HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-8-10, Page 1W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor.] $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE E iheinese Direct:rv. Business EIirecturv. Nsrtk Br1t128 aid Mercantile ROYAL Insurance Comp'ny 'Wo•e le Mr. %ordoe'.Law ebambeee. xesursaot Co.. JOHN ILALDAN,'lr.y Ooderch.Oetuber 13.1ht9_ ewll•Irr WMEICT.Y EDITION. Tho Groatost Possiblo_Good to tho Groatost Possible Number.' UODERIC1I, C. W.; THURSDAY, AUG. 10, 1805. RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, P1EY1'UL ors ales.. &C. FIRE AND LIFE. FOR SALE! CAPITAL—TWO MILL- ION DOLLARS. JOHN BRETT, Aoeirwrlated Fends un kadd,$3,000,000. Tin, Sheet -fro,, and Copper Smith, Anneal emote Exceeds EGMONDVILLE, C.W. $°,50U,000. Fi'E Inwuranees erected •t ube LOWEST eouaialent with •aiety, A\I. MAFE TO ORDER J. C/ M INT OSHI Stoves, Cultivators, &c., for Sale. 11ATN9 b Opposite the M.it',. t. Repairing Done at Short Notioe. MARINE INSURANCE. `.British American Insurance Co 0, role,. to, Marine Department. GEORGE RUMBA LL, Agent. h, April Luh, IVO 41311 Brltls American Assurance Co. • F E & MARINE. JOHN ESS') Arent. Bayfield, W., April 16, Do; 5. w12 LLITLIND OTEL, GODERICH t.` I[OSKF.H tIUPIHEI'o)K. Till: 1ts.rr i. n„.. ,Ir.s•ntly ..,mated 5,.n au pmmen,e l to lert hizl•, nverb.,k n,g the Har).,, and Lake Hants;-a..nt oresisein. Hanle,. and Karel W4114.110,6 ;4. 1 ung $1 verde•, single 1fe•I.er !fisc.. 21 rnmt.. albeit/1,1v I +. HOTEL N OE. 11 '1 1' (011;I 1\ 1 .11 ok,s this erne of in - .1 forming the public that he 5,,1 entered into the Hotel batmen* the rferule r I 7, known as the Fultou Home, vibe he will be happy to receive old trends and c toners (froderich, Jose 616, 1465. w Ito DAYS' HOTEL, WROXETER etshowed onthe liner) K..al running Ira L S mien, to Soulh•rn,ano, one m le north u where a Wada „d to W roaster, awl any one trav- eling 10 s Bel mora Walkerton, Southampton,Pton , ..r any pl.ce.e that dared,,,, w,.l find •rrontmo- dation such as be d..lv expea•t.Io•le,d sI ant claw cite kcal., to 011 revert.. ICE ALWAYS ON HAND run lila • Tront-Fishing Friends I Tete arlLU nus Cmrau A 1.16'711 5,r Life Inamrance —Ample Seellrlty. ,.ARor swim; AND RAM,. LOWER THAN NORr ZNOLISH OPPICIs. Lopes Promptly Settled With a aort e Eefereno:: to a Board of Directors. CHARLES PLETCHER, Agent. O.derieh, Mev. 1884. alb • re4 G) O .3 r Vs.. All kinds of repairing done on must reasonable terutx..L j Goderich, Augur 2n 1864. aw9l CE DA.RI PAItTILt4 desirous et ehlainine First Claw Ceder Ina F r. netted 'folding perpesen eon be supplied in any quantity, au5 on rea•ureble terms, byapplying u. J. W. ELLIOTT. Gedenrh Feb. Otb.Ib44. e 12.‘ ItM FOlt SALE IN WAWANOSH TIkI' uaderse sed ufli:rr lits sole the lollowmg pa'uu•s, .,Iuasef an rhe 1irove1 Ku.(1111 !ISO I owcnh i of 11'iawnna.b. Within 11 Miles of Goderich 1 noelaaaing WO liege., 30 of which ■re cleand. Ou the pr n...en there is a giorO Fraaue Bou 3q by VOL • good Fran. Hour,•, yuuns orrhanl- tarsog. •A g..od creek runn.u: -through 11,5, farm Apply to ..111150 fl McMA•ff% Lot .9, MI eon. Waoana.h. Inn. 30.1)0;1 . Wl-lee V.Ag i`` ..•Y 0..x.3,. PRIVATE BILLS. Al1T:11:9 in Camels West intending to make application to We Leo ielarore for Private or Local hills, either for granting exclusive prtvile;,ee, or confining corporate o purposes pewee O fur commercial r other e f profit, for reg,tatin surveys or boundaries,PR Or for doing anything tending to affect the rights or property of other ranies,are hereby notified that they are required by the 53rd.. and following rules of the i.egislati.e Coned' 5,9 yrd l.e,•tstrure Aseembly respectively, (*hell A HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEET CUALLES DAYS, w46-1. Proprietor. (:oamencreiallrotel.ylitehell C.W TURN WICKS, Proprietor. This is the I•ege.t Med Imo Gauntry Motel in Western Cana.a.a.d charges as male, ale an any 11 m.e rn Mih•hdl. :'t■E° Proprietor. 1prietor. 1ie,,.11•.,drng ler 1100 Hones. florae, and ensnares for Hat., on be Saarland Korea a 7 CA-47.11:1337I1.I(DZi CABINET WAREHOUSE (THE i)Ll)r:T iN TITE COUNTY. D. GOADON C`AHIi, 1:'I' NI .%.111: AND UNDERTAKER, M•nnlwctnrr• win has now on Ann ; w e eonplele •-urn,ent 5,,a Fnrnilure, Al 1,n W,rrr,ouu, WEST STREET, GODERICH, seen At Sofas, Burtons, Table., fttdateede, Hair, Cane and West...Med (Chairs, Gilt Moulding and Looking filets''. in variety, 0t Home Manufacture and Imported I ! D. G. has .tearnn hand a complete u- nrtment of COFFINS. Also, HEARSES Ti) HiRE. f.omher and Cordwood taken 1n *S- elmer. fir Furniture. ()..carina. lith Oet.. 1863 wt7 - 38 & 3. SEEfMILLER rl'A:NiV i":It14 I DEALERS �1N LEATHER MKS fee., Bre. GODERICH, C. W. Venetian, 14,1 114. H7we A LARGE QUANTITY OF MONEY TO LEND BLACKSMITH'S COAL ON HAND AND UN IMPKOV1'.I) FARMS, FOR SASE 1. '*y MARBLEOR S, W K, W rr a GOI)ERICH C. TRELEAVEN . aR Moiiu— Ne a 111, 0 meats stones To-nbs, Tablots, Table- To's, fec. a se al 1 ale i GODERICH, C. W ;)•r 1 •,d l the in sap (bled u - ZhIh are publi.hrd in full in the Canada(iaxdlr), w give I W(Y 1U'N7'Ita NOl i(`E of the application (clearly and distinctly specifying its r.lure and object), in the C. ado dasetfe, and also in a newspaper polliwbed in the County or Uoion of 6501ities affected, sending copies of the first end lett of such inflicts w the I'rivate Lill Office of each House. .111 Petitions for Private Hills must he preseuted within the first three weeks of the Wottrr. ( The Handel Festival. Ito"".Imr 1,, s,gwl. I An American writer Bins briefly but unto of po1,4•-to wiweax a cutulnia+ton of I '.1. 'fue•wiay, 190u -1%e judos will meal s.ldiecr. ut.killtd in matters of legal jurist in the'Committee Mow 01 9 0. te end will prudence, and in • time of (ranee,' while the cumnenaw their dmieafunhwlth. (H mei,* Providcul•e. I eery i+ twin' g Ji.baoded nail the navy sold, hug tlwicvlaas huvia. they Ma u5, also furnish. I cloiluently describes the main Yluode l ignoring the llhertirs of the citizens by puttin !ad with the frl:utk pi leu tickets, which they Ate-. Ilk a Gods u' gross," k'cstivul in the Crystal Palace: --c w ¢euth (our Cltiaeus for r cliutreumeuitw .11,11 ell rep an•l rt1Ls in err14 section 'so 0,01, Neer clti,lr the ways u' providence, the' partial " Ender the dome of the ceulral triode after thc,co-neenun of :he war, without tory w they *lull have liaallp shimmied their whiles .r sera•• I were sealed 10(1,17 -six thoosWid unci toils: I.•gal truol, 1. It a light 111111e to sett the And fru lenity naaoswene nei melts y • prayer", and The •singer lid players were ever tour (Lou• Habeas Corpus suspended in twice time. and Men's. W.W.II l.opesaed purpoeen tilt fell just m !above the ill `lurtenen,ra'T6w eted u wrtat the ieelly from a '""‘.".1l•rJJi u do'.'u411jbpts6yuW eh'unl'a For Prot -deuce will always tale her 010 coney � 0:011 rJding its voice, they date w Ire (145,4111,' L., shot by a mNitary hat? And if lawn•Me 4;ah. It was fur over the sea uC ike Bali ivied liberty is to be tromp}ed undo" font by The wu,wt counsels u' our Learn may ba Lathan i ence, far up the hill of the orcllratrs alienee .Wenn Pretn,risn livank ('.') why add cruelty anent ,,,u, ; I the ,Dice u( Stns, Reeves, the great English, to uutreeed freedom ? For ni,;h two hundred The *wows wins na sy'e the race, else vice wed trnor,4sauis it the lint recitative air. Every 00414 liitried ts o 'Moaners tconstituonal! gis caned alwoy. wen ; I auto Ina distinct, but softened, like the sou„d 7 p ,•, vet than ` lLr moth thus bubbles on a •treaty u all the • uf a bugle remote swung mountains. d lie1°i:itury ralol ret %l '.Iiinguw not ugly (:Ward n,vr,,ra .lune, I tencd, holding.my breath . swienee, rill the And Nurdcucr all penrlvea it ,n her au canny last note of the solo unlocked the velum+ of t opening c oras. t was enough! 1 was t:n,a• I he h I \e'er cruder and whine at Providence, her ways satisfied Like the sound of a single -toter c tint Ill, ,.W.- 1 the magnificent harmony rule and rolled, and She's rarer LuoJeurJ sof her war., our clipplevl , sunk Will role, its tidal grWtd. ur, lei the In ter p ewers ; :'Lr's nether tato., Iain, nor len, in ilk* a*e 1 umenibceet temple wan fulled overflowed awl clone; Hit th the more emenificent music. Thou .,. tensor. done her duly its She h f y her Sin canny Lhcre'were other -41..10.61A and c4orlaas, till Line.the cliimux of We Oruterie'a tint tart wellW by .trim for �realtb nal Jign,ty 1 tet dignity I reached its the chino: ' Fur unto us a child alaue . is 4,,,,,'1 he glory of Chriel, the,tupeuduua award. 'lite liras ptiu• 'ivk••te will be Hirai the second Bum toe thiel fellow; the fourth Whit.;'Fina., Lisa•,, On c,rrripletme tbe class Iee jull:es will report to 111. breretar7 of the proem' dei :otlmpt. The mein lixbiho- lien Ituild.ne• will be closed all this day, fir IM twrpyw of etre/ding IM judges aa °ppppmu.- (t wry of discha-gi,g their duties ptulwAy: Nn.o mem'wro admitted to this grounds this on pu.mc rt of 21 cts each Cube. The pinu_6. in mateb rill lake plea within as tem. Payne. darned nod .ltaarut w sit in the vnnient adisa51ce ut the inhibition grounds decka loaded with irons, but actually leaded ea pos•ihic. Mwauvy Scslrrr,airwtl,,.dtebuup lKeIi thedydienlgcoofy dCurer,wwbitahr ,0rSi.rps Wsedtasesucedawv, lnl Mruhm-(JrTtee tbajnidr leas rof sthe u *ex. 11udd, U'I -seg:ul, . and Spangler early in the day aw p•wible. Ali the Iutltl• Ihuueh in a meanulw acgoitted; were alert rose,* i growth: »i'i, Le open w 5iat tee -- the irons, or in a manlier coutruryto l y 7 the Eoglwb maxim, that '• all are held w be innocent until moven guilts," thea, men were prejud,ced until proven innocent. 'rhe whole South u under military coercion. and each of the various generals oulsli,hri edicts An t, ,ne.theart's a mine u' good -a lama ane wallah,'• of his ,chi •ion burst iii silencer up- .\Jmic'ios, hio d0 .45100 ►I Yesterday. A public meeting will be held thio eventug in the hiecheeiieti Hall at 7 p. m., at which turmere generally) and other inton,ted its tine progress of tM Asauciauui are ireit.J to at• te1.01. . g - awl bre own tum! lu,cv, her wnuwir-r nu 4. Thursday, 21st—AJlpisinn this dee o. • hear; u5, all' wind then as ,arae la fore.-• ['uta us .(tern, is to be Coned in the. ntn•etx of Ch•olw• • the same as yesterday. In the Pewee); a The *reale to human weal—tme.t Patsy'- a Will in giuu uu1 the ole tum ut shell be ton after eight o'clock- in the evening. under meeting of 1),•legare will be. held m the oic Tee u ou 1 s ahuul•Ju • Hhe'II tors n w • W.•rin m her am caul • Gme. I 4 ' tib pealed rd the r air, nod the a ...tern uuJt taw you see a lniniature Mechanics hull, •t,7 p. m., preliminary to . } w ,ads bow with thew Wei: uwu majestic in Wiliam the Co tl gferor ts mock prude, but the Annual Meeting, for the di,eu.aion of 1 away 111' 1116 pump. u' tree, I care na fiw • ! terpretntinu. i looked stagy along the eels• with bloody Mime, has given the w..rld a subjects relating to the management of the 4} ul.daru Cur cul nut re ulatim ns Axd,clauun, and for Om nomination to J,.W'r, tat wave of the Palace and luau the cnlu6wl lar t 1 wlrnaz ea' for lha•.rnhay u' artarnrtldt' puwery figures of the mythology...if Auyria,of Grence Lut e:h,b,ti.rg nquul cuntemptt fur y t nal Ctuiddutc.l fur the utticcre of the Auunatiuo 1 Leos in wog In Provdcucc w.•"•\""'''''''" i v ' ud.-Thu regular Annual P Y ,, of H r , . IiMM AnWhrr military' despot it:us 5,u I tree tree •(11110,Iltelliand owe. They stood its sL,uluw end 7 •,re u he so,e,a io And 1 ken •ne'll air upheld inc. m ber a nosy 10.41 J w wave k ails of wonder and n e 114,L edict it the people of tioutba ung Virginia for ur therrhot icuu rimers, deciding reale. 1 watched awl ainusl esceclwl to see thew h,aw tliyn. y are to hire their fainter x arcs, P 1 R ti'A IIAxnArr 1. mblu in the (krill of the music which r°' leaving\�M7u subileed, dowu•tn,ddea Southern. upon lite pl.u:u of holding the 'text L 1,ib,tioe. July, 1b63. clal leis the mystery of their sul.crcedure in en, the choice of 'obedience or imprisonment,'and other business. will take place ut 'Often.. I i ,nm President w' hurter, history. Still the chorus sang : ' Wu nut t6o work of desputiam Is not solely taro in the Com mtloo 14 The 1 lent dl name Mall be called wonderful, Counsellor,, fined to a sIdlen or the Washington lateen- deliver the Animal Adders at 2 p.m., after ' the Mighty God. Abe Everlaetiog Frther,'Ihe live, tboro• are couutfcaa myrmidons. "petty which the l''tIibitiou' will Iso cowi,leret) ! Prince of Peace,' 'file words traunleted (mole of the releutic0 policy of Johnson officially el.'w.l,and exhibitor may ee•naience themselves to a chaunted exposition of tlw aoJ Seward, web its the low, and foul mouthed , takeaway their properly. :itiniepiou IIA , mighty workings of We Christian �rinelplo Parson ifruwnioo, who three years age+, in a day the sear as yevte y. in all the out id w all vomit -les of t u era.-- I"' ) The Ya►w_e. Sword. The Jahn (lull newspaper, edited by Mr, Theodore Hook, frequently i,dulgcs 111 per- s:,paliues o1 publiF mco. A military hero, who would perset to plaeinl..hln.elf very ,a ,' uo 1 . heroic the w e Ic ns t orlJ'a receiv- ed •civ- su c 1R 1 sol • wopioux char« of what he considrreJ'mal• 1;fe111 abase, in the velment of the said piper. 114 Abner spirit .,u 'red onrevenge. 1 p r a .15, Aimee • geuuernar, could not dewswo' him- self, by calbug on a Wieling scrihbler for honorable sattdtd,ctien ! no, M• wuui•1 horse whip the miscreant in his own deu 1 the bull should be taken by the horns : Donning his uolbrm aid towing -himself with a huge 1 VOL. NVIIL—NO :h the yw•ebea mode. '1 he Hamid •000,:r.rre Nat dfpiutuatic relations betrseu the hnti.0 .ud lirrxilwu Government. will he re erten. l'sterl at an Autry date. It isuuder.tood Mel Iles Guverumrut of Hnail hits accepted the 15115•11(prupu.iti:.m mad,• by.(Ie Britub Cal - •1, 1Jt herr 1 ..,.l l'.,uan,otia 10x1, (kat 11.1!1 .d ' the town of I'ae.a,tln had been destroyed by lire. Many eives worse W.I. TIN dwirad. Wer vstiwaud at 20.ttu0,000 rewires. Thr 01, ,!era had ttlmtst eetrrely dirt* prated from Alexandria. it welt dscreaatug a CWuitaa1111npie. Uallfax, Au_wt 1, -TM S.S. Asia 1:BIW1 or Bretton et 11.3(1 last night, whe,e she wi11 he due at en early'. hour oat Thuradey • murutu.. • BrttfaI Election 1aelorme. The flow in,r neva ie by the IAlternia„ :- The a ection re urns w the e,eaine of ;lir 1 19th show 579 uwwbern renamed, Al whom 33 1 are 14'w-ut,, :,ed 211-Cutlservntiv.• . The net Liiwral • g.i,, it twenty. Dior.,.1 h•d beers making r vp•:ecli;lia asiih ye ex• preawd the eonvictiun that the rwult of gas e:ectioill would not diminish Sunbdenrve le the ('on.ervnlive parte. He *aerted that the Coieterv,rives in t'irlteeneat would sot• lw ial,' for 151 *Wee a,eoud in 1459, W. 1 w hen the House fa11s int.. its true ansate, awl is w.'. e J d of those Liberal ul, Lae a n • in.t gn wLom enrrupl yp.ereeeetions can• Iso prnrsiJ, k' Witted the Po itieal p�sition would be e,lual 1 with rbnt it was two rootlet ago. Co,',- (dering the power end strength of 'the the.. .rnmutu, he euulended that the return of .a large au oppo1uion party W04 141117 w 1041.4 as he could hove expecte1. Death of the Premier. The Quebec eorreepondeut of the of tho Globe, Aug. 1 *1,g i vex the following addilN"wl pat -titular of the d-,oth of Sir E. P. mels. Ile died, it si,ys, Lt 1 40 p.m. 1'hts.e,ult was so geerally expected in Quebec tl as the force of the stock sow veer much 'poem:. The melancholy eve at pen (Word Irn-ent ex'`+resld,ne of profound reg•. -t - pini all hawk. The flag on IM Parham', i Howie r w I as lu ered.w half ,.. moat, so was ilea u tunr the Guveruur General's staff. 'I'M absent Ministers have all been applied .of this sad event, -flus. Mr. (halt a bhri- 4ruoke, Hue. Mr. Brown at Atlantis Howe, in the State of Maine, and Hoo, Mt sol.. Howland and lhrckburn in Upper Canals. I lion. John A. Macdonald her returned to s ceh its Chic9•0 slat.: 5 " he'd fight the' 6. Sauu da •, Yard, -'1',e Treasurer will And on every aide the eve 1,:•6,1.1, lu it were. much' till hell (rise over, ate! Wen )Five them ' begin paving the pre•miulw at 9 a. m., n picture of what the ear heard I looked battle on. the ie," tins some socked, or f xhibitore Wil1 remove ►It their property up and found that my hand rested on the Ouse ,nodal (*11000, by overawing the .taw --got Iron Ibo grouwk aid buii,4ug. rias gales w IIMe'k, .t . ong , e uC• hirh stuns cross, tM iascriptieu of w6icR huiucJ m sur Gmennsr of fennessenr, au,1 s ) elwed M 1 r as u c oxer •, W,J none w :Omitted ,•n whoh) rte ill be to luck at the unto of thin •w then, now. Fn • tc a r• • boys aha ad i to have been enacted in the mark plaiv' of '1'uaul, ircland, by nue of (1115 fire[ of speech is cruel, the -bailor-box is r (tater., show that they have bust....:. w attend la, the Christian lhsb pre, nitre' the year of the Me*. an engine of oppn-mien, for' by threats and - _ shah, 1102. So, 1 0I'nte4 to touch a link of blows independent men ars kept from the United States. Polls. while " '. the chain of ful0lnorn•, while the chums rang 1 h r therough" with their _• •.. ,, .. .. • ar wnc van a .rC ani rue ua m , and swelled into the august enuuciatiou ul b t p " t t 1 1 just Uultiun re, Aug.'. l'Le person sweated cunm4iurucc. pruphrry. - '! roughs A would the world over. One m Texas recently, and supposed w Iso John A mea'ti::r of the Council took plus e whip, he nailed at the other of the paper, and '• Then epeurd the'Ihllulujah Chorus. It Ethridge a union man who ,toed up fir the i1. Surratt. oar of the ass0sius, pose: lu4°7 rnrerday, at which Hun. )hats. M..4uuw.., scarcely cuucrr:iii r his aeiation, asked for is said that u vision of heaven, upon and „live union In the darkest hour •ul' her trial, but Stntiun 111;4 uwiuie;, vn route for \1'ushtug- jleI)uugall. Clam II, Chapati, and Lsn eau, the setae, lie was inriud by a clerk into with rneelte miniatrelst, imparted to Hsudet whose soul is 001f/tutted with the impure son. Ile was Mhvdy ironed, and tinder ppee 1 1 curer itml•.ut t ruin , renwrcJ to s ale our wase lurxot. Ilea Cerner was absent at Si. our inner room -be ce,wplies, and was kept the secret 'of the harmunws of this •d,+ins J S pe gaud. Ile wan recogutead at (be :,tauuu bl Idtermto., f Jmmd r he proceeded to attend wanin4 while the caulk, who had recognised cmupsuiou. It was s.•, 1 soul, m ter] deed lately atainst such dengered opp ukase, u, but a Craig ucyum11duuoy sad by An 0:d ;eland, tM Imolai! of Judge Molina the sitter, ran u 1 stain and informed the 'else w the Lratal Brownlow issued his ukase• and w was : , w espeak n r I 5,•I h. sola e t a o {, c te 651 veld that celestial apucatypu barn ., . d ,the t sea r, Cul, 'cache's 'acetal takes place at ten editorial responsibilities of his name and ! been repeated, u it was to the .r,;ritual Ethridge wu placed in durance tile, an anti who aye pnsively that the men its iron' r. m. The members of the Cabiixt will le is John 11 Sorrell. The depueitien et Wit present, and will g•5, hr special train. Teta Arron was ut once lai,rn sad tur,.trk i 14 train will likewise take prominent eitisn.: , 11'w hin_sen' an NII as a baud of one of the I.Mgomenta at W wlung:un, Aug. 2.-rChe n an brought Q1ehee ; niers ,t tiring :party of regular troops, hither It (6n'N'neq who Mas sullln.wed la be John 1ISurratt, is said to qmu ,er1 wbere mid shunt 150 mniva men of the differs- 1 ha was heron to he some other hiL lin,ual.- militia corps et Quebec. viz.: 75 men of tL: lis real name n thus far kept a secret. Battalion Civil Service Company, and Superintendent Conway rep.rts that less one continuo. of ar,i!L•1 r. then 3,5011 free Intel' are maint..incd by (i or.; Aevcosu►u,-\1'r Imre W05 Charles 1loni- erninent in l.oui•iana. No rate ma are I,xoed eon, the station master of the Great Weak, n except to We sick and helpless. railway, and agent of the Exprev. Company New York, Aug. 4 -The Herald's Charles at Lysiden, hue shrouded, Frating hie ar• ton eone,p'mdeut nays: -The pr.paraIionx couuw with the Express Company dntitnla for the mraslericg out of the troops at present t3 a connideruble amount. Just before the serving in the military district of Charleston arrival of the train from Hamilton, hew . bus been published. Superior and Criminal noticed to leave the elution egad walk off in the Provost Courts of very rx•ensive range have direction of the woods with precipitate Mute, been organised by Orn Gilmore, and are now 11 is imposed thus be hod au inking that sus in toil vperaUar. Cotton its how eumomg in• shorlcominet had been discovered, and that. Dr Clarieston front the tnteriur more lioely6is'deparmlr• was rtccrlenued by the fear than heretofore as the moult of additional an erred. `5,.' believe h, hue Doo t yet Dec re/,in' to the railroad!, 'Che steams Ruth brings New Orleans _ beard from.-[IlamJtoSpectator. datee to the 27ib. Masimiloou eerpwseeu'd•t IarunTAx7'To OoAsauortntu.-One afoul. \latsmurus a,np. Oen Mejfa'hu f(rbil all - exeha0xes informs us of the success of a ova • persons leaving Malaannos without a paw, or tato Mr. Green, who hes discovered a method crowning into it from Brownsville. Curates of exterminating grasshopper. It says he in hes eruct timed ill communication and coon. preparing fur a big onslaught un them. We marc,, with Manuuoru mmd other pure clog would like to 1w him our way. tither before ed. or ,filer he is through in his present IocalitJ Boston, Aug. 2. -The SS. Africa sailed at A gentleman who ening` through Staled Valley 10 ,,clock this moreing,taking 5,0 prrs•ngera shout eighteen dnyt 010, my* all the sides for Liverpool and 21 for flotillas, and en,uou of Ked Ilium Valley ver swarming win in specie. grasshoppers, but 5,u army composed of seine - - --- hundreds of gulls were Lard at sourk derouri,i 'evident purport. After an aggravated della, I sense of those who listened that go:deu after- appeal has been made to Johnson, but the -which served couuideviebly to increase the i noun in the Crystal Palace. The vast Audi- 01011 w6A mads all voter tske an oath fury of the uflieer, the dun coarse rough looking man. over six feet in i dimmed the ryes WI mull, but hitch ova; all height, with A proportionate breath of shoal- 1 beads the Holm of everlaanug Tight seemed der, and armed with a terrible blundgeou, i to lie open and, rank shove reek, were re- entered the room, walking up to the supnsed ! vealld the dieing multitude% of its .n.rrlie r opened, and a ; ecce ruse, w ills men, to int feel, sod Ware helore voting tantamount to pld,gir r their rotes for Lincoln, could hardly Iso expected to discriminate between oppression and free. dome -'The bolts of Lafayette and Munioe me crowded wall •rietlms of executive ren. gcance: The pleas of the South is under a rigid sdrreillnwe of wintery censor, while ars obsequious press a the Nurtb (leaps con - Moiety o5, the head of the vaaquined Con- federates. l'htt is not all, an unmanly cowardice peen tbroagh macho( their doing*. 1'be eas04401 of Henry( France, of William the Scent, of OustAvue of Sweden, w. re cruel)] put to death, the former', camas wtu parted by four kerma sod then held up for exhibition, anal finally hissed from the eclwfularf and kicked through the streets Ina a fnul•Mtll. But Hawaii lac was exerted in is notion** anger, and execrated by a fiery people's hate, and that to a c'sru,t lively barbarous age. Oor cousins over the border are an enlightened people, and boast a suferiority of intelligence, refinement, and a and angry victor, he aid, tea voice of thou- inhabitants. Now from this side, of !leaven der .• the wood of prm -praise pealed up, breaking . wild ' Are you the chap that anis to see see r I waves of telralial exult.Iiun : now from said he. 1 t the wend of pr'i.e pealed up,breaking in wild *. • You,'no. I wish to gthe editor of the 1 waves of celestial exultation : now from an paper,' I /veering choir, high up and fee away, came .1 hat's mc. I am the num.' We swell of the responsive Hallelujah. And •There mat be some mistake.'(at lain n there was an en d of We seraI it• aerwm. Not • model. 1 am the head hotter 01 gntiphwly, from all the courts of the infinite J. E. DOI'CET, A. TODD. the (lull, said L*; bringing the noble end ' temple N:emted .o with toed W rr. yrr{ Jmr, CAC. r'Ik, roma. Rm opera 1 u go up the L. clow& L. Asa -1I,. ut his henry bludgeuu within fearful proximity I single sublime and uwfui voice which pro to the officer's head. Quebec, 131017, IRK', awn; claimed the owniputeuaP and eternity of • You the editor 7: impesible Jehovah. 1 uu teres, to an that [lie ' red e,,roll -Adelina Patti -Thank remember ber- th° man, an be again raised his knotty ergo war among the soloists of the Festival.. Her me rel. Insolvent Act of 1864. la Ore mailer of .1. SillTII, au Ina,! t•eht. Th. creditor.' ssftlw Imeave,Il are notified that he has snide an nernnaeet ul hie ,'.tui,• and elf eta under the above Ael, to me. I he under- felee,l s•nitnee ■ad they ere teetered to them.,' voice came rat first, trembling with Melte; in. 'Certainly not -by no 05011)1 r cried the the pb.intive, soul deep air, ' iknow that myofficer, rnp'dl7 cooling down ; and dropping Redeemer iivrth: E,'ery note went to. clearthe hurtle whip and his wrath at the lame and distinct int" the great exphna'• of the liberty loving ailed over all other peop:cn of *tare ausliwrum, but 1 nought in vain for the singer earth, Yet, uh, how sadly deceived ere the • Very well, thee, what do you want of herself. smote tlw ti,•ro of petfurwers. !lees people of the Union'.' , We find the govern. I me and every other perunatity, netm,d !oat for meat of the ["ailed States, a government m deer It • A mktake desir 1 all a mistake. I nvover Lh111 milli acIr he, tan munhr on Ibisd■t5, With thew 7 the time in the august service of the Cativo'. g y one of sentient beings. npn•Iry..o Inc rcuna' th.v ho)d. If eny,'� expect to meet another person. I will call 1 Only ber voice wax present in the temple, and actually baiting the Ira..^tureJ vertebrel neck ter valueof it. and it nene.lalmg IncIfart ; sole - other time.' .1r:d the complainant rose sod mingle., itself devoutly in the grand. Mauls all John Wilkes Booth. l.lnco!n's amuse ole sneezed under oath will. we velrehers backed towards the ddoor, bowing politely, offering of art at the shrine of IM world's sin, to make a public exhibition in the Army ILTT, ROBERTSON, M ANII FAOTIIRER or *t5,. 4114111.0/ FilittitTURE arca as Bureaus, Soba, Lounge•, Sedatesds in ensile., 0•nely, Wardrobes. Bock Cn.n, SI,tlnwep Center fable., Boma.: 'Cable,, Hreakus Tables., Toilet Tatar., W•,h stand., ('hairs, and many other 'Melee too numerous. .o mention. All horde of %VOC)1) .'1'U1R.Ni`(4 Promptly attended to 11P11O1.BTERY.in •Ibu bran,hen UNDERTAKING, 8ce.,&c. Mr. M. re.ppeeetlnlly terne, •n etlnunabnn m Warranted bemade hest ma- burtoak to m •I the ,er,nl and wnrkms,,hap, and ret gre nth rrdu,•ed pewee. Cell•ndcump•re, and benat.dned before going elsewhere. 1 ,'r Cowtwmnl end *11 kinds of Farmer's Pro- duce taken in exeh•ner. ripe W arernnm on Elgin Street. Unclench. M•reh 2411,. LIMO. 1 of sten ,•In.,n•. and left. Saviour." )Medical Museum 1 Had the notorious Ilarnam t Gulrl telt, e, ole county of Huron, • ' And don't let me find Tnu coming again fashioned such bones from a dead animal mel of July, IM•o. withoutyou know what 'Too wt, d who JAMES THU1iPSON• ToananFmth6111'404;'uaa1.. mule an exhibition of them to gratily • .lrlgnal•, you *ant. R'r'realways ready here for all morbid curiosity we would.not have M snits of customers -army or Ilavy-cit•11 or 1t has been said, and truly said, 11341 ', oter- marvelled, but to think te government ILA, tai O ]RE military, borne, foot or dragoons.' nal vigilance is the price u(lilerly " and to should &aeo1,,. such conduct, bespeaks r Ai0 When the clerk informed the oeeupier that tons Urn eritt,t *ate f I spirit'd Unions woeful vitianuel of public morality and a cote sw9o1J _` AW Carria of the ediwrial'sanetam of the visit o tM u o none teenet sur Min, may nn ri tug the high. ai .. • we their high-born privileges.. le actory. colonel, neither Ilool< nor his publisher did o r r 1 n ilegea. It is no light deprecation. Deets is closed m • sickly • to• facet the horsewhip. A well known thing that the chiMren of vassals and Tillbnns, pewit where We rays of sunshine never pugilist -a landlord of • tavern in the vicinity whose forefathers were held in the most ln''ta'hrule, uielit and day the heavy foot-Ialla -was instant/dant for , a slieht preperauoe d 1,1 "Ne xeWtnnta can" an uuc1uing •cish degradation, now occupy the soon fitted him for the part in which hei ac.,thunder to din his' ears and though he di.- quitled himself with complete success. The moat enviable nosioi5,n of nuhjrMe the world plays the magnanimity of a consu mote hero, ,tory rapidiv circulated • end the reputation o'er. klut who wero deemed unwn(thy of he is tortured by ominous reticence and 'of the fighting editor u$ the Boll prevented mention -1n the Magna Chartu,•awhu;e rights Breading innuendoes. That he 4 to be were wholly ignored by the ihertyarel.er of executed seems a foregone concluoion, the Rwlnymiede, have given England a progeny delay is merely for an appearance. A cry whtinr social has gohe forth, for. his blood as if enough hod poaitinn tower immrnxure:Ady not been offered already on altars of pride above thong haughty barons, and whose ideas and veneeonce. Itut the warrior statesmen of liberty are enthroned In reason, enjoying will heron the worn hearts of the brnv'e !iouthereere, till the none comes for a secueil and pn'4ni•' more successful contest. Though Lee was nor,urably pal ulyd by Gere(:rant, to be nim„leued while he (lase) would re - LIGHT -HOUSE St.,GODERICH TIIE SI' t1 ('BI HEM winless.. to re -tern than to the pnh i• NO past !Avon received ai Ihei b• ids,.,,d would Inc lu 1nuu,ate that he in deter. none,) to nen wan woos CHEAPER THAN EVER. 1 will sail you rwngg,,m enmplete for e5e.rio eo.h,•11e1• II other thing. in proportion. All work Worrnnted to VIVO Satlafnctlom. All ( Inds n( Farming Implements mode to order. JOhiN Mcl'1IEII$ON. O,.Irrn, 1,,.(nn. 9511. 17A.1, w.w37 ”" TAILORING COAL ! COAL ! AT 8 PER CENT ! At the Wharf I -ALa0,- Borne to Invest In Town Property. J. B. GORI)AN, Barrister, &a„ Ooderich. Guderieh, lent. 13, 1*6t. ew3•If Money to Lend, • TTPOV Mortgages. Apply to 11. Shed* lagJ Gnaline, Solicitor. Office over it. Booth's store. Oakrirh, 1 All' May, 10411. .w74tf THE L$VI POOL O LO'DON VIRE • 1.1►■I]5, vaaRC■CO. Crp.al, £2,000,0611, Ste ; Arerw,Jatsd Prod, $5,071,720. GEO. RIIMBALL, A gent, Go.lerieh, May 2911, 1/465. ,w77 Ashes and Grease. HE Sulleeriber will purchase ell the Ashes 1 and Soap Greene that may be saved for him is Itoderich and neighborhood. JOHN i;. NANCY. July 16th, 1765. (w25 I.PL. D4LM19, 1)EIt RNR IIIc MI)STSIN('ERF:THANK:( I. forth. very flattering encouragement he ha. reoeiverl•incn hr commenced busmen. In Oale- r1•h, nil bring nhle to execute over nne•hall 0 tbeorder.Moneht le him lett semen; kering sow neenrcd fscditae,for Cairying on Business Extensively and em .yyang none but goat -class Tradesmen And•• 1). A. hehevn hie experience as Colter is srrond to none in the Provin•e.havingearnrrl nn hnanere aten•,vely andns,eresefnll In H.,llon, pr,nelf wsly hrnl-alar wm'r en•., antmb•vme been (',Ater in one of the Principe, H■uhluhmen • on h:dmh.reh, Sentlend, he tearlessly omen to • discerning public t►•t CLOTHING LAN BE MADE et hie etuhlethmentegnal int he heal Estahliah- ment ie Toronto or Montreal. C teleneh.(Mt .3O 1161 ..17.440-1, FARM FOR SALE FOR SALF any further remonstrances from person* who fancied themselves aggrieved by tae liberty ot the press. • Pinguler caw of Accidental Wtooling. a practical realisation that frowns eternal A eery singular case of shooting, Supposed ridicule npon the visionary schemes of to be accidental, reared at the Leland of rleans, on Sunday afternoon, it appear revolutionary France. What lessons we t on Sunday miming, w rty consisting !earn viewing tlm rise and fall of nations! TH. Aruwyto CAat.e.-(Ibu. Marshal them. Thin method may, perhaps, heat Mr. Lefferts, Fugineerofthe AmerianTelegrap,h Green'.. In the meunttrue, we web both Company and consulting Engineer of the exterminatorslheutmwtwctrss.- (eauLeke Atlantic Trlgmpb Cumpan7, left New York •reledraph, June 110. oil Mnnduy atlernonn for Nona Scot's and Ncwf..mnl:aud, to be presa•ut at the Irndu.g Ci' 11nlese the city, or County, or Town of the cable, mol inspect the telegraph hoes ehi(s, or private indivkfuafe, come forward in connection with the American telegraph and contribute towards the funds reeluired.our lino+, in unser to invite that prompt trans- chanaa of holding a Provincial Inhibition 1811•.511 ul dispatches !'root the Ocean 'Ilene- in Landon next fail are ver dubious. At the graph, wMch a the:ending cherocte'istic of Ioweet calculation, nearly t 7.000 will be re. the great Ams•riet.n telegraph Ines, under gaired for the ser eeary binding.. Serpa,• Gen.',effete's atgpeniauu. 11*. been exprcseed that the buiidingy now are not sufficient; bit tt should be remember- The emember The Chicago 'Tribune Lae full telegraphic ed that the country 11 advancing and improv • reports of tho couditi,.0 1,1 the crepe in Mt. ing, At the lest Provin•tal F,ur held is ams, Kansan, and ('Ana(1.1 Went. It appear lemdon un''y 37 stalk were required -thea that the wet weather het not produced iso pre- year, 110 will hardly suffice. %s a are pmol judicial an Aline( ou the cereals as was amici- to find then u so improved Mn interest taken pitted. Them aro but I'ew points where in thew manual gatherings. If no eib•r exte,nive dieister a (1tcluie4. 'l lu geoeral mems cite be thought et. we advise a privWo ic.timWly is that the present will I,c a seaeun subscription through ell,' and county. tv mast not al trier IM Exhibition to fall throsgh, -[A, teitiser, of remarkable bounty in molt of the leading pp�� 185,11 at. t eame with the United dtateb we maples, enpectally should a frreeing, est minim & 1 of r. Pierre Marcotte, fownder, Mr. Alexis Nothing contributes so much to the progress lied that Judge Underwood bee issued an of the wren, ripentug wmW01 bong w per Hunrc„ Ili Demi.-Ai the rester of Para t, carver, Mr. and Mn. ('oulom be and of a nation as faithful ohservanee of its 1 Jicnnert fur treason to be leered till lin 1ee•nun the 1pfeud,J cure crop. Ali Iraisae• 1f r. Noah llertin{, owed s )crre, w kindling Visa (' Imre-all, we believe of St. Koch'a &institutions ncthin more sural Caen•, hero of 1 nrd irL.I erg, Cheucellursville- end lwus predicted upon a acre Rt) crop of • Are in on, solve, on Snturdo' dternnun,, -virus the island, in order to spend the ' g 7 Antietam. And as the President Mss aid, p,1.10 will be shaken by thea:, do apstches' 22nd ins(., she arrack • 'mien, rug thn,knl dry. Th got through the hatter part of the shadows decline than constitutional corrup-" by Ile Eternal G,ed he'd have all the rebels An exciting egntrorerhy is new pendia; at that it 4161 nut 1 tnhe, threw it stye but un time in he nun! mine n' h t tet menta rn ho , d about tats, which, movuidably,nre coupled with an hong," lenity ran be bit faintly expected. Chicago misfire to the final dfspouuun ut tho hnrtmmtely it had tgnia•d, and in lead of her ball pant four 'clock in the afternoon came impure judiciary. While Orr'ere remained Ile may oni.'r n mills prosequis in 1 n Cia, :nada of the reeent Sanitary Chir. A strong throwing it (rum her, she let it fall on her w Patrick's H in order to embark on board of Inc, Wen aby nut in the rasa of Davis ? feeling exits in the community in favor of drar.and before she hag time to strike Woth• their boat The espied, on lh. bank, •man true to her eonaitntinnal maxim, and demo. "!I Not only do we thud the officials corrupt, but the appropriatiuu ut all the money raised by er =doh, towel Lero,•It on hem. 1lvr Int Ler having ids his ha a very strangge looking eratical elmpbriny of manucrs, while the ! the public mind depraved. There s nut that the Foie to the erection of r permanent nod mother were absent et the time, and left abort go. or canbin One of Mr. Marcotte's general commended one year the army, next I jealous vigilance niter liberty that animates Soldmr's Home, where all side crippled or this little girl at home with a Mur Booesteel, party got into cnnre tion with him and ask• year the nave and served a private or colli the Briton. The people urn lulled into otherwise disabled -vette -hes of the war from d 17 re6 amt oil 11 h ed him if he had shot en 'Ter"' M. The security or coerced h the soldier the ag• 7) seaterag their o 7rated his Malde the third, all fqr his comntr]'s y 7 T i f the Wester(' Stators may be properly taken n. they diacov. cud her uu lite did t6sir best re in the negative„ person thus gnestioned B° e•' nod, how proudly she prospered. i1'hile stem w admire the slralow and docent the care et, to pal it nut, but were nnrhie to do .n before but rid he had shot ,time all birds. 1'6o g f ` 1 P f substan'e. Surely these things are aignifi. everything was burnt off her body. She lie - M IA I •I singular appearance of the file -arm Mgt, to Homans tilled the soil of Indy, tor donned the ennt. Poet pore express. lmse I strongly greed in great agony all Monday, about one attract attention, and some of a party cm- , consular robes, served r common ioldi.ra, or on these points, many years ago, whoa he rr .m., when death put an end to ber suff�rinq•. meuced to handle it. The owns( offeree! to led the army to victory, all for the public slated, Dr, d in g e tin was ...died in and did all that let them see how it ria fired? and rained the , " She (the State.) is old in oath, d ars ihle for her, but of no avail. -- .y at the hiddin cf their &iuntr Rnme press' trigger, when the pun immediately went off, i grace Ira( to the miilistd world, fmm Penia Shes blasted in her prime, ' 7 [Guelph Advertiser. but with little noise beyond the cock of the u, Itrttsin, from Scandinsria to the deseets oy And M further rye, trigger. There was no report like that of an Cr, The pats ifi d hones of mammoth Nh wni- ordinary fowling piece or ,flee but at the Lybie, end as one s littrattire more WL a5, hronth mole have recently Msn found is large nem - imperishable tMn lin! Clones Maxima, or the is tninted with 1M filth of empires herr M•n ,arta Yorktown, In the Yor River. same moment Mia liiguere fell to the gtoaW. anelent cities cof Etruria. But when 1 0hicrnee t air Acnlfu" R i lnimmtee ribs foor hider in diameter, sod News by the Amin. The xtenmshin Asix which left Liverpool at 9 a: m. on the ':Ind alt., all Qaenatown the next day, arrived at I1aliLtx on the lat. Six hundred god twenty six members eleM• mrd to lh. House Of C•mmons show 3.53 !Artemis and 27:t Coiservatlres. Thr IIherrl sins will reach '24. The Hoatn letecheshire election resulted tit the rceeee ul t.la.l.tone, but hr leu cul'egues are Collar:ate, w Mr. tt ielke r, rel' the 1,.,ndon Ti mew, nag altfeetted in It,,ruslnee. A td.•,ram from V.lentin .d the 21st state* that the Atlantic cahle Wes landed for earth rnnntetioa Ain] tan miles paid oat to .ea. The main shore end will be landed on the 92nd, 1f the weather Mistime.% fine. Constance Kent pleaded guilty w the murder ret her brother, and was vntener•l w death. The seine in IM conn sou vin pmnfil. The runner showed fertilnlla anti) the emit Oen of the Je114., in paring sentare, roused her In hunt into Vers. Firery ,me woe deeply olTeellnl. it was endrtOrrel them wee no likelihood of the acntrnee being earned net. fM /there end of the Allawue 'AN* ares lauded aid the punrotion mole with 165 lend instramlu1 on the 22nd instant, in '.he II rn�0enee of A large conCo':rae of people. PA.lhnnisetle ap•I'BcMg were me& by Ow pdi,bnd on t • 3)st er Sad M 1M ssath.r Knight of Kerry, Ste Hobert Pen and ether, mrldelate► Tbe ear spamel8 TBRilta and Three sheers were ran for tM Owen and Sphyex ,aare��ilen thele. ('resides' Johnson. A reform diaper toot I Db. eee'iv'h iprl1l a,. i4 Lush, pines at Cologne recently, hot the meeting „w �k1 6^ u dot�1ei, era dnpersel ley we mditar;, on 'recent ofj On raising her ap, she appeared very wee and wee wuff'rine from a wonnd supposed to be a gun shut wound in her side. The owner of the gun profe,xoal the greatest regret for , A.. w hat had hepp•ned, stating that the weapon m i - 1. When th t t f P h wee not longed and that the wound mut have ' and a 1t en cted by a fregment of the or .`obo•thing which had (ellen into the horn.] of an raipt 1 diadem wan played nn the veteran graceless avarice, so the American Milan the gun. He rendered every asswunp in his brow of C or purchased at aaetion by poiou to anarchy or dtspdism. power to the unfortunate Miss (:iguere.whose the dotardwenJulianne with equal facility, MJGGIXti. firm•- eagles wondrnpptng pin....WMt Rordger,ille, July 31st, IP13. I"' one*.Pnnctplq eft morel t] and tqo tJ • eternal!] the sallle Corruptions n( the could brandish lits sword before the faces of We ire far from en,nreing these sentiments ix judges with impunity, and the Mse.400ian to fug, yet, as [tome end Greece decayed by dip poochane w met in the Council of the the corruption of Weir rulers end the rapt hiuynns, Greece wan sadly degenerated city of the soldiery, as Spain has rrombled to en a pre r10 ism n n w new dual from her insane government, and as ipio were meanly contemned, while Germany 04 hut a rope of and from her • termed was ret once drewsrel in the best way 14 true of aneielll empires a tree of modern possihle, on the * t, and who was then cin• 'eyed nn hoard the boot. Not one of Mr. rv' The Proviftetnl E*AlhIUen. Marentte n pony knew the owner of the air p A I ' return nrMpaga., or t Int women I nhnne / e gun hat thief wirnMae* who wo•rw txami 1rr1 weld products nowise different Melts from Vnoo FOS Tae 1111x. ]Nerds] al the polio. snort, both luteol that &irruption* of the Ithti,11 or Alrmrieni As the time (1;11114 near for the holding of LOT 3, Con. A, Township of Howiek, OA ACRES I,rrt No. 32, Fasi fake t`twhea Chronicle. ooImg r exidenlal.- 'judiciary. Arbitrary Omer is egwlly the Provincial R,hihition in tteptemhrr, it mite brow NroOeter, on O l/ ! dangerms in tM minis ((Johnson aa in throve might not be eninteno.ting to know the pro- Arittanla Lite Assaranee Co. armies. THE GRAVEL ROAD. frit F. anderslgntr haHnpbeen appoint*. bog hoar and hare, 1 Arta aortae aline* nig►Iy rearetnhl. (7nmp.nre•,i.prepreete eecepinoth 17, roend 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED Lherlet.,Ilnloderateralesefyyreminm. Apply to A. M.ROS8,Agt•t. F. W THOMAS, Peq., B. Y. Gsderlcb 1n11111 lbea. •IYMIt einderirh.Feb. 36.IBM. wawa I-tf FIRST - RATE LAND I - — of Prktratuo. Marius, or Vitellins, sed gralnme for' the week, a. 8rvp nged by the A rwnkhig mama M arrltng'ng Mt West military power sa mach to tet deerirld ,n hoard of Agriculture, and pobli•hed m a° e mnee •time ,nnng Irdtna, em/ Abe amdab lirwnt's r in Syl(a's hand,. Among the ealra of th. Journal : ' Amarrmu ire see dengeni s symptoms of 1. Moeda?, Mort. 1Rik, will h. devoted to I future donne, which may uletnate and the final receiving .rtirlee for ethihitinn and ,,date the whole body pniitic of that gnat these proper vrgagament Noire hat ,Mico, F.emp e. -Rath'.• I ammo. his a swot of creep impxt w w members of the Arorlatioe, sed 1rs the civil power succumbing to the military to admitted. T.rns "1. aPpbrT (n UONAL)SUTFIFRLAN() aretebegist,rPrimo. on the premises, or M. C. CAMERON, The Bieber Child in Onderiee. child. Gu,!e, ieh, April 30t11. 1764. w14 -s erections of spinal vertebra tea h.cbm in d,an-ter, roe tunnel the specimens recently hrensent to Fortress Monroe by eseuoinnu,s to the poi,a mentioned. PIA? in Ylsxar.-A party of mime were (mind conesaled In the cellar et Mr. O. N. Panders, Mnntrovl, on Saturday night; it is *apprised *lb lbs iw1*.tine b Wasp him for the reward °holed by lbw L'•ird ewe, government. He was ant at home; ba two of his Iriend4 who were le the holm wend die - twitted Apt►r wets*, ae4 srselted and one beaten severely. The villsineesrapgj, bet the police re multi be on Weir trai cT• A Valenti* telegram of the IM elf, Mira the 1aamere 3rtt.l Fn010011 lid raaw0.sa howl arrived all welh. The Pantry to dsy, whist (be lel Amoral of Owe cable : Sol iMl ha sesame eu. rex then .11,111•: a .,-.1. .*.i 1110016 eereh•• .)5,O .w