HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-8-24, Page 2• MIMMEMEIree---_. et....„-- . 1 . llou. 111r. Tilley, of New Brunswick, having a 1 ',..e.,•er anea of tbe ritheet lind, I The Idoard ides mausinteusly reeolved Mittott Aignal, attired by the Olio'. Ilis return before of bat Mg raised larger armies arid „killed tOcancel the sartilkate held by l'atrick 'woirtz & Couittito . , „, ..,.....i.n.iitebekool heeler of section I ce" sr ----e. e.^.- .. Leer , that of Messrs. Smith and .11Ian, the anti- wore men within u given.period ' of 'time' :, ..., ,, ,,,e.e.................,......, see- _see.- -.es-- . No. 3, 31eKillop, whose certificate had Rate itarto._ Ata e cottliderate d. legates, !Veiled euma . in- and of having withiu that perical pileu uP la. • aed b th I • 1 '4 • 'ihuisday (24th) • - tercet in St. John ne well a, th.• meetly • Lieges WOr debt than any 'nation in ,e,,,t, fur makiug felme entries in the watch is arranged to come •df at tiogetich ;Ile 0•111114114rY 'Waiting '1 •41111.. neelifluel tome of tl'ie tioverioneut oreens.-, innaern times. But soinethi•ng wAa want. seined d•,,,tidat,,e, and tiaaibiag the beheia hetween ten men from each of the Stratford ,• easily 1 . Gfete. lee, and the inatuortell Ketchum 'OS ,up• resume ef e:I id 1.1:4001 1,11:10.111. Cl011111111ifil rod the guy number of our own IN the absence of anything perticullrly , 1,111. .. ,e. qr. 7---, .- . , ilied it. ln the same breath e ith big Tug tiers) volunteers, ton),...g tell utt hi at!. Firitig 'item. ewe fr'u-isd for woe consetenee, we behest, ou the fiats, at t t s A t t it t t lila:. 11441 1. interesting in the wny of l'eili tnientery • ' per-rarice,' big trove, big uttuipli.iie,, big , . 2 u'cluck, p. at. intellii;ence, the coutstry is bee:hieing, to lmng as. we laves eveite.4 , tor. flews of the hetebeee.e teie lei; e‘e,te, Sinee le54 0 the Upper tinned& manleie thtuk whether or tint it is worth Ketelosiu sill while 10 Arrival of the etrelt ship with the .1nieti• be %Lillie/led tie the mord ' eiblirsel-1 eab•heeletel '' Le• beet 'dist. eedr d stitiu'll% T't etmayaea'at'aa"•"" r" laag letter of keep in Neer n reelitioo which Las eon. eel, end of the .Att llIti0 l',11/1, ".17 t11, 111Si/H.Lr the World ever pro lueel And on the first tlav uf Air ; tie dietrilmtiett be. " Niereitali" heini a erititiese sif • ripely loudly laded tO carry out the ptincipal legion doomed to tlisoppointaseno. tan 1 how cam- it hot ili.r. pelted Statee pro, ing the =mum mettod for the sear t•ndino literery ertiele. ewe lisi over. 04: 'Voice ut • GODERICH, LUG 24, 1865. 31.4 It e• ino,r. 14st isee.tli tie. iteeri...er ni,teLch la diemnil for loci! news that we are objects for whidi, it ere. 11.riutd. The • Vt'cluele.l.y the li.'itli, Ater hat ...4 .1.eartl , due. d sueff, a litiorseal plioneuretion as 6 tither -XI ilaikot11414 Ilnilthal mot tannicir 1ir,io mews. partial to long essay* ul isay old toty or onneerraiire proweloot s Lir a , that the tlisot 1-', ;;t, ili hid I, ,, lea 4,001. four iiilliiet .leller he:hid:et, a wen whO la•L'',71, "ttetn'aLa:ani4041; s 11,0%":"aii.'11aaaed it'ii,o7';'eye. Lied, and pesitisely omelet make roulti for a 'semi opmeition in the estepe of confine.; pony writ the ten% out vita% when IWO surpasses% villeiny of the kee Sir John meet ?meld Le .nilide as omal on the let el emdy %earful. st.n•re ito eroimple is mvolved. al carping at the set* of 3Ir. Brown and i nif.es ot it Mel been eelenereed, a tele- Ile:in Paul '.11.1..Ilier, or even the hi.torie .11;l1...elset .to pension% hus been made. A,. NX mi. Johnstone's Case. ----,...p...............--- -- the hberal members of the Cabitin, hoping, i great reached us fnuu Aepy -Bey to the Jetta Lew 0 al iseievo ueseeoe yew, ? ', '"ifessileil uses P••••11 1." Mrneht1 11.1 to until tne cfstsibution to the anieunt 0, ---. adysioneubtlit sotie. tdouifit:greeilo,titir,a ,reti:idre, Ito the old delft et thin " A litr,,,e i••sral "24 ill sight, .1s the ph, nomenon te, rt., 1 eh of •tes :seri. email to the :loth June. le64, 1 tlynemt 'or On 1t telnesday the leith, on inform. . ., .. ppareutly • geily treireinetited a itIO,1174,.. ';:‘,,,7, rt'c nif • dent, or to le', at tributea to th, soeial Mid schfcli is se he Siihte all the filet del ol Auk thou of Chief C‘mbtabla Trainer, Wm. nen. By this arranseamilt the fund seemed Utterly. regardless ot cntiecquence.. A ' ural conclusion whir fliat the ,grcat.work bummes baseness hotter...I by ',Suable arid . tie 1.. the 3dtb Jane l b Johnatone wa. examined before the 311iy- portion, aleo, of the Reform. Prete of ; • e euteessfully accompliehed. Bit, tin. ;.treetrback, ? We think the latter. Dm teibuted u.'cil !Le 1st' JUlv.,57'1Z1:1161,•nrotitl ibl:if Odle'. or on a ch3r ef ot aseault on the body of .. upper caned. is legiuning to 111111-111111' I onr after hour 11:0.0.01 awuy .yrithout spite the arguments of Phillips, Smith vete:mem bait suttee mil, tbe am or i!4.*•4, 'Its , pectiag the 'nutrition mid d:ttribui,on of this liariotte Julmetoute siuce deceued. The loudly at the noteappearasiee or the hires- I brioging US. tin) 'VACUUM aiinotirstemietst. •114 lirceleY, which are laughed at by the tuml, e-ctien 5 ,e' which•saye :..._., The ani. prdioner pled guilty to the information inu which were to be hivieleel upon the t " Englana to Auteries, greeting," and still meeses, the 'spirit whieh *muted the! most of the muoiemahti‘s fond 01 eiltleT %PC country under the rule of the ConlitiOn. 1, we ne left -in the deft: as 10 ethere,the big enly New Eugland Puritan. has so con I tion of the Province n.mainino unex en 1 :flayed" CVIlltalli :ittet.liorVbf,tittrIonal, aill)poirillipouro job .." ! and u•ranpreerriated udder too .ure,neng IWO- • 1,...".• •P 4" LI lee ad ' ••tnd and the 1100. Geerge Brows mote* iu fur 1 ship he what elm ie doing uuj eliether or 1 1 d el I if . • p.m( .y _h._ out that .. would new b. al.! visiotir: 0f 0414 act on the elst day of Decetn- the County Judg. ' . . a large &Lair &adverse et itienta• .- . i, not the labors of the zealous gentlemen mon oneseeible to doeover a tree: of it 1 ,. ,,, ,.... ye-r.o...•-•..., ty t.ie liecriver Gen. W bile wc freely simit thet it is nr.Secat 1 ata,ard of her are to be littally len.. 1 be in practic il tlife. The war larougift in its eral' 1' 11:''''vt;otti'd equally' Attni:%! tne , GOING ONCE 41011E.' , 'rove,s: comity anti city inueicipalities in the, ' fun eke to suppoee tint a Collitiou cen.-1followine extract embrace* all that is ae- tram it'degree of homes, moot deetructiife inme %mien ut tne Province to pi- portrioe.e. ! We are haypy to be able to announce u lottnemi whom there fonts -limit's keewn about the eible. up to the eo what. Was left of morel tone in the te tee purelittioe of such municir.atitim to , that the injur MI bus' teieed by Mr Plias pective y, and the portion thereof coming y mined the bitterest' politima hottility 1 time of writing ;-" After having paid nation, and which permeated to a greater I each niailicienlity ellen In paid pew by the : Flouring Mill* iu .Golerielt have been be either atroeg Or harmonious in the • out 1,11.'00 utiles, sod sucensfully repaired or leas extent the whole fabric 11 ! 0. soc.ety ; Receser tit:neve to the treasurer, C l'aL"'-' (tirrouglily repa-ir I and that bueinces was te two instances -AM* detective insulation in lentil, other 1411,e havieg the I.•eal custody I sense of tito term, we think there tbe nec asities or war raan •Lirth to Anon of weathet, Pa it would , , . , „ . . ,1. are CA umidances utider which it is ab- 'Did °ftwili operations anu an unuunteu , , , . et t'iv motels 01 such, on, t.ei;.ttlity, without I resumed sual"113 ago. :1, greater vA- I seens, emniellet11 the telegraphic staff on l nutniwY ! ot her authority than the aet. ice:, ay." j utile or ureter is all 3t lit new neceeeery solute! ecteemiy to allow lowly feeling been] the Great "'Astern to eta the cat& thnuch vitiated ipariCr currency. To Naar of the•isteirieieel:tios have anticipreed ' ..t , . , , .., t, , ,_ . , , to citable then orkiiii; f the eetahlishwent to sink r the tone being, betel.° the' elaeli was done .‘tigust 2did, ia luf. 31.40 mak.; Lumley, lemestf 1' . •b' . b t i ' . am..tuit wait rt unw•r tne noose an, tee, ri, 1 , , ' • , tole emoted to reeeive, mai wili• be put to : to its tall turvetty. ciigeocha u fhe country at laree. - we maim mug. 3S. Iler M ,jesty., ship Ter- any rate to .make hie , beeamo the ! email iuc.eventeoch if mit paid nt mice. Nu 1 great object ii the tre•reilt Coalition was rilale alai!, cum ""..11alth the 4'real El't" eolasibeerbine idea of thin lo,dt eie,, int 1'01-14:,111•1111. weak •yer pen hunt been it.' ptatti 4 the selmonet First Fruit imetuoulate riches by patient „ The.: thee net,,,,wy to vre iare fer its ill.irihowou: !eiebt yearn, 800 of 31r. CO 'll 31urray, .41 had' h11"4')"e•'' i . : : , erti, mid within tise miles if the beoeen Forufeeeiriii. hae hetehrtiore set 11-01,1 F to secure a Co Oelerstieti of the lit iti-.1 More i...21,:.,..f LAI *bees would A buoy. Ilveceete,.. et the 1, rrible itsLio1 - ilic ;...yru•iit ef etes tri..t t,,,t 1•••j-tapt trie I • .t.r,1. . ce11)1.:NT.-1. A'11111u boy aged .Lameriean pee% me .., In erder to ihr eerily. the'ci Iiirrever with those minion:A difficulties when he had emin t lie 0 ;Nat tiaet, Tit buoy, wheel of fortune, untrenuneled old.; -I fes.11.i.. Leder. whieh for long years etntled the pine- and haying received the ueecisory inter perity of Canada, and vim endanger:al =idiot', .ito doubt ali .boats eill have leen lowered in a 'search ter it, the buoy reach - the permeful relations wit ut wflich the ' whol/Idlibrie wuu1•1 fettle federltion en,1 the permatien dation of a people, one in pniith ance, into a nation! /of no mean re or capabilities, was an idea tete thy 14 atatesaien who conceived and endeavor'. to carry it out. If it felled because, like • moat great political ideas, it wise ahead of the times, Mid because or the sellieheyee aud unepeazemeic action or ....0 ...,..boara fuilo mono that was a circumetance to he proepee deplored, and should not be made a handle tine : - of against the promoters of the scheme, The pre whose views, we hare twee, are heartily America is U0 endorsed hy the ilritivh Governmeat, In Cenede it is I Mu. sal the erities, was there not en ming majority ne t agt cement that, failing the larger echetue consolidate' the With of Confederation, a Federal union of the taken, and to build a 1.fishemian, wftile playing in a t on the world +et %leo, revAred with such rel. .1- ; uur Q., c cer • espitildent writes 'to my It river yestt.oluy, 17th, fell 'into th ater ty the superficial speculator of %fel '"dittIn'oet°1:'::"}:rotO4:::le b°e0eini°,:ivelAt:ener C11,1; creel about on hour afterwards, but be aid and woe drowned The bod was 000- CM:be the millietiaire of 1SG2, married. leieed teem thetleyernment as tu when ; strenuous exertions of Dr. 31eLe.au, Thi. c on. ed, and connection tnt.tae 111010 estublimbed. I c4024°Ii to Imo *be in the tol lniwtzlii,•-,..nr cheat li‘1141;18, daughtt:r .of some whilLott: enal•I‘14eliatu'Ci...--d lit The only difficulty deeentilet itself . • petit:gee te toe diet soi d ' b ' Ft • el e paid. •- Ed S. ' . i Waa humediately 'celled, failed tu restore alhoti- and, ferou'red by ni'-ifv.1 ,net Important. . • 1 the vital spark. emo........-_ . wily. b Vervains ........ ...: Never before was !limey so easily noide,1 rees would uo doubt be found. W.e, ‘tni"e; 9 : ce L. . a...WM . and certainly never, berme was it erne en ft,,,,,,,. the t. et, submitted to Parharnont I 1 , 01 111 110LIDAli• 10 ni.bt.e. not out he peet, therefore, to hear of the completion of tiau 11,,iu "winter at any timn.., freely. But how ? In noteue living- beet eeeic is th Itety,corrit,,,,o,..f.ttlite,,, 1,:::::egtioteed. ! • 1... b 7_ o to beam that C 1 °1111'''''' b l'urlibau" • - • . • • ' .. fast bones, fest wouseu--.-everything fast ! itte12,trti'ae,,ct•••,`"irtiln" 10 ave err ry omit .. . Cosilledirrat ion no 11 Monde. -Uri detuortliztthat has spread until really — good thinking men, have become alarm cItesit.rteelita.i,eso:,.-... Weleime e!..,..i.,!eytItialito,e.,:11e!r(i 1, rt hit ee pl,,,:oapllebioctk•,7reiltiegoderiephre,c.7itt:ygitthhrota:vdeinntg. • : b.:e.. • . . Irj of Iteet;irecity the ! • ••,.. le Geri.. or the I5th hist draws the , result trt Canixili.sh interesta fr i, the ahrozii- , Vice caste her shadow beeide the unfin o- then or th„ ii,,,„,,,,-.:,., het e.,.e„ot, - ma et the , enjoyed the mild% holiday -will. The g rather mil:storable picture ef the ed monument to Winhington, throw her ' s.044. time the nete 'unit' uttiess. ey eiece , great tuajonty, thinking no doubt thst of Confederatiou at the present Jeee....-ded arm aVund the ntickeof Se, atori, • It'refitawbe,:ee.,fehbanoinfseeiant's11.netuleno, u,,ri a. r,tif,,,o 11 Goderich wee just about as nice a place. d union of Britiels North 1,r1eta:rinc tcor the ch.l'iig.e, ir, I as they couid SOS fiat% htre, flattf1811,1td 10 lolls laxuriou.ly in curiages et the capi- , „e,„!,,,,ree . I deed. it wined como." I los ile;iort m ei,eie tal, stun boldly forth in Gotham, reigns , tier at hempen." enjoy thc quiet pleasures 311 undecided queiniem•- alumest supreme at Saratoga, elm= tileI d• (' • l to a derived front pic-uicing, cricket i hv (rItIr of i hot ereicipal menthe,. el theratee , ked to by au overwlel- , , : ,. • , , honseltulde orthe wealthiest to rend heart- 'tient. The tainitt 'thit quoted ei 1Ifililli 11" ! play% rifle-practiee,&c. AS tnig:ht hare ' ' 14 inainii• • • • . measure which ie to strings, disteever hotricholds and destroy , foenesti.e. of a et rjr iorrtaht character, i been ex/ ted under the circumstances, wcr on this cots- . which it is eery neorMar7 t is I i , .,, _ ber of reetrainilse itilLienca,Tha presence of '.1.'"'atb".• sit."1"1'4".."'":•• &ea'''. a f''.5e ' ' h ' and 70 left for hold idyls hitherto woreltipped as. Mitt nath•ti in h°u' of purity. end elitohitoly oi );ii.'".':::leii,'-.1 'kit er °I' th '''°.1::"'";76e i7w46as'‘°w;uneld'eiisariviel Canada'. eboalel be al.eted? We knois• the north' which ehall etn, in'clanger of waiel:iachsto allurement and the aheenc,' tdiarnhen.:,,e7nui re,hmi.t:ertaMly to t e ideated.' e ;IQ a "Ilf"'ric..1 ctates. I ever). tee, ._ ao : been the case had t re beenrie divbiou and our legislators know-tbatsthin entailer tbc 31aritiuse Prune...el a g. d ILIV0 worked .0.1'1, l''" that, but we know alto perftcily well,- being absorbed be the l•nite e : bat, aw.r.11.111"i4.''):ItY: ''"Yia , cing the 31aritime Provinmes to come in ; ine their ideotity in the large union, an Calif.:on% • 1Ve do cot write thus in 'a . '''• .,•• but. wore; fer tht e . etc, culminatine in tie.- -;',',..' ',/ ' -1'11" i" rlere f h.' , ;1111etVfail 1 vta..°1 Wing' n-.sitata * ,••••41‘:::, l aupatty of abuse 90 to Semi( end uron. The sail was a must •delight Confederation ix considered too paltry by hostility to the totalurr, which c , al 1 , a long iist.,of Alt indles, solutions, b.1.- '' ' pirhi.a); 1 gllei• e, riot., • ., a ,,,,,,,., .1f11,..CP.i: 27 1)10..t iculart . c.he 1; . Brantferd hy the %lin, an iter enjoying . abmt . 11:1 has ehakety the Republih from Nleine ••• ' : , r inforinetion, Ether irumm°i .' u.,,i imz ec,z tei,i,c,,, •1,;,:,,bed,. • del hto It thutuselvee first-rate return the country to be thuught of fur a mom. ably be beet aecounted t'or by the fa „al utotinding videinee of Ketchum, st1i;eit ' de Canada is large and tee Lower Prot' re Irene.. o'clock ut hielte 1 be Nieteir I IlYti:,1 eal tf ibare is avea a Pastal-tilttY of in--- emelt. 1/1 fol1114 10 exot. The frae 14'1 2110111/1 Will1111 a reaseanable length of time.; oft -having their toed importance diminish rit of bitterneee or forgetful that a lieree 817 rmftel' ' ''Ilan"1.1,1.14"?:11:: t t., reedered • • r the greet object of its exietatice, in it at 31inistry eannet But even supposing that the Coalition ed is the enwoce of nearly ail the peen- t immediately accomplish I ments used by the anti -unionists of the I Meritituc Provincee. It is hardly poled- leav of good, but simply becauee we sae ',. , , is so much r.f evil there ie a 1•so a .11,rv‘2.:t 1 . i" ''''!" that 'tr.' 4 "uua-14-1-)en:1:::- . I . taunt r fi h 1.„...0;,,,,,17,.d.:.i,;:.(1,, 1.4 !1,0,,,,, b‘ ,.,,„e ,h.el\cole. but ' the retdrri trip was eritwneorire yri. oi, the i "e'tlial 'Inc' cermet. of pre.' cididren, oinng to the want of sleepin,e ac- i.n- A enrertable. to late.; end '1' . . .. tn. i are tenibe, ' "'el'. "" htielLeks'. r Th, ever, ine mvenicuces were endured by all •ine, distance, aieed 1 the recent :mei- !-uttle" t en Ors south line ; Lie to think that such absurd prejudices- sat istie that these thin.gs et,,e.., ‘.1,,, i.e. oe .. , yet nor i cernModation tranowd b • is admitted • all desirable thet we etou1.1 be hurried , prejudices which, if allowed te prevail over facts whi tnuAt • 'tureen. pitiful feelireo. efi ' ' 'r t s chan4e back to the state of thinem prior to its i tee node n„eid give only petty States in ulaMereeY itlid admirer of the nobler : mere profitable Chanhe'i for the trade than tine emsts, fail Aent to . the reesefs cabin works. flow- ' e formation ? Shall we return to the , place of the proud Eitipirts which rule qualities of th 1tnericen people generally. 1,:ea,h, lt,h.re,„7„7,:',„ti.',„rstfinb:, i5,....i.,• h.c,,,, 1,, fierce conflicts and henna ricteries of mule! tbe whole habitable globe -will be ,,,, 4 , in a Spirit of gmel humor. and 'nothing ; none* of thn same na yore ? Shall we eel. up a miiiistry tn-day, lerever keey Nime evotia.and New Bruno. We in C.103da are frequently twatel this saleect. which is paralt zie • . ee pwerty, but te.: ' 1 irel'ES Of our Moven Mid the improyed peeM.!ocaurred to m:.r the pleasures or the day I Like Ilurue. From ca,.. t wlenitic seperato Prot-200es they now are. about our couspar to be defeated next week ,and, perhaps, 1 But ;he pc;ityteoif, .ttris...101: nial it is the duty of 'the Eve- , and niedit-for it was five o'clock thi. • heiee on a leer throe th the ex ii y to take early acti.in to stet a • practical poiet is th it just now arc taught by the es transpiring day , a, of ordinary counnonmense-intelligence can our lettoti•cuienists. Priime Edward le. without lb° aid of princip • is 111"1"1" rcliark„eirekire°'''Iniii.16.ireirt:I=Trittuownthveittlh•-• "n" I" "e. ' oi..arnent I (Frid4Y) in°r"i"g befitee we were band'd i tabeAr'';'tdi:Tttliivirulr*.ri „'f'l srte:::1%"C'thourts 1 ,,, . i la so/Toted to eust. mil was shorn a • re -instated the week following ? Ne man 1 thore'prejudices hate greneweight among -e be doy beymnd the er *het litnrirT decision on Vie. Itt•eipr,tcay question, hut to t .TOWN COESIL. !1,1 spee.me.o. sod by ginii otesta to he port, contemplate such a return with other than land-becauee the sundiest-is the most of building up a true and la ng national redly are. -(Trade Itesiew. • country. e do not wish to go out of great net+. . 1 The %Vey of 'I' est neereseore le — I en held 101 "4 umlay ci,•1, ,., •,, 2. st ,.t. On a call of Ili • !fat .,••. A i:. • at ...„1.- --.--t feelings of dread fur the future of the intructeble of the Lower Pmviticos. New tlii ruunni 4,iii i tb• k ha t. se ,tir lei egisleture which im ay. our grey tit- at .9) Special pleas for,•the : 'Alf,,,,„1, .1biaceirige iron ajesentry; seet:At. „. Beard of l'obtls• 1nstretc ein t efts rd. - present landau, if our national I though there il slv official proof that thq Leverinjet to ' . . The •fullewieg were the certideete Co. flagon. _ ' 1 A sin/tiler int, i - A W10,1t,,t •1 t't Iler how, Horton, 1tues intim,- Hers, 2 I • . xth's. tra'.1.1 6.'13! WI Cliff0/1, ST01.1, llorth 114 Csmern''• ' ,. , ' Present. Me Mayor presiding, 11. . 1.ih.; tkli tr. affairs wire in a more tied etate we allii-10110161453 211:'10* 1/4?1, at any time been i 111,t N •w 1 , 01:084 :-.1,, .' , , 1 .2. IH.H.4,11;141 xl 11'411 A coni;:..usiicatfort . from linen& Mdee ehoald rejoice at a return to Artie party iss the' nejetity, the tect *het a Govern. greeted Ly tee Beard 8r Pubiie lestrue.. t r netni,. 1s. ne r e te en ex•e'resele.A governmeut, uneler winch slime there can I went finitely to Conkderation fdt, thetsit (km for the County of Herm, at the ; a.' teed ham i'y with ler tor shoat tem G Arnett on the .2.3th of Sept. mire% and! Loretto tegarding a Review to be hnd in , meeting le Id cii`tk.,„. lerth anal 17d. iii,,..; rw, , . ut teen.% she woe an rem:Pent wife, be a consistent, definitive nupesition,'b afeetattittin„"00`t.4:1‘;erdilitri!:81ilt,7„ ni" iti0111-;.'t01011',.0 iveltin,r the CorporatiUn &they were wileng to thut „,otio„ ,,, , • her I e• at opera eiriger, tr:d wax hy hi. father. Bo esoimord the lend any ,assiidatce, stud %hat ammint tc- en;eri•rge. a•.•I . 1s, • x ,, . n 'betide civil over. arid. beng I's"' fu'n:sliing teireshment. to Vie men. ...reig w ar 1., .. • • ••••• the tenoning unique ad. :-..-“CAPT1U14.4 The 31 ETSOR, to which the repot sin. decopuit.11::: w:teor. e,ii.1.00.fa-ihroont:i. apciasilde (Lawny tlebti et:tame ari he has lett toy tied and beard Ce"ali was so lae IwPaussi ti be at' Notice is hereby given that„I will aut. be re• ted by William gular,aceideht oconrred iu the Mary!s • - 131. t tut I to 14 per sent. Steamed from sitileetta lue3 ; tette distance to Flails without any just cituso or, piovoestiou.- pabs tiown the Detroit river el the' NOM 4,;:,.alijir:11 114,s11.niii 014.810:4t 41', re .,4rt a t! :4:e:ii ill 021-11i: :1,1.1*(Pluh;e1 ad. me. n: 'dicta ut Z . 5ht Cricket. ini; of 'Thursdey the 17111. A uot hrr Bar urfilotti., • 1411...mi .•rappeilitig Lent r, ui, 'The London Flee retie says :-" Oil , ;1'1 01'0,,t• near dot st , Moue 'Late entomb August -1, 1365. . — August leth, betweeu the Iliveetielt1 mid A return mntch tool. lilac° ,liest SetutdaY, ruesduy, the l'2th of Sept. nest, a e:(4t..i.sitil L4;ihtfoliii,t,„111,1;eti,,,:,eif:sol,i.e. r.,..),ilo•oste,i:,.t w,tiiii4oh.,:yetiwb.hr. tionsitch Clubs, e Web savailted Sit au Mar iry andintermediewill Likezlamiaimic'e irosiiitol:jud,rt4r44., Low.,..4 .,th .2..16u 11,14, jus. a uo,4., ...I . excureion ten %tickets to ete.re. lislow wo give the im., win I,. ; From the l'ort, Sl.e.1; • Pt. ain,41.o.i1",,:',,1•''"iit1•1,,,i.•1 2P,:t.:1101,11.111,•e, „it If: sfactile,ek i j , , a it ,t, til it • au mushro..... te beef it 0.,4.4.:.,,,.,131,,irt,::::,,,,e. :he:. Victory fur the Godetich (...ul. by one run 1110 seors :7. v4e• • • severest u- ler lasta,55. . . effort will likteirde '1'1 eetiare 111; fall...140a tapet•ttLeel euseeted ill., leiter. 1; bonnie, $1 i owl Lucile°. 'tvi'i iasuln• An uh,frphi:mt.h.4•4 ta:eilmat.. rtim,,:is!, tt:114;:: opmait.17. :61 1.1.4 ii:ser 1111 ilri'iemr,,,;1010‘. iiit.,,tb;..Irlisoludane It galUnterat.le, C lasso -10u, b I laltlane 1),0 tui,f1,11.,1, iir,,t,y,11 1:tcsrl',icet,i,t,:,',... .. i .. e..lktre, ae an unr.ziou,4,its...ti,,w741thu.r....:17..c..0:::..i.:;ttnuc.rili,....41biloar.:a,•41".t1 1-1 Itliggs, b thosi,it.. • 'll , in had 10 te To -Mooted be the ea,nte„. f qt 4 •111iNt Ie. (R•lii,7,,,?,,Q,rdblii.l..1 ....i•• • • • • . • • . ' i; 1:.A. h (i ridirti 15 4 Unite() StateS. , 12,10 p out. : C01111/111.11f-e1.1 sire.ietiss$ Ger-the tree li.u.s, Mat Out. W 11.ittusiburY, b G Jo tcrildels;Y:"... .. .. .. .. . ••.::,:• • or tit. 11 00° ,tiourriatis burryli,:d aNtol:ni.eves:e 1,1„.iisi ri,iO4;2:1.:116.ke'rer '8,111..uratielg:re,,i'il,lici '141.41:,;(1,1',,,•,0"1.:•,:sti.,:h.p:TaterifTidry,*::;:i:vio,Ilia.i.1::;:i..:;.hiftia:hi:1111.[1..:the::::;:i.:111,turei 031„:„1:841:tioak ..., h waisNcit:.oilia.14.1uria.4, A 0 Iti:itheld, ja._t 31,:s.0,010hde ;,,i,teeLre,d0 i f.wiatt:tiu,bat,,g,:b6:.aulh,,r,".:1,bni.: . . i Litist iii this ail'enuipt 1,5001. ueitlionsa4litifliew4irripe.-.}'. . J lergusuo h tiurd iii W I/emitters,' , b Gord• . 3 2 (11useri.,:r;::::rti:',ourii:10n,. isueel.l.ttne..1:ausie:7°..6,1rple:7.71t ri,i‘cey: tu the 1211i. .. , foly ocrup.ed in havii(g new shanklea . ---7 the Lberals liad been eteadily immortal in i''''...h.e"li"g i'1 1"r• ell°rill11 lb' eelislens mht? 111414111! ',epee:molts kir Lilt ther istiewirt to' . It Sommerville, b Illeldatie .. .. .. 3 ., r. lieges, b Ouedon • . 2eVINNISIOR. ' the Slott; 01 Sao 1-..., l'obvia eeery way r,00utdr, ril show„theius,•ives The people Med and armlet the eurt Was in .11"4:1't he e. IT"it•uheebeete,: ereti.d.'slYs'. rt•iel'eaweetiatthethee reeover tho c hie ' on sseene,•, iy ea. IM tick too il lieht0 11105(1 it Fergusoii b Oordeu: .. I° I utterly opposed to •Maxiti len li Meliona'd, L, It. W b lionhiti, . . . • 1 •r 1117(11:1::::viret.vil o'irtilligss. slialfulousl °to( tu81 pal. pe"icrs'''his,„‘v"e 'the' 1:111"ni!"'h:::IP84:41rrliam.,411:Yien...:',44,'Iir40.4.:1-1:11,6.h*Alia' 78i 01°14,1'ic 41g .:?•111,:ha?:1,,t 7:1".'ebc112,1 4.2r: 11 itienet, 1:6,eden ' . 0 The beArboite i..1,.„. p„.,,,, , , !,,,,,....: in J Reid. c and b Gordou.,•... le yr:I.1.7.1,17"-'1....-nit,":171C7 •L'r...Sist11''s..eh'imm) er,r::;e2.)0,1 1;tit,e1.1. v14:6:1111 eif T.:. ,1 t 0 d e 4 0 8111,11 018 evening, when asameir in whir+ the sm. tire is carried on 14 wele.h::11,7:',11.....he.e‘iti.,1; eal.:„.:LY; Lei: we bee,. je 11t. hut es peiteelly tertiblf.. ---.... 1 ':':'"::7":s:::'t:t-ktdl:::::°::::::"t:IuY41: .12f.ii:.;24:::Ithilitlii"olls44t0w1e8rowih'exialteilletew:47:11oen4.•nu: . . • 417. *1 10"-'. t':r4.:" Caol:46eUr.er. bi'l:ur'sbieev1"."14""tY 14nu"";:ti1: "6 'Id4:311;:iihteriltaur:il j'aet".14.p.rn.Awthleln4: 11:46sar:tCsato:' • 2ud " .. .. .........62 .. • ' nis .Y.::u, Augww l'.0. -The Deily News' ereet strain that 11,0 large tent, r . 1 • • . i haul h. steely. It egs,sa';!"11.11 he:lisieri‘ult,,tihyt ttliree Tuta,. , , .. • .• .. 10, . asvg I-21;liert. A, Jone., height 0..lit.clAir on , emote. At 4.10 p.m.. when 110 fathom.) leo? ......... th; Eri.• Itaiirewl, Isses been l.tepeliobt,,i u . hee'l 111CoVefed 1101 rota, pigmy]. .... 0,,,, . aanauttio-olli U‘SliaaL . • 0erki of' rolthonsa. It IllMetve has' .0siary . wits net stale halt rope csti board the tirest A 11 Bodge, Is lteid : ... ' . ..• • • •••z• • 21 ' a Mbut #1,:1011 per yeor. lb. had 1.4nibie I.; Meru to resume gratineling. it was iterated 11 ft 0 1.',..” .,, pal out .. .... I apart isl H1/1 to sow quo tee 01 t's,e rity trete , she elissuid returo *11 osier to Iiingliiiid. J Mooely.-sen„ ruu out: ... - 1 serit.m.! 414 talary, al.il ath aloe iwite ,..f spltri• . , 1.,Itaiid, reit out - .1 J Veigutain. b Guidon.... .... 0 W -limo:twee, It 1131.1.iite • 4) W llsttenhaiy, stMos, ly, b Golden . 2' Gets Kiwis. i tut 0 t, b Gordon.... ... :. trying. 13 1 Lee by . 12 Ia.:ionise, li .1.14nut.. ........ . .... I dol ;,.. a; 2,,,,,,,1, ..., 100,004 ll, tepr wee tio.• W MO le, ll ter,.:11i01.1 .... .. . • 11 11014:e 001./s, HA ;0 14,11it'll he totteltatta..1 hi. THE WAR IN SUUTH AMERICA. .t. x 11..en, b ft -t4 11 female friends. 'Thetis rooms were Male a ______ It A McGregor, b Ferguson.... e; 0 .• 11 Gordo 1. run out :. ., 3 3 :ND ISSINOS. C IT 1; out.. ....... ...... Boronhor, t out .. • ... • a . nye* ..... ....... 14 Ler byes ... ..... 1 peeper aiaaasiaastoes 01 his k girl i I I otin 1 41.•talls or 1 hi- Nasal deee.:taitts thet be sitoh.10 g31,uuU kin °ht.." , ttli tilt: Puritan. • • h:eit lett the city with clue uf lam lodes, been etraiing ie net. yet determine 1. ..Joice.,:.11,--,:•:::,41,.:btu.l.tttyttr,..tb,;,.. jetbr._reir:Itioyirnsitts..5a.Ltiehite.lxilemit. 2:11 /1111117 ter Nesethittan4. It lie mated, tiort *tome ref the Paraguayan fleitai -on- the rarer t,01.• place un II, a wittier. the Dresili- • clans of I. rui.iiina bavem -tree1tiol oa tom to ao a1"1 .,„,t . n.. swo.r.f t,„,t thuri or 1..out,o.,,,,,, .1.1aora.n.a.o.ritetmr,,ecetsili,li;itor.itt 1..of 1,1.,:gtuji,-; einaleareeli Widest ...... . • • • • . ..... I 1 lying evst'of tee Mesissit,,,i. It'oeeritior. lir the preont war ;tree. tra. :Lel Il114 the Areenner. coheet-ratent em . FI'Ll. PAU iletA WS Or .1 antely‘.111 li.71.1eir.41:111n..'en. i.'•:'' rho ilo.'1,zies„C i' tril'i'i..itr1:71rri item tite navy of Papiztmy nearli or quite - 4 E ATLA-riTIC CABLE. ._... , V) ' 1 , eveue w. illatt e elate. mann slows) the toter tinettoo bottle The 11004(e.'ilie I Ith not the Paraguayan fleet . Total .. .. .. • • .. • •• .. • . _- • 110 Th;sry : - • ..... :21.-P0 1 The tl.e..., is —Irma Cerce W. Eiel.il's fir.el.ri:lit steamers a• il six fleeting .hatteriee.:. , Dor took mietior I , fl • ' •• a It'll Great I: ,siert, AtSset1e Oreg.:. i 21.,aotilife:,....::,:a,..Niti.rititi: boor oiled pivot ,ii, l'13. .4!.1:',114.e 28-'1' ext%.1':i.;,t lA'il:;;•,,. 1(791'11116, 1111:7".01162.Creslitninlitisr; terse"!fedth.401;"sairjalliSISA" IC111:7 hi:. . • 1. !dr. N.,I'. il 4'4' 1.1:/•;r:11:41. Er:0' It .i: mr . 1 a e44. ' J'0011yrul'..rn.., :vi.,..1X. 74.. 11.11 Ile' IZ'tri:•". . ; 9:':112::: IL' (8.-Panintetiuoinn. . ' , , ,„ .„, . , - , _ ____.......-- , - - , ...is ., n: hair.; an e o'cl,elc owl'. r, . nut I:st•,•11...: intl. in.1 s, ill, v. ',irk . - , . !!'etrolenna Enterprise in Bruce. '1 :1:::'..'.6",,,,':::i.,.. f,,f,,,:;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,:,),:,,5,:„:7,,,:f (.1....:7,;, 1 tr.,..u,1;7::.. 81,:11: .,15,b‘,,,,,,:,,,,. 1;!::,::::,..,,,,,,..!,,.B,,,,,,,,,.,,,,ku: — , .. sae .L.,ttor el i'3e ill ., ,,N :.`, ., Xl. : ' :4th."1::' • "'"' '1:1,-”.1'1.6•7:.'''IlVe!';':11•1111,17‘ilni t, 117,4;ji:11::::C,,T1fr.":".,, .*Iii"1"1"...lt t..ikx".111.557,4',"refirill"71 Valetta at 6.15. a.m. Oa ' I mr. her dish erady coteent eel' the v 'sesta-lee .8.41 more •-• •vi.,.ii.i1,4 craw, tho 10.1., it, 1,,,,,.....i.n. cf. . .4 '0,1 V...iii.110 liwit..e . Para J.wayan. white another 844 ahr.ut 1.1. rem era to Rooth Hewett st s sue eon. mama- a 11*, .1 . 'oat . There will best meets het wren I ioderich 1 'nom' awl Calton Cubs on Friday next, 2...th „ 1 on 11.e Goderieb Caeliet firuund. Wiclietsl, 1. o at 10 u.m., . 1 lee ses • et/I.-From 111e yrs; intereet yon tut,1 tele HI the furtherance of 'ohm -prim tow arel • CHIIIC.04 !I: Ilaron awl Bruce, sod! Wielarli lay. Ah err,,eciadiy in that new field f)t enierptse ehie, Ihe t'en•eine -octet; or 1,.tro,,eurn, 1 may be ! the t''''41 i . r Mejesty's weenier. i r.derl wet 'rained laoilles,•irei el" the vesael. . 411011111011e 1117 .eibie're141°1111"; Terriii:e and ,l,iliri,i v. . Twei•iy o•ser. miles ' 'The ee.tuti 11S.14 4 0.e f:,-;,1:4,,,, lo., to be , on in 1111' vaulty ut Deice, ' of th, :gx,,y ,'s ,ee re(f...1 te,ceenf illy bed ' one steamer. st teen 11;,• ewe! aiirh,r the bat. . f th,„ tee,,,hip of K.nese.1 from the Caroline, towed b,, the S. S. Clank. ' ..•rsir..t 0-v.-vs...I...A ik ttit heeMed ;Oiled ' . I Sal. tit, eence al a par er vast 5 o'cloeir, ; awl *moat ...Cot efemn nwitete Isere 011Seereg . i:'...,11'sol: thbel. et ir:e Ili; )„11:::,.7,,i7ni „.b.,,t4weeoen." 1 ,11,h7,d,mi,i.„ lie1:fil-reaelt.''illas:ht-.111,U,.e.trer11.3-7.!'t,671."1.1. 1w7ue0;17.1 1ak:,18.1p8rda,euiv4thsi. , r;rvonealer. 'ern the I erilb'e uh.l• II e St ins ste snsesl lour of ttir!ir steamers and lb, II -sating Ina. . '1 ' • ' ' v of Bruce„ toward' 'See( ainilormd,n4ii:e the Caroline and! terles. The renstrodtr ,1" the Get ,,, treined ' ,,,t, ,,, 1, Gawk retunred to Valenti*. ' Alt seirt on it, / 10 the fortrees of -II ihnittai, Th.. ,,as ' "1' the continuous formation. or oil henna ,,,,,i11,tyy 1 ipi,en.wisr,;(11,7t..,!•141,11,,e,.tair.y., -,,re,...s...n,nr..,airi,:ri, 2, .., i. :2,,,,:i ,..no.f.. ! c,:,....,.:.., -I:, ..,t, :,.,.:::;,,,,:i:,,,,..,,,..T.58:.,.:,,,t,,,,i,,,i2,,.,-..:::,,,,,,.:2,::,,,:,:,,,I.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,:,i,,..,h::,,,,:::,..,,a,,,,,,,nr..ia;:riri...... . ,,,,i,,,,„„ ,.. i , , .. ..,.. -2 ..•,. f. Sir •••!t. atti r ; t. se.. It :rates the Brucliane Inviter* uf dui, ii , , , 2 . • ' ...,1 I. do 1-,,. and ; di. riser. .* • ..'. 1.7,,,,,,,,,,,,,y ti,,,,eral of 11 ',Mt' 1 . 1 ',',, el. eh *es 1 T',.. rositeir.' : :N... the for rwirs Ter- .' :11y, eleie leo. • • e t• .., ,..e....');.,,,, ; -. q • ••-1,1) '1 I it . • ,•••14.,- \ i s . wh'el, M nembers rd. piaree co.eit,;s: 41.00;ee.: le near t: s..di . at it. p il find the eterenIstion rethel • now 'maimed • proctical toms, and that a 'he ' ;0 Lad met' up toe cirato r att., 41117,4 • , fl111.1*, If. tor the 1 the 1. •.... die.; are t -.notes ot ete•Startl, en.1 may ; I 11 0Rai; .• ,brit fh.. . -.4 w I szteit1.1 waot ,lena. 'Ointiell that tuts • t.. ' also 'fa. .11 !' in the mean time we think it better to . le tully eartent, tl.e itifereih';:e that tiro FIRNT CEA:tn.-Jo 31eKechnie, Nire, he 'Lie" irOt, ritieut:y. if poesible, until we tee a j state ..popudir tetlitte; is at leen doubt- M. A. Ilarrinefon, Lucy u1, Dultnege,Irsh:,yc'se decided failure of Minim...Till i ful. 01'14' keling of Newfoundland it rsohea red•be". .1.0911 SlatriiitizeeeKliaa! a•rest7irin, %as -3.,irm aod promiele. iS Oiffienit tolipteak with uny great conk. Weleh, Jam. 4 Mt Andrew, It ivi 1 Sink; •Weee re'eated Is- ,. _ donee. thouelt th rererel iiniee;keion its dart, Catherine McInnis, n)ber Dul.""r".•"; a,"1.--"';',' EnteNt groan Quebec. that little difficolty et i experienced in maize, Arthur Moleeworth, -klice ie3 t.s.1.10 h •."..11t.'s'he.....7l'ire Obtaining the assent or tha %evince to — Weigh, C. C. Johnston. i4 harid...ei wed ed Seeonts cL.,.....-P:miel MeDennid ehl Ail en earl! sg ',"11e; 3Iary Ann White, l'atrick Murphy J0024 Ii7,1,!;:„1,...c1,1::113,,%'',„,ift".% el. 3 le „teen, Aneon DeoeteeTe, Eitiebeth thai, lie,se f. This ia::1.11)131 8414 1Voodnian, Patrick • Sullieen, • Merle ti".0, n',"1"11" 1`.11,1,' "I et .°"" 11,11 1' "'Ilse(' The mreion was earr:cd on a divation, &net I . y , r nn int e, kited the Council adjourned. Nolan., Ant. Taylor, Ann Jane John. yr teetee i Sprines, Villein N.Y., aid New -- -- -wete•-.7---",,- . 1 eon, Ilubert Benthron, Henry Brawn,. 'Veilf•• 1Pre thee reensed at the Lora Midge Proof Wheat. 1 Mottle Una Imo I; it seem, sletermi a . ........- 1 Samuel E. Fos!cr, Wellington 31eVety A, ,,,,,i',„i n Ito,. .17;;;;;, ." 1,,,ireme,,,,,A.2„, It now seeme tn bw settled .heyond idiutit 1 Ralph Sturgeon, Met? Flood, 31ary be,p,:,,t4e Item the belt I wa /tout L••r know. ,„t t 5 icient het been tl,s• es ern', the husk a i 11nelie, deems Pettereon: Cerehee lielli• 11•"4". a° 11" .1 '1•• •'''''d 1,11•"4 au kr Ks' wh.• is so 'hie% as to defy the ',Tea. ot ', . genie /If ...o.in'' 10 Pitiladelph: a tio Amines' ,, , , day, William Alteleson, William Duncan' fle left Oree.'s letter i's winch *be bade leer •,.."" ''' r o'er ti e in'Ire. lit the o!•1 ti)wn•., Jantea 11 111ins, (Omega Leary, Aenes 'thee not owl, w•d her ell. w:th whivit to eons t t .• w 'York State st it said thar tlf, i Timmons,- Elon Spell, NV i l: hint .3Ie Kay, iii;',"1:1,ecbkatirtioice',17•0'1`;:o ,C1:;,'s ;III' ,:1;11,1;i11 tir,„1"1 "'her m" leerefelly grown. As the rev et ages or the m am yearly becoming more 4.ee. ....c intone, tat wee rts taia last you Ca James Andereon, Janet McArthur, Del- . ; ef : 1 e e 1- '1. serious iti this re on, oiir farmers are tre- phine parent, Johe es, celife, .7,41 man dictum el Isia WIleloalsehts, 'mil Wel ., „ ginniti; anxiously 1,, nouire whether it were lloberts, George Qtliilt; Ikober11, Young,. ,thntur,t,i, 7,rarri"ndheri;;; 1,',talw""1""'"""'',' 141 .t.'1" . John Perin, Lucia's Seott, liricilla Scott, ineabettrnia,b1.1, ::11. 1,•,S.„.:1:..1111;t1:,,,Ii bt eiti"arl 7es bito7.E1.71. 0A1:*,11, obeTalleyer,t,:tti'it ryi7,,in,11.1ilre .0„:4 Pir71:1:, 13.11die.Rdt 1..:0114ni :0:4: Buell .31eliwen, 31clinda Clarice, John t ., I martini te G- -, although slm had beta. , McClinton, 31rs. Elsa O'N'eill, Adam peewea roe hia wire At uuri,,,ht :tow, through. toe 1.0,113 time for foil 508 81 557 113. Cantelhn, Adam Baby, William Jacloon, test the ortinfry. Thu entire Mono, uf tne li"n ol"ier 140 .11. k le II I career of 12.-.... w VI t•rehatily leiter be 8;0. wisher; to rommitnicate svith hi 10817 3Iyles Yotiog. The med.:lee di.eloreol that tie re were these, D. Iltel, Bright P. 0. t Taint, CLARIS.- rite abet h Itailden, •nal,,a, „jet., 1,, hia nil, i418,,,, and 'viva 31ary Bay, Richard Brown, Mergere.t e'er Mend ie lae.haeneeiee1imahill.aethtg::: GOlerlili Ten mitip. ' hate its operatinfVx. .M1'. .11Zott Ime el- af'a,".Efaii.1.3e,711. t',."01.‘,:f j",,Ilri.,4f•ttiae.rttt ta i;b4eult.,1,,,i;'. — X err, Mete. K ilpatrick, Henry "frewn, ;:‘isuisThat.iwrc`,7,41",01,•7'.'0' 4 I,,, .. pradeei nitte1i t.tue in the tifort to pertain nem channela where they are used these cm- Geerge eh, pp3r.1, tiheates which are *for fme thnsaind dollars - Archibald Iliblark, the style be desire' lid.' lietrir,i1orrith.n.ignhtitothl,i.vteoion. CRAM.Ign Exresnatesatv -On F..iday this measure. law, 0ri the farm of Mr. John Sturdy, Jame" each, circulate from hand to hend id lisle of Ned &Tice, John Broderiek, Rebert thiel will be done filth Use Prisoner' ererided D„„ai. crade,.1 6.41 „,,,,,, 01. fair server Mr. :knacre Might, of iiast York, pro- moneyeriel mey ternain oetinn indeliniht tirne Declenan, John 1.1 :easing, Johann* ebalet,:i7.11',':;;,'n.:,:dcliP,:,71,hoi:),7r,' .H.1 lill;P . ' . . „ ! ._ _ . _,, -he r,,,,,,,; pneell to move the House %ha Cumulate° berme tic holler ''• realizes ' or phi thorn Caughlin, Ilichird Edward;, Allan 31e- . day by Thomas Sturdy. Good work. Who wocat, eII.1 tir gram Wall mows o t "f the Wit(11e. ne the tw11"1"11"1. '‘' en". ,:rthi,71i,;:ii!zw,`,"1„r,:rothcOniiViebt; 14t;:: Donald, Noble Whitely, Ann Hoare, A Mee et% Tee Meas. -The Cedar heeta it e „ • reoseem to. vino an I:cement of thr arrest, , . dotal L. Troy, William Wilson, Margerct ,,,,,,,,t;„„ eed„,,,eiet,,,, or e 7,,, ir,,a.,.. l'ssr Itel81290.-One day hull week .1. W. 11111, Agnes , Hannah, Elizabeth Carlin, WHIP *seat namtd Erniik N. Cams, from Wis. end Wm. Elliott with their Reaper one of John Carlin Dennis O'Leary Alexander conaMe en a charge id bi,mmy. It was an. McArthur's Gest make) cat four acres ot good of -Mr, Stirtem exhibits. fully the ileboun sibe•firni of Graham &Coe Inn 'Non absent 3InArrhur, Elisabeth Mitchell. i eb"a os.rtie so le" wolint wheat in two boars making the regti. performed by the Never:II county judges of i 'el. sfe.'",e". " Iii, beinc• 11'11 :::" f The board took up the queetion as to living. Five of these marrieges occurred in thsin ten different wive., all of whom ere hlt stepitties rur oiling, ke. Upper Cesadi, an4 nettles tholes who hare i;i,,1'. required assistance, lee. With but ft w took cliere of the tossittesi in Mr. riraharn's l'w' anitill ell hr. htttm",1 on'etcolritt iatte""ria: the proe riety of making a recommendation i'lle hnus n.'"i ihe n'',1 in vati'",* 14115 ,fi 7.rt. ',lit NO wilco was 0 resientable ot the OATS TIO 0 Ike Os ilt.-.-.4. few days once, : Mr. James 1.emria, of this township, cot PM egoeptions the county judges ate fe it lifully with a view le • change in the law, 1 ,riabetehnLe.h, lap,prziairredot,,11,,iiet4he , 0 1 le.dmen tr ..in,,ido refertnee to ibir,i cam certificates. ! in ( "i1e, "1111. else° be srur4d 0/1"1! nmes of blark Oat* which, when threshed. i perfierining their dense, and sieseevo the ,,,,,,,,t des11"817' if' °Pirli°11.!!' %ha wish" eftetr hturne,1 ;lib* th: ti•ittr'sourdin:eryi quantity office them m collateral ercUr4rtny, w7,111,1 ols After tftio deliberation they unettimous, remota, 'set Arr. /le ban Iptri poblie nonfiderwe. There is no return Min loffilt of neatly tee amount of the face ly agrees! to reeommened thin the IOW on he intended to mare shortly. On I't idey ground cat ens even e little short of the ai1 • Courtin:: another latlj in that viciiii y, whom wwdre ire r a/ • ; ••• tho zrel, or Iran the judges of Bunn and Brume "1 e"1,"''.,. I /1.- FOrgrry Wni erte •uneegaeul. on j14 this eribjmt ehotibt be PO altered, sts to dn metning Cape henzeif hitneref in het eeit at scree. Such a yied m the' is moo eittemr. . All the 'standing eommittere meet te. rraeneery, hive.,,,retien showed that fit, away with thie cies% of certificso4 alto' 10het, jaiht is,tnede.,,,I:e Falls. II. did • Pc'd (finery, and h11-1 110t certainly [Veil !Ambit,' wormy %minis,: by electing their chair. hurnIred r•f the Alt ,',1 were miming. man. No bunneee le likely to be eoei- it k1121:1/1.0411 1`11C:i 01Ie gots fillet* u tor fi,l'• ' ' , if. "I` , gether being of opinion that the lotenem 0.."1 11 dri,,..1": of, a to,ok wh;;. pwinl itrthis stsc,t.ion for marry years, if indeed aver thomorei dollara. it will melte the Intel for. Wooed a t ranee by theta. ;of the standard for &Ai rime, or eertificatee tie eugh the etreets of Houton the othrr day ere -ea'. ',Ma and hail generally in thie ri i •-• ger/ of eentficates foot tip to two and a hait i leads thins to engage 0, teaching who are sne0Ped lot whin St • child in order to CnnelY wfil f 1^14 06" 14 meet% 10 Ills serf! „ .31r. 31(.11.m-1,2, Toronto, prop -tens to in: unlh".“ 1 unfit for the work, and this, in many if..,i,relie,stiern ',1nodeitb:af till, rbetway. The lash as in nidinery saainaa. n e il a outs miming death. 1 instance., to the rxelneten frem en:trier- The 'bee.- is unlit arrest. An Odd Adverilaement. intmatirm, donor the menet' eemien, le Nino thAt the swindle mile' Imre en.brseed meats of otliera having grratly et:perks? rr A Detroit °lieu Who wag taking 01 — h afford meelt aid to the Provincial Lunatie ar least the amount we hare italicised ptiiteeetiene ee tearliere. fencsie trri.oner for Saginaw in the eat% left Two ephunny phellows " in Clintim hiwl A.yhm, 1, ir,,,„„,„, ,„ „in ,„,,,„„,,,,, „,, ... above. (bee, then, her for a few minutes to gn into another eV, been en most intinsate terms for a 1ongth atiftim,, a tg. pc.,,,am, 1, ita,apia0 with Anew triumph. The 1 wter'' "bvieit tAwmo"viressek.: ..AThe Seeretaryof the Bend wag insane.. e hen the enednetrie rarer Meng, and the of time when one of them (G.) seditenly de- 1 ...... to sentl a copy of this resolution to the woman refusing to pey he sr 1, nett., nit. r r - ''' ' ° ' - --• -- wird his bomm companion, in eonsmeence 1 with the original phis epproved by the sign -brie" dr lincing irreerwled h'i hoPn- c holf Snperintendent of Edue.ation fbr tb" IV"' , T•ss at"' ,was nut • Ittlis, elsnis or The iirr:,1 of i.,,, (1,..,„ nth, from a (totem , fall, n on vat Me; how to lied bee hs pet. a Government, and tv•ir ur•Tr•oftY r'''Vireil' I di" nmi "I'''rf"t'1 "kb r '1", ''•1", Upper Can ida. pelt, whereupon the he -rated ore pohrehed a i 401C.. - . 11.1111,te t "lege el Kiis. ' similar to slot ivitoi in• 11 o m....., . . ; , •,..:--, • t kite '1,',11 eatee d by X i . 0 e . in tt h., rainht• • ; .14i I., '...,,,.e titilt WW1 9r0,I,i,hl 01, ' !.1.,.. 3'1.fat two ittele s .1 v. t. in,.. ,, ] ,f,,,j,,i.y.,, lit,..b.rftyeity..flateA.::,,:,,T,..,..81,4:...,,,,...a• 0 ' '''r.:Cirlit:*:::11:111i1": 1. NI, .,11,,.v..i ,!. ,,, ;..-,.t p'...w' a, Ihnta, 811to :v:i:siiiihhi'inesltr.;cr'',14•11rii.4111'i':::` ' ' '' ' . 'is,' ;;.' bc!,:o'.."714:.".cc7: i will'. '::::,1' t' I ;71:1. 1r"::::e.ranh' :'101:084'11:11'11h:70.15%, :1:',-.1; ' .1'1.' "if:11.,. hi/ :iit. l atom bettery ,. „rfotirirrvii atitwfik; p.!,:nnratennr. i mi'''. ilut. at.d a new sp:ice tu.trfc, et. -.1 %lie ia,,,iryd se,,,,,11,,,se 1,1 $4.,:,;,,,,t,,,,h,..,,:niri,n,czke„:„.1,..r.rm.pe.. cafe. tet aforr nl to the pitying oet 'Herbed, ite T ele g;neard.,ne,:A:',',1:"... le i .e,,-,. . , en- nem.. ie 1 feet en.kr end the lief: nit 111 ,,,,,, ...,,,,,,,t,pen,,,,t,,,,,,,,,,Ir.b:i 1:,.,....:.117:,.:!,,,h,:.1 bl,:iierd I arn,(is; it., 7. t ME. at the Vern, rid ft 4.1118.1... ou luceim, all w.,.. tir An er:e haying lp.1',I,!:1 :r; le.t (...,,t. Th.. it,si,;.h, ....1 n.her. rine on tseterdsy Mrs. Howell, motliet•ihdaw of Mr.. Jerven x :1%114'4 1.4,111 I.V....21t noon. 0004 tied tie min. if . 1Ni-hominy t :ff.,11. t:le Great I: mtern drUh:plbe.,,a...,111?..ttair,,u,klitt irl..t,:o . ,,u84 si.,,,t 1,:::77h7,.. 11r..lefforston Davis, end three of Ilea gentle- bwi:n"1,17e4:iii,"11;s,)17,..,%:,,:::::,:,:.:,,,,,h,-..ii?,,,,r. ,.....„.,,,,,......1,..11 „,,,,,,r, bar th,..i111:: 14:6.701..,, Tb inairtruonkt mart's rh.litren-two sone and a riatighter- ," P ... '''''' ''''''''''''; ''' . ' mt." " arrived at the queens hotel in this city di- .17:m f Alsom.; 1.40,1 ter, .;',,,,td Peranlibilia, and the Salm Oat %leg same was beg.. hy the Persil' tram., the T., vi, , 071sitelihon tMhelirrl.::ir4p. deA chiletired4;qesep.eit"rtic Of the enomy i,c,rt. r! on drek end .0mt11,01-0 111,4Slefll Of11 I 010 4.1 1,01 4 rho 91,,,,o1, *WV II Para - ,.;•111,1•1 , thee, rotiserl the, hely, and kir. 41ifirc..• run. 160 miles. es's'e eels,. Us the •iv:ireer.. A t Om same time nide", depth ot water 1,900 este very giert. At 12 o'clock, WWI .1,-envered that there grai St Rep •, 01 1114.-0 111 ,i0moned teo . Atter 0 ,ine convervation, it WW1 went to Cariadi, wbrae ha Mond he Mr. 11,1 -ten, seconded by 3fr. 'LI!' a 'rem "a 'shied McKay. That this Condi are not prepared l'roirtes arid to vote at y monies ler the purpose of hold. blued. Mrs. Ehot . . , . ea, gee., ,44,. ing re‘,, w tots town. cemeelled by Novel in amendment by Mr. Glithenr, 4.4 'It ore's,' ger, d, 1 by Mr. rarneenn, Thnt 12,e -ten ot years older g; Ix gi toted fer the oh:mei mentioned. astcful Qurazr, August 16. the unite) releme. ,Taken as *hula, Mr. A. 3Iackentie •had the 31unicipal however, the present' aspe.et of a& its the Lester'. Ibui incee le hardiy cueutirag- and Asseesinent Bills of Inat eetsien, which ing to thu trio/ids of Vision. were printed during reCORS, referred to the • , - --emeoesnew-wore--.7- committee of I3st ecoion for reconsider:h..% Frond Inverialom Million* of tion. Some orrore remain %Aso corrected. lloliars. The committee eats li%ewiee °molder the i N.111 street, New York, wag nhaken tent amendment storgeseed by weet• ern municipnl bndie.. Several Watele.as iutegeentee lust week by the must astound- ! 1 revelations whieli have bent pubiiehed rmat 1 -PP" Callad" latra' whaa"aill".; cremection with Ole history 01 ewi•id• able assistasice any be eecured. lite; for the peat fifty yeli., hes.t. ,1 firm. Mr. Abbott, who introduced >Swung Man named Ketchum, litho 1.as re t emendmente last Sooi m to the iiseuiveney reached hie thirtieth year, has done the law, which chittly have reference to Up. eharp gold operators end bankers of per Canada, it abOttt 10 refer his Bill to a Gothein taut of the enormnus sum of tone Mininna rite story eimPlc enough, and ie thus told by tht World - 'elect committee. Ile h3f. been in eom- niunication, during the eremite which lead - leg Boarde of Teed, offisial aseieneee, as well as oeuuty judges :and prominent law- yers 'moquettes .1 with the working of the tha,"1,;,,,,,7,711„,,lan„? trb„...1,7,144. ma Triree'rt:,,dei °0 ft: law. the pmrnsed nrnendtnent., 51,141, Nee YoC„ ens adopted oone time ag 1111 the ere not numerous, will ten I tun te faci• depo.itery dr, the gold•bmters, who Mei ive eider n revilution to impose 11 tax of one nese in do keen • hook nt blenke of gold dollar on doe.. checks by them, to he filled out ae cicalae A retitle' brought down :n theanntl asalateNr7„ gra at fir; 747; pest, Mr. Graham, of rect from Sivannals. ilisteal. they T1',irs 1 iy• -.Toe Whip rat n the Intl ielt by boat at trio o'clock, for Mon• 21 11 "Ie". ut iniol 'real, where the children are vile emit to '1 1,11 ''1 water " co school. 1 wo o•rvants iteconsisony there. The "elf eide.t .1e9'. a line •tiorly lad of alitsut €'3')1.• P101 cow, -174 es 8.0,1-, 1,9:all lath. erzlit summers, retorted a little sword, awl err". 1."'111 v") when alike 1. lit a genternan eliat Ise wan- .2.11•1,;•-• ted with the Weapon, les relilisol-t• to belt 1' the Yanke01."---' Yee Jar but ynts know yon are two small • boy to lick the Itankeell, " mod the gentleman. Jeff. prnntply replied - ••1 know 1 am now hut whim I become a anon I will not be to sinell too .10 so." Who km but that in twenty years heroes that low may be 'bead ot Southern -Leadee. el 1 nay 1i Teo: wet Ametoisiettes ii.t..--Thc G.' Think proposee to Rub an amendment in e Amillgetion Bill • le Railway Conrail I roviding, sr the Glebe, the Gulfeln ke Ifur tailway Commtny does not I arising eerier the Peeond ehl by the toren of lireniford on Loan Frind ectonnt, that the 801.." ten. awl ark ; ti" ' rn 1111 . / 2 mrill,ned atter rs_. severe enrillict with tbe porn n troy en.toree....priym...e.n_t th_ereof. , Great Letters was, by the able menegernent arid Parsenny, and the death of. their Ad - rag feeelsoorel 'anal fit^ noz, morninit. file hatiories. Afterthe lens of the SaltesOlinds, tien t onnt SART A ssAls i.T.-,-.1 man mimed the A meronae seeeeeded in Pinking the Jejuv of Captain Andersen. kept up all night In the . mired, the l'aregneynne got ditheartened, and Weerne Ivey hns been committed for triaiLb: 1 1citabblaeb,laiebrelheumpt*reLeitiiiiriede,s.niyitsc,tyraiinr,„be.,,,y,ron;lbt,1:de eable's own weight tonne:on it At s p.m. end Letting tow fiaaboata mi. 061,,,,, 1.,,,,i the Falmouth (Eilg.) magistrates on • charge giink). the rest of the eromy'• fleet beat • orfumru,n,onrihn:d b..e ,.17.1g:kcionfng.er rhefieh_.ihnagrb.........bad. - 1, iii: 0.,,ntr,on lea: ,ft:71,:lnlitn7,rh'PrIge°6hteer"t1 .h,11111 -h.:' hd1171 . . . r, e i n g 1 h r Tnewnri, hw,rn.end there, from through the nnae or Jameill 1/011elann. a ate , must anxime hours. n'h",eihi:10,,et ePti thei en.h in escaping Ilrezilien tieet meter of the da hn•in onl haYsl 'mon riehere. ro ter-ti:ed otT before the 'hook could be ex. 1r r'rj1:1.7"3":hi...1""Th'":,4":1014nee mad. .94 21 e and labiate. they were. trieated ____ I, Onluilte:,.111ifil :oil ini1es nt the cable tore pare lore one ve..el. Hut the oanynt, ge 'rug en? At !ix p. m, the brittle was over and the, 4 tEhettl,Nrlisb1:11:01full,10:tenvistr 0.-ciThebe JruoilyloNwinr:g: 1,, Tor; ito,e,,e,d0 tin,, ,,,atei, 1,2160 gmhoma ; tem precetleted, the hes or the enemy beeiring .1 Witsen'e Life of Biehnp W arburton.- I isly 3.1!t---/Oioancs run 1:4 Mil"; cable en'o)uu"n3eda(1111oheltrgar7iTileanit) rafreiurrd ktlinseel haen - Idiot Aeyllinue Early Italian Art. fie.; ret`at"eetrI.:',..7.ile', e•tta,zeiar.t .iried, 4.27 a.wma.701:7::::::""ith1 ett.idn'I.:Inre:11:11"olgoo.64.0.)11"4,,,m1thishreefie .hrninYv1.9reldi'motins 'Mimi of the Enelieh Bible, The Tum I nel tIllough the Alp., Street . , et. , 1,he ship o he po g re m fn e e 1Inifill:eirirfrii:1:01Firietr141,,,[7„,77.:7,:,,Z11:)04.:'.,!..":",4iLVta ., Gnihic „imulatinalests it was discovered that gthert.1 nem am . ' Architecture in Spain. China and Ja- 1 we:le a„,.,tarirt:riu.rh,,,'"_,,:17 _._ an. ftwinhernS Atalanta in Calydnn. Ttrbaeniefertrreifol,ete,010.111blikiiiini7g:iilp:e:gleen:rmnanwti:Feancioaobblelye. .Paiontai„hire,,,g,,,a.b,,,J„e„letr,Ye:ise.,4,„rafte,:iteaaiiiirar,;,,te,t,tie,!;,i.„Ice,A.,,Inti, etfl:i rfaudaIrop.euffLutieneerdtninu': hcoucile,:infenintine 01;0173:Pert: pn.7z.n.t..,, .Tanheteonfit.m.eouror:}treswepickieg up, stop- riervire. (hi the day aerie the battle (Mon- onsidernli:e time, day) the Itrasienna preeeeded 10 destroy nee ihment. Altogether en Intereeting nntn• tee man had he_ en recnvered mid the cabo machinery .fte ,1„0„. on, e„,,, of the Jegeiti. her. I,. Perot & Co., N. Y., T. J. 3Ioor• wee eat to see whether the fault had rome on ',wart", in 1 h,, 'gm. *it'll/. gtiffpnng A ftendly mow, Goderich. board. At *Mut 12 30 p.m., the cable A, fi-om th, tanri broteriee. Lepes was at orh re! nth: rtsAl mit be inu lilt in the cable hich entirely cut off .2:16 teltheriuse3"Tilatnnit.7r emi1r=i0n7; taha;;It'ava'er.rinrah"iUir: mrstalientiee with the oe're, The ohiftwos 8,1 sinking the Saito. The Tacuari and .topteel end the cable vaiederred to the Ine10- Olinda drew off, Mit the latter went agent:ad, , inar g1010; Viljell I.:mane-wed hauling in at end was imeodiately iihrindoned. The fight 9.14 p.m, Aft• -r er ewe and rtneP Ihetwe,n the. Amnzonn. and the three Pere - ter Mile* rif table the Niel emu on bot.d, jeiyan.stenmere 42.4 11.4/04100 /Ind senguin. aed en tannl.,atirm reeved to hav" been I arv, the former (steering the eommanders of emeserl hy.a xtent pie., of wife fisti!14 IN en : Skim's' smel Sidtie and Admiral Mem% nf driver entirely throe411 the rebid". T4.1 and i the Terme, being kilted t hrootto hand, II 1.01611h mitee wme recovered froth • i conflict. At this momerit the Paraguay run depth or 1,93011.olsoms. operntien or 1*40,,,,,,d, hy the A fyicienitnegmuiii.4edfrombythi4i wamaiarrieritekett,. ; grinhont Jequitinhoaha met with a like Isis - and • being very clerk and foier• The orereloh eniderhbr ItItrehe ireneweePerieltial of lowering the alnico mai 'transferring the land hattries having Me het pent, and was cable to the penal/nut machine et the quire of the NItiossey whether it is their Later developments' lead to thn onneln• caught and chafed on the mouth ofthe horse Burner's waiting the new' of the bootie, aed Ole The Thichces Alesdia, young serf Om, and wee with roneidarable difficeltt re- eyely, wu aceidentally 'owned to death at mnvel, and it Nosed on heard whets it weir eetee net, rabies t, tow up he baths of (Aces. neNo A broker has diamppeared front Thila• imej;s.reden,t j1eathe •i1e07. so am wag he of the •Irtnev Illet he had pre- Prasitiars yeeirele. A proelarnatinn eke mine fel heard hie gennesre, setdreated to thes elphis with 626,onn 4,1 ss rman Feti. r"laft's tn^ "' th. le" 21 bears. 1 miles, hoarder • shwa, sbas • firmer el nether Man'. r • r,,- 0)0 t'" triitat 0,01 • l• tam Jelie!ten, 02 ^