HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-9-28, Page 2Tilt 1u+UAl' .Moa.tiIso. must say that, wondering the limited Last night will not be forgotten by number of articles brought down, we have thousmds for a long time to come. In reason to be proud of our section. All the early part of the evening there was a we want another year ie more publke spirit mammoth Witch -light prooeasioa, paid for, and it will be con that our peewit •ueoem I hear, out of th.• $5000 voted by gov will be largely increased. erumeot to receive the delegake from the The following items may be interesting Eastern Provinces. As the firemen to farmers :- inatahed along Richmond and Mendes Best reaping machine, diploma, 11. A. streets headed by • band and firing off Massey, Newcastle; sewed, B. IkU, St. rocket*, which lighted up their our for Gel"' • mile, the scene was s most splendid one. Best combined mower and reaper, Jno. The streets were absolutely packed with Watson, Ar, diploma ; seoogdbunB, Bel, surging Iuaaees of people. The smashing Si. George ; Jas. Scutt ! Co., das. of crinoline and bonnet fixiu's was some FRIIMT, 22nd. thing awful. I was fortunate in being In my last letter I omitted to mention able W work my way thnwgh the reekiol ' that the party of English capitalists now marc by following in the wake of a wag- iu America were received and e«Wttai•ed aids city alderman who shouted every at the G. le' station here at one o'clock other moment, "take Date ladies, stand yesterday by the officials of the road and snide gentlemen, I'm all over tar!" end • number of prominent Londoners at an was albwtd plenty of elbow room is tiro• elegant little dejeuner. The men of wag, Having been favored with a money, amongst whom was' Sir Morton ticket to flee Grand Ball, l went, as a mat- l'eto, ate the good things and drank ter of internees, with a few friends, into champagne as if they had boas accustomed the gallery from which a good view could to good thin{,. for some lune pact. I.00k- beobtained ofthe brilliant affair. The Ing at the scene and taking notes in my splendidly city hall was splendidly fitted up for the little volume of human nature I could not occasion, the music being supplied by this help thinking that the possession of at band of the I t th rest. The company inoome of half • million sterling or so assembled was wmewhat sektt (ticket' materially increases the chalet* of one's 05.00) and the hall was not crowded to beitR lionised 1 extent. There was the customary display of gorgeous dresses and naked shoulders, The banquet last night in honor of the and eortepieuous amongst the male pereua- Maritime delegates was to Fare been the pion were a number of military officers, grand affair of the week, but it was as young and old, some of the latter bald near being a failure .as possible. The headed veterans who bobbed around quite large drill shed was ornamented for the vi'roroualy 10 the great amusement of be. occasion at an expense I am told of some holden. 1 noticed a few Goderich ladies 8100 (a t:oderich painter would have and gentlemen on the floor. In the gal- been glad of the job at $0 0) and tabhst !cry I observed an old chap from the were set for 300 guests. The number country, who, with his daughter, looked present was about 150, including the on for a few minutes and went faet asleep, guests and representatives of the press.. and, I am told, dept there all night. In fhe secret of the failure iu poiut of num- defatigable reporters who sat the perform- ben must be attributed to the price ance through, say that rifler supper seve: charged for the tickets, $1.50, for I know rel gentlemen fell with their partners iii that a lar„•' uuwber would have been the whirl, inflicting much damage to ribs, phacnt bad Cie entrance ti'e beast at all eriaoliuc, waterfalls, Sc. It would b renennabL•. The dfinner was not bad, libellous, of course, to say that champagne but the waiters were evidently green at had anything to do with these catastro- phes. On leaving the hall I found the streets much quieter. Side showmen having bawled thewnelves hoarse had re- host, so great was the interval between the tired to rest and pulwouic wafers, cabmen now and the fish, and so on down to the had gone to their dens, and tnany an un- entrees. An abaftdaua: of chwnpazne, • fortunate wight rushed from one hotel to however, was placed upon the tables, and another in search of a bed. Enteringmost of the guests seemed perfectly will- Rance•s with a friend who wieh,d to I ing to while away said intervals by Lusting sec it hu bed was alt right, " which it its virtues and their owe capacity. The their,bUsiness, for without taking teem- I orattda it wuu:d have been difficult for some of tho gutste to tell what they had wasn't all ngbt," 1 witnessed a most laughable scene. In the parlor every chair was taken up with a tired sleeper, speaking was poor, excepting t very fair addriee from the lion. 1Vm. M'llougall, who apologiicd for the noo•appearaooe of mala or female, two young men were Messrs. Brown and M Gee. The hon. sleeping on the centre•tabk, four more gentlemen from the maritime provinces heads and thraws " mi the $0 i, and in "poke Fighly of the fair, and of this west - the dining room a lot were savoring with- ern country which they had now ,ten for out even a feather un.kr their heads. An the first time, and all declared themselves I left the blinkiug porter wee con,lucting in favor of Confederation. We are sorry my friend to a straw nhako•do.wu at the to have to say that some of the bon. and top sf the building. learned gentlemen gave evidence by their To retern to the frit peeper bathes on).mental confusion, thicken,d utterance and eluding Chia letter I may say that the' weakuesa of knee, that the champagne show ground has been crowded to excess was just a little heady. Mayor Glass all day, and • walk through the Crystal filled the chair very creditably, and the Palace has bean almost an impossibility. fisc band of the 16th regiment gave ma I spent a portion of the day amongst the stock, and have been delighted. The show of llurhams is almost ormplete - • Christie, from Paris, will take more than their ways to city saoctums or the tele- graph office to se, that their repose were to equal some cows he elbows in this class. The Herefords and Durham, are well represented ; but the Ayrshire; appear to me to maker the wont appearance they have done in ten previous exhibitions. 'Tu • pity more attention is clot paid to this excellent class of milk animals. There are f lowing-T.Glie has taken off his are some noble Sheep on the ground.- leiweracke, the big woman has been hid• dea away, the lady of 300 summers has disappeared, the philanthropist has goal away his last Dent, the apple stands are em,.ty, no one now invitee you to partake of meals at only 50 eta., the worm doctor has "dried up," the big cheese has been started on its homeward trip, cattle are being hurried off, reporters have gladly closed their note !woks, and io fact a few hours will see London " as it were." At a pretty full meeting of.the Agri- cultural Amociation yesterday Mr. Mc - wax elected President for the ensuing year, and it was usanintously agreed that the next Exhibition should be held in the city of Toronto. The decision of Dome of the judges was sharply criticis- ed, but I did not din.over that anything came out of it beyond a wordy warfare. The rest of the proceedings are devoid of public intern .1. The weather throughout has leen all that the heart of man onu'd wish, and he brings to Huron -the firstprise for notwithstanding the immense crowd of Abe best Agricultural Sullins p ord. , there by not been a single serious Hama is not represented se she ought. ac •i• ent to mar the pleasure of those via - to be in the way or stock. i have, an far, only noticed the Galloway, " Black Doutt. lung tet exhibition. There was remark - las," lately owned by Geo. Anderson, a ship little drinking or rowdyism, and Galloway now by George Anderson, and a under the care of the most efficient chief splendid l.eieesterltam by Jas. Houston, of police, Mr. Richard Wigmore, and his of Hay. fine force of 'regulars," assisted by • some excellent music during the evening. The dinner party broke up about one o'clock, and the weary reporters wended properly dispatched ler next morning's WPB SATVRD.AT Monate]. The city is being deserted fast. Tains last night and early this morning have taken away the: ands of visitors -others Cotswolds nearly 400 weight-Leioesters that will shear from 20 to 25 Its of wool -Merinos with in fine a coat you can ware* see it -Shropshire Downs, and South Downs, of almost complete symme- try -and Cheviots dial 'gladden the heart of many an old Sceteb herd to look at. I am not smell of a judge of pork till it is cooked, but I imagine there is a marked improvement on former years.- Grumpby is here in all his 'varied breeds and shapes ; from the 1200 weight Tork• shire bear, to the trim Berkshire of a 100. I have not even the turn-,ast of horses, bet I hear that it is tufty up.if not ahead, of former years. I was much pleased to nee Mr. Fisher, from Colborne, leading his Beal Forteae." This horse is well improved since I saw him last. He is sporting a frsbtlaes ticket on his fore- head, and seems to be proud of the h000r number of nporiala," the pence and The first prize for Fall Wheat goes to good order of the city has been unbroken. J.0, Sullivan, Seymour. Patrick Carol, Notwithstanding the alleged arrival of of Colborne, tikes the second for club, swarms of pick -pockets, T have not heard spring wheat, the first fir oat., and the - of a Bingle theft beyond the stealing of • second for pas. The general opinion is! horse on Thursday night. These frets that the first prise Fali Wheat bas beer, see notable, and speaks well for Londoners trifled with somehow -it is too white and i as well as the rot cmonurse of visitors. smells strongly ofsulpbur. The following is a correct statement Wm. Elliott (English) of Goderich . of the number of 'jailors each day, as takes the 3rd prize for spring wheat of "hone by the number of tiekcu slid, al- though a considerable addition must be any other variety, and Mr. Gibbon* cornea counted on for dad heads :- in second for Belgian carrots, although 1 Tuesday, 19th, .. 2,000 notice that in the printed list it is marked Wednesday, 20th 20,000 third. Mr. J. McDonogh come,, in 3rd Theraday, 21st..... 17,000 beet f•tr a Galloway calf ender oae yes, Friday, 22nd 6,000 aid. Mr. John Stewart, of Ben Milier, Members and visitors, about 5,000 is awarded the 3rd prize for the best 20 Total ,(1,600 ! varieties tipples. Mr. Jno. Gap of Eg- Being in excew of any previous your or' rn•mrirille shows the be.t double mead' between 4,000 and 3,000. plough., end R. Runciman the 2nd best twofers/1w eultivstor. In the ties ash A Gnarl Cnaesa.-floe M the principal department Mr. Creiewel' tastes two first features of aha New fork State F'Air wn a red ane.ntM se in oil mammoth ,wase, msde h Smith t !inn, at prise painting, and t;brwieh, Oafmd Co., C. *. las weight was o taint rad two second prises for wets, '4.340 Ile., and it took tis milk from 500 Dale,. I am glad to hear that Mr. C.'e enwa Lor four dayysa Inc its prodoetion. It am" sixteen i.el is ekramf nneet Ave OetlI vm an being eagerly bought up by tem is diametee,ard two feet four inches kyle. lover* of an. Them, 1 think, are all the The epee was rase to dm Landon Fshibi prism takes by linens and Bra,,. and , time, of which it formed an attractive feature. SCHEDULE OF CONVICTIONS Nese y Preuss er. Wm Chisholm Johu Methuugait Wm Withers Made by Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace within the United Counties of Iluron and llrucof Froin the June Sessions 1865, to the September Seditious, 1865. Plane of Defn deer, New* sf CAarga. Mut 1 t'..nr,rtwn. (V,.••• of Cwe.rt.a( Assort., of Prr.dry, F,.. non modern ped, or no 14 21. .• doom wad uw. er sate Joao.. or lasmoes. Nu( to .114141 Jn.nn. 1.01.41. John McDonald . 1 respasa June 20 1865 Wm M Whit Esq J P C Crabb Eq ttobt Gibbous Esq Wm M White Eaq C Crabb Eat Robe Gibbous Esq 'Hoary Spruce Esq Juue 21 Ales Sprees EN J P 05.00-oats$4 20 .... Forthwith Not paid.-Warrwt ordered. Thus Adair Fiq Alava Sproat Faq Thos Harris Eat Malin McLennan Esq ,,Jeer 27 John Leckie Esq 2.00 Donald Scott Ely Baking Liquor aitbout Lessee June 26 Rob' Brown Eq Micb'I Zeller Faq e Wm Sherrill..,. IThroateuing June 26 Michael Zeller Esq .. r.....• • . !dreamier McDougall .. Sundt K'm Busby Wm Withers.... .Wm Rushy' • John Puwure .Jame' Joheuton James Mitchell Wm Lehman Conrad Wagner John Jewett . :Thome Bloc's sen :Charles McLeod June 20 lufrertion of Excise act Infraction of Excise act Ma.mu,g au Oa .Assault and Battery REMARKS. Uuamiseed work eau .•. .•r•.•••.•r Dismissed with cost. June 21...... Juue 21 5.00 -eau 3.20 .... Forthwith .. .... . July 12 .. $10.00 -eau 13.80.... Seven dap Relit Brown Esq James Hall ...... ....Aaaault - January 21 . .... Jas Somerville Faq 2.00 noel eats Kobe Purvis Kim 'Assault •,••.•.•..... February 8 ....... .... JasSumerville Faq J P. $6.00 andeau Henry Mather' Faq Violation of Temperance act ............. March 27 Jas Somerville Faq .... 20.00 and cats Robert Persia Esq ...... James Soeervillee Esq .. 20.00 and can...... •v Itobt Pu.vis Esq Ju Somerville Esq 20 00 andjeata Purvis F Jas os SuSomervillee Fag sq '.t0 00 and can Nubt Purvis Esq ;,, ;,,, July 3 Jas Somerville Faq Itobt Purvis Eel ,lieu Sturgeon Faq 1Wra Remelt Eat Wm Withers Faq Win hasten Esq 50.00 Geo Sturgeon Ent Chas Giivin E.1........ 20.00.... 'Forthwith John Severe Fa. i I Charles Girvin Isq i 10.00 Forthwith John Stooge Esq I . W M White Esq W 51 White Esq .. W M White Esq ' 101.00 W V Whit Eel „aobn Leckie Esq ICoO1 W m. M 'oaey Esq . al • IR :John Leckie EN Kase '•.20 M Mel'heiaov Esq ...00.50 Wm N'i'hau EN " 19 Wm Withers Eel . WinRostonfat 1 Wm Rastall Esq 111.00 sash parte Beiph Miller .......... W m Campbell Neil McKay .... .Archd Cuckrane A Campbell.......... •.trcbd Cochraue A Campbell .Ralph Miller Niel McKay . -. ,Ralph Miller David Carruthers . Ma.'m Campbell Mre Maiy Gilchrist......Mra Hannah Appleby • • . Not toed. -Warrant ordered. ..... • • ' Caw densisasd. , • • • Not yet paid. Bound over to keep the Peace. Paid. .... Teo days County Treasurer Forthwith Coaety Treasurer (Violation of rewpenuce act ............ March 27 . 1'tolatioo of Temperance set April 1 IViulatioo of Tsmpranoe act IAssault . Wm Wither Wm Shelton liesjamie Rnmball Dean Swift Robert Cannings lean Swift ........... 5ei:mg it tour contrary to Temperance act June 26 . Assault -Destroying property and drunk and June 23.... dsorderly *telling liquor coetrary to 1emperanee act Selling liquor coutrarr to Temperance act June 1 Jay 21 lulu 1s Robt Renwick ... .... Richard Lassoes limiting language ......................tune 29 Alin Kenai, k Richard Guilders Greenly insulpug language • June 21 ... Ebenezer Woodcock ... Louis Elliott Mary Graham Ellen Crulty . ........Sinewy iuttultiug Ianguage Robt Dornyn ... W m 51 Huff .. articles of Peace Robt Doman',Samuel Fisher .........tnieles of Peace Hugh Caulder ........ Peter Wilkie.... Assault Capt W Daniels; ;Jas Portis ..... • :.. • . . Isabella Munro Margeret Munro John McDonald Iauiel McKinnon Joint 51eDuuala l'eter Mel.ean James .tddison .. flex McCaughey W'w Biu hats......... glary Graham... Bernard Trainer uIy M (July 13 my is . Not attending drill and refusing to gin up aecoutrimcuu Trespass 11"mli on Street h.•ulw,g language on street . - . a. • aid. AApp *pled (0 Qmrter Seuiont Appeal to Quarter Serious. appealed toQusrter Seesion.. I Appealed to Quarter Serious. No eleeta-defendant sent to Gaol for 30 days. No effects impnaoned thirty days. 1.00 and can.......: Fbmr days County Tre darer :..00 .....,IFbetkwith r•• - County Treasurer W. Withers collector.. Iteaeuue Brute .. IJuly J 5 • Town Treawnr Teta days. .. ........ fen dao ren days " 19. July 28 . Freeman G Casey Drunk on street Jane 21 • Wm F: Craee.. .. __ Michael Oritfio . June. Snurill Wm Ite.d EJwin t ifford lames 15 iggiru . James Thnm.00 Hoary Haacas Henry Haack. Maficirras destruction of property . Disorderly on street - Swamis r July 21 July 18 . • • 18 AIfretCol'in.. . Drank cs aYwit Dr Woods........ ; alw wtimint to Assessor I , Robert (teed ... .. l'au.e ,tat ieut to Assessor . Thomas Allan.........James McArthur John Kill -torn ... . .. -.J (t Murdock :.. Chas Elder ... ....... James Mclleath . . John Craig ,.Jaime• Scott Mary Graham . .......Elia.beth Bingham 'Obstructing Highway ..Stealing [.amber Aruetty to &uiwrals ..... ......... : luault Grossly insulting language Catherine Nicholson ....I4;mealy iusu:ting language ,Refusing to perform statute labor (Refusing to perform statute labor - (Refusing to perform etatute labor (Refusing to perform statute Labor. •Margaret Misner IAasault Grossly insulting language I w Non,vwent of wages . disturbing a School Breaking a fence (Assault and battery Mary Graham . Patrick Gallagher..." :John McPhee +en Patrick Gallagher Patrick Gallagher John S(cl'hee jr .Henry McPhee. Thomas Johnston .... _John McCauley James Young Iurac Frederick Wm Morris John Motthy John .1 Middlctuu Ann Elizabeth Hoare... Thomas Barrett Was Ilerria .......... Wm Coulter 'Mown Coughlan Patrick Flyuu Richard Srigley........ Robert Miller (Assault and battery Catheriee McKenzie.... David Rolston......... Assault George Davey, G. T... Michael flaws ........,i tlwtg F Rahway Agent + (R.artwm Georgie Davey, G. T. It. Jahn Hugel........ Co. Agent George Davey, G. T. R. Iteubeh Clark Co. Agent (Large Davey, G. T. R. Christiana Clark Co. Agent Robert Patterson John Loudon.... William McCaig Albert M F'olly. . Catkarne hunt 'fbeobald Hirst.. Joseph .1 Faber . Daniel Miller .. Adam [karst .... 1'heohsld Hirst.. Edward McGsuugh Neil Mcoargle . B.obt Hattoo FAward McGeoagh Sunset I'orter Edward I a.gill_ . . . 1Lthard Omar Jake Hunter " 24 " 20 July 28 .............. .IMay 2 !Kay 10 Jun. 22............ IJ.. 26 lAnguat 3 .'August ten days • Demised. Insassest Dismiwd. By pnweetor. By piaiaii . John V Ietin,, Mayor . 1.00 ..... . Forthwith .... Town Treasurer John V !fetter, Mayor . 1 00 Two weeks . • . Horace Horton l..q :41* M White Esq John V letlor. Stator 2.00 ,Wm M White Faoq l J V'enor, M vor. 1.00 Forthwith ... ... . Town Treasurer John V'kilor,'Mayor.. 91 tie Forthwith .. ...... Town Tree*urer . . . John V Itetinr Mayor.. 6.00 Forthwith Town l'reawrer Samuel Pollock Est l' Crabb Eel . ... . 1.00 Alex Johnston EN .... 1,00 Alex Cameron kart Wm Hall Esq Ja Calloway Esq Josiah Serie d F:«t Wm W Connor Fr{, John Crawford Esq P Adamson Esq A Johnston Faq .... .. 1.00 • • Forthwith A Cameron Esq Wm 11.11 1...4 Joshua Callow F: .Joao.), Seen, E«t - Wrn 1C C. no, 1.1•9 ' John ('. wford Faq . I. I PAd ' oil Fag W Bruce Fara C r.ruce F:.q .... 1 It -nn. Vol , W C BrueelEaq ' 2.00 .... , Forthwith Town Treasurer .. / .. Forthwith Forthwith Town Treaanrer . . Forthwith ............ Township Treasurer • ... Paid. Artielsa to he delivered ap fertbwith Tithe given .. -. 'Township TroA•nrrr WMWhitehal 11.00 Ftoht (iibbooa Esq J V Il,•tlor E+q W S1 White Esil 11.00 Kohl Gibbons Eq J V Detlor Favi al IH.vid ('lark Esq James Rhyne& Faq (avid Clark Fag 4:00 Forthwith Jas Ithynas Eq David ,:lark Esq 4.00..... --. AagoKug$ 9S -.....,....... . JWtom Il nas h} e Ea F aqAn t 11 11.00200 - coati $95 - , , - withinfou r days aysForthwathItombbtGebborFirq ninhtu t. 10.00' IA August 2 J(aasiIdthCmlukE}q:at Wm Grasm Fay 20.00 Auu.16th October 15 _ Johr, McItea Fag u 27 John McKee Faq Then Holmes Fa 1 August 1 L........... Jn Mltea Fivt Tboha Hoclm.s Eq 8.00 Robe Currie Eq . Stephen Yates Eat Louis J Brace fat, August 11 John McKee Earl 115 00 ... August 25th .... Thomas Holme. Fp Robert Currie Eel Stephen Vete/ Esq Louis J Iir•re Eaq Malcolm McLennan Esq (n 20 Four weeks Robert Johnston fat Can 53 Joseph Whitehead Faq.. Richarn Thwaites Eat Joseph Whitehead Eq.. Richard Thwaite. Faq Richard Tbwaites Esq.. Joseph Whitehead Esq June 20........ Joeei.h Whi ,•head Fsq.. Kicbard Thwaite. t.EN June 27........ Joeepb Wbtahead Eq.. George Brown Esq -August 19............ William M White Eq • K .... •mi.u•d...... .......... U..m .....•••••••• '44,1 proven -Dimmed ..- ... Idly 3 ' .. Township Treasurer.... August 17 .......... , Au,trrt 17 Forthwith • • uoe 23 Forthwith August 10 June 20 .......:........:.June 20 cent' ....... ...•.......... e.. .....June 20 'Larceny i lsrecny..... Assault 1. ..w lnder.nt isngnage Nnnperforman -e of Statute Labor A dA 60 Time not arrived for payment .... lime not arrisel (or payment. Ilismiased with cats .......... Eapendd on roads .... .Appested ........ IExpeeded on roads .'...Appealed .. . . lGoderich T'p Treasurer.', Paid County Treasoret Town Treaserer To Claimant Caul Teenage'. County Treasurer County Treasurer August L0............ John Kernighan Eel ... 81 00; Cate 92 00.,.. Forthwith Township Treasurer ,ingest 14............ John Kerni4han Esq ... 916 00; Can 92 15... Forthwith ........... Psthmuo-r . was t an cattery .............. luguet 10 ,w John Kernighan Faq ... 2 00; 2 63 ..Forthwith Township 7 manner Nonperformanc • Labour Augat 7 ............. P 11 Ilrown Esq $5.00 t eau and to per•Twenty dye.. Towuship'1'rcuurer form the work Jai; 8 P U Brown [ q 2,00 with eau and tcThirty days...... .... Township Treaaarer perform the work John Bulger .... •ttumult ........t.•,..,, ...... Disgust 7. P B Brown Esq 010.00 with eau Foithwith County Treasurer Samuel Jone.. Assault •.... ....lugaa 174............ P A Brown Fiat - Paul... -. '.... . Nonpayment of ware July 7 tbm Cade Fiat 11.00 -eau 02.75.... Tweet Doe days Ales Stewart...... .... Aaasait. .................... 15th August George Sturgeon Faq .. 8.00................ Forthwith ........ -County Treasurer Set4 tled by defendant paying costa Malcolm McKigagan ... Nonperformance of Statute labour a a Case dismissed with costs. Property seized %oder warrant- pt mold. - Not yet paid... Not yet paid to Justice Bound over to next Quarter Sessions.... Paid .,., Pad 26th August 1965 Finanuel Davey it . Bonn Davey John Ewen jr • Emanuel Davey Edmund W Beed Gibson Bernam John Campbell jr Jewett Sinai -......... Noble Kell. Benjamin ilaz.lehetet ... John 0. Fee John Melrod Donald Matheson Mn Mercer . ......... Robert WIker . (In yrCharlew Hoskins Asn Ramsay.... 'Avid Whiten W L Watt lei Eamon Bae...... . Jame. Smaillr .x:. Ehexer Wnodck... tk'ill.at Core...... . . {Valiant Core ....... Catherine Munro Wm ithere Frig M McPherson Esq Petty larceny August 24 Wm Withers Esq 2.00 each Forthwith .... Wm Restall Esq 6.00 Angst 26'WmRatai Faq 2,00 Forthwith ' Wm Withers ' - 2.00 . 2.00 August 24 C Crahh Eq. •.... 1.00 ................ Forthwith .... ....... " tuAust 301 C Crahb Faq .... 5.00 Forthwith Town Treasurer . August 2s, John V ietlor Eq 0.201. .... ........ Forthwith Horace Horton Faq July 22 .. .. Wm Withers Eq (Petty Larceny ( Varraney I)rurk on street Stealing money .... • Not yet paid Not yet paid.... ....Cruelty to animals Emanuel Davey Drunk and disorderly and contempt of Court Filly 22nd . Ann Ankle Arault . hely 3rd John ltobi.oe ......... Assault and Mastery August 9th Johs Urewer.......... Felonious taking .................. Jely 31st R L Furey............ Taking a dog unlawfully August 12th H Cunningham ....... Trespass 1 Mct.e.d............'Assault . John McLean .. Ilirarly insulting language dept 1 .... Mighael I'logan........ihrsnk 0n Street Sept 7 Edward ry '.Afresh...............................July 6 ........ HenCan !Fighting July s Unseal Mel)sonocsld Abn•ive language ........ July 25 William Withers Esq ... William MooneyFaq... William MooneFsq... W'illinm Mooney Faq... J T Conaway Eq...... .lugua IMth ......J T Conaway Faq ......... August t6........... J T Conaway Esq 50 50 John V ietlor. Maor.. 1 00 William M White Fsq.. 1 00 George drown Faq 1 00 George Rrnwn Keg .... 1 00 ...... George Brown Faq .... 5 00 Richard Thwaite' Eq ..tole 26 .. George Rrown Kim 5 00 Forthwith ...... Tp Gederich Treasurer. Riebard Tkweitaa Faq George Brown Esq Richard Thwaitma Faq George Brown Faq Riehard Thwaites George Rrown Faq J Whitehead =wails* Brown 1114 filch w•itw RDS County Treasurer Loa, .... August 25 .. . SOc to Treasurer of Mu nieipelity of the Village of Kincardine Sects to imformant. 92 00 :...... August 25th .. . . .. Counties Trea.urer. C 70; costa 114 60 August 1st ......-.................... Time given to after harvest. 1 00 Forthwith County Treasurer Costa $4.00-taaid. - - - • - • - . Not proven ; dhmimed with eau on plaintiff. Detendn't to pay costs-$2.85-Aegust 141h. August 20 .................. .. • - ..... .. if"miaaed. August 28 . Not yet paid. Forthwith .. Town Tnnaurer. geptemher 1 ; h Forthwith Village Treasurer. Fonhwith Village Treasurer. ..... Forthwith Tp Stanley Treasurer. Not paid -went to Gaol .............. . . Arthur Churchill. Albert Caonte. C F Clark F Whitt .. . C F Clark James Keane.... Andrew Harper... - Jaynes Bern Andrew Harper lease Davis . . Andrew Harper .... Robert Clifford Leaving his employer Psw'ning .luly 29th ....... luly 29th Inger 3rd .. Ingest 3 August 3 Cheep Broom Bag.. . Anstalt Asmalt Amann 01 00 ............. Forthwith 51.00 .. Forthwith Dinned Dismissed. Tp (Frderieh Treasurer . Not paid yet. T"p Goelerieh Treaese.'