HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-10-13, Page 11r• FARGO 1 1 'TM TIM SuADVOCATE, EWER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MS NiN ,TORE* 13, M rithdAlal1MltiIAA!fAIlisummilintlinilA7liiiiiAAAAptanplltkllgAlpuro iAAluingFFaLlAIulth tliti initlmiAM1g.Ypurt. 1 CHEQUES .• 1 . printed JO yauir ;in4ividuai rosiness requirements are E a valuable asset. Pgr quality that will add. prestige to 4 your accounting system, at a very, moderate rate, consult i Il4pulY U1Mg4MR111AMa1110011144100141401411440,144001111 .. - 1_YgAN11Y0nIIAn/tAI1MInn1111AM4IMMInIMIIIInI!FIPIr TynlnllynxlAM4lelmsm1M1IlMU•ntA11Mg 4444$$4lgM1A101$! M W°$,l liMtMMUOW"'"l 4M MInKft11n1ug11.. E T E L �► � w. _ THE TJMEs-ADVOCATE .FOR EVERY NEED FOR BEST RESULTS AT LOWEST COST l O.OP 20% P10 PRE-STAR:TR • CO-OP 17% P10 STARTER • CO-OP 15% HOG GROWER, * CO-OP 18% I-IOG FINISHER •*"' CO-OP I5% SOW RATION • CO -01) 45% HOG CONCENTRATE You Can Pay More , .. . But You Can't Buy Better. Al EXETER DISTRICT Phone 287 Collect The Farmer's Owl'} Store - roe- imm•PIP- vriterlorims 8FTFOUeTRE#/6T## GENUINE. ETHYLENE GLYCOL tANTINFREE 1 POLAR BRAND 2.89 GALLON QUART .78 Y! cRnnoipn TIRF coerces 1041 DON'T TAKE CHANCES On Unknown Brands Save Safely—at Canadian Tire POLAR GRANO PERMANENT TYPE ETHYLENE GLYCOL ANTI -FREEZE --Full strength regular grade Ethylene Glycol --#t a bargain price. Keeps your oar safe all winter long. Protects against rust and corrosion. Equal to many of tie best known brands selling .up to 83.08 a gallon. You've got to put H in -e why put it oftl MOTO-MASTER PERMA FILL R The best money can bay!.: This "extva.quality" 100% approved Ethy- lene Glycol Antl-Freeze giros complete win- ter protection-- agolnit freeze -ups and costly engine damage. New 2.step improved Inhibi- tors) won't team or waste away. HarniletS to hose, gaskets and car finish. Protect* down to 62 degrees below zero. 'Sold only in sealed containers. NeW LoW Prise! UAB ,8v GAL. 3.19 Electric Motor Warmer 9.ft. Cord 3.99 Hang under hood --keeps motor Woarm keeps ignition and eiectrl+ cat system dry. . THERMOSTATS OSA) 11.7,,,,, t: 1 e05 Choy. Ford ;etc., '(most) Specify for a ant peY m h type br alcohol type / oft* -freeze; "tested. 436 MAIN ST. Exeter Milton R. ltoblilns Junior .Institute' Treats Parents ''he'ir pa ,ren is were guests of the members of the Junior lust!. tote .at the October Meeting oh. Wednesday .evening last,- *Sacred moments were :taken by Pat Tuckey and in place of the Tnotte 'P,au'line Lynn read A poen! Qn "(Mothers." lOurreut events. were dismissedssed by Dorothy Pin-,coinbe. A. .demonstration Iby two rep- resentatives of the Singer 1Sewin'g Nfachine Co. Mn three different machines Showed the various stitches that .can lbe produced sin the machine, A. joint meeting with the a'un-• for Verniers followed When Mr. F1. L, 'Sturgis told of his trip this• summer to kluglagd, "Scotland and Holland and also showed. pictures of the places 'visited. Exchange Vows In Hensall Manse A lovely but quiet autumn wed- ding was solemnized at Carmel Presbyterian inanse, liensa'11, on Saturday last when Grace Eldith Love, .loughter of Igrs. Pearl !rove, Va 'na and tlit late Jelin Love became the •bride of War- ren George Alexander Thomson Only sou of Mr. and Mrs. ,Samuel S. Tholneon, Kippen. Rev. D. MacDonald was the officiating clergyman. The bride wore a gown of white slipper satin with e, slight train accented with French lace, A headdress of pearls and rhlne- stonlis held in place her ,finger- tip veil. Her bridal bouquet was red roses. )She was attended by the sister Of the groom Miss Marion Thom- son of Kippen who chose a floor, length ,gown of blue crepe with matching headdress and carried a bouquet of yellow roses. Lloyd Thomson, ]3recefield at- tended .his cousin as groomsman. Following a reception at the home of Mr. and 14jrs. S. Thom- son, Kippen the couple left for a honeymoon through. Northern Ontario. The ,bride travelled in a, blue charcoal dress with acces- sories in rets. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson will re- side in Exeter. Thanksgiving Talk Heard. By Circle A Thanksgiving message was given by 'Miss May ,Tones to the James 'St. (Mission Circle at •their October meeting on truesday even int etty Coates and Bernice Ship- man assisted in :.the worship ser- vice' and readings were given by Lois Ford and Ardys Glenn. Marilyn 'Hern, .president, con- ducted the !business. An invitation was received from the Rvening Auxiliary to be their guests on November 7. Contests and lunch closed the meeting for .which Mrs. Garnet McFalls was hostess: The next meeting will he held at the home of Bernice Shipman with Alma Davey, Olive Parsons its program cammittee and Lies Ford and Doreen Holtzman as lunch eon-. venors. Father Officiates At Son's Wedding Autumn flowers, fern and lighted tapers decorated Pente- costal Church, Exeter, for the marriage of Joyce Ruth McLaren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLaren, Cromarty, to J. Stephen Kendrick, son of Rev. arid Mrs, al. T. Kendrick, •Seaforth, ' formerly of Exeter. Rev. Kendrick and Rev. I. Nor- cross, pastor of the church, per- formed the ceremony on Friday last at 7 p.m. Mrs. Kenneth Kendrick, of Glencoe, played tra- ditional wedding music and ac- companied Mrs. Peter Durand, of Exeter, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" The groom also sang "The Wedding Prayer" (Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride chose a gown of white lace and net over satin, trimmed with rhinestones. A coronet headdress trimmed with seed pearls held her fingertip veil in place. Her flowers were red rosebuds with White stream- ers centred with the bride's cor- sage Of red roses Bridal Attendants Miss Wanda McLaren was maid of honor for her sister in a gown of pale green net and lace over taffeta with picture hat to match. She carried a bouquet of Yellow roses and Old Rose, mums, Her bridesmaids, Mrs. Kenneth Cudmore, of London, and Mise Eileen Kendrick, Seaforth, were similarity gowned in mauve and yellow respectively with matehe ing picture hats and bouquets of yellow roses and bronze mums. The flower girl, Helen..Tory, Exeter, nvore yellow net Over taf- feta trimmed with mauve flowers and yellow rose and mum hose - gay. The thigh -eater was Douglas Renich, nephew of the .bride, in cavy longs and white jacket. Kenneth Kendrick, Of elleteoe, attended the groom gild ushers were barold • and Tlionel Kend- rick. Viredding Breakfast The reception and weddiirg breakfast took plate at the home of the bride's parents, where Mrs. MOLareri received her guests wearing an aqua blue dress With white accessories and pink rose- bud corsage, Mrs. Kendrick Chose navy brocade with .grey aocesser- les and pink corsage. Assisting In serving" the wedding breakfast Were Mre. Edgar Gudinord, Mrs, stay Amy, Mrs. Min lTeLaren, Mrs. ton Smart, Misses Shirley and Wilma Raver. i'or a wedding trip td Peter - Topics From :`, diton By 14400 }, .71r MSi•.+M•A+Y4 Ladies` A t1 An4 W,S.W.8. The ,Acto'ber meeting on menn- beer hip end�attendauee � the Aye angelical 0 urc1k was attended by a ;large dumber of (ladies Aid and W.1S.W,S. members. 'One new member was added to the roll and thr e v si ors we e preset . Mrs. 1 /'. M. Fabrner was in charge of the meeting the theme .of which 'was 'Indian Americans.' (Eric Finkbeiner gave a mead Ing on 'Indians; Miss Nola Feist'. sang a solo "''his is ?ny • task.'; Several readings were given by members of the -program eons, mittee. hers. G. Strode 'played a violin solo. (President, Mrs. R. Krueger conducted the business meeting when it was vpted to donate $10 to the 'Blind Institute and to con- vene a pot luck supper at the November meeting when Thank offering ,boxes will be brought In. Variety Show At a Meeting of •Crediton nary .Board plans were .made to sponsor a variety program he the. Community Centre en 'the even- leg venIng of November 1. Included .on the program will be the film "The Man with the Thousand hands", depicting the colossal work in engineering in building the largest aluminum plant in the world at Kitimrat, B.C. Watelt for ad next week --keep date open. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenspn spent a few days this week with friends in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Preszcator visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, 'ii. •I'. Robbins and family at Richmond Hill. Mr. Roy hill and daughter, Roberta, .of Hillsdale, Mich. visit- ed on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Garnet Hili. Mrs. R. Molitor spent the week- end with relatives in London and Strathroy, • Mr. Joseph Wein visited on Sunday with his brother ,Samuel at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Finkbeiner.. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne ,Finkbein- er and Reginald, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Haugh, Linda and Danny visited on Sunday with relatives at Niagara Falls. One o'f the high- lights of their trip was a visit to the new hydro power house. Mrs. Alfred Smith ' has been called to the home of her parents near Toronto due to the illness of her mother, Mrs, A. Lockhart. Mr. and Mrs. Viril Manning of B.C. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schenk and daughters of Aneaster were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. Schenk. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Burkhart, M•r. and Mrs. Ray Armbruster and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rogers of Saline, Mich. visited with rela- tives in the community over the weekend. F/O. and Mrs. Leslie Walker and family of Weston visited over the holiday weekend with Mr and Mrs. J. Galloway and ether rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woodall and daughters of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gilmartin and son of Lambeth visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woodall. Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Morgan and son of Goderich visited on Sun- day with Mr. ,and Mrs. E. Wen- zlef. They are leaving shortly" for Germany. Mr. Wm. Smith and Gerald spent the weekend in Pigeon, Mich. Mrs. Smith returned 'home with them following a visit with relatives in Pigeon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Gunn and family spent •a few days in De- troit recently. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Clark were Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dale and sons of Bramp- ton. ,Miss Lulu 'Morlock of Windsor dent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morlock and Miss Ella Morlock. Mr._ and Mrs. Grant Roeszler Shover Friends and neighbors gather- ed at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Edwards to honor Miss Patsy Bowden, bride -elect of Saturday next. Miscellaneous gifts in a dec- orated basket were presented to Patsy. Contests and games were enjoyed. Odd Bits —Continued from Page 8 . during this week to send out pri- vate 'Thank you's' as well as Wily don't yotes?' Tlere's where We could really be busy with letters, going to the grocer who didn't bat an eyelash when the family's small boy mixed the 39 cent oran- ges with the 59 cent ones, of to the doctor who is always willingly available whether the ailment be serious or silly. And what a Happy one National Letter -Writing week Could be for .newspapers. To find out at last what its readers really want to see on its pages. And what they want to bee off its pages --what it lecke, should abolish et main- tain. Extra Having spent most of the week thinking of letter's to write, we may just ask for an extra. of such weeks hi the year to provide time for wrltiiig the letters, We could abolish either National Chrysan- thenium Week or National Wax - Paper Week for an evert 82. Yours truly. baro and points in the tjeltod Btatee, the bride donned a Chore Coal black suit with red acceSs r- ieaand red rase corsage, Oti their retrtre, Mr, and Vire, Kendrick will reside in Mitchell. and Carmnen Roeszler of London visaed with Mrs. ,Roessler and family. Mrs. M. - aist is spending. a few days in St. Thomas. Miss Serail Gibson slf ,Blyth is visiting with .her sister, Mrs. Wm. tiestch rel ' e x. Rev. and Mrs. F; Feist and family of Kitehener -spent Thanks- giving with Mr. and Mrs. V. Z+'aist, Mrs. Bay LaVigne of Windsor visited with her mother, Mrs.. Albert King, over the weekend. Mr. Larry 'Cholette of Toronto and Mr. Arthur Chelette of Gipnli, Manitoba visited during ,the week- end with their sister, Mrs. Refs Fuller. Mrs. Reta Fuller, who has been i11, has resumed her duties in .her Beauty Parlour. Mr, Clinton Brown is a patient In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, haying undergone s major oper- ation, Topics From ... Zion By MISS JANE DT MAN Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johns and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Spence, of Woodham, on Sunday, ivIr. Daniel Hicks spent Monday evening with Mr. an Mrs. Joe Whelihab. .Mrs. Ross Jaques and John spent a few days last week with Mrs. Herb Anderson, of 'Science Xlill. '•Mr, and Mrs. Jud Dykeman ad family were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Dyke- man, of Galt. Mr,George Anderson, of Lon- don,. and Miss Jean Wilson, ISea- Porth, spent the 'weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Jaques. Mrs. Warren Brock spent last Wednesday and Thursday with Dr. and Mrs. Fred Langford, in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Rowciiffe and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs, Tom Ogle, of Strathroy, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Elder, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques and John spent Thanksgiving with. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jaques, Ex- eter. Mr. Joe Bailey and Miss Betty Bailey, of Winchelsea, were Sun- day visitors with Mr: and Mrs. Milton Brock. Mr. George Earl, of Exeter, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Nor• - man Brock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques, Ray and Mrs, Albert Gunning were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Keller, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and boys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Parkinson, St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs, Ward Hern and Miss Gerta Hunter, of London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Charles Kleinke in Bay City, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Fergu- son, Mary Jane and Grant spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl, Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques and Mrs. Melville Hern, Exeter, were Thanksgiving Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bern and (boys. Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Range and Wayne, of Centralia, and Mr. Herb Anderson and Lloyd, :Science Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and family spent Sunday evening with. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, of Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. James Earl visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire, of Prospect Hill. W.M.S. Meeting •Zion West W.M.S. held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Melville Hern, Exeter, on Thursday afternoon. Mrs, Tom Hern and Mrs. Verna Towle were in change of the program. Honor Pianists Friday evening, the members of the community held a social evening at the 'school. A varied program was presented and Rev. Slade Showed pictures bn New- foundland. The stewards of Zion Church presented Mrs, Bob Kins- man (nee Francis Hern) with a silver tea service and tray and Mrs. Beverley Skinner (nee Elaine Hern) with a silver tea service, for their service as pianist and assistant pian"lst. Main t. ,Groups Donate Clothing Vis., ear r Cr gs Lai'ion discuuesi the chapter of the 'Study Book; at the =October meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. of Main 5t. 'United aehurch heft in the church: parlors ,on Thursday afternopn fast, Mrs. E. (Canter conducted the worship period. Mrs, R. Balkwill presided for theitt s s e bas e' $ @Salon. She announc- ed that the W.M.S. Thankoffering service would be held eat October 10, The ladies 'have quilted •two. quilts for the bale which will be Peeked anti sent this week. Mrs. McKnight. president, took charge of the W.A. ,business. Fin- al plans were made for the fall bazaar to be held en Saturday, October 22 in the Sunday School room. The parsonage 'committee 're ported that the rugs have been purchased for the parsonage ing room and will be laid this month. • ,Man (to woman. standing .on crowded bus) ti .Aren't you afraid your ,little son will get •crushed? Woman: ,Nope. Tie bites,, ,}11,101 IIIM P101A11A111Y1AA!IAAl4MAAAYIAIA/NAAIAAAAAIInYHIMAAIASfFAMYAAAMA1141M W L4M!AINfAAMfnM,AAI W NkAAANM,YMM Chinchillas! Ensure Your futme In The ,Eur Business Invest in "Silver MX' I, jewels" Luxuring*t kiigi Quality, Registered el.oinchillas Buy from us with confidence, We hive been succesifull breeding C1t rlchil1A .for several years, OUARANT.EED ,STOOK Silver Jewel. Chinchilla s , Chinchilla Ranch Box 85 HENSALL Highway 04 For Appointment Phone 08-r-3 ....,,114$$$1111110i1RYMn shit, 11tttttttalttt11111M1p1At111Yn11A11Y11A111.1411l11YIMIYIIAIII1011411101141A11111bInY11,f/111110011 1 Forward Look For '56 New Plymouth Is Here ! With Push-Bu!!on Powerflite See It In Our Showroom GUARANTEED BARGAINS! We're Loaded With Good Used Cars Help Us Houseclean For Fall ! ! Big Selection Big Savings We'll Listen To Any Offer eg Armstrong PHONE 216 MOTORS EXETER EASY ON THE JOBi TRUCKS built to fit your job! SEE YOUR I HkYELER PLYMOtftt'H-F:kOO