HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-9-28, Page 1s-
W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor.;
- • -
The Oroktest Posaiblo Good to tho Greatest Possible NuMber."
tiODERICII, 0. W.. Tnuitst).ky, SEPT. 28, 1865.
A OE 11. A le It I: ENGSL
' "lhepend upon it, 'Indic' 1 blilart spend any
tame tinie rtfunitig '•fter your comenieuet.
If the tummy is ready tomikbt, well and good;
if nut, you mildest look uut fur other
Mgt; wheie people don't expect any pay. 1
\wish you good luck a Width' un 'eta.'
!111411ory *but the Maur with • viadie•
.tive bang, and shard rway 4.1...11,11 stairs
Adele, Hayes wesomi title hand tio be;
mimed, aud tried vaiuly to keep back the
tears, lest they thuuld spot tho rick silk acsarf
_othe *tut etuhruidering. et
"Itou't crv, shrMr," coated MI'S Wier
stealing wistiully ; "Mr. M
era*, ugly man. don't hove
Adria strilied dowu the little WM'S curls,
tied etrove to'find SMOG outlet through the
tuib.d curr sifter thouelits.
.• 11'het 3 II 1 do t Oat crats 1 do ?' was
her sour, out r •, *lie sat tliele' and
immot able in grieving shodois rei•
Adelo Ilayes ir by ne maim whet maitre
movelist would mill taatt., ; yet there was
something in her 0/1, (IWO( 111e., which
irresistitry pet 161 Owls *gum. Tell
and well rotioitioned. with large hlue eyes,
IA r w lose warm bruwo was yust tuneked
withvauburn, the ea/lies/nun of her brow aust
lip warn better tar then mere brain v. .
Just at present, houever, thele will a ISiet•
ectehuly shadow oh her lip and brew, ataite
examined the clam vompartinents or hut
little pocket book -aud it Jetta with a
weary sigh.
hea eke °petted the worn mahogany work
box tor the table, and touched a tittle slit iv,
revealing awl *etre' drawer that belongs to
Moat such things.. A slender gold brasceltt,
etiriously wreught tu resemble the stern of a
newer, with clusters :A tuteleutte fureetme.
u;loil theelisp, lay their. She tteill it
out and began hurriedly to erep it iu ;soft
pater. .
" Adele!" 161i:sperm] E3le. softly, "Adele!
are emu going to sell Mantilla's beeeelet ?•I
"'.1 must, darling !" replied her
It would be Wrung to keep it longer, under
the circomstreices. Duo% ouy anythin • to
• shale my resolution,diSae; it brake my aart
to part with it, and yet I see no alternative.
Stay here till lie retain.' Ellie, ker tbe
door. tareh.11y
she put un her bonnet and cloak, and weld
learely eut into the ender duck. ,'
"Eleanor used to admire dile .bracelet,;'
she pittidercarl. "Paha; a she will buy it uf
o • me now. .th ! of never dowined.ati ate old•
• -sehoolsf.sys, tbaf 1 seoud;iivie., dos !
• Mist Parsers was at met 114
fainting Leatt Adele lleyes followed the pert
Flebela MOM Up the •Itite itisliatt. suer Cale
Ina. the heautioil bundoir, hung w.ca
• fluted Mutt silk. and 1I•tri,..th, d..ep blue
velvet, where Eleanor l'arsons wasi yiewhiog
ever the page. of wesseti tttt novel.
" IS it the dretemaker dniwied mit the
youtig lady. " only yoy
Hunt 1 thought papa had given yoti dis-
tinctly to understand that .,tir exprtwea Wtre
tuo great to afford anything in cherity."
Adem shrunk, as it serue blue had tellupon
• her.
" You , are entirely risOmlirn, 1.;',..unor. I
ha.. heft, Whkeil all.11/114/ 111,0114r111, 111.4.1/
I Auteuil, tu. •
. t'ery laudable,". yawned out Eleaoor,
pushirig a Chair tueard Adele, with riiie smau
,aiippered Mit • hut Adria rejected it by a
mutton of her 'ham'.
•• Neveithcleu, 1 am very, very yoor
nett/ motey suielyi ; yeo we'd to
Itie this Iteluebracelet of inine-vrill you Guy
it r'
Eleanor sum:est:1 the little bijuu, as her
IMMO Imd it with • hand that tiembled
tri spite of her elforts at sellcounnaud,
or: the utile.,
very pretty,- elm said, " Itut
were o'd fashieiseel-111 y,ive yea two duller/
"Two• ! . Eleanor, it pat. twenty".
rote, ten yepre
• •• Als 1.very possibly -but things are alter-
ed now."
" Olt; Eleanor r' plealerl Adele, with
ere forinunieg with tears, " is 014 right 1 -
ie it lair ? emniiider tbe trienehlep edr old
days -consider the dire treed in which
J stand, eleasor ; you We eieh, and am
!MOT,- remember who bas said, •Ereely
bare remised -freely give 1' "
Eleatior l'irsonk started lie wit.h a crimson
cheek ind kindling rye.
" l'pon my word, Adele, you presume be•
yotel ail boui,ds I „ I MO not • child, tu he
lectured by yeu. and 1 went 'velure it. I
e on't care tee pins wbether you suave or not
- e of niy bushier*, and I've no desire
to make it such. Take the bracelet, or leave
it, juet 1111 you please -1- are eick of such bare.
faced begging ! 1 have tretlyou what 1 will
gave for ; und if you were ;lying of poverty
at my feet. I 'would not offer :somber penny.'
/t is from the folly cif much as you that wears
ordained to reap the benefit !"
Adele held the bracelet toward Eleanor.
'" Take it -1 beano alternetive 1"
And' Miss Pantries opened her purse with
an air oe cold satisfaction.
• • • • •
_ _ .
66 So ill C00111111 l0ok gil.--110,1 there A iS muruing, hal 2 1 cabiii and 4,44 steerage ma. .t.reit al ot 1 110 ItUl11111.4.41113
litre, ma'am'!" seneera.' The destination of Ger purengers —
Mrs). Allmayee's .cheek blanched as site wee as. follows :-Ilst remained in Canada ;
took the glittering circlet from the wourtn's 20.4 went tu the Eastern Suttee, awl 4 5 to tbe
heed. . %Veneto Stated.
"Ellie! sister I it is our motheri bola A nte,t1114 of the Council took plesee to -day.
let I" Mr. Galt microns' loot night and wail present.
Within a very short linieithe velvet dress Mt. Campbell proceeded wrest tioday.
was rustliug tliruugh the dirty corridors ef the
swannitig tenement house, Mid 3111. Allmayne Deluge Its".11 'rest real.
mitered a low room, where 13 single theLeinig . ,_ .
Foul mei carp;tlees boards. A venom' sat iu IIVATIICAL., heel. i9, I8G5.
talluw viten:, barely revealed the slrping
au old rocker pcaipped up anti dirty pil.t.Wiii salvt.:: laPeLeytiliubauk:lut'uk.di'.3. "Imi'd'ir rcehl'11,6'Lli 181
and shiveriog Involustafill "01 °nu lb° .. fee a„, who resided in the St. Lawrence
bleak wilid shook the window casements. , „ „ n? , , ... ,
Ilan ISOM Uld *1116 Wig 111‘. .liozbter; for
" "644°1' lidIUU et kR7 wnna7 7 ' whom be wished jewellery. - 'leo...hood gold
"It iii out Bit ote, Eleanor l'aiStiall-it, is
l!' watches, chorea sad diamond riugs to be seat
And Mee. Allmayne bent pityingly earth* that they 'Ilion% *else etslectious. The clerk
waisted form. went with the. ernes*, tritietlt about POO.-
" Adele, Adelo flare ! 0, 'leitmotif- Ifermas Minted OM it.to the view, took the
tbat you sheted sets me thus 1' . iowell.q, put hair het natio. table, and trent
She shrank away, hidiag her fare in her 1"`" `"' "I•j'il'in; 1009 '0 "00 i'''' elle stelt
. 'daughters the articled. The Clerk heard him
hareSe. .
" Eleanor," soothed Adela, " my carriage ggiweket-Ideiweeedtheelewt triLewlw 11;f .ti`i'etitheeilnge'e-e
i a nt the door, this is no place fur you!
" I should have thought so unce I" wailed
Eleanor, with a bellow laugh. " Put since tient, knocked atthe dour; no milder. II.
my baby died, and my •Ituabaud left me fur rieeutedaiel foetid no 04•11 then. ; awl seeing' a
t another avemsn's miler* 1 cure little foi
, door to the.passage open, he feared the woist„
and Icituid to his grief that the gentleman had
disappeatel, and that th.. Wite and domMeis
were imaginary beluga 'The villain evident.
ly seemed ',mum convetrieut for the isurposie.
folluvred. Tho lust:-
Twenty years afteneards, and the February
own were drifting white and noiseless into
th areris ot the city -covering the couatry
▪ s with robes ot eeottess ermine ! Twenty
year -there is margin for ample chine in
thearetarcenete of revolving charge!
The Ogee light" were flickering titer the
trencoed\ wails of NI, Allniayue's 'elegaot
drawing Verret'', snd 'Effie Hayes, now • beau-
tiful young\ lady, was arranging flowers ,113
deliate Part vacs, whose dazzling white.
nese glimme el against the rich 'Ade folds of
her heavy edit \Ores& She wore pestle sit her
throat, and circlet' of gold on either round
arm, while the Nth of diarnmeht cm her
fin •ere seemed like drn hre.
rs. Allmayne s by the fireplace, •
lovely motion in b telvet, softened by
the rich draping! of tenets lace, talkies to
Bridget Murphey, the Mew laendreu.
" I am quite willing int' should go home if
your sister* sick, Itiddy;Oand-suit • mo-
ment. Tell the housekeet*r to give you a
bottle of tut old port witm, and a glass of
orenge jelly -it is very. coolitig in elitiel of
fever. And, Bridget, hete *something for
an enlooked for expense."
°It's !leaven's self and all the blreiied
saints,will bare you in their keccdtr', ma'am,"
whimpered out poor burry ()welcome
by btu mimosa' yummy. As she fumbied
for her dingy lestber,pflive 10 put away the
bill, a golden glemno,in h'er pocket cough
Mrs. Allnlayne'e eye,
What hrecelet 7"
"Sure, ma'am, it is t and !hst just rereinda
me -would ye like to buy it, madam ?"
Is it youre, Widget
" No, ma'am, 'deed it's not. What would
I he dine! with the likes of gold braceleta
It's • pent women in the eat room to (teen
Maloney's, jut dyne wid tlie consumption
and etarratien put together. Sore, she has
hardly the decent rags to rnver her ;
ehe called me in last night and YTS sbe
" You've got • place among the quality,
ref told ?"
And lays 1, "It's that 1 have."
And says she,
" Would you get some of 'em In hay this
hamlet ?" Pays she. " it's all 1 lave left
in the world 1 -and 111 starve if I ean t get a
hide money 1"
things that once would bare ehocked !
'Cuss have Bu reatoll le love me, Adela ! Why
chi you CelUe .•
All the time Adel* was wrapping- the
rageel covering cluser aremuci the wasted wiy..d iwu .N. y., e
110144 recorded iu re,t1s0o. "'Herman
form. arrested.
'Near St. lhatUrett, &Snit of JatIMS Hodge.
w ith • COMpintion, went up • 1:4-e tor lints,
%hen a bough broke att.' II•elge strikiug
les heed uo • stump. Ile died 30.011 Site!.
The cadets 1Vere ithSiheetell 1/4-1 coati:toluene
ted by the Adjutant -General today. Moil
of dam bete cuids. The weetlier la pleat.
raying incoherently with her last breath that 3 he importation laid week 'exceeded those
"Conte," else said gently ; " Bridget will
help us."
•• But, \ Ade's, the-tho bruelet d You
have mit fOrgotteu that in-ght
" I have net forootten nether!. Eleanor -
feast of ail diet we were reil scheel friends in
LIW7A that 'have long Amee departed."
A week liCtetwards, Eleanor Patsons
...died duping Adela's tender hand aud
lento Las bidden ,,us to ,. foroive that we.' 0* 10" 61 et5s.iwn• 'rho grem.
wood ree:rd the eere creator' is chiefly ill tea, auger, coffee, wool -
that hud been lavishecton her dying hour's. lens' Ind
• And Adel& Ailmayim %vide the dia. Symel. is selllsitting. The canon se to
newel bracelet that Ins \her huland's wed. the elecuous of Meted*, aud the '4.31 rreh
ding gift, and View* iitiltele4 a siMple circlet Teell'"calitl"a diwengwed* 1 1 i"'
t41 (.1,,.• tile Srliod akorrh,o0/.
II011. 1.14:er40 I:rhowili end seseed members
of Parl:ament have arn;ed. Irma
tke Looser Nip:limes are tu attire tu-uturrun.
The rubber of the •jeveellery woitis ti,ntiO
Waa is' criptured. '1 tie clerk who gaea bite the
viduablee emu edit a detective to Ircbale,
\ mid met the tarter ulli...bud di ,J,4, the rob
'We repret to have to announce this. t,„ ei.„?..,.d 1,, caugheavreges.end
evening the death of Win. Nutman, which wa'ked on ;the 'track t st. abo..1 twee,
oecurr,d at Lis rt.,,,i,lepeo. in Duna,* ty mi104 Matted.. Ads purtuere trek the
uf geld, freillioned like a tiateded flower stem. •
with a cluster uf turquume fOrgetmemota 011
the clasp 1 . .
. .
Death of Wm. Notanah,,- Esq.,
M. P. P., for North r'eate
train, and eau die hlutou hie arrival, 111 • tato
between the hottrs of eleven. and twelve •
last night. The illness whieh resulted in
this sad issue, woe one of long duration,
Mr. Notruan having been unable to remain
in Queb..c doriug the ses.sion, held in the
early port of thie year. The ,sytirvtotus
ern. All tbe gueds were eecAvered. lie
10 before the court to•dsy, and wale tried
the Qoeeri's Bench 116•1 teeth:. IN says
rale is Henry Beaumont, 1t Frfneb
bat been at the Southern artuy,-
ia gentlemanly isppearauce, SAVaje
i 4 111/4 SalipeCI
Kopf Were inareed by a • reiotrt Mid fere
that appeared th:n showed that the disease, 110.10, thiOt. the Ottawa/ steamer' Priem cif
—ed.:cilia', of the brain=which Wales bad leeen LI. en up, kid o 26 pe, sous.
lionijuered him had already obtained •1 • . • I • •
tine De was rmtioved by his friends
front Quebec to Dundas, and although he
rallied occa,ionally, it soon became evi-
dent that all hop,. a ultimate recovery
must be ban:shed. Tim he was sinking
became more and more apparent during
the past row weeks, and last ' night death
stury atterii te:es, as she arrived at
tested the repurt.
bree hundred young
takeu from *hit tity, by
Eighth,/ e atop imf.4.
A nieetin; has lee`enre
put an end to the struggle, and themeary
brain obtained net.
Mr. Notninn was well known thrituoli.
out Upper Canada, and especially in thTs
scethin, hods Ito a lawyer mei a Esditician.
110 was mac of the oldest menibers of the
bit liting, having been cal•ed to it in
.1 o1.-17. during the satue term as Judge
Burns, and the term aft• -r the late Sir
Allan 31eNab. In political life he watt
ernerally successful in hio appeals to the
peeple, and hns occupied a scat in Parlin-
meta At 'various titnes during the last
eighteen or twenty years. The greatest
political battle he fought was When he
wested N•rth Wentworth from the Ron.
•Ilobcrt Spence, afttg the latter gentleman
id betrayed the Reform party by joining
a Tory government. :Alice then he hart Robbery namigaut
held tho Riding against all comers, having
in one erntest beakn Mr. T. 11. :Sleeken- Ono ARC THE THIRY
lie, of Dundas, t.nri in another beaten Mr.
.1. Brown, the, W arden tlw county. SO 1:69 ideh thet see. hare amongst us a rep
firm bih hold poi, ow affeoi,ma of his larly organised' gang of tieves who di Mut
constituent. and so true a return did he fr,utrotbleht: lay hauds on .:{vierything that is
make to their confidence, that we doubt f:.„,noen.oje..47Y1'sto;bnertt,crally to"oll.'1„ili.onouto „cf.",
whether any opponent could have disloilg- currence booko are tided wiih rubberie.
ed hint front the representation of the which 'Mel, appear as insignificant, ma
Riding. The cotifidence reposed -in hire *heft taken tegetlier foot up • lerge tijures
by him constituents and his own natural Sonic of these, although knoven to reporters,
abilities, marked him out an one who Fem."' b' published, al thereby the cods of
weasels have been
Sil &omit for New
cherries' exchahge,
media:desalt,' tuanufsec rent. .
Tito steuister Sdartan expected to be
raised tomorrow.
The mantle Lut week Sou up to 02.
The cadets drill trum 6 toil do4id from
10 to 12 Tue,r ratans' re: 1 lb of
beef, 1 P. of bread,. aud 2 ibe. t p
betides butter, tea, coffee, sugar, ntl ri -
0.: good gleamy. Tim Adj..iteot lie. rat told
them, that Witli a lithe they won spike,
eim ef the buret bti Md.. in the ve
tilled to furls • me.
secomparsble for toulei aod pheatem,. The
tiovernorGenerel, lie stated. ov.i rt .,ort tiiMr
progret4 Enolend.
. The Synod, atter a long discussion upon
givane Itn II
-.4.414* Of &shop. r to A.40
an election of • Nellie., have refoed
caeon, owing to the thinness et the House
and lateness of the wee tun. This attempt of
the Ili -hope to control the diocesan elemene
will nut succeed. 'The imilegates in the
CCM. are the. best judges as to who shoutd
sh••uld have rieen to a high position in the pain.° anew be del.:wed in eve that •ny
ouse, ut a leek of energy on his part thieree, hitt hi other MAWS, one or two lionise- fire at 2,e00, and 22.000 permit reticle d
allywed inferior men 10 be elevated over eio t. ill sliew *het w lint we ray is true. On houselesa. lbw estimate is as high cs 12,00
his bead. IIe was more than once spoken Monday afternoon the resid,rice of Mie. biledilIZII.
or io the 31iniaterial crisis al a probable Platt, 2'-i3 Jarvis !street was entered and a Loomie Mout Mineer.-Consols ofi the
member of the thew:ling Government, and coniplet . mid liandstime silver tea set carried Sib o el ti 1 I d ' ' 9'
mcnt lie wan freely mentioned as the one kt, c. The
upon the opening of the *present Perlis- off, as well os silver spoons, for
tobhety had evidently been !. set, ' as the
WhO MP entitled to the Speakership of the hieves knew exactly where the valuables
were kept, and euteting by a parlor window,
tangible chunce remains of securing the
F1111/11 PuINT,S t. 19.
The eteatneltip Damaseas •hith left iver•
pool en the afternoon ef the ?th, sod n•
dooderry the :vest day, pissed this point th
afternoou fur Qimbec. Tee need
was unimporteut. • Quent ViCtoiiii would
return tu England trout Germany et.i the eth.
The annual meeting et the British Amsesiation
for the advancement uf ecieuce. hid vout•
ineueed tit Birmingham. Sotterthwitite'e
eiteular ut the uvuniug tbe 61.11, says we
have agate rupurts uf coneiderabhe businest
Amore:me securities. There was a disPee
sitiuu to buy 5:204 on expectation of lower
miss tor guid, until thar arrival of 'the Mora.
visa, reporting the probability of a new loam.
when the quotation gave way, end after 6e1
they dropped nearly per cent., and closed
at &SI tte 61._ Fur Erie there have been
numerous inquiries, and prices have advanced
United States.
Sipt. 13. -The Ettirish copitaliats
arrived beim this sitternoon. 1 he citizens are
enterteinine thee' with a steamboat excursion
Oa Leke Mid mterouou and a banquet
d trail to -eight.
err lore, Sept. 19. -At dm meeting of
to.der 35 or 49 batiks were retire.
armed. A resolUtior to upeuint a Maritnittee
to wee what banks will join an organized
r emption was adopted, partic-
ular etre of re npliou-Wall discussed.
Milwaukee, Set) 1O.e-Flour dull aud 10e.
lower; whoot wow da sale. 30,000 'whit
at. tl to 81 34 're ights enehatiged.,
Receipts, 3,000 brim ; 69,000 bushels
svheat. Shipments, .00 br hour.
Washington, Sept. 10.--111 understood
that the Secretary cif State has utheially
informed by tbe Governor of Ve dust
the Came:Lau autherit es bare paid. the
beak' .1.84. Albans, M. that State, Cie,5 75
in gold, sad $3 0,01 in batik 111110., ptirti
tu au act of die Parliament, ots
account of the amount deposited with Miele
more than 1 por cent. ou the week. Illinois authorities aecto *be arrest Of the St. Albans' •
sharet, on the other hand, h•ave been offered
fur sale, mid although they exhibit no alters.
mien in price Coen luit week, the tune of the the Grand Icodge of Od.1-Felluwa to he pree
market, is nut stronger. Railroad bow*, are est 01 this great denioustration bore tu-stior-
quiet, but the Atlitutic and Great \Vestern meSt•
i11 demisted and advancing. The Paris Mimi- Nashville, Sept. 19. -An Investigation by
a board ot oiheers suou take pluce in this
tour is highly mati.11•-d •ith the imoitier
city relatiiie to the detachment sent Ly Gem
:which °IC P'-'741 4".1 i.'100' Eegl'"J ,,thoutekii to Alabatna in search Of sten), gni,
ed, the French fleet. The fiiendly relatimis ernmeut catte. When near Gaioarilie, the
het's-esti Evland arid France ate on pried in comelier! et Lieut. Tbouipaosi were
OlUtUal iiiterest, Aid iho uniformity uf their ' attacked by • sheriff, with a poems. of mete
principles „mutters of lichlie haw. They Alio chinned to be extitio under undela Lora
rivalled ;me another in Alisinterestedeels 16 flue. l'arsores, of .11abiama. 0110 of the
pruners the independence of the .letoman federal suldiers killu nud 49 of the
Empire ,• and when Frithee had freed Italy, . sliers:Ts men were ca..t.teed by our fortes.-
Eneland determined no longer to retain the The sheriffi whose name 011.1Daniel, 'together
Wands, mid coniu4sted to reetore theui 1.3 the swith a M6611 named Eckle, who killed the
nationalities. The %Mater Agri. federal, escaped.. A thorough ,investaistiou
cultureless! ailaressed a report to the t:veseror will be inade by Gee. Thane's nod Governer
mi (be cattle plague, and the Emperer him l'arsuirs. • . .
iSsUed dimree the int.roductiiin Fort Smith, Ark., Sept. 19. -The differ.
throa411 Fiance of catIM from , once* between the luyel and disloyal cruel. it
Eaglaud, er'llelgiein. 1rue:coley adjusted. The rebel delegates uf
the various tribes reprerientt.d have eigned
(By Teleg.sph tu leirekenlerry.)
with the euvernnenit Uote appended. claim
Llyeltve6I-; Sent. ill3. F. 01.•"-CwIten-Tho i ug nontorttiture or lundc, animities, etc.
filorrotkie.,r'swevCkire.utlaIrl:70.0rtt11.7,,stett,tieget211esits ii thwe.n.,,,in,.. tiro 6,,,i, 0.1,44.0o upper
New /York, Se,4 l()..-Iletweeo 12 and 1-
500 bales to speculators, °I'd 28':'" to 1'1'1 part of the Auserican\ P'en Mill No .5'''
.i is- • • i
The markid closed firmer but
sePutrertceerily. higher fir American. and i to / 1 South streetbetweee Dover and Peek StreeLS.
, , Before tne denies riould be checked the en.
Molter for either ii.aeriptions. The auttio,,r.
,,.I tire buildiug, a large live story Mack, with its
liriiiig‘td*-7).t,allsrli; aor:idfSiliiiig; 107pril0assIni1s, M.2-1:11nL, fillsa'uli enUi:Ottee'd";07f:e0446.10jt7lUI iWil 4dbui ITtlihtel 4 6:en cueplt:nrbuy-
It v.,e, 1;"1. The 1...1" 11., dlY 1Pridikp fr'' -Ach M roh:z, gruces and !ship chondier,. stool
eetimeted at t.ver 10,l1Utl boil., the titatNet the three uppor etOrice weir badly itijurein
cloeing quiet r:od toolosoo,o1. 1 he stoca. in. eud the 11,e, grew ly a.,Mig„d . by th„, ddu„ 1
• '• -4 " • 'n ' b.! t . ". ot water poured upon it by the tireuren. The
26,000 are Amerieun. The Matieliesur ,
loss cautiet talhilent of el 00,000 er $.50u, -
market is quiet. tii.day. Breadstuff. dull biet ; ouo.
steady, exceet corn, vehicle ii.elle,ier. PIO. I •
f he • T 'lines special dated Washington, 1
wi'iliww (P`iet and 11044. Lail 6n," '''I ''53' September l'th &gat -0'11M ausuuut el JOtt I
Lostios.Spt. Sth, eveidieg.-Ccaullselos• i Davis' uensure bivight. here in .charge ot a i
sel en to 90 for inota•y ; Ill. C., 7,1 to .79 ;
Erie, ;',11; I,. S. 5 2ies, ..-4. rno bullion
uiroi othe Bank et England bad decreued£107,-
Arrlial Of the .1ustralassam.
• New r‘dtc. Sept. 20.-Llbit Cunard, mail
sterner A iateriasion, which loft Liverpeol at
1 1 u clock (el the moining of :tte 9111, teed
Queeestoen on the eveldie, Of the 10th inst.,
arrived here at. 9 o'cleek tmnight. . only are entitled to vote under the laws and
The Et•int reached Liverpool early -on die tegulatiuns governing Ger service. Thie *null
morning of the.otho number distributed among the several Suites
the 9th.
Tim Chita arrived at Queetatown early on_ ,79101.1. nb, Q. 1‘,0 ninim lit of 4-111c611.1f1M1 1.
ho Co.% 1:,tiort4r initeitii.ces that the ilo. "It it soil that, the ex Confedernte Vice
venal:mut Lad ordered a wombed of gunboats- President Steeliens_, Low ceutined at Fort
and two 111 quetwar to be m.“n000d ott Nuot,,y azren, 11‘11/.. to he releiseed mid will eed,i
.my, :sod Whin' oh the Win Coimit 11 Georgia to compersite wIth ex Govertior
laclund. • &etre and Ula0r11 111 Ile reconstructive sad
ter us. IV. he no a passenger by do Ans. restormeei ot that State tO the t dm).
trot en. lie as eratient (Hie of the 6.11 fe.hofielef Ind in the city biat eta
meetings of the British Associatiou, and peas to leave fur Earupti.. about the Ist tf
cowle a bi-- opoioe. nt ine„o,„0,1 oetotter. Ile goes ostensibly ou of
feith ‘,1 toe -Arld44,e abvetieu, but Ere linpreatioll prevails dist he
treasury 4411rit ban Leen count4 in the
screr's drum and found to Cuinnsto f".7,000
go:d coat, t31,00t1 aitret coin, tuostiy I
ather-tutal value stightly over 8100,000."
Mesicau dollers (old ceiriage aud bisranot.1
A special te Herald nays: -.1 Tbe
whole number of negro troope mustered into
GM service since tbe commencement of the
war is rouud numbers 180,000. The deaths
and case:eines among theta greatly exceeded
the proportinn ainuui the, whites nod amount-
ed to over o0,000-60,000 a the remaining
130,090 lisee itr.ely been tudered to be mos
teted oat te the several departinenn and therm
ufile line next year. ts eltereed with soiue is,rt nuaiiion tisie.inse
New l'erk curreteemdent of the Doi', of the tort i governments."
•tits in strong colours the uoly I A specta?to the Tritiene dated Ws.shington
question Is misnillia.4 Airierieil. iltthsaysi-lien Roused of the Irceilumn'e
re, widow of Thug. Alini the , bureau intends to make a theyough eensonal
ierestigatiou into the tabors of Me freedmen
'atrie saes 1 monatnent is to of Virginia, and fur this purifies keves
ithin dey the.. Mors returning to
malt to commensti.rate the vis
thill;t1/11 he wa jourtny through C1 tla,
n at 60f. 40c. Sou ern Sutteolfor the 11:6100 purpose,
• matritoorlial allisece -stung % vibe 00141 recesitly
et Duke Aileta, son of discbargtel Irons the Union army, returned
he Princess Isabella, to their homes in Green counts. when del
were_ inforined that they would certainly tio
arsaasinated,. it they remained, by the cx
Confederate soldieis:
New Yoilt, Sept 20. -*The insurance on
e neg
poet, is de
The l'aris
beet at Porto
of the French
'rho Boum is
lt is ruinered th
has beeti formed bet
the Kin4 of Italy, an
daughter of 'tie Queen r sponi. Another
rumor poiner to the Prin Amadei; as heir
probable as'iand.
The Italian Chambers her disnolved:
P. is stated that Earl Russell \replied to the property destroyed by the great South itieet
vention, expresting satisfaction Ma the sold- cod d011ers.
Aunt' inn Cummunication to the ' tern COn- tire, exceeds cam mitlion three huialied thou.
13"a etriwed 111 fil only of et' Provisieetal add A slight aecident to the Algonquin again
transitory chieracter. `, awed a postponement ul the mai eel tio
Late a:cermet' from ConstantinoOle' I me Winuotki wolf 'equerries*.
the destruction of buildiros by the Stam out A telegram (rem Governor l'erry to Presi
glen t. Johnston, deted Columbia, S. C. 19th,
erre that the conventiou hese repealed the
erdinence of aecesaimi. The committee have
Aported in favor . of abolishing slavery
to 89i for money. The discount demand war, goons ,,,;',1 progoto„ed rriettors by the 1,00.
. 4 egnaliZill, representation, electing the Gov•
rattier more active, but still moderate. The pie, aid rosin.; rims woe in the legislature.
ate in the open merket for choicer bills wal f bac Mealtilla Vial all pus. liverytLing
sumenhat higher at ::1 to 4 per cent.
Assembly. 1 hat roma such honors were
not conferred on him is a great matter of
reproach to these who had it in their pow-
er to grant then.s-liornittoes Times.
Quenee, Sept. 20.
The Comin'asiuner of Public Works to-dey
decided to accept the tender of Craig & Val.
lime, cabinet maker'', ef this city,,10 pack
and transport the departrnenlal and Legate -
nye effects to Ottawa, for the rein of 815,
4400. 1 he contract was signed today. Th.
tenders ranged from 111 2,0u0 to 63 0,000, and
thorn were fourteen in number. A coop's
were lower than that accepted, but the sure-
• ties offered were not satisfactory. At this
late period of the sea .on, it would be under.
moue if contractors Otiled in their work. -
The remnral of the effects from Toroitto coot
over 620,000, and the material to be moved
now a greater than it was then. The CO1m.
fie/seiner of Public Works hu been instruct-
ed to direct the comatencetnent ot- the remo.
val of the Crown laid Department on the
25th insiant, of the Post tetra Department
on the 1st of October, and of the Fiance
Department of, the 9th October. The remo-
val of Ow other Departments will follow.-
Tbe Council and Secretary** Department
being anion; the last, Hon. Mr. Moreland
hnpes to be able to open the general Post
Office in Ottawa by till 1 5th October.
The maile to l'arry Sound,on the Georgian
flay, are now carried by • seeing viewed -
The nearer Wanbano commeme her
tore between Collingwood and Parry Sound
on the 1st October, end will then perform Me
Isere is burnoeious.
forced open the illebetr4 awl ',prop, hued 'he weekly ;moo r„soeno oboe; declaim 'rho Atea er Atlanto Iona New Orleans
the articles. Mr. Platt and his family went of X167,3 3 7 In the bullion, and via c.o.. nth pea erri
been known to the thieves, wlio would never Idrutiote., Septornber 11.-13readltuffs- JAM OV Va.111.t.11 AT MI FoAte-A
out at the tirue, wOi•h sheince must have ued to be withdrawn hem the ban .
have attempted seat a daring act at Ruch an The weather continued dry aid hot. ilarreet feeer iireetai
hour, if there was any danger of b.fing was nearly tompl.itod, raid the Englieli corn stip the Dotrott 'In lie: one ehii.h it would
caught. The seeond robbery MIA On MOii- markets generally were dull and lesser. Flour be difficult to Conjure eg_asywhere but ou our
duty night or yAterday morning, et the inactive at about late mtes. II beat -very "sot ;nem woo; WM witrivesod at and near
watehmaker's Mere Int Colborne etreet owned little doino and prices about 3.I per central St. Clair Fitts, ors Thuroiley. -Air the good
by )fr. 'fhoniest, Feraeher, where a heavy lower ea the week. Corn in fair demand, but steamer Forester. Gaptairi Robeitson, tam
gold cylieder escapement watch (I 1.40) wail at 6il per 490 tfet decline. Ileof firm but in•
taken out of the win tow, where it had beee wive. Pork ultra and meady, at fail prices.
left until called for by the Owner, who had Bacon in very light supply, importers bare
left it for repair. The shutters of the store of stock, andMealers,-generaloy obtain 6d w
are heavy and well fitatened, and how the I Id advance in reales.
thief had got in ix mystery. A Mr. James - .
Wake, residing on Dundee street, had hie Arm t Cetera ties Elerfoll.-The atten•
house enten-1, and a purse containing 616 *ion of commereial and Christian men is now
O 41.111071 from a bureau drawer, while a
gentlemen reelding near the Queen's wharf
had $7., or SA 0 taken from his bedroom. -
These me umpire ef whet are gning 011, snit
ere • strong wariiing tO heurieholdere anti
others to keep a bar on their pita, bolts nn
their doors and windows, and a she look-
out after thefr property generally.- •
Thanksgivlag Day.
Variowe statememit have heen mode WI 10
the day set apart for thanksgiving for the
abundant harveet with which Cued& has
hems blessed, some pewee* making it the
12th of October, some the 18th, and others
the 20th. 3 bit Gazette of Saturday officially
animences thn loth proximo to -be the day,
nf which fact all good cinema will take
notice.-(Hantilton Times.
WI. We are informed that Mr. Samuel
mail service. F. Jackson, of Seafortb, has just pained a
The 'reamer Hibernian had 108 cabin end
very creditable examiostiots at the Mill
312 steerage pamengers.
The etesinsr Daeseeeux, which arrived this tary School in Lerida, C.W.
pussiax up, she met forty nine velvets within -
the space of three miles iti tow dr eleven tags,
as follows :-The Tawas, with 4Weseels , the
Kate Williams, with 6 the 11.11. Jones, with
; the Dart, with 3,• tbe Bob Andeison,with
5 ; the 1•:meritld, witb 5 ; the Eagle, with ;
tbe T.D. bele, with 3; the John Martin,
with 5 ; the &Home, with 2 and the Miebi.
wouderfidly directed to the interior of A4rwa. j situ, with 6. Besides those in this emelt
The late Capt. Speke, the •African explorer, I compass, as shove tasted, • little leder down
f remedy spoke of a zone of astonishing fa were tu be seen the (i.N. finely, with tee
tility. he had discoared upon that continent, vessels, and t4e Prindiville, with S, and some
stretching in a line with the equator from !distance about the ti.its, the Small's., witb 7 .
east to west. Its altitude is between :1,000 I the Mayflower, • ith 5 end the 1.1'. Muter,
and 4,000 feet and in the vcry heart of the ! with 7. 1( in this nines 'fleeting " in.
country a greet MO011111111 group, whirl, are I chide the Forester, the Retedar, the North
the rain -bearers fel. fertilizing the countl ; ern Light, the tug .1.1.1. Smith (without • tow)
so that throilehout Ihe year there is an ear. !all of •hicn were passing die Flats at dm
•ge :tidy (6'1 of two to three inch** M rain. I time, and the schnriner A. Howes, at anchor,
The temperatuie, which is the same diving , ere have a "grand " aggregate of safety
the whole, it es mild as that of summer, and tune end twenty steam craft! Ahem
with the moature, heat, and rich toll, makes serenty of the mil craft had valuable °septet
the century se fertile as see in the world.- of grairo lumher, iron ore, ke., worth in the
tegin1611 in which he travelled. Arab mer• army than the alma haa no doubt been oc-
chants and others told him that there is no easionally witneseed diving the litre mentor.
able war, but the happier mid more grateful
mission of peace upon which the aboe..des.
critter! eremite' were bound, constituted the
real glory of the opactarle.
rhe climate is the moot health, of all the segregate, about It2,000,000. A grander
oleos so healthy RA the equatorial regiona.-- •
He espettielly urged the importance of send-
icg misainnariee to this region, es the people
ars eminently heathen, hut, having emanated
from *be Abyrwinian stock, have the germ of
Chrinienoy among them.
Toe coal teed@ has fallee off 1,201,4?3 toos
The Governor Geiser:al. Loraeuuto Scot.
Deitr bhgnat,-debtLe the liturgy ut tees-
peesiue au your columns if you eee tit to
tomtit in your velaable paper. 1 lett Clin-
ton on We 11111 inst. by tht morning tare
far Muctreni seder to j nu the camp 01
ntiVtary in-tturtion% I lied a ;deasiset
on the iron hdree, 'mired safe Hue
*reel citi the 1 3th hist at I 0 o'clock
Toere was about 300 cadets eats, down in
the eteuniboat trona 'fermata, „tt•ary haying litul
pretty hard timed, haviag to stead all the
time and uot ably thl get much to eat Or drink.
A census is twine tette uf the colored T11.11 w11 41'01.1 u'5u4s Ou'ing duly
people of Memphis, iirid euou.:11 beeu precented tioivci,cs to thp thioade udiee) a -e
velaped .10 show 1:.at the agoreeate number purchasing our nuremaries, match out plate.
Lori MOlielt leo0A'S Car ads uext Monday
fur Eugotud, heie he will retain* all whet
ter. The 11110641 that iu bie &sumo) Geri. j
So. Jul.rt Miehel will he admitiist rutOr of the
tioreruument. Gee. •Zlichol, •1.0 was pew, 1,
welded to the Cabinet uu Friday sill be swath
at Mautresi. •
Tag Negro Mlltentuto.
The followitia sneears u.s editorial 1
lirownItor'a Knoxv,Ils. of Aug. 23.
ILUitoka 1
of Weeks will overeeach tweety thousand. it 1 kiiire arid feek. sytoOn, enp, Devilled arid
cia,,eita,tide;rtailliztitejah tewitezty "fie: .1u'heihe b611.11.:. Lies,::buinzt bus,
e-owds rd. colored KAks, to lire In 'Renewal 10-1 by ib. -
noel oil retions furnished by' bout
IC"er"aw"I' iWith About 300 on board. We lot‘wd hP
wrong. It la doing, the blacks an injury that I de, pite. olf mehimmum,
atter a whets. All 'stirs of I"
e iiztort.i 11idge, mel arrived here at 4
depredation; are eommitted by' the bl
and arise between them ri the wh" u"` Ciend rwPtaiG Cafe"'
.gwaLlieteaet. a Ifriiwettandramutilabateg..arthliltauwedia stuo,eboniag,r,.e; 11.7.0',11,1,9101846:hbe.)::114,:i..)1wmt, awitiweboetV,001aw401
.-10 Lye i0 b,„„i".. obeyed by:alsout 22e eadete. Statile:vat
the .attention, we were theii numbered "if
10 men to a room, and timeliest off to tlic
store room, where we Wereeierved eta with
bed Leks mai pilluw casts • then there war •
rush tuude for the straw to fill the bede,whicb j
was emu Mole, and we' got everything lited
sweet to beet tor she first night barracks.
soo oot toot, ..olt onot 1
barracks,-ia all abdut one Illinois:Ind I
Weeseeto to get plenty of drill next weelc.1
This is rather • Isurren-looLitie place but '
we have is fine View tit the mighty river -St:
LaWinuce. Yours, :Ike..
ItOY Pe.em
shamefully demoralised, they shou'il she.
trileited upon abaudeueil aed ptit to.
worleto seppOrt ilteniselves. The have
tha to do in the end, eril the sooner s aro
taught 10 rely is:ans their own .eXertion4 lLe
better will he fiir thew ant Co s.seiety.
l'he!orthence of armed negro. troops, tau.
less strict discipline id observed, ill 'a grunt
evil, and serves to iestalize the whites -fuel.
ing that the mi:itary power is un the bide of
the troope, MOO uf the troop.* being ar-
rogant, and *ling that they are muted.
while thou there ineult and brow -beat are wi
armed.. '1'he National and Stabs authorities.'
are ultimutely to become very much exereised
upon the important subject or what re to he •
Geer, Sept. 19th, 1.,e63.
done with the. negioes Of die neced,d Suites.
It is certainly • question fur the Leoislatute To the E loot et the Itriton Ittox •
Tenneaseeto coesider. Out :-Perinit me to transmit through the
.Thie 6.0111 radiear 1;overnor of tlte State
co:thalweg of your journal a report of the
'renneowe doessiot bear me the repreAvie
11.11016S MA to die resent mod- by the radicals %.1.ebebe". Awwweiwtiww wt. 11."4 and .(ireY
which bold its tirst enseiing et AILIe2,111.1.
et the North.- flay City ..'isgnat.
the 16th The .mitsiber of Teachers
present was thirteeu. After the aleedienietit
The Clinton Show. e of Mr. Stenart tu the chair, Mr. Fergusem
Tile Exhibition of the elinton Agricultural was chosen l'resident c,f the .tisecintion.
Society took place ot Wedeeeday, tho Ile the" re'ad an tug'icHt e"*”.' 1") '"tjeui
;um. 11,0 will .bow 11,0 terve( wh,,i3c.th,:aser, eadni.imintiilonyir! coT4ncetierriti:I.:10.11:
of the enecesecal competitors :-
(,,,s1;$,..--Itest snail wookill;; fArill TforseS,
m tir mvon; boo br.i t1,111 •Nlr. on order ita
Mare 111 foal, T Miohaeh 2nd. Noe; hest
AbiPleYi best huLlef 11"r'e ill barn", JGbe ihnie;hvevithin'as:
Foal, Coelt ur rely, W Tuclitiurn, lel Jtim
.4:ineut *drools ,• ethernet for their
Ilattenhurre, '2 1
Str0n7; hegt 2 PI whi I auinsateri criticisin 1 rem • all preoent.
Filly, T MTMieheel. 2iid W•l'uckliiero; best
2 yrs old G l'eacock, It Patton; "'at 1414,",:deserthcie,c,r.enni
a speech from Mr. Berney, on the various
jet' Lyen, 2iid Salke'd; 6011. treta carriage `:al'aan'ea anduth 14ablY' and be°thee
eeveral teaceere :peke at tome length or..o‘no
best yearliag 1 illy, Jos Lyen, 2,4 II snell;
best yearling Cole Jaz Broalloot, 2iid Jobe
Coori to-11cot !flitch Cow in calf or heir.
inig had a calf in 1.65. 11 Snell, 2ud Wm
Elwood; beet vearlitio 'trifler, 11 Suell. No.
' five or .firae CatIle-bem snitch Cow W
F'dwood, 2oil A Elcoat; best 2 yrs old Heifer,
/I Sere, 2nd .1 Tenney; best yearling Heifer,
1 II Seelloind 1 Rattenburer best yoke work.
1 in. Oxen, A McAllister, 2fel P MeTarisbo
beit yoke 3 yrs Mil Steers, D Stacker; bait
yoke 2 yrs do do, 11 Moron/.
Stfintr-Inicetter and their Reales-Beet
Rein, C jr; best she,eling Rem. C Dale
jr, 2:e1 d Taylor; beet ram Lamb, Snell.
2nd 11 Snell; best.pr Ewee. H Snell, 2:11 If
Seel:: best pr shearling Ewes, 11 Snell, 2.4 :flay, we are 3;1, that every eiector dn. ,
W J Itigeies; be.t pi ewe Lender, 11 Snell, large conentienicy thet rend' it will he protid
.2nd II Snell. Colincolda and thtir grades of tueir tuember. Wis thoroughly nova with
-Rest Nam. 11 Snell, 2nd C Dale. weir; beitt lion that die goveruuenit hes reasodoed too
:shear:nig Mane .1 itoutlicombe, 2nd J Putter; long pude,. to the ittertial iutereets et the
beet rant la h. 11 Snell. 2nd Sontlicember
country.1 But. Sir, if the Fire Ilowestende
Unrighteous gain hae destrojed millions
bet bu near slide nee mu permanently
prceptroas Led happy.
the 1110,11.14 terntinated. It will comma*,
again ou the second Satunlay of 1Jecelther.
• Sec'y.
To tbe &Mot of tbie Beaux SioAll61.1
yourlast issue I noticed speech
of the lion. Donald McDonald that really
astemished me to hear a marl 001111.14 OUt with
such a speech, thot was denounced from the
hustinxs u 'selfish speenlator. I run rather
afraid that he has crept tato Jande's broths,
so' Jamie's tittle the hilto. Ilia. he that as it
best pr Eweo, 2rel do do: hrtt Pair was to become law, will our member of the
ebe"beg W HiZeine3 be" Pr es" Lower.11eue not have 10 dismount tioto
Lambs, 11 briel., t'i J
FAT ("mem -Best fat Con, Heifer, Os
or Steer,' (Vitale. seta, 2m1 de do: beet pair
1,ores, Wetbers or Shearlings, If Snell, 2nil
1 3luggeralge.
Sine r -lieu herd of 4 Raft or mitre of any
breed, W J 2n.1 A MeAllister; best
Sotielarg, breed,W .1 ltiggitis,:bid A McAllis.
Seribest Sow, small- breed, .1 Shipley. 2nd -
.floo Srell; boot Sow having litterAl in 1865,
W Iliggoss, 211.1J Tenney.
Dater Pnoiirer.-derit Ibt Salt Batter,
,1 'tizzies, 2nd Robt ; ben 5 the
Fresh Hurter. W J Higeins, 2iid Wm Wise.,
bat 2116e itheese, John McMillan, 2ncl Win
Jenkins. • 0
Pot I.TitT.--itest pair ef Turkeys, Aleenn.
der Giant ; brat Barnyard Pow's, Thus
Cooper. feel W J Hitting ; beet pair iflun•
tam., Thus Cooper, 2,e1 Walter Cook ; best
pair Heeee, C Dale. ben, In4 Henry Charlme•
worth ; bat pair peeks, C *hie, min, 2nd W
J Biggins ; best pair Pen Fowl., Nlaiwni.
Inereatidere.- Item Lumber Wagon. iron
retie, .1 Smith, 2ent Alex Taylor ; hest lrue
Plough, Joint Gray. 211:1 11 Merman bast
Wooden Plmioh, It Itniteimen. 2nd 11
man ; hest DOM, A faylor, 2iiii Rembee;
best Cultivator, It Iturwitimn.
lf,otrs, tAADANTnobuct,--.11est 2
hushels Fall Wheet, H Murphy, 2nd Joints
Gibbinge; best 3 bushels Spring Wheat, Jai
I laviderm, gief Jies Salkeld ; hell 2 bushels
oats. Jno Salkeld. 2nd Wm Herbison ; be.st
2 leiehels ifwelev,.; Elenet,2nd Ether inoton,
bei‘t 2 ',Liebe!. Peas, 'Deis Cooper, 2iel John
McQueen ; best bushel of P01.1110141, J South.
ennilse, gnt1 James Davidson ; hest bitehel
Field Carrots. 1' Pickerel, 2,4 .1 Sew heranhel
beet cloven Ganieit corcoo, Piekaril, 2nd
W J Borgia,' ; belt dozer Partitive, George
Snell, Tit,' Thoo Cooper ; brit &Wen Onions,
Thom NIti4.`eriddr, 2nil 11 hoe Cooper ; beet
dee Beehe C Searle. 2n4 Thet l'ickard ;
I hest dos Cabbape, Jeuph WhItehtetd. gad
W C searle ; hest Turret -is .1 Salkeld,
2nd George Snell ; bent dPZ Maugei W011. -
fel, Michael McGuire, 2m1 Jno %Ned ; best
doe ears of Corn, George Snell, 2nd Themes
(limper ; best dna Toinamea, li M Foot.
2nd Joseph Whitehead ; West entleciien of
Applem-ten varitime-not less than five of
each, Wm Mason, 2eil f Picked ; MrKel.
canX l'eme, 11 Snell I dot Dwarf ['ear Trees;
I beet enllection other fruit, J fleeter, 2nd W
Domenic kr Aver sr -runes Stott Lome'
W. -WK. -Rem ten yes Fulled Cloth, William
1 Iferbieon, 2nd Wm Millongell ; beet 10 yds
Flinnel, all wool, Wm Jenkins, 2.01 T 11
Foster ; best pew woolen Blonlime,
1 2nd A {Innen ; best peir woolen Sock A
; beet pair woolen Stoehmes. I.
hinder ; beet pair woolen Mittene T rekard;
hest specimens etnehet work, Mrs Rosa, 2nd
Chu Spooner beet Quilt in crochet work,
Miss Mcluire ; beet Qiiilt Petehwork,Mras
; beet Ornamented Needlework, T
2orl Fanny Ratteriltury ; best
Embroidem in Worsted, W SoArle ;
best Fancy Knitting. Henry Murphy, 2nd T
; twat tientlennan'll Shirt, R Cal-
lender, 2od Mre Snootier ; hest pair of dee
1400111, Jithri Steep ; heat pair Cowie Poeta
Jahn Steep , heat Sett Doable Herrman 14
Lee ; beat Sett Sinole Pane Hernsea, R Les
hilt assortment nf ("oozier's work, David
Daimon I horn Pram, John Arne Ind Darnel
; bat assortment of Cabinet Maker's
woe*, eat lesii thee 3 difersat artleIrre, If
bobby bor.: (Lobby 1.1111t1 .‘,.10111) and mount
the Porte' llay nrain that be hes been
patenting so eurees.fully ot1 110111y. •
Seaforth, Sept. 19, lee 5.
icon $ignal.
OODERICH, SEPT. 28, 1866.
The London Exhibition.
1:alltortal Correspondence.
1,r Ay No I home On 3Ionday afternootn
the 18th inst., I contrived, by stopping all
night at . Stratford and travelling by an
awful'y slow train twit moreing, to reack
London 'on Tuesday nt 12:30. The first
rush, of course, was fur lo4ings, end by
good luck, or, pillage, because I was in
the train of a live Mayor, 1 contrived hi
htrre myself looked the sixth in room
tbe Tecumseth Ilotel,lordinarily inten-
ded for only two persons. The crowd in
the city on Tuesday afternoon e1111 large,
and it was amusing (au/Toeing the
unused to be provided for) to stand and
watch the eager aprcants far bedrooms,
nearly all of whom were turned away to
provide for themselves as they best could.
Tlic city is bent upon prndting by the
Exhibition to the last cent, and bane,:
stores hero laid in full stocks, hutel Ic;pp-
en; have availed themselves of every inch
of sleeping room, fruitavenders are tetab
lished in booths wherever you turn, and
Ilambilg winks at the groat public from
hundreds of side-shows. Oar old Ito-
rptaintence 1Rarry Leslie is here walking
the rope in a big board enclosure, and
making money, we are told, by thoee
foolish enough to patronise him. . There
ars also b* women and litdo dwarfs to bo
aeon for Wets per head, and sures of
raseally.lookin7 orators ttre bailing front
morning till night with* view to inducinw
the simple to witness their wonders, not
the least of which le a woman :100 years
old. 0. Tuesday afternoon, @trued with
s complimentary ticket, 1 visited the
show gronnris and crystal palace, as it is
termed. Tile emends, whirl ere situated
neer the herel nf street, are
spacious and the arrangements for ex-
hibiting Monk, iraphaanta, he, are eery
good. Theme ;rewinds which embrao
_ •
a high game, and gateway+ am out out
fur tbe admiasion el visitor, on peousesse
of :he iuevitable emitter. The Exhibition
which hos bets considerably
improved, is octagonal in Asps, and has
besides a ground area of upwards uf tl4,-
0011 feet, ar gallery is Lich rums completely
around the iimide, thus durding ample
f!1OUI fur the dieplay of :attain iu the fiuo
Wes To Milli up the impressions foru..1
tu.luy nand after a pretty thorough es -
atuiuhtion of the article* shuwii, and hear•
iug the clailaietie of unupetaut judges, I
should stay that as regards wautithetureo,
arts, ite., the Exhibitiou is the bait that
has bton bold ha the Pruritus., but th,,
mutat in stock aud kindred di.parlaucnta
are by no ineaMt no numerous 8i usttai.
Taken as a whole, however it lee glorious
displey uf the produote of our country
and the meedanitsd skill of it* lath/stria!
dames. There are in all about 7000
entritat, so that I must be ptirdoned if I
fail to give a particular aoeount every.
thing that is worthy or ooiko.
phasing to notice that our noble linnet Li
wull represanted iu almost every siepart•
cuutit, and in wy rstuLlue through the Pal-
ace and grounds I made it a point to
note down utielot front the isectiou
which 1 felt most totems'. There are
21 entries for the best '23 bushels fa11
wheat, apd Jou. IVad4,ro of Exeter• is one
uf the competitors. Of white winter
wh:at there are 59 entries, four of the
competitors being from Huron, namely,
Witliain acid 11'.. Elliott of Goderielt
towtiabip, John St:fiord, of Port 'Elgin,
and Johu Wedge, of Exeter. lanes Salk-
eld, vf Goderich towitship, exhibits souie
tine, life spring. wheat. In red whiter
wheat there are 24 entriin, but aone trout
llurou ur Bruce. Of 23 satuples of club
ePring wheat four are shove by J. 11'.
Elliott, IViu. Elliott, Jno. Salkeld, of
hlederich, and P. Carrot of Whores. The
lett nomad gentleman exhibits 2 bushels
of excellent peas. Mr. h. Iluster, or
Usborne, enters a pair of l'ea fowls, awl
Jas. llouden of flay a lino aged Taieceter
rain. J. W. and 11'ut. Elliott show 'radio
euru. Mr. Rtmeituait makes • tlue
iday of ',toughs, cultivators, /to., and I mu
glad to see that they are uot ouly admit-
cil but awarded a share of prise* un I
purchased in some instance& Mr. Julie
Grey of Egmoodvills. shows • lot of hi.:
excellent ph .4411s, and Mr. Ktrkbride
on 4and with a very Seely sgot up article
of his mattufacture. Io this departuieut
there are few Counties ahead of Huron.
Mr. Carrol is ore of 5 competitors ha the
ex yuko and bow line. The fruit' sent
down by the County of floret Agricul-
tura' Society, in charge of the Secretary,
.Mr. Truculan, although too late for4
regular eutry, is well displayed tad makes
a most creditable appearance, and is mud&
admired by visitors. In fact I think
there is nothing hero to beat it. The
plum.. from the gardens of Mesars. Johie.
sten, Ross, 11'. '1', thx, Jno. Stewart,
are the law herit by 1111 odds, and Mr. Cux
is vain enough to think that jedgcs and
puldie !give pixie the palm. Mr. J no.
Stewart hoe • line collection of apples,
pear., peaches, etc., and the lots ft.,iti
.other Goderielt po.:ople are certainly too,t
creditable to the Cousty. It is a good
idea to ahuw this l'revinee hi this way
what we can do, and it is desirelde that
iu future extra exertious ahould be put
forth. As usual, Ur. ereestrello of 11m-
parhey exhibits several of his: elianoin4
picture...v. I do net profess to be an art
critic, uor am pnjudteed, but really it is
impossible to compare hie life -blue emo-
tions with the good, fair, mediocre, owl
in ionic Castes trgall productions by which
they are surrounded without srrivirk.; at
the conclusion that the County or Huron
C4Il boa,t of une f tha best painters in
Coned', inert the beet. 11 is water eol. fr
picture of Quebec as seen from the meter
aheolutely charniing, while • view of
Heno3lillor, a gtoup 4,f sheep, and a land-
scape in oil pointer uierit of no ordinary
The plonghing match eima off on
Tuesday ufteruoon on a form three or
four miles out of the city. There were
81 entries of men end 47 of boya. The
Huron'tnen entering., Weft Alex. Monteith
ltodgcrrilleolanics l'aterson do, Stew -
test Ward, (Jodi -rich, Jno. Andersim, Stan -
Icy, and Wm. Chesney of Egniondville. -
The match was held in several gelds, and,
am tall, for I respectfully dentinal an
invitation to it, was badly matiaged. The
eault is not made public yet.
To -day (Wednealay) there is a perfeet
jam. On the etrects, tho hotels, on
lb.:grounds-wherever yea look, to go is
out or the question, them is a perfeet
of humanity. IAA, for me that I went
into the ,building this morning before
breakfast to ankh my hurried notsta, for
ee write it is crowded to suffocation,And
it is simply impowible to get a gond look
at anything. %Viva half the people and
their wi ;es and mother-in.laws ciente here
for goodness alone fhey can see
hot little and are forcod to put up with
all manner or irk:ow:enigma., but there
Ate WhO must have it to say that
they were st the exhibition, and more who
like to have toe orneding and Jostling to
talk about. .k largo number ot gothrtat
people are hon., and if 1 strolii its an I lie
moment towards Rama' • ,gt Sem Dutton a
Drente. an area of about :25 acres, *.rt, ordosed Ity I I Jut pure to meet oeme faruilisz rocs.