Huron Signal, 1865-10-05, Page 31111111111111111L__
=011111,....... MI •
tall Oh ISiS
010 world is changed Dow -a -days,
From what it used to bo;
1, is reelly very curious,
Tar deep we hear and art•
Time was when people were
Cement, via honest pin,
But now the trouble is, they all
Ithr " oil moue the Lruiu."
They are trying to cheat or force
From or old Mether Maki,
The riJies thet were given
The old ledy at her With ;
But, except a little gua mg,
She 'tutor dues comelein,
Like we, wisher she lays it to
The " oii Hirt the braiu."
Time wits, •heu if you met
A friend upon the street,
Ile aeked, " how is your health tu thy
• hew yuur coup of wheat T.
But now " any signs ot oil?"
.• I fear they have missed the vein l''
And so a seems that outi 4 all
Have " oil upon 120. braio."
Morning and niglit, early mid late,
No rater when or wbere,
Petroleum is the topic
That is talked uf by the wen,
thl we'll surely strike next week,"
h heard time and eg Wet,
Till one begins to think oil
• ouly on their brain.
Departure cat Lord Moo
THE F3331STI.A.113. lbes Cars I
If we could *peak loud enough to nab
reattrr puhie in
1010*, We *weld tall bon, fur tbe fiftieth saute, tongue.
The French View 01 the Affair -
irons Ike Dublin Daily Express, Sept. 15.
We think the time has come elan it is
unjust tu 011 came* of our cuuntryuieu 10
suffer ilia Feriae lully to go further tomun.
abed. When Hum *0* many querters of the
curial We lol Ulahlly and daily
aserching, there west Le some seed* of•
faction ',tattered pretty eenerally user the
country. No doubt aegis relents turn out in
many CIASCII be absurd reggeratiuns; but
the very tett of such ti
gruedire r
pice having
brit excited sour the exibtence oto horrur
to which loyel pears ought pot to be ex
reed. It way be prudent to trent uthrilin
traitors eith contempt ad iedidetence
long ati they wily tentiliste their. jury 1111seditious newspapers or at piddle esertiegs ;
but when resident curtly geirtlemeu und
!eligible Mo.: PapeilenCed muguittatee booth to
site their °errant. Mid 10 icoid their plum to
the banks tor many, them must exist some
real gloomd fur terror alum in the particular
places efiere that alarm is felt ; end from
/le '11*'he Pro Bigger * the favorite per-
fugue 10Looduu.
Ib. ear ot Mr. Brydges, away down iu Mon- A. mllets out fer,
en in Davenport, h., is ander lir-
and iu tbe items of entry wheat buret iu the tr-J- .1111i" r."'"e. **8 w*de • 1614
lthat et ate &rodent statism ' there •re err out of 45,000 rules. It mu* bow four
(1 CARS 1 Our aserthara have purchased Plontr
ail the $n.I. dry tau fiud money stud outrage 11. elpillige of titung out and coaling
Sur, and have beeu compelled arid toe every the 'real E0.1,fu ts stated to have sox
day compelled to retro thorned' art:bushels, £60,000.
out of elneli • girl roll( with, be toddy
there was a wicked boy who, when he was
Loll fur thew.'"*. !be lari""'• told that the best runt tor the palpitation of
bum the war ut ears. %the car difficulty 101
the heart was to quit trier the vide, arid :
likely to prove a grime/ Olie 10 th,e „ that2. th., 0527 re.Il fur
say, at her palp!
en). " lawkter," said all eiguiaite," I want
eimugy. It cannot t at t ere a so n
available, for the tarred Trunk have more
rutile,( block awl are doitig a larger busier*
thau they ever did Larne. Heavy Venni piths palm, tell me what I ran put into wy head to
every day Huai the weehledeu *on American mak& it right " It rents rating but
produce, while ow writ buyers ean hardly brains." replled the physiciari.
It • ear lor Lowrey or Inver, Tbere a a j" T1., theatre of ear differs from all
rtood deal uf were' felt on the subject, other theatres in this, that the back rate ale
bulk by eurulgemationiste mid atm amalga the must coniturtable.
Outline, meg we trun Mr. Midges wit* give ((:). It doesn't necessarily follow that a
heed to the unitvisiel etimplm..t.-brocion. Maooill take • hat dueon't betting to him lie•
"For we are Jolly good }el -
At a dejeterr nen iu Ottawa on the toast
tech terrors. even if the matter could never of Hr. M. C being given, How J. A.
arrive at anything err the loyal subjects...II McDonald rid I .
the realm bate • right to be protected. ' " 1 :scarcely know whether I should drink
We lento that in many of the garrison *2.0110.4 nr .01. orni2*in4 ihn hin.,iii of inyi
to•ne of 'relied there ire to be ford men friend 11. blunter is lake drinking my owu
wearing the Queee'e undone and tuarehing We are the Swigs biuthers : w• are the biro
under the Queeu's colors, who upeely . rejoice .1,,,,,ic ( bier.) On no eccesiou do •1
in tbe cheap patriotism void notoriety of ever sever ; 014 a occriou do we Lute • dil.
calling themselves "aleciiians." It 4 be true iwniii ni,iiini, % ii 1. h...... 11. aim a
diet "diseipline is the lite of the *Luny," %hie governioent, I my to . Bonier • will you see
ought not to be tolerated tor 1 mouient. It. Iona nothing gore wr g in my arence 1'
"i c*".' • 14 un'Y *1 Prt"""u be lenwl aRd *btu be traces Qu -c, Irate With.
rpm,: those who have been la.ely tern udid
teenier the deatimesi La L., cr Canada iti
Bum the locailliel where those millehlevolla betide It them be a true 11- if there lie
Yaukgre unsaninanee lave reittlished them n when i nit.. in, 4. nwremed
mime ; but it it were allowed to go abroad
niumi-e wan who cares uot for lt, hur for
that there are sighs ut diladection among the
pecuniary advantage, nor, fur p !neat ad
The members of the Stadacons Clud en r Queen s amnia, the moral effect,both mg the
ablieeinent um tor anythini but the tory et
soldiere wet un the romp+ country OP 0, I.:
Mated Lord Murk and station Moeday even, ois country that Marl le lie...rge Elm*. Car•
would he very po•Judietal. tier. (Much applause.) It s well Lao al m
isg. ii. &teener, w01.01ut 0111 board the
°se certainly have Lo wish to Inaptly tn•
, i
Celled.. that We are lige tail brother*; b 1
Himalaya st might, aud the steatner left the
rotli.m.,•61" bl.sler .2 1" fulfil," Prul's do*.'* tbuik I ever had a domicil of stating
pan at ae•eu o'clock yesterdey inorninz for gentin into the pruportions of a national
sod I hope it will be reported -that what litt
England. Capt.. Pembertcn, A.D.C., ac- rebelltedoor .1 wid we doolint that the govern- thrills I trek, .Weever be does 1 do, what•
ilmem are weedy fully inorwed ut the ex•
ever he dues I am resoonwole fur, and a Lae
companies hs ils Eseelleney.
_ lent bud f the particulars el OM ivedilion. • Vier I do lic la reepousible fur. (Applause.)
Fart SAvAtliall. - 'Ike *Leaguer Penes W• near,'
T.,. dupes abOUI
bring' Savannah dates to the 22n4.
ut suggest that theme ignorant
And it is a greet thong to Wrote hat we twu
not be showed tu dieturb or men -I a Seetchwan and be • Frew:born-
uiet, peaceable people in their
:Savannah Herald says the police hue trireme . be eirgag-ed in the relieltiou in Lower Credo
th* It w"u'd bo' f""b"1"4 mu'. in '3;,0d 1 iii Cpper Canada with nty our
ors to •rreet all colored persona ford in merciful to the untortunate detqueota themnet ub .uv.slegulder-should meet uti cuinmou
the struts after nine o'clock at relit, utiles, sel•es to wait • lee\ of them with suainnert round, knowaig and feeling, stud believing
they hare papers front theiramployers notate cbastiseinerix for the' offences, while they Oat we bare got the beat tuvernmeut that it
t btill i
he hour they are tuned to par ere nsignificant, t ri to allow them to .. .v., iii,owed ii, ewiniqw po...
o ini until they tave c sated themselves
- - -.........---
. el- The Prop. Buckeye struck a rock iu in a rash moment to noose prase VIW*, for Curlews Complleallene - The
which 110 punishment timid be tgrearded. Murder of Cook the 1P
the St. Lawrence, 'near Brockville, un the
Vol inst., and sank in 70 it of eater. Three
' At Cork II al ' tor seizing 11* l'rovittee.
The six gun slorgeutothr to Water, and The ',mitt:went reipecting the murder 01
lady passengers were lust. the geribors 11nits/gar aud Bur, lea Ott, the Frerich Cool! of PrinCe Allred ot
cern+ Le has a hook Mete.
Tutu Moore, the poet, used to tell • good
story of a gentleman Abu a two he wee short
of money geld his releti•es wen, stiterey and
refractery, Used *0 rArusten /tie fanaly
the publication of hr. poems. Tee invariable
and ininiedate result was ad much caah as
be wanted.
It} A teacher in a contraband school
asked • young dariey what s certain letter
of the alphabet was. The derkey looked at
rt earneetly tor u aunt time, and then
-1 know dat well enough Ly sight, but am
bruited if I mu tell it by war.'
fry- publish the banns between this
leech and your back," said a schoolnouiter
to de impient 211.21.•' I forbid them." "Ou
what arougidsr "TI. parties aie 1101
agreed." " Brio: tliem together and see,"
%aid the pedagogue, laying *1 05.
One iltousaird eight kindred dollar. worth
ot butter, says the Entutoe News, wee en
tered yesterday at the CUntoM Hume for. ex-
portation to the Urtited States. Large
gratifies of butter and eggs are errantly
being seta iu that direction.
Oee of the cats on the Grand Trunk line,
ed with tea, cotton yarn, and a general
Mem uf gums*, took fire at Coltinsby
day evening. A good deal 0( 4.1004,
to the cargo, aud the sax was also
ly hurtled.
heed clergyman belonging to
nd his wile, were recently wish
I in • railroad car on the
Central Rata Va., at the instigation of
certain persons u white cotnplexion calling
themselees is uge dor in the lace
of • protest 1,7 federol dicers.
Quethostobru un Wednesday evening to Creole na.glaud, by . enburg. a AuD 0 a
LONDON SOCIZTT.-The Sept number of on the west coast of Itelaird. 'Her Meiesty's I Priestan Cabinet Minister, di inertial,
this splendid magsairie 1*10 hand Hum W. ship laverpoul, torty two ger, uneepectediy laud is likely to le to pu wen 1111 11.
C. Chea•tt a 1.'o., Toronto. It is prefusely sailed Into this harbor at 2. 1.. in.. Ott 1 toe- i la inSaterted that the l'reucu tioriunteut h..s
$ rinkled with chaste and re '1101 en`h.v' She is expected to tern: ill coat ty I inidnesed a sole to the Primmiatio Cebtnet
pglgravings, l
wrth the guribuat sandtly, atte morning, .1 14(1111 Merest)* to tbe murder of M. Ott. •hieh
and the reading matter is Lght and antenatal ir the west neat. W bother -correctly or Write upoo the Ian *bet Fiance eaten& her
init. The following is • lin of the articles : ; ineofrectry, thew movements are spoken •ot emotion wall her subjects. ..
Vinere Altai! we go 7 A tale of the Scrimin cora:el:iron wIth some entry paled tehien *he following is the peution now are.
rough Sealloil ; UCI Eo;.(lith Housekeeping; 1 de01.nintration ; and this attelition to the tiling tor signature at Stratherg and ie all.
Fire minews lete; Modern Sirens; The Play• Leroy ot the eest cout el partrcular le said the ' mulles of the Departuntut of tea
growids of Europe; Beside the Ihar; Iterni• 1 kr have beeli aeakened by the i.,,a;;;* a • twill;
. , • m t) i• d wn b IWO of drshairried Federal soldlers in the PET [WI TO THE ramccs •
hmk tom, cinimaitted at Bonn,
ilia, on the prison of M. eat,
g, I$21, by Could Eolith
f bes remaiiied enpunisti•
' lune the murder., who
the Sea; Faithful and True: 'the' Merchant neighborhood of Galway. lier Majesty s ., A sow&
Princes LA Englamt The Queen. 02.Comedy; steam tender Advice la to leave for Bantry 111 Ithsititilt Pi
What Clans otr at CodlizBborn .1 5110.11
Itegitita. ay.
Tat Cava, tuiths's Ifni:Anne frOM the 'Fr°"‘ the Cork C°481i(141°''• SrPi• 12• edbur4. ',Ailth6:tplureusep
mane source is au ably edited and well pratt
ed denominational Megrine, devoted to low
church ideas and minaret re nous literature.
Tbe September number cower :-Sketeltes
ie the Desert; Our Clerical Club • very ex
'colloid paper-, Tbe Priest in town lend come wee an egrtcultural show, and as two ge.ntlelity helots the law, respattuilly IICIt td as
try; "1.1.." "1 wouldn't marry • Curate!" 11180 (74*. C. --and Mr I.-) *ent1.6.1°8 Settee. an energetic diplentatic-reli mama
Witodmings to Lowden Chuiehes; Tbe 'Birdie; age dinner about twelve at Dien, t bey beard 1
suex* as shed prove that Fr agree ow:)tdir tier
HOMO 7410,2051 .04 their Working; Sunday &number ol emu drilliog in i beld near the ClIiien• the ;nevi:tem to which' they Ve b
Evening; A popuier History of the Eigglish Friends' meetraghouse--•• Let Ingo in," said right in foreign countries. \
114241e; Christ Church lays. ' the fonder, "Xsed see what they are at." 111i .1 he C01177111 du Has Min publishes this
ithey went,. and, Ilatinind 10, • In*mlent t° *, petruori, .12. an urgent appeal to the m.
- - -
Hew Re/ 011 Weil se pored. 1 funre
functionary, dicting the movicneins in mil.• i h.,eiuniiii . , eg
or the el, trtwent.
- tory festoon, Mr.
! • I,- fulfun°41 it l*Pg s"d I This looks very much aa if the Freneh
In selecting staged for a well, the latrine his orders were promptly and accuiately Emperor mmhteted the execution cl the !Ing
driller rerses • derrick ellsout 110 (get in „ubeled• They w.uted "'PT*" " I'll 111.• 1 cberialunt French project of seam& the
, bie
' . g up **team engine of about peeranCe, but took him for a delegate from ,inin ,,,inn lin min.,. 1 he iner,i.e, or on
sit diorite power, and thea,after driving,' doom 11u24lin, until, tayint his hand on thedrider,Ilffo_a_ _
to• • pietext for the trCeUratioa of the
an inin pipe shout six in hes in dranseter he arrested trete the name of the Queen.- lcuuntry by French irony+, as a means tor
thrr u di the earth and ;raw non°. liftg f,'et The fellow immediately struck ben sied
iitroduee• e 11110C2ed him dua!; hut he *or ruse mid sot
ut linow,114 %beater rit
wee do
ed from their
THE nude/signed Awn fur .02.the following
•no t.•wialitip of lit•w•umh.
Within 11 *Iles or Goderich I
wastaining 100 eeree,..60 whieh •re clear**.
tini the preou••• there is a goud V... tint n 30
by 02, • good Frame House, otebard-
bearing. A good creek ruen.hg through llor
Jana. Ailey to
• Lot .3, at, iare.
Wen mewl, 0... 30. lab., 1. Int
Weehable abelimawmlg
InY the Truatset &hoot Section No. I,
Towwthip of Colburne, a filet -elan
Teacher fur the your 1866. A married twin
will be preferred', aro there is a good brick
dwelling how* mid three acres ut laud ad
joitang the school. Cumaricatieus, poet.
paid, to be nddremed to either uf the
Carlow P. 0.
Sept. 25th, 1865. _
aZTItAY ED from the premiers of the sub-
*-' acriner, a sushi. ILKU cow. heving a
small bell, bung by • aptin, rowel her neck.
Any piety able to gots intorwalsou will
oblige by cowwunicatiag with
Registry Office.
Goderich, Sept. 25. 1865. swe•3i•
fezTlt A If (ABS. -Strayed Imm tne Sutwer.ber,
tut Se, Illn con. Wevninuelt, .1.0,1 111, 24.1.
May Is•t, • tole 1.1 One., 'our mere pee.
oat • aro( Bed yeah horns turned in sod the
other • due red. Any segmentation that will lead
h. their M.A./Very .122 frivrIVIt • laWard of tee
dulls s.
Sopt416th. 1865. ••34.2t•
saimtel uu the °ravel Avail it+
ezje By an arrival Ir
Frencisco, we learn that th
to had been teken proem
French soldier. Previously
withdrrern his forces, amougittnt t
He was confident of maintaining tb
ruse throughtut the State of Quer*
Panama at Son
own of Atart.
of by 500
awes had
re. What is called an 'open Church .
rear' has been orgeniard in England, a
itit headquarters in Liverpool. It* Lob
ject is to render the pees of churches open to
all comers, instead of having them appropri-
ated by individuals.
Tbe Montreal Witness is of opla-
ibn that President Johnson is fast nett.
Utilising the results of the war, arranging l outwit e
matter* se if it had been the South that '47111,."..nt15:11
had conquered the North, instead of rice r
rtraa. It says a* follows . •' In fact, so b
fsr as we can judge, Mr. Johnson i* emu
All threugh 11.e country the conspiracy eee ern left at hag , arid alter...aids oirli
the conduct of Lord Castlemagh
Hockey h, rth nesse
To School Trustees.
OfD ry Goods, Groceries, rte.;
Mll the stook aud are .414r. K. W. hi.
sae touhuy that he meow m a lbeal•oelumttril
loth. ialudnianks in tluderwit mul tlis surtuaiut-
eleasie, Le ..ow rstsivoi wislinon•I wippinw
them wah tigernilitil '8 I"'.
01 goods. anol would nesperingify reale.*
Crocery and Provision
AND PRICKS HIGHER TI1AN THEY HAVE BEEN.As you h.., am the bawl maso•able term*. riam.,6
oao prove ler youraelf by calling at the maim wen
Where D1 -711.01t k SON will be nappy to show to their old friends and the pablic
generelly, a hare anal Ruled steel: grof
ME. NAlltN wishes the eiherge of • Com-
a+. mot. Sythcol fur the next year. Ile wirl
Love his deughier ail au userstunt. Stie has
becu at the Lira Central School tor • consid.
erable tune. And elide $t would be ot benefit
to have a wale and (relate teacher it' the
smite averment, gio addition will be toted to
the salary -if thet he liberal.
Mr. N. would hare school every Saturday
without any tura charge.' frutu 10 to 12,
feretioon, tor religicus'exeroses.
Coniumnications, post paid, to be address:
ed Goderich.
September, 1865. Otf
egte: •.,
Purchased in tbe Best and Cheapest Jlarlets. sant which they are deterseined to sell at the
r It DER A POWElt OF SALE contained jos
V Mortmige made by James Bellantoni. of the
milts* oi in the County of Bruce.
Wegunmislet,•nd Hiram Borland of the town-
ship of •wanosh. in the County 01 Fluion. Tea-
time, eLd Chariot', BellatAine, watt of mei
James liallatiiine, and Ana Jane ttorthnd,
of sa id Hiram Holland, for *be purpose of barring
their Juicer, c'elsUll having been made in Mediae
vinent of the prinidiel ami rr e tt money.
reny secured. and notwo hiving been duly
a to ell wises interested, thern wil! Iola.:
°mine, the •iitavalh di! ut ()Mob 0,A 0,
t melte oi•. origin, et me Antoine
the tullewinit pronerty, comely :-The ()T Si A. \ I) S I -I OF S
George M. Trot man, to litit Iowa id
*24 -180 tinker ol Number '1' wenty- two,
They drem it unnecessary to state the nature of their mork in detail, as they feel satiable2
that their luog experience Wainer in Goderich ...Idea theses
to anticipate the want* ut the cominuuity.
ift I Tz.kill
I -goals°
t 131)1111
Inecoolm_ car
nemegniol the township ol W•sre-
by adineasurement City mows.
• or Iran 'LOU. csait. Legal
Solicitors for Mortgagee.
ber, DAS. win
spreads. *ad PI (0. Pfsfes"' "'tit"' .Y." put uuder CoMMOI. arrest, tme bees mut bet
after the final overthrow of ,Napoleon.-
pathisers and Encode. To the tewsi ot Ea' 111 his corps to take pa in the Autumn
nacortity. in the county of W extord, it is be memtuvrea. lo presenc of pieties, the Britain epent near;y five thousand millions
tiered tu have beer, earned by rietfles introit undereigued fellow-cuutoryin ot the eaten. , of dollars in the contest with Bonaparte,
ed ou the turoad. 1.)nWedrreeday lain there penetrated with tbe greet prig) el 0( ewe • and, *hen completely successful, sent
Or • r, to the fiat strata ol
drill of emelt t•o sod • had melte
ter, attached to a tenger scree-, an
to the . treating Wain' and engin11.
which he bores uow at the rate of eig
ten feet per day. into the sooal elate a
%aprons, *ay one hundred leet ; he then
senor to the first stretron ot sandstnne,which
ntey be Ina or twelve feet in thickness; midi taken belore the magatiates ankeereended.
boring through *hr., cosies again to a sate i rho leader, wild altuck Mr. C-.--\ is g de
and soapstone of • biter cast ; and working hummed villain. Ile ems • convicii\end on
on, gay terentofire feet or eo. he reaches the. the expiration of his @dilate:00w yerienka,
✓ eond stratum of sandstene, out of which , Went °, Eiint•Corthy, where he lived its lie
there rime rubbing up. when the right vein ness, but wee never without money. e
ii struck, iliflarngnarne goo, salt water, mid joined the Military, and there acquired t '
petroleu.m. The bore of the well ill eularged military Inowtedge bo is lag erne* to ase
by • "rionmer," and then aii yron ter its Fenians. Ile is well known, aird but for the
' tenons of *lout fourteen le and closely
by sections and
the protection of Itench subietta, and the
exettesomit of tbe populetimi on the frontier
in dium. ***1. Mr L-, may nave heeu gut up with ate view. Lou a
thence wus fun or earnest, mewed until 1+3 or r Neoulte it i* food of i becks and counter -two.
wahltbree to eunduc im borne. f hey went ,, rod while the Preseten •ulture gorges
or Ito the ponce rhea to 1,, tur his friend, wholon iknni..h in on Noah, lin nig win 2..
had, .4 11 Impoeued, gone aber to give 10. chance te cut ef one uf the eocaen bl,led
Or Mali In. and or their apperance he ,den; i• wings on the other sigle.- IN. Y. Comae: -
them ae among the traineri. I hey •ere A,,ero,..t.
*crewed together, a insert
IttiCliteis ofr THE Gni.AT Wang's RAIL-
WAY TUC lallitsivius re•
trivia of tn. Great Wystern Maths, during
the week of the Pronneial Exhibition,' ea el.
Tee& given, reeithed the enormous figure of
$96;000, which is an eleele ul 810,000 over
week of the Egbibriirm Ilemilton in
1,80 which was attended b the additioria:
imprudence of a constable would now be tu attinetiue of the trait of the 'twee of ales.
custody. Tr conatahle bed lecerved direc The feet speaks well of the excetlent mariner
run down to the rireg of.j4';. • thireed bag thing iron the resident magistrate (11r Deus in ',Melt the traffic departmeid is conducted
which exparels when +trill fixed between tbe by) nut to attempt hie apprehension alone, by the populer superirdeudent, W Wallace,
tubing and the wa!le eL the well in order to ; inn to emit quietly, and,with Aid of ethers, Esq.• through ether asaidure attention 11
prevent the surfaceiseter front deteending ; I secure him eo he pared the ponce uMce, great 'nut the'upery thousands were cr,wreyed
• 'plunger y
or Ived piston is introffileedlehich he did deily roe than once. Ilia to i WI fro over the tine without the occur.
into the tube, end Lhe Suckrr rod being at direetiora, however, 01011 501 compli.d with ranee ut the slightest accider.-111acuiliou
lathed to the 'walking bean' the conduit " Ether impatient or overcoidident, the con. Them
moss and tank, whieh may hold srxiy harrea. !stiible seised him s.ngiy, but wag soon shaken Delko AT IRIS Post. -The lollowing in.
being in readier's, the engin. Mosel and the off. Some the resiechible ruhatritants enstance et beroism apd Isieldulness to duty oe.
precious immure tulles Conn. This is what deavored to 1105al. but there were Femora at curred duriiig the remit .eollirgion of the
celled pumping • well. In the 'Irian.); heed, and their cuMpailion .aa rescued. Perbicaind am Meteor On Lithe Huron,
wells •-that is, sucb al send the oil oui tug entree ethw or TIM ItuTAIILAT. when the former resel went to the bottom.
e pontaneously-the drill must go low. intoMr. Jacksen first engineer of the Pewebie,
The Paris Monde of ptember 13, rye
the third strata of sandstone ; but Ibis, in the progress of Ferments in Ireland heAn.• who bed only been married a fee' needle.,
some instances, is very deep.had his wile %nth hint; it WWI her firm trip to
to make England uneasy This lire asset im
tion originated in Arne, ica, where it is known the upper lakes. The second engineer ran
that • great number ut Irish betake them. into the engine room and etelarturts, " Sue
yourself and your wile." Jackson, in ell
serve-, to procure the "read which their int-
ertwine tountry cannot supply. The spec. probability, -had no idealthe butit was near
trig of republican inetitutruns, and • hatred 'Inking thought only of his duty tostand by
of England, which eonde lllll s them tn • pain his poet, and accordingly replied that he
fill exile, have inspind them •ith a longmg WOUld Ilk desert the engine to the last. Ills
to wrest Irelend from English rule, sod to wife became frightened and clung to hico,thut
establish 1 separate republic. They iire he told her to be calm, sayleg.that he would
accused of eimint a. • dispossession of all take care of her. Neither of them left the
proprietor*, and • division of ail the lands engine room, to that iu their doom they were
among thennelyee. Everybody knows that 1101dl.ided.
in Ireland, !ince the conquest aud tbe English A TORPEDO.- Down in Centre Street, the
Castlereagh to this cougrees of laws which
was to reconstruct Europe. There he
was flattered end cajoled to the uttermost,
till he quietly gave up nearly all the ad-
vantages for which Britain had paid so
dear, and which were then within her
ach. In like manner President John.
so is now giving up nearly all the advan-
tage*, for which the Union has paid so
dear, a\:1 which ere now within its roach
At Monmouth, Iowa. on the 16111 inst.,
Ellen, beloved at ut Geo. H. Ward, and
daughter of Stanuel Morns, of Colborne, aged
25 years.
The crops In England.
Mr. Turner, land agent, of ilichmond,
Yorkshire, has made his annual report,
which appears in the Times. 11* observe.
Wont extended trom the Tyne to the Thames.
11. 2. of opin ..... that in hulk the wheat crop
is an avenge, but the quality greatly inferior
to that of lut year. In many southern
counties it is unqueetoinably uneound. Barley
6. •full average. Until are moderate. tiers
and peas are •verer Crops. Potatoes are •
good crop, and turiiips • full average. 111
the pastures there to more food tor rule and
:sheep than there hes been for years. For
Goosalcv. Oe
9Pring Wheat, ....SO:95
Fall du . 1:16 (5
l'ats, I 0:20 (al
Flour .... ...... 5:25 (5 6:
Braley .... 0:55 (*40:6
ruts 0:45 '4 0,50
'Wool 0.35 (-5 0:40
Sheep A 100 col 4:00
2 00 t 000
LI dee (green) 2.75 re, 0:00
butte 20:0 (a) 0:22
Pctstoes ...... 0:20 (5 0.25
tt wet ;175 ('00:00
Kies 0:00 (4 0:121
hay, new 11 ton 800 (4 900
Slaecievo, Oct. 2nd, 1863. .
A Boot Shoe
E stablishment
nN Kingston street, next the Tele aph
ti (Ake. Ilier Proprietor goiter a s re
oI 022* Wine pate:mare, and h• re
best endeavors to afford satisfaction.
N. B. -Orders promptly onaeriSn
making and reentrant.
July 18th, 1865._ \s_ .25 1m
Insolvent Act of 18641
.."'"."00".. the Polninnl (1°0.ti'11 lo .001river night, a new wurnan irf the halt per.
lerated woe a soviet one. 224. American austion who had just rolled a barrel 4 We
lemma send money, arms and earearie.s to into her den. eat down or, the head or it to
several weeks we shell have to depend for their lin•thren in Iteland. The 1110Terrlellt get breath, and cool here, It atter the intense
. _bread and meal upon old whoet, the stock of has latterly been act active that the English physical exertion incident upon the deposit
which is •niple. In the counties ot Durham government has fait some alarm. Not con Of said barrel in its accustomed corner. --
nod Nbrihuniberland, there are thousande ot tent with sending a small squadron to the IllotrAh she had cered working, the tile did
scree where the turnip crop has been utterly southern coast of the inert, tu watch the did not and presently buret out of the bend
destroyed by fly or grub. creeks mod harbors, end to intercept row. of the barrel, hoisting the old lady to the
The London Mark IA", E.rpreat fears mous communications, it has given orders to ceiling, demolishing her bottle and drinking
that newly three.fortbs of the English wheat Admiral Duerr to anchor in &entry Bay with Om M. :, and raising the old Nick generally.
crop will prove 14 24. in bad enn ition, and the Channel fleet. Tbe old lady picked herself ap and atter look
that under the improvement au the weather - . - ing for a moment *1the ruin, wildly exclaim -
the earliest aud latest gatherings of the ha, ., ,., .., ._.• • ed-" Ah! be yahoo', bad luck to the ma.
Pil KW lel•li i 1 la - IT e are gratineu In notice
vest well probably turn out the best, thet put the torpedy in the beet.'
the weenie in trade between Canada, New
Dein Rerrea.-Th.fact that dogleg th L--
Pall Whew, 11 2•ushel....$1:10 (4 1:20
Sprint Wheat, -rel bush.... 11:95 f; 0:00
Oats 020 (5 0-00
Barley . . 0.60 (5 0:65
Peas 0:50 (5 0:53
Brunswick, awl other Lower ProvinWL
Provinces. 2.24'. COA114 C . . An announce -
atonal of August and tbe early part of Sep understand that the marchess of flour arid °tent conies hy telegraph front Quebec, of
other producta for St. John, New Brunswick,
rather there Wad little or no rain, has bed a
Halifax Nova Scotia, and even :or Si. Johns,
bad effect on the late geese, arid festm er• .0.Newfoudland have within the past 5 weeks
tertained in some quarter, that the supply of n
amounted to considerable; and now that the
batter will be considerably diminished in eon -
Under! States markets are in so uneettled •
sequence. The large amount uf cattle, too, .
condition, owing to exersive speculation.
(het have left the country for the Amencen
marthere seems no reason to dord that Curium
market favors the same ideaand we sho
, uld
not b„, eurpn,,,,g i, ,,,,,,i, ,,0,, e Wftrei , y of ,h,, rlonists in the Emit. without being needledoduee may find its wilt direct to our *52,,..o
article. In the EiaternTownship*, Amen.
can buyers are eagerly taking all they can by oar American eoosins, hose profits must
lay their luande on, and paying 25 ets per herald either try th.consenter or prodteer.
round ill the farmer's door. In Western 'he entrains+ of Mr. Brydgeg, of the G.
eseed,,,, 0,,,,,, i„, ele, . 00,7 .,ti,,, &mind. r. Railway, in rontrticting to carry dour from
for all obit armors Call bnag to market.- Montreal to Si John, N. li., na Portland at
(trade Review. 50c. per barrel ie most commendable. It
.....- cannot fail to moult III the building up n( •
:A Pulttee /OR A POIITIIAS.-Tlw follnw moat important trade; and if, ga we under
ins direction appeared on a letter forwarded stand, Ibis rate iti to eontinue throgeh the
to the rural poet office On Monday, atone wintvr. great good must mean from so liberal
ing r.--" for John nary Rennorgham Loving a policy. le view of the possible repeal of
in • bore No. 130 at present end He lived Reciprocity, the Ineeption of this trade et the
Before now at Beek Street Wryer+ Street present tiro* has an important tearing cn
No. 3 Court No. 3 Hoer. 1 Peter Shorter Canadian Industry, indicating, r it does,
de order the latter earner to open this in or- ne• markets tor the prothets of the ecuntry.
dar to 01,4001 John nary." We believe that _
wieorole efforts are Wing made to find oat ...,,,,, . ..„,,,..),„ .ie le, the
.' Jobe nary," but with what sainera we eau- e-all-r-uror 41,4.-7.,-(0,-'e ,j,,,--y--,,,--p „re- -, Gel,,,L1.4
net at present atate.-(11irmiaghata Post.
THE creditor+. of e undereiesed are notilled
I to meet .1the law other of M. C. Cameron,
in the town miloileron, na Monday, the Ihth
day do telol er, brio'', al len ehhiek in the lurrOuon,
for the norpme of receiving slatenieni• 'el Ins
alfalfa id ut moong •n aseignee to whore he
may make ri mereninent onder the above Art
Det-il et 131,11.c,10 the County Huroa,.
3252. day of neptember,
Solicitor for Insnlvent. w7614
Insolvent Act of 1864.
JOEIN _STE1ART, Dcritsoart.
A 'HIT of Attachment has issued in this
ea . of which all persons Intereeted iu
the East of the defendant, and all persons
haritig" in Hteir puseseion, custody or power
any portion o the *siesta of the defendant,
or who are in a way indebted to him are
requsied to tak• tiee.
JoR'( St.tschn.,ovili,.n4.,
dy S. Purest, Dep.horrid% .30.31
'1 UST RECEIVED, a lot of
0 Photograph Albums!
from 50c1s. upwards, at the
lay Hook*, 1,011 011, Journals. Cash Books,
Minute Hooke, Bill Books, Copying L,etter
Books, Memorandum Books, Note Books.
Par Books, Indrces, ne., &c., cheap for
Cud) at the
'lien from 50 Cents upward,.
September Dar, 1°65.
w I 2
Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Tobaccoes, CIO's,
Crilery, Earthenware, Yllour__aind If red. 1 •all
till, .anipa, r.4101.1Ilta r iie • renNs gal...-.
jonj,„„ . '°' ''' P."10, rid g,nes ...en
loos ne//,, rhe, ./..../
1.411M ANI) DAIRY ritotiLuf. TAU.,
AT 311Anhh't V A Lt: E.
1 J• JIPH4ADY. jr ,
xeitt to A. Smith'. Clothing tfloione.
Lain hlartei Sera, Ounert61...
()Wench, Setamiiber,lieib. wal-Its
1)41111(.4 dolorous ul ubt•inent rust CIA.
I t•elat lor 1, . nentid 10,211,11 purama emit
be aimated kis leny nonalit), 51.5 on reainstathle
teem*, by applying to
Goderielt Cith,Inea. 182
Mortgage Sale.
TT:MbEli a P.,aer of Sole contained In,
Mortgage made by Joh,. Miller et the
Township of Ashfield 2, 124. Comity ut Herr.
&Welt Wahl been mede its 02. 45. punier
thereof, auu notice been given to all puttee
ireterestro, there will be sold on Mooday the
25th WI tif Septetuber, A. D. 2e65, at 11
o'clock noon, *1 12., Auction Malt 01 lieu. 31I•
'Lineman. in the •I own of Guderiat, the fol-
lowing propeny, namely, the South half et
the Nortb hull' of Let Number Berea ie
Ninth concretion, Eastern Itivisron of the
said 'rewliship of Ashfield, contoireug by ed-
useasuretura Fifty Acre.' of Laud more ue
leas. caeh-Deed ruder Power 4.4
Solicitore fot Solitaire
Godcrich, 611 Sept.; 1865. 321.34
I VISES. D. KERR, JR., k CO.. (Glasgow Hoary. beg leave to return their sincere
thanks to their hind (tient' for many boecial acts of Undoes', mid to their ntaneror cus•
ere and the public geaerally for their testa and patronage Wool the lete commercially
de reed semlOn, accompanying theism* with the fervent wish that each and all may shun
dant. participate in the blaming' trith •hich • Bouuteuue Presidency has crowned the efforts
and la rs of the Mitthaudnian.
au ! Nassau! Nassau!
The above eels is postponed wall Monde,
the leth October pro'. 0135
_ --
Mourday the Twelfth clay of June, In the twain
le-ei,/hth year of the Reign of Ilea
Sligeoe, Queen Victoria aod in .tba
year 01 uhr Lord 11,65. Betweea
NOItMAN TiETHUNE, Plaintiff,
JOHN Mg DONALD, Defendent.
UPON the opplication of the Plaibtif, ab4
it appenriug he allidaytt that after dee
diligence the said Defendrat eabbOt he foiled
to be *erred lath an °Ent copy of the 11111
in that Cause. It is ordered that the said De-
rider do on to belore the fourteentb de,
I October epee .auswer or demur to the rid
till. And It; is ordeted that a cup; thig
hider together nab the Melte* required 17
b. lienend Orders of this Court be publislirl
ti the gun* Signal newspaper, pub:tried
'in the Town of Cgmbeich, not kr than rig
weeka before sr futirteetith day of Octolat
nett, end be continued rite its mach 'sesta
wait the said day.
Signed GRANT,
Kustei4renedch 3. J.
THE SUBSCR1B when in Montreal were fortunate enough to secure • few liues of
a startling character, being no I. than 8IGN AL OFrIOE.
the alleged discovery of ant at Point October 3r4, 1865.
*bat place epponito Quebee where
the fortifictationa are nnw being built by
TRAY HEIFF.R.-Came intthe premi.
the linperial ISOTertInarnt. This specimen A.3 ••• of the subecnher, Int nn. 21, in the2nd
dionovered is said to be cool cf good onn. To Ig
Originally destined to 11111*24
the erewation of hoettlities, were
will he sold much Paha. their .41
ed on the MA/0(6:2 :QUAKE and is ad•
mob's>, adapted fur hum,. purpums. It gnat -
'IL' NV 0 Szt
with several rooms •hiree tor nuttily um. The
tesne 1.5,1 aduntegeor re, end ban ratty It
years to run,
For furtber win -oars apply to
Goderieh, lith Sept 11,65. w34-31
e ersmah, London Road sum y, on
quality snd the vein appears to be et• or about the 15th of No.enther last. • 8.e7
tensive. The vein was ninoovereal while Heifer, tieing 4 years old. The owner is re.
bis the greatest boon ever conferred uponf:FOROF. PLSWF.A.
Tuekoremith, Sept 3002, 1865, 30tie300
Ile Four (reeving' escaped from the Jack-
sOn State Prison early on Monday morning,
by getting through the hospital to the mot;
arid by swinging down with a sheet to the roof. AMONg them wag ib.
negro Dave, • celebrated convict.
crib. Windsor Retard ear a private
snide+ nf tbe Halal Canadtan Bikes, named
Bell*, stationed s1 Sandwich, committed
suicide on Friday al ternOon, h shootint him
self with a rill01 *. Dee•••had been many
years ia the army, and had seen some movies,
hawing been deeorsted web two war meet*
digging the foundation for the inilite7 opine] to prove property, pay chargee mrd
worka. If thig dieonvery is • foot, it wi 611. 6" I."'
lit II
blockade into the Southern States, but which, on rectum nf
peed to Montreal 10 be sold on aceuuut. These goods
112*. Glasgow House.
T sur
D. KERR, JR., 8.: CO
White, Scarlet,' and Gr Flanneis,
And judge for thenuelves before purchasing elsewhere. •
T'A.Ft-fs/IMRS' "WOOL. 0.A -""ID
Or made up to order lb any required style 01 rigiammme
Goderich Wool Fat.tory, 1465,
h. the Queen's Bench,
Choice Assortment,
Goriern.h, 19th Sept. 1866. .34 Sis
Dissolution of Paitnership.
) HE partnership hitherto elating between
2.1 Illtain 0. Smith and Alexander Smith,
Tanners, is this day disordered hy mutual eon
sent. All paniee indebted to the said firm
are requested to settle immediately with W.
G. Smith, who is authorised to oulleet all
outstanding debts, and also settle all liabili-
ties of said firni.
W. G. !MITI!,
Goliench, Sept. 3_5t2., 1865. *36-11
In referent» to the shove the horror.11
t LI, the hnerhold famine" in Mr. Horton' he "..."'41 nn •• "nal by W (i• antilh•-
n Hide* .111 be taken on rennet of debts dee
en mirellent Piano (Dunham). Kelton' Room ^r b:lbe" "Huir.t Pri" in Cnsb Ps"' I."
Ai,. c„,,b.. goad tattled a Pities delivered at the old stand.
Ooderiet., Ser. 2%1, It'23.
In the matter Of compere V OT 1 C E • is
u stion tor right of way of hereby given
the Buflalo Isthe that the Iluffala
Huron Bailee, Company awl Lake Huron
through lots Nos. eh, MA Hallway Compaoy
and 87 in the 02e211e1:4 have peid into the
concession of the Town. Court of Queen's
ship of Ot.derich, in the ftenebet 'Toronto,
t,ounty of Huron, the sum of twu
hundred and ninety sit do ars and sixty.five
cents being the compere iren and six months
Interest thereon, agreed tube paid tor certain .
lands for neht ot way, Wing parts of loti
numbers eighty five, eight, sit and eightym
seven, in the %intend concession of the town- ,
ship of Gorterich, in the Country of Huron ; t
under and by virtue of • certain agreement or
deed poll bearing date the eleventh day of
May, in the year of Our lewd 1453, and en.
ecuted by William Ford sod Henry Ford of
the said township of Goderich, mud mime tin•
der the Actentithei .• An Act respecting Ibid.
ways," mid further notice given to all per,
sopa entitled to the rid lands or to any pert
thereof,nr tormenting or being the husbands
of atty parttai so entitled, to file their chinos
int° the said Court to the said compeneation
or arty part thereof, and all loth claims will
he received and adjudge' upon by the said
Court penman% to tbe Statute In that behalf.
De(tsedi,tm.dhit)12th day of May, 1465.
.34 3m1 Clerk of theie'roilegnYaindWilqeas.
NOT1CH.-I hereby notily ell persons
notes ot 11100.00 each, with interest from
date, dated April 2141, 1045. First note dee
1 ti :moothe after date, second note due 33
months, end third note der 46 months after
due. Dnewn levor George Cherch, or
• beaver, and signed by John McLean ; sa I
ka•• reeeived no vales foirotilieNsurseitct. }IAN.
Colon., loll 1e45. f es25.if
!MIN McDCNALD, hthe notice thet
al do riot tinnier or denier to the Bill pursu-
ant to the above order the Piaintiff may rule
tam an order to take the Bill ea conferee
against you, and *be Court may grant see II
relief an he may be 'nutted to en hie us•
sbeeriug. and you will not receive boy farthing
uotice of the futhre proceedings iu the mesa
ftita•311 Solicits."
Dissolution of Partnership,
fore existing between the undersibm.
•Itu traded at the Village of Seaforth, 2.
the County of Huron, as Gerund Merchants,
undo, the notne, style and firm of Dixon asoi
Archibald, was dissolved by efflution ot thou
ou the twenty-firet WI of May, AA)/ 1864.
Seaforth, etli September, I AC%
w33-tfl CHARLES E. aRciitnALD..
1.1`t )1-11. P4A_1.41:4.1.
bele Mr valuable larlit. 11. nog
9, W.D.townshipCuilaum.retilmnitie :00 erre*
eacelleu• Mod, NI liciencleet 01 stumps. 'seder
eelti,tios, with semi ten...1i kW kNldw• wdk
(rain• kitchen, aud as orchard ol Apples. Plums,
age . Teri 158.1 IS *mowed ori the Gravel lined,
within 5,,,I.* ill h mai 3 iiiile• 0(two
sew mills. 'fermis lobo pant on time '
purchase, Cid Ihri beanie rn instsintellts 51114
the puneamr. For imioollers apply to 81.C.
Litliter00, 0. 11 the nrupri•toi.
ealboree, Sept. 40,1S63. vv1341
HUMP, Intl fituee, Fier, .4 et
TnitedCountiesoll 11QT virtue nt • writ of
le(Wit,..• lfer Mairty'a Clounly
ourt 01421. I; tinted Cot:rm....4 Heron mei (truce
IM to .or Nra.nst the !Ands end telle•
len1.01 Janten Hutton, at /int or William
°Neil. I lasa reed and liken in earcution all
tre right, tale and interest el the mid defendant
n snit 10 lots, hers II and on the eouth
ode 4.1 •114 Arehy etreet, In to Killer..
04 Walleriole, the Townehip of ItInhl. lei the
'treaty to gruff. noon, Ping liv admeisurenient
half ai. Ilerr. more br lens a• Shown anis plan Le
ourvey matte by WIlliam Hant,..•••, p L. ft,
and heir sohdivlaire oflois 84 and 1!, in the fim
,iniewion moth of the thohnin Hoed. in the mid
Townehi of Brent • whie la 1014 end tehement•
its.1,1,1,.. ior,. tic
he second day 01 hinuary neat, •t the bout 01
',elm it the clock. soof.
Hy S. Pnid ova, Deputy Sheriff.
ftherill'• Kee, Uoderioh,
I2m1Scitember, 15126, 24
from parehasing or negntiating three
mantra?. W. (3. SMITH.
ftederich, ltet1 Serf, 11(13, ew7
El.& M.
1121,1.4 Commie rif -DT neve el • error
Heron •nd Bruce, IP K. eon
doe i out ofs.dHeiF*Iilnerms.75
Ti. wa .
II F. 7111.10. la 05,1110001 • nerolMling 11.110 ,/1 tor 11191.01)
the Mb or Aga.- 1665. by Heil, Ilytoo• 11*
1.001 ol Willa.. Fitn•Oti, due eight Jays WWI
payontht of the *Atone 1‘ slopprtl.
W11.1.1.‘11 FANSON.
Exeter. Per. Intb, leen. .34-31
W.7 Conti* 611. of ilon enunth, • i•rg•
Red COW, with a pour °Ione ol the
horns broken ot Alit Iverson returning her .01
gIVIod ...... Ur erIvrre •rve is. will kw sad
tut thcor trouble.
bete. 13, 1465. w3441
/CUB 002.11 11 tern...Iota *0.54 11,
71. I/. It. ToW0•019 el lireronork, County of
Brut,. The lois contain 50 arr., eerh. ad
4' eared the two lolo. The land ill tirst-nliW,
wen wateieJ end lloir/rred. bulklinra.
A1•01.4.. and Is. nos 5, townehtp isifGodench.
al) arr. rm.*, uvrr If10 cleared op th• two.
Excellent well -watered lend - ion ter, banlwood
• lanti Smiles Irmll ital. ,o -h. Chant !MOW bare
and ohmic •04 comlorlal le holare, and Pee
errehent. Win Le •.61 sepsis's, togetiser
ant rurehuggra. Apply ro
on lbw promos&
W.1, JOHN:170N, laakerper.
•, 0,1,65 wt.saf
'It CF1-.'IL-tr.V1i'',1
T INDER and he •wine of a NAN tvf Pala
t../ coal/MIMI 111 • Morlalldr• NM& Of Jobs W. lee Voieee of lhoreandon Ilba
14' IL r7:1 1 ll'Irlstf:741:71;134t,
wit/ be subl.
"1 T11111,8DAY, THE be* 5.1207 rx,rosji,
• • A.D. Mho, et 12 oN•lock, 110•01, al the 112)
AUCTI '31 MART .4 Smite r homer, ...l24.
o rein
Bethel :swims. Mem town of litalerieh, the Ad-
... hoping proprily, Via. I M liOrnhire 30 is ine
Aillee• of I.M•gannorl. end helms pert or 2414
t re.
Cutlet tn.. C inintlees nt Hdroa @MI tat
Ind to reedireeted strainer the lande •e4
run* ot
pnhournaedtrmfeineedepC•aehhr•aerwM.I WnihpWimr.elir1e1etk.e•. nta8ht1s atnhhdee tems• noet mentts•
.012101 sat•ke• •eslon •
and nteretnthe mk1.6.11,15111 •rol
W,t hs1(011n1 membr te
e..., Eseem AomoeTmaimie Oarlwh, September, 2023. 0-1
AsbeIsteCoely of H•roe,rateMioar
I our,TRAY COW. -0.p• ianut,
theied Oe11ia thvomis temton otthe tovenoiX:*o4
sthe Township o 1 here W; 10.110.4. ta the tomety 1l511e.4
Il rtiltunr Poeer el eek.
ingilt dr 01 Sepiernher Writ, st the hoeral '
Towne orate tIon., et on. . •...
Imp I *either en the I 0111 bleb. Int
JOHN IleDON ALIN t, 7th ems., B. D., Colleens*.
. Miliaria H. it 8. a Black Cow, with whore belly, point of mit,
ellmoirt 011ee, Creme, I and Bind shako. The imam * ratrI1111011 ha
/114 Aar.. 10.3. { •32 prey* property. pay for this alverdman.eal
- take bar away.
The above .4. 1. postdonod hill Ti.sedavr .101151 PATTSRMON.
tke l!th Uotober, start. -In sill.120., u.14,. .544•