HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-10-13, Page 9a A ti 4 ti. 4 A T � , .T 4 r. i LUCAN UNITED CHURCH Turkey Supper Lucan & Community Memorial Centre TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 0:30 to $:00 p,ui. Adults $1.5.0 •Ohildron 12 Years And Under 75¢ Thames Road United Church Anniversary Sunday, Oct. 16 11:00 a.m. Guest Speaker: REV. W. J. T. BUCHANNAN, of Gonia Soloist: MRS. GLARE GREEN MT. PLEASANT UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Sunday, Oct. 23 at 11 'a.ni. REV. GLEN EAGLE, CLINTON Guest Speaker Oyster Supper TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 ' 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Followed By A Good Program Admission: Adults $1.25 Public School Children 05¢ SEE C. E. Robb State • Farm Agent FIRST for all THREE! L AUTO C. E. ROBB PHONE 25-R-22 LUCAN Hensall Mission Group Prepares Bale The Women's Missionary So- ciety of the United Church held their October meeting on Thurs- day in the church schoolroom. Miss M, Ellis, group leader, open- ed the meeting assisted by Mrs. William Pepper and Mrs. W. B, Cross. ' Miss Ellis presented the last. chapter of the study book, "In India", and stated that more places were closed today for lack of religious training than ever before. Mrs. William Henry read a letter written by MissGrace Paterson; Mrs. Norman Jones, a letter byiMiss Dorothy Kilpatrick, and Mrs. Albert Alexander, a let- ter written by Dr. Baikwad, who are engaged in missionary work in different parts of India. They stressed the importance of edu- cation and provisions to the needy people. The president, Mrs. George Armstrong, conducted the busi- ness. Mrs. E. Rowe and Mrs. A. Alexander gave highlights of the sectional meeting held at Grand Bend recently. A letter was read from the Evening Auxiliary of this church inviting members of the W.M.S. to be their guests at their meeting on Monday, Octo- ber 17; visitors to furnish two musical numbers; Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. Coates and Mrs. Hess to look after same. A bale for European Relief wil be packed some time in Novem- ber. Mrs. Henry gave temperance notes in which she said: "There seems less hard lfquors being used today; people are drinking more tea and coffee and soft drinks." Bingo Winners Bingo winners at the'. Legion Bingo Saturday night last were. Mrs. John Bedard (2) ; Mrs. Bert Wren (2); Mrs. Albert Bedard; Mrs. T. Brintnell; Mrs. Bob Baker Jerry Rigela; Mrs. R. Taylor jr; Tom BrIntnell; Betty Finch; Mrs. Wm, Brintnell; . Roy Smale (21; Mrs. R. J. Paterson; Don Colborne; Jackpot next Saturday will be $60. 00, in 52 calls.. Amber Rebekahs Help With Party Amber Rebekah Lodge met on Wednesday evening in the Lodge Rooms with Miss Mabelle White- man, Noble Grand, presiding, An invitation was received from Goderieh Lodge to attend their next meeting, Tuesday, October 18, when their new officers will be installed. Plans were made to help the I.O.O,F. with the children's Hal- lowe'en party and also the Hal- lowe'en dance. The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, October 19, when the new officers will he in- stalled by D.D.P. Mrs, Mary Sut- ter and her staff from Clinton. , Caven Prebyterian Church Anniversary Services" Sunday, Oct. 16 — Anniversary Preacher — REV. C. A. McCARROLL, OF LONDON Morning Worship 11 am. — Evening Worship 7 p.m. SPECIAL MUSIC AT BOTH SERVICES The Huronial Male Quartette Will Assist The Choir In The Evening And Will Also Sing Two Numbers • Turkey supper on Thursday evening, October 20, with sittings at 5:30, 6:30 and 7:15. Tickets: adults $1.50, Children 12 and under, 75¢. Weekend Specials Meat Specials Pure Pork Sausage 39¢ Lb. Pork Chops 53¢ Lb. Bologna • 25¢ Lb. (Piece) ; 29¢ Lb.'(Sliced) Round Steak or Roasts 59¢ Lb. Grocery Specials ' Libby Sauerkraut, 28 Oz. 2 for 35¢ Libby Tomato Juice, 20 Oz. 12¢, 6 for 69¢ Monarch Chocolate Cake Mix 310 Corn Niblets, 14 Oz. 2 for 35¢ St. William's 3 -Fruit Marmalade, 24 Oz. 30¢ Delmar Margarine 4 Lbs. $1.00 r: Al's Groceteria And Meat Market '-_ HENSALL, ONT. Vii_. �•. PHONE 17 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, .EXETER, ONTARIO,. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 131 1955 Lucan And Distr.ict News Mrs. M. McFalls Dies In Michigan After a lengthy illness, Mrs. Marshall McFalls, 79, passed away Wednesday, October k at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lang Jae Coursey/of Dearborn, Mich. She rested at the Murdy funeral home, Lucan, until 2 p.ni.Saturday, Wagland the Rev. J. F. of Holy Trinity Church conducted funeral services, Interment was St. Janes' Cemetery, Clandeboye. Pall -bearers were Edgar Mc- Callum, Roy Hodgins, Murray McCallum, Gordon McFalls, Jack Schott and Donald Robinson. 'Mrs. McFalls, the former Ma- bel Hodgins, was the daughter of the late Sam Hodgins and Electa Lewis and was born in Lobo township. At the age of seven, her mother died and she was raised by her uncle, Mr. King Hodgins, near Lucan. In 1906 she married Marshall McFalls and moved to Lucan where her -.husband .died in 195.. She was an active member of Holy Trinity Church, Owing to ill health she went to live withher her daughter in Dearborn, Mich„ in March, 1952. She is survived by one daugh- ter, Mrs.. Lang De Coursey; one granddaughter, Marilyn De Cour- sey, and three sisters, Mrs. dliff Robinson, Mrs. Cliff Schott and Mrs, Jini Vanstone, all of Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murdy spent last Sunday in Dorchester, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mains. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reilly were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Reilly, of London. Mrs. Maud Beckett of London was a Tuesday overnight guest of Mrs. T. C. McFarlane. Miss Doris Wood, of London, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. George Needham, of Arva were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Russell God- dard. Mr's. Sheridan Revington, Mrs. Gordon Bunting, Mrs. Myron Cul- bert„and Mrs. N. Wasnidge at- tended the Middlesex Woman's Association Regional Rally held at Ailsa Craig last Thursday. Mrs. Revington was appointed regional representative to the Middlesex Presbytery W,A. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Campbell (nee Elaine Revington) were again honored last Friday night at Iona Station when they were presented. with a T.V. swivel chair and ironing board. They spent the holiday weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Revington. Miss Dorothy Wildern, of St. Catharines, was a weekend guest of Mrs. T. D. Orme and Murray. • Mrs. Frank Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hardy, Mr. Harry Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott attended the conyention and banquet at Hotel London sponsored by theForest City Pigeon Club, last Saturday. Miss Margaret Ashworth, R.N., of Sarnia, was a weekend guest with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ashworth. Receives Appointment Stanley Gilbert Nelson, a na- tive of Lucan, has been appointed chairman of the Civil Service Commission. He was with the commission for 24 years and suc- ceeds Charles H. Bland. Trousseau Tea Wednesday evening, October .5, Mrs. Walter Dobbs entertained at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Betty, whose marriage to Mr. Jimmie Leitch took place on Saturday. Receiving at the door with Mrs. Dobbs and Betty was the groom's mother, Mrs. Wilfred Leitch. Pouring tea were. Mrs. Raymond Greenlee and Mrs. Mervin Wil- son and assisting in the tea room were Mrs. Laverne Harrison and Miss Catherine Needham. Mrs, Clarence Carter displayed ,the trousseau, Mrs. • Arnold Morley the gifts and Mrs. Ralph Smith the linens. Miss Phyllis Hodgins had charge of the register. Prior to the trousseau tea, three miscellaneous showers were given Betty by Mrs. Kay ' Du Boulay, of Toronto, Mrs. Laverne Harrison, of London, and mem- bers of St. Patrick's Church, 'Saintsbury. Eaton's also present- ed her with a trilight lamp and table cloth. Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. William H. Lan- celey of Ottawa and Miss Lina Abbott wel'e Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Cliff •Abbott. rMr. and Mrs. Russell Goddard attended the wedding of the for- mer's brother, Jim Seely and Miss Glenna Mann at Grace Church on the Hill, Toronto, Saturday October 1. Week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott included' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Maguire of •Scot- land and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mug- ford of Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hovey spent last Sunday in Aylmer with Mr, and Mrs. R. Hellwood. 'On the way they called on Rev. L. C. liarriston at Dorchester. • Miss ,Gertrude Kent R.(N", left last Tuesday eve for Kelliher, Sask. where she will 'be the guest of Rev, and Mrs. G. A. Moore, 'Mrs. It, McGown Miss Nellie Foreman and Miss Belle Martin of London were Tuesday ,guests with Mrs. T. C. McFarlane. Rev. J. F. Wagland, MPs, JL. O'Neil, Mrs. A, darter Mr. Frank Hovey and Miss Lina Ab Ott at- tended a .Sunday School Confer- ence at Strathroy last Wednesday eve. Recreation Report' By STEVE STOREY 'This week -end the Lucan Are- na swings into action wall :a full slate of Hockey practices and pub- lic skating. ;So far the Lucan Irish executives have been silent on the season's plans, but it is rumoured that they have several good pros- pects' ready to join the Irish in their work out 'ibis week -end, this year the Lucan fans will have another home club to fol- low in the Lucan Merchants. This club which issponsored by Lucan's sportsminded merchants will play in the Middlesex league, The new club held a meeting last week at the community centre to work out plans for the coming season. On hand were such old favour - ads as Bill Smith, Art Hodgins, the Hardy boys, Ross McRoberts, and a 'few others, Any local boys who would like to play with this club are asked to contact one of the above mentioned players. Although plans are not yet completed, the Lucan midgets are expected to get a real break this year. A local organization is eon- sidering sponsoring t h e m and they will probably play in a juni- or version of the Middlesex leag- ue which will give them a full ,schedule without too much trav- elling. C.G.I.T. Plan Spring Bazaar The Lucan C.G.I.T, held their regular meeting in the United Church parlors Last Monday night with the two leaders, Miss Mar - on Ashworth and Mrs. Arthur Black, in charge, Mary Roberts led in the worship service. Plans were made for a spring bazaar and for beginning felt Graft work at the next meeting. The C.G.I.T. will join Explor- ers at a Safety Program, October /24, in the United Church parlors. A London policeman will be in charge. They will also attend the youth service in the Anglican Church next Sunday evening. Mrs. Arthur Black, assisted by Ann Roberts, continued the study book. This was followed by a sing -song. Anglican W.A. The Woman's Auxiliary of Holy Trinity Church held its October meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. T, C. McFar- lane, last Wednesday afternoon. ,Mrs. Bob Coleman and Miss Lina Abbott• assisted in the prayers. Mrs. -Helen Watson read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Erwin Scott led in the litany. The president ,,•anuoiinced the date of the Deanery meeting would be Tuesday, October 25 at St. John's Church, Arva, and the Fall Diocesan meeting in Owen Sound October 12. Tlie secretary read a letter from Miss L. Powell stationed in Japan. It was decided to again send her a Christmas gift. The Little Helpers' party was planned for October 14 from 3 to 5 p.m. Mrs. T. A. Hodgins made an appeal for used children's cloth- ing for the next bale, Mrs. J. F. Wagland continued the next chapter, "Healing Hands," of the Study Book "Thirst Of India". As this was Mrs. Wagland's last meeting before moving to Oak- ridge Acres, she announced Mrs. Harold Hodgins would take over the Study Book. In appreciation of Mrs. Wag - land's assistance, the members presented her with twin sweaters. Mrs. T. A. Hodgins offered her home for the November meeting which will be held on November 9 on account of the turkey din- ner on November 2. Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mrs. U. F. Stanley and Mrs. Frank Hovey will be hos- tesses. Teachers Elect Officers Mrs. Harold Cobleigh chaired the October meeting of the Bid- dulph and North London Teach- ers' Association which was held in Lucan Public School last Tuesday afternoon for its elec- tion of officers in which the president is to be (Sen Moir; vice- president, Miss Margaret Henry; secretary -treasurer, Miss M. Ed- die. The program for the year was discussed after which the guest speaker, Inspector R. J. Mc- Naughton, of London, spoke on "Public Speaking". The meeting closed with a social half hour. Mr. Alfred Hodgins,is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Ward and Wayne spent Sunday afternoon with , Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Hodgins, of Clandeboye, and attended the anniversary services in the United Church there. Booster Night A splendid crowd was out last Tuesday night for Lucan's annual Booster Night, sponsored by the Arena Committee and held on the new metallicl`ete floor of the arena. ,Speaking on "Community Centres, Past Present and Fu- ture" Bill Young of the O.A.C. Guelph was the guest speaker. Other program features were Paul Brothers and Shirley and Our Pet Juliette of the Billy 0' Con- nor Show, who made a Trig hit with the' audience. •.Leon. Paul wits "master of -ceremonies. Dancing ter' the music of Beb- by Downs and his 10 piece' orches- tra, •followed the program, Fourteen -year Old Alice Ryan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Guy Ryan was the lucky winner of the Hereford Calf. Exchan9e Vows At Thames Road The Rev. W. X. Moores officiat- ed at the double -ring ceremony .tn Thame$ Road United Church manse, Saturday, October 8, when Betty Lenore Dobbs, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Dobbs, Lu - can, exchanged marriage vows with Lawrence Edward Leitch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Leitch, of Denfield. The bride wore a strapless ballerina -length gown of white nylon tulle and net over taffeta and a Chantilly lace jacket featur- ing lily -point sleeves. Her French illusion veil, appliqued with lace, was arranged fi'oni a tiara of lace and rhinestones and she car- ried a cascade of Happy Day roses, Mrs. Laverne Harrison, Lon- don, her sister's matron of honor, was gowned in a ballerina -length olive green nylon tulle and net over taffeta with matching braid- ed headdress, She carried a cas- cade of Talisman roses. George Leiteh was his brother's best man. Wedding music was provided by Miss Marilyn Moores. At a reception held at the hone of the bride's parents., the bride's mother received in a heather brown dress with dark brown accessories. The groom's mother chose a black dress with black and white accessories and a gardenia corsage with red rose- buds. After the reception the couple left on a wedding trip . to the United States, the bride travel- ing in a chacoal wool suit with black and powder blue accessor- ies and a corsage of red roses. The couple will make their home in London. W.A. Phar Turkey Supper At the October meeting of the Women's Association of the Lucan United Church, it was decided to hold a Turkey Supper on Tuesday October 18, in the Community Centre, with the executive meet- ing on Friday afternoon to make necessary plans. The roll call "was answered by the presentation of articles for the Bazaar. ',Mrs. Alex Young announced the W.M.S. Bake Sale to be held on October 15, in the Art Black Motors, show room. The W.A. is to cater for the meeting of the Arena ministers and laymen on Monday, October 31. Members asked to decorate the Church Sanctuary for the Thanks- giving service were: Mrs. A. Fair - les, Mrs. Donald Maguire, 'Mrs. Cecil Neil and Mrs. Ira Carling. . Mrs. Wesley Hodgins lead in Thanksgiving W o r s h i p ;Servi- ce and introduced 'the guest speaker, Mrs. Clarence Lewis, who took as +her theme "A Canadian gives Thanks." Mrs. Murray Hodgins attended a Christian Education Rally spon- sored by the C.E. Committee of London Conference, on Thurs- day evening, in Mitchell, She was accompanied by the S.S. Super- intendent, Mr. Alex Young, C.G,- I.T. Leader Miss Marion Ash- worth, and Misses Beth Hodgins and Marie Parkinson. Mrs. Hod- gins is the Junior Work Counsel- lor on the ,Committee. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Norman Durr, Darlene and Max, of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Walker Durr, of Lieur•y, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Windsor. Holiday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cronin, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Winterstein, of Agincourt, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hardy. Mrs. Will Dickins with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDonald, Saints - bury. Mrs. G. Wagland, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Ot- tawa, with Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Wagland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collins, of Toronto, with Mrs. George Baw- den, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Graham and family, of Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery and family, of Woodham, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Lamond, of Crom- arty, with Mrs. Warner Mc- Roberts. Mi'. and Mrs. John Park, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Park, Mr, and Mrs. Clinton Haskett, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langford and Barbara, Nancy and Betty Park attended a family get-together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Butler, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Deyo and Miss Patsy Deyo, of London, with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Black. Mr. Harold Brooks, of London, with his grandmother, Mrs. Thos. Brooks. Mrs. John Park and Miss Hat- tie Hodgins were Friday guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gibson of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. James Ross of Val D'Or, Quebec, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Borden of Strat- ford were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Acheson. In crowded bus one day Craw- ford was surprised when the at- tractive young lady across the aisle smiled at him. And his face turned a bright shade Of red when, in a pleasant but loud voice, she asked, 'Aren't you the father of twO of my children?" "Why, well ---that is, I'm not sure. f mean, I den't know," 'ire spttttered. "I'm quite sure you are," she insisted. "I teach fourth grade at George Washington school," News of Clandeboye By MRS. C. 1" ATON 'United .Church W.M,S, The Clandeboye United Church W.M.S. members held, their Octo- ber meeting in the chureh with the sectional vice-president of the Middlesex Presbytery, Mrs. Ar- thur Erskine, and Mrs. Cecil Foster, secretary of Missionary Monthly and World Friends, of Parkhill, as the guest speakers, Guest from the W.A. of St. James' Anglican Church were Mrs. Andy Carter, Mrs. Almer Hendrie, Mrs. Alvin Cunningham, Mrs. Jim Cunningham, Mrs. Wil- fred Cunningham, Mrs, Roy Me- Rann, Mrs. J. Hewitt, Mrs. E. Lewis, Mrs. J. Garrison, Mrs. E. Hodgson, Mrs. J, Harrison, Mrs. M. Simpson, Mrs. K. O'Neil, Mrs. E. Tomes and Mrs, J. H. Paton. "Clandeboye Menuettes" The Clandeboye Women's In- stitute are sponsoring, "Meat On The Menu" for the junior girls, who have selected "Clandeboye Menuettes" as their club name. The leaders°' are Mrs. A. Mac- Intosh and Mrs, J. Heaman. Marlene Harrison was named president; Jackie Williams, vice- president; Phyllis Lee, secretary; Sandra Williams, treasurer; Miss Thompson, pianist, and Susie Murless, press reporter. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simpson spent the weekend with their daughter, Joan, in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna Jane were supper guests with Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Paton on Sunday. • Mrs. Will ?rest entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ceafur Atkinson and Jack on Thursday evening. ,The occasion was Mrs. Atkinson's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carter at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. Richard Sylvester on Sunday. Mr. Sylvester passed away at the Palmerston General Hospital. The funeral service was held at the Gilpin funeral home, Thedford. Interment took place in Pine Hill Cemetery. Mr. J. H. Paton and Clare left Monday to attend the forty- second International Plowing Match held at Blytheswood, near Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Tomes, of Hamilton, called on Sunday to visit with Mrs. Emily Tomes and family. Mrs. Emily Neale, of Hensall, spent the weekend with Mrs. Almer Hendrie. Miss Mary Carter, of London, spent the holiday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter spent the weekend in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mc- Kernan. They also visited with Mr. betroi d MMrs. Fred McKernan, in Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kilmer spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. John Houston and :family, in St. Catharines. Mr. Charlie Edginton spent Sunday with his son, John, and family in London. Harvest Thanksgiving Service A good crowd attended the annual Harvest Thanksgiving/and anniversary service which was .held at the United Church on Sunday evening. The minister, the Rev. E. M. Cook, conducted the service with the guest speaker, the Rev. C. G. Park. M. A. noted lecturer of Byron. The guest so- loist was Mr. Harry Hern of Zion, with Mr. Howard Kew, of Lucan in charge of the .music. Hersall Personals Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Munn and family, of :Stoney Creep, with the latter's mother, Mrs,. Ida Munn. Mr. William A. Kerr. who is undergoing medical treatment at Malton Clinic, spent ThanksI i ng with his wife and family. Thanksgiving Visitors Miss Betty Mickle, of Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd ad family, of Toronto, with the latter's mother, Mrs, J a m e s Smillie. Ilr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family in Ridgetown Sunday visit- ing the former's mother, Mrs. (George T. Mickle, and sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Stump, .of Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Alex McMurtrie of Toronto with his, brother and sister-inr law, Mr. and Mrs. John McMurt- rie and Mrs4 Hugh McMurtrie. Dr. W. R. Sproat, of Windsor, with his mother, Mrs. Earle Sproat. Miss Irma Kipfer, of Toronto, at her home here, Mr. •Joe McCully, Brucefield, with his cousin, Miss Hannah Craig, Mr. and Mrs, Art Gelderhand and Don, of Ridgetown, with Mr. and Mrs. S, Roobal and Moja. Mrs. K. Hagerwerf in Ridge - town. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Serarus and family of Toronto with the form- er's mother Mrs. S. Serarus. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Beaton and Ronald with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Beaton Jr. Dr. Wm. T. Joynt of London with his mother, Mrs. Alice Jvynt, Mrs. Edna Corbett of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett. and Wayne. Bruce Glenn of Toronto with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M, Glenn, Miss Ruth Soldan of London and Miss Jean Soldan of St. Tho- mas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Soldan. Mr, and Mrs, Byron Kyle and family with the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kyle in St. Catharines. airs. Catherine Newell Mrs. Catherine Newell, resident of Clinton for the past three years, died suddenly at her home in Clinton on Sunday evening In her 81st year Mrs. Newell, the former Catherine Robertson, was born in the Hensall district, and prior to taking up residence in Clinton resided at Foam Lake, Sask, for thirty years. She was a member of Ontario St. United Church, 'Clinton; Her husband predeceased her fourteen years ago. Surviving are two nephews and three nieces, Angus Robert- son, of Clinton, formely of Chisel- huret, is a nephew. Funeral ser- vices were held from the Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton, on Wed- nesday. Interment was in Hensall. Hog Producers Now You Can Raisollgs WI:aho ut Sot -Backs Or Losses Doc To J)erielency Ilisessee NIXON'S PEI -CA RMX X.M.A. MIX will help you get pigs to mark in reser 1 time. PallatiAGREX 4. MIX contains a "balanced blend" of the vitamins, minerals and a.ntirbi4tj.o found by exten+aive experimentation to help increase .the food ec4ver1l0.11 aa.bility of pigs and hell> prevent the incidence of deficiency 4isealea, *tit resultant steady weight gains, This :remarkable additive assures yon pigs in record time without set—becks due to deficiency diseases .and with ,greater than ever profits. 'ItE,SULTS GUARANTY Middieton's Drug .Store Tieusail Phone 20 Here's the 6reateit sn0'" e [mire laud, &Yet 60 -1 u w Vi resone TOWtI E[OUIITR4 for Rural or City Driving OUTPERFORMS and OUTWEARS any traction tire ever built • NO VIBRATION—NO WHINE • AVAILABLE WITH BLACK OR WHITE WALLS IN ALL POPULAR SIZES See this tire today at Graham Arthur MOTORS Phone 210 Exeter • STOPS COSTLY OIL BURNING! • INCREASES GAS MILEAGE! • RAISES COMPRESSION ! MOTALOY Mail Orders SOUTH TEXAS BUD • INC • SAN Send $8 Money Order 4OHIO2 ill , EX AS L We Pay Postage ONTARIO DISTRIBUTOR MOTALOY SALES 34 West Street, Goderich, Ontario Dealer Inquiries Invited C • SAN Se ' . r. ,, Keep — Always After All 13 14 and 15 , FOOD STORE This In Mind The Best Place To Shop 0 Effective Oct ber Prices E Breakfast Club RASPBERRY JAM ge 24 LarOz. Jar 33C DAINTY RICE, 1 Lb. Pkg. 160 TIDE, 15¢ Off, Giant Pkg. 620 SHORTENING, Domestic, 3 Lb. Tin 870 KADANA COFFEE, 1 Lb:Bag 99¢ BREEZE Reg. Pkg. 360, Giant 710 RINSO Reg. Pkg. 34¢, Giant 670 McCormick's Saltines SODA CRACKERS 1 Lb. 29C Pkg. Br . Aylmer TOMATO CATSUP B11 ottles oz. 2 for 39c Five Roses CAKE MIXES All Flavors 2 Pkgs. 39c HEALTH DOG FOOD "3 36c Dr. Bollard's, 15 Oz. Tins ,. . for HONEY POD PEAS Fancy, 15 Oz. Tins .. 2 .for 33c INGERSOLL CHEESE SLICES 25c 5c Off Pack, % Lb. Pkg. INSTANT COFFEE, Chase & SaSanbornstokely's, 2 Oz. Jar ..., 61c, 4 Oz. Jar ..,. Si 0115. Our final purchase of our special BRITISH EMPIRE DINNERWARE deal is at hand. May We complete your settings now? J. H. Jones Groceries H Fli'e1e Delivery Phones: 32 and 752ry • 5