HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-10-13, Page 7J t A 4 r , 4 t Y a I 4 r r • qr 9 v JUCAN UNITED CHURCH. Turkey Supper Lucan & Community Memorial Centre TUESDAY,. OCTOBER 18 5;3Q. to 8:00 pans Adults $1.50. Children 1?I Years And Under 750 Thames Road United Chur h Anniversary Sunday, Oct, 16 c 11:00 ttin. Guest Streaker: REV. W. 3. T. BUCHANNAN, of Gordo soloist: was, CLARE GREEN MT. PLEASANT , UNITED CHURCH' ANNIVERSARY SERVICE E VICE. Sunday, Oct. 23 at 11 a.m. REV. GLEN EAGLE,QLINTON Guest Speaker Oyster Supper TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 5:30 tat 8:00 p.m. , Followed By A Good Program Admission: Adults $1.25 Public School Children 050 SEE C. E. Robb State Farm Agent FIRST for all THREE! Call C. E. ROBB PHONE 25-R-22 LUCAN THE TIMES-M..VOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO" THURSDAY MORNIN News Fear» ensall Ani' D str at mission si,an r. s. G cup Prepares Bale The Women's Missionary Se- ciety of the United Church held their :October meeting •on Thurs- day in the church schoolroom. Miss M. Ellis, group leader, .open- ed the meeting assisted by XVIrs. William Pepper and Mrs. W, B.' Cross, Miss. Ellis presented the last chapter of the studybook, "In` India", astated nd that more places were closed todayZfor lack of religious training than ever. before. Mrs, William Henry reafl a letter written by Miss Grace Paterson; Mrs. Norman Jones, a letter by Miss Dorothy Kilpatrick, and Mrs. Albert Alexander, a let- ter written by Dr. Baikwad, who are engaPed in missionary wor k in different parts of India, They stressed the importance of edu- cation and, provisions to the needy people. The president, Mrs, George Armstrong, conducted the busi- ness. Mrs. E. Rowe and Mrs, A. Alexander •gave highlights of the sectional meeting held at Grand Bend recently. A -letter was read from the Evening Auxiliary of this church inviting members of the W.M.S. to be their guests at their meeting on Monday, Octo- ber 17; visitors to furnish two musical numbers; Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. Coates and Mrs.. 1less to look after same. ' A bale for European Relief wit be packed some time hi Novem- ber. Mrs, Henry gave temperance notes in which she said: "There seems less hard liquors being used today; people are drinking more tea and coffee and soft drinks.". Bingo Winners Bingo winners at the Legion Bingo Saturday night last were. Mrs. John Bedard . (2) ; Mrs. Bert Wren (2); Mrs. Albert Bedard; Mrs. T. Brintnell; Mrs. Bob Baker Jerry Rigela; Mrs. R. Taylor jr; Tom Brintnell; Betty •Finch; Mrs. Wm. Brintnell; Roy Smale (21; Mrs. R. J. Paterson; Don Colborne; Jackpot next Saturday will be $60. 00, in 52 calls. Amber Rebekahs Help With Party Amber Rebekah Lodge met on Wednesday evening in the Lodge Rooms with Miss Mabelle White- man, Noble Grand, presiding. An invitation was received from Goderich Lodge to attend their next meeting, Tuesday, October 18, when their new officers will be installed. Plans were made, to help the I.d;O,F, with the children's Hal- lowe'en party and also the "Hal- lowe'en dance. The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, October 19, when the new officers will be in- stalled by D.D.P, Mrs. Mary Sut- ter and her staff •from• Clinton. Caven Prebyterian Church Anniversary Services Sunday, Oct. 16 — Anniversary Preacher — REV. C A. McCARROLL, OF LONDON Morning Worship 11 am. -- Evening Worship 7 p.m. SPECIAL MUSIC AT BOTH SERVICES The Huronial Male Quartette Will Assist The Choir In • The Evening And Will Also 'Sing Two Numbers • Turkey supper on Thursday evening, October 20, with sittings at 5:30, 6:30 and 7:15. Tickets: adults $1.50, Children 12 and under, 75¢. Weekend Specials - Meat Specials Pure Pork Sausage ,.. ., .,.. , 39¢ Lb. Pork Chops 530 Lb. Bologna . 25¢ Lb. (Piece); 290 Lb(Sliced) Round Steak ,or Roasts 590 Lb. Grocery Specials LibbySauerkraut, 28 Oz. 2 for 35¢ Libby Tomato Juice, 20 Oz. 120, 6 for 690 Monarch Chocolate Cake Mit 31 Corn Niblets, 14 Oz. 2 for 350 St. William's 3 -Fruit Marmalade, 24 Oz. 30¢ • Delmar Margarine 4 Lbs. $1.00 Al's Groceteria And Meat • ar et HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 17 I areenYiY><nnensees iui' i -Yui YniuinYnYnnYniYiiiiAifiiiuiiYI,IIIiY11Yi„IYIIIYYIrYII'11Yl1iAilYF • Music, :raI C ontest Cornpiet.e School Fair. In conjunction with the Hensall and District School Fair held re - gently a concert was .held in the Town Han Friday evening atten- ded by three ,hundred. There were 76 entries not including those 1n the choruses, Itxr. Glen Gardiner, Goderich, public school inspector, was chairman. The judges were II. L. Sturgis, p ri ci al of South Huron District high School, Exe- ter; Mrs, F. B. Nixon , ;music teacher, Exeter; R. Heimrich, School teacher, of 'Zurich. Follow- ing the the winners h the vari- ous competitions recitations -se- cond grade and under, 'W en d y Moir, Grant Jones, Judy Young: 3rd and 4th grades aobtMenu, S.S. Hibbert; RobMcNaugh- ton, Brenda Smillie, Hensall P,S; public speaking, Bob Mickle, Hen sal/ ES.; Billie Ingram,• 10 Hay; Jerry Drysdale, Hensall; public speaking, grades 7 and 8, Marion Bell, 1.T; David Noakes, Sharon Smillie. Hensall; Music -vocal solo, girls under 1.0 - Suzanne Rennie, Ann Mickie, Hen- sail; Joan Sinclair 2T; girls 10 ME'. Harry Caldwell Passes Mr. Harry. Caldwell, life long resident of tills, district, passed away suddenly at his home east of Kippen on Friday evening fol- lowing a heart attack. Mr. Caldwelr who • was in 48Th year was born on the secon of Tuckersmfth and twenty five years ago was united .in marriage to Lina Simpson, of Bgnhondville, who survives, also two daughters (Mona) Mrs, 'Vernon Aiderdice of Tuckeramith and Isa'bel'le at home and one son, John at home also one sister, Mrs. Harry Faber Hensall, one • brother, Wm. Cald- well, Kippen, and two grandchild- ren, He was a member of St. Andrew's United •Church, Kippen, initiate funeral services were held from his late residence on Monday conducted by Rev. Nor- man McLeod. Interment was made in Egmondville cemetery. The honorary pall bearers were Carl McClinchey, John Sin- clair, Nelson Tremeer, Allan Tre- meer, Winston .Workman, Alec McGregor, Archie Hoggarth and Harry Binnendyke. The pall bear- ers were Ernie Whitehouse Joe McLellan, Wm. Bell Morley Coop- er, Robt. Elgie, and Robt. Me- Gregor. Message From Kippen By MRS. A. GAOHSTETTER W.M.S. Meet The W,M.iS. of . St.. Andrew's United Church met on Thursday evening last at the home of Mrs. W. McLeod with Mrs. Littletool as co -hostess. The president, Mrs. E. Kiple opened the meeting. The Worship was given by Mrs. Eldon Jarrett Mrs. B. Mc- Gregor and Mrs. H. Chesney were asked to be the visitors for Oct- ober. Mrs, Harry Hess of Zurich favored with .a solo accompanied by Mrs. McLeod. Mrs. Morley Cooper gave the treasurer's re- port. The nominating committee -was appointed namely; Mrs. John Sinclair Mrs. Robt. McGregor and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott. The program committee, Mrs. Russell 'Consilt, Mrs. Emerson Kele and Mrs. V. Alderdice. The delegate's reports of the seotianai meeting were given by Mrs. John Sinclair and Mrs. John Anderson Mrs. Emerson Ander- son gave the Sturly, Mrs. Harry Hess again favored with •a piano instrumental. Thanksgiving Service Rev. Norman: McLeod conduc- ted Thanksgiving service in St. Andrew's United church on Sun- day morning, Special music was furnished by the large choir un- der the leadership of Miss Jean iveson . Large baskets of flowers pIaced in the church by .Mrs. R. M, Peck in memory of her father, Mr. John Eider of Hensall, (Sunday visitors "with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gaekstetter were Mrs. E. L. Ferguson, Grant and Mary Jane, 'St, Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gackstetter,. Kathryn and Henry of near Hens sail, A number from here attended the Graham -Love wedding at the It.C.A.IF'. chapel, Clinton, on Sat. also •the Thomson -Love wedding at Kippen. Mr. Bob Love of Toronto spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. Robert Cooper is enjoying • t -motor trip to Edmonton, A1' berta. Mrs.• -W. 1t. Cooper has retur- ned home after visiting with her daughter and son-in-lo,w, 14ir• and. Mrs. JIM Cainpbe'11 in London. +Mr:• and Mrs. W. L. Mellis ea. companied by Mrs., John Gibson spent the Thanksgiving ween -end With 'the former':e sister Mr. =tend Mrs. Clarence-. Hutcheson in St. Thomas. Mr. and 1Vtrs. Harvey Perkins and daughter of Exeter visited on Monday with Mr, and. Mrs. Sam. Cud1nore, Mr. and MVtre. Tom Burke, Mr, and Mrs. Art Gibson and Ann and Mrs, Saha Gibson all of Wroxeter Visited last-tVeek With Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellle Mrs, Gibson remained for genie holi- days. • Mr. and -Mrs. Wands and Mrs, Murray of Toronto visited re' cently with Mr, Mid 14Ire Jean L. Henderson. Mr. Ewen Cameron of Shen - feed visited Mr, and Mrs, Nor- anan Loiig on attendee. and.overs Kathryn Rozelie, Joyce Falser,. Hensall; Jean McNaughton 2.T; boys under 10- Brian Smile lie, Hensall; Ji m ea i e Transmit, 2.T;. boys 10 and over -George Westerick, L e rrs I f e Riley, Robt. Munn, 7. Hibbert; duett, two vo- cal parts, Carol Howe-Robt Munn, Peter .and John Parent, Unison chorus -from 4 to 12 con- testants, 7,H; 2T; 1B.T; chorus, two or three parts -2T; 7H; 1T; Double Trio-S.S. 2 Tuckersmith; Piano solo under 10-1Vrargaret Elgie, 2T; 10 and over -Carol Brown and Nei son MCClinchey, (Both first). Marion Bell and -1T; piano duett-under 10, Mary and Wayne Haan; over 10 -Beth Goddard-Ja Hortn 4 ; Peggy Goddard -Carol Brown; Hensall Menlo school June and Joyce Munn 7Hibbert, n'tu5i( any instrument -K e i t h Anderson Hensall P.S; Marian Bell 1.Tuck= ersmith rhythm band 2,T; 1.T; • Seelling snatch winner was David Cooper, 2. T, Legend; IT, S.S. 1 Tucker* smith; 2T, S.S. 2 Tuckersmith; 7Ii, S.S. 7 Hibbert; 1011, S.S. 10 Hay. Tlhanksgiving Services October 9th marked Thanksgiv- ing services in the Hensall and Chiselhurst United Churches, with Rev, C. D. Daniel, the minister, speaking on the subject, "Thank God for Things”; Under the di- reetion of S. G. Rannie and Mises Laramie, Organist, the choir sang an anthem. "Give Thanks Unto God"; Flowers were placed in low ing memory of the late Mr. John Eider who passed away during the week; Chiselhurst Churcn was nicely decorated for the afternoon ser- vice (Thanksgiving). The c ho i r sang ap antbem "Angelic Songs are Swelling," in which the Mis+ ses Faye and June Ross sang a clued—and Mr. Stoneman took the bass solo. ,Special, Thanksgiving services were .observed in Carmel Church last Sunday morning. Rev, D. MacDonald delivered a message appropriate to the occasion. Miss Jean Henderson was guest solo- ist. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Harold Ben, contributed an anthem. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. William Cook, of London, with friends here. Mrs. John Pfaff with members of her family in London. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Munn re- turned home after a pleasant visit with friends in Detroit. Miss Agnes 'Cochrane, Clinton,, visited with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walker. Messrs. Joe F!iynn, •Jack Cor- bett, Murray Veneer, Wesley and 'Ross Richardson on a fishing, trip to Sable Valls. Mr. Thomas Chuter, Hamilton, with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. J. Mceloy and family, of Toronto, with the lat- Per's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. (Mrs. Gordon Troyer is confined to St.•Joseph's hospital, London, Where she is receiving treatment. Station Chapel Scene Of Rights Protestant C h a p e 1, R.C.A.F.. Station,.Clinton, was this scene of a lovely double ring ceremony r Saturday October d 1.95x, when. Ellen Marie Love, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Love, zurieh, Ont. exchanged marriage vows with 'Robert John firabam, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gra- hem, Cloverdale, 1B,C. The groom is a graduate et the Nazarene College, Red ,Deer; Alberta, and; the bride is a graduate of the Royal Concervatory of Music, To- ronto, Padre °arrett wast the offici- ating n elergyman, Mr. at. i g rgym n, and W, Wickett, F.C.C.C1. London, pro- vided the wedding anusie and aC- compauied the soloist, M'rs. John Ostrum, Clinton. Bride In Wlhite The bride, who is organist at the Chapel, was gowned in tradit- ional white.GiYan in marriage by her father, she wore an im- ported model of nylon net and Chantilly lace over satin. The bouffant skirt in waltz length was fashioned with two tiers of scalloped lace and 'a lace 'bolero with lily ,point sleeves topped the -fitted strapless bodice. A' small jewelled headdress held her finger-tip veil of .French Illusion net and her Iboquet was of Anteri- oan Beauty roses and fern. The bride's only attendant, Miss Joan Doreen. Pinder of To- ronto, chose a waltz. 'length gown of :seasfoam .green satin full skirt. She wore matching gloves and shoes and tarried a nosegay of yellow and bronze mums to 'mater her bandeau headdress. Mr. Clarence Love, Goderich, brother of the bride, was best man for the groom, and the ush- ers were Mr. Arnold Johnston and Mr. Jack Adamson, Reception At Home The wedding dinner was serv- ed at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, the bride's table was centred with a three tiered wedding cake. Rev. John Ostrum, Clinton, proposed the toast to the ,bride to which the groom responded. After the dinner reception was held for the guests at the home of the brides parents, Mrs. Love `received in an orchid erepe dress with lace trim and wore •a corsage of yel- low mums and fern. Mrs. Ostrum who assisted in 'the absence of the groom's mother was dressed in a black and white ensemble with a corsage of red carnations. Later the happy couple left on a short wedding trip the bride wearing for her going away out- fit a rasberry wool fitted cloth coat over a simple grey and iblack corded frock with black accessor- les."Her corsage was of American Beauty roses. On their return Mr, and Mrs. Graham will reside near Hensall. Surprise Shower A surprise miscellaneous show- er was held at the home of Mrs. Floyd Armstrong of the Goshen L;iiie- north of Zurich, for Miss Edith Love, bride of Saturday when friends and cousins of the Goshen and Babylon Lines. .gath- ered to honor her. She was seated in an attractively decorated chair and Mrs. Bruce Keys read an ad- dress and Karen and Dianne Mc- Kinley presented the gifts from a decorated wagon. Mrs. Anson McKinley conducted a contest. "The bride's bag". Mrs. JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Bev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., Musical Director 10:00. a.nt.--,Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Woman's Missionary Society Anniversary Special Speaker: Rev. James C. Dastcott, B.A., B.10„ of Blen- heim. 'Sermon Subject; "The Peril Of Indifference" Anthem by the Choir Solo: Grant McDonald The evening service is withdrawn in favor of Caven Anniversary. A 'Warm Welcome Is Extended To All THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., hector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Harvest Festival 8;•30 'a.m.—Holy Communion (In the Chapel) 10:15 a.m.—Children's Service 11: 3 0 a.m.—Morning Prayer Special Preacher: Rev. Canon A. A. Trumper, London Everybody Welcome SUNDAY SCHOOL Every Sunday at 10:80.11:80 a.m., at north end of Exeter in "Bible School House". E'VIERYBOD ' WELOOME 1 was gled When they said unto me, 'Let us go into the Boase of the Lord.' 1 sa, 122:1 CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren bAs5i0i/000 Rov. W, E. Mertz, Minister 14i1re. Ken MMMCrai), Organist Sundae' October Iii, 1'955 10:06 a.ni.-LL-"Obedience to Hod's tall" 11:05 a,m.—Snnday 'School 7:30 panssa 'ottng People's Rally bay Service a ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 10:: 00 arm. -Men's Day Service The men of the church will lead the service. •• • Speaker: Mr. Carfrey Cann 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m. -'Evening Service "Do You See God?" Tuesday —S t r a tf o r d District Youth Rally at Crediton, 8 p.m. Speaker: Rev. W. 0. Amy Friday—Choir Practice MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alex's Bapson, Minister Mrs. A. Willard, Orangist 10:00 a.m.—Service 'of Wor 1p 11:15 ann.—The Church School Sunday October 23—Anniversary (Services ° "Seek And Ye Shall find" ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASIIWOOD Rev, Louis Higenell, Pastor 10:0 0 ann.—Sunday Sehool 11:00 ane.—Service "The Ltrgency of Prayer For A11 Men" THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IAT MAIN STREET (1111111,011 Rev. Carl Schroeder, Tltinister Sunday, 2 D,11.' -'Dutch Service All Welcome "".. _. , CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH key. Samna! Herr, 13.A.) 11,16., Minister Mrs, J,' G. Cochrane, Organist 9:00a,na. --Sunday School 10:00 ante --Morning 'Worship Thanksgiving Serviee Sunday, October 16 Chitin Anniversary OCTOBER 1955 comments About !Cromarty Di MR$ K. Mclf. 144 ' Thanksgiving Visitors Mr. :and Mrs. Fere McKellar faintly, with his and. alai y, at Seafoxtih, h Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar, on 'Thanksgiving Day, Mr, and Mrs, Nell Lamond and Isabel, of Landon,. with Mr. and Mrs, LloYd Sorsdahl. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Weston, with. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey. With Mr. and Mrs, 4. Mcl.ach fan were Mr, and 'Mrs, Carter Kerslake, Joyce, Brenda and Craig, of Statfa, Mrs. A. Park, ef Russeldale, Mr. James Levy, of St. Marys, and Mrs. Snaith, of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allen and !anally, of Stratford, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen. Miss Alice Howe, of 'Stratford, Miss Caroline Walker, ef Loudon, Mrs. H. R. CurrieanL da, of London, Mr. Jim Ramsay, of Georgetown, at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs, W. N. Binning, Richard and Robert Mitchell .with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Mc- Kellar. 'Mr. and Mrs, Sidally Brooks and son. Philip, of Grand fiend, with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Personal Items An auction sale of the farm stock, implements and household effects of the late Mr. James Iioggarth was held onThursday, Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Elliott, newlyweds, returned home from their honeymoon on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glossop and Bette have moved to •London where they will reside in the future, Mrs, W. Moore is visiting with friends at Lindsay, X.P.S. Moots Officers The annual meeting of the Young. People's Society of Crom- arty Church was held Sunday evening with Miss Joy Vivian pre- siding. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Margaret Walker and Rev. S. Kerr led in prayer. Rev. S. Kerr was named honor- ary president; George Wivian, president; Alice Sorsdahl, vice- president; Robert McKellar, sec- retary-treasurer, Norma Harburn, assistant; M a r g a r e t Coleman, pianist; Margaret Walker, Joy. Vivian, Laverne Wallace and Duncan Scott, social committee. W.M.S. Hears Guest Speaker The October meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the Sunday School room of the church with the president, Mrs. Sorsdahl, in change. Mrs. Thomas Scott, Sr., led in de- votional exercises assisted by Mrs. M. Lamond. The topic was given by Mrs. T. L. Scott who also favored with a solo, accompanied by Mrs, Will Miller. The guest speaker was Mrs. L. Mitchell, of St. Marys, who is the corresponding secre- tary of Stratford Presbyterial. She also rendered a solo "I Gave My Life For Thee", by request. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay, of Chatham, with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hender- son. Mr. Ray McKenzie, of London, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie. Arnold Keys won the prize for being ,married the date closest to that of the bride, which was the same date. Mrs, Harold Jones was awarded a prize for having the most buttons on her dress. Ar- ranging the affair were. Mrs, An- son McKinley, and Mrs. Floyd Armstrong. Henson Personals Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Munn and fa:;nily, rot stoney Creek, with theat other Mrs. Ida I tar's mother,. Munn, x 4r. William A. Nem who is undergoing medical treatment at Malton Clinic, spent Thanksgiving with his wife and family. Thanksgiving Visitors Miss Betty Mickle, :of Toronto, with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Miekle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd ad family, of Toronto, with :the batter's mother, Iers, J a hrl e s Sunillie. 'Mr, and Mrs. Laird Miekle and fainilY in idetaw Sunda visit, ing is t- ing the former's mother, Mrs, .George T. Miekle, and sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ro- bert Stump, 0! Los Angeles, Cal. .Mr. Alex McMurtrie of Toronto with hie .brother and raster -Mr law, Me. and Mrs. John Maturte,.. rie and Mrs. Hugh M . r ri e,. 0)r. W. R, Sproat, of Windsor, with his mother, Mrs. Earle Sproat, Miss Irina Kiefer, of Toronto, at her home here, Mr. Jae McCully, Brucefleld, with bis cousin, Mise Hannah Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gelderlhand and Don, .of Ridgetown, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Roobal and lVIaja.. Mrs. K, Hagerwerf in Ridge - town. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Serarus and family of Toronto with the form- er's mother Mrs. S. Serarus. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Beaton and Ronald with their son and d au g e t ex -in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Beverley Beaton .Jr. Dr. Wm. T. Joynt of London with his mother, Mrs. Alice .Joynt. Mrs. Edna Corbett of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett and Wayne. Bruce Glenn of Toronto with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn. MIss Ruth Soldan of London and Miss Jean 'Soldan of St, Tho- mas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Soldan. Mr. and .Mrs. Byron Kyle and family witli the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kyle in St, Catharines. Mrs. Catherine Newell Mrs. Catherine Newell, resident of Clinton for the past three years, died suddenly at' her home in Clinton on Sunday evening In her 81st year Mrs. Newell, the former Catherine Robertson, was born in the Hensall district, and prior to taking up residence in Clinton resided at Foam Lake, Sask, for thirty years. She was a member of Ontario St. United Church,Clinton; Her husband predeceased her fourteen years ago. Surviving are two nephews and three nieces, Angus Robert- son, of Clinton, formely of Chisel- hurst, is a nephew. Funeral ser- vices were held from the Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton, on. Wed- nesday, Interment was in Hensall. Hog :Prodi' Now Ton Pio RAitie Flo W Ser,40.010 Or Lernies. Due To .Deficiency ]Diseases NlXON'$ PEt-i.AO EX V.M.A. MIX In 'it recho4rd time. 1p you p'1111.rs .et A.t1KITeX to to i. MIX contains a balanced blend" of the vitamins, minerals, and antib*Atle found by exteneivqexperisnentation to help inerease the food orrnver*lfsn ability of nips and help prevent tllm Incidence of deficiency diseases, wi,•th resultant steady weight galeas, ThWA/ remaricable: additive assures Piga In record .time without set -bas a. dueto deficiency diseases& an . greater ban ever profits. RBSUI.TS GUARANTRIEID M' le ddo t_ns Drug Store Hensel* Phone :go q fC�i res e th Here's E e r� Ce lire �I t �ud,�'naW gr 6uiutl 'Firestone TownECuunTRY for Rural or City Driving OUTPERFORMS and OUTWEARS any traction tire ever built • NO VIBRATION- NO WHINE • AVAILABLE WITH BLACK OR WHITE WALLS IN ALL POPULAR SIZES See this fire today et Graham. Arthur MOTORS Phone 210 Exeter MOTALOY 9 ,. Mall Orders RING and VALVE JOB for ONLY. • STOPS COSTLY OIL BURNING! • INCREASES GAS..MILEAGEI • RAISES COMPRESSION; MOTALOY , U I• ING • SAN ONlO, ER . SOUTH TEAS B � y AS Send $8 Money Order We Pay 'Postage ONTARIO DISTRIBUTOR. MOTALOY SALES 34 West Street, Goderich, Ontario Dealer Inquiries Invited. ,„ , : . .._ ,,, SUPERIOR FOOD STORE . •�r4tS lc `,„..,\,t r' Keep This In Mind --Always a 4 t'/ The Best Place To Shop After All i v `S £' 9 Prices Effective October 15, 14 and 15 Breakfast Club RASPBERRY JAM Large 24 Oz. Jar .3 ee DAINTY RICE, 1 Lb. Pkg. 160 TIDE, 15¢ Off, Giant Pkg. 620 SHORTENING, Domestic, 3 Lb. Tin 870 KADANA COFFEE, 1 Lb. Bag 990 BREEZE Reg. Pkg. 36 '>' 710 Giant g �All RINSO • Reg. Pkg. 340, Giant 670 McCormick's saltines SODA CRACKERS 1 Lb. 2A`„ Pkg. G��77 f=ive rosea CAKE MIXES Flavors 2 Pkgs. 39c Ayllaer TOMATO CATSUP b11ottles `1z' 2 39c for HEALTH DOG FOOD 3 • 350 Dr, aaItard s, 15 0» line ..., for HONEY POO I EAS Stokely's, lant:y, 18 Oz. "fins .. 2 ,for X00 INGERSOLL CHEESE SLICES 25�"i 5¢ Off Paak, /R Lb, pkg• INSTANT COFFEE, Chase & Sanborn 2 ot. Jar .... 61 CI 4 Ox. Jar .... Si r1 5 Our final purchase of bur special BRITISHEMVMPIBE DINNERWARE deal is at rani. May We complete your settings now/ J.. H. Jones..c.rie Phones: 52 and 752 Free Delivery