HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-10-12, Page 3• • . 11," , . , :11,1!7r,f,', • ff.:Fr757 „ "" • • r•i7r 1.•••' r - pr, """- I ' • F , • , „ P , , ,„•., , . •pr - -1' • 1•• , „ , _ Sonbrodle Tile Moot Crops. :1 &WU & Couutit$ T, ie Judges appoiuted by the directors _ - of the Co. 11. A. S. to award the prelim Dlignagu.-We are reluctantly cow- tun for root crop, having muipleted their penee to leave a number of interesting labors, kindly forwarded the result to this Meal article. ever till next week. office. The lieluwing are the auocesmful Time Delog 011 Well. • Rapeakd tuns aud continuation of hor- - ing In the well ou the farm of Mr. Struthers hare convinced meet peopl about here that oil hu been strucke fur, oertain. On boring ten or twelve f t bed h . . ee woo bruken off it is thecovered that the dark warn sand in strongly impregnated with Petroleum, which smells strougly i - - -- --se- • -- - teen petitore : ; , per We ire requested to state that the 1,0,stuus.-isi c. ;I' Lord Bishop of Huron will hold a condi.- els per sere ; 2ed,1 (abbe 1 elation in St. (thormes Chtlmh, Goderich, els per sere ; 3rd; I,. carrel, 3 i cu Sunday next, the 15131 Met., at morn- pee sem --i,..' Mg serene. . . CA,alf0T11.-1.1, II. Gibbobs, 2n Jas. 1' Lomas, 3rd I. Salkeld. I t .' Man 'famt."-,Mr. J. Frederick haa e te MAstlel. WI:KULL-let John A ' ierged Ins establishment and bas now on ex- .dreue, 2ud J. ssikeld. I bib,' ion for aale a very lure number of clocks, The Mangle anti Turuips, excepting / witches. Ay., besides Jewelry without eud. tit. 9. Hr. F. is an excellent band at repairing. P t, , 485 bush - 400 bush. bushels • be below the average. Carrots were a _ livanN TiAcHtia AmociAmi._ good average crop. Thejudges rtate that 'The next regular meeting of this Amen- the fall wheat looks remarkably well. lion will be held in the Central School, JuDGeS, Messrs. Geo. Cox, (6th con.), -„i .Goderich, on the afternoon of Friday, the John Hunter, and Colin Clark. ; -13th inst. 3latters of much intermit and _ _ COL114,1111%.E. ithportance will be discuared at the meet- PLottillisu bag. Arrangementa are made for enter.' • taining the teachers at a social party At a sleeting of the Ploughing Match As - the evening. We hopo that there will be sociatiou, held, according frenetic*, at Rum'. :; large attendance on this occasion. lbvire, on the 3rd iash, to take into could. 'ration the propriety of bolding the amnia' Blount Orriorts.--51r. Joseph Martin, Ploughing Match and to take measures fur gardener, of this town, has forwarded to earring out the sante, after lbe minutes arid ;. our satietum for exhibition a bunch of "e°u"le (.1 hist meetl"ff we', mid awl oniuns, coal which weighs from 18 to pnrovei.1 of, the fullorng elhetre were duly Mr therms* Melon, Poraident ; " ouncee, 'erg., than Mr. Wells' although 81;ee Eruitzt, Peter Robertson, secretery ; John Buchanan, I met so finely rimmed and ripeued. They Treasurer ; Meese. Gavin Hamilton, Thos. I Merlin end .11ex. Armand, Committee of ; ere Ic8IY III^"tcr aPecimen'• Ala° a Mitua4enno.t. Judges Messrs. Thomas 1- mammoth cabbage. 'Thomson, of Hulett, John Hutchinson of Ashfield, and Adam Annand of Colborne.- Pero 1. Tort. o oar.- On Monday morning '. Collketure-John Stewart, Peter Robertson, Wm. Young, chas Girvin., David Mcilwain, • f last a lerge drove of 110 head of rattle enter. tus.aick J_o_bri __Floyd. Wm ed tliie Men by the Northern gravel Road. Some ot the simnel* were very hoe ones. .1.7,1, no " hlark ,Chrisiopher thi the same day droves entered Clinten and teke place uu the 26th di;gulufnljetMo'bite‘rhuir: e• other places,and the rash is iso groat that care rem ol Mr David CalahlOth ith e ..... 'Al o plenglieuen tu be ini the ground at 9, -and P cannot be had m sufficient quantity. ploughieg to c nonence poecoseiy at 10 u.• are you, beef l" clock and be liamlied at ur betme 4 o'clock. No amistence tu be given to the piosiglinun r. list e realities 1: laille4111111110111. ezeep. at melting Ole 14..1.e.s. el..•11 boye 4•11 competing to be under 21 ears of e -the ,,;;r; We understand the( J. it. gt(1artn much tu be open to the Yourroundis to Sept. of Hie C. C. Institute for bbe deaf laid I ahem by thh ',aroma of one denim el'entrai*.:e. dumb and blind insemle shortly to, give aa I slates* Cut emu be preveruili subscribed. P., ROMER/SON, Seey. t examination of some of his pupils 11 . Sesforth, Clinton and fluderich. The Object C01b04110. Oet. 8, : • s l?' r • , • r it •t? 11 I' ;, ""r, : f 1. lo t it , , .1` y ; 1; 4 .-mr•••• nen,. Of the visit is purely in the intermit of • moat - Af4111'11111.19. unfortuaaw elerea,and we are sure Mr. Meflum • will be well aupported hie arduous Nude \ Falco- A Fier he Ow sa`e of Fet and wow. A SeWeent eltoriu• Get her tattle will' be held at Keitail, Like! Ruel, Aehrield, ou Iiiesdey tie I7M1 On Saturday afternoon last, between 5 sod 6 o'clock, • storm swept over Oil* section which foe intermity bas been seldom eitrialed in fury. Mitsui 5 o'clock • flew btu:: Mood came up from the N. W. (emu which sbe mom vieid firsiies of lir.htiling darteci incessently, and which poured dour water mi if the lastolleatee of heaven had hem. upend. Tbe •rairef..11 flar en Lour was ere. tmoidinary, our streeta being at onee filled to overflowing, and the eater forming tomato. wherever there was • fall. We irate heard of no &mug, re tuwn, bowever. The coun- try further back au visited by the same sterm, which renewed to rather loser torna- do ,out it proceeded. The reefs were blowers off the horse and barev_of 51r. Wataan.eh the lightning struck tbe dwelling ot Mr. Bachemen, Clinton. Moine Rorie danlerie, and • cattle hover caught out near Chinon, wee newly hilted thrown (own hos beggy by a frightened home. No doubt other accidents will be hunt of. GODEMICII TOW A meethig will held in the hour. of Mr. lanes Tenancy on Frolev evening 13th inst. so take stets towards 'erten op a bov's ploughing match. All pettier. interested ere itepeettd ettetri. So, tale -The lined Templar* held a armee party at f'oonets, on ro lay er..1 Ise*. There were over 1041 preacot. arel rill enjoyed themselves in lintening to epeeches, Se. Th. alio was got up ureter the auepices of Ruth Star . GodrrIellm Tom ...bile... merging 1 4' unlit Ths emara am at linotville October 2.4 1865. according to appointment. Pres ent-the Reeve aid all the Cuunedlors. The mimeos of last meeting were read over aud Moved by Mr. Ford, wended hy Mr. Pat • ton, That the hydros in reference fo the reel allowance manning between lots 11 and 42, Mayfield eon , now paused. set the neees. wry notices Isere levied up and publiewd in the /fumes Signer! (newspaper) according to Statute. Mr. Henry Teune handed in his bond as Collector for the current year. The tem -runt of John Stewart for 13 cords of crewel for the Huron and .1layfiehl cem.ified by the Reeve, atnoenting to $10.75. Moved by Mr. Patton; meowed by Mr. Welton. That the account of John Steeart At paid, and the reeve sign its order for the same. The seemed of Janie. Rusted for pottier In two eulverta and turn; iking 17 rode on tele road oppeeite lot 10 on the 7th con., certified by Mr. Weston, atnnunting to e2n. Moved by Mr. Patton, weonditd hy Mr. Ford, That the account of James Rusel be paid •Car•ied. Moved by Mr. Font, secended by Mr. Pat- ton, That the following pemone be Returning Officers for the townshin of thelerich for the veer 1866. vie :-For Ward No. 1, Thomas Stolen ; Ward No. 2, John Shaw; Ward No 3, Thomas Woods ; No. 4. Intel Richard - o ne ; No. 5, l'ohn Redd. The meetine lor Ward Nn. 2 io be he1.1 in the frame store at 11r,,_11. Duggan's, Huron Road. The se. of John Deming fer ternpiking 1,107 rode opposite lot 10, Hayfield con., ter- * tified by Mr. Shopped, amounting to Sen. Hover' by Mr. Sheppard. wednded by Mr. Ford, That the account of John Deenes be paid -Carried. The account of Samuel Churchill for pat ling in • culvert opposite Int 10, On th, concession, certified by Mr. Sheppard, ern Denting to 52.20. Novel hy Mr Patton, wended by Ms Sheppard, That the antrum of Samuel Churchill, be paid ; the weenie of do. for miaowing obstructions from the brides on the flayeeld ray, certified by Mr. Shepperd, entreaties to 81.1174. Moved by Mr Sheppard. se -ended hy Mr Fmd, That *be ae. of Saloom! Churchill be paid) the se. of William McCellegh for put- ting on • eelvert ne ihe Haron Read, opposite Mr A. Taylor's farm. Moved hy Mr Patton &wended lm Mr Ford, That the account o'f Wm MeCiillagh lee paiel-Carried. Moved by Mr Ford, *eremite! by Mr Pet ton, 1 bat the mon of 510 he paid widow Leaves acenent of imerenee, and that the • egn an order for the same-Carriee. The Conntel then adjniened to mut again ea the wooed Monday to December nett. JON 34 fill A W, Tp. Clerk. - - - - -; Left about Fare -111 arch ! The lost Mateo* Ilse the followine tepee' Mat item ; -Pewee earolidate E. lo Atkin- . Men, of the Rehnnie, minding et e,•,! Annurrul, C. W., havine been eailty nf 0,1• tin, an insolent letter to the Adjutant of the Hamilton Military :Where!, is noreneed from the roll rif nand candrdateseeel hn certifies*. Is &mulled. • 1 - - - ." W A !Weill. .• Fere...le A Fir•r to the bale vf $attle. tr.. ! I will Is heidU hic. Miens ou Friday tbe lush, *Iwo theirllowmg ;elate wid be gii ee : Ilest fat oz. trio); do seer, 412.40; do cow, . !SI OC. 4%1.15 The butter. 1100; do 14 Re de 12.00; le he du. ft,1,00. Note:mist: Mar, me -A petuehing raatels wet be be id on the harm kr Wm4ioni.ni, rno . St. ou the sense bre fotor Lat. 1 led Intl he gine tor uien, sedates fur buys. I ---- • • Aosiet i Telill. EllitolITIOIL - The tene. rale k Ni regime* lirairch Agricultinal She* was held Wedneedey. the 4th not., at Rill. hats. The ehow en the •bole was Insuly Inamerged. Whether this. rat be atii'ibuted , to the direeturs to preadent, ur both, I taro , i nos tell. home uy that not a small patio Ilies at the door id ;lin seeretary, end, in fact, I a great dearld the ailfteaS til ••Iiie et Mir tans I&pea& MI teat °Seer. I he jedge* in e"me or the .departmene, i mope( iaoy the ladle*, Ie., were very lemothy , te getting through with their work, end the ' people fare nut allowed te peep in ante 111107 1 ; were limsbed,-tbe Coonampirtlee was thee none. nut even the ladies tbeniselres, got s r , iriow ot that depitrtnient. l 1 I be quesTioil ari,e, why were the judges • I net to wolk lune. Lis fur. 2 o'elock. It ;memo . they mem &erected at a meeting of tbe siir., 6 ''ectors &motel' or .olwfore the fair, but cone • ire florin wo•re nod sear. or it Wild the show I dory. Wall lint 11110 great neglo.ft ? Because s Iof this toeerro4lot souse eery and present, tab- I era had to he appointed there end Men, end ' HAM a O see the masers of so much delay and 1 i'C., root riot hi diseatiefectorli. I i , 1 he idea ef hundred* fif the fair rem amenr.. i b ' , . g . . tory 1. xprese Nape, lut miming the body eorli that is to be nem 1 On MIMI tereallt.nol, 10,teihrr with the butter, i char.., kc., sod atixamely utithig al thro' . the Ay till nearly night, awl theii al.( MI to ihe drives) Malty talthOill *rein; anythleg, iP 1 , really passing strange.. anl I should think ' I ;Alecto 10.41 Oiscredit on tie managers of lthr rade It never 'reopened so before e while held on No 11.1/felealle yeaie at 'the village of Illuevale.and we had thought ankh better from the %Menem friends. . There wee a good dinpley of cattle. sheen aod piess. Of the latter 31r. recur show. d a ime beauties of the pure Suffolk breed. Ile deservee great credit, for lie hoe at consider. aide seenfier, obtained them from good breeders and brought them imo the husili t.• be • benefit to all. 31r Itohnison also fled."' aome very fiae rine* of the Iterkthire breed. The sheep coo the whole were good ;-not a great many entries. The rattle Moor Re mentor. wa• newt Awr 11. mom •I•••••!reetptrre it•r• la • ilornirrA pa,. el leeril ..1 more 10 • • 4. Mr. 'Wheel arm, •so roorrarte neer. hte oho. a • e •••! enamel, he emnIrstore • young bell cal( who'll hr. ourrheed al the t•ehro leyheathar N., - ere mew retro, oto ar.• Inr it 11 11 • ale looh• ..i.e.s. ing ...slain. lee roc •Imeet home emery/ea ,este Ina, MI 1 h. env room are meth. oar 7 here woo a ram ma.... or phew' ... mane, eterhaniest were, 01 .. owe I he meth. we. molar...twee II roe 1,1.,1 ro1.1.60e1 in the solierramn ewe • 'penalise aaf rata The ...I four* Om 1 aalworred was the erre ire. &or). of many In arl too mach whorolry Maar r00.11 1...n olmook.andae re neon he ra in. ennahlroolo a / aelemr. Thr -or thin/mow* the to M. oeht I am per.. ...hi olet dom. insonrinerfiahd aroule no newer. Rod a layor dotty. Ire omen., and so Whine ...new be Ow re•Wa. 1 Mire moil waling ahoni ma& Oar in he melt Iteee.hr Itten.lany Re th• rm... ahme. polio were 1.11 11110W011 le• gol MOO the Niro eel try the stamen few netnews Wow ohr .how verramorkl. ton ant• Mt.. r reel linfore wry lierl mot ner.y eet Mervin awl hy 41, 0( • the roinees• duvet -re "throe oot. eat he ne 'derma morally mt. man • rearl. 11 OM derreerketeM1 hare.. 10 110.•1 Om 'rest I Met et roII ran. re 5. trifler end lelre in the f ere to mimeo mere ume weedily'. and froni which oil rides when it is thrown iota clean water. The oil exeitement has been running very high in town ninon the disoovery. Partin have been rushiug out the " digging " in norm, and on the In of the prospects oug,or two thou nu of acres of land in the neighbor- . hood, hear, Lave been leased. After. br.iug ti the temptitig sum of CO, 000 fin rm of fifty urea, we under- stand that Mr. truthers has entered into an agreement wt Mr, Platt to go on and bore the well for on hatf of the off that tnay be found. Tir percentsge is fir above what is ever ark even iu Ennis- killen, but if friend i'latt strikes a firm ing well, which he hopes to 'o in • few weeks, he will, doubthea, thi k bemire weil repaid for hi* trouble, es ose, end loos of time. If this Msouvery oil in our immediate neighborhood leads the developetnent of a new and important euurce iu eddition to those we at prose enjoy, It es iturmieble to estimate the el tent of tbe benefits it wilt metier upon the town of Goderich. --••••••-•-•••••••••••••• The Magiatrates Masson,. -- This valuable wark, which is eminently calculated to meet a want long felt by' magistrates, iseetuipiled by John 3IcNab, Esq., and published by )(mere. Chewitt & (r)77.)f Toronto. it comprises a full epi- tome uf the law releting to the dater& of Jim. tices uf the Peace in ljrper Canada, torellteo Walt a "complete set of felts fur summons, wernurte, informations, corarnionerds, deputise trona, roe -renitence., bail, ke., mil is Melee approved ufby all who have' purchasebtafer actual service. The book, whitt is well printed wol heavily bound in celf, may bad at the Sigreal'olfficeitoek Siore. price (publithel's) 54.00 per copy. We advise our magisteriel hired* to give it a trial. A con- temporary seys uf it The Magistraw't Manuel is a collectiee of the lae, node easy ut coom,orehenouto, readv for reference, and se well ariabged that the Snger can be pet'upon the necessary pa,:e and paragmph in a rolaure, or lem. Take an example : A 01011.1 11111111.101.13 Mon.. hier arises. such as destroyer); fence+, Woiononj„ cattle, injuries: dams, i.e. It is well that the magistrrite berme whom the eine m heard s re.fresh his memory with the points ef law cense-elm' • oh tiris species of "fleece. Well, he tures to the mclex, letter M. a" se4-4 tills,. at pare :ini, 'Sol that he re quires is to be fuend, reel cisnout perm.« whet IS there set down without securing the infor- ematiolo he stands Oa heed of. So wet.% d,ed, si this Msra,i, th.t ery Joon.. otithr Peat e should posseas and study it. It will mei, them better ma:iterates. arid give them confidence in the dosenorze oof the imminent duties with which they have !men eirtnistml " Mr. Seward and the Fenian.. The N'Irerifiterri,nes says the statenreiet of the London Tone) dolt Mr. Seward *pore tbd Bricialsjgeveinewut information which led the seizure of the Peuple oltice, i* "'were's-rouse' The Herald detiaree it be an estroi4rdiner• ehod_re that Seward is '4 British /Mr." re4501. it.a* extre ly unlikely. '`Ibe Tribune. the ether ,•1.2d. beliereeihut 3Ir. Seward did give t into, matern. and that Col. Maker. the %1' deiettive, is emit; rd to the credit utosellini moremeem of the Fenians. " The ci • cum.tairee." sive the 'tribune shows tibia mals of fee Mr. Se determined In heep 1,11 England. Tha Orentry we* our ereateet foe oriel) tie ee in tumble ; now. whim trOuble ihteitte 11* prattlellairalla, hall he MI best for Although A mei is the birthplace and trougholl Feniaiiiine ale thilik it highly imp able Hilt the British Ger. ernment et all indebted CO Mr. Seward the ruatter alluded to abiere.-Eef. S. el.. From Ticknor k the 21esten emerthers, we have reeelmd smother oP4Iwir little Tribunes. of the aeries termed Courtin - no Prate tor the People, beinx the poem' ie Role. Brownlee, Milt Numerous regravieen. Tee poetry is of- tbe mystieal order to betinderstood by ordinary people. but we have no doubt it too hae its admirers. 131 etLiffroolo.--" ted Ebony" for 4eptem- be. is before Pos, filled with good !Perm, er• ticles and the usual molding's, of tough toryieni for which it is so lemma. The opening article is, Memointof the Confederate War. Ity Menu .Von Brocke, ard • deeply interesting paper it is-fuil of life and incident. There are be. sides continuums's of Wee, and tbe conclu. Mon of the elerer articles under the bead ol Piccadilly. Republished by le Scutt & Co., , N.Y. For terms, rec. see atly. elsewhere. • -- --- - EXPORTS.- The Cuetoms officers ol this town inform us that our exports for September, 1865, will foot up to nearly four times the aggregate fur the correspond - ng month of last year. 1 here were sent way during September lest, 603 head of cattle, 5 horses, 183 sheep and 13 home Add to this the exparta in the same line row Clinton, Seaford], he, and an idea A MENDE& Latest Iron Europe. „ The North American arrived out on Monday. Femian mann continued. - Wheat haa mill farther adeaseed. Than ia a report of yellow fever at Swansea.- lf @oeuvre!, wait to have ben a system of wholesale rlanghter. tem, At Reimport, neer Quebec, a smble, barn, and other outbuilding*, belonging to a farmer named John Carliniy, were deetroyed by 5re eah all /heir contents, ennristing of a qoantily of hum atrwk and produce. A eon in tin of Carh.-ay'a and timelier man, hare heeo arrested on suspicion of laving and the premien. Cele Tie Jahilee ha. been proclaimed throeghoet the Dienes of Termite and moat of the comity barn been aliment eternalise to it in the nonntry, earning the elergy of the rural ;menthes, Ilia Loniship the Reline also last week, mode several fatiguing journey. for t sem. porpone. The Solemn Jubilee will tithe place in November, when an opportunity will be refired to ail to reeoneile theseselve. to the Church, and to make doe atenement for say esanda's they rosy lava caused. - '[Toronto Mirror. - - Matrintoosal inteliertiee " are frequent in Bristol eoenty, lianwirhuseta, jadgiag by the fact tbet ons hundred dirorees have been granted is trio years. nary be gathered of the great increase of trade and consequent infiu money. _ boy- e nee that • petition has been sent from Downie to the Governor General, praying for • commutation of the sentence or two years' imprimunient recently pare ed upos one John Ryan, for an assault. Toe Cams Qteteriox.-The Globe of yeeteolay anis : Aa many RN one hundred and forty cars theded with cattle pused over the Oreat Western Railway lust week, en route to the State*. rom this an idea guy be formed of the immense purchexes of farm stock which oar Amerman Consols ere making amongst ere That home coneumptien id net entirely the (theme ot these importation*, we oefer Iron the tact that lois thrleland harrera of beef were lately bought in New York he. shipment to Orem Britain, where it is mon Moly to be scarce and high priceremt account of the resole pongee now lasing there. That dresoittil disease wel tare an important in flume upon our moth- merkete, if we Mail be so lucky se to escape the &seam itself. ft mar he eapeet.d, also, to 'flamenco the chime and butter markete. geem Cholera I progressing alarmingly in Prance. The people are ;unwire; oat of Toeing in all possible heater in order to evoi4 the choleric Tbs. railway stations are fined nd with fugitives, and the troops are to be re. moved from the teen. Is feet, there is gaits • Main redo. •elie ease e Holtli.111.1 Mt Knell AT 1111A7011,111 3-- A telegraph to the Titues from Brantford on Monday says, Conetable Johnson, hu Just come m having in custody a man sharged with killing a buy this forenoon, near the Chequered Sheds, Burford. The boy wu on his way to this plaue, ard took the Ulan in for 4114de. A short time efterwarda the boy wait found lying the road dud, his Lead haviug been pounded with • club or storm. Nunn and further partictulars not yet aasertaiu- ad. Goss To; Puf".....The moth cheese exhibited et the recent Proves• eial Fair at Loudon, weighing 4,000 pounds, has met with a terrible diameter, and been le reparably teenaged.. The owners, deeigning to exhibit in Montreel, atria it by reilway.- Tbe ebeesir sal or • league which. occupied a position cn one of\the platform ears, and 'then a abort distairmi,east of Nominee this car, with several others,Uur °tithe track, atm the nerutuoth cheese was turnee over, ind tolled *ith tremendous force down an eue banleuent. The catutrophe had the effect of cracking it throtigh rod through, and knocking out a few Lily puund chunks; aud it furdwr reported that skippers the 'eine of woodchucks. startled by the shriek, werneeen to emerge hunt the spongy mats and mike their way over the adjacent fields. Isal portMe of the stury pustibly so exaggera- tion. Thu Chinese Illebelilos. From the New Yerk Tribune. forma:dole ToiepiloJ retwIllue in China bra, nee Hir be •imoi ig ef the present year, been g dually dying uut hut anoi her rebel. hoo. 118.1 tor several yekre ralod iu the northern ownices tot Cut Eutirireo the so - awed Nye, relothere has this .year re- sumed dean es whieli threaten the vert existerice uf the Chien.. Efilpire. BY ors rOt• 1.51 arrivels fr.ut F.urnier we received a repult that -the cartel uf the Esolpire had been taeru by the rebels. report ha* since beers oitatrulicted, but' throe is no doubt that the retire' were iu the neighborhood of the capital, that ...mat ceaateination prevailed al Pnito, and tliist sett ous epercheitaions for the rely onisle.ree Oldie Empire were miter tatee.d. An 'English paper of China stele tkot the Nyen fel brut retie:rev been re More loy a bedy ot Teepines. vehi hare rumen. uusly bound their wav tourthwel thet them tee bodies off lebeis Min tectiveil a tui thee iner.aire for a set of men uuder r be tome ot 'the Mohammedan -meets; have committed great deeredetions iu Reuther'. N'aritour uther bawl.' have coalesced with these three, and brought the tote! num ber of Niumberu iimergerosto 3u0.000. The force wiOlbeconne the more formidable ad ilw cobesi?e poe el. of the decrepit Empire evedetitly decreases. and mutinies of • the troops (hat are to) be met egaitiet the 'relrels tee.ralltli re?y frequent. The Garvin. meet ol Pekin is entireoy incapable of cote writing these movemente. sod hae to look to die tweign melons, arid espeetally to Vag. teal, Frame.. sod Reeve, for support, AN °IL Sreet.eavos.-The Erie Iheeimtch styes-. Aboat the funniest spaghettis in ., .011 We ot occurred le Erie last mete Mr. Jacob Althoff. 01 the Althoff well, dm covered • ter deys alum duo her miler was partially filled with oil. Lie always thought Ms land was goud oil territory, but lied nu idaa it was so rear the surface. Ileweeer, Jimob is • raceme tura, Lid without spere• le_v_rel. of good quality petruleum meal thus est to work punipiug it out. Thirty-two 1865 Karnali A Cu. have a leree a a • A CARD. 111ESSR.S. D. KERR, .1R., CO.. (Glaegow Ilona.). beg leave to return their Meerut NI thanks to their Lied Meals for assay special acts of kindness, And tu their 1111111MOUll eare teener' arid dm public generally fur their tam aed 'mummer dunne Mee late cemmertiatly depressed **mon, aceemeanying threanie with the format wish that each aud ell may s'in daritly participate in the blueing* with which • Bounteous Prorideues ban crowned the efforts and 'abuts of the husbandman. GROCERY AND 0 • HE Al '11SCIel8k:R,HAVINO SOUGHT art iho stoek aad trade of No N. d emists. 111 nue reed...nag addg5watil loom" • No...15. and would rewpsetlutly aasetweg mare uthabs nis thallOrwa ciitoary I al lir VD eilie II pvii111011 10 erjeriy wiiii everything in the . .NEW FALL GOODS. 1865 Grocery and Provision remenetris woad- RA Naga wrier, Teas, Sears, Velma, Tobaecoes, oil refinery just acme the reed front Althott's 0 and also au Immense unkergruwal held. 9 e Glasgow House mg some eight Ituudred barrels. Aeliut 15 NOW 1:13.1.ENISMEO 1% I Ax ENTIRELY *awe rate; and Jacob waited patiently for trashed tur all of Jecob.":iieuteKIM,r,..01,14.1.61. C111.e. more tu reelect. Mem r NEW STOCK OF G 001),S ! had occamon to remain* their underground showed 'heart the tel, and they buireht the 1 thirty e u barrels at about six doter. a barrel -quite it, reamer:41e rete--aud tlieuela they lee made a geed Mee spec. They COW omit SP.eir the op I bey Ciund r. crevice. mud Tier *Inert SOILt1111lie le•bldleil Oil. Tlial 160011 fours' 0101 itl,en their Mak ems filled up to the hole. oil loured its way out, ar,id pene. mated into -their tieighbor'il cellar. They hod one ouly lust coosiderable of their nil, but Lad Muerte bark thirty two barrels of it at over six dollars per barrel aud had coutracted te keep on dieng so ! he leak was etepped intuitive and Aliburs cellar is nut so valu• little ass it was." - W 1111 II 1'111.1. II le SOLD A Yueserri. Peoveratettee•On Saturday entries, at Quarr Oay, near Hredfoid, • boy . uf Mee year*, named John Day, walked the distance of fiee belie, with eau, in leas than • rer houe thus -First inile in 9 min. ; :eel,. e - . nen. le sec.; 3rd. g nun. 8 see. ; 4th, 1.1 min. 4sec. ; and eth mile, 7 Mite 55 lee. The : it , ad, through hi, guardian, hal eivaif•d to alit the demon eeriest J. N111111, OS Liver - pouf, tuee„e200, but un coming to the ground Mies dechwed the Coldest. The led comet quietly walked the distauce abuve in the time mated. 1 he ectators who witnessed the fret were in e twice, Anil the shower ni money which fell teed Irmo on all aides MUNI of 'melt hue I...diked a cetwiderable atlas iti eduitioe.-MancAcefer C'ourier. - TH MAREI:TS. - \ • CoetItteli, Oct. \H71, 1865: Our market on Saturday last \was the best we have been since le57-e, very large quantity of grain chaeged hendeeit 151.18 per bushel for Fall and Spring. The'lect that Fall Wheat stil pours in proves that there was • hew crop of it after all, and elm that there is a rrset trade in Spring grain!. Mill to be done ducipg the Fall aud Winter. are glad to hear that Our merchants ert, getting as much business almost as tits,' eau do,•and that cash sales are largely on the ercrease. The Market an a litem duller brew Saturday, but still trede is healthy :- Fall do file 6e 1:22 Spring Wheut, ...... thee Pro 0.0U, (lam, it:22 frl 0'09 \ c4.1 D. KERR, JR., & "CO. Goderieb, Itith Sept "-..;%. Nassau‘l Nassau ! Nassau! • THE SUBSCRIBERS when in Montreal were fortunate enrough to secure a few fiueseer NASSAU G-OODS t • igioully destined to rue th.• blockade into the Southern Suites, hut which, 'oei gement n1 the era/lotion of hoostoloties. were shipped to Montreal to bo sew 0,1 4,1,...,1. Teem go" will be suld touch below their value at *be Glasgow • K ERR, & CO, wAINT'I'mx). . LANDS' FOR SALE By the Trlialai a rd Sehrorol SeellOn NO. 1, • , Ts•wriehip ,4 con,,,:ae, _ast 'Arsto.laue. I non „„i .„ ....,;., _____ 1 eneher for the rear I SCA. A mere...1 t11 .11 r t... -51t..;4"--....14. l'n'''. 6" 1.9 .rni 11: 4111 ciii114.11 .. Mier. rar.i ... eiil be referred, es there is a good blob Bowel 'Ithe. I."'" l''P e14riorn"*.4.(1:::::"n: 0 cni.“1 On Ihr IWn 101, 1 lie. 61111d Is * Immo,: the .0etee. teenzwere,,,,,,e, p,,,.t VA/149... I. 4.4 ki V... .. ja;t., 01: 115.1 et . NO /1:111a1114101 dWellinr h. use arid !Isom ,acres of land ail mid. to be addremed tu either. of the .,0 5, „.. e„,,,,, •,,;e„ inut,IeenZP..,:fto":, ;V.:: 'Prueterm. Jolt V TOTH 1NAN, lind 1.101.1141 41111 emoloolallie hoe berme, and hoe li‘effdlen1 ar•fl•watered In tul-I miler, eardWoirl; abold ri 1111110. from 1 /oder lel, 1;110.1 11'0110 101,11 1/.1 VII/ eN 83 PION, Trustee,. or. bard. %I ill be soh! srposiate or togetbsr to JOHN MOIIRIS. . Carlow P. O. suit purchaser.. Apply :1.'''llOri. JOI1NoTON, . Sept. 25.8, leG5 _ :_- ----...:__ _ $0 111`.__I or W . .1, Nell N 14 TON ,°InitinteirjE,:ot.: - ,,,O,3T1.1cA,.12.rD. iirro:i. 0tItit,r, prKtni, isescpwof ht‘h‘einsxub.a .sol. 0, 31.63. w35i I , 01)41 hell, Mine fer a denim round her neck. -• ---.--- --, 1 env \perm elle .to wive iritonnation uill „ret. - • keekTilth:11.:..olnei)...W...-nrctehnTesiiiieb,-., eblieMby communicatieg with 11. FR 1SER, seriher on the 10th ine., lot .`' . Registry 011ie". 6. ith con., E. O., Coiborne, riolerich, Sept, 25, 1865, • *mai...10' a Neel, Coe, with %hitt SR.I/or, 1.0111S Or tail. ••olle • fora Oleo? *foto horns itorowd or mod the 4,,,T11 A If eXE..4.1 -Sirroveol front the Sulsocoher. k 7 tol 24, ill. eon. eire'ese„eb, 4,1,„,,t ;he %Nth prove propeity, pay for the advertiementmed Mee i oe a toe, 01 011011 hour mare red nee Hatl kV away. _ _ ... . . . . erre tir .1 sheuks. The ioniser ie tertutwited.u.t: JOHN PATTERSON. .dfitblic.r: 4.h/rem: . Any 'Midmost. on 1.1i1.3.41.1:::m1 1.. their reoevery 110 Teener a reWard of ten THOS. JAMES. Insolvent Act 1864. s..i.t. ;9th, 1 etel. _ . _ ___ - _ - tet.eteleth. NA.S. _ - THE creditors of the u•idersiened are n or _ -• 24 tis trrh,, To Sch 1•Trustees. .... wept 'It the law °Mice a el. f• Cameron. in the town of 'ioderieh, re the . - 1.011111r of Huron. (di Monday, the 2:lod day of 015 et 0:50 gg11. NAIRN withes the charge ore cone October 1965, at ten o'cleck in the fore 0-35 h., 0:40 Ill moo St kid for the nims year. He will noorefer *fie purpose of reeeit in:at:deem-et...0 .. :1:00 th Cho hove his deuehter re nu am;anitit. She lues Ins taint. and oi naming en aesienee to wh im .2 21,1 44 P',0,,l! hei n at the I i..'t Central &hoe' for e renhid he may midway, surge:tient wider il e Wrote '"ee f ° ,,,,r, eralole lino.. And wIr le it would lie ot beneet Act. e1" (" 'kee to Imre a male isnd female teacher in the Dated ar thderiee, re ti g en,...), of Boron, Pi tattle* ...'... ...... 0:20 to. u.25 mme apartment, no addition will be meted to this eth day of October A. M., lea, NI mei . . rider mile eoreottlodoireell IS are strarve lour .„ that the idea or estebiehtne, Met' Chola a• Marley ...... 0:55 (5 0.60 Euriineen 1:overeaten eliould tied teeny. el lees beretits. English awl French pavers Urea lv Wool even., nil...4.de 11. '11,e seethe 01 this cue, Sheep are so tinasense that Iiiightlai sea France do Lambe aot final it slintelit to• come to an wide/stand- I Liles Greece) nie about a coenumn butte, At alt events, it seems that great chmpli- eations ere propuring in the east of Asia, awl thet COMA Ja;usoa 1,01 ere Ion,: endergo MI milli...at chanlee iti Itrolk'a • Marriage hi the Etowah. Mar iage in the clue& iv the lust emotion. It a mars that Prof. Lowe ha* on prepersticoo a 'hiladelphis a bridal car formed of willow nd 'stunt, inte.laced with iron rib.. 'The deem -sloes attic car are o ile„nrrh, fire and a half f,et ; Meth. three awl a heir feet ; deptb• . ere feet four incees. It will contain seats for ten pareeneers. The ear, when canthiet- ed will he droved and uplootrred In the firm styie. Crimson itud gold curtains will set off the liall000 above tu the bees adeantege. To re rder ever.? thing secure foto erosible, the CAC. femme% the hallomi and car will be fill• in by ;taro lacing cells of appoieriate colors Menli for the tete The belloon will te- rmed won a new nettin-r, aniewill he inflated with pure hydro:. n eas. The programme, so tar iu posaitile, ili he - The idal party hater; entered tee cur. elereymen, &e, cern pieee. the bellooe will be .allowed to isteend islom4 e fe.-t, so wile enable all with.... the enclosure to have a erred opportunity of w ounr. The plethora fr-m which r1 starts rill nehly carpeted. and furnished with shoo1roo, therren. lc. throne tile • carrell mill be erected, beneath w lea', the emeinreiv having been coloctuded, a sumetuous collater'n • i be pn-pared for 110. leo ty. • Having doe e nmple jmnice no the rood thiors providerL fei Mem. the tinny will reenter the car. and. the bal:o.in being cut louse, tbe tour will be coin "Ielien7C1.wili lake the first ride ? , Price only 50 cents per Bottle. er 0:00 E .... 0:00 „ein 0:121 haYr Dili V100 H.00 trt, 9:09 SZAVorlITII, Oel. 9th, 10165. Fall Wheat, 'et bushel 51:15 (n. 1,20 Spring Whew. V bush0:914 (rt. 1,0. Oates 0:20 (n Olt) ilariey 0 fin ro. 0.42 Peas o:Ao 0, 0:52 Manic°. Br the Ref. ft. Whine?, at the residence of the bride's mother. Itnylield Road. on the • 5th Wet., Mr Janina efellwein to Mien Jahe Hanley, both of 1 ialeleriCh township. _ _ -Itirrrlisrmrnts. Coal Oil on the Brain ! - HUDSON'S HAIR RESTORAUVE TS FAR BE ITER than any Coal Oil for 1 the Moose lete it Mord •roordosog to dire, molo., eon erad000ly R6StOra Gray OP White Hair or wh.okr.r* to the nom! hte-1.1.o. rooloor. Rod mem the tamt treatiolool brolloorries ever area on In I ...... an lief,. II Jou.. roil elm( Iffi haor Ithe od-cleano•es 114C scalp too dan.frulf And all WS fy 1,1101.1111., Checks the Falling of the Hair ! end promote* ote aro earth It the elletoped•rforle h.tor &remote river 0/lend 1,0 de robber 77. sn .11 tin.? row floc here Mod leaordrersing 1101 C. prorier nag Prim 1.sit,Coat..-A Mead in Quebec writes U9 ns follows I hate ex. *mined the Point Levi cied mine, eo call- ed, and have to state ip reference thereto, thit the veht is only about eight Melee wide, in its beet part ; that en the.strata are almost vertical where it occur., it would cost far more to excavate It than the value Of the mineral would justify ; that the substance'', though' black and el. most indistinguiehable to the eye from Newearitle coal, is not coal at all, for Hee maroon among othere, that it dues not leave any ash or cinders, hot a kind of clinker. The total quentity taken out has been about three tone, whiches being need by the Menne. Worthington in their beicketnith'e Atop for aliarpetring pickaxes. No more cut be obtained until the fottn• dation. of the tiew fort, under which it is firund, are dug out deeper. Perhaps three or tour tons more can be obtained in excavating there to the required depth ; afterwirde It would eon more to get at the stuff than twice he valoe in the mar. ket. t similar kind of bituminous shale has been previously diecovered on the Isle of Orleans, in the valley of Notth St. Chorine, %toiler' Mountain hill itself. 1:118 it is newt sun in oufficiei,t quantity to ba - come valuable an fuel, if it were to be, it would be mom useful, for it burns n well oul erer imported."- Trade Re - SI 11117 ino tr. A Nre Aye NOVEL red net 0111 “WACelt CALL' We hive been informed of • ludicrous but at the remit time shemetul fraud settees hely practiced on the judges of the goultry care. 11 appears that an entailer eihibitiel largely in poultry, for which he ems awarded • number of prive, ord further w n high on. coniecemr%file07.1 isheeki.;'!leasnit'tr:": i1thh. ‘al*pre-17;171 head end top kelt. Nit here the leugh come* in. eetetiley trimming, however eer• min imeesitive ranters ineprietet hit Polised ship more closely, end marie the discovery. that topknots hed been eut from three com- mon Nees. sewn into • •• watvrfall," and (weaned on the head of the hied in questien. The tell wee excretive aa a joke, hut cost the petrator dearly, as upon discovery of the rend, the jadites, petty, at once took frnm him all de peire previously won, teaching kiwi Me lemon that " honesty le the beet polity." The tame indi•einat is said to hive pewterer! • limiter d5eeption at the lam fair, in which he painted the heeds nf a number of fowls. and envied off prises for the lama.- ontreal rranseri pt. fa • pool serest the reed in the errantry of Tipperary is termer up • pole, ...tit this in variation .-Talni entree, tbs.' wlwiti the water is crier tbe board tbe rose is impassable. 0111' IT, AND tot. 1111 au ssrisritii. l'REP.11:1:11 If 1" .IeillN 1117)SON, 0.‘747. Sidi' by Druggists and 51erchatite gen- erally. 100.- Mr. Humes may be found at the office of Horan Horton, Eeq. Coderoth, ( eth. is115 w37 ,:. , . .1. N% ELLIOTT. tt e COyry- if 'het be libene • , Mr. N. serried have -rielthel every Seterdav 'Of. O. PAM-EIMON, without trey este* charge. from 10 to 12, eieieiter for Insblrett. Pareltd foregoer,. for reit:mu, Pie reeler. . __ „, -_ . / , le '• 0 f I ed t" li'Yl'rirl.u." """ ‘u W adrels. VALUABLE FARM Cominnen 1 04 ) 1 t P4.1L 1 , 1.;. MORTGAGE SALE rill:, sulISCH1111:11 OFFERS FOR t__110 1_,A..INT 1) ! A. ante HMI s•Itoillee larno, twine Lot II, Pelt 9, W D town.lopeolliorwr.roniiii ..... fr. :Macre ----* of est...lien, land, 4/4 aelroi • Ina, 01 soroms. ler ti .n. with oo.n.d freers ; low tome. wool. (..; N!lirreln,;•Agerin)ilrohli,y(lartnSeAs IFIEelrant:71ei . ioltith: f7adoiroe""L:tchen. and en orchard.' A ars. Muni., y,y,,,, 1,, ,r,",,,,,i,.. In th, 4•„„.11y .., 444,,,,.., aro, 1. he I . r", 1. • . 1 1.I 1.,1 . „ I IN, , M ,•C " t " ^11, W.,,,, .,,, L.., ..„,,,e, pl,,e„,„, te,,,„„„,1 ,,,,, ill, ,,,,„,.._ wohm 5 mile. 01 nod...4 h Niel 3 moles of ow. .1,,p,11 ,...,,,,,,,,,„.,. dee :, .1, y „i il , ,,,. 1.,,,.. ••., Mill. T..0,01,-0110 to be 01111 011 140001 ',II,. 12 1 lira,» the/and, 1.or the 1 110ruor of herring f'•"/../.°°, r'r 10 1" /°"1"°:/.4._ nayonent rol How posit owl sof roderret moolonor r •,11..rn,; gelg• 'Sib 1803. Mao, end Ct.:tooth: heiletsime. WI. or nal Jame.. 1tahnol me. mod Ann J•ne Borland, wire 1/... P"'''4.?"'"' I" 14•""'"1."' 'Prig 1.3:::• ilie.r .1..gorr.erlatoll Mating leen elate. 111 111041110 Iferrlorie, end the balance in onoolnoilso *no lb% li ID CLARK. 4.1.1'n 1..*" 1.'".. """"4"1' ih".. w.1"' "". INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864 ii,„,,i,, 4...,....i. etni notice bser..... I...e.. .1..lr .... Monday, 1hr mixire nth due too ()Meta r, A.D. --- • 1 thlo5. al leek e 0•010111, mom, et tee Aimii,.., Wirt ..1 Meerel. lit. Truemen, In the Mem ort THE (..11;1001 of thr undersigned are note lied to meet at the Law office of 31. C. fii.01h-Weel nenr......1 Let Nottolwr Evn,(14- lyre. Canoren iri the Town of Goderich. on 'Tu. el...Wm li. the 1. illuvrong 111.4001V4 10000, ,-T1,e ai I. the 24th day of Detolier, le65, at than e,:::::,11r,',.‘11.„,::::':'..',7,;:f's:I.:Y"on::i,:1LI.F"elie.::,:n,'..,:!:',..le.tia?Vie.'7:7,j: co-lorloo.k in the foreinion, for the nurpoPe id - rencieing stsietneete of Iiia attains, and of "H".0 1.'w'f....‘ 14°1411.-NC!...41.1.1,1,4t. 11,1w' Am16,KmE41........ liiiie ru.i nig" sail .7.; i .27..d.e,tilviipw h.(6(m...11(("Linay elei,e C. o*Inroolo . 77th f.t.ele000hcr, 1•••••.11 i .3" I Dated at tioderich in the 11ounte of floret' _ , this ilith day of October. A. 10. 1165. JUST OPEN E D 11 F. w. AumsTmoNG. • ,m.c.,,AmEitom, 1 Dissolution of Partnership. Solicitor for Insolvent. swl lid • Establishment, ____ • . . run"; PARTNERSIIIP HERETO. ON KII1g11,11 P11,1 1, next the 1 elegrapli (Mice. Tee Proprieter memoir a shier 1 erre eximine betwet•n the uiideeei•-n- ,ot the public patronnee, and be will use he ed, wire tended nt the Volinge oof Serterith, in best velem ors to *len d satisfaction. the (*.runty rif Huron. as I./meets' 31erelninte. N. 11.-Oeleet rompily eseti..du“si:s.,...1:03 on: ( Archibald, was diseevel liv . (flexion ot lime I on Or twenty -fires day of Mae A Del Mei. under the name, st.? le and firm of Itig,,,, see making an•I replan:lg. July I,th, (my.. Seeforth, hob September. leer, r.fro kart. Eartheewere, Peer sad Feed, Cu haier, oundrew. 11. ••••••••• ret..• 'Amp, devalio /gulp oota• filar ens. F ANSI A !I riti,but•E taitia • MAIthbf eAetee. Nem to A lfmeh's Wises.. • 1, Melee orb, Nei lender. 1 . 145134.13;t equane. • Mort gage Sale. ,•, TT,.11.:11 Pewer of Seer epataineti d = M"rtivage tirade by Jobe eleter Ihe l'oenthip (of Aslittelil in the Corm) ot Huroo; ' default havieg bees, Heide in Me due paymest thereof, anti notice been given tu all minima n ierratetl, there will he wed on Monday the lerth day uf Septeniber, A. O. lea, at 11 lock noon. at the Auction tart Of gee. N. •r, ..ararr. in the Towu of tioderiele the ng propeely, namely, the leuutb half el( the orth half uf Lot Number /Isere in tbe •:1 :!!, .41 • I 1 '• 5 eV „. Xill1 concessioe, Easteru levision of *be Led 1 renship Ashfired, committee 'by a& • • 1. Mena meat Fifty Acres of Land more or leer. mobs cesh-Imed under Pbwer Of r t: Sale. e SINCIAIR k WALKER, 1.1 Solicitors for Mortgagee: • ee Goderic etti Sept., 1,4a. ,12,St 4' A The ahoy sale irt postpaid until Holiday r ; the tette Oct ber trent. *33 _ - • N C ANCERY. •!!.1t, IN .C11A31 BEN.' V. C. MOWAT. Ileieley the Teelft dae of Juhe. is tbe twee. me -eighth Tear of the Reign of Her 3lajeasy, Queen Victoria and in Om year of our IL ant 865. iset.“. NORMAN BETIIL'N leaintiff, and it appeariug by 'Slav tba FTsiitteiffTiitie JOHN McDONALD, De Mane, . . UPt tel' the applicatien o the a diligence the said Dereudant cannot be fowled . to,he eerved with erii °eke e. y uf the Yell lin 'hie (elem. et IS ordered t t the uid De- ' reorient do On er beton, the f retenth day of lUctobei next answer Or dem to the sad Rill. .1nd it is ordered due a py of thie Order together with the noires uhed bp the Ileherat Orders of this Court be blishe4 in the Huron eeignof newer* r, blis to the Tom. ot Goderich, not au t an sie 1 Ifferr104 Meer° the fourteentb day of Oetober towel, arid be continued once is. each 'week until the mid day. Fettered, Sl:ned A. GRAN Regis Signed J. J. _ ' Notice. . 1011V efelS1 NA I.D. take notice that if yeti d do not answer or demur to the Ilill lane - ant to the above order the Plaintiff my ole: evens yam, and the (-tont may grant sack ' hewing. and you will not receive any rumbas tairi:ati,wolndleir to take the Bill as contested relief um hie may be entitled to on his owa notice of the lettere pox...editors in the isms: JOHN 110SKIN, Plaintifl's Solicitor. k ---- • the Queen's Benchi EASTER 3 Fan. 2s VICTORIA. A Boot ja,,, & Sh3 Insolvent Act of 1864.:, sAmi.m, DIXON, w:11140 CH.\ 1lLES E. ARCHIBALD. Teacher Wanted.- :::,.:,;:.... ,• ..h.r., Ittrfl 110: notified r lieu or -VALUABLE LEASEHOLD COMPETENT 31ale Tenel T'I''' 1.11 the town ot 4 Imterlen. toe 5tenday. the Holts 0 I 1 far law °Mee ssi Id. C. ( •oorrooe. - -•---- - -- - A for the ensuin yew' in Selene Sento,. firr the eserpow• lot reveovoom .i o.n.o. #11 te. .rer wanted day o. I 'rt..1.er,1 W.i. al ten oo'clot k on if101111111.011, PROPERT ! given. Apply to Nn. 33, to whom a awe' ;thee,. eel be cline. and orl monolog Ile amornee tor Whotto he THOMAS MelliTYRE, Mee none on Meenonent onder the shrree Ao. 1.01.1 at illythmer the Melanie ••t Huron, d os stable,. Oct. it'orohos,tere,41101? No. 13, tith enn.k.161h d'y "f'-"I'"I''' itsittitts Ito:ARTY. Strayed, *37 3ter M. C. CAMERON, Selieitor for_inatilvent. weeitil 1 IN ;I 111: TOWN OF_GODERICH FOR SALE CHEAP• ellon the- premio4 ot the subscriber, Glebe I Fern), Huron Road, about the meddle uf Insolvent Act of 18641 rr111; AnOVF. P114 411:1(TY IS SITVAT. Angus lam, a Dun Cow, weir fen, white s ---- WILLIAM DARLING, Preirrter, motile) orefirptril lart hamoen wormer, la . rote. A ed on the MARKET AWARE towl 15 ...l- ing to her recovery will he suitably weed JOHN STEWART. Dereenext. roe, rennet - beer. Any peeler) Living informntion !earl ed. ---,re-. e . , , JAM1.9 1,03IAS. frnderiehlp., Oct. 6, 1865, A BRIT of Attachment has mimed in the w37-30 ca. ramie. of which all promo imererted in STRA y COW:se-Came Into the memises of thtitetgtaiten tohfeitrherNdem.leurridnenn,e,.amitte;100perrswireera _k_ Colthoernieub. ilconntirt Irli.ebotliret3Of 6rStehter•The' '1. r 11:iut.11,E; onnr 1,11;orlinirnen it°orainhye Wary inildecirotedthe sharp harms -having rto mileh. The 10defheildaanrle, ife ' ', wit • vary_ II., wwnel.ef, required to take notice. WM. FEAGAN. JOHN MAUDONAlw,I.:.3. is relented to prove property, psy there's, date, dated April 21.t. 1055. First note dee ti i rnm'fl`11, netolly 1111,..r.7,404. If . 4. p and take her away. QTRA Y COW.-Carnts into, the'''teriere of krs' the undersigned, 1m 3, core 10, . D. Ash. I 11E IS, 1 11/11 o Colborne, Occ 10th, 1855. 037 30 field, aboet the 10th of tiept•latt, • mild cow, star in the he', top nf one horn broken off. The metier is requested to more property, ejl'!.41' /I Er E IV ED, a large Int of pay expenders and take her away. Photograph Albums 1 . - ---__- -__ - Y.ORIE.F137N3.t. 'from 50etit. upwarda, at the 111111.6111,01_4_ C)12142)... Ashfietd, Oct. 10T, IlMell°5111. NOT1CB.-I hereby note: all' persona , •••• from parehising or negotiating Hires A LARGE SUPPLY OF nein Of 1100.09 each, with interest from FAMILY BIBLES 21 menthe after date, data. Drawn in favor of (Marge Chereh, or RI ICIIITSS'ERFICES, months, end third note wedoennede m""nnth41"a43, POCKEcTiltiR . bearer, and signed by John McLean ; me 1 II YMN BOOKS, ha'. "ell'ed " 'a/ se rn"1".... AT THE SIGNAL OFLICE. JOHN Sc1.166,44..0. Calms, Judy I eth. 111145. ...•••••••. -- BLANK BOOKS! ISTOTICIa. Dee Reese lodgers. Journals. Cosh Books, Minute Boehm, D.rwiro, Copying Letter Books, Mernmentleta Rooks, Note Roots. Past lanol4a, twins, ie., kee swap tor Pr HE riddle • eertroned ermine, pooretteelelf 1 neemiating . rime et bead erw ptitgll weeds rot doe et% 124.1. by Harih Hfralla in (ever of Woollen. Fseson, due even dale eller ilata,aa prernmet el dee manes bar brow girt WILLTAII TAN. 14. Leese 2.rf • tsek, otos, ars , SIONAL OirrIOE. Oatolon 111.8. '1.`Wt ) Parr( )11 leth ...TM 100100 111140,4 100 III 1111:y WV. l'he Irer•fte 11 11 adveetageotre 0111`, 11101 hes rit.erly 11 ream to nie. Yor bother pertieoders apply i.o re C. WiDDF:11. Oodenek.11th Sept., 1865. 0-34-31 "IA Office oflt:Fir.13-rovincial Secretary, (et rare, Octeoher 2rod, 1165. THE Office of the Provincial Secretary rend Registrar will be closed at Quebec from and alter the 20th Ottoher, aad re•Opened at The above rale rostdaned tin Tawny, Qualm on tbe 25th meant. tee 17th (Wolter, ran. 033 In the matter of mitten' OT I C E le ration tor right of way cif :I hereby gins the Buffalo and Lake that the Buffalo Henna Railway Company end Lake Heron through lots Noe. 85, n6 Railway Company and el' the Maitland have paid into tits couctesion of the Teen. Court of Queen's ship ef Orderich, in ibe fiencbat Tonnes. County re flume the sow of two bandied and ninety six do fere and siateelve emits being the compensation att4 Six mamba intermit thereon, agreed 10 be paid for certain lairds for richt of way, being parts of lets numbers eielity.five, eighty ale and eighty- sei en, re the Meitland conernaion °fibs. town- ship of flodelieh, in the Country of Huron ; eider arel by irtuelif a certain agreement or deed eoll bearing date the eleventh day of May. in the year uf Our kord I e53, and eer ecuted by William Ford encl. Henry Ford of the Mehl tionedollrhr Goderich, aud tome on• der the Act entitled An Act reelecting Rad - ways." soul further notice 11 given to all pre outs entitled to the tied lands or to aay pate iliereof,or iepreeenting or being the hostas& of any prom so petaled. to fik• their claims into the said Crion to the cuinipitierati ur arty part thereof, and all such c aims .1 Ire received and adjudged upon by the maid Court museum to the Statute ia thubehair. hated this 171h Jay of Say, 1665. (Signed) L. RETDEN. +31 3(1.1 Clerk or the resets and Pleas. SHERIFFS SALE OF LON linford ronnio•rol Wril 0( Howie rood Home, .111 Forro oot 1.. %v.!: Hrr Mapetere Cowley Court og Ole Croton: Count...poor lisuen end ' sod to me downer/ noon.* the 'aorta ool laor• meal. re Janice litottogo, et the •uot O'Neil. 1 hue imered end oaten on acetone •111 the right. fire •nil oetafrot MI *net defendant on end to loots numbers, 11 •nol 12 on doe wool', saw und frontons on Ara he rertet, 0,11ele 1011. 10 ii.ariirlop all Want. In 1110 County ot Meer. moots Mom he solneemmerenten he li arm. frion• er •• 010111/11 plon * um.* made Wolloson It el.....1.oweb. P. Lee; raml None oorobloto*Loo Ifila 21 sad ta the ha 'coonerwoote ••• oth ofilm Ihrihnie 1441411, en *boated Townehipm. 8. env ; :et. hinds •nd Ilenetneula xhall 14.1 rOoler tif el oder on 1/111. roUrt 11.111110. .11 1 10. Too., 01 1 40•114/r011, en Tuesday, doe *contest day of Joon... nall, St le• hour oi taelte mitre .. oe . noon. JOHN SIAUDONALD. :tient U. k Hy P.m re II, MIMI y sown.. tomer. mime Ihelerrelt, Rind Sinelioler, Ine6. nr$5 - 'N SAuti UF LABUS. - United Cirentier. or DI voila*. Of a Welt / Herne end Rowe, 13 '1 eediteen E x pees din: 71.1,7 fr....1 MIt n1 Her Molierty 11 Collet! eel Fier' Fernier tor rm. C01111 ettne flowed f fienlier of }prom •nif Km. 1,,,i lo meifir•inwt ...wry, i h• lends •nd tenon. Tmewnesie,..d..001.04erle.,710,111'44..ki..;14.1 lit beepo....Nit eimtlee, Cor_.- rkbeV:4....1.1:;,:d7„;:17,",!„,,^.4:-;;;^:',,,'"--tworn„! mulled end taken in were, t.en 111111m right. tole and inoerre tot the letd erne:Ant Pt and tor the lerfillin. Foretells Shannon oe the Toaraehle .4 e tsito dila el rarptender nest. st the bow. .4 pontoon et the Toltnytem ot Araodeld r 1 hone boadrril livirrr, Which Iambi aa tentrawats 1 Rini Aatineit, re the toeint• er Huth*, eueteonone ow w,..1 hoc°, Int emote, seven. on the thin' eon. tr4Rerid H. & r'. OW. Cednieh, I 31.1 Anew. 1866• w32 Was NcDOUGALL, - - gmbee. oet lini.PieVirf":d. 41 Raenla"aY• liZTRAT HEIFER.-Csaa into the preset - wet: M 1/ ars of ibesehmeribee, lot no. 31,in the 2nd -- - .. --- ---- - - * con., Tukereunith, Loudon Wed marry. ow' FItli,'M 1,'( ) it SA 14E or 1‘1".1 ih• I Ala At N''''''"P"" I"'' 5 Ir"7 Heifer, risiag 4 yews old. The owner it a- _ 1 7.11 et i e <the Ito a pyres loe. property, psj chariots sae Within 11 Xliers of Goderioh I 0 F,14,0711.astZ: P LI:: sefi: 11,., THE vininwigneol of...3w •111. the anomie'. reeeere,,,,ete. eel), est I roman, onontinf on the Memel Hoed tor :Ile 1 oleo *alp Of Wel1111/10•11. re :11.4'..pi7oterarearttereere'l."5 ogf000vh.Flaate.".ettiLf"and• e-STRO:111"'"" 'b. "d"'"da'.. 'e Ill.." 4 ,,,,T.Ft.A Y COW. itastydr,re. t"da araorinwl....1%47. 'a ay.r.":" Al ra:a",..- air:ritrr.14:74,:.:1"C""..-.4"..."1". -11"'1.":7'""'"1.1". -- - -,1 1 tu:::.:::::ia. se. Tylflis.o It 'gat • rif, .111..1.,...." "..,•"1.4.."1,!",..'..' miti,...Yor"-",..e.H „,..,.,:.""" , ,,..'.,. ,....' ..:., :10,,e..,.,,:... .5.3,0, . ,...I .1. t. 011e4erieb,C,er. 6, US. :-•.ieI•il';:"of ti'l ,J. 4 ,,'I ' ' . ' -4 ' :,t1, t.,,,,,;!. ;1,441_4, . :"...::•111:..,,,,,4t.. ,-; 'Pr Ze,;, ..4:I* 4_ ..P.4 r , .. AN WAWANOSH I _ _ 'et r• `" . I - ;1 - . 115 -A •••• `'.•• (' - 7 • • - • ; , • t. • • • •?'" 14,4 , , , t t 'f • t " , • F i'1,! Air "