Huron Signal, 1865-10-05, Page 1W. T. 00E, Editor and Proprietor") $1.50 PER ANN IN ADVANCE} 4uotness Elirectoro. 11)r. 1 e. A. Met vottrato 11111,1. IIE AT 11OMK FOR, CONSFle V V tenon ins to II o'idoi.C, a. in, every elev. visit 11 any hour atterwarde,aetht or day. - Ch. Obniinito. bit 1, All EON, dkc 11 C.W. 13440,1y IlimLIMAIR, D Fife, AN, SI' CORI}N ER A Ire. Odom awl Kele/elle* third dour east of Central Sellout 13r. Cole. LAVOF STANLEY-CLINTON, HU mos Read. (Mork waviest...ow Store hilt I, '112. _ ^ DR. A. WORTHID/Gral, 1011YetICIAN, AUIRGEON, &e., will al- .& i 11,1.o...idiots. to disesees 01 and domicil 'Operations epee the eye. kluettes Vinteus.lsee.1.5. thee. f ten 14.4014,1 et pt A R RI ST k: It AND ATTORNEY.AT ce tea*, sad solieitorosetrhancery, County Crows ntnieney,O.WeriettOa's•mistVest. I Idk, ▪ C.tart H4/1180. v14440 AL C. Cameron. illstARRISTEIL, AT l'OltN_EY. CONVEY. &J alwas. Ste .K siremoionerali, C.W- .--- - _ Itt Walker. • in ARRE411:144, SOLICITORS, CON- rart %ern, \re. Oifice, over the Ikons IA J. V. lteilor S:sn.O.elerich. 1 len ry Itle I serinot. n &Rai, l'Ett, AT f 011N E.Yr • AT • LAW .ILP Notaries ride..., 3se., Went Street, limier 10:1 •hd • • - John IDAVInnsi, irt kiting rER,..AT rtoltV!.:Y. SOLICITOR 1...P in %neer). ke Market Squire, C0riler /Cm pitne siree1.1Velerieh• *241 . lee/ Puy Mc 1.1s.t t tsrsscsts, IrlAHRIS TERA, AI foto: Eri..tn.Aw. 1.0 Not irw., rottimmysneerto .1... 031er Me Wein :strew, i•vieron. 9:42 .1ohts 11. iordolti.. ..VTIOltNEYAT•LAW, SOLICITI /11 IN • Unathere N.ddry P0141.,,,• ennerenneer, be., ke., nett, Cenold ‘1 els . IhdrO--.ato . mouth se of Weet Atter! , thoddoor from the seel.01.1 Nail tr. Vri 1 I 1 men 'I` I levet TT') !IVEY. f %V. '4' if.11'1T011 Ctotneert .A1 0 in, d'onvermoverotre. • ateri, b. t' W...-1)11tiny,neer 11.I:11rdiner 'n's r ante trivrars !ghee. Minn' 10 Lend ea Rod Preperty. -• - - • /17. Inland.. 4 4 loud 1 nsx. /A RktIsTEa, ATWI:N Er, SOLICIT. • • on. Re,. rm.:4TC. W 1: 14 111•110 W1111/011•11 111:0/1 • We.0 •I. 4111traRee • moor tweet ousorow Rowse. _ nr.one ke •11/011,* TYORNIE4 'WM"! ke., (torte "N. 0,4, C. Olive - CR41111'9 NEW ill du: a 40 ?wee. L1111/1 • C. v./0p* 1.4.rteraat. 4,4.04 270i. 1•134. xwIthlicr3 I _ IS. 1.. Ilityht. rTouNr.v. 'Lir IT. tit ke. OFFICE 110,..11.0.1erivh,r. v13.wn3ly In• 01. TE111111,111•1y QOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, ATTOR. so see, rosesr.s. rm. &.•.-Oniee over the mew Poo Mime. odderieh. . .11. C.VCCIDIV. P.. C. IR.. ••1 M 1,0 •• ' C. M•••0•••11) D111.'41(1 SU Itt: Et iN AND .%th I cot d. - rtn.ot'e•o.,1 IseShrte, Claes. Dungaonon, C. W. w17 •..,_ . - - J. V. lOtsvoret. B1.11111STEll. 'AT roi:NCY, CONVEY• sieve, No. , Clinton. •1 1.•e 1. ••• oortli .1110 1••••1001041. • :AMNIA* T9 LEND. _ %vat.... pr...., A rrorory.y• r AW, sithICIT011 IN ;bowery, 1•011Veyaneer. aCt.. fr C .t1 vlOrsirrrly _ _ _ _ _ . D. Wilson, Roes, B. A., UP 4. FA ATTORNEY • AT LA W. ▪ esnie.torou.cooneery. :tower Public. Oen. eml Laud Agent, &coke.. ILAscarAse. Strur••. 't11telarlv . Frederick Proudfoot, .ArroltsKY-.‘ .1P 1'0•0111.4•4:11. Not•litV et ettc..tre• Some...pion, 'le. Hoke. .v41.6m• Tliroviow AVeni nevoid. ENGINEER AND PilOVINCTAI. nel, toted s 7 ..... net e:reet,O;d1;.3... Hay. 1)110SINCI Al, IASI) sURNEYOR AND a Civil Eneneer4C1s111011. Jely I Ole!. _ 1..11. I lamlln. rtIVIL F.NGIN El.:II AND SFRVEYOR la Lewd Agent and Con veyaaree, KInelln1R11 J .A.A1 11:114 re _el I 1 ., ARCHITECT, t ANet Anti err.. ICATIrsibr 11111141- inri. trnt uitin• neat add eorledt ringer io the Noron Aachen Man, el, Iltot Swore. ibeleneh. low •In'ilvly _ • A-. NI. '1' It. 11 NI A. I\ LAND /teller, trit3t square, GoclertelL T1 • l• 1, 4 elerd 10111 11 11 111 10 1/. II. I11:10 - - I) 'I' I PA .11.1kr. 1)r . P II P Pl. • S • IBID.! A It & M EC A WA!. 1/4',1 IT, 011ieeeptor In MOM- onery,) iloorrob, C. W. Booms over lir T. Jordaa's Dra..emmolliere 101111 1 00 1 31 11. 1,0. IP. MettPcnnos11. LICESSFID AtilltIONEER, II AYFIELD, 111408. 001111 111 011111(41.7.4014.1/1rY tparieinotinnenladio. - -- Aline. Irtnettesr, T AUCTIDNEER for HURON ILA sad Hares Pales milieu's!!! attended ie. Addte.e.ilodwis P.O. wemP.Iyelle _ .eohra Cam 14,0 1 Is axsto A COMMISAION AGICNT eon c000tiwionersa gnomes Ikeseh, tart/thine slilldaytwi,thaifevaneet,heollse. thief cm Dowd wee. Villtureot Kineardise.C.W. INS _ LIGHT 1 LIGHT LIGHT! ROCK & COAL OILS, Burning Fluid, Lamp We. For "I air hy F. JORIMN. odenals, .1••• 17,11,69 50 0119i1109 DiteCtOnl. British AmoriCan Assurano•Co. FIRE & MARINE. JotiN ESSON Agent• hayfield: C. W., April 16, I se15. w12 - JOHN BRETT, Tin, Sheet -Iron, and Copper Smith, EGMONDVILLE, C. W. - Stoves, CultivAtors, &c., for Sale. Rupturing Don° at Short Notice. IIITLIND HOTEL, GODEItICH A rtemits• Vi'ssrd•s Ants/btu. tolgraptio. Or NSW Yoe; 0080 FIET1 Arllitoo HoTEI, Org. alet. DR. Silt-Yre, into which you ask me too send yuu sum leading iticidents iu my life so yen ean write My Itogfiy for Ike papeisonne daily tu bend. 1 have no doubt that a article IT , d propel ly ptiuktuoitted, wouid be a addition to the elioix litertitoor To the yooth of A merity it would be vallible as showin how high a piityl.le of tante SUMO 01414 leach who commences hie •eamer with a sutall canvas tent and a peagreen which he rubbed it off stale senitchin him!! emfili the centre pelt', green hi gator/my, N J.. a discrimineting Mob to say humbugs would hot gu down in 1l.P121 Village. The us re vomited Lig:nohow:a poi -soots *Lolly after. PROPRIETOR. TUE „ard, •bove 14 110.1 ple8/111111111 vaunted- on 1111 1 text tried an hand at .iven Itlinemian "myrrh., alip0111111 aa the rit,.,s awl Lake Hunam-iteed Orviiardn. (bodes. and •1110.011. 0 1 20 leel 11141, j/TC1/10/0k111 ft 1 110 11•1110, Korn; wnihn.,tb,, bed. sj p,„1„,•,,,„„1,. myself. But the iiifumuus cuss who 1 hired Me•leir Hedii.23 cents. ir11.110vIv to lo•ed me rimed V01011 1 11 al: day time to excite synipittliy, fretoy of a spirituous 110TEL NoTRE. tut:: j1;,,err edlinn 1. 1 hod to co lo r die Teen hole JO 1 INT 1)1.):1;4)(jii tyke, tbja jn 'lege born nty eye.i nr drimoded 1 tho t forma,. the public tied hi. hes entered I dreitort my e3esight. into the Ma'am, the 'Intel formerly In nritili 41/1/Ut thelie knoWn.as die Fulton Rouen, •hero be we' kin, ...Ali ',in over. Speak uf av be• happy to receive. old friends sod cuetorenre ekelitrteeties of ',aut. Gbderich. Julie GtL, *19 140It wou'd hey biu successful if„ _ _ 1 liudit't tried to du too muck I got Up • ▪ der WW1 bggent, mid 'among ethers. that I DAYS' HOTEL, •f Sokrutees. 1 thot a was figger of Old Sete WROXETER be popler with eddyeated people, but unfortinitly 1 ;nit a 1/13011 11 *Men duster aud w situated on 440,, I. running front Lei, which peon.k with Marline' ref kashuns wed it waa a force. .TItie etiterpose- nue u ' tend in other respeeks. At a Perin town 1 'dyes lased a wax tigger Ilai'ble Amos Pereins, who mut ralemad Pn selent reel a goalie Ile.14411. in them parts. But it appeared 1 Lad shown the mime legger for ohliiritt mond Giblet iti that wen the pregis %hi. h. emoted an mimeo, toinoult, aii.1 the Audience- 0 mut', 1711.4.7.3finLiir 11 CP1NT. _ _ The Greatest Possible Good to the Greateot Possible Number." (10YERICH; C. W.. TuunsDAY, OCT. 5, 1865. Seito.rili 10 ..• mile north ••1 where it ivait.o1.1 10 Woo. lei , dna ilny one 101114- eMI., I.• BelmOre, Walkerton, Southampton, .„ rl.er lls14 /1 IfecIell.11 11,1 101 ••• entnnio- ilatein 3 An Ile milt expect/0u mule test else. .43.17,14e. 1.. ICE ALWAYS ON 'HAND ou nts ',home obto k 4.014 WW1 1114 lad of Trout -Fishing FrIends • 4,„• 111,1110 11 U.14111100, I red to motif,' 'em. 1 no 3 I. I/1,0,4 4,114:11 / I./N.1711 or thhl 'ena that 0/1 fionley pornessin ehddreo might hitte /lie tiger tit pluy oth half it HUNDRED IND FIFTY FEET ;ley & 1 eeuldn't 'elm a cent : but CHARLES DAYS, en3 wad tin lien e. W•11 towed to w46-1. leave. and I infer frutn *nett, the Ad. l'roprietor. , tortiser of that 1.1%74 whit:h edi.tur Aitho' time itas siiteit.d this nom %is & J. sEEGNET_ER . I hi. we: works wirelii.lue. We nth • OA that 'IN 1.11 t tu ovvei wish our ItAin, • incredible en it linty dpiel:, the LEATHER E s c„,,„Dip:ale •0 4,4114 hell si.tosier; %hen, nud hue to the Cesiveit nom t. ot his tilled. heart. he wrute the line kern 1 lit the "Weide j tamale ecion the • Memo to know 'hat they worpol charge tor 1/11 four hundred small W14,10 he dune sin yellow DiNs. :.„,. r. We shall rock.. to this. neater again." ta • GODERICH. February 112.106.0. _ _ Money to Lcno, W. n47we or very reasonable terms. AppIy R. L. DOYLE, rralib's new Block. Gorier'. h. 9th Jan. loll", yr:te 1 yr _ _ _ NEW MAME WORKS Main Street, Exeter. p. .k. M'ct ANN I Fuy, ink, front 1 Ili/ much. that • prep . etistsagiu rue imi Iliad deli. I eill tat ere 4k 14 my wear bide,: in 'trra:11 'oirkuitAintieed tri a • lima. It of coy endeavor:1 b. accumulate *bath by tette, myself to Saletuth hoot rick -hole% to snag Webbed to the enderstondiue vf ids... children, tnyer If un t eh I hor t /41/ 11 ell 1 urao iShgtn, nu teed of -tele how pleassat-to be a licle !OA,' , . p 01111.-4.4 t up•arlin. " • 1 •It.,tlit tor midair a Ilsree fent re, which di ailded t'le tact that 1 eould- e't pniy un a 1: moor melting it howl •oliel, broke up the j ie ine, and chioltin ea . intern ebiali.d *oh mobs and 1 no.s114. . , whe e ea. their heave and alone Ulfid their NIIINI•MENT,,..TOMitianNE‘f rotv,.Ve .of "veer dep..riplem not: stele ..1 mi , AIL r111111111 Pilaf ITTFIPIP 70 bemen.of Monuments &e. Ahoy 14.1 Euler. witer ConsonerelmIllwtool /111sehe.11 C.W • TO101 HICEO, Proprietor. This ie the ▪ IiiirdenlInd tient Country !Inlet in Wedlern oenadeomiet eharge• .• 010.1ernie 11011•C j0. Maybe I 1. 1411cr Pronto/00r. the/Alen: line h0 10, 11,04•40. flaws and Carriages for floe ei• Se 11/7, . ROYAL Insurance Comp'ny FIRE AND LIFE. CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DOLLARS. Aerlitresitifed lids on h-tiiil,$5,000,000. Annul lucerne Exceed( $2,500,000. rl:IR I footnote...a eilemcd •I the LO IVES 7 1: RA risS couxonent with tidily. Life Insurance -Ample Realty. ARGE 0,%1'!, A011 t IrEit toyer THIN mogr RItUt1M41101,01( Losses Prom-itiv Settled Without Referenc, to a Board of Directors. CHARLES FLETCHER,, Attent. h.May. wle GODERICH FANNING MILL A St 1'11111p rgiketcory • I LRCM IIE R I1EGS TO INFORM n halm a.sts ot ae Comities ef Huron and Rowelled he is still Manufacturing, nad has oa eine a minder in his SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. Ho wont,' pertienforle drew enmities tn his MON. Rd he will vrarrtnttbern to free Wheat from O 11101, cockle, chew., 3re. Pampa made to order aml warranted. Ftvwvat Atolvat &U.N. Vietortwarrest and Cerathrra RosA. even, agent for the male nf Mivegan'a prerionm and patent CIIII.TIVATt111, kin never vet failed tecirins Irentrillildt10111.11 1011 in femme who hem used them. HENRY DODD. Onderlee April ftend. 1111 „. QTKAT rOW.-Ganie onto the en elnertss of the eshaeriber, lot 10-, Pah con., A ahfield . thou, Ith 01 Septeinler Ind • a an.1 Who. Vow nheet • Tenn ekl. The owner rerpoisted in prom propeev, pay clovers, nnil bike her sway. .1 A M FS C A ItTW RI (1111. aahliaid, Sept 14, 110116. w341-11t•cop 1 Pt I *id not speak of C.i.f. Let „it be i tenni t ildiryou. • • 1,, sour artim,e, Mr. Editor, please iell %to ,,hst ;oh* nom 1 um. fl you to kotteise ley Show Rperl'.4 your mind her . do not ollect to kritici.m. r.o aie pebnek • • kite lel alai graiseful article, that my al, w aboutele in moral and startling kuriovitime cum, woe ut Whi1111 t 1 . add171141hUti. I have thus ter *puke I aloud eseloosive- ly so a lichibitur. 1 Wel Imre in the State %Law. As an e.fant I attracts .1. *gnat eul //f /Mel& 1 1011. (141141/11 111011161 .111041 OVer my creole 100 hoUrd 111141 /My, " Hoe brite tli t little face hooka; how much noee 'The ung holies mead carry me a•outel in th. ir s satin I eras ,muzsees tzy darlin, and a s 'sets' linle ting. It •sas nice. the 1 0 a enterto properly appiethiete it. I'm a !the tiar.in how. . I her idlers remained a mond korai:ter. ena never a nee rods cotiductor in tit life. Althri red, life 1 diil net invariably confiue 1111011 10 truth in my antall hills, 'I her hot grailimally gamin respectabler and eve( taliler every year. fni not a member of any meett-g-house, but b'ienve in meetin houses, end shouldn't feel m.fe, to take a dim latulnum and lay down in the streehi tillage that hadn't toy with • $1,00U bill in tay vest pueliet. 111 temperainent bilious, altho I don't owe • dollar in the world. I am to mitly risel, my wife is a Presbyte• rian. I may edit I au' itlso liald-liesiled. I limp two mom. I lire in Italilierville, beliany. My fleet door ruttier le old Steve Billies. I'll tell You a lithe More about old Stele tkat will make you tart ife 'Pined the Church last s ring, sad the minister said, " You must go ome, now, Brother Billing% arid erect a family alter in 3 our home,' whereupon the eggreos old au went borne itod built is reeler Pulpit in his ratting toom.• Ile had peers in his home fent days. I am coit years or aze. Time, with its re. tentless scythe. ever bitty. 1 he Old Sexton gathers diem in, he gathers them in. 1 keap a pig this year.. 1 don't think of more, Mr. Elner. yon should give my pnrtregt in. evoke°. lion with my Itogfry, please have me Ingram ed in • languiehin' sediment, leaning tin • marble pillar. leaein my back hair im at is Tronly yours. ARTEMCS WI 1111. Women rind Newspapers. A Tuskerree paper comes out stmng in favor of hie female potronn, whom he regard* as model subscribers. We oipy hie eulogy upon the een, se we agree with the editor in mom word Women ere the beet subeerthe.rs in the world to et:weeper% magezine% he. e have been an editor now going 1111 eight yearn and we 'have tweet loin a single dellar by a female Rukerther. They seem to make it R point of eninteitintliGnIS duty to ply the preach- er and printer, twn &SORB nt the emu/mole, that 'Mier more from pny teed rm pay st all) than all the rest pet together. Whereeer we hem a womein's same on our Welts we know that it is jriet im gond ror three dollars and 11 half n yy saynne M ginger sake. whatever they othserthe fot they . reed, whether st It g , or int rent , if they can entweribe for a paper, they am sere to read, upon the principle, we suppose, that if they thd root, their nosey would be . thrown away -as an old lady %thole we once kuew, fur whoa.. sick servant girl the doeter lied pit write -el iv dose of oil ; but as the girt. CoUld 1011 1:40 oil, lihti took it !wilted; rather than it sheuhl be wasted. Haim. we nay. they are the hest readers -for this ream" we would, at any Vine in the world isithet have • doom than obte man. A Gond Story from Samara. , • The fullowino rieh dory is related by • Senora paper, at the expense of a "leer genii -s who iilvatet dint town tind • odinnt.• regent of. a Convrt 114,1 thou411 pretty cli ver in • ' the curiously int:Rued, does not teeny. t not. oil lion Lela I-. travelliog ill veltieIe beai ion Id strong reit mblance it •redliir's cert. Old lowly rushes iatit from the house by the road - Side. 1 he follow Me colloquy 'eloStien " Ludy : ' Say, what lade you got to sell ?" Ball: ' I tutt • travelling agent, -madam, for the greaten, Menagerie 'tit. ancient Or imedern tomes. which ie ihoitly to be III this etotittio affording thr 1i:habitant* O ut endtpit CullvvtioU uf mutual* ever OK. u1•10.1111.11, 01 1.101ilil 160 10001 0.d Lady You don't say I Rave •you gut auy Meolumt ?' Ball : We bare, malant.six ilephants ; but these coustitute cOmpanitivel portant tart ol the show. We have living , sperontas 01 bipeds und quathupeda, reamed er the earth tird only 111 the ante- diluvian, but wee in the antemlitunian, arid alto lit the policene arid posoniocene em- bvicteg nirgatherutto rah SUL 11./.11 IWO 11,13 Oa tethy,martie. i111 LIU eyes ond- teo bd..; ta,C hob -no eyes, two imies and foor Lobs ; ale/ 111.1,7 ed,hor species too nunaroto enumeration.. W e wive a•pietilt lAteeer.' the ; Wee I &etre r • • tint, niaileto,,the greatest curiosity by Lie 1.3,our exhthaion, is. • leached and coma:elf. trained tuteikey, Mlle MIAS brought up by II 51 44:i0/11/ i•1 30.1 ill did 1117ircrious • of the 4e4,1 0.01 • et Sahara. The miniki y .leuess with lluer:ev the modein limo eager, Meeks' Heltree, L,tek and Latin. 110 • an lei Cat 110 Ten Commandments, the kimaticiphoon Phi": lamatiott, fierforne the 14.“le 111 1111/1 111:$1111 lei *11 11 I 113/./.1111, 01100 4/101 aethrueli• %%1.111., 42.0.41,.11114 1, 11.nol.isytoo 1,010111111y 1111•111., eml a lone seeecli of the Preeideht. ' . k Boautitid yeung laity rtelilen'y stieks he r bead out ot the • /11d..te, Mod 101.4 Out-- `1,1,A1:or 1 mother 1 link ehy they let the ni.e.,,ey trait, ut the tither &atm. !that • *hurt time ego, 11ridget while caulked j Welk against tier will, mole her way to I the nod of the pretnities, and jumped otf to the soles als lielow, • diatom. cd four stories,and I escaped *ith some slight inyuries.-(N. Y. ' World. A floiden Iellexke„ A New York lover given currency to the 1 I narrative of • Eiedinoutese, named 'f iaglere, I°Ellie discovery, by !delimit' and others, of itenarnee quantities of diamonds, nuggets uf gold, arid a fabulous amount ol precious I stinks, iucludiser topes. 'emerald, sitephires. &co in the Mont Cenin home'. tba: of their I 'lumber clitimed the whole and wed Murdered h some others, then all the excavating., ma - i c Merl' rits destroyed and work, stopped. - I One went away with& large amount , mitt lie Ind his moreeesinistee gems, olTeri I ime for sale Sur.a. Be was accueed of th I murder of an Engli.h traveller named Stone I *aid, cutteequence of • reortablance Itiseen • dianenid utTered for sale and pile he hod. 1:.itni.i.44 front 'Mom he end again I eroded:it Slarseilles, previously hemline big tinrratiie to Mr. Entwidle, an Ameriesti eiti- :*011 1 /101/0, and eared huh to prison. IThe Frenelf ontl ltoliou lateens annnunee the lit iNinge ol the work iu the tunnels. .1 Fre111 11 :Aid I 1.41'11111 rorerumeute are w ild to be diridinl the 11410411114 Interesting Items. I..... L.• - • • 'till the rage at New Maven D OW. • It Mlle. A corrio;•..toletit of the l'ult .41all Sitia Its, 100114 4 nor, 1.434 ...-.1:1•0 'Pepe woe, iso •11.1L1 .1 /1110.1140 reo ,kr I the eunite.r et Cwt..: tiaiidollu,. 4111.1. will int return to Rome until the beginbing • tit , October. So malty secidelaw knee taneSa placid Or latet-oto the ibuinen rail wad o and the people employed oim them ore h upon at the rant Mieh 14,1 relMitili01414.111, slim the loape dektm. jute thi. time to go b, l'atitleoldandodu in les *Mt: ceirisoe. Ito Heinen, db.* hot like the country. Solitude wears biati he Imam, eujeyinent of the beatates of mature, er at hin rape except in the broth: of su laret then e Outeuiter all. be :Any leave CR.I:e 14411410t10 4111 ileri:1311 14 d SI Orled. ti e ne ontithile he is it rt.-in:4 C.e vt roodstoiy, decurated.Mith Firlteka:1 of Nloidovaiii, tad Owens to tevuote the cin.toei who at this sesson ot the olo 1.f• s in a (Cc adalp4i. It :I there, sot dojo, thet the 1411141 /0/011I 0 10, tn.,, wol lomf. .l11 the thee:eta we. Ise 1.1.2eie, toed it is lesta:ced (led lite l'epe, in les 0, 14111..: "1. il 1 ;/ 1 0 lle• weroulit cif the 1•.C10,1 tiej•••• tjt,1,01;11 Mail the :1 141 ill 11 tiiiivinment. 41 1/1•1 e,1111111411ICIII: 1 110 Voil1011td 01 Cie iett.0. 41•1,11 14,:q, NOM,' del.% to 111111 hy M. % Pgeszi.. nill 411.30 the el/01.410M of :11 000;,:140r Metr.lig to the melap.sccipal sod 01 Wietminster ; tile laud:alien of thi. 311,'-:11,V hat :lig herel upon as a mstihr 116C11 urgeot importance by the Holy Ste that contray to rue, it moo see cod 41 i :hold Aitilly lor 11 e Conxintory to es.- noble. It hod Melt tomeirieltAt ninety 1.1A1101 he:On:111,r to the 1.111,441,01; 01 Italy 140.04,11 be 11.011.11144144.1 bUt I 140 Stlit 13113. 01 Own-, cannot be. kis thought that the Itedan Goverment wilt le *Who: left be Le,,, to 0 slime the regotiatiens with the court of' Rome : but the reactionary party orges the l'ope. nut to be satislied any !moon with the lime* utiginaily doe.), but to cal; upon the relent tot Emit -lice to make Its oe pro; 0.111. ns, the l'untifiral °overate -tit renerv mg h. itest the tight of rejecting them Leith il.er are so nirefilied as to suit tut views. 'hose who think that the execution of the tvehtwit *111 soma Callen the moot:vice of the omit of Rome to cense are in error. - Neve theleeslieners1 Minitebello has aimed.), reever evicts on the subject of the ersetia. tii a, by hich it will nut be delayed but hes- "Adoe;onlin to • prophecy which wee -fully believed in Rome, the Emperor nr the Freneh. ought t have died on the 15th of Augest. The phecy was conlinuoiceted et Rome by Reigns priest, and its tealivoion was confidently ex Tied by the r black' parte," nceording to oln the death of the '• f of the European volution," es they call Napoleon 111., would aurally be follow ed by the %Humph ut tlw C With ouch fut•lities does !Liman runic occupy itedt, that this prophecy was much seemed even ef the court. ••••••••• -•••••....-- • • 11:Sitemle .1 itch ellsepp d. • . bn Sunday afternoon, 3rd ihser.11 F", Mack, aged teefve -yearv, made her es 4 from the 'finnha under certain eircumstone which show • spirit of cunning anti daring tar in advent, of her years. It eppenis that about • week ago Bridget was arrested on a (Amer of petit las cioiy and committed tit the Tombs for tiial. She was confined in that portion of the prison known as where ell young girls are imprieohed. about 4 o'clock cn Suuday afternoon, B mr% forced off the daniper of the grate u heating the room in which elle MIA nfined, and thus eelned accesa to the ch' tom, up which she climIsed and got out , the root. She then jumped down on the' ro 11 of the main building, and thelice a di:Italica of ten fret to the toof nf the old nation houte, fronting oe Franklin street, and which it now uRed for the accommodation of " ten days prisonere. Bridget then crawled along the wed end of the roof, and noon gained the top of the well mirroundiee 11141 pris m. llere to gnin the 'street it wan tievesia", fhr her to leap down a dietaries of over thirty feet. Unhesitatingly the darirg girl jumped over the wail and knifed on the grass plet the iron railines withont enstsining nrty injuries. She then sealed the (mom nos on, and thus made her escape anaverved by any of the offieers of the prison. Her eiteape wee soon lifter ditterivered, and the dertne was eitheoinoatie found coneealed under • bed in a holm in Jackson street. where mho had taken refuge. She was discovererl end 7iernar t.ovol.hboyi.Mr.h limes Finley, the pritim incickeu her e er beek In the Tornks emit p o • secure cell. It ie stated The potato ert4 of Ireland never loOked hitter. droutb is injuring the tobacco crop ia Tenrinte.ge. The j'asti bouquet is the fashninablo per. 1111110 ill rrneee has 6,000 miles of railway, and 5,000 miles more building. A man in Pthiale *eland committed sakide' by awe:teeing a lar,;e' stone; An exil.Pion in a Sae Juma silver mine re realed ti2letent worth of ore. •.°3 .uth American jerked beef sells in England for liftenu shilling per ewt. The receipts of the theatre* in Paris in the mouth (if Jul y amounted to tt;so,noo. . The -Engli.h sporrows itnportetl into Jersey Lave cleaned the trees uf trorms. hair•dreever l'aris conkmitted suicide in despair at the new fathions. The plum and (Nelson crop in Frnifite this tear is enormette, hut the gteltigh,ges have The latest eetimates of the cotton crop ts M,1/011 bales.. Man is the subject of sympathy and not the sieve of self lose. Tio, van who q carries everything before him he %Mkt. Flair that oirirt in flow ir. alluvia waves - The locks cif a euerti. Every peeenek well convinced that the eyes ot aa the wol id 3re upon Val *DA. ' attaci•ed to you, sad yet I wish my. .s.df &Laity," blithe everioeded donkey said to tile tent. The New 7ork 7'ributle editorially an. wieners thd :mime uhthe wheat crop the 1% est. A large portion 0. tow c.r4,,, or ti2o mita euus.stril deale, of whieh she Woe 63411.. John It. Rurratt ip nnid to have be.:n teen.' Slootioul a week Igo. A number of Eaglisli• gunboats, with two Men of -oar, intim been ordered to take position oin the west coast of lie:wood. Colt'a factary i.4 10 be run tweet, le AM{ clay.• 4,1 enoneiplytire inciennod demand for pistols. :daily ut the orders, it ▪ eaid, CAVA: fium Southern tiegrues. Small debts negketed min midi*, and when tuan hos lot that, he wi,1 ttinuelt at the bottom of a hill lie comet itecend. DissiMulaCoe yeuth is the forernimer cf pei tidy in old itge; its apisterence is thefittel omen of growing delo.1,ty awl luture'nhatne. Whenever you hod a great deal of gratithde in A 13 mr teke it lir grained that there a mold be as much generoeity tl he were a rich one. A new form of applenee is beeomine come mon in the London theatres. The &intim:nee, when phew,* with any expression or smiti meet uttered by the ivetors, oftee clap •hautlit and slum% "Ilmar, hear r, A speetstor at Newport, eeeing a man Mute .1 stsnee from the shore. bethisog, expressed ithieehensiona for his sefety, when a byttan• der remarke There is no danger -his head will buoy Lis body." A lady, walking with her husband et e 1 seaside, inquired of him the difference ha een exportotion slid transportation. " W my deer," he replied, '• ifieru were n yueder vessel, leaving EnglaIVII, wn b. 1,4 - ported, and I should be trumpet. The Mends of a celehotted it expressed some terrine that, with WI afni fondness for the bottle, he should ime thought it necessary tu marry. " A le trita necesnary," he soil ; '• my sequin nees bees'. to bey t I drank too wee Or a sinole man." A Putelinfan w relating his^ marvellous escape from do ning when thirteen of be rompenione w lost hy the upset of's boat, awl he alone as shvhd. " And how did you escape the fate '1" asked one of Ms feehern. I did n co in the pote !" was the Dutch. tnanX swer. " here, my little lad," said an Atha - fie to a hoy of about nine years old. " A is between the devil and the peoiple- hi do rite think will he meet likely to gain the a 'On I" 'I be boy replied-" 1 geese it will be hard squeeze ; the people have tht Most , but the devil has the must law• rem." " One wire question, Mr. Parke," said roamed to e witness, who happened to be a tailor, " lot hare known the defendant a long time what are los habits-lorwe or Otherwise 4" " fhe one he's nn 1011, think is rather tight soder the arms, and too short - waisted for the fnehion," replied Parks. " Stand down," said the counsel. Hard he hi fate who mnkes no rhildhond happy, it is on essr. It 'then net reqiiire eerete. or ..posilion, Or (AMP, only • little kietinese. &II dem fact which it inspires. Give • cited • chalice to love, to play, to eat:mite his iMaginnii.til and nifortines, and he will lie happy. I Lee him the continents 21 healtVaimple food, air, ezereise and he trdl he bosky. The attention of a little girl hiring hien relied to a rosdteveh, nn whose topmen stem the oldeet roam wan fading, whilst hobo* and around it three beatitilit creme buds Wel* pot unfolding their chsrms, she at ono, aml artlemly exelaimed to her hrether-" See, Willits, them buck have Mat awakemei in time to kiss theta mother before'ilen diem" Npeech by 11011. 111. - I , Tito following is a ruport:id the excel- lent epeech &lived by thu Donald .11eDonald ou sword reading of' the Supply Bill IfloNst.n 1X41.1, --if 1 avail myself of this opportunity to my a few words rellp4:4:1 tO ti1.1.041/14 more or kid 10.7111i• aently before the cow try, it is t with miy deore to prereke fnetiee disou leo or to throw 11117 :terbium obsinichr tbe w ot the Adoithistratiott. Anyet,howover, th Howe lias wit sia-1 before it mayteing like A. lent; review ot the im indent matreis eh' are engaging medic attention. The met, n 01 which I giro notice wan &slotted bya me a Oral mu overman for the free expreesion en opinion and I a itielrew it ooly M.C111141. .1 10U41/1 tint( what is my otiod Wks gerainly di. anted ot all trace ot istrpssu tveling was u dochtvilly mieupprelemeted liy hen. gentle. nit to whose judgirwnt 1. ant for the mod per ideated to dolor.' 11 id now appareat that he work of tlie present dedeinn 11 Ill he comp sed withM a very brief periml-not brrenve rtottt gur4tion• aro not awaiting lio.• imitative a seseeulive setion, but bleak.; me Omit ei inivtanerA rAteit *hick io the Mott of mini. ;ens tiveenvilatennii juct . They ' have b eight 111 together in fulti:ment 01 a funnel pro use, imele %oh 113.hre lar refetence to he to F. i2land. d in *lint view have done right. Although in• diriduany 1.10 a..t termini the rettulte. ut the minium tin pro°. of anything ciimplelo success 111111 telt prepared to decide them a evidence of entire failure. (Hoar, heard ) .1;11 hail hoped hir has not hem. Obeli o 1 111112,1 1.11/111 would fain have seen digfer d have beer ferc. hued, it cannot gained by the of upon en but on the tithe doosibted that much loin' neeetiation4 wi'curnig the pr ince • great. er thorn e oh attention thnn preriontily beeii extended te them by the ple of the parent country; wet. he estalilishin between the province and the. Imo., nil Ruth tows • freed -mm of intercourse whim cannot. fail to be advaiitageoue in coming yeari year- We' know' now thatthe P....no:mom hich hise been no 140.010' sieithfned in the re nt appeal to the British eiiiimitworitiokornes desire. did egiecer re our policy tot Culonie • • I I) I • "1 dep.:evaie everethime; Ithe mierci in, and trust thot nothing any Wee tromithling It will tie attempted, 1 irdulge the lap! Riot the good effiees ut the Imperial authoi Oki Rill it nu distant dov serre torment,. the eneleppreghen. ▪ winch has prevailed frt awn. ot 111/ 00. ter provincee, and to their reerelenta- tives inte More eordial fteeeril with the Legislators of Cionolti.' Stiftietent has trans. tired to prove that the delay ot la Well some , 1 I . I ' • difference to the tieeesaitv of (tee! something speedily to meet the socialist ditlicukies quo der which Ceoladv has labored. The gust& cation id the ex sting comlonntiotl of liberals andeonevivatiees 1,,, ,,, the etivious melt of the Province Ot sofse bohl and comprehensive memnee to premeit * reeurnace of sectional strife; and 1 trust -should the Maritime Pro. einem' continue averse to the *area scheme - tint when next we meet, the rtheetion will be brought beture us woth referunce to constitiotemal relatieus 1.71•101. and Lower Canoda. (Hear. heat.) On 111,0 point arising out or the& gum:note I ain anitiows to hear something in the shape of explanation. Is Ite clitilei stood that the Hom.. tiorerie ment makes its solemn of the Confederation scheuse contineeet mien the acceptatice of all Om limo" oot turtli in NI r. Cm -deo -WA olospetch7 Mar we *Marne that that tehemo id lipproved mei will be sustain. ed per re, to are we to effifeltole Iliad Imperial fits or /01•1 Will 10 41,in:111.011 11110111 the ie or et Imperial glees oet ot le•r retentions? the answer to thee! timelines in my jwirement marls depend*. E.recielly with reeeel to the location of defence, thito forces. eery for 144 40 koiow exechy when. the neg heti-nil hey,: Lindell 101. l•'or rue part. I not Mit regret th tt ,lajesty'o advi m Flighted d.ein it their duty to pr. this quenoilu • persistently upon aldeella • il glove eite. . Not (.1.17 rich a ereemeling riet calculated to co.:inlet, but in nit' atomism it id 1101 netts. b ColiCli for by tveysbing 1:10 lelloo4 Of Illi* eimetry to the 1 idle, -Isles. . bear) We have leen we • 0.1 hy tenrinno.,, at various times denote 1 • last for mos. t lit i men iu. ni1•1 y prier developed cense me their terrific internal strutter', uld be eenverteil into an il4yreidiVe 14irirus on 11,Ort thr Civil war 11/*/1 01014. 11‘ istedn thin is being' rsvi- Rue id over. and instead iif preperation 1r wee with utlier powers we nee the Ft, oal lioverite. 111 Manta re. dives: inhitere sith all 741idhl 1144iintee, to a peace sitigerlant. Its varit inks are bonne disheteleds, ite eftortnouv /elitUrell rill &tee; the Monne nod eller. A 30 lately exerted lor ilemructiee iverpreen reiee more Applied IA prideful ent terp, ;go, legend of cause% Of appreherision, I see grounds or ..0„11,1„„,.... Aiid therefore, 1 deproseuto Illie 101 nod uncalled for the constant etre-R.-of the Imperial tintlinnties thrust upon this Province the question of de. fence, wood urge Up 143 At poilry in regiod to it which hes the effect of uneettling 110 minds odour own peopk, and the arousing the seesibilities of our neighbours. (limn, hear.) Fur if Re prepnre lor Irdr, 11 ;me. rad of Peace, thee *ill miternI4y beeonte eui pieious and thvalif we erect fortilicetheth elong hur extended frontier, mid pate& pre earetiena fer bank, we tient ie reason expect that the Ameneens will not toothed the pre• revive's' which Snell 11state ot Onngs is likely to cog enfer. Thee the very 111..ii/ore4 prenled (pen us with a view h. the dehmee, /if Ow Province, an reaiitv become sonrece of itA greetest ilaneer. Nte heereeuraig eel. my meoltituents, nod with the people of the went. ern peniesula, bug emovineed me that all over. vthelming mnjority.-1 might without pre. 'gumption say nine tenths of the whole -am tiopesed, not oniy to the agithlien of the defence qui...tine en milled, but to the expen- diture uf a dollar kil the renstruetion of works whieh w h ilst incensing our tit ightiours would be pmetically wileelette In the event of milts. I never knew the people of Weigle, Canithi morn unanimous or more firmly v- s -dyed than they are In reference to this enesiinn. They feel, in the film plan, that the financial condition of the Province mulch Cist it would hd lintel:MC 10 incur etell the sliyhtent.expe: &tun! for anere.Inctive work% Red in the nett plate they are sincerely dm. room of mate:nine the most amicable relit - bona with the governmeet and people of the United States. Tile herb freemen ethibitrd hy the Refs of lawless raiders have already disappeared; Mel At 1110Merit the newt friendly fveings obtain Isel emelt the tesidynto on both sides of th• line. Theme relations tlie Canadian poo;110 ate ;mien+ to perpeitiate; and I share their utiminneness to endure ad - &none taxman 10 tIrdCfr die miernioreptions of throe whn are imperfectly acquainted with the petition of this Preemie, or to Jo aught %het even by implication nifty be merle to seem offense,. to ner held movement. These hoin4 nty eievel no the eabiset offortifientions awl &knee. it ie hardly nee.msry far 110 10 add tin eRpreellion Of the tatisfactinn with whir+ regard the e annoatie Governetent. It wield here been yet more agreeable to learn Mot she iistowt,on «Mob ie not to, be rennied 'this Aviation loid berm ftheeloned nit '40 her; amisfied, 111 1\01 04" 010 1'XI011•10111. ..f borroieed moneerlsupon forthicatimos wadi be trispotom and in the' dogreeL ueeopular. 1 eau hut Mew l this* thy delay will he lone enough to enable tuinisteis to ascertain OZ. determined ne. /,,,I,Uon which the idea of tiortifientiOleg eticcuntrie, and to convinee the Imperial authorities of the impropriety of insistioog *then expemliture el this nnture 11.4 1111 eletnent in any and* tomb:ie. botween the Proem:el and the permit reentry. In thi. eottroecti•in it ix 4 0 lefactery to knew Oen ministers preoperle apereriete the ionmortance of reciprocity, arid. are didue what they wan to prom ee • retiewhl ot the treuty. (Hear, heave) In ceretie elierters Oen. lisn appab ent readlovei /1011000.11110 111* treety,. end to talk of the delimit coutee whet', this Pi...rimer. may purser ithool the e'foris ilfelIr• ils it.,,,tmat met, ithortiee. Tili# 1171.041G 10 1114 llie height of folly. No nein (Amber with, he. eireUlleddriev.4 or Li,Itleni Of the• Prin. Mee edn 411.ireenri the Imittritst premnied t heir condemn ben ire mid sifter the cometineet 111 the trt ety. fleece we cannot afford to infect iligliTerence.. or to permit reciprocity te e e 'del' vele All things considered, at At 1•0111:14 en. moo truly vithl question of the h our, and nothing should to. left umlauts that may in ney 11,1.001 contribute to thii renewal the trecity with auch mincitientiont as May he m•ces sty to conciliate Anotriean interests at p eit arrayed in au antegoadie attitude, The 411TiV1 dal by the I tetroit 'Mb Vta i .41 int eshi R 1130011 RU.11111 Of whet nog effeeted by • jullicair Mid conrinatory course. and 1 bust Vett no false prideed eati-matity will hireleteus fronts 1066:84. With nli °Ur • 171:41 1 to xeenre to the Pretence the benefit's odrecripcncity. (Ileer, hear.) Previnee4 ant interested iu this doeiltion in common with - outselve*, and 1 -regind with sincere suestarrion the arrange. remit inede- I wank at the instance of our Government -too Mitre newel concerted ac tem. The 'repreeventatioes width the ail preaching. Co tofieleette Ci'molei I may make v. the British nlinismer at A% ashington will carry 1:7:Ater limn these ef any sisigle • afiA it kW be heieelthat propt.41:olle. may he azreeil moon Which will commend thenteelves to,the tarot of the Caltinot stud tee:hare. iit Wlithindt.01. Willi the 1 iew. of rendmine more intionete our rognmeiciel in lei emir. with the adjacent States, the 'pool My f •leepettine the Provincial repels manifietie i •cooteng meent. the hlreat ,Woat winos It di et channel to the.oceen, and Canada pre - mu a route which in msny• respect.' may • nese eiginertition. the pro Kent 041- 11.1e,ly'.01'.1!11` • eiro.i14 is not thpthl the re- imio eine t, iiiid MilAI quiel,'y enterer them if vv.. wets mediae the Mil sulv Mimeo -4-0f die '..1.3/11.ilittlioll fur All ithiertekine of tOi. clime •ter in the end be predoic-* tire. eareeite. if. its we lei,* been led to expect, tho Kul ,vite druney may he awaited at •'y 1ow rive of ietenete , heaey nspeniliture secouelSof an Intone) lhoduoy, wing net le. nearly so juetino ohm, an 1.114:11 10111 of k of that catere will prolinblv be an 111140 1VCC0111 1/.1111111011V df Cerifederition. Wit reeard to the biter. eolonial project, however the vexed opieetiou of defence Las been pernio too largely LO month's. the. choice ute have been uniformly fettered with the me connidera none Om would stud the e 10411 Iriontier with bristling bola. Slight we nu beneficially conseler the expediency of rishien -0 the cost of the roulmed to the minimum sure, by stvailirog.ourselves ot the link. flout le e beet" reinstiucted as met of the elmin to meet l'rederiction with Halifax ? %opener that the mek ni lir arerftted -in Moine Oa fie a cerolliry if emilederetion. lout iet ue Ity means 14 Read' to effect that object nith n thrift. r att.ny than i4 th4,11114MI necessary. - .1t ell rate, we may deter the lino:toot woo the Alcinties new staiefieg its the way re fedoration have been overcome. and the tung ot the Provinee thus to memo extent detei mimed. As to the Nortli•West ipeethin, we sled] 1.40e another opportunity of emend mine bearines in reletioneto the proposi• thin for acquit:11e it. to which the present' tlevernment le 11 11.krty. y first ionkessimo, 1 must it, rend es say, Root not favorable to the proemial -not beCaute 1 undervalue\ the ✓ edoUrere of the ellet re4i1M 10 toe acquired, or it.4 110 ii:10.ee 10 for purposes of trine. an within' tot ; hut heenuse I have shared the prevident oponiou thin a large proportion of the territory tigntfallv beltioged to Canada. itod milumMil thee -fore mit be r. nutter of purchase.. I am lei .... however. 10 1 hitt all eiantlindliOn 0r 110.. docomeina le:fleeting to the 'ie.:mime:he-410 far as they have hoot submitted to Perliameet-hes done much to re 0 my arerseiii 1/ 1111' propiet, and to Matidfy 1110 1 lidl n..20104(100 01.17 /Vilely lie lett in the hoofe of those alio are cotnistod wiih lieloilf of the Prier ince. The minim of the hon. the Presitheit of the Executive Council ie pried id eirentv Viet he leis kept in rime tile great counieerm Coons which emelt with the people of I 71.per Canada ; mod with the light we nem have, 1 Inooeve Can soothing will be dom. 10 sourrilici. the iiihh..ic or 10 mimiii1011 the 64144 of ',1,04.1,3 1.0110 1010(11 Of 1 10, 141i.rA mohopoly. liar, hear.) Anxious as all meet tie to filing to 1111 end thn territorial nuolimity or tte nud,,n,,. 11-y Contently, the linatietal position of Ile• Proven's, entre in id the itecenet.ty ut r.estrietiog within die unrrow• eit meteiblu limit 1 whatever itidebtedliess mity be inclined on Ace..? nr tine object. Ilid tot this en on lineation that tansy coma Whore l'arinon-ot, we intend too *modelle weigh ail posit teoilin; however lightly ineresse Ore puiolic expendithie. Without oh:wine the dineeneleney whip lila mod wide atiliough Caned.' e ere destined to luttt mid decay, I feel the innonninnt nor t• 11111.44 of In the /11/11 I ill* (400011/111* it. every brooch of the flovero .... mit. It:mom! with • biourotitill hermeit, we ii.ay hope for br'eloter limr4 Cum these of the but three vehic Poit the olety ie ne•eithelese Meurer hem Upon tol 10 drrit114,,R4 RAIL moot eVery• thing involviog outlay. Slid 10 contiolo the expreilitiirct of the Prey lime eithie the evict Maim ut neceenity. (Hear, hear.) Fenian EXeltenteitt In Ireland. The I h instant, nays, after lin a: n•t itt the Irish Marie, the previous meld, mike were fem.'s! to ail the reins moistens nn4 miiitery harritelie for Men to be hekl ready ni ease of any attempt at it -wee by tn.. popolnee. A po ice eimetahle wai aro mate,. it nt eseh telegrtibh offiee for the porpote stopiiiorg mesacerts relating to lenoan.em. . The I 1 is h police core ieue to arrest Feni.tns. .1 he nurnher nf prinoitorn is eery large - snuffle others a pereon ahid to be a ratline', 111 1/1 1110411 posaemniti a unitiem Wits 10tind. - • Suicl ogfieromon the prisoners, g nein tett by minute -I were taken to the police moon to undergo an esambtatioes. The melt has n.11 sestinpued. mob heartily sheeted the prisoner., bet no attempts *fro mode to emcee. 11rent eteitenvent pretreat in flute lin, end arreawsre being made in other ports of Ireland. 11. A peel...looted brogcar hoe, gnaw ten yOare 01 win ignorant ift the art of reading. bought • (gird to plaCe On his breest, arid appeared nn the meets es ' poor widow, win. Men omen ebildtew.' --1 1 VOL. X V 1II.-NO Msruitioutsi. Vitattitm.- The curiod twitters.* Reit ale °emotionally Made oe tfor gmat'eleall 01 Mall isnuily, never fall to le. 0011441 alien the Othei/11 I144101 11141 4) 001 101 11117 claseitieil. For ifistante, the L.:natl.!, retort's sof 1 r1;41 are now publaheo, and ee tied tit them the following stamteutesits: Tweett itianiagee of divorced peteons eurred dui Ing -the year -belt gsf• the *hide uumber beieg leulden. Nleth them three -lout the of (hove nuirried. boil& men aud women, were tattler %linty years ut age-prov Ing that the Riliold marriages were tontiatted nt • suitable Oil: tel of do% 1:ut, on the other kind. thirty young tallied weie mars itol before they were sixteen, iti.d twieliugulied teal twentycight about the age uf sixteeto-eshoeing a lack of good 11.0111t1 igther itt the young ladles theuiselver; or their 11111Ural protectors. Wain: and some nix aspiring youth of Aim temo iuum peed, hike to theniselVed %MCI, for tu.ettely riv•hi oiler than theninIve• Soya, it luss oiten beteg noticed. am apt to' fitli Icve with their seinen-a/el nunietiouci they live lime e:lotiJ1 M, a 1;010 au0/601 with theneselS es far sli '1'vest belied ot thirly-five married Olen *heel eighty ; 11144.1 0110 gorl noxttem al:ivied:a man seretity- • regular Adnil *011 Ike:ember (hie hundred and fifty six awn and forty: tno.uoilien married atter tomtit* the scrip. tutu! threr-score /toot atel ten." l'rolinlity• they were lonely and tweeted cosepanienehip,' eviii if they (*LICA lint lettoonol.07 expect td I get love, Eight of thew aged eel. ie111.411 1 14 011 1.1101011 let, and three to the lailms spin rate' its-exemelifeing the old " Better bite than nevnr." Menne AT THE STISLSTATCONtearers.-1 The euneepondent of the AlefAmfist &curd, er +aye :-" The beard mid. tuouetisebe Move- ' meta kw reaulitil 1 110 Wesleyan Conference. lkest Comerentive lady is not so swift ta net with the multitude ; but the fashion new general 1tas at ler.gth affected even toe 31eiltoilist pre:whets. At one looks over thel ersiwil of raves turned towards the pi/14100111 0110 1114/11 110Id Mee than wan visible tit tr yet. rl ago. Roth on tho platform and in the 1...dy many of the hearde ure 4luite parsec!, el teal porter Under thir ts ininnter ith quite a large brown mouatache. A1111 /edit ee believe oar eyes ?) on the other sole them in even * doctor of dieinity, whore litter hp in adorned with the natural eoverin,:. leant ago. 10 wear • heard was to declare unreel!' dendy, and etinserthentl• the habit wee in the higheet degree inexpedient at that time for Clniatien molesters. liut new the followein 1,eate the huiry roan, are as ninnerous as *how of Jacob, the etanovh man, and a mininter can now wear his hirsute eme vering without Revolting to court singularity or notoriety. Certainly Paul and Juke Howe and Raster. wore the mitustathe ; and into apostojical and eccloriastial precedent is tot the side of the prevailing custom. lite we do not think the moustache' becomes is minister of the Gospel." TIIC Ties GIVITLXIsan.-fly &enemy% • ittran not tO draw It line that would bd invidieuil between the high and low rank, &no staborrilioation, riches and poverty, The dee tineti ,,,, in in the mind. Whoever is openg toyid and -true; whoever ie humane sed deureattor ; whoever 4 honornble himself, arid lo joalgement to others ; and re. 'eines 110 law hal his word to make hien fulfif an engagement -such it man is a gentleman and such si man nifty be found among the tillers of there'd!. Vie A man N:T., applied fur • warrant to arrest • elergym 111 for Lapwing wife "mast his protest. Two brothers loreil the Ramo woman in 11 dolphat, aud sir:soma quarrel und staid the other io the beer. eje he Adjutarellencrigl to! I the cadets Oho with little drill they "mild eilke ono ut elm fon t brigades in the world. being ineompanth for looke end phyaieue. The riovel nor -G. ral, stated, will 0 port their pitsgrein in Fdr and. C."). The Poet Mee Department will, it is undeistoon. be the 'rat depisrtIllieit 10 re11100,7 front Quebec, and II be closed on the first of October, RSA open 'n °lbws On Ole 15, h. Rowan,: the I -inane* partieeute will re. Five Crown lettolt will betel mom -examined his wile I/urine adivorce rue in . wii,Y,„oriko,tashnit as (Maws: Ile rimmed th.d Ph had wiehed th0441. and had expressed the 0111 befom w Imes:vs. She , denied *Ile tsteimeit. 11.1-11," na'41 fg it pie had ;et oar whin noel I had dant there would have (be deed to pay." No.'' annwereil 01 " think the devil would have got his pay.' , ire*es Two Chieften clergymen recently vief' • 10,1 s theittro hi that eoy for the purpose finding mit for themeelves fs the insmoralite ii.eidell1 Ilienfririll repr00•11111tIOrli Mid their Pitiful neeessiiriri,' when they were ar• rioted and trikeri to the hick -up by an or. if • rolicormtn. whn mi•tool. the reverend gentlemen for pickpockets in ditlgaise. TIlAnrOF .t IdeaTne•-On Tuesday last 11104. Ilvtich. OM merese, shot her heal -quid, en car: thie rmicenignri:no,rtin Tobeest teethe; 1,,,Ahawl would not wit hdraw *dem of divoretethat he hail remmeeced lemmas the wile for osoloiltery. The hueloand ;A not dead. though :Seriously womided. Itrottliew's attendant, in Id* bun illnem, in tending' to cove hen his medicine, gas. mid hike seine ink from a phial on it nee.f. t4m diecove,iint the error. his friend exchsimmt, r I Ileayene Matthews, I have 'trim you " Never. never mind, my boy, newer mine," said Metthees, faintly, swellow a bit of blotting riper." ('-} On lemie Napoleon'e hirthdat the henilicence wen Manifered hy re. leasing from impcitionment roily eight 01,1 mriets Of the citadel of Belle Isle. thee of them was raked If he meant to return to his f' Alas f" he replied. I hare none. Sethi* ermine to or:von I *es tot orphan." " 113 - father end mother both 1" " Yes, I Itlif1 killed them !" The vocalise Pampa hes had crest 1Meeeed in New York. Site is a dashing, haedsonill WOMN11 and • splernliddin4er4; CI. A steamer wtth n boy nf twelve at the ' helm. Old nmetlemen 2 loo•re ri smart yowl: fellow to Ime frosted in that situation already.' lloy, teoemotly, yam, see . them notice, not to Irak to the man at the oetaw, dont the cholera. awfset th lOghiter Ohba 7' asked an empook of a eels* Orme tan hi New Orleans. ' re I plied tlw illuctor, ' hut it's death on foolasnd I you'd better leave the coy isanieshately.' Tim ' sloped. I A fellow aitylons to inte the Q014.11, An nat:ea entaaa and CAM* 10 Lrin /4311 t. rm./ eerioeity. Cpon bit mom his wits inked him who the Queen wwit like. " Lopiket- eried Hoer. Why. I no ar less ite 'heated in my hnre. What doe't think. Margaret f her arms are lik• thee roe wort Moire, ; laltimeeth I have heard ezeisemse say • strew* 1* pew. arme were a lion end • etftcorla' •