The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-10-06, Page 13N
rosiest and Fastest Grown -
9 -Inch dm. 100 tor $2.110; 12-
Inch •olio, 100 dor 4.50;
15-Inoli sloe, 400 to 55.50;
111 -look ohm. 100 tor 111.1311;
24t. sire. 25 tor ;348 or
f;$15.00 per 100; 34t. Aire. 25
or 56,98 or $25.00„per 100,
ety, edle 19
stowth—the only
hardy kind; 12 io
10 in.; 25 for
$3,96 or *15.00
per 100,
o•h, 100 for •
;$2.11_51 '12-Ineit. 25
Io 55.95
I116,1 "-**9.99
Rd, Lik'hite or Flak, ,*
3 for $1.98.
A, snitilli FOR Eastex °Exams,
DOMM4N1ILTE (none Day 9r Nicht, Motile! 3-33451 ONTARIO
. Mow emereggenmeigi
Highest Prices Paid
I Phone 103
For Beans
Geo. T. Mickle
qm)ut WI a
When you write, be sure you address the
letter clearly, correctly and completely. Use the
initials or first name of the addressee and
include the name of the province after the city.
Where applicable, include zone numbers.
- Do not forget to put yoUr return addre39'.in
the top, left hand corner.
Always affix adequate post-
. age. When in doubt, check at
'your Rost Office.
e Cattle Show, 4-H
0I F •
.10 al r
a, big •cattle show, including
4,H Reef land Dairy Calf 'Clubs,
and heavy competitiOn in the nub-
ile school section featured Kirk,
ton Fell Pair last 'week,
Top breeders from Illtron,
Perth and MiddleSex vied for
see pri-
In beer'cattle -classes allong
With a number of local exhibir
tors. -The dairy show was .clomi,
nated by K ir ktoe's own Ross
Marshall, premier Huron •exhibi-
"Gerald WAWA, of R.R. 11. Oran -
ton, ithe lest year won the Huron
County 4.B Beet ,Calf (tampion,
ehIP, won dual honors in his club,
show on Friday, calf won top
prize and he was judged first in
Bill .Crago, of RR..
Mary's, and Wayne Priclham, of
R.R. 1 Mitchell, won the senior
and junior section of the 'dairy
club and Grant Bertrand, of RA.
3 St. Marys, was best showman.
Record School Exhibit
Officials said a record number
of children participated in tias
year's school fair, a ;miniature cal
the main exhibition. Senior win-
ners. were Clare Hoeper a.nd Mar-
garet Brock; junior champs were
Ross Stephens and !sham Mills.
, Helen. Humphrey,' ,Ron. Mar-
shall, and Helen Hern won the,
p uib li4 speaking and recitatilon
oompetitionS held on - the .grand-
stand during .the afternoon,
Kirkton school was judged
best in the'parade. and S.iS. 3 Ful-
lerton provided the best drill.
Other schlools taking part %chi -
'dad S.S. 3, 6 and 12 Ueborne, ,S.S,
5 Vyllarton and S.S. 10 'Bien -
The South Huron (District High
School Band, ,with its colourful
drunk majorettes and cheerlead-
ers, ledthe parade and provided
a, drill display: The ;cheerleaders
1 e 4 in, several ;of .the school's
yells. The Bannochburn Pipe and
Drum Band also entertained.
Tom Pryde, Huron MLA, offi-
cially opened the fair. Other of-
ficial's who .spoke where Fair Pre-
sident Clayton Smith; Huzion
County Warden Earl tbanipbell;
• and ...Miran IVPP ;Elston eCtardiff.
Lee Paul, of .Kirkton, was master
of ceremonies.
AliderSon Wins Pull
In the, sports program, Ander-
son won the -tug of twar match;
Bruce Dykeman copped the pony
race; Bev. Anderson and Harold
Burgin. won the foot races.
...Six fancy 'palominos featured
the horse show. A tin b n g those
competing rwere 'Mr. and Mrs.,
Fred inarling, Ron ISivartz, and
Harold iClarke-. of the Exeter
Saddle •Club.. • —
Two Kirkton district exhibi-
tors who have g ati n e d fame
theoughoUt the 'province -for their
prize winnings • dominated the
grain and seeds :and 'vegetable
seething of their home fair. M.
E. Hooperand Son of R.R. 6 St.
Marti ..00PPed .5 Majority of the.
Prizes in these ,clessels.
•!Other class- champions were;
floivers, Mrs.31111a Hunkin, Bxeter;
domestic, Mr. Clayton •Coleu
houn, Science Hill; ladies Nvork,
Mrs. Jack Kemp, Mitchell; • treat,.
Fred 1VIcOlymont, Varna. ,
A concert of 'juvenile talent
from the Kirkton Garden Party
featured the progranf let night.
A dance -Was held in Aberdeen
arl Heywood and his ranch
boys played difeirig the afternoon.
• Viee-presidents of the fair are
Wellington Brock •and Fred
Doupe. Seeretstry,:treattiret is Alex
F. Crago.
Among the directors are Rae
Stephen, James Willis, John Berry
Milne Pullen, IClayton Coleuboun,
11,:011 .11111Y COAL •
"'Theo 'blue TEMP.
• MASTER eheungei forum*
Wilt for Itself!
Phone Urdu," for or fres
—it can cost you money!
Don't just order coal --insist on %hie coaP.
'Blue coal' is colour -marked for youy guarantee,
of heating satisfaction. It gives you 'the clear
full flame that means better heat—thrifty heat'
heat: Thottsands of Canadian families
rely on 'blue coal" for steady, healthful heat.,
So don't be colour-blind when you buy coal.
It pays to order 'blue coal',
PHOIslE 299
Always ask for-
Ames H. Robinson, T. A. ,Crage,.
T. A. Wiseman, Roy Nethercott,
Rose Dobson, Charles Atkinson,
Doupe, Charles Paul, Wil -
Milton ' McCurdy, Hugh. !Berry,
Newton Clarke and Fred HaMil-
bert Kirkby, Clarence Switzer,
Lady directors are Mrs, Clay-
ton .Smith, Mrs, George WIleon,
Mrs, Ed HoelfinS, Mrs. Nelsen
Watson, Mrs, Emerson Paton,
Mrs, James ROA:Paoll Jr., Mrs, J.
Willis, 1VIra. Robert Ratcliffe Jr.
4-H competitlons
Grain Club—Floreece McCully 18e,
Ralph Stephen 179, Duncan Lemma
177, Alan Gregory 175, Wayne Hopson
174, Murray Stephen 173, 11eii Smith
170, Donald Arthur 168, Edwin HaWit-
Ins 165, Ken Rolston 168,
• Dalry Calf Club
Senior calves—Bin Crago 380, Grant
Bertrand 376, Keith Stephen 374, Al-
lan Dow 370,
Junior Calves—Wayne P i n 4 i ant
3811, David Wheeler 378,, Bill Spence
370, Leonard Hawkins 3741, Wayne
Stephen 372, e -
Showmanship—Grant Bertrand 92,
Keith Stephen 90, David Wheeler. 89,
Bill Spence 58, Hill Crags. $0, Allen
pDionwdha8m4, 8W0.ayne Stephen 83, Wayne
4-H Beef Calf tlub
Heifers—Laurel Robinson 380 How-
ard Ballantyne 370, Grant Hodgins
360, Ron, Jackson 350, -13ruce ValtLs
Steers—Gerald. Wallis 390, John;
Robinson 380, Gordon Hodgins 370,'
Don Pullen 360.
Showmanship—Gerald Wallia 90,
;Den Pullen 88, Howard Ballantyne 86,
Bon Jackson 85, Brno Wens 84,
Gordan Hodgina $2, John Robinson 81,
Laurel Robinson 80, Grant Hodgins
'Mrs, •Glayton Colquhoun, Sehance
Hill, 9 firsts, 6 seconds, 4 thirds;
Shirley Stoskopf, B.R. 2 'Mitchell, 7,
firsts, 7 seconds, 1 third; Mrs. Wil-
liam Rhode, R.R. 1 Woodham, 3
firsts, 6 seconds, .•2 thirds; Mrs, E.
Cowdry, Kirkton, 3 firsts, 1 second,
3 thirds; Mrs; Wallace Selves, 2
firsts, 2 seconds, 1 third; Mrs,•Ethel
Urquhart, 2 firsts, 1 second, 6 thirds;
Mrs. Sean Giles, 2 firsts, 1 third.
Other winners—Mrs. James mc-
Dougald, Fullerton; Mrs, M. Gellon,
Mrs, Elmer Armstrong, St. Pauls;
Mrs. Robert Rundle, Woodham; Mrs,
JaiDes Willis, Mrs. Charles .Atkin-
son, Mrs, Fred McCymont, Varna.
Apple Pie special—Mrs. William,
Rhode, Woodham; Mrs. Clayton Col-
quhoun, Mrs. B. cowdry.
Two -layer cake special—Mrs. Rhode,
Mrs. Ethel Urquhart, Mrs. Theron
L Work . we
Mrs. 3 Kemp„ Mitchell, 20 .firsts,. 7
seconds; Mrs. Marjorie Moon, Cen-
tralia, 7, firsts, 4 seconds; Mrs. Thos,
Brock, Woodham, 4 firsts, 8 seconds;
Mrs.% William Rhode, WOodham, 4
firsts, 2 seetinds; Para A. J. Gettler,
Woodham; Shirley Stoskopf, Science
Hill and 1Virs. C, A. Boupe, Mitchell,
all 3 -firsts; 2 seconds; Mrs. Ivan )3en-
n,c e 3 rs s, 1 second.
Other wirineii-Mrs. Elmer Arm -t St. Paul's; Mrs. Ormand Mc-
Lougald, Fullerton; Mrs, Eric Hum-
phrey, Kirkten; Mrs. Harry Webber,
Mrs. Ward Hern, Woodham; Helen
Webber; 3.1ra James McDougald.
Yorkshire, Wallace Selves, Rea
Stephens; •Tarnworths, George Doug-
las, Mitchell.
Grade sow, Allan Fletcher, Clayton
Colquhoun, Rea Stephens.
Judging on foot, Milton McCurdy,
Seim Giles, Jas. H. Robinson, Keith
Fraser, Clifford Jacques, Jack Fin-
• Bacon hogs sold for $27.50 for A-1,
George McIntosh was the buyer.
• Shorthorns—Jack ' Peck, Klppen;
IiItow3firad 333,allantyne, Arnold Robinson,
HerefIci—W. S. O'Neil and Son,
Denfield Keith Coates Centralia
Male and' female streepstakes, O'Neil.
• Aberdeen. Angus --Male and female
sweepstakes and herd, Richard Doan,
Thorndale; .Donald Pullen, Granton;
Gerald Wallis, Granton; Garfield Cor-
nish,/ Woodham.
KiGrkratodzie. cattle calf—G. H. Burgin,
Baby beef—tIsbbrne, Keith Coates,
first, second and third; Blanahard,
Arnold Robinson, Donald Pullen.
Open baby beef, Kelth Cotes, Ger-
ald Wallis, Gordon Hodgins, O'Neil.
Best heifer under one year, Gerald
Dairy Cattle
• Holstein, Boss Marshall, Kirkton;
H. -Hawkins, ' Kirktori; Thos. Brock,
_ Breeders Special, Perth County, a
Hawkins, Rea Stephens, Kirkton.
Horses •
Heavy' draught, Norman Coulthard,
St, Paul's; Aubrey Toll, Blyth; Nile
Shantz, Plattsville.
Faun horses, team, William Run-
dle,'WOodham; four horse hiteh, Nile
Shantz, Aubrey Toll; roadster, bot
anhinal Nile Shantz. Ponies, team,
Sack Pulcher, St. Marys; single, Jack
Fulcher, first' and second; Palomino,
A. E. Bong, London, first and sec-
ond; Harold Clarke, Woodhairf; Fell-
ner Constrtiction, London; Palomino
Special, Frbd Darling, Exeter; Fell-
ner Censtruetion, Ed Brady, Exeter;
Harold Clarke; hest horse on grounds,
Nile Shantz; single turnout, Jack
Fulcher,” St. Merys
Apples, Fred McCiyMont, Varna, 23
firsts; Mrs. Clarence Routley, three
firsts; Newton •Clark, Woodham,
• Plums, MeClyniOnt, Mrs; Clarence
Routley; pears, IV/cCiymont, Clarence
Switzer, ,Alex W, Stoskopf; gianes,
Clarence Switzer,, -Wallace Selves,
Alex Stoskopf.
Grain And Seeds
M. E. Hooper and Sons, R,R. 6 St.
Marys, 10 firsts, two seconds; Alex
W. StoskOpf, three firsts, three sec-
ond; Mrs, TOM Iiern, Newton Clarke,
Thomas Crew.
Farmer's club oats, Hooper, Tom
Hem, Newton Clark, Alex Crago;
barley, Hearer, Claris •
Field bropi eompetItiOn In oats,
.1•Xooper, Elden B.Obinabn, Newton
Clark, Alex Crap.
Roots And Vegetables
• M. E. Hooper, 18 firata, 9 seeonds;
Thanes crew, 8 firsts, 2 tiedonds; T.
A Crago, 5 firsts, 2 seeonds; Alex
W. StoakoPf, 3 firsts, 2 secOnds; New-
ton Clarke, 3 firsts, and second; Mts.
Gallop, 2 firsts, 3 secondS; Fred
MOCIyariont, 2 firsts, 2 seconda; Mrs,
Clarence Routley. 2 firsts, 1 second.
Other Witiners—Mrs. Thee. Hero,
Wfre, Earl Stephens, Sant Gilea, Bye.
tett Dcittbe, Me, William Rhode,
Garfield Cornish, Norma Sheer,
ONfOrd DoWflS, Donald Dearing, El-
eter; Leicester, D. 3.. Graham, Park-
hill; Shropthiro DOWns, A. D. Steen,
er, Ailsa Craig, Elmer Armstrong;
Liricolns, A. XX Stealer; SeathdeWrie,
J. B. Kennedy; Suffolk, Rats Mar-
shall; Market elitse, J. n,Kentedy,
Crafts And Hobbies
011 painting, Fred MeClymeitt, Mrs.
'Van BenStm, Mitchell; ponttlenshirl,
LOrtte Mattkitill novelty table decors..
tion, Mra. C, A. Boupe, Mitchells
Mrs, Benson; apeeimen of crochet,
Ma. A. j. Gettlet, Mrs. Marjorie
Moor,: place mats, purse, Mrs, Ilotipe,
Display hobbies, Kirkton WI,
Fullerton 'WL
Iu s
ton 'Features
Heys under 10, Deb Anderson, Mur-
ray Stephen, David Levy; open foot
race, Harold Burgin, Marwood- Wil-
lie Bob Anderson.
Tug of War, Anderson; Shetland
pony race, Bruce Dylgernan, Wayne
Cut. Flowers
Mre. Ella Hunkin, Exeter, 13 firsts,
7 seconds; Mrs. G. H. Burgin, 7 firsts,
10 seconds; Norman Sheen, Mitchell,
3 firsts, 4 seconds; Mrs. Ivan Benson,
IViitchell, and Mrs. M. Gallop, 2 fist%
I second,
Other winners—Mrs. Clarence Rout.
ley, Mrs, Earl Stephens, Mrs, Earl
Iduinphrey, Thomas Crew, Mrs. Har-
ry Webber, M. E Hooper, Mrs, Thos.
Ilern, Eldon Robinson, Marion 34c -
Naughton, Mrs. Gotland McDougall,
Mrs. James McDovigald,
Potted Flowers
'Afro. Clarence Routley, 5 firsts:
Mrs. Elmer .Armstrong, 2 firsts, 2
seconds; Mrs. Brie Humphrey and
Mrs. G. H. Burgin, 2 firsts; Mrs,
Clarence Switzer, Mrs, Wallace Selves,
Mrs. FArl Stephens, Mrs. MeDougald.
School Fair,
Public School Speaking Contest—
Helen Humphreys, Kirkton.
Recitation, grades 1 to 4, Helen
Herm S.S. 7, Usborne; LYnn. Paul,
S.S. 11, 13Ianshard; Grace S.S.
, grades 6 to 8. Ron Mar,
3s1tRaUlere,ita°Srtn.ige,n• 11, Blanshard; Marlene
Frayne, S.S. 3, Usborne; John.Roun-
dell, S.S. 11, Blanshard.
School parade, Kirkton, S.S. 3, Vs -
borne (Piugtown).
5,$Fuehonoalrtdorn11.1, g,s. 3, Fullerton, $.S,
Other school taking part were S,S.
10, Blanshard, S,S. 6, Usborne,
12, TIsborne,
Best dining room table floral
centre, Burns Stephen, Barbara Hon,
Iris Marshall.
Grade 1-2, Dorothy Dickey, Sharon
•Hodgins, Gayle Duffield, Jane Bic-
kel': grade 3, Francis Skinner, Doug-
las Webb„ Douglas Dinmell, Barbara
Hem; grade 4, Ann Creery, To Ann,
Miners, Sharon Mills, Helen Ballan-
tyne; grade 5-6, Jessie Kooprnans,
Ortie Thacker, Darlene Mayne, Mar-
garet Brock; grade 7-8, Joyce Crago,
Marilyn Inch, David Levy, Rosemary
Water color, Aafka Valentyn,
Gerald Prance, Grace Routly; Christ-
mas dard, Ann Creery, Sharon Mills,
Larry Bickell, Clare Hopper; grades
1.-2 crayon, John Bern, Carl Jones,
Lynda Ratcliffe, Ricky Heard•, grades
3-4, Rosemary Ratcliffe, Ross Stephen,
Ann Creery,,,, Rea; grades 5-6,
Aafka Valenlyn, Ruth Horne, Brian
Hern, Shirley Johns; grades 7-8, Ed-
ward Skinner, Greta Stephens, Don-
ald Carter, Linda Dyltmen.
Luncheon cloth, Kaye Allan; felt
belt, Sharon Mills. Gayle Duffield;
quilt block, Kaye Allan, Sharon Mills,
Jessie Koopmans, Aalka Valentyn
Bird, house, Murray Stephen; book
cover. Greta Stephens, _Wayne Hero,
David Baker, Earl Miller; serving
tray Bob Woods, Neil Valentyn, Bon-
nie Marshall. Ann reery; book mark,
Darlene Mills, .Sharon Mills, Ann
Creery, Basle Miller,
Saw' luncb, Dorothy Dickey, Joyce
.Dickey, Sandra DielleY; date loaf,
Ann Oreery, Margaret Prance, Sher
on Mills, Margaret Brock; candy
brown sugar, Dorothy Dickey, Ross
Steelier), Veryl Hooper, Barbara. Bern;
muffins, Sharon Mille, Sandra Wal-
ters, Lynda Ratcliffe, Dorothy Mc.
key; drop cppkies. Nova Bertra,nd,
Joyce Dickey, Margaret Brock; tea
biscuits, Margaget Brock, Kayo Allen,
Joyce Dickey.
Ontario booklet, Sharon Milt's; snap,
shots, Bonnie Marshall, Sharon Wills,
ROBS Stephen; health poster. Ronnie
Marshall, .Ann Creepy, Aafka Valen-
tyn, Sharon Mills; collection of but -
tens, Ann Creery, Iris Marshall, Rose-
mary Smith, Nova Bertrand.
House Plant, Grace Allen, Kaye
Allen, Ann Creery; dining table bou-
quet. Burns Stephens, Id a r gar e t
13rock, ICaye Allen, Aon Creery; asters,
Iris Marshall, Fred Cowdry, Sharon
Mills, Grace Allen.
School Exhibit, Kirkton, Winchel-
Garden Club
Patsy Marshall, Marion MeNaugh-
ton, Mildred, Cowdry, Shirley Rundle,
Kaye Allen, Vesta 'Watson,
School Fair Champion Exhibitors
Senior- boy, Clare Hooper 19, Ron
Marshall 18.
Senior girls, Margaret Brock 17,
Kaye Alleh 16, A.afke' Valentine 11,
Veryl Hooper 11.
junior boy, Ross Stephens 11, Doug
Alien 7„ Larry Skinner 6, Fred Covi-
drey .8,
junior girl, Sharon Mills 49, Ann
Creery 21, Iris Marshall 20, Dorothy
Dickey 13.
Bantams—Joan. McCiymont, Larry
kinner, Fred Cowdrey; pigeons,
Margaret Johns, Fred Cowdrey, Harr
old Switzer; rabbits, Lorne Hern,
Wayne Hern, Murray Stephen. •
Phone 156 Grand Bend
-4:rclett Your. Wood Ncow
so, HarduroO4 525. for 10 Cord
o Med Slabs $25 for 10 -Cord.
1, Mixed 'Wood — $5 a Cord
Hard Wood $6 a Cord Delivered
$1 A Cord ,Off If You Truck It Yourself
Ailsa Craig Saw Mill
, Phone 623-r'3.
i lll lll 44400e4J0ell04411/00101.014;014/111)10011 l g lllll isieslfflitieesseeperse4=104014 l 4 l 1.0104148014;44404esielest;
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7-1230 680-r-2
Omni iiiiiii le iii is iii 0 ii 1 iiiii ; iiii iiii i i I iiiiii Hemmen iiiii I l lllllllllll l jinn llllll 1111111114 lllll lllll l I lll lll
Insure Your Future In The Fur BeetitieSS :I
Invest in "Silver Jewels" I,
, . Luxurious, High - Quality, Registered Chinchillas
Buy from us with confidence, We have been successfully ..E.
breeding Chinchilla for several years. .
Silver Jewel
Chinchilla Ranch
Box 85 • HENSALL Highway 84
For Appointment Phone 682-r-3
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go con fro*
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Light large eigats with large bits'
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ctacular,-but matches reallu
do a better job!
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