HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-10-06, Page 14Page 12 Court Convictions --Continued from Page 1 missed, The incident occurred on Exe- tern Main Street o an June 5 who the truck Pla ttenga was driving grand a pedestrian, Mrs. Regi- nald Knight. Mrs. Ruth Johnson and Mrs. Pearl Ostler and Mr. Knight were crown witnesses, The accused conducted his own defence., Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Previews. Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 7 and 8 The Vanishing Prairie (A Walt Disney Production) I and on the same program Willie The Operatic Whale MON., TUES. & WED. October 10, 11 and 12 Matinee—Monday at 2:30 p.m. Country Girl * Bing Crosby * Grace Kelly Advanced Admission Prices On This Picture Only COMING! THURS., F1i,I. & SAT. October 13, 14 and 15 Daddy Long Legs * Fred Astaire * Leslie Caron THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, .ONTARIO,, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6, 1955 WIN AT KIRKTON FAIR -Winners in the public speaking and recitation competitions at Kirkton Fair last week are shown here in action. Left to right are Ron Marshall, best in the grades 5-8 class; Helen Humphreys, public speaking win- ner; and Helen Hern, tops in grades 1-4. Officials said the school fair attracted a record number of exhibits. The Peep Show By 0. J. PORTER The Exeter and District Play- ers Guild is certainly busy these days. More than thirty local peo- ple are ,concerned with this sea- son's first production "Angel Street" by Patrick Hamilton. Gwen Whilsmith, president of the Guild, is directing the play which is to be staged in the high school on Nov. 1 and 2. Tickets are on sale at W. G. Cochrane's and Choose Book Store. A Victorian thriller in three acts, the play is of considerable interest. It tells the dramatic story of the Manningham's of An- gel Street. Under the guise of kindliness, handsome Mr. Man- ningham (played by Bill Coch- rane) is torturing his wife (Marg. Dilkes) into insanity. He accuses her of petty aberrations that he has arranged himself; and since her mother died of insanity, she is more than half convinced that SHDHS Barents' Night Thursday, October 13 7:30 to 9:30 Do you know the teachers who are entrusted with the instruction of your boy or girl? South Huron District High School thinks it is an advantage for parents and teachers to know one another. Parents of ,Grade. IX students are invited to visit the school and meet the staff. Teachers will he in their home classrooms from 7:30 to 9:30 on the evening of October 1.3. This is an informal evening with no planned programme. s The Exeter Home & School Association will meet Tuesday, October 11 PUBLIC SCHOOL MAJOR W. F. A. PRESTON, Head of London Civil Defence, will be guest speaker. Ei From 7:45 -8:15 parents are welcome to visit the class rooms and become acquainted with the teachers. Fin r CAR BINGO Exeter Arena Friday, Oct. 14 1 Special For 1956 FORD COACH 12 REGULAR GAMES FOR $50 EACH' 3 SPECIAL GAMES FOR $200 EACH s Sponsored by Exeter Legion and Lions tetiniiMiiMiffisti PROCEEDS. IN AID OF SCOUT HOUSE iligniiiiiubililli iii0010 ADMISSION $1.00 Extra and Speeial Cards 25¢, 5 for $1:00 Car Special $1.00, 6 for $5.00 Games Start at 0 p.m. Sharp -•••- Doors Open at 'MO u,iiliiiiiililNliYlUiiilY'lid,iii6iO,iii111Ulilltiiliilllllii she, too, is going out of her mind. While her diabolical husband is out of the house, a benign po- lice inspector (Frank Wildfong) visits her and ultimately proves to her that her husband is a maniacal criminal suspected of a murder committed 15 years ago in the same house, and that he is preparing to dispose •of her. Then starts the game of trying to un- cover the necessary evidence against Mr. Manningham. It is a thrilling and exciting melodra- matic game complicated by the maid (Ada Dinney) and bhe housekeeper (Edna .Glaab). The Guild's plans for the win- ter include two more three -act plays as well as the one -act play festival which was so successful- ly inaugurated last winter. An open meeting is :to be held on Nov. 1 • in the council oham- bers .for the reception of new members. Anyone who is inter- ested in drama is encouraged to attend on that date. Discovers Collie Far From Home An Exeter bread salesman and his Scotch collie were reunited miles away from home last week after a two-year separation. Bob Denonune found his "Las- sie" in a bush near Bayfield with her five pups. No one had been able to get near the dog until he came along with some bread for it. The salesman, who lives in Exe- ter north, gave the dog to his brother-in-law near Mount Car- mel two years ago but she ran away. When her . master was making his rounds at Egerton Beach, near Bayfield, last week -end, a family told himabout this collie in the woods. Then came the hap- py reunion. The pups have all been placed and the dog is happy at home again.' Edwin N. Winer Dies In California Edward N. Winer 64 • son of Mrs. W. E. Winer of Preston and the late Mr. Winer, died sudden- ly in Los Angeles, Calif. on Oct- ober 4. Surviving besides his wife Mar- guerite are a daughter, Mrs. Al- bert Schultz of Inglewood, Calif; his mother; two brothers Oren of Hamilton and Severne of Exe- ter; three sister s, Mrs. O. G. Tremner, Strathroy; Mrs. C. F. Chambers, Dorchester, and Mrs C. MacLagan, Preston. In error it was mentioned in this paper last week that Mrs. W. H. Love presided for the South Section W.M.S. at !Grand Bend. Mrs. E. Desjardine, presi- dent of Huron Presbyterial, was chair lady in Mrs. Love's absence. Mr. and Mrs. iLove are visiting in the West. News Budget From Blanshard Town Topics Items .of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter e i •-A The Exeter T me dvaoato Ili always pieaeed to publish these It•m•. We and. our reader' aro intereated In you and your friends, Phopo ,7x0, Mr. Fred Dobbs is on a bus- iness trip to the West. Mrs. Dobbs is visiting in. Toronto. Mrs, Lloyd Taylor of town, dir- ector of the Huron Co-operative Medical. services, attended the an- nual meeting of the Ontario division` held lar conjunction with the Co -.op Convention at Geneva Park, Lake +Couchiching on Thursday, Friday and Satur- day of last week, Roy Strong, Gorrie, vice president and Bert Irwin, Clinton, secretary -treasur- er also attended from Huron County. Douglas Wein, Richard McFalls and Bill Pollen of James Street Sunday School, Exeter, and Don- ald Hendrick of •Crediton attend- ed the three-day conference of Christian Young Councillors of the Ontario Boys' Work Board held at Stratford over the week- end. Bill was named recorder on the 1956 executive, Representa- tives were present from Huron, Grey, Bruce, Waterloo, Welling- ton, Dufferin and (Perth counties. Mrs. E, Arneson of Nelson B.C. and Mrs. Estelle Ferguson of In- gersoll visited with Mrs. W, Mair and Mrs. Furgeson last Thursday. Miss Isabelle Snell returned home from Victoria Hospital last Thursday, Maurice Love attended the London Conference Young Peop- le's Union in Central Church Woodstock over the. week -end. Mrs. Robt. Fife and daughter, Debbie, visited last week in .Al- liston, Mr. Charles Merrill of Inger- soll and Mrs. Will McEwen of Clinton visited with Mrs. Thos. Dinney during the week. Mr. Simon Grill) is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London where he underwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Steiner vi- sited in Detroit for a few days last week. This Week In Whalen By MRS. F. SQUIRE Mr. and Mrs. Frank(Parkinson, Glenn and Russell were in Lon- don, Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry White. Mr: and Mrs. E, M. Fitzgerald and Mr. and Mrs. LldydFlanni- gan and family, London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Donald were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stephens, St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Grose of Wesley were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton •Hodgins.. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire sand Sue Ann visited in Guelph over' the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon. , • Mr. and Mrs. Roy • Hodgson• vi- sited recently, with the latter's grandmother, Mrs. E. Kiigour, Stratford. Mr. an d Mrs. J. Finkbeiner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Weekes, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning and Muriel visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Bel- mont. Mr. David Palmer and Mari- lyn visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgson. Mrs. Gordon Johnson and Carol spent Friday in London. Mrs Wm. Brooks and Mrs. Ralph Parkinson London visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Carol and Kathleen Morley of Hazel Park, Michigan, were week -end visitors with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley Sr. while Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neil, of California, visited with relatives in Toronto. By MRS. GI,ADWYN HOOPER Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Knox were Tuesday evening guests of• Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey, Mr, and Mrs. .Cecil Mossey, Mrs, Jas. Mossey and Kathleen were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin, of St, Marys, Mr. Wm. Thompson is spend- ing o few days in Oshawa. Mrs. Trewartha of Holinetville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Keit, Langfor, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang- ford and family were Stifiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. cilaiiwin Langford, of ,Dorchester. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn, Jones and family 'were Sunday guests •of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Grover of Thorn - dale. Masters tarry and Murray Thbinson spent the weekend with Mr. J'ohtt Rinn, Baseline. Mr. and Mrs. (;art Murphy and Peter, of North Day, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. tiladwyn Hooper News Budget From Baseline Mrs. Bessie Taylor spent Tues- day in London the guest of Mrs. Alex Reeder.. Mrs. W. E. Winer, who visited relatives and friends in Strath- roy, Dorchester and Exeter for several weeks has returned to her home with Dr. and Mrs, A, D. C. McLagan of Preston. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Neil, of Escondido, •California, celebrated their fortieth wedding annivers- ary in Detroit at the home of their daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Morley. Mr, and Mrs, Neil and Mr. and Mrs, Morley ac- companied by Mr. Neil's sister, Mrs, J. Hubert Jones and Mr. Jones attended a Neil .family re- union in Toronto on Saturday. Roy and his wife have been visit- ing relatives and friends in this vicinity this week, COMING EVENTS FOWL SUPPER—O even Anni- versary Fowl Supper, Thursday, October 20. Please keep this date in mind. •29:6c $55.00 JACKPOT BINGO—Full house in 51 calls wins the jack- pot; $5 added every Saturday night until someone wins jack- pot; also 14 games of "Share the Wealth"; no admission; 10¢• a game. Legion Hall, Hensall, Sat- urday, October 8, 9 p.m. Spon- sored by Hensall Legion. 6 LADIES AUXILIARY to South Huron •Hospital regular meeting, Tuesday, October 11, 2:30 p.m. Gc TURKEY SUPPER, James Street United Church, Wednesday, Octo- ber 26; adults $1.00; children 75¢ Tickets available at S. B. Taylor's, 6:13c TURKEY SUPPER, Centralia United Church, Wednesday, No- vember 9. Please keep this date in mind. Gc Ham, 'Bean Supper Tuesday, Oct. 11 From 5:30 p.m. on 'a T.RIVITT MEMORIAL PARISH HALL Admission: Adults 75¢ Children 10 And Under 50¢ Sponsored by • Trivitt Women's Auxiliary Orb District Deputy Grand Master's Visit District Deputy Grand Master Brother Sinclair of Brucefield and staff will visit Exeter Lodge No. 67 Tuesday, October 11, for the purpose of installing officers for the ensuing year. Members Please Attend O. S. ATKINSON Noble Grand By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE Communion was held in the Woodham United church with the pastor, Rev. J. Slade, in charge. Mrs. Adam Gordon is doing nicely after an operation in Vic- toria Hospital, London, where she was removed from S't. Marys Memorial Hospital on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb were weekend visitors in Buffalo. Mrs. Thomas Doube .and Rus- sell visited the Dormer's sister Mrs. A. Gordon in Victoria Hos- pital on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berry attended Drummond fair Thurs- day last 'where Harold was a judge. Mr.. and Mrs. Archie Payne, Kenneth, Shirley and Joyce, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs.. Robert Rundle Mr. and Mrs. ,James Tomlinson and son Collins of London, Eng., arrived last Monday to visit the former's brother, John and Mrs. Tomlinson. Mr. Edward !McNeight, of Seat- tle and 'friend, Mr. Harry Brown, of Vancouver, who flew to De- troit two weeks ago and visited with the foriner's mother, 1utrs. isabeile 'Ma/eight and Wilbert, left Saturday by motor for their homes. A number " from Woodham at- tended the funeral of the late William (Tarry Stephen in Dieter an Watley. Mrs. rldgar Staeey entertained at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Jean, a bride -elect of this week. and family spent Saturday even- Mr, and fVtrs. Oliver 1laker Ag- ing' with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I ited their uncle and ,aunt, Mr. Pa,cey, and lairs, ,Y>i,a. 1#eer at Mitchell Reception And Dance Friday, Oct. 7 FOR MR. & MRS. FLOYD STEWART (nee Margaret Schieck) Farquhar Hall. Harburn's Orchestra Everybody Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Harry Breeket),.of Vancouver, B.C., have been vis- iting this week with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. H. Powe; Mr. and, Mrs. E, Shantou, Mr, and Mrs., Elmer Powe and Mr. and Mrs. Don MacGregor Parkhill. They also visited Mrs, John McBaiu and Doreen, of Mt. Bridges. Civil Service • • e Organization of Centralia MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS Tuesday, Oct. 11 7:30 p.m. EXETER LEGION HALL MR. GORDON SHORTREED, National President of Civil Ser- vice, Clinton, Ont., will be the speaker. Woodham United Church Anniversary Services Sunday, Oct. 9 - at 11 a.m. Guest Speaker — REV. JOHN DOUGLAS, B.A. of Kintore Reception And Dance FOR MR. & MRS. ORVILLE TAYLOR (nee Dorothy Lewis) Friday, Oct. 14 Hensall Town Hall 1 ESJARDINES' ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Bring Lunch Everybody Welcome Llashmar Clinton THURSDAY & FRIDAY October 6 and 7 "GENEVIEVE" (Color) * Kay Kendall * John Gregson SATURDAY & MONDAY October 8 and 10 DOUBL389 FEATURE "BATTLE OF ROGUE RIVER" (Color) * George Montgomery * Martha Hyer "MR. HULOT'S HOLIDAY" * Jacques Tati TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY" October 11 and 12 "MISS SADIE THOMPSON" (Color) • * Rita Hayworth * Jose Ferrer (Adult Entertainment) LEON ERROL DOUBLE REEL COMEDY • LAC Robert and Mrs, McInnes (nee Marie Outdiush) received word of the death of the for- mer's younger brother, Norman, near Kirkland Lake as the result of a shooting accident. LAC Mac - Tones left for Kirkland Lake to attend the funeral, ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 7 and 8 "JUST FOR YOU" (Technicolor) * Bing Crosby * Janq,'Wyman * Ethel Barrymore 1(A Re -issue) NEWSREEL & CARTOON Two Complete Shows 7:30 and 9:30 would Yon. Like To See And Hear Billy Graham in person? Youth for .Christ are planning a bus to go to Toronto, October 12, leaving Exeter at approximately 3 p.m. and returning the same evening. • TIckets $3.50 Return Reservation for seats at Coliseum are being looked after. Bookings Closed' Monday, October 10 Please phone either of the fol- lowing: A. E. 31oussoau, HQnsai!, 694-r-5 Martin McIntyre, Exeter, 4604 Edgar Ondmore, Exeter, 171-r-14 Mrs. Irving Snider, Exeter, 3234 (Evenings) Free Hearing Clinic FOR ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS At Central Hotel from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, October 7 Electronics Revolutionary Transistor Inspires New Postage Stamp Size Hearing Aid TEN DAYS FREE TRIAL Opens Door to New, Better Ways to Hear for Hard ofr Hearing! 1955 South Huron PLOWING MATCH will be held on the farm of Rochus Faber & Sons Lot 2, Concession 1, Stanley Township 1 Mile North of Kippen on No. 4 Highway Saturday; October 8 Over $600 In Prizes Booth On The Grounds DON EASTON President First Vice -President GERRY MOFFAT Second Vice -President_ WALLY BECKER BRUCE SHAPTON Secretary -Treasurer Exeter' Lions Paper Drive Wednesday, Oct. 19 Starting at 1:00 p.m. Please tie bundles securely and place in on your sidewalk. ki front of house 1 • Anyone out of town wishing to bring paper in, please contact Claude Farrow, phone 126, Exeter. FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUNI FUN!, Exeter Kinsmen Club Presents A Genuine • A ARVEST JAMB Friday, October 21 — Exeter Arena REE 9.30 to 3.30 SIX SOLID HOURS OF MERRIMENT ! ! • TWO BANDS — NEW AND OLD TIME DANCING — VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINMENT -- PRIZES Watch For Details Come Dressed For Fun Jean or Skirts and Plaid Shirts Admission 750 FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! /FUN! FUN! FUN( FUN! FUN!