HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-10-12, Page 1_ . }. 4 I , - , "I I a r! .t;4. " I A me / - .- , i'. ; II `, E I! yam,. i. ► ' i ♦VI;EZ%LY LLIFrIu1. Vie• x / '' IL I Ice ! , I - If. ;1 ,, ; . ' . 1.• ,/ At _ - ' ' - ___ . _ _ .. - - - -` _ .. __ _A - - . _- . -- W. T. CUS, iter and Proprietor.; The Gireatest Possible Good'to the Groatest Possible Plumber.'• N - •- --I tY= - - - r - - - - - - - - -----.----- - - . m --p' _. - ----- - - - -. ----- _. .; x.s -- _ - 1', 18115. j 1 'nL.XVI IrTI d3 I. $t.50 1'1+;1I ANN. IN AUVANCF.r % l:(?llH.ltlCli, (.. 1V.. 11IUIt5ll: 1., OC7. _ - - ` 1'114. Feuilul Movement. i necessary, secure every ole of thein befole I U1rui• N'ork. I Altlil\'A1, OV TTL 1"EUSIAl, I Tiff ' GUIIt Ot.o LIATn."-lis thn lut L%wy o• Ftlwc•Ilo•. i I tsewylueor lsnurt Cal.(«. 7n Kruuvdy's but . 1 Tremblay gas wa• uukLowu ; men.-rolw•d shout "I i31wilim lilCfl orll. 1 115ill 5 D11::ttorn. I \tw Yuns Oct. 4. the treatsnlLundunill all but shedurknrm 4.T Ansa 1.. rAarAelD. Ic t - (from the Lundun f/eruld, Sept 191A.) a ells,;• Humber of letters were filleted b nkrin j I :'ie m u elder mldJle ata, if he hop•• to e I of r tainklill oil lam ui &r the rutictipn I " d I on %I,* subject of Feuiyuism. I keep 4 s wewl Blear, ahqu:d tLmk of wurkin[ The Penia an?r vl per^ tut toigAt with g I'' P Thr otbrr J:q 1 ld c )ills to a [eotlematt _ Ahuut Emil -lust Y,w o'clock un Friday hit braille attar.3lnel,•r-a sea►un Ishich ►lluvld ,{;tier to lie tonll.er 24. Tile At',icr ar:ireJ ?let' wrtt•hltrea iu their drrod drm►ctrric, sled 1 P" -- - - - - -- - ecrnwg cumlderrblp,aritelw•nt ww. crrulud WHAT taul.A"u rats Ia THE IAYDOa •Tlerr. j giten up to rnjnylnrut. 'Ihr iisurdlats lest leu den ^:b J. flwre is nuthiuq naw 4.r i earned to every sp(,ci*s of rk•pmda11 u taa4 ? fortYoreLl it rcrhlung b.erutu7htbils of soeuJ ' Blltlsh Amerloan Auuranoe Co. in thY nei4bborhuud of Parliament Mreeb rms. the Lundun Times, tlept. 10. nfeY!t of lest• nndu.l Irbor is rerun inlrrjor ardiu lIN F'ru.are. Am Char tt oRttr ttault. Thar wrro ulna ba %e a i g JI ! SEEGMILEER' Uublio, by the wizur" of the Irish Ytuple I Th• iurprio of the Dublin Fenian oe I to Ihr, produced b the viperous h rill of lou i' t T Uuver to em lie s IT..l the go Ions unto. f unintuty, Yrs rule in lhr wurW in life, F I R E M A Fl I N E . f J %%a nrresl,a in'the lbrk Kessel, but it "N iudnslrr, mud manicd, , %Ler lair 4.a lite, JUM FR I N Aunt r A t I.t v' psper, slid tie* arrest of w-veral pennate Friday rll,hl tat been followed up by more i ueurrnnq. ST he . aretit,1I hhnr It" l"'ctomr I believed that the tn•ul.n ax r hods art• F It 4.U4 Ihem 11,11! lellet% IY KU I.UIa I aYnlYll ll { sj, I EL • I t T• ' e•unccud Huh itt yuAtiaelion, un!w r kwti ie AhP 4.a nal and rlwrhpre, sad we S •habil, itolwrer, we .know Lor Trak err ! u. Muth Dtluro lite iuceution let ralwrd., lady 1tPy to whom hr hYd hPt1I long ruuLed. lad 11afield. C. W., A tril 16, 1963, as12 p fwUl Ir1i (Ale. }'low UuAlin deleclirre wen 'w4. now w us L•oun frnm Tauuwn to ff 4.a whet" etnmscd The we"Ith of several es• J 1 w rant imsurd h 11r, S(roll ', Police Muprs __ ____ . _ __- } a 1 R shall soon d,ta.n accurate informrtiva u to I %ones lel arn.iut w male • u,tf:ror J'xisr, al euro in F: r. •land, led ha in Shel tro R" trrle, h would seem pkat sumo rrr) un''tile "tre,,4th Y'tel constitie ion of this mysi•li and %hell we welt mmiudrd of the amswrl h 31 • 11•e ,boli 1Yc ern o too b the sa•umto s. 'drool (saltire. TIO•?d earnest wish fob toil• JOHN BR,ETT t ' p+rtxnt infunuauou had Ik•en cummuu,calrr! raw sucirry. y Fenians in maNchester. sled oma to tilwtlp Id. the r,?iith from one sled rif , of fir Tu get ing whs nor invade a py oy a s n o L A L L 1{ facttsw aa[ % read knower mule by air Walter Scutt to boa I hvaidectuh. All wale rend to ltubhm. be Fenian c4. 1 Ian Thr wrro wade ha c L •ins. who -. to the uulhLnues, which the I'lley Council *neourata lie to ieve that it will W lound 1 who, iti hit Ins iUu•'ss, iomstw that hu basun rather without mukttIve c ;ler, if d of gra g 7 1'P. 7 t TII, Sheet -Iron, and CII r Smith, 14 met to Coudlkh. •led relnYuled tiuinx u to a gauaastum in I;:.erpnill, is reported to evil• I , from lbs wom.rt Ire 4.'u 1"ou, pas roeetd al C Ply P much Ira b,nuidrb flow, it bus been retire• would break dawn unle,a he dt..tted frnm ,,,,too %,.live n.nwiths,aud.n the arrets,- men'• eLa•rp and •ttb-r cab, iwlcaJ of tb,re I K Isle hour. Acute+( under the direction of die ,(rated.. Two hulitA ul if,rms berm been I brain, work -'I As for biduing lilt nut Wolk." ]'lee IruLhn'E:ruin Mail. says, ev.odenee was cutth;:n ole wlneb, rhich the hackney.I (Mar nee and attention, YI hi'nd mhelte R EOMONDV1LLE,C.W. law ulGret lel the Crown, muiruuu mere (rand,andmnyt of is dligintroclors aro• Isaidhe,s v,•'Mol' 4.m htrs well ut U•e cutches wereslam.dred)tateago;mendied !reu. in hover.••loris1 found bio Lehicle x ' • Led tor' to Yr. Stmn by . the olice, I 0ht; 7 ,t I' w yoluminout dent the ewe n tL ,,f iM 1 P m tuuld ,ver (auks tat ere of which ultivatorl &c. for Sale. LEATHER FIS. DtN6S • I I'P Te P said to Its Irish niliaia men or. disbanded ,Aril's ori lhI• fire, sod then say, ` \ow, Buri t I prisuners could tut lske pease on ILe :3rd. I lord nu ham sen o In were leu lyras nor I Le turd culbcud^ dl thht arra rurth ..t Sto ee, C , y under tie tmoosu fi luoy Act, &4a"111 the v ill suldarre of The CYit.•d 5 us army. Ttw Anil."' It mot opt b4. wpytwed, Au%rvrr• I A;i gYtet thnueth. rat Irrda"1 rt tM Irtrat U•tr , tllero wen leo twins le rereice this ! I lite 4.l ]Jolie It 86orr.Notioe. hc., lite. dews u r the 11 sill Peo le, •led see er,ingfe of lb• war. 'r Lr F'un'r law* wen• . I"'tire, from :roue %la to LuckAs and from P rinQ I P Pe I venk lad file uptwar Nr cul ' t lif clerks and bhxt we risb tu,JrprecNte rren se\erc mental I Aar•r. .k LYuli„let coutiuueJ w alien utl' , F Lodke to 1'rthrr!ue Mrcaelr At fir kilo.• persuus ehrrtred rich Feaiar.ism. workman in variouy mechanic" eurn,u 'rents• labor; un the cumniry, a wellorgwuzed brim ! (!,irk lOQlili out fur a vt I rr .xltd to have' trudurllr sappiue elle \ilw!s c! fh' counlev ; J W There ren ten persons arremod, the five Wi- do not bear that any on of influence or Jeusah11. exerci e, well lose the blackeimWl a ,.!eared ruiin A acri_•a ithF arms• 'rex t slew thine 4.w leu prat ,a carafe their archil 1 .d of ion,( he di a. the honor( o consult me 1 LITLl1tD HOTEL, GODEEICH QODERICH• C. fteflowiu bein . laced in (:bane« lw•ie t f tar a rill •'e tee, tu the rewulert tarsen let ? 1 R ♦ P 7 pu,lt:un in srxwlJ W suppoxJ In by imji i'•rl- 4.m•, tluul.hre leu it. 5PY brlu•re that plus I y, r.dilnr}all( Ao.Js up tun muvemrul to 6' i'a• J on the rota ct M bis rt•serrehet, Arryiaf, he etxuary 1R.1 6e• w-4tw police stitti,ir, under lite rumbles is.•ued by ell, told among the lluhlin prisoners the two surahie .E:'.,ia %irk eau Ile retrrxd on b, a'. cuutelilpt, as rdirulnusly ateaurd sad- utterly ; the ruila e. 1 be lemaketh of slags• -couches., 1t IIUSKF,N, PltollitlETUlt. T11F 1 r _-_ -_-_ __ ___ the m",ristrate : - 0111"n:,.w4. Iilteha, the appal ars''•• Irfde txslJra blouse ar,nnerled I rlm•at lumtkas erlrnt rith,mt injury. A ! enai;oi..r%let in prnpmu• n, but says,i, t I inrhicb luggage was then carded, LavinK leu ,"aid, (bat, nil of all tkr gaert Irr, are hinO, E. •bore n rrwt pl.om.tly rata■wd use au I -, matrager and wtcrlaib1. editor Pf lbw ,;All with the /fish Pro ,stem to tailor Iwrt in belle IYII •erg of f ney, r pbilna,ephur arirnrlhiu;y In bort eierrle sAo« r th tku I slriots, tr;,,IIery vl,ytbri wen rublrrd W akuuW In• able to furor a I Irr i qualiT aslo.en.a Ito last hlxL, „vrrlookmp err H■rtor ouuDle ; rel at U'l:'wes'. o r.rlinq at '!0 Ir,ra ; auu ryru in TLv best•ut;tt uue•tlslnl ! cowp.et and tompretwnsire ; u bee's IAY a4r Huwn•- ,ad ehrpsw., ti"rdea• led ) toil au iriti-welor of bre caeai.•a. 7 be rsons I Workill, bout some a ferme fir the lile'efit of e4mrtaeau Uovernmenl it ice% all partiril.r• " P 7 d,lrrn,i wino of bulb bimarlf and bis lad to red 1. , Dissolutioo of PailoErshipl , I',e(:tame,It street ; Jamas ?loll hJ. (itis -n lel Tx i luuuault ro(n •h rah -r th ae wrrken their I ) 'lel bite ,:rterlrwe t rt Icwt rrie d%ilii drunk, k 7 Itand W.Ik"e";8; ed. Board I perd■r,dasb • . I' urr.srd in Clerk rues' a men{elver, isev 1 , I. ,jun y nod ,o%yA;n f e d a...I el The I i ehn,•xe,thP hat that cuu1J lie ked, sad W ble■laur Ne11•. tscrmt. 4.l )nl0rlr I hostuu ; Thurau Ash slid Curnrliw V \IaL mhol,men, .0 Askturuev'a cl.•,k and a publics , ferlau. It wilt be f neud tont lite great major r,rmv wuJ 1.\y.l:urcae daps out Iwliesu it I - - - . -- -- tlpttl" . - -- -- --, --- ----r--- - iiF partnerxhin hithano oai•ling between any. ' The remtiond-•r wen* conveyed W Wi ile it to beyond 4u",lion tLat America ity let' lhtme• who Lave•ts.urd Wyle It iuortitn 160 lroopt bring in!"t,'4 with FenlwUlm, I esting Iternsil ' tbrir hild all• that wild Ricin andrgu.A. W ifhrm U• Smith wall Al,xar.der Smith,' Cullpge Nreet rruiwu-Jamas ll'Cnumor' - twa been Ib. er.d,e lel this foolish 1uu,imiun, ler Yua.rrralts, ba•• a a,lw g.catl) d -tin- i -A rout *ors lh•y,am atatiuotxl un sound military , Inter - , - g... _ . _ Rare h+m m r d inoght wish the utesuat fr". Tanners, ie tole dy'diuuh'«d M muted even 1 M•ikkeeile, - Ww4ldier Mouvh•n, Michael . and is *lilt the Buis of its u!iFratiwu, we I tb•m%elves ler after la i . It is the 'hard 1 ptif ,.i• r ler the e„ut lel s tis ago wed nam• I Jeremiah Towi ten,,, thr clerk cl the New I dem. slid atter 1 returned bowel threw ui,oa HOTEL NOTICEI seat. All parties mdebb,•J to the wid firm; V Sell, FoAarty, Pierce, Sable, wild W- F - mule IYII ju.lice Lu the l'dlteJ Styles ton ton etas twit work whaFh tears and frets as 1 tier :n;,mOtl mel., htasl«s 11,0110 aimed are rrqursted to fertile immediaaly w ith 55'. i Uvemlime. I be thar,te atri'e'l thma, con- .rnm«rat. S , far .fruits c,mniviaq at, these hue ,I m Ater of the cerebrunt. It is the I sentma ed it. rhe +tole iil0o,000, iw oral 4ayrr ILe olrCr•ativrt whitb W uecuI OILS DONOGII takes tibia meant of in• (J, $,with who in arnhnriard Nl c"llect Wll tawtd iu the warrwets skeeter which they hoer lillih,sasint de.i;ns, br at the exp,rt%tiun i atiaiu rad 11,x;,•1 ,4.'b ch recon, ani•d the of ,r herb w tu/YnnJ from • s"rero attack fur arv,ui)tan. lis rise i T P T• srutwlxJ to you I'rtus i furmint the uldic that he bw 'entnnd q 1 lel Kn#t. '1 bra Grtt thin] to be a object of t. ens= I' olustrndmg debts, nod Hao settle dl liabdi• I been ane led, in as Iilbtws :- That they of fim,rtnt t•, Irclaud, there is reason to be• ' workiaL let of tees rent munettefy traeNe- 711. Jtoniteur sutburi a1ec1 sLu. tLu no, tete. S. J. lirJ, res ding near Mario•, Yw. into die Ilwel hus;uess in the stated furmetl {{ 1 uulawtu'I Rud tivauunahl did cons ire and I J pp't to Idurwtirn, is dee Objrcl Yf it. 7 bio J I tieruf wed film. I J T r i.ere Ihtt h Let lse int11J .1tion reatd them. I rape %Loc Producer that alert Yud tl'i IIl'r eha,Ae ie the matiheis ler poaq of the ►rcr'atlJ shut for il.awnt. ut be o u. I itpl•erd to mor to bare been generally miser known u the Fulton (louse, where he trill W. G. SMITH, ! cumLme ritb Jterte il:her mrd dupusa per rt is "irtrd tLat the iutu.m.uio❑ seW"4 atirL ruteudhtst/hral %heels grsduri:P wp't dM• F,tach, Govrrnnmut -is coutet"ntnled.- min a6u %w Lar:lug iuw ort bedr,wm. be happy. to mceiv" old friends arid cuestomen I A, s1117'il. xlus It •un;in • to a Tir•cmt wrarly. ctell.pd tLe I nue w-4iire wai maul.• at tlw Irish leer e I mind .,I r he . t t,4 man, utul re tire• hins lel I t I dt r"towl. I•:auoauun, in IIs I•rgret setas. id Godench, June Gbh iB65. wl:) I Codenc4 Sea 25th 1965. w3G•ll I F'craan ltruth rho,al, Ar\'iug f'4. (!rel ohI• ct. + Itamnurs Ire bite L,cer.riun. 4.A tail dl.+p,rrd A tulorrd man named Charles Frrnrson, s ILing of ; tat scups wed ratan. It.neland p om. a was dented frnm Wadhin ton. and mw 1 tits coylhtiuu f an iueloreileo-'[Co.als,ll , musts. Atwnuw .w drnwo i.e Paris to the g 7 1 kille•i qt sou •Innnra un Thursdal Ir•t, at The wb:iln pas co m by whiCte • Lumau berg • is _- - I oho levy of war in 1,'o1u„d.:.xairist the Queen, yr.,b.Lty flat* twat cl,mmuuilated ,lis our I:4rgas:ue. I ire:, t.,id Ill -r. air t%u nnr11 islands between , Cuocinunti,aud tried the kill iiia wit. al the moo Trorm-A to lie Tribalj Le is, in habits, protect es, m s Ti I In tefrrenee In the above the business will • gold'fe",uratiug it Iwm the iniad Kin(dum' Ll.uislrr bt the huilr'I Swtes. We ai%cetely . Nestow,J.nm! and Irclnnd loot marks l In i ,lase. mud rnitirntiun o? every kind. Rol of th , De .YS 8 O T E y Le carried on sa uuigl by W. (t, Smith-- Several i.ther arrests• it rlllwar., Lev : hero trust %hat such mrd proem be dip case, Dead the reseal ma u; but ala ,ted Cor srview of . W RO X E T E R ! ff kd^a aill he taken nn aoeonnL of debts due onulm. or are in cont«In latwn,• 11 bars nil ` Tile l;ener l'OudlAgn. P . ! Alar nem!wr of fairs • srow"l Mudup " •°'J 4.111*II llutir in Ux power even of t 1 mare herr main• te..hon lis thank SIr.:'.rwrrd iter Athuuoc aw ,e. '1'La F:yrywmr lel' .5ustna ! slriot himself ; a smaller atoll ewe he dinclsl rs•auet.d on we ltriwel hued running (rum 'ir lite hi;rhert mark«! price in ('ash paid for traasl,mi whether the wise.• of ton It"I"r bur Lis uAere;eut,un than -lie dr;uded youths I. The Siontreal f ru Rrriew fen I its+ isiln'd an im ortrnt malih a o til L-* o• I ate 6" . uught 1 p Lr wl specie alws at p 1 vru;,rth t •,au,smpton, num mdv nu ah led I FLdrs and hki •dtl.rrred at the o'd •land. h:w arisen I:um w,y parlivular article wb:oh mho sur thui have been" woed•from lung ' p 1 bJ yurrha+ A tulles lel' sill kind. Yrw en• a • tAred n, its columns of lair, or in cu■+e T 1' I I'll* general lu,nd.tiou M t • all over the I i.e., titlrmnlI Rnnventn•anx W them der I.,ht I hogh hgYres. v i grgP fur your ;hl!J mn"ten and talon at C wLrre nlwJ•rd to Wm%erer, a■J uyoeetn•• W. (i. SMiI11. 1l mgfur tL•er to,frime. TGere %true ntrrcJ m atur,trr is ailat grrul)in, 'l'he rapidity i to arut•iprtr thruu,h theor re m•senuuvrt chug to ' O,ldsiicL. Sept. 29th, I`:G3. ; 4uance of the general til:,•• nil ,prod in its I ouuin• dnwp $%mon at an car!J ataRe. I'b, 1' o I I ti broker of nil a%Omaa bas left phot est• I tars' wlut vi ; and you du wall, fur ill hoe _ 1 I wish w hi, h the product of to .ccutelry is let Iegir!uiaoe sled cum I tt let' dor li:,an:w. wild tiYG,000 and a oslua butt beiuugiug rnugtp let to inslruM flim :lite) will gi•• $OIIDOfe, Walkerton, SootLampton, . Irdr,.. Thr erozore ars lee:Hord by' rite nuAdeadena •re\ alwiyt fuw,iu number, and 1, • p g• i W .e.diYr mall. him tLr meune, wt tell of acquiring .c viler woe th r.•r.omlil t pu!ice . uh such prorotetuJr slid gwetne!ts, rThcir prom, t 1p,' ek anon ro:,htcs Lhe KoA I Minx converted into luower. Th Lirh mete Tt„mhaT. Sc t IG.-l'ouu• rdywrcw or ■Try p!eee,. th.1 duw ate;a, p,7 and at such a Luc ls-out, Thal w -,v intetrst In o e 1 •% lel .rill their Ivan- Li::t ''"beck the lurmete aiw r'aLsjn/, •J U,4. 7 F Liver na.l Se 1. 2a. t. m-Rroa,d..tuTs- The ,near crop in to ah"hdanl m England "rad accompli.hrtlenli ; twt is bite bwuners • I' d.tion 4.,.,•%.s he sills ex t•ta and at first tees+ RIi LES f H01 lT LJ N 7 rnlmeut i d a I.N I 1 l 1 1 ti p 1 I I ' 7 tLe writer raA conlints! to the e•liruho j oral d "pur ion ahs, 1 then rr.nct %rat', ie , this rive ,+lurrtae ro ere sol cal.id, the est JN aoly nolyl•,,r .0 r.•+„4..'t•. - l'l`t"tt )Lfi. dlc..Xa•• t i "'I" ate. Ib compete success, In volt I I 'ihrt rbcs are chespxr Chau puwl.w+. '- ! Ltrl„x t ur•#t .lel Yta• n.Lacnce. Moiler ill' l ,oar in fair dcum11J rt unrhaegad rotes tiller lot Ino. lin )lea ask, thea wb►t 4.l t IucaNis, in which •the paper wur pub;.dlM J ; BAND I I etsure. u its Lest wl.11r:domt, wed this ming!e I .ireu atm! frerll ie dmuet all arra ,.a of I Wim-st in Metter mgnr.t mill *tW s skwll TL. u;drat woman in ,M.ine is an, leaven ! ICE ALWAYS I : It is w'h:erred ihat svw wl other warrant 1 blow mxy lwtlulte ix the meant of lwr":Isu,g l,b,;y P I4. 9 T ail' emir your wu ? Yew trample will aJu , ,I were u+ flip h•o.1, of the detecti,,% LW Ilial Fruiaoi+4.n ernes bur all. IlMfmrh recruit and I twee este m' n iv1 i 11tlrnd • u v e nIli 4.s la d r nn •,yes twllle ai.dd:b lut I:n. tt II J s a4. <,Id Yutl 31u1 e•. riw is lUl mw him: your consertuion with your S v i tbs-persms •• ea»rd " h.," nut tumid ill" sNxes tt arms be teak tell dbpir w* from ' - 6 T`' ,mend.; the Lu+inert Ir cert you tve11YCt : Trout-Fishin Friend Y 1 J J ? of trwle. Cnnntry memov:u are xmi:yu, enter; !'a t.I l::e and 9a w I L. Iudun ca• A„ F:nell.h iros mill bas made 1ulLaet of the bkinget and dialikings yus careens ; the•., - g j It e- also role N J, but we Cuts form no I Am••rirs +t is t. b• Ian .ed tbat^ the lien, , ,,o, . u et *I ih to 2 r, ,;d far mlxcd. 1 n let . I h• :rat ler , u; t onn n to, lilt truth of tLe ruuu•, tL•d ' I • e1'rrpfd 4.o. own of blows uuutrn,tinKe. and y _ ' ,- Iron m, (bio `boat n requires f, 00 siuutiar + rill relocate him: -the society you has w- wish lh. ir;w.a uhexJy w thAir Lru'1t, Wi:: , ,irsAea ole alMusf evri art:4It bur east said I'wnxwns - (last' d 1 but aPrvh. I irk i wt4 edupu him: 1wr domestics Wal v1u- A Ill MIKE D A NU F IE Ti I' EiET nreste uP,k p(rcr on F'rvl .y ui:bt in arrprrl know htw {y take care of theirs, The prey-, ) I : 111 `M`'V to mN:' ail iuuh m lhrrklaer. turns throuaout Th cu%ntrv, the Ciuren,. I produce sc 1•Iq• and tu.uatsc4try. 'ft•e• re• 4.n naucd d• nand av Lde sabre. Ifunb Mohs I I .•air tum ; Dehore all, your rwk ad Mdwtiur IAla.I.S h.1YS n.eul • h -(run'• the dart:tr lel '614. worn ecce of Our.Cttt leu the se$ coret,,ot Ireland. ; touttanre• to nespurtorl un accuunt of F,tinp ler•!. ill n l,; 1•,is. Iw,d. "tock tahruttrd The Itw+ian ex-l.irulenant who attemplrv, u, itis• your butter, %,;u4. table, your 4cmuw Lt • i ► t1.uu.L 'J, keLA rad acri•lehtal, hen KrcatlT ' Iurchaee maturin;; ti: ii std t •elle.+,, • I ■:,J b inest , I teb,it. (I hran>ruomte 1st Frclrt"ry of like IrAation ground., your Luunls t rad your stablatu will wt6-1. Proprietor. •imo!Imil."'aurrert we're mxdn iu lHntry I - { 4 f 1 i _ ' l,•I.de.l l0 gke.Cl tL! p.■I„t illimlx flat, p eg,'to I nont"oh are t:s;I:d{ sell reay.n.f" and ,Iii; +W. 1 h"I -i IM Wrn n'•rrt t1r 11taf r! r1a In l'Ylfe WMa help itntned In ILr all)•)( fUf . _ _,-__..__ Aso Skilebere n, Kemm m, and otLPr pliers. ! . j rJuelask , h: his out In ymtr o wa t: - - hoer mAslruut*, inA rill serve ►+ • Tlmo II ,aunt of Uiia me nab',r w nirh will Le r:irria-d aa',rA (.; t ; oq, 'l+eGd to .0s ; )earl.. SYs 1,)b. i ! w rtLd,uw: h:m from low emltinud iaaueap ..f Mone t0 Lena, 1VIADFr TOo ORDER -- `-• -• varninA to the Fr.nrnt'un butt aides let the i overtLis raam fwano"•likmtcoI1% 1tw,tk 1•J, but Ii,A r iicea asked 4.l tl.. cb•sr.- i' 11e are ghtd to hru felt the Stintf.In1 I (h'x tpir +s euPpt yoit War b Witldros. 7 'Polk: PENIAA MOVEMENT, A,f:Rntia. •• I lie 1,61b, ' says the same weit- I That of last utunn,. We bavp IfrrJly ".1 I taxers *trnn. mall del t,, It d,an•r. ('•'Ree Flax lolls ure dein a rod bw ,, bit. 'TLC • y'"I "`h' from them d"o. You "Im" rd Ur erinti-Preuer, "are •till great cLildreh, C - iC carr reasuuaLlu tenor. :1;; 1. lis lord n moutle of U,•: Fall t•;uk:.yel lieerphn,' 'Ilnective. , fa: n 4t:r dr m1 d rt Iril pir.n. g' ht rnnin the taxation of our wu. TLo - } l j TOU hits ATI'll, n (•1111:.. IuvinA ",, se. aCitateun: lrhisliel and "'"" • 1 growth wed tu.%nro of g:.a ibuu:J Ik hwkad , t J r a4d•Im l+.m so mrt r,Mr:,ill in whicA n•uht.i,l•.:Ir•.' Ter 4i 2 1 d"mNed 1 ,r r. std; r►1's atl:r Ly dl our f roc:a. un'mrnt ke wet aAl* to firm an iJw hi• H. L. DUYLF:, J, CI M INT G h HI hal rag%huodtem." We entirely agree with ( Aur" wtidAltory leave 4",,ra arcompli,b'•d.•- at :,til far de"eo1 d, un to 3t Yue lin" ert 1hvW,a (rept• l nubt)j cene"pbrdeeee *f the thin estimate 4.,f dee Foniam, and hranUJ flat iadic; tilihi, 1 . . far rte nest Ins ler eulet the • ., rod :+ . t., :s 101 to arri"-- I ,if circus wu dread) beg.1 ; tit ed•icks- - - r' Ab's cew Reek. U I o►eq the 1ixrlet. , LuoJeu 'Itlrsvp4. share the Woe that, after this h•"nm, tht•rr , I ' T' Umem.e wnnlrr New the p.nhibAory I of clrcuAletunt - lwrrribb *doeatios - ve p P I P w Plis ore e1•uaLv frv•rnb:r, In a!ou,s t every , (%ude I- tw.m .old, urnyr, at 21%. I L -law under Ike Netkin An In Ih«'rownshtp which. ,eke inaro%ib .- perspiration, is u( ware (tnderich. 9th J.tt. lb1;5, w50 l yr I A mi:itis man oiled Warn••r, also acted ! pwt'ib,ismm.y 'r.a 'ats rithilut 'flb.iun i ;writneat rat trails, and u'nrnlvrrrry lorrli- r `•Yell.}` 1..5Tl:i t I; 1'11i3 PhUSIA. of F;aiIJ, w4. quoM•r{ rite eo.u•, in the I eomomat p^.d powerfu etfiect. ind of infisitdy "' .111 kind, raft::meir.nq done •on mMt • A" dell w'tPunt (or the 1'tourny ie.rxra• of h ,tuJ,"er, even r Llood:ea akumuh its • ' y I r y Y. ,;, •pi. 2l Cuart d Quers'" lSenrh on MondnJ tut. I tear Cott" oast to the haLat, thea tot Ir. tt m4r IK sad that a tenitle c..n•IIUnn 1, e4. ill• tnt.,,di t4. (• twtwt[olultlotel t71lc1at11t:.W ire :thleterms.{ Isrehlnek"Iuponas the fork iut rmer.- caL-ra - exists, Former+:::edwn,janw':•grudhru,rlThr• v •mamas t.o-.dnm, w N"' lurk, A ttihin: lnrdon reporter de4crih!s a1"""I' u more dome{ and appu'tnt. Thit (i,xkrieh, Augurs 2n ' 1Nf,4. aw94 I M,mc dell"s of The "'to" daring The police I I Than they war did !.firs, vsce;•t pep h'.p+ in I at, , 111"F...,ek hrdrl. edueslion goes on a every instant of limp : jt`;r= _ -__-_ _____ rhiJ 4.n giau•mtLCCur1!pspen.dyeaer A vt'IIe Hur•1rn•r lis t6c lalY •rte• Merron ttAavPritrrl had les.ddti telt I jotpnae pacLLxlel Y' w eac"rdingh 4 J 1 'I he Id rpad '1'.•legrap4 pA lishrs a re• pretty chi:%• ooh ten fetor of age. neatly I iT gaxw un like time ; }auu man neither pop it _.. --- I dad ,_ I Century. - ie dial .teing of lh.•ir flocks rat. mole sayslser rent that I11 Amslit-11 bark Ila„ IT,arri%eJ ncr turn H" course.. %'lobi flava Lave a t.. IIHN HlvKA,.I'rnpractnr. it the ,,., .. I d,Csa•d Rnd o lh flar'te tWvb 0unuj Gum nA Iw.bc..m.t •Hoa! .n kin the - t - - Un ir.Wrmation Teeeivrd ley the rormushoo I lwv rales. F' q luuttxr, the dema:.a Glint I bene from (. Jana., wan mrrhru. •d ht wu he„ eudl unall straw lull." drncy ler make your relied, that he will M. -- J tr.re.ts 4.l y. The G,llnwing }ural nccoont of • wife tLe t'nited tatrR h:," lau•'lar:r.r milted. A so sewed . rew etcun. r carr 1 the Maim. and ducumrnu tiro nod rerifrh 1 . tart w. tits f ewI(Itr1Wn ti.at •crus were i T R P turnadn.ruJ .•luete• a• ler derofF x. env 11 err ( ) ) murder commuted i1 to the time of John y in y6o••,Ka. :,less 1'ngemtor u...Nr.!hnaror ax.crand m • 1 •rte kept Ly a, enJlh mimed ,,. !and tAe shTwKMt 'n doe gnat Trentywd..r; ;Fre,i: i+ flax. 1' crpuiu of 1Le si+i ace The l'hines populriinn of Sinn FrenriaO till Ibpy a1r toed, and 4.o longer p (ley w,l 4.A Itnrr.. It„ra.asnJ C.mhae. w4. HIm e, Hrga,it, lee 11.1.E . Lu.., -it. F mil Barrs P, I hnoox, we clip from Drtid Cranford s Ne have out ea;J been li r2e. but at price) lucb I bunnu•t +t a hole. , it rapidly becomintr!viliaed. Hr. Ah Wee, i tench 1116 yr talk, std nothing mon. The 1" Nfoo,re.r dor , f I- I SYb L.+I•rtu,r IIYmI t.n.: t'npuut To.,lrr and "' I s o f the , Rai,a of Scla:oDIA ;'- . I prowler e. l;ood.pruf.I tp neaito6 in utrber. 7 Ler esleue ofr',rbt ndml thousand pnott twhier of the Not ,gong plonk. lately I efrromMoinces w which roar was u placed N OT I C E e 1 r tub cnu ian:e prurrrth d there oni S.wrdsJ A sot 4.h tatter rrr! "f ilo•: ,amp e[xp ' there is rat i, "L.11 wme•np.4 of activity, hod 1 aeriog bonds Uv Ike . Ie Iwilroad ComMany I d•cnmled with 84,000 from the- afe of tL1t will I>A even more prevalent that )ser w ( }(1DERIC H J:'ANNIhG MILL , I f tembcr, 13TU J Ur. John 1►e'Iix, mens ter f ( m oniti.liv inn.w•naa 1, Mur,•an 2 Co., lel titutioo. ample ; and %no have no right to •cpett biti Alltc %'+Ir he'd .d n e f.. :.•r r'.,ra'n,tsremn,t, xnd xftrr r tan• lel aird rtrlalwrrfp ft ,,t, near i:u,d,ar,. ;Rome inW Edalmrgh. I with Inw frk-i;luti IMI% w p•in•a are •brill: ' , .r .ler ..we,d.ell,Y, ! seaµll, tt.ee diuo,•eled under li,e hparthAtun.• I I, rrdised.b holden. Fur•,cnry Article Ol : Luud,dr. 1'br ruberiipt•ur prior u T3, 4.r• - do beromel alist Vol ourself are, but the ASU tlhlI'C ...air illIlea•. f r I I I Ite np:.lilt.-d %I:h a ternl,Ie remorse n1- cam J letter from Texas says that lot destrec• J t • re,e ek m the p.ruund, wheaem `wrro two - ; Can.tui11m rnsrr,f:v,tu,e tit• re',i. n Dole nn active I d. rmuLfe a Ilse- iu ten vean. %lilt interrmt a settle lunars.. 1 leo, out have labeled arin; i . 11 sc,mce, ' ,:,;1;• W c,;rG•att, ve e•ime which 'nn rat ly t arm wborm is d y .. ; HORSES CATTLE, &e. ' I ) 4.m w'Lith ens. dI .. 4.1111, lir y re 1 els 14> 1 1 , t ,•r4r% teal smile -fur ked i ayongt. Tbn p.kea uipd nIll.. L+re been nthera'.•r pruned drmnnA rat rerT prdaaf.iP p, 16 jmr cent. Thr bnm aro u,.r-pttble 4.l slsrmi r. in wtnmy ditdlict not bun (Lana I"ulh. to s1 Tour inn u!aa higA•r Rrouau. d] 1711!)O • .was let * r rat w, Jere anduid. e 1 rru. venue lis ad►aoce. Lvrn the Irmrte w Ion mut tour oto .uxk liihr"b*ter ' _Puou. mud to rnablr him to Iwgin whete )oa Irl( ' I 'i4..: At the yi;la.r of f"ia•Yt On :hr' I i" I' p pas I■poi• t Lim. ile hard Iken manta, 1« -fore biurtb u. third let tLeenop rill Iw guthPred. u .. .- l } } 1 dv hutct.rt•-the an-ulal,aiimrni.of the viJ •t o1 ..'.+e ".,td a b neficr to L,,•rr farts bilin Lrd.yotd loc nn•1 tLalt i 1:: Ta(eul:ArH.Tu Qri'r'.>xt, x. PY P oR, Ju nal expect that u. W Lt wkat yam {IB 1'IL t'Igltl'•RI;L(,, Ill L,F h.l h' , 5l-"drrvin In d.e m",.tet of F'ehruarif l he R+tmto otJ t 1 ,. Arrnunts m Aonhcuat ?linisai i n n• qq l 14.1 - . amu ..0-i, ,•nrilr v d'spee•e4 wish, am?•also I os hanla and c:ait'in t'rc-con" It wleich L?v.•4. oro!, 5•- t '!4.-'I hp Fenian $-Inns w.n,-di;igeut, m,"lest, ailive. rim Ie ip Leo 1 Ihr.;%halntl! n. ver the' ,wort,.. rt llur, n ee , r beer Hud NorrmT «r. i j s ne;shIr ,'. d up!Iter in the ruuntry aha i . 1 soli Ihr pna. act" of the neat cunuu trop `s. p " :+uq )laaul•rtunna, uJ hat' Maj, I t pi this ha' k, Iraviit etho new insriuuirtd w tun. , 'I ,.A.It d, ilii . ,m4. d••Are••, Pn ,.t' +' •p it r vert error, dee ,her+ Iwinq.mowilling to gra I ta,tra Grlale iu ICaOYe'CM. l iW baro u, anA Rre, etfrtrhe I brad Lrou rkt hill Lut a n,al,Jrr p,•niun. Jrt J 1 "i I' (tern ch remnndrd )ral•rlrv, rat Ukeo for , f „ ,,,,.d . en;.d+ . I h • I AI Ile*i4.!: Ci;Il%. nu the• fecund TrtednJr_' o,,,, 4.,,w A,rJr. M.m.%lost like n short ,word. ''1'ue r ntiquaucr aaJ gmwta,! rsh•nt ` ( ter a wrrk. Tkr w'ih all he Ula t. p••ll+e - 1 kine'mrder quite a d4eav,ot nestter. Poforty w s rich lee hu cinutri-ill• crA at tont loop nboi: ••1 , S Io work ordn m' a euntrae &rith Ilse Fla:.. 4.•f the muntLt lei Fell Gary. Uctuber, sap 1'Lr {n:4. a about ri;hirtn tis, L•,m m :eugth, I „ ,,,,k u ,on rat w tuleru'.ie bnimlp. :I'o .export leers an i uport-•d w, o,.. f4., to ranuds Arn its oeitinue. .Among Ike %a'r't ar • e e. The i•la.der however, are clwertuy I p'1"r"ttd you; weahb will nitell b bio. Tau + `UPERIOR FANNING MIIIS &PUMPS• ikn,nh''r. xnd ear%" ori W nwaAel, rlsu:h Inprll.rr tt L m 1 I . I i!w 1 u,ted Still—, n N,,o n m..:t Krrt,ty• In, rebanttrdnr un Iluhuni atmA Utu.1r, all r,nnnt supp"we IM vault will be tl .ar «. L.Isl,rp lot wmlt lel mol^J, ahs• wu a•etr'me i l" I soil will do Ihi•ir led %l du mak( ley •crop. 1lt ltetmnre nn Ih' second 55ldnes,lsyf of _a loot• on two h et tun,;. 'I levy se cave,of r,g;v I in., feature, Neany all oar gmt•'ry, held- 1 h..tnt over In l; verr,xtl, name,l Archdonc., I 1 ole Must vert *ren eapwct IWRt he ill • IIs w^ni.1 peni. eArrlr drew- n .••n.,•n 4.r h.4. I I f IT to d•enrr, %fur, Nn•1 (lull, the rel s vrtJ 1 by arm.• m •I.thr. .e.l ex.,uted artless f,? is c•,•umon Mmit. , J ware, slid ir•al:re. mercuxnlo ha\r mrd. 11t:►a,maD!P d,xumrnd and sato• were feohd Holtntnt.r l;xnrr.- 'Pave I , Ihr %hilt rill now ate : fur lLnugb related per• at.+M.a• h' will wan■nitl,.m uue.« \t braeu„'ills At Wrca.-•CS nn the recPnd Thurxdh s of .. ,. ie . nnle w.,ronu, hYt wrl{ alpiltd, s'nl,.m abort, Ir rhr.e 4T••. 1'au .. muerte erd,r J 1 he t,i.on• tit .. p. my out by The Meme i sten„'') tbe.'e! : Rea %'n•re .••emu nn rra.ua ' 4 birth, c..se,, I le •r of a ant,un e e 1. oil Ito V. street, Lal's Gum the sea•ulJ of )our (Howl h•siW war, eI. l . I ? i to -M nil th"sa .f , uao Ne•d Irhieb could 4.o u .1 warvented. I Ihr nem• tnnnlFA. m:.krr, bbl it. i" sal of m,dlrru dwi n. It is 1'' I . to anbhl Intel;