HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-8-10, Page 2fltait Oignal• aninoad nbureri.otessensionducties .acqeda enni nnoot hao:rep,soime: fy,,ery este:story heernri, assodt. eso3es..2ocertifiedmibyw Font. auvoiuting to
The amoitiut ofJames Munro for repairing
well stocked and man in and near the town btu prevent d ens
001E1011. £130 10, 1865.
tiardeviii g was tile first employment
anhougit, happily. the absence of ° Lambs ''
excelled as a fiorist. His Coeservatory is 3 scraper*, certified by Mr Patten sad Mr
e Sheppani, anioisatius to $3 --ordered to be
) v. our townsmen
are its the habit of Impairing to him foe from haviug a great deal of esperieneet iu
ly ekillful in propagating. "tif Warden • ten anteuentis tu $1-unlered to be paid.
of u et ht papeomen in town on the occssiou, TM_ ti ition' of Ntr Aud w
Gibbotus' garden we have spoken airway
ae..„etro I he account of Wee Meitea for making
have chosen eouspatir, tor, the 'Wren
r • t re
quelling' rows ! Our contemner.' , Or. serapp,.....nified by ur
, varieties of flowers which he us particular.
h is th Ir O who seems t hove Waimea rar in hat hi* wo Ith and Stli co..
e e on tie 1 I
man. A harden, beutiful, doubticas, - be tuken from No, 9 nebool eectiou and he
in strong ternis, but we must not omit to r ed theny
,yund even the eunliiite eoncentious of the i' useetiou that of Mr Must ,Wells, tens attakhed to No. sellout metier,
The' Atlantic Coble. Moved by 1.1r Patton, seconded by Mr Wes.
immortul Nlilton, wee the birth Place °Er works like a Tejon and who win in ton duo the tition of Mr Itutledge be 110111•
our face ; and. to the garden, 'midst the , eery
. '41'41 time hare fir.' anres of market i By the errival or w. to. with am he to removed from No. 9,
men hate turned iustinetively in imarch of thdaatry. 'There are other gardeus in ' 450 'Ulu front %Sienna. and had prtid out Meee71 '" n'"emin'em• hY ShePPerdi
turnInna and Tleheniethl nf bum" lire' , garden which must liberally reward his , that on the 2eth Jinn. the Great 'Eastern was mid eileched to No. 5aeloed entire'.
neerinded Mr Ford, Thut the petition of Mr.
that beauty which is " a joy forever. - town ees; worthy of iwntion did rime and 500 afilei"t the e"hle• We ma, es Ituthelge riot complied with. Amenduieut
reoetections of mad of those who i I of,her arrival oe our shorn at ivy nt carried hy the Reeve.
hay° twit blamed with a iwww ,, space permit, but eneugh has been said,
t youto, Thu account of Nicholas Marriage for put.
we trust to coat Aloe people abroad that, - -
go back to the old gerden -the flower. .
• in this respect at leasinwc have something A flower and at Contradiction. coo., certified by Mr. Weston, arnouunug to
plucked, the grass pain
to be proud of. While our tuore wealtlisel elle red he paid
Since the affair of the 1st inst., a pant- The account of 11m Murphy for petting in
feet. the fruit elyly abstracted. the cons -
citizens devote themselves so extensively'
ful rumor hu been circulating in town to Lertiutiieeejth rtherul err, .1.70.u,utp4osti.te
panions played with. As the fir:t when
tins m toe re' vett4 near Mr Hall's ou the l*t
Pe" ng titie effect that Mr. llosker, of the Malt.. -orthredYto be paid.
to horticultural purituiu, D is • I i
peringe of love wete heard in a garden,
fact that there scores of *rhesus, and land Hotel, had on that day tied up his The account of Andrew tlenry for trntriieiikd.
SO the blushiug garden rose has heard,
others who own email but well kept gar -
pinup for a purpose, which if proven, rier"tatraveallmiNfoefnirneartlielett. 1.4.0.rtifild
perhaps, more tender speeches and gestic
dens, and that elicit year mnrke eointo im-
dhoti:3 break any betel-keePees license' Me gheppierd, ansountilis to 03.9e -ordered
eiglot than were ever heard by tlae light of
provement, and an increase of interest in and would utterly rah, his as a businees te be Paid -
day or in the g are o amps. . ga
an employment which avids largely to the by Mr
Mali. I appears that in the afternoort of
forms a wonderful bond of unien iu °rain -
comfort and happinees of many a home. FOi IllisthYthe!terntoPoaft714 sbZitvideildto widow
the Tuesday in question, which was ex- Leavi ! on account'of iudigence, and that the
ary domestic life between the members of
W4 love the garden -we think there is "mud). hat, a good maoy gentlemen ttmk Reeve rage au order for the setueepecsrpricdb. .
a fisuily, am' to it 'the heart turns when
i DO sput from which a town -dweller can ladies and children to the Maitland to '
SpeLtion from the Trusteee of No -at ool
tired el the ti".'I and esnitY' the hu'"e realise so thoroughly his dependence upon procure water. No water being found in be 1.4ted un school section. .
sectlon requesting a certain sum of money to
and excitement bf active life. The sailor
an over•ruling Proaleime, and we think Sieved by Mr. l'atton, emended by Mr.
the bar, they %lent to the pump ann found
mid the eoldier, the merchant and the a. at
ceer) man who does anything for Ford. That the petition (or letter) of the
EtilTUIA1. Ton•Tota.---W• hav• tu thank
" our noble self' for a fine dish of ripe toms.
toss plucked trout the vines on the 2u1 inst.
About the first, we tbiuk, hereebouts.
A CtalOalTr,-Mr. Crabb @rink ua a natant
coriosity in the shape ot • branch of an apple
tree healing buth fruit and bluesoms.
- Nsw Tie Suoto-M8. G. N. Devi' has
0/saliva ti new *hop fee the umilufueture aud
sale of articles in I's line next thior to Jordso's
D:04 *tore, oppoeite the Market. Mr. 1). is •
good •ulktutui, hiss had consideralee expert.
once and will no doubt try to merit his share
ot pablie patronage.
manufacturer, the noble and V.Iiticiau' horticulture benefita both hireself avid
wilco life'. St111 rassca the meridian, rr. society at isr.re.
seenen the amount required by the
_ once inferred thatahe eupply of water was
Trustees to pay the defiriency of the Teachers
tins to some spot of ground to create a
THE NEW 1511E stopped in ord,:r that she thirsty might be_ , salaries and other expenses.
honk, and to pus -which means gen-
forced to purchase beer itud kindred bets Moved by Mr. Sheppard, seconded by NIr
erally to eudere more physical toil than was
ever known by hut before, kut which is
it tied up, and, as la alleged, a man Trustees Uf Nit 2, school section, he eorn-
usrdin • it from the public It was at plied with and Hat the Clerk levy on each
The death, of the aged and lamented ensta. Ir
saeLet the rumor and consequent Patton, Tit d of a cent in the, dollar be
pe ty iniittliitsh'TorswutestpiefTitoaZdtorp p"al
Colonel T ache, bre, as !night have been , indignation.. On this ruinous cnarge I cle"ed en•
sweetened by a reward too noble and dig -
expected, created. a etir amongst politi- e,a„tinnt Mr. Honker's ears he at once jertleeratil that a Ity.Lair he framed in suer
tified to leave r enn for thecontent. There
ening. The question now is, who shall brought in Die contradiction appended be.; conlance thereto.
Inust be many of the elements ofgood in euceeed him ? in th'ie connection rumor 10 Nloved by Mr. Patton, eeconded by Mr.
w itt which it will be seen that he Pond That the sum of 89 00 be aid fi)bert
man M110 make+ gardening his bobby. At its, beca
nue!. '1'.'ret we were t''Id 1 challenges the closest investigation into Auto son fur gravel for the Huron !toad.-
least. a moral l'artals a cheat, i al
e" er' that John it• wen" be th Men hernia 1 the eircumatancee, confident that he is :7
raaincdeq by Mr P tton seconded by Mr.
a vagabond, and at the same time. a lover or ;
"se "gain Caetter-` I prepares' to stestn. that which will clear Sheppard, That .theasum'of f 9.0 he paid to
of the quiet joy,' of garden -life are things I
rand still again George Brown. But it Thoe Ginn fur the Huron Bowl and 'Itts con.
unknown. As a 1111111114 of recreation, ; tuu!,;, be
remembered there ie 'l° ething iThi011:ht°fEti3litiobrioafaelheiinkillik:i171:A0Atetrt.:: Carried.
tilling is, of all Midge, the most innocent, i more in this appointment than tne. eon- f! DSAtt SIK,-Darne rumor with her thou- d y Mr. Ford seconded by Mr.
P tit...:" Tlb t tl acount of Archibald Mc-
divernified and enamel, and poesesam the . ferrite, of honor upon some individ
additional advent:ere of uniting pleasure, who may be well worthy of it. Caro WM
with werfulmas. The hoe is a wimp bet"! be taken that no move shall be nude which 1 1
ter invigorator than the billard-cue, early , by the remotest possibility can endanger i esd
rising and spade work Are far ill advance ! the bases upon which the prrnent Coatis I LI y
of bowls, croquet, or even, whales the 1 tion was originally formed. Lower CAM- I which so
1 sand milicione toungues less given it out that I. Allister' be paid, unfountirtg to ,81,2 to pay
. on Tuteiday, August lit, letiL, die' lock or himself sad ',them for filliug up gravel for
te ma pump Amid', so that people visiund 10.1' road division No. 26, un the Huron ItOad--
hiteing that, dal was dime for a baste
and 1 Corried.
Moved by Mr. Patton, aeconded bv Mr.
moll could not oet a drop of water,
worthy motive. In order that there
no misunderstanding on this rint. Ilay for gravel, Ike. -Carried.
Ford. That the sum of 310.53 be paid James
•• manly game" itself. One's own towers! &see are atiii touchy and have to be I to elate th foci/ 1111 they :rem, Isot:inn yofi FLoyl-:olb..letytiSier. 1% esoifo;Ivaeo evaded. by Mr.
eine' ! handled tenderly, and Epper NIeNlanui, foretZ7er to bu'iltilea culvellertrnaunt:
Prete brighter than thou cif anybody canadisns ' 11vill with you usuel condos, give it an iuser
add certainly no fruit eau so luscious -no i are nor, prepared to make further emcee- I punin pi'o4 e)..4PwerlIP:er r.dreTbkeeto'reimornlee or%c.41erie0iiigiii, posite lot 31, on the lst con.e-Csoried. -
carryi„. ....,„ iresMutoreaTbziNtlhri.sp.r..1,.ileetrio:rodet byt. MrT.,
vezetables too nice and fresh, es the pro- i siom,, so that to strike the mean between 1 eonseoilence of e ry one
t the %inner by.pails fu. and ot dinner 1 lia-ift.:1 ,,, .,,,Z.t,,;,„:0,, the n,.st muud.7in 47,:i.u'uber,
ducts of ons own energy. Why, every ' sectional interests an.1 sectional prejudices, , d.Lei,... et,,i‘c,te tt,omr,,tshiel t.al,s1 j.
melun hats its little history -every plum 1 Ministers have to be circumspect to the Ityataiahaadnidieiltheerr next-Ca"6"1' JOHN SHAW, T'p Clerk.
set uegree. In a purely party prem. i neer no, water for my dine table. I then ..
lias been watched over with tender solid. i__ a
tude from its' itilancy, I bl Mc:, M ., b h was woo. M.tontrititee's Cut frio-On Saturday. 4th
ever] teniste has ,snent, nf course, the bot and strongest ' i,„ ittitei.t wt.. tpeur 1.17 nbi.T.1,,,,u,‘,,,., 1.1., before Messrs. Crebb and Torrance,
been shielded from the biting !Last as I Man wuuld be thrust boldly krward. but it i that I mighrt mge"; 6101 J„lia_ti,ce.a ,of 4,1se Peace, Jobe Dousghue • d
jealously- as the Seotela lad in the soug is ovic of tle evils connected utth! cordi. I. I had two Isoyecorrying woter all ie atter.
1 n:: n brat. "IvnoUICAttelkf.ea; '
These aro the 1, 4 and ‘,.._""w 'A."7" er 'ar.°12 ned lo appear ;
And so on, from the bur.oting of the seed , t the perties who nis i tee fanner to answer to a charge of erten*.
wrapped up in his Plaid the blemten leas.. tione that a very slieht cireumetance maY ' c
at flume nerve to leS"ei the whole fabric I made the charge willitake the trouble to Li. I too; toezireet the lynch pins out`of • waggon,
to the nipple ring of fruit, there is ever with the dust. We do not like Coalitions 1 vestigate. 1 arid the latter for eutting the halter of II
your respectfully,
E. IllissICElt, orse whieh was fastened near tbe house of
eomethieg to be mud of in the results at- in the abstract, but the preeent one has 1
tained. I Maitland llotel. . R. l'orter, Porter's Hill, 611 the evening
"Ity,l! but after evidence Wee heard
Ex.'rizAiii3. soon 1.43A1.10S. - Yesterday
(3rd) being the day appointed, for the Otte.
Holiday in Lontio.s, some four hundred of the
. ge
mums came o eric .
crowd W11 expected, but the nutuber of ix-
etitaions 111 other directions disoppoieted
Thorpe who cane., however, were respectable
people and seemed to enjoy their visit very
much. _ _
hitrelliti. Co's Caftans DisactoRt.-
This Directory, which will be isuniel in Sept.
next, will contain complete claasified lista of
'all iu Upper arid Lower Muscle professions.
manumrtures, $,c., with the names of persons
1ngaged in the vat toes branches, and will be
in all respects& complete book of reference.
It wal be on account of it,' wide eireulation,
a first rate advertismg medium. 1 he seem is
rieW 111 town end will Joliet orders advents
mentsike froin our co rens. We coneider the
firm a perfectly reliable one
Ceickel Matchww(ioderich we
Ilemie. Held. ..*
i l'ic-Ntc.-Tbe childreirconnected with'', " 10'1
' done very good service to 'the country,
La gardening there is scope for the re- and we do trust that nothing shall occur. __ - - - ot day, 1st Inst. Roth parties pleaded
urces of the millionaire, and for the to break it up until its work is finished, -
is 1 the New Connexion M.- S: School of this 7, the Magi
'ded energy of the artisno. The Int- until the vast schemes undertaken by
11 teens together with a large number of! John' "'me
have only a quarter acre, but if hare been successfully carried out or de
teachers, parents and friends, proceeded on ! of 811.07. inc
ntelligent and industrious the fin:tely abandoned. What we want now; 1 kl...to 1 rifIlpriteeMPe1.wa
' Friday afternoon last by beats,
the ma; i Galt's Point, to enjoy a pic.nic. After ; 0.1"ntioadn 8'.'; 2 l'' in
" stuff " he inay raise npon that aed shall waut for the next few years, i
acre, yearly, IA almost in- a strong government wielded by
. , partaking of the refrtshruents provided, I w,re. onat7hse. nningPhrt 7nn 'I
n be fortified by thoueands intelligent and patriotic men in the coun ! ted, they had evideutly °
1 • • ted a d old and nun
be is
quarter of
erodible, as
wbo have made the experiment, end by try. When our material future is clear- '
tered into the amusements on the ro-; Andrew McKee o
thousands more *no could do Po if they
We think there aie'nfew towns of the
same size in Canada that can boast of
more need garden. than Goderieh. Our
soil is generally epeakin,e, hinbly favorable
to horticulture. That portionof the town
• Isantest of the Lind tbis season.
A Cri :Let Match wee played last Seturday
eh un) en the Flats between the Goder:ch
Brucetieid C.ube, wbsch resultedin favor
of the latter by 16 rink.' Itelow we appeed
the score :-
ant i•cricam egg'
Fiist Tunings. Second Innines.
It b c nibertein
1) McDonald 0 b Gordon 16 c Vermeer.
.1 diluter 3 not out c Ross
J Res' 0 b Haldane 0 e
Jarrninworth0 b Gorden 0 h Haidane.
C linage 0 do 0 c Ides.
J Ferguson 0 e O'Connor 0 do
G Kurd 2 not out , 7 b Gordon.
J Kennard 1 b Gordon Oe nom.
Itattenbury 1 e tYily b
G Keen 0 e Gordon 1 nut out.
Byre 2 Rim- Ss 2
Caul :1 Vt. ides S
16 TO Total gen
First Innings. Secorei Innings.
- linage 0 r Harter 3 c Kinnard.
II O'Connor h Iten1 Reid.
A M Ross 0 c Knox . b Reid.
TJ Stoorhesec 3 c IteCiibury0 b Ferguson
A Wily 2 b Fersusou 0 e Knox.
J R..berteort 0 b Reid 2 do , ,
ft Ninahan 0 not -out 1 et k b Reid.'
J Conlon 1 h Reid 0 not out.
F Haldane 4 c liat'aliry 2 b Reid
C liobensen 2 h Ferguson 0 b
T Weathetald h Reid 6 mu out do
Byes '
Leg Byes 1 1
Wide' 1
Nu Italie •1
betweeu Trusitees aud Veacher."-i i
The meeting will be held in the &Aerial% t
Central &hod on the sawed Friday of
October, eoniniencing at one o'clock p
and it is hoped dist all teachers ulnas ap
interest the elevation of thetr passion
will wake it convenient to- attend ; also!
ethers elm are friend* of oducetiou , and
the diffusion of knowledge.
P. McDP.$;ALD,
Seoretery of it. T. A.
Brut:Okla, July 3 let, 1 865.
plackwood, I. Scott k (70., N.V., s tsp.,
and nverage number of yid Ebony. The cow'
teute are Mies :darjoribanks, l'art 6; Coo
miles O'Dowd upon Mee and Women, Le.; !
Cartylle's Frederick the Great, Sir Brook
. . ' edits,
mimeo P.
Gludatone at Chester, The Puttied Coup
IVe have to thank the enterprising pub•
hailers. Stmehen k Ladgste
don. Eng., for cermet 'lumbers of Good
Words, and The Sunday Nlagagine, both des
erveilly populer. MS editor of the former
who If= been on • tour to Palostiae, gives a
cirelialy•illustrated deecrilition of Modern
,Joeirtusolhe boen:;471iich is, aluue, worth the price
All ot the above may be had at
°thee Itoolt Store, acid of Can
sellers geuemlly.
I Tit Swedish Clerical 31urd
usuraece Iraternity are disporting themes refl. • erer
o -day are as follows, tlie otime seised being ,
. 0 I The tett of the cold toilet:a mad
'' I ' in s , Swedish cler , man wl
09.10,, 1 aevion of vb., o.i. 0. 1/500 ; ' to death for pais i et. ing &owe of his parish -
$9.500 ; Calli0fM, 1)709 ., kangaroo end , published, and taut* one of the tenet curt-
Funeral Obsequies 01 sir
Sr. Mimeos August 2. -The funeral ger-
vices of Sir Ie. P. Tache, both religious and
military took plsce today, and were of an
imposing cheracter. Soveral thousands were
present, quite tithe; the village. The body
was home front the residence of decemied t.o
the ehurch at eleran o'Clodr. The pall hint,
en loon Lower Canada. were Nfessrs.
Corner, Gait, Chapuis, and (Angevin, eith
the County members, lt•soileau, awl Dr.
Se vel of Quebec ; froan Ui.per Cauada, Hon.
Mrs.'s Melt. inufd, CauipEell, and
NI di et ,
mats and otairerl a very just eulogium on
the id• men. l'here were present trent
M.vnt el, Bon. eliart. Q orsnel and NIctire,
Me . Cherrier, Irevernity, Italy, Meier
hereon,. Starnes sal several otheie.
he chief mourners were the two sock IX 111.
11..11.4111111:X. 1.10 $0114 in la*, Dr. Marinette, and
Judge Coarse% Dr. Tache, his nephew. and
ov.‘er relatives. A very large representation
- both of the Bar and Qizeneut Quebec ari ived
11 sem.--Tbe 'metal train frnm Qiiiihee
with the Cabinet, the willowy arid militia de•
tatlimeets, met civilians from the capital; MI
well se mony other gentlemen who occupied
two ears of this moithim's train f rom Montreal
and other, pluses westward. arrived savoy at
this city et 1.1 o'clock. They &renew niorch•
1 ing Aorta from the statiou tu the village in a
long lige,-the Fula:mot and their band teking
the lend. The town is thronged with vontore
from. all the adjacent pariihen. aud oreat
number.; of the country people of both soles
have assemb.ed to see the amval of the
Cabinet and officials, inditat/ and delimit*,
and the last honote puid to the deceased. The
day is beautiful, suet thouoh the raise( a hot
suit are beaming down. acid e e me all in sable
attire, a light westerly wind Line the alr from
time to time, and wise* the temperature
al.rnoet p'euent. '.
I p.m. -,-The eppoluted hoer haring arrived
- for the funeral ceremony, the esvakade was
3.1 i formed at Bei residence. of the Taclie family,
31 Total 70. .1 on the opposite side of the mnia rood to.wherv. tier upon tier. isupported and -braced by The foliowins.? the official account for the
The return noitch will be played eons titre, the Cburch is situated, met at a short distance thehite eed huge iron butts cued with lam few days of deaths from cholera only :-
. I Onlr from the 'mem,' Ionic°. *4'0* 11 °Fen heavY three inch reik plank. It is (heeled l'eh 94 ; 20th, 1111 : 21st. 159 tim2327d,26140,5!
this mouth we believe.
1 304 draped in bleed. I he armed party of into five eater beta compartments. Each is 23,d, 159 ; 21th. 141 : 25th,
flacon Tenciser's Association. i military 1.0,1244 1" 614"1 pert/. end the provided with valves for letting in water and 193. I know from • reliable source that on
tes found both charges proven.'
ue waisentenced to pay a flu ----. 1 band of the 9th fleeireeneoc,emied tete *mare %inking it. These compartmental wall be the 211h, when the official number was 1 11,
k _Ssetociation took place in the Goderich , tween t ell. rani.s too * ii
n is a riJol rei
P al" !a° Peed ed, the crib will exited about -five feet above 230, end 1 haee re doubt the present death
labor • and Patric March in ''ael a•d tne tr . t
. Pell e"l! h^rne : 'none to sink it to Ilse bottom, and (,0110 tone ;
in a train Of twenty re.
• by the
brother Ilarnum's estimate of value 10
10 has been condemned
corporals* view• 82,000 1" I h
petrified home and lider, $1,000; orehestrion Moen with criimental w1ne Ass been
rut g
yuung, 8300 ; alligator and tank, 8200 ; oar specimens of preveited ressouing ever
thiee smell allighturt, whale Rivet' to the vvoi Id. Its pith ia contained
; 81,000 ; 000 the following pessage " I comprehended
• L oar a (various) tv3,1400 • I the pastor duty 8.1 • father's. ordered
dephinit, 0. , q
0'41. usnitti. si Holier to be given rue eiely Sunday, by
fancy dienes for Beton, ernxtiguree fuel appointed ;anemia of where any peor sick
what is -its, Munn/ the lot eight pair of flesh, perms wee lobe foetid. Alter such inquiries
tights, and eight flesh shirts ; plenty of ' I emit tound with food anti usedivines, and
demon)! s tote, I It ' h ; became witnees of ninth misery and hopeless.
clothes for meek., weeklies, picots, pages i nese. Mi'hen oiie steeds beside an Incurably
and knights, ad libitum ; titre monkey 1123; ttek and dreadfully -indeed. fellow -creature,
'h'illhial•rtitibe 'lib.
Adelaide's coachman's livery, 1.5; bor.'s, rout as art -re mg meserv. Hy
footniaa's livery, $150 ; oue Indult mud ! thou bunsry, cold, incurables in Silbodslil I
isms, $5; three-legged whuder, /71 ; tier t. have tiften stool, moved by the deepeet pity,
• • $:, • 1, • • • bi ,j. IA... sod %tonight, • Were 1 iss such a insentble
Godiees of Laferty these, $16 t. Queen attliZ:i
We pig, ; els t mutation ut1 Ar , i
.10 i , *WO
u11 So 1
and fruit, mid imiuttion marked studf,
pa.redt.Seitp.araltethlingeb,t 11111.14,be. Iwphsint
1 't . atee i merciful oae.' With every renewed rant to
tr20 ; i end of my pain, end God would forgive that
document intothe mysteries of stage
(oboe. Nlany of our unsophieticated uefflideceur- I, :rhino:shine: 0:htle.1711:111,0renye 1.1 rria.eigatebeetu:dd ei4nartithyis.
writers are likely to be initiated by
thilil sidh:la ulvitg"is
anti histories1 shams, withoet venturing the
loss of their precious characters by attending hone can deity, that very tew human being,'
pees tu the other worhl iu the course uf
brit the moral drama im the reeuler way.
body are worn out by age. Some external
each, but knowledge 6 Always worth what it
cowls. .
lo be mire the tickets cost something, 82,50o uature, t. e., when the powers of "oul anil
Casale ciCenril which God, though he does not
&deluxe it, yet does nut prevent, in virtue of
he gave. Mow many in the prime of life, in
the freedom he granteg, the eaderstending
their full vigor, are their own murderers, im
voluntarily, yet thrnughont misuse of their
understanding. How emu', have fall*. out
of the hands of the mien skilful physieian
Mo. the grave. The patient's statement is
to spend it. In the hist place he has no rent nut always properly comprehended (yet the
to pay. l'ungresa furnishes the While 'louse statemeut deter -mitres the prescription, and the
from earret to cellar, and provides all taut is prestrietion determines life or death) without%
needed in du kitcheu and pantry, ea well us God eitLer helping or hindering, and neither
in tlae parlor. Ile ha* no wages to pay.- duetor nor patient are thought to have any
Congress pays his servants, from private Nee- share its the death. ,Iluw many an illness,
' retary to bootblack and scullion. It also which ia the begindIng might easily have
! provides him with fuel and lights, and pays been cured, has, throush delay in seeking
I with a garden and a corpe of gardeners, who From these incontrovertible facts and the
; the expatiate of DIA stables. It provide.' hint help, precipitated its victim iuto the grave.
pies which 1 !lave partly
I aright to see that he pays notlung fur vegeta msay such exam
, tiles, or frusta or dowers. lu 'hurt, ..,f the heard described, partly wituessed myself, I
• ordinary expenees of houeekeeping. the only have come to tbe conclusion that science as
well as ignorance often bears the most
decisive part, and that puma faith is often
wroug in saying ' the hour bee come.' I
therefore believe that merciful trod would not
condemn me if I shortened the suderiugs of a
miserable feilow-creature."
• o' It p„ would bless him who hastened the
-- —
Expenses art the White Mousse.
The Rochester Ikraiocrat explains how the
late Pre.ident loin:tau was able to sare 830,-
000 front his salary. It Mitsui 'that the trots-
'ble with a Preeident ul remonable fruoal 1
ie not how to gave h... eatery, but how
I bills the President is called upon to pay nate
butcher's and the emir merchant's. Even the
latter hu not fallen upon the teceut oceu
pan0 of the White Homo, who*. cel.ars hire
" usually been kept well stecked by preveits of
! wives and liquors. When all thew itecni are
deduct...I, and when is considered that it is
n n inett, in W. init.., IC; C. I tee Tin CHlitams AT A 114X11111g.-Estrart
; presideut for contributions or 'ordinary Chari. of a letter from .kiexandria, dated the 27th
' Lincoln could lay Up one half or more of his see, has led to my being caught in • Imp.
tiee, it tin be easily uoilerstood bow Mr of.June•-Nly Egyptian excursion, as yen wilt
I 11. ot IN, more Alexandria under preseet cireurestaaces, is
co.npreliensible it tits fact be, NI netti.er a eery desirable place to be ,11, nor •
„siateittel and credited Wosbistron. that the vvit..Seceasirtmeteneret.t.mgett, boyt.theThevemezaczypleoo:
: ezpennes 01 the parties anti Mate diunen oc• a
I casioually fiven by ilea ['resident were, at the very first elate% of cholers, seems to have
f he
goverunient funds.
q +I dr
t •
The Chicago Tunnel trib.
The werk of sepplying Chicago with pure
' Creole muer, by meisrle of • unmet trout thf'
!centre of Lake Michigan, is progreesing
rapidly ; The monster cid, lor the pew lane
tunnel wan lauriehed shout ten -is cluck on
Mondor with decided some" in tbe presence
of Gov'srmir Oglesby, Mayor Rice. and an
iisinenee coneutibie of citizens. It was:Steed
Ito a point where it is to he sunk, two 'miles
' Irons 'be shore, r.ud it was safely moored by
12 o'ciock. "This etib ha* over 73,000 feet
of luinIxo in it, awl is forty felt ilt height,
pentag.Mel ships and 90 feet irt diameter.
caused • kind of panic among Lensatnees,
Greeks. and Italians, and they have been fly•
ieg noon the place by thousands. The
Maltese too, I suppose, are Shandouing the
country fur them own islasid. I hear
contlictieg reports about the quarantine which
Malt. has placed on Alexandria ; Nome make
it seven, and otheia 21 clays The
choler -o haa • nut attacked many Euro.
peons. 'which I am rather surprieed at, as
many of them are half de.vd with fright. It
has counn.tted great havoc among the popu•
lation of the pout Arab diStricts, which
might have been expected from the filth they
lite in. It is hard to get at the real mortality
sine* the official arceunt of the number of
deaths occurring dolly is not the wbole•troth.
The fall extent of the mortality is net revealed
Immense beanie of hardwood we laid inf. in order net to increme the public warm.
3tR. EDITOR, -A meeting of the above facing the ehu-eli. Ae the processou m peed „ I „tone, Riel one, tilled and anchor the real number of deaths trim cholera wee
ng expenses, or 20 day,' ' 1 1 '
• • • • 1•014 water. it wili require ahout 6•00 tons of rate id ahoy. 300 deity."
Central School, on Saturday the 72:Ith inst. ; on their Kruk revereod. TI.0
ding damages and cost.,
0 c0 , by the eremite -iv of the Cabinet, of which Col. 0(0,01,, 1,,ced,,, to b,„. iti, „ion , Cleameee Evordestlisg.
nt Both parties ! The object of the iustitation ie t usil , 4 , r p ft, pus
• profession of teaching, and to give an op The Church hell tolled at the Cortege ap. which hage east iron cylinders will be lowered I t tee' i" the ce°t" er the" Fardrn ground.
the simply of waver,
J. Po other in their elle11101 duties by mutual up1octi art4nel4e'v"a-'ted cotafi'rue, permeated by! dem ands° warkmen wf.I thee conimence ezea I''"ieretwet,aw,:rathrhntrehybetaa'awwe
pu ped oet of these cyr
may ri tain wi ter in
ear tbe banks
a caw interchange or sentiments and opinior. foir tows taper* t.thismin4lin; meth' the lake, strikiag ten to ineet thine ctir,riex tb.7,
uP reapecting the prufeesion, but more parts , tihe Iheiti-froin the omf renifiCred at the other end to the tuntiel. The
to the 'Liebe we the hief up t moment.e giving 3,900 tong resertsnee. i the Cebtre
nition. a little eleva- er and discuss subjects relating
r death. Nine of the Cabitiet v presrat the crib ,„ Ipece. 1.1„ The Chinese -display moth elan and intelli.
truck lie."
ly defined, then let us fall back upon oar- i ,
;gramme in a spirit of hilarity productive , 'was brought before C. Crabb,
ty government by all in etne. In the
oygreat pleasure. After swinging, ran. , on Monday charged with shooting
meantime, ore think • tlie Prieruiership ap- t
tog, and romping through the delightful ; belonging to James Lomas, and
poirnment will be made from the outside ,
1 grove until all were thoroughly tired, the : to Quarter Sennions for trial.
-and quietly.
his to
1°1"MP portuuity to, teachers to stimulate each bnle,reskAbehif. The interior ea. throened frith ed Win ono the bed of the lake ,oh as regards the chancier of the soil and
and t eufko keen laeted *At be la • I the tbf latilation. the find eon.
_ - cdmpany wound ILA way back to town, 1
, Uproarious Olt Illeetiog an Fran -
Veep Latest trout (Loeb( c. fully satisfied that it was one of' the 1
p , c Mews
an' eh:vide ets !moue , with that of the s ii s i,
°emotional' let io hon. without prolec ' " ....le sopT.h,,,„ of eel :milt*.
"k *al the° ("n"Pe".' *id' 4r441111Piditi 11 thiu'vedWi'e'll:":1177'itri theri7"giangrtletiihsi''frtohneii wmhi"cht
titularly tn elevate the profenoion to retch ,
and health,. saer can get • contemn supipelLit:f„...pure.wdatuter
rivilieses which justly belong to it. There . itnorrovive sorrier' of Mau over. and t'e, re- : Eger L can be.thena in tbe world.
. : I alfLititgaelutid'vnire&resemaihrje eeacia lit 'other. They L-11,19;
a large extent of the county. The ' reltin1 Plane. iho detschm*It of 11'1,-1'1 : Tux CROPS le IitaLAND.-In many town] thortnr2hf.r clear of weed,. and el; ihs 1oiroto,
' mains having been depoeitei iity.otlel,rr Itaehte '.
,,,,;1„, lb. eb,at ,. Inemme, ow 0.,.. ,4 bo&ILT,,' tem k *0 'fresh Ald TeDillIlL In eppeerstice,
re eighteen teaeliere present, reprersent• _ ... _ _ ....,
eineee transacted waa the adoption
Dilution and II v ',awe for the 1 !.e: e' 1 • t
hnis;ser's,ridirelethei rneoinsre by -1.41.-
_ exec ae , as ge 'berm to , and some apprehensions were entertained lest , that they arc 'met refreshing to the eye
in a warm sengeon like the p ut,
of the Akenciatinn, eubmittea ' 61110 :'erezern1. th'Ale .rmet t'' ''''' rereene; ekt °no) i the stem ohould be. broken or the crop / e•PeradlY
'ttee nyipointed at the pre. 1 / : Iwodogi.e4. 4 tlattaut. mplrefeajor: iywereto gtr:Ini:71i,06: !i ,w, 1,:eptrhi aorrl fajorrumn2,11istodr31 reran: acoTtrefeirg.1....delndtie.
o drift the same. When l
of', the advantnges of i _ Unite(' States. . .
,.. the crop stood the weight of the &wail I, gdirniiiisuedil iihypre.pair,telumbsyer beor;narmng tee:I:I:dm. t,tint:
— 1
l• were ehort native straiiiew,,,,,a94....1 i11",,cbc.,4,Asin•culAWthie
having a Central ard of public immune- ! -NS. Vents!, August e.-alr. Itibert Brown. , ant filled. Within the late tea dey, however•I thrp:11,..01,:b.Pou.:e'r1;t:."fitmlihl.egill,w, arvorcitefErbdcorao.uwecaehrilt.h.g.theib,,,:t
Doti established, inte with the piwer I woo ea, pmso,,t, i',1 the gee ty„eie et,,,tie
to grant Pmvincial Cerlificates tn Tench- ; thie city the other du' makes 415 butt to b ; in,.....knn ,..,,,,
4t.10 . bend is heavy mei fall. The ....1 crop will be !"1"1 I'd^ f 1
. ' the. 'straw hal "foot :phi, yem. 'eh, pot,14,8 . T 1”11..11 half way across, su 'Asti he can weed
era pi/mewing the Proper vpialificroinne ' fel:owns stoornent of 0011 :-111, meetiner I ---*-- e-..-e-
wee tint compoeol of (citizens of New York.. were never le! iuxuriant ....attended. ,"1. his, ' .w;„thro.uiLdhat.vi.nghetinghtetecitganbopeint ti,ti.,,eh.Th.eabohed,..., ,
were considered and afts;" lengthened ' t.ie ....)4 Ma, i great resource, mast be cheap
(locoman upon the matter in
shown that the teacher .did n
those advantages and privileges
gave elevation and dignity to a p
sion, the kliowing, resolution was carr
unanimously :.- - .
0' Whereas the present eystern of Coun- ;
ty Board examinations not only deprives I n`
Stnee writing the above we find in the , 1
Wan of North and South streetipossesses -
Glen( of Tuesday the following announce- 1 l'rof. Ferguson, the blind mitsi-
a soil cemposted of deep vegetable mould
on a sandy oubstratum, and the eximure merit ; • [Man, took !este ot his many Goder;ch
Qeisce, August 7, 1053. I friends this mornin•• un.1 departed for St.;
is such as to save it to a gre.it extetit f
early frost& East of the streets ene
tinned the soil iv more gravelly, but no well ,
adapted to the cultivation of the finest I
fruit!. ninny of' our business and pro-
feeeional men, n ho have several hours of
leisure during the day, deeote much at-
tention to gardening, and with such sue -
cuss that few in this country can euspase
them. M. C. Camerou, Esq., has sur-
rounded his reeidence with all in this
line that an excellent taste can
euggest or money procure. In addition
well stocked with rare shrubs, flowers,
fruits, and lees ornamental but no less me. ,
ful vegetables, hie large green house is a ;
eight worth beholdiug. At the, moment ;
it ie filled with grape vines of the largest I
and beet varietiee which are laden from
bottom to top with enormous bunelse of!
the fineet fruit of tbe kind we have seen
in Canada. It is estitnsted that, at the 1
regular Felling nrice. the crop would be
worth at least $250.00 ! The professlun-
fits of Toronto atid Hamilton might show
eoruething better, but we doubt it. -
Cameron certaiuly deserves great
credit for what be has accomplished in
thie branch alone. Capt. ROAA also pos-
sesses an excellent garden to which he
evidently devotee:I great deal of attention.
Ilio flowers and fruits are of the best, and
iu the ornamental shrubbery lino ho
surpused by few. Hugh Johnetone,
Clerk of the County S'ourt, ilft• one
of the best gardens in town, and in Nome
respect. surpnesee all erimpetiteres The
--il of a large portion of his garden us
wonderfully fertile, and with a fair share
of skill in the gardener employed is cepa.
Isle of grawmg whatever of fruit. or vego-
tabks Um climate will allow. Slr.„Butter•
worth, who divides his time as gardener
between this garden and that of Mr.
Widder, ie a first-rate hand and ean point
articles' 'bleb would do DA DO diagram in
'lie eyes of vimtore st the Provineial Exhi-
bition. Charles IVidder, Esq., Mu an ex-
( -ellen( genteel, in meh a position, over
looking both harbor end lake, that he is
not troubled with frost when other Teeple
ass frown out. and hence he is noted se
being earlier in vertablea, he., than any
annateur in town. Our worthy friend Dr
Melloagell has a large gerden snd gener-
ally renntrfirm to make an exerillent show
of fruits, eke., *ben the meson earns
arolod. J11111110 Watioo, Flew., will anon
hAset a riot. garden, and 011 mem, .1
reliant nlayor, Mr Iheelor, we sre glad to
kraw, Inds solute from his magisterial
Sir Norcisse Delleau Wag eh* morning
sworn in as Receiver Generni. Ile succeeds
ir I'. Tache as Prime Minister.
\lion. Mr. McDongall has had transferred
whim the aihninistretion of oil educational
matters in Upper Canada.
Hon. inn. A. Mucelonald succeeds Sir
P. fache as Shunter of Militia.
Compliments from the Stratford
Ir is worthy of remark that the editois of
the Stratford fueere lose no opportenity of
having • fling ail; olerich. Not long eine°
tile /fedora thought it worth while in the
interests of dentistry to state that our citizenx
would rather sutler front tootheche thaa pay
a quarter to have teeir ailing teeth extructed.
Then, referrieg to the exhibition on 'I Middy
last, the Mitchell cur. of the SIMMS journal,
• pet feet gentleman, no doubt. expresses it as
his private opinion Oust it will be • long time
ere the faat-dynig old town of Gotlerieh "
will see each • crowd again. Wonderful
piece of information tlutt ! Terriole thing if
we bare 110 more crowds from noble -spirited
I Stratford, to distribute three york
; amongst the poor store keepers of our " feet
; dying " town '. What we have dune to
merit 113 much abuse from the people of the
;lovely town of Stratfonl • fuelling mystery.
We have • good many excursions, etc., and
perhaps nor :trivets are angry that a discern.
ling public does not hult at their doors, to
enjoy the of the scenery along the
!betake of that pellucid stream, yclept the
Aeon !
The Extminer not ;111ile 10 hard on
! lea it 14 also subjectSo emitie fits. in tut
account of this proceeding, on the 1st it nye
the performance of Leslie was epitomised b;
5000 excursionist,' and 5000 townepeople,-
that the rope was 300 feet long and 130 feet
high, and it give* the tinie taken in conking
h trona Th t II t' t t b t
nearer the COnClilaion of. his article the editor
appears to bate mit on the dark spectacles
which he wore sway from here visit before
last, for he says
After the rope-wel king there was a eon.
eert by the Cletesbto Meanest'', in which
that distmgmehrel Immo Ilarry Monier ap-
peared- excursion, on the lake •and any
amount of drtaking. The remelt was half a
dozen free fights in which the ennibsunite
***mid to have it pretty mach their own wey,
An there does not appear to he • magistrate
or policeman in the happy town of Oodeneh.
Probably the roozils ' were thoroughly
veiled' on this vent, otherwise they never
would have renewed on condecting them
*nen in the ostrageows meaner they did."
Now, the Miratrel• didn't eV* the firm noes
of • colieort after the rope.walking, and 111^
oor friend. s vision hed nor been taken op with -
rows and rowdies he might have seen the
Cherelero men &marline for Begins+ en tle
Heron. If them wine hatterdnette fights,
they were eandeetal by gentlemen ferret
abroad. al nf +Iron tined themeelveri
detained in order to have priest* con -
me -metiers with the Mayor nest saurning. We
Catherine!, Item he intends to take'up ;
his ',pernienent residence. ' The Prof. hae I
n we an &Nora y no n
many years, and has meek many warm
friend's who will be glad to hear that ,ere
long he Will visit the neighborhood his
annul 'on r
CODElticil TOW AsiliP.
nacylio Ol COUNCIL.
The Council. met at liolenesville, July 2 1 st,
186:e accoroling to appointment. Preeent-
the Beeve solid all the Councillors. The
ruinutet of last rarefies was read over mei!
.1. Petition from Mr (1 M Ti uemon, Agent,
for the Trust and Loan Co., DIAL read over in
reference to park lots 1, 2. 7, 8, 9, IU, 11,12,
13 and 16, being sabeliviaion of lot 10, on the
first con., Goderich Township.
Moved by Mr Putton, reminded by Mr
Ford, That the 'petition of Mr Trueman
imestiug the Council to reduce the mimeo-
ment or valuation on Aub-divieion of said lot
No. 10, cannot be eomplied with, ILA the ap.
plicalios should have been tootle at reviaion
of aaseasment roll.
The account of Wm Cook, for reducing a
hill on the 13th con., opposite lot e, II.
Rood, eertified by Mr, Ford, amounting to
$8.50 -ordered to be paid.
The account of Jacob Sheppard for re•
pairing • teraper For the use of Township,
certified by alr Shepparrearnounting to 82.30.
he account of Edward Rathweil tor rie
ducing • hill, and putting in culvert opposite
lot 40, lloyfield con„ certtitied by do.,
amounting to $1R.
The aceount of Peter Magee for digeing a
druin o ite lot le on the 9th concession,
certified by do., amounting to 81.00.
Moved by Mr Patton, seconder! by Mr
Ford, Thet the foregoing Recounts he paid,
and that the Reeve sign orders for the lame.
'f scenent of Jupeph lours for greet!.
ling 5s rods opposite tot 11, ou the Nfaitiund
eon., certified by Mr Ford. amounting to
, cf.
The account of Matthew Donly for 31
rondo of grsvel, cerofied by sevenel Path
meaters, viz Jaeolo Stoket, Ihinald Bruce
and Thomati McKee, 'moulding to 69.12 I -
real be • .1'
The account of George W Tidy for 30
cords of gravel, certitimi by Thos McKee,
amounting to $12.511.
The account of Jammi Porter for putting
in two culverts, certified Thos Johnston
patmaater, anionntirtg to V.
T account of Thom Johnston for repeiring
a bridge at Mr Hinekle creek, amounting to
Moved hy Ford. teeonderi by Mr Sheri-
. peed, Thai the forenoon art -mints be paid.
! The timeworn of MeDoCifall for pettier
in • @elven ...41 making app. -earth.* thereto
npywaite 011 21 ott the 6th eon., minified by
Mr PAtletl, ansomating to 15.7a -ordered to
be paid.
The askseent of John Heatirtge for reducing
a hill alai repairing a bride's near Mr Jewett's,
eertified by Mr. Viaatim, ainowiting to
$15.50 -ordered te be pant
The &cermet of Robert Phoenix for term
piking 11 rods opposite lot 20, os Om 16th
On S.iturday'evenine• lase :ith inst., an oil
meeting wrio held in the village ot Franck -
town. It seems thet a wise man from' the
east (an oil prophet) said that indications of
tl at comas...tiny were geed on the Aux
Sable river ; consequently • company was
formed, and a meeting called to be held in
the hall of 11r. Towent in said villaee. After
all (150) tad taken their seats, Mr. Verity
was. called to the chair, and Mr. McDonald
appoirted secretary extraordinary. The
firm businese was the aprointment of direc-
tors, after which some motions relative to
other matters shout the company were
pasied• And at the eanie. time there mom
no small stir about that way, for a certain
man named Spikeman, a bailiff of the court
called the Divieion Court, who used to supply
beef for the craftsmen. whom he celled
toi,fether,with the wrirkmen aril! ocrueations,
and mid, "Sirs. ye know that by One emit
(oil finding) we expect to have our wealth :
moreover, ye see and hear that not alone at
Frenektown, but almost throughout all
the country round about, this Esculapina bath
persuaded end turrett away ninth people,
. saying that the indications of oil are better in
Francistown thati Eteter.'• And so it came
to pima as Noikernan mussed the regoins of
Exeter and 1. rancietown, he came to Tower
- Hall, and *roue in the presence of them all
and said, V* men of Francistown and sii ye
, who dwell in the regions the•euf, ye knoo
that we were the first company formed, that
we are the cooirany thin if you join with na
yon mint agree to allow the test well to go
• down in Exeter. We wore the first compsny
formed, we conaidon you the oppoeition, and
we will not agree to come to the Sable ; but
we will allow you to invest so mucb iiito our
eenipany, hut Exeter must be the place
. where the test is to be made. Thin preduced
a sentimeut of indignation, when Spikeman,
supposing tlist they were hinting him. laid,
" Oh, wee, well, If you will not allow meth
speak, ion will hiss me, 1 will take my
h " N hod
hiaMld you, go nn." The Secretary Es.-
" Don't be AO 0111144111111110d." ‘. Oh, well,
well,' says spikeman, " heeler the place,
gas is • better.. indie.ation than the. little
enaetittee of oil on the top of the water near
the river." Anil when they lied hearlif this
t ey sal , • p
eel." Then arose the lt *hop and spoke in
terms of 'knee and *Mom, and moved that
deputation phould be gent to meet the Exeter
Directors : when op jumped Spaceman and
commenced reiterating former my ings.
Then enterers the Bishop, " we have heard
that entry so often that it makea eick."
Pat still he kept rattling away. When a
young man. a stranger, arCree 10 point of
order, anti &dared that an man heel rtght
to 'peek when • motion was before the house.
Itut Smkeman replied that he would not sit
dowe till the chairman ordered him tn do en.
Cheirman--" Order, Mr. Spikeman, order."
Still be continued with the same sto,y, when
they all cried Olt, e0Me one thing and sore.
another, for the issiernbly was confused.
When Keeulapina arose to epeak, bet woo
intenupted by Mahommed who declared that
it wee not vete to dig for nil in Keeter, bet it
was prudent to remove tO the north.
An. each took aR Ida several way,
Raeolved to meet 'owe ither way.'
A. B.
rie. Wedeneday lain (2nd) MINDS{ 4000
people went te lerentfewl to mot 1/11141 tettlk ing
mr,o, het Me only • hey named Wood
risking ha 104.
and tit • fur s ort meals tear will have •
a standard as to possess the rights and in,• a remarkshie effect. 7111 imposins and
of the
by the emit
lions meeting
this was dis
[eh it was . • Sees • - ' er 1 an m the year that hos parsed. r, , iho level of the walks. This sod is slivers
, 5 'inherit eent 'eaten outside were invited ii11.14
ten men present- The object of the satin, 4 . a' appe,ed 1,.1 haee
, sibundaet emp or eotetoes enpliee more . beautifully pulverized, and it may be premium
481101 and tosiiltry.
perished by' the drought Irhimi°
P'35"'" ! whorl the d ion were closed. There were then -
which ! itirrips which were ; eil that it would be sufficient to drive •
enrilener frantic if any nne were to
few- • bei to tn reke funds to pay the expense or ro.- , .,/ lin, .... .4,p...red in .ign. peen en.. ! Leila a footprint ini iiis atonal apemen „mid
d I feneing Davis • coinmetee was sprinted fir , ..d.i. the r..., end, thoushprobabil 1,„. do, , wish to lice how a Mongolian esn run, and
that purpete c•ons:meie of Mayor Genthir., . goner,' crop will be tern.. The early plant- ' h '' thar!'nihIl hi"ahitaal e'lnanuail1 van
ho was not premeit, Caries Butterfield, The- I ed mmixold is exceedingly fine e„„,fnhem. I be disturbed, he must have an opportunity or
re Martin, Messrs. Derielas, and Clancy.. aril an abundant supple ot neerishing winue, !seeing • gnat break through tbe fence and get
i • food hir the cattle MAT be ex w,med. In into the garden. 1 hey hare • pride in their
c i e a. . . .
the teislier of the name privileges as are a' 4 that the Ibuis triel wiu the most 401110. i,ID 'r,n fields ibe h ititis not - I e I garden", end respect for them "mounting
enjoyed by other liberal pmfeseions, but iraportan tem ie the world's bistOry, Mr. eur, but w.iil 4rbe the rau ',Y,,, the neetber *lomat to reverence, and will take off their
subjects him to greet inconvenience, Ito- Cutler quo from the dieclaretion of In• settles. Flat is everywhere • line. tall, clean 1 shoes before walk ing through t lie m. --I Scot -
solved., That the eetablioliment of a .Cen. dgenuiefice n show nett the Southern crop. It is now full of teed end the Irials • lieh renew'.
tral Board composed of etninent practical Suites had • n t to Recede. Oth.er New wine ,
r ougnt to know that in wasting the . . •- -
teachers having power to grant Prnvineial ern -kers took. th f .. , seed he throve away a very valuable portion 1 Le•1111. 0? A I LA.—A .correspondent of
semi of New I( rk
Retion and orentons esti .. . u 01 ,h,, or° .
certificate* would be conducive to the in- ' , „ , p on the whole the harvest :the 6.1•00fow Be'eld tianetnits the following ;
one stassaentivette wh the eniontutiort was '. On Sunday morning lass I had the pleasure
termite of education." formed. Mr. Livings of Alabama, marl realities to be one of the most abundant we '
The ciezt subject discueseel was the from several free Sint., co Minion' the ex.; et 1111,Y; Yea,,r4.--r ns„ ie.nws___,' which I desire to record for the benefit Of
— ' Kara had f I • h r I °I witnessing a most interesting ceremony,
advantage!! which would arise from hay. pressed right tn weeede. h, DILA sail the 1 l Itinervesi aT .11111 ,titi'lla-trn i ummay , your readers. Whilst walking with A (naiad
ing a flounty Superintendent inetead of effect of the trial of Davis woutd, be a reed 4W!",sr It id' irijila,rd,b, 0,Cthr 7.17 Oaks. Thhotnaad in a garden near Fiakirk, we observed two
Lemal Superintendents a+ we nnw have.-- tenon of sentiment everywhere in favor of ''"" te
h., with rior, and 't.che mils:fel d%twrisecTione ORirii.h. bees issuing from one of the hives, bearing
Many arguments favorable io a chute.° t,„he S°"th-, Ieta:,,ue" b-rf,,„0,0,;)„,),,,,„Ir;iai,;--,-„,- dwelltng house of a negro of the name oef betwixt them the body of a defunct comrade,
:bee say"m00"ti7ies of thwemwori'd. Nit.. Li tin ton Brantford Rose, residing sorne three years wit..114wIsivh...., trhoeir..11,,edwthfLe ad,d.istianee donfotteedn
from the present system were advancea. "
put at Now Sarum. It appears that the' ihe care with which they meleved 7s,e"onvenient
negro incurnsd the daplesaure of the neigh hole at the side of the gravel walk, the ten-
rhood hy abustng hie 141114 and family et a demean with they (^entrained the body, head
when they melt needed his assistance, , .
an experienced and 'practical teacher.- lownwards, to the earth, and the solicitiele
The following resolution embodies the non of Mrt. Sarratt ise e eon) and deliberste leavi. them to the charitable considerstinn with which thee alerwarda pushed two little
etre ers and continued his 'absence f
er , mffiveral nbiths, returning for the firm time oor Atones evilest tt, tioubtlees " in memenam."
unanimous sentiment of' the Association : merrier. Mr;, Martivitahelm tr., court hal no
" Resolved that a County Superintendent lel,n; jur:'d ' .""' 6n4 m 1 i.."renti3, --71' the 16th 0 *nee last. A threatenino demo:- Their task being ended, they paused for about
deliberste mnieler. r. avingeton sal 1 _ , a minute, perham to drop over the grsve of
preneming practical expert
'mice in teach-
ing instead of the present system of 100- cruel meeler would send a
e several Engliihmen had told him that thifl 1 " '
thrill of horror !several of the Hagen, but the woe ap• they flee away.
!I t on W 114 e against line flint night, by their friend • sympathizing tear ; and Bien
mil Superintendents would tend to elevate through Europe. and the howl that would be , Pe6".th, em for th , nig" bY t;'," Pernem "f A r ‘1 . •• —
two dollars ...in accouat to the villitoe grocer, ,ow . easter. 1 Otila llos.-A rather
thc character of 'school,' and to advance sent hack wnuld se cower and terrify the
the cause of education in the Comity.' American Kneel emelt that it „tit he etreid te to whom the mere chrnd an account of . interesting cue of motherly afTectron haa been
bring Paris te trial ! De belieee4 that the twenty dells's. Tho bouie,continned tn be seen for LOT@ time at the home farm of Iftil-
The election of ofneere fur the curtent every night from ibelsith to the 22nd , new1", near Methven Fe -thshire. A eow,
year WW1 the next business transacted and iinitention WU to keep hire liugering in prison. '42 Tirt
and the , which had. hut her cal% took a fancy far •
remelted MA follows : if. D. Cameron, , ma: fricrids must keep agitating the matter 1 7hee le wiwkwi ware "m"he4 in
il government le forced to put him tin "3'we "swayed and iand.,,,uti e,,,,ationtabia. , litter el pigs about two months old; and she
All the members present were agreed as
to the benefits which would accrue from
an undivideol attention to thin matter by
declare that in years the men that u
accases the South of having committed tics.'
son will be Moiled mon se a madman and • .
fool. One Nee Yorker denouneed the exerts. t'
Goderich, l'renident ; Arch. Dewar, liar -
Pen gentlemen above name to boil to mho ,
purhey, Vice President ; A. Melilla, Me- hated negroee so that they had lately killed
blood more than one handred. ile a number of weeks she nursed theca tenderly:
members, and the cow had only four teats.
Southern men tO Thoinal Home Journal.
their tred at the next Court of Quarter sea, . but as the adopted tarnily consiated of seven
Kiltop, 2nd Vice l'resident ; P. MeDon- 1.1 co:d
nom of the Peace for this ,couuty.- (Be,
ald, lirueefield, Secretary, and Arthur elan Reid Alsbame wenn' fiend II solid deters,
lien of staunen and true , t the hannony began to break up, and so
quarrelsome did the hitherto happy &mile
Mionl casgw, mo r et nh,t Tforerastahreor.regnulaootiomn
general busioes% of the -.Ventilation waii
1,, eth that no da.mned lankee meet be al. ''We noticed in the many garbled report.
wed a foothold in the south. Mr. leving• now goiag round the preen, that Burley was her charge. She haa now been fput to nurse
. .
ie anivertal in the firetry.-The Sandioiky Register saye, betrome. that the co.. hail to be removed from
1,4'nongrens ; that ihe feedine
appointed and is composed of the follow -
the lin turn, soon became attached in her. VI;
trial. Mr. Lim enon Raid western soldiers The invedigation reignited in hokling
Mg Member,' :
William Plunkett, Hayfield, Jamed
Scott, MoKillop, Wm. began, Tucker -
smith, F. IlomPhreys, Colborne, E. Du!.
mage, Ooderich townshiool. K. Thomp-
son, Goderich, Jas. Glean .1ehfield, John
Sheer, Hallett, J. H. McPaul, Clinton,
and Wm. Stewart, Wawanoeh.
A committee was appointed to examine
and report on 14.11 brooks at the next,
meeting. The following are the mensbere
of this tynnmittee :-H. IS Cameron, A rah.
Dreyer, P. MeDnoald, It. MoShria, and
WmPri.r.14.116.keuli Cameron was appoints'
delegate to represent the 'Mere of the
Asesiation at tee appmeching Teachers'
Convention to be held in Toronto.
The enbjeet to be diseuesed at the next
meeting of the Association is The rela
n 41 • ut teems claim +mane led with her
eton infermed the meeting dint he was on his released. Stich is net the fact. An . agree. ! .,,,, fe,,,," 'hare. she c(taa teaeea ow aali.
WA( 10 EtIg1/111,/ to mile Node in behalf of Mr. meat waa arrived at. however that hie hail i 1,, tb. ram am aata nnt in inni,nii ni- her for -
14"N 111^4 'wk.*" enahdel'i h° anhld be le,:, `rnhad°°..110.1:xfieseed.iteahti..lr'bi.,(170dan bnifot,ntoh..attte."'.0.1..na't,lan"termfamioi161. from which bee affliction" do not
m mine the reeuisite amount. A Ne• York •
withdrawn -(Ca:adonuen Met-
er itall the amount could be named in New and lie is still minting. in
The linae_un. Fire. 11 thrititirgueen.k fr's4'hTthfienli treAce, iidnenitlumll,
th!. Printreantgidarn7111t. tl „01,0;ijongdeier wiz in,.•e:riireperat ..yp.torinbet.de6nnise.h•dot.
on the 10th inst. A cry was relied that Mr. Waleh the contractor and Mr Cie
the root was falling, and the people rush- the , it is expected th it in •
ed to the doors in crowele. One Merl few areks it will be handed over to the ems.
ommfi"ieost"elibiltaluend‘rtgliol'itwiterhei-telsetrt7i$M1tibige r:Pe lin irei 61:Igriaeni1ah teu5mkrnIghnsweet nv : erwyn ni m'emranTy1ini:eta.h-7Or7Trehommrpeon1011117ionbknineemendainn ab°f•equeteilwill it,,,,::getur"lectse ei:*„.,Tita'a.nireamsetrinienlyttelah. ige164.est ...,yamA.
precarious. eondition, and Pn",r7,;
iiTob.lerip41,0beer4 norelrlinmaminSimnitil'edh tore'"Ib.r•eili„..fiired: t,,c,if.eh*.hnor,:nhoisemsat.ntali)enrirm.1,mw eh.. emisrsa ,a.,76mnokawnkse, ii,,;:titc,h.ror.,.....6.0athi,... the .0w, with ,,,,, 7..
ered ria among the roost intereeting of the otherwise Ite *mini bring his grey hairs pre- _id a ,„,.,„;cian'tc .,-",...4.....,b, am see, f,
ninsienm'm curiosiitiva. . It easy Mew lh! nettmely in Lite grave. " fah, my Melee "h'!.. 7,Wii, dear, ..17.,.. 111 ,,11 „mt. b,,, 1
fastidious Lemon public. to knew OM: the David," middle minieter, " and neeer take d'aa,t ki,,,,e, what it,,TZ 4nd 1 6...,..., partie...
11Vmee04 of sbeelnee "'en," 0 l'eeefl 81"te more than one Elam aft • time." " Neither 1
11:',16.11.ngedwocIrittihonoftoP"Vethu vTnilneinli,:f tthh: bbiiiiiilkiliiinngg " — ' --; '''''' I well," said the ioetor " I'll give ynu anew
itself. A few of the items ever which the the eme
41 ',:iiire.Inee'rialiidttlethltridow Short"tailietrimel beAnetw:tin :a:: into ta"::::::617:b.:6.. "III. " r"7
York city. , Clinton, the action rif filen& in Canaria.
Trtc Reflailt 1i01.101.-Tbe Globe says dna
The New York .. t of the Bea-
ten Poet mays :-The funnieet feature of the
lenselen fire, and nne which bongo a smile-