HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-8-10, Page 3• • ( • Fair arriarabor aa. Aria witsree.....eatearseiewellifetelliMiaia. ...Whitiewiwileawwwwww 4••••••••••••••••lb. og mlegewii sAyamorner. Arras:al et Shit.tietailhatitt. a Reberttsentrnts. myclienI, from the souks whielt have been & SLIGHT DEFECT DISCOVERED, 01E001 1[OM the Manufacturers. mpp ade upon tos hitherto unaroachable char Gentlemen of the Jury-lt owith feelings a •Yszo or THE aTLAJITIC COLS of :to ordinary commotion that free to defend iter. I feel that, gentlemen, although a gteul deal smarter than any of you are, or even the judge here, yet 1 IUD totally uucont- peteitt to present this ere cause 14 Me Mag. natainoun and heart rendleg light with its impostaitee demands. And 1 trust, gentleman, Mat whatever 1 may leek iti preseutieg the auttjeci, may be imuiediately made up by your own goud dense and dumeinment if you have any. The counsel for the promeution, geutlemen, will undoubtedly endeavor to heave dust in your eyes. He will tell you that bis alien( ta a man ttf function -Mat be is u Olen of unimpeneksble veracity -that he is a matt who would more to foteb tut schen againet another merely to gratify his immune] cot portutity-but kt, rue entreat of ecu,, 1117 SOON BECK rIFIED. Cute Aug. 2, Aire Bev, Aug. 5. - The steamship Germania, from Hamburg 011 the 23rd elf und Southaruptuu °tithe morning of the 26t11utt, has palmed this point euroute toNew York. She WW1 boarded by • yacht of the Amooiated Perm arid summary of Eureteuo. intelligence obtaiued. The steamship America, from New York, arrived at Cows on the 26th. Im steamship &foamier', from Quebec, arrived out on the 24th. Ales atealimbip Afriegt trout Boston, arrived out 011 the 26th. The Germania reports having passed the steamship Borussia trout New York on the 23n1 cot &try, and atm •Dritieh' ship, Trauma - glum on tho .11.1. gentlemen, to beware of bow you rely upon The shore inid of the AtIsritr table was fitly etealoas rea„oniog like doe. 1 ',limit landed and successfully connect in the in apprehend that tine ere suit It01 beeu wilfully 3110010001 00 boar, the Great F tern. The gond 'maliciously fetch gentle turn, for the' nake knight of Kerry invoked SUCCOUR on the um and only purpose of brow-beatirg the unhappy dertabiug, and in conclusioa called on Sir client, mid in an eminent manner, grinding Robert 1 who made at admirable addrees. the taco oki,„ poor_i„,„1, into that es„ Chem" were then given for On President of heart, and read the motiret which have pro. the Cuited Stated, when the paying out of the pelted him to latch tine action, such a potter heavy shore end of the cable commenced. of moral turpentine and heartfelt gratitude The optic(' was completed in the moat atm would be broegbt to light WI has never before (*maul manner and the cable worked per. been experienced since the Fulls of Niaeara. factly. The guntopta Terrible sod Sphynx, Now, gentletnen,-1 *501 10 make • brilliant aecompaitied the Great Ematern. appeal to the kind sympathies of your tater, A telegram from ‘'elentia. dated the 24th and bee if I can't warp your judgements, a of July says -Insulation defects took place little to favor of wy unfortuuate cI,ent, mud on alunday afternoon. The mischief is sup - then 1 shall Cutch toy argument* to • elude. posed to exist three utiles west of the allure llere 1. poor man who has a numerous wire end splice, ond it is believed tbat it ser and family dependent ou haus for their bread ft caused by too mach strein from the Great butter, wantonly 'Melted up Imre, altd arrant Eastern. She hove to ten wiles front the ea before an intelleetual jury, un the charge shore. The Caroline M piekieg up and un. of oggnominittuely hooking -yes, gentlemeit derrunniug the splice and repairing the fault. -rubsk ibe idea-hociking ate quarts of cider. 11 ,0 expected that the damage will be recti. You,lettolemen, have .11 beeu plated in th. fiod immediately. rf he rest of the cable re. Annie situation, and you know bow to feel for mains perfect A telegram from the Great the misfortunes of my helot -broken client ; Eastern dated tbe 26t6 of July says: " The *11(11 hope you will not permit the natural cable 4.11 U.K.' .r be stinals are guabinp of your minpatbizatig hearts to be perfect. A small fault 1101diacovered and ,overcome by the supentitous arguments of cut out The Ilreat I.:astern is now punt; my ignorant opponent on the other side. The out the cable in lot. 52 long. 12." espressely declares, gautternen, in the beituti. A committee col working men hu been ful language ot Shaktphere, that where iso formed in Berlin, for the purpose of orgentz. doubt alto. guilt of the prisonm er, it is your g monster meetings to 1105011 111011 right of duty to lea", uuthe tide of justice, and Molt publicly ineetine. l'he authorities suppressed lout itinueeto. If you keep 1111.' view. the hat/quota whie'd they were to give Minor guitlemen you will hove the honourbe of ruak of the liberal deputim. At Cologne, Deutz, ing a friend of bon and all ha retel000l, mod and in Nassau, the military dispersed the you cart alters look back on Miscue, that you working men quietly. The public order WWI did an you hone been dotoe by, but it yo.; you :tot diaturbed. regaid this point in Is, set at naught my Flour 1)01(1 111111 steady. Wheat irregular o eloluent remarks, and foteli him 111 guilty, the and declared Id per credal. Corn quiet and silent twites chof conemence fuller you "74014. over *terry caterfteld, toed my injured client, gentlemen, w,Il be pretty apt to tight on you aome of these dark flights as my cat light* on a saucer of new milk. The Glasgow Herald says :-" On Monday It the convict was meThed by the Rev. Dr. Nor- ittliteedleas to say that the prisoner wee honourably acquittyd. man Macleod, the Rev. Dr. Miller, the Rev. Mr. Reid, Epiecupalian clergymen, and the The Cosjelot l'estelsaral. - - -..............-1: ...._, risun chaplain. From the information we A Dreams and Ite Entfliteent, Kaye removed, it would appear that the pri. toner't demeanour remain' unchanged. and - One.of those strange mowwhich from time that he CIrCri gppeers. if possible, more cool to ome appear In the newspaper, and which is u his daye draw rear • dome. It is said that no to conlirie the belief *loch some perilous h . after the pawner had remarked tc.one of his ave in dreamt, han just been related to us, soitituM advisers that hie confession was t rue, the names of the parties, for obvious reasons be was told that not • word of it was believed being withheld. A women residing in Ar- , out of doors, and that,' he -the minister him. lereatls had lost ashewl and brooch of some self -was ot the same opinion. The prisoner, value; these articite havino, been abetraeted „' '" ',e6" .., from her house. She had searched the whole '` " ,on i17 b''''', .ad 1°'''kiall " ' calmly tttwards *be ceiang of hie cellexprese- house, but no trete of the miming articles ed hitraelt to the effect that he had velem could 4...discovered. A young woman retid. ing in Forfar, who had beep starieg with her wondered why Christ whi.'e 'in earth bad al" 1110 0? three days, had left oil the der previous urienced such difficulty in dealing with en-- bevels; but that after the unuister's remark to thct ou which the settles were [tossed, no n .e wee nut Low surprieed. On another •0 mopicion se to her heroic taken the thIng t ' elision it is amid that the convict beton railing ' arising in the wonoto's mind. On the same; it ".,,, ,,,,.., and finding fault with the judge night on which- the young woman left for ' • ...... -med teat she mor her yi am and hi. leading cososel, who, he said, lie be Forfar, ahe drea hewed *00 10 league with the Crown iuthori. end her shawl mound another woman'e 'o 1 -Me On being reenaded that a person in shoulders. On awakening ia the morniut, I ad rememberinwhat eite had dreano,hot1 • bis politton should not give *051. 10 web et. ag pruritus'', we are told that he 'node a remark ing would satisfy her butthatt ebe should come': to : the effect that he could resod .the scaffold to F'orfer and see after her.miming property. &'1" , , The Dundee Despite the ridicule et friend. oho took the , & &mil& upon hi. isee'" 0.11,4: Courier says .-" Some facts have mime 10 firm train, mil. mi arrivintt in Forfar, our knowledge coaoected with the mysterious on the young woman. llow great was ber . burning of the mrvar.t in his house in Berke. astonishment, on teaming the yotting 'comm.'s. ley terrace, emulated to throw &deeper shads min.:fence, nod discoverong lour tit rhe very act , v,.....,.loof susponon :over the occurreuce %honesty of putting the misting thawl armee. thlalf in the account of it contained in the shouldere iu tbe smuttier as she sem) in her dream. The utter astonichment and coo,fusihn • narratiees at. the ealamitY' it ia quite Um& : that the door of the room where the servant ad the young woman may easily be conceited was sleeping was locked, but it is not quite a. she behold the reol tioner of the shawl. ..... -. 50certain that It 1110 locked from the inside. The woman, on claiming her property, the. .',..11c.d. know what .h. h.! et... -.The key was not in the lock, bat au found tn.: rh. woman .50 1,,,,.„t1 .tair.red he Dr. Pritchard in a room toll of smoke, when she 1 amd the dream come true.- .1 'It no the twd 'here the seremt la/ charred tel an,1 ifelem. Nobody saw the key Until it was Northern Warder. t doctor'elfenti, and how be could have A New Way to plias the rams,. so readily found it in so unlikely a place amidst the dense and Mrocoet sulfoestiog Among the many anecdotes ',moored to us onoke, ?entail.* a inyttery that we fear points niche inconiparabie Mozart 'home, the tore. to only oneelolution. On weather matter - of fun which dttoligat.hed tem LeMie he loth010111!.st viz , e 01iTe fur the double murder of " his health, it OPwhich tent- Itow, one d.ty ',tech AO ha/ !Mtn found guilty-csiisidere when lie and flarljn were Idiom; out in coat hie light RI Menem by hie relation. ebb a pithy. Mozort, who was very fund of chant wealthy btu*" ho aleeffew• The young ',WY pestle, iud•leioy slam:wed iiimeeit to Hadyn, in question, had some 114,000 in her own uttering to Let eix 1101110s thampague *het he would compote a rem that Marlyn could not play at first sight. 'Dote.' noel 'Wye. Mozart went off at once to • wrning table, dashed uff a comp, otion Red )(matt tu iledyn• The latter left the dinner mho-, and sat,down to the plano,amsz.ed at the felicity of Mozart's genious hut laughiugly exclaiming, 'Mozart has more rub than be can digest, &all is bent on disbursing the champagne 1' ' We shall see what we shall see cried Mozart, gleefully ribbing his hands. Iladyn went on enrimintagly, with the music, for a few minutes ; ttwn suddeoly stoppd. 1 How on earth am 1 to plop that?' he exclaimed in evident perplexity '017 two hands are occupied at the two ends of the panto, and here's a note right in the middle of the key board.' ' Are you stopped by such a trifle 7' replied Mozart ; jolt let me show you 1' And sitting down to the piano, he ran through the first part, sari when he cameo) the famoun note, strnek it by giving the key a tapwitb his none, going not idly on ant finishing the piece amidst roars of laughter from the rest of the party. Mozart'a nose was very long ; Hadyn's was very short ; a disparity that, nn doubt, sug- gested the merry joke which cost liadyn the six boatels of cherupognt he had so confidently counted un winning from Mozart. _ - • - A Wyatt?, Sewer,. :-Statistics show that a baby, nn the first day of his or her ap- pearance in public, weight about 61 Ib.., a boy a little more, a girl a little less. Some babies hardly turn the mate with two and • half pounds, while others weigh a dozen potted,. Girl* and boys of 12 yeare of age are nearly equal in weight : after which limit males are much heavier than females of the of tile mime age. Voting men of the ago of 20 yearn average 120 pound.. 'Men read) their heameet bulk at about 15, when their evernge weight is 152 Ma ; but the women siowely fatten until 50, When their average it 129 111. Taking men and women together, their weight at full growth nyeragee 110 lbs. Full grown tnen and woman nre 'Mont twenty thyme Rd heavy aa they were on the firm day ot their existence. Of course average,' are here only meant. The averagel were formed from men rengiog from le0 to 220 lb.., and women from 88 to 207 Rut Taking all ages, and both memo the average weight is exactly one hundred English pound. avordupois for earth human being. - tlioll'a Journal of I Isola. A Motota T Mole -01d Johnton,a greet temperance men, seta a good example of total nhetenance aa far as he is seen. Not loqg ago he employed n carpenter to make enme Alteration in the fire plaee, it was found neeemary to remove the wainscot, when lo I a diaenvery was made which atom either! everybody. A brace of decantere, a tumbler, emit' pitcher full of ice -eater, were erreily reposing there, as if they had stood there from ilia begianing. The deserts was lonatmoned, and so he beheld the bottle. he eeeterned, hleahtng, " Well, I declare, that to curios's, Imre enough. 11 must be that told Rainy left 'Pm when he went nut of thin 'ere home thirty years ego.- "Pith* 10. did," returned the (repenter; "hut Itessos, the lee in the mother meet hese been Ma migety bard to stay till Ode time." 500 iJ1A..1IS ASSORTED Ets(,Lisit Note and Letter Papers Just received and will be offered at • a slidlit advance on roil 10 GASH BUYERS! EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL 13004S AHD STATIONARY n1'11.11:1/ •T LOWEST WHOLESALE RITES TO COCNTIW Al Ll<1.11.4nri, AT THE 'SIGNAL' OFFICE. nght. Dr. Pritchard was on visiting acd generally pretty familiar terms with tbe heir ess, upon where, simple and unsuspecting to a degree, no blame rests. Aware ot her re sourcee, the doctor sought a loan of some money. Retort) giving it, the young lady coneulted a friend,erho advisedthat the money should not be given. Tbe advice was acted upon. .tel the refusal broke up the corres- pondence. The litmus in the intereourte thee created rendered it impartible for the prowention to introduce this episode into the trial; but, had matters all gone right, it es 0507 10 receive whet light we.uld have abed upon the one point in the cam on which no light tall in court, and no light has yet falleu in his conlessinn.'' June 13th. 1r165. - PROVINCIAL n1;0E1171104 OS THE AHRIGIJLTHEHAL ASSOCIATION OR 111013 1 ANSI' 1, TO BE HELD AT LONDON, ON 18th to 22nd Sept,,1865. DEMONS intending to exhibit, will pleate take notice, that the entries of articles in their respective classes mum be made with the Secretary at Toronto, on ttr befute the uudertneutioned dates, viz• Horses'Cattle, Sheep. Sono., Poultry, on or before Saturdny, August 120. Grain, Field Boots 1411.1 other Farm Poo ducts, Agricultural Implements, Mschotery, and Mattufactures generally, ou or belore Saturday, August 2nitt. Horticultural Produets. Ladies' Work. the Fine Arts Ac., un or before Saturday, Scp. tember Prize lista i5ts;111ank. Forms fur making the entries upon, can be °blamed of the Secretaries of lull Agticulturtol Suereties, and Mechanics' Institutib throughout the Province, o TWO II C. THOMS,ON, Sec.y. Board .4 Agriculture. Toronto, July 29. w2o.3w Sale of Lands for Taxes Contiothedfront erls page. Village of KINCARDINE -(Con.) 7,,,o Con. or woo. .4eres. An,. 73 E Victoria s 43 26 7 36. 30' 37 • 3 to. SPECIAL NOTIOE. 1)1 EFERRING to oar advertisment anted Lb instant, and in order 10 avoid miestadem standing, we beg respectfully to inform Moos of our customers who have had loomiate with us hitherto that, as we are anxious to bring °Ur Pre•ent business to • Gk.. •• M. FAtfia w.il h..1.1 11. &lowing place. in NOTICE. postale. We must dilICOulinile all aellOUUta the (oslo 1 lineal tor the p.p.,. ol setting from this date. JOHN FAIR &CO. HORSES, CATTLE, 8xc., Goderich, 9th >lay. 1465. se71 _ Viz.: At the village of Clinton on the JOHN FAIR & CO. ..es vise oCTE•Wiratet. on CLOSING U team BUSINESS IN GODERICH, Thursday neat, the 4th instant. third Wednesday in the months of February, May, September, and November. At How ick t'illage on the second Tuesday's of the months of February, October, utd k Deeeirther. At Belmont on the second Wedneadays of the same months. At Wroxeter on the second Thursdays of the SUDO months. At Ainleyville on the second 1)1day. of the atone mouths. In the Village of Dungannon Olt 1110 third Wednesdays tel the Menthe tif March, June, October and December. In Francestown on the first Mondays ol Msrcb, June, October ant December. In the village of Varna on the first 'fuer dace of 51urch, June, October and December. lu the village of Blythe on the last 'lure - day. of January. Minch and October. PETER ADAMSON, Coulitiee' Clerk, .264m throe & Bruce. THE COLONIAL Securities Company, sott....rs to the Canada Agency As- sociation of London, EAgland, 'flasonener to clear off the whole tel their large n.1 y•Inable stork .0 Dry nothing, and Grooene•, at an • , a ENORMOUS REDUCTION IN PRICES liuJI'rot,, ul Nia, lab A 3 it 31*0 C i 3 09 S Penetaegore How E .. 3 19 10 13 05 16 7 10 74 27 Broadway S.. . . 4 10 t 7 24 do ,I 15 *3 4 Broadway N .1 5 53 2 5 53 4 553 5 1 (353 5 53 7 ' 1 3 56 17 ' 14 25 01 I Mechanics' Arenas t 5 Williamsburg... t i 47 2 do 7 47 3 n 7 47 4 do • . 4 93 5 \i 93 '45 do 22 27 Mechanic.' Avenue N 2210 JOHN MACDONALD, Nem 1,11 4 B. Elbert fi °Mee, Goleneb, 29th July, !MK, s:s To labinet, Fannitg-HUI Manufactn- rers and Others. PLANING MACHINE FOR SALE. 1 eapithle oi platens hintl soit wood, lc. IV., 1.7714 AsmA1.1, loattmc M.O.D.`, nearly. new, 9 otellea wide -will he •.5d cheap tor rash or os •ppeoved reedittor tenor mid ell moon...boo appiv4if be leiter [won pall),Id..Henry Dodd, k •"- 010. 01 the sante &merlin ,n sew for 2 Teen; .1 NAT Tsi ,j1 JD, to the sebscritier who hao the won% lot rte. JAMES b /AMU.. meg-. Manutactur,r, W lot. 150 LABOURERS Dederick, July 25, aweitt LIST OF LETTERS Poemaieing iri the 3rd August, l'65. Anthorne HooSen Agm John tt Alexander John Boyd John Bole NO John Kelton. John Ann Mamie .Inhanah BebeiM Maim, Hellemore Peter (2) Brown10.114. Heard Wy1111110 Mown Mr:. Complicit atex•roler illtribS. - t 'eery David fempbell Daniel , Caniisdey D. A. At Goderich, nn the 3rd inst., the wife of routing George Mr. E. Woodcock, of a daughter. Collins Neenah At Porter's Hill, Goderich Township, on (;-;hilitirw. ja:mil:•..E(e0) Sunday the 6th inst., Mn. Archibald Mc. r.001110y ,1. Donald, of a son. Clerk 14. Qin. Cola Peter Codger Wm.W. At Goderieh, on Monday 7th, Mn. Ann McGregor, aged 6,4 years, relict of the te Dente!! D,Idlt.'t Alex McGregor. Dickenson Hen la Tuckeramith, on the morning of the 31st Dora".":4.1114. WarZant alt., 1tobeit the infant eon ofJohn and Mary MeLagan, aged 6 months. - THE MARKETS. GOnCRICII, - August Spring Wheat, • ..11080 11.11 do 090 ()ate, .... 0.40 Flour ... 5:00 Barley ..........1)51. Peas 000 "Wool 0:35 Sheep 3.00 Lambe II des (green) 2:75 butter 6.00 Potatoes new 0:50 1:75 Kora 010 tiny, new V ton 600 0:30 2 00 Green Peas Sex 2tivertisnstst- O. • SELECT SCHOO 0.85 0:00 0:45 5:50 0:60 0:75 0:40 400 0.00 0:00 014 0.00 0:00 0:10 700 0:50 • MISS SKIMMINGS will resume her clamed nn Monday. Animal 1 tth. Instruction. given in the usual English branches, Marie, (Nino Forte) and Dmwing. Goolerich, Aug. 7th, IOU. "wee 2t NOTICE. Q MYER will be taken at the Rank of Mon. 1. treat here at six per cent rbaceent till further twuce. (i'd.) F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, .28 2t Avid („„;;TRAYEn troot the peen.eas 0( 11. rile emitter, re Ewe. awl foer Lambs. The Ewes aro young and the Lambs 3 Taps sad 1 K we limb same Holean germs curie 'aloe moon whew the owl .9..p eaa be towed will *00(9 Ohlige FREDERICK WI I.RAV, Constance hero. whn pleaded guilty of sunshield fats, fleeter. A . Murder, hie been sentenced to death, Antrum* 1, INA, wHell Elnott Arch'.1 Engloh ame. W. Engin Wtiftem • Wtn (2) Fry Hannah FInn Mary Fitzgerald Rain. Oreo Mr.. Gilroy Wm. tinhorn W (2) Hingham, Arthur Hillard Mn. Ellen Hatherley E. Irvine Frank lame Johnson Thema.' Jacobs William Klppen Donald K err tteorge (1) Kar Henry Kerr . 1.. Nev. Heys* T:toron, below Emerw Lyon. John Loren John Lenge Joseph Morn,. Harriet Mrs, MonWield Henry ill•leornein Cam /no. Mtn., Jim... Miller James locierkil I', tat Office, Malater Jorry 5Imtleon Mir. alatromme te. atelier S. McLeod Alex. McInnes 0. MeDonald D. McCue Jaims McC•be limes • Nabb Mt Jainea Motintold (2) McMaster Robert Mi•Donald Ronald • Intyre S. lt. N witless Rots. 10. (Ray John (2) telkien John Philips A. 1.. Paden Bridget PWICII John Perinea! James Poore Rev. J. I.. Petri. Lem 121 Pendlettin Mr, Parson 11 Paps WsIliain Roddy A. Reveffe Antoine Rtehmond H. Rowland Thome. ellidge Smith Annie Sutherland Angus Sloan Domid Schwind Henry if. ritewert Ittni. John fittest lemur reewar Jm.. 0, Seen James Swakey James !Newer, John Fouls Urena Shannon Mary Shorts ThoM peon A. A. I raven. Cent. Clihert Thomson Jno. Teornmon Mrs. Moak Timm. ['homes Tun Wm. Todd Wm. United Sturm Consul Wits* Alice Wilson D. [2] Whitely 1ss. Wilson John (11 Waitrons 1,41,0, W time Joetseh Wade It (3Watees W. • • •••••• 0,WW 0118.00NWIWO• • • .4' A NEW STOCK (>1•' ) BOOTS 86 SHOES, Received this day TIIIE r i HA reee.::-Jett.a,laige lowly of funds; .terde (1 211 ‘'i P1/4:101 8 ear ye.a.ras. For terms and other Inlermation, apply to IL J. 1.(1111PMAN, Seervt•ry. (Kee, lineal Insurance Mekong, Yonce and Wellington wreets, Toronto. 0. toCklAttLES W1DDER, Esq., Goderivh, Vs:motor hir the Compthy. Toronto. Jute 27. D45. 21w 9t10wiiii Wanted. /A A LAU:SOPA' MAID who thorottglify under- at•nals her business. Apply immediately •t \the Maitland Hotel. tiode.ten.11.1y T'elt. 1685. 27w-aw95 11 IsT on the Ballarat end other wrirke ot the Er'.' and Nieman. Medway. Memel age.. 4,, en. A pplv at the .,Mee 00 lalk.AsoCli..6L1i& ELLIS, 2,106.,. . HIPPZN REA.P.iNd IVIA.P.F4:311( For 1865. 30th Jure, 1865. • kAJORYCAOZ SALE. ...b.......... 11111K1116AS,delault havia.4 been road. or VI payment of a Mortgage mode b. 1..; ward Kellp, of the Township of Aehfieol, 141 Ike County of Burge yeoman, sod Mary .-% nu Kelly, wife of Edward Kelly, (foe 16=1. of barring her Dower). to William of the 'folio of Godench, in the ('00 1.17 at Huron, Gentleetau ; the following land mot premises will be eold by l'ublie Auction be G. M. l'ruenian's Anotioo Mart, on TUESDAY, Ibth AUGUST, 1865, At the hour of twelve o'alock, noon, i abject 11,0 Mortgage of 11.40(1, and interest at vet. t per emit.due 1st May, 1065, that id to on), all and singular that certaiu pate*, or 1111(1 of land and premises situate, lyittg and helot! in the Township of Ashfield, in the County .1 Huron, being comroaed a tbe south half of the north half of lot oufithet eleven, in tho third contusion, eastern division of the moo Towatobip a Aahtield, contniuing by as metteLieuient thy acres of land, mure to I-. Deed under rue,' eontained in Mortgage. Terme of Sale --Cash or Credit. iFor further particulars apply to, 1).281141dade I • ase 3tiodingk\Solicatoir;.‘ss.tie,isil‘tcliltotproe:roisti:ompuirtmxo,.c. Dated 7tit\Mairth, 1066, London and Parts Treatment! DR.JOHNSON'S Office and Dispensary, No. 1;1, Little 'St. James Street, Fpr tn. Cure o• Chronio Conurtotr, N-,,,,f,th., ,\"<, na a. Dentist,. Ihsenso. 01 th• Meal( :is401'•7TTP..P.T..,, 6...,../ w..4.,•.; ,,,,„i .41 1,•••••01•1:ennpintnte.,Ie. R. 1 0,11S,SON,L ATE OF LON Dow, oDta. burgh and ran., &ernes hi* sittentive •x- eluevely, to the Treatment of the 1 omplaints WI refer to in thoi !Wince. Many years esperien, e in Et. pe. and the Brn,rah Colonic., rbable• km. to rw or", le very rearkable C. ; and 1,. ta lop mHM cilitte. to obtaining the hest end latest MT., 11. we M. i. being ill correapondence mob the moot eelebraiel physicians tit the 014 World, that he can oder inducements to the naive/mate et 5 . PW'rrlY ;:r.,,09.oit "111'":01e1Mrerb. WrAI.-I)r. JOhn: son'. lielnediew will 1054010. 111 II *007quiet tn. , all *11. 500 indicted watt Nervous DeWitt, 1.11.4 eIM'".'V 00160 '. f r r7e. Mkt, TARR Notumet-There ito.t r,.I h•")011e:1eUntreled by boys SChaal. whon gnaw. RD Walt them to smther.); the egrets 01 this evil practice is mom deplorable. often pr,xleetne Inea0117 Ore., ate. All who • n dlicted whoulgapply lig De Johaeon inumediaten, and he will elect • epeedy and menet cUrc. Divamit. or Inc BLOM., &C. -It la I melancholy Illef that thoosseds tall mettles no dorm, 0 Wing to the unskilful sod improper use ol mercers. Dr. Johnson", Compound fterto, win thorenettly eradicate all dishes.. ansiag (tom • thiwneid or imperratattot the Mood. Remains forwarded in satiety to any orldrees Office how, ipso 0 till It. •nd mom 2 till 0. All etinneuriko- inm. should lw adarewed, ik. Chas. F. Jones.. i Summer, mg, Mule St. J•onee bonen. Mcntfeal.C. Ifo A LARGE STOCK OF VL.A.1:17 A.N13 rAnin." School Teachers. - VW Board of Public Instruction for the day. t'ie Itooni.iloderick on Wednesday and Therm ring and i Comity of Harm* will meet in the Court 161h & 17(1* da of August next, Each day at ten o'clock, p. m. when candidates wishinr to obtain Liceneee to mach .111 then bare an opportunity of being examined. Those' wishing fiat coo third Maas certificates will be examiued on Wednesday, and second clue on Thursday. Candidatt*0 before being admitted to an itEantinaliati are 'arequircd to present curtifi• tales of good moral character, signed by a I clergyman orjustice of the peace. D. 11. RITCHIE, Secretary. Ittorfleld1136 July, 1065. *25-31 (*TICE is hereby given that the hippen Reaping Match will take place on the farm of D. 1.. SillP, Esq., London Road, . Stanley, un Friday the Ilth inst., at the Moir of I p.m Reapern to be on the ground at 1 o'clock, sharp. A 130Anail0 iblATOM take )lace ennie az lut year. Ilf.aperx that dtd not take part in the Mowing Match will campete in a Permeate class, as single reapears, for which prizes will be given. One stand for the sale of refreshments will he allowed only. Addresses will be delivered 5( 111,1 close. JOHN COPELAND, JAS. ANDERSON, Seey. I' re2sirdiednt. Kippep, Augest lst, 181;5. w LAND SALE. UNDER POWER OF SALE IN MORT. • GAGE. BY Tirtue of a Power of Salo contained in a Mortgage made by Jamee McMahon of the township of Goderich, In this County of Huron Mot Province of Canada, (default having been made in the due payment there of), will be sold on Wednesday, the 211th day of July, A. 11., 1(465, at twelve o'clock,noon, at the Auction Men of George M. Tnieman, in the town til Godericb. the following property, that is to 0071 Lot fourteen. in conception (1, in the township of Goderieh, in the County of Huron. containing by tad - MONEY FOR FARMERS THE Subscriber has received a few hundred dollars to loan on improved farms. Interest moderate, and eharcea rettomnble. S. P. Y E0 51 A NS. e e W. rge Office over the Poet Office. N. 11. --Parties having money to invest ea* be accomodated with w few good Applies. JUST OPENED! ltrootjr:„Ji & Shoe Establ aliment, -- • ON Kingston street, next the- Telegraph Office. re •Propri tor solicon a share ot the pulilic rettomaze. a d he will use hie best cod/moors to afford sat' lion. J. ROSS.. N. IL -Owlet -a promptly exe ted both making and repairing,' • . _ July Itth. 1465. .\25 1m C-AUTTON.-This sto forbid all mons ,riving my son John Mason, credit OW. my account. as 1 will not bold myself responsible for .,.y debts that he may contract. JOhN MASON, Senr. Weetnnuali July, 16 1/465, w25.3t. Notice Is Hereby Given 011 (41' application will be Made to both L braneheo of the logisInture of Ibis Pro vim* at their mkt sitting to have the town- ship of Waoanosh divided form two' seperate Municipalities. to be called " East Wawanosh " and " WOO Wawanosb,'• re- spectively, the diviaing line to be between Iota timbered twenty 'men and twenty eight. The application will he made by petition nt the Municipal Con/tail, and moo three hum dred and timely of the electors of the said - township Wawanosh. • By order of tho Council. JAS. SCOTT, rp Clerk. June 13t10, 1865. • w221f NOTICE. • • THE Partnership herctototre 0001109 in the Town of Dookrieb. under Me style of STORY de DAVIS, has been dissolved b) mutual erinaient. WILLIAM STORY, DEORDE NORMAN DAVIS. Goterien,27tb July, 1002. 21w.sw95 All Promtettory Notes and Ammunte helonging MM.. tete firm have Mem placed on the Submit - her'. Amt..a for collection ; laticritaTe payment meet he mirk, J. D. torquing, Rerrieter,te. Godertelt, 27th July, IWO, seeirl In reference to the shore it may be stateJ thst OLD bTORY meatmernent ten ecru of hand. more or less.' le still on the •rack, and wit remnin in the heild. Terme Cash. Deed under Power of Sole. tee •i present °remised until iso new alien is M. C. CAMERON, eompleted. He h !WIT Warmth s enthere tnanks it to the friend. and elastomers whn have for 24 ..211,1 Solicitor tor Mortgagee rare extended their custom to hie .hap, and The above sale is postpone -I until '26th day Ws. sToRY. of August. 146O, at Mme hour ar,d place. Codeneh. August I. IWO. wn 27 -- - --_- - JAMES WATSON, Postmaster. WANTED. ATEACHER for Sobool Swine, No. 2, Township of Hey, holding a fire or mooed elms eerufieate from the Normal Sehool, or filet CIABB Goanty Hoard. A liberal salary will he v.... T. commence the first day of January, 1866. Testimonials se to character eill be roquired. Comesani• cotton* recuived .p to the 501 W (temper, All letters prepaid. WILLIAM CASE, Sony and Tremens', ille p.n., H(b orne unt, Ray, ArsosTitlir,"186..i. w2$ -3t' epee mill moment necoatieuanee. MORTGAGE SALE G. N. DAVIS N Ir A CTURER AND DEALF,R 13./ Sweat, Ploughs and (Jemmy. of every de- lertrion. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron W•ra, at Valuable Property. the Market Steve Depot, atarket 'Square, nett. ad b H h 04:024.1,OIL UNDER end by virtue of *Power of Sale contained in a Mortgage m e ( 00 JUST ARRIVED AND' FOR SALE CHEAP!! ErP M.I.t, iso. AT THE 1:111/011VJE. J. V. DETLOR da SON. SHERIFF'S ALE OF LANUS. .o. -- United reunite. of IlY •trtne of two wnts of Huron and Bruce, ten Facia. 1.01/ed 0111 TO W II : of r Majogya Connty Court of the Pinned Cone a of Huron and Bruce. and to me dimmed agittriat the Mode and tenements of Jereinielt Lennox, 51 the iiiiit of IWIRA Carling, Welham Hi Smith, and Alexander Sm,lh ; I have Mired and mien in ineeui ion •Il 1110*19111, title and interest of the 'mid datendant. In vol to lot needle, P9 on Ituror btreet, in the yillsse tel Aieloysille, in the county of II wtth the huddler. thereon erected. but No. 2 nn Howlek seem In the sillier in tielmore, one hell sore of land with the buildines thereon erected, outward • t the *out', -east nurser of the Town.lop of l'is111.6, In the county of Bruce, forme', oert of lot 14o), in the A roncewont Or tee scot township of Culrow ; which landra and tenements I *hail oder for mile St niv otliee in the Court House in the town ol Codench, en Tuesday, the tenth day of October next. et the hour of Twelve ot. the elork . noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Aiwa/ 11. 4 11. Sheriff's Deice. finderieh,t 3,43o1. IMO. .24 INSOLVENT Al9T OF 1864. the Matter of AN DO:11001W I sue Insolvent. rr HE C red of the Insolvent nae notified that 1 he hen made an •wiloineril of hi. state and effect,. under the oboe. Act, to am, the under - menet assignre, and they are required to tarnish me, within two Meath. from this date, with the,, elsoms, sperifytng the seventy they holl,4( any, and the value ot »»; and it newt stating the fact ; the whole attested under nethwan the yowl...re in support nr..0, DOM Ai Unclench in the County of Huron, this 22nd day pi Jet,. 146. Wu. E. GRACE, riou( *010000.*010000.THEE LAKE .NHOR SOAP AND POTASH FACTORY. 1 Anderson, of the Township of Kin nu, im frgelloalfhl Lampe, dee., Mr. 01.1 ;me, Cow - NI County or Brace, Yeoman, defaolt baying per, Brum !taiga Wool Malaga and Bheepetnes be.n made in the due poyment thereof. grill aken eselinge. f711 - -- be sold on Weeltleedn;, the second 1,011') day noon. at the Auction Mart of Geore M. of Angus', A. D , I fi5, at twelve &Mork, FARM FOR SALE Trueman, Market Mame, Geodeticf, the following property, via. beta nambert r orl, Con. A, Tnernebtp of Howid, 4 Meenty.cone *04twenty two, the thud 11..o ono. from Wrozeter. ranee south of the random Road, in the aforesaid towaship of Kittle*. Demi enderLi T•f• E G RVEL ROAD. Power of Sale. NI r.. CAMERON. bog boon sad We. w23td Solieitor for Mortgagee. 92 ACRES,28CLEARED r he above este is poupormed until Saturday Apply In ths 2nd day of September I tn.., .1 (11. woe 9 • F. W. THOM Coo , R. M. hour sod place. Doderoch. 10.1 04, Sieve. t avol7td e THE moharribers beg to refers their warmer' 1 th•eketo the helms of. trodeneh end 011,11' 17 tor they pes. liberal tuppon in supply itig thorn with (trees. and A•lias. Tbey eon etre higher than tbn h,gbeet prows offered tor ANY AMOUNT OF GREASE & ASHES w 12 MTRAV'MARE.-Strayed from Goole! ich Commons, about the lint week iu Julia, mat., a flay More and home Foal, tbu mare has a cork on the left hind foot, there in a star Olt the cob's forehead, and left bind foot white. faun:moon .that will lead to her recovery will he suitably rewarded by leaving word with MARK WHITELY. ficelerieh, Jetta 29th. 1.165. mei...it'd le Cult tw good Coutes Soda Soap. boll Soap .1100)0 0* bead; tan tam et 52 par barrel. 50,4 1101 Corderood WRIGHT &BARNE.q. riind•nrh, With. 0428 • Money to Lend, TTPON Ifortgegen Andy to D. sra. e),ce neer R. Booth's meow. Gorki irk, 1 eth Slay, INS. se741f SHERIFk SkuS or L&ku8. Witted Confine. ol BY smote of writ e Hiiren and u Brce, Vettatitom po n *5 To *1 . awl E'en Faroe* 10t resi- due it e toe d'sont of Her Memetya County Conoco -me Veiled Cutintre• 01 Henze and Bowe and to methreeted seams, the lands and tene- ment. of James Stewart, at the !III ollonn V Detlor and Samovel H. D.11,t hose Wised and taken in Execution all the raphe tole and ipterest .0 the seal defendant ,n and to lot number one In the elm enth enneeenon ol the Toe nohlp aro'. borne. W. D., in the County of Huron, whIch lands 1 shall offer tor wale at tn. *thee ,0 the Coto Home in the Town of lloderien, on dee the Fifth de/ of September next, at the h our of twelve of the Mork noon. JOI1N McDONALD, sheriff Ar B. oherirs (Mlee.f:odonch, 0 27th y. !Mem _ . INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. REMOVAL. Clinton Book Store. Si hool Nolo dal School Stationery, •••••,,•• THE undersigned begs to notify his friend.. 1 and the public generally that he haa re- moved his Book Store to the well known stand on Albert Street, Clinton, formerly occupied by J. S. Forrest, & Co., •Iiints will he happy to wait upon all who may favor him with a call. Country Storekeepers, Are particularly limited to inspect his large stock of SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY Which mil be found to be as pric ea those of the Tomato Wholesale Mer chants. Fatter Goode. Office Stationery. Mimics% Instrument% 'l'oys, Wall Papers, Wrapping Papers, kc., Sc., as usual very low. GEO. LAYCOCK. Clinton, 20th June, 1065. 008 the Matter 11f WILLif IIISLOP, 1111 intraill CPI I. rpm.: Creditors of the Insolvent are notified •. that he has made an seleignraent of his S • TO LMT1 cosTitier of chopping and clearing 3 Ten aerie. on the •Raytield Road, five miles (roto Godotrich. Apply to SOLIN CLARK, Huron Read, Jane lfith, 1565. w2Itf SRERIFT'S SALE OP LARDS. nt8oa.eiye.il.te.edele on nbi e .a 01 1 Y v ,i rt ule o• fa. .tw o wro. u t s2s oi v t Iltron and Brine.1Fieri Vales armed out '11' wt of Der M•pany'a C r'oteroltheruttd CI. ni Of Huron and Bruce and tome direeed•gainat the lends anten, . neni. John %Coy, al the William M. Snyage and James I here ..,..4,ond 'Alen in yeaolion all the rh!. trite and intrest ofthrod in and lc lot member fitteem,on thessta concesion of lowerabie o Kodre. in the County of Bruce, eontataing ono serra.more or lowwhich lando and tenements 1 eheil Who for sae at my ofice is he tourt Homon the of (lu4rr,cb, 'eventeerillt day at t bout of Twelve Mahe clock, eon. JOHN MACEONA1D, Rherii, H. Seerid Oilier Ooertoh,I7th Jule 1045 w24 SHRIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. p i t o 1 United Counoe..ryirtne wnt Huron and Brut c. Ventignni Epona• and to wil: 110,1 Vatna• tor monde, mneout of Per steely'. Coon ofCommon Pena, •nalo threchal .0110.1 he lane.Wmid10501011010 0110.eph (0,11,0,1, delendant, et thm of None Elisabeth Bola, sad Joh• Y. . Jane, plaintiffs 1 1 have meed anoke. In •xeriition oi thequity of redenipton and .the oferori law defendant in and to the norh hal f of own ot nismher one, on Clarendon In the village SotOnempton, in the CoOn'y of Hne, whch ind. end tenvmesto 1 *MiAtr for isle at Con Hoenent (Who. tohe town ofGuderieh, on'r 00 twenty -math day of September negt, et the hour otwelve ol th.cl°""n''n.J041 MACD0NAIr1 s.,R:4.a t.tnt.t.oe;Detl!he 86e„e.onic.,;ornbi lmh Jule, IMO, First - ClasFarm 7 - 11/4xIR TRE Township of Stanley, Count of Huron. eEdCi. u a i s 11E15lt*0t11 half 101 9, south ofthe lime . 1 fieldRout,conainng0•rann( 11,0 TrIV hot lend,otwhich 46 acres ere well leered antinder • goad sate o.cuttivitiew This 1i110 tteels • qn•rter of• ndemeh deb* Itourmine village t V•rna. and antroordsee all tido by Arsbeme eneel roas, ad itlun ea •ecres of a red wheal linerinst, there bi • rotate and effects under the shove :act, to good home-, mut • Wire frame hare re mem ol me, tbe uodersigted aasionee, and tItey are 11w1411,0• eborehes. gr 11001., Phet OfPews. One- req,nred to furnish me within 1110 menage 1190 all 10 the '.."."'I'•••"."•'1. For 'tr. lo fem., are.. slily V:4 ny from this elate with their claims, specifying hie, the temerity May hood, of any, and the val te 711 roe. 105*107, Varna po, te tie pro. • and it none stating tbe feet ; the whole engem. Mr. pay McKean/All Stouts -41e, p. e , attested under oath with the vouchers lo onan'Y n1700‘• Ptinerryille,Iith 'toy, letio. titan of reel' claims. ted at Goderich, In the Comity of Huron this 24th day of July, 1865. LIORACE HORTON, Amiznee. s.940. ATOY10E, -I hereby notify rill person Le from rarchaamg or negotiating three now oil 5100 00 each, with interest from date, dated April 21.4. 1265. ?Int ante dee 21 rentbs idler dem, wend sem dee 13 reestlai, sod third ants doe 46 months Own data Drew's in Moor Of George Church, or bearer, and 'ivied by Joke MaLean , •• 1 bare received ea .alestettk• JOWN McLLAN. Colton, /air lieth, INS.wtlletf ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF LODI. •W••••••••.••••••.. C n Mod ('orlett.. of ) Y Thole of the Heron and Brace, -4 Power nosed in eme to wit 1 by the ,eredisors 01 Jeteph Oopelaad, an issoinint, adder to Insolvent Aet for DM, se ammo, 1 we1 offer for sale Wen lot amebae "Moe is the ninth commotion of the tswashis of in the °minty et Herne whieb feed f eball neer tot .1.1. at R. W Aima Hotel, Villiers, es Meolay, 111111 itellilipaiht day in October ant, et the linws of testes Coeb• ItOSLAT LYLQN. .2514 Agues • 4