwanucv kuuwn from ua.. end rcewd,,•d to Lw. -Car led.
pile J i p uau,@ m.a Le rGvuC b the Airs w
diJn't strike hilt with a Panne or brick. evidence to satisfy th, m upon their ofthil nnrr rat thA hmr. R.pnllect the 4th d. of 1 / 1 ps 1 of the land to the collate. In other words,, 7. N•,ved by Mr Maritsa, seconded by
J yvahod AnJ getimr the covictions lies 4
to atturnty foo nuc Clerk, guts u,l ,meet that this VVarJ crime to Lis dotlh b Aetmi last. Aram nM noise of Jnhnslnn q tit. new ostsoiuhmet,u advease,; the uta. .Mr, a nrwick, That a by-law be le iod and
• j , Ttls ht: atfevnr ackl)iR r rata. McCurdy get a heavy fall nn the gravel Y J r qle Quarter Jr•aswns on •men Ia'nY
against Aar. PanplM, which wail returned The •Queen va. William W Iev, mer- real 'ulltin Ilk race. I nod no knits Reath• blows infiict.a/ by 1Vooley, the prisnner.l,trik A¢ hi wife on'whst d•T. and henrdsher) tecLntcrhty, ar w. mgnd m any aas'ond, mty. Tile Io.mer will lsnenoua.,y,_ ,awed for rasu.4 And levying the ramewry
" nn g •ode," cpm which after sundr f In rite aranul place, vup{usinK the evi• j est ' mu er" 1 M n Ae sAe41 ort w M+1 u too much the came in Hume, In cumidrr I t e obscu ity• into i,abrimtl it ao ob tmrrunu her C'usnly aril ScbsJ purpt toe
r Y der. -in thin cam the ri•or"" waPl sat er sharp inalrnment, and had io intention p to ri•nn.r's hnanw. YAw her nn tit! fnitnw I alga vel the rosea tAat ale here fern oven to ,roc* that It cannot is ouscured. I he Ara, ,he prewut yeri,-Cariee.
r r f I dense to be fcient to ,how that Mc• I P
P of eleidin arrest five DiTiai.m (Inert, the upon hu trial fur the, wurder of Angus I of killing him. I wnuhd &kroner Lave diced Curly s drab, was precipitated by tib, lip/tn ''" ' "I" hied a bl but yber mm I understand that the c„nrrtenion bet ren Hu ,,,, a uh,ef a'1c 11',rt muel nA u,-. titled ; rex a n» bylaw uau paepilred but rant ted soil
p td at SuutLAnipton About McCurdy at the village of Dungannon on mYP lfr. I Rex drinking in both Black's prisoner, the. utter sb%,uce of dl ntaliee' f renal eon and Bruce for j,ditial egrets•. io draw reco do havon4 o. ce R,a,der(nnrie l.it,,, t . Nneed he Mr. Warner,ycnodedby Mr.
tkrlx montlu a_n. T!le piffle tharpf^r' tits 222nd day of June last. On his or -I end Swig's. 'this would not have occwr- wit, a riot the Isn."Heratitm of which sup ner tm,ginad -1 brought her whiskey' t ! errant Asdsoaul,healast tlhhanom ht'L • eon• wpp,xe That they have wri.ted a p, F., Thai the f'owrcil Jo now arijoarn to meet
brought the present seni,m w rreoccr, red oral far the drink, 1 wag rant ea able ^1' much imPartaneo, fur if the jury took threw or four timet led winter. y manenHy, whde rat feet nnthin a More Ibe, -„call, at Krol,ant, (Ifnw las' HUMI) on Mon•
rri nment the Drianner leaded oaf rill I y P held'for IAe Mor , ntiea sa un.ted, ve wonad g
dame for each im ri.v,nne Dt. Veodict K P 9 P Catherine Murray, sworn. -gnaw doeol usf , res ectfull w st to the Caret (basil rat "cordae of tit• eorlJ ,dao tit ease wnu ,lay, 7iA Aagwt, st b n cluck, p. m , to pr
this li,w of rite matter the rtaner world • I
P F;ightern jurymen were c4nlheeged, the of taking e:m• of na%r!f. blea,ased drank 1 I 1 IRs 7 which it for eta. r n iow for rerun t e nect+wr moo.
for drR \ ndy be rnnncted of mandl:aghter. Io- Ay Pi¢hr Paw her nn tAc YIh of ant„Pt nn my I Heron W Mke mto cnmidrnti"n an an rxrly d T' R J 1s
Inas for piffle, 1(crbinPon for j,ry bring m 4ceted from Tuckrrwuntl,, tAat ni_ht and I drink with hien. Iee.1, 't was evident that the unfartunale father's hnos-. She small in in the arf; r,nnn: elate the ro t of nmoo,n the f;aunt sur the prwnt you. --tarried.
rkR. McKillop and neighboring WwnehJ (S " ) 1 P ` 7 R 1 T•/: Mettrtx Rsrtol.tc ort sit F.Po -Thr THUMALI SWAN
Grummet vs. Longworth. -This ossa reed WIILLiAM lrt)e/LF;Y. nPnner never mrendnJ to do men than Aer hnix tha rami in Is. I *Fir had leen I kat from d cash to Poore mere een,rsl s
C plr. I,ewi, opened the came }faior the Dr. J. McKay, mtrcrn. i axsiat ll Dr P a1~dabs fr'G'vmAtr 3as. ;n,0ua fit' TuwsrA ltNrk,
orrmmit w a,mmnn aaasnit llf eocirwe in more tAan hos minutia. Tie nrderwd her aril conyyni•nt place in tits County of Hmm ,
•rl actlnrt the sed b I, to ughvet voluntary Jrunkenem muld not be anerpted not of the how• ; could tell that she had 1 ea,Orrfanefr is ar aha extreme verge,r n( cite ,epuAl c i, •t iln end. Bemtn Jssra, aAr Aogrt TTA, 1800.
1 P Crown, rtstinz the n*tura of lite evidmee Caaaady In hohi a yes/ n,arfrrw nit rite hrrn drinkin¢ lignno, rte rnmm«orad bra.' CnunT , end mint ineonyroipnt far • fargqr
Ann' fol for ""ll' who) li of hs daughter, to be bought before the jory. body of the late McCardy There aero veld an rtcaldr ti)r tAe commixPtQn af.l`rtfile, ing hot with his fistx About the hpad tilt stab mi) nn y of the isaePryery to attend for jndi I lest If.etin,( ingifive president of Mexico, s The Co.ne;l test this da pe,esaM t^
Anne Longworth, who li•ee n Iaintost in Catherine McCurdy, sworn, f.atifnri mevenl wounds nn his head, tial ■gra at j u t,rimeAonginAted n miGtxh^th ttanr plA> o.0 Aeo^rHe iilppeilted to onkel her muki witAoot renrh r nAntkonks w Alen hal) lhuled Yat udefof the aRinl finals. is Ilia nM d V, daou Honore AI tAs memiwn
lie sowmmet of I Phi, ti rase Francis that lox deasewd husband was Alive Os number on the body. 'f hove on the head deaf circumstances were very uecePaary to with gnat force. Saw her •fur death, the I ('ro d for the grru and a undant harvest with frirods and exilas are with him,” V 1. Moved Ay M,. glongbottom, yroeded