HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-9-21, Page 1I
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"P - N... - - - -- . --.._..— __--.•--__ _ - _- -_ ,- Ths aret►te-t -
Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number.!.
W• T. CO%, Editor and Proprietor.] ' " .
- -
♦ _ ( rUDEItI - C 1V 'fIIUItSDAI', Ir'PT. 'l1, 1865.
=1.501 I,Et ANN. IN ADVANCE# \ - I
RIFLES 1 HO1 GUNU Iulpurt'tel 4 of Lhe i•amilj Prolirlcial Parlia lrllt Although a rewl has brew enable'! to .rota l.ealle tar• for AIdIMIi• Aools, W Gerrond; belt collection of hcmw
• y ) \ewspttper to Canada, 1 1 thelxthmu+n(5uez,wefuarthatthi•traval -- , made articles fro; cans, house, l.urrie, Me
$uemteS ttrtctorn.iustlicstt I;1irr[torn• 1•t9T0)rll,fcc.. c. — ulru,iuerriugsktl Is but tempoury, and 1'Iunt..Seot.lU,latS.' I>,4"gul: l'o.2nd R Ludswroagb; hNs(
....-_--_. igc . _. --
- _- __ _ __ In tfiir country, where m„ney lives k r” __` lluuLac St•! 1:. flat tbt Irb•,rtl ,if Iter cnnit cies,. of rhlrb Ji. Tu (Ae F•Jifnr c/ foe (Hamdfon) Ereninr Me of };mbn idrrv, '1' Mc lichsel, :Bill T.
s---_-._ _ - .. - I,e+xr t i4 1Lr rurr,!rllc Irl rca,•nlattve. rill Times: hl'•11 killed; best Ili aro lull.d Vlulh, Jamrg
lrnler 1►t•Itae, ' ---" bcurce, Iwuksellan few, and Ligber rduc,aiun I.x611114 no (•or*""', I
Brf f h American Assurance Co. dltliruli w *ruin, for fumii) uewspapNr has Thw S(erkrr took,he chair:,,3 u'CI k. ultimutel)' I n -vs, +A IILit'er4 n: till,+. of the I $1Y -t deem it mj Jun to acgnPlnt jus N'rlueJ. 2"1 J Crmrron, best IU yN FIauI.gai
t a 4 OI{t>fL\111)F.IC .AIN 1) CI)MMI SION hail ver much to d with the education of
1 Thu tulbr'ing bila were r:rd r thii - Egyptiafa Kings, Necltn and Vt-,!emy. ']'lie I fLr public wttla • disgfee• fill ba"Imeelo s mill dressed, Andw \lurdie; brat 10 yen F'Ian-
F I R E sir MARINE. Flrnh•a1, I rvsar sun, U. W. \ms,{ art \ +.ars( Y y same causes which choke) u the former "of under"", J W Kilian: treat IU yrs (',at
AaeoOnlar, dlr,•Isd. 1i11i1 arY of am kmJ s,1• ' ,4 the p,Cuplr, rnJ we terve been axaureJ by I and pa,urJ i' that Iuuk plass in I4r;Lc7d, C. \V., ufa Fndry `
JOHN ESSON A[e•t ruauedto kuu wNl receive prompt .ur,,,.:m, missicnanra and aget'ta of societies who hares ( •fo facilitate the u•pnretion of fluron a A I m'a+t equally opurare to ILe J:'strueU.'u of »Itrrnu,m, rpt. P,' whew i was rm,;vged to tun tarp F'laanel, R 5cnn, ' Id do do: best
hayfield. ('. W., April 16, 1865. wll won-IctO.. I Y , ffiuce, *fail to a o tint Walkerton the count the lanes,'. If the isthnua wild corupued of walk lite rope by a mannlittee. \blah jour pair wallen Sutekints, R Scott, 2nd do do;
-- -- --- - --- ' L-uvellad rxlensirt•ly aver {hr Cuuntr and I i M r
—q— Ili ve had Occasion to vlail v u man) f-nuhw, toy r) Jf Itruce-ll,m. Mr. Uacpbrn'o,, *.Leer soil, *Leal coul'nndrd nn ruhcr vide r I p,,.miasiun, 1 will relate the elremu.ttwces an'; N•tlt pair of Nitlras, It Scot, 2nd J0 A,
B0 7LIAL,4 FOR SALE • tlwt they tuuud mail)• of lbusn who had bd•ru Tn rnuud tile Acl iucnrpx,nnwtthe liiingc rolling ns, • rote::) far xu,J,•r*rely sands, bA .they arwuhy uceurmJ, end wFre wivap,Mcwl fed l'w Kleeleb mill Jrraed, A VrnF:.:
JOHN BRETT, .t,.l, varus,) u , with rile lel , .,f a nod fxmil tum, than the work ns, evtti";; it Through I , mond, red A rats,roh Iwst cies, klankets s,1,.
y I I R y Of litch,•II-ll,m. Mr. Mvisougull, by ahnut ,I.tpoo p.•a,,r!e who tel were afraid to i
'ren, Sher[ -iron, Solt (lltlpfr Smtth, Insllranee Ce m Il newspup•r as well n+rtrtned sod as intelligent In ref:leneo t" the ,IIn"Iibcation ufil"tiecs I Leu once tnmp!elad would [rave little far i grub et A1rou,er in alit IafaJ• I was McNaJ, P Rrmwy, Inst anti [luras Aboss, I)
p MADE TO ORDER :'4 t apy had paaaed through a high sehoul• o(the Tuan -Sir N. l' • lk•Ilrru. n thing mon: h, bo done by lhoA• who anter• at the place at the appointed time. It llcNrugbtun,
E G M O N D Y I L L E , C . W . y 1 le Coln nal presented by families who took Fur uboli•1 ing the punishment fat death in to k the tank ill' olw•uung • mmmw,ieatun M• had lu•rn raimiug hart ell Jat-the win) alar ry ,, ,;liars, w Ins, u, .'■ 141-.,
V. FIRE AND LIFE. fan uatruttivt, ra,. r was. however, eery errtaiu castes -Sir N. I•'. Belleau. les, n the Mediterranean uid Indian Ocean, I wad blowing a perfect Rale -thus making the S(a,-VI'uu:d uu Le xu lsicJ v (o ins. t
Dtoves, Cii1tivators, &c., for Sale• r ' T w»rked, alfd that fa„1 n1Jy it, iutchigence, but 'fo umeod the huolveut Act of 1x64- Itut uchia, umbra:uwt:ly, nal til= cea . 'rliu walking a raavpe, 100 feet high mud 600 feet' y
xatprtllnlJ Done at Short Nofioo. CAPITAL --TWO MILLION DOLLARS. J/ VI i HI 11 cleanlioes,l lied lillemlity. lion. Mr. Vompbell. isth 'A is entirely tulupnae.1 of •lease send• I long, acrors Y river, a very dankerous •drir. the •fulluring mauilertu to Ilio people of ,
A person who baa utien to lodge with fat• The House then adjourned till half -past and n its nortl,r:n site especially u Trwhtnl I The hour arrived• and i "do my appearauee Goderieh in your worthy columns : Thar,
Upp)osite the >l:,rLet. mon, will uecuzimeally find a room with a I by aha water, whieh in m;,ey plated •Carvel) I un the ropie. While un the robe, even who I wht-ress by three yam's' sore trials I find ,but
Acrumu(ated Funds,ro / und,$S,OOu,u0o,1 seven.
mart)' amrll, imdfcaung alt", It i. • alnogxr 1.YGI.LATIrw APtl tr Ml.l'. Cnyrn Ir tuuatsmlt•.hthing L.wkA which rrrn Lo:JinR my guy ages* tl iad Iu +hake me I pour nm•utal ,IxM,ren meet with no wlacn m
UTLANDHOTEL, GODEBICfl renni i 1 Jona on moat I's, the grcrt puritie,x, air avid sui:dhi e. be Thw Speaker look the choir u( :l o'clock. hFe to i Ft the current ill' Vile Nile, end I off. hhe awn rete a•hwuged, slid r uuw art this town ; sad, therefore, I do unbesltatiDOY
Annual Income Lzceed I . 2 SQU,000. tS- All lsma* or r 1 g
t 3 1 "'' is gr prcaaed will coif the must offi•uutro I Th;A dacrno0o the l ummlttre on Pnvtegrs m'at'" of ,e Medlte,•raneno. That a c anal. I wren• put uu, W+•1 1 attempted it toe second assert Ihr fact, that Perpetual Motio % with
HUAKER, PdOPRIF:TOIC. THF. rkus„nable terms. wiCA awb R I slid Elections; to whose had been referred eooltl be t rcr"ss file isthmus nO man rtes, umr. wttru a Lew le' w cle, metes, w wou1J I ate the ether motions I have mrent.d and
E• •bur b mesal ldra•anur .noted bre au 13F, Insor..- en,'. red at the LOW.1737 Guderich, August tri 18G4. sw94 r)w l that bas "ret beau ved cl out
qq Io t mid rigid fur a lung lime, rod the bed clothes the rcyurt ofthe St. Ilv:Ici:,tLu'!'aactiun Coln• Joubmd, Lu flirt t Ouu:J Lt, kept apo+ f •r all,Lrr lieu a mail k1:1rJ llama *mulls tlwm, I Jiaenvgarrd, are nor un drir wry for the ndty
estrreau IfOlhet kith, urerlax,kem the Har t RAT/iN ceu•I•trnI will, -10 Y. arc e, DLII udrosire. It u, tuwever of bo vows the aLie,h uud tai»t rx- I.h•xIk tier gu, ngsA the uettn,d rim••. It r'xa of Loldon direct; there, rlw, that craws)
and Lak< Harua;-f'I•IIi orvitarJ•, Oardr,l• and - _._. .. __- --__ p ,y mittee. reported that tl,e proret-d,nga before $av+ :utile pit
and Wilks atWe►ad. nuarJ 1 rda .goal• ua: to puu+t out w a family popes, thele i:our- that 1'mnmitre dselonrJ t•rrf.ul Iscta, show• , Iwtnrnced rn;,'nrere bane slwnas Jru l hunt raining tele Ewa! alt. the lime 1 wit un the i will rte delivered, which was announced to Io
,a Lite lessrseee—Ale le Securit • i - Y •t elle. F,I.a,h• weixe th*t 1 could not ken p I delivemd in the town of Goderieh w the tint
llewlwr tleds.tS'eeats_ _ = i11ulU•Iv _ p '. ISAAC R E D R I C K liner of file Lars of health. Such families ,inks, that sundry pnrU,•n Imd pom"tu:d breached » not men . thluu h Len ally Ir
take no pu,,er at all, or if they do it• is some of the ('uirupl I'm -tic's ret E'lectiyna..Art, Mu been il,u1,d eo vuly t” cul a passage, say 10,4"1„ much !upger, I. sat do -'u and went ,of Auagusl last• -if 1 find the people of Line.
LAtON BONIIN AND xATIES 1.nw•HN THAN ' ';• .•aIItOQL•' Irivol"u. afror, with little far nothing good far avid tile) re dwiff"ndr" lLnt the dteutiJn ill but thrnngh elle I tawl-:"'N whish fit n call- alrruu It "short perforulrace, as I saw that don ht all courteous. 1, Therefore, bone the
momr ZN6L1tlN (AFFIVE.S. , instructive ill it. the law o ice,, of the Crean be called to the sideruble aliman o b,und the ocell ern Alum. the al,unkee crowd weh civl••rtpineJ to cul people of Godench will ser tar counts of
1 OTICEt ITSCHES OL•D STAND• aken a ood view of '"sntutilr• 1,,,al 110 embark til" tier er may bre c"nl{nUaively , to rue mud let me down. 1 strapped my that a.l evisd with their eyes, if tb will not
HOT L - to . N A caudlJ termer Ibo tens 1 R r,idenrp.with t I r J I
• Losses Promptiv Settled Without family newsp.per, which ei.ves at the acme p,"rredings agamat the pal ties sit c1ar;;eJ. ray ; but to emlau ' uni later. ns,, , ",b«r' ale to Nm to Ne and cliu,t»d,aLure, tw it m hear it with their ones, and be pruhted there.
OTTN 1)ONOGH tisk,* this means of in Y
r f Directors ` v' es fame naw.;, meeker., and u,ricuit ural iulor- Hon, .1. . )lac•LnralJ pr•►eutall a report ,words, to keep'{he c ufanel grlrur, is Mn•eeJ ia,!.ia;;u lied went W Iles hotel, 1 Led "rel)' br, -serer mane W dtspiu• the bombe rQuH!
J farming the public that he hes enton•d Reference. to a Board o iurtiun, will eckuowlyd r :haF, hrxidesnll the to be an inn tssitility. It hm• been xaid that
into the Hotel business in the stand funuerly CHARLES FLETCHER, N from the• Libnn C.mnuttee. 7 he ('ummit• I t" changed my' dutheA, which were ret thruu_h, fat a pour indu.+triuw menlat Iabumq Fleouw
• -- k ple*.we end intaltet•lual W+J mural profit de• 'lee retorted that rrI'nngen,cnb (far the rr• I Eng1WlJin jerluua ant u+piCioux fat {he pant ! a Len a Lark muu!der .d tont place rnten•d hr snout IYMrr rlao mannallr.
known M the Fultuu !louse• wbe•r« he will ,4z -_-" , , tel,en b Fsauce in this n:1t u.,dtrrt.tku,,.- - d
tamers rOt' 'a r rived [ruin its perusal by himseki'und family,'. moral uCtbe library Ilam Qu••Mc l , UUar y my nom whi g, any per sutiafactrun gold im TMer "Ret) lie11, " wbo wove OhNit ass,
bbe happy to n ceira uIJ hienda ant Cus Goderieh. Ntay. 1564. - wtb lit- rax M•m•litted to fes marc {hien tLo whale 1 u'a araaTr botwern the \!cdnru,ulrlul tile not tinnLiu my I rrr,nnrncc. '1 1uIJ h!m their wish.' to h.lp wbun I would help au -
_r' had he.•u gone, mto. 'lite. remuwl would hr p
Ouiericll, June 6th' 10465. w 1:' .l "- "' and the If•d • it Is s*, a ed, wuu1J 1 rill: t ,i w
--- _ _... _. _,. _ _ -_- _..__ 's _ '•-'-' coat of t, by tM impruvemuuta that it sit;;• rl:i•cicJ by the l)yronmrat of l'l,,blic N'orkx, 0. he erns a Lc 1 d!d uute audwJrrcd Lim to I self," ten now here an wxcwllent oppottowly
+ - --- . -- --.- - Rested, and the Olk,rmution concerning mar• ! under the sulenmrnda•nce of the lihaarian, I our Varian j n*,•x.,nns lit" law b. I valet'. Irrve any wueu, isl,ich, alter • few thlvals, 1 fat diaplaying their generosity to s• needy
_% A T 8 8 O T L,. r. WATCHMAKER A JEWELER kcl p1 ieex, ac., which it e,nevrc.-11• end thrp meldneleldeal that he be uuthurized'I "till h,•ncr wr J,saad the u Bich tett I'uwer Le Jd. .Ut e w .halt lin,« 1 rulered the Ler gamily lila will remain in Godnrich •few
W RO X E T E R _ Nertll Crltlf4h *Leal 31e: eaotfle; Afad t there the head. of tanv'ies in Can• to em I v ass,ntanct- midiiiunal to his plrseut , mitkt be rnmblyd to 10 «fat coed between ntum lit retrrah uiy.elf, when, to my aorpruN•;. days,
.1 WEST ST.. GODEitICII, 7t' l"'• the tausrne. Tile rI.. 1 o laid cu" ectul '
a utwced ra Ile• linvrl Hnr.l rumunt I'rum IIIBurd II(Y Co„ ulu wLn lake no fumty pn,,rt, wa of rhnm slat? to puck up Ihr bwrko. Y J ' lin arca-ted ills .Rain, but'Iinally wraquellOd. 1(Oat ;rely vaars,
19r.f.,n► ;uu,nampl.ne, n„r ,,,dr 1,•„Ili a Next dour lti'est of 111. Stott: Saddl:r' would Jlmbtf sA helcafter greatly ubdiged Un m,.tiun of lion. J. S. Macdoald, %ho lips bee” set freain!,,, y uud , ulpwluly dr 1xi,viu;: the rtn»ieder my Laminas to bit 1V11.hIAN OAKLEY.
wbe,e,tlrad.od,r w -'o-, ■OJ ■., our Inv, Glee n 1vlr. li.,rd. "'• I.uw Ch.ntN'.. I to ma nei,6buur who would enuu.le 114CIII ”. Ino it. ltrd, !Mal rt vi ri.. 1. es a u1 lu refer
•t.,x t" cul, clef» far 7 1 mI'ort waxaduprJ. 1 k ..•tiled by illy raedt, S,S. Sim er, I prureed• Pnrl. of Prac. Phos:
1 N K RY tJ take oue.-[Vonue'd lrvinesa I Mty. Gen. MACAonald ,intrwiumd a Li:!, to It. It i+ unns•ce.aar))• to wr th t !,far Cw'n eJ lit file stable t" b„tr .lay hursie hitched up and Phanobnphy.
moa Walkerton Southam ton, JOHN 11.0.1 ,A. , Jr.. I WATCHES,• CLOGS AND JEWEL I fa tiler ta.mred foe .►et teA;,ecung ties Itlui. ,rMl,t .id+ In,La •wtitL is immel», wuu1J la !„r Iny;,•arm•y, wh,rh esus ii, ml,eA, to SI•a• Guderith, Sept. 7th, 1Ns5.
Bel r , I P '”`
,• n,a w+.lsnA •,,,.nun,,. i AmC-;- • RITIA I, calN +AUNT NU71cli. Lassa laolt11djuss• I ticant vuluntmtr fu+ces, lice expiui"-•d that vastly fai'i';taied br mean. of a a'. pna,s,e tu!ih, wIlan 1 .as racenl.1ed for tLe third time
„.vvypiacein th.1,heist 1 G,slerch.(NquLer 13.1st3. owlf•lyr I
tsar .saes* u lee v PrdL,u amlat sr.I clan 'the bill made one ns, lou wmrndwcutr iu 16e.I tiln,uRl: the islhnu.<,nuJ ,Fat the ten a of our .by thio Armee men. 11e caught ms, Le the rrusnlem begins to put nn the app*ar
a - In the best -St le & Warranted. J
.n• kdely un all rr.rwrl.. -- - - -" y 1'arinua era-sum,dines, meals hp the new mills, cif bafiu(int, and Letter pl uviaiuu fur h+da:an p,sxes,.u0is would be Imm••n •Iy im i throat ails) Lit um twice, ant lit Jr!i•nd my' nncud lite of w mwlr res city, without losing
'I at,..a*,-•,Da-e T...1e Ildrgru(dl t'UIYprNl,y 14+ 1'.11}(1111,11, Irl prepare• a cam,! o!fFiastruction. i em11N'd by taw C,:u.equcnt a,`pinxllalal,,ll Orf sl -Il I Stanek Lion VII the l"wi with lay 111111 her ancient landmarks. Alnericon and. ling -
ICE ALWAYS ON HAND T -H E COLONIAL ta*Id c PU1MA le w'r11 . N`ntrhs•s, unn for latiug the .luwmt, xubmariuo Cable IIti". p1. Galt mused concurrence in the ;IL's Euro!-tn mluke,A. Th, a1• +,d., ions which d had i% my hand al the liar, said lash hotels. French barber .hop» sod italirtd
1'1.1111+ ' i- 'sorb. c K e.. lus mut"mer, rev.:[ file 140owing result+ :- mdlti .•atimatta reported r'um tlw Gammas. l nlo,,e wnu1J uutwel:h any It•nn we m,:h leu completc:y Isid Ili.. Lead ape, n. Sly s;.;ent ifa I wi^e starlet. drove r brisk business almost uu-
( X f
♦ - Securities Company, , 1 he ItaitO.-K,b°trI.,I. Germany and Swe•• Su y an Flids, ,imal. Qui d. l ivadluad lit eul.nlalrl in respect Io ,ht, I es ,rrf•Ird and triad to' ii,' c lura Crom ms,, when tier ILe shad,iw of the sacred laces, land the
TrontFlshing Friends. (. a.y'aear,",.ielw:ns, ., 'I,--, r•prr.rP,tt - err y P
x.,r m nrrrrrm.J..d dee » Oen 12U feet d.•a{+, au I file AJrwlic ' oil,?Ir. [;alt thea moved cuucurn•nes in 11h.Chall.gLt Lv muik• ol'tLeEnual by us ,• - hid f iw,dr, wku,le ansae. 1 lava• nut It-wrnr•}, outskirts o(thr tity ore commencing to Ire
THY. wi'l1.nlNge rA,vea A t.tsent ns, SIICCeswra t0 the C1t:5da Agcbcp As-! r„Earwh'J•:a, YT.,.rau. • ..., 1. Meeu len,*• iced Ilitrte 1.:0. TIie yea• Omit. . I!ut we herr ulwufyfallcd to rely
appropriation rep'ntrd h'om fila ('ommii• I 1”' Lruke in uud u erl.rrul till, r„u,ulcuregl•-- otuJddd wasIs al gaut villas bull gardens iii
9U llBEU A1TU FIRTt FEET ggoC18t30II Of LoIIdDII. EIIg18IId, I - list els, Ih n( 16e dutule: h.•t.oen France les rLat 'fife sunnnwd r{rnntaor ret F'Innrr
' N tco uCBuppyy fur pw411 +rn'Ic.•a. I lip a,cl,t saves per tt Ladh I apt" u;y watch the Eu upnan ►Ic.
u,J 1'nglan l di is mit eza•ad ::u0, wlul+t th Q Lebec, Srin. la, ' i' wouiJ cnns,eL A limn Liam )lwld'IIhs rAfuiJ IBJ cL:w arm aU!rll, tI1pYIIwlI11a n,Lt s,1» l
CUAiiLES DAYS, ii ACINe; rr,w:v,.l ■ .,vs, rnpp V nI fund...rr Is",uthw -at Ot Ireland, .Lett, lieu u•a ea of reach Ilnmhoy, it q, tine, in a A .teier. limn I e }",Ile Irru o• Ethvnu'um obsorres that
I1 now wr,rrnf to nils, i•xe. c m,m, Tbr S sakerton. flu• cbitintt:. ercluck, 1 Ird, »red my+ell wad n;,nt hal G•krn to
w46-1. Proprietor. 1 1, I- NE1iV NipRDLE WORKS tbt depth is more thou :f Ou0 t- Tile as r J gw 1 ' ' ser ,i barn Ion bran et war r to tb,+
unu'anJ•, f w Mr. H. Mackehzi,, North. Oztord, . u,,'ud.',flf'mn nor fr,,n Use 1:' _,F,h CI•annrl ;Lilt rasa t5' t rL n, tJ re at sit a!bu, file cane• t - R
-- — - - - - 1tI91II bitr0¢t, El[CtCln f, tilt •t uth of F:ms,pe nu• Brush deep( t 1 n x hetawr the' gos:cr,unrut Lad ant :ref -1111- it st tw sec„'Iret,l lb.,1 w.v !s a :),ink far 1 ) I p"wrr n( rtes, baud to battle the,ower oCeigh
_ bin n.uu errs, and f,is nes+t 1urIL' (Heads
• I , . i (,lore in the imenur. lfa the Twin • t limit ^tine lemling it {o beiieve that file )b,':.t• ill urvetd e' recd w;iu ,ct sun w ,il.t, .fail f,+ .,,,c td••d t • Ihr back ill ttn neer uud cut w ,rktlis utlatlJiu%1111'da•!'ermins LbouawnJ111
For O or• S yon 1). & ,it. '%F('l) N ti 11 AL . t t!u• n'rWt of l.lMotlrr, the Jap - is our antic t u I 1 11 s, a it t will wdp. ! r
fYry J SEEGMILL R I y T,'o -_sal h 1'ompa.) "hate e.npv,nrgj N I. 1 r - ear t • • , 1 ukr I +v p"ir civ pl,.crs, nuts, I ,al a en iuc•h Lrin Dile • ro"nidrreb.0
Jl W 1 ' }or trnusauJ uihrt mluru,rL,u.+ppp lit I I,fGll f•e4 while a itl,.• mom to u eb t, It g',,,»p on auau m,ra:,n is tLV \Jrt!r Ht.; nlwuta 1 ,r. n ( 11 tel h a+ri *,Lail ears uud till say nix• ill Lve M } t R q
♦ lU)\!'lIl:1T .7`Ulll'<TONC . r x000. On the cux.t of Spa the dr;TL is terntnr a• 1' u) 1 e sail r .will,. ill t I :e n'Irue• I miA • s.•a1 c.•„ up',nr lin•,. 1 r'rs w,;nr+a .feces,. Mr. I:utlkin asvrted;'an lin s we, •
. L L t tit . R. J. C. CII II'S1 AN'• . 4 •.• wl,a!r I:.:t!.t ail :.., , , 1 ares r raven Ili,• 1•, tli,• fess •nCiiml .via.c:1 la"m tl,e *'cads lit" by prw•ed, that Turner's due and Braes rein
S_ -,,IV. ,':: P,,.t •, .lr .ill errs,) [ a+':n rest[ urarly 4.,ODU last. .Il 25U u,r• suu:b of .11ty. I:pr.. C.tnb•r ani 1l tr As lh- in{rnr 1 .
__ I ,.” .tyle of xorkonm.Lq•, tunn.LeJ far - Natuck, t (Knuth ns, Yalu- 'fad) nn bottom of the gove•; -Ime-it t• •••cad the lw-litf ,•I, coni- I t -'b , i, f G'.. *i.oc CAW l:n_l ,uJ I,aA I Enact tL•rn dee fifat,at work um,c upon such
, Ir(ai-, Rnv.l Imnren.e Nu,M,n \"alis Ani ! e uLi,n 1 h:, takuu 1SdLL n:y .,cut being x1111
a' , ' •M's, n"r„e, calf ■1 thel.wealNnYa. sacs feint al 7,1+(111 feel. vie Rrede•.I Jl•p ll.f 1 { I:cal 1Y .1•:I ! !J1" , 1•:l a p.ar1 1':tk.• WlaYil+v. i%! tremw4 '+ ifiOn,.' Of Iwrrd 1{aMtp'. IPlrel'O(e.r-
N"e,braaim. anw'..'1'wnntO. , nmiug a (sirs 11'0, J'a r a.du t m t , u• , t o 1 ! I cnecealrJ t ki, res. m. raft, r he bad fil,uh -y
ler w c IIAliubS liVibP1•H, E . f ' - 1,.I err rr.lrrl ml nada. err ea -h, I - ) : lie Ilp Year w I U7 bald tM wn ora M labs W datanss
A J i t I , •' ov c 111 tLLI 11TftpF.D in I at "!t err l i be m t ,illi to the Utltt,rll 1lrh lh„ lk'llOtr f'"n Yerltl ,t:, t l!I ,!1•', tuts Iru'Yr It ul1 h , u 71 1 :u!, S Lu •:tun sl." !file rule rrI '1 R Le g ,t t'w k of in it . y - p g
D L A L L 1 (:also, l,. ( ;, itl r Il ! na,•gn. the w, rt ,f the !'ape Good
\'xh,.wr nn les.• r', m ,env.' ; t ,. 1. . e.'oa W nfthe'1'r,e;;.mrb 1' , u; ray t•. c aril., . La u '1 :Is uc . aril r., c Ile'n ids„Iva ,but 1 aL,w'.d bit kdkJ ked earn flu+ arfut'* penci in rtdacin scall
I , . T I' ,. U.•s1_n•t 1 . f n a «cut dr Y 11„I e IG.DUU (t lint Lcrn meaaurrd, ant W ilively it that g,iltica.m Is su11 ,it, their cin• , al I,m1,rnJa that• ;oil:,,u_i, uyf w a•,aree of I Dulut. ') kc c1 „d eaves sit.`. gn ab'r. auJ Icd 711 prafett vlurk. A Iri,•nd has Hent wfmnr
Is Toronlo: !kite 27,1!61. 27w 9G.w..m sI .” at the .1-p. I r - p
Esrtrr.+n-tti!,rr Sai.lso4. • wIS-Iv , the welt of St. I ena,.: ,M10, I)r. Yum+g ''. Iuvment. +utter t atller In helsr!f, it aoold moot Pro• by the .:nue hr - moulder with kuil:• i” hand of IP4 r ). • top) of the Colonial ist d Act
- - --- -- rdimars the a •ante depth ul tLe Atha tie 1 P Mr. 11,II moved tist4o m':rT , the fro, ba►Ir ueeuswn rL"t J:;tamNi.ts calf sum• of l G.;, dos* m the pbotognphis d/par/
iNCS ' -- — -- - I . to -%be urJ to nada "tier ms,; but thauks meat of the 1 nd unite m thrl eo m naw
LEATHER D IIk:` 1t Y ri t'• _ l at "1:,000 fee, mail that of the Pacific at 20,• 'resolve it.rlt tilt,). Cnrnm,teea'f fila \'ilii,. p•iewli )Ila. It rel. pu,lrj li+iAtomeby, in fn•,Le,,ropnrlor n tile Lutel, whuan`n"me I J
t i 000. ou etntain res,dutions resecting the• Oltuwa a great,ueasu:e, to let well erom!i, uk,li"J d 1 forget, L.• sucect d, I in rr.cbing ise with !- to 11e acurcrly visible to the eyes, the whale
t' r DEPARTMENTAL >rlleow, j u.J Irak•. Ilun,e +'a,,,[ r,%It Th • n, .a " lit, on,- ah1, tat k. aI Ihr' wmy of the world awl i any L,n,c ),r so...liver inti. i proceeded oa • Mg'y fuli0, being prin4d on • wit of
A." GRt T WESTERN R (IWAYII — ILtlYOrI..ilia)»ChNtJ3l.til'hCnul+u;.eJ 1.:1 bel'meet!.Cl,a{{Ilatlhl•C'+wl4r'IIVTnaari,; a. 111.- p,(errtout tLe e:xe ul•ballknule. T,1X
GODERICH C W. I iien C'r,aUOVI 6 ,ween live Ate$:t•rranean mad I ! Jn tai. y the rate ,Y u mte r there and d,;,,Iy pruduct,un a aha work of Slr. M000r. iJ
• • - I \ • :res will n'grl and'AtOndrrT: cruor ? \ret fax o ..r;- ! o L.tit mi",4,•s; w h'.fa lit nig nurprlAe, l was
i Parliamentary An elft, r tM' 1{s,] mer wou'g1 las prrdururu of an 'im• Landed oil Ly three ret til gang by a cruse Friday, the 22nd Of Ocluber, hs baa ap -
FrCight for PcriN cn Fatat Shom of i,' thpd,abu]nag angel sM,il , :p vho+l file "ensu "'"u,l' iu tlw ru"i"n sl rltirh F:n • i
F,LOuw IS.1 MA. a47 .- QLT I37GICy I.m1:0 if urcII, anal .,f ta'e, and rhe in•ne,;u+ rte n[hd . II'hr Nss.hin;;tUu (":nhLtel aural ( , R r.rod. Ilii. of theta un rtuuk In war• my punted nj L» I:za•Ilrncy flit (:uv: rnOr Geu-
_ __ _-__ _.-11t•Iu'.1 a .att..ir.. I load -naw .fonds %.waiW Lar lud;uu piles- I bone by the btidle. but the ,red that I was oral to be oh.ervrd us o day or thsntngi•in1
Money to Lena, I r,l\,Nc1- ', -:INI: S WITII.I'll: -y to:rtM•rasaarroll. NotsdayIaxes•+butwe; . _ ,.is •i,r:+. .\Vlasiber that chane weu:d ImI „
T 1., , I ,. r ,;.., _, ,;I l:!: r.%ST S!14: \1 :11'.1' 1. ST1iAM : ser goad and bud s+,;ns, as tLe ,w.e, will r phr Nrw Ynr; oJuuicc of unmixCl s1 Is rt Ir• et al I hr „,her Ire•crit' d'rnutcry T,O ICILII t uwM' c for the lore Luuntitul harvr•t
,,.t.ur 1'.114.gf P' R
*hues' 7 he )'nine# for the Paris exhibition at
O!. ver rraaunab:t' terra. .AI ;'c to rperr',- rib-, I'• I: _. I the Nth u,sL bays:- ,open gm:su o, and sa»rse,lw•"t y. tl,e (AIV- side of elm Lead with Ili -hip o fell back, \-r n, sill Cun•rat lenri 4U acres. arae
Dr.l n rr s a ^ it is a gold sign to wee a man doing an act I , I. q•e have lec••i' lA from R . !.7'..-b,u C1e Cann a t 1 tt ,: evunity Late retnwu. d per .inch 110 did iu data le , nick me. 1 was g
• '"I I h•ctl u.., ,lvc n tin• ma,t,'r. II u Il,'u,d1 th•'u al!oxrd to •n, will rust =4.000,'100 ; it will it rrmureJ ret
St-.:,, ,. ace.. far . Y„ . I'.,n,• • _ .:. a•.. f charity to hes fellow+.
B. L. DOYLE, t'-wrr . naths."releisnmin . •w+ ° folI, rhe do la alth : ) "" Buy .u' t SciVolh,
1 - - it » a bad Pign to hear him bl,nshrlg of it. ., fhr )h x,cst' question w'►. dixrusxd at I ems luny res, curate • Hari, al, w conal, ,til„v ' ) awe Gloss of tela exLiflition.
Crshb'e new Rloek. - ---'” --_- 'y '" 71 it iN n);"oJ-wi,;n lit wr an bun.•st mail , ! wbrm 1 Wr!eld rt holt pout sets, o'c'uck,
Li p 1.oe I"nbin t mrruti • L,ad oil Tu. Alai, coil wra utib$rtyt,dnsowithl u smy it.., •recce I rrd.wwa ter kindle earn! for h l o d, (13' TM Amerinn iron clad monitor Non
(3 arieh, ?th .Tari. 1 "G5. w50Jyr F cools iiia l j. wearing Lia old cl;,thed. whick w':s pte,i,lt over I y B'les+d rut J"lm I'rn "lir pert ; rfaJ if !Lev lA:l; fh, v CA..nut y'' J. i J aduuck with which AdmirY: Porter was +•
_ _ --- -- G}ODERICH FAYYINti D:ILI It is a bad sign to sec hirer fining the 1w:11 1 r kre r of un ern. `vitt, I w [i + r a erard o f g'
- APri. D. ROWAN in bus will:"w'+. A I the u,amin•rs preweut exprr.xnl I their i!I sutcns• ns, nix dome. N'c 'rri,tI tMr ail t r huudrrd dnllnn w auyb t wren who I ing Iu wLip the comLwcd "mvirs of the root)
. , thvmwives Inyoru6:c t, the state un ex:•e q eruct shpt a re *,el h:u uoa uae,1 tMou;h rm air. to California. The woolen steamer I
A N Is It iA a aoo,l .i.•n to ,see a mac w'i 'ing the -q j p will amiss m,• 'till il:d "nines "I the Its, R g
OPENED ! „moae,b I. t , r 1l,•. Harlan, Src,vt the hitenur, woo ,ht, ca"'at hut, tar ill,• r•OSOns to which we •rulenecled with fhr brick muulder, Aud as Lr Vader►ilt a goiag to take .tan oC her
JU t C • presp;mb0u from his tutee. desir, d that JuitrPz .!Nva.,: fat lculat bee a'Idi me hurt, I!n oda mllwlcd, xr h'Iict1• that rho I
7 111111), 1 iactor , ATMA AND . SOUTHAMPTON It » • bad sign tit we him wiping hi..lay's tecl:v .lit;, ,>'Ie'I . Q„ite a lively scene took I success achieved is onfv f'mp:lrery, and, if I has list hid run, i will .haw Vim slat res t The Su11an is sick anal sylu and is
( p _ - (N, caber Iertntt0g) twig,• each ww'k ry he comes nut of lire t star. Ince Lat'..rcn ?I r. Stc.w.udund Iles llartxu, nut ahu4 uxplwned, CmiucuCy Cuiculsted to thi''o dertul tl,nwertrnl!edllaw.l'y the Beat sad urpli e u 1Mupin F•ffndi, a dissi ated - OYns.
A BQO{ ShCe r x111; 31'ItSI'RIRF.It I;Fa; T/l ('41'I I'd'J until further n,,tice. leaving San,ia ev,•r1 It is agn.j sign b, -, ,man drt,aaiug P 1
+ I 1 lr ) •
mit lines
the prcnucr u'F.iu:llr. tl:.u:ul t';,at tbepw.,r'"I I lour ever grnVfr,l Aeryent, maty will wttred Lim.
the,nhalNa a -rel ,ne c.mnn,rr ,a H•O. n \Bias)*) cad 1 Lurad"y mnn,ib culla. al with fonts, end ucuUlra4. -- ----
fice Ihr true ur,,,,'•1a,%t tea cu a4 rt the —" " - H.\Itltl' LF:.SLiE,
end flrurethat hr,. sldl NI■nufaewnny, ann4,•+ )tn)IieJd, G,dr•rich,,hmrarJnu: Inrr.•rhur"n• It iA abs) sign t„ xe lies, husl and surd G,r In the Nortb of China, in Ilio Proris•
E stab!' shment, "n b.nd a nonutrr i'I h.. 1',le'l Elgin, S,,utham tun. ilefurni'1 • wil: InyP of yam a pu.0::t Ila! t vas I,ut deg• I l:aol zaex'r uv A 1'Lru,:aHAx's DArmlrrn Thu .\ulvricrm Kloggdin.
p . her fnarl' "Iliad fur !Lis guvu,Is e't t, aA Junta x iudl- watts A IliauuY.= rlw quiet part rel' Surrey a es of Sbmntong and Pechili, a reMtl,- y
N Rin ntnn stfert, twvt fhr )ale h FANNING MILL$ & PUh PS ' m"' S"'nhnmptnn Crerj \\rdnrwlny moo Il is •uud sicn for a mon to sdmrtbo m n - --- - re ins, and ra,idl t'sataning formidable dl•
R Psp SUPERIOR 1 b n•ctlj,nod tlwt t was nut udrnlNrgruu t0 wbieh Ir'a around 11'ukin, bit ylrt barn T11c !lar wrh4 [4hOW. K ,, I J
0 Office. The 1'n. tar *"lima a share• `:cold* monm, , Oal' ng at Above !isms. paper. ❑ , ,art Ism n, a ,.:;'. Pn•slJrut John+uu lulls, dNuwn 11110 Y AtutO of inuolw ezcib-mens b p t mcurwlA. It ie kouwu Ly dib arms u[ the
`ii r•
r ivrrr•d y' r' bellion.
of the ,rohlt patrnnn¢r, ,d hes well til bid q.• w„e!J psricnlnrly drew anent,*, r•, h1+. . F Trig It' be this route erns M d I It Im ►bad sign to see Lhr ehrnR aJ t, ba0 n: rtes wnh the nr.v u( the St•emtan u( the Fln Irsu!ut far the des liter fat A c•lcrg man Nyen 1 1 re
bee eudeavon tualford fat faction: , NWB-. a• hr wd! w•rr.nithe.nwfi.w N"healfrnn, gmcker than by sus cater, and at rates In (us Mm. This F:xhibitinn was hell is the 1'illtge of
I R 7
Sete, aud•d1•clared dint be re;retwd the revi, hag It a quirt country rectory with a The steamer It. F,. ilill struck a sting
J. I:OSS. .ret., cockle. vhrA-, A: c. Pumps madeto nr,lcr I smt lirtchantr mid SLq,lW. For li tncht !{ to w gond sign to we •mail *ending his t ,ecrh ret' \ir. ILar!an loAdal -came i:uw milieu gruum Barely in the fanulyia ster•ieti. It .. Il:lrpurLry un Tu• el.ty tart, ileo wt's very in 1Le Yazoo river, fifty codes allure Taz.,o
both o„1 warr+ntrd• and usage app!) Ho N . S •tmnur i Lu.• childrwn\o ve h,iul. F cx: hu oil " . w: t t n,•. tl aIle, , sxcrrnshul The .I. sass a fine caapi and taw Cit on the evenia • of Lbu 2dtb alt„ and
N. g and epa nom !1 ex cartel in I P f ,I t the gl m t rt , I y c I y I r •e Tile red the City'. 7 he rnbiu ynoed e 2 tb! boat and
p p y in publi+ :end lLnt mtm ,ere of the cairn t w t
making arld rel»firing. Farrrnv"x .Y•7 -..m lir., Asr.rrro 1'irrannarrrtr A _•anis, is„d,•ri: L : It"bt. 1'wa.pbell, Acent, It is •bat +iia In sen them txiurntcd ret one m serer to 1 ,r_, t,.,t tit, Ii w , IA n, i p t., rd,\wt in nit whvn upon tar• ynncg I turn -nut Of e,w ctrt res a „ P
July 1,'cige 1865. . ,w2.i i m sad ('amvIr. R-4- Kinrsrdme ; Jain, s flurwt'r L, Agent, South- evening schools, on flat• public street. ;always eunetraled as Laying Lcrn ins!•irt•d by tett), Lut ILdtr .rem, *'sols to L -re beau well ! hrokw in iwO via ahs, went down. The hart
-_ Ian+ Bun• uIJ Sh,N•p shown were particularly fine, and
- - - --- --- • Ar,•n• aerel fnrthp.ale nl NI-rsn'a prenuunl P --- __-- Cllr goven,mefal. IIe'uuld lose no oppor.. kept unlit recenlly,wheu manse suspicion anMe and pogo are . total lull.
L Ilowm
1. „ ,t '.`( IZ ` k C T1105. SWINY:ACDr Cora v,-'fl:r I)rrr(nnd ('hien lllui/,TTnnR ,mnry to disxr"w save sash mconndcuty that there was a” undue fannliarily IN•twta n (°lark s rapid Impruvrmeot. The fu
and p.tent rl'I: fIVA'tult, wh"-h Lranera•r vet 1V, ORI{,„ b ud•h bas, ret late, bawn Ibe deaetk or
f. 1, 11 In it v, _rnrr.I.a,,.1,,' a,"" to f.rnpn who I , , lu,)eg, June _J, says:-" In the North of s errfioathit $mine as L,• M1J dlnnvnwed Shen the partits. mead the gi Onm war diemiss.•d from u Ibe I'llze Lutz- t '
H h{vr used,hem, F rv,+ht Supt., Fasters divisum, Ilamlhos• China, in the 1'rorinces of Shantun and I I P '"'I"ua i” Virginia, wad sit limited abs
N W A W A N O HEti RY DODD, - - --- R dan'e vierx bj n nem, lila el my two IMtdn. nrn'ice nn F'ridn J+ast. 1'hrn Swturd»y morn• F'INAT Ct.tOs-Hoggm[A.-Tk4lbrad Mnre, ,Iuxnlily now wl h*fad, ILnt any dimmulion
_ Pechili, a rebellion a raping, maid rapidly ; •' Nr. Johnson, when tile• merting was int awrivvil the jeilpg I"dy was nnahere to be A AFehibald, '2nd Win %Talker; Inst Foal, in 1hp amount wt present mooring is looked
HF. nnd.ra,en I nll:•nhu--,r,he 1„IL•wm M.Iei,14 AP613'nd. 1.04. - ','I F Msumingfurmidabledimensions. It u limes,, shoot hreni,m;, up, ,;I.11 that Le wmtd not tocol, will sul,,,'qu;lfat wv-ti,ation revealed ,A Arcfitbald. 2q.J \V R'xlke , beat yearling
T pra n-, ..last, l o. the (;,.vel Read Ives•; -- S i OR SAL ! I by the name of the Nyen lei rel *Pion. N'0 Jet rnliue upon a I+nl c}• tnwvnf+ Mecicu be tilt' tail that Alto h el'or, Ae b,•rrern!,e throu,h entire Cult. J i:lfaon; hest 2 ver old fielding, upon with femrful anticiprtuu. a
;n,• I'nw.'.h, t rel lt'rwxno,h, LAND __ have alre.dr menvded that the Ny-n f •i rebels - , es, ly alum says hi bit lest Idler-' I
1 fore the mrrtnq of l' ne•rra+, when b: wnd,d n 1uu,h w bdnre lies J:1wn of nurnueg. '.l I Jac Sm.l,•rinnd, 2nd 'I'hns 1'c,a.: Lest 2 jean
r •, 1 wm .«nd..,e I, If.* or cal• nn defested,Ssnkulil,-en's troo s in in' Province p1 Old Fill •, Th.'s \Iclhclool. 2J 7' McNichwel; Lave uuly W odd P, this outline [teat the new
Witein 11 kilos of Goderieh l 1BINET viARE iOLS E HF: (1 u ¢ l f P he't fo m L s me:.ra res It I.%ecer n+i,hl the ear anus .LJ.,• t'llwy,n call,•) tlii•In )
y of 5hentnnR, kd,iva the .ileal. Thu sac• A Archibald, 2nd Win Ne*eum will M upenrd on 1Lmdav, Sept. 4i
eoawalre ITA sem, is "r itt Vr err NoarM. 1 vrrr,xJv"uta,crenr arm:a : e, i 1 M -et 1d' aha aniran. It h the sat Illi tM earlp mAkil z the deli y o ere fhr brrtiye Mss yearhllg F'iily, evil then I shall immediately dterwarda pru
lJs tk• premur. Ih.re u w R,,•••( Fnmy Hares 36 - \ cess ha* gn,,n •tut 1 1 amp Ilse to the rebel , PreiJrot r auimt'at-d write the same puc,he cou(rte m"klnJ tluar w:ey, over Ili,• holds br' \V ukrr:Mast aural of Fara Ii"rsel,, A HnaJ•
n tion ueugh t oux • and If Ru sats the idle thnl then ', • I a , v p oeetl In Europe -man1"age and encs ns, i i
b, ,..a m,A F.sine II d ONE -TENTH ONLY ! e xr
hearing.. A roraf amok rano,,,[ through d- -- c as le d itsuolg in the dea th of fire I feelings as Mr. Sew'atd a1,d trio majmtty ill' w,tr is a ewighhuriO4 vu,.- who -w. a Car ra fnOt, :nd W ' McCan; M•st gum Carrial
I tM Cwbine{, in wnitng, w which they w, • dnven to tilt, Ifones, \len t'heanev, 2nd Win Elder; best porafat Purchna•m nn11 erraugemests now iq
.-farm Apply w Imperial Government and or the local loan• I •a It it is tore that Juan•z has es,„cualwd nearest rail war stali"u. Tha nnrlwuvs well- rogreul h my v ata.” ,
HUGH NrV1ATH, f „r Ixx uaJllr Ismo•..1 Stmny. 1' 7 g"
eu to fila
' tion from C F
L*t .t, Ota tars, d»riru which [Orovokes • stroUR [ceiing of ; Chiheehus, ami is obiigeJ H, take nfug,• m L,At aero at the 1'. xu•Jax1 Wt n:ue., 'hut u" SGcusu Li.Ans-O.\TTI.x-Ikss Nileh'Canr A commumrn _ ry
W.Weamb. Jan. 30. Ilse. sal-Ims rll(ll\E 1011T IS CIA, I1 TIIIE OF 111U111E rrsi'nlment against their authority In all parts the I-nife) Steles, the rrsumptioq of ollicia! ,idin;{a hsre since 1'r-1 gone . 'I'elegra,ns that had - call'silim list .lane 1 +65, H Snell, Governor st-les'bat Wme I'ei' Los fu."ishPd
-- — — .u-.__ __ __ — I 'Ann Tngg 011,A1r res , of the em sire. For exa.ople, at Il"nkow , mlations with \lexical will bit considelaWy h:•ve Iwe'i desl':tchiA in all do ectin1,.I Aud 2;,d II 11 I'"au(chrn: 6.41 2 yes old heifer 96.000 troops to flee lWend guvelnmrnl,
A R M FO R SA LE there lav 61`en a revolt of twelve batt lions e&Cilitated.,, - - the Irivndn rel the ),hurt !adv 'Is nnderrtnrrl *he" tern+m of sen ies ver from 3 montbt
F a+elrrd rmre 1st):", y 1xICt, It Il ('arnnchan, J
(THF: ULUr.S9 N 'f 111: (:OT NTY. Nine Equal Insual Instalmeats, cant ret fourteen etattonr,l there, under nn im• w be i. full pursuit -1 LueJoil T egrsph• 2,.d 1) IV.11ser; brst I yr old !leder c -1t 1 to 3 Jean. This ie •bort every utlrer case u[
— wt4 Nae mal at 6 per ctnty perial general named Pau Chau. It is cer- The IF'Dnlatl Jlovlement I,Ikely to - - - _ me;a•e' Ist Junl'y In61, Ii Snail, 21,11 Jnr Ueck• the arms bearing population of the Slats.
P I D (7}O DON laI111, meat annoyis that lorcign nelioos 1:1a'u 'I'ros.hlC . - _ " s"n; Mst kc Oxen, Jun Sp Itmt, 2nd .I e A meetiu sass laid in iJmven
LOT 3 Con. A Townshi of Hawick, r - + should hear of each thiage after havin r dace I — Q} The Prince of Wales' yacht 1A ,nest 7° fel ` R r
mile nom Wroscler, ,m TO\♦N:lt11F OF MURRI91 1 I Ireland; brat 4 era old Steen. I) -'J IIci)e-n; Ines., on Wednesday gavelling past, std resew
( ! ];(! 1 i :•;r [ ] ]'; ]t I *u much to axrimt the ImjN•ridiat ; nod the I Nzw )bn :, Sept. 15. magn,ficenll j dreora.•d ant wrrxnged. 'ft,e fast 1 n old tiu•Pre, li Nalker, b!At IYuwl
1 i. 1 conclusion is irresistibl fore” u on us, that The F'eninns arc loomin u w a source sduonn, or van um anmunt, is Iitle'l..111, j .urea adopted fur ennui I g w Iprrde sane)
TIIE (TItAVI:L ROAv AND UNDER AKER South 7 'in IAtcon., SO acres, ) 1 R P f Os R H Carave,t , 2nd du des; belt Calle) ,If,lte route- lura rasa! Irnm alar Ahxatalp(1
/ South a in let con., 60 arra, tbp p liry of cnnlinuei swislance can only fat ,fplownlic trouble fur `Secretary Sewall. Spanish Ind.o,iny, wsbeul Brew, and h1r)s• Loo, A Flcr,»t, 2nd P I ,Imanv.
f. Itivrr In l.wkca j(irht,an, and [fat • tsnal
II•g horse andlan, m.nnlarture. ane vias now on k nn R .ampule Pouth l l in 2d con., 400 acres, lend to our eventually taking the government The pinRl»h Emhassy has carefully rallied eye tnxpld, It Ila+ a balance tittle, still there 7rltnn CI.A!,r->xrcr.l- I Wt 1pirrswr arouml the upper npida.
. .Asortment ret Furniture, al hu eretervels, South "_1 In 3d cnn., 100 me res, of the country into our own hands. We are fhr Fenian demonstrations, u,A fxct4 add nm bno'i-cas„a, wave lockers, copb,nnl for I:am nut more tbm 6 yes odd, (.hes Illsle jr,
ssO E R8 CLEARED WEST STREET GOD ICH North t 20 in 4h con., IWeems. scarcely prepared to asAmne the ruls of 400 ststiAtin Lrve been Pent to thn Home Guy decanters. 1ine,la,Aee, Se. 'Tl,w freidwc,. 21x1 Jr Seeti; he at ('ot.wnld Ihun, II Snell. ( - - the .aminal cosrt at SI. Louis, on
A R s+ t r mill:ole of O ,le to whc»e habits we are ernment, which, it is underanlxl, I:.vc b,•anne hail, n hands me msibie ehimnav tiers,, with i'r1,1,e last, w iaw er, defending[ a urgru
le North j 21 in 4h con., 100 aerris I Pr f 1 ! 2nd C hale ern: Last isvvr4tl•r nLcsrling 1 Y
dM! N. T601IA8 A. iN, Seem Ar Nord. 23 is 4h con., 100 scree. alm-it perfcetty strange, a/d who an car. ,the subject of con,lnunicati"Im, slid 11,'round I Imrror &above. Tile Ladies Caine aft is sit 1('inr, 1F 1'oww. 1nJ W Slnnrm-"; Irelgt l'Ms- el ;E.d with grand Ixrcryy, claimel that
Ir• r us9 r 1 taint not et add ted for overnment b that the mar won bo inv(sted with nasi nm: pili!) f tt,J will+ ,uir,nr, coucheA, and Mining under the consuwtiun he .s entt a be
M,bfrlfe PwA. N.Irte4. Mw61-tf Soru, TSun aoa, 'I'ALI,v, liedsfende, lair, I 1 J P R J S I w 1, sheering ICauf, G I'lewen, 2nd 11'illiam
" '- Cane and 1Yoohseat, J ('hairs, Gilt Moul, LR TOWNSHII' OF.HOW[l'K : Wrttern Istlit. Our policy must, therefore, interest. The clanest, trouble hes. be,•n un- cushiune cnvPmd wnh crtmann Pdk, "...:Lir ,'I ran•A; brit Ibtm Irtmb, fl Snail, 2,OI .\ tried by a jury of negrues. The .user Duct•
• .end T,nokin, Iaaeses, in variety, of I remain the hand to mouth policy which it has daily maynileA, and it is not Cx1welrJ ,that I wnalmulnd, and a malt .attr hath bell,* Ins Cowaf•:bet pias, Ears hiving weld, I..I A au:rd Iles appliruliun.
MONEY 'TO LEND Lot$ 2 3 and 41n f 5th eon., 100 scree eseb hithr.nn Dern : m Mher words, we moat le tine State Jr ,astnent willhu4trin %hit dt-mand flnOA. '1'Le Aa;rou, ::r!ica' auJ enptwin'A
.Is Ilome llanullicture and imporled l P 7 j I I to int Jaiy. 11 Ste-il, 2nd do do; best pace ( It„hhers, on I burdav night hast,
• 1 TI)WNSHiP OF GRFY • a woitir.g game. Yet there are rot wanting of our Ilioister for the aniTe der of Ieven.ral , cd,igs, all Lave V,I”+e14 Ca'I"•ta, nnA red silk sleewl Ing F:r'Pa. W Sto"cmaw, 2nd H Sentl; ' Mrw1 the house Of Ila. lirew, in issitrolt,
F LGHT*- ) Elis, Cl.;N 1 signs at vigor on the part of some mandarins. Burgoyne, he Lavuog virtually denationalized Curtsies am litn'd tar the n )!igM■ in G pea nit F:ac IsmM, 11 Snell; 2nd :1' Cow' mordrn'J her child m Deal, main sid two
tR s0as o/ P. G. hall alaaTis on hand a complete as- n, 2A in 1st enn., i00 acres, Tseng K♦o-Fen proceeds to the Worth- himself by be,com!ng u (,hmu.e ciftisco. sa6ron.nd I.dies' Cabin. '1'kO hamhes and ' i
nrtmrnt of OFFIR& ANca TiF.ARSF,S T s :44and3R in 4 con., 100 sCr•. wash, indeed he left Nankin three weeks w o -in i _. tiliger plates nn file .mora err of aintler. All ell, aril .! t:oran; hist pmir of t.t Sharp, 11 ladies, the uOlj oecu,yalum and p! OnerrJ the
Snell, geld Jaa Diekstea. ' home .rt money and talurbles. Oue cereal
One 11undred Dollars Lad IPir&fb.! TO HiitF:. C Lot 3' and 32 in 6 con., 100acreseach, order to hew! the imperial troops against the opening rt the trnez Canal. fhr furniture i+ Fre"eh polished. The yacht t"WRTH CLAAA-114100.-itest llo " over I has been meek.
&it in A rove, ?9 acres, \ en•Fei. An (er Pso Cban, from whom so I - is cutler both ; is thirty-+irt tone, and iv called ,
A Ppty w } T,nm ,rr nail Cnrd,yuod taken ,n ex- 1' - 1 yes old, J .iuthsr wird. 'tad I' Ifam*ay; ttal 1'he King of Spain M said to tis h •
f i et :12 ' 8 con., 1 on aclem, man battalions hevr revolted, it iw allirmed T.mails, .Aug. 1..-TF.e flood ales of thin the (! I)agmur,”
TO11S k NO JR '. chongr for F'erniturc. 1 R Ihrar vender 1 yr old, i' IiwmPxr, 2nd dO do; con limn fat perG•ct aril incanbl* dera .-
Sd+,'Aon. G,.Jerlch. 271al("..IM3 w27 fuola a3 d 34 in 10 con., IOOaCreseach.'tbat the cause of hit midurtnnr iP innLJity vii Suez Canal hale Deer 1hn,rn open, sod r ---- test Sow havin i s in Isf;.% l"Leer Ihunsa
oawillni nese to a hu men. 7 he olLwr rte• vps+el lalen with coal J direct from til.• g 1' g oe He a only • kmg ochry-hy, Loc» se i ill"
CRARNIN NEW RI,OI'K . TOWNS. P OF Tt•R."RERRY I R i ia" a ` I pint d tAA or Tnx IY it .,at wP,-h l nOw Di,t Sow under I yr uIJ, J Ihckaun, 2nd Jss lured d his a an marry him, beermit b 10
n {ails of news from t e capital are M) the rlfecl \IeJilt-rrxnran to the 1C+ed to on alio :rah I sll ,,,arid that move* {hen unr lila was Icor rel llicknnn.'
si,d, ..h, Sere. Rah, IsG4. w33 t( For t.7ale at a Bargain • N. E, i 4 n i. eon., 50 acne. I that the rebels, having approached within a intt. (The size of the vessel is not Ataled.) I PI ' arpptMed his Mallh *old nut permit salsa to
-- HAT r.uui,le .mI rte d.l slanted ry hundred.miles of the metropolit, O"drr the Iute,ligence of this wait te•le,rrpheil on the, the time the N'.IrMOwll sans burned. A SIxTH CLAM—irrr.zresym.-twat 1V*g• herr children. Ifs is a very weak sod ellara-
MONEY FOR F RiVIERB T ,AT:7'nwn olO,str nhylInnt. ,kropenn ApplytoClAet,p IDDis,Fsq.,OOderich,I command of Niao Tlienching, the available .erne day to the I',m,ernr N"puleoo al ILI, I M"man and tan thi:,lmn we,e.beard al Cape gon,4ron exittre, John Smnh; brat Nalr- I;.afe f4low. ]luring a recent au,tto'Parfll
r \ inrenl Ilte evening before the accident, in- gun, wooden axleitre, Jus 3lrrtin as n., Let the ladle* of that gay cwplal dM dl they
-- Hmr, +'torp, and live r,*hawn year. known a. or to rhe'owser, ' disciplined' troops near Shaingh»e hive 1'hatl„lit ('amp. !lit Majesty didpatchpd w
i(R SuMcrihcr haA received w few hands,. { v , TII08A GALT, 1teQ. been sent for, and tour slemmees nave hien Ila As"ge, ill n•Plt enn,rittulatng tlo Cum : feeding b, en:ee to Kingston, at"I it is *.,p- Brun I'dnugh, J"ho Ons,. l Drill F'laagh eurld to enchant him; bot he was entirely ms,+
Td THE FAN,MERt3 INN po=nd that they must have rrmained on board• shown rerncemended a prize. Jtdgre- John ,serious to their spprmichas, slid in their aa.
dollars to Iran on impro•od fermm. f w 43n Sanhm chartered from ftrei,tn firma (Is not Ili» • poly upeu their Pacers*' I Am Ili.• hams Of ihrse skeL,tm,e harm Men Itallm:.Nl„•, G«o Hamiltw/, P. Carroll. nue way aMt rhnnmoed him ” lM poor)
interest moderate, and chsrves rewnnnMe. Manns which erne ft has erjnyecl ear of fhr ---- breach of the neutndity order') to convey 'I he rrn;xin. of s canal ore wi:l visible, ❑ {
S. 1'. YEOMANS, !arrest p"linnr n1 that ba - le-. m rhe town. the San kone and Fun wan shau rr,Anns with which, six e.aturi.w b fore the Chrill.an Gnm,1 on fhr wrn•k, Ann Lrv anA lea Flr7x 1.1.AM—Izsurs.-Iks1 1 blahs .all iud11R•rtin child, " w aIle ►j whicA Ae is g•"-
K.I, arse, I r . li.W.”. a, C.W. Collnrernl wdh the *mel » a ret p ht •1"res. Thp s ar/t ' } T .ysa r' R R' R' I smaller ones, which may pnAv,bi7 he those of Wheat thin yeays growth, J N' 6 liutt, 2O'1 Belly known in the imperial court.
OIRce over rtes, Poet Ilttlee. wMny alp beedl.1 stone and I,rwk, 47 Y 37, three FARlvl fOr SAiIE. to'fiant.in, wt At dols, s herd ; twO Railing IMna \^chit rUelnpted wt w .ecrilice of nor the woman and her two ehitdme. The wmmm C l)mle sen; test lhn 1! named •,riellea fat
t {levies h,ah. and,nmm,xLm» genre• htrcl Je,iP. vew•Is Pupptpment the•litue fleet. and talk* hundoid sell ll slay thousand hum ` Iwes, was s a!rnnger and nn rile tO hr Idybn AppleA 5 en, h, 1) Camptw•1, recommend,•! II t Dlnner is amid to be the most im pmbht
N. H. -Portia hna'iat money to im4rl Atncbrd N, the h,n.'I,a uw..tory' lr.mcdaell,ng ♦ the armed men t: hnl( hr sum via ed. Thm ,hut attempted is,, r.uy lir ■nits th .Ile IUB has t-1 been fluted. We have not heard n( Leneboron h's• Mat two named vatieties rel p•rnt ot'tM• L Akin 's r,wk's diener
eggs be accamodaled with a few ood • lice- UR SALE, Eget Latf of l.nl Nn. l7?sero. 3 t 7 R 1 ' p'
6 Pp ►uu.r nutkewe.,•s, A'r . TuwnAlnr rl' WA INANO..-H, rempri ua a"tep An»n'lli un fully ',nun men. (tut old the I r,l Stu, sod which csr el w mut three any inquest having bre" he'd on en) of Ihesc l'IOmm 11 of cath. A 1'.nF: (rniud, ms,em memorandum Ana jnmt sett sad an impnrant
bans. AI 6t1: -A -m..t [neva rel prceltent Innd. frind the L0 Mltae• is like) its, o to Nankin cenlbr" later Ptolem u be-hevad to bases
hmaj , na•!yy I.r.ted nor mdp trmm r,wMnen n" ` S R t Y ' • .mains.-[Kin,,ston News of Mns4{ay. mfndtd but nut the cumber I) INncrn's; beat date. 'I'hrre m a rur.diet of authority amore
-- the Rs) hpkl H"«I, an .ere. is vr."d •late of ONE HUNDRED AIC R E 8,, and art then in Tseng Kwo F ail's absence." Carried In rnmsletion. IMgureJ tmtraphi' h:df haat, Oniula, H Scott; best hal( Inrh of rAroeirlpra with regard to IM ptaet dross 0
(, cdurst,"n, well [meal, 2, rel which are clear of _.-. ---- . __ - - I Cally 1110 isthmus Of SueA has flamers pre- hei,mn l:urn nn cols, I) Camplleli; bent cul• the battle of Cm,ay. No mew wpm known
1 V 11/ rrr 111111 iJ /e Mumps, wnh a hewn Ing hems, 3o'I. 3qt, nm1 a no reanne•. Terms liberal. Apppal1y to Ihr" It u maid that Lord Morels will not return meo,te•d t *front,u'm, isnon to th Me sho are A Ila!IATAn Cnxrse.-Thw ,,'lira Irwrald
cedar Ing barn 40 W 24, .best., Air . F,,treninrs nithe Is.tsa of the law Wm. Harris, tJ Canods until late in December and that and -anted by enif6ceril,g J,lTealfPs s,1 Put Ae skinR of the ('MeAe NarlufActnrpr's Hall, lection ret Vr,(*trbles, H Tbompa m, 2nd 1Y I.' which 1ht de s frenal w pled; bat it
ACRES of [,of No. 32, Fait bake AI O:_In Ihr Yalu d saardr•I drr'Mnrpinfihp Mmpnnon P• O. , to a Nritnrtor hu reepived infernelion* to it through. TM vast enntinent of •\Iris,* "n the Safe Fair Rrnand, Rays: I' The rhoore Foakr jr. rte erten that the od be, a ns, the kinv'*
so 1 1, HN• DPM dwrlhmM mM qs nd'"I e,aP. e, am' hae the Urnggan"wn, Q• , IIII w374f rnm,Netw there ism required wt hi. nrliArnre iA atlachr,i In .\Pia I,j w narrow nrek rel seed% will nes rawred around on threes wiereof shelves, s1xTH ('I AM- totmT•- !kat 2'a IM of (if ti a for whet hated have a'Frm t 1M illta-
bapn kept am •aria. - '- - -'- a A{sac es, warwf by the I stk of the mnnlb. ' desert, scam* 71 miles in Mprdth, . hirh, ,I AlnpinR 1 ark I.ke steps• In {he ""fro will 3.d Ge l.Nproa It.`fentt II S, 2nd U l'nmp11% .1 of limp, in whir the cook slaw aO bt rws •
FIRBT -RATE LAND ! 'reram1,lwesl t tnnulpurchasers. For lurtker T it them n in&reed thml M will not leap (far ,but remmad, w.,aid Paves the veamel mo"re,l Membrane f,r'he Q11ewn ehe,se, from Cannel 3'd lira Sproat jr, 41h It Scutt n S: D«At 5 hlwP •d hi, rhwrgem far pr+ppa.+na the royal
,erTrnlan +ppty to MONEY 0 LEND. a' Ihr of lush Hater, 1) Campbell, 2nd I: Scant d,nnwr wseh /lay The eo, Is We ie,Ntd
J. R. GUR1111N Fes Ihlaaa I next jeer. at the month of rho Nlle mesas, thn*AwmiA n e don rMrr r f miA. writhing enure (,000 Ira. -t p. J , tae plass, wD•n from da ro da ha rMsrw-
Term* Puy, apply t. + I. - - ' mile* in a reyag(e to lM Indian Orran. Irre Ibe damp m,nsmrs aome 20 fret round her .,f Chr•ewe, J McMUlan,•2nd it Soott,3rd j t y a
DONAT,i) SI'TITFRLAND, or ANDREW DOXOGii, l'rn rietar. tl'f1,L - IOnned an tm "' The i lulel hid w n hares law- s n:mere of commercial inter,sls, than• i4 w.irt.a.th"ugh .l,o is Mt nese feet Figh. We est on ohne•, •sad sated the e t c aka r less,^"
N the premiaps, or P $30 000 ' P P rM R I 111 bMNITIIw. , ed "n whish rk day, wb,eb st (' •try. There
N. C. C ANF:RON, N• L -AO Thor mrs•bpd In re.,.tlwt by nae L t pr trail Forma Property. n` Accounts o the fiest grand muquertdo somethin,t which is nuur•.l!y prtiruku,g in 1,n,a via mCOd.•nt will h ppN•n M het nn tM p,wtvtr A A.T Naxr NrTrgga,-lhlat sett a bar now ark day, wMA wr ssdesbrc'rly
m ll. a. aermim alp rslgne•oM 1. ell* IN mavn HORACE NORTON, bell at Rape Meq. At least fifteen husdnd 'soeinR two vast ocr*te separdvd (rum elk tan, /ns, w* Budd like to see Ibis hrilbh doubl4: Uwruess, F A MuTer; boil pelt BMs I pat of the battle,
Gede`riee. wuta"t delay in orAer wove cows. Goderieh, st► JYe, 1965. Witt persons were present. I other by an apparently inAignifiwat barrier. lady." .
GOderieb, April 30th. 1844. *14.11 0vid*ork,Alwd3lst,lfA4, word I
l . 1
vs,• . .
I .., mem
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• .. __..,.._..........____._. .__._-.__ -sirs. _._... _.. ,.-_.,.t_....__...-_......,ria _ _-. _ - _. _. .