Huron Signal, 1865-9-7, Page 5W. T. 00%, Editor and Proprietor.];
Farm in Bosanq uet Nertk British
;and Mercantile
It 3uranet Co., ;
OR '1'O
!i or hitt
HF: UNURR 1(SNFU u1lri.tur u e
1 -o town+h, .
of thaw 1
Ill 211 !Ib eon,. q
T 1
Coaatvuf'LaJdsuO. � liar lana coo.,µ. lit
aismmof wh"eh.,e .loaned. •nd ..lusted near n
sweet 01,11,11.1'. It.'Iway. - Th..oo. a LUr;
1)WgLid Na 110 LJ,1 ASU FRAiI)1i
JJAI.V ou lire lot,
rat panmetar■ apidy to
Uukrefr P.0
August llth, 158t7tt
- --- .- •
Maui Street, Exeter.
1). & A. NI'CONNI.I.L.
P • Ste. of evert dosser, au,n and
,.1, 1
.tyle of wurklnauihnp, tun,,.Lead un
.h ,n nunce, and •11he luwr.I }g'lees,
l.d.•ralteduelion mode for .•.0.
ILL aka) ?Heft lin 1ft11MMA 10 Munu,nents arc. may ha
area ar the •bane
t:xeter. l.•tber w19-lr
freight:for Porta on East Shore uf
ko Huron.
It Bonnie Maggie."
Cold 10ider, wia len between
o„. (Weather peiwnun..) twice each week
until further notice.. Leaving Sarnia every
Minds, and Thursday morning canine at
Hayfield, liolerirh, hlneardine•, I[teethe on
Port Elgin, Southampton. Iheu Mao' tool
leave Southampton every tc•lueeday •lid
Saturday mnrnil.X..e:Oleo; ht above Porte.
Freight by this recut ran Le delivered
quicker then by any oleo, and et risme to
snit and purateuapply toand rlFor
W..' ourA(tFt
Agewts, t;odericb ; Imbt. ('amp ' .\grist,
Ki.eanliue; James 11urwuh, Aeene, uutt.-
Freijht Supt., Entre division, Ham:lur.
Tin, Sheri -Iron, and Copper Smith,
Stoves, 'Cultivators, &c., for Salo.
Repairing Dono at Short Notice.
E. chive tr 151061 µtensely .nualed on an
!mines. a fens fret high, uverlookmg floe 111014
and Lake Hinson;-_ ed der hand.. li4,de•,, and
Rural Wellman o • Board el s
erdav eid" •
Nedwrp,eds,Y,...,., v1•tO
_ 1
JOIIN 1H) )(111 rue., • ; . m,• ,.( 11.
farms„ the public tont he ht, Colt.,
into the Hotel badness in the stand furor.
known as the Fulton Howie, where he roll
be happy to melte old Inleech and cu,ton'•rs
Goderich. Jun,. 'i ' I• wl:l
/1•1111110.11 moo tl 1; rasel lL ,a.1 footling fir or
••rat'rtb 1•,-..theme,"n, un^ mole north 01
where ntleado ua las Wr,aele r, and anyone tray-
eling to
Belmore, Waterton, Southampton,
,r any ple.'eln that d rr, t ••n, w, 11,ad 111,4
dation "u.•a. se he .0,'y ,•t,.• I -i 1.0 I. II I.r.:,'e••
cite hotels, to all re•pe•.1.,
r• rn inn
Trout:Fishing Friends !
TIC R1'll.n1,rn, a„1 en A 1 1,,.151 )10
C11A1•LI•:S 11 )YS,
w4G-I. • Proprietor:
For Sale at a Bargain '
THAT minable and ebphly .4114101 properly
IotM Town 0l lioderieh, fromans 1130 C,•er'
Hewes Kelore, and for right.t n yr. re known s
Office in Mr. Uuedu.'v baa Chambers. 1)Al(Tlbt4 r1estruu• ul ehummg Fiat Gloss
JOIN IIALDAN, Jr., 1r'edar tort, reigned Badding puree.. eon
I,r •ul'IArd in any queenly, ■lid un reseunable
d• to
rest, LY el31r3. 3 aC3. •w19 -Ivo
OaJerci,Urlul,er 1 ,1 _ J. W. ELLIOTT.
Uude, duh Fob. 011,1,14. .w9
Tho 3st Possiblo Good to tho Greatest Possible Number."
GI)DERIC[I, C. W.. 'THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1865. •
r Int: following Land. nor offered for ante 00
1 very advantageous 10111.1 :
Or Tal
r11(allj 10111 11 f131 n 1111 br 1'16itllst
l AND Till SALAar'l'IX
Mae Equal AMUR! Instalments,
with uterert al U percent.,
Beath 4 7 in lateens, +.0'acres,
South I A in 1st con., LO acres,
South . 11 in 2d con., 100 scree,.
South 21 in ad coon., 100 acres, '
1n •r
M �b con., IUIf K es.
North tol in 415
a 41 con., 100
o' 1 :
Norah ^; 23 in 4h con.100 screr.t
Los t- 3 and 4ip 15th con., ,100 acres each
o.26 in let COs., 100 &epee,
Lr.t.a :Hand 35 in 4 can., loft acres,each,
i.ots 31 and 32 in f, yon., 100 acreseach,
Lot '20 in con.. 99 mem,
Lot .12 in lo yon., 100 acres, .
louts 33 and 34 in 10 con., 100 acres each.
N.E. } 43 in 1 con., 50 acres. '
ApplYto i,'HARI-xe WIDULa,Faq.1Godericb,
or to the owner,
w 43a . Torontq
1 1 '
1 4.
Clinton Book Store.
School Books and Sokol Stationery,
'W b. 01 a ci.10.
undeetiencd beta to notify his fiends
1 and the public gtuet+dly that L»'Las le•
meted bs Beek Atore to the, we&Lnoeh
stand on Albert Street, Clinton, to merle
occupied by J. S. Forrcat'• Cc., where he
will be harpy to wail apuo alt who .may,
favor Lim with amill.
Country Storekeepers;
Are particularly iuriwd to Liairct'his lar ee
•lock of
WLlch will be touud to be n, low in pIio
as Whoa of the 'j oloulo 1VI,ules•Ie Mer
Fancy (7onds. 011iee StationcrT. Misdeal
Instruments, Toes, Wall Perm, Wm; ping
!'aper,, ac., 4c., se usual very low.
Clinton.2_0thJune. 1et;5.__ _rs19
Insolvent Act 1864.
The Sett ram* om Vallate.'`
Harvey \Pilsen, articled c'erk to the firm
of Gush, Son A Cn., was retunlina to hit
!edgings pile dismal November evening
with bis especial Glum. Fred Millar, his co•
clerk, witli whom also ho • lodged, when, as
they entered the house, their landlady met
diem in the 'Otte entrance hall with an untie.
?,I her hand. uenvelope
, inrLl blue �uu k
•' A letter for y, u, Mr. \1'iluui," .aid she.
" Hullo° ! what • Up 111110 Y: mud Harvey,.
taklug the letter and berrying to the lamp m
their may eiltil:gaoon,.
• e Congratulate mr. l -.e41, old buy; there's
that lolly olJ god•I'utlier ul mime, oil Jack
Ilarroy,.;oue mil left me a fortune. This is
a leiter trout old Bellow, the lawyer;' he
would like to ace tut as soon as convenient,
which will be to m,rrew• ,hi shall see gover-
ewr flash• and be off at once."
A• ilurrol .,ohl fellow t 1 am delighted to
bear it," exclaimed his fiend Millar.
" What's the sum total r'
"• fbehkchraptwl Frtate." was Harvey's
reply ; '' at is all the f_•Ilr,w lura. I don't
know where ' ' . Se .!1 ose 1 weal watt and
"Curtly expressed, I must .ay," said Fred,
laugh t e l.. •
Accurdi• :lye, the next 'noodle; saw Harvey
asoue' asfavi mettle tom would r
it to the
town of II-, in S -shire.
w he . Mr. Barlow resided, who smiled When
thecae r face of the young elan was pre.
seeded a his office.the feigning ueier Lis arri-
val. Ile an W explain that the ;Sabra .Ion
Estate miss eater' &bunt thirty miles front
the town of 1 and ought to be .worth
about one thousand pounds."
"Arid why isn't it 7""naked llarrer.
" llecause," said the laxye•r, •• the. man-
sion On the prop.o ty is said to he haunted.-
Sererol people have taken'it, but nu one has
remained mole than a few weeks ; in fact,.it
bee not been °ermined now for some years.
An 'old eouple•nieued fete lies in the kitchen
part with their son, but the rtat,of the house
T. fai,r - sadl out tit repair. The Iale Mr.
110rv•iv Ra 0. ed always i11 London."
" 1'. lint a lark 1" ezclai0ed the young
man ; " 1 deet believe the leaf in ghosts'.
1 aha.! go there myeelt."•
" i e dile •ea every success in allaying the
uneasy ,pi,it," soil )Ir. L'arlow,• who pro -
t s
other .mato h
to to Juin some e
youeg client, and- thou 'tithed Lim guest
morning,. •
Horsey next paid a shun visit to bit widow.
ell mother mad .inter, who congratulated him
on Iiia :nod (auris, but endeavored to- die-
suu tc Lim from. hi. intention of taking up his
residence in the beetled mansion. Harvey
only' lauel,,J it their aro.u'eets.
At leant,".aid his mother at tat, "don't
go alone ; have you nu trleud that would ac.
meetly you?"
• fl:at is well thn'I:ht of, mother," said
y; " I will write to Fred Millar to meet
: it'll he great tun tolare him.'
: be dioputchied tau to
f(ed, aalweinting him with the 1
and asking him to juin him at
nolo day ; and another to
l' ed at the place, bidding
ons for their reception.
TI1 F: creditors of the underwpned are note
Led to meet at the law .-nice of Mr.,' leef,.
roy, in the t.iwn of sande. ich, 1n the center
of Iiuron, on Tut -tame the twelfth did o6
Septemlieipext, at two o'clock iu the after
noun. for the4urpono of rcceitingstatements
of the affairs of the wider -ciente] Godfrey
Moline., and °fastening an a,•i:uee• 1, whom
he may make au assignment under the above
1kited at floderieh. it's eCoirityofliteen,
this sigh day bf Autet&t. A. 1)., Ie41:
1 Solicitor for lnsg!•ent. 1w101td
- �, A
Dunne whi„h time n h"e enjoyed ane of Ihe:
Iargeet ;wontlm+ of the M.•inr•. 'n the Inn L.
Cou•eetr d with the hole! I' a general slurs. 'f IIs
whole are tmil1 01 stone and bre 1,47 >437,stOries high. thyro
Aturaed to �
the hotel Ill
no a twu .t oryhy. l
a met tel', n
louse, °nthoux,, ere
A 1.141):-A ,mall (Arm of excellent la,,.I.
hand.omelV IM'e1Hl unr ode ants Co.Mneh on
the Ilay*end Komi, 30 acre. to rood slate of
ratnyation, well homed. 2., 01 hen are elrar of
Momp., w,,h • hewn log hnuse.10 he 20, nod e
crdsr Ina tarn 40 r! 24, 'had.. Ar.,
A1."11: -In ,he Vdlag.• tit 1'erl lllen 1 sere
unh dwelhna hone. and .11 Ora, MI,, ore 11 Ile 1 Mend. tit that pinee, an.' ha" lung
been kept s" such.
Terms Ideal 1 to suit purehemers. For nether
particular" apply to
J. R. 0011)0N, Esq.
ay ANDREW DONOGH, Proprietor.
N. L-Ait throe mdeteed to me eel her by note
er hone n,•enunt Are regnrMed to acne the same
wnhnut delay in enter to ave cams.
p,.i,, .h, Apo1 3*.). 1004. gonad
FOR SALE, ESC h nil of 1.,,1 NO. 17, inn. 9
Township et WAWA\Uill, comprwmg
rekkes v f9.1584- • w47•.
THFSubscriber hal teceived a few hunch
, dnllanto loan en improved farm..
interest tuudel'a.e, and c¢srzes peasnnable.
1. 1'. Y'F.oM ANti,
Ole 'el a Vli:,e.
beide% money to invest
eaa be aecomodaeed-w iib it few god app' ica
For Sale Cheap.
- Money to Lena, .
OTSU.. Stet eoe...ti. dee' ?0, 4th K •otos. ; e:.
N eery reawnablo Wm'. Apply to , r gin eon. Huron. Amok' t
OM. C. CAME 10N.
ow IR
13. L. DOYLP3. '
Crahb's new eek.
Goderich. h. 9t'h Jan. 1865. w54
111:� It l' (aItIP3'll'•
Parliamentary Agent,
- Qt7Imminc).
N"\t'TS l;1'Sl"1E.4 wait TH1:
Cr,.wn Lamle and other linnern.11f11I Ik-
nannuwd. ; Tales out Patrons for Invennwi..-
ol Ih"ate Ihllsalnrmr r Le
Malls and takesrhnrae
!twnou, Sor, lr.,.lo, for Parer• r ,•I•ngia
Vewerl'.nl•s.ereleeweera •0'iu.1
0e Meanie,. Term. I,ternl. Ap my to the
Fssr,4. of the L:,tatn of the late Won. Barris,
Dunaannoa 110
Ilunnnnnon. let Ise. 1484. wtrbif
LOTR 11 AT, to 13,77, near the RAILWAY
RTATION, Goderich, for 1186 each.
At Five Years Credit,
or longer if required. Apple toll
God.titk April 8th, 1464. .w61,11
1, Con. A. ' Township of Howitk,
Ta ,...rtru.r Wr,xrlrr,•
Log bowie endharn,
A'I•plc to
• Owlet rh,Feb. 84.1)4. wbw,•rt MADE TO ORD
Cewlerieb.(ktober :s, ems.
To School Trustees.
M. \. tr es the charge of a Com.
mon School fo the nett year. He will
have his deeghterris assistant. She las,
beth at the Oalt (fent 'thiol for a cunsid•
entitle time. Annt.whde would bell benefit
to have a male std K ,, teacher in the
ams apo&rtmrla, no airline, will he Laked to
the lmlary-If'lett be ! jwrsl:'
Mr. N. would have. school ac'ty�Saturdsy
witlem1 any extra charge, fee 10 to 12.
fere„ nen. for reli:i„ue exercise%
l'unns,unictuouy poet pad. to addoe.i`
id to Ch ich.• 1 - Go. Otf
,1'Ie4'1't>I,e4. Xcstl.•.
CT j -'l�,
F. W. '1'H0\Ltee L:eq., 11. M. ^ `''
EIGHT I'i:1t CENT 02,4 he �iarket�
IN arra 00
Cne Hundred Dollars and upwards.' , All kinds ofr'epaii;ng done on most
Apply to reasonable Ie.rm4.
( , Co able . Au;ust 211 1Q41. Rw 14
l'IM.virh, Kept. Rt h, 156.4. w33 If ANS.
A Boot J;' . J & Shoe
Establi shmcnt,
0V Kingston moo', next the 3 elegrnph
Office. The Proprietor •oliells a share
of the public patronage, and he will tee his
best ehdea•0a to afford eetiafsction.
J. 10)55.
N. R. -Oder! promptly executed in both
me the
SU ray
his friend
Scbrepton on a
the old mon w110
him air same of the
This done, he united Impatiently for tbe ap-
1"•intld day, and selected the beetpaireif
pistols he could segue ion eadine's for the
expected encounter, old in ddi •,time be an'iv-
ed at Schrapton. \l,
1t sons certaiu!y s,1isma1 lontain l Place,
neither heard nor seen anytbine ; he lusted
back to his roma, but wile startled bevund
m,u.ure as he crusted the thresbo:d by the
saint wailing cry, prutrediug, apparently,
Inuit the very bed; be teethed tuwanls 1t, ex.
anined every comer, shook the curtails, but
nothlug entad be discovered. Again he beard
it. This time it came bon1 the group' be
sewn his set r shore Lim, brLiod biro,
around him • the ,whole room seemed filled
with it ; at b
hut it died away in a choking.
gurgling sound, as though same
suffocating. For a minute or two Harvey
stood aghast; he then proceeded to search
every corner of his roam; aid having con-
vinced himself that no one was cemc•,•akel
there, he once more securely fastened hie
door ; and having dressed himself he eat
down an an easy their to witch tall ntoreing.
Nothing again oocarred to disturb him, pard
ea morning came on, hearing wuuds of doors
and window, opening, which convinced him
that the old people and their sou were -stir-
' ring, be threw himself on the bed fur an'
hour or tw'o's repose.
Whet, Ilarvey descended to the -room where
he had dined the previous day, he found ou
the tallle'•which was pr, fared for breaLtaie a
leper (rem Fred Millar, regretting that lie'
was mut able to juin Lim aunt the following
dive but expreucd the .rcateet d,li^Lt at the
hunt." lin had
• lust u
.rose tUf►'1
I 1 c g
finished hie letter wheu the old luau's wise
brought in his breakfast.
•'My •bleat will be here tomorrow, Mrs.
Pete,' said Harvey ; a you better keep the
room well aired."
" Yes, lir," said. she ; a t hots you found
everything comfortable last night. i reek
great care that the bed was well aired, I
hobo you rested well, sir."
he woman was a p!easuntspoken,cimil
person, coc,ider hly younger then her bus.
band. Nevertheless purvey felt it would
be impolitic to menticu what he had beard,
•thy previous flight; w he merely replied,
Oh, yea, but 1 never deep very well in •
strange bed at Birt."
As soon as Harvey had finished his break•
fast he went In search of the old man, the
son to conduct him ever theruunde and
much part of the Imam as ho had not seen,-
ion but way he bed encountered the coulee
fete, whom -be bail nut before seem. Harvey
at 0000 thought of inducing the•young min
to help him iu ondearuriug to Macioce the-
; noises be had heard :
i urigi¢ of the meriting
Ibut one glans was sufficient to shake Ls
resolution. 7 ne man was short and delicate -
looking, almost to effeminacy, but the expres-
sion of his tape was' most peculiar and very
repulsive. however, IIarver stepped up, &..11
i mldressiug hour, reeked it there w0xaany cum-
1 veyances to be had that Le 0„u'.1 send to the
nearest station, about four mice or, to meet
his friend. The man replied slwrtly, " that
they ),..d a litbt spring cart ! that was all."
"Oh, 1 dare ay that will do very well,"
said Haney. _
Ybung l'ete made no reply, but torpcd
:twat, as demob determined not to hold any
funkier conversation. Ilia (steer now came
up and led Harvey over the gamma and
.The pleasure grounds were in the :.est
deplonblo stat,., overgrown with auk grass
at.d weeds, and the sun.ob•ries in:,eatable
fur the bfnLwood and rubbish tbat had
grown up and choked them.
" Are there any kitchen grounds ?" asked
Ilarvey; " and aro they io the sante state of
lain as there ?"-
"1• Well, no, sir," replied the old man:
"My son and 1 have kept them a bit' las
order ; se had the use of them for beam,: in
the -house and tnkin, care of it."
They now returned to the h,use;.and ner-
ve/ mu•t-earefully.examiucd the toome; the
IIs were ahuest all covered with old paint-
ing, must of them portrait. One iu particu'
lar In Harvey's attention. iI was the full
length hes ruit ul v l:uly, the site of file ; t6F
oval 1400 - .1211, Cod Ile large Berk ryes
hal a mcI,b e,i ex ,res,ion, while the lona;
I i
e the
air lido • In " •sudsy style over
black b jot y
neck a..') xhuuhh. m.
it °:d to. P sin • IlarveI look•
ing at the ;'aiding ; " thin o w • sad 'story
*lher, poor ttiiq:.�
"Whitt as 1t , . . asoil n
" Why," aid the old m readily conn
buried in overgrown treys and surra
our 0 (4 by a d:,12e1' wh oahl a moat.'
" L"el:ty tor 100 to 'l . I:etc," thou_ht,Uare
•ev. " It is nut at all tube wondered at t
a ghhst out of lod:iugs should take up hie •
abode here. It is the very place fur one ; 1
will try soles, cons.
d make his goaritr* •
01d.Prte now made his appearance. and
Harvey inqulyd If any one Lad nrnyeJ or if
there were any demes, for hila. ! i10 old men
replied in the neentive. and IIarver enter• d
the hew, the it.fide of which corresponded
+. a •'lu"m • room
with the exterior.
Large +.
well 1 L F .• 1
filled with hunds'erae but eithni lieieed tend
deteivm,:,furn'tum,and 101, paaAree,thneu,;h
which- t 10sing whieslog drearily. Even
]Lamy. w '011 his cont..mpt. for nupersti•
time c'redalit cotYdulfo
forbear shadde '
1 .
lnJa moth, "thy o is as huh
r' the d o
6, d the. 1 ad l t
mom are
Moreover. the t �Ie she, had act
.ire I laud grew Cad r t her bete 0 •h ,
tiadreanne* of t 'nes, t•'r it sou a'cold raw children ; and he wanted to uarryheuutc moo
fog. ] c;e'1 wife ion li:hted aJ le n one ofshe ; so he •hared very LW to !mean* un.•
the snlaicr ruems. m+1 IIerrer trimP1 *ora n , *,t she disc area. Ile said he beebi red
rrp.roliona for dinner • on. 110 coked .he * 0,1 run awe
r I'
the old man to show hon w
Leen provided far him. and
postpone the examinnlion of the
house until the next day. fete sh
a room in one of the winos of the bo,
dad un
R11 Then." said Fred, " 1 am sure that for
s la !rig -v.. r other thyro is soothe d •Audi
1 VOL. XVIII. -NO 33
!rI ti „wlul,. ales. The ,srfernwewa. Ur1it d Stat
c1 I es.
nu Mil scut: 1,1 li "i.v 1a.111itt.e difficulty' -• • •
lit - __ eel tnrl tie gen,: r n, I should amt. llii•re 11. , . i I.-1 art tumid--1Le Wurprr ht. 1 „r,e, alt 'I,.,' 111 rain, loth. e a joliceu►u lira crnetnblr to he bud ; we . . .m„ud enrttepuuur.r,t su)u that Bielnup Ley, of
will take him int our counsels : and my pian - - --' North l'a�ohne, who ,as tweeted sum• 11050
u this : jou shall wait until n ie really dusk. since ou the.ushdcien ..f harieg eridrun of
and then drive down ea near as possible to I t t has sseJ through
Provir,cial Pa�iia ient
valueo give go•ernmen , ren
the hose without fear of dotettiml ; we well IGchm°n•1 011 his way name. Mr. Alex UI d•
•. o e ',lime, but prier le who 'ud� is 'modus win r
I. , u has h re rd i
e shalt to
et data all yeti 0 m
g using to shear Pelee that have mut jet Rr- r'
red. You will prubaLlr 'thine manna
e•1miPin� un secretly f, the helot., mod we
conceal ow-weelvrs slums yonir room, thou The
your visitant n:aiu makes his lir -her up o'ch•t
assure, it elicit not M our fault if it roe On
sins unJtuo,•o rod of alas subsUnge the from
is tom ,•w J." the ti.
•'Capital, Fred ; let us louse i0 time in read a Boal time.
rainy; &bolt it," ezclalnled Harvey, whose The bill to i„cor,Or•te the Imndon Cob
sinking euuraee WAS quite restored by •lab legiate Institute -Hon. Mr. 1l,Pbersoa-
friend''d thew of the ease. •.was rad •third time old j•rss,d.
11n enquiry they nsccitaida.1 that no tows . Ilon. Mr. G,nnereltout uwvcd &n ndJre0
being within some mole., there was i. .ort of for a return of p'vment• to J. le llnrion
4.5.hee station in the tiiln;c, and sere direct• proprietor of Lu Finis. fur goverumeut ad•
tri In the chief conatablc'e abode. vertl•mrnls in th.4 polar.
' They foa,,d ;tr. Horton at home. Ile was The 010lien was iunrr,d"d he making it
a shrewd, ae•us(Alr•lookitl_ man, upward• of , include all the lutists in the 1'ro*iuce, and
six feet in hei:).t, and of great mu.iculer in that Aimee ens carried.
strength. Ile listened nttentivrly to Harvey's 1 he Ileum. then maimed the &djourned
account of what had taken place, and tit once ' Jrbete on Hen. \Ir. \lar l'hersun's reaululion
pronounced, like Fred Millar, that there was sainting to the ecttlrnleet of ours public
knavery •g on. " 1 x11.11 he . •lad Ian . The re olutlou ou final) withduwo.
some•lir eh J
l e l.
e• assistance Ill ill pewee"
to render you any a y pewee,"
rift the truth out oldie many nuirvelloue thles!
said he. "'hare often felt rather curi,usto' I.EGISL\Tl1'F::\SAF:\11tL7.
The speaker took the chair at three
I r lahttn'e (out4.11.
f• ! I I K again, ,it is presume will derutr his Mune-
ri -- d1:de attention *0 re'opeuing the "4 4 LiuY
of QYI'tl'r,Se•pt.4. ' Iteilrred, of which he h president The
willspeaker took the chair at three.-Norfolk.&Inl IValduo lieilroad wit; he in rue.,
ifk- . min older in • few days. The herald's
Te motion of Sir N. 1'., Belleau, 'the bill I•o,tl a lfenror. correeprmdence mos the
of the Leziela1ive Assembly, tusI14Ct1pjt•-'privilttae of writing 10 he wire has been
ghostl it r,'"lc of the Leg:r:stive Cuuntil, sou granted to Je0 Itavis. Jeff. Davis bus w (•r
recovered from his attack of erysippoo:a,, u to
b.: able 1.. resume his ace,1tonted daily walks.
New York, Sept. s, -'pie 'tribune's Mats.
morn, correspondent. eho has had an inter-
view With lieu DeLeon of the 1.ibrral party,
my* that he leerued of him that the wauts of
the L,berols are such that unless they wero
10ean, relieved the c:me w'as hat. They have
no nlnuey. arms, emmmmltion, clulhieig, or
even pruv1.ioca, and it the United States do
;tot soon lend-es..iaunce there will be no
Liberal party in Mexico to be assisted. The.
noel number of men they hese jo the field
amounts to only 1x.800.
Herald'slleaufort eorree nden
The no t of
the 1 *a s:--Yeeterdw the Ila•tien
2.d 1 I ) dem
patclestesnu•r Getfrard put into this purr for
coal, water, Ac. The captain 11 bearer of
despatches t Wathinzton, asking, it 14 lire.
Burned, for aid toguell the rebellion in Hoy *i.
The emelt pox and yellow fever are 'hewing
then wl•es here on board of tome of the
merchant •`Mets. Two are infected. 1111 -
(item and malariousfevers are prevalent, but
not very fatal
The Tine'% special eor espondence says
there is the best authority fur saying that
Alex, 11. Sleehen and J. 4I. lteab'•n, now
eeuf,ned at Fort Warren, in wetting to their
friends at the South, express the mast liberal
views respecting reconstruction, the negro
nee, and the future of the South. Then urge
that the agricultural system of the South must
oe reorganized -that the negro, being a large
and permanent element in the population of
the South. roust be se treated es w iucreue
his self-reliance and that his frecelom must he
cheerfully secorded, Rod the negro edeeated
for the uw•Iligeet wielding of that political
torr which the ra_resa of eveul/ romidel-
Po P F.
to put him in p. oeseien of. The agacious
art wise in their time beyond many of their
fellows, and see the wiadom of caking intel-
ligent men and woman of the freedmen.
New Oat zexa, Sept. 4. -The steamers
George C. Cromwell and United States from
New York have arrived.
The Texas correspondent of the New Or-
leans 7'imrs, under date at llrnw'neville, Aug.
26th, says the Matemoras Monlfor u( the
preceding week announces the arrival of
lleauregnr, at Vora Cruz.' The Liberals on
the larder are quiet, but aro receiving large
reinforcements tor future operations. A force
of Imperialists with • value loamy un the
route from Monterey to Matemor,s, were met
joy Liberal scouts, attacked and driven back
!u Monteas'y,-a colonel of the Coeted•r•te
arum was tilled. Reinforcements from Mau-
moras were met by l'onlnai guerillas and
driven back.
1 Mare keeld about aat old 4(011'1)1 Sth:up•
ton " Hr then erect :het to make ,w-ye,a1
inquiries abort Ibe J'rtes. "Punkin - the
inquiry, Mr. '4 la.,n," Le skied, •' but what
real do these pt, pie pay 7'
" 11none whatever," relied Ilarve .-
h, P 7
"They take care el the h,use and have the
use of the kitchen grounds lir so dein•:, 11( 111 1111!1 ellabg, 1111 'l u.n.Iayl 71111 ulnjs and
corse, it I ever reside there I shall make- hooch*, the first to begin at three, p. m•. and
different rent arrangrnennt! lit 1; p.m'. the second to begin at 7.50 pen.,
Fred noir imminent! his plan io Mr. Ilur• and continue petit the adj"un.mcnt, and *hut
son, who quite approved of it. •at rush sitting government measures shall.
"1 have a very °lever f allow in m7 firer," have precedence. 11e begged to take thus
mid he. " 1f you have no objections he *hall opportunity of stating 'het the public old
Ire one of the party, and 1 will also amen. : private busioos brfure parliament had reach.
such a nage, Mat Ih..gmverlmerlt hopes! they
would Ir able to prurugue pediment during
next week.
llo.. J. S. Used. :maid aaIed when the
gnvernmorrt 1., bring date their
tucasurlr with regard to thenorth-west, which
woe pnwni•ed in Inc memorandum reed some
time ago by the Attorney. General Exult.
Hoe. Mr. Brown replied that it would he
brought down un 1 .11.y lir Tuesday met.,
The etut.•ment they lull to make, the thirernl.
meat helms .4, WW1 neat nen that would cause
any poo bm1ed debate. Ile h,iped the hole
°ruble mender did not think • there son any
disagtet rnl'nt on this question UI the govern-
ment. 11 be thuual.1 so, it was un entire
7 be mnlinn was then agreed to. •
lion. lir. hose moved tint the eieaker '.0
leave the- chair fur the Hour W pdd into
committee of the whale on the bill to legalize
• or confirm en agreement made between the
l;raid Trunk 'mud the Buffalo A Lake Huron
Railroad Companies.
Mr. McKellar mored in amepemeot (hest:
.months' hoist
After a lengbty and spiratei debate the
POI was .diournel, but will cone up again
on Wtdne'.day night, alter prit•ate business
is disposed of..
1( clad:. '
On motion of Mr. G1* b*, leave of absence
was graded to 11:.1. \lacdonald for the te-
111:w1der of the 0•.0.11)11 °II •eCoUt.t of eel'r01.2
dluees in his Mettle.
Attorney Gen...Macdonald moved that duo
in_ the ronaiuder of the *mho) them he two
pn17 700. 1t is no well to be prepared, 13
1 p,aiulbly two or three may he en.g0ge d in the
;,lot. The tact of hearing the cry from two
or three directions looks as thnu:h.lhere
were. • 1 %hull uteri tug:est &hello r thing -
that you should cartel dissan*fection with
your bed room and choose acether. 1 think
this will Moore you another'roil. from yophr
'holm Hai friend."
1i 1 will remain in the library,' said IIar.
'soy. ,.I will readily admit •t u through the
windbw, and Ihcrn u a bore closet that will
easily context Tou all. 1 -can ay that I will
sleep on the sola."
" Very.gord," said Horton ; " only take
care that those Pelee know where you intend
to pose the
The{ now prepared for 'thelr cxpMdition.-
Harvey carried out his hart uf the plan
adro:dy. 11e protesa-d gnat ann0ranCe to
the old eau that hie (teed bud nut arrived ;
and then declunno that it son so lonely up
in the old chambers, he announced hie intim-
tires of steepiu. on the couch m the mom
down main, The old man made no objec-
tions, end having placed t1e dinner on the
table, lett theHarvey pointed pointed out the window of the
library to hs friends, and as sora as lie sow
alone he at once admitted and concealed
them, providing them with such relresbmeut
as be woe able.
The hours were very long to Ilarveyt and
he was beginning w fear that they would not
have an opportunity to make arty d:ecovery,
when once more that wild and pleiuti•e cry
broke on the stillneee of the niiht. in spite
With s, naebo.l • but tati
Md roam hell ,loco alter her heals was (Amid iu the mead`
he w'nuld and then he raid she was Msan0 and hal
t of the drowned helm If; but most folks said ea how
there had been black Moth, but within' was
Quebec', Sept. Ii.
LLatml.ATtyx (0(1011..
The Sneaker took the chair at 3 o'clock.
A number of bilis have,: amen read a thud
time and pussed.and .veil ..there introduced
of the n•,w•ncr of his fricneL !lune full hu ; the f'llowint bills vat send n second hole :
P I Ilon. Mr.CampM-Aliens'Ikell'roperty
blood begin to grow chill, and he tic:uhled !
(men head to foot when he once inure beheld
the figure appear, us it armed„ from the side
of the wall. It glided into the middle of the
out repeating its m::urnlul cr or rather
ro t
I I'
1 r wru, i fair. in line
wail ; but t:u seals t apart-
ment than the driest floor opened; Red with
egw.11y uuiselees trod the three men made
their appearance. Fred mored tu the
whence the. figure had entered to pre•veot
escrow Inlet the same place, while Martin
rapidly but silently sU q*0I up behind and
i4 'owulet • . on h.• disturber rI
laid b t gram. t
1 Currie -Masters' and
Ser. ants'
' Llan. � r. .0
Ilon. blr. Cnmpbell-Wires' ileneficial
usb ands' lives.
nr • I
uta soot. unh
Hoare adjourned at 1,:10.
1.1.":9'AT101. AS;e11111. r.
The Speaker took the chair to 3 o'clock.
7'h.. aft,: no on the `inaLer laid biefore the
Howie a return from the Buffalo and Lake
Ilarml and (;rand Trunk Iteilwey;, showing
the respective amount, of then: local and
Ilarvev's ile nt114. 1 wail wlreh It •as.Luut i rough Ir•,ght+.
n. odor wru eu 110,,iy turnr'I tutu • eery nn- I Lc fn Iuwe1gI J!e woos ntr.,duced:
r, it In I o nth, and win Ihe ju1iceman, l'un 1 u,'• tri,orpte ,tire Canaliau
j,r f ti,i al adroiWrak, seiied ted enclos.,l 'Insuroflce Cu. oft:m' tom ,flit uwse
the hum Is a❑ n Lair of uuudcu,:,, rt elntgglcJ lion. 3.r. .i.r,. -.2 0' 1 ft spotlit'.
and strode violelntly. ;;rammer 6lools ul :,•'hear ('x,aa.La. by CLolero. Those two cae.'a, which crested
.1 few minutes sufticcd to rrmuve a wax : 7i bo following, among otter hi.:s, were grass &:arm in this t ,100, have not been fol -
mask, made t resc•utble an mur•h u powaiblo COn*idered i10 Committee, and 0dered to s lowed by any Mhe *."
Ih ja strait of Ila mdappy lwly beforemei- 3rd reading at the nextutting'ohthe float; ---
tione. , as well as r wig u: lung Jack hair, lion. Mr. Cartier-F'ur ebolishiag the pea AN FARTRQl'Axz At Rw-t1&ntaia i'. E.
Cholera In ['lollies.
A letter from Ravenna, in the Petseverao•
za, of Milton, sacs
The hi.foy of the cholera at tbiz place
is short, hut tragical. A sergeant of the
royal army named Ilesideri, of Rowena', was
in gammon at Ancona when the cholera was
raging ; hr obtained permission to revisit his
country and parents. He brought with him
some extra articles of dress, and went to in-
habit be house of his family in the Hee del
('crchio. A fer:night after h:e arrival his
brothers and on of his sisters were rattick
by the malady in the eight of Jaly :11th and
'Tle brother, • wo derh1
young man, aged twenty-two who might
*ened as a model to a sculptor, died after six
hours of terribly suffering; and the Lute[, who
had been ale1l for sown time before sum
s t
curette' :n ten Kreps. The sergeant was not.
attacked, aid the belie: is that the contazio0
was brought is the clothe!. 1l.' rend
er•mmitee •.ruceede'd to an alit. ; .y o !" the
belie'+, and declared that &eel w.,, enuoed
r. .'t ever `proved igen Lira." .hicb lid even atrrpol in- water w increase leitmotif of death: Lawson, of the Bark Viking, of Qcutherland,
was hunx with dark mnn'en, moth eaten d• " [low shocting I Poo creature 1" said the rrset4Llnnce (o the suppuatd drowned Solicitor General Cockburn -Fn reference rep oats that on the :'hh ult., of '2 p.m., while
faded; and spite of the• inr:e fate elan hlazin• Jlarvey ; •' she may well loo IL." unman ; end eh, mood r'rr.le,l the "toe to the qualitirutinn ofjrallcea of (*0! peace'. in Iat.•:IO is' north. aid ton:. 2 77722 w,•.t, he
there, the room Innkc,l do eptly : 01111 hasty .,'They fnieind their surrey ( the house fallen timtinela.ot the younger Pott! !emend hills weirs read a peconI time,.
experienced . eerere eho.'s. :ns thonrh oho
found ILmq•lf.iehir:g that Fred Millar ironld it son .growing dusk, t n Harvey "Just whet �x Annrd when 1 heard the among them brine one ritrodurrd, by Hun.
j A g 1 l ship had tlken a anile of rococo end eo severe
come and wondelic� why he had not already Mirth ' was ready for his dinner,' - , terms on which yo Nasal 111 the bottle,- said lir. Md;er•, to provide against the , wan it that tae vocal was aha:coo with great
arrived. That night when Haney wen ,10 Lis Mattoon, ton and spreading uf disorder allotting ear• violer:rr, and.c,rrvth:n" o1 boommtea 5 0)1'
11 1 had ileo reore got reedy for the gentle• chamber he determined not to undnos,'itut to .. Pte, by Jove 1" claimed Harvey. vain a imal,., lately affected. 7die lasted about 47.e mmutea,
man ee we expected with you, said old fete, lie down on the bed in his clothes e" •, th\bl " You internal woundiwl l" said Fred. "1 tau 0,011011 of lion. Mr. Galt. We Howe irwhen the shuck ached Leel, and 11* vessel re
UpClning it gayly n little further On Ord die• ready, at the first aliarm ; bnt,lll Aplle of hien,h4)uid uncnmmollj 110" ti, t trash you mail went again 11.10 LYlnrtuttee of 1(Ilpp 7. aurid her 0011144', 11. 1.11 the worse for the
playing an apartment very similar to the one self he felt • degree of ner•0Uillews which h00- share sow sat gwhula bona ie year body." Quebec, Sept. 6. severe elithiter ske her! uurierrr,ne. The
Harvey waw 10 occupy. in vain drove to shake alt. At •ast,•however, The wretched mnn,iinlntg oto VIn. aehemes t.ewtst..tnrz (ut3('e. weather at the time was beautifully 6nr,. and,
" Al,, well, keep It well aired; peAlapr lie he tell uhlep. - wilco. dirc'T"1J, teal on Itis k tete betide The 5 sker took, the chair at 3 o'clock. the water remarkably elem.. Captain: Joseph
they come jot," soil Harvey A m that fearful c sounded in his ^ant
" IIc tLr bye, isn't there a host mud to llariey and impldred hie lor'ivenru. , The Prlrate IIJIs Commltteeleported,witb lforoo,uf the howl: Wittier. Shallbo,ut tiune!cr•
yA and be started up; this time, however, n "1'wwill promise you netl:leg entl,you mi 'sinew Immo. the bill to relieve the Rome land. who enchanted rignais with Captain
eight met his eyes which *!.palled hint. In have tont me eyerythin,'," iiiiiil Harvey. " in llouoe Ilotel Company arum oke payment u( Iaw,nut shortly afterwards, repots having
the middle of the room stood a figure, visible the first I'htce, how did you cuuaive to make faxes for tit,• . -,,r.. experiencr.J 1 similar :dwelt at *hewer. Lee.
-t of the earth-
ling of the
l°strured the
sr Catuia.•-
am, run loose somewhere about the house
" Well. sir, 1 Have heard en," replied Tete;
"the gentlemanly folks as have been in the
house, al! have been frightened more or less.
1'111m p Iswnctopr. ! 1 can't say as how 1 or mitts hate saw any.
TO 1. : 410 11)1 a"'• Il
e you heard anything, then 1" asked
'THE 81-11,1,1eR1tkR RdF(.S
end RnntBhreI ihnatadian•lu1\L'rm&tarn5tianl1d,ru I Hn1r1rn.l'l,
air," Das the realy reply, " there
on Mind • .umber ofhs are epaeerish eosin semeamee hut i can't
ERIORFANNINGMILLS&PUMPS. dont hurtme%hh,waveit is r.'makesthem. They
Hew„nl•I pre.- " draw Fillet,•,• n 10 1,0 "Owls. of cowwe." said Harvey.
Mies.. pr w',l we rreut them tinter N heat tram May) be en, ei:,' evil the cld man. "1
oat., eo,-1.1e. she.., he. Pampa made to order never beard an owl, though, make Ruch
and warranted. noises; but mayhap there are different kinds.•,n s•/e,. a., betere.0 Viereriestrest Would you like your dinnfr now, sir ""
sal Comb nA H+,0,4. °'Ah, to be sure," wild Harvey ; "I am
teething' and leeching. Atoe. inemifor the .ale nf2400f.n'"prcmmm Atidtlittlewellrnokrd dinner woos anon
July 141*, 1805. w25.1m ',rod
Int r'ee, ¢ones ietotecvtlion to never vet farmers vibe placed before Mooser, to which he did ample
have used th'',n, • )mots', ; and then Placing himarlf in An old.
THE Undersigned otters for axle the billowing
pramuw*, "111151rd en the (drawl Road on
the f•'w. 'ben 01 Wswana.h,
Within 11 Miles of Goderich 1
eonlunng Ile afire, ;A of which are Bleated.
1M the premiws (herrn a grunt Frame darn 3e
by a2, • g'ad Frame Hina. Tease nveh•rd-
hearing. A pied ereek 'aa,ag theoegh the
fans. Apply to IIGG II M.MATH,
lee 13, 4(0 eon.
Wawano•h.J5m.30,I/44. wl•lm
8 Q ACRES of Lot No. 32, Fast fake
Head, Hay.
' Term, easy. splay In
on the premises, or
Goderich, Aptil30th.1864. w14-tt
fore the tire, he brogan
Oodertce Apr.! 22nd. 1004. 3,t to n a plc what • iter/tees he would make in
fashioned rat casco
hie new ponaeeeiOn, to make them more habit
ISAAC FR ED R I CK able i but he wee sot. isferrupte0 by the old
tin tf;'who came to inquire if he or his wife
111.13:1rte.... eo could do any more for him that night, us they
were nn the point of rearing f1 rent.
TO F. NITSCH�S' OLD STAND. " No, thank yr• ' said Havey, "I am
about going myself."
(food night,1 sir," sal 1 the old mai : " i
mall you a got wl night 4 rent." of theepremium night. One thong he 1054
Harvey sat a short time longer, and then firmly resolved open, that nuthtn8 should in -
Amended tohis chamber; he made up the duce him to pass ash a night again. He
tire, put his •istols under hie pillow, lay down would commit with Fred, whom he determined
not en much by the •Lim light lit the emlulrs show some, qio ell airectioua 7" Hun, Nr. buss moved shoot tba report be Thi, may, perhaps, be the elf
on the hearth ashy the fart quivering fight. A faint sol erased the fellow s sullen ado{ tend, quoke which 0ccurnd 001:1.
which teemed to proceed from a place ail countenance : and without making any reply taus. Mr. Currie mored in amendment the third day, and whish totally
amend it. Sammnning all his courage, liar he partially turton at•
, heck to m questioner 1100 dtonlhe' huie third d of rondo di ch total)
vet. snatched up one of his pistols and ex and euro Horton star ! (lir recto mt ales Tho drZ„inal motion was carried -yeas, (Northern daily Express.'
claimed, " Who's then)? If you don`t s; wok a love 00,1 e, Lee,'' 0 pr)ctud from the 26' sago, 24.
i'11 fire. One, two, three 2' Ile dinchereed chimney. LL11J0! ArlTx Asat.wltl.T, MAxlaa Trx liNirl 01 It Yankee out a
his weapon •. be wan sore the boll had struck " The fellow is n v,ntrilr,-1ui*t," said Mor. ]pie Sneaker souk the chair at o'clock.
in Virginia, Its W ling, while to
s mark ,• but the same low wailing cry tai tin, "and a go'..* one ton. K, • I„ re. ly to )!r. Nifls, himself a talking, ecjerieneed s• feeling,
all the effect it remelt to have had. With I'ete now cunfe,y':d that items the disco,- 1 atronee, indeed and al.rmmg f from his cap
an unsteadyhand he seized the Mher een!, Hon. Jlr. Galt raid tluai no authority tea I
P cry ottl.e pussessinn of thiA gift that lint given M the Ai ericdl cerumen to con to his knees, Is he suddenly discovered that
red takine direct aim he fired again. 'fhi4 ' f m ted him to 0rsuu slur cuurlo ho hal government he was covered o'er wan beer. ' Therented
time he heard the hail g:ide oIT and 1:.!I tune . Inc.oAt nest itl'wl10 simply dune fur l,o moue the provisie s of the iten•,pr"city Treaty nn Lis eye•IiJs, and fertile(' upon ha nna tt•
less to the flo°r. The figura pith, rou had horn amusrnlrnt 1 mill as it was to their in• for retry' p*•nud la'vunJ the 14th \larch, they colonized his peaked lire, and swarmed
seemed to have its back fowled* him; r,ow tercet to keep the hall 'Uninhabited, he upd' Mr. Gibbs sant It •was stated at the Detroit t
it turned slowly around, end the Mors froze h,, 1,amns arranced their plan it Led bra,, Conrentun that wtho, ity would be given, metol 11 c41" hdived tden'p into meelling
lion. Mr. Balt iced tho-hoht0rit could
In his veins as Harveyreruonized the rale carried out mem Hervey.
y crawled op hi"1"4"'''' lad tilted b. cuts
face, dark eyes, and ong flawing hair of the The old eine ignere,1 the tales of ghosts' only b! given by Congremm, and no c '• ds-
unha y fah whose Lister he had heard the finale &rawer could be stun woad Congress with tears. Diel b• yell Ihe a hire, 7 irid
pp 7bread and seen, and vet tuck care, that the
he holler like • l')on 7 Was be meet, and
day before. Thr eyes were wide open, and intended victim *hoed see We ,,strait and eteL did he cut slick and run' Or, did the critter
hada lied, lass stare as theyseemed fled A aerie. of noolntlnne to favor of the free
glossy hear the tale or, srl to 1, mask was 1101)0* 7 Neer a nn.. fie wasn't •eaT t •
on him 1 end the hair looked dank and art. jln)v01)0 that bore as mach resemblance u great W the public. alands of the Province t* mita : he never swoons nor holier t bat he
as thuugh'aanted with water. Uttering 1u wits necessary to identify the ;flume with the atonal settlers, and recommending the Gov
eminent w resume and throw into 150 market Afrrd 'em iso a nail keg tight, and al(1 'to►
Hare it
tcoaad hear morthe e
the ut !season •pair of 40 11ue ark glass sera 6lding all 161414 held for purfnses of speculation by • lir Irmo do(/are.
etrove to ery mit. but his tongue clove to his I to the 11ktnesa, also the long wet hair.
were introduced.
mother had arranged thei ream, which was
the d of f
and flowio and, �in rabid with
month sad reveringhi, face in his icedisctusiod t lis motion continued Prerxal.r 1T i.otsro ts.-Ths cLga.aish
.i loose t, g soul adz o'rlcek, also n want oa the ohie rs Mrs. i.- hes ; at returned from a pismire
be fell hack on the bed insensible. pho.phorua, heti R most supernatural appear. torafutu,y gar. trip to Weehington. ,She rely took with her
It au Lr'sI Jay -light when Iihrery opened &dce in the dark ; while underneath it be forty-two dresses, twenty ansate, nineteen
his tyro. lis sal up andjrcalled the borrnrs more a coat of armour, borrowed from Rel i i'RnT0(Tlnx Or I'ual HA,►KA Or 1.t,n,- bonnet/ and two hundred pairs of gloves.
old collection in the borne, well covered with Mr. Dickson has introduced • bill to protect 'Surely,' wiel • friend wbo happened to he
podding on the outside in case any hero Tike immigronte, and other i:nornnt Of the laws of present when she was onp oOk ' Z, ' inn did
Haney ahnuld try the ase of firearms. This upper Canada, from unprincipirll peewee not tabs all that with you. ' 1 Iserely Look
and soon fell Int • mound sleep. u, gas ale00 and meet, and tLey would form
How Ion he had dept he rnuld not toll 1 f their future proceeding,. Her-
er• p
1 1 P „suet that re arrant *hall n a e•ertie
S g q Q^j 1 t Dumfries U worsen gave
had Tern the most aorrr,fol part of his dia. who eel' land a if they pare clear, alien whet wee ind:openeihle, my detaai I kilt be•
gni..., se once before pr*tola hoe been tried burdened perhepe wit(, fire years' unpaid hind toe all that wax cember,ome.'
d being found to ie. of nu effect, the....•duel. TLr reme° m *La
u ser• aim le, -
WATCHMAKER & JEWELER but he awoke seddenl with the im eessien some plan lir u p Y an y p
I p re said nothing to the Pelee of whet had 'Mien sou et tines ron0mad to De ndl of are•
WEST ST.. GOD]6RICII, that he heard P. n0iae ; he sat up in bed ; the oecurmd, bit waited impatiently omit such this world. rut sea ocean •, w
Gro was dying lot but them were no ngm of - care tit payment of lases as a roadltiva to birth to a child with tate trmgeat, nae
.T-_. door.
___ West _e .e_ m_.._+ c•_ AAs___ thirsts 11 ht he . xhed'. hu watch, it was time as h! should see Fred. Arrived at the IiRncy was so delighted at the wnrovelling rc idnu•en of •died. He makes the rola child "(Miele oon Ls•lth, rd otherwise kr
g R 1 about metes, 6e gave his horn in rhargt,nf •Len; of this ilot that he tormented to take no en apply, however, to nonresidents' land,
1 isrfeM iso Om -O.,
himself to sleep porn, when a faint sound haryey took him aside mid ,n aA few arida family of the i'rte4, father, mother and soon, to all land. unless the porchuer expressly Of all the etas and contemptible lawn^
VI Mr. Stotts
.rwawr;r J,
al., a„tit or )ust two n dnc ifs was wt to compose and u anon as Fred jumped nut 111 the soon, fnnher stile in the matter prodded the whole while n would appear tar that it should apply
&rmeai•d his ; it was like aha di. cry ^ as possible told him all that had happened. at oras left the plea, which they thankfully waive the ;Torino, and'deelare bio m !! cog• or jlersens e•Iliaq themselrrsl mea -m tlw
RFrAIl6u uv sxnaT run. t;. some person in distress. He listened intently; F'rwd looked herr gn00. • to. weld, M that somas through file rut ti oa,
In the best Style &Warranted, 't alma stater; "1"51"i""1"1."^" adying „ Ynw ora UDM aro," hs asked, "that g'� mmol of the amount of taxes alta etas the 4 h
ii q The old hell wa spoon metered to is form- land, and his wdlingntM to pay them over with his ear at lM ktrhnls of ev.rykndr'1
away, then rising again till it r e
hs own u Ibe most
to be
yon were wide awake ; that it was no night ..... end iia oteototante warn e 01 a,rasu
ver ag-in 1 b ha ' Led { Mishima txcept
At.n. A 41”, A••.Twme
r,T tie eiereing shriek which seed to be at his mare taking the form of what yon had heard disturbed hr drowned people taking nectar
t p
w.• ,rtes
•e door. Nar•t a own (00th hr bed. °tt~�
e3sld efk Plated Jtrwt•Iry', Watches, 7 1 p !� darn the day 1" nal droll. Ile The F;nglish i,&perR announce (M A lb.., bees
Clock., Jrc.. ke. '1'i, • pi11tnt, sod optnc'd l e door to mt. if QJRuits Vase," said Harva " eset1 t W eeh4 .q ImMbMg
Caa.Mn'ITA^ Naeaee ewrr.M0Ate h. •limero0Md anyting w0* to or seen ; he •enter.° a ew " y i Iso I ,eines few stars ether thew event occurred 1 •rrlral of Johu C. Breckenridge at RMtI tsar, but aha want tlfrer dock
w.r menetrSha4ee, steps down the Meg dark gallery, but M
Harvey too! hie wife and c4ldrsa b hear • ampxoo. A
ao.4•riee lab tile, tW4. wiliest