HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-8-24, Page 1W. T. OOX, Editor and Pro ieter.]
W .
The Greatest Possible Good to the Grea.test Possible Number."
$1,50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE1 bir GODERIcH, C. W.. THURSDAY, AUG. 244 1,865. 1 VOL. XV 111.—NO 30
Liueitites Dittetory. ed in her arms, keeling and being kissed, and
Ike. 1.. .1.. elcleoursiall,
tat Itle t• 11 ..A11114..k, IL, . tiny.
Will von patients M any hour afterward*, eight
LI. C. Shannon. St.D.,
DitysiciAm, SURGEON, GOD -
▪ osier, C.W. 13:40.1y
Ste Wks and kleadeare thud dewy east of.,
Central School
1 Ss Cole.
..,BM toe 11.1101. (Mr. Tbwaites's former Store
pHYSICI,AN, SURGEON, ie., will at.
A tend, panealarlyeto diseases ot and •ure
•perationi epos the eye.
Idowieb OiLliso a. Dee. i5.1e62. twee -Iv
• Lief, and Solicitoromehaseery, County
Crowe Att ftey,Ondariele.'.1aaadaWeat. race
• Court Ho . Menee
------. ------------
C. Cameron.
▪ •resa,era Jets us stresteJuderieh,C.W.
1111Inolair &a Walker..
mutti-rEtti, suLterruits, CON- I
LiS•ISIt•WOIII, Oilke, over Me Store 0,'
J. Ir. woo, 3r Son.amleneh.
He netr ILe• 1 S erenot.
ARItIS CKIL, AT retitle:IC • AT .LAW
1J Notaries Pulaire, etc., Weet Street,Goder
. 10:1
• •
.tertsti flaviron.
Ilet Altai ST Elt. r ) vi,„ Y. sor,scrirort
KJ en cheneery. ere otieee Market Square,
Career ot le-a:sten etreet Moderate.. 11:47
. • _ _
leetegrX Ae I•ot emion.
.t.T rims EYS...AT-LAW,
Lie Notaries, Coeveyaliceni. ic. Oder 34c
ay's Weet *rem, Otmerech. 9:42
_ • _ _ • _
• John 11. tiordon.
rummy. Netary eleaveyancer,
tfolleimia, Canada West. 111fie•—"n
• /*oaf% wle et Watt Siree4,1 herd dma frost the
C site4tosse 1-1•Were.
\ I` 1 fasliv
,t ri1..111 •V-AT-L%W. SOLICITOR IN
,a. CROW .N01/ire l'ishii.•.00nverisiseer,Arc.
oedema, C V!: We, over H. Hareleuret
etore. el3a1.3
lIdneY to d.oe Real Property.
_ . . .
Shade begoallinst.
TriptvEY, •41n, Ar,, noes.
• „ „ -J etpritair• Waision's
Vico, 7n.; eatraacelibiret Door west at
Glarsow Houma.
Business Directorn. 011511let.19 nit -Won). arkitig anoveriog fifty questiou a
' breath.
" And I am not mem; to make • single
upolugy fer denim; uuon you without an-
ruuncing my mimeo:. ' said Mariam, at the
end ot an animated recital of Aunt Jane's
kiudly striae/entente to citable her to enjoy
this keg loeked.fer excuaion. "1611\11 not
apologise, for 1 kuow 1 am welcome, am I
u0Seeti'Phy ktntted, u if some remenibrance
Wielded her ; bet her 10liell were untnistake
ably since,* ns ebe repkird, •` Very welcome
Sheen. dear. Joke will be as pleased
and sue lensed as I Vilet,•and we will du all in
cur paer to undo emir lase a happy one.
Emetic me one monweit, white I burry our
diniter, and then you *halt have some lunch
eon, and tell me ul! the news frotn 'vane."
The comoltation in the kimben bitween
North Britisb aad Nereaatile
Olive in Mr. (Jordon's Law Chambers.
Ouderieh.Oetober 13.16t3. terlfelvt
Tin, Sfiret-Iron, and Clipper Smith,
Stoves, Cultivttors, dv., for Sale.
liopuiring Dune at Short Notice.
11 .1 uterlemm lotto roster. Co
01, TORtiNTO,
Marine Department.
Oedema, April Leal, lege viten
a. co r) A./NT.
NI d it au,1 1.1al I,
Corr'. Iles • e &Mari ,G041144
thralerie,•ad Imposter.,
CrigN Le I N i) U CIS
Clowtstrair , PrtittoottO,
(Joha had a letter or two to write, .andeitiphy
. was desirous ut hazieng a new mach iu keit
Itiug, which %Irian volunteered to tench, mid
ran lightly up le her room to fetch a reel of
f'coltou, purchaeed lor that purpese.
- • It wmi iienrly .4144 ; 1114 ;an VMS der
1 needle,: with the reel in her hued, when it
'slipped le en the litieere that were engaged in
gropine their. wee dewei the dark maim, aud
foleel ime laedeer, *there it *as dimly pie
eeptible ou the mat at the door ot the guest.
chamber ; that carefully closed red lacked
sponse-ea Marian hal never been invited to
enter, 'although slut bad twise accidentally
encounter.' 110, le rvant 'Mint from it, and
the visits of John arid meth/ were many and
frequeet. AS she most& cerelessly rewindiete
, she taneled thread, a eieh, er rather a soh,
the helf choking *Mot some one in un agony
of grief, eouoded close to her ear, and with
une terrified glance Imo the darkness, she
1 1 •
•••* •••••••• • ••••.
• •••••• ••
red poiot.og to the book, tearfully .1 Ali, yes," erieti Mariaa, her eyes spark- she would tostaistly retail but her shrieh
the cause ot her tialiteky noctisrual visa to ling ,witu deieght " it a SU end promise : ol dismay and hooey fait when her hand me
the sittmesrotini. .111,111 it, Sir Felett, •itbout mere ado, wi tt i t eels mune iti ceettect *lib Shirley Lots-
jear little Irony, pray forgive me," ; mud reate the titory tb• misossouss Chem. den's, compelled me to sumemet Suph
mud Julie., kieeing her affectiesialely " I be, IL &nets! to her, eme the pleaant discovery
lied no busilicas to speak se Mosley. Go to I do not know why this' ungraciooa task that she was lea a, .ieusly hart miabled me to
bed wite Sophy, AM try to sleep, or yea will should be faced upou me." said John, look. joie my waiting eumpanion, aed see hint
have a terrible headache in the morning." I ine very grave, and appealing to the davit safely olA
"And you r oie ,inquirinely, tur corner where Shirety Laudeu had ensconced From that time till tooday we have never
be was dressed fer a journey. Mamma'. Wet, but I have nut biteu unmindful of him.
" He is genie out again,' whispered " It must he told John," wits Om putties, 1 has known that he atoned fur early
Sopliyr " DUO. question hen tomight, I reply, " ou here pitman" both Merte• defier by the teinlemet attentions toles fateer
dear ; he wilv tell you by and by 'whatever winJ me that er shell be. 1, is vady light tor duvets a protracted mid tryteg ; mid I
he Henke it rieht for you to 111100." 111•1 to hear it." aiso know tied in ai lung etruggle with his
that "hy and by '• dM net arrive. t1 Hie nannerevras so eerious that silence fell own taste, and feelings, and the Mill inure
Wheu Menai' &row the next mornine,bear. 1 epos the hitherto ndrimul parlyaed Merian's aoluous task ot wirmittg the confidence of
in her pele cheeks end heavy eyes the 'races cheek rated ...h. preperee to listen, tor the these who wice koew hen as unfit to be toot.
of uneelreehing slumber, the door the ! baud that duped leer hngers 044 clausal and eve he has emu off the conqueror. Laying
guest chamber stood wide open, and •Esther trembling. all dew comforts teed luxuries bie
` the maid, waa employed within it, sweeping I " lf 1 must be spokeentan, then," said tether* proper•y would enable him to enjoy,
and cleaning in the moon tuatter-ef fact 1111110 i " the stemer I begin the better. liot he had takeu upeu Aimee'!" tbe ill mild and
elm. Eden. juitior, and the middieoged ie. 1 seine'. 'lel down the remaiiiiitg stairs, un nes imaginable. The only evidelice of its i I tell my story under protest. Enough re- otele. balluppteciated dente uf a willree doc-
ent onsciouely lone, thin Meiian was at last scared • countenance that her relatives crumpled peper, which Father tossed eut of I to tee past. Well, well he added, as Shirtey we can give of our taith in his lasting repeu:s
yaile *her rend ati general servatit'seemed so ; Peering' in the room Imlow with so pule 41111 having lately beetroccuped was • scrap of I paration has twen made, without recurrence tor, and now he asks hem us tih.e..tub.11esAt ptrosibof
b I
diemetti to interrupt it, and Lad °timed t e , sprang op Malaria. *he tabie drawer este her dust pan, and this I ma& a dissenting gesture, " 1 will proceed, Ince i -he asks or o., ear pet
• ali her coutitry tasted, when Sophy smeared, idiatety with the eat in his arms. Ile held her elophy petted Moron all dtfy, but carefully am now huidem.
deot to merrily Inquire it stone extraordinary I Manatee recital was no sooner ended than Marian atooped.atid secured, blushing, and j and coalman...a my nue story from the now bididi dxiiti.g.-, lb.htawyer Ituhi.d Imi.cie.eilizily,,,,;aiii,r,27,
doh WAS in the ceuree of couroetion to anon- • John went up Blaine returning almtnit emu. leeling uncommonly guilty as she did so. 1 when I Rilia tirst menauted to the situateme 1 ot los boyhood ; what ins manhood is, you
. note 'Moon.. and News itimintiea I and ninde ewe. ample mu, Ode tor her loug op, and said site a anitile. " I did net think avoided the renwiteet allusion to the subject " My ;meteor in tbe office was a widower, is mail, finished 1 it rem, wee you, lay wee
- • -
British American AssuraneeCo.
Heyfield, C. W., April le, 1 tele. w I 2it
HosKEtt, pitorltIET01:. TIIE,
• above a 0,01 plemantiv situated 4,0 au
einii.enre 120 fArt a,ga, neerlieitnne the Illarbot
and Lake Huron -co.." Ore NAM., Onelent end
Hurst W•IL•etteched limed et petite,. ,,,1641.
110KbE tic C.Vrri,E mEutvis ES • A d w m • •
• Sighso sabot Dv x rs,
absence, 1iy her isttentiniis mid evideut enjoy. you were such • goose. Trotty ; I bales been on which her sister -in law was SO AttiltiOUI 10 with One SOn ; and I believe that hektitorbied. 11: ir,0•6nd:ieethk
tnent of the presence of her visitor, that the.' all over the house, And can Amur* you that enter ; Jeho, tboueli evidently deeiroue ihis frith ifs deep and .earnest • love as shall end."
, sa armee otarting up as !selves."
fur..inten. tberie [Hahne, more ghostly in it then our to make amends for his hasty speecb by a . pervert ever lavished upon child, although • hearted Marian- bad Mereade
trona than commonly attertienate usistaethi appreciation ut hie duties Wshosaul7r1\ellur,
SEEDS. •C.. •C• told 7,,o all of that is euith ten. cried eat Meter, emesestly ; eas man ing until at the expiration ot Mician's holiday, man, who was also in the uffice,wais• *Imagist. quiveriog lilt the agitated 'nen gently &sem
• the clock struck the hour et tive, " I have liut indeed,indsed,it was hot my lane/ I" was equal, reticent. , Indeed, a woe not , to appeat boat cold and stern. The meting rat clinging closely to hei side ; but welt
at. t AI Trade` Po v..
.Order.froni Med.cm. men pee -tunny aneadeeto Mg, end will go and nuilwe iny.sef preemiteble perfeetlee motientem id the moment, and dee and when she stood un the plattorm of the lees, excitable youth--"
Preserimion• earedully dig- .., ti..14 y•i •
before John TIM I find the milli timely heifyil tbe long -drawn sigh of some , l'advlineton terminus, awftitieg the arrivaLof
humeri being nadistreet." the train w4ieb rue to cairy her beck to everything to Isis hour of diseipation," es- elkair, her eye...shaded by her hand. he hewn
o say i.„,eee eeneet eeempoerbo sacrificed di hve.:71:rotorewiwherr.e elsb.rs. satininw
gaged Mune I trim her, and stepping across
_ ',repine! to Med the way, o very wirry M. pussy jump over his arms. " I should not like to teach yuu Jeceit, "I'll thank you hi let me tell coy story my and gently putting bock hie hair. said, in low,
. " eel veey @erre,' replied•Sophye is she " Pooh, pooh aMd opus to make Iirook eareu, that ber alarm wee spotter' of. claimed Sentry, in his doepest tones.
LIOILT ! LIGHT • LIGET! deed, dear, thnt 1 shall he obliged to put yint " And it teemed to come fmm that room Tiotty,e said her brother ; tii1,4but really 1 own way," mod John, coolly. " Dissipated broke° tones, "I•eur pew. lid
"Thet is a polite war of naming the gar- mut hnve bren hone.: one concealed there. ' circumetance.
OCK. & COAL OILS rets, or attics. diet ..lehn used to give ouch " I haveheen into thet room as -well as " Why r les sister.
at the top of the letuee." ydu keep locked up," wed Marian ; there wpih you would um mention t uutortuume he wee, for he *as easily led, and there was thou hoist no mother f"
• dekeriptions of when he first came to London, thesteliers," replied John. catelessly, " and " my dear, union I could enter
Burning Fluid, Lamp Oils. J. io out, &Thy ?" asked her sister, with lo can usury yuu that duple is nothing in it to
Poe Sale by
neb, Jaa. 17.1431. 60
.• Well, yes. it is." replied Sophy ; " our
house, os ;int perctiie, is small ; but se have
elwajs contrived to keep a room fur • guest
until this Writ, laden we -we-"
e Have let it, I presume ?" sale Marian,
secretly tbitilting it • little t,uclr of t000eli
priett to ue ivahamed of ukuowledgiug to a
Marra us. tatt you may hanah all your fears,
child, and for the future; if you want anytbing
trom *bore, the SerVatit Wn1 fetch it for
Manna wee beet and annoyed at his indife
ferelice of manner, sied the remainder of the
evening paased so sileetly, that no one Vas some one in our best beteroom, and it was
sorry whou it was tone to kt to rest. hi+ preeente tlwre tent mule um call your
As Marian left the ruein. atter Saying visit ao unfortunate idle 'rut ell,. lie wife
" Good ' to her brother; sta heard and eh Mr came, I do not conveier myself
bore done. Marian, my own, let one of our
BrIttania precepts tbrough lite be, to •Deel Gently
into esplaaatiune I think it best to withhold,
your story would have a very romatie sound,
and I enould be pestered with inquiries 1 cam
not mower "
" But why r again asked Merian.
" Itemise the sem et is um mine be re-
plied. fe Yee, you are right ; ;here was
one 10 our etfice whu had the tongue ot He bent Ms heed upon her lap, and for •
elephistuphiles bewail ; and to • light -heart• brief lemma' there was silence io the room.
ed boy, •he had no female society tu make When IN roe*, ir .11' ',shamed of his emotion,
hones seem h.melike, the gay 'mord to which Marian, with her armicluped fondly armed
be was iutroduced by his crafty companiou leer touthere neck, wee smiling upon hint, mid
had undoubted ch MOS. Mikity au outstretched head was nnidy to clamp
"Before the father had disesteem:4d the him his.
HIJTEL 110mICE proper acquatotauce his son had rmei, be "I have long prophesied this," said Sophy,
j(111. •IM IN I 111...;14 of in.
tormete the ',Odic that he h entered
into the Hotel lameness in the need fireueey.
known meth.. Fulten 'haw, where he will
be ham.; te receive old tee,elt and custmeers
• 1. • Jew eth I -,
frIsitostrcloollie Gravel hoed mama, fru
I twernorth to oullisnaptour one mite north 0
where it leads od it, Wi ostler, mid anyone tray-
. , cling
Belmore, Walkerton, Southampton,
OT any place, to that 411•0•11,11, W1.I hid •••••0..mo.
111111014wiell ail lie only et peetsto tsiol Al boil class
eitv hotels, in all relpelts.
005 1118
Tront-Fishing Friends !
Tonais a nierome, , rur Sr11.11111,111CoVeit 1 1 r ',UTE! or
' ' t TTOILVIE4, Ai 1 1,111.11iii, ay., (4.4.
eli r li, C. - W. °Mee - LitAfillett NEW I 111ADRED IND FIFTY FEET
su..x: II \
.•,c . 1,•ils. Lewis, ,iii,nes..
Ilwlenclts naginit 17M. Istill.' ew103.31 y4671. Proprietor.
—_, .... __•
, _ • _
it. I,. 1/1eyte. Coseroerelalllerei .111reliel I C.1111
IL rrimvEr. 41,1.1,1 roil h^. OFFICE .....
.1 credit:. New 1110ek,Oinleriehr r. W. VNgnia.
. . ...
v. P. wksvorusom,
111.1CIT1111. IN citoTrEnT,
.0.t11t1, C,111,1••1'51. ke.-Odee
eq.., the 0..0 IAnt 1111,-, 1 1 iderieh. •vr
J. W. CAorod,DY, B. C•
1,1440 • 01L 1 11...1regl
DIIYAICIAN, grit 11.; INT ••"'ANI) AC•
co.:curt. the •e -At iiie thirnion Court
4/111re. Ilsingitioson.12 W. 'we?'
I . 11.1totront.
titorsTEit, A.r.rmistx, CONVEY•
sneer,.te., Clinton. .
iree-arverikv•r• nf 0.• real oieee.
A, riAw, Autde.rroR
/ a. (Ihnomery, elariveyancer. ate. Weile-ose,
Ca. ot '
D. 'Wilson Ross, B. A.,
• Ito ArtuKrEti. Ail 0 It N - T - W,
.1.1 'Ai...Amen-chancery. Notary Palau., (Jen-
erel leand Asenti atc., Kineardine. 'manic
firma. vie wItely
Frederick Proudfoot,
C noire. 1 ..,42.6m•
Wen. hernia.
‘,./ Gael Surveyor. TorOnloSare1.11,.1r,i•
VI "in3
• Civil linemee 'Clinton. July I, MI.
Ir. NI. ILigenaltn.
✓ Land Agent awl Converaiscar, Kin. emit..
J A.N1 1.: rist iss .11i A. 11.14,
LANS AN it err., it ic CeioNs 01 node -
joie*, kte, me tie m 0 nest and i•iirevet slt Ie.
•• In Orios al the ,1 .r ,• attrinoi M•ri, Mal.
\ ' Ilik &pm,. (141,14,0••• 1.w vlellyly
. -
11*. N1. '1' It IT 1..1 NI. A. N
.. . Ku& square, Goderieh.
Me eel firr.twrev Wedneeday,from 11 s.ot
1 a.m.. 81:10
lE Nib IS '11
fOlIN WES, ,1'. iprietor. This is the
J I areest•nil 1•••41Country 110111 in ill/VS.8re
C102.14.41,4 i•harm.,. oe.dernie 0.• any 11 sew
en Slave Proprvetior. 1 v 1 sr a ..1.111
PrO Homes. Illoreee and Carriages for Hoe ea
• Aboriew Notice
1•etee el' Itac.
M.,•hEnt. I VS ell t , C. W. None. Mid
ritrentint•eirl1oelml. Ripon,* Or linv Lind en -
Meted WI Wog WI.1 receive Prompt attention.
*40-1 c$0.1
Market Square.
LI VINKPer01. 11:0,1DON
.000,000, "11,1 • dfreowaslatfd Prof,
" • chtl":1,726.
- _
fe Assurance Co. pfLonden.
ents emit tonna on • mien.' of true mod hia wisely.
parting injwietions erre harsh.y rded "My kind, My gentle frieed," cried Shit. -
owe all my happioeme Your hopeful words -
ley, " it ie to you aed your husband that I
doom in toyeelf-itispi'red me to do what I
your confidence in me when 1 had no eunfi-
justifi M telling eau ; at least, not at
present.", •
" Hut you trusted_Soeby," pouted Marian.
" I was obliged to.do so, or elite I should
mut," wait the reply laughingly giveu, and
certainly received with incredulity.
'• Well," exclaimed Marian at last, I
twill promise silence on one condition."
• " And what is that, Trotty milted her
" It is," she cmtintied, " that at mum
future time you tell•me all the particulars of
this most poioring affiur. Will you agree to
. this 7"
- John assented, and the next moment the
parting maihroCe wes.given, and Nlaroin was
quickly o4iirled batik to the lovem arms open
to receive her at Brook Farm. In the coni -J
punitive privacy of the railway carriage, she
ventured fur the first tune, to examme the
'crap of crumpled paver she had rescued
trem teetheen dust pan. It wife • Mutely
executed but spirited sketch of herself, Rd she
etuod, more than °meat the garden gate,
looking out for John, and her mime was
serawled in various places in the bold writing
uf a man. The soiled paper was turefully
smoothed and consigned to the most secret
comer of Marian's desk, until time had M-
tn ist. erased the deep impression it then
made upon the excited truagiuMium of the
surprised at.d newt:tiered girl.
Years glided on before any event worth
reeording mode broke upon the monotony of
Marian's quiet ceuntry lite. I be hoes grew
up, and wen. into the world, while Mailso
expandid inni a charming woman, and atter
esercising her privileges as a belle, and flirt into sighing Ion father.* name to • cueque for
witb Italia dozen would-be meters, mid. the required aliment."
." hy, that was forgery 1" exclaimed
Ilarry 'Eden. " W hew 7 -
No sootier Wa4 the deed done than it was
repented o ," contioued Julm ; and in an
agony (Ashrams and remorse he demanded
tlie restoration of the paper, to whicit his
crafty cvmpaniou doggedly refused to accrec.
" f he reeult uf their altercation wee, the
struirgle I heard, and the penitent eolith
pouring into my ears the nhole history of
his follies, and the crime he had nearly been
led into committing. 1 am not aahanied to
say that I helped him to obtain the document,
and destroyed while he executed a little
summary vengesoce on the Musa isb cause of
-publicly,- ton, which of course ren 1 (I
them doubly gehing,-that my einintenaneete
betrayed my chsroprebation ; and wheel
were left alone toy smetrier angrily adverted
tO.it. I detiuded myself, and in lather
stronger terms than the occasioa justified,
condeinned the eyatem of coercion, hosiestly
declaring my opinion then it alienated the
affections ot the young, and frequently drove
them ildo, toll,es which otherwise they miglit
have been taught to avoid.
'11 We parted in anger, and I went bonne,
Unpleasantly convinced that I had eintde my•
net an enemy, by impertumialy eiderfering
ith what did net concern rue ; but I was
very glad to find that my euperier in office
wail also above lay estimate of his good
feelings, fur he nut only bade me • kiudly
&thee befere be started, but hurriedly asked
me 1., be a triend to his boy it be wafted one
iu hid abeency.
" This I willingly promoted, although I was
powerless to check the wild. career into
which los crafty compamons urged him, as
soot] as there was no watchful eye to obeerve
their SC110114. Illet it carom to abrupt
Mum sooner than wan expected.
" One aftertimiu I was bodily writing its
the outer office. doing my wurk and • little
of !beteg too, for tbey were closeted in the
inner room, when the sounds of angry voices
and a violent scuttle made me rush in to see
what waa the ntatter. It appeared from their
tierce reciinimation. that the foretell youth
had been ',enfiladed to Tina • gaming table,
and that his louts were tar bejood ha ability
ne,et, The imp of Satan who vleeoyed
him there had peetended to pay all these
claims frorn hi! own • purse, and from that
time bad been continually dunning Ins miser.
ab'e victim. who lad itt lam, been goaded
" bet 11," gai'l scorhr ; • °I', ", no w. Sophy, who had Unglued behintl, ask her
bane only -lent it for &few days ; • friend -
husband in an undertone 'whether it would not
dust is. a person Jelei knew tweeted to put
be better to tell her all ; but his reply *as,
seine thinas oid•of the way for a little while e
iiiDe,ciwcidruediilly.iii7.1;" mud &ahem.' to be caught
-and-this is the despised intic.Marieln dear,
she proceeded, sloriy up
I ion so sorry, you cannot think ; it does very
*tails. mure man ever inclined tu belieee that
fiell lor rem of the bora *hen they cum* up
the tnyste,rieus chambei had a tenant,. hut
at Christmas, but to kave to put you here
whether male or female, Or what could be..tee
trutibles me." 11,14011 uf tbes stranee seclusion, it sae
fiessible to conjecture.
"But it dries nnt tWinble me," erplied •aere beenk,..e,jo_
Manuel, SUrVeying the neatly.ordered chandter foaio. faa etee,ed "fhe
with looks of satisfaction: e You (nr,ret that
1 Will used to unpupered walls and dimity
cur- 1 her first from home ; and th4, other. bearing
mins at home. It by., 1 like *hie far better
h - d ed , a fereign post -mark. tor John. Ile tote it
open see eagerly. that au iuclosure fell front
dows below ; I shall breathe more freely here.
Go away, do, you foidiste. Sophy, or I shall utiparceivid either by hint or Sopliy, who,
at his joyful exclaniati.n, - Ile had written !
not he dressed' by the time John conies. and „ Lee
1 aro hineing to /VW his deer old face mg ine"te '4;1," "e":. "'" s'e Peep ever hie
Manna's toilet was a., speedily earenged l'"eC""er'
Merino stooped for the fallen papers. and
that elle salt ikon 0taits„and had hinted mer
van, with natoniahenent that they were cheques
all the basks on the centre table, before the
en tlie,Lortiou wed Westinireeter 'tank tor
iitisiiiziniiqtn. idiviiinge oi:if
moue hundrads. Who could be seeding such
her ilt„olier. fitpliy flew to tho clor • and a large sdia m0"e7 'her 140ther r
if Stamen lingered behind, it was Mily freer the baps eteerge the emelt of • furtunam specula.
ploasure of hearing el,,exclametion of delight
et her emaing. ',Rut eeuld it he Hat her elite
deceived Ler ',limey Lie reely te Sophy'm
ried "Marian ie here,' was, " Is it pos.
Liter:ea •.ai ino
ledeelc b L
The Herald's TexN."'"E. A". 16.
'gee( ',AVIS filet, appointee
h• ahoy, lighlt„re•iwrtable
re. to accerenoth remand
era'. rate•til premium
A. %CROSS Azes•.
I he, trig:
*lib the Ere*g."
. , . t gives
some account of the march of Merritt's coy
ry through that State. The geed midget nt
tbe troopent was highly spokes ot and they
were generally well received by the ialuidos
Dr. Peebles, the newly appointed collector
of customs for Galveston bail arrived;at that
place and would shortly opeu the custom
Affairs on both the Terse and Mexican
Bidet of the KM Grande were quiet M &le uf
the lase &deices.
l'wo colored soldiers were executed al
Sidoneville on the 19th July for outrages on
females. As entire division of the 25th core.,
colored, discipline and deportment ot the
troope furrned the ;hem. of enthesumis Com-
mendation on the part of 'faun and Mexican
spectators, great numbers of whom were
Cortina', with hie foree of Itepablieano.
still hovered around Matamoros, but bad yet
made no further &tuck on the town, and it
was not supposed thst be would, his numbers
being too intignIticani.
A katamoras piper revives the story that
ex -Senator Gwyn is at the head of the imps.
rial government 01 ill. Mexican State Of
Sonora, at an monied salary of sixty thousand
dollars, hut without any ducal or other tale.
Tbe Herold's Washinton special despetch
says :-As the n.sult of careful enquiry, it ie
believed that there ia an unwillingness on the
part of a pone,* of the cabinet to have Jeff.
Davie; tried for treason, while there is reason
tor amerting that the President is persiment
to have him hronght before • ci•il tribunal,
Chief Justice Claw is expected to arrive
here, ia the course of a few days, for consul.
union with the Prevident as to the time, man.
Der and plum which shalt be designated. -
The ablest counsel in the United States art!
being consulted on the subject. There is •
fixed determination un the part of the execs.
live that there “hall be on immediate acid
lair trial by a jury of the country for high
treusen. It msv, m addition tO this, be con-
fidently after -led. dint the President Mut &ter -
mined, an soon as practicable, to withdraw
the milers eumeentle. ; the privileges uf the
Itabrat corpro and to dispense with military
node' theatre is b,eing converted iato •
receptacle for the *relieves vf the late Com
The defalcation of A. 1'. stens', internal
reilmue culiector. llll unix lo dee.000. Hie
mireties ore hound in the Rum el 00,000, arid
they are perfectly responsible,
Iliteres, Aug. I6. -The steamehtp Mena
from Liverpool, while coming up the harbor
in • thick fog, at 5,3.1 this morning, ran
ashore near Fort Indemottlenee. where she
She lie, feel, rind will profeibly
get off at high water dee eteming without
damege. Lightem are RIlingnide dlichiwging
her cargo. Iler menet were taken off by a
steam tug, arid rescind the city at I 0 o'clock.
They will be forwarded south on the 2z30
p. m. train. Th., netysimper hag goes by the
1 1 m m. trnin, dee at New Yotk at fl o'clock
this evening.
urance Comp'ny
iteemeutat t1 Funds OR A•tfl
Animal illre
e Exceeds ,
nt the
tent with ',Italy.
Life lesiraate
Ample Se
',Fill. EX.
Losses Promptiv 8 tled With
Refereno to a Board f Dirpctor
Goderi•11.11••. 14.64. •
non anyhew, tears of j,ly were in Sophia
eyes, mid she murmured. VI ant so thankful "
tied kissed her husband.* forberd, as elle
stood leareina on ha shoulder. ho Marian
_ sible--bow unfortunate !" But ere the siert- put the eheques into los Mold, sand waited ha'
an eiplatialion, but nune clime. With a
. :it! could neleiree htr set:sateen, ate, *as
euretry glance at them be I-411 up stake and
hueeed eith ouch *thorouehty frrternal co:d-
el:I-he kt 3 diAtillice tu sante, si ged
agot,” ond sa uted with midi Ithente roll,;111iess
1 1;1 elle cried lor wet:rev-that. wliwItiVer
The Chord Cha
1n thew days ol s.iveteure and pr
journey hy ral, if it carry f
',mere End to John o' Gnats. is with
ef us only one ttl those noel-, every day
rennet eeareely verirti reporting hut
ef eruin Eden. unsophisticated country meld
ne elm wag, a flight of one hundree mien fro
the maternal nest, rod a visit to the metropoT
lis. were really event.' nf great importance.
nen, had been the invitations forwardeti
to her fr,,in the fire month otter John -the
e'dent of Ile fismily. the sett whene Mrs:
rAen 'Omer named so 1.r eider as "my boy,
oho is oadoc 'Government "-hail taken his
youne wife home to that ninee little house. in
Canelen Town. so Iten &writer' in Sophie,
lettere to her hotom friend and eater irolaw,
that Marien,knew all its 'teeming* ey hem'.
Hue eche was the only delimiter 'in a 'mire
(amide Moe bleu had heen in delicate health
e:er sirree,1 he midden demiee of. her hunband.
and there were ft thoemeid and one thinge to
attend to in the dairy. the kitchen. and the
wardrobes of the lads. that fell to the lot of
hlithe, busy Mee Monier ; and let her sigh 101
d m wealth it was too evelent dint the *aim
mower Mail always be returned, "she cane
not lie spared."
-' At lael the Farm smiled propitlously. A
maiden Meier Mrs. ledene--a enoderalue
ed. unselfish women, who heel not learn.' to
fofget ber own youth -clone to Brook Farm
on • visit, end no sooner heard that a
refusal had just been 'fent off, In reply to mie
of Soehy's earnest entrecties for her little
sisterin law's company. if only for • week,
than she cheerfully offi.red to 'assume ell
Marien't end responsibilities !ore fort-
night; am), pei tinatiouffily overruling Om many
(dejection% t.f the quertilota invalid, so cleverly
managed the after. that on the nest moreeng
but one die delighted girl found herself on
her *ay to London, in the care of an old
neighhour ele, was g;eng attend the mar-
ina, with her 'mothers' hearty Mews on her
glowing cheeks. her mother's Meanings and
cautions mill ringing in her etre, and a rive
pound note in her porreet to melte !mod any
imperfections the more experienced Sophy
might .detem in her wardrobe.
%Vhen Nlarian. with her enormous hamper
of country proouee she hail been sn atriet•y
charged not to low sight of, WU palely ex
tricated from the hewedering eonftnion at the
Paddington terminus., mid consigned to the
care of • efteman, her glee began to give
svey to fears that, now Farmer lindeon wu
po longer near te protect her with his stal-
wart arm, mine dreadiul miachanee nr nther
would occur to prevent he, reaching 1 amden
Town and Jimet's weldenee in Purely . As the
cab rattled oe, begen-to wonder if the
surly looking driver, with nought of Ms fees
vigible between the collar of hi* cost and tl.e
brim of his bat hut the end of a purple now,
would convey her thither, oete some remoter
region for it seemed warmly poseible that
any one could thorongl under.tand the
then the drendtal poseibitity darted min her
mind that John and Sophy might have re
mooed- they had one. talked nf doing we-
lled bow wee she, • stanger and an tinetereet-
osi guest, to &gooier their new abode ?
get all foam ninahrei when, as the vehicle
nomad at the Mmt, of a pleasant little donii•
cile quite on the neitakets of the *nom, and
rejoicing in a email pint of emend, trim with
rem, newly lairl ravel and a few over
rz.,„. the bright nf Sophy peered at her
whitlow. awl the emit ammo she leo chop.
to sees or
Dr. r
Ro I, it MECliANICAL ens Hundred Dollars and upwards.'
Denim, (inierenwn r, moni-
Oomery,) flower.- h, C. W. Apply to
Booms over r. Jordaa's Drug !Imre 'TOMS A Mie'.11,1'.
1316,1 swas-my
Mio oration. 533 if
Goderiellitlept, 81h, 1 A64.
frInelnelly weal Trite
Count, of rthron. San in •illisse or roV ill y A.194 1131 S A. IL,
Ales. Fondle
Ar• end 1111111en gales punetwelly alfereled to
Address. modem p. 0. wesn-lyreo
John tretnikthiell.
Y virtue. nf a Power of !tele rontaired
Lo • Mongers, made by Theme's' R. Van•
Every snr1 George both of the
tewleof riorlerieh in the comity of Iduron.end
re 71 It .1 lr COMM ISSI" AGENT province or Canola, 1:i -weenie's, of the firm
itelda•ite,convevaneer, e. °action Broad
Conornonsnmerin treice Bench 0•1•Icina zet., M.rpmt Vaelevery mei Helen M.
rebate wino of dm saithparties of this fine
wile. Village of K ineardine.0 .W 0,9
part, nr the second part (default having hewn
r (Mt A and A, 8, in the Iniewahlp n1
• 1 Mtanloy per acre ; south fle snows of
lin 19, lottle shore, Aohliekt, Ali per arr.; Kea
11 sem ofienith ensterly gunner of 101 7 lo in•
91 1r rms.. W. , 01 per *me; and 110
Inure Lola in tioderich, pries swan meo 11S4
',wards. Apply to
made in the due payment thereof). will be
mold on Friday, the first day of September,
A D.. lee.% to twelve of the clock, none, at
the Aneaien Mart of George M. Truman, in
rhe men of Gorierieh. the followint property,
that tn say Lot numher one hundred end
aim raven (running munhere in the town
• Goderich, aforesaid. Deed tinder Power
of Sale.
or25td riolieltor tor Mortgape.
pilotage of flitch ft lahynnt of Steneill • and
preen the muslin curtain* of the parlour
looked 'himself m th.• closet chaniber, from
whenee he did not enieree, emit Steely bad
twice expressed her ears thet w, uld be
neieg Jeliti WO, di meile le int, !Abel to ate at the edit..., out mit syllatile did she
onvi y,. it did not se.en robahle that he re. "1""r. 'eee"ez 1" the L'"u"" "f dc'ny. el"'
%WW1 101.1 100 much pi ele andel, heavy to
tled the visit of hue setter : and ILA to sat
liek the meleing of *eat wits evidently pur-
er dinner enjeying some of the walnut',
osely witheeld.
'eh Meilen luta brought, lie rotime,ced.
the t wnmut tree sit the limn, tuul; kii
1111O teiyidi interred in the late+ and for -
teem the old folks at Noche. !lariat, felt
euite ste
thine, at
tary pan
neeturpaseethle, because gat teed hum
A long 'anti pleasant day at the British
Museum. Meowed by • cheerlul reunion at
thr house of some musical friends, rent both
.ry «oh herself for lancyine such a „ ..a I . .1 ; ,. i .
Nlarian aryl Supley to 'their pillows tolerably
t (needy cedes:eel to the 'neaten- .0t111 0110 100 AC01(11114004 110 Ill 00
their visit, tor he had imminent limitless to
her. *dm- 13,,,if beard wor411 had given attend el, and- hie wife did not seem at re
Solely en 'tanned painfully and clancv•I at surprised to field Mtn sell absent when they
returned home, althou,d) the hour verged on
h r hushaud, a ho hit his 1M mid hemmed i -ze
be eta be rep el, 1' 1 believe I did say se,
Tro ty ; Mai., id not eatend you to hear me, , Meilen had been lying fer some time in a
nem, ure.try cenolition, with an opera,10 nir
°Or 4 1 "leen 'n 1 "'lel Pe' "111 ; 7,."11. running in her memory, when glee euddenly
fought ti know better than to thane e
'Meld k euu he limeitout of number,. it
We Were simnel up in bed, with an expreseion of
ot reali anai.,oe to aa.e you ien.a. re:It:nig diii.ts otiensr itiiiirohiincitii,regiile:riyiesea. JoThilimii
UA ; bUt 1 ertanily o a.s.. t -at your Inint birth , w). foe a utile feeeelanee been
, I. I,
had taken 1 ace a litt e earlier, or later, us Sophy, she purclwed a beautifully bound
rireurnstati will n 1.1 y ..our
sweet society tutees I My its 1 should like edition of Dr. Livinotone's trave!ii, a work
he had been heard to ft ieh for, and it was to
tit do. Now y u untie teed why I called be nr,,,,,,n„,,1 10 Lim a4 ,,,on a., a e,,,,e,,,,
your appeatance itt nos articular moment
, insCription had been written en the fly leaf;
utifertumite, don't ois ? at 7011:11 Pr"miee but, in the hurry of eimeing tor the party,
to bear me oceesio I abaci wick i
tion, won t !oil 7 So hy mus take youreste4sinam. siber bad °I'll' r"r^"tter' that t.hc hu"k traa
all the lions, and mie amen lett on the centre tattle in the *ether ram,
of hei limited abilities for th-lomlo tyhoet 1 .b"w tall where it would he sure to catch. her brotner'e
both sustain in me." . eyes., soon as he entered the room, and thus
" Rut you don't do Oo mien business in de.„,„a
half the pirogue. of presenting it would he
the evening, John, do you " said Marian.
.. No, miss, I do n .1 lay r Mei sty under '' It is not teo late,' said Marian, elipping
such obligationseo me," repli Joh ; „ bat out of hed, and teepee, for m•dch-lem mid
I have private affeirs 14 tiansaet stem imes." culeaec. e.: 1 tai•l! pop on my dressing•lown
• flut tint that working too herd '1' asked alai °ace it. iie cermet hems co;nie in yet,
Marion, anxiously. " Mother ies so fraud of 1 should surely hme heard him.'
you wiil do tou much, and in re our ' So, with her alippers on, sheecantieusly
&seceded, but stayed her steps, in ha.flear.
write to her in the morning, and tell he 1 •
1, y , 1 ' uncertainty, when she ietw teat the. door of
the mysterieus centiliter was mat. At
"Ah I" mid John, demurely,
looking delicate, will jou ? and that the y first she was disposed to retreat, but all was
*Mien ha. prescribed rout pork and a silent u the grave. altheueb a light. elms.
same ; so (bat she had better let Joe huy ertng through the kejbele. of Sophyes
rtment, showed that she was stilt a watch-
oaroorei7 yon;'eret.ii510,0 Piga at Railea Muth"' er for her abeent husliend.
' flow ritliculeue 1 ant 1" said Marian to
•1` But, serious!), John—" began Marian. I e
1" Rut, seriously, Irotty, I'm not making a ; ne le while she nimbly deseende.1 the lower
aihrtyr of rupee'," said John. "So be meet, ' fli'thisftf "airs' " If J:din 1,nly knew how
and let to decide uponeyour plans fur tremor my het\ t quakes every time I pee drat
row. Whech es to Tar hrst-the Rouse of Id d I "
Loeb., or the Tower of London 7 Yee dear . A.* Sbier threw "Pee the door or .111. 4 Shirley's. "God blest. you both," he added,
little girl I 1 will have • holiday in the after. sittiele•tvo. ri gust of air blew out her 'Well and mustily left them.
noon, end take you to the polytechnic. I do and Nam. ehe paused ; hut recoolectritg the I
want 10 See your loolis of astonishment •-et exact spot vet ere the book lay, she stepped he.' eje,"limea„1”,;:ke* myoutRrne‘tiriWylleriariterr'1"1.1.fistsrueeitif
tont! of its minders. I haven't had the ex. boldly forward to take it. . As she movel 1 Marian, as they more leieurely returned to the
quaint delight of istnnishing you sines the further into the room, which wee inteneely I ee„,„„
tune I Irersuaded you that the young owls in dark save where ft few embers.still glitntnered I
their nest in tbe ivy were the offspring of imam grate, a Peeden conviction entered her , the „
•1 We ant not etrangers, my deareet," was
ply : .. I knew John before I come
Squire Jones' old mastiff Du toe remember mind that she %Viol - ot, alone, that mime tine I her„,_ 1,,, ,, ore host friend 1 ever eea ;„7
ef,,, awed yo....,.. .1..,.. 7 ou pp, 1,4 in. and breathed elouly be e her. Shuileering and I me. -
saw three or four pair a greet eyes staring trembling weth 111.r1,1 she sought to fly from i •therts woo no ttme to pat the many ques.
0 If Marian is to do all this sighteeeing," th” r""m. f°rgett.'"g r "r1"4 e'el eme. tiona oh Maranes lit s, Wirt in the Mettle of
theig elite in the inelefieable dread of the
. ' the evening the unexpected opeeth was toe
al you ?'
deftly grew were 'tuber, and accepted the
proffered hand of •Mr. Lurid:dem the greve,
hard-working sureem of the v i flage. t he young
doctor wham millet cure of Mrs. Eden's nee
men suffeniors Mid gone bit to establish his
well•merited character for ability and kind
" wio only right and proper." eo Mrs.
Dien. said, and the family conclave aseented,
" that John, as eldest Mai, and reprosontative
of hid dead father, should be ronsu eel before
les mother gave her definite. rotisent to this
RAMA,' •11,1 his reply to the eummuhieation
•I.01 prompt mad Iteighty. It M118 full of
affectionate 'anxiety on Manatee recount. and
eXpreitiwt1 hit earnest hope that nhe would hold all Ins misery. And inieerable he was ; not
herself tete mete Christinate, when he wouid so much front fears of the exposure with
make R poen of coining to die ferm, if Indy which he wee threintened, as from an temr-
fur a nay or two. It wan impoesible to refeeet whelming horror of the act Into which he had
r.101^St ito lovinely urged, althotigh Marian, *Memel himself to be led, aml so great was
ut Cede end pride in her iiiteeided husband. Ms Mettles of mind that is last persuaded
him to return home with
"111 buth mind and body, afraid to
appear at the office lest his tempter should
heti' his threat of exposure. and expecting
twilling Mee man a taiheen curse in reply le
relit ved his Melly betrothed coned look foe- the full colifeesion he insisted upon iminediute.
*aril ehreetuiiy' to • Vara trum • ly formfitting, he remsinet1 for severe' days
waliety of eiryurroilaneeS, had been so long coneealed at iny bOtrie. 11 was hirl presence
deferred, that it woe 0,0 or three year• since there, dear Mariam that induced Me in call
JoHn and Sophy hal joined the ceche chaster- your melt an enrol tunate one, and I dare say
toe round the yule loe at thee festive smitten. you will remember how • sigh from my
ahey did not rouse alonemow, for tem brown. voluntary primmer startled you 00 lb. stair
eyed, eurlyileaded little omit -Aunt Marian's case.
darlnigs-were their components, aell it was " 1 suppose you are wondering why you
during the hustle of 'retirement them, anti were not adenitted to our confidence. Ilad
showing the new beby to graierlinamma, that you been older, ugly. and tem rrintantie, thea
• oster lieueleingly drew John aside to in- would have been no remon *hy jou should
ir'udel7icthc hoettrelie"ant;est look ioto eacfi other's diteetly ; but Sophy felt. and I could not but
nut have learned the whole particulais
eyes. tne young men shook Minds, and walked agree eith her, that it witted be. dangerous
away together, and a dreadfully distract.' to interest you in • very handsome ',meg
our 'HI. or litt. e Incriiter, ill the midst of ner fellow ; so we determined to keep his pees-
rumefarious emploemente, to see them Un- enee secret Until the reply of his hither
heeding the eiteneity of the frost, parithr the to my captive's passioriete amend reached um
garden walk to the fro, and Op and Ira again, set happy to say thee it Irell much mere
mail she rejoiced In the uppoitunity the dottier lenientiv worded than I expected, anti was
hour gave her to breok in upon me long con enclosed in • note to me gretetully acknow.
termite. ledeing my share III the transaction, and
" I am not afraid to give her to you,Shirley gime mc the means of settling all just
danstlen e said John, putting her Mind nit. claims upon the young man.
" lt wait his father's wielt that he should
join hien in Germany, and this he resolved to
do Immediately. ' 1 !eel,' he observed. 'that
it is only by jorompt obedience that I can
prove my regret for the pant. Return te the
Mlles I cannot, but my plans for the future
are arranged, and only await my lathe.'
sanction. I will qualify myselt for ft surgeon '
" You I exclaimed, 'you who are feint
at the sight of blood 7'
" Yes, I,' he firmly replied. '1 htit:e
thought long and seriously over the mft r,
rind can only come to the same determine:
felt that thew doubts• wronged him
Mr. Laiielen, however, seemed net only
satiedied but 'ileum! *kb Johnei brotherly
linemen in lei sintere happinem • and thus
interptned Sophy, ie time elm wee,t to
rest ; she 100ell pale and weary."
eon seemed to warrant.
• 'tut where will she Meet, 11" cried John
ing much more concerned than the quee-
' cold fingers nf lanoiher head ; and she sbriek•
%Lin innfecenitledtacillio othat lthheerefthre,edsrl me, t Ho i.hd bee. ifiehii
moment. I e oor wan y
it.; hu.t at that moment bet hand fell on the
Marlon, with extender! ern* turned towards I
:Lawntheir closer to the hearth for • bMch creatures with whom I have come in contact ;
gotom, until when the younger branches head trin. My demi Litberto have been speed ia
of story telling, that !Thiele, Lenatten WW1 from this time I will try to retake ainends for
cralleillupon to quota to t genera • u t e
Orie 10 bed weary of fun, and the mtlere had •itieting my own life, and those ut my fellow-
1A1,e1nvi,t 1ef., (ler fen -
h I leave dont, and as I have neither
tor healing the sole
• reigee "Oh, indeedj' sank back into his floor, stunned and motion'evi.e reeling OA his Oetrothed with such nil air of
" That is all Arran "
ger', replier' Sorihy, f h • • ell nit lb
with • sii4nifiennt nor" ; and her hushand, with Al ant n y men°, and elm [nide of their MertiTent ; eyes nfien Wee what can do for the body.'
When Marion opened her oyes ehe gras ex •
former easy &toted.. 'armorial tendernees, that she had twice well amok were being said in my lime sittimr
S., Marion Went tO bed,. arid desnite the '1.'1'4 n" th. '414 "'4111 her bf^ths'l wtiepored aa inquiry if he 111.11 ill and now rann, and the nib w left wise to eon•ey hem
com tenth bending neer her, and stotinesie awakenine
imusinal memo, mei the tart Of being away from a reverie Mt deelared femme( to die Hamburg packet was at the end of the
trom home hir the first time 'inns her birth. selehine 'he efrPctil the reelneulle" Ih"e unable to recollect anytheng sufficiently en. street. when a slipper.' foot in the hall made
into the Inaiging of the next and two or three ihadndutst"edn.ad.imidingialatenrceing..rr.T.dhe.linr:t.
livP4Iiiiivnoi:oosarfeMhoriAth"nin7 hrncrrititiale then," sag- pramuffedinnotiuntnomar7eftennre j"elirtsainthshe Ilrialeun;kt"frosnd 1 rr There have bore row deaths town eilt-
glept weevily and long, and WWI able to enter
w 'Amoco Cf111CROVII.-We have had eight
&ye el' eiplendid weather for harvesting. A
large Amount of stuff Mut been aecored-par-
ticularly Peng-they are a heavy crop.-
Sprin4 wheat harvest, is well through, a few
more days such weather, will finish it -it will
be an aventre crop ; and would have been
mitre, it lead trot rusted ; but tho " eleb,"
and every other variety, with tbe exception
of the, " Fife," and • ' Grande," are badly
injured, and I entree for the firm time, net
on the tear of the Fife, and a few specks on
the stalk.
In my hut to you, I mated that the fall
wheel, would not be Mee an average crop.
The Threshing Machine and trunhel moons
have tattled that maritime I has Infos.
me the returns of shoot • doyen who have
threshed out their WI wheat, in this Tens -
ship. and alio • few in Stealer. Ttie Wesel
is 22, and the lowoot 9 bushels to the sm.
So that 14 or 1 6, will he the average 'Mkt
thie season -avid • great deal of it • poor
ni that. A .10•11 niters from Wall
w• uses/ to has. bre amen for rust_
succeeding day* with a seat and appreciation inquiry MI le 1,40 foam' her. and what it all rested Illirry Men, MariS114 1111i1Of brildter, *be hail -door, wleeti hat' been left ajar for our eitiouent about the eleetloas i• IfooglaML
asp The relebrated iti:rter Link mew
romp.morm meted, they hod named so Wil" hemeh1 e"4"" elalre sulked " John has • story to tell "
to speod as evening quietly nil:loots for "i4 Sind° tbe intruder.
tinie tri the hone., that it wee almoat a relief •
when a hem shower of rain conipalled them
that qmtei inniiilerl her more sophatieated rae,aat' -" • ghnet store." ogrelat, dui the same for the men taper of
John, merely. " es it to pry into my
Poor Marisa lookoci a:heat at the ebtor,
dro•ing hack into the shadow, -e • glory " Knowing her to he a toward', little pees. .• rest. es err
ha. promised to fell. Rd him it sow." 7 ',wither einverl nor (NA., ;mobiloing shot ."4 611•4 ornibloe•