Huron Signal, 1865-10-05, Page 21
; '
A Dazzling Discovery. poesible ; for. in the oodles. laboratory of bees own arise:041 be placed beton, awl B ETTE TIM EL nay, inking that the Inenee tax of their break off for brukfast, clun our nies,,sed lower Camels have etomoad them greatly
tura 1,1 the (termer. veruocutar would fold au
neturei 01 roc* bed anal &woe all other claimants wheu a res live husbands should be "emitted. 4314141•nolt
fall in ague at 10 a.m., and drill 'until 12 'ewe the "4"tel• En", Itiud nr "'et mut'
onds,ra laud ma- ybe. oif 1,o wily the postal, trails 1 wu sitting to • ,, j,
h am 'fug femurs of Hama and Bruce are now Sorghum.-We have received from o'clock, man, thee break off arid take (butler
echo here, and the free mountain* of Seiner.
heart of the Alps, • Mlle trout au, garrnee litus Moe id to be filled Gime atwePt enjoying • &eras of prosperity to which Granted.
1•AartIt!" Interior. Mr. George Cox, 6th Con. a few fine at 1 p.a., fall in soon at 2.30 dud drill until laud, the green Mlle ot Ty,td, Reims
plenty of good bread, beef, potatoes, tea, t=a7icl dimoh el•114. °mud TrZir
• IN YOUNT CHNISTUNNEL. piteous, with nu appreciation uf the value of the seed* of which ere rips, thus proviug
shore or behiud. this priuciple as emablished, and, we ilk, they 6ave brae strangers foe leers prat - Account D. Noricum], gr000r, for re- we Lave sdtad, I, a:3cl; ail tue rather King.
GUILD PRKCIOUS - STONES FOUND The results are known. My dell com what is the logical ouuclutou ? If it ta Their lebors have bean abundantly bleased lief, 85.1`2i, Ortlered to be paid. stalks of the eorgbum plant or sugar cane, 4 P W• get suPPor at 5 P.O.
gems, left Barduaneche lode,' eith rouoh right in respect to one member of Patin during the seasons by a homitiful orup iii al Cummunieitien freqa th° Pr°°i"i°1 Host it eau be aucmasfully grown here. euffeb. Th?re 110" bainalwa la barred"' fuldiridusl utrit'.eid in a wavuti-larlok "itt
• 'welters sod by • Secretary with refereuce to *ambito mea- Each beets", er.11 be in baud -was preaching to the whole. He spoke
• maritime and clouting chacover•y On Towels Di ht 26th and Ivo in coati,.
The New York Wurld has as account of ire:gets of gold. lit heater t ey auni i a went, tt ta right in the whole legisletivu , ost ever branch of g L
et gold each other in the mutual hate of avarice, or i t_,..„.....04ght with rogara to one mut of . most lertuuste conicidence they are enableo wet Alexander .7tb non. uoikriob 'wracks ous week, aud two weeks out la good Bil„tlish. nod I thiuk must be a 1 mike*.
'rendered off sepaiutely„ nod fell tor their t a°07 sures advisable to be taken in view of the mr
lichee oy other heeds, 1 cauuut tell. I hare 1 appointments, it must be equally right in tit hi41,...,... th, the 2litt Sept., 1044, ..itb •pipedroach of the Owlets, was rervetved and Viers is now 1,1E78 cadets in beamp, Fyirahrbentii,t,iiiiin.miti p.,r,:mit.eilihiitnelatL.,a1; Ai,g,trtie.:iti.ur7li.
never eilcountered them. k or tow.nship; lost five val'uable cows in • most ellw.P•
all in the beet of sprite. very one as to '
be expected a pent., it must base been foe
' anti precious stutoo. in the Mount Cenie tun- tu diepooe of every surplus article of pradoce
owl, in ilt• Alos, betoten Interco and Italy, ,
pet of the story is veritied by tile suspension ',",'"ed the, lanat "7"de gel"' ale'. care.: under the Great Seal, and election eon- pool f‘i, 1,,,,,I,,, ,-Fall Wbeat 83 to 0
• deficient crop, the fullowiag won the prime t) ' singular matinee. The pight before they
cook in turn, and Otero to der the duty uf both
hallelujah that woo echoed far to the met
iii ohich it prufessee credence as at trait 'PY,"I rii I 1 all others, excepting, of wore., thou voice -his wes a grail woo He sheeted a
,.,f Nil coirereu the spot oit the termination ut , FRI SOWLINO &LUST. were apperently healthy, but oext Intorn-
o( work on dia tunnel, on the Itith day
teteht not be ; tests, wider Ruch a system, woudd tlegener. 05ets., boring Wesel 73 to 75ets., Oats ing they were foural dead in the field. A divided into companies, aud each company among the *ammo* of the Cariodo Coin
officers and privates. The battalions are
Aueect hist, at the time the reported discovery the tunnel. that my diteto my The Bowling Alley By -Low was rein-
si awl re selicied back &grain, mid liniatied by •
emi mail, 'lite W to life lutormatit is W.1 emeethatcl, tree" bi ''‘I'r'e' •j 4e1714. Pu". ate into so many struggles 14 as mail '''Stle., Barley ti3c.. Butter ' 2 ie., and air : troduoed, when it IV al woved by . r • rumor spread in the neighborhood that Into lour *mode of about 12 men each, eho
l" • • ' offices as the suocessefu. esnlidato h ppm. ou. Tooloy Fell W beet brings 111/111 41116 Gibbons, aeconded by Mr. Clifford, That the etteehier „,, mewl by tb, „mkt. iinbessax:tytearh,rd?uatiiie,r,:l h.tolj
• itt mOtiesiees 1 ntreitul at Suse a poitton 01
sit tosee:ea, who turfman,* the swOrn state- my gems for sole, hosing ereviuusly conceal-
ment of Pierre Taeliare, pee. of tie ortfival ed 1". luirucilostel 1 lel under se*
dias„ta,ata of ma atarrellot,, „soot,. to prim, of heir..., the tour ever of Mr. Stone
retorted that the French and Italian govern- `cold, "4 "4 a' retie& It AAA *Aid 110.1 the
toeuti, who went jointly interested in matting theat"nd 1 atilt d to tell hal been
the goalie', nre dividing the sorra, and that 0011"f hill 11 thit1bw true dm corrnieni
they are hashitig up the stray of tile discovery !acne** simP1
la much as posehle. The tollowine is pan the alordor.
Opine Banat.
of his story :
Bet the great event came on Ille 16th of 11 Meanwhile. 1 en
August.. 1 need the moment well. It no, terrible charge ut
cleft to Seven o'cleek ; e• took note- of the! Pleesure tit hot trajest
time because et sewn o'cosek we Ica:144f
ehouitt be doue tor the day, and with • trilling I
n the jail at SUSa.
commenced fur the night by, a rel'iet puny. Privately subscribed, t lore Steleoro
intermit:sive' tor supper, the work would be
Suddenly Race° stopped Ike engines.- Fronzuta, uttoruey Stant. ;. 19, 1863.
Corp•o di dio .'" he Lod ; thiee of the 'The result thua ter is, thqt, oor Trraliare
drills have been crushed, we must have beeo hat not trait released. but *et. Frunsula
hi I intruoted
ed to hove eligible eons! 1Ce arc filled
with ast.ouishuieut that the Globe, which
has for so malty year) advocated purity in
oonnectiou with the public &Haire of
accidental, I neVer kne• of - . . . t st... .
should endeavor o tly on
enter Isail Mud email I Ua°1`11,
duct to inoonsistent with Rouen washings
h to be mauled from this and eo dangerous, as ',precedent, to good
urder, aud emirate the
am, king, 1 „bo„ib, government. The writer in the Globe
01110.11 Menti011 of general important facts
Ras Td01.1salt. in connection with this post office litanies&
He epeuke of the promotioo of 3Ir. Archi
bald Dickson from Seeforth Ooderiel
MI being perfectly proper on acoouut
is secret, his experience, but dues not tnform th
Directly the haute and engines were trithi
talent, the work ou whoth, hemiver, has cot hootedm.
tei filled by the appoiot
pounding on 'Warners+.
Las been atopointe4 director -in ch 1 of the public that the vacant office ia Seaford
drum ; we et:argot the perforations and
applied oar slow witch, and eed Wand Ont
pivot docos for protection.
In • monietit the deep connive 'trembled
with the explotion, and the place became
clogged with auffocuting melee.
Strsittitwuy 4 j••t ot compretweil air was
spirted from the rectos: and the teunel be.
came flesh os atriee honee. We i.lited the
immediotely. Mid Stole torWarst' ts.1
num; the oou't •
A space thrice as large id a ainole explo.
sion usualiy mattes had been excavated ; •
grent f iundation iih of ;it imitive.n,ek (muted
the bottom, trail this »us tral einoll
inerin• objects, tooMatteicil {1114 Crysuelt-oed,
s t•inoled through the dust and
kern resumed.
*mon citiignal.
GODEB1CH. OCT. 5, 1865.
Tke retains Nlovetneast.
Now that the bloody record of the
Atuerican struggle ie closed, it would
seem that a chapter of current history is
deeris. I rifted fron the tutiboh a smoothly *0 be devoted to Fenianism. Certain
ettoled lump of Minino sramthitio, an4 . . • li
brought it.towinds a hoop. demagogues in America, as we a snow,
I um merman to *bat 1 "porn upon the have, during the past four years, taught
"telicuh cr”'"I cle'a tnItero that tbe day was faot epprveching when
gol c yellow it' color, and as trio as a pub
let's es Irishmen would be cidled upon to Orthe
are io be given away ?
One of e workman here came tc me, a blew for the liberation of Irelend from
went of Mr, Smutty! Dickson, a very ex
cellent and eueeeseful Comer, 'rind titio a
son of shalt! Dickson, Esq., M. P. P. !
et those who will, oonuoct thew two
'aliments and try to justify the &m-
enet. The promotion might have
wallowed, but the double rap smacks
rly of Family Compactisai that it
bitter a pill for ordinary people
t Se -forth, etc.,
• his speeches, was strong
f " fair play," and we
ask now what fair' lay there can be when
other and equally w thy men ore deprived
of ,the glio.t of a ch nee of competitig
with his sena for preferus t when offices
y all means
clitnee to
tet them
f ot ler
tu $1.1,), Spring 9110.s., Butter 22e., Otos
and Raney brin; lees than last year, but the
crop, especially of the former has beep enor-
mous. The ditfereteeuf price in our motile
senate n so.great that upon every fifty bosh. pared !or soaking wheat.
the By -Law be read • second time.
That the By -Law be not read a wound
Runcituan, seconded by' Mr. McKay,
It Wita unwed in atuendiurat by Mr. eytuptotus of the disease, could be traced
pest now so fatal in Europe, but nu
and it is suppused poutble that the atn- 011'61040 plate (forgetting about 4000 scree. Feat:het wee surely a Wet juciou ef wort rod
male drank of a solution of bluestune pre-
, eppestiatee of the oaten. We are (billing yes, hi4 .11 anyfitng like Religion. but the-
w/01one ediciency ol the did! mud
We ean wee the Blue Mewl:tains its Tulin. Pler‘stit:o iihow tjottmitio „not tt„tiong to b., tit
yours, illte., ' way 1.7 um it. 1 woold not ram to be Wend
Laud, about 70 miles off.
•tIlut, ri et la, ,a., Ls: m,,e, iii,,,orurt...1 0. storirsort.ifihAv/ryieetarly:
ejs of Fall Wheat our farmers secure an in. time.
creme ef about 917.00, or 8340 ou • thou• Mi. Clifford staid the matter should be
send buehels. 011 Spring Wheat the differ brought to a clime one way or the other eaceieh.' tha
etre. ii, favor of tOs producer is about 811.50 as it p'seed the inspector in au awkward derson of this township was returuing
ALNOBT AN AtNIDINT.-011 Saturday
23rd inbt" ua Mr. John An Shall we have a Ploughing Match‘.45rezu‘tu).rttbotottreUr44h.orneget"jd ars' itaitlIsh.--erth:
SCIGElt 12.Ftt011 lieltUN.
., Match t
Yaokees li ise beam plekirig out the hest all
good annual*. cif yo'ung hone*, the display
poet ion. It appeared to hilt that ice n from mill with a load of Sour, &e., hts
A IIISNIINOUP OTTER. - surarer. lhe aliuw of Pigs was creditable,
per 50 bush. Now, taking tutu acereaut that •t•
the 1 crop throuohout tte Comities is the bar was cleated in Beaker's alley inil . team twitted sharply at portee'te 11111 and
Township Sh 'we. I have good hopes of On
and the Sheep dearly UP to .113e sweeten of
at least danbie that of last yet., it is obvious .
a charge of ro much per gaup" . 1 upret the. wagon, Mattering i 1. contents
Associution-dhis in but toe )(eon uf further
OUR specie' correspondent at the Lon -
that our bn.dwriiiking farmers must find them. . - tutlate'd in ell dtrecoons. By the assisterce of
don Exhibition, to Whottl We are indebted
selves next sproto le • better posit... than f r &um:count of the Provincial Ploughing "p,,""o`p'Ziwuololl,,h,i,hiy'hi't,",,'"o'w 1167e,trheloti::44',,rh•tt
It was necessory that the insNetor should neighbors Mr. A.,wbo fortunately escaped o
they coull posaibly hare biped for two yea -s be instructed how to act or have the affair instant death, gathered up the fragruente .t.. .
etc and other valaeble insistence, -
west part of the Literally. they could get up'
ago, Then, ajaiu, there ill art unpiecedeoted j closed altogether. aboodine.was euableu to proceed on his way •I u
writin„.. on priibiy tb, Toro, uys , 016 lli the fer) beet elmes iit the County.
demand for horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, butter., Mr. Runciwan said if Mr. Husker wres At the closes of the prociredrugs,theJudges,
&e., for the American markets. There wilt running the Alley oontrary to law he A WILL -KNOWN temperance men of " Just before leaving the 'thew grounds Devetios. and others partook of • eplendist
he little necessity tor auction sales this sem thought it was the inspeetor'e duty to this townehip nraeutly lodged informatioo 1 called upou Mr. Bell, of St. George, who d in ois r-aaftuetr u.phicibn tf;',itmlicd.:1'.o,u,tybide.r. pee beet,
son, for seines of huvers are scouring the atop him. o
out he was not prepared to sa against two of our tavern -keepers, but was had sent . for me. Ile. authoriees me to s'Y's 7 . 1
so tiro
to digest.
Mr. Diekeon,
in his advocacy
ive the 3lessrs. Dickson, jr.
holding sonitalimg an bis horny Palm' al the dominion of England. In the struggle g
biz aa my tofu gloat pito...Mem. I dropped . ba rise to the world, but do not
ttie adh a cry. The dolt was carrying 10 take p1aee native Irishmen were t j
immeasurably abore the sons
a maraelloue emerald. reinforced by '200,000 of their fellow -
We looted into eat h other's faces a mo- ao_ ntr • a • i • Men; merely becouse their father h
u poen, teethe to arms in t inert-
ment, and then the whole teur rushed tO tbe d B
fissure; the (orally dm': mid tory Orbits
shone kerthly here ant there, lerd'I 11VI ea
inatantlitat there had been antne stooge
convulsions at 'his part of the ruoialtein ; all
the strata lay iri tkoi smullapitce.,crushed or
bitten through with %onto granitic upheaval,
and the various °Islets had teen lifted alunot
can war, and ready to do acd die for the P
61,,be aeks why Mr. A. Dickson " sho
'nth . Republic. From recent develop -
be excluded (i.e. promoted from a, goaitt
tuents hi Ireland, some of the particulars
in which he was doing very well) becattse
of which we give elsewhere, it would emu
his father kappa's to have sacrificed a
that the tinie foe the proposed nprieitt . . .
has arrived, but if it has, it has not found trcee llt u It U
sertieolly ; a comer micaceous s.andstone, land and parliament business of eU,0110
traversed by e het isereued accidental reins of the lititieh Government unprepared. The
in. people on a pittance el .C150 a year ?"
quortz. lay on *he lett, runiono at its edge. police force hos been strengthened,
'this means in rod that • member of
parliament who does his duty with any-
thing like faithfulness is uot adequately
IIII Seemingly well aatiltieti With lila Wiper,
d upon tea etsy prooeedings so state that as bit' Machines have lanto ao mem of the day.
parties unght go at keg.
Ts" As fir ' itihr:t""wiee are free from law for the pre:pent ettensively patronised in Huron, he will The dodoes were, Geo. Anderson, of Stan.
P Y i e 7 h4ch Pnree L'I liur- what the law was on the soh'
country awl a in • r ' • '
plus stock of every description. Hardly e .
as he wu concerned 'i' ' ley ; Kora. Sweet, of Stepbee ; ano 'fhoenais
or hogs being driven through Seoforth, Can- ed, but if liquor was sold in conuotion COLBORNE. give one of his Combined Reapers and
tall, eerv:eu, 'tutu; t h e to•nship aud President oflise
doy passes without • more of cattle,
1t17`17 ' there and pay •20ets. a game if they pleas- ;
ntdie4illibligations tee It. Brown, 1,
tun ur tioderich for tritiisportati.ti by rail, with it, it should be stopped at once. The e. ' ai Mowers as a first prise, if the Count'y\of
Matcli\ Association for "Nordin me am le o ort
peas Eastward almost daily. We ',meld like ion, would be a public wrong which he . '"eti°1‘ w" hrld in the Huron will get up a- Ploughing
a lotoosItaltstl.- A very successful tea-
Itible Christian
tistg:coertidwoitryh s°prinisees71.1ingTdlieci:nits 2%. uthier, Se' c;y, fur thelaraiezedPPri:Plratu:
sod l000 troies of cars lodeu with such stock licee„,,, - of
g the Bowling Alley, in his opin- ity to tearoom everything, end to Louie
to see an estimate ot the amount of LnJney would not wish to have aiandthbeacykayht:f
oessil - Heat brood More, 11 Sohl; best
brought into the two Counties by this means, j oould sanction. it said the Council ', Church of this township, on the 2.1st. inst. .
splend i I offer I ho the ,
tato a hard coup...mime, which barely pe'd
• ihe iota. sad by gmthm,mm oendiery newspapers hare been wised,
of bard argtilaLeto.v slme, the eaters* Side 01 'cordon of gunboato has been quietly Itnt
the "re' er''''Ierlal 1.0 sat' ek)sed will! to the western motet, a large number o
!at half -past I o'clock. Tea was served "rtatulY A, • Pe
2,td I Betan; beat 2
'Fun L Ranee's., 214,1 Wei liertholdro best
fevored. our (semen me making t00.05, ,,t.3n1dr. 1-11 irhbornuencsai,indan he did not under -.1 in the oew parsonage to a lorge number County Board will lose tot time, but take 2 yrs d Filly. e &mu.,
--it must tem very laroe indeed. TOus
•nd they need it. Meny of them were forced go oa obargio.2 2octo. per game w t out eie" debvered t" the Church bY ,Nicattrs. some of the sondy-toil men, who beat our IP"' !a:g .7'"Itural har"er abdw14.
If lloskericohuld of People, after whiult interestrag epee:cher' hold and go into it. I would like to See yrs olt• olt. das Simile. 2nd DSurertis; best
on K I net. 21 toms n Koch r
license it was just what he wanted. Ile Roberta, -"uce4P lads last Thursday, mime on to our cle
into debt by the preemie of circumstances in Crroen, Colwell, Pen, 1.! I., Coyne Wet milch Cow, J Then, D
fonner yeers. and wilt be only too holle7 if (Moo G.) considered it just as proper to and Ken, and the doorman, Mr. whited.
anu get a thre.ehing. ,
they con now clear off old scores and start 1.1ioensie bowling alleys as billiord tobles. f he chtor gave some exoelleut mute.
- • -
be even wtth the world will be able to carry thought it WAS clear that Booker couldn't ' fear Permits in want of cheap boots& Loderseta us.2_4 ssaistosiw.
I t d • cha eti a cent. shoes and general goods would do well to We are glad to hear that the
afresh,-thuse who are fortunate enough to:If the bowling alley was not liceusL1 he
out eontetnp a e rape.) dun , an an im
peon oill be given to the development of Mr
our resoucces t
aloes' nah'eflO
the aorieeltu
end forethough
The Lissom
forgotten speed
. Runciinan -That is the hem rea- read the adv. of D. Kerr, jr., k Co., luta
bet an abundance of money eon for not lieensino it. It had Conte 10 give the establishment a trial.
twera this town and Soginaw is
kept open. The Enterprise of E Fereasoot best Ewes her
Cf.- We need hardly exhort • be a by.word that If a mao von not at his
'Alm; best re old Heifer, Henry Ortwein;
ifer, -11 Ortverin; best Heifer
t eke worklug Joo
"hirmrY; D (lean 2nd 11.
Jtio Grudy, Ja
C Ronne*, 2nd It
g raised lembe ia
usocei best pair
t Sow
st 1 yr rad
Celli Zelier;
1 Beehtel, 2412as
•De b, SnaSe-liest
be 1 (lieMdiat'seb...ttteafteVilaZtos
5, II 1, rye seri, 2tid It ter
nil community to prodanca place of benne,* you were sure to tied him , Saginaw says .-
of the past are too bitter to be bet and the urarkeft night received notice by telegraph that th". eig li red in Inti.i, Win Itur
mean enouolt to go to such places., let aoreeenie here tor stone daps,
to take the place of the Huron un thia tibts,,sihe.,4\4. Fall
e trust, who wi.1 be foolish enough to rush „ot la •b„„ii yeas and nays being take. re- We uederstand that an' arrangement
Ind to many a harchworking man. We
not What the future tras in store for us the amendment, 3lesers. McKay, Biwa- •°.cho'ammbu.s.l'idii",u.7
boos, Horton, Booth acd Clifford • for f
loan Mail. It is hie time a Uf . .
On the square converted into , en -5,
route for the renLonder (if the season, and 6r.fid,,b;u::::.ib.::wirsdbgateimpriety,n, .17., 22.1. jinoin.;
M T be 'spectra tore in a taay or two
idly auto the speculations which ham there Voted fur the motion 31emers. Gib: ' hatt been made with 51r. Crebb to have on* j i... , j , , j. . ., 2 bush Sprint(
our plain duty to " make hay who* wan aryl Smith. , for a chengvi from the old " rweelYt" " 2" boat, sod will stoply an indispensable link .12".7,;:i' /..imm„. hem, reel, .
. . 1:11° The weatner has j.been writ and , '• 3lesars. Gooding & Hankins last ' 78 us
jo aba m.dit of prosperity. at tt tight el Of Hooker's. 11 linen could
iron steatner .110hatrk. has been chartered iiitiod i„ 65. L Isot";
an CM are very few, siee.
It Jar lit 1 in le6; 11 Si I
.17 hem, but let the Council never eocourage couseqinuce. has been miller duo.
the sun
little of it
The gene
already, produe
solid diatribe itin so much at warp paid for bis aerviceo, even though an the trade and e
o „,..0 vette my oepo,hottot: oiot mo wootoot arrests have bee° made, thousands of
extra session ehould swell his paltry yearly Ilusineot ie rem
precedents, but in the rateusity ef the moment loyal Irishmen are on the alert, and
, t had no time to think ; a prostrate column . ianorn 11.11 dares. to show iteeit. in the pittance to .C300, miless lie! can coutrive Money is comieg a
ot basalt, liort concealed in duet, sparkled at ' by securing, a few gond offis to supple- hein: paid, and men
t. et, ant as I tumbled it towards the light of open day, will be crushed with
k h • h t 11 1
seri, 2ird J ;Irandy;
11 1. ere sea,
te Ikons. Jolts%
er for future contiageticies. In our business connections, suddenly iketoto. 24
Mee' not for.reiting to beep a The By -Law was then considered in 4 ' $ J Knircher; In 2 dos we
committee of the whole, Mr. Gibbons in I broken, in the loss of tile Huron. Large ledien Corn, Wen Tarubult, 2 otirip (Amt..%
• the chair when beino called upon to ex- T.1 Literati n.--Memrs. J. V. TMilor
1 prospetity of the farmer is t • " •tio . her best bftif Kindest'. d Grandy, lel It Brows"
Son bare received at this lonoestahlished quantines of freight are now awai 6 b„."0. ,..., . ,,, . ,
• • press his Memo the 3layor expressed : . tr i ins, It biller, 2,14 14 eh 1 ‘oeller;
himself in opporittion to the B • 1 d
y- .(3,1' an house one of the laroest nod most varied stocks arrivel on both ends of the route. beet d o Car rets. L Veutheir, lid ll So an;
as .etitimate effects upon
soot be loorttly coincided with tbe views brought into Coderich for years. They hare T he steamer Huron, which atruck on hest dos Swedish Turreps, J Hewitt, 2n
'tierce of tbe country. -
uttered by Mr. Runciman. *video!, 'opted the erantS of the eranuitunitY the rock at the mouth of the river, ie II 6'40' hee""a Wa"rcl Wu"an't Gout*
14 all its bnnehes.
dredelient. debt' are Upon the vote Wino taken there voted and belie.. in • return of better times. . being dismantled. The pumps would Ze.ler, J flecker; twat Pumpkin, Joha
Ileeker, 2ad Wm Burkho.der.
ace becorain mom yea Messrs. Horton toritli, and Clifford
ment his salary. The theory of perymia 1,0P0G11 and contented.
clear light, it broke senses iis breadth Ind the iron hand of power. While we can and villages are looktno u
disclosed the mom beautiful sapphire I ever a ites has certainly received a nOvel taus-
bkh d .xtend our sympathy to a people rising in
At this instant one of the men who was sunnily way to struggle for freedom, we
41.‘,111,. Pitt 01 the "verb, uttered cannot think for a moment diet the
tration. We have no personal end to
oerve in this nutter. So long as we getout. enen"nJed eitend Mew h
mewled tarift and bustle 4 ap
Budding goes i and the Mayor. LAWS ONIONS. -Mr. C. 1Yelfs, mark
treacly our towne I way, Messrs. McK;yt Iluneituan, Smith '
nufacturers feel I On the Meyer resuming the chair the yeti igha rade:ea: htclawnse,edhasolinr
inoo, and in. vote upon the final posaino of the R 1. polef 601'4
eat on all was taken and !Its orship voted nay,
-P-sw could not be easily besten in this boon -
,e nyi79 ' when it pawed in the negative and the , ., .. . .. . .. ,ot wrighs
try. There are sixteen in all, comprising
hie, thy document was shelved for the present. I ned yellow and white, and tne i
a sheet : letters and papers puuctualy it matters
bands. We think we are warran
t. 1 he oene iv ell gold 1" • Fenian movement is entitled to the lenst
not who deals them out, but there is an that business .711 be better and bea
I say again that my tand is on the Evan- respect. It was conceived in secret, and .
important principle at stake, and we fee (Bo ono Winter then ,1 hes been
riiits• and 'hat• 1 tell but abet erta.• fostered in aecret. It is denounced by • .
broogh the sandstone strayed a vein cd it a public duty to differ front a gentlerqpn Crimean War. So mote it he.
uart and this was of mingled pale ar,d tweeting majority of the Roman C whom we have 0,er bee. harpy to credit
metallic apprannee, and tte metallic oleo s clergy and intelligent Cathohes every -
were not s.dphates, as 1 thought first, but where, who can see in it nothing but an
almost pure trood.
At this lute! igenee rey comrsdem went occasion of uselees bloodshed. And,
alrooet wild. They were poor beans, arid, hence, we trust the present movement in
knew not the value istf gems. but once or I
Ireland will be crushed at the very
twice in their tires the hed touched • Louis, I
and at the mention 0 mild their animal :outset.
greeds burnt in their rs DU our little 1 _ . .•
Moister seemed 'cooled ,A,I or a delirious 1
, , The Lodertch Post Ottleentualn.
dream, and 1 -or unit merest I pi creed my neau i
on my hoed. tri know il 1 itc+17. poor Pierre -
Tagliare indeed, or the l'tin of Go.coods. Pe its itsfaUC of Tuesday the 26th inst ,
My atreoele ceosei at a hard, \ hoar** word khe Daily Olfotre sets up one of the weakest
with good and manly actions. We do so,
u we have *aid before, with extreme
regret, but, neverthless, we csanot con-
scientiously withdraw a single word of
what wc have said. We address ounelves
to right-thinking, reasonable men through.
out the Counties, aud all we ask is that
our sentiments and motives be not mis-
word trOm l'airee, defences of the conduct of a public man •
The County PlOughIng Nhatels.
" line hie muie. I UM the die everer of
them all, because I hetet-the sang. nom that we have Speaking of the -
In order to have a good County Plough -
of you take one stove.' . dismissal of Mr. Watson from the Goder-
I looked at Lim and shuddered. His' fare ing Match, it is of primary importance
ich Post Office, it .says, " au accusation is
was like a uild toosts ; Lis fiugers *ere ra..e. ti • a c 1 M that there thould be a list of prentiains in
mom at , Vet a eu 6 • i a gamut tne tovernment 1 iat . r.
the respective enema worth striving for.
Ile did not seep nr embrace us et this gement Wstson line been dismissed, not for fault,
bie Toil. loughnten :ambitious enough to enter
fortune, het regarded us as enemies cootesting btu in orkr to evike room for the aon of We have in this County a nuniber of
" 'rispino r. I said, a sre you mad ! 11 1M Y
r. 1tckson, a supporter of the Govern- P
we are to prawn this wealth it mint be' in ment." A more faltse premise it is im- into the lists for the pure honor of eoming
common, and the secret must be kept out enceereful, but, if • really handsnitie
nossible to conceive. It is a man ,f
every ounce of the :old " . stra 1r, and a miserably poor one too. lly prise accompanies the honor of chernpion-
amongst us, otherwise the crowo will claim 1 • '
0 It il ail none 7" he howled. ‘' I am its I whom WIWI !Melt iln uocueation raieed ? ehip, the trial of skill la keener and the
discoverer. Staorl of! I ' reward more tangible. With regard to
Not. by us certainly -not by any person
I saw the estlierin; fury on the faces 011
of the coming Match
aur two 11•11114irt.t.i. 1.hey mattered, and their in this town -not by uny one at Quel,..e, pritco, the prospecte
brows worked and blot !doled, mid together that we ha.,:e heard. Mr. Watson cendid. arc, wc• brighter than 0" leY
they rushed upon Ramo. Before 1 could stir dr.; d b 'he former oceseion. Mr. Benjamin Bell, of
or spenir be Isy %Ten, the reek, and they bad Y a -Ate at t e time t et e ha .
St. George, of whose good intentiotis our
pounded in his sloth with tlie very lie:gems ot departed from the rules of the department,
gnarls which contained the veto of gold. London cor. makes mention, has . since
and under the cieguitistances we could not
When their fury bail been abated, itorl the that time written to Rohl Gibbcns, Esq.,
murder done. they mooted and breuthed hard. -°-
b t admit that 3Ir. Griffin had done hie
Pres. of the C. 11. A. S., offering one of
The sight of blood seherid them , Hey torte duty, neither tome nor less. ludetd, oe
ed opon me. could not, and cannot even yet, understand bll 'Pim" 'beefing Machines ea • Pribb
" You will hetray us, Beecantorto?" to eome lucky ploughman, Robt, Banci-
I der that the crone they Mad dons would what drove our disinteresbd member to
a man, Eeq., of Goderich, offers one of' his
enguif us MI toilets I could bring my superior move for the papers in the matter of toe
superior iron ploughs, and we will be sur-
illielligence to bear upoo these poor enriches. dismissal of James Watson. Had he
.' Faller we must all die but I nie," I said, prieed indeed if tho manufacturers of
" and he live a fu,itive, tor he hung; 0, wooed in coluection with those papers
Clinton, Egmondvil:e, kc., allow them -
we must irgree to stone the seen t and be for a stateinent el all the cireuuntances
faithinl 1 a each other. T ilor up :he body ot , selves to be left far behind in their efforts
connected with the removal of Mr. A
Ileeen nod lake it to tle• in•inth ot the gallere, to etwourage a pursuit which aupporte
killed him ; then return to me:' .Vr. Samuel Dickson as kir successor their varied entcrpri-e. When we udil
I set ell the pistons to work immediately, somo light might Imo hen to the prises thus offered and expected
thst the directery mtght not suspect scything, ^ " "." '
and before the too meir returned Um pertor. shed upon a very curious affair. The
Mors wet e gishing the softer a/steam] shale mob,,,, eopie, Mr. Griffin.. report, 'woo
at the rate of a nictre an hour. Every clip
Ooncludcs SP IollOWS
of the ;moon rode disengaged, some now
fragment. ail beautiful iota elands, and 31r, Wetter', in feet, bas Weems to
giving Melt to the iron thud the keen nng of make ; he acknOwledges his error, hut
precious metals. thijseberlys lay inthogled
in the costee granite Et OA bottom. 1 he
black and brown Saveytud diamond', which
hiel !Well (0411111 inowet years in the bras of
teleran, %ere here of a i‘ale blue Imre,
rarer nein I had eve, nod of thew, aud 1
disengseed one fruticose cluster of the 'wrest
Bar that the mini, exploded prematurely aim Diekeort to Goelerich, and the appointment
ellegn that he hos leit erred fradelently
dishonestly, and thict his Wendel are correct
importance. Without knowing the locality
week after week.
Mr. Watsrin has. fart, used the money that may be chosen, we would suggeet the
order buetness ler his own yippee., under the •icinity of Clinton being, perhaps, the
mistaken Idea that he enuld do en. Ile leo 1
erred throw h inadvertency or misapprehen WW1 convenient @pot that could be melect-
thou which the.Society may be ilble to
give, it will be conceded that there should
be inducement enough to draw out the
met skillful ploughnien ot County.
Then; again, the plea° where • grand
match is appointed to come off is of much
water, contAieing Seventeen. The gold quartz siOn of hia duties end instructions, mei m per- ed. The main object should he to secure
w°114° .miad hY 'he Kha"a" et. Pla"aam' fee' i•teera"00 e"he leeleechl terminatinn the ware„s of the 3latch, and in order to
and a shower of garrote fell thrice, /tome or it is in your power to give to t is coune of
them So big that they could not lay in the f„,lly," do thin it may be found nunnery to sink
palm rainy head. little local jealousies in a spirit or liberality
I do not forget that to ill this I am eerte. That 4 in striet accordance with the
fying under and 1 need not specify and hearty pod -feeling. A meeting of
*hen the oho', out', or ehat I disclose wol
known to-triorroW.In the erbwn, if it 1*
sot already. It is stomach to add, that in the
Shirty or lofty minters wherio mt drills brok•
&own in this precious deposit in the mountain
I beheld and hatnites1 1110fet wealth than
tlie rieiateis lore:len hold. or the great
11,101 gu•rds in his treasuries. The gem.
that fell were lerger than all precedents ad
miurefl, rind nf wondrons crystelltsation. T h..
tomve, tourmaline, ryeolites, spinet's,
end emendate, were often in the earn* fray.
'seat, esthored together as if hidden there
year" before. Sappluies a little chill by the.
earths to whir.* thee wens atiaehocf, and
weighing throe bemired 1111%111, wore tem
Mon In pebbles around me. 1 titled my
predrete welt the rarest, mid finding othen
ewe preeinvie still, threw them all away,
ste.4 gathered sod gsrhered, 141 at last my
mod began to reel srith pwattrion, and I
eat down and inwthed like one ettnes.
Rat thole ignitors were toe manifest for
Arab*. I ennoortertut that, heroes* the phase
.fis rare, And never mod liner dio
sloped to roam. It rie+.4 not therefon to leo
re/sone aseigned by us fur the diarnitsul
of Mr. NV•teon, find as even that gentle- delegates from the various brench racieties
man did not complain of injustioe, 3Ir. ea P ace a r
Diebaon.a motion for the bringing down noon next, to como to in understanding
of the pf, pm., vas a work of poprrerogstiom with regard to tne neeeseary preliminaries,
which bears abourdlty on the face of it. wining) of ground, Ate., immediately
'laving satisfied itself that the dimmiessi after which, of course, the particulars
was in strict aecordance with the rules nf
the department, the Globe, prameding to
the appointment of Mr. A. Dickson. nye :
" Bet, he ie the son of the County mem-
" ber I Well, it is 'something new under
" Constitutional Government to treat that
" feet as an objection. An official must
sontehody. son." The lilt footrace,
abort as it is, is unanswerably logical, hut
we think it 'mild petal* the Globe, or any
other of' Mr. Diekam's apologists. to prove
that it is either jest or right. under
Coostitational Government, thet mem
will be made pablia. We hope it will
not be out of place to urge the dentate*
eterciee great (nation in the selection
of competent, disinterested jodgea, to have
the rules of the match plsinly laid down
and luridly adhered to, and, in case they
sgree in other reepeets, to appoint •
committee of management that will be
likely to pee the effete Otandueted on hon-
orable and etreightforward principleo.-
" God 'peed the Plough !"
One of the officers of the Working Ifee's
Protection Assoetation, New York, has ab•
aeorided eith 910,11en
The, Town _Council held its regulal
meeting on Friday eve;ing last, present,
he Mayor presiding, Messrs. Gibbons,
Hormel, McKay, Runciman, Booth,Smith
and Clifford.
The Clerk read a eommnnioation from
Mr. D. 3IcCague ukiug for relief, be
being too old and infirm to work, and his
sons having such large families that they
could grant him little help.
Moved by Mr. Ilorton, seconded by
Mr. Gibbons, That the Clerk be instruct-
ed to write to the sons of petitioner show-
ing the inhumanity of men PO Well tO do
ss they are having their aged parents left
to the eh irity of the public, and request
that they will not suffer others to extend
the relief which devolves upon them as a
duty. -Carried
A Petition was received from Mr W. M.
Savage, requesting permission to extend
a track from the Elevator to hie ware-
house at the foot of harbor lane.
Mr. 3IcKay thought if the extension
were wade so as to be satisfactory to the
Harbor Comntittee, the prayer ;of the
petiiioc shoulil be granted.
5Ir. Horton said there was no doubt
the extension would be a general benefit
end should be granted, on condition that it
did no, interfere with the traffic at the
wharf. It might be well to insert a clause
In the motion rentering it incumbent upon
Mr. S. to remove the proposed track
should it prove prejudicial to public in-
It was euggested by some of the mem-
bers that in all probability empty ears
would be run on the trick when not other
wise used, and thus prove a hindrance in
the way of gettiug to and from the boats
lying at the elevator.
Mr. Horton moved that the privilege
be granted.
Mr. Runeiman said the motion deserved
careful coneideration. The midway at
that part was very narrow now, and he
thought it would be a very great diem!
vantage to have can lying in the way of
general traffic. Pereonally, what feeling
be had in the matter was in favor of
granting the privilege, but In onuld not
vote for the motion until he was rattisfied
that ihe interests of the public at large
were not prejudiced by the sweated ex.
tenmon ; besides, if' this wu granted,
others would want the same privilege, and
very aoon tbe track would extend all
along the dock.
Mr, Gibbons said from the narmwnees
of the place it would be well to let the
matte, stand over for farther ransiders.
tirm. If the Railway Compsny wished
to ettend their traek, he thought they
should go net into the Oregon and make
graund oufficient without blocking up
mesh a narrow thovonghferst.
Th. motion woe withdrawn in the (see
of a majority against it, and the petition
fyled until farther onneidered.
Petitione 3Irs. Coleriek and Mrs. Tier.
It was resolved to take steps for the
removal of the water which hart lir SO
sixteen pounds. They are perfectly ripe,
and several 01 them measure 15 inches in
eirmumfereace. W ho has better ?
Oittestoes -By some means the fol -
LI h
. make no impression on her, and the hull is i
i..:14 ili,j'ITntelt4P,S2t wiCuli jet,1,1::: 1.14K.Aircp11.7 Christi
so touch injured it is thought best to
Bechtel; corn lprize tor Apples, A lerholasi,
largest collection or variety of Apple', Julia
Zicanwr; best 6 pears, 1.11 Sartre.; 2nd Wm
Hut kholder; best dos ['melon, 1 Bean. 2n111
• au on er.
H A If
Wm Win.); Ost 6 beeches Grapes., Lemur,
Eik11010410 Plonk, )gge,., , 2nd J Geiger; beat cotimoun of Piens, J
Zurich. Bechtel, 2ed L Gotochalk.
I:mon Wcout-Beat patched Quilt, Wm
Lehman, 2,11 H Slope; best Coverlet, Wm
Lehman. 2.14 llarkbioltiet; best JO yards
Fieled Cloth, .1 Seethe, 2rid 3 arch.,
- -
(From our owe Forrespendest.);
Twelve months agu itjhad entered musts
Ion obstructed the lower d or Hamilton heads of but (co that the Branch Agriculture! Dune, itc. -Item 12 the salt Better. IF,
st., near Black's hotel, after which the
ouncil adjounied.
stuff struck at 40 feet n
'Some little
town on 31onclay
been struck et Dun,
to ace what the thing
companted a friend who
that direction in the
reselling the farm of Mr. 1% . Struthers,
about half a mile from Dun, anon we I
found that ha had been sinking a large
well in hearch of Water. After the cavy
blue clay, which is about 35 feet in !
thickness, had hem, dug through, Mr. Strut
ers came to the gravel, when • jet of gaii
escaped with 111NC11 VIOlellre 116 10 UM. I
him seamper up the larl.ler In quick time. j
That was on Friday last, and the eaa conottel
eed Oresespe for fume time with load noise. I
Thinkin it unsafe to venture down again ;
the laborers let down • cat apd on droeieg I
bee ap again, one of her lives had departed
forever. Newry lay stiff sod mark for ri
tenet of time and then mood ir with •.-Oy
eight lives between her and the place
where good eate go." After that money
emildn't Mell to go down into the
queer hole, until Monday following, when •
Mug augur Wan procured sod a hole bored
gull deeper. Tbis increased the flow of gas,
and • short time afterwards • brave fellow
bede 'don to his friends end descended the
slippery !added, 1Vhile at the bottom seme
one let • heavy stick drop +ditch britke one
of big fibs, but he strugoled to the surface,
bearing with him in *pail • quantity cf Fere
eat . one o your '.ac nun ,
but the gennine article, ready for the lamp,
In feet the oil is • fettle too pure tii be hem
est, we fear, and the opinion was freely es
pressed that somebody had perpetrated • sell.
84 that ea it may, we heard the rush of the
escaping gm descended into the deep hole,
felt the greaey sides near the bottom, helped
to milled a quarstity of the oil. and spoiled a
emit into the bergain. Mr Struthers received
several offers for his interest In the well, and
01117 erithusiestm gentleman, who coieat hat dly
buy it gangway plank it steamhtials were sell•
ing lit ten dollar. each, was for 'raying down
cash for the whole farm, at Maoist ray pri.e,
but the owner ts up to a thing ur two and ro.
fuses to say yaa or nay jnet yst. If the ool
in tee well is genefne he has made a strike ;
if not, it is • good thing for Godertelt livery
eitement was caused in
a report that oil had ,
nnon, and in order
mounted to, we tie -
wag going out in
ternonn. Oa '
lowing items were omitted in the pu is -
ed prise het of the recent County Exhibi-
tion :-
For Annuals. A. M. Rolm
4 variettes of Pietas, U. Johustoo,
John Shoran.
Best molection of Fruit, ID Johnston.
Gouceites Sept. 26 1965.
To the Editor either Rosa, dieser.:
DC*11 Silo -After reeding your Temarlts
about the Ethittition Iseld at London last
'reek oleerve you hare mode no mention of
an important article exhirated by an 'fifteen.
Cal farmer front an adrairring toonshipo I
refer to an itnt roved machioe for the deenm•
position of lenuld Manun. The judges in
this departateet awarded no premium for the
' machine, but 1 thiok it is entitled to some
notice tn youroaluable paper notwithstaad•
or Metiers. Acheson /I. Smith adver-
tise by politer and handbill that they have
reeived • full stock of goods *hush will
be sold very cheap for cash.
CLOTIONO.-The attention ef ran trad-
ers is direeted to the sdrertisement of Mr.
A. Smith, olothier, &e., whose stook of
ready-made clothing, plain and faney
Moths, k.c., is very complete.
gjo The leader says see.° It appetite thet
the Hon. Messrs. Cltristie •rof Malcolm
Cuneron left the Mellott at London last
week becalm On American flag *se not des-
olated. They mow net. content to mile oh.
der the Mikis 'leek alone."'
says t
tilt.. 111 m
1.Chum,' e
ass Sitstero.--The London Advertiser
t Wednesday evening, the 27th
who goer' by the eppellation of
ed at the livery 'W.I. nf M. A.
Strong, Seato h, brother of 11. 11. Strong,
of this coy, sa hied • horse end bulgy,
leaving in the di ion of Linen. About
owl, time an ohm Man Kole a two-year
oirl colt from the Villa of Egmondville, a
mite and a half from Sado h. The colt ie
worth 8150. The two partit were worlono
wee, both
an, and
togetber. and ta ing ereitt
arrive, next de/ (f heredity) at
put up'at MeLeana Hotel. Mt.
took • fancy to the colt, and after s tie
himself that the man who had it in his p
session wee the owner, pureliased it for 875.
Shortly afore this the two eulpros proceeded
west in the buogy owned hy Strong. They
appeared to take things quite easy, but seem-
ed anxious to moke good time. S1/1111 heurs
Association of the township of Hay should 'linens', 2nel J SIcteed; best 5 the fresh Rat-
': '
N U 1
'iss, . i
mid held its annual lOxhibitions there Minted bpsfasitiba dre..d b....,
hare in headquarters in the mliage of %at th, . •
Was Burkholder; '
of at Itodoervij7e. Your COrrtipOWINOt 111 4 hank. hoes y,,,,, Wm Boraboidan
his report to you ot the Exhibition &tit -drew- best ; erti F11111serel, Henry %rusher.
oille lam year, stated that be '' saw very httle.
European News.
of Hay abeut it'," sod sugoested Zurich- the
. ail. otosie, whiC lett Liverpool at S 20 en
idea was tsken hold of -a meeting wad --
called-officers appointed -and an applies ,
bon mode to the Countyslloard asking recoP the 17th, arrived - thia mterution, at lose
11.. oix, &It :t.o- 26. -1 be ateemshio- Cu-bto-
5 it ion . The Board would not seknooledee raclock,
them ; hut they determined t9 go ahead not. An extraordinary general Meeting of the
Atientic Teoereph CoMpany was held iii
withstanding, and succeeded in getting 4
t ter Jae Mel ird hest !tone Ill comb J B
small grant from the township Council. -
Well, the Exhibition CUM' off tat Thursday,
the 26th, and was very creditable to all eon -
The first show, set in • comparatively new
townehip, great things were nut to he !Meer%
ed ; but it exceed ,d all expectations, and
Luncon on the 14th. The, directors presen-
ted *noon ratan/ fortb the 'mull of' the lase
effort, and sonoine expectations itor the
future rh ducted he ma, ea pressing • deter
nination to prim forward our. the work, aed
announerng *het they hod alr;rady entered
[loos convect fur retiewecl operations: Under
cont,111. the telo;:raph constrio•tion COM.
pany under take tor the snre of 4500,000o-
•Imost every one expmeseel themselves agree. thot is the mere cust price -to menufacture
ineatly fiord up for the occasion, and all the
ably diseriminted. The Toon Hall wes :a.o:'0`1.01:1.1,,,h,o,copo,be,oct.drIil.,e0,ntet2hs0,,typevaerret.r07,7:11bid.:11.71
indoor rookies well arranged. There were th,
nearly 200 entries. The show of Fruit erm
.excellent-tolly up to the bio effete at Low
dun iii quality sad far aloes/ of it to the way
of Peaches and Grapes. All were aatorriehed
at eat h • till,' display of fruit in Way. Mi.
lircevtiorn, from nen Beyfield, though not •
competitor, yet tO ahow:.that could be done
le western Camel*, with a piece of land tint
tire years ago was • wild bush. %mom! out a
S enc. ey also to ert*Ite vothout an
further charoe whatever, to go to sea wi
sudietent cotile to complete the present broken.
cattle, ond use 'be hest eraletnors thet end.
Carryon 4 out the Contrite( requires th tee
Atlantic compeny should rain the miniliten
of £250.000 to maxinium of Lii00 000 in
malt upon which new capital, a preterential
eloiderol Or 12 Pkr mot is propmed, with a
shore te the prutita of the dividends to whisk
they are mint ed to have been pied on old
'bares. The report WM unanimously adopted
collection of frint the' altould have been at reel the quelling of raise/ the normal being
left to the final decision of another meeting,
the lireat ExIiibitton. It comprised 26 fart*
tOTISILettellhed.I.Onnitheh .61111: of Limiber. h .1
ties of apples. 74 ot Pouches, 6 of Piume, 2
Nferseilles thot the M ijomer his sti'mmrniutteied a
°titiliGIII;PeSarr'isnagti3a:dr s;:t1):141ediC:ithih ii-h1e7p1 rbercpeaur- meeting ol physiciatia to concoct meaaures of
mote. Ile also showed an enormoue Pump.
kilo, in eemparison the hiogrot of the big
1 From the Cope of Good 110h* late lettails
rehl'ilehle. week'y rooms of the Bank of r ranee
• decreese to earth of 4.500,000f.
mi.ej jjujartowts.m,;. cho, not xi,en,
terve been recerved.
ent Me of manutecture, from the green The wee between the free States and the
losf to a p Ce of splendid ° honey dew." If Besulos was prosecuted with tiger by the
h t• The
King Jamie had totted each, he eho mato. tied the agoreesive.
The rates are undimmed. Feuds are (poet
'I he deletion &rated is rather more actin.
alter they had ler., the owner of the eolt, SP.
compaiiirel by • detective, claimed the aro wouldudh/sevie cw„rnii ;in Tmorb.aBeeroo.01:1,ensti„.",
arof ateady ; bet fonsull are slightly de -
mat. mach 10 the nmnsem,nt sgr II 11
Mclean. who wius conomntulootiso himself oil h fr
one ol Saturday Fvenin se I. 16 -
_is e_ort. A collection ef Bali work, hy Mrs. pressed by the intrioluction of the Resisilein
fmolre7Mgen00t ogf constables, nrrangemente were attention. It consisted of Some 40 varieties 'Pc' " 2, ' Is •
oo limo. rattle a reie. John Welper. of Hay, attracted
general TI.:h:tiNzsic. arrived here so nitre o'clock Ois
made for pursuino the thieves, and we !rape ob,ratztr,,,,bi,etzlin,es.,witu,iiii.digs.,:ion.d,,ree-..slhliopf ,
Th'e Dublin Liven of this morning, eays
- shortly to hear of Weir captuie. At last
The whele of the Ladies' Work Aran, WM that after the rrrrr t at the " frith Peoplee'
4CCOUIIIA they were gnit.4 mot.
pourable, fur the ',won, none of it iti the . police stations mod raillery betted.' for men
firetaate. the vegetables, good-the:groin nein," last night, oniers were iseued to all
least smelting of sulphur. 1 be Indian Cern, to be held reedy ;n cem of any Attempt at
of whieh there wmo 7 entries, wad a punier mama by the populece. A, policeman was
tor the Judoes ;-1 bad no idea we muld whet motioned in each telegraph effies for ths
raise such large ems O. Huron. 1 cannot purpose of stopping any 'message reluing to
leave the Monde of the Hall without noticinz Fenranism.
the Flag. Here we have the ar-ed clean and Qtwensiowh, Sept.. 17.- Tlie bosh pollee
ready to erar-the straw ready for the 'mulch- continue to arrest Fenian's. The numlier ot
er'-manufactured resdy to spin-rool 6111110 prisoners is very large, among. othen a per.
fine samples tat yarn, all grown and done in son 'Aid tr. he a remain in ihe American
the townshin ot Hay. Why then wart not army. in whose ponesejon documents and
epetimens of the meth shown I do not kntw, iruiform were found. (hi Sunday the prison-
(From nor owe Correspendeno
Mese Stritem- A colt belonging to W.
%her, of .Egmondville, eae takeo out of his
enclosure on Wedneeday night last, by a
yonne man named Laderke, eho made Aireet
to Loran, where he *old the hone for 870.
The ooner promptly Fiero a constable io pur-
suit, who found ihe horse the next dey, and
being joined he tho man who had „bought it,
they traced the thief barn to fieflongO
where he had gone tri hod. heing servic-
ed he gars ,tp :40 ,tt the money, whirl he
hho'llelI:t',7,,,u444' 'tom° I oo 'in( .1:: bernr.,i7h'ia ''..h. :her thiew"nsh.ipP. et7,110o,"inmt.hr7se1d0.1577 57 177f eu5nrc 2 rn. 1 7art.rensctnuitheed 017her.1h.coniarZut'n"ItundirPr"olo":51wrneiren.
ei pe_iirehehly hy the eneejeeeee of the loin wheot, will 'met le'",chtihneeiys„itin, ?nil The 1141111 has not tranepired. Tee
amno'h".hvertily cheered the prisoners. hat made
mutable and the party who bought the colt.
It is • great pity *het the thief and One
"114ahmtmork:47 of d7coolr'sh:amongst the crowd -the precede in Dublin, and arrests are being made
the will to grow it is here. • In,' ettempt at a rescoe. Great excitement
'eeeMceer:ilt-heevi'ldalnir.lYeeh'4811Wotr°;nh:lioCeri;"l'h:::114: glari0i431805n9"em0ifueln'c'eltrolo"dsur1v2e;mtdheinticeinanneL. 17 Liverpool, Sept. 16.-ttreedatuffs quiet and
in other parts of Ireland.
there is a strong probability that the er
question if it meld be eqnaled anywhere in steady. Fltiur quiet and nominal. Wheet
affair will be investigated.
must he here, and verity of others from firmer ; sales of mixed et 2% 6d. Provisirma
Canada. Everybody and evelybady's wile quiet and needy at ffs to 9s for spring. Corn
i The codes,.
- ,,,,meehare else. The medley of tongues and quiet and Atendy.
yos,„,ore, g„.f,t, 25,,o, 1 ego, onoty 0f feature 1111/3 001110111111 ill petallar -
Door R414141 -.SIR : Permit me through Every kind of English speaking natiorrality is Ole The hattutteimn...ri Ingiet ofn Hqinrieente
reptseetited, from the "canny Stott" to the "Port" tees net allettlio" I perm 65
the mediorn of iron rideable paper to gne flippant yowls Cusdom end I eratteioes Yen the north shore of Lake Siipencir.
peer rineners • short aeconnt of camp life. kee. Three with the Quitter dries, *hoot r pa k Philwlelphia gentleman lately took
when we hare to rim from our hard hods, get
At 6 n'elosk a.m. the bogie %fiends the rouse,, 17,,...,:41.. .ellartwer• 0: jan kliati:iy.iitnitboyilhina!intrgen:,.. arSherestrowi
deemed, and rendy to ten in et a amt., ohro 'brie. Th.' gro•P min 6......1.... Pronell. for stealino her Ratchet. Ile wee perfectly
we 41711 one %nether until 7 45 , Own fee
rnerstiono !meet among the mows of .00ormn.